Viburnum with sugar has medicinal properties. Preparing viburnum for the winter, the best recipes

Viburnum is a very useful berry, it has big amount medicinal properties, which is why it is so popular for winter preservation. It has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, as well as blood pressure, significantly improves general state skin, treats diseases of the digestive system, is useful for liver diseases, and also as a sedative and strengthening agent. The use of viburnum is common when colds, cough, upset stomach and hoarseness.

Inside each viburnum berry there is a bitterish seed that looks like a heart. These seeds are harmless, you can either eat them with the berries or spit them out.

Viburnum in sugar, without cooking, is prepared like cold jam and the end result is something like syrup. The berries will produce juice and slowly dissolve the sugar. It is this preparation of viburnum for the winter without cooking that preserves the most vitamins and microelements for you.

How to prepare viburnum before preservation

Before proceeding directly to cooking, you need to prepare the viburnum; this is done quite simply, this is how the viburnum will retain all its beneficial health properties.

It is better to collect viburnum berries after the first frost, you can even in winter, collect them directly with twigs and clusters. Next you need to rinse it twice. Dry by laying it on a bed of several layers of newspapers or paper towels. After this, you can safely proceed to processing.

Freezing viburnum for the winter

Most the easy way store viburnum berries and at the same time preserve all their beneficial properties - freeze. You can put them in bunches in bags or jars and put them in the freezer. You can also process the berries to save space in the freezer and arrange them thin layer and freeze, then transfer to specially prepared containers or bags.

In case of illness, in winter, to improve health, take out 2-3 berries every day and put them in your mouth like a candy, also chew the seeds, because they store essential nutrients for humans.

Defrost the berries not at room temperature, but in the refrigerator, otherwise they will lose their shape, color and all nutritional value. Thawed berries are used for making baked goods, pies, fruit drinks, jelly and so on.

Recipes for preparing viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking

1) Very often, for storage for 2-3 months, viburnum is not sprinkled with anything. It is simply washed with water, then dried, put in jars and stored in the refrigerator, so that it can be eaten fresh later. During this time, the berries do not even become moldy, because they contain substances harmful to mold fungi, so viburnum is safely used to treat fungal infections in the human body.

2) To keep viburnum sprinkled with sugar, without cooking, for as long as possible, keep it in the refrigerator or on the balcony. They can stand like this even for a couple of years.

  • To prepare this preparation for the winter, the sorted berries are placed in layers in a jar (you can use a jar of any size) and sprinkled with sugar: each one and a half centimeter layer of berries is covered with a centimeter layer of sugar.
  • After each layer, shake the jar so that the layers are more dense. Sprinkle the sugar in a stream and turn the jar around its axis, and the layers will lie evenly.
  • Finish laying the viburnum with a thick layer of sugar, cover it with sugar almost to the very lid, so the berries will never become moldy and will retain all the beneficial substances.
  • For a 3 liter jar, you will need approximately 700 grams of viburnum. You can close the jars with wiped, alcohol-washed lids.

3) Instead of sugar, viburnum is often poured with honey, if possible, but then for 2 servings of berries you will need 1 serving of honey.

The bright fruits of viburnum contain great amount organic compounds, vitamins and microelements. Beneficial features viburnum is due to the content of tannins, phytoncides, vitamins A, C, and pectins in the berry.

Viburnum berries also contain copper, iodine, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Green leaves contain formic, acetic, oleic, and valeric acids.


Viburnum: contraindications

Despite its beneficial properties, viburnum is contraindicated for people prone to hypotension. Berries help lower blood pressure, and their consumption can lead hypotensive patients to a critical condition.

Contraindications for viburnum:

  • Circulatory disorders (tendency to blood clots)
  • Arthritis
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Allergy
  • Gastritis with increased acidity, ulcer
  • Heart pathologies
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Gout
  • Kidney diseases

Preparations based on viburnum should be taken with caution even healthy people, since abuse of berries can lead to negative reactions body - rash, deterioration in general health.

Contraindications for viburnum relate not only to the consumption of its fruits - medicinal properties possess leaves, branches, flowers and even the bark of the plant.

Viburnum during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Although viburnum is an excellent source useful vitamins and minerals needed to the expectant mother, its use is contraindicated during pregnancy. The fruits of the plant increase the tone of the uterus and are strong allergen. In case of overdose, miscarriage is possible, and later Taking viburnum-based products threatens premature birth.

Allergic features of the berry are manifested in high content vitamin C. If the body is oversaturated with it, it may cause allergic rash on the body. Therefore, many mothers during lactation refuse to take this berry.

Viburnum is completely contraindicated in the first three to five months of lactation - its use can negatively affect digestive system newborn Gradually, a nursing mother can introduce viburnum into her diet - in the form of additives in compotes, teas, casseroles of 5-10 berries. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the child’s reaction - if there are no rashes, red cheeks, or digestive disorders, you can gradually increase its intake.


Viburnum: beneficial properties

Viburnum has a whole “bouquet” of useful properties. This herbal healer, helping during colds and infectious diseases. Viburnum is a unique gift of nature, a source of vitamin C, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.


Viburnum is used to treat:

IN folk medicine All parts of the plant are used as raw materials. The bark of the plant is famous for its general strengthening properties; the juice increases the body’s immune forces and calms the unequal system. The berries are used as an antitussive and diaphoretic. Viburnum root helps with digestive disorders. Leaves are used as a cleanser skin from rashes, furunculosis.

Decoctions from viburnum inflorescences are taken for bleeding and inflammation. Plant-based products increase appetite and promote sweating. Viburnum is an excellent sedative - it is used to prevent seizures and treat nervous disorders.

Viburnum with honey: beneficial properties

Honey-viburnum medicine is used during colds as an anti-inflammatory and immune-strengthening agent. The beneficial properties of viburnum appear in combination with drug therapy– eating berries with honey enhances the effect of drugs and promotes faster recovery.

Taking viburnum with honey helps with coughs, wheezing, bronchitis, colds and complications from infectious diseases. The viscous mixture is used for stomach disorders, diarrhea, helps overcome insomnia and nervous agitation.

The honey-viburnum mixture is indicated for use by women with severe pain and heavy menstruation. The remedy helps with high blood pressure, and drinking the mixture for a long time relieves the body of accumulated cholesterol. It is also recommended to use honey with viburnum for inflammation of the gums, dental diseases oral cavity, anemia.

Preparing a mixture of viburnum and honey is simple - you need to mix crushed berries and liquid honey in proportions 1:2. However, it is not only the contraindications of viburnum that should be taken into account - honey is a strong allergen, which is harmful to use if you have an existing allergy to the product.

Also remember about the effect of heat treatment - it is undesirable for both viburnum and honey. Destroys during heating vitamin composition berries, and honey becomes unsuitable for consumption. Maximum temperature, acceptable for honey-viburnum mixture – no more than 60 °C.

Viburnum mashed with sugar: beneficial properties

An excellent remedy for colds and viral diseases is viburnum mashed with sugar. The berries can be stored in this form for a long time in the refrigerator, and during the cooking process the berries do not need to be cooked, but simply mix clean, dry berries and sugar in a 1:1 ratio.

  • Cold, sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Diarrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Hypertension

During the winter cold, pureed viburnum is used as vitamin drink, mixing with boiled water. Taking it improves appetite, enriches the body with useful substances and strengthens the immune system. The mixture can be added to tea or milk - just one spoon of viburnum quickly normalizes blood pressure in case of hypertension. As prophylactic viburnum berries can be consumed regularly, protecting yourself from viral and bacterial infections.

Viburnum for colds

Viburnum is one of the most potent medicines, quickly relieving cold symptoms. Huge content ascorbic acid Helps the body quickly cope with illness and restore lost strength.

At the first sign of a cold, you need to take warm viburnum drinks. To do this, you need to prepare tea from the berries or dissolve a spoonful of viburnum mashed with sugar in a glass of warm water. Drinking the drink relieves chills, eliminates sore throat, increases sweating and reduces temperature. After drinking warm tea, you need to go to bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket and sweat well.

When treating a cold, consider the contraindications of viburnum! This applies to people who have serious heart problems. The process of sweating puts additional stress on the entire body, which can affect the functioning of the heart.


Viburnum in cosmetology

The juice from the fresh fruits of the plant has bleaching and astringent properties, which is why it is used to make cosmetic products– creams, masks, lotions. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to use the plant to remove age spots after pregnancy and to cleanse the face of acne.

For severe tissue acne, widespread on the face, chest and back, it is recommended to use a decoction of viburnum leaves, 1/4 of a glass per day. Wounds and inflammations on the skin can be treated fresh juice viburnum - this will dry out the rashes and relieve swelling.

Skin whitening mask:

Mix fresh viburnum juice with the white of one egg, stir until smooth. Apply a thick layer to the face as a mask for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The course of whitening procedures is 15-20 days.

Anti-acne mask:

To get rid of rashes, viburnum juice is combined with fresh sour cream (cream) 1:1 and applied to the face. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. As a scrub to remove dead areas of the epidermis, you can use crushed viburnum, frozen in the refrigerator. Carrying out 8-10 cleansing procedures will relieve acne and eliminate dark spots, smooth out wrinkles.

Hand bath:

IN warm water add viburnum juice and sea ​​salt in a 2:1 ratio. Lower your hands and hold for 15-20 minutes, adding warm water. This bath not only rejuvenates the skin of the hands, relieves redness and peeling, but also has a beneficial effect on the nail plate.

This berry is surprising in that its tart harvest is not harvested at all during the period of mass fruiting of all trees. Only with the onset of the first frosts (at the end of September-October) does viburnum fully gain its “bouquet”, becoming saturated with an amazing and special taste. Under the influence of mild sub-zero temperatures, the red berries become sweeter, and their tartness acquires a pleasant moderation. Most often, viburnum is prepared with sugar. For the winter, it is most practical to close such a dish, putting the mass in small jars. This article provides information about the benefits of vitamin berries and how to prepare them. Except therapeutic effect fresh viburnum sprinkled with sugar is also used to decorate various desserts and baked goods. The attractive red color will refresh any dish with bright colors.

What are the benefits of viburnum, ground with sugar, its flowers and bark?

This vitamin treat is especially useful for colds, bronchitis and coughs. Viburnum is also widely used to treat the following diseases:

  • berries are used for hypertension, because they lower blood pressure;
  • the juice acts as a mild laxative and has beneficial influence on the digestive system;
  • whole berries together with seeds strengthen the heart muscle;
  • a decoction of viburnum bark is used as a heavy menstruation and in ;
  • tea made from brewed flowers is an excellent anti-allergenic and sedative.

What are the ways to preserve viburnum with and without sugar for the winter?

Berries can be harvested either whole or in crushed form. Carry out a long heat treatment not worth it, because with prolonged elevated temperatures the content in berries is significantly reduced useful substances. In addition to mixing with sugar, viburnum can be frozen and dried. They also make sterilized compotes without adding marmalade, and cook marshmallows and jelly. Viburnum can be used in various fruit assortments, adding to the dish in small quantities so as not to change the taste of the main fruit, but at the same time give the dish a special bright pink hue. Fresh bunches of berries, hung in a cool room, are stored for a long time - until winter.

How is viburnum with sugar prepared for the winter in the form of various thick masses?

Berry jelly

1 kg fresh berries blanch in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. After this, rinse immediately under cold running water in a colander. Pour two full glasses of water over the dried viburnum and boil until softened. After cooling, rub the berries through a sieve and mix with 1 kg of sand-sugar. Simmer the puree over low heat until thickened (about 40-45 minutes). Divide the hot mixture into jars and roll up.

Mashed viburnum with sugar for the winter

Place clean berries in the oven on a baking sheet for 1 hour. After cooling, grind them with 1 kg of sugar, place them in jars and sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Store in a cool place.