An extraordinary Cancer woman. Cancer woman: gentle, graceful, feminine

A woman's cancer characteristics differ in many ways positive traits. This representative of her sign is unusually gentle and romantic. She amazes men with her mystery and modesty: it is very difficult to guess what is going on inside her. She is characterized by such qualities as loyalty, obsequiousness, compassion.

She is an excellent wife and housewife. He loves to improve his home and has good culinary skills. She likes to spend her free time at home: noisy parties are not for her at all.

In life, this woman is quite shy. She is very vulnerable and afraid of criticism: she can think about each of her actions for a long time, weighing how it would be better to act.

A Cancer woman may dwell on the past, remembering failures and defeats, and lose confidence in the present. But she, like no one else, needs attention and care: she is ready to give all of herself to someone who truly loves her.

Her mood is often changeable. If she becomes sad, those around her will involuntarily be imbued with the same feelings. During periods of melancholy, it is better to leave a Cancer woman alone, as a gloomy mood is quickly transmitted to others. And it’s almost impossible to pull her out of the pool of sadness and regrets: it’s better to give her time to think about everything.

The Cancer woman is a wonderful friend: she knows how to keep secrets, and will always come to the rescue. But if you offend her, she will remember it for a long time. Making peace after a quarrel with a representative of this sign will not be easy, unless you are friends from youth.

Relationships with men

A love relationship with a Cancer woman should be built on mutual understanding and respect. Vulnerable by nature, she will look for a companion who can appreciate her modesty and will support her faith in herself. Such a woman always attracts men with her mystery: all feelings are hidden deep inside.

But in fact, this mystery is due to shyness. The Cancer woman is afraid to openly show her emotions. She will never take the first step herself and will observe how her admirer behaves: how much care he gives, whether he listens attentively. A Cancer woman can give her heart to someone who truly loves her.

The representative of this sign does not like to flirt too much. She is capable of remaining faithful to one single man, provided that he extols her virtues and assures her of his love. Sometimes her affection may seem tiresome: the Cancer woman needs constant spiritual intimacy. She is not jealous, but control over the life of her chosen one will be constant.

Men should know how to win her heart: relationships need to be built gradually, without pressure or pressure. She loves successful and purposeful people. Although the money issue is not so important, the Cancer woman still pays attention to the leaders.

The man of her dreams:

  • Constantly gives her love and care;
  • Interested in her inner world;
  • Successful and self-sufficient;
  • Well dressed and well groomed;
  • Showers her with compliments, talks about her virtues;
  • Restrained, does not rush things.

At the same time, the Cancer woman always pays attention to appearance men. She does not like unkempt young people: every detail of the wardrobe will be examined by her. The education of the interlocutor also plays a special role. Since the Cancer woman herself is an excellent storyteller, she prefers to talk with witty and well-read people. Also, the high status of her lover is important to her, because she herself is very unsure of herself.

The Cancer woman is not touchy, but if her chosen one neglects her, then the feeling of betrayal will remain with her for a long time. Subsequently, you will have to work hard to understand how to return her love: forgiveness is possible only in the case of a long-term relationship.

If the romance was short-lived, then one cannot count on the return of the chosen one.

What kind of men are suitable

Cancer women are often attracted to strong and confident men. She looks for in her chosen one what she herself lacks: courage, self-sufficiency, optimism. Often people of the same sign can evoke different feelings in her depending on the individual.

For example, she may not like a successful and hardworking Capricorn precisely because of his undeniable merits. The representative of this sign cannot be called envious, but still internally she regrets some traits that she does not have.

Cancer woman compatibility with other signs:

  • Fish. Perfect couple with similar characteristics. They suit each other perfectly and are able to motivate a partner to any achievement. Both of these signs have innate intuition and rich inner world. The two of them are interested, their views are similar. They are able to understand each other perfectly and will lovingly take care of their partner until old age;
  • Taurus. A successful combination of signs. For a fickle Cancer woman, a balanced and calm Taurus would be the best match for her husband. He will look condescendingly at her mood swings, and she will decorate his life with bursts of emotions. Although many minor disagreements may arise, such a couple can live together all their lives. But on the condition that any dissatisfaction will be immediately expressed and discussed;
  • Scorpion. Favorable combination signs. The completely opposite characters of this couple will complement each other in everything. Sexy and charming Scorpio will help shy Cancer open up (in communication, in sex and at work). While Cancer will teach Scorpio to be more reserved and cautious. A faithful Cancer woman can long years turn a blind eye to your chosen one’s flirting with others, while maintaining deep feelings for him;
  • Virgo. This man is able to give her everything she dreams of: care, attention, love. The union of these signs will be strong due to their similarity. They both strive for stability and balance, do not like noisy parties, and need support and attention. A practical Virgo will be able to provide funds for improving the home, and Cancer will create an ideal family refuge. Despite the changeability of their characters, they are able to live together for more than a year.

It is possible to determine who is suitable based on zodiac compatibility, but this will not always mean the ideal option. Sometimes there are completely incompatible couples who continue to live happily together for many years. Nevertheless, astrologers, having compared the characteristics of the signs by date, warn Cancer women against unions with Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Libra.

How to behave with this sign

To understand how to behave with a woman with cancer, you need to know some of her character traits. The representative of this sign is unusually romantic and feminine, she has a well-developed sense of intuition: men should be honest with their chosen one.

She is unusually vulnerable and quite self-critical, which forces her to look for a partner who can appreciate her merits. The best way winning her attention means showering her with sincere compliments. But don’t be too flattering: she will immediately sense the pretense and suspect the admirer of lying.

Men looking for a way to seduce this girl should choose long-term courtship tactics. Due to her natural shyness and indecisiveness, the Cancer woman is looking for a reliable and reliable partner as a companion. loving man. She needs someone who will constantly tell her about her feelings and promise an alliance until death. Fleeting connections and hopeless novels are not at all interesting to her.

When choosing a life partner, a Cancer woman is looking for someone who can give her a reliable rear: support in difficult situations, help in resolving issues, optimistic attitude towards the future.

Men should also pay attention to how to win her sympathy: a representative of this sign loves decent and gallant fans. She will not look at someone who is sloppily dressed or unshaven. young man, all the more, he will not maintain relations with an insolent and rude person. In her idea of ​​the ideal, the chosen one looks like a decent, successful and romantic man.

Tips for men on how to make a Cancer woman fall in love with them:

  • Dress neatly and tastefully;
  • Be decent and kind, don't be rude;
  • Shower her with compliments;
  • Be interested in her inner world;
  • Keep the conversation going: the Cancer girl loves to talk about various topics;
  • Listen carefully;
  • Don’t rush things, but don’t stop there either: she loves decisive and confident men;
  • Always be honest with her: she will easily expose any deception;
  • Don't hide your feelings, be open. She does not like unpredictable men: all emotions and plans must be voiced.

You should also know that in a relationship she needs someone who strives to create a strong family. She will be attracted to a man who wants not only to get married, but also to have children. Wealth is not a priority for her, but still the chosen one must be quite successful in order to be able to create a cozy home.

In family

A Cancer woman in marriage can be called ideal wife. She enjoys arranging the house, keeping it clean and knows how to cook deliciously. There is always an extra dish in her refrigerator in case someone gets hungry.

Her relationship with her husband is excellent: she is not jealous, is always attentive to her husband and is ready to support him in any situation. But she demands the same from the chosen one: he must be everything to her. Sometimes men suffer from the excessive affection of their wives: total control is established over them. Such a woman constantly needs spiritual intimacy and support: her husband must give her confidence in every day.

IN family life Cancer loves consistency and cannot stand unplanned surprises. She always leaves the solution to the main issues to her significant other: it is too difficult for her to make any choice.

The Cancer woman finds her calling in children. The birth of offspring is the greatest happiness in her life. She is ready to give all of herself to her children: her husband may remain on the sidelines. For many years, such a mother monitors the lives of her children. This often prevents sons from building normal relationships with women, as she tries to control their lives.

In sex, Cancer is unusually sensual and tender. Such a lover is capable of giving her chosen one extraordinary pleasure: love is her element. She will not do this hastily, but will prefer gentle caresses in a cozy bedroom.

Work and business

In work, the Cancer woman seeks stability. She has difficulty changing jobs and is always worried about relationships in the new team. Due to frequent mood swings, she does not always manage to get along with all her colleagues. She simply does not know how to maintain her authority among other people. But what saves her is that she doesn’t like to gossip and knows how to keep secrets. Every employee at the place of duty knows that they can rely on her.

Due to lack of self-confidence, cancer does not move too quickly career ladder. Promotions happen due to certain circumstances, but are almost never her fault. The bosses appreciate the Cancer woman for her punctuality and ability to complete assigned work on time. She will never be late submitting a report: everything will be prepared on time.

Professions that suit a Cancer woman:

  • Historian, local historian;
  • Explorer, traveler;
  • Art critic, writer, artist;
  • Artist, musician, writer;
  • Sales agent, salesman, waitress;
  • Teacher, doctor, teacher.

It is noteworthy that representatives of this sign do not strive for promotion. They practice their specialty to perfection, bringing their skills to perfection.

Helpful information

The Cancer woman is a rather complex and multifaceted personality. Sometimes completely opposite characteristics coexist in her, but this makes her even more mysterious. Here are some qualities that give the answer to how to understand her subtle nature:

  • An excellent conversationalist, she knows how to listen and is an interesting storyteller herself;
  • Able to keep secrets;
  • vindictive;
  • Seeks praise and support, in relationships with a man she is gentle and caring;
  • In bed, unusually relaxed and sensual;
  • She can be very generous and never skimp on gifts, she can lend money;
  • Inventive, open to learning something new;
  • Compassionate;
  • Always remains on the side of her loved ones, ready to help;
  • Dreams of a strong family and a cozy home;
  • In love, she is ready to give all of herself in exchange for tenderness;
  • Has a changeable mood;
  • In moments bad mood prefers to be alone;
  • Clever and insightful.

All these qualities help Cancer women to be a good friend, wife and mother.

In order to win over a Cancer woman, you just need to show enough interest in her. The horoscope says about the representative of this sign that she is created for love and friendship: her willingness to sacrifice herself can conquer anyone.

The following tips will help you win the favor of this zodiac sign:

  • Be honest and open, do not embellish your merits;
  • Become good friend and support. Always be interested in her affairs, listen with interest to her stories;
  • Be kind and tactful. The Cancer woman does not like rude and ill-mannered people;
  • Don't try to surprise. She values ​​predictability and stability, anything else will scare her;
  • Show your feelings, praise her and admire her;
  • Be self sufficient and a confident person. She appreciates people with a strong inner core;
  • Never discuss her actions or qualities. The worst thing in her life is criticism;
  • Don't test her patience. A Cancer woman is able to hold back her anger for a very long time, but when it breaks out, it will not be good for those around her;
  • Be prepared for constant monitoring. She always wants to be nearby, to know about everything, to guess all the emotions;
  • Share your thoughts and plans with her. The Cancer woman has increased empathy, which allows her to empathize with other people.

Winning her heart is simple: give her love, and she will reciprocate. Because of her gullibility, such a girl can easily enter into a relationship with a man, without even figuring out whether he is suitable for her or not.

She is especially often captivated by her admirer’s imaginary desire to start a family: after all, she so wants to get married as soon as possible and have children. But the most important thing for her is to feel a strong man’s shoulder and be showered with affection.

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Compatibility horoscope: everything about the zodiac sign Cancer girl - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Cancer woman horoscope

Cancer Woman: appearance

Nature endows the fair sex, born under the sign of Cancer, with extreme femininity. The look of such a woman is piercing, sometimes naive, reflecting the spontaneity and mystery of her soul; if it does not charm, it certainly attracts attention. These ladies intuitively sense the situation and mood, and their appearance is never in dissonance with what surrounds them, they always dress surprisingly harmoniously, creating a complete, complete image. Most people like to dress femininely and choose classic clothes. In makeup, it is typical for Cancer women to use rich dark shades, which only enhances their unique mystery.

Women of this zodiac sign have amazing property: They only get better over the years. Unions with men much younger than them are not uncommon: they look so good that their companions simply do not pay attention to this difference.

Cancer woman - behavior characteristics

Cancer women are sensitive, vulnerable, and very sensitive to the slightest manifestations of negativity from others. It is in the Cancer woman’s nature to attribute double meaning to other people’s words, which is why they often get very upset for no particular reason. Like men, Cancer women are subject to surprisingly rapid mood swings. They can either hate and condemn people, or come to their defense. You cannot mock them and even joke in their presence must be extremely careful.

The Cancer woman is characterized by a guilt complex, she constantly feels that she is doing something wrong, she always imagines that her image in the eyes of others is falling, and something must be done urgently to restore it. She loves to lament better life, never parted with the past, constantly “fidgeting” in it, sorting through old grievances like a rosary, once again getting upset because of once missed chances. Tears that other people consider to be causeless are also not uncommon for Cancers: this is how their internal discomfort is manifested externally.

Zodiac sign Cancer – woman in work and career

As in everything else, women of this zodiac sign are focused on stability. A career may seem tempting to them, and they may even begin to take successful steps in this direction, but their excessive emotionality sometimes cancels out all efforts in the professional field. If possible, the Cancer woman will try to make herself as comfortable as possible, even in the workplace, to create an atmosphere that is, if not homely, then at least cozy. These workers are respected, their advice and opinions are listened to, they are willing to trust them with secrets, knowing their reliability. According to the horoscope, the Cancer woman takes her work very seriously, but if she is faced with a choice between family and work, she will not hesitate to make it in favor family happiness.

Cancer woman in love

Female Cancers are extremely afraid of looking approachable - in many different senses of the word. They are afraid of appearing vulnerable, they want to give the impression of independent, strong natures. These ladies are charming, modest, always listen sympathetically, delve into problems, and men are extremely impressed by this, so they quickly become imbued with the warmest feelings for them. This woman is designed in such a way that it is difficult for her to give herself completely to love. But at the same time, if she's lucky enough to find true love, her chosen one will see her willingness to do literally everything for him. But on his part, she also needs a constant demonstration of feelings and care. She will not tolerate an aggressive or indifferent person next to her. In love, Cancer is very faithful, and sometimes her loyalty even becomes obsessive.

Cancer woman in sex

Representatives of this sign are characterized by excessive embarrassment, which manifests itself to a greater extent at the beginning of acquaintance. Afraid of appearing easily accessible, they initially restrain their passion and do it so skillfully that this is often mistaken by their partners for coldness or indifference. In fact, Cancers are very sensitive and passionate natures, aimed at obtaining maximum pleasure in bed. In sex, the Cancer woman will first of all take care of satisfying her own libido, but at the same time she will not forget about her partner, however, she is not inclined to sacrifice her interests for the sake of his pleasure.

Cancer woman in marriage

Women of this zodiac sign get married quite late because of their strong attachment to their parents and home. Having received her beloved man at her disposal, the Cancer woman considers him her property, while being terrified of losing him. She needs a feeling of warmth, reliability and protection. At the same time, Cancers are patient with their loved one. If the husband has problems, the wife will not escalate the situation, will not resort to betrayal, and in a difficult situation will always defend family happiness. The character of a Cancer woman will not allow her to cheat - such entertainment as, for example, flirting with men on the verge of a foul does not attract her at all. Most wives of this sign are not inclined to break the oath of marital fidelity.

Zodiac signs: Cancer woman is the mistress of the house

Women of this sign love their home very much, this is the main place in their life, and they will try to do everything to make it reliable, cozy and beautiful. The Cancer woman devotes a lot of time to decorating her home, and does it with taste, although her interior often looks somewhat old-fashioned. The house of the representative of this zodiac sign captivates guests with its comfort and warmth of the atmosphere reigning here. As a housewife, the Cancer woman is thrifty and thrifty; she loves to have plenty of everything in the house and constantly creates all kinds of supplies. Not only is she not wasteful, but, on the contrary, she is prone to hoarding.

The Cancer woman has a whole warehouse of old things that have turned into relics. For the most part, these ladies know how to cook very tasty food, do it thoroughly, and put a piece of love for their loved ones into every prepared dish. It cannot be said that housework is a source of pleasure for them, but they are undoubtedly one of the best housewives.

Characteristics of a Cancer woman - mother

The Cancer woman is the embodiment of motherhood; her “mother hen” instinct is extremely developed. She is incredibly attached to her children, supports them in everything, and cares tirelessly. It should be said that she treats other people’s children very kindly. Their thoughts and feelings are close to her, because in a certain sense such a woman herself remains a child at heart. Cancer mother will not allow her children to connect their fate with just anyone, being very jealous and even suspicious of their chosen ones. There are often situations when the children of these women, because of this, start their own families quite late, but even then Cancer women react to this fact very painfully, because they expect eternal affection from them.

Who is suitable for a Cancer woman according to her horoscope to start a family?

If the woman is Cancer, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio.

What to give a Cancer woman

A gift for a Cancer woman may be associated with her sometimes exaggerated love for the home, which she arranges with maximum comfort for her family. She will enjoy gorgeous indoor flowers in beautiful pots, picturesque reproductions and figurines, elegant napkins and tablecloths, high-quality dishes, etc. The Cancer woman loves to sort through past pleasant memories like a rosary, so a good solution would be, for example, a capacious photo album; she will certainly appreciate it if you prepare an interesting photo collage with her participation. A gift for a Cancer woman associated with the past is also all kinds of antique or antique-style objects, books, boxes, tapestries. A representative of this sign will certainly be delighted with elegant jewelry, for example, made of silver or pearls, and the theme of a cozy home is generally endless for her - a warm blanket, a good coffee maker, cute slippers, etc.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Cancer Woman: Personality Characteristics

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If you have met a mysterious woman, calm, dreamy, good-natured and open, but a little unpredictable, this is a Cancer woman.

She seems simple and unsophisticated, but she is impossible to understand. The Cancer woman is changeable, like the moon, and does not open her soul so easily.

It’s cozy and warm to be with her, she knows how to surround you with care and affection, and amazing energy emanates from her. The Cancer woman is an unusual zodiac sign, and even the best horoscope will not help you fully understand what is inside her.

Next to her

A gentle and non-conflict Cancer woman is very romantic. This zodiac sign is created for love, she lives for love and gives herself entirely to the feeling. She knows how to love, be faithful and devoted, the Cancer woman is not jealous, does not fight for primacy or equality with men, does not put pressure and is very comfortable in relationships, but only with those who will understand and appreciate her.

A Cancer woman needs love large quantities attention and does not tolerate loneliness. She constantly needs proof that she is remembered and loved.

In bed she is all tenderness, she gives herself over to love, surrounds you with caresses, and besides, this modest and sweet girl can become a real lioness with her partner in bed, who knows no boundaries and prohibitions. This zodiac sign loves sensual pleasures and is not constrained in bed.

In marriage, she is a fish out of water. The Cancer woman is created for life in marriage, any characteristic of this zodiac sign, and any horoscope will tell about this. She is an ideal housewife, wife and mother, her house is clean and comfortable, guests don’t want to leave, and everyone is surprised how she manages to manage the house so brilliantly, create incredible energy of warmth in the house and build harmony in marriage.

Who will she end up with?

The Cancer woman is very distrustful and is in no hurry to become attached and open her soul. She believes in the horoscope and always checks which zodiac sign she meets - Scorpio, Aries, Libra, Leo or another.

She can be friends with everyone, be it Sagittarius or Aquarius, or even Virgo, Taurus or Gemini. But he will only build relationships with a select few.

1. An Aries man is so different from her. Aries is a practical sign of the zodiac, Aries is self-confident and careless, Aries is looking for someone like him, and a Cancer woman is looking for a completely different man. Compatibility is very low.

2. It is difficult to find two signs as similar as Taurus and Cancer. Taurus is calm, Taurus respects and values ​​women, Taurus is committed to stable relationships and trust. They will feel good together both in bed and in marriage, compatibility is high.

3. The Gemini man is contradictory, Gemini is a restless sign, Gemini is freedom-loving and fickle. Compatibility is low, and a couple can only work out if the Gemini man is able to appreciate his chosen one.

4. Having found a man of her sign, this girl can live calmly and happily. Two cancers - perfect compatibility, happiness in marriage and complete harmony are guaranteed.

5. The horoscope shows that Leo is a conqueror and leader, and it may seem that a Leo man is not suitable for her. But Leo would be a good match for Cancer. Leo is looking for just such a person, he can win her and become his soul mate. They are different, but the characterization of the couple is very promising.

6. Virgo – soulmate perfect sign for cancer. Virgo is the keeper of the hearth, Virgo is romantic and calm, Virgo is the one she is looking for. These two signs have excellent compatibility.

7. Libra, like Cancer, is thoughtful, Libra is cautious and mysterious, Libra does not rush into adventure. Scales - a good option for cancer, there is compatibility between them, but there may be misunderstandings.

8. Scorpio is the fatal man for romantic girl cancer. Scorpio is bright, Scorpio is like a jolt, Scorpio will conquer her and tie her to him. This couple has a complex characteristic - she can become attached to him, but will he be interested in her?

9. Sagittarius seeks adventure and brightness, Sagittarius lives for emotions and impressions. Sagittarius is unrestrained and risky, Sagittarius will not sit at home. These two signs have different values, their compatibility is unlikely.

10. If there is an ideal relationship between two signs, then this is about a couple of a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man. Excellent compatibility, ideal characteristics, harmony and happiness - two signs created to be together.

11. Aquarius is too unpredictable for a Cancer woman. Aquarius loves adventure, Aquarius is fickle and freedom-loving, Aquarius lives for today and does not promise anything. And a Cancer woman needs reliability. A bad characteristic, such relationships are pleasant only in the first period.

12. Pisces, like cancer, are dreamers, Pisces live in fantasies, Pisces are romantic and creative. They will understand each other, and if Cancer and Pisces meet and love each other, then forever.

What year were you born?

The eastern horoscope will give a broader description of this woman.

  • Rat Cancer – true friend, she will not betray, she is very honest and calls things by their proper names. Smart, reliable, does not tolerate loneliness, thoughtful and silent.
  • The Ox is a firm but slow sign. She is reliable, but does not know how to cope with difficulties, does not take risks and avoids conflicts.
  • Tiger cancer – domestic cat. Soft, smart, loves pleasure and very emotional. She cannot live without friends, is modest but resourceful, has creative potential and is very original. Can achieve a lot in life.
  • The cat is a real delight. This lady is soft, fluffy, gentle and relaxed, loves affection, care, and simply purrs. She does not strain, does not fight or compete, she is created for pleasure, does not like noise and screams.
  • The dragon is a dreamer. This woman builds castles in the air, is an incredible dreamer and inventor. She loves to dream, but in addition she knows how to achieve her dreams, she is quite brave, although she is not prone to risks and dangerous adventures.
  • Cancer is already a cautious sign, and the snake enhances these qualities. She is smart, prudent, looks for workarounds, very original and has fantastic intuition. Silent, mysterious and attractive, like a witch.
  • The horse is an interesting and harmonious personality. Not an upstart, but always in the spotlight. Kind, brave, but calm and reasonable. Independent, learns a lot on her own and knows how to achieve adequate goals.
  • The goat is contradiction itself. Flirtatious and at the same time modest, decisive and fearful, capricious and soft, everything in her is combined in an amazing way. She is a mystery to men, difficult to understand, but this woman captivates.
  • The monkey is smart, cunning and original. She knows how to come up with a cunning plan and get around everyone, an excellent entrepreneur, independent and capable.
  • The Rooster is straightforward and courageous. He says what he thinks, does not play or deceive, loves fairness in everything.
  • A dog is a faithful friend, loyal, brave and very kind. She values ​​high ideals and qualities, is always ready to help and protect, you can rely on her.
  • The pig is kindness and cordiality. This is a wonderful friend, wife and mistress, she knows how to forgive, reconcile enemies, with her by her side worries go away and your mood lifts. Will find mutual language even with very difficult people.

Women are all mysterious, it is difficult to understand them, it is a lot of work, this requires intuition, logic, attention and observation. Let the horoscope help you in this difficult matter and allow you to reveal the secrets of female nature!

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Woman with the zodiac sign Cancer: horoscope and characteristics

The Cancer woman is romantic and sensitive. Any rash words or actions can seriously hurt this person, and their rich imagination often leads their thoughts far from reality.

She often looks for hidden meaning in the words of those around her and constantly goes through her own thoughts, regretting missed opportunities.

The character of the Cancer woman is characterized by excessive variability, because aggression, joy, tears and laughter alternate throughout the day, which may seem strange to the people around her.

In order for this lady not to fall into depression, she needs to be surrounded by a friendly and peaceful atmosphere, forgetting about criticism and ridicule addressed to her.

The Cancer girl is possessive and afraid of losing people who are so dear to her. However, she is far from weak and at the right moment she can stand up for herself and her loved ones.

Cancer woman: characteristics

Representative of this zodiac sign knows how to keep secrets, and this applies not only to other people’s secrets, but also to her own, which she does not trust to anyone.

The Cancer woman is a faithful wife and mother, whose children can always count on her care and love.

She will marry her daughters very late, as she will look for all the necessary qualities of an ideal father and husband in her future son-in-law.

Home is the most the best place in the world for this lady. This is where she hides from outside world. She is an excellent housewife and an excellent cook.

The representative of this sign is not prone to wastefulness, thanks to which her house always has supplies and accumulated money. She simply does not know how to throw away unnecessary things, which she carefully stores in old chests.

Character of a Cancer woman

A woman of the zodiac sign Cancer very often worries when her companion is not at home. This sensitive nature is constantly afraid of being alone, but she, as a rule, keeps her fears to herself. That is why there will be no scandals in this family due to jealousy.

The Cancer spouse must be ready to constantly confirm his love, and the fact that she is the only one in the world.

A representative of this sign has a very sensitive body and the ability to get excited quickly. Despite the fact that she often hides her eroticism, in bed she likes to take the initiative and enjoy herself to the fullest.

With all of the above, Cancer often forgets that both should receive pleasure in sex and uses their partner for their own satisfaction.

Cancer: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Cancer. This information will help you succeed in your relationship with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Cancer girl - characteristics

The Cancer girl is particularly sensitive and emotional. Her characteristic is this: even a glance cast in the wrong way can hook and even offend her.

Cancer girl - her characteristics

She looks for and sees a secret meaning in everything, and her rich imagination can throw up various plots that have nothing to do with reality. She also has increased romance and sentimentality; she is a very delicate nature.

In life, a girl with the Cancer zodiac sign often yearns for the past, remembers how good everything was, lingers over old grievances and missed opportunities, and constantly feels like she is doing something wrong now.

In addition, she may be worried that others perceive her not as she really is and she will look for the reasons for this in herself. It happens that she can burst into tears for no apparent reason, only because her soul is uncomfortable and anxious.

Character of a girl with Cancer sign

Her mood is changeable. People with Cancers around them should know that their mood often rubs off on everyone else. To help maintain or create a good mood, it is enough to remain friendly, maintain a calm atmosphere and a cozy environment.

A Cancer girl should not be criticized or scolded; ridicule in her direction is also unlikely to bring a positive effect. Most of all, she wants to know that she is loved, supported, approved of her actions and is not going to leave.

Cancer girls are characterized by a strong sense of ownership; the very thought that she could lose something of hers is painful for her. This is especially acute for people close to her, those who give her warmth and protection.

Cancer girl in a relationship

Despite being hyper-emotional, she prefers to leave her feelings a mystery to everyone. When guys make attempts to get closer, at first she likes to maintain an inaccessible position. Girls born under this constellation in the future will be very faithful wives with a highly developed maternal instinct.

It cannot be said that this person will persistently defend his interests. If something doesn't go according to her plan, she will get upset, cry and pretend that she forgot. But one cannot fail to note her incredible endurance.

For the sake of her loved ones, she is ready to do anything. If a threat hangs over someone, she will never abandon this person in difficult times, but will do everything possible and impossible to help.

The Cancer girl is not a gossip. You can confidently dedicate your most cherished secrets to her; no one will ever know about them.

Cancer woman - characteristics and horoscope

What do Cancer women love?

Love and family of a Cancer woman

Sex life of a Cancer woman

  • Zodiac sign Cancer (woman): characteristics, compatibility and description

    Cancer (woman) is a sensitive and emotional person. Moderately mysterious and practical. This woman has basically positive qualities. It's rare to have anything bad to say about Cancer. In the article we will consider what the stars say about such a person as the Cancer woman.

    Cancer (woman) is a romantic, vulnerable and gentle nature. If her soul is broken, only close people can know about it. She does not show her true feelings to others. Everyone will think that everything is always great with the Cancer woman and she never has any problems. However, this is not the case.

    Kind and gentle zodiac sign Cancer (woman). The characteristic is that many people like it. She doesn’t like scandals and quarrels, so when communicating with her you can forget about troubles. Those around her are surprised by her optimism. Few people know the problems and thoughts of this woman.

    People around him like the zodiac sign Cancer (woman). The characteristic impresses many. However, there are people who do not understand the kindness of this sign. It seems to them that such sympathetic people only exist in fairy tales.

    Cancers have an excellent memory. They never forget anything. They really don't like to be late. Cancer (woman) would rather come to the date earlier. After all, punctuality is her second self. She will never allow herself to be late. It could be a date, a business dinner or a bachelorette party. Rest assured, the Cancer woman will always come first. It's easy for her to wait.

    We can conclude that the zodiac sign Cancer (woman) is very balanced. The description of her character speaks of her gentleness and balance.

    Cancer woman in career and work

    People born under this sign prefer stability. However, rarely anyone manages to build a career. Despite the fact that Cancer (woman) is sweet and hardworking, the characteristics of the zodiac sign in work are more negative than positive. She will gladly take on a new business, but is unlikely to see it through to completion. Therefore, not every representative of this sign is able to reach heights.

    Cancer loves to work, but if the boss doesn’t like it, he will quit the next day without hesitation. Colleagues often keep secrets with her, because they know that the girl can be completely trusted.

    If Cancer has a choice - family or work, he will not hesitate for long. For a Cancer woman, family always comes first. Work for her is a kind of hobby or passion for which she gets paid. This is one of those signs that will never hold onto a job.

    Cancer is a creative woman. She can easily work in a kindergarten, school or theater.

    Cancer woman in love

    At first glance, it seems to a man that representatives of this sign are strong and independent individuals. Vulnerable, charming and modest zodiac sign Cancer (woman). Their characteristics are as follows in this regard: men are impressed by their apparent weakness.

    The Cancer woman is completely faithful and devoted to her loved one. She is ready for many feats for his sake. However, she will never accept an aggressive and evil person as her soul.

    The Cancer woman expects not so much love from her partner as his friendship. For her, mutual understanding and respect are more important. This is the whole zodiac sign Cancer (woman). The characteristics in terms of friendship are more positive. However, if a girl is offended, it is difficult for her to forgive her partner.

    A Cancer woman appreciates a man who takes care of her. He cannot live with an indifferent person. To win her, you need to show care, attention and sympathy. Overly persistent courtship is unacceptable. Only very patient men get along with her. After all, you can date her for a very long time until she considers her partner a reliable person.

    Cancer woman in sex

    The representative of this zodiac sign is extremely shy. Most often, first sex happens with the lights off, the windows curtained and under a blanket. The Cancer woman often skillfully hides her passion. It seems to her partner that she is indifferent to sex.

    Actually a sensitive and passionate Cancer (woman). The characteristics of the zodiac sign in sexual terms say that she loves both to receive satisfaction and to give it to her partner.

    July Cancers always control their feelings and emotions. They rarely have fleeting partners. As a rule, there should be one loved one in hope of a wonderful future. If such a woman gives herself to a man, she hopes for a long-term relationship, and maybe even a wedding.

    Cancer woman in marriage

    A representative of this sign rarely marries early. She is so attached to her parents and brothers and sisters that it is very difficult to leave them. When she finally finds a husband, she becomes the owner. She is jealous of him even towards his mother-in-law and is constantly afraid that she will lose her beloved.

    The Cancer woman is a patient and loving wife. When my husband has problems, he will always understand and try to help if possible. She will never betray her loved one and will be on his side in any situation.

    Many men read before getting married female horoscope(Cancer). The characteristics of the Cancer zodiac sign should be studied very carefully by the stronger sex. After all, these women do not really like entertainment and hiking. They are too homey. Therefore, if the husband wants his wife to quit her job, she will not resist, but will rejoice in her soul.

    Cancer woman: mother and housewife

    Cancers love home comfort and beauty. They always try to prepare dinner, clean the house and put themselves in order before their husband arrives. Cancer is a thrifty housewife. She will always try to save money and food for a rainy day.

    The Cancer woman is a wonderful mother. It seems that her maternal instinct appeared in childhood. She takes care of her children with great love and never gets tired of them. She will always help her child. She is very attached to her children. She cannot imagine her life without them.

    Children often suffer from their mother’s affection, as she controls their chosen ones. The Cancer woman is afraid that her child will connect his fate with a person who will ruin the life of the family. Therefore, she controls her children even when they are married.

    Representatives of this sign have good health. Everything depends on them. Since Cancers are too emotional, they can complain about their hearts. Moreover, they love coffee. There is no need to abuse it.

    Since a lot of attention is paid to family and children, Cancers sometimes forget about themselves and their routine. Therefore, for about 24-26 years they have known how their stomach hurts.

    Too much emotional Cancers They get nervous a lot, and this ultimately affects the pancreas. In this case, try to speak calmly, but convincingly, so that there is no aggravation. As you can see, the health of Cancers depends only on their lifestyle.

    Zodiac sign Cancer (woman): characteristics, compatibility

    This is a sensitive and emotional nature. It’s hard for her to change not only her usual lifestyle, but also her partners. Cancer values ​​stability, comfort and friendships very much. Not every zodiac sign can give her everything she needs.

    A Cancer woman is a great match for a Pisces man. She is very emotional, he is the exact opposite. However, Cancer and Pisces get along well. Everything is great with them: sex, comfort, love and friendship. Therefore, Cancer and Pisces are considered an ideal couple.

    Cancers can get along with Scorpio. However, things are not going as smoothly as they would like. Scorpio pays more attention to himself, and Cancer is offended by this. If she turns a blind eye to his antics, this couple will live happily ever after.

    Which sign is not suitable for a Cancer woman?

    Cancer and Aries rarely get along. They do not have mutual understanding, but there is respect. A relationship with Capricorn can be ideal if Cancer learns to find compromises. Libras with water signs don't get along well. They have different views for life.

    Cancer does not get along with everyone, but if he wants, he will find mutual understanding with any person, says the horoscope of the Cancer woman. Not all zodiac signs suit her. Some men lack passion and understanding from her.

    Suitable amulets and talismans

    The characteristics of the zodiac sign for Cancer mention talismans. Representatives of this sign are happy to purchase them for a prosperous and successful life. Green and green stones are most suitable for the water element. blue flowers. It could be moonstone, pearl or emerald. They help overcome obstacles and improve relationships with your loved one.

    Moonstone is the very first amulet that helps to find happiness and accept difficult decision. There is an opinion that it heals mental illness, relieves irritation and fatigue. If you wear a ring with moonstone, matters of the heart will be at their best.

    Emerald helps lift your mood, relieves you of boring days and bad dreams. Thanks to this stone, Cancer will show wisdom and become more successful, as emerald enlightens the mind.

    Pearls protect against disappointments. Thanks to this stone, there is no unhappy love, marriage is strengthened. There is harmony between children and parents. Pearls are considered a talisman against family troubles.

    Cancer should not buy sapphires, as they attract misfortune. Onyx, garnet and lapis lazuli repel luck and attract negative energy. As long as Cancer wears these stones, luck will periodically turn away.


    The article examined what the zodiac sign of the Cancer woman is in love and life. Her horoscope is almost perfect. However, they all have one big disadvantage: they need everything or nothing. They have no middle ground. Simple dates do not satisfy Cancers. One thing will calm them down: a wedding or separation, there is no third option.

    Cancers are devoted friends and wives. But they want the same attitude towards themselves. They are happy if they are loved, respected and appreciated. Sex has never come first for them. The main thing in their life is family, children and husband. Even friends and parents fade into the background.

  • Cancer (woman) is a sensitive and emotional person. Moderately mysterious and practical. This woman has mostly positive qualities. It's rare to have anything bad to say about Cancer. In the article we will consider what the stars say about such a person as the Cancer woman.

    Characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

    Cancer (woman) is a romantic, vulnerable and gentle nature. If her soul is broken, only close people can know about it. She does not show her true feelings to others. Everyone will think that everything is always great with the Cancer woman and she never has any problems. However, this is not the case.

    Kind and gentle zodiac sign Cancer (woman). The characteristic is that many people like it. She doesn’t like scandals and quarrels, so when communicating with her you can forget about troubles. Those around her are surprised by her optimism. Few people know the problems and thoughts of this woman.

    People around him like the zodiac sign Cancer (woman). The characteristic impresses many. However, there are people who do not understand the kindness of this sign. It seems to them that such sympathetic people only exist in fairy tales.

    Cancers have an excellent memory. They never forget anything. They really don't like to be late. Cancer (woman) would rather come to the date earlier. After all, punctuality is her second self. She will never allow herself to be late. It could be a date, a business dinner or a bachelorette party. Rest assured, the Cancer woman will always come first. It's easy for her to wait.

    We can conclude that the zodiac sign Cancer (woman) is very balanced. speaks of her gentleness and balance.

    Cancer woman in career and work

    People born under this sign prefer stability. However, rarely anyone manages to build a career. Despite the fact that Cancer (woman) is sweet and hardworking, the characteristics of the zodiac sign in work are more negative than positive. She will gladly take on a new business, but is unlikely to see it through to completion. Therefore, not every representative of this sign is able to reach heights.

    Cancer loves to work, but if the boss doesn’t like it, he will quit the next day without hesitation. Colleagues often keep secrets with her, because they know that the girl can be completely trusted.

    If Cancer has a choice - family or work, he will not hesitate for long. For a Cancer woman, family always comes first. Work for her is a kind of hobby or passion for which she gets paid. This is one of those signs that will never hold onto a job.

    Cancer is a creative woman. She can easily work in a kindergarten, school or theater.

    Cancer woman in love

    At first glance, it seems to a man that representatives of this sign are strong and independent individuals. Vulnerable, charming and modest zodiac sign Cancer (woman). Their characteristics are as follows in this regard: men are impressed by their apparent weakness.

    The Cancer woman is completely faithful and devoted to her loved one. She is ready for many feats for his sake. However, she will never accept an aggressive and evil person as her soul.

    The Cancer woman expects not so much love from her partner as his friendship. For her, mutual understanding and respect are more important. This is the whole zodiac sign Cancer (woman). The characteristics in terms of friendship are more positive. However, if it is difficult for her to forgive her partner.

    A Cancer woman appreciates a man who takes care of her. He cannot live with an indifferent person. To win her, you need to show care, attention and sympathy. Overly persistent courtship is unacceptable. Only very patient men get along with her. After all, you can date her for a very long time until she considers her partner a reliable person.

    Cancer woman in sex

    The representative of this zodiac sign is extremely shy. Most often, first sex happens with the lights off, the windows curtained and under a blanket. The Cancer woman often skillfully hides her passion. It seems to her partner that she is indifferent to sex.

    Actually a sensitive and passionate Cancer (woman). The characteristics of the zodiac sign in sexual terms say that she loves both to receive satisfaction and to give it to her partner.

    July Cancers always control their feelings and emotions. They rarely have fleeting partners. As a rule, there should be one loved one in hope of a wonderful future. If such a woman gives herself to a man, she hopes for a long-term relationship, and maybe even a wedding.

    Cancer woman in marriage

    A representative of this sign rarely marries early. She is so attached to her parents and brothers and sisters that it is very difficult to leave them. When she finally finds a husband, she becomes the owner. She is jealous of him even towards his mother-in-law and is constantly afraid that she will lose her beloved.

    The Cancer woman is a patient and loving wife. When my husband has problems, he will always understand and try to help if possible. She will never betray her loved one and will be on his side in any situation.

    Many men read the female horoscope before getting married, which should be studied by the stronger sex very carefully. After all, these women do not really like entertainment and hiking. They are too homey. Therefore, if the husband wants his wife to quit her job, she will not resist, but will rejoice in her soul.

    Cancer woman: mother and housewife

    Cancers love home comfort and beauty. They always try to prepare dinner, clean the house and put themselves in order before their husband arrives. Cancer is a thrifty housewife. She will always try to save money and food for a rainy day.

    The Cancer woman is a wonderful mother. It seems that her maternal instinct appeared in childhood. She takes care of her children with great love and never gets tired of them. She will always help her child. She is very attached to her children. She cannot imagine her life without them.

    Children often suffer from their mother’s affection, as she controls their chosen ones. The Cancer woman is afraid that her child will connect his fate with a person who will ruin the life of the family. Therefore, she controls her children even when they are married.


    Representatives of this sign have good health. Everything depends on them. Since Cancers are too emotional, they can complain about their hearts. Moreover, they love coffee. There is no need to abuse it.

    Since a lot of attention is paid to family and children, Cancers sometimes forget about themselves and their routine. Therefore, for about 24-26 years they have known how their stomach hurts.

    Too emotional Cancers get nervous a lot, and this ultimately affects the pancreas. In this case, try to speak calmly, but convincingly, so that there is no aggravation. As you can see, the health of Cancers depends only on their lifestyle.

    Zodiac sign Cancer (woman): characteristics, compatibility

    This is a sensitive and emotional nature. It’s hard for her to change not only her usual lifestyle, but also her partners. Cancer values ​​stability, comfort and friendships very much. Not every zodiac sign can give her everything she needs.

    A Cancer woman is a great match for a Pisces man. She is very emotional, he is the exact opposite. However, Cancer and Pisces get along well. Everything is great with them: sex, comfort, love and friendship. Therefore, Cancer and Pisces are considered an ideal couple.

    Cancers can get along with Scorpio. However, things are not going as smoothly as they would like. Scorpio pays more attention to himself, and Cancer is offended by this. If she turns a blind eye to his antics, this couple will live happily ever after.

    Which sign is not suitable for a Cancer woman?

    Cancer and Aries rarely get along. They do not have mutual understanding, but there is respect. A relationship with Capricorn can be ideal if Cancer learns to find compromises. Libras don't know how to get along. They have different views on life.

    Cancer does not get along with everyone, but if he wants, he will find mutual understanding with any person, says the horoscope of the Cancer woman. Not all zodiac signs suit her. Some men lack passion and understanding from her.

    Suitable amulets and talismans

    The characteristics of the zodiac sign for Cancer mention talismans. Representatives of this sign are happy to purchase them for a prosperous and successful life. Stones of green and blue colors are most suitable for the water element. It could be moonstone, pearl or emerald. They help overcome obstacles and improve relationships with your loved one.

    Moonstone is the very first amulet that helps you find happiness and make difficult decisions. There is an opinion that it heals mental illness, relieves irritation and fatigue. If you wear a moonstone ring, matters of the heart will be at their best.

    Emerald helps lift your mood, relieves you of boring days and bad dreams. Thanks to this, he will show wisdom and become more successful, since emerald enlightens the mind.

    Pearls protect against disappointments. Thanks to this stone, there is no unhappy love, marriage is strengthened. There is harmony between children and parents. Pearls are considered a talisman against family troubles.

    Cancer should not buy sapphires, as they attract misfortune. Onyx, garnet and lapis lazuli repel luck and attract negative energy. As long as Cancer wears these stones, luck will periodically turn away.


    The article examined what the zodiac sign of the Cancer woman is in love and life. Her horoscope is almost perfect. However, they all have one big disadvantage: they need everything or nothing. They have no middle ground. Simple dates do not satisfy Cancers. One thing will calm them down: a wedding or separation, there is no third option.

    Cancers are devoted friends and wives. But they want the same attitude towards themselves. They are happy if they are loved, respected and appreciated. Sex has never come first for them. The main thing in their life is family, children and husband. Even friends and parents fade into the background.

    Despite her emotionality, Cancer (woman) remains a mystery to others. She never shows her true character. Only very close people know her well, but she still sometimes withdraws into herself.

    The Cancer woman is very touchy. When talking to her, you need to choose your words so as not to hurt her. However, she moves away very quickly and cannot be offended for long. Therefore, she needs a partner who understands her and does not offend her. Try to treat with love and understanding, and she will repay you in kind. After all, the representative of this sign is a good person.

    The Cancer woman is very mysterious, sensitive and passionate, but the last characteristic of the Cancer woman is hidden very well. The Moon is of great importance to Cancers, so they have a very changeable mood. The main thing in the life of Cancers is home and family, however, if they wish, they can achieve success in their career. Cancer always stands up as a wall to protect their loved ones and friends.

    Appearance of a Cancer woman

    These are very feminine people with an attractive, downright magnetic gaze. This look is mysterious, naive and piercing at the same time. The Cancer woman has good intuition, so she easily adapts to any interlocutor.

    Cancer woman - fashion and style

    Cancers spend a lot of time on their appearance, try to maintain their femininity, and most often choose a classic style of clothing. Makeup is often done in dark colors, which adds even more mystery to their look.

    Cancer woman has unique property– she seems to be getting younger over the years. Therefore, such women often start relationships with fairly young fans, because with good appearance, age recedes into the background. Cancers have a unique appearance: they are very beautiful and have a wonderful figure, which is often noticed by representatives of the opposite sex. The inner mystery of such women only further inflames the passion of their fans. It takes incredible effort to open a Cancer. Usually only the most faithful, reliable and Cancer lovers People.

    These women pay extremely close attention to their appearance, paying attention to every detail. They look younger than their age, so with age it becomes completely impossible to recognize their exact age.

    Behavior and inner world of a Cancer woman

    These are very sensitive natures; negativity can cause Cancers great discomfort. Often, Cancers turn the words spoken by others in their own way, and then suffer from their own invented illusions.

    Cancers experience constant mood swings. They change it fifty times a day. In an argument, a Cancer woman may hate her opponent, but after 15 minutes she will rush to his defense with the same passion. When talking to these individuals, you should choose your words as carefully as possible. Any joke, laughter - everything is perceived as a direct attack towards Cancer.

    Cancer Woman: Pros and Cons of Personality

    Cancer women are often tormented by feelings of guilt. They constantly look for flaws in themselves. If a Cancer's appearance does not correspond to some ideal standards in her head, she will do everything to correct this situation. She remembers grievances and her mistakes for a long time, often remembers them and gets upset again from the failures she has already experienced. Actually, such internal conflicts are the reason for the frequent mood swings and tearfulness of Cancers.

    Work and career for the Cancer woman

    These women may well build an excellent career, but their negativity and tearfulness can at one moment undo all their work. Such ladies love to create home comfort in their office. Colleagues trust these people, they share secrets and gossip with them. If a Cancer woman marries successfully and the question arises about the advisability of her work, in 100% of cases Cancer will choose home and family.

    Cancer woman's attitude to love, sex, family

    How do feelings manifest themselves?

    1. The Cancer woman strives to show her partner her strength, inaccessibility and independence.
    2. These women will always listen and support. This attitude towards the problem always causes awe and delight in men.
    3. The Cancer woman is very romantic. They value only real feelings towards themselves, they hate flirting and relationships that lead to nothing.
    4. Cancers seem to live in their own world, but this is only until they meet their man. When this happens, they change before our eyes and are capable of the most desperate acts for the sake of their family.
    5. For Cancers, daily demonstration of feelings towards them is important.
    6. Cancer women are the most faithful and devoted companions, but in return they, of course, expect the same attitude.
    7. Aggressive men or indifferent men are completely unsuitable for Cancers.
    8. The Cancer woman often doubts the strength of her partner's feelings.
    9. If Cancer falls in love, then without hesitation he begins to talk about home, family and marriage. Many men are frightened by this behavior, especially those who can see through external weakness a strong character and will.

    It is important for Cancers to build honest and trusting relationships. Married men they won't be interested. They will not take a man away from the family, knowing the saying that you will never be happy based on someone else’s misfortune.

    Cancer woman and sex life

    At the beginning of a relationship, Cancers are very uptight and shy, so in bed they are also quite cold and unyielding. But over time, the partner will be able to reveal all the sensuality and passion of these women. In bed, they are selfish and strive to get pleasure themselves rather than satisfy their partner.

    Marriage and family of Cancer woman

    Cancer women are very attached to their parents' home and usually get married late. They are very afraid of losing the object of their adoration; they consider it their property. At the same time, she will never “nag” her husband, will support him even if he is wrong, and will not cheat. Cancers remain with their chosen one until the end. They are loyal and honest with their feelings.

    Home is the main place for Cancer women. They never stop decorating and transforming it. Also, wealth in the family is important for Cancer; at the same time, they do not spend much, but tend to accumulate savings.

    These women tend to collect various items antiques, so there is always a lot of interesting things in their house. You will also be well fed here, because Cancers love and know how to cook deliciously.

    The Cancer woman always supports her children in everything. She herself is a child at heart, she is able to come to an agreement with her own and other people’s children, and understand them.

    Cancer Woman and Gifts

    Cancer values ​​home comfort very much, so a good gift for her there will be some kind of interior item, a figurine, a painting or a vase, which will become a source of pride and decorate her home.

    A photo album or frame will also appeal to Cancer women, as they love to remember moments from the past.

    The Cancer woman loves antiques, which means that you can give her some antique item, a tapestry, for example, a box or a book as a gift.

    A beautiful blanket, slippers, a mug - all this will also please the Cancer woman.

    Romantic Cancers will be surprised and delighted by a gift in the form of a boat trip on the river, a picnic in nature, a trip to a resort, and so on.

    Cancers will definitely like a gift related to the water element: a trip to a water park, a swimming pool, a vacation on the lake.

    The sign of the water element is under the protection of the night luminary. The control of the Moon influences the character of representatives of this sign, making them vulnerable and sensitive people. The Moon and the water element of the sign give Cancer the ability to empathize, the ability to instantly guess the thoughts and aspirations of other people. These are determined and noble people, often patriots. But if the life of Cancer was full of hardships and injustice since childhood, then they have the cunning and charisma of a gangster. They influence other people and can subjugate them in order to achieve a common goal or survival. Tough and insightful leaders.

    Character of the sign

    Cancer is the most emotional sign among the entire zodiac. But he himself does not like to share personal emotions. Cancer understands the feelings and mood of those around him instantly, but is rarely frank. The problem with expressing one's feelings is associated with protective mental mechanisms. WITH early years Cancer builds a personal defense system against accidental penetration into the soul and acquires stereotypes and prejudices. He is very attached to his family, especially his mother. Cancer absorbs the feelings and emotions of those around him, but tries to keep his own to himself. Likes to take initiative both in work and in personal relationships, accurately choosing associates and useful people. Cancer is a born psychologist, with a deep understanding of the causes of phenomena, strong desire get to the root of the problem. They are difficult to deceive, but easy to offend. This is a sign of accumulation, conservation and skillful use of all resources, primarily family ones. He surrounds himself with completely different people whom he loves to take care of. Needs consistency in relationships and long-term connections.

    An excellent strategist, has excellent analytical skills, is rarely poor, on the contrary, he often lays down substantial capital for his heirs, and is at the head of family dynasties. They retain childlike liveliness and naivety for a long time, are sentimental, attached to past connections, places and objects. Cancer is both cautious and curious when encountering a new phenomenon or person. Caution and foresight are necessary for Cancer to avoid failure and maintain self-respect. Cancers often have hurt pride; they experience failure in business, resentment, separation or collapse of love for a long time.

    Sign compatibility

    A typical Cancer intuitively identifies the best possible, instantly establishes contact with the person he likes, but then pulls away, afraid of someone else's influence. In love, Cancers are loyal, but do not forget about themselves and their desires. They can flirt with many, but they always love one. They prefer to take the first step towards rapprochement, but then choose to passively wait for manifestations of feelings on the part of their partner. They are very sensitive to beauty, love sex, but are shy and seek real feelings. Without true love They quickly become disillusioned with relationships and continue to search for real feelings. Rigidity, touchiness, rancor and a tendency to exaggerate problems make them difficult partners. If they live in an uncomfortable, aggressive environment, they are prone to cheating, but divorce is difficult. Best compatibility with the signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. With Aries, Libra and Capricorn they can form a very viable business alliance, much depends on the personal horoscope.

    Cancer Man

    She has a powerful analytical mind, but allows her feelings to disrupt any logic and consistency. They often occupy leadership positions, have a good understanding of people, and are able to calculate and intuitively guess the shortest path to the goal. They always strive for wealth, they are caring, but not too generous due to practicality. They are often harsh in communication, provoke conflicts, win in arguments, surpass opponents in logic, love to collect facts and information, and win competitions thanks to their endurance. Born athletes, military men, scientists, as well as excellent cooks and builders.

    Cancer Woman

    This is the Mother of the world, she is caring and prudent. She is very demanding in love, sensitive to the intimate side of relationships, loves sex, but will always notice falsehood and deception in feelings. He does not forgive either his partner or himself for his disappointments, and remembers insults and failures for a long time. Searching all my life loved one As a rule, they find a betrothed despite their age. She rarely lives alone, does not tolerate loneliness well, and loves pets. Rarely childless, she is demanding of children, but more often she pampers them excessively and helps them financially.

    If your child is Cancer, then it is important to take care of his personal space and protect him from unnecessary aggression. Such a baby does not tolerate a change of residence or divorce. Little Cancer needs emotions and is sensitive to caresses and manifestations of tenderness. A child born under the sign of cancer especially loves to adopt the habits and nuances of his parents’ behavior; he reflects your strengths and weaknesses like a mirror. It is useful for him to know the history of the family, homeland, allow him to care for pets or country garden. For a Cancer baby, reliability and fidelity to rituals are important. Loves celebrations and home holidays.

    Health sign

    Containing emotions and suppressing aggression often leads to nervous disorders, exhaustion, illness gastrointestinal tract. Overeating, love of sweets, sedentary lifestyle - main enemies Cancer health along with nervous overstrain. Often workaholics, Cancers forget about rest, and lack of sleep leads them to chronic fatigue. They need a diet and sleep schedule, a positive charge of communication with a select circle of people, and meditation to calm the mind. Changing activities, frequent travel and growing income from activities will help maintain health for many years.

    Interesting countries: India, Nepal, Uzbekistan, partly middle Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand

    Significant cities: Amsterdam, Bern, Cadiz, Deptford, Goerlitz, Lubeck (12°), Janow, Magdeburg, Manchester, Milan, New York, St. Andrew (Scottish city), Istanbul, Stockholm, Trier, Tunisia, York

    Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer: Meryl Streep, Valery Meladze, Zinedine Zidane, Timur Bekmambetov, Alsou, Laysan Utyasheva, Ralph Schumacher, Mike Tyson, Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana, Liv Tyler, Natalia Rudova, Lindsay Lohan, Anna Mikhailovskaya, Tom Cruise, Tutta Larsen, Sylvester Stallone, Zhanna Aguzarova, Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Pevtsov, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Pelageya, Alexander Vasiliev, Leonid Agutin, Grigory Leps, Vitaly Klitschko, Sergey Zverev, Nonna Grishaeva, Robin Williams, Tatyana Lazareva, Yegor Creed