For wet cough for children 2 years old. Analogues of Sinecode, which will cost much less

Cough is a protective reaction of the body that ensures the cleansing of the tracheobronchial tree from irritants. A dry cough caused by exposure to an irritant becomes wet (productive) when the bronchi are unable to cope with the removal of sputum. Gradually accumulating and acting on cough receptors, it provokes a cough. Thus, it can be called an independent attempt of the bronchi to get rid of sputum and pathogenic bacteria.

Any attempts to eliminate it will be futile without knowing the exact origin. As a symptom, a productive cough may indicate pathologies such as:
- allergic reactions caused by exposure foreign bodies, dust, odors on the respiratory tract;
- acute respiratory infections or colds that developed as a result of the lesion respiratory tract viruses and bacteria;
- chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
- disruption in work nervous system, causing neurogenic cough.

Drug treatment of wet cough

People often make the mistake of trying to simply eliminate an annoying symptom. This approach slows down the healing process, since sputum does not come out, but remains in the bronchi and accumulates, provoking the development of serious illnesses respiratory system. Therefore, treatment should be carried out with drugs that can clear up phlegm and improve the condition of the respiratory tract. It happens that after recovery, the cough continues to bother you, but sputum is no longer produced. In this case, you can take medications that only eliminate cough reflex.

To improve sputum discharge, doctors prescribe Bromhexine, Ambroxol, ACC and syrups. And to make it easier to expectorate accumulated sputum, treatment is supplemented with the use of Broncholitin or Mucaltin. Inhalations using chamomile, mint, sage, marshmallow, and warm drinks will be useful during the treatment period.

Treatment of wet cough with folk remedies

Black radish is a component of many folk recipes related to the elimination wet cough. It can be used in different ways. For example, a hole is cut out of a clean, dry radish and filled with honey. To prevent the accumulated natural substance from spreading, place it in a deep plate. This delicious food can be enjoyed by both adults and children.

Homemade black radish mixture is prepared by mixing 1 part of its juice with 2 parts warm milk. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably linden) in the resulting product. Healing composition should be taken orally after meals 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

To carry out inhalation, pour a few tablespoons of dry thyme or coltsfoot into hot water, then add 2 teaspoons of soda and a few drops eucalyptus oil. Leaning over the container, cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing vapors for 10-15 minutes. This procedure thins mucus well.

Cough is considered one of the signs of infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs in children. But parents should not make a diagnosis on their own and give their child medications. If a wet cough is detected in a child, the local pediatrician will tell you how to treat it.

Symptoms in a child

Sputum is a secretion produced by the glands of the trachea and bronchi. In the normal state, mucus is also formed, but not in the volume that causes a cough reflex. A large amount of mucus from the respiratory tract begins to drain due to inflammation caused by the proliferation of harmful bacteria. A runny nose also appears when there is a discharge of liquid or mucous secretion. In this case, mucus flows down the walls of the nasopharynx and accumulates in lower parts respiratory organs.

Know! An unusual number of clots for the body irritates the receptors, causing a sharp spasmodic exhalation - a cough. The reaction is accompanied fast contraction respiratory muscles, promoting the expulsion of foreign mucus.

In medicine, a wet cough is called productive. It is determined by the amount of fluid released from the respiratory organs. It is this symptom that will indicate to the doctor the nature present disease. A residual wet cough is often observed after an acute respiratory viral infection, cold or flu.

Features of a wet cough replacing a dry one

The first symptom of the onset infectious disease is a dry cough. Microorganisms enter the throat, causing inflammation and hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane, provoking a cough reflex. A dry cough is often hacking, without sputum production.

Watching the child suffer, parents wonder how to make a dry cough wet. In fact, the dryness will decrease on its own, and phlegm will begin to separate. Children 2 years of age and older do not have problems coughing up mucus. Expectorant and mucolytic drugs will contribute to a quick recovery in this development of events.

Important! If the baby is not yet 2 years old, treatment should be carried out only after consulting a doctor.

The situation when a wet cough turns into a dry one means that the secretion of secretions from the glands has slowed down. There are several explanations for this course of the disease:

  • with the flu, the cough can be either dry or wet;
  • cigarette smoke dries out the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • insufficient humidity in the room contributes to a dry cough;
  • allergic reactions can provoke both dry and wet cough;
  • the disease with laryngitis, whooping cough, measles is accompanied by a barking cough.

Dry cough is very difficult for children to tolerate. There is a constant desire to cough. Doctors do not recommend straining the ligaments, otherwise there is a risk of losing your voice and acquiring hoarseness.

Wet cough does not go away

Sometimes therapy does not bring results - after a couple of weeks, even after a month, a frequent wet cough has the same intensity as at the beginning of the disease. The reason most likely lies in incorrectly prescribed treatment.

When a wet cough does not go away, a chronic form of the disease is diagnosed respiratory organ. True, in some cases, factors other than infectious factors provoke the cough reflex:

  • allergy;
  • chemical irritants.

In these cases, it is enough to eliminate the provocateur of the reactions.

If a child has a wet cough without fever, this does not mean that inflammatory process absent. In young children, the immune system is not sufficiently developed; the young body does not always respond to the ingress of harmful bacteria with the usual rise in temperature. But a strong wet cough without fever may also indicate the presence of allergic reactions, or exposure to foreign object into the respiratory tract.

Attention! When there is a wet cough and fever, this is definitely a sign of inflammation. In this case, you should put the child to bed and call a doctor.

How to treat the disease

If the cough is wet, then the cough reflex cannot be suppressed. By eliminating the symptom, you will not be able to get rid of the source of the disease. In addition, suppressing cough can contribute to the accumulation of mucus and the transition of the pathology to a more severe form.

The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that the best way to eliminate the disease that provoked a wet cough is to systematically perform basic actions:

  • humidifying the air in the child's room;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • drinking plenty of fluids.

The doctor is also sure that phlegm-thinning medications are simply irreplaceable, but only a pediatrician should prescribe them.

Drug treatment

Consultation with a local pediatrician in the presence of a wet cough is definitely required, although not immediately. But you should call a doctor immediately if you have:

  • protracted paroxysmal cough, especially at night or in the morning;
  • cloudy sputum with green or bloody streaks;
  • barking cough;
  • wet cough that does not go away for a long time;
  • high temperature (more than 38.5⁰C);
  • wheezing in the chest area.

In order to assign suitable drug, you need to know the reason that caused the formation large quantity fluids in the respiratory system. The medicine is selected taking into account individual characteristics sick.

Treatment of wet cough in children depends on age. For example, in a child under one year old, the cough reflex is not sufficiently developed. It is not worth prescribing him any means to remove sputum. The mucus released will accumulate in the baby’s bronchi and can provoke “flooding of the lung” syndrome, which can easily turn into pneumonia.

Cure a disease in one year old child much simpler than that of an infant. After the first year of life, children are usually prescribed syrups - they are easier to use. Popular drugs prescribed by pediatricians can be purchased in pharmacies:

  • Gedelix;
  • Althea syrup;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Ascoril Expectorant.

Mucolytic agents promote the discharge of thick sputum and have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dosage forms in the form of syrups contain extracts medicinal plants. Not prescribed for children under one year of age. Expectorants plant origin facilitate severe attacks cough, recommended for chronic forms diseases with thick, difficult to separate mucus.

Important! Synthetic product will have an effect faster. Medicines such as ACC, Lazolvan, Ambroxol will help relieve attacks and help reduce the child’s cough at night.

Treatment with folk remedies

Natural components help relieve inflammation and quickly cure the cause of cough. At home you can use some effective recipes from traditional medicine:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs - coltsfoot, oregano, marshmallow. Pour the collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for an hour. Over the course of a week, give the child 1 tsp. after meal.
  2. Licorice, marshmallow, anise, fennel, sage and pine buds Brew in 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, then give the baby 1 tsp to drink.
  3. Viburnum berries are boiled for several minutes, then mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Give the patient a spoonful throughout the day.

For rubbing and heating chest use badger fat. Infants Concentrated ointment should not be applied, as the skin is still very tender and can cause burns. Mixing allowed medicinal composition with regular baby cream, application thin layer on the chest.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are very helpful in treating diseases:

  • eliminate pain and inflammation;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • activate the immune system.

It is up to the specialist to decide which type of devices and procedures will be most useful.


Inhalations quickly alleviate the condition of the body in children, moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, relieve coughing, and increase the discharge of mucus from the bronchi. But there are also contraindications.

Know! In children under 3 years of age, inhalation can cause spasms of the respiratory organ and burns of the mucous membrane. Therefore, such procedures are prescribed to older children.

There is no need to involve a physiotherapist for observations during manipulations if the child is already 5 years old. Such children quickly understand their parents' instructions and act carefully. You can carry out inhalations with a nebulizer at home. Treatment medications can be purchased at pharmacies:

  • herbal decoctions;
  • Borjomi type mineral water;
  • ACC in the form of a solution.

Steam inhalations can be performed with the addition of essential oils eucalyptus and fir.

Massage and gymnastics

Massage for children should be performed by a specialist qualified medical education and those who have undergone training. Manipulation has increased efficiency in the treatment of bronchitis, as well as in the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Heated oil is applied to the chest area. Vibrating and tapping actions are carried out using the fingertips. Then they are replaced by stroking and rubbing. The whole process takes no more than 10 minutes. After the massage, wrap the heated area in a terry towel or blanket. To treat diseases, 7-10 sessions are sufficient.

Breathing exercises are suitable only for adults and middle-aged and older children. A set of exercises helps rid the respiratory tract of mucus and reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. Additionally, daily warm-up improves the functioning of the cardiovascular organs and digestive system.

To get the expected effect, gymnastics should be performed only in the absence of elevated temperature. During the healing process, you need to carefully monitor the patient’s condition.

If coughing, dizziness or drowsiness occurs, exercise should be stopped. Breathing exercises This is a great way to speed up your recovery. In addition, this method helps to cope with colds without the use of medications.

It is a protective reflex mechanism, thanks to which the respiratory tract is cleared of various irritants. In some cases, such contraction of the respiratory muscles may indicate the development of children's body various types respiratory diseases.

Today you can buy at the pharmacy various medications for wet cough for children, however, it is necessary to begin treatment after mandatory consultation with a specialist.

Often in the autumn-winter period, children appear, which may be a signal of development in the body various diseases. Cough is unpleasant feeling, however, in some cases it is defensive reaction body.

Thanks to this contraction of the muscles of the respiratory tract, the child’s body manages to get rid of accumulated germs and.

Experts call it a wet cough because when it develops, mucus is discharged from the outside.

Most often, this type of cough is the next stage after dry cough and we can say that the child is already recovering.

Despite this, the child’s body still needs to be helped and this can be done with the help of various medicines from coughs that increase sputum production.


Many parents begin treating their child when only a few coughs a day appear. This should not be done, because healthy man Normally, he can cough 10-15 times a day. This is explained by the fact that coughing is a natural protective reaction of the body, thanks to which the respiratory system is cleaned.

To assign the correct and effective treatment It is important to find out the reasons that led to the appearance of a wet cough in a child.

Most often, this pathology occurs for the following reasons:

  • progression of inflammatory processes in the lungs of a child’s body
  • development of bronchial asthma
  • allergic reaction as a result of exposure of the child’s body to various allergens
  • diagnosing congenital pathologies
  • development of diseases infectious nature, the location of which becomes upper sections respiratory tract
  • after an acute viral infection

Often occurs in newborns due to insufficient development of the muscles of the stomach and esophagus. Cough with sputum is one of the symptoms of teething, so it can periodically bother a child up to a year. In addition, such contraction of the respiratory tract muscles can occur if infants get tears, snot or milk in the wrong place.

The causes of wet cough are varied and the choice of specific treatment depends on them.

In this regard, self-medication should be avoided, as this can provoke the development of various and additional pathologies.

Signs of pathology

If a child coughs 10-15 times a day, this should not cause any concern to parents.

It is necessary to show the child to a specialist if the following symptoms appear:

  • a wet cough occurs suddenly and lasts for a long time
  • the child develops shortness of breath
  • cough is accompanied by a rise in the body, which does not decrease for three days
  • the child's appetite decreases and he refuses food
  • cough causes pain in the chest area
  • the secreted sputum contains inclusions of blood
  • highlighted is green
  • cough is accompanied by wheezing, which can be heard even at a distance
  • cough occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infection and lasts several weeks
  • The cough is permanent, that is, it bothers the child for several weeks or even months

If such signs appear, it is necessary to show the child pediatrician who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary. Special attention You should pay attention to the appearance of a cough at night, since it may indicate the development of various diseases in the child’s body. It is necessary to begin treatment only after identifying the cause that caused the development of such pathological condition.

Drug treatment

A feature of childhood is the fact that sputum discharge is difficult. This is due to the fact that in children the sputum has a more viscous consistency, and the muscles of the respiratory organs are not yet sufficiently developed.

In the event that mucus stagnates in the bronchi of a child, this can cause active proliferation of bacteria and cause the development of various types. The main task in eliminating a wet cough is to facilitate the process of sputum discharge, and this can be achieved with the help of various medications.

Drug therapy is carried out using:

  • mucolytic drugs that promote the formation required quantity sputum
  • - Helps thin out sticky mucus

Useful video - Cough in children and its treatment.

To treat wet cough, expectorants of plant and synthetic origin are used. When treating a child with herbal preparations, you should be careful, since taking them can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. Medical practice shows that the use of synthetic cough medicines is considered more effective, since they can reduce the viscosity of even too thick sputum.

The use of antitussive drugs should be discontinued when eliminating a wet cough.

This is due to the fact that they have a suppressive effect on cough and this can cause even greater complications of the disease, since such drugs cause the accumulated mucus to settle.

In children under one year of age, a special massage, which is accompanied by rubbing the back and chest, can increase the discharge of sputum. At an older age, carry out drug therapy in children it is possible to use steam-based herbal infusions soda and essential oils.Accept medicines and the procedures should be carried out until the child begins to cough independently and productively.

Medicines for cough

For the treatment of wet cough in childhood Mucolytic and expectorant drugs are prescribed.

The main form of release of such medicines is:

  • lozenges

You can get rid of this pathological condition of the body with the help of decoctions and infusions based on herbs that have an expectorant effect.

In childhood, medications are most often prescribed in the form of syrups.

This is due to the fact that they are quickly absorbed into the blood and give positive result. Before starting to take the drug, be sure to read the attached instructions and be sure to follow the indicated dosage.

Most effective drugs When treating wet cough the following are considered:

  • Ambroxol is a potent drug that helps thin mucus and improve expectoration. This medicine can be used to eliminate both wet and unproductive coughs. There is a pediatric form of release of this drug that can be used in the treatment of children infancy.
  • Prospan is a herbal preparation made from ivy leaves. Taking this drug has a stimulating effect on the secretion of the bronchial glands, promotes the rapid discharge of sputum and reduces its viscosity. In addition, Prospan has an antitussive effect and helps to relax the muscles of the bronchi. Most often, this remedy is prescribed for severe wet cough with sputum of viscous consistency. Treatment with this drug can be carried out in both adults and children after one year.
  • Herbion is a mucolytic drug, the use of which facilitates the discharge of sputum. In addition to the expectorant effect, the drug also has antimicrobial effect on the body. Gerbion is prescribed from the age of 2, and it should be taken after meals and washed down with plenty of liquid.
  • It is considered one of the most affordable drugs. The ingredients of the medicine are thyme and thyme extract, which have a secreting effect on mucus and help thin phlegm. Children after three years of age are allowed to treat cough with this drug.
  • Fluditec is available in the form of a syrup based on carbocisteine, which has a mucolytic and expectorant effect. This medicine is available in various forms for children and adults, and can also be used in the treatment of pathology in newborns.

The following medicines for wet cough are available in the form:

  • is an expectorant drug based on marshmallow extract and sodium bicarbonate. This medicine can be prescribed in tablet form to children from 1 year of age, and the medicine must be dissolved in water before taking it.
  • GeloMyrtol is available in the form of enteric capsules. Taking this remedy thins mucus and also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. This drug can be taken from 6 years of age 30 minutes before meals.

In the event that the cause of a child’s cough is mechanical damage throat or disease viral origin, then the technique may be useless. Before prescribing such treatment, it is important to identify the cause of the cough and do this best under the supervision of a doctor.

Reception antibacterial drugs assigned:

  • for pneumonia
  • for tuberculosis
  • with tracheitis
  • with pleurisy
  • for acute and chronic bronchitis

Antibacterial drugs should only be prescribed by a specialist and any self-medication should be avoided. A wet cough can signal the development of dangerous coughs in a child’s body, but at the same time it is normal occurrence. It is for this reason that it is necessary to learn to distinguish pathological cough from normal, and only after that begin the necessary therapy.

Cough is not a rare but frightening symptom of childhood illnesses for parents. It is not an independent pathology. If a child coughs, then it is necessary to look for the cause of this reaction, and not suppress it. But practice shows that this symptom does not always require the use of medications.

The reasons that cause convulsive exhalation, accompanied by hoarseness and sound, can be physiological or pathological.

Children have to deal with the latter more often. Statistics show that cough torments children attending preschool and school institutions. There are two types of this symptom: dry and wet.

The latter is considered safer and more quickly treatable.

Physiological reasons

In infants, a wet cough may occur after feeding, when food enters the respiratory tract.

Absolutely healthy child may cough on average 5-15 times a day. This happens especially often in morning hours or after waking up during the day.

In this way, the respiratory tract is cleared of foreign particles and dust. There is nothing critical about such a cough. The symptom does not require treatment or search for its cause.

If you are still worried or doubt the exceptional health of the baby, then consult your pediatrician.

Pathology or when to sound the alarm

A child may develop a wet cough due to illness. The main pathologies causing this symptom are:

  • viral diseases, influenza;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lung abscess.

Parents should worry if the cough starts suddenly and does not go away for a long time or becomes more severe when the child has a fever or shortness of breath, chest pain, audible wheezing, and unusually colored sputum (green, red).

How does a wet cough manifest?

Symptoms that a child has a wet cough are familiar to every parent:

  • the baby exhales with a wheeze;
  • when coughing, the squelching of sputum can be clearly heard;
  • mucus is released, which the child spits out or swallows.

Often a wet cough is accompanied by a runny nose, rising thermometer levels, weakness, and lack of appetite. All this suggests that the baby is sick. For treatment to be adequate and effective, it is necessary to show the little patient to a pediatrician.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before treating a child’s wet cough, it is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor; further therapy depends entirely on its results.

  • If the cough does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by a runny nose, then antipyretics are prescribed, antiviral drugs and vitamin complexes.
  • When we're talking about O bacterial diseases, the main symptom of which is high, antibiotics and probiotics are prescribed. You can determine the appropriate drug after diagnosis ( bacteriological research sputum).
  • Cough caused by asthma, cystic fibrosis requires a separate approach and complex treatment. Therapy is also determined by the results of blood tests and examination of the respiratory tract.

Doctor on initial examination can only deliver approximate diagnosis. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say about the origin of the disease only on the basis of such a symptom as cough with sputum.

Typically needed additional research, because to treat a wet cough in a child, it is necessary to act on the root cause of the disease, and not just eliminate the symptom.

Babies cannot cough up mucus properly and, as a result, mucus accumulates in the lower parts of the respiratory system, causing inflammation. To treat this symptom, the doctor prescribes herbal and synthetic drugs.

For children it is preferable to use liquid types medicines.

Use of herbal medicines and syrups

If a child has a wet cough, treatment is primarily prescribed with medication. These drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and their basis is active ingredients are plants, shrubs, rhizome extracts, oils.

Among their advantages, it is worth highlighting a small amount or no side effects, as well as efficiency at mild form diseases.

  • Doctor Mom - lozenges and syrup. The drug contains licorice, pepper, aloe, elecampane, ginger, emblica, as well as other herbs. The suspension can be used in children from three years of age. The manufacturer does not recommend using lozenges for children under 18 years of age, but in some cases doctors still prescribe them.
  • Pectusin is a herbal remedy in the form of a suspension and tablets. It contains eucalyptus, menthol, and additional components. Various sources report that the drug can be given to children from 3 or 7 years of age. We can conclude that the manufacturer himself cannot decide when this medicine will be truly safe for the child.
  • Chest collection - there are 4 types of this drug, each of which has a different herbal composition. The manufacturer does not recommend giving similar means children, but some parents do it themselves. Expected that breast collection will have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant effects.
  • Herbion is a syrup based on ivy or primrose. The first option has an irritating effect on the respiratory center and expectorates phlegm. The second type of syrup helps to thin mucus and increase its quantity. Both products are approved for use from the age of two, but in practice they are used earlier.
  • Solutan is a solution for use containing dill oil, saponin, salts and other components. Has a bronchodilator and expectorant effect. The solution is used in children from one year of age.
  • The myth that herbal remedies more suitable for treating cough in children. Many of these medications are ineffective for serious illnesses.

Others can cause a serious allergic reaction. Think twice before giving one of these medications. small child.

Synthetic drugs and their effectiveness

Synthetic medications that have an expectorant, bronchodilator, and anti-inflammatory effect are much more effective. It is these proven remedies that are prescribed by pediatricians all over the world.

  • Ambroxol - included in the medications Ambrobene, AmbroHexal, Lazolvan, Halixol. Some of these medications can be taken with an inhaler. It is then that the solutions enter directly into the respiratory tract, bypassing digestive tract. Ambroxol-based products can treat wet cough in a child from an early age.
  • Acetylcysteine ​​- found in the drugs ACC, Fluimucil, Vicks Active. The drugs have a mucolytic effect, thinning the mucus, making it easy to cough up. Products containing acetylcysteine ​​can be given to children from 1-2 years of age.
  • Carbocisteine ​​has a beneficial effect on mucus and also helps restore damaged surfaces. It is contained in the following drugs: Bronchobos, Fluditek, Libexin. For children over two years of age, the drugs are prescribed in a dosage of 100 mg twice a day.
  • Bromhexine – has a complex effect on children's cough. In addition to the expectorant and mucolytic effect, it also has a slight antitussive effect. Practice shows that this medication is rarely prescribed to children.

If a child’s wet cough does not go away for a long time, sputum is separated with great difficulty, and the contraction of the airways is more like a spasm, then doctors may prescribe a remedy Berodual. This drug is taken exclusively through an inhaler and in a dosage strictly selected for the baby.

Its action is aimed at providing a bronchodilator effect. The result of use becomes noticeable after the first inhalation.

Wet cough becomes more soft form by eliminating spasm and relaxing smooth muscles. The drug does not affect the secretion of bronchial mucus.

Children suffering from bronchial asthma or COPD, as well as severe course For bronchitis and spasmodic cough, corticosteroids are prescribed:

  • Pulmicort;
  • Flixotide;
  • Berotek;
  • Benacort.

The use of such drugs requires prior consultation with a pulmonologist. GCS should not be given to children without the knowledge of a doctor. Please note that some medications can be used for up to a year, while others are intended for children aged 12-16 years..

Traditional methods of treatment

If you turn to the older generation, you will definitely learn how to cure a wet cough in a child. Older generation will advise you on proven means to eliminate this problem. But not all of them are considered safe and effective for young children.

  • Mustard plasters - warm up parts of the respiratory system and distract. Small children may be burned. For some diseases it is strictly contraindicated.
  • Hot inhalations with steam or herbal decoctions– anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, softening effect is expected. In fact, they can aggravate the patient's condition by causing a burn to the mucous membrane.
  • Milk and honey before bed- a proven emollient. Has a beneficial effect on children's immunity. Honey is an allergen, and milk should not be given to children with lactase deficiency.
  • Drainage massage– vibration tapping on the baby’s back, rubbing. It is expected that the procedure will help the sputum clear better and speed up the recovery time. An incorrectly performed massage can harm the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • Rubbing with badger or goat fat– warms up well, distracts. At elevated temperature body can be dangerous for a child, especially in the first years of life.
  • Plant-based drinks– decoctions and infusions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory, soothing, expectorant effect. These products are good, but they can cause allergies.

Which cough syrup is best for children over one year old? If your baby coughs and can't sleep, if you look like a zombie after... sleepless night- then this is where you want to go! The article will discuss the most effective and safe syrups for any type of cough.

Why is it important to know the types of coughs in children?

Types of cough in children under 1 year of age, and others age groups, enough. The most The main task of parents is to correctly determine the type of cough to select the most effective remedy for his deliverance.

According to the degree of sputum discharge, they are distinguished

  1. Dry. Second name - nonproductive cough . It is characterized by harshness of breathing, the presence of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, and their swelling. The mucus does not clear on its own, causing prolonged bouts of coughing.
  2. Wet. The second name is productive cough. In this case, sputum is either completely absent or present in small quantities. The cough becomes wet after a non-productive one, when treatment has already been used to expel sputum.

By duration of treatment

  • A sudden cough most often occurs when a foreign body enters the body.
  • A cough that lasts two months is called a persistent cough..
  • Chronic cough occurs during exacerbation chronic disease and lasting more than two months.
  • Recurrent cough occurs periodically and indicates the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the respiratory system body.

According to the presence of inflammation

  • Barking. Indicates the presence of inflammation in the glottis. If measures to localize it are not taken in time, the child may experience suffocation or swelling of the larynx.
  • Paroxysmal. This cough indicates that the child has whooping cough. This type of cough also occurs due to allergic reactions.
  • wheezing cough is a sign of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in other words, acute bronchitis.

Why is syrup more effective?

Why doctors are inclined to use syrups in the treatment of cough, especially in children. It's simple. Cough syrup for children over one year of age is the most effective expectorant today.

The effect comes much faster than when taking pills.

To do this, you can conduct a simple visual experiment. Take a sponge or washcloth and moisten it with water. Next, put the tablet on it and pour a little syrup. The time taken to dissolve the tablet will reach 30 minutes.

At the same time, the syrup will be absorbed in just a few seconds. It's the same with our lungs. The liquid is absorbed by the body faster than the solid substance, so the treatment effect occurs 5 times faster.

Treatment with syrup is much easier than giving pills to a small child

Another compelling argument in favor of cough syrup for children under one year of age. It is much more convenient to give to a child than others dosage forms. Not every baby will be able to swallow a pill.

Almost all syrups have sweet taste which children like.

Each package contains a measuring spoon or syringe that can be used to easily measure the dose of medicine. In most cases, tablets still need to be divided, since they are rarely available in children's doses.

In addition to the above, syrup can effectively combine large quantity components than in tablets.

Syrups for children against wet cough

Will consider the most effective syrups with productive cough in children.

Dr. Theiss

This cough syrup is of plant origin only. It includes plantain, mint, beets. Improves sputum discharge, both in the lungs and in the upper respiratory tract. Should not be taken concomitantly with medications for dry cough. Dr. Theiss is a remedy only for productive coughs.

  • Children are prescribed from one year of age.
  • Take 2.5 ml 4 times a day. The syrup should be washed down with warm water.


Cough syrup must be shaken before use.

The syrup consists of ivy extract, i.e. also of plant origin.

Therefore, Prospan is a cough syrup specifically for young children.

Ivy has mucolytic, expectorant, antispasmodic, antimicrobial and antitussive effects.

Prospan removes difficult-to-separate viscous sputum from the body.

One minus - possible skin rashes in the form of urticaria, itching, because ivy is a plant to which children are very often allergic.

  • Prescribed to children from 1 year.
  • Take 3 times a day, 5 ml.


Bronchicum is a herbal cough syrup based on thyme. Minus – contains ethanol. Age limit – up to 2 years. It is used as an expectorant for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by a cough with thick, difficult to separate sputum.

  • Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • The course of admission is 14 days.
The syrup contains extract of primrose roots and common thyme herb

Unlike Herbion with plantain, primrose syrup should be used for a productive cough.

It has an expectorant effect and is a herbal preparation.

Does not contain alcohol. Of the minuses - very sweet and cloying. Children drink it reluctantly and often refuse to take it

Gerbion syrup with primrose is prescribed for cough for children only from 2 years of age.

  • Take 3 times a day, 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Course – 2-3 weeks.


Ambrobene is baby syrup from a wet cough. The main composition of Ambrobene syrup is ambroxol. The only product on the market that does not contain preservatives or thickeners. That's why allowed for infants. It has an expectorant and mucolytic effect.

  • Ambrobene (syrup for children) is prescribed 2.5 ml (0.5 tsp) 2-3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment is 7 days.

An undoubted advantage is that Ambrobene is available in the form of syrup for inhalation. It is convenient to use for older children.

Syrups for children against dry cough


Fluditec - syrup for children against dry cough. Effective when bronchial asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. The main active ingredient in Fluditec cough syrup is carbocisteine. It has a mucolytic and expectorant effect.

  • Take 5 ml 2 times a day.
  • The course of admission is 3 days.

The downside is the rather high price.


This drug can be used to treat cough in children under one year of age

This syrup for children has no age limit and can be used in children under 1 year of age.

Active substance– bromhexine hydrochloride. It has a mucolytic and expectorant effect.

Bromhexine children's syrup helps liquefy and remove mucus.

For children there is a separately produced form of the drug - Bromhexine Berlin Hemi syrup for children. It has a pleasant taste that kids really like.

Bromhexine syrup for children is a remedy for unproductive, painful cough. It is prescribed for tracheitis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis.

  • from 0-2 years, take 2.5 ml 3 times a day;
  • from 2 to 6 years – 5 ml 3 times a day.
  • Course – 6 days.

Preferably When taking, drink a significant amount of fluid for achievement better effect treatment.

If the baby is susceptible to allergies, the syrup should be given with caution.

This cough syrup for children also contains herbal ingredients that help relieve dry cough.

Aloe, elecampane, ginger, wasaka, nightshade, licorice, cubeba pepper are the main plant components of the syrup.

Doctor IOM syrup for children has bronchodilator, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects. Removes acute attacks dry cough. Recommended for children from three years of age.

  • Take 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Duration of treatment – ​​14 days.

Herbion plantain syrup

Gerbion syrup is prescribed for dry cough. Renders soft action on the inflammatory process in the lungs.

It envelops the affected areas, removing phlegm from there.

home distinguishing featuregentle relief of dry cough. Syrup of plant origin. Contains a small amount of alcohol. Recommended for children from two years old.

  • Give 3 times a day.
  • Course – 7 days.

What may be the signs that a child has... How to distinguish it from infectious. You will learn about this and more from the article.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children is described. Its differences from ordinary bronchitis are also described.

For greater effect, it is recommended to take the syrup with vitamin complexes

Sinekod for children is a medicine against dry cough.

It has a central effect on the source of inflammation, reducing cough. Relieves attacks

suffocating cough and makes breathing easier.

Does not include herbal ingredients. It is a synthetic drug containing a bronchodilator - butamirate.

Used for whooping cough, bronchitis, tracheitis. Probably, Sinekod is the most effective children's syrup for dry cough, but the price is not as reasonable as that of other drugs.

Analogues of Sinecode, which will cost much less

  • Codelac NEO;
  • Bronchoton;
  • Broncholine sage;

Sinekod for cough is prescribed to children from three years of age no more than three times a day. It also comes in drops and dragees.

  • Drops can also be prescribed to infants aged 2 months and older. Dragee - from 6 years.
  • The course of treatment is 7 days.
The use of syrup must be agreed with your doctor

This syrup is used in the treatment acute diseases respiratory system.

Glycodin improves sputum discharge and relieves dry cough. Effective for painful paroxysmal cough.

Glycodin syrup contains the following synthetic substances: dextromethorphan, terpin hydrate and levomenthol.

Contraindicated for bronchial asthma and children under 1 year of age. Minus - the syrup can cause overexcitement in the child.

  • The course of treatment is 4 days.
  • Take 2 times a day.
Prescribe the syrup to children with caution, as it contains ethanol.

Broncholitin cough syrup is similar in action to Bromhexine. The active substance is glaucine hydrobromide and ephedrine hydrochloride.

Has a suppressive effect on the cough center, eliminating dry cough for up to 6 hours.

Also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic property.
Age limit for children under 3 years old.

  • Dosage: 5 ml of medication diluted in water 3 times a day.
  • The course of admission is 5 days.

Most of all, parents worry about their children with a dry cough.