How to boost your mood and improve your well-being. Weather dependence: How to improve the well-being of hypertensive and hypotensive patients

Hello, Dear friends! Has this ever happened to you when you realize that you need to act, but you have neither the strength nor the desire? I want to sleep or just bury myself in TV, and preferably without anyone bothering me. Weakness, bad feeling– is there a way out? In reality, a person can fix everything himself, and in this article I will share with you my thoughts on how to improve your well-being using energy practices and more.

When you don’t want anything, this is a signal that a person is doing something wrong, moving in the wrong direction. There is an outflow of energy, but no replenishment. So it turns out that there is only enough energy to watch TV and then in a state of dozing, but there is no energy for the implementation of plans, or what, for implementation, even for the plans themselves. In general, what is possible is what you want. Well, let's try to change the situation so that we can and want to. To do this, let's look at simple but effective ways.

Just sleep it off

The first thing that comes to mind is relaxation. After all, we drive ourselves into a dead end. You need to love yourself at least a little and just get some sleep. But it also happens when you want to fall asleep, but you can’t, in this case, I suggest using meditative music, which helps the brain switch to more stable (“alpha” and “theta”) oscillation frequencies.

For example, during nap with my child I use recording Holosync: 15 minutes of rest - and while the baby is sleeping, you can do whatever your heart desires. Sometimes, while walking, I listen to the Omharmonic - it “switches” well and perfectly helps to harmonize the state (the link to the gift recording of the Omharmonic is in the “Cheat Sheets for Success”, there is also a link to the “Exercise for Internal Balance” from the Silva Method). When I go to bed, I turn on a recording from Hypnotheka - in addition to relaxation, it also helps to reprogram the consciousness (there is a link to a gift recording from Hypnotheka in).


Are you eating right? Proteins fats carbohydrates? Are you consuming enough vitamins and minerals in your diet? Do you check or not eat genetically modified foods and foods filled with various stabilizers harmful to the body? Do you drink? sufficient quantity water? After all, we are made up of what we eat, and first of all, our well-being depends on what we eat.


Energy practices

Rest, of course, restores strength and helps normalize the movement of energy in the body, but as I was convinced own experience, there is something else that we don’t even suspect. And this something can significantly speed up the recovery of the body, and practically does not require time. I'm talking about energy practices, about working with the chakra system.

In order to improve the functioning of your energy channels, you simply need to visualize them, that is, imagine how energy flows through them. Imagine how the chakras are filled with energy. And also, so that the energy does not leave, it is necessary to periodically break it.

Emotional rest

By emotional rest I mean everything that can be positive perception the surrounding world. And this is no less important than rest or energy practices. After all, when a person is filled with sad thoughts, situations will come into his life that will further affect the decrease in vitality. But as soon as you react positively, life immediately begins to improve.

Anything that brings pleasure and enjoyment to life is suitable for emotional release. Anything that raises vibrations. Just don't confuse pleasure with bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking and the like. I'm talking now about relaxing with friends, listening to good music, watching good films and programs (preferably romantic or comedy), communicating with children and animals.

This is how capacious the article turned out, which practically included all of mine. And you know, all this information deserves attention. If you are not lazy and act responsibly, you will certainly receive good results. Each of the points in this article has a positive effect on a person’s condition, but if you work at all levels, your well-being will improve much faster. I wish everyone health and prosperity.

With love and respect, Elena Azhevskaya.

Everyone wants to be healthy, but constant busyness and haste get in the way correct image life. Our body requires constant attention. What needs to be done to improve well-being and improve performance?

How to feel better

Let's look at how to become healthier using simple methods.

Early rise

Morning is the time when you want to sleep at least a few extra minutes. But it’s better to get up early so that you can do a light warm-up to some pleasant music before work. This will help you get a boost of energy for the whole day and improve your well-being.

Proper breakfast

There are many tips on what it should be proper breakfast. But each person has his own preferences. Choose products that are right for you.

Eliminate dry snacks

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Eliminate dry snacks during the day. This will help improve your well-being. It is better to eat at home, or in a good canteen, which is located near the office. Make sure the food is fresh.

Eat fruit

Much has been written about the benefits of fruits. When we buy apples, oranges, bananas, we put them in the refrigerator and forget about them. It's best to keep a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter so that it's always visible when you go to the refrigerator to snack on something less healthy.

Water with lemon and mint

Everyone knows about the health benefits of lemon and mint water, but it is often forgotten. Buy a nice pitcher, fill it with water, add lemon and mint, and put it in the refrigerator. When you are looking for something to eat, you will see a jug and you can drink a glass of water, which will help overcome the feeling of hunger.


To add a piquant taste to food, use spices. This way you will reduce your intake of salt, vegetable and butter, sugar. Spices contain virtually no calories and are high in antioxidants.

Olive oil

Olive oil is very beneficial for the body. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, which protect against many diseases. Moving on to this healthy product, give preference to extra virgin oil.

Healthy food

If you've eaten a few cookies, chances are they were the first to catch your eye. It’s better to keep them away, and let there be nuts, almonds, and dried fruits in the center of the table. Don't forget to peel a few carrots that will be in the foreground!

Eliminate harmful foods

You have heard more than once that junk food products do not bring any benefits. This is a refined food that contains many harmful additives. To improve your well-being, you need to eliminate junk food from the daily diet.

Positive attitude

Welcome every new day joyfully! Drive away despondency and negative thoughts, if any. Appreciate what you have, because everything in the world is relative. Perhaps many people would like to live like you.


Dinner should be light, and no later than 18.00. Food should have time to digest before you go to bed. Provide your body good conditions For good rest and recovery at night.

Here are some basic tips on how to improve your well-being. Gradually implement them. Be always healthy.

Not every change to improve your health and live a healthier lifestyle needs to be drastic. It's better to take small steps to build a healthier, stronger version of yourself.

Pick one or two of the tips below and focus on them. After you implement changes made into your life, pick up a few more.

How to improve your health? 70+ small lifestyle changes

1. Eliminate soda.

2. Reduce your juice intake.

3. Drink more water(8 cups per day).

4. Walk to work if distance allows.

5. Join a gym.

6. Come up with a workout plan that involves attending gym at least 3 times a week.

7. Buy fruit instead of cookies and donuts.

8. Eat more vegetables. The fiber and nutrients will keep you energized and prevent you from overeating.

9. Consume 25g of fiber per day if you are a woman, 38g if you are a man.

10. Drink less coffee, especially 5 hours before bed. Caffeine should not go into .

11. Sleep 8-10 hours a day.

12. Go for a run at least, once a week.

13. Read a blog about how to improve your health at least once a week.

14. Plan your meals in advance to avoid giving in to unplanned cravings.

15. Clear your cupboard of all the junk (and don't eat it).

16. Cook at home according to healthy recipes instead of eating out.

17. Start a conversation with stranger at the gym every week. It will be nice to make friends while you are there and you will want to come back.

18. Buy egg whites, not just whole eggs.

19. Try turkey meat instead lard, it will help you improve your health.

20. Keep an exercise log so you can see your progress.

21. Invest in healthier snacks such as nuts, fruits, split peas, baby carrots, etc.

22. Set a goal that will help you improve your health and don't stop until it is achieved.

23. Set small goals with corresponding rewards to encourage yourself along the way.

24. Don't be afraid to ask for help, whether it's talking to a friend or consulting with a fitness professional.

25. Understand your body. Calculate the number of calories you need to consume daily to maintain, gain, or lose weight.

26. Avoid excess alcohol except special occasions(drinking should not be a habit at the end of the work week).

27. Increase your protein intake. This will improve your health and promote recovery after exercise.

28. Take a multivitamin. Most of us don't get the essential micronutrients we need on a daily basis.

29. Add fish oil. Omega-3s are essential for heart function.

30. Take a walk after eating.

31. Wake up an hour earlier (give yourself enough sleep) and start moving. You'll be more productive and improve your health if you start your day off with a little exercise.

32. Avoid movie theater popcorn if you can. Is it dangerous. A large bucket can contain over 1000 calories.

33. If you smoke, stop.

34. Find a sport you want to try to improve your health.

35. If you sit for more than an hour, get up and walk, if possible, at work, for example.

36. Vacuum the house. This will help you move and burn up to 300 calories per hour!

37. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

38. Drink skimmed milk instead of the usual one.

39. Read a book. Stimulating your mind improves your physical health.

40. Avoid fried foods. Baked in the oven is the best option.

41. Buy fresh vegetables instead of canned or frozen when possible.

42. Write down your thoughts every time you are in a bad mood. Keep a diary. Write an article. This helps relieve stress.

43. Socializing with people will also help you relieve stress, thereby improving your general state health.

44. Choose leaner meats for sandwiches and meals.

45. Don't skip meals too often. Your body needs food for...

46. Create a training group among your friends and/or colleagues.

47. Listen to music that you like. It's calming.

48. Buy whole grain bread.

49. Order brown rice instead of white rice at Chinese restaurants. It is more useful and improves health.

50. Find a workout buddy! Additional responsibility will help you stay on track.

51. Take a nap when you're tired instead of drinking gallons of caffeine.

52. Meditate. Sometimes taking a moment of silence to be in your own mind and just think can promote relaxation and improve mental health.

53. Eat until you're full.

54. Cook your meals on the weekend to ensure you have healthy and available options throughout the week.

55. Do mini-workouts during breaks. Push-ups, squats, light exercises are things that can help you improve your health.

56. Read labels with food products. Knowing how much protein, fat and carbohydrates you consume is key to understanding your nutrition.

57. If the label says trans fat, don't eat the food. Trans fats clog your arteries.

58. Learn to refuse unhealthy foods when offered. Learning to say no is a good lesson to learn for every aspect of life. You can't make everyone happy.

59. Take the stairs instead of using the elevator.

60. Sometimes get off the Internet and walk outside. This will help you improve your health. We spend too much time on Facebook and not enough exercise.

61. Add lemon to water. This is by cleansing the digestive tract.

62. Stretch or strain your muscles. Many of us have become immobile as we age due to lack of exercise. can get you moving and functioning normally again.

63. Use nonstick spray instead of butter or sunflower oil when frying in a pan.

64. Drink black coffee. Sugar and cream add unnecessary calories and worsen your health.

65. Consume 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar daily to prevent heartburn and acid reflux, thereby improving your health.

66. Get up to grab the remote instead of asking to hand it over.

67. While on vacation, take a day to go hiking. Walking can burn between 300 and 600 calories per hour.

68. Stay in the sun more. Shortages are more common than ever. Excessive sun can be harmful to your skin health, but most people don't get enough of it.

69. Do exercises at both high and low intensity—anything from walking to push-ups. This will ensure that your body becomes efficient using both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems and will also improve your health.

70. Get into the pool! Swimming for fitness burns more calories than running.

71. Walk during long phone calls. It may sound silly, but taking extra steps really does improve your health.

72. Load a quarter to half of your dinner table with vegetables. Portion control helps prevent overeating.

73. Stop thinking and start doing. If you're "thinking" about getting in shape or starting a program healthy eating THEN DO IT.

Winter fatigue and autumn blues- this is the result of a shortage sunlight. It is impossible to make sure that the bright sun shines on us every day, but we can improve our well-being in simple ways.

Ginseng - the root of life.

Ginseng is very famous in Chinese medicine, this root restores qi energy and can restore strength even after long-term illnesses. He will also become a good helper in improving well-being during seasonal loss of strength. To prevent weather changes and viruses from affecting your health and well-being, you can drink ginseng tincture or tea with it. Doctors advise drinking it for 3 weeks.

Run to the gym.

We feel least tired in those moments when we are doing physical exercise. During physical activity and active movements, the metabolism accelerates, the cells are better supplied with oxygen, and the process of producing pleasure hormones starts - as a result, you are simply guaranteed to be energetic. You can choose: dancing, aerobics, boxing, tennis. Even quick evening walks can drive away Bad mood, if you give them at least half an hour every day three to four times a week.

Elixir with spice aroma.

The body and mind will instantly become invigorated by drinking regular tea - you just need to make small changes and add seasonings such as cardamom, cinnamon and ginger to the usual drink. In the East, these spices have earned the honorary title of energizers. You can stock up on these stimulants and use them when you want to spend the day watching TV under the covers.

Steam doesn't break bones.

When we sweat, we renew ourselves. When we sweat, our skin releases toxins that accumulate in the liver and kidneys, causing people to feel tired and tired over time. depressive state. If you do not regularly exercise and do not break a sweat, then try to visit the bathhouse, sauna or hammam once every two weeks. It is enough to spend 15 minutes in the steam room for a real express detox to start in your body, and you will feel more alert, light and energetic.

Green antidepressants.

In the off-season one of the most healthy vegetables is broccoli. It can hardly be called a source of energy - since there are only 30 calories in 100 grams, but it has many other benefits. Broccoli supplies the body folic acid, vitamin C and sulforaphane, which is a strong immune stimulant. So that everything beneficial features preserved, it is best cooked by steaming. You can also cut it into thin slices, fry in oil and season with invigorating seasonings (black pepper and turmeric).

As we reach middle age, maintaining a healthy body becomes more and more difficult. However, 10 best recommendations below will help you maintain excellent health. Get started now!

Relieve stress. It's no secret that stress can have a Negative influence on your brain and body, especially as you age. At the same time, various diseases develop, such as sleep problems, heart disease and depression. Of course, your body can handle a certain level of stress. naturally, but you also have to help him with this.

Make it a habit to de-stress every day.. Even just humming your favorite tune is one way you can help positive influence for your health. You can read a book, take a walk, or simply relax with your eyes closed for a few minutes.

Drink more water. Of course, daily consumption large quantity Liquids will not make you completely healthy, however, there are still some benefits for the body. Keeping your body adequately hydrated helps normal operation joints and inflow nutrients to all organs, and also helps your kidneys and liver eliminate waste and harmful substances from the body.

Commit hiking . When it comes to ways to improve your health, nothing could be easier. Movement will help you. Walking strengthens your heart and bones, improves sleep, and reduces stress levels. Walking also helps keep your mind sharp, minimizing the natural memory loss that comes with age. A study of 6,000 women aged 65 and older found that those who walked at least 4 km a day had 17 percent less memory decline than women who walked less than 1.5 miles a day. km per week. Therefore, choose comfortable shoes and go for a walk!

Visit your doctor regularly. Do this all the time, not just when something hurts. This procedure is the most important point of all ways to improve your health. The doctor will answer any questions you have about more healthy way life and will help you make sure that your body is ready for regular physical activity. It can also detect the onset of a disease before you have any symptoms.

Play Mind games . In fact, many games, be it crosswords or computer games, can improve your health by reducing symptoms of dementia and keeping your mind sharp.

Read the labels. One of the simplest and most useful things you can do right in the kitchen or at the grocery store. Reading food labels provides you with information that will undoubtedly benefit your health. women's portal What you should pay attention to first of all depends on your specific nutritional needs, goals, and health status. Also, please note that you should not take into account advertising signs on front side packaging such as low fat, low calorie. They may mislead you. Analyze the composition of the product indicated on the label. First of all, pay attention to the amount of fat, sodium and carbohydrates. And in each case, the lower the value specified, the better. The amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients such as fiber plays a big role. Also, one of the most important aspects, is the serving size. This will help you determine the number of calories in your food.

Avoid sugary drinks. Stay away from sparkling water. A standard bottle of soda contains the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. A recent study found that even one serving of soda per day may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in men by 20 percent, and increases the risk of diabetes in women by 25 percent. Diet sugary drinks are also not a good choice.

Eat fruits and vegetables daily. Fruits and vegetables contain many vital nutrients such as calcium (bone health), fiber (reducing the risk of developing coronary disease), iron (healthy blood cells), potassium (normalizes arterial pressure), vitamin A (vision, skin) and vitamin C (teeth, gums). Also, try to make fish part of your diet at least twice a week. This product contains very little sodium and is an excellent source of protein, which helps maintain health for all cells in the body and is used to build muscle mass and tissue restoration. In addition, fish contains a lot of vitamin B12, which is a key component of blood. This substance is used to produce new cells and maintain health nervous system. One more important element contained in fish is omega-3 fatty acid, which can improve heart health and help with conditions such as arthritis and depression. Also, fish oil is an excellent source of vitamin D. And, in addition, consumption fish oil, will help you .

Control your portion size. Your rule should be the following. The plate should contain one fist-sized portion of protein, grain and vegetables. If you think this is too small, use smaller plates.

Sleep more. As you age, it becomes more difficult to get enough sleep. The rhythm of our biological clock changes, and we become more susceptible to insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea. Lack of sleep can lead to the development various diseases. In particular, to changes in the level of hormones in the body that regulate our metabolism and appetite. Thus, lack of sleep can lead to excess weight and the occurrence of stress. One of the most important things that contributes to good sleep, is a new mattress. Research has shown that many older people sleep on the same mattress for more than 10 years. Therefore, with age, the mattress becomes less comfortable, which means we do not get quality sleep. In addition, doctors recommend avoiding caffeine and alcohol.

Try these 10 simple ways improve the condition of your body today, and you will have great mood and a healthy future!