Swelling of the mammary glands in dogs. Treating mammary cancer in a dog (symptoms and need for euthanasia)

Diseases with oncological etiology are increasingly encountered in veterinary practice. There is no need to talk about how dangerous they are for four-legged pets. One of the most common types of cancer is a mammary tumor in a dog. Experts diagnose the tumor in females in 55% of cases, and in males in one case out of a hundred. The article will discuss in detail the types, causes and symptoms of this neoplasm, as well as methods of its treatment and prevention.

Breast tumor is the most “popular” type of cancer in females. In males it is very rare, but it occurs because they also have milk organs, albeit in a rudimentary state. It is important for the owner to understand that cancerous tumors There are two types: malignant and benign. Let's discuss them in more detail.

A malignant tumor is an almost fatal verdict for a shaggy pet. It is constantly growing, extremely aggressive and metastasizing. If it is not treated, then death occurs very quickly; if treated, then the chances of a complete recovery still remain negligible. The course of the disease is uncontrolled, and the prognosis is rarely comforting.

Benign neoplasms grow much more slowly and do not deeply affect the tissues of the animal. They do not metastasize, meaning the cancer does not spread throughout the dog's body. A specialist can predict the course of the pathology. If such a tumor is removed, the chance of its recurrence is extremely small. Sometimes they stop growing on their own, and if they do not interfere with the animal in any way, then they do not need to be removed at all.

Types of disease

Owners should clearly understand that mammary tumors in dogs are not always a death sentence. Experienced veterinarians are convinced that cancer occurs only in 40% of cases. Now let’s figure out what types of breast cancer there are.

Benign neoplasms include:

  • adenomas: simple and complex;
  • papillomas formed on the milk ducts;
  • fibroadenomas;
  • neoplasms of mixed type, which consist of glandular and connective tissues.

Malignant tumors presented as:

  • carcinomas;
  • fibrosarcomas and osteosarcomas;
  • tubular cancer;
  • adenocarcinoma of the nipple;
  • anaplastic cancer.

Thus, treatment of a mammary tumor depends entirely on the course of the pathology itself in the dog’s body. If we talk about the differences in treatment depending on the tissue type of tumor, then within the same course the methods therapeutic effects always look alike.


Until now, not a single scientist can give an exact answer to the question of why mammary gland cancer occurs in dogs. However, there are certain factors that significantly increase the risk of such a formidable pathology. These should include:

Symptoms of the disease

In the early stages, a breast tumor is almost impossible to identify. It can appear in the form of a lump or a small pea, which is sometimes very difficult to notice. The animal does not react in any way to developing pathology, it doesn’t itch, doesn’t whine, doesn’t try to lick her. Only an aggressive tumor such as inflammatory carcinoma, which affects the dog's mammary glands with large and painful abscesses, gives obvious symptoms at the very beginning.

New growths on the glands are most often discovered by owners accidentally, when touching the organ. At that time, a lumpy, stable formation will already have formed there. However, veterinarians advise paying attention to the following symptoms characteristic of a tumor:

  1. Single or multiple, with good differentiation, lumps, swellings or nodules that are located in the tissues of the glands of the animal.
  2. Often the neoplasms are connected to the nipple and may be covered with ulcers.
  3. Lumps and nodules can move freely under the animal’s skin, which serves good sign their good quality. Or, on the contrary, they are well fixed and sit deep, which indicates a formidable sign of malignancy.
  4. When you press your finger into the area of ​​the mammary glands, the dog may whine or even try to bite the owner. This indicates that the tumor is painful.
  5. Unpleasant whitish discharge from the nipples.
  6. Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit or groin area. This a terrible sign that the tumor has begun to metastasize.

It is extremely important for the owner to understand that in many respects the development of symptoms in the case of a malignant tumor is related to where exactly it will metastasize. For example, the presence of shortness of breath or difficulty breathing is a sign that metastases are going to the lungs, lameness - to the bones of the paws. If a dog exhibits any of the listed symptoms, it must be urgently taken to a doctor, who will conduct a diagnosis and determine how to treat the pet.


Without carrying out the full spectrum diagnostic procedures the animal cannot be cured. Ordinary palpation, even if the doctor is very experienced, will never be enough to precise definition the nature of the pathology. Therefore, in case of a tumor, a biopsy is required - tissue sampling from the affected tissue and its careful histological examination.

X-rays and ultrasound are used to determine whether the tumor is metastasizing. For example, if an animal begins to limp, then an X-ray of its paw is prescribed, which will help determine whether the bone tissue is affected by cancer cells. Most best option- This comprehensive diagnostics, only with its help can you determine what stage the cancer is at and what to do to stop its spread.

Treatment options

In many ways, the treatment of the animal following diagnosis depends on the type of course cancer. So, if the tumor is benign, then the doctor just needs to give the pet anesthesia and then simply remove it. Such operations have a high chance of a successful outcome, and the risk of disease recurrence is zero. Tumors with a malignant course are another matter. They may be inoperable or their metastases have spread too widely, in which case we're talking about not about a cure, but simply about preserving the pet’s quality of life until death.

The owner should be aware that no matter what type of cancer their pet has, removing the tumor will still involve about an inch of healthy tissue. And around the entire area of ​​the neoplasm. Surgical interventions are usually differentiated by size, location and number of tumors. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Lumpectomy – removal of only the tumor with a rim of healthy tissue. After such an operation, the dog can still bear puppies.
  2. Simple and regional mastectomy - removal of most of the affected breast.
  3. Unilateral and bilateral mastectomy – complete removal mammary glands.

If the doctor determines that the pathology has reached stages 3-4 of development, then the dog is prescribed chemotherapy. With its help, you can somewhat slow down the growth and development of cancer cells. Unfortunately, the disease in the last stage, in the presence of distant metastases, is incurable. All that remains is to improve the dog’s quality of life and eliminate the most unpleasant signs of the disease. For these purposes they use antibacterial agents and painkillers. In addition, veterinarians recommend that owners be gentle with their pets, pet them more often, feed them tasty treats, and take walks in nature. There is no need to blame the animal for dying.

Disease Prevention

Special preventive recommendations There are no methods that allow you to completely avoid the disease. The best solution would be to sterilize the female before her first heat, this will increase her resistance to this disease. In addition, you need to monitor the dog’s diet and hygiene, get vaccinations and deworming on time. Feel your pet's mammary glands frequently to check for tumors. Early diagnosis- This is a half-cured disease.

Perhaps the greatest fear among owners of Labrador bitches is mammary cancer developing in their pets. All breeds are at risk of developing this disease, however, as we will see later, by spaying their animals, owners can significantly reduce the chances of their bitches developing this disease.

Tumors (cancer) of the mammary gland in dogs

Mammary tumors are the most common tumors in bitches that have not had their ovaries removed. Breast tumors can be small, simple nodular lesions, or large, aggressive, metastatic tumors. With early detection and quick treatment even some of the more serious tumors can be successfully treated. Cats also suffer from mammary tumors, and they have their own unique set of problems. Which dogs are at risk for developing mammary tumors?
Mammary tumors are more common in middle-aged bitches (between 5 and 10 years of age) who have not been spayed, although in rare cases they can be found in young dogs as young as two years of age. These tumors are rare in dogs that have had their ovaries removed before the age of 2 years. Sometimes, mammary tumors develop in male dogs, and such tumors are very aggressive and have a poor prognosis.

The risk of mammary cancer is virtually eliminated in dogs that are spayed before their first heat. Removing the ovaries greatly reduces the chances of developing this state in bitches Mammary cancer is very, very rare in bitches who are spayed before their first heat cycle. The risk of malignant mammary tumors in dogs that are spayed before their first heat is 0.05%.
It is also 8% in dogs that were spayed after their first heat and 26% in dogs that were spayed after their second heat.
It is believed that the elimination or reduction of certain hormonal factors causes a decrease in percentage share diseases in dogs that have had their ovaries removed. These factors may be estrogen, progesterone, a similar hormone, or possibly a combination of two or more similar hormones.

What are the types of mammary tumors in dogs?

There are various types of mammary tumors in dogs. Approximately half of all mammary tumors in dogs are benign and half are malignant. All breast tumors must be identified by biopsy and histopathology (examination of tissue at a microscopic level) to aid in the treatment of that particular tumor type.

The most common form of benign mammary tumor in dogs is, in fact, a mixture of several various types cells. In many individuals, it is considered rare to have several types of cancer cells within one tumor. This combined cancer in dogs is called "benign mixed breast tumor" and contains glandular and connective tissue. Other benign tumors include complex adenomas, fibroadenomas, mammary duct papillomas, and simple adenomas.

Malignant breast tumors include: tubular adenocarcinomas, papillary adenocarcinomas, papillary cystic adenocarcinomas, solid carcinomas, anaplastic carcinomas, osteosarcomas, fibrosarcomas and mixed malignancies.

What are the symptoms of breast tumors?

Breast tumors appear as a solid mass or numerous tumors. When tumors do arise in breast tissue, they are usually easy to detect by gently palpating the breasts. If the tumor is new, it will feel like small peas under the skin. They are very hard and difficult to move under the skin. They can grow rapidly short period time, doubling its size approximately every month.

The dog usually has five mammary glands, each with its own nipple, located on the left and right sides of the lower abdomen. Although breast cancer can and does occur in all breasts, it most often occurs in the fourth and fifth. In half of the cases, more than one neoplasm is observed. Benign tumors are usually smooth, small and slow growing. Signs of malignant tumors include fast growth, irregular shape, stable position on the skin or adjacent tissue, bleeding and ulceration. Sometimes, tumors that have been small for a while long period time, may suddenly begin to grow quickly and aggressively, but this rather an exception than the rule.

It is very difficult to determine the type of tumor based on a physical examination. A biopsy or tumor removal and testing are almost always necessary to determine whether a tumor is malignant or benign and identify its type. Tumors that are more aggressive may metastasize and spread to surrounding lymph nodes or the lungs. X-ray chest and physical examination of the lymph nodes is often helpful in confirming this.
Breast cancer spreads throughout the body by releasing individual cancer cells from various tumors into the lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic system includes special vessels and lymph nodes. There are regional lymph nodes on both the left and right sides of the body under the front and hind legs. They are respectively called "axillary" and "inguinal" lymph nodes. The first, second and third mammary glands spread their cancer cells forward to the axillary lymph nodes, while the cells of the third, fourth and fifth extend to the inguinal lymph nodes. New tumors form in these areas and move to other organs such as the lungs, liver or kidneys.

How is this treated?

Removal surgically: Once any mass is discovered within a dog's mammary gland, surgical removal is recommended unless the patient is very old. If surgery is performed early in the disease, cancer can be completely eliminated in 50% of malignant cancer cases. The size of the area removed depends on the opinion and preference of the practitioner. Some will only remove the tumor itself. Others, taking into account how the cancer spreads, will remove the tumor with the remaining mammary glands and the lymph nodes that feed along with the glands. For example, if a tumor was noticed in the second gland, then in this case we would remove the first, second and third glands and the axillary node. If the tumor was found on the fourth gland with right side, then the third, fourth, fifth glands and the inguinal node on this side must be completely removed. With some types of tumors, especially sarcomas, complete removal is extremely difficult, and in many such cases the tumor re-grows in the area where it was previously removed.

Owners may confuse surgical mammary removal in dogs with radical mastectomy in humans and the associated problems. In the case of people, this type surgical intervention would affect muscle tissue, which complicates recovery. In dogs, however, mammary tissue and related lymphatic system located outside the muscle layer, thus surgical intervention affects only the skin and breast tissue. This makes surgery much easier and recovery much faster. Radical mastectomy in dogs means that all mammary glands, the skin that covers them and all four lymph nodes will be removed at the same time. Despite the fact that this is a very serious operation, the sutures are removed after 10-14 days if the activity at this point was normal.

Many veterinarians will spay a dog who has had a mastectomy (unless he is very old). The value of this, relative to reduction reoccurrence tumors is still quite controversial.

Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy: Chemotherapy has never been a very successful or commonly used treatment for mammary cancer in dogs. However, with constant change and improvement available medicines, a veterinary oncologist should be consulted to determine whether there is an available and effective drug, tailored specifically to your dog's type of mammary cancer. The effectiveness of radiation therapy is not yet fully understood. Some antihormonal drugs have been tested in dogs. On this moment, surgical removal of tumors – the best choice treatment.

How can I prevent mammary cancer in my dog?

There are few cancers that are as preventable as mammary cancer in dogs. There is a direct and well-documented link between early spaying of female dogs and a reduced risk of mammary cancer. Dogs whose ovaries are removed before their first heat have an extremely low chance of developing mammary cancer. Dogs whose ovaries are removed after their first heat but before 2.5 years of age are susceptible to greater risk, however, this risk is lower than in dogs whose ovaries were removed more recently late age or not deleted at all. We all know the enormous benefits of spaying bitches in early age, but veterinarians still encounter this easily preventable disease every day. Early removal ovaries remains one of the best ways owners improve their health and guarantee long life to your dogs.


Mammary cancer is a very common type of cancer and can often be successfully treated if detected early. If all non-breeding dogs and cats were spayed before their first heat, this disease would be successfully eliminated. If you notice a mass or lump in your dog's mammary tissue, you should report it to your veterinarian immediately rather than treat it "let's wait and see what happens".

Oncology is becoming more common every year. Despite the tremendous successes in the field of cancer treatment that have been achieved by modern scientists, pathologies of this type claim many lives every minute. Pets suffer from the same problems. So, a tumor of the mammary gland in a dog does not end well without qualified treatment, and therefore today we will discuss this disease in more detail.

As you know, mammary glands are necessary for feeding newborn puppies. They are arranged in two rows, extending from the chest to the back of the abdomen. Anatomically, the nipples are located on both sides of the linea alba. And now - the main thing. Have you ever looked at the belly of a male dog? Remember that they also have nipples, even if only in their infancy? So, males can also suffer from breast cancer, and not so rarely. Unfortunately, in this case the disease is much more severe and most often ends in death.

About measures to prevent cancer diseases

Benign and malignant mammary tumors can occur in all bitches with functioning ovaries. In fact, any female is at risk. Removing the ovaries can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer, but only in cases where the operation is performed before six months of age.

Types of tumors

There are dozens of types of cancer and simple tumors, but they are all divided into only two types: benign and malignant. Of course, the most dangerous is the second variety, which annually causes the death of thousands of animals around the world.

Genetic predisposition

There is a genetic predisposition to breast cancer not only in humans (this is the scourge of some families), but also in dogs. For example, in toy and miniature poodles, English springer spaniels, English Cocker Spaniels, setters, German Shepherds, Maltese dogs And Yorkshire Terriers, as scientists and breeders have found, the risk of developing this disease is significantly higher than that of other breeds of these animals. Average age in this case - approximately 10.5 years (range from 1 to 15 years). It should be remembered that cancer practically does not occur in animals under the age of five. More precisely, I haven’t met. IN last decade this is becoming quite commonplace.

Read also: Weeping dermatitis in a dog: signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Important Information

Single tumors are common in some teats, but in approximately 40% of dogs multiple tumors occur, involving both rows of mammary glands. This is often accompanied by strong inflammatory process or even necrosis, as a result of which in some dogs up to half of all the skin on the abdominal wall comes off. It must be remembered that a benign tumor can appear in the form of a small, moving ball, which is easy to notice when palpated. In the malignant course of the process, it often seems to be “attached” to the wall of the abdominal cavity, which is also easily detected by palpation.

Half of sick dogs are diagnosed with benign process. These include: complex adenomas, simple adenomas, fibroadenomas and papillomas milk duct. Alas, the other half of the animals have a malignant form of the disease. In this case, they are diagnosed much less nice views neoplasms: osteogenic, cystic adenocarcinomas and others.


What are the symptoms? In general, they are quite simple: a small lump appears in the mammary gland. It grows over time. In case of severe malignant neoplasms, the tissues around this place can become inflamed and undergo necrosis. If you see that a cavity has opened up on your dog’s belly, and pus is flowing out of it, it’s time to sound the alarm: it is quite possible that this is not just a sore, but something more serious! In a word, if any doubts arise, it is better to take your pet to the veterinarian once again. It is possible that by doing this you will save her life!

Read also: Dermatomycosis in dogs and their manifestations

Why does it appear?

The exact reasons are still unknown. In some cases, the action of some carcinogenic substances, which often happens in cities with extremely poor ecology. As we have already said, some dog breeds are predisposed to cancer at the genetic level. Finally, constant feeding of moldy food clearly predisposes to such a sad outcome. It has also been noted that in animals with helminthic infestations the chances of cancer also increase. Don’t know how to treat your dog against “guests” in the intestines? Don’t be lazy and consult a veterinarian: it is quite possible that this way you will preserve the health and life of your pet.


Since lumps in the mammary gland and its necrosis can occur in cases where oncology has nothing to do with it, it is very important to conduct a high-quality diagnosis. Full required chemical analysis blood, its microscopic examination and urine testing. Diagnosis will also include a chest x-ray and abdominal cavity, with the help of which possible metastases are identified. Finally, the most important thing is a biopsy of the tumor, which allows us to find out its nature. Microscopic examination is also very important lymph nodes.


The prognosis and course of treatment that will be used for your dog will depend on many factors: the type of tumor, the condition of the animal, and the capabilities of the owner. The presence or absence of metastases is of great importance. Malignant tumors less than five centimeters in diameter suggest a cautious prognosis; if the size is larger, it is unfavorable. All types benign neoplasms give a positive prognosis.

Therapeutic measures

Surgical removal of a dog's mammary tumor is the main treatment option. The tumor (or several) must be removed, as the dog’s life depends on it. Depending on the age of the animal, it physiological state and general constitution, and also taking into account the general neglect of the process, the doctor can cut out both the tumor itself and the entire affected area, including muscles abdominal wall and mammary glands completely. As a rule, in most cases you have to do difficult abdominal surgery, since it is also necessary to remove the ovaries in order to avoid serious problems on hormonal grounds.

Under the term " breast tumor", or for short, OMG, understand the abnormal enlargement of mammary gland tissue, their compaction and pathological growth.

Wherein Mammary tumors develop and behave differently in dogs and cats. In addition, there are many differences in the nature of the origin of tumors in dogs and cats.

In this article I will try to briefly talk about mammary tumors in dogs and cats, explain the reasons for their occurrence and analyze measures to prevent the formation of mammary tumors in dogs and cats.

Mammary tumors in dogs

Mammary gland tumors are quite common in dogs., according to some sources Every second dog suffers from AMD, and to By the age of 15, 70% of bitches have a mammary tumor.

Rice. 1 AOM in a dog. There are very few chances.

Rice. 2 The neoplasm was noticed on time. This tumor can be removed without consequences

Rice. 3 The same dog. The tumor was removed.

In dogs, mammary tumors are benign nature. In approximately 40% of cases, a diagnosis of carcinoma is made, but even in this case, as a rule, the development of the tumor is benign.

Fig. 2 Mixed adenoma in a dog

Mammary tumors in dogs are hormone dependent, i.e. their development is directly related to hormonal levels female sex hormones in the body. If you don't plan to breed a bitch- Necessarily perform an ovariohysterectomy(castration, i.e. complete removal of the uterus and ovaries). There is a direct correlation between the age of castration of a female dog and the risk of developing a mammary tumor.

Carrying out ovariohysterectomy before the first estrus eliminates the development of AMF and reduces the risk of the disease to zero

Carrying out an ovariohysterectomy after the first estrus reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by 90%

Carrying out an ovariohysterectomy after the second heat reduces the risk of developing mammary tumors by 70%

Carrying out ovariohysterectomy after the third estrus has NO effect on the development of AMF.

Conclusion - early castration of a female dog completely eliminates the risk of developing mammary tumors. I recommend that owners of non-productive bitches, females that you do not intend to breed and get offspring from, think carefully and weigh what you have read above.

Treatment of AMF in dogs

These recommendations are written based on my personal observations, experience in veterinary medicine, statistical literature data and results latest research problems of AMF disease in bitches by foreign colleagues.

Tumor treatment is only surgical. There is no scientifically proven data on the treatment of AMF in dogs through chemotherapy, homeopathy, witchcraft, shamanism, dancing with a tambourine, attracting cosmic energy, traveling to the astral plane, etc. Trying to cure the tumor with these methods, you risk losing your dog, because... The period at which early tumor removal and successful treatment are possible has already passed.

The owner of the animal should be aware that macrotumor ( visible to the eye), which you see on the dog’s mammary gland, is most likely surrounded by a cascade of microtumors, invisible to the naked eye, but threatening to subsequently become macroscopic, increasing in size. That's why main principle surgical intervention– excision of the tumor along as wide a margin as possible. In practice, I have verified that when making a skin incision, a distance of 3-5 cm from the edge of the tumor (in cases where this is possible) almost completely eliminates the possibility of relapses.

Early diagnosis of AML is very important. The sooner you detect and remove a tumor in a dog, the better the prognosis for cure.

Since AMF in dogs is hormone-dependent, the optimal treatment option is in several stages:
1. Removal of the tumor, if possible, removal of a nearby lymph node.
2. Ovariohysterectomy
3. Excision of all milk bags, if cytological analysis of the punctate showed the presence tumor cells in them.

Highly desirable after removal examine the excised tumor histologically, assess the tumor margin and the likelihood of recurrence. Histology is an expensive study, but very necessary for making predictions further development diseases.

Mammary tumors in cats

The development of mammary tumors in cats and dogs is different and is caused by different factors..

AMFs are less common in cats than in dogs. 90% of mammary gland tumors in cats are invasive (growing into nearby tissues) carcinoma. 90% of AMF in cats are malignant.

Rice. 3 Cribose carcinoma in a cat

According to the latest scientific data, mammary tumors in cats do not have hormonal dependence. There is no confirmed evidence that ovariohysterectomy in cats reduces the risk of AMF. This statement is very controversial for me personally, because in the course of my activities veterinarian I often encounter AMF in uncastrated cats. I have come across much less evidence of AMF in neutered cats.

Treatment of a mammary tumor in a cat

Just like dogs surgical treatment. Postoperative chemotherapy reduces the risk of developing breast cancer and carcinoma invasion into nearby tissues.

Main component successful treatmentearly diagnosis.

Removing a tumor less than 2 cm in size will extend your cat's life by 3 years

Removing a 2-3 cm tumor will prolong your cat's life by 2 years

Removing a tumor larger than 3 cm will prolong your cat's life by no more than 6-12 months.

During the operation, it is necessary to remove all enlarged regional lymph nodes and, of course, make a large incision distance from the edge of the tumor.

After surgery, the use of chemotherapy and radiation exposure is indicated. A positive effect is obtained from postoperative use of the drug Tamoxifen.


1. AMF in dogs is hormone dependent, early castration reduces the risk of the disease to zero. In cats - not proven.
2. Tumors of the mammary glands in dogs have a benign course, in cats they have a malignant course (invasive carcinoma)
3. Early diagnosis of a mammary tumor gives your animal a better chance.
4. Treatment of AMF in dogs and cats is surgical only. Removal of regional lymph nodes and the uterus reduces the risk of disease recurrence.
5. Laboratory diagnostics(cyto- and histological examination) allows us to make a prognosis for cure and survival.
6. Chemotherapy and drugs for treating mammary cancer (Tamoxifen) are effective in cats but useless and even dangerous (Tamoxifen) in dogs.

Mammary tumors in dogs are quite common. According to statistics, this disease ranks second in this animal species after skin tumors. Mostly females are affected, but breast cancer can also develop in males: according to statistics, no more than 1% of all mammary gland tumors.

Causes of mammary tumor development in dogs

Many factors contribute to the occurrence of breast cancer (BC). pathological processes in the animal’s body, as well as the habitat and conditions of detention. It has been proven that development oncological process in bitches it is hormonal in nature. In this regard, the risk of mammary tumors (MTG) in uncastrated animals is significantly higher than in dogs spayed before their second heat. According to studies, the likelihood of developing AMF in females who have had their ovaries removed before their first heat is about 0.05%. Removing the ovaries after the age of two years does not significantly affect the occurrence of breast cancer, but the risk of developing benign tumors is reduced. The disease mainly affects middle-aged and older individuals. In bitches over 9 years of age, the tumor is more often malignant.

The development of mammary gland tumors in dogs is provoked by the use of hormonal drugs to prevent unwanted pregnancy, the presence of cystic changes in the ovaries and various mastopathy. Mastopathy is a pathological process occurring in the mammary gland. They are manifested by the release of colostrum and changes in the behavior of the animal, often occurring in females prone to pseudolactation and false pregnancies. At the same time, the dog becomes restless, looks for secluded places, may refuse food and consume more water, the mammary glands swell and become hotter than the surrounding tissues. Such changes can end on their own after a few weeks, or can lead to mastitis - inflammation of the breast tissue. Mastitis, in turn, oncology practice can be called a precancerous condition, since all these pathological processes can be a trigger in the development of mammary gland cancer in dogs.

Symptoms of a mammary tumor in dogs

There are two main forms of mammary gland cancer in dogs - nodular and diffuse, i.e. diffuse, without clear boundaries. The nodular form can be either single or multiple. This type of breast cancer often remains mobile for a long time relative to surrounding tissues. small sizes neoplasms. It can have a different consistency to the touch: from soft, elastic to dense, almost boney. Ulcerations occur infrequently and, as a rule, indicate a malignant process. Damage to the lymph nodes occurs on late stages diseases.

The diffuse form is characterized by damage to the entire breast tissue. Skin covering becomes inflamed, becomes denser, a tumor node is not always present. There are inflammatory adenocarcinoma, armored and mastitis-like forms. In inflammatory adenocarcinoma, which is considered the most aggressive and rare form of AML in dogs, the local skin temperature increases, the lesion does not have clear boundaries, there is pain, and the tumor quickly metastasizes into the skin. When diagnosing, mastitis is excluded.

Mastitis-like cancer in dogs is quite common, characterized by a rapid growth rate, a voluminous neoplasm on the mammary gland, its borders do not have clear contours. During palpation examination, an infiltrate is felt; when a puncture is taken, the contents are most often purulent mixed with blood. Local skin temperature is elevated and an increase in overall body temperature is often observed. At long process growth may cause the neoplasm to open. When diagnosing, breast abscess is excluded.

With armored cancer, the skin is inflamed, hyperemic, and thickened. This increases the overall body temperature. The disease is acute. First, the area of ​​the last mammary glands is affected predominantly, and foci form various shapes. The share of this type of AMF in dogs diffuse form According to statistics, it accounts for no more than 4% of cases. Such breast cancer very quickly metastasizes to regional lymph nodes and internal organs.

There is also hidden form Mammary cancer in dogs, but it is extremely rare.

Taking into account the above, animal owners who discover lumps or changes in the skin structure of their pets in the mammary glands, whether ulcerations, changes in local temperature, tissue swelling or pain, should immediately contact a specialist for treatment. differential diagnosis and productions accurate diagnosis. This is especially important if the animal is at risk (see “reasons”).

Diagnosis of AMF in dogs

It is very important to promptly contact a specialized institution for correct diagnosis. The type of tumor and the stage of the process will determine the prognosis of the animal’s life and the treatment tactics for the patient. It is important to accurately establish the tumor nature of the neoplasm.

The doctor needs to examine the dog and palpate all the glands. This is necessary to determine which particular packages of mammary glands are affected, to compare local temperature skin of the affected area with healthy skin, determine the shape, boundaries and size of the neoplasm, adhesion to the skin, the presence of ulcerations and necrosis, palpate the lymph nodes, determine their density, size, mobility, soreness.

Most often, cancer develops in those mammary glands that actively secrete milk. Most likely you will need to do X-ray for the presence of metastases in the lungs. It is also often necessary to carry out ultrasound diagnostics, take cytological material to make a preliminary diagnosis. TO additional methods studies include computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

The final diagnosis is made based on histological examination, for which a piece of the tumor mass is taken. Basically, this manipulation is performed under anesthesia.

Metastasis is the process of spread of tumor cells from the primary site or along lymphatic vessels into the lymph nodes, or hematogenously through blood vessels into internal organs, in particular the lungs.

Rice. 1. Metastases in the lungs due to neoplasms of the mammary glands in a dog

Metastasis is the main criterion for the malignancy of the process. Benign tumors grow more slowly and do not metastasize. The formation and spread of metastases is possible already at initial stages development of the primary tumor. For breast cancer, the two ways of metastasis described above (lymphogenous and hematogenous) are equally characteristic. In this case, the target organs will be the lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, as well as the heart, adrenal glands, and extremely rarely, breast cancer can metastasize to the brain and bones. The entire volume of circulating blood passes through the lungs every minute and they have the most branched and extensive capillary network, so in most cases metastases are found in them. With lymphogenous metastasis, the lymph nodes are affected.

Treatment of mammary tumors in dogs

Based on the results of the studies, the doctor will individually select treatment for your animal. Treatment tactics are selected depending on the stage of the oncological process, tumor growth and the condition of the lymph nodes. At diffuse prognosis is considered unfavorable.

The main method of treating breast tumors is surgical excision. Chemotherapy is prescribed either in addition to surgery, or in animals for which, for some reason, it is impossible to remove the tumor.

Distinguish the following types mastectomy - removal of breast cancer in dogs:

  • simple mastectomy: with therapeutic purpose not used, only as an option for extended biopsy;
  • regional mastectomy: removal of half the ridge of mammary glands with the adjacent lymph node;
  • unilateral mastectomy: removal of the entire ridge and adjacent lymph nodes;
  • bilateral mastectomy: practically not used due to the impossibility of normal skin tension after surgery and great trauma.

Rice. 2. Skin tension during bilateral mastectomy

The surgeon must be proficient in the techniques of ablastics (measures and techniques in which the possibility of dissemination of tumor cells is reduced to zero) and antiblastics (a set of measures aimed at destroying those that may have entered the surgical wound tumor cells). He must also observe the principle of “case”, know the paths of lymphatic drainage from one or another package of the mammary gland, and be confident in the chosen method of tumor removal.

Chemotherapy is aimed at destroying rapidly dividing cells. It is perfect for preventing local relapses (the occurrence of a tumor process at the site of its removal), as well as for preventing metastasis. Animals with the last, fourth stage of mammary cancer are prescribed only chemotherapy to prolong the patient's life.

Rice. 3. Recurrence of the tumor after incorrect mastectomy

The prognosis and outcome of the disease depends on the stage of the tumor process. At timely application to the oncologist for animals that have received necessary treatment Those with stage 1-2 of the disease live their lives and do not need repeated treatment. Dogs with stage 3 tumor process have poor prognosis and need to be carried out postoperative treatment, but even at the same time, life expectancy after mastectomy without chemotherapy treatment can vary from 6 months to 1.5 years, and with postoperative treatment on average about 2-3 years. After completion of treatment, it is necessary to see an oncologist every three months.

Prevention of AMD in dogs

At the moment, the only possible and correct prevention is considered to be early castration and regular examination of the animal’s mammary glands. If lumps are detected, contact a qualified veterinarian.

Photos of mammary tumors in dogs