Night blindness develops. Night blindness disease: causes, symptoms, treatment

With a decrease in visual acuity at dusk, a diagnosis of hemeralopia or night blindness is made. Weak lighting causes changes in visual perception. Moreover, not only the clarity of the image suffers, but also the color rendition. The disease got its name due to the fact that birds (with the exception of nocturnal predators) see almost nothing at night. night blindness develops with a lack of vitamin A and pathologies of the retina. The prognosis for this disorder is favorable, provided that treatment is started on time.

Etiology of the disease

What is night blindness? This is a specific ophthalmic disorder that can be independent disease or a symptom of others eye pathologies. The patient has spatial disorientation late in the day. Adaptation to poor lighting is minimal. Fields of vision are narrowed, the person feels blinded.

The disease night blindness usually worries the elderly. The exception is cases of congenital night blindness. It can be diagnosed in early age, and the causes of hemeralopia are called gene mutations.

Night blindness is caused by impaired retinal function. The production of rhodopsin, a specific pigment in visual rods, is reduced. Under the action of light, this substance disintegrates, and in the dark it is restored. Thanks to this reaction, people have the ability to adapt to lighting. With normal production of rhodopsin, the eye quickly adapts to any lighting conditions, with the exception of complete darkness.

The pigment is formed with a sufficient amount of vitamin A. That is, beriberi is one of the causes of visual impairment. A decrease in adaptive capacity is observed with zinc deficiency. Also, the disease develops with a lack of vitamin B2. Such hemeralopia is called essential. It is caused by other reasons:

  • malnutrition;
  • prolonged exposure to toxins in the body;
  • diseases of the liver and stomach;
  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the biliary tract.

Which vitamin deficiency causes night blindness? In addition to retinol and B vitamins, nicotinic acid is essential for the eyes. It participates in redox reactions and normalizes capillary circulation. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to hypoxia of eye tissues.

Symptomatic hemeralopia occurs with glaucoma, extreme myopia, optic nerve atrophy. Hemeralopia or night blindness may result from radiation burn or retinal detachment. cataract and age-related farsightedness also cause a decrease in twilight vision. To put accurate diagnosis should focus on symptoms and instrumental methods research.

Signs and Diagnosis

If the disease night blindness is congenital, then ophthalmoscopy allows you to determine the violations. In adults, the diagnosis can be made on the basis of symptoms. First dangerous sign is visual impairment in dark time days or in low light. Similar signs will help accompany false night blindness, which occurs during chickenpox, rubella, exacerbation of herpes, and in women during menopause.

Symptoms of night blindness in a person without concomitant ophthalmic ailments include:

  • painful reaction to light;
  • decrease in color perception;
  • the appearance of blurry spots in the field of view;
  • disorientation and inability to adapt to changing lighting conditions.

What does the affected eye look like with this pathology? Visible violations not observed, but electroretinography reveals a decrease in photoreceptor activity. Other symptoms of night blindness in humans are considered controversial. They may indicate cataracts or glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other disorders. Because without additional diagnostics not enough. So, they will be able to confirm the signs of night blindness:

  • fundus examination;
  • biomicroscopic examination;
  • checking visual acuity;
  • detection of visual fields by means of perimetry.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease are largely related, therefore, it is required to accurately determine the underlying disease and concomitant disorders. Differential Diagnosis allows you to compare with night blindness an eye cyst or asthenopia. Hemeralopia in the elderly is in many ways similar to presbyopia.

Therapeutic measures

Since night blindness develops with a lack of vitamin A, one of the methods of therapy is to take retinol acetate. Prolonged lack of retinol can cause irreversible changes retina, so it is important to start therapy on time. Due to the fact that night blindness develops with a lack of vitamin A, it is advisable to take more fats, which enhance its absorption. Retinol preparations for external use are also prescribed.

Treatment of hemeralopia consists in the correction of visual loads. Additionally appoint vitamin drops with moisturizing effect. Riboflavin solution improves tissue nutrition, normalizes the conduction of nerve impulses. Treatment of night blindness involves daily instillation of riboflavin in the morning and evening. The duration of therapy is determined by the ophthalmologist.

If night blindness develops with a lack of a vitamin, then the treatment will bear fruit. But congenital hemeralopia is more difficult to defeat. How to treat night blindness in this case? Recommended surgery. Hemeralopia or night blindness is eliminated by keratoplasty, lens replacement, laser keratomileusis. After the operation, vitamin and adaptogenic eye drops are prescribed. The recovery period depends on the age of the patient and concomitant diseases ophthalmic property.

Treatment of night blindness by methods traditional medicine only makes sense in the essential form. Phytotherapy can give tangible results.

Hemeralopia or night blindness is successfully treated with carrot juice. It has a high concentration of vitamin A. Drink half a glass of juice daily in the morning and evening. To increase digestibility, add a little vegetable oil.

For the treatment of night blindness, blueberries, bell peppers, and red grapes are also used. At least a glass of blueberries should be consumed daily to improve visual acuity and get rid of problems with twilight perception.

To cure night blindness allows a decoction of millet. Two liters of water are taken per glass of grains. Simmer on fire until completely softened. Strain and drink a third of a glass before each meal. Another effective means is an infusion of nettle. On a glass of boiling water take 2 tbsp. l. chopped herbs, bring to a boil and stand for at least 2 hours under the lid. Strain and drink a glass a day, divided into 2-3 doses. Hemeralopia or night blindness does not recede immediately, but after a few weeks of such therapy, improvements will be noticeable.


Let's turn to scientific explanation the formation of night blindness and immediately understand that nutritional correction and prophylactic intake of retinol will significantly improve the situation. The diet includes products containing ascorbic and nicotinic acids, B vitamins and retinol derivatives. It is useful to use fish oil, nuts, apricots, green salad. Rosehip broth will not hurt, which makes up for the deficiency ascorbic acid and stimulates blood circulation.

With existing visual impairments, you should be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist. If vitamin deficiency leads to a deterioration in twilight perception, then scheduled inspection will allow timely identification pathological changes. To the list mandatory procedures for the eyes also includes eye gymnastics, cold and hot shower, accommodation training. These procedures not only solve the problem of night blindness, but also strengthen the eye muscles and inhibit the development of concomitant ophthalmic ailments.

Night blindness is a popular designation for the pathology of vision, which in medicine is called hemeralopia or nyctalopia. The disease manifests itself in a significant deterioration in visual perception in low light environment. At the same time, a person's coordination is disturbed, the fields of vision are narrowed, and an incorrect perception of things in blue and yellow shades is noted.


Night blindness has specific reasons manifestations. Doctors have identified that the disease may have a congenital etiology, the causes of which have not been precisely determined. The main provoking factor is associated with a lack of vitamin A in the body.

Nyctalopia, another medical term for night blindness, is also a symptom various pathologies, which are based on damage to the retina:

  • high degree;
  • pigmented;
  • siderosis.

With a lack of vitamins A, PP, B2, a person also worsens visual perception. Certain ailments and indicators can provoke this condition:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • starvation;
  • or ;
  • liver disease;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • alcoholism;
  • depletion of the body;
  • certain medicines;
  • prolonged exposure to bright light.


Based on the etiology of the disease, clinicians determined that night blindness, as a disease, can manifest itself in three forms:

  • congenital - develops according to hereditary factor in childhood;
  • essential - night blindness is formed from a lack of vitamins and trace elements, with a violation of the structure of the retina;
  • symptomatic - progresses from concomitant ailments that affect the retina or optic nerve.

Also in medicine, another type of disease is distinguished, which is called false hemeralopia. It manifests itself in a minor violation visual function In the dark. The disease is provoked by severe overwork of the eyes. This type of disease does not require medical care, why the patient is enough to fully rest.


As a rule, night blindness occurs in people from vitamin deficiency. Therefore, it will not be difficult for the patient to cope with such an ailment. In order to recognize the disease in time, a person needs to monitor all changes in vision, especially during twilight.

Doctors identified the main symptoms in a person with night blindness:

  • gradual deterioration of visual perception;
  • the retina reacts poorly to a light source;
  • color perception deteriorates;
  • dark spots appear;
  • sensation foreign body;
  • loss of orientation in space.

If night blindness manifested itself in an adult, then Iskersky-Bito plaques may indicate the disease. They appear as spots on the conjunctiva of the eyes and are colored in a characteristic grey colour, and are also flush with the surface of the shell.

In case nyctalopia has developed due to a lack of vitamins, then the patient has slightly different symptoms. A person shows some of the above-mentioned changes, as well as the skin is dehydrated, the gums begin to bleed, and strongly compacted areas appear on the body. Night blindness manifests itself in characteristics, to which such symptoms are added - and keratomalacia. In a place where the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye has softened a little, the patient may experience erosion or an ulcer.

In childhood, anxiety is manifested with the onset of the dark time of the day.


A disease such as night blindness can only be established by a doctor. If a person has any of the above symptoms, then you should definitely contact an ophthalmologist. With the help of electroretinography and analysis of the anamnesis, the physician can establish correct diagnosis and determine the causes of eye anomalies.

also in diagnostic measures The patient may be referred for the following examinations:

  • perimetry - identification of the fields of the eye;
  • adaptometry - a test for the perception of a light source;
  • electrooculography - examination eye muscles and retinal surface during eye movement.


If a person is diagnosed with congenital hemeralopia, then its treatment is impossible. Other forms of the disease can be cured with medication and folk ways. In very rare and severe cases, doctors resort to surgical therapy.

The problems with the eyes of the essential type can be eliminated with the help of a diet. The patient is simply prescribed the use more vitamin A, as well as maintaining a correct and healthy daily routine. Diet therapy, which can be prescribed to the patient, is based on the use of such ingredients:

  • carrot;
  • egg yolk;
  • tomatoes;
  • cheese dairy product;
  • millet;
  • berries;
  • butter;
  • spinach;
  • beef liver.

Also, the patient should not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits. Doctors recommend eating more peaches, pumpkins, green peas, parsley and apricots. In addition to vitamin A, the body needs to be enriched with vitamin E. To do this, add nuts, seeds, potatoes and broccoli to the diet.

Drug treatment of night blindness consists in the use of vitamins and special drops to improve vision. Often, the drops contain vitamin complexes that have a positive effect on the retina.

Traditional medicine provides for the elimination of hemeralopia in the following ways:

  • drink fish oil three times a day;
  • take a rosehip decoction.

It is possible to treat the disease surgically only if hemeralopia manifested itself in a person in a symptomatic form. Often, surgery is prescribed for patients with glaucoma. Thanks to prompt assistance, the patient regains his former vision at any intensity of illumination.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Diabetes is such chronic illness, at which work is subject to defeat endocrine system. Diabetes mellitus, the symptoms of which are based on a prolonged increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood and on the processes accompanying an altered state of metabolism, develops, in particular, due to a lack of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, due to which the body regulates the processing of glucose in body tissues and in his cells.

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Night blindness in humans is an eye pathology in which there is a decrease in visual acuity in poor lighting conditions (at dusk, with weak artificial lighting etc.). Besides, given state characterized by narrowing of the visual fields and impaired perception of colors. In the medical literature, night blindness is called hemeralopia.

The mechanism of formation of hemeralopia

Retina healthy person consists of two types of cells - rods and cones. The rods provide black and white vision, and the cones provide color vision. The normal ratio of cones to rods is 18:1.

Rod cells are made up of a special visual pigment called rhodopsin.. Under the action of light, it disintegrates, and in the dark it is restored. During the recovery of rhodopsin, energy is released, which is converted into impulses and transferred to frontal lobes brain. Due to this reaction, the so-called twilight vision is provided. For a complete restoration of rhodopsin, it is necessary enough vitamin A.

With a lack of vitamin A or a violation of the ratio of rods and cones, night blindness develops.

Why is the disease called night blindness?

The fact is that the chicken retina is designed in such a way that it contains only cones. Thus, birds have good eyesight and distinguish colors. However, this is only possible in good lighting conditions. Chickens can hardly see in the dark.

Classification and causes

There are three types of night blindness:

In ophthalmology, there is such a thing as false night blindness.. It is characterized by a slight deterioration in vision in the dark and is caused by banal overwork of the eyes. False hemeralopia does not need drug treatment and goes away on its own after a good rest.

The following factors can provoke night blindness:

Night blindness symptoms

First of all, the symptoms of night blindness in humans are manifested by a decrease in vision in poor lighting. There may be discomfort associated with a feeling of dryness or a foreign body in the eye. At the same time, orientation in space is disturbed, especially with a sharp transition from a bright room to a dark one.

Evening vision of a healthy person and a person with night blindness:

Night blindness is accompanied by a narrowing of the visual fields and a violation of light perception. Most often, people have difficulty differentiating between blue and yellow.

Older people may develop Iskersky-Bito plaques. They are spots on the conjunctiva of the eyelids (back surface of the eyelids), which are gray in color and do not rise above the surface of the mucous membrane.

Let's look at the lack of which vitamin causes night blindness in humans:

Hemeralopia caused by a lack of vitamin A - then it is additionally accompanied by dryness skin, bleeding gums, the appearance of hyperkeratosis (areas of rough skin compaction). Specified symptoms often accompanied by itching and scratching on the skin. If there is an avitaminosis ( complete absence vitamin A), then a person develops keratomalacia - softening of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, in place of which erosion and ulcerative defects occur in the future.

Children suffering from night blindness are very often afraid of the dark and behave very restlessly when evening comes.


To make a diagnosis of "Hemeralopia", an ophthalmologist must conduct a series of examinations:

In some cases, the doctor can conduct a more detailed diagnosis using refractometry, electroretinography, as well as ultrasound scanning of the eyes.

Night blindness treatment

If night blindness is congenital, then, unfortunately, it is practically not amenable to correction.

For the treatment of acquired forms of night blindness, it is important to establish the root cause of the disease.. If it is associated with myopia or farsightedness, it is necessary to choose the right glasses or.

In some cases it is required surgical intervention(laser keratomileusis, scleroplasty, removal and replacement of the lens, keratoplasty). The choice of a particular type of intervention depends on individual indications.

Essential hemeralopia can be eliminated by normalizing the diet.

As for essential hemeralopia, night blindness caused by a lack of vitamin A, it can be eliminated by normalizing the diet.

Rich in vitamin A following products : cod liver, fresh carrots, spinach, butter, tomatoes, fatty cheese, dairy products, eggs, fresh herbs, blueberries, mountain ash, apricots, black currants, blackberries.

Ophthalmologists often prescribe vitamin preparations: nicotinic acid, riboflavin, vitamin A. The dosage is selected individually, depending on the severity of hemeralopia and general condition patient.

Forecast and prevention

As already mentioned, congenital night blindness is practically untreatable. More favorable prognosis in essential and symptomatic hemeralopia. However, they can also lead to vision loss. To judge an accurate prognosis, the doctor must carefully examine the patient and assess all risks.

Many people with night blindness develop a persistent fear of the dark.. This is especially true for children. Sometimes this is in the nature of a phobia, and sometimes it can develop into obsessive mental disorders.

Prevention of night blindness includes the following activities:

2474 03/08/2019 5 min.

Eye diseases and diseases associated with vision can befall a person at any time throughout life from birth. Some ailments are acquired in certain conditions, others are inherited. And in all situations, it is necessary to be aware of the possibilities of treatment, prevention and the consequences of inaction, especially when it comes to such common deviations as night blindness.

Disease Definition

In a medical way

As prescribed by the doctor, patients are required to take vitamins A and PP, as well as elements of group B. The dosage, as a rule, is set by the doctor. In some cases, it is possible to prescribe riboflavin - eye vitamin drops twice a day, one drop in each eye. Self-medication in the prevention and treatment of deviations is not recommended.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of any diseases (including eye diseases), they do not lose their popularity and folk methods. However, before using them, it is necessary to consult with doctors, especially if they act as an addition to the main ones, since perfect compatibility is also important. various means and drugs.

In addition to enriching the diet with fortified foods, you can drink one grain of mustard per day, gradually increasing the dosage to twenty pieces. It would be helpful to accept fish oil according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Comprehensive treatment can be supplemented by the regular use of infusions and decoctions of herbs:

  • From cornflower. 10 grams of grass must be poured into a glass hot water for 15 minutes and take a tablespoon three to four times a day before meals.
  • Medicinal collection. In equal proportions (one teaspoon each), lingonberry, viburnum, primrose, blackberry, lemon balm, raspberry and green mountaineer root are mixed and insisted in a third of a liter of boiling water for 1 hour. Take half a glass three times a day.


If visual impairment in the dark is not caused congenital pathologies, preventive measures can be taken. First of all, you need to monitor your diet and, if possible, check the level of vitamins in the body. It is recommended to wear high quality Sunglasses and refuse frequent use of solarium services. It is important to systematically visit an ophthalmologist, especially if there is a risk of hemeralopia. If a person has cataracts, glaucoma and other diseases of the organs of vision, it is necessary to start their treatment on time in order to prevent the development of complications in the form of night blindness.

To reduce the risks of any eye diseases and vision disorders, it is necessary to limit the use of electronic gadgets and not spend much time in front of a computer screen, especially in evening time days.

With hereditary night blindness, systematic observation by an ophthalmologist from birth is necessary. Prevention in this case is impossible, but the symptoms of the disease can be alleviated if all the recommendations of medical professionals are followed.



Hemeralopia or night blindness is a visual quality disorder that can cause a lot of trouble to the patient up to mental disorders. But at correct appointment and treatment, any discomfort associated with this deviation can be reduced, even if it is congenital. And prevention and care own health can save a person from the likelihood of acquiring an ailment.

Night blindness is a disease visual system, in which a person can see poorly only at twilight, at night, or in any low light. This name is of a folk character, in medicine it is listed as hemeralopia (Russian) or nyctalopia (Europe).

General information about the disease

Hemeralopia is considered the oldest disease that is directly related to the disruption of the retina and its optic nerve. This disease greatly complicates the life of people in the dark, and also creates poor orientation in a darkened space.

In daylight or in bright light, hemeralopia does not affect vision in any way, and a person can see the world clear and bright. But as soon as you turn off or dim the lights, visibility begins to deteriorate greatly.

The drawing for comparison shows how a person suffering from hemeralopia sees.

Most often, this disease manifests itself in women in the region of 50-55 years, who have a noticeable hormonal exacerbation. Men suffer from night blindness less often.

It is not difficult to determine hemeralopia. In a dark space, a person begins not only to see badly, it is difficult for him to determine the general outlines, the colors become incomprehensible and everything begins to merge with each other. Blue color it is not visible at all, only dark silhouettes can be distinguished.

What is night blindness (video)

In this video, the specialist tells everything about night blindness: why it bears this name, where it came from, what methods of treatment for this disease exist.

Types of night blindness and their characteristics

Given the causes of occurrence, hemeralopia is divided into several varieties:
  • symptomatic- occurs due to complications of other eye diseases that adversely affect the retina and optic nerve. It manifests itself against the background of glaucoma, myopia, siderosis and atrophy of the optic nerve.
  • congenital- manifests itself in childhood, can be transmitted through the genes. Sometimes it occurs due to genetic abnormalities or complications.
  • Essential- occurs in case of deficiency of vitamin PP, B2 and A. In this case, hemeralopia manifests itself due to a violation of the proper functioning of the retina. The reasons may be poor nutrition, strict diets, starvation, alcoholism, severe poisoning.
  • False- in fact, this is not hemeralopia, but a simple overwork of the eyes, due to which a person sometimes sees poorly in the dark. A long stay at the computer, reading books in poor light - all this will give a reaction to the retina, and it will become difficult to see in a darkened space. This is a temporary phenomenon that does not pose a danger to vision, but only if the eyes are given regular rest.


The main cause of night blindness is considered to be a malfunction of the cells of the retina, called "rods" - these are visual receptors that are responsible for vision in low light conditions. In addition to them, there are also "cones", which are responsible for visibility in brightly lit places.

With hemeralopia, the rods begin to function poorly, which is why twilight vision drops significantly. AT healthy eye the number of rods is many times greater than the number of cones. This is due to the constant presence of a person in dimly lit places, and even simple daylight cannot give the necessary bright lighting. So it is laid down by nature that the eyes perceive the twilight more familiar and softer.

So why do sticks lose their performance? The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be a violation of the production of rhodopsin or its partial decay. This happens due to a lack of vitamin A, which saturates the eyes with the necessary pigment.

The cause of congenital night blindness is genetic abnormalities that cannot be tracked or prevented during pregnancy. But this is not a sentence for a baby; with such a diagnosis, one can live quite fully.

In the case of symptomatic hemeralopia, the causes of the disease are complications or serious eye diseases that damage the retina.

How does night blindness occur (video)

In the presented video, Elena Malysheva talks in detail in her program about hemeralopia, its causes and methods for its effective treatment.


chief hallmark hemeralopia is good vision in daylight and bad at dusk. Light adaptation is also disturbed during a sharp transition from dark to light space, and vice versa. For example, if a person with night blindness from a darkened room enters an open bright space, then in the first minute it will be difficult for him to see the surroundings, glare, clouding and difficulty in focusing will appear in his eyes.

With hemeralopia in a darkened space, it is difficult to see colors. Red hues are mixed with blue, dark becomes light, and light becomes dark. In poor light, a person suffering from hemeralopia will not be able to read anything, even if the blackout is not strong. This will require ideally bright lighting, in which a person’s vision begins to work to the maximum.


Diagnosing this disease is not at all difficult, you can independently identify the first symptoms, and promptly seek help from an ophthalmologist to confirm the diagnosis of night blindness.

Studies conducted to detect hemeralopia:

  • perimetry;
  • refractometry;
  • examination of the fundus;
  • adaptometry.

Thanks to modern ophthalmological research, specialists can as soon as possible make a final diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.


Treatment of hemeralopia depends entirely on the type of its origin:
  • With congenital night blindness treatment is useless. To this day, experts are conducting a number of studies, and still cannot find effective method restoration of vision in congenital genetic eye disorders.
  • With symptomatic hemeralopia specialists are primarily engaged in the treatment of the disease, due to which this ailment began to develop.
  • With essential night blindness, the treatment procedure is carried out with synthetic vitamin complexes containing increased concentration vitamins A, PP and B2, and diet. This type hemeralopia is much more common than others and is easier to treat, but it takes a long time (on average 3-6 months).
During the treatment of night blindness, the patient must follow a number of recommendations that contribute to:
  • limit vision from bright light rays;
  • try not to abruptly enter a brightly lit room or, conversely, a very dark one;
  • Avoid car headlights.

Folk remedies

Treatment of hemeralopia with folk remedies involves regular use various herbs, natural preparations, decoctions of plants, berries and other products that contain vitamins A, PP and B2.

The most effective folk remedies in the fight against night blindness are:

  • Ripe sea buckthorn berries. It can be in the form of jam, compote or jam.
  • Blueberry. You can just eat it, make jam, compotes.
  • Carrot. Drink 2 glasses of freshly squeezed carrot juice daily.
  • Ripe grapes. Good to drink natural juice. You can sometimes use homemade grape wine (do not abuse it).
  • Take 1 tablespoon of fish oil daily with meals.
  • Eat beef liver once a week.
These are so simple folk remedies will help restore vision in night blindness, and will also serve as a prophylaxis against other diseases of the human visual system.


To avoid night blindness, you need to take care of your eyes:
  • do eye exercises daily;
  • with a heavy load on the eyes (reading, computer) every 1.5 hours to give the eyes a rest;
  • eat right and take extra