Headache: causes, types and symptoms, diagnostic methods. Preventive treatments for headaches

- a wonderful medicine that has been advised since ancient times. This symptom is highly variable different origin. When the cause that caused the attack is not serious, that is, there is no need for urgent medical intervention Aromatherapy will help. If you create a mixture of essential oils, they will complement each other in properties.

Let's bring concrete examples. Use cold compresses. They are placed in several places:

4-6 drops of special essential oil are dissolved in 100 ml of water. It is made up of 4-6 drops of lavender oil, or - a few drops of lavender and as many - pepper, or - 3 drops of lavender, 2 - chamomile, 1 -.

Soak a handkerchief with a few drops of lavender and inhale the aroma for several minutes. And 2 drops of lemon oil can be rubbed into the temples and other indicated areas if it starts.

Peppermint oil for headaches has been used since very ancient times. AT Ancient Greece this method was already known. Acquire an aroma lamp and add the following mixture to it. 2 drops of lemon, 2 - chamomile, 1 -, 1 drop of marjoram oil, 2 drops - lavender.

If there is a vial of smelling salt, another mixture is prepared. To 1 drop of peppermint add 5 - lavender, 1 drop - lemon, 1 - essential oil of nutmeg, 4 ml of sunflower oil. If headaches are often disturbing, a mixture of 3 of their types is rubbed into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples, forehead and back of the head. The composition is created from 0.5 l of ordinary water, 3 drops of mint essential oil, 3 drops of lavender and 3 drops of wormwood essential.

Bath lovers can also indulge themselves by fighting headaches. Helps composition of orange, and mint in a ratio of 2:4:4.

tea for headaches

Strong tea for headaches help in difficult times. One cup is enough if you make it strong enough, without sugar. You can add 1 tsp. honey - this gives a breathtaking aroma and does not affect the level of body temperature to a dangerous degree.

What is the effectiveness of this public tool? There are substances in tea that stimulate the central nervous system. The impact is mild when compared with coffee. More oxygen flows to the brain. As a result, the patient feels calm, acts as a relaxing. Vessels cease to suffer from spasms. The process of blood circulation improves and normalizes, bringing relief. Often a headache occurs when there is a lack of oxygen in the blood cells, and when this deficiency is replenished, everything returns to normal.

Green tea for headaches should be taken at the first symptoms of an attack. It is prepared a little differently than black. To feel the result - add a pinch of mint to the cup.

it excellent tool from many headaches that cause overwork, fatigue, PMS, vasospasm in the brain system. In preventive measures, they drink it with large quantity honey at least once a day on an empty stomach. The effect is similar to black tea.

The recipe is very accessible. In a clean porcelain teapot, it is then poured into a cup and a little honey is added. No need to go overboard with additives. Real green tea very tasty on its own. And honey is a good anti-inflammatory agent that helps with flu by significantly raising body temperature. Ready tea should be drunk slowly, in a sip. This drink affects the level of pressure, it is dangerous to drink it in one gulp. Then the patient should lie down for about 20 minutes, warming his head with a scarf.

caffeine for headaches

Caffeine for headaches is so well established that it is included in the appropriate medications. This remedy helps to narrow blood vessels. Recall that this syndrome creates a feeling that something painfully pulsates in the head. Those who have a habit of drinking a cup of real coffee in the morning know what effect can be obtained. This substance is contained in special capsules, they are taken in medicine in the fight against migraine, and also if it is necessary to increase the physiological or mental tone.

Caffeine is found in many headache medications. Among them are Caffetin, Panadol, Pentalgin-N, Citramon. There are more than 50 titles in total. When an attack develops, it is better not to drink a cup of coffee, but to choose tea, which, by the way, also contains caffeine and take medicine.

Acupressure for headaches

Acupressure from a headache will help prevent a painful attack. This oriental technique consists of simple influences that even a non-specialist can master.

Finger zhen involves influencing points that are called biologically active. Eastern philosophers explain that qi energy moves through them. First, 20-30 compressions of a warm-up value are required, then about 70 - the actual therapeutic one.

Begin by massaging the Gate of Consciousness point. It is located in the middle of the large vertical muscles in the neck. Slight pressure will help overcome headaches, impaired coordination.

The same is done for the point "castle of the wind". It is located under the base of the skull, where there is a depression. Great for tension headaches.

If the pain has not gone away yet, work on the “drilling bamboo” point. It can be found near the inner edges of the eyebrows, in eye sockets. With its help, they relieve not only headaches, but also eye pain.

Mudra for headaches

Mudra for headaches or yoga for fingers will help even inveterate skeptics. In addition, it is they who believe that this is a symptom that is psychosomatic in nature. Mahasirs mudra is one of the names of the great mudra of the head. Both thumbs touch the tips of the index and middle fingers. The position of the ring finger is in the crease area under the thumb, the little finger is straightened.

Mudra "Window of Wisdom" will help those who have impaired blood circulation in the brain. The heart (ring) right finger is pressed with the first phalanx - the big one, on the same hand. For the left hand - all the same.

Mudra "Chandman's Bowl" will save you from migraines. Place both hands on a level solar plexus. The closed state is maintained for the little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger of the left hand. They are placed on the right. thumbs keep straight.

Medicinal herbs for headaches

Medicinal herbs for headaches represent a whole section alternative medicine. What should be kept in stock?

You suffer from headache attacks, take painkillers in large quantities, but this helps for a short period of time. Because a headache needs to be treated under medical supervision. You can, of course, take a pill or resort to folk remedies.

Particular attention is paid to the treatment of headaches during pregnancy. During this period, it is necessary to be careful about taking medications. This also applies to the period of breastfeeding.

Folk and natural remedies for treatment

Now consider the question, how to cure a headache and how? Pain attacks have a different nature of occurrence. Because of this, treatments may vary. Pick up the most effective method, individually. Be sure to undergo an examination and establish why seizures appear.

Preventive measures must be taken to increase the period of remission and complete recovery from seizures. With this approach, you can cure and. According to doctors for the most part women suffer from migraines. The risk group includes all those whose relatives have been exposed to such a disease. With the right treatment, pain will stop bothering you and your quality of life will improve significantly.

Modern medicine supports the use of headache attacks. This method can be chosen if you do not develop a complex disease. There are a lot of recipes and tricks. It is recommended to seek advice from a specialist, especially in the presence of chronic diseases.

Now we will look at methods of how to treat a headache at home. Widely used for treatment medicinal herbs. From them you can prepare decoctions, tinctures, rubbing, ointments. The most common of them:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • rose hip.

The recipes are very simple. In the preparation of decoctions, fruits or leaves are used. Pour boiling water over and insist for 30-60 minutes. For this, peony root, thyme, cornflower flowers are also used. You can cook at once using several components.

To prepare tinctures, you can take medical alcohol or cologne. Herbs or the desired plant is poured and infused in a warm, dark place, the tincture period can be from a week to several months. They can be used externally and internally, it all depends on the composition. Such preparations can be stored quite long time.

Often used essential oil to remove the attack. If you are not allergic, you can choose rosemary, peppermint or lavender oil. It can be combined with a head massage. Sit in a chair and rub one drop into your temples. After that, you can do a massage of the entire head. If possible, you can lie down. The attack will begin to recede in ten to fifteen minutes. If the head hurts during a cold, you can use essential oil for inhalation. When this happens, the headache disappears and it becomes easier to breathe through the nose.

For the treatment of pain during fatigue and overexertion, you can choose lavender oil. A compress will help a lot. Add four to six drops to water, moisten a napkin and apply to the forehead. After a short period of time, a headache the pain will pass. If you have such manifestations occur quite often, try taking a bath with essential oils. You can use a mixture of oils. Good basil, sage lavender.

Clay wraps give good results. You can make them at home. Soak the clay in a little water. Apply the resulting solution on a napkin and apply to the forehead. Keep no more than twenty minutes. For good effect do this for four weeks. Mint infusion or menthol oil can be added to the solution. In such a case, the application process will be changed.

Main causes of headache

Attacks of pain can occur for several reasons. Let's dwell on the most common. Causes of a headache:

  • unstable blood pressure;
  • a sharp change in pressure indicators, including intracranial;
  • overwork, stress, depression;
  • received injuries;
  • complex diseases of organs and entire systems;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • and nicotine;
  • with migraine attacks - a genetic predisposition.

For office workers and residents big cities problems with pain due to the large number of stressful situations. You need to learn how to deal with it. When working at a computer for a long time, you need to take a break every hour. A very good way out would be to learn how to meditate and relax after a working day. This approach can avoid frequent seizures tension headache.

In cases with unstable blood pressure, it is necessary to monitor its changes every day. To stabilize, take medications or use folk remedies. Right choice a doctor will help you.

After an injury, be sure to go medical examination. Even if you have been diagnosed with a mild concussion, be sure to follow all the doctor's recommendations. Observe if necessary right time. The effects of trauma may show up over time. If headaches appear after a month, contact a specialist anyway. On your own, you can only stop the attack, and it is impossible to cure the cause of the appearance.

AT medical institution an individual examination is carried out and the cause of the attacks is established. It may be necessary to stay in the hospital to compile a complete picture of the manifestation of symptoms. The reasons may be different, but many of them lead to complex diseases, so self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Doctors distinguish seven main types of headaches. Tension headaches require special diagnosis. Very often, the cause is almost impossible to establish. During the examination, it is imperative to establish the presence of injuries, even quite old ones, in the head and neck.

Scientists believe they are due to a large number stress. Attacks appear with a certain frequency. The pain is concentrated in the forehead, eyes and at the top of the head. They appear in the afternoon. Lasts about thirty minutes.

Migraine can be singled out in a separate line. Women may have seizures. In this case, external stimuli are of great importance. If they are not eliminated, it will not be possible to get rid of the pain, even after taking the pill. The causes of such seizures are not yet fully understood. Genetic predisposition plays a big role. With proper treatment, periods of remission can be quite long.

They are very rare. This attack is different strong pulsation, a rush of blood. A runny nose may suddenly start. Usually their duration does not exceed one hour. It is very difficult to treat such patients. The pain comes on unexpectedly and also recedes.

After the unsuccessful use of alcohol, the next morning, the head hurts. This happens due to great content serotonin. It dilates blood vessels and destabilizes the entire system. Such attacks can be waited out or slept. Of the drugs recommended paracetamol. There is one condition for taking medications for a hangover - after taking the pill, do not drink alcohol.

Any formations in the brain cause. They begin to appear if the tumor has increased significantly in size. is increasing intracranial pressure and at the same time it can start to feel nauseous. In some cases, even vomiting begins. In such situations, be sure to consult a doctor.

If attacks of pain occur along with insomnia, worsening general condition, sharp weight loss, we can assume the diagnosis - temporal arteritis. You only need to be treated in the hospital. Damage to the vessels of the brain may cause intracranial bleeding. Therefore, the appeal to the doctor should be urgent, call an ambulance.

Lifestyle prevention as a treatment

Much attention needs to be paid preventive measures especially in the treatment of headaches. Such measures are necessary for a complete cure and long period remissions. If you do not have a complex illness, injury and genetic predisposition avoiding headaches is possible, or at least minimizing the number of attacks.

What is needed for this:

  • engage in physical education and sports;
  • give up alcohol, nicotine, drugs;
  • give preference healthy eating, vegetables, fruits;
  • use lean varieties meat and fish;
  • do not drink strong tea and coffee.

These are the most basic principles healthy lifestyle life. If you start adhering to these rules as early as possible, you can avoid many complex diseases. Great importance play walks in the fresh air. Very often we strive to get home after work and spend the whole evening indoors. The body suffers from this and receives less oxygen, blood circulation worsens. Every day you need to be in the fresh air for about two hours. Try walking from job to job.

Highly an important factor is healthy sleep. About eight to ten hours a day. If you sleep less for a long time, the body will be exhausted, you will become irritable, you will quickly get tired and there will be pain from overwork. Sports should be age appropriate. Physical activity feasible and increase gradually.

Headaches can start with drops blood pressure or its high and low rates. This may be caused by being overweight. Therefore, even when gradual increases your weight, try to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. First of all, you can refuse the elevator or travel by transport in a couple of stops. Cycling is very good for stimulating blood circulation. If possible, you will be able to get to work on this transport.

A healthy lifestyle can keep a person healthy long years, reduce the amount colds, to maintain immunity in the right tone. Therefore, preventive methods can be attributed to a systematic course of treatment. various diseases. Attacks of headaches can affect the quality of life, cause depression and cause complex diseases. It is necessary to give a worthy place to preventive measures acceptable to you.

You need to take proper care of your health. If the body signals you with pain, it means there is a malfunction. Usually the part of the brain that is responsible for a certain function reacts. When it fails, it becomes a source of pain. It is necessary to establish the cause of the seizures.

How to cure a headache you will be told in a medical institution. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist and includes preventive measures. Of great importance is the implementation by the patient of all the advice and recommendations of the doctor. For the period of treatment, be sure to give up alcohol and nicotine. Medications take strictly as directed.

Self-medication can threaten with complex diseases, the consequences of which are very difficult to predict. Medicines are created on a synthetic basis, most of them. Many elements can accumulate in the body for a long time and provoke disruption of the kidneys and liver.

Therefore, many people prefer non-drug methods treatment. In many cases this is justified, but only when initial stage the course of the disease. All pains need to be treated, especially the headache. Prevention measures bring positive result with prolonged use.

Headache - this is a common problem, each of us has encountered it more than once. This is the most common complaint with which patients go to the doctor. Headache occurs for many reasons, which can be both physical and neuropsychic. When we suffer from a throbbing headache, the first thing that comes to our mind is to take painkillers to quickly calm the excruciating pain. But have you ever thought that by soothing the pain in this way, at the same time, you bring on other health problems? For most people, headaches are related to stress and tension, so before swallowing painkillers, try to make some changes in your lifestyle and your food habits. If you don't feel better after this, follow these tips to help you manage headaches without medication.

How to cure a headache without painkillers?

Apply ice

If your headache is related to stress, anxiety, anger, or food allergies, put an ice pack on the head, throat, shoulders and back of the neck. You will ease your condition and feel better.

Replenish the lack of water in the body

Dehydration can cause headaches. When you lose a lot of fluid and overheat, your head starts to hurt. Sit for a while and drink water slowly. Drink eight glasses of water every day and you will feel the difference. Wet a piece of cloth with ice water and apply to the eyes for ten minutes.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint soothes nerves and can replenish energy. Rub in peppermint oil for fifteen minutes. You can also rub fresh mint on your scalp. You will soon feel relief.

Acupuncture (acupuncture)

Try acupuncture and acupressure (massage biologically active points skin). It helps a lot, especially when the head hurts due to nervous tension.

Away from the computer or wear anti-reflective glasses

Computer radiation or excess light can also trigger a headache. If you suffer from headaches, use anti-reflective glasses for computer work. You can also wash your face several times a day to give yourself a chance to rest.

Apply a heating pad

A pulling headache that occurs due to stress and poor blood flow to the brain is the result of tension in the neck muscles. In this case, you need to relax your muscles with a heating pad or a bottle of hot water. You can also take a hot shower to relax tense muscles in your neck, upper back, and shoulders.

Refrain from too sweet food

food with high content sugar or food additives, such as preservatives, artificial flavors and colors, can cause headaches. Make sure you don't eat such food. Try to include in your menu natural products, fruits and vegetables.

Sleep as much as you need

Lack of sleep can cause headaches in some people. In the same time enough sleep can reduce stress. General recommendation to all those who suffer from headaches - stick to a normal sleep schedule.

Try to exercise

Exercises such as swimming fast walk or jogging increase blood circulation, and Fresh air also helps relieve headaches. This allows the whole body to relax. Try to do daily physical exercises with his habit.

Laughter therapy

Often a headache cannot be avoided due to stress. In such cases, laughter therapy - effective medicine. Watch a comedy or read funny book going out into the garden. Laugh out loud and you will feel relief right after a few minutes.

Drink herbal tea

herbal teas based on mint and chamomile are great for relieving headaches. have a cup of tea herbal tea to soothe the pain.

Other Tips:

  • eat food, rich in magnesium such as broccoli, beans, soy milk, nuts, spinach.
  • Lemon juice, diluted with tea or water, can help get rid of a headache.
  • Meditation also helps relieve chronic headaches, but you need to meditate regularly.
  • Limit your intake of foods high in sodium (salt), saturated fat, cholesterol, hydrogenated fats, and added sugar.
  • Aromatherapy can also be helpful. There are fragrances that have relaxing properties (such as lavender).
  • Try not to sleep in a cold room. Keep the temperature in your bedroom at least 20 degrees.
  • Take a multivitamin containing magnesium and calcium. These two minerals are believed to help reduce the symptoms of tension and stress associated with headaches.

Video from Youtube - how to cure a headache without medication:

How to cure a migraine naturally- video from Youtube:

A headache, whether it is spontaneous, growing, sharp, aching, throbbing or pressing, occurs in the life of any person, but it rarely happens without a reason. Almost always, it warns of a failure in the body or its susceptibility. harmful factors. Reveal true reason the appearance of headaches is quite difficult, given the large list of diseases and disorders provoking it, but it is quite possible to do this, given the diagnosis own feelings and related symptoms.

Causes of a headache

In most cases, headache is a symptom that signals the impact on the body of adverse factors or the development latent pathology which requires immediate treatment.

Unfavorable factors under the influence of which a headache appears include:

  • a sharp change in climate or weather conditions;
  • pollution environment harmful fumes, toxins, carbon monoxide;
  • low-quality food products that contain a high concentration of monosodium glutamate and nitrites;
  • emotional overwork against the background of frequent stressful situations;
  • alcohol abuse and hangover syndrome as a result;
  • long exposure to the sun.

Frequent pathological causes headaches are:

  • vascular disease circulatory system and development arterial hypertension, hypotension as a consequence;
  • liquorodynamic disorders and arising from the development, and other diseases of the membranes of the brain structures;
  • neurological diseases, including neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, vertebrogenic apparatus, infringement of the nerve processes of the cervical spine;
  • injuries of the brain and skull bones, as well as chronic post-traumatic conditions;
  • drug poisoning, food products, toxic substances;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the visual and ENT organs;
  • diseases of a viral or catarrhal nature, accompanied by high temperature and headache as a consequence.

Any headache that occurs regularly, becomes lingering and is not relieved by painkillers should be alarming.

In this case, it is better to play it safe and see a specialist so as not to waste time and prevent the development of complications if pain caused by a pathological process.

Types of headache

To identify the cause of the appearance of cephalalgia, you need to determine its type according to the relevant signs. Most often in medical practice Headaches are classified in the following areas:

Headaches caused by vascular diseases

Due to narrowing, expansion, inflammation or rupture of blood vessels, pressure occurs, which is often accompanied by nausea, dizziness and a decrease in the main reflex functions. This type of pain is typical for:

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

  • migraine attacks;
  • blood pressure disorders (hypertension or arterial hypotension);
  • temporal arteritis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • atherosclerosis of the spinal vessels;
  • strokes.

Psychogenic headaches (tension pains, tension pains)

A compressive and spreading headache of a constant nature causes a feeling of a hoop squeezing the head, occurs against the background of prolonged physical and psychological stress in persons who are unstable to stress. AT calm state pain is mild or moderate, with bending over, physical activity and nervous shocks, its intensity will increase.

Headaches associated with CSF and intracranial pathologies

Painful sensations of a local or spilling nature are disturbing due to a violation of the circulation of cerebral fluid through the cerebrospinal fluid system, its excessive accumulation in meninges and occurrence as a result. The intensity of headaches increases at night and morning hours, painful sensations are often supplemented by nausea, vomiting, decreased vision and hearing. This type of headache is typical for:

  • post-traumatic states;
  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the brain;
  • severe infections of brain structures (encephalitis,).

cluster headaches

Intensive pain unclear etiology, in most cases occurring in men. They arise suddenly, are one-sided. Seizures different duration occur at regular intervals (day, week, month). The condition is aggravated accompanying symptoms- swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and tearing. .

Headaches not associated with a violation of brain structures

  • viral or infectious diseases, in which aching headache occurs due to general intoxication of the body;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of hearing, smell, vision, oral cavity or facial nerves(in this case, the patient feels a shooting or aching headache, radiating to a painful place);
  • overdose medical preparations, alcohol abuse;
  • caused by traumatic processes, small physical activity and limitation of movement.

If headaches bother you regularly, and the condition is aggravated by symptoms pathological then you should consult a doctor.

Regardless of the cause and nature of the origin, doctors do not recommend enduring a headache and, with an intense pain syndrome, prescribe painkillers in tablets.

Depending on the type of headache and its cause, you can take one of the following medicines:

  1. Paracetamol. The safest pain reliever antipyretic drug allowed for pregnant women and children. It relieves moderate headaches caused by colds or infectious diseases, inflammatory processes.
  2. Migrenol. Combined medicine, in which the action of the main substance of paracetamol is complemented by caffeine. The drug is prescribed for hypotensive patients to relieve pain attacks caused by a decrease blood pressure, meteorological dependence, VSD, migraine.
  3. Solpadein. Pain reliever with codeine and caffeine in the composition. These substances enhance the action of the main component of paracetamol, so the drug effectively relieves intense headache attacks.
  4. Analgin. The analgesic effect of the drug is very pronounced, but its long-term use negatively affects the structure of the blood, reducing the production of leukocytes.
  5. Ibuprofen. Pain reliever with minimal symptoms side effects treats cephalgia of various etiologies.
  6. Sedalgin Plus. An analgesic supplemented with caffeine and vitamin B1. The drug effectively relieves pain attacks caused by psycho-emotional overwork, hypotension, migraine, colds or chronic fatigue.
  7. Spazmalgon (Spazgan). Analgesic drug with a pronounced spastic effect. It is prescribed for headaches that have arisen due to vasospasm.
  8. Brustan. Tableted combined remedy, combining two painkillers that complement each other - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Assign to relieve severe headaches when other drugs do not help.

Painkillers should not be taken constantly, combined with each other and mixed with alcohol. The choice of a specific drug and dosage depending on the degree of intensity pain syndrome and individual tolerance should be carried out only by a doctor.

Folk remedies

If headache attacks are not intense and short-term in nature, while concomitant pathological symptoms missing, then to remove discomfort you can use simple but effective folk remedies.

  • Melissa tea with the addition of chamomile or valerian flowers. The drink dilates blood vessels and relieves spastic headaches.
  • Soothing tea with rosemary and mint. Taken to relieve headaches that arose against the background of nervous overwork.
  • Inhalation or rubbing with essential oils of grapefruit, lavender, mint, rosemary or lemon balm. One of the oils or a mixture of them in a small amount is applied to the whiskey and gently rubbed. You can also light an aroma lamp, and dilute the essential oil with water to reduce the concentration.
  • Compress from saline solution per area frontal lobes and temples. For this in warm water(1 l) you need to dissolve Art. spoon sea ​​salt, moisten a cloth in the solution and apply it to the painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head.
  • Express method of relieving headaches in summer time are fresh leaves mint, lemon balm or knotweed, which must be applied to the back of the head or temples. In winter, for these purposes, you can use cabbage leaf, which must first be mashed until juice appears.
  • Inhalation with a solution of apple cider vinegar for migraine attacks. For this Apple vinegar add to water in equal proportions, bring the resulting composition to a boil, after which, slightly tilting your head over the container, gently inhale its vapors.

Should stop using folk remedies if the cause of the headaches that have arisen is unclear and the patient has pronounced pathological signs. In this case, you should immediately see a doctor and only after setting accurate diagnosis agree with him the expediency of using folk remedies.

Normal healthy person headache is a consequence of fatigue and other adverse external factors. But remember, please, that a headache can be a sign of various diseases, such as infections, beriberi, and others.

The causes of headaches in the temples, the back of the head are different:

  • tension in the cervical regions;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • back pain;
  • slouch.

These are the main causes of pain in the temples, the back of the head. So how to cure a headache without medication?

Types of headache and how to treat it

Very often when we get SARS, we have a headache.

To relieve headaches caused by colds, viruses, use the following folk remedies:

  • rub menthol oil on the back of the head, forehead and temples;
  • warm the pulp of the lemon along with the peel and spread on the forehead and temples;
  • make an infusion of cinnamon at the rate of 1/8 table. spoons for 1 table. a spoonful of water, prepare the right amount of broth, add sugar, let it brew for half an hour and drink 2 sips every hour.

Helps with excruciating migraine pain foot baths, hot drinks and warm compresses on the head. You can also make burdock, cabbage, lilac compresses on the forehead and back of the head.

Help with migraines useful infusions from:

  • oregano;
  • mint, lemon balm;
  • plantain leaves;
  • potato juice (it also helps with migraines);
  • valerian root;
  • cowberry berries.

Try massaging your temples, slowly at first, then harder.

Do self-massage, exercises for the neck.

How to deal with a headache caused by overwork?

At the end of the working day, if you are very tired, overtired, take a warm bath and warm your legs with hot water.

If headaches occur during nervous tension try drinking:

  • infusion of thyme or St. John's wort;
  • potato juice;
  • viburnum juice with honey.
  • oregano - two parts;
  • knotweed, nettle Linden blossom- one part;
  • oregano mint, take St. John's wort in equal amounts;
  • mint, bearberry leaves, horsetail in one part;
  • calendula, knotweed - 1 part;
  • mint - 2 parts.

Brew all herbs according to package directions.

Copper. For the treatment of headaches, copper will help you, it is able to pull out the pain. Attach a copper coin to the sore spot and hold it for 20 minutes.

Cold. The headache will be relieved by leaning against the cold window glass, which neutralizes the electrostatic accumulated on the skin and painful. leaves.

This is important: if you smoke, get rid of this habit as soon as possible, smoking can exacerbate and provoke headaches.

How to deal with headaches with yoga?

When your head hurts, yogis are sure that you can completely recover without medication. Special exercises yogis will help cure headaches even better than pills and without side effects. You can choose one exercise or do the whole complex.

1) Sit comfortably right hand put on left side head, then slightly tilt your head to the right. In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds, inhale-exhale and change the other side. During this exercise
the hand should put a little pressure on the head, as if stretching the cervical vertebrae.

2) The next yogi exercise to relieve headaches due to strong tension in the shoulders.
Sit on the floor, there should be a small distance between the shins and they should lie parallel.

Lock your hands behind your back and slowly lean forward towards the floor until your head reaches the floor. This pose is called the child's pose. Count to five while breathing deeply. Bring your arms back to feel the stretch in your shoulders, chest, and back of your neck.

3) The next pose is a happy child. It will help with headaches caused by clamps in the back.
Lie on your back and bend your knees, clasping your hips and or feet with outside hands. Now you need to stay in this position for a few minutes. You can rock slightly to increase the stretch in your lower back and hips.

Remember important advice If you have frequent headaches, be sure to see a doctor to find out the cause and proper treatment. Headaches can be caused by dangerous diseases.

Be healthy!