When it is clear that the cat is pregnant. Cat pregnancy duration, periods

If your cat has a planned or accidental mating, it is important to determine as early as possible whether fertilization has begun - doing this without the help of a specialist is not always easy, but it is still useful to know what signs of a cat’s pregnancy indicate that your pet will soon become a mother .

The earlier pregnancy is established, the more time the owners will have to prepare for the appearance of the offspring. This is especially important for purebred animals - after all, some breeds have difficulties in bearing and giving birth to offspring, and they may require the supervision and assistance of a veterinarian.

When is a cat ready to become pregnant?

Fertilization and pregnancy are possible only during the period of estrus, which first appears when the animal is 7 or 8 months old (in some individuals, earlier dates for the onset of the first estrus are possible). On average, estrus occurs every 2-3 months, but in many cases, if fertilization does not occur, it can be repeated at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

The onset of the first heat is not the only sign of an animal’s readiness to reproduce, because real puberty will occur only after a year, but it is better to generally postpone this important event until 1.3, or even 1.5 years.

Early pregnancy poses a significant threat to the health and life of a cat; in nature, such animals rarely survive.

Upon reaching the age of 6 years, the pet’s sexual activity gradually decreases, it becomes increasingly difficult for her to bear and give birth to healthy kittens, therefore, if she actively participated in breeding work, at this time she will be sterilized and no longer allowed for breeding.

Veterinary specialists and felinologists categorically recommend sterilizing animals that do not have breeding value and outbred Murok, since regular estrus without subsequent fertilization is fraught with serious health problems for the pet.

In the case of pregnancy and the birth of kittens, it may be difficult to find owners for them, so it is best to make life easier for yourself and the cat and provide her with the opportunity to live in complete health and well-being.

How does mating happen?

The optimal mating period, when pregnancy is most likely to occur, is 3–5 days from the start of estrus, so it is important to track the first signs of its appearance in time. Conception occurs only a day or two after successful mating.

What signs indicate that you are in heat?

  • A noticeable change in behavior: the cat meows loudly, demands attention and affection from the owner, rolls on the floor, moves on half-bent legs.
  • Some cats may mark their territory during heat.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Mucous discharge from the genitals.

You can determine that the mating ended with a positive outcome by the following signs:

  • The cat loses interest in the cat, drives him away during repeated courtships, and may roll on the floor.
  • Estrus ended 1-3 days after mating.
  • The mucous membrane on the genitals has become enlarged and swollen, its color has changed and become brighter.

In general, if such symptoms appear, we can assume that these are the first early signs onset of pregnancy. But still, to make sure that the cat is pregnant, you will need to carefully observe its behavior over the next 2-3 weeks - this is the period when the cat shows signs of pregnancy.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

Unfortunately, tests to determine the pregnancy of cats are not yet available in Russia; they can only be purchased in some European veterinary pharmacies.

It is not always possible to determine pregnancy by signs, because their appearance does not guarantee 100 percent of its occurrence - it can easily turn out to be false. The most reliable and precise method in this case it is ultrasound, with the help of which the amniotic sac is noticeable already in the second week from the moment of fertilization, and after the 3rd week the fetal heartbeat can be determined.

Another method that allows you to reliably determine pregnancy is palpation. A veterinarian with extensive experience can install it already in the 2nd week - at this stage a sign such as an enlargement of the animal’s uterus appears.

What signs indicate pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy in a cat can be detected approximately 10 days after the mating date. During this period, implantation occurs - the attachment of embryos to the walls of the uterus, expectant mother Her hormonal levels change dramatically, and as a result her behavior and well-being change. External signs will appear a little later.

The main symptoms of early pregnancy in a cat will be:

  1. The cat becomes more tame and affectionate, seeking the owner’s attention.
  2. On initial stage Appetite may sharply deteriorate and toxicosis may set in - just like in a pregnant woman.
  3. The cat may sleep more than usual and become less active. Her behavior does not always change, but if some oddities appear in it that are not typical for her in normal times, then with a high probability we can assume that this is one of the signs of pregnancy.
  4. Around the third week, the most reliable sign– the mammary glands swell and the nipples change color: they become bright pink.

At 3-5 weeks, the signs become more obvious: the stomach and sides become rounded, she begins to take care of herself when jumping from heights, and becomes less mobile. The animal's food preferences may change, while its appetite increases significantly.

It is possible to determine how many kittens a pet is carrying at 5 to 6 weeks. At this moment they can be clearly felt and can be counted.

At 7-8 weeks, the movement of the babies inside is already very clearly noticeable - at moments when the pet is resting, you can notice the wave-like movement of the walls of her abdomen.

Appear shortly before birth characteristic features in the form of mucous discharge from the genitals, colostrum discharge from the nipples. Behavior becomes restless, she seeks shelter, can meow a lot, and build a “nest.” It is important to prepare a comfortable place for her to give birth in advance. where she will feel safe.

The first signs of pregnancy in a British cat can sometimes be confused with normal weight gain due to the fact that the physique of representatives of this breed is itself quite round. In order not to be mistaken, you can watch her gait: if she is expecting babies, her spine will bend down in the lumbar region, and only her stomach will increase in size and become rounded.

False pregnancy

Sometimes it happens that the cat has never had a meeting with a cat, but by all indications she behaves as if childbirth is just around the corner. The owners are perplexed and do not know how to explain this phenomenon. This is how a false pregnancy manifests itself. It can occur, for example, if a cat who has recently given birth lives nearby, or if fertilization has failed.

Sometimes the reasons can be more serious: severe psychological stress, hormonal disorders. It lasts 3-4 weeks, then all the signs disappear.

Signs false pregnancy cats may have the same symptoms real pregnancy: the belly increases, the appetite increases, the cat builds a nest, its behavior often changes - it becomes overly affectionate and demanding, or, on the contrary, irritable and tries to retire.

The main difference is that after a while all the symptoms disappear without a trace.

If this happens quite often, the cat should be shown to a veterinarian to rule out pathologies related to its health.

It is generally accepted that cats will be born quickly, but you still wouldn’t want this joyful event to take you by surprise. Moreover, domestic cats are much less adapted to procreation than their free-range ancestors, and gentle purebred pets often require obstetric care from their owners. And it is advisable that these owners find out as early as possible that their family is expecting a furry, meowing addition. But how do you know if your cat is pregnant? And even more precisely: how can you tell if a cat is pregnant or has simply gained weight due to too much treats and lack of exercise?

It can be difficult for inexperienced owners to determine whether a cat is pregnant, but it is necessary to learn how to do this. Moreover, it is advisable to find out that the cat is pregnant as early as possible. Because pregnancy in cats does not last long and you need to have time to prepare for the arrival of newborn kittens in your home, including mentally. Fortunately, the sure signs of pregnancy in cats are known, allowing you to check whether a cat is pregnant even in the early stages. To master them, you will need attention, understanding and careful attitude towards the future cat mother.

Pregnancy in cats: duration, features and signs
Just like people, pets need to reach sexual maturity before they can have offspring. Therefore, before your cat is six months old, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of kittens - she is still a kitten herself. True, teenage acceleration also occurs in the animal world, so some of them are able to become pregnant at 4 months, but this happens rarely. In any case, the cat's first heat will be a signal to you that from now on she can have kittens. Other than that, there are a few other things you need to know about feline pregnancy:
A cat can be sterilized only after 3-4 heats and preferably after at least one pregnancy and birth. And if you do not decide to sterilize your cat surgically, medically or hormonally, then she will retain the ability to bear children throughout her life. And you will have to check more than once whether the cat is pregnant or not.

How do you know if your cat is pregnant? Signs of cat pregnancy
Male-male mating does not always result in fertilization, so after the end of her heat, you still have to check whether the cat is pregnant this time. In the early stages it is more difficult to do this than in the third week of pregnancy, but you can try:
Determine accurately whether a cat is pregnant early stages it is possible only with the help of ultrasound, and even then only 10-14 days after fertilization. But this is the time to take your pet to the vet if you notice any strange behavior in her and want to make sure she is healthy and/or that the cat is pregnant. At the same time, a medical examination will show how many kittens the cat will have, but it is better not to take her to the doctor for later(after the 5th week) so as not to disrupt the course of pregnancy.

How do you know if a British or Sphynx cat is pregnant?
Pregnancy in cats lasts about two months - but this is on average. And the exact duration of pregnancy depends on the breed and, of course, the health of the animal. For example, the number of kittens is inversely proportional to the gestational age, that is, the more babies a cat has in her belly, the faster they will be born. But not earlier than the 55th day after conception, otherwise the viability of the cubs will be at risk. To monitor the course of pregnancy in a cat and notice in time that the cat is pregnant, you need to make adjustments for its breed:
Relatively recently a new the right way check if your cat is pregnant: pregnancy test. But keep in mind that cats are not suitable for tests designed for humans due to different hormone levels. Cat pregnancy tests appeared in veterinary practice later than similar tests for dogs, and they are expensive enough to abandon this method in favor of ultrasound and/or manual diagnosis from a veterinarian.

Don't be surprised if your doctor tells you that your cat is pregnant twice. This happens if after fertilization she did not stop sexual intercourse and mated with another cat. Interestingly, the new “neighbors” do not prevent the kittens already born in the stomach from developing normally and being born on time. Moreover: the second litter may be born together with the first and turn out premature, or the cat will give birth to this “portion” of kittens later, some time after the first. Such complex cases Pregnancies should occur under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Medical examination It is also preferable because only a specialist will be able to identify a false pregnancy in a cat and distinguish it from a real pregnancy. False pregnancy in cats is rare, but dangerous phenomenon associated with violations in nervous system and the hormonal background of the animal. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely and is excluded if you properly care for your cat, take care of its health and notice changes in time to determine that the cat is pregnant.

A cat can become pregnant as early as 4 months of age unless she has been spayed to prevent this. Our pregnancy furry pets Usually lasts from 63 to 65 days, so cats can have kittens as early as 6 months of age.

How to tell if a cat is pregnant?

The best way to find out is to take her to your veterinarian. It can confirm for sure that your cat is pregnant and give you an idea of ​​what stage of pregnancy the cat is in and how many kittens are expected. To do this, your veterinarian may need an ultrasound or x-ray.

There are also several signs of pregnancy that you can determine on your own.

The main and most obvious sign of a cat's pregnancy is a significant increase in its abdomen around the 30th day of gestation. Another sign or symptom that your cat is 2-3 weeks pregnant is when her nipples become swollen.


Rarely, in the very early stages of pregnancy, your cat may experience “morning sickness,” which may include a lack of appetite and vomiting. If this discomfort continues for more than a few days, she should be seen by a veterinarian. Additionally, surges in hormones and changes in the uterus can lead to decreased stamina and fatigue. These signs should subside within the first 2 weeks of pregnancy.

Like many other female animals that carry their young in their bellies, your cat may need extra nutrition and calories throughout her pregnancy.

By the end of pregnancy, cats' diet should be approximately 1.5 times their normal regular diet. So you should make sure she gets sufficient quantity nutrition. Your veterinarian can also recommend suitable food for pregnant and lactating cats.

Viruses can spread to kittens before they are born, so you should check your cat's vaccination schedule. If your pregnant cat needs vaccinations, deworming or flea treatment, check with your veterinarian to make sure it is safe for her. Best to spend full course vaccinations before dilution, as many vaccines are not safe during pregnancy.

You need to prepare a comfortable place for upcoming birth. If you usually let your cat outside, then late stages This is not recommended during pregnancy.

About 2 weeks before giving birth, the cat may begin to “nest.” To help her, you can arrange for her the most appropriate place for childbirth. Find a medium-sized box and line it with newspapers and old blankets or towels to create a soft enough space for your cat and her future kittens.

You should place the "nest" in a quiet corner of your home. And allow the cat to visit it as often as she wants so that she gets used to it and feels comfortable. You can also guide your cat to its future nesting site yourself. Otherwise, she may want to give birth in a basket or some closet.

There are 2 main signs that labor is about to occur: cats usually stop eating 24 hours before giving birth, and their temperature drops to 37.7°C - 37.0°C (normal is 38.1°C to 39.2 °C). These are signs that you will see kittens very soon!

When mating has taken place or if the cat has run away from home during estrus, it is important to determine pregnancy as early as possible. The hormonal levels in the animal’s body change, so pregnancy affects the mood, behavior and appearance of the pet. It is often difficult for inexperienced owners to understand at home whether their cat is expecting a replenishment. Timely detection of signs will help your cat necessary help for a successful resolution of childbirth in the future.

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    Signs of pregnancy

    If a cat is pregnant, the sooner the owners find out about it, the better. . This is also necessary because pregnancy in cats is very short, and it is necessary to prepare in a timely manner for the appearance of kittens. During pregnancy, the animal requires special care and nutrition.

    There are a number of signs by which owners can determine whether a cat is pregnant. In the first days (within three weeks), the question of pregnancy remains open. Even a veterinarian will not be able to recognize whether fertilization has occurred in the first days. It is impossible to determine if a cat is pregnant using a human test.

    The main signs of pregnancy are:

    1. 1. cessation of estrus;
    2. 2. changes in the nipples and appearance of the animal;
    3. 3. changes in the pet’s appetite and behavior;
    4. 4. nesting.

    Even one of these signs suggests that the cat is pregnant.

    Termination of heat

    Typically, estrus in cats occurs once every two or three months, but it can happen more often: even twice a month. It is necessary to monitor the behavior of the animal after mating. If the cat continues to ask for a cat and yells, the mating probably did not take place. If, after meeting a cat, the cat stops asking to go outside and meowing loudly, its behavior becomes calm, that is, Great chance that the pet became pregnant. The presence of pregnancy is also indicated by the cessation of discharge. A cat who becomes pregnant ceases to show interest in the opposite sex, and may become aggressive towards other cats.

    Sometimes an animal behaves this way because of its character traits. If after mating or escaping the cat continues to show interest in cats, then nothing has happened.

    Changing nipples and belly

    The first most obvious symptom of pregnancy in a pet is a change in the color of the nipples. They acquire pink color and during pregnancy they become more and more bright. This is especially noticeable if the cat is pregnant for the first time. It also happens that not all nipples change color. U british cats It is not very easy to see the change in color of the nipples due to the fur. Sphynxes' nipples immediately turn bright pink. In later stages of pregnancy, the nipples become larger. This is due to the preparation of the pet’s body for feeding kittens with milk. A week before giving birth, a translucent white or yellowish liquid begins to be released from the nipples - colostrum. Enlarged nipples definitely indicate pregnancy. Due to change hormonal levels animal in early period Sometimes morning sickness occurs, but not all cats experience this.

    The enlargement of her belly in the first period is almost imperceptible, but after a few weeks, due to the growth and development of the kittens, her belly begins to grow rapidly. The size of the belly directly depends on the number of kittens, so if she is carrying one or two babies, the increase in the belly is almost imperceptible. By the seventh week you can already observe their movement.

    The veterinarian is able to determine the number of kittens by palpating the stomach. You should contact him in any case, even if there is doubt that the cat is pregnant. The examination is necessary in order to exclude the presence of any diseases in the animal. In cats, there are cases of so-called false pregnancy, when there is no pregnancy even if all the signs are present. This is a very rare phenomenon and is caused by the presence of a mental illness.

    If pregnancy is confirmed, the veterinarian will give advice on caring for your pet during this period and after birth.

    Behavior change

    The first changes in the animal's behavior are weakness and drowsiness. This is especially noticeable in those cats that were previously playful and active, but after mating began to sleep for a long time or simply lie still. This condition is caused by hormonal changes. If previously the pet was unsociable and strived for loneliness, during pregnancy she suddenly begins to demand more attention and becomes overly affectionate.

    How a pet behaves during pregnancy also depends on its breed. In Sphynxes, behavior changes immediately after pregnancy. More on early the animal becomes picky and demands affection. But sometimes the pet, on the contrary, looks aggressive. You should not be afraid of this - over time, she will adapt to her new position.

    A cat's appetite changes significantly during pregnancy. During a short period of pregnancy, it happens that the pet has no appetite and eats very little. This may be due to nausea. After a few weeks, the situation changes dramatically, and the animal’s appetite improves dramatically. This is noticeable by the amount of food she eats. It happens that a cat's taste preferences: for example, she gives up her favorite foods and starts eating raw vegetables.


Normal term The period of gestation of kittens is considered to be two calendar months. Errors of two or three days in one direction or another are acceptable. Kittens born earlier term and, are often unviable. But if the pregnancy extends beyond 70 days, the cat may require urgent veterinary intervention. Typically, kittens from small litters are retained, and multiple pregnancy proceeds faster.

In the early term ah position cats difficult to notice with the naked eye. The presence of embryos can only be determined using ultrasound. However, veterinarians prefer not to take risks and prescribe such an examination no earlier than four weeks after fertilization.

Observe behavior cats. In the first weeks pregnancy she sleeps more than usual, preferring secluded corners, sometimes refuses food, but begins to drink more. Some cats often vomit during the initial period, a phenomenon reminiscent of toxicosis in pregnant women.

After a couple of weeks, the animal’s appetite awakens, and the urge to vomit stops. Change the feeding schedule by switching your pet to three to four meals a day good nutrition. It is advisable to give your cat a balanced ready-made food for pregnant women or good food for kittens, enriched with calcium, phosphorus and protein.

In the third week pregnancy cats' nipples swell and turn pink. This is especially noticeable in young animals expecting their first litter.

One month pregnant easy to identify by a rounded belly cats. During this period, the animal becomes less active. The size of the fetus reaches 25-30 mm and everything is vital important organs already developed at this point.

After the seventh week, you can feel the kittens moving by placing your palm on their stomach cats. On this term If your pet becomes restless, it will begin to look for a place for a future nest. Help her by offering her a box covered with soft rags as a cozy bed.

Anxiety in the last week before giving birth cats intensifies. Her belly is expanding greatly - the kittens have doubled in size in the last month. Nipples cats They swell greatly and a whitish liquid may emerge from them. From now on, watch your pet especially carefully - labor may begin in the coming days.


Do not try to feel the kittens in your cat's belly, count them, or determine their size. By inept actions, you can injure both the expectant mother and the cubs.

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  • how long are cats pregnant?

Determine yourself term pregnancy at cats accurate to the day is impossible. But if you observe the behavior of the animal, you can at least roughly calculate the date of the expected birth.


Take your pet to the veterinarian. A specialist will determine most accurately by performing an ultrasound on the animal. At the same time, consult with your doctor about how to treat the expectant mother - this is very important for normal development offspring and health maintenance.

If you cannot take your cat to a specialist, try to determine approximate period pregnancy on your own. In the third week, the animal may experience mood changes and passive behavior. All of these should disappear over time.

During the fourth week, you will notice other signs of pregnancy. At this time, the nipples will begin to enlarge and their color will change. If your pet is preparing to become a mother for the first time, then these phenomena will be most pronounced. In subsequent pregnancies, the nipples will also change, but not so much, since during feeding they become larger than they were before the first.

By about the sixth week of pregnancy, the cat's belly is noticeably rounded, and already on the 45-50th day you can feel the movement in the womb. Be careful when handling the animal.

From the seventh to the eighth week, the expectant mother begins to feel anxious. The cat can run around the rooms and look for a suitable place to give birth. But don't expect kittens to appear any day now. This will happen no earlier than the ninth week of pregnancy. A few days before giving birth, the kitty will calm down and become thoughtful. If you notice these changes, it means that the cat can at any time. Observe her condition, and if necessary, call veterinarian.


Cats behave differently, so you may be wrong in your calculations. Everything depends not only on the nature of the animal, but also on the number of offspring being carried.


  • What is the pregnancy period for cats?

After a cat reaches puberty, many owners begin to think about its first mating and the appearance of offspring. However, due to inexperience in such matters, they worry about the upcoming pregnancy of their pet and about its successful completion.

The course of pregnancy in a cat

On average it lasts nine weeks. It can be recognized starting from the third week - by the nipples, which acquire a pronounced pink color. The animal may also vomit because its body begins to experience hormonal changes. From the fifth week, the cat begins to gain significant weight, and from the sixth week it will rapidly begin to increase in size, filling up with milk. The expectant mother begins to sleep more and completely ignores if one of them is nearby.

Typically, cats become more gentle, quiet and affectionate during pregnancy; if previously they went outside, then during this period they are closer to home conditions.

Every day he eats more and more, but within a few days his appetite noticeably decreases. Also, during pregnancy, intra-abdominal pressure increases in the animal’s body, resulting in increased urination and defecation. Sometimes a cat may experience symptoms that occur during ovulation without fertilization. The cat exhibits all signs of pregnancy, which disappear within forty days, however, if they cause health complications, measures should be taken. If false pregnancies occur frequently, doctors often recommend removing the cat's ovaries.

Care during pregnancy

First of all, the cat needs to be provided with proper and nutritious nutrition, rich in proteins and calcium. In the second half of pregnancy, you need to feed your cat food that contains a lot of protein. You should also exclude all medications, including flea and worm medications. Since a large one makes it difficult for the animal to wash itself, it can be helped to clean the genitals with a damp, soft cloth.

They love privacy, so if there are other cats in the house, it is better to partially isolate the pregnant woman from them.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the cat should not climb cabinets and other high places, since the weight of the uterus greatly shifts the center of gravity, and the animal may not maintain balance if it falls from a height. Shortly before giving birth (about two weeks), the cat needs to make a nest - a box with newspapers or disposable baby diapers, laid in several layers. When kittens are born, they should not be wiped with soft wipes, which may stick to the kitten and refuse to lick it. The box should be in a warm place - preferably where the cat liked to be throughout the pregnancy. Sometimes labor can last more than a day, so you should have everything you need on hand, including the phone number of the nearest veterinary clinic.

Tip 4: Why does a pregnant cat have kittens that move a lot?

Cats are the most popular pets. In some families, the owners even keep several representatives of this family, even if they do not breed them. Planned or unplanned pregnancy a pet is a subject of concern and excitement for the whole family, because this condition is very similar in cats and representatives of the fair half of humanity.

On average, pregnancy lasts 9 weeks and how long a cat is pregnant depends on the number of gestations she carries. The more there are, the sooner the birth will take place. Usually this state is everything, even rare breeds, they tolerate it completely normally and do not require special veterinary supervision. Their belly becomes noticeable after 3-4 weeks, especially if the cat is smooth-haired.

2 days before giving birth, you can feel the kittens starting to move in her stomach. At first, you can understand that there is movement in the stomach only by placing your palm on it. The first movements - you will have to keep your hand pressed tightly for several minutes before you feel them. After a week, the belly is already moving constantly and, if the fur is short, this movement can be seen even without putting your hand to the cat’s belly - he just walks around.

This activity has a simple explanation. Firstly, a cat usually has several kittens; if one is sleeping, the second can toss and turn in its amniotic sac. Secondly, kittens, although they are born blind, compared to a child, are much more adapted to life - they begin to crawl immediately. Therefore, before giving birth, kittens ready to get out into the world move quite a lot.

By vigorously massaging the walls of the uterus, kittens stimulate the release of the hormone oxytocin from the pituitary gland, which triggers the biological mechanism of childbirth.

How cats give birth

1-2 days before giving birth, the cat’s behavior changes - sensing their approach, she begins to look for a dark, secluded and closed place where strangers will not be able to disturb her or the kittens. During this period, under the influence of hormones, the pelvis becomes more mobile, the abdominal muscles relax and it changes shape from round to pear-shaped.
A sign of imminent labor is the release of colostrum when the nipples are squeezed.

A pregnant cat usually eats often and happily, but before giving birth, she may completely refuse to eat, she may vomit and frequent stool. But more often than not, everything passes without such complications and the approaching exciting moment can only be known by the fact that her body temperature has dropped. IN in good condition body temperature is 38.5°C, immediately before birth it drops to 37.5-37.8°C.

Most cats are quite capable of giving birth to kittens on their own, even if for the first time. In this case, you can only sit nearby to be on the safe side. But just in case, it’s better to read the literature to help if something doesn’t go according to plan.

Human intervention and selection activities, of course, affect the appearance of cats different breeds, but pregnancy for all of them proceeds almost the same. There is no difference between how a purebred cat bears kittens and one born in the yard.


The only difference purebred cats What differs from ordinary domestic cats, as noted by veterinarians, is that they have estrus less frequently; their frequency, in addition, depends on the breed to which the cat belongs. The duration of estrus is on average 5 days and depends on individual characteristics animal. Since the owner of a purebred cat, which is protected from casual sexual relations, has the power to control its mating, the first date with the cat should be planned for 2-3 heats. At this age, the cat’s body is already fully formed and she is physically quite ready to become a mother and bear healthy and viable offspring.

Average duration pregnancy in purebred cats of different ages is 65 days and is directly dependent on how many kittens she is carrying. If there are more than 4 of them, labor may begin 1-2 days earlier; if a cat is carrying 1-2 kittens, it may take up to 70 days. In the event that childbirth has not occurred even after this period, you should definitely contact a veterinarian - this is already a pathology.

As a rule, conception occurs 24-26 hours after mating, so take this into account when calculating the gestational age. It is impossible to understand whether pregnancy has occurred in the first 2-3 weeks either by behavior or appearance cats, her eating habits do not change either. In rare cases, 10-11 days after mating, when the embryos are attached to the walls of the uterus, slight vomiting of foam and decreased appetite may be observed. Don't be alarmed - your cat has normal toxicosis.

After 3-4 weeks, young cats may experience pinking and swelling of the nipples, but older cats may not have these signs. By this time, the expectant mother has already developed an appetite, so the usual portion of food should be increased, but remember that it is not recommended to give fish during this period, since the substances contained in it destroy the B vitamins necessary for the formation of kittens. Include more dairy products, which are high in calcium, in her diet.

The cat's weight gain begins from the 5th week, when kittens begin a period of intensive growth. From now on, the cat eats a lot and sleeps a lot, and behaves calmly and peacefully. But by the end of the 9th week, she will begin to look for a place where she can safely give birth. This means that labor will begin in a couple of days. Take care of arranging such a place - a spacious box with sides 10-15 cm high or a special cat house will do. The most important thing is that the cat's maternity hospital is not located in a draft or on a passageway - it is best if it is a dark, heated corner.

Cat pregnancy

One of the most prolific cat breeds is the Siamese. Also siamese cats slightly different from regular cats in terms of duration. If an ordinary cat on full pregnancy requires a little more than nine weeks, namely 63-65 days, copes with this task in a shorter period, 59-61 days. Of course, it cannot be said that these terms are indisputable, but when determining the duration of pregnancy, one should start from them.

A cat's pregnancy should be counted from the day of fertilization of the egg, but this is not always possible, and therefore the first calendar day of mating usually begins the countdown.

External signs of pregnancy in a cat to determine the gestational age

From the first to the fourth week, it is very difficult to visually notice a cat’s pregnancy. But you can pay attention to a slight increase in the cat’s weight; vomiting after eating and slight lethargy in behavior are also sometimes possible; the cat becomes calm and unhurried. In the fifth week of pregnancy, you can visually notice what begins, if you gently stroke the cat’s tummy, you will feel small tubercles, these are grown future ones. You can also find that the nipples have become denser, pinker and clearly visible among the fur. When the sixth pregnancy begins, you will realize that your cat has become noticeably larger in a very short time, literally in 1-2 days.

In the seventh week, you will be able to visually and tactilely feel the movement of the kittens in the cat’s tummy. Also at this time, the cat will begin to study the space around her in detail in order to decide on the place where she wants to give birth. On last weeks During pregnancy, the cat will become completely inactive and aloof. If a little earlier you noticed that your cat’s nipples were swollen and pink, now the enlargement of the mammary glands is clearly visible. A few days before, the cat may notice small light or. A few hours before lambing, your cat will begin to lick her belly and genitals. Diarrhea or vomiting may also occur. The cat will begin to purposefully search for a convenient place to give birth. If at this moment you help her and offer her a comfortable bed, most likely she will choose it.

It should be noted that privacy is not always preferred during childbirth. There are precedents when a cat expects attention and support, the presence of the owner. Such tendencies can especially manifest themselves with the first litter.

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