Belarusian eye vitamins with lutein. Vitamin eye drops: which ones are better?

For people who subject their eyes to constant stress, as well as those suffering from certain eye diseases, experts recommend taking vitamins in capsules/tablets, ampoules or drops. Thus, many pharmaceutical preparations contain the following vitamins:

  1. vitamin A (retinol) - its deficiency leads to decreased vision, as well as worse adaptation in the dark;
  2. vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - has a positive effect on the optic nerve, prevents age-related eye diseases;
  3. vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - protects the retina from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, also maintains eye health;
  4. vitamin B1 (thiamine) - participates in the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the organ of vision, helps normalize intraocular pressure;
  5. vitamin B3 (niacin) - improves blood circulation in the eye tissues;
  6. vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - relieves eye strain, improves metabolic processes in the eye tissues;
  7. vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol acetate) is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the aging of eye cells;
  8. Vitamin C - helps strengthen the walls of the eye vessels, reduces the risk of age-related eye diseases, and participates in the regeneration of eye cells.

The complex of vitamins for the eyes that were listed above are contained in eye drops and tablets. Get detailed information about the role of vitamins in maintaining eye health and what foods contain them maximum amount, you can follow the link.
No matter what unpleasant symptoms arise, it is important to seek help from a specialist. It would even seem minor symptoms may be signs of serious eye disease. It is important not to delay visiting your doctor if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts or varicose veins. It is also necessary to obtain prior consultation with a specialist before starting to use an ophthalmic drug if you suffer from allergic reactions, farsightedness, myopia, and your age exceeds 40 years.

Rating of vitamins for eyes

Further in the article we will talk about eye vitamins in tablets. You can read more detailed information about fortified eye drops in the article “ »
Separately worth noting . Such ophthalmic drugs are considered the most effective of eye drops presented on the market of our country. Eye drops from Japan contain a complex of vitamins and amino acids to maintain visual functions, both during periods of severe eye fatigue and with age-related changes in the eyes. Depending on the type of Japanese drops, they contain different vitamins and other active ingredients. Thus, many eye drops made in Japan contain vitamins A, E, B6, B5, B12, B2. Such ophthalmic preparations have an effect already at the first use, eliminating eye fatigue, various types of discomfort and irritation. They have also proven effective against redness, inflammation of the eyes, and constant visual stress. The cost of such drugs ranges from 500 rubles to 1900 rubles.

Below is a list of popular ophthalmic vision medications and their approximate cost. Only active components are listed in the composition.

"Lutein-Complex"- dietary supplement necessary to maintain visual functions and healthy eye condition during periods of high load on the visual organ, as well as when age-related changes eye. Compound: lutein (2 mg), standardized blueberry extract (130 mg), vitamin C (100 mg), natural vitamin E (15 mg), vitamin A (1100 mg), beta-carotene (1.3 mg), zinc (5 mg), copper (0.5 mg), selenium (15 mcg), taurine (mg). Tablets 0.5 g (30 pcs). Average cost - 250 rubles.

"Optics"- good vitamins for the eyes, which contain vitamins, minerals and plant carotenoids. The drug provides antioxidant protection to the retina, improves visual function (especially in the evening and at night), and also resists the progression of age-related changes in the eyes. Composition (1 tablet): copper (1 mg), beta-carotene (1.5 mg), ascorbic acid (225 mg), lutein (2.5 mg), zinc (5 mg), zeaxanthin (0.5 mg), tocopherol acetate (36 mg). Average cost - 380 rub.

"Doppelhertz Active for eyes with lutein and blueberries" contributes to improvement functional state eyes, improves nutrition of eye tissues. The components of the drug help maintain eye health, protecting them from the effects of free radicals, and reduce the risk of developing age-related eye diseases. Compound: zinc oxide (3 mg), lutein suspension (3 mg), vitamin A (400 mcg), bioflavonoid complex, blueberry fruit powder. Average cost - 400 rub.

"Strix Forte"- improves visual acuity, helps slow down age-related changes in eye tissue, eliminates visual fatigue, protects the retina, prevents the development of cataracts, strengthens the walls of the eye vessels. Compound: blueberry extract (102.61 mg), lutein (3 mg), vitamin A (400 mcg), vitamin E (5 mg), zinc (7.5 mg), selenium (25 mcg). Average price - 680 rub.

"Slezavit" recommended to prevent eye fatigue due to prolonged eye strain, to prevent visual impairment, age-related changes in the retina, to restore visual functions after operations on the visual organs. Compound: vitamin C - (60.0 mg), blueberry extract - (60.0 mg), vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) - (10.0 mg), lutein - (10.0 mg), zinc oxide - (10 .0 mg), vitamin B2 - (3.0 mg), vitamin B6 - 2.0 mg, vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg, zeaxanthin - 1.0 mg, vitamin A - 1.0 mg, copper sulfate - 1 .0 mg, chromium - 50.0 mcg, selenium - 25.0 mcg. Average cost - 680 rub.

"Vitrum Vision" - effective vitamins for the eyes, prescribed for heavy eye strain, myopia, impaired twilight vision, diabetic retinopathy, as well as for retinal lesions. Compound: betacarotene (1.5 mg), vitamin E (10 mg), vitamin C - (60 mg), vitamin B2 - (1.2 mg), vitamin P (25 mg), zinc oxide (5 mg), selenium (25 mcg), lutein (6 mg), zeaxanthin (500 mcg), blueberry extract (60 mg). Average price - 520 rub.

"Blueberry Forte"- thanks to the stimulation and regeneration of rhodopsin (visual pigment), the drug helps to improve visual acuity, and also increases the adaptation of the eyes in poor lighting. Promotes retinal renewal and also eliminates eye fatigue during prolonged eye strain. Improves blood supply to eye tissues, normalizes intraocular pressure, increases visual performance. Compound: blueberry extract (2.5 mg), vitamin C (12.5 mg), zinc lactate (18 mg), rutin (2.5 mg), vitamin B2 (0.5 mg), vitamin B6 (0.5 mg) , vitamin B1 (0.375 mg). Cost - from 138 rub.

"Focus Forte"- the components of the drug improve eye blood supply, promote eye restoration after prolonged stress, resist retinal dystrophy, and increase visual acuity (especially in poor lighting). The ophthalmic drug protects the retina from exposure to UV rays, prevents clouding of the lens, strengthens the walls of eye vessels, and has an antioxidant effect. Composition (1 tablet): beta-carotene (1.5 mg), zeaxanthin (0.4 mg), lutein (3 mg), vitamin A (0.4 mg), vitamin B 2 (1.44 mg), vitamin C (70 mg), vitamin E (10 mg), copper (0.5 mg), selenium (0.021 mg), zinc (9 mg). Average price - 450 rub.

"Mirtilene Forte" contains the main active ingredient - dry blueberry fruit extract 177 mg. Indicated for moderate and high myopia, muscular asthenopathy, retinal pigmentary degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, acquired hemeralopia, as well as for twilight adaptation disorders. Average price - 905 rub.

Vitamins "Aevit"- a drug containing vitamins A and E. The drug is indicated for changes in the retina of the eye, atherosclerotic vascular pathology. Taking the drug helps improve visual functions, especially adaptation in the twilight. Vitamin E, as an antioxidant, promotes rejuvenation of eye cells. The drug also serves to prevent retinal melting. Ingredients: vitamin A - 0.1 ml (100,000 mg), alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - 0.1 g. Cost - from 46 rubles.

"Star Eyebright"- an ophthalmic drug with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The components of the drug provide nutrition to the eye tissues, have a beneficial effect on visual acuity, and also show positive dynamics in reducing age-related disorders.
Compound: eyebright herb powder (96.46 mg), eyebright extract (37.74 mg), vitamin C (8.75 mg), zinc oxide (4.7 mg), rutin (4.5 mg), vitamin B2 (0. 45 mg), vitamin A (0.25 mg).
Average cost - 142 rubles.

"SuperOptic"- a complex of vitamins for the eyes, which is intended mainly for protection macular spot the retina and lens from damage, which is extremely important for maintaining visual acuity. The components of the drug protect the organ of vision from negative effects. environment, eliminate visual fatigue, increase eye adaptation to darkness, and also support the proper functioning of the visual apparatus. Using the drug will delay the aging process of visual tissues. Compound: fatty acid omega-3 - 280 mg; vitamin B3 (niacin) - 18 mg; vitamin C - 60 mg; zinc - 15 mg; lutein - 10 mg; vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) - 10 mg; manganese - 2 mg; vitamin B6 - 2 mg; vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 1.4 mg; vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg; vitamin A (retinol) - 800 mcg; copper - 1000 mcg; zeaxanthin - 500 mcg; vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 200 mcg; vitamin B12 - 1 mcg; Velen - 40 mcg. Average cost - 355 rub.

"Complivit Oftalmo"- effective vitamins for the eyes, which have a pronounced beneficial effect on long-term fatigue syndrome. The components of the drug improve the regeneration of eye tissues, maintain the elasticity of eye vessels, improve the functioning of visual system in general, and also provide healthy condition retina. The product protects the eyes from exposure to UV rays, increases the ability of the organ of vision to resist the negative effects of the environment, and also blue light, emitted from gadgets.
Compound: vitamin A - 1.00 mg, vitamin E - 15.00 mg, vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) - 5.00 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 2.00 mg, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 5.00 mg , vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 50.00 mg, folic acid - 400 mcg, rutoside (rutin) - 25.00 mg, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 3.00 mcg, lutein - 2.50 mg, zeaxanthin - 1 .00 mg, selenium (in the form of sodium selenite) - 25.00 mcg, copper (in the form of copper sulfate pentahydrate) - 1.00 mg, zinc (in the form of zinc oxide) - 5.00 mg.
Cost - from 288 rub.

Updated: 10/19/2018 15:14:41

Expert: Boris Kaganovich

A person receives more than 90% of information about the world around him through visual images. The human eye is both a receiver of electromagnetic radiation and a converter of it into electrochemical signals. Contrary to popular belief, the eyes do not analyze visual information, but only transmit it in the form of weak biological currents to the structures of the brain. The main analyzer of visual images is the occipital cortex. For the full functioning of the light-perceiving apparatus - the optical media of the eye and retina, it is necessary to have no diseases, and as late as possible the development of inevitable age-related changes: senile presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness.

Symptoms such as blurry outlines of objects, blurred vision in the dark, and rapid eye fatigue also occur with such serious concomitant diseases as diabetes, hypertonic disease, increased intracranial pressure. An additional provoking factor is increased visual stress, computer work and a lack of many eye vitamins.

There are 6 main essential vitamins that help normalize human visual function. These are alpha-tocopherol, or vitamin A, vitamin B2, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, D and F. This rating of drugs includes the most popular and effective vitamin products that are used in ophthalmology, and exist in the form of food supplements to improve vision and for correction of hypovitaminosis. The review begins with a popular group of eye vitamins containing lutein.

Rating of the best vitamins for eyes

Nomination place Name of product price
The best eye vitamins with lutein 1 490 ₽
2 965 RUR
3 407 ₽
4 1 110 ₽
The best vitamins for eyes for myopia and farsightedness 1 689 RUR
2 329 RUR
3 223 ₽
The best vitamins for eyes in drops 1 467 RUR
2 314 ₽
3 579 RUR
4 170 ₽
The best children's vitamins for eyes 1 318 ₽
2 443 RUR
3 125 RUR

The best eye vitamins with lutein

Lutein - product plant origin, and occurs naturally in many higher plants. Its molecule easily penetrates cell membranes because it is lipophilic, and double bonds between atoms explain its ability to resist oxidative tissue stress.

The tissues of the eye, especially the macula, contain more than 70% of the total supply of lutein in the human eye. The role of lutein is very important, especially in reducing color disorders and maintaining visual acuity. Lutein also has the ability to reduce lipid peroxidation, leading to inevitable aging of eye tissue. Currently, a sufficient number of products are produced to improve visual acuity, containing lutein both as the main component and as part of eye vitamin complexes. Let's consider the main assets of this series.

Lutein complex received its “complex” name because in addition to lutein, it contains 3 essential eye vitamins, such as A, E and ascorbic acid, microelements such as copper, zinc, and selenium, an energy donor for eye tissues - taurine, beta -carotene and anthocyanins. The use of one tablet of the drug per day allows you to satisfy the copper intake norm by 100%, lutein by 80%, and vitamin A by 82%. Lutein itself is contained in one tablet in the amount of 4 mg.

The use of this dietary supplement Lutein-complex is indicated as a prophylaxis for people with increased visual stress on the eyes (this includes office employees) and people in the ultraviolet radiation zone. These are welders, lighting workers, mountain tourists; the Lutein complex is also indicated for myopia.

This remedy is used orally, with meals, the course of treatment is 1 month, and it is recommended to take 1 to 2 tablets per day. Lutein-complex is produced by the domestic company VneshtorgFarma, and a pack of 30 tablets, designed for an average monthly course, can be purchased at prices in the fall of 2018 in pharmacies in large Russian cities at prices ranging from 280 to 440 rubles. The average cost will be about 370 rubles per package.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lutein complex is always well tolerated, and its effect is best revealed when used for preventive purposes, against the background of a normally functioning visual apparatus. Lutein complex helps well with eye fatigue syndrome. But if a person has a serious and progressive pathology of the visual organs, then this complex alone will not cope, but it can be used in complex therapy, in combination with ophthalmic, eye medications. Therefore, if you experience visual complaints, you must first visit an ophthalmologist and rule out possible diseases, and only then routinely use eye medications.

The manufacturer positions this eye product as a dietary supplement, a source of plant carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, and fat-soluble eye vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid, selenium and zinc. These pills orange color, the active substance is combined in the form of microcapsules, and the active components are released from the capsules gradually, this process is called delayed release. In order to achieve this, carotenoids and eye vitamins are adsorbed on a special matrix based on silicon dioxide. Slow release is characteristic of many modern drugs, which must act in the body for a long time and constantly, so that there is no change in the concentration of the substance in the blood from one dose to another.

One tablet of Okuwait Lutein Forte contains 6 mg of lutein, which is on average 120% of the recommended daily requirement. Other components cover the need from 50 to 80%. It is necessary to take this drug, which contains large doses of lutein, primarily in case of pathological changes in the fundus of the eye, when it comes to degeneration of the macula (or macula) and the posterior pole of the eyeball. Therefore, before using this product with a high lutein content on your own, you must first consult with an ophthalmologist. Okuwait Lutein Forte is not cheap, so one package, designed for a monthly course of use, costs, on average, 921 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since Okuwait Lutein Forte is prescribed by an ophthalmologist, this biologically active supplement has its contraindications. This is pregnancy and period breastfeeding, since these categories of patients were not carried out necessary research, and this should be noted in the documentation. General contraindications will be individual intolerance to individual structural components or allergic reactions. In some cases, ophthalmologists prescribe this drug as a preventative measure, especially for office workers with intense visual stress. When taken, vision improves, and in combination with medications such as moisturizing eye drops or artificial tears, stress is tolerated much more easily, and the symptoms of “red”, “tired” and “dry” eyes disappear.

Doppelhertz Eye Active with lutein and blueberries is, according to the manufacturer, the main basic complex for improving the trophism of the eyeball. Each capsule contains blueberry powder, lutein in suspension, zinc oxide, eye vitamin A and lemon fruit bioflavonoids containing hesperedin, which improves microcirculation and venous outflow.

Unlike Okuvayt Lutein Forte, this product does not fully compensate for the body’s daily needs. So, lutein is only 12%, vitamin A is 40%, and zinc is 20% of the daily requirement. After all, when using dietary supplements, the patient also eats, and food will always be the main source of funds, including for the eyes. That's why the best way will use this drug for prevention, and not use it to correct already expressed disorders. Adult patients are recommended to take one capsule once a day for one or two months. This complex is produced by the German company Queisser Pharma; 1 package of 30 capsules costs an average of 425 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The insignificant content of microelements and antioxidant components may be the reason for the patient’s disappointment with the drug if he independently buys a dietary supplement at the pharmacy when intense eye complaints have already begun.

Typical condition: after two to three weeks of fatigue and redness of the eyes, they try to cope with unpleasant symptoms with this remedy, and after this does not happen, the drug is considered to be of poor quality. In fact, it was necessary to take this complex long before unpleasant symptoms appeared, and then it would have prevented their appearance, or would have made them less pronounced. These are the goals and objectives of the complex. Using it for treatment, especially as monotherapy, is no longer effective. Taking into account the large range of drugs from Queisser Pharma for the treatment of ophthalmological disorders, there are special vitamin supplements that are used in combination with medications prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Vitrum Vision (Vision) is considered a typical representative of eye vitamins intended to improve vision and preserve the functions of the structure of the anterior chamber of the eye, light-conducting media and the retina. These tablets contain a specially selected set consisting of ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, as well as 2 microelements that are actively involved in maintaining normal visual functions: copper and zinc.

This complex serves to replenish physiological deficits in the presence of significant visual stress, and is more indicated for prevention. This eye complex should be used in people working in low light conditions, in old age, when there is a risk of cataracts, in the presence of diabetes mellitus, and in other cases. One of the indications for use will be constant visual stress using personal computers. Vitrum Vision is used in adults and children over 12 years of age, one tablet twice a day. The manufacturer recommends not to exceed the dosage of two tablets; Vitrum is produced by the American company Unipharm, and one package containing 30 tablets for a two-week course costs 800 rubles in pharmacies.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of this eye complex for Russian citizens may be its high cost. It turns out that the monthly course of use is 1,600 rubles, or this is not for a medicine that will lead to a cure, or at least an improvement, but for a vitamin preparation. On the other hand, the components in Vitrum Vision are selected in a balanced manner, the quality of imported substances is high, the tolerability of this drug is good, and it is truly capable of preventing many disorders of visual function.

The best vitamins for eyes for myopia and farsightedness

Both myopia and farsightedness refer to anomalies of refraction, or refraction of rays. Here, the sharp image is focused not where it is needed, not on the surface of the retina, but in front of or behind it. Therefore, a person sees objects unclear or blurry. This is primarily to blame for the lens, which changes its curvature in a pathological manner. In some cases, the eyeball itself is to blame, as it changes its length in the anteroposterior direction. Almost always in old age, so-called presbyopia occurs, or age-related farsightedness. In this case, the muscles of the lens will be weakened, and its curvature will decrease.

Typically, glasses, contact lenses, special exercise equipment, or refractive surgery methods are used to correct these anomalies. Despite the fact that vitamin-mineral complexes cannot cure myopia or farsightedness on their own, they can help improve the nutrition of eye tissue, and in combination with other drugs, normalize intraocular pressure and lens function. They are especially indicated together with a complex of therapeutic exercises for the eye muscles. The rating includes the most popular and effective means.

Strix Forte is classified as a regenerant and a means of restoring trophism ocular apparatus, and it contains beta-carotene, dry extract of blueberries, in combination, 12 and 82.4 g, respectively, in one tablet. Besides these active substances it contains ascorbic acid, vitamin E, selenium, beta-carotene and zinc, as well as lutein in the composition of 3 mg per tablet.

This remedy strengthens the vascular wall of the eye apparatus, reduces signs of visual fatigue, and slows down age-related changes in tissues visual organ, which include age-related farsightedness. Strix Forte is indicated for the initial stages of glaucoma, for night blindness, for degeneration of the macula and tissues of the posterior pole of the eyeball. In complex therapy, it is indicated for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy in patients with a long history of diabetes mellitus.

Strix Forte is also used as a preventive measure when prolonged visual stress is possible. In adults, the drug is used from 1 to 2 tablets per day, with meals, for 1 to 3 months, but it is advisable not to exceed a daily dose of two tablets. This vitamin complex is produced by the Danish company Ferrosan, and you can purchase one package of 30 tablets at an average cost of 861 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this complex is its flexible dosage: in addition to Strix Forte, there is also a children's vitamin complex Strix Kids, as well as simply Strix, which does not contain lutein. The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and in case of individual intolerance, only rare and minor allergic reactions are possible. The tolerability of this drug is good, the quality of the original starting substances is high, reviews from practicing ophthalmologists and people with increased visual stress are good.

The only thing you should not do is try to treat progressive refractive errors for a long time with a vitamin preparation alone, without contacting an ophthalmologist. In this case, you will be disappointed because you will be using the drug for reasons other than its current indications.

Eye product Superoptik is a complete vitamin complex, which contains, in addition to the already known lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamins and microelements such as zinc, selenium and copper, additionally manganese, B vitamins that stimulate the work nerve tissue, as well as Omega-3 unsaturated acids and original amino acid composition.

The product is indicated by the manufacturer for use by persons over 40 years of age, as well as in older at a young age when the eye is exposed to adverse external factors, such as prolonged driving, reading, or working with a computer. The drug is convenient to use, since the optimal dosage is one capsule per day with meals. The manufacturer recommends not to exceed the daily dose, and does not regulate the duration of the course of treatment, but on average, as usual, it is about 1 - 2 months. This drug is produced by the Polish company Medana Pharma, and you can purchase one package for a monthly course of 30 capsules for an average price of 455 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Superoptik is its rich and balanced composition. It compares favorably with the above representatives of vitamins and microelements for the eyes by the presence in its composition of manganese, B vitamins, amino acids, and others active ingredients. The drug is convenient to use since only one capsule per day is required. Against this background, its price does not seem particularly high, and the minimum price at which you can purchase this product is 330 rubles.

According to ophthalmologists, with the timely use of Superoptics in courses for preventive purposes, the period of onset of presbyopia increases, and the treatment of myopia and farsightedness through surgery with the use of these capsules causes a shortening of the recovery period of the visual apparatus.

Biorhythm Vision 24 hours day/night

The drug Biorhythm vision 24 day/night is one of the domestic products ophthalmic agents, produced by JSC Evalar. This is a standard eye vitamin supplement that has all the same active ingredients as the products listed above. These are zeaxanthin, vitamins, zinc, lutein and anthocyanins. The composition also contains B vitamins, vitamin PP, magnesium, and plant glycosides, which distinguishes the product from its analogues.

Biorhythm Vision is produced in the form of two tablets of different colors, blue and pink. The pink pill should be taken in the morning, and the blue pill should be taken at night. The tablets are packaged in a blister of 16 pieces, and one package contains 32 tablets. This dosage regimen, according to the manufacturers, promotes a more active supply of the necessary ingredients, both during the waking phase and during the sleep phase, when the eye is resting. The drug is indicated for both the prevention and treatment of various eye diseases and disorders, and is prescribed to adults and children over 14 years of age. The interval between tablets should be 10-12 hours, and the course of administration is on average one month. You can purchase one package at an average price of 253 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this drug include an original method of use, which is consistent with the data of the physiology of the body and the visual analyzer, as well as a low price. Negative points include contraindications to taking this drug during pregnancy, lactation, and in children under 14 years of age. Also, some inconvenience may be the need to use multi-colored tablets, and it is not always convenient to do this twice a day.

The best vitamins for eyes in drops

The human eye is one of those organs in which local administration of various medicinal substances is indicated. Therefore, drops for the treatment of various eye diseases are very common. These are mydriatics that dilate the pupil, drugs for constricting the pupil, artificial tears, drugs for the treatment of glaucoma. Various eye vitamins are also often available in liquid form for topical use, in drops. This is convenient, allows you to avoid the passage of drugs through the portal vein and liver, and allows you to use these drugs for various diseases gastrointestinal tract, in which the use of capsules is contraindicated.

The only thing to remember is that vitamins in their pure form are very rarely used in eye drops. This is the name for products that are not vitamins, but help improve the regeneration of eyeball tissue and improve the properties of the cornea. They are called “vitamin drops.” Let’s look at the most effective and modern eye vitamin drops included in the rating.

A typical representative of such vitamin eye drops, which do not actually contain vitamins, is the popular ophthalmic drug Systane Ultra Plus. It consists of several active components - hydroxypropyl guar and hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is included in the composition in the form of sodium hyaluronate.

The product is indicated to reduce dry eyes, relieve burning and irritation. It can be shown against the background of wearing various contact lenses, and helps eliminate the sensation in the eye foreign body, tingling, side effects of cosmetics, as well as discomfort caused by constant exposure to a computer screen. The combination of hyaluronic acid and hydroxypropyl guar helps to form a liquid gel-like lubricant on the surface of the eye that does not dry out for a long time. At the same time, this product is more deeply moisturizing and long-lastingly protecting the eyes than drops containing hyaluronic acid alone.

Systane is used one to two drops in each eye, if necessary. The manufacturer recommends using it as often as necessary to make the eye feel better, and the product is not addictive. Systane Ultra Plus is produced by the American laboratory Alcan, and the cost of one 10 ml bottle, which contains about 100 drops in pharmacies, is about 535 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The great advantage of these drops, as with many eye drops in general, is their extremely fast action. You should not wait several days or weeks, as is the case with taking vitamins orally for relief. The drug is packaged in a special sterile plastic container, and the only limitation to its use is individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid, as well as the service life of an open bottle for more than 3 months.

Taufon eye product is considered a patented drug containing Taurine. It is sold in many concentrations and packages, but the most commonly used eye drops volume of 10 ml at a dosage of 4% taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that contains sulfur and is a product of the body's metabolism of cysteine. Its properties are known to stimulate the repair of various tissues, improve energy metabolism, inhibit the processes of dystrophy and help normalize the function of cell membranes.

The drug Taufon is indicated in ophthalmological practice for various degenerative processes occurring in the cornea: these are various cataracts, such as traumatic, senile or caused by intense radiation, it is also prescribed in complex therapy various injuries eyes, especially the cornea. Taufon should be used one to two drops of solution up to 4 times a day for a three-month course. This method of use is indicated for chronic processes, for example, cataracts. Concerning random diseases, for example, injuries, then a month’s course is enough. Taufon is produced by the Moscow Endocrine Plant, and it is one of the most affordable eye vitamins in our rating. The average cost of one 10 ml package is 119 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Taufon is its proven effect on the structures of the eye, but the disadvantage is the need for a preliminary visit to an ophthalmologist, since the drug is not used for “pure” prevention. Still, he is remedy. In addition, taurine is not considered, strictly speaking, a vitamin, it is an amino acid, and therefore these drops can be called vitamin drops with a stretch. But at the same time, its help in eliminating various dystrophic disorders of the cornea and other structures of the eyeball is truly effective and proven.

Visomitin drops are a monocomponent drug. It contains only one active ingredient with an unpronounceable name - plastoqbromide.

Despite the complexity of this chemical name, it has a vitamin-like and antioxidant effect, and is a keratoprotector, that is, a means that improves the structure of the epithelium of eye tissue. This substance improves tear production, promotes the healing of various ulcerations on the surface of the cornea, and also improves the stability and lifetime of the thin tear film on the surface of the eye. Experts know that the tear film is the first and very important protective factor of eye tissues from ultraviolet rays, which neutralizes them.

Therefore, Visomitin is indicated for various manifestations of dry eye, for initial stage development of age-related cataracts and when in an area of ​​intense ultraviolet radiation, for example when working with electric welding. Visomitin is used by instilling 1 to 2 drops of the product into the conjunctiva three times a day. For cataracts, the course of treatment lasts up to 6 months, and for dry eye syndrome - as long as needed. Visomitin drops are produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company JSC Framon, and the cost of one 5 ml bottle containing 50 drops is quite high, about 600 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big advantage of Visomitin is its high efficiency and stability of the tear film, which may be the reason for its high price. Visomitin does not affect vision, can be used by drivers, and does not cause overdose. If necessary, then 5 minutes after using other eye drops you can already use Visomitin. After instillation, there may be a short-term stinging and burning sensation in the eye, but they pass very quickly. The only drawback will be the need to refuse treatment during pregnancy and lactation.

The story about liquid vitamin-like eye drops would be incomplete if we did not talk about one popular product that is currently being actively promoted in the domestic market: Emoxipin. The active ingredient is “eye” methylethylpyridinol. It belongs to the group of antiplatelet agents, prevents thrombosis, is considered a vascular protector, or an angioprotector that improves microcirculation in the capillaries. Emoxipin also exhibits antihypoxic and antioxidant activity. It is able to protect the retina of our eyes from bright light, helps resolve intraocular hemorrhages, and increases the resistance of eye tissue to hypoxia and ischemia.

It is indicated for various hemorrhages inside the eyes, for diabetic retinopathy, for such serious diseases as thrombosis of the central retinal vein, glaucoma.

For preventive purposes, it is used when exposed to the eye. sun rays, in ophthalmology - when protecting eye tissue during operations using laser radiation. It is used by instilling 1 - 3 drops once a day into the conjunctiva for a month.

Emoxipin is produced by the domestic Moscow Endocrine Plant and sold by Enzyme LLC. Eye drops with a concentration of 1%, packaged in a 5 ml bottle, can be purchased at an average price of 265 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the greatest advantage of Emoxipin is the unconditional and good acquaintance of domestic ophthalmologists with it, and it can be considered one of those drugs for which there is evidence base, and are produced Scientific research. In this sense, it has gone far ahead of general vitamin complexes, for which, as a rule, such studies are carried out only for formal introduction to the pharmaceutical market. This drug can also be used in childhood, the only contraindication is pregnancy and individual hypersensitivity.

The best children's vitamins for eyes

To conclude the rating of eye vitamins, it is necessary to briefly describe the products for children. Most often, these are the same vitamin and mineral complexes that are used by adults, but only adapted to the needs of children. In some cases, they have special indications, but most often they are produced for preventive use, and not in drops, but in regular capsules. Let's look at the most popular eye medications taken in childhood, which are sold in domestic pharmacies.

Children's Lutein complex is a modified version of the same product for adults, and also contains 3 essential vitamins, zinc, lutein, anthocyanins, zeaxanthin, and additionally contains lycopene. It is indicated for children from 7 to 11 years old and children over 11 years old; from 16 years old you can take the drug for adults. These tablets also contain blueberry fruit extract, and according to the manufacturer, all components protect the visual apparatus, while reducing the risk of developing eye diseases in children. During the development of the child, they help improve the functional state of the visual apparatus. Children of primary and secondary school age, from 7 to 11 years old, are advised to take one tablet per day, and children over 11 years old - two tablets. The duration of the course is one month. The drug is produced by VneshtorgPharma, and the cost of one package of the drug is 377 rubles for a monthly course.

Advantages and disadvantages

A certain disadvantage of this product is its largely unproven effectiveness, but this is typical for the entire vitamin market. It is completely unknown what is hidden under the vague formulation “all components protect the visual apparatus.” It is necessary to determine exactly which indicators are improving, randomized and expensive studies containing a control group of children are needed, and all this, of course, is expensive. But as long as vitamins are sold in large volumes and the risk of contraindications to their use is small, then this is beneficial to manufacturers. Actually, there is nothing wrong with this complex; you just shouldn’t use general phrases about the effectiveness of this product.

This eye vitamin and microelement complex for children is produced by order of the Pharmstandard company, the German company Amapharm. This dietary supplement consists of ingredients such as Omega 3 unsaturated acids, choline, ascorbic acid, niacin, and other B vitamins. Chewable lozenges look quite attractive, in the form of small red dolphins. One of the active components is polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help normalize the function of cell membranes developing organism, and this component will be very important for the normal functioning of nervous tissue, optic nerves and the retina. Choline is a structural component of lecithin, which also supports the functioning of nervous system on a physiological level.

Univit Kids Omega 3 with choline is indicated for prevention during high visual loads at school and while studying in preschool institutions, and is intended for children from 3 to 14 years old. It is recommended to take this vitamin preparation one lozenge once a day, with meals. The cost of a package of thirty lozenges for monthly intake averages 450 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this product will be its good compliance, that is, ease of administration: the need to take 1 dose every day, as well as its attractive appearance for children. The lipophilic orientation of this complex is also important, since the combination of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids with lecithin will be physiologically more active than their inclusion alone. The tolerance of this complex is good, but the pleasure with which small children take these dolphins sometimes makes them hide them. You especially need to keep an eye on three-year-old children, who do not understand why they are limited to just one beautiful and tasty candy a day, if it is also healthy. Therefore, if there is a baby in the family, then Univit Kids must be put away in the medicine cabinet “out of harm’s way.”

This domestic eye multivitamin complex for children from the age of three is the only liquid dosage form that is included in this rating of eye vitamins in the form of syrup. It includes such essential substances as vitamins a, e, D3, vitamin K1, ascorbic acid, and blueberry infusion. As is known, blueberry anthocyanins improve the functional state of the visual apparatus, due to the bioflavonoids included in their composition, and increase the body's defenses.

It is necessary to take this remedy both for prevention and in complex therapy in pediatric ophthalmology, 2 teaspoons per day for children from 3 to 7 years old; children after 7 years can be given three teaspoons. Individual course duration, but on average it ranges from 1 to 2 months. This syrup is produced by the domestic company Bioinventika; 1 bottle of 100 ml can be bought at a pharmacy for 140 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this vitamin complex for the eyes is its original look and an unusual dark color, pleasant taste, children swallow it with pleasure. In addition to standard vitamins for the eyes, it also contains vitamin D 3, which is essential for mineral and bone metabolism, which is very rare in vitamin complexes for improving visual function. The cost of this syrup is low, and, perhaps, the only contraindications would be diathesis and diabetes, since the product contains sugar, and an individual allergic reaction to blueberries.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

As trivial as it may seem, we receive 90% of all information about the surrounding reality through vision. Any disturbances in the functioning of this sense and eyes deprive us of the most valuable thing - information.

In caring for vision, the primary role should be given to eye nutrition, that is, vitamins and microelements. It’s worth figuring out exactly how and where to get them.

Why and who needs vitamins to improve vision

Everyone, but first of all, it is important to take them to everyone who is at risk for vision.

These include:

  • People who constantly work at the computer.
  • Suffering from various visual impairments (astigmatism, myopia, glaucoma, farsightedness, cataracts, etc.)
  • IN mature age, especially if the visual load is high.
  • Suffering from diabetes mellitus (this disease affects the veins and arteries of the fundus of the eye).
  • Patients with varicose veins (vision problems are often caused by stagnation of blood in the veins that are in the fundus of the eye).
  • Children, especially elementary school students, because the load on the eyes at school increases greatly and does not correspond to the development of vision at this age.

It is best to take vitamin supplements in spring and autumn, when vitamin hunger becomes especially acute.

What vitamins do the eyes need: beneficial and side effects

Our eyes need two types of vitamins - fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Fat-soluble ones include:

Retinol (vitamin a). One of the components of the visual pigment rhodopsin, this vitamin plays a huge role in the visual process. This pigment is consumed when a light-sensitive cell (i.e. rod) is excited. That is why if there is not enough rhodopsin, this leads to a decrease in visual functions, for example, adaptation to darkness and decreased immunity, and this is fraught with barley and conjunctivitis.

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol– needed for the transfer and absorption of calcium necessary for muscle contraction. A lack of calciferol leads to myopia.

Vitamin E, also called tocopherol– necessary for stabilizing cell membranes; its antioxidant properties are widely known, thanks to which eye tissues are protected from harmful effects bright light and ultraviolet radiation.

Water-soluble include:

Thiamine (vitamin B): needed for the transmission of nerve impulses in the optic nerves. It also promotes the formation of the enzyme cholinesterase, which reduces intraocular pressure. Without this enzyme, visual acuity decreases, intraocular pressure increases (this is the cause of glaucoma)

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)- also contains a visual pigment that protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation. A lack of this vitamin also leads to poor vision.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3): facilitates the course of glaucoma, and also regulates higher nervous activity and improves blood circulation in the eye.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6): relieves inflammation optic nerve and eye strain.

Cyanocobalamin (B12): has a positive effect on the optic nerve and its condition, prevents glaucoma. Saves from “aging eyes”

Vitamin C: needed for the blood vessels of the eyes, or rather to strengthen them.

Lutein. Refers to carotenoids. Among him unique properties resistance to light can be noted. Accumulating in the retina of the eye, it is able to create a light filter that protects the pigment epithelium from light rays, or rather, their harmful effects.

Lutein is also needed to inhibit free radicals in the pigment layer of the retina.

Also to the human eye elements such as zinc, selenium and copper are needed.

List of eye vitamins

Eye vitamins are produced in the form of drops and syrups, but most often they are produced in the form of tablets. Vitamin preparations There are a lot of products for the eyes, but you can stop at the well-known and effective ones.

Dietary supplement with carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, copper, zinc, fish oil, vitamin E (more precisely alpha tocopherol acetate), EPA and DHA, etc.

It is prescribed for people who spend a lot of time at the computer, for older people to preserve and improve the health of their eyes, for dry eyes, after operations on the visual organs, to restore normal functioning of the retina after conjunctivitis, etc.

A drug based on blueberry extract. It also contains beta-carotene concentrate, lyophilized blueberry juice and excipients.

It also contains beta carotene, zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins (E and C), etc. Prescribed for visual fatigue, age-related changes in the retina, for the treatment of myopia, primary glaucoma, for visual impairment associated with diabetes, after operations etc.

Adults, as well as adolescents over 14 years of age, are prescribed up to six tablets per day. Take with food.

Among side effects Only allergies are noted with individual intolerance.

A drug with an antioxidant effect, which includes vitamins C and E, lutein, zinc, zeaxanthin and selenium.

Okuwait lutein forte improves the functional state of the visual organs and improves metabolic processes in them.

This is a dietary supplement for those who suffer dystrophic diseases retina, myopia, cataracts, twilight vision disorders and age-related changes in the tissues of the eye.


This medicine is homeopathic. It is based on blueberry extract.

Also included are eyebright, gelsemium and black cohosh. Available in the form of syrup. This is a drug with an antioxidant effect, which is prescribed both during constant eye strain and to improve the condition of the retina.

Take Mitrikam twice a day, one teaspoon.

The drug contains vitamins E, a and C, rutin, folic acid, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin.

Assigned as prophylactic for fatigue of the organs of vision, with age-related changes, for the prevention of cataracts.

Among the side effects, allergies are sometimes observed.

Antioxidant drug. It contains blueberry anthocyanins, as well as red grape proanthocyanidins and black currant anthocyanins.

Prescribed for glaucoma, cataracts, increased load on the eyes, as well as for diabetic visual impairment.

Take two tablets with food.

Contains lutein, blueberry extract, zeaxanthin, vitamins (C, B2, E, a), selenium, zinc and rutin.

Prescribed for visual impairment associated with diabetes, visual fatigue, myopia, after surgery, and for visual impairment in the dark.

Nutraceutical, which includes fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, red grape extract, etc.

Strengthens the vessels of the retina, protects it from free radicals, or rather, their negative effects.

This bioactive supplement contains: blueberry extract, lutein, zinc oxide, B vitamins.

The drug saves the eyes from fatigue, strengthens the capillaries, and nourishes the eyes with essential substances.

This complex includes substances such as lutein from the petals of marigold flowers, blueberry extract, macro- and microelements vitamins, as well as taurine.

Prescribed as a source of substances necessary to improve the functional condition of the eyes.

Instructions for use, price and reviews of vitamins:

Pro-Visio is an ophthalmic dietary vitamin supplement to improve vision.

It contains natural ingredients, helping to relieve fatigue and irritation of the mucous membrane.

The drug strengthens the eye capillaries and makes it possible to better navigate in the dark. Approved for use by patients with diabetes.

This food supplement helps reduce the likelihood of age-related changes in the eyes and maintain their function under adverse influences. Pro-visio is not medicine and does not replace medications.

The lack of certain vitamins in the body provokes the occurrence of visual dysfunctions and diseases.

Lifestyle also has a detrimental effect on vision: working at a computer, insufficient or, on the contrary, too bright lighting, environmental factors also do not promote eye health.

Periodic intake of eye vitamins helps reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Corrective eye complex "Focus" replenishes the daily need for vitamins, is an excellent prevention of eye diseases, and helps improve vision. The composition was developed by specialists from the Institute of Eye Diseases named after. G. Helmholtz. You can read reviews about the drug Focus at the end of the article.

Vision is a process that plays a major role in human life.

With its help, we receive information about the objects around us, for example, the color of an object.

Sometimes vision can even save our lives. If for some reason it begins to decrease, the doctor may prescribe vitamins.

One of popular vitamins are Glazorol. They are actively used in ophthalmology. Glazarol has a therapeutic effect on cellular level. This allows you to prevent any complications associated with visual impairment.

In addition, the drug Glazorol helps prevent eye fatigue while maintaining visual acuity. How to take it correctly this medicine? We'll look at it later in the article.

Attention! You can find a large number of reviews on various online forums. general review presented at the end.

The eyes are an organ that we use throughout our lives. We all know that we receive about 90% of information through these organs.

But nevertheless, as a rule, deterioration of vision does not cause a person great concern, because... they take it for granted.

At the same time, if you take the necessary medications in a timely manner, it is possible to stop the process, and sometimes completely restore visual acuity.

When visiting a hospital, an ophthalmologist may prescribe the dietary supplement Normophtal. This is a drug that consists of amino acids. That is why it often improves the functioning of the cornea, as well as the retina. How to take this drug correctly?

The organs of vision are very vulnerable and often suffer from various lesions and diseases.

These ailments can significantly impair the functioning of the eyes.

To compensate for the lack of certain substances that are necessary for eye health, doctors prescribe various medications to their patients.

One of these drugs is Optix Forte. In this article we will look at it in detail.

Vizivit is a dietary supplement designed to improve vision.

Due to the fact that the composition includes herbal components and vitamins, the product is completely harmless and is suitable for both children and elderly people, who especially often suffer from vision problems.

It is well suited for decreased visual acuity and in cases where the eyes get tired from constant stress and activities that require constant concentration.

  • Poor vision is not fatal, but a very unpleasant problem that can seriously complicate the life of any person. Like most health problems, it is easier to prevent than to cure in its advanced stages. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that the body contains sufficient amounts of eye vitamins to improve vision.

    Every moment, thousands of different reactions take place in the human body, necessary for the functioning of the brain, muscle contraction, the appearance and proper development of new cells, the transmission and processing of nerve impulses. Many of these reactions require the participation of compounds that are not normally produced by the body at all, or are produced in negligible doses. The process of perception and processing of visual images, like all others, largely depends on sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals involved in the functioning of the visual organs.


    Modern scientists know for sure that the composition of two important visual pigments, rhodopsin and iodopsin, includes retinol aldehyde, retinal, also called a chromophore.

    B vitamins

    All these compounds are equally important for the body, as they participate in metabolic processes and the synthesis of many hormones, affect the functioning of organ systems, and are necessary for the transformation nutrients into energy.

    The most necessary one is (B2). This compound is also part of rhodopsin, but has a different function from retinol. Riboflavin protects the retina from too much bright light and exposure to harmful UV radiation, reduces fatigue after too much heavy load on the eyes. With a deficiency of this compound, myopia can develop.

    Other useful compounds from this group are: thiamine(), required for the functioning of nerves associated with the eyes , and (B12), providing blood supply . Indirectly affects vision AT 3(), which protects pancreatic cells, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes. This disease leads to many problems in the functioning of the visual organs.

    Ascorbic acid

    Vitamin C is a coenzyme necessary for many biochemical reactions in the body and a strong antioxidant. It depends on its sufficient quantity good job organs of vision.

    Numerous studies have proven relationship between cataracts and reduced number in the eyes . Similar effect can be ensured by the fact that the compound protects the lens from the effects of free radicals.

    Besides, ascorbic acid is needed to maintain V in good condition circulatory system, including for vessels supplying blood to the eyes .


    The strongest antioxidant, a substance that prevents diseases such as retinal detachment and vision pathologies developing with diabetes mellitus, cataracts . This compound can improve performance muscle tissue, which indirectly affects the functioning of the visual organs.


    Listing the most healthy vitamins to improve vision, one cannot fail to mention lutein. This substance is not a vitamin; it is a derivative of the metabolism of lycopene, one of the carotenoids.

    Lutein has two important functions at once. Firstly, he is capable protect the retina from free radicals , formed by direct light flow, and neutralize the most aggressive part of the radiation. Secondly, lutein reduces image errors , appearing due to the refraction of rays before the image hits the photoreceptors. This allows you to better distinguish fine details in the image. This is the connection reduces the rate of aging and retinal degeneration .

    Other substances

    The best microelements for vision are calcium, zinc and potassium.

    Calcium helps strengthen tissues and is useful for improving vision in myopia, zinc necessary for people suffering from cataracts. Potassium promotes excretion excess liquid, which reduces the risk of developing glaucoma. Prevention of this disease is ensured by magnesium, regulating the functioning of blood vessels and muscles of the eyeball.

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids , and specifically DHA, is involved in the formation of visual organs from the very beginning of embryonic development. All polyunsaturated fatty acids improve visual acuity; their deficiency can lead to various pathologies of the retina.

    Anthocyanins- compounds contained in blueberries. Used in ophthalmology and folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various visual impairments. These substances have positive influence on almost all structural units of the eye, which allows them to be successfully used for cataracts, glaucoma, myopia, etc. They enhance the effect by accumulating in the body.

    Taurine- a compound that improves the condition of eye tissues during their dystrophy. Also used to treat corneal lesions.


    Pharmaceutical companies produce dozens of different complexes designed for prevention or elimination. Among them are vitamins to improve vision. These can be single-component preparations containing only one useful compound, combined preparations containing not only synthesized substances, but also natural ingredients(more often they are registered as dietary supplements) or multivitamin complexes, which have the best effect on vision, but also have a general strengthening effect. The list of such drugs is quite wide and it is hardly possible to list absolutely all of them within one article.

    How to choose the most suitable vitamins? The most reliable method is to contact an ophthalmologist, who will carefully assess the condition of the visual organs and select the best tablets or drops for them, and calculate the required dosage.

    If for some reason this is not possible, you can choose based on reviews on the Internet, advice and recommendations of friends. The main thing is not to forget that the body works differently for each person, the effect of a certain drug may differ, even the same symptoms may indicate different problems with vision. Listed below are the most well-known and popular drugs for restoring vision and preventing its deterioration.

    For oral administration

    Blueberry forte from the manufacturer "Evalar".

    The composition included rutin, anthocyanins, zinc, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine) and ascorbic acid.

    Patients of any age can take the drug:

    • Adults and children over fourteen years of age , you can take 2 tablets twice a day after meals.
    • Child from 7 to 14- 3 tablets daily.
    • From 3 to 7 years- 2 tablets.

    It is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women and persons who cannot tolerate the components of the product.

    Okuwait Lutein Forte Produced by the Russian company VALEANT. Contains vitamins E and C, zinc, selenium, carotenoids. Dosage - 1 tablet daily. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the constituent substances.

    The Danish company Ferrosan produces a drug almost identical to Okuvayt. The only difference in composition is that Okuvaite contains two carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin), while Strix contains only lutein. It is recommended to take one tablet daily, chewing it and drinking plenty of water.

    There are two drugs in the Vitrum line to improve vision. Vitrum Vision almost identical in composition to Okuvayt, the differences are copper instead of selenium and the presence of beta-carotene in the composition. has a wider list of active ingredients. Added riboflavin, blueberry extract. It can be taken by adults and children over 12 years of age. Dosage: twice a day, one tablet. Not for use in case of personal intolerance to active ingredients.

    Dietary supplement designed to supply the eyes with useful substances. It differs fundamentally from previous drugs in the presence of fish oil, i.e. source of PNJ. Also contains calcium, copper and zinc, two carotenoids, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Take it one capsule per day. In cases of pregnancy and lactation, kidney pathologies and hypersensitivity to active substances, dietary supplements are not prescribed.

    A dietary supplement containing blueberry extract, a complex of vitamins (A, E, C) and microelements (copper, selenium, zinc), beta-carotene, taurine and lutein. There are no contraindications, with the exception of personal intolerance. Take one tablet 2 or 3 times a day during or after meals.

    For external use

    To improve the condition of the eyes, they use not only those designed for internal use dosage forms, but also drops delivered directly to the eye. Fundamental difference drops from tablets is that the latter are usually medications and are used to combat a specific problem. All of them are divided into large groups, depending on the effect they have on the eye tissue.

    A drug whose main active ingredient is taurine. The composition also contains potassium L-aspartate, aminocaproic acid, neohistimine methyl sulfate, chlorpheniramine meleate, tetrahydroisoline hydrochloride. These drops cannot be used for glaucoma, simultaneously with other similar drugs and after the occurrence of allergies. They are instilled twice or thrice a day, in the amount of one or two drops. It is used to combat fatigue and irritation after being in an environment aggressive to the eyes, to nourish the membranes and in anti-infective therapy.

    Drops used to treat cataracts, some forms of glaucoma, damage and dystrophic changes in the cornea. Therapeutic effect based on taurine. Do not use for hypersensitivity. The regimen depends on the disease and concomitant medications.

    A line of drugs that includes eye drops used for various problems with vision. Medicinal effect Most of them are based on the use of medicinal plant extracts. For example, the composition of a drug intended for people who spend a lot of time at the computer includes spotted hemlock, fragrant rue, senegia officinalis, and sodium compounds. Dosage - 2 or 3 drops.

    For children

    Vitamins for vision for children are usually used as a preventive measure for development various diseases eyes and contain the same active ingredients, as adult drugs, but in different dosages. Some of them can be used by people of any age (Similasan, for example).

    If you suspect that your baby has serious problems problems with your vision, you should immediately consult a specialist, as incorrect treatment can lead to severe consequences and early blindness.

    Some children's eye vitamins:

    • . Contains vitamin A, zinc and copper. Before 7 years old - it is a lozenge, after - two.
    • Slezavit contains compounds of groups B, E, A, C, carotenoids, blueberry fruit extract, microelements (copper, zinc, selenium, chromium). One capsule 3 times a day.

    When choosing which vitamins will help your child’s vision, you can focus on the composition of the complex. Majority multivitamin preparations created for the younger age group, contains riboflavin, ascorbic acid, etc. The only compound that is not found in them is blueberry extract, but this can be compensated for by nutrition.

    Please note: all carotenoids belong to a class of substances. This means that their consumption in the absence of sufficient fat is practically useless.

    In conditions modern life Our eyes are subjected to intense stress every day due to the need to spend a lot of time at the computer for work or just for fun, spend hours on social networks, watch movies, play. Such monotonous visual activity at close range leads to the appearance of myopia, impaired accommodation and the development of diseases, therefore, preserving vision and maintaining eye health should be taken care of in advance. Particularly useful is performing special exercises and taking vitamin complexes.

    • vitamin A (retinol);
    • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
    • B vitamins.

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A, or rather its aldehyde, is one of the structural components of the main visual pigment of the retina - rhodopsin, which is responsible for vision in low light conditions. Retinol deficiency in the body leads to impaired color perception, worse adaptation to darkness, decreased visibility and spatial orientation in poor lighting (“night blindness”), the appearance of dry eye syndrome, and inflammation of the conjunctiva. Among food products, it is present in large quantities in beef, poultry and pork liver, fish oil, butter, egg yolk, cream, milk.

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C strengthens capillary walls, participates in corneal regeneration processes, and slows down the onset of age-related vision impairment. It also reduces the risk of cataracts, which is accompanied by clouding of the lens and a significant weakening of visual acuity up to complete loss. With a lack of ascorbic acid, frequent hemorrhages in the conjunctiva and retina, the development of conjunctivitis, impaired blood circulation in the tissues of the eye, and decreased tone of the muscles that move the eyeball are possible.

    There is a lot of vitamin C in fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs; rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, red bell peppers, sorrel, cabbage, and parsley are especially rich in it.

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E has pronounced antioxidant activity, slows down the aging process, protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, too bright light and others negative factors, prevents the development of age-related macular degeneration of the retina, glaucoma and cataracts. A lack of tocopherol in the body can lead to a burning sensation and dryness in the eyes.

    Vitamin E is found in large quantities in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, almonds, peanuts, eggs, liver, cereals and legumes, sea buckthorn, rowan.

    B vitamins

    B vitamins are extremely important for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. They support the connection between the visual system and the brain and are involved in metabolic processes. They are found in large quantities in yeast, products from wheat flour and bran, legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds, offal, egg yolk, cheese, milk.

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) improves color and night vision, participates in the synthesis of visual pigment, which protects the retina from the dangerous effects of ultraviolet rays, increases the rate of regeneration of pupil cells, and is used for the prevention and treatment of dystrophic changes in the cornea, glaucoma and cataracts. Its deficiency leads to the development inflammatory processes eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), photophobia, increased lacrimation and eye fatigue, deterioration of night vision, impaired color vision.

    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) participates in the propagation of nerve impulses from peripheral organs (eyes) to the brain, regulation of intraocular pressure, and is responsible for visual acuity. With its deficiency, pain and stinging in the eyes occurs, binocular vision is impaired, and the likelihood of developing glaucoma and degenerative changes increases.

    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) prevents eye fatigue, relieves excess tension, prevents inflammation of the optic nerve and mucous membrane of the eye.

    Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is responsible for normal blood supply to eye tissues and the functioning of the optic nerve, prevents glaucoma, retinal detachment and natural age-related changes.

    Other useful substances

    In addition to vitamins, other substances also play an important role for the eyes, which are necessarily included in biologically active additives (BAA) and complexes for improving vision. These include carotenoids (provitamin A, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin), trace elements, anthocyanins.

    Lutein and zeaxanthin

    They have antioxidant activity and prevent various pathological changes, including age-related ones. They are not synthesized in the body, but come only from the outside, accumulate in the retina of the eye in the macula area and create a light filter that protects its pigment epithelium from the harmful effects of solar radiation and free radicals, increasing the cornea’s resistance to adverse factors. Their sources include spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, green peas, and leafy green vegetables.

    Provitamin A

    Increases clarity of vision, accelerates eye recovery after various types of injuries, improves the function of the lens. It is found in large quantities in red and orange vegetables and fruits.

    Among microelements, zinc, selenium, chromium and copper are of particular importance. They participate in the metabolism of eye tissue and their regeneration processes. Zinc and selenium ensure better absorption of vitamin A by the body, exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, and are used to treat macular degeneration of the retina and “ night blindness" Selenium is involved in the conversion of light signals into nerve impulses. A lack of zinc causes a disruption in the process of glucose absorption by lens cells and increases the likelihood of developing cataracts.


    These are colored plant glycosides that have angioprotective and anti-inflammatory activity and inhibit the oxidative effect of free radicals. They have a complex positive effect on visual function, strengthen the walls blood vessels retina, protect against the development of glaucoma and retinopathy. They also help eliminate fatigue and eye strain and improve night vision. Their content is especially high in black currants and blueberries.

    Indications for taking vitamins

    The most suitable sources of vitamins for the body are food. However, in modern world almost no one monitors whether the amount of these compounds they take from food corresponds to daily norm. In this case, specially developed eye complexes with a balanced composition will be useful. They are usually recommended to be taken every six months or year in the spring or fall.

    Vitamins prescribed by an ophthalmologist can be used both preventively and medicinal purposes. They are shown to the following categories of people:

    • having astigmatism, nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness;
    • suffering from chronic diseases leading to damage to the blood vessels of the fiber (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins veins and others);
    • those suffering from glaucoma or cataracts;

    People who spend a lot of time at the computer or other activities that require long-term focusing of vision at close range (embroidery, knitting, needlework, reading, studying) should take vitamins.

    Selection of vitamins

    On pharmacy shelves you can find many medications and dietary supplements for the eyes. Vitamin complexes are available in various dosage forms: tablets, capsules, syrups, drops. The selection of a specific drug in each individual situation should be carried out by a doctor. Only he can adequately assess the functions of the visual apparatus, take into account general state body, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathologies in which certain drugs may be contraindicated.

    If you notice visual disturbances, discomfort or inflammation in the eye area, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. He will conduct a thorough diagnosis and, based on the identified problems, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s lifestyle and professional activities, he will select the best complex. To improve vision, in addition to vitamins, walking on fresh air, good nutrition, in some cases, gymnastics for the eyes.

    When choosing vitamins, you should take into account that both their deficiency and excess are dangerous to health. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the amount of them entering the body as part of medications. It is not recommended to combine the use of several complexes at the same time, as this may cause an overdose of individual substances.

    Vitamin complexes in the form of tablets and capsules

    Complexes and dietary supplements for the eyes available in pharmacies differ in qualitative and quantitative composition essential vitamins, minerals and other substances. The most well-known drugs include Complivit Ophthalmo, vitamins for the eyes Vitrum, Star Eyebright, Biorhythm vision 24 day/night, Blueberry Forte with lutein, Vitalux Plus, Okuwait Lutein, Lutein Complex, Strix Forte, Mirticam, Anthocyan Forte, Nutrof Total, vitamins for eye Doppelherz Active, Optics, Focus forte. The most effective of them, according to doctors and patients, will be described below.

    Vitamins Vitrum

    Vitrum series drugs (Vitrum Vision and Vitrum Vision Forte) are prescribed as part of complex therapy for eye diseases and for their prevention, as well as to reduce the risk of age-related lens opacification and degeneration corpus luteum. These vitamins help people with deteriorating vision due to diabetes mellitus, visual fatigue, and during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions on the eyes, with myopia, worsening adaptation to darkness and twilight vision.

    The compositions of the drugs are slightly different. Vitrum Vision Forte, unlike Vitrum Vision, contains selenium, vitamin B2, rutin and blueberry extract. However, it lacks β-carotene and copper. The lutein content in Vitrum Vision Forte is almost 2.5 times higher. The amount of vitamins E and C is more than three times higher in Vitrum Vision.

    These complexes are approved for use from 12 years of age.

    Complivit Oftalmo

    The vitamin and mineral complex Complivit Ophthalmo has a positive effect on all tasks of the visual analyzer. It contains 9 vitamins (A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12 and P), 3 minerals (Zn, Se, Cu), carotenoids, designed to replenish the deficiency of vitamins for the eyes, protecting them from negative environmental factors environment, accelerating regeneration processes, strengthening blood vessels. The drug can be used for preventive purposes for people constantly exposed to excessive visual stress, as well as in the complex treatment of various eye diseases accompanied by visual impairment.

    You can take these vitamins from the age of 18.

    Blueberry forte with lutein

    Blueberry forte with lutein is a dietary supplement containing blueberry extract and lutein in combination with vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, P and zinc. This complex helps relieve eye fatigue during prolonged work, strengthens capillaries, increases the supply of nutrients, and protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation. It accelerates retinal regeneration processes, normalizes intraocular pressure and metabolism in eye tissues. Anthocyanins contained in blueberry fruit extract stimulate the synthesis of the visual pigment rhodopsin, which leads to improved vision in the dark.

    Blueberries forte with lutein are approved for use by children over 12 years of age.

    Okuwait lutein

    Okuwait lutein is a complex biologically active agent with pronounced antioxidant activity. It contains vitamins C and E, trace elements zinc and selenium, lutein and zeaxanthin. The complex has a positive effect on the organ of vision and metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye. It is used for degenerative diseases of the retina, myopia, deterioration of twilight vision, and age-related changes.

    The drug Okuwait Lutein Forte is also produced with the same composition of components, but 2 times higher concentration. These vitamins are indicated for people with high eye strain associated with professional activity at the computer and in bright sunlight, while driving for a long time.

    The complex can be given to children from 12 years of age.

    Lutein complex

    Lutein complex is a dietary supplement for the eyes, containing vitamins C, E, A, carotenoids lutein and β-carotene, minerals (Zn, Cu and Se), as well as taurine and blueberry extract. Such a diverse composition helps to increase vision sharpness, improve microcirculation, strengthen capillaries, and prevent destructive changes in eye tissues caused by natural aging of the body. It is used for prevention and as part of complex therapy for various eye pathologies (cataracts, glaucoma, twilight vision dysfunction, diabetic retinopathy and others).

    For children over 7 years old, a special drug Lutein complex for children is produced. It helps prevent visual impairment in schoolchildren caused by eye strain due to studying or computer games.

    Vitamin drops for eyes

    The choice of drops with vitamins for the eyes is much smaller than tablets. Their advantage is that they have a local rather than systemic effect and get exactly where they are needed, while when taken orally, some vitamins may not “reach” the right place.

    They are usually prescribed for medicinal purposes for keratitis, hemorrhages, damage to the eye mucosa, cataracts, retinal angiopathy and other problems. Drops containing vitamins that are often used in ophthalmological practice include Riboflavin, Vitafacol (analogue of Oftan Katahrom).


    Riboflavin is an eye drop with a solution of vitamin B2. The drug helps improve the conduction of nerve impulses and exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for chronic eye fatigue, visual impairment, conjunctivitis, keratitis, to accelerate the healing of wounds that were caused by irritants, injuries or burns. Its use is often combined with other medicinal drops to enhance their effect and increase the duration of action.


    Vitafacol eye drops are prescribed for the treatment of cataracts. They include cytochrome C, adenosine, vitamin PP or B3, and sodium succinate. The drug improves metabolism, cellular respiration and energy processes in the lens of the eye, slows down the rate of progression of the disease and is a means of preventing it. Used in combination with other drugs such as aid, helps cleanse the lens and eliminate dry eyes.