What are the benefits of kefir for humans? Beneficial and harmful properties of kefir for the body and human health

A sour friend of the stomach, a drink of longevity - that’s what this sour is called milk product, obtained from cow's milk(whole or low-fat) by fermentation using special kefir “fungi”. Not only does it perfectly quench thirst and nourish the body, but it also has medicinal properties. Many people love kefir: the benefits and harms of this drink are today being discussed with interest by both scientists and ordinary people. It's time to figure out how to turn this fermented milk product into a remedy for rejuvenating the body.

Useful properties of kefir

Kefir has a lot of beneficial properties: the composition of this healing drink allows it to be used as a medicinal and cosmetic product. It differs significantly from other fermented milk products in its unique set of fungi and bacteria. Kefir comes in different fat contents. If we take, for example, average- 2.5% fat content, then the calorie content of 100 ml of the drink will be 53 kcal. It is rich in organic acids, vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotine), B12 (cobalamin), H (biotin), choline, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, molybdenum, cobalt. All of them determine the beneficial properties of kefir:

  • has a probiotic effect, favorably influencing the intestinal microflora and activating metabolism;
  • prevents the development of pathogenic flora in the intestines;
  • destroys pathogens of tuberculosis and many gastrointestinal diseases;
  • has a mild diuretic effect, so it helps with swelling and reduces high blood pressure;
  • calms down excited nervous system;
  • has immunostimulating properties;
  • Calcium plays a special role in kefir: it makes up almost 12% of general composition drink and allows its use as a medicinal and prophylactic agent for bone diseases(osteochondrosis, osteoporosis);
  • kefir is used to treat diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • regulates the speed of digestion;
  • one- and two-day kefir treats constipation, three days - diarrhea;
  • nourishes the body with complete protein;
  • reduces the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • by regulating metabolism, it helps fight obesity: kefir is famous for its effectiveness fasting days and diets based on this drink;
  • kefir with minimal fat content is an excellent source of protein;
  • recommended for all women as a soothing and tonic drink during menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menstruation.

Rich chemical composition This drink and the list of diseases that it helps to cope with answer the question of whether kefir is good for human health, and especially for women. General rejuvenation and healing of all body systems is what this delicious fermented milk product can provide. But at the same time, you need to keep in mind that it has contraindications, like any other medicine, also a lot.

Contraindications for consuming kefir

Contraindications for regular use kefir include:

  • age up to one year, since in children the gastric microflora is not yet sufficiently formed;
  • increased acidity gastric juice;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance.

If you are not sure whether kefir will benefit you, it is better not to use it as a medicine for regular use.

Homemade kefir and cottage cheese recipe

In stores it is not always possible to buy fresh, so-called “live” kefir with viable bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Therefore, many people prepare this drink at home, if there is somewhere to get a special starter, the so-called milk mushrooms. It can be bought at a dairy plant, on the Internet or from specialists who are involved in dairy production. Sometimes store-bought kefir or a piece of black bread is used as a starter, but the result after such experiments is very doubtful. So, let’s prepare real homemade kefir: the recipe is simple and includes a minimum of ingredients:

1 Bring regular milk (preferably homemade) to a boil.

2. Remove from heat, cool to approximately 40°C.

3. Add live starter to the milk.

4. Pour the mixture into a thermos, yogurt maker, or jar.

5. Place the container in a warm place.

6. Leave for 8–12 hours.

Homemade kefir prepared according to this recipe can undoubtedly be used for treatment various diseases, so you will be confident in its freshness. You can make homemade cottage cheese from kefir: it will be equally useful for adults and children. The procedure does not take much time: it is extremely simple and rarely causes any difficulties.

1. Pour 2 liters of kefir into a saucepan.

2. Put it on low heat.

3. When the whey separates from the curdled mass, remove the pan. If you miss this moment, the cottage cheese will be hard.

4. Cool.

5. Place on cheesecloth.

6 Whey drained from cheesecloth can be used to make pancakes or pie dough.

7. Tie gauze and hang it over a basin or sink.

8. Leave the knot in this position overnight.

9. The next morning, delicious and healthy homemade kefir cottage cheese is ready to eat.

Be sure to try preparing fermented milk products at home: this is the only way to be sure that the beneficial bacteria in them are still alive and can be beneficial. Competent home treatment Kefir can relieve many problems and help you enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Rules for using kefir

Having decided to use this fermented milk product at home, many are interested in which kefir is healthier and how to use it correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from it for their body. The recommendations below will help you achieve this.

1. Many people wonder whether drinking kefir a week ago is healthy: content beneficial bacteria in such a drink is minimal. Therefore, be sure to look at the date of production of the drink, and not at its expiration date: the fresher the product, the more benefits it will provide. It is very easy to get poisoned with expired kefir.

2. For those who want to have a beautiful, sculpted figure, kefir with low percentage fat content If you drink half a liter of this drink a day (preferably half an hour after training and sports), beautiful buttocks you are guaranteed, since kefir in this case will act as a source of protein.

3. If you drink 1 glass of kefir every morning on an empty stomach, your mood will improve, you will feel more cheerful and energetic throughout the day. Since it will trigger metabolism, you can lose overweight subject to the principles of proper nutrition.

4. Know how to store kefir: it should be in the refrigerator. A drink left in a warm place for a couple of hours loses its beneficial properties. It is better to use it immediately after purchase.

5. Do not combine kefir with fruit juices, as they neutralize beneficial lactobacilli.

If you want to prolong your youth, become healthy and beautiful, follow these simple recommendations and seriously engage in rejuvenating your body with the help of kefir. At the same time, use it not only as food and medicinal product: Kefir is an excellent cosmetic product for hair growth and moisturizing the skin of your face.

Kefir in cosmetology

Kefir makes excellent cosmetic masks for hair and face. Rich vitamin composition and content large quantity living bacteria have a beneficial effect on appearance curls and skin. Home use kefir masks are a guarantee of beauty.

  • Kefir for hair

For dry hair, it is recommended to take kefir with a high percentage of fat content, for normal hair - with a medium percentage, for greasy hair - with a low percentage. Lightly heat kefir to 40°C and lubricate the scalp, strands and ends with it. This kefir hair mask can be left on all night. It will heal split ends, accelerate hair growth, strengthen the roots, and make the curls shiny and radiant. You can also add eggs, vitamins and cosmetic oils(burdock, jojoba, castor oil).

  • Kefir for skin

To prepare homemade kefir face masks, you need to take a low-fat skin care product. oily skin, medium fat content - for normal and combination skin types, with a high percentage fat content - for dry skin. Kefir is also heated to 40°C, mixed with eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal, rice flour, other products and apply to the face for half an hour.

Kefir is a drink with extraordinary properties. With regular and proper consumption and use, you can improve your well-being, strengthen your health, improve your metabolism and provide your hair and skin with beauty and youth.

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North Ossetia is rightfully considered the birthplace of kefir. It was there that this drink originated, which today is widespread throughout the world. Kefir is healing product, capable of quenching both hunger and thirst. It is recommended at any age, it is even included in the list of first foods for feeding infants. Many diets are based on kefir, and its beneficial properties are not denied by either folk or official medicine.

It is worth remembering that, despite all the usefulness, there are some contraindications to the use of this fermented milk product. Firstly, it should not be drunk by people with high secretion of gastric juice, and stomach ulcers and duodenum. Secondly, it is contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to milk and a tendency to dyspepsia.

The main purpose of kefir in medicine is to treat ailments gastrointestinal tract. It is an excellent dietary product that is practically absorbed by the stomach within an hour. This product stimulates work digestive system, while promoting the absorption of other products.

Kefir is high in vitamins and microelements, and in addition it contains healthy protein.

If you are suffering low acidity– drink a glass of kefir half an hour before meals. Your chronic gastritis will subside a little with regular consumption of this product. Fresh kefir - excellent remedy for constipation, it should be consumed before bed. On the contrary, a product two or three days old will help with stomach upset.

Kefir helps treat dysbiosis; it contains specific cultures that help destroy pathogenic bacteria. This product contains lactic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, in addition to improving intestinal motility.

Kefir is useful for the human body in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. It has a calming effect on people with stress, depression and a tendency to neurosis. For therapy, you should drink a couple of glasses a day.

This fermented milk product will help avoid allergy attacks and bronchial asthma. Use this property for your health by drinking a glass of fresh kefir on an empty stomach in the morning. And when skin rashes It is recommended to make lotions with it to eliminate peeling and itching. To do this, moisten a clean natural cloth with it and apply it to problem areas. It will prevent the appearance of cracks and eroded areas.

Kefir is also indicated in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels. It cannot be stored as “bad” cholesterol, but rather promotes its removal from the body. This product should not be the last place in the diet of heart patients.

Kefir can have an indispensable effect in diseases endocrine system. It prevents pathogenic bacteria from multiplying in the gastrointestinal tract, supplying the body nutrients. This is taking its toll in a positive way for diabetes mellitus and pancreatic diseases. In order to normalize your sugar level, you should drink half a glass of it before bed.

In case of obesity, kefir helps to establish peristalsis, remove toxins, and, accordingly, lose weight. A diet based on high consumption of this product will prevent the body from becoming dehydrated and will allow you to quickly lose extra pounds. If you are severely overweight, you can have up to two kefir days a week. But you shouldn’t choose one percent kefir. It will bring neither benefit nor saturation.

By helping the gastrointestinal tract, kefir has positive influence and on the condition of the liver, indirectly affecting the condition of the cardiovascular system and promoting normalization blood pressure.

Since kefir is almost completely absorbed by the body, it is an excellent prophylactic from osteoporosis. High content calcium and vitamin D, makes this product universal remedy for bone growth and development.

In addition to the above medical indicators, there is wide range use of kefir in cosmetology. It whitens the skin, helping to get rid of unwanted freckles and age spots. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect on various minor rashes and irritations. It can be used when sunburn to cool and soothe inflamed skin.

Hair masks for kefir base relieve hair from split ends, giving it shine and silkiness. Besides, kefir mask on the décolleté and neck can rejuvenate tired skin and reduce wrinkles.

As you can see, our dairy product is not simple! Therefore, it is really important for everyone to know all the useful and harmful properties kefir for the body and human health. It would also be a good idea for you to remember that everything good is in moderation. So use it for outdoor and for internal use little by little: when in the diets and rations of sick people, and when for healthy image life.

Together with gastroenterologist Alexei Paramonov, we are figuring out whether kefir is as healthy as everyone says.

Alexey Paramonov

Ph.D., therapist, gastroenterologist medical center"Diplomat of Clinics"

Here we may be faced with two extreme positions - someone treats dysbiosis with kefir, and someone claims that dysbiosis does not exist, therefore probiotics are useless. In fact, both positions are wrong. There really is no dysbacteriosis as a diagnosis. And the analysis for dysbacteriosis is a meaningless set of numbers with zero repeatability. However, some types of lactobacilli in serious studies have shown the ability to reduce the risk infectious diarrhea and alleviate its course, as well as prevent and treat antibiotic-associated diarrhea. It is impossible to say with certainty whether bacteria from kefir have the same properties, but it is very likely that they do.

Regarding the use of kefir at night: kefir is an easily digestible protein-fat mixture, so it can dull hunger; It's low in calories, which may help improve weight control. But if you have reflux disease - heartburn, belching, regurgitation of gastric contents - kefir at night is not advisable.

Fasting days on kefir can promote weight loss, but this is not an alternative to daily healthy eating and physical education, and an addition to them. Children and patients with diabetes mellitus of the first type, fasting days are contraindicated - they can provoke ketmen ( increased content ketone bodies in the blood. - Note ed.), which can cause worsening of the disease, especially in children predisposed to cyclic ketonemic vomiting. In general, a fasting day after a feast is unlikely good idea. Food asceticism the next day does not compensate for the damage caused by gluttony. The body prefers measured stability without extremes.

Kefir kills harmful bacteria

Kefir contains such a unique probiotic as Lactobacillus kefiri. According to the results, this probiotic can inhibit the growth of various harmful bacteria, including salmonella, and coli. In addition, kefir contains the polysaccharide kefiran, which also has antibacterial properties.

Kefir improves digestion

The probiotics in kefir help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. The study results showed that probiotics are especially effective for diarrhea. And a study conducted at Dalhousie University: probiotics are useful in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example or Therefore, if you have digestive problems, we recommend including a similar fermented milk product in your diet. But do not forget to consult with your doctor.

Kefir can also help people who are lactose intolerant - this drink contains less lactose than regular milk. The fact is that lactic acid bacteria in fermented dairy products (kefir, yogurt) convert lactose into lactic acid. Therefore, after consuming kefir, symptoms of lactose intolerance will appear either very weakly or will be completely absent. This was proven by an experiment at Ohio State University - 15 people with lactase deficiency took part in the study and drank kefir. As a result, the subjects experienced a reduction in symptoms such as flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea, which usually occur after drinking milk or other products containing lactose.

Kefir may prevent asthma

A study published in the Journal of Immunology found that kefir helps combat various allergic reactions and asthma. The study found that kefir suppresses inflammatory markers that trigger allergies and asthma attacks.

Kefir strengthens bones

Kefir, like other dairy products, contains a lot. This element has a positive effect on bone health, which means it can prevent the development of osteoporosis. In addition, kefir contains vitamin K2 - it plays almost main role in calcium metabolism. Kefir also contains

Kefir is not only a tasty dietary drink, but also a useful therapeutic and prophylactic remedy!

Kefir has a positive effect on human body, especially on the intestinal microflora. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of kefir in preventing intestinal disorders.

Kefir - a cure for old age

Famous biologist I.I. Mechnikov said that digestion is closely related to aging: “We age because we self-poison with putrefactive substances from our own large intestines.” Birds were given as an example. As you know, birds do not have a large intestine, so they release undigested remains as they fly. As a result, no harmful substances does not enter the bird's blood and they live longer than elephants. However, the ostrich, unlike other birds, has an intestine where putrefactive processes occur. As a result, the ostrich lives only about 30 years, while the eagle, for example, lives 3 times longer.

Mechnikov I.I. also claimed that lactic acid bacteria prevents the process of putrefaction in the intestines and just a couple of glasses a day are enough for healthy digestion and increasing life by 30 years. That is. we can say that kefir is a cure for old age.

Kefir has an antibiotic effect. It has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. The basis of kefir is kefir grain- a symbiosis of many beneficial microorganisms, acetic acid bacteria and yeast, lactic streptococci and bacilli.

They don't allow you to develop pathogenic flora in the intestines and can restore microbiocenosis (symbiont microorganisms that actively participate in the formation of the body’s immunobiological reactivity, metabolism, etc.) ..

The medicinal properties of kefir are based on the bactericidal activity of fermented milk bacteria against pathogens of various gastrointestinal infections.

In general, just a couple of glasses of kefir a day are enough to protect the intestines from various diseases and get rid of dysbiosis (caused, for example, by antibiotics).

Unlike milk, kefir is absorbed by our body much faster. Kefir is useful to drink for those recovering from an illness, the elderly and children (but children can only be given to children from 7-9 months in small portions)

Beneficial features kefir or the benefits of kefir

  • cleanses the stomach and intestines;
  • immunostimulates
  • relieves fatigue
  • useful for people with nervous system disorders and sleep disorders;
  • slightly diuretic;
  • stimulates the production of digestive juices in the stomach and intestines;
  • It copes wonderfully with thirst and replenishes the lack of moisture in the body.
  • reduces the risk of cancer!

Kefir, according to its effects, can be divided into 3 types depending on the strength.

  • One-day (weak)
  • Two-day (average)
  • Three-day (strong)

The higher the strength of kefir, the higher its effect on the production of digestive juices, which speeds up the cleansing process. For example, one-day kefir has laxative effect, relieving constipation. While three-day kefir, on the contrary, strengthens.

There are many varieties of kefir, such as: biokefir, bifikefir and bifidok. They differ in the number of bifidobacteria, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and tone the cardiovascular and nervous system, removes side effects antibiotics and reduces the risk of cancer.

You can talk about the benefits of kefir for a very long time. In addition to using kefir as beneficial, medicinal drink, it is also good for skin and hair and you can make masks with it. In addition to kefir, you can cook many delicious dishes.

Is it good to drink kefir at night?

As mentioned above, kefir is very useful. But is it possible to drink kefir at night before bed?

Answer: Yes, drinking kefir at night is beneficial and here’s why:

  • A glass of kefir before bed relieves the feeling of hunger, while it does not put a heavy burden on the body.
  • Kefir calcium is absorbed only at night. Therefore, to obtain the required portion of calcium, you can drink kefir at night.
  • Kefir drunk at night is completely digested by the morning, as a result you will wake up with a good morning appetite, which is very useful for losing weight - after all, it is better to have a good breakfast and eat a little during the day than to skip breakfast and then overeat too much from hunger.
  • Kefir has a calming, relaxing effect, so drinking kefir at night is useful in order to quickly fall asleep and sleep well.

What is the best way to drink kefir at night?

People of more than one generation wonder whether to drink kefir at night and what its benefits and harms are. Many people have gotten into the habit of drinking a glass of this drink before bed. Therefore, nutritionists carefully studied and analyzed all the beneficial properties of kefir.


It has been proven that all fermented milk products, due to their composition, have preventive and therapeutic properties, which are enhanced when taken at night. If you regularly drink kefir, it will normalize intestinal microflora person, and as a result the immune system the body will become stronger. Kefir, drunk closer to night, has a mild diuretic, as well as a mild laxative effect, which will appear in the morning without disturbing night sleep. Therefore, for mild edema and hypertension, the benefits of kefir are very obvious. Another advantage of drinking this drink at night is better absorption of calcium, which it contains in significant quantities and is so necessary during pregnancy.

Possible harm

The harm of kefir is due to several factors. For example, experts do not advise drinking drinks with lactic acid bacteria at night, arguing that they are a fermentation product containing alcohol. Of course, there is very little alcohol (about 0.1%). Doctors also note the harm of kefir in diseases associated with increased acidity gastrointestinal tract. Also, those people whose intestines are prone to diarrhea should drink biokefir with caution. If you have liver problems, you should take fermented milk according to the recommendations of your doctor and try not to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.

At the same time, many experts unanimously declare that the benefits of kefir are more significant and significant than its harmfulness. The alcohol content in it is so low that it cannot cause any significant harm to the body of a small (infant) child. Absolute contraindication Drinking this drink only results in complete intolerance to it, as well as some liver and kidney diseases.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases (intestinal dysbiosis, chronic gastritis and colitis), but for some diseases fermented milk products are contraindicated.
  • Liver diseases (with caution, especially for men).
  • Food allergies.
  • Obesity.
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart.
  • Rickets, anemia.
  • Neurological diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Advice! Biokefir will bring many benefits to children. Giving the most delicious biokefir to young children better evening on an empty stomach. For children, this fermented milk product is food, not drink. Therefore, do not forget to give your children clean water. boiled water. If the child is not allergic to sweets, then you can add a little granulated sugar or jam to the sour drink, which will significantly improve its taste.

Help with excess weight

Many women, and men too, drink kefir for weight loss. How is kefir drunk for weight loss beneficial for the body? The low-fat drink contains few kilocalories, but it contains proteins that are easily digested and perfectly satisfy hunger. Biokefir contains increased amount beneficial bacteria - prebiotics, which help to process fiber-rich foods faster and more fully absorb. Losing weight is quick and easy.

Advice! When losing weight, kefir fasting days are very effective. Unlike diets, such days are easily tolerated. Fasting days should be carried out regularly, at least once a week. To do this, drink about one and a half liters of low-fat drink throughout the day. If it is difficult for a woman, and even more so for a man, to spend such a fasting day on kefir alone, then the lowest-fat cottage cheese can be added to the diet.

Cosmetic use

Women note that if you drink biokefir every day at night, you can achieve not only effective weight loss, but also a noticeable improvement in hair structure. Your facial skin will also improve. What are the benefits of kefir for hair? It perfectly nourishes the hair and also has a cleansing effect. You can wash your hair with it. Therefore, it is used as a cleansing mask not only for hair, but also for the face. By using biokefir as a mask on your hair, it will help protect it from bad weather, creating an invisible film and enveloping each hair. This procedure will make your hair noticeably stronger and silkier.

Face masks using kefir help a woman stay youthful at any age. It can be used to prepare an effective peeling for facial skin. To do this, take 0.5 cups of kefir (the use of biokefir is not prohibited), 1 chicken yolk, 50 ml of alcohol (vodka) and the same amount of lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed well together, then the prepared mixture is applied to the face. You need to keep this mask on your face for no more than a quarter of an hour. If your facial skin is delicate, then you need to wash off the mask earlier. This mask can cause slight irritation on the skin of the face, so when doing it for the first time you need to be extremely careful.

You can make an excellent facial scrub using biokefir. Pre-grind the rice, wheat and oats in a blender or coffee grinder. All cereals must be taken in equal proportions. After this, the ground cereals are thoroughly mixed and stored in glass jar. Once or twice a week 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the cereal mixture is diluted with kefir and applied to the face. This scrub is very cheap, but at the same time effective. By regularly using this kefir scrub, you will get rid of acne and blackheads on your faces.

Fermented milk drinks during pregnancy

Gynecologists strongly recommend drinking fermented milk drinks during pregnancy. Why should pregnant women drink kefir? It contains healthy vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed and essential throughout pregnancy. Since kefir is a low-calorie product, it does not affect the appearance overweight, which, unfortunately, often happens during pregnancy. The beneficial properties of kefir do not end there. Doctors note another significant fact: how kefir is useful during pregnancy; it can help with early toxicosis, eliminating attacks of nausea.

During pregnancy, it is simply necessary to drink at least one glass of fermented milk product every day. Contraindications to its use during pregnancy are general: allergy to lactose, as well as intolerance to dairy products.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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