Increased body temperature - Fever. High temperature in an adult, what to do

And sometimes the body temperature remains normal throughout the day, but invariably rises in the evening.

This phenomenon does not always indicate the development of the disease, but it still indicates certain changes in the human body.

For some people, such changes generally become a normal condition, because this is how their thermoregulatory system functions. And yet you should very carefully consider the reasons for the appearance of such numbers on the thermometer.

Every evening the temperature rises to 37 degrees in adults and children at the most various reasons. The indicators will be affected various factors: physiological and pathological.

Of course, if you have any complaints about your own health, you should consult a doctor. But sometimes a temperature of 37.1 (in the evening) does not mean something terrible, but is a variant of the norm.

But if similar symptoms continue long time, you need to see a doctor. Most likely, this condition indicates an immune response to a certain threat or disadvantage.

A person rarely resorts to using a thermometer unless there are additional health complaints or signs of illness. But after taking periodic measurements, you may be surprised that there is a temperature of 37 in the evening, but not in the morning.

The thermometer readings are influenced by many factors:

  • time of day (it is known that in the morning the thermometer readings are lower than in the evening, and during deep sleep the lowest values ​​are noted);
  • rhythm of life (for people with active image life, thermometer readings are always higher);
  • type of measuring device (it is generally accepted that electronic thermometers have an error, unlike mercury devices);
  • time of year and weather(V winter period Temperatures naturally rise and become lower in summer);
  • physiological and pathological conditions.

Physiological conditions that increase temperature

Hyperthermia does not always occur due to a specific threat. Very often it is a consequence of overload or hormonal changes in the body.

This can happen due to eating hot or spicy food, nervous overstrain, as well as the purposes of some medicines.

Sometimes such numbers are not considered pathology at all, but only borderline state norms. Only in the case of a strong increase in them or an unacceptably long period of hyperthermia is a comprehensive examination of the patient’s body prescribed.

Among women

Many women periodically experience increased body temperature. This is why this happens. During menstrual cycle Hormones are constantly being produced.

IN certain days the release of some substances becomes greater, while others become less. Immediately after ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), progesterone comes into play.

This hormone is very important for maintaining the second phase of the cycle and the development of pregnancy. Thanks to it, smooth muscles relax. Progesterone also affects thermoregulation and reduces the rate of heat transfer.

Before menstruation, a woman may notice that her body temperature has increased by a fraction of a degree.

As soon as bleeding begins, progesterone levels will decrease and the thermometer readings will return to normal.

If pregnancy has occurred, elevated values ​​may persist for several months until the placenta is formed. For expectant mothers, it is considered normal if the thermometer shows 37-37.2 degrees.

A rise in temperature in the evenings is usually explained by a sharp hormonal changes body, toxicosis during pregnancy, increased metabolic rate, reflex effects when drinking alcoholic beverages or normal thermoregulation processes.

Reasons why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening:

  • during premenstrual syndrome
  • during pregnancy
  • when feeding a baby
  • during ovulation
  • shortly after the birth of children
  • during menopause
  • after eating too much and too much food
  • with excessive consumption of strong alcoholic drinks
  • with significant overheating in the sun, etc.

For some women, such a temperature is generally normal, accompanying them throughout their lives.

For other ladies, the numbers often change in the evening due to increased fatigue or severe nervous tension.

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In men

Representatives of the stronger sex also often complain that in the evening the temperature rises to 37 degrees without symptoms.

This may be a consequence of hypothermia or overheating, injury, or nervous strain.

Hyperthermia can occur due to excessive consumption of spicy foods or addiction to alcoholic beverages.

The temperature may rise in the evening due to significant muscle strain after severe physical work or increased sports training.

The most common cause could be taking a long bath or shower that is too hot, sleeping for a long time in a chair next to the radiator, or wearing a very warm dressing gown or suit.

In older people, temperature fluctuations may have their own characteristics. During the day, for example, there will be some hypothermia, and by the evening the numbers will creep up to around 37 degrees.

In addition, in men, as in women, such indicators can be quite normal and correspond to their physiological norm.

In children

A child often harms his parents severe anxiety due to the temperature rising in the evening.

However, it is worth noting that in children under five years of age, due to their imperfect thermoregulation, a normal temperature can be considered 37.2 - 37.3 degrees.

Most often, an increase in temperature at night occurs shortly after an infection or other childhood illness.

The baby's immunity is not yet fully strengthened, so he circulatory system reacts with an increased release of lymphocytes, accompanied by hyperthermia.

This is a normal reaction indicating that protective forces child's body are guarding his health.

A rise in temperature in the evening to 37 in a child can also be explained by the most common reasons:

  • Overly active games
  • clothes that are too warm
  • reaction to vaccination
  • teething
  • hot drink at night
  • too warm blanket
  • change of biorhythms
  • a hearty dinner
  • unsettled metabolism, etc.

Newborns and premature babies have a temperature of thirty-seven degrees evening time- is not uncommon and is associated with the formation normal processes thermoregulation in the baby's body.
Such reasons are the most common and all parents face them.

Children's nervous and vascular system are not yet fully formed, so they react very quickly to any change in the external or internal environment.

An overly sensitive child's temperature may rise even when crying a lot or watching an interesting movie.

The baby’s digestive system can also react with an abundant release of enzymes and active intestinal activity, which is why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Therefore, children's temperatures are measured only after special training. The thermometer should be placed at the same time under the same conditions.

Sufficient time should pass after the cessation of all activity, the child should be calm and relaxed. The baby's armpit should be allowed to dry completely, and he should not be allowed to sweat. It is advisable to measure the temperature before dinner and water procedures.


Another physiological reason for an increase in thermometer readings is food. It is recommended to measure your temperature no earlier than half an hour after eating. The fact is that when eating, the body expends heat, so it constantly compensates for it.

A noticeable increase in temperature occurs in individuals with good metabolism. Most people don't feel these changes, but if you take your temperature immediately after eating, you'll be surprised.

Since a larger meal occurs in the evening (dinner), the increase in temperature at this time of day becomes more pronounced.


It is known that at night the thermometer readings become significantly lower. This is facilitated by decreased activity and low energy consumption. However, in the evening the indicators, on the contrary, become higher. This happens due to overwork, overexertion, and stress.

There is such a thing as a syndrome chronic fatigue. In people with this diagnosis, the temperature may rise for no reason throughout the day.

Most often in the evening there is a temperature of 37-37.2 and weakness, headache. If during rest and deep sleep the indicators do not become lower, then it is worth thinking about the presence of a pathological cause of this condition.

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Reasons for rising temperature

Not always, when the thermometer registers thirty-seven, this only speaks of harmless functional reasons. Often such numbers indicate the development of a disease.

Such jumps may be the first symptom:

  • Helminthiasis
  • inflammatory process in the body
  • introduction of infection
  • development of malignant neoplasm
  • cardiovascular pathology
  • allergies
  • neurological diseases
  • rheumatism
  • arthritis
  • endocrine diseases
  • development of mental pathologies

When an increase in body temperature is recorded in the evening, the reasons can be very different. They can be associated with intoxication by cell decay products, the fight against pathogenic microorganisms or impaired neuromuscular conduction.

It is also possible to become infected with infectious diseases, so consulting a doctor in this case is mandatory.

Pathological conditions

If a person’s temperature rises to 37 in the evening, this may be an alarm bell. There are many pathological reasons for this condition, but they all usually have additional signs. Busy people leading an active lifestyle may not even notice them.


The most common symptom of a cold is an increase in temperature. In this way, the human body tries to cope with the infectious agent. It is known that viruses die when the thermometer reaches 38 degrees. Therefore, you should not lower the temperature to 37. Allow your body to eliminate the infection on its own and build immunity.

Consequences of infection

Many infectious diseases occur with elevated temperature. But what if you are already healthy and it still continues to rise? This outcome is also possible. It is in the evening that the thermometer increases noticeably.

These symptoms are especially common due to chickenpox, acute intestinal infection, bacterial pathologies. Don't worry, your body will regain its strength in the near future. Such temperature indicators do not require the use of antipyretics. After a night's rest, they return to normal on their own.

Arterial pressure

Hypertensive patients often complain that they have an elevated body temperature. Such a natural consequence of high blood pressure cannot be called natural, but it is not entirely correct to consider it pathological. As soon as the patient brings the blood pressure back to normal, the thermometer shows lower numbers.

Hypotonics, on the contrary, have. For some people it drops to 36 degrees. It is very important not to miss the moment. But if this condition does not cause discomfort, then there is no need to try to correct it.

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This abbreviation stands for vegetative-vascular dystonia. Until now, this disease remains incompletely studied.

Many doctors refute it, saying that the person is dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome. One way or another, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, the thermometer readings increase. A person may note that in the morning the temperature is 36, in the evening – 37.

Oncological pathologies

It is the evening increase in thermometer values ​​that often forces a person to turn to specialists. During the examination, tumor processes may be detected.

Benign neoplasms often do not make themselves felt with such symptoms. But reproduction cancer cells affects the lymphatic system, so a slight increase in mercury meter readings is the first alarm bell.

Immune diseases

Any abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system and protective functions the body affects temperature values. They become higher with the following pathologies:

  • allergy;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • blood pathologies;
  • system deviations.

Many diseases develop due to increased immune function of the body, which provokes inflammation of various types.

What is low-grade fever, and how to deal with it?

Low-grade fever is an unreasonable increase in temperature values human body. In such cases, the readings do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

The temperature lasts for months or even years. This distinguishes it from the course of acute pathological diseases or physiological reasons increase.

The main sign of low-grade fever is that a person has an elevated body temperature. This disease accompanies:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • redness skin;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • increased sweating;
  • rapid pulse;
  • neuroses and insomnia.

Both a specialist and the patient himself can pre-diagnose the problem. But with low-grade fever, additional research is necessary. To do this, consult a doctor and find out why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Diagnosis of low-grade fever

Before making a diagnosis, the specialist must examine the patient. The condition of the mucous membranes, the functioning of the respiratory system are studied, and the abdominal organs are palpated.

Joint defects are detected lymph nodes. In women it is carried out gynecological examination and palpation of the mammary glands, the menstrual cycle is studied. Anamnesis collection is carried out in several stages.

The doctor determines the following:

  • have you been in the recent past? surgical interventions or trauma (for women - childbirth and abortion);
  • what infectious diseases have you had during your life and are there any chronic pathologies (Special attention focuses on diabetes, HIV, liver and blood diseases);
  • the possibility of hepatitis and bacterial endocarditis.

Such a survey will allow the doctor to get a general idea of ​​the person’s condition. After this, he will measure his body temperature and blood pressure, perform percussion and auscultation.

Usually, already at the examination stage, the specialist notices a rash on the body, a change in the color of the skin, uncharacteristic discharge or formations.

Therefore, to confirm his hypothesis, he prescribes a series of tests showing the state of the blood picture, the possible presence of severe infectious chronic diseases or helminthic infestation.

To do this, the specialist will send the patient for laboratory tests.

To clarify the reason why his temperature is always 37 in the evening, you need to go through:

  • clinical and biochemical analysis blood
  • four mandatory analysis(HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C)
  • allergen panel
  • general urine analysis
  • stool analysis for worm eggs and protozoan cysts
  • sputum microscopy
  • discharge from the urethra and genitals
  • biopsy
  • spinal puncture.

The results obtained help identify helminthiasis, inflammatory processes or allergic reactions.

In order to differential diagnosis It is also necessary to do fluorography, radiography, ultrasound scanning, ECG, EEG, CT, MRI, as well as conduct special targeted studies. All this quickly makes it possible to identify tuberculosis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys, malignant neoplasms, which often cause an increase in temperature in the evening.

The specialist receives final confirmation of the diagnosis by conducting instrumental studies. For this purpose, mammography, FGDS, angiography, ultrasonography, etc. are used.

They quite accurately allow you to identify the disease due to which there is a regular rise in temperature, as they show the condition of the patient’s internal organs. In addition, they make it possible to correlate the general picture of the disease with the altered thermal regime.

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A busy work schedule and changeable weather conditions can unsettle us, causing us to feel unwell. In this case, the thermometer readings often also exceed the norm, which raises a number of questions. Why does an adult have a high temperature, what can be done to reduce it? What to drink for fever, should you immediately consult a doctor or allow the body to regulate its work on its own? Find out the answers from the article.

How to quickly reduce your temperature at home

Our life experience shows that high fever, along with other accompanying symptoms: body aches, headaches - unpleasant phenomenon. To quickly cope with it and return to your previous shape, you need to know what medications help with fever. Effective folk remedies fight the fever. Let's talk about this in more detail.


Traditional antipyretics for high fever in adults are ibuprofen, aspirin and paracetamol. They are taken if the temperature is more than 38 degrees and if symptoms of a common cold are observed along with the fever. Intramuscular injections reduce fever more effectively and faster than tablets. What injection is given for adults at high temperatures? An effective three-component composition is introduced: analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine in equal proportions, 1 ml each. The medicine helps within a quarter of an hour, but you should give injections yourself without a doctor’s prescription. exceptional cases

Symptomatic drugs

Symptomatic medications are taken when other cold symptoms are observed at a fever. Doctors often recommend bed rest for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. If it is not possible to comply with it, you have to fight weakness, and effective work and concentration are out of the question. To avoid such a situation, you should pay attention to anti-cold medications, which are effective not only against symptoms, but also against general weakness. For example, the modern anti-cold drug Influnet helps to get rid of symptoms, but also due to its constituent succinic acid helps cope with lethargy and loss of strength.

Antiviral drugs for colds

If the high temperature is caused colds, then you need to start antiviral therapy. For example, innovative antiviral drug Ingavirin, which has shown its effectiveness against influenza viruses type A and B, adenovirus, parainfluenza virus and other acute respiratory viral infections. The use of the drug in the first two days of the disease helps to accelerate the elimination of viruses from the body, reduce the duration of the disease, and reduce the risk of complications. The drug is available in two dosages: Ingavirin 60 mg - for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI in children from 7 to 17 years old and Ingavirin 90 mg for adults.

No drugs

If you intend to overcome the fever yourself, to avoid side effects that medications can provide, use folk remedies. Such medicinal drugs are highly effective and do not cause negative effects on the body systems. The cause of an increase in body temperature in almost 80% of cases is viral infections, so the very first recommendation is to drink more water and warm (not hot!) drinks: tea with raspberries, black currants, linden, berry fruit drinks, compotes. This way, toxins will be eliminated faster along with sweat.

To remove intoxication products from the surface of the body, it is good to take a warm shower, this will alleviate the patient’s condition. For this purpose, wipe the forehead, chest, armpits and groins with a damp, cool towel. It is good to periodically lubricate your palms and feet with a solution of water and vinegar (3 to 1), or apply to the indicated places soaked in vinegar solution cool gauze compresses. If your hands and feet are cold, you must first warm them up so that blood begins to circulate well in the vessels, this will make it easier to bring down the temperature.

What temperature should be brought down in an adult?

It is necessary to understand why high temperature is dangerous. If the increase is no more than 38 degrees, this temperature indicates that the immune system is active and is fighting the causes of the disease. If the thermometer exceeds 38, and with periodic measurements the readings increase, measures must be taken to reduce the fever. If you do not act in such a situation, changes in organs and blood composition can occur, which is fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, to the question of what to do at a temperature of 39 or more, there is only one answer: you must immediately seek medical help.

What to do if the temperature does not go down

If you have done all the traditional medicine procedures that you yourself knew and that were suggested by friends, drank antipyretic pills, powders and teas, but the temperature has remained at 38 degrees for 2-3 days, you should definitely consult a doctor. The doctor will take into account all the reasons that caused this state of the body, expertly diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What to do if an adult has a high temperature

Let's look at cases when a high temperature is observed in an adult, what to do when the fever lasts a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms. As a general rule, you should definitely remember that it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek help from doctors. The doctor will always better understand what is happening in the body, and you will recover in a short time.

No symptoms

Heat without symptoms in an adult is sometimes not a sign of illness and a cause for concern for health. This is how the body carries out thermoregulation, for example, when a person is overheated in the sun in the summer or after intense physical activity or training. Sometimes fever is a reaction to stress. If within 2 days the temperature does not return to normal, you should definitely see a specialist, because this is how many hidden diseases manifest themselves: abscess, infections, allergies, injuries, neoplasms, etc.

For diarrhea and high fever

There are signs of an infectious disease of the digestive system. Since diarrhea removes fluid from the body, the first aid will be to restore water and mineral balance. For this purpose, you need to increase your fluid intake, good option Rehydron will be used, which is sold at the pharmacy. To remove the causes of gastrointestinal upset, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe antibiotics.

High fever and vomiting

Such symptoms indicate acute poisoning body with low-quality food or chemicals(for example, in production, household chemicals). If an adult has a high fever or diarrhea, what to do? In this case, you need to drink a lot of water, which will help flush out toxins. It is recommended to do an enema to quickly remove toxic substances from the intestines. Remember that these are only emergency measures; in such cases, assistance cannot be avoided. medical care.

For sore throat

If you have a cold, your throat is red, it hurts to swallow, your body temperature is slightly elevated - these are all the signs of a cold, for which you just need to rest at home. But if the thermometer shows more than 38, this may indicate a sore throat, which is very dangerous due to its complications. Therefore, after rinsing your throat with a soda solution (1 tsp per glass of warm water) and wrapping it well in a warm scarf, go to the ENT specialist for diagnosis. accurate diagnosis.

High pressure and temperature

If there are signs of a cold: fever, general malaise, drowsiness, which are combined with increased readings blood pressure(140/90 mmHg and above), hypertension should be suspected. In this case, treatment is prescribed by a specialist, but the patient himself needs to adjust his lifestyle and balance his diet. Self-medication and delay in seeing a doctor for such symptoms are strictly prohibited, because a heart attack may be missed, which directly threatens the patient fatal.


This is often a symptom of acute respiratory viral infection, but this is also how meningitis, sinusitis, acute intoxication of the body due to poisoning, and even tumors in the brain manifest themselves. If conventional methods cold treatments do not have the desired effect, and the headache continues for more than 2 days, the fever does not decrease, then in order to prevent severe complications, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Lower back pain

Such a symptom in combination with fever can be caused by the influenza virus, or this is how injuries to the muscles in this area make themselves felt. Then you need to lubricate your lower back with special pain-relieving gels or ointments and tie it with a warm bandage. But be careful, lower back pain accompanied by a high temperature may indicate possible inflammatory processes kidney

Video: how to reduce temperature

To know and understand a simple, but such important information about normal thermoregulation of the body and how to relieve temperatures that exceed normal limits is important for absolutely everyone. From the video below you will learn the therapist's advice on when you should and when you should not take antipyretics, what a high temperature without symptoms indicates and when you should not be afraid of its increase.

1. ARVI, influenza

Begins suddenly: chills, nagging pain in the frontal part, aches and muscle pain, stinging eyes, sneezing and runny nose. The temperature jumps quickly - within a few hours - to 38 - 39 degrees.

For relief, we take anti-inflammatory drugs (with paracetamol, ibuprofen, combined analgesics), do inhalations, keep bed rest, drink fruit drinks and tea with raspberries. And we wait 4-6 days for recovery.

2. Cold kidneys

In case of acute inflammation of the pelvic organs (kidneys, ovaries or prostate), the temperature may jump to 38 - 39 degrees, sweat on the forehead, pulling or dagger pain in the lumbar region on one or both sides, radiating to the groin or lower abdomen.

You need to urgently take a blood test (leukocytes and ESR will be elevated). To relieve pain, you can take spazgan or no-shpa, drink urological fees. To get rid of the infection, you will have to take a course of antibacterial drugs.

3. Tumors

The temperature lasts longer than a month. There is no obvious reason. Combined with general malaise, weakness, increased hair loss, loss of appetite and weight. Lymph nodes enlarge.

This happens with tumors of the kidneys, liver, lungs, and leukemia. There is no need to panic right away, but in some cases it is necessary to be examined by an oncologist without wasting time.

4. Problematic thyroid gland

Elevated temperature (about 37 - 38 degrees) is combined with weight loss, irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, and a feeling of fear. Appetite increases, but weight is lost.

Check your thyroid hormones. When thyroid function is impaired - hyperthyroidism - the entire thermoregulation system of the body is upset.

5. Dystonia

The temperature is about 37 degrees, mainly in young people. Accompanied by pressure changes, red spots appear on the chest, face, and neck.

This condition is called “constitutional hyperthermia.” It often occurs during nervous and physical stress, for example during exams. This is a type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Sedative and anti-anxiety medications, tinctures of eleutherococcus, valerian, motherwort and auto-training will help.

6. Rheumatism

An increase in temperature is combined with inflammation of the joints, kidneys, and pain in the heart.

This happens with rheumatism. This autoimmune disease, when it disrupts the general immune status of the body and leapfrog begins, including with temperature.

7. Drug fever

Even after examination it is not possible to identify the cause. Nevertheless, the temperature remains around 38 or rises periodically for three weeks.

This is a “fever of unknown origin.” You need to undergo: an immune status test, hormone tests, and an endocrinological examination. Sometimes a rise in temperature can provoke the use of antibiotics, vascular, hormonal drugs- This is drug fever.


Which is better: powders or tablets?

Pharmacies now have a large selection of fever-relieving medications. different shapes release. Is there a difference, we asked our consultant otolaryngologist Anatoly SMIRNITSKY:

Medicines in tablets or capsules last longer than medicines and syrups. But for the tablet to dissolve in the stomach and active substance got into the blood, it takes some time. The exception is fizzy tablets, which bring down the fever quickly. But all anti-inflammatory pills do not act very well on the gastric mucosa, so it is better to take them after meals. Soluble powders healing effect They give it almost immediately. But such drugs take less time to act. They are good as an emergency remedy. However, some of them cause drowsiness and are not recommended if you are going to drive (this information should be in the leaflet).


38.3 degrees - this temperature and higher already needs to be brought down with the help of medications. Without medications, the following will help bring yourself back to normal at a temperature of 37 to 38 degrees:

wiping the body with a weak solution of table vinegar;

green or black tea with raspberries, cranberry juice;

citrus. In order for the temperature during a cold to drop by 0.3 - 0.5 degrees, you need to eat a grapefruit or half a lemon.

“I have a temperature,” we say when the thermometer rises above +37°C... And we say it wrong, because our body always has an indicator of the thermal state. And the mentioned common phrase is pronounced when this indicator exceeds the norm.

By the way, a person’s body temperature in a healthy state can change during the day - from +35.5°C to +37.4°C. In addition, we obtain the normal value of +36.5°C only when measuring body temperature in armpit, if you measure the temperature in the mouth, then on the scale you will see +37°C, and if the measurement is carried out in the ear or rectally, then everything is +37.5°C. So a temperature of +37.2°C without signs of a cold, and even more so a temperature of +37°C without signs of a cold, as a rule, does not cause much concern.

However, any increase in body temperature, including temperature without signs of a cold, is a protective response of the human body to an infection, which can lead to a particular disease. Therefore, doctors say that an increase in temperature to +38°C indicates that the body has entered into a battle with the infection and has begun to produce protective antibodies, immune system cells, phagocytes and interferon.

If a high temperature without signs of a cold lasts long enough, then the person feels unwell: the load on the heart and lungs increases significantly, as energy consumption and the need of tissues for oxygen and nutrition increase. And in this case, only a doctor will help.

Causes of fever without signs of a cold

An increase in temperature or fever is observed in almost all acute infectious diseases, as well as during exacerbation of certain chronic diseases. And in the absence of catarrhal symptoms, the cause high performance Doctors can determine the patient’s body temperature by isolating the pathogen either directly from the local source of infection or from the blood.

It is much more difficult to determine the cause of a temperature without signs of a cold if the disease arose as a result of exposure to opportunistic microbes (bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma) on the body - against the background of a decrease in general or local immunity. Then it is necessary to conduct a detailed laboratory test not only blood, but also urine, bile, phlegm and mucus.

IN clinical practice cases of persistent - for three or more weeks - increase in temperature without signs of a cold or any other symptoms (with values ​​above +38 ° C) are called fever of unknown origin.

The causes of fever without signs of a cold may be associated with diseases such as:

An increase in temperature indicators may be caused by changes in the hormonal sphere. For example, during a normal menstrual cycle, women often have a temperature of +37-37.2°C without signs of a cold. In addition to this, unexpected sharp increases Women complain of temperature during early menopause.

Fever without signs of a cold, the so-called low-grade fever, is often accompanied by anemia - a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Emotional stress, that is, the release of an increased amount of adrenaline into the blood, can also raise body temperature and cause adrenaline hyperthermia.

As experts note, a sudden sudden increase in temperature can be caused by taking medications, including antibiotics, sulfonamides, barbiturates, anesthetics, psychostimulants, antidepressants, salicylates, as well as some diuretics.

In fairly rare cases, the causes of fever without signs of a cold lie in diseases of the hypothalamus itself.

Temperature without signs of a cold: fever or hyperthermia?

Regulation of human body temperature (body thermoregulation) occurs at reflex level, and the hypothalamus, which belongs to the divisions of the diencephalon, is responsible for it. The functions of the hypothalamus also include control of the functioning of our entire endocrine and autonomic nervous system, and it is there that the centers regulating body temperature, feelings of hunger and thirst, the sleep-wake cycle and many other important physiological and psychosomatic processes are located.

Special factors are involved in increasing body temperature protein substances- pyrogens. They are primary (exogenous, that is, external - in the form of toxins of bacteria and microbes) and secondary (endogenous, that is, internal, produced by the body itself). When a focus of the disease occurs, primary pyrogens force the cells of our body to produce secondary pyrogens, which transmit impulses to the thermoreceptors of the hypothalamus. And he, in turn, begins to adjust the body’s temperature homeostasis to mobilize its protective functions. And until the hypothalamus regulates the disturbed balance between heat production (which increases) and heat transfer (which decreases), the person suffers from fever.

Temperature without signs of a cold also occurs with hyperthermia, when the hypothalamus does not take part in its increase: it simply did not receive a signal to begin protecting the body from infection. This increase in temperature occurs due to a disruption in the heat transfer process, for example, during significant physical exertion or due to general overheating of a person in hot weather (which we call heat stroke).

In general, as you yourself understand, the treatment of arthritis requires certain drugs, while the treatment of thyrotoxicosis or, say, syphilis requires completely different ones. When the temperature rises without signs of a cold - when this single symptom combines diseases so different in etiology - only a qualified doctor can determine which medications need to be taken in each specific case. So, for detoxification, that is, to reduce the level of toxins in the blood, they resort to intravenous drip administration of special solutions, but only in a clinical setting.

Therefore, curing a fever without signs of a cold is not just about taking antipyretic tablets such as paracetomol or aspirin. Any doctor will tell you that when not yet established diagnosis the use of antipyretic drugs can not only prevent the identification of the cause of the disease, but also aggravate its course. So a temperature without signs of a cold is really a serious cause for concern.