Niketamide release form. Medicinal reference book geotar

3D images

Composition and release form

in dark glass dropper bottles of 25 ml; in a cardboard pack there is 1 dropper bottle.

in ampoules of 1 or 2 ml, complete with an ampoule knife; There are 10 ampoules in a box.

Description of the dosage form

A transparent, colorless or yellowish solution with a peculiar odor.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- stimulating metabolism in the central nervous system.


Cordiamine stimulates the central nervous system and especially the centers medulla oblongata- respiratory and vasomotor. Excitation of the respiratory center is partly due to a reflex effect associated with excitation of the chemoreceptors of the carotid glomeruli. Under the influence of Cordiamine, breathing becomes faster and deeper (especially if it is depressed), blood pressure increases if there is initial hypotension.

The drug does not have a direct stimulating effect on the heart or a vasoconstrictor effect. In large (toxic) doses, Cordiamine can cause clonic convulsions.

Indications for the drug Cordiamin

weakening respiratory function lungs in patients with infectious diseases, especially during the period of convalescence;

hypotonic conditions;

as additional means with collapse, shock, asphyxia, incl. in newborns.


Convulsions of various origins.

Side effects

In case of an overdose of Cordiamine, convulsions are possible.

Directions for use and doses

Inside(regardless of food intake) or parenterally.

Adults - 15-40 drops per dose 2-3 times a day, children - as many drops per dose as the child is old.

S/c, IM And IV administered to adults in a dose of 1-2 ml 1-3 times a day, to children under the skin - 0.1-0.75 ml depending on age.

Injection into a vein should be done slowly. SC and IM injections of Cordiamine are painful; to reduce pain, sometimes novocaine can be pre-injected into the injection site (adults 1 ml of 0.5-1% solution, children - according to age).

Higher doses for adults - single dose 2 ml (60 drops) orally and subcutaneously, daily dose 6 ml (180 drops). The highest single dose under the skin and into a vein for drug poisoning is 5 ml.

Storage conditions for the drug Cordiamine

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 5-25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Cordiamin

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Instructions for medical use

LP-002551 dated 2014-07-31
Cordiamine - instructions for use medical use- RU No. P N003853/01 dated 2009-11-09
Cordiamine - instructions for medical use - RU No. LP-001000 dated 2011-10-18
Cordiamine - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N003665/01 dated 2018-03-27
Cordiamine - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N003853/01 dated 2018-10-30
Cordiamine - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N003732/01 dated 2016-05-18
Cordiamine - instructions for medical use - RU No. LS-001261 ​​dated 2011-07-15
Cordiamine - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N003853/01 dated 2015-08-19

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
I95.9 Hypotension, unspecifiedArterial hypotension during spinal anesthesia
Hypotensive reactions during weather changes
Hypotonic state
Hypotension in septic shock
J98.9 Respiratory disorder, unspecifiedArterial hypoxemia
Hypoventilation of the lungs
Drug-induced lung injury
Respiratory center disorders
Toxic changes in the lungs with high blood pressure oxygen
Functional disorders of the respiratory system
P21 Birth asphyxiaAsphyxia of newborns
Consequences of newborn asphyxia
R55 Fainting [syncope] and collapseVasovagal syncope
Collapse in Addison's disease
Hysterical fainting
Fainting due to heart disease
Fainting during exercise
Orthostatic hypotensive syncope
Development of collapse
Circulatory collapse
R57.9 Shock, unspecifiedPain shock
Hemolytic shock
Neurogenic shock
State of shock
Shock conditions
T40 Poisoning with drugs and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]Drug intoxication
Drug intoxication
Intoxication with narcotic analgesics
Drug poisoning
Poisoning by drugs and analgesics
Drug poisoning
Poisoning with sleeping pills and narcotic drugs
Overdose of narcotic analgesics
T42.3 Barbiturate poisoningBarbiturate intoxication
Respiratory arrest due to barbiturate overdose
Acute poisoning with barbiturates and other substances
Barbiturate poisoning
Z54 Convalescent periodRecovery period
Recovery period after illness
Recovery from flu and colds
Recovery after illnesses
Failure mineral salts during convalescence
Recovery period after illness
Recovery period after illness
Recovery period after illnesses
Recovery period after illnesses and surgeries
Recovery period after serious illnesses
The recovery period after illnesses
Rehabilitation period
Recuperation period after infectious diseases
Convalescence period
The period of convalescence after surgery and infectious diseases
The period of convalescence after illnesses
The period of convalescence after prolonged infections
The period of convalescence after serious illnesses
The period of convalescence after severe infections
Rehabilitation period
Convalescent states
Convalescence after illness
Convalescence after infectious diseases
Convalescence after debilitating diseases
Convalescence after infectious diseases
Convalescence with increased blood loss
State of convalescence after illness

Thank you

Cordiamine represents medicinal substance which is called respiratory analeptic . The drug has a central effect, it activates the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the medulla oblongata. Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, Cordiamine is able to sharply and strongly increase blood pressure, as well as increase the amount breathing movements, and their depth. That is why it is a remedy used for emergency conditions when you need to quickly and effectively normalize a person’s blood pressure and breathing. Thus, the drug is indicated for the treatment of collapse, asphyxia, shock, depressed breathing during surgical interventions, infections (croup, diphtheria, etc.), drug poisoning, sleeping pills and painkillers.

Cordiamine - international name and in Latin

The international name of the drug is the name of the active substance. In the case of Cordiamin it international name will sound like Nikethamide . In Latin, Cordiamin is called Cordiaminum.

Formula and recipe in Latin

Above is chemical formula Cordiamine. As you can see, this is a cyclic substance with a branched polar radical. It is thanks to its chemical structure, Cordiamine penetrates the medulla oblongata and affects the vital centers located in it.

To use Cordiamine in the form of drops orally, the recipe should be written as follows:
Rp.: Cordiamini 15 ml
D.S. 20-25 drops 2-3 times a day.

And for subcutaneous administration The recipe for Cordiamine is written as follows:
Rp.: Cordiamini 1 ml
D.t. d. N. 10 in ampull.
S. 1 ml subcutaneously 1-2 times a day.

Pharmaceutical group

Cordiamin belongs to the group of drugs called respiratory analeptics - that is, drugs that stimulate the respiratory center. The respiratory center is a structure that is located in the medulla oblongata and regulates all breathing processes. If the respiratory center is affected and stops working, the person will no longer be able to breathe and will therefore die. That is why Cordiamine is used to stimulate breathing in severe, life-threatening conditions (shock, collapse, asphyxia, etc.). In addition, the drug can be used in Everyday life to increase pressure when it decreases due to any impact.

Release form and composition

Today Cordiamine is available in the following dosage forms:
1. Drops for oral administration.
2. Injection.
3. Oral solution.

Drops and oral solution are available in dark glass bottles of 15, 25 and 30 ml. These bottles have special dropper attachments, making it convenient to dose the liquid. Different names were given to the two dosage forms because they are produced by different pharmaceutical companies, which patented the same drug under different names. In principle, the solution and drops for oral administration are the same thing.

The solution for injection is available in ampoules of 1 or 2 ml. IN standard packaging there are 10 ampoules with a 25% Cordiamin solution.

The composition of Cordiamine is very simple - the drug is water solution active substance Niketamide. All dosage forms contain Niketamide as active component, which is dissolved in specially purified water. The concentration of niketamide is also the same in all dosage forms of the drug, and is 250 mg per 1 ml of solution, or 25%. The solution does not contain any other auxiliary components.

Cordiamine solution is transparent, not colored or has a slight yellowish tint. The smell of the drug is specific, recognizable and unique.

Mechanism of action

Niketamide is a respiratory analeptic with mixed effects. This means that the mechanism of Cordiamin’s effect on the body is formed by combining two main components - central and peripheral. That is, the drug acts directly on brain structures (respiratory and vasomotor centers) and on ganglia located on the periphery.

The central component of the action is the stimulation of the vasomotor center located in the medulla oblongata, due to which an indirect increase in blood pressure occurs. Indirect, since activation of the vasomotor center does not directly lead to such a result - this brain structure sharply constricts blood vessels. And the narrowing of blood vessels leads (according to the laws of physics) to an increase in pressure.

The peripheral effect of Cordiamine is due to its effect on the receptors of the carotid sinus, which affects breathing, increasing the frequency and depth of respiratory movements. To understand what this peripheral component of the mechanism of action is, and how it leads to deepening and rapid breathing, you need to know what the carotid sinus is.

Carotid sinus is a reflexogenic zone, which is located at the level of the wide part carotid artery, before dividing this common blood vessel to internal and outer branch. The carotid sinus contains a large number of receptors different types, including chemoreceptors. These chemoreceptors respond to changes chemical composition blood and amount of oxygen. That is, when the level of oxygen in the blood decreases (which develops with rare and shallow breathing), the signal is picked up by the chemoreceptors of the carotid sinus, which activates increased breathing through certain nerve nodes. The process of activation of breathing after exposure to chemoreceptors is called the carotid reflex, which is unconditional and vital.

Cordiamine does not directly affect vascular tone and does not simulate cardiac activity. All these effects are reflex. Large dosages of the drug can lead to the development of seizures.

Indications for use

Cordiamine is a powerful drug that is used for breathing problems and sharp drop pressure caused for various reasons. Thus, the indications for the use of Cordiamin are the following conditions:
  • collapse;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • asphyxia (for example, due to severe bronchospasm or laryngeal edema, etc.);
  • respiratory depression with surgical intervention or after surgery;
  • asphyxia in newborns;
  • weakness of breathing and poor circulation due to severe infections (especially during the recovery period and with low blood pressure);
  • drug poisoning, sleeping pills from the group of barbiturates and painkillers.

Cordiamine - instructions for use

Due to the fact that drops and oral solution are used in the same way, the instructions for use of these dosage forms can be combined into one. We will separately consider the rules for using Cordiamin in the form of injections.

Cordiamine drops

These rules apply to drops and solution for oral use. These dosage forms are dosed in the same way - drop by drop. Therefore, for convenience, this dosage form will be referred to as “drops”. Cordiamine drops can be taken orally regardless of food.

Adults take from 15 to 40 drops 2 to 3 times a day. The maximum single dose for adults is 60 drops, and the daily dose is 180 drops. Drops are best dissolved in large quantities water and drink. However, you can also drop it into a spoon. You should not measure Cordiamine drop by drop into a mug or glass, as the solution will be smeared on the walls and the person will not receive the required dosage. If you drop the medicine into a glass, then pour some drinking water into it, stir and drink the medicine as is.

For children under 10 years old a single dose of Cordiamine is as many drops as his age. For example, for a five-year-old child, a single dose will be equal to five drops. For children from 10 to 16 years old, a single dosage of the drug is 10 drops. From the age of 16 you can give the drug in adult doses. It is also necessary to give Cordiamine to a child 2–3 times a day.

Duration of use of Cordiamin depends on the speed of normalization of the condition. For example, when using a drug to increase blood pressure, you can take drops only once if the effect is achieved. In the same way, drops are taken occasionally to normalize breathing during asphyxia. However, to normalize breathing in case of infectious diseases, shock, collapse, or during surgery, drops will need to be taken for several days until the function is fully restored. It is especially important to give medicine to children with severe edema (for example, stenosing laryngotracheitis) respiratory tract so that they don't suffocate.

Cordiamine injections

Injections can be given subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously. For adults, 1 to 2 ml is administered by any method, 1 to 3 times a day. Maximum one-time adult dose Cordiamine is 2 ml, and the daily dose is 6 ml. Children's dosage, depending on age, is 0.1 – 0.75 ml. That is, than younger child, the smaller the dose of the drug is administered. Multiplicity injection Cordiamine for children is also 1-3 times a day, depending on the condition.

Normalization of blood pressure and respiration in case of poisoning with narcotic, hypnotics or painkillers requires the administration of Cordiamin in a dose of 3 - 5 ml once.

Intravenous administration of Cordiamin should be carried out slowly. When administering the drug intramuscularly and subcutaneously, the injections will be very painful. Therefore, to eliminate this pain syndrome It is recommended to give an injection of novocaine (procaine) to this place on the body before administering the drug.

For injection, Cordiamin should be taken in ampoules containing the drug, which is completely ready for use. That is, it is enough to simply open the ampoule, draw the solution into a syringe, attach the appropriate needle (for intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection), and, using sterility, inject Cordiamin into a vein, muscle or subcutaneously.

It is best to administer the drug intravenously into the subclavian vein or veins in the arms. Intramuscular injection It's best to place it in the thigh. It is best to administer the drug subcutaneously on the hands.

Interaction with other drugs

Cannot be administered simultaneously with Cordiamine ascorbic acid because they are incompatible. Cordiamine enhances the effect of psychostimulants and antidepressants. But the drug significantly reduces the effects and effect of narcotic painkillers, hypnotics, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, Chlorpromazine and Opiniazid. Reserpine increases the risk of developing seizures during the use of Cordiamin.


An overdose of Cordiamine leads to the development of clonic-tonic convulsions, which resemble epileptic seizure. In this case it is necessary to give anticonvulsants, for example, Sibazon (Relanium).

Cordiamine for low blood pressure - how to take

Many young women suffer from low blood pressure. At the same time, they feel lethargic, dizzy, drowsy, etc. To increase blood pressure, you can use Cordiamine in the form of drops. If there is no need to increase blood pressure in a life-threatening condition, then Cordiamin should be used in the form of drops. Cordiamine injections are best used for normalization serious condition which requires emergency intervention, or if it is impossible to take the drug orally (for example, fainting).

To increase blood pressure, you can take 20–30 drops of Cordiamine in the morning. Required amount drops should be measured into a teaspoon and drunk. However, this drug must be taken periodically, as permanent medication Cordiamine is not suitable. You can take 20-35 drops at any time of the day when symptoms appear low pressure. Also remember not to exceed the recommended dose.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnant women up to 16 weeks of gestation almost always have relatively low blood pressure, which is due to hormonal changes, occurring in the body. Due to low blood pressure, a woman may feel weak, unwell, lethargic, dizzy, or even faint. Vomiting at these stages of pregnancy is also associated with low blood pressure, and is not a manifestation of toxicosis. In principle, such a decrease in pressure does not affect the development of the child, but provides discomfort pregnant woman.

Hypotension should be treated by normalizing lifestyle, that is:
1. Sleep at least 8 hours.
2. To walk outside.
3. Move a lot.
4. Eat well.

In some cases, in addition to these measures, you will also need to take specialized medications that should be prescribed by a doctor.

Cordiamine for low blood pressure in pregnant women can only be used occasionally, in emergency situations. For example, with a sharp drop in pressure, dizziness, fainting, etc. In this case, the woman should be given 30 drops of Cordiamine to increase blood pressure. But as a drug for the constant regulation of blood pressure in pregnant women this drug absolutely not suitable.

  • swelling and pain at the injection site;
  • allergic reactions.
  • Analogs

    Cordiamine has analogues and synonyms. Synonyms include drugs that, like Cordiamine, contain niketamide as an active substance. Analogues are drugs that have similar effects, but contain a different active ingredient.

    So, the following drugs are synonymous with Cordiamin:

    • Cordiamin-Ferein injection solution;
    • Niketamid-Eskom injection solution;
    • Nicotinic acid diethylamide solution;
    • Cordiamine-Darnitsa solution;
    • Cordiamin-Rusfar drops and solution;
    • Cordimid solution;
    • Niketamide solution.
    Cordiamine analogues include the following drugs:
    • Solution for inhalation and external use Ammonia and Ammonia Bufus;
    • Armanor tablets;
    • Solution for intravenous injections Bemegrid;
    • Solution for subcutaneous administration and for oral administration Securinin nitrate;
    • Securinin nitrate tablets;
    • Solution for subcutaneous administration Strychnine nitrate;
    • Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration Sulfocaine;
    • Solution for injection Sulphocamphocaine;
    • Solution for injection Sulfoprocaine;
    • Solution for injection Etimizol;
    • Etimizol tablets.

    The article describes medical drug Cordianim, its instructions for use. Cordiamine is a drug that is a stimulant of central nervous system metabolism. Effective for difficulty breathing, collapse and drop in pressure.

    Cordiamine how to use

    Cordiamine ( Latin name Cordiaminum, international - Nikethamide) is used for emergency situations when necessary accelerated recovery respiratory function and there is an urgent need to increase blood pressure, the drug is able to quickly increase the frequency of inhalations/exhalations and, due to vasoconstriction, normalize blood pressure.

    Composition of the drug Cordiamin

    Cordiamine is an aqueous solution of the active substance Niketamide, which is the active component of the drug.

    Release form: in drops and solution for oral use, ampoules with solution for injections, in tablets this medicine not released. Drops and solution for injection are prepared in 15, 25, 30 ml bottles with a drip nozzle. The solution for internal administration is prepared in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml. A regular package contains 10 ampoules of solution.

    What doctors say about hypertension

    Doctor medical sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V.:

    I have been treating hypertension for many years. According to statistics, in 89% of cases, hypertension results in a heart attack or stroke and death. Currently, approximately two thirds of patients die within the first 5 years of disease progression.

    The next fact is that it is possible and necessary to reduce blood pressure, but this does not cure the disease itself. The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension and is also used by cardiologists in their work is. The drug acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of hypertension. Moreover, within federal program every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it FOR FREE.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    The pharmacological group of the drug is analeptic, due to its composition (Niketamide solution 0.25 g), Cordiamin enters the medulla oblongata and accelerates its functioning. The work of the reflectors excites the chemoreceptors of the carotid glomeruli, due to which the frequency and quality of breathing increases, and against this background, blood pressure increases.

    Cordiamine has good absorption in any form of use, entering the liver, it is subject to final decomposition, and is excreted mainly through the kidneys.

    The Cordiamin formula promotes the free movement of impulses between neurons and increases the excitability and sensitivity of centers to their natural stressor. Cordiamine does not affect the work in any way of cardio-vascular system body, but is toxic in large quantities.

    Important! According to Decree No. 56742, until June 17, every diabetic can receive unique medicine! Blood sugar is permanently reduced to 4.7 mmol/l. Save yourself and your loved ones from diabetes!

    pharmachologic effect

    Cordiamine is effective when administered orally for up to four hours, intramuscularly for up to three hours, intravenously – up to one and a half hours.

    What does Cordiamine help with:

    • with weakened breathing during the course and treatment of infectious diseases;
    • at sharp jump pressure;
    • in case of cardiac dysfunction;
    • in case of poisoning with potent drugs (narcotics, sleeping pills, analgesics);
    • during collapse;
    • from suffocation (often at birth);
    • with fainting episodes;
    • in shock conditions (after surgery).

    How to use

    Indications for use in adults:
    Orally up to 40 drops up to 3 times a day. Subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously 1–2 ml up to 3 times a day. The maximum allowed intake is up to 60 drops (2 ml) at a time, per day - up to 180 drops (6 ml).

    Indications for use in children: the number of drops inside should be calculated in proportion to the child’s age, frequency of use up to 3 times a day. Subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously 0.1-0.75 ml, also proportional to the age of the child.

    Is it possible for pregnant women: Cordiamine for low blood pressure in pregnant women can be used exclusively for a short time, in emergency cases, since women during pregnancy up to 4 months often suffer from low blood pressure, which is caused by hormonal surges in the body. The result is a feeling of weakness, dizziness, and fainting.

    Against the background of low blood pressure, vomiting occurs, which is not related to toxicosis. For example, in case of critical hypotension, pre-fainting, you need to take 27-30 drops of Cordiamine to increase blood pressure.

    It is forbidden to use Cordiamine on an ongoing basis.

    During pregnancy you must adhere to healthy image life, eat well, get enough sleep, breathe fresh air and do not expose yourself to stress.

    When the pressure drops: It is recommended to use Cordiamine in the form of drops when the condition is not life-threatening; in injection form must be used in emergency situations if it is not possible to take the medicine yourself (in case of fainting). It is allowed to use Cordiamine periodically up to 30 drops per early morning and up to 35 drops at any time of the day if the pressure drops sharply.

    It is forbidden to exceed the dosage and take the drug continuously.

    Can animals: Cordiamine can be used in animals (cats and dogs) with the same symptoms as in humans: impaired respiratory function, suffocation, if poisoning has occurred with various medicines and gas.

    The mechanism of action of the drug is the same as in humans - to increase blood pressure and ease breathing. Cordiamine is also used to treat black spots on the tongue of dogs.

    The dose for taking Cordiamine is calculated for the body weight of the animal, namely:

    1. For injection, 0.1 - 0.12 ml of medication per 1 kg of body weight, use up to 3 times a day.
    2. In the form of drops, it is prescribed before feeding, mixed in advance with water, in the following dosage: for dogs up to 30 drops 2 - 3 times a day, for cats - up to 3 drops 2 - 3 times a day.

    To accurately determine whether a drug increases or decreases blood pressure in an animal, you need to consult a specialist. Only a doctor can write a prescription for use.
    Restrictions on use:

    • individual rejection of drug components (niketamide);
    • the possibility of epilepsy and seizures of various nature;
    • overheating of the body in children.

    Side effects:

    1. the occurrence of allergic reactions on the face;
    2. redness and itching skin;
    3. gagging and feelings of nausea;
    4. spasms and muscle twitching (primarily around the mouth);
    5. heart rhythm disturbance (cardiamia);
    6. state of anxiety.

    Description of interactions with other medications (contraindications):

    • it is contraindicated to use together with vitamin C;
    • increases the effect of antidepressants and other stimulants;
    • minimizes the effects of narcotics, painkillers and anti-epileptic drugs;
    • sympatholytics increase the effect of Cordiamin;
    • Anesthesia medications reduce the effect of Cordiamin.

    Special Purposes

    Cordiamine injection is not administered quickly, since intramuscular and subcutaneous injections have a high pain threshold. To reduce the pain threshold, it is recommended to use Novocaine (Procaine) before injection of Cordiamin.

    Subcutaneous injection technique

    For injections, it is recommended to use Cordiamine in ampoules, which contain a solution that is already completely suitable for injection into a vein, muscle or subcutaneously. Intravenous injections are recommended to be administered into the veins in the arms or into the subclavian vein, intramuscularly into the thigh, subcutaneously into the arms.


    In case of an overdose of Cordiamine, convulsions are possible, reminiscent of epilepsy in nature.

    In such cases, it is necessary to administer anticonvulsants (Sibazon, Euffilin).

    Similar medicines:


    Best before date

    The shelf life of the drug is 3 (three) years from the date of manufacture, provided that the rules for storing medications are followed (storage in places limited from solar activity at an average temperature of 25 C).

    The drug is popular among the population under 35 years of age, who lead a sedentary lifestyle and suffer from hypotension.

    The drug is also popular for the resuscitation of newborns and children who are sick with an infectious disease to bring breathing back to normal.


    Analogues of the drug Niketamide are presented, in accordance with medical terminology, called “synonyms” - drugs that are interchangeable in their effects on the body, containing one or more identical active ingredients. When selecting synonyms, consider not only their cost, but also the country of production and the reputation of the manufacturer.

    Description of the drug

    Niketamide- Analeptic. Stimulates the central nervous system, stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers (especially when decreased tone vasomotor center). There is no direct stimulating effect on the heart and no vasoconstrictor effect. In large (toxic) doses it can cause clonic convulsions.

    List of analogues

    Note! The list contains synonyms for Niketamide, which have a similar composition, so you can choose a replacement yourself, taking into account the form and dose of the medicine prescribed by your doctor. Give preference to manufacturers from the USA, Japan, Western Europe, as well as well-known companies from of Eastern Europe: KRKA, Gedeon Richter, Actavis, Aegis, Lek, Hexal, Teva, Zentiva.

    Release form(by popularity)price, rub.
    Drops 25% r - r 25ml (Rusichi - Pharma (Russia)133
    250mg/ml 25ml drops for oral administration (Technopark - Center LLC (Russia)133
    Amp 25% 1ml No. 10 Dalkhim (Dalkhimfarm OJSC (Russia)138
    Amp 25% 2ml N10 Dalkhim (Dalkhimfarm OJSC (Russia)170


    Below are the results of surveys of site visitors about the drug Niketamide. They reflect the personal feelings of the respondents and cannot be used as an official recommendation for treatment with this drug. We strongly recommend that you contact a qualified medical specialist to select a personal course of treatment.

    Visitor survey results

    One visitor reported effectiveness

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    Not expensive1 100.0%

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    Two visitors reported frequency of intake per day

    How often should I take Niketamide?
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    Official instructions for use

    There are contraindications! Read the instructions before use


    Pharmacotherapeutic group:


    International nonproprietary name:


    Dosage form:


    Pharmacological properties:

    Has an analeptic effect. Stimulates the central nervous system: has a stimulating effect on the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata (especially when this center is depressed), which leads to an indirect increase in systemic blood pressure. Excites the respiratory center due to its stimulating effect on the chemoreceptors of the carotid sinus reflexogenic zone, which leads to an increase in the frequency and depth of respiratory movements. The drug does not have a direct stimulating effect on the heart and a direct stimulating vasoconstrictor effect.

    Indications for use:

    Collapse, states of shock at surgical operations and in postoperative period, cardiac dysfunction, decreased vascular tone, decreased breathing during infectious diseases and during the recovery period, asphyxia of newborns, poisoning with narcotic, hypnotics and analgesics.


    Hypersensitivity, epilepsy, history of tonic-clonic seizures, hyperthermia in children, pregnancy, lactation.
    Interaction medicines:
    The convulsive effect of Cordiamin is enhanced by reserpine, the stimulating effect on the respiratory center is eliminated by anesthesia, the effect of the drug is weakened by PAS and saluzide, and aminazine and other phenothiazine derivatives lead to a weakening of the analeptic effect and convulsive effect. Enhances the effects of psychostimulants and antidepressants. Reduces the effect of narcotic analgesics, sleeping pills, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants.

    Release form:

    1 ml in ampoules. 5 ampoules in blister packs or 2 blister packs with an ampoule knife or ampoule scarifier and instructions for use in a cardboard pack. 10 ampoules with an ampoule knife or ampoule scarifier and instructions for use in a cardboard box.

    The information on the page was verified by physician-therapist E.I. Vasilyeva.

    Formula: C10H14N2O, chemical name: N,N-Diethyl-3-pyridinecarboxamide.
    Pharmacological group: organotropic agents / respiratory agents / respiratory stimulants.
    Pharmachologic effect: analeptic.

    Pharmacological properties

    The mechanism of action of niketamide has two components: peripheral and central. The peripheral mechanism of action is to excite the chemoreceptors of the carotid sinus, which leads to an increase in the depth and frequency of respiratory movements. The central mechanism is associated with a direct stimulating effect on the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata, which increases systemic arterial pressure(especially if this center was initially oppressed). Niketamide does not have a direct effect on the circulatory system. Regardless of the route of administration, niketamide is well absorbed. Niketamide is rapidly metabolized in the liver, producing inactive metabolites that are excreted mainly by the kidneys.


    Collapse, shock states, asphyxia, circulatory disorders in infectious diseases, asphyxia of newborns, poisoning with drugs, sleeping pills, barbiturates.

    Method of administration of niketamide and dose

    Niketamide is taken orally, administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. Adults: administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously 1–3 times a day, 1–2 ml; Take orally 2–3 times a day, 15–40 drops. Children: depending on age, 0.1 – 0.75 ml is administered subcutaneously; Take as many drops orally as the child is old. Maximum doses for adults: one-time - 2 ml, daily - 6 ml.
    Use niketamide with caution for drivers Vehicle, as well as people whose professions are related to increased concentration attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

    Contraindications for use

    Hypersensitivity, history of tonic-clonic seizures, epilepsy, hyperthermia in children.

    Restrictions on use

    Age up to 18 years.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    The use of Niketamide is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Side effects of niketamide

    Anxiety, tonic-clonic convulsions, facial skin flushing, muscle twitching (starting from the orbicularis oris muscles), vomiting, itching of the skin, arrhythmias, allergic reactions, pain and infiltration at the injection site.

    Interaction of Niketamide with other substances

    Niketamide enhances the effects of antidepressants and psychostimulants. Niketamide reduces the effect of neuroleptics, hypnotics, anticonvulsants, tranquilizers, and narcotic analgesics. Reserpine enhances the convulsive effect of niketamide. The effect of niketamide is reduced by opiniazid, aminosalicylic acid, phenothiazine derivatives and drugs for general anesthesia.


    In case of an overdose of niketamide, tonic-clinical convulsions develop; symptomatic treatment is necessary.