Causes of breast disease. The difference between fibroadenoma and cancer

The mammary glands are part reproductive system women, breast tissue - targets for ovarian steroid hormones, prolactin, placental hormones and indirectly other hormones endocrine glands organism.

Traditionally, oncologists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases. Recently, however, obstetricians and gynecologists have begun to deal more deeply with the problem of benign diseases of the mammary glands.

Risk factors for developing breast diseases

Currently, conditions have been identified that contribute to the emergence and development of diseases of the mammary glands, which makes it possible to identify a contingent of women with an increased risk of the disease.

Since benign diseases and breast cancer have much in common in etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms, the risk factors for their development are largely identical.

Of paramount importance is the hereditary factor - the presence of benign and malignant diseases in maternal relatives.

One of the most common adverse factors is chronic salpingo-oophoritis, since the production of sex hormones is disrupted as a result of inflammation.

In most patients with various forms of mastopathy, pathology is detected thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism increases the risk of mastopathy by 3.8 times.

An important cause contributing to the occurrence of mastopathy are various diseases of the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder. The liver plays a large role in the metabolism of excess endogenous estrogens. With her diseases, this ability is reduced and even lost, as a result of which the content of hormones increases.

Of the other risk factors, obesity may play a role, especially when combined with diabetes and arterial hypertension. It is known that in the presence of the entire triad, the risk of mastopathy, as well as breast cancer, is tripled.

Another risk factor for the development of dyshormonal changes in the mammary glands is iodine deficiency, which contributes to disorders in the hypothalamus-mammary gland system.

A woman is at great risk of getting sick with stress, neurosis, depression, so chronic stress is one of the factors in the occurrence of mastopathy.

Violations hormonal status the female body is also caused by an irregular sexual life, which can contribute to the development pathological processes in the mammary gland.

Indirect risk factors include addiction to alcohol and smoking.

The risk of developing breast diseases can be increased by exposure to ionizing radiation.

Serious consequences for the development of diseases of the mammary gland can have its injuries and microtraumas.

Artificial termination of pregnancy significantly increases the risk of developing breast pathology. After an abortion, proliferative processes in the mammary glands stop and the tissue undergoes reverse development. These regressive changes occur unevenly, so the structure of the glands can become pathological.

The risk of developing mastopathy and breast cancer increases under the influence of such adverse factors as the absence of pregnancy or late first pregnancy, lack of breastfeeding.

Women who have given birth to two children under the age of 25. have a three times lower risk of developing breast diseases compared to those who had only one child. Age is also an important factor risk of developing cancer: the incidence of breast cancer increases with age and reaches, according to some authors. by the age of 75 to 30%.

An association of an increased risk of the disease with the early onset of menstruation and their late cessation was found.

Protective factors include early birth(20-25 years), breastfeeding, the number of births (more than two) with full lactation.

Often causal factors are interrelated, forming a common unfavorable background. The complexity of assessing the combination of causal factors dictates the need for regular comprehensive examinations (breast self-examination, mammography, consultation with a mammologist) for each woman.

Diagnosis of diseases of the mammary glands

Clinical examination

The examination begins with an analysis of the anamnesis. Of great importance in understanding the causes of breast diseases are data on the risk factors for their occurrence.

An objective examination includes an examination and a manual examination, in which the degree of formation of the glands, the shape, size, condition of the skin, and the nipple are determined.

Superficial and deep palpation of the glands and lymph nodes is carried out; the presence of seals and their nature are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the existing nodular formations.

Palpation is performed in a vertical and horizontal position examined. Palpation allows you to determine the location of the tumor, its size, boundaries, consistency, relationship with the underlying tissues. It is first carried out with light touches of the pads of 2, 3, 4 fingers laid flat on the palpated mammary gland. Then they move on to deeper palpation, but it should also be painless. Palpation of the mammary gland in a horizontal position can greatly facilitate the diagnosis of minimal tumors, as well as their distinction from dyshormonal hyperplasia. In this position, the entire mammary gland becomes softer, which allows you to identify small areas of compaction in it. In addition, with the horizontal position of the examined woman, the areas of dyshormonal hyperplasia become softer to the touch or are not detected at all, while the tumor node does not change its consistency compared to standing examination.

Scale for assessing changes detected in the mammary glands

Characteristics of palpable areas

Clinical conclusion

In one or both mammary glands, localized areas of compaction are clearly defined against the background of diffuseLocalized fibroadenomatosis on the background of diffuse
In one or both uterine glands, compacted areas without clear contours are determined against the background of diffuse fibroadenomatosisLocalized fibroadenomatosis on the background of diffuse
In one or both mammary glands, fine-grained areas of diffuse compaction are determinedDiffuse cystic or fibrous fibroadenomatosis
Palpation of the structure of the glands is homogeneousAbsence of physical signs of the pathological process

An objective assessment of the state of the glands consists of the data of examination and palpation, as well as mammographic, ultrasound and other special studies mammary tissue.

Laboratory and instrumental methods breast disease research

Laboratory methods

An obligatory component in a comprehensive examination of patients with diseases of the mammary glands is the determination of the individual hormonal status of a woman; first of all, the level of prolactin and estrogen.

For a survey to determine the likelihood of developing pathological processes in the mammary glands, in the last two decades, the definition of tumor markers has been proposed. Literature data indicate an increased level of tumor markers in groups of women with severe diffuse forms of mastopathy. It is more rational to determine the role of markers in predicting the occurrence of mammary gland pathology in patients with genetic or anamnestic predisposition factors for a malignant process or with proliferative forms of mastopathy.

Such tumor markers as cancer embryonic antigen (CEA), high molecular weight antigens CA-125 and CA19-9, mucin-like cancer-associated antigen (MRA) allow monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment.

Beam methods

Mammography. The accuracy of mammographic diagnostics ranges from 75-95%. A high percentage of false negative results is due to the fact that in young women, especially during lactation, nodes and tumors are difficult to distinguish against a dense background of the gland. On this basis, it is considered inappropriate to perform mammography in women under 30 years of age. Of great difficulty is the detection of a tumor against the background of mastopathy. Under these conditions, the tumor node is found in no more than 50% of cases. The minimum tumor size detected by mammography is 0.5-1.0 cm.

Conducting this study is advisable on the 5-12th day menstrual cycle.

X-ray mammography should be performed in women older than 35 years, in cases where the tumor is not clearly palpable; with the localization of education directly behind the nipple; with developed premammary adipose tissue; pronounced involutive changes in breast tissue; as a screening research method (Fig. 15.2).

Currently, women over 40 are recommended to have a mammogram every 2 years, after 50 - annually. If local seals are detected, determined by palpation, mammography is performed for women at any age.

Pneumomammography is used to improve the contouring of a node located deep in the breast tissue, as well as for tumors located on the periphery of the gland (at the edge of the sternum, in the projection of the subclavian and axillary processes), which are difficult to obtain an x-ray image. X-ray examination is performed after the introduction through several needles located in different quadrants of the mammary glands, 200-500 ml of nitrous oxide.

Pneumocystography is an additional differential diagnostic method for cystic forms of fibroadenomatosis and cystadenopapillomas. After puncture of the cyst and evacuation of its contents, 10 ml of air is introduced into the cavity. The radiograph allows you to trace the structure of the walls of the cyst, the relief of its inner surface.

Ductography or galactography is a method used to diagnose non-palpable ductal tumors. The information content of this method is 80-90%.

Electroroentgenography (xerography) is an informative method, but its disadvantage is a high dose of radiation exposure, which is 3 times higher than the dose with conventional mammography.

Echography. Preference should be given to this diagnostic method: when examining patients younger than 30 years old, when localizing the lesion in parts of the mammary gland that are difficult to access for mammography (subclavian process, submammary fold, retromammary space, axillary process), when differential diagnosis of solid and cavitary formations, when performing targeted puncture biopsy. The information content of the method is 87-98%.

Mammography and ultrasound are complementary methods.

CT scan. A highly informative method for examining patients with unclear data from conventional tomography and "dense" mammary glands. Computed tomography makes it possible to detect tumors up to 2 mm in size, evaluate their spread, and also carry out differential diagnostics of mastopathy and malignant neoplasms.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The harmlessness of the procedure, combined with the good performance of slices of arbitrary direction, allows us to consider that it will become one of the leading techniques. However, such early sign cancer, as microcalcifications, is not visible with MTP.

Transillumination (diaphanoscopy). The method is based on the assessment of breast structures in transmitted light. The study is carried out in a darkened room. A light source is placed under the mammary gland and the structure of the organ is visually examined. Modern devices for diaphanoscopy use a television camera and monitor to enhance the contrast of the image. The undoubted advantages of the diaphanoscopy method include non-invasiveness, the absence of ionizing radiation, economy, and ease of examination. However, the method is not sensitive enough. Its further development is expected due to the computer evaluation of the results and the use of lasers with low radiation energy.

Histological methods

Puncture biopsy - the introduction of a needle into the thickness of the seal and aspiration of tissue particles through it. In 80-85% of cases, cytological examination of punctures makes it possible to make a diagnosis. With dyshormonal hyperplasia, a puncture biopsy allows you to establish the degree of proliferation and atypia of the epithelium, to identify the presence of a cystic cavity.

An excisional biopsy consists in excising the detected seal along with a portion of the surrounding tissues. If benign changes in the mammary gland are detected, the implementation of such an intervention is therapeutic and prophylactic.

Trepanobiopsy is performed using special needles that allow obtaining a column of tissue sufficient for histological examination. Trepanobiopsy possibly increases the risk of dissemination of the tumor process. Therefore, it should be performed immediately before the start of anticancer treatment, and not as a routine study conducted in all patients with a palpable tumor. The information content of this method in breast cancer is about 95%.

Cytological examination of discharge from the nipple reveals malignant cells in intraductal tumors.

Of the listed methods, the following are of practical importance today: X-ray mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, puncture and excisional biopsies, cytological examination of discharge from the nipple. Other methods are rarely used in everyday practice.

The mammary glands consist of 15-20 lobes, each of which is divided into several small ones. The lobes are connected to the nipple through the lactiferous ducts, which pass into the milky pores located at the most convex point of the nipple. The rest of the space is filled with glandular tissue, and on back wall gland contains adipose tissue.

The process of lactation depends largely on the hormonal background: hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin, gonadotropins and some others stimulate the formation and secretion of milk. With an insufficient amount of them, the lactation process is disrupted, which can lead to the development of a disease of the mammary glands.

Fact! Insufficient milk production during breastfeeding can often be a cause of stress, chronic fatigue and postpartum depression.


Mastopathy is one of the most common diseases of the mammary glands in women. It has many types, each of which varying degrees can lead to the development of a malignant tumor.


Hypothyroidism - underproduction thyroid hormones due to lack of iodine - provokes breast pathologies

The main reasons for the development of this disease of the mammary glands in women:

  • hormonal imbalance, which may be accompanied by liver disease or diabetes;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad habits - alcohol, smoking;
  • lack of daily routine;
  • problems with the health of the genital organs;
  • malfunction in digestive tract, as a result of which useful material are absorbed in insufficient quantities;
  • hormone therapy;
  • age-related diseases;
  • surgical intervention in the area of ​​the mammary glands, including plastic surgery;
  • irregular sex life, frequent change of partners;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • frequent exposure to direct sunlight.

Fact: both women and young girls are susceptible to breast diseases. Most often, nulliparous or non-breastfeeding women get sick.


Depending on the type of mastopathy are prescribed various methods diagnosis and treatment. Based on the list below, it is clear what types are this disease mammary gland:

  1. diffuse. It is the initial stage of mastopathy, its foci are located in the upper lateral part of the glands. It is characterized by girdle pain in the upper body. It has several types:
  • diffuse fibrous - glandular tissue is replaced by connective tissue, discharge from the nipples appears, nodes are formed that are noticeable on palpation, but not causing pain when pressed;
  • diffuse cystic - cyst formation different forms and size, the general pain is less than with the fibrous form;
  • fibrocystic - tissue growth that can develop into cysts;
  • glandular cystic - the formation of cysts with calcium deposition in the glands, often leads to the development of malignant tumors;
  • glandular-fibrous - partial proliferation of glandular tissues.
  1. Nodal. Occurs after diffuse. This form manifests itself in the form of the formation of nodes of compacted tissue in the gland. The pain sensation is stronger, the discharge from the nipples can be mixed with blood. The pain does not depend on the phase of the cycle.
  2. Nodular fibrous. Develops after a diffuse fibrous form; there are unbearable pains when touching the chest. It is characterized by a clearly visible asymmetry of the mammary glands, bloody discharge from the nipples.
  3. Nodular cystic. Occurs with the progression of the diffuse cystic form as a result of the growth of cysts and an increase in their number.

Fact: mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary gland, but is most susceptible to degeneration into a malignant formation.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The very beginning of the development of mastopathy can be asymptomatic. The first symptom of this disease of the mammary glands in women is a slight soreness of the glands that occurs before menstruation. At long course mastopathy, pain is constantly present, swelling appears, seals are found on palpation, discharge from the nipples appears. The nipple itself is covered with cracks, becomes less convex.

You can diagnose mastopathy yourself with the help of self-examination. doctor other than medical examination, conducts an ultrasound scan to identify the nature of the seals, and then determines what kind of breast disease it may be.


The treatment of this breast disease is prescribed according to the symptoms described by the patient, the causes that caused it, and the results of the diagnosis.

Medical treatment includes the use of hormonal or non-hormonal drugs. The first group of drugs is aimed at normalizing the level of hormones in the presence of their failure, and the second may consist of vitamin-mineral complexes, diuretics that reduce swelling, anti-inflammatory drugs and improve blood circulation.

Important! Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since the selection of the wrong drugs can accelerate the development of the disease and lead to cancer.

Surgical treatments for this breast disease in women are most often used for extensive cystic or fibrous lesions, as well as for possible break cyst.

Tumors of the mammary glands

Tumors that can occur in the mammary glands are divided into benign and oncological. Benign neoplasms are not harmful, but require constant monitoring by a mammologist to control the possible degeneration of the tumor.

Risk groups for developing oncology

Exact reasons The appearance of breast cancer in women has not been established, but groups of people most susceptible to this disease have been identified. They are characterized by:

  • overweight;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • hypertension;
  • insufficiency of liver functions;
  • thyroid disease;
  • mastopathy;
  • smoking and alcoholism;
  • atherosclerosis.

Symptoms of cancer of the gland

Symptoms of breast cancer are noticeable even with an external examination: the nipples become more inverted, the color and shape of the areola changes, rashes appear and the structure of the skin of the breast changes (wrinkling appears). Often the symptoms are similar to the initial symptoms of mastopathy.

Important! If the color of the areola changes, it is necessary to consult a specialist and diagnose for the presence of diseases of the nipples of the breast.

Symptoms depending on the stage of cancer:

  • Stage I - a formation no more than two centimeters in diameter is probed;
  • Stage IIa - the formation can increase to 5 centimeters, does not grow into the tissue, but can be attached to the skin. Breast wrinkling appears, its elasticity is lost in a certain place;
  • IIb stage - the size of the tumor does not change, the first metastases appear (no more than two);
  • Stage III - an increase in the tumor, retraction of the skin near its location, the appearance of retraction of the nipple is possible;
  • Stage IV - the maximum growth of the tumor, the spread of metastases.

Important! Initially, metastases are located only on the chest, but later they can form anywhere in the body by spreading through the blood vessels.


One of the most precise methods determination of breast cancer - mammography. Additionally, ductography is carried out (introduction contrast medium into the ducts of the glands) and ultrasound. At possible course cancer is being held full examination organism.


Treatment cancer mammary gland in women is carried out individually. In the first stages of the disease, surgical intervention can be performed with the preservation of the gland in combination with radiation therapy. At more advanced stages, chemotherapy is prescribed, various surgeries are performed. Patients with a disturbed hormonal background are prescribed treatment with hormonal drugs.

However, the mammary glands are important organ, which is constantly under hormonal attack. Failures and imbalance of hormonal levels in women affect, first of all, the chest. Deficiency or excess of certain sex hormones often provokes benign tumors and other diseases of the mammary glands.

Breast cancer has been at the top of the list of common diseases for several years now. oncological processes in women around the world. This delicate part of the body needs constant protection and attention so that the patient can avoid all the disease processes associated with its functioning. That is why doctors unanimously recommend that every mature woman undergo regular examinations by a mammologist at least once a year.

In this article, we will try to highlight as much as possible all the most common diseases of the mammary glands, help you understand their etiology and talk about therapeutic measures. Doctors of the clinic "Human Health" are ready to provide you with any assistance related to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the mammary glands. When you find yourself anxiety symptoms, we recommend that you urgently contact a specialist in order to exclude the oncological process and start treating the disease in a timely manner.

Types of benign diseases of the female breast

Mastopathy (fibrocystic disease). A disease caused by a hormonal imbalance in a woman's body, as a result of which the ratio of epithelial and connective tissues in the mammary gland is grossly violated. Mastopathy is always accompanied by the formation of bumps, nodules and other seals that you can feel on your own when palpating the breasts. It is this factor that most often makes a woman turn to a mammologist, because the same symptoms can indicate the development of cancer. By the way, mastopathy often acquires a malignant character, developing into oncological tumor. The etiology of the disease is ambiguous: abortions, refusal to breastfeed in the lactation process, sexual infections, stress, ovarian dysfunction and other factors can contribute to its onset.

Mastitis. Mastitis is an inflammatory process localized in the mammary gland. The disease is purulent, abscessing, gangrenous and non-lactating. It mainly affects pregnant and lactating women, but cases of damage are known. mammary gland even among men. Almost all cases of the disease are caused by specific pathogenic microorganismsStaphylococcus aureus. In pregnant women, the disease is caused by abnormal activity of lactogenic hormones, however, such a violation can also affect young girls who have not yet become mothers. The subjective reasons for the development of mastitis are: violation of the integrity of the areola or nipple (cracks), weakened immunity, prolonged lactostasis, viral infections, non-compliance with personal hygiene standards, frequent exposure to drafts, colds. The disease manifests itself as unbearable pain in the chest, the presence of neoplasms in it, hyperemia, and discharge from the nipple.

Fibroadenoma. It is a benign hormone-dependent tumor consisting of glandular and connective tissues. Fibroadenoma does not cause pain and discomfort, it can be detected only with the help of an independent manual examination of the mammary glands. Spherical seals on palpation can migrate and move. Fibroadenoma can be located in one or both glands. There are also multiple growths. Fibroadenoma always requires a thorough examination and biopsy to exclude an oncological process. It is treated with surgery performed under local anesthesia.

Breast cyst. The cyst is always characterized as a kind of "pouch" with thin elastic walls filled with a viscous fluid. Breast cyst appears due to pathological growth connective tissue, stopping the gaps in the lobes of the gland. To date, objective reason defect is unknown. Some doctors are inclined to believe that a cyst is formed due to received mechanical injuries. The fluid from the cyst is eliminated by applying drainage, after which it is sent for histological examination to rule out oncology.

Oncology (breast cancer). Severe malignant disease that occurs in accordance with the growth epithelial tissue and active division of atypical cancer cells in it. A gland tumor can grow so rapidly that it will soon cover nearby tissues and lymph nodes. There are many causes of breast cancer. This may be an excess of estrogen in the blood serum, a hereditary factor, irrational nutrition, contact with radioactive substances, late menopause, early menarche, and others.

Common Causes of Breast Diseases

To determine if you may be at risk for benign or malignant breast disease, we will summarize the most common causes that provoke their development.

A potential risk factor includes women who have the following problems:

  • Genetic predisposition, breast disease in a family history;
  • Hormonal imbalance (excess of certain hormones, in particular estradiol);
  • General endocrine disorders;
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes in the body;
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy at any time;
  • Abuse of alcohol and nicotine;
  • Stable lactostasis;
  • First pregnancy after thirty years;
  • Late and early menarche;
  • Previously transferred diseases of the breast;
  • Self appointment oral contraceptives and their long-term use;
  • Endogenous and exogenous hormonal influences;
  • Environmental factor;
  • Incorrect nutrition;
  • Poor hygiene.

In addition, women aged 40-65 are more susceptible to breast diseases. That is why after the onset of forty years, every woman should visit a mammologist more often for examination and prevention.

Diagnostics and treatment in the clinic "Human Health"

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctors of our clinic will offer you the following diagnostic tests:

  • Clinical examination of the breast;
  • Mammography of the mammary glands;
  • Blood tests for hormones;
  • General and biochemical blood and urine tests;
  • Fine needle aspiration biopsy;
  • Stereotactic biopsy;
  • Ductography;
  • transillumination;
  • Cytological and pathohistological examination of breast tissues;
  • specific tumor markers.

Treatment of breast diseases can be carried out in two main ways:

  1. Conservative. With the use of hormonal drugs (hormone replacement therapy).
  2. Surgical. Methods of sectoral resection and exfoliation of neoplasms.

Of course, our qualified doctors will select additional supportive therapy for you. You will be prescribed immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory drugs (if necessary), maintenance drugs, multivitamin complexes. Our mammologist will also prescribe a diet for you on an individual basis.

We recommend that you urgently contact a specialist at the first symptoms of breast diseases. First of all, the oncological process should be excluded, and then proceed to intensive care because some benign breast diseases can develop into cancer. Qualified specialists of the "Human Health" clinic will provide you with all the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures, supplementing them with effective relapse prevention.

Fortunately, not all breast pain deserves much concern. It can be a consequence of natural hormonal processes in a woman's body. So, in the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle, estrogens are actively produced in the female body, which stimulate the growth of glandular and connective tissue cells. After ovulation, the production of progesterone increases, which levels the effect of estrogen and prepares the female body for possible pregnancy. In this case, the thickening of the endometrium occurs due to the activation of its blood supply. A similar process occurs in the mammary glands, while the breast may swell slightly, which is accompanied by painful sensations that increase with the approach of menstruation. Breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle is called cyclical. Another name for such pain is mastodynia.

Cyclic breast pain

Periodic pains of the mammary glands are distinguished by the following features:

  • occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, less often a week before menstruation or during menstruation;
  • affect both mammary glands;
  • localized more often in the upper part of the mammary glands, but may be total or give to the armpits;
  • are usually dull, aching;
  • may be accompanied by the appearance of small nodules that disappear after menstruation;
  • often accompanied by PMS symptoms, as irritability, pain in the lower abdomen, headaches, emotional instability, etc.

Up to 80% of women of childbearing age are subject to periodic pains in the mammary glands, they do not pose a health hazard, except for physical discomfort.

Non-cyclic pain

If the soreness of the mammary glands is not associated with the menstrual cycle, this can be a cause for serious concern. They are distinguished from cyclic pains by a certain localization, usually affecting only one gland; burning, pressing or bursting nature of sensations. Often, such pain is accompanied by other symptoms of the disease, which can be expressed in:

  • deformation of the gland itself or the nipple;
  • discharge from the nipple of a different nature;
  • changes in the skin of the chest - redness or "orange peel";
  • feeling of heaviness in the mammary gland;
  • changes in regional lymph nodes.

In addition, with non-cyclic pain in the mammary gland, signs of general malaise can be observed: weakness, lethargy, fever, loss of appetite, etc. More often, such symptoms appear in women after 30 years and during menopause. They can be a sign of a serious illness, including:

  • benign neoplasms - cysts, fibroadenomas, lipomas;
  • malignant neoplasms - cancer, lymphosarcoma;
  • acute mastitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • sclerotic changes in the mammary glands.

However, severe pain in the mammary glands can occur as a specific reaction to the implant, or may be the result of a chest injury, including after surgical interventions. Also, pain syndrome can occur due to malformations of the lactiferous lobules or ducts, as a result of wearing tight underwear and simply with large breasts.

breast cyst

A cyst is a liquid neoplasm that most often forms inside the ducts of the mammary glands, usually without causing discomfort. long time. Usually these are small capsules, ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters, filled with a non-inflammatory fluid. Small cysts are difficult to detect on palpation and are more often found on mammograms. Such neoplasms may disturb in the premenstrual period, but may be asymptomatic.

With large capsule sizes, pulling pains can be observed. local character, uneven surface of the gland when touched, burning sensation, sometimes discharge from the nipple appears. Giant cysts, to which the inflammatory process joins, make themselves felt constantly with unpleasant sensations, fever, a feeling of fullness in the chest, swelling of the axillary lymph nodes.

Typically, the occurrence of cysts is associated with changes in the hormonal background, characterized by an excess of estrogens with a lack of progesterone. That is why the risk group for this disease includes nulliparous women over the age of 30 years. Psycho-emotional factors, as well as a sharp weight gain or chronic overweight, can lead to the formation of cysts. Often, cysts are provoked by mastopathy, diseases of the ovaries and uterus, disorders in the thyroid gland, abortion, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

If, according to the results of the examination, there is no risk of malignancy of the cyst and it does not cause inconvenience, it is usually not touched.


Fibroadenoma, or nodular mastopathy, is a seal that usually occurs in the upper part of one of the glands. It is not attached to the skin, and therefore to the touch it is a smooth, elastic and mobile tumor. Most often, such benign neoplasms do not exceed 8 mm in diameter, without causing concern to the patient, but can grow up to 15 cm and occupy the entire surface of the gland. Most often, such neoplasms are single, rarely they can resolve on their own, but they can also grow rapidly. Adolescents and young women are susceptible to this disease, while it is not accompanied by pain, fever and other characteristic symptoms. If the tumor is localized in the nipple area, then pressure may cause pain and light discharge. Fibroadenoma can become malignant (malignant) into a sarcoma.

An unambiguous cause of breast adenoma has not been identified, but many different factors can become its provocateurs. Among them are various hormonal and endocrine disorders, diseases of the liver, ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, disorders of the pituitary gland, obesity, diabetes mellitus. In addition, adenomas can occur due to improper intake. hormonal contraceptives, frequent stress, abuse of solar procedures, frequent hot baths, etc.


Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands that most often occurs in nulliparous women. First of all, the disease is characterized by swelling and engorgement of the gland, pain when trying to feed and pumping, fever. In the absence of timely therapy, the symptoms increase, general weakness appears, a dense inflammatory node is felt in the chest, and the skin above it changes color. Lack of treatment at this stage threatens the development of a purulent abscess followed by sepsis.

The cause of mastitis can be any inflammation in a woman's body, including caries, and milk stagnation contributes to it - lactostasis, which leads to incomplete pumping. In this case, there are sensations of bursting of the chest. Cracks in the nipples often contribute to the penetration of infection into the body, and underwear with traces of milk serves as an excellent substrate for their development.

Malignant neoplasms

In the first stage of breast cancer, no external symptoms is not observed, and during self-examination, you can find a small, dense, painless, inactive nodule with an uneven surface. With the growth of a tumor on the skin above it, retractions, folds, and swelling may appear, and in the future, discharge from the nipple of a different nature may appear. In the second stage of the disease, changes appear in the nearest lymph nodes, especially the axillary ones, which swell and become painful on palpation. At the same time, pains in the mammary gland itself are not yet observed at this stage, they appear in the later stages, when a complete cure is no longer possible.

The most significant risk factor for breast cancer is genetic predisposition. If the closest relatives in the female line had malignant neoplasms, you are at an increased risk. In addition, inflammatory diseases of the breast often lead to the development of malignant tumors. Other factors of this disease include:

  • hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, menopause;
  • long-term continuous use of contraceptives;
  • exposure to radiation, including solar radiation;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Diagnostics of breast diseases

Every woman, regardless of age and any other factors, taking care of own health, once a month should do a self-diagnosis. It includes visual inspection and palpation of the mammary glands and nearby lymph nodes. It is carried out on the 5th-7th day of the menstrual cycle, standing in front of a mirror in good light, bare to the waist. Inspection is carried out with raised hands and with lowered. On examination, pay attention to any changes:

  • breast size and symmetry;
  • skin conditions;
  • pigmentation
  • appearance of axillary, sub- and supraclavicular lymph nodes.

After a visual inspection, palpation is carried out for various seals. The armpits and areas along the collarbones are palpated without fail. Any changes in tissue density, nodules, swelling, soreness should alert. At the end of the self-examination, lightly squeeze the nipple to detect discharge. If there is at least one change, you need to contact a mammologist without fail.

Depending on the presumptive diagnosis, the specialist may prescribe necessary examinations. For rate general condition a woman's body usually takes a general and biochemical blood test, a general urine test. For staging differential diagnosis may prescribe mammography, breast ultrasound, breast MRI, blood test for tumor markers, tissue biopsy, etc. In many cases, to set accurate diagnosis you need to get advice from several specialists: a surgeon, a neurologist, a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, etc.

The mammary glands of a woman are designed for breastfeeding. This is a paired organ that is present in all mammals, regardless of gender. The main difference between the female mammary gland and the male one is its development. With age, in sexually mature girls, the breast acquires a voluminous shape due to the growth of glandular tissues, connective and fatty tissues.

Diseases of the mammary glands in women is a fairly common phenomenon. Despite the fact that they have a different character, approximately 33% of all representatives are forced to face one of the forms of the disease. The reason is sensitivity. chest to the smallest hormonal changes, which very often happen in modern ladies. Also, problems with the reproductive system, in particular with the ovaries, bruising or inflammation can affect the tumor formation.

Symptoms and signs

Each disease is characterized by certain signs, but there are breast diseases symptoms that occur in almost all cases:

  • This is soreness in the chest area, which can be just aching or even sharp.
  • Swelling axillary lymph nodes.
  • Probing of foreign formations under the skin.
  • Suppuration or other discharge through the nipples.


In addition to the fact that once every three years, women of childbearing age are required to visit a mammologist, they must conduct self-diagnosis every month. To do this, at the beginning of each menstrual cycle (on the seventh to tenth day), you need to expose your upper body, stand at the mirror and carefully examine your chest.

Thus, it is possible to detect deformation of the mammary gland, tightening of the skin, swelling or redness, as well as spots, crust or discharge on the nipples. Next, you need to take a supine position and feel each breast individually for the presence of seals in their tissues or axillary areas. If nothing is found, then you can live peacefully, but if you suddenly appear, even the slightest hardening, you should immediately contact the clinic, where the doctor will additionally examine you, prescribe a fluorography, ultrasound biopsy, mammography or blood test, if necessary.

Everyone experienced doctor can cure breast diseases in women without surgery, but on condition that they were detected in a timely manner and are subject to conservative treatment.

Increasingly, we have to deal with cases when ladies are delaying a visit to a mammologist. Someone because they did not feel the symptoms, and someone simply could not find the time. It is worth noting that such a terrible disease as breast cancer is initially completely asymptomatic, but manages to grow to a dangerous stage. In these cases, the tissues of the organ must be completely removed, but this may not be the end of it.

Description of diseases

All diseases of the female breast are divided into tumor and inflammatory.

Diseases of the mammary glands and their description:

Mastitis (acute or chronic) is considered a very common inflammation. This is a disease in which suppuration forms inside the gland. May occur in nursing mothers due to stagnation of milk. Infections that enter through cracks in the nipples can also contribute to its development. If mastitis is detected immediately, then the development of an abscess can be avoided and the situation corrected. conservative way. Otherwise, surgery is indispensable.

No less rare is this type of disease, such as mastopathy. This is a benign inflammatory process in the mammary glands, characterized by the growth of their connective tissues. Scientists come to the conclusion that mastopathy is a harbinger of breast cancer (in some cases). It can be caused by hormonal disorders, inflammatory or infectious diseases reproductive organs, abortions, stress and refusal to breastfeed.

For various reasons, cysts form in women, the mammary glands are one of their favorite places for them. They can be found in the ducts, where they are filled with liquid contents, can be either single or multiple. There is a version that hormonal disruptions, especially those caused by improper use of contraceptives, are a provoking factor for their appearance. A cyst can develop due to a psycho-emotional impact on the nervous system (intellectual overload, acute perception of problems, stress and anxiety). You can feel the symptoms by pulling and burning feelings in the chest, by its deformation and color change. Everything can be accompanied by a fever.

All these diseases of the breast in women do not cause as much horror and fear as her cancer. Its danger lies in the fact that it does not manifest itself for a long time, or resembles mastopathy, which confuses both the doctor and the patient.

Fortunately, modern medical centers have equipment that can suspect cancer cells at an early stage. Therefore, never forget to be examined in a timely manner and choose real professionals for this.

Interview with the head of the department of breast pathology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov”, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Gailish, after viewing which you will recognize the symptoms developing disease methods of diagnosis and treatment:


The best prevention is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It includes a varied, balanced and vitamin nutrition, leisure, full healthy sleep, a reasonable alternation of loads and rest. It is also very important to learn how to avoid stressful situations, it is easier to look at things and not worry about every occasion, to control your emotions and feelings. Any factors that contribute to the weakening of the immune system and open the way for diseases should be avoided if possible.

Alcoholism and smoking affect the formation of tumors and other troubles throughout the body. Underwear should not hinder movement and be tight. It is better to give preference to non-synthetic products.

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Breast diseases: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The mammary (breast) gland is a modified sweat gland, found in women and men. However, the former is most pronounced. The main function of the female breast is to feed the baby in the first months of his life. Currently, various breast diseases in women are becoming more common. The reason for this may be living in ecologically disadvantaged areas, frequent stressful situations, refusal to have children or refusal to breastfeed them, the presence of abortions. Most breast pathologies occur in women who have reached the age of 35, and are accompanied by the presence of certain gynecological diseases. At the first suspicion of a breast disease, you should visit a mammologist. Most common causes appeals to this specialist are: mastitis, mastopathy, lipoma, cyst, fibrosis, cancer, oleogranuloma.


Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue, which occurs most often against the background of lactation. The cause of the development of the disease is the penetration of certain pathogens into the mammary gland through small cracks in the nipple. Inflammation develops rapidly, its first sign is sharp rise temperature, soreness of the chest during touching. In the presence of mastitis, it is not recommended to continue breastfeeding the child, since the main causative agent of the disease can get into the milk. Such milk must be expressed, since its accumulation in the glands leads to an aggravation of the woman's condition. A few hours after the onset of the disease, a focus of inflammation is clearly felt in the chest, the skin over it, as a rule, becomes red, the patient has a headache, chills, blood vessels are clearly visible on the chest, the nipple is retracted. In some cases, purulent mastitis develops, which can eventually lead to an abscess of the breast tissue. Not fully cured, the disease acquires a chronic form, which is characterized by a slight increase in temperature, the presence of small seals in the mammary gland. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for the treatment of mastitis. antibacterial drugs. When purulent mastitis surgery is indicated, after which the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics.


Mastopathy is a common disease of the mammary glands, in which one or more seals of various sizes and densities are formed in them. Mastopathy should be differentiated from mastalgia (cyclic chest pain that occurs during the premenstrual period). Among the causes of the development of the disease: wrong image life, the presence of abortions, the absence of pregnancies, frequent stress. Allocate diffuse and nodular mastopathy. In the first case, multiple neoplasms are found in the mammary gland, in the second - only one. The main signs of the disease are as follows: the periodic appearance of aching pains in the chest area, the occurrence of very noticeable nodular formations in the mammary glands, and discharge from the nipples. Seals in the breast may indicate the presence of another disease - cancer, distinctive feature mastopathy is a disease of both glands at once. In cancer, a single seal is found, not big size usually in only one breast. Mastopathy is treated comprehensively. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, iodine preparations. The basis of treatment is hormonal preparations- antiestrogen, androgen, bromocriptine. In some cases, a sectoral resection is indicated, that is, the removal of neoplasms by the surgical method.


Breast lipoma is a benign growth of fatty tissue in the breast area. A woman can determine the presence of a lipoma on her own by carefully probing her mammary glands. This tumor, as a rule, has a rounded shape, is very mobile, and is not connected to other tissues. To establish an accurate diagnosis, ultrasound and chest x-rays are required. By itself, the lipoma does not pose a danger to the health and life of a woman, does not malinger, but can reach a large size, leading to deformation of the gland. This benign tumor does not dissolve over time, therefore, requires an appointment with a specialist. The only treatment is to have it removed by a surgeon. After the operation, immunomodulatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed.

breast cyst

A breast cyst is a fluid-filled capsule that occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance organism. Symptoms of the disease: small soft or hard balls in the mammary gland, the occurrence of unpleasant painful sensations during its probing. Cyst nodules tend to increase before the onset of menstruation and decrease after it occurs. A small cyst usually does not cause much discomfort and does not require treatment. If you experience pain in the chest area, you should contact a mammologist. By itself, the cyst is not a precancerous disease and rarely degenerates into a malignant tumor. There are two ways to get rid of this pathology: by taking hormonal contraceptives prescribed by a doctor, or by agreeing to aspirate it. Cyst aspiration is a special procedure that involves the introduction of a hollow needle into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis neoplasm, with the help of which its contents are pumped out. Upon successful completion of the procedure further treatment not required.


Fibrosis (fibroadenoma) of the breast is a benign tumor that occurs against the background of the production of hormones by the female body - estrogen. This disease is common among women of childbearing age, fibroadenoma can grow in size and cause discomfort. By itself, the tumor does not pose any threat to the life of the patient. Symptoms of the disease may be absent for long period time. The woman herself can suspect its presence by feeling the chest. Diagnosis includes a blood test and ultrasound. The only method treatment of breast fibrosis - surgical. The operation itself is not difficult, its complications are extremely rare. After a well-performed procedure, no traces of intervention on the mammary gland remain.

Mammary cancer

Mammary cancer - malignant tumor, arising from breast cells, rapidly progressing and prone to rapid metastasis. The leading role in the development of this disease belongs to the hormone - estrogen, the excessive production of which creates favorable conditions for the onset of a tumor. In some cases, breast cancer develops very quickly, making itself felt with symptoms such as pain in the breast area, its inflammation and redness of the skin, and fever. Small nodes of the tumor are usually not accompanied by any changes in well-being. Such a node is usually hard to the touch, connected to neighboring tissues and practically immobile. External signs of breast cancer: retraction of the nipples or its individual sections, purulent or bloody issues from the nipples, redness of the skin in the area of ​​the tumor. The only way The treatment for breast cancer is the complete or partial removal of the affected organ. The operation is performed taking into account the size of the tumor, the presence of metastases, the general condition of the patient. The prognosis in the later stages of neoplasm development is unfavorable.


Breast oleogranuloma - inflammation of the mammary gland as a result of a foreign body entering it, usually occurs after surgical intervention on the chest area. Silicone, synthetic threads, etc. can act as a foreign body. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of a seal in the mammary gland, its soreness when touched. Oleogranuloma needs to be diagnosed from breast cancer. The main method of its treatment is the removal of the focus of inflammation along with the foreign body that caused it. After the operation, the patient may be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. In most cases, full recovery occurs.

List of all signs of breast cancer in women

The idea of ​​the main symptoms that accompany the emergence and development of this malignant neoplasm, it is advisable to have every woman.

After all, not only the success of the upcoming therapy, but also the very life of a person depends on how timely the signs of the disease are detected and measures are taken for its treatment.

The localization of oncological processes in women in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands is most common. After the transition from a benign to a malignant form, neoplasms in the mammary gland fundamentally change the nature of their behavior and the dynamics of development.

The disease acquires a pronounced aggressive direction and, in the absence of timely surgical intervention, gives a clear negative prognosis. Information about cases of recovery in the absence of the necessary medical care is isolated and extremely unreliable.

In the process of its development and progression, oncological diseases of the breast go through certain stages. They are distinguished depending on changes in the following main parameters:

  • tumor size;
  • degree of damage to the lymph nodes;
  • appearance of distant metastases.

The accepted classification by stages is very conditional, being largely dependent on the form of the disease. In addition, since information about the causes of oncological processes is still at the level of hypotheses and assumptions, the forecast of the dynamics of the transition from one stage of the disease to another is still very approximate.

precancerous stage

It is also called zero. Its characteristic feature in terms of signs of the disease is the complete absence of symptoms. That is, the active pathological degeneration of tissues has not yet begun, but the overall balance of the body has already shifted towards the disease.

In cases where it is possible to diagnose oncological processes at this stage and take appropriate adequate measures, the treatment prognosis is the most favorable.

Conventionally, the zero stage can be classified into the following two categories:

    The initial stage of a non-invasive oncological process, in which cancer cells do not yet interact with tissues located in their immediate vicinity. For example, it may be a type of adenocarcinoma of the mammary gland, in which the lesion affects only its individual lobes.

    This category also includes a variant of atypical hyperplasia localized in individual ducts (or small groups of ducts) of the gland. However, in this case, the mutated cells, however, do not spread beyond the walls of the ducts and still do not have a detrimental effect on healthy tissues.

    This category includes such a stage of development of any neoplasm of unknown etiology, at which the process of oncological rebirth is not yet diagnosed, but an increased level of tumor markers in the blood already gives the doctor reason for oncological alertness and the appointment of an additional examination.

    The risk group includes patients suffering from diseases such as mastitis, various forms of mastopathy, adenomas and fibroadenomas, calves, hyperthelia and other pathologies of the nipple, lipogranuloma and others.

    In this category, all the sensations that can be felt and the manifestations that can be seen are not yet associated with the onset of the development of an oncological disease, but are only symptoms of pathologies that can create favorable conditions for the onset of a cancerous tumor.

    Observed in some cases weak pain syndromes unexpressed localization, as a rule, are cyclic in nature and are caused by fluctuations in the general hormonal background.

Significant impact on character and dynamics further development disease has a level of resistance endocrine system and the degree of hormonal imbalance in a woman's body.

1 stage

Starting with it, cancer cells become invasive in nature - that is, they acquire the ability to influence nearby healthy tissues.

Symptoms of the disease at this stage are often mild, however, having shown attentiveness, it is quite possible to notice some of them. These may include the following:

  • An increase in the size of tumors (up to 2 cm in diameter). This value already allows you to easily detect them even with self-examination. In the case of the appearance of multiple seals or nodules, they may be of small size, however, as a rule, they are clearly contoured on palpation. Their distinguishing feature is painlessness and limited mobility.
  • Slight enlargement of regional lymph nodes axillary zone on the side of neoplasms, associated with increased activity in their work. After all, atypical cells that make up a cancerous tumor are characterized by accelerated metabolic processes, increased reproductive capacity and a shortened lifespan.

    The influence of these factors creates work overload lymphatic system which may also cause some swelling in the arm, shoulder, or chest.

  • Partial retraction of the nipple with possible slight deformation is characteristic of Paget's disease, when the lesion is localized in the nipple.
  • Reducing the diameter of the zone of pigmentation of the peripapillary region (areola), associated with changes in tissue trophism.
  • Discharge from the nipple (usually light, with a yellowish tint; may have bloody impurities) - typical in forms of cancer, when tumors form in the milk ducts.
  • Small violations of the shape of the mammary gland - associated with the onset of pathological changes in the structure of its tissues.
  • A slight increase in body temperature to subfebrile - caused inflammatory processes in the affected tissues of low intensity.
  • Sharp unreasonable fluctuations in body weight (more often - weight loss), loss of appetite, depressed emotional condition. The main reason for these symptoms is a violation of the hormonal balance in the body.
  • General weakness, decreased ability to concentrate, increased fatigue - all these are manifestations of a symptom of intoxication.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease at this stage of its development makes it possible not only to restore the health of a woman, but also to save the mammary gland, thereby maintaining the ability to breastfeeding.

2 stage

It can manifest all the symptoms inherent in stage 1, only of a more pronounced nature. Features include the following:

  • The size of individual tumors can already reach up to 5 cm in diameter. In the case of multiple seals or nodules, their number and size may increase.
  • The retraction of tissues in the affected area is observed visually, and is especially noticeable when slowly raising and lowering the arm. Changes in the skin (redness, roughness and roughness, loss of elasticity, wrinkling and remaining folds after palpation).

    These symptoms are due to the activation of the process of cell degeneration, which caused atypical hyperplasia and an irreversible metabolic disorder in tissues.

    A significant increase in the size of the regional lymph nodes of the axillary zone on the side of the neoplasms is possible. As a rule, they are already easily palpable. The pattern of subcutaneous venous vessels appears (or increases in clarity). There are no severe pains yet, but they may appear pain whining character in mammary gland and axillary region.

    The cause of these symptoms are significant overloads in the work of the lymphatic and venous systems, which served as the beginning of the development of irreversible pathologies in them.

This is the last stage of the disease, when, although with great losses, there is still hope for saving the patient.

3 stage

Starting from this stage, it is already, as a rule, impossible to cure the patient, therefore, the medical effect provides only symptomatic therapy. In this case, the efforts of doctors have two main goals:

  1. to slow down the rate of development of the disease as much as possible;
  2. alleviate, as far as possible, the suffering of the patient.

At this stage of the disease, the severity of the symptoms of the previous stages increases. Features are as follows:

  • Pains appear. They can be caused by severe swelling in the affected area and tissue compression, as well as the appearance of ulcers on the skin. The pains are monotonous and constant, as a rule, slowly and steadily intensifying. Temporary relief brings only the use of analgesics.
  • The tumor increases (more than 5 cm), showing pronounced invasive properties - the capture of adjacent tissues. In the case of multiple seals, they can be further enlarged and (or) further merged into a single whole.
  • Crusts appear at the nipple, and when they fall off, an ulcerated surface remains in their place - it is typical for an erysipelas-like form of cancer.
  • The number of enlarged lymph nodes becomes even greater (up to 10), they become inflamed and hurt.
  • The deformity of the mammary gland is clearly expressed.
  • Body temperature can rise significantly due to increased intoxication of the body and activation of inflammatory processes.

At this stage, the processes of metastasis are launched.

4 stage

This is the terminal stage. It is characterized by severe pain and metastases of both nearby and distant organs, bones, brain, etc.


  • Tumors grow and capture the entire breast.
  • The skin is covered with multiple ulcers, erosions, etc. - characteristic of the erysipelatous form.
  • Inflammation covers the entire lymphatic system.

Treatment at this stage is exclusively symptomatic. The efforts of doctors are focused on alleviating the suffering of the patient.

Features of symptoms of various forms

  • Nodular - the most common form. The above consideration of symptoms by stages of the disease is especially characteristic of her.
  • Erysipelatous is an extremely aggressive form with a rapid pace of development and transition to the spread of metastases. It is characterized by high temperature, strong pain, pronounced swelling of the chest and redness of the skin. Symptoms are atypical for oncological processes, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.
  • Mastitis-like - similar in features to erysipelatous, but hyperemic skin has a bluish tint, and the gland itself is significantly limited in mobility. Diagnosis is difficult due to the significant similarity with mastopathy.
  • The edematous-infiltrative form is accompanied by swelling of the breast (especially in the areola) and the effect of "lemon peel" on the skin. Characterized by the absence of clear boundaries of the tumor. Most often seen in young women. Has a poor prognosis.
  • Paget's disease. It starts with a nipple injury. In the areola there is itching and burning. Outwardly, the first symptoms resemble eczema or psoriasis. The difference is in pronounced redness of the skin, followed by the appearance of crusts on it and further ulceration of the epithelium after they fall off. Having destroyed the nipple, the disease spreads to the entire breast.
  • Armored - a rare form, characterized by a long and sluggish development. Accompanied by the growth of a colony of cancerous nodules, outwardly resembling a shell. The skin is pigmented, thickened, loses elasticity. Progressing, the disease captures the second breast and passes to the entire chest.

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Breast diseases that form in women and their description

The breast area is often exposed various diseases and pathological conditions. This fact is explained by the fact that in women it is the most susceptible organ, which quickly responds even to minimal changes in hormonal levels. Diseases can have the most different symptoms important for subsequent diagnosis. In order to understand their classification, it is recommended to read everything that will be told about the mammary gland in women - further.

About diseases in general

Mammologists point out that we can talk about diseases such as mastopathy, mastitis, lactostasis. In addition, problems in the breast area that occur in women can be associated with a variety of neoplasms, in particular, cysts, tumors, fibroadenomas.

Given the presented, more than impressive list, their diagnosis is urgently required. It is important for the correct and timely diagnosis, which, in turn, will make it possible to prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is also necessary to draw the attention of women to the fact that if they find a neoplasm in their mammary gland or suspect any disease, in no case should they self-medicate. This will only aggravate the course of the disease, other syndromes and their course.

To determine the diagnosis and identify why certain symptoms appear, you should contact only a mammologist.

It is he who will make it possible to determine what exactly is happening in the health of each of the women and how to deal with it.

Mastitis and mastopathy

Such diseases that occur in women, such as mastitis and mastopathy, can be identified by the most characteristic symptoms. Speaking of mastitis, it should be noted that this is a disease that is formed in women who are breastfeeding. In the vast majority of cases, this applies to those who are breastfeeding for the first time, and therefore do not have enough experience. This leads to stagnation of milk masses in the mammary gland, which, in turn, provokes specific symptoms in women, namely:

  • an increase in temperature indicators or their constant fluctuation;
  • change in the size of the axillary lymph nodes in a big way;
  • sharp pain in the chest.

Another manifestation should be considered the formation of suppuration, which usually occurs in the last stages of the development of this condition. Its conservative treatment is possible, but only at the initial stage of the development of breast disease. In other situations, when women have developed serious problems with the condition of the mammary gland, surgical intervention is necessary. What and why are solitary cysts associated with.

Speaking of mastopathy, it should be noted that it represents certain neoplasms and inflammatory changes, most often benign. They develop as a result of hormonal disorders. Their signs should be considered severe pain in the chest, as well as discharge from the nipples.

The most dangerous type of mastopathy is diffuse, which can provoke certain malignant changes in the mammary gland or in the chest as a whole.

In such cases, treatment should be started as soon as possible to exclude the possibility of complications and other critical consequences.

A few words about lactostasis

Another pathological condition, which is formed in women during pregnancy and is associated with the condition of the breast, should be considered lactostasis. A variety of factors can contribute to the presented disease, in particular, incorrect attachment to the breast, rare feeding sessions, trauma, or excessive cooling of the breast area. It can also be influenced by stressful situations, coupled with a labile nervous system and wearing tight clothing.

The symptoms of this condition and their secondary manifestations are easily identified by women. They come down to the formation of a seal in the chest, as well as a change in its shade to red, swelling of the mammary gland. Also, in women, temperature indicators may increase, which traditionally turns out to be the first manifestation. What symptoms are associated with galactorrhea here.

To stop lactostasis and restore the condition of the breasts, each of the women is strongly recommended to restore the normal feeding schedule, get rid of provoking factors in the form of stress and wearing the wrong clothes and underwear. If the condition is sufficiently advanced, but treatment at home is still possible, special breast pumps are used. In other situations, surgical treatment is indicated, which makes it possible to remove the neoplasm and clean their milk ducts.

oncological disease

Another disease of the mammary gland, which provokes changes in its structure and structure, the formation of neoplasms, is oncology. It is identified, according to statistics, in 5% of all female representatives.

The exact reasons that this condition is formed in women are unknown, however, experts pay attention to the fact that hormonal failure plays a significant role in this process.

In the initial stages, the symptoms of the condition are not obvious, their severity is minimal. That is why female representatives so rarely turn to a mammologist on time. At the same time, in some cases, self-examination will be a real salvation, as a result of which neoplasms are detected in women.

It should also be noted, speaking of breast cancer, that it is diagnosed from zero to the second stage, it is quite easy to treat - like many other diseases. The likelihood of recurrence in these situations is also minimal. At the third and fourth stages, the prognosis and all its nuances are much more complex and problematic, so the success of the treatment directly depends on:

  1. the presence or absence of chronic and inflammatory diseases;
  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. the level of medicine and the quality of the methods used.

Treatment, in the vast majority of cases, is surgical and consists in removing the neoplasm with its subsequent examination. At the same time, if the stage of development of the disease in women does not pose a danger in terms of metastases, mammologists may insist on the implementation conservative treatment. In this case, chemotherapy will be used.

An alternative treatment option is radiation therapy, which also makes it possible not only to slow down the growth of cancer cells, their change to malignant agents, but to completely stop this process.

Of course, it is breast cancer that is the most dangerous of all the conditions that have been presented here. It is a serious threat not only to preserve the integrity of the breast, but also to the life of a female representative. Next, we should separately dwell on those neoplasms, the occurrence of which is due to the fact that diseases and their varieties are formed.

The presence of neoplasms

This fact should also be regarded as the presence of any disease state in the area of ​​the mammary gland. Most often, cysts, adenomas, fibroadenomas and lipomas form in the mammary gland. They indicate certain hormonal disruptions, as well as other diseases that accompany the presented condition in women.

In the vast majority of cases, a woman learns about the presence of neoplasms in the breast as part of an independent examination or as a result of preventive diagnostics, which should be carried out once every six to eight months. The symptoms of each of the presented formations are different, and therefore it is difficult to talk about any patterns. In addition, the manifestations directly depend on the general health of each of the women and whether she has any concomitant diseases.

That is why, at the first suspicion of the presence of any disease, it is strongly recommended not to neglect the diagnosis, visiting a mammologist, who will help specify further treatment.

Any attempt at self-implementation of therapy is highly undesirable and can even be fatal, so their implementation is strongly discouraged.

Thus, each of the female representatives should take into account that a significant number of diseases, pathological processes and conditions can form in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland. Their exclusion should be dealt with exclusively by mammologists who know a clear description, but not by the women themselves. Only in this case, there is a high probability of 100% vital activity, as well as the maximum degree of activity.



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    Do not forget to periodically be observed by a mammologist! These visits will help YOU prevent the risk of cancer!

    Determining the risk of breast cancer

    This test retains the reliability of calculations for a Caucasian woman, with no identified genes for heredity for breast cancer, without a previous diagnosis of this disease, and subject to an annual examination by a mammologist.

    Test result

    The risk of developing breast cancer within 10, 20 and 30 years is -0.1%, 1.1%, 3.2% respectively.

    The probability of not getting sick for 10, 20 and 30 years is 100.1%, 98.9%, 96.8%, respectively.

    This test is not quite suitable for girls under 20 years old and women over 50 years old (there may be small errors). We advise you to read the materials prepared by us about the structure of the breast, risk factors for breast cancer and breast self-examination skills that every adult woman should know.

2018 Women's Health Blog.