The drug Bobotik - help against colic for newborns. Effect on processes in the gastrointestinal tract

Almost all newborn babies from two weeks of age begin to experience problems associated with excessive formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract. To alleviate the child's condition and eliminate painful symptoms, pediatricians recommend the drug Bobotik, intended for newborns. It is released in the form of drops. Let us consider in more detail what this medicine is, instructions for use, as well as existing analogues and price.

Composition and mechanism of action

Bobotik is produced by the Polish pharmaceutical company Medana and represents thick opaque suspension white with a subtle creamy tint. The drug smells like raspberries and tastes good, although it contains no sugar.

The main active ingredient is simethicone. In addition to it, the composition of the drug, according to the instructions for use, includes:

  • raspberry flavor;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • monohydrate citric acid;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • purified water;
  • carmellose sodium.

Lactobacilli enter the baby's body along with mother's milk, but their number is small, and they ensure the digestion of milk for approximately three weeks, after which they are no longer sufficient as the amount of formula or milk consumed increases. Such food is not fully digested, and the leftovers begin to ferment. At the same time, gases are released, causing bloating of the intestines, which is manifested by pain. In addition, the amount of gases can increase when the baby swallows air during feeding.

The drug helps to destroy gas bubbles that form in the intestinal contents and prevents the occurrence of new gas formation. Gases released as a result of the destruction of bubbles begin to be partially absorbed by the intestinal mucosa or move along it, exiting naturally. Bobotik is not absorbed and is released unchanged.

As a result of the drug's action The newborn's abdominal bloating goes away and the pain stops bothering him. Bobotik has no effect on acidity and volume gastric juice, on beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and enzymes digestive tract, that is, this drug does not provoke the development of dysbiosis and does not lead to a decrease in food absorption. It must be remembered that Bobotik is not a means of prevention to prevent the formation of gases and the appearance of colic, but only helps to eliminate developed bloating.

In addition, Bobotik is also used in intestinal studies. It reduces gas formation and improves coverage contrast agent mucous membrane, preventing the appearance of defects in the image (x-ray and sonogram).

Indications for use

According to the instructions for the drug Bobotik, the indications for the use of drops are flatulence and intestinal colic occurring in a newborn. This manifestation from the digestive tract is due to the fact that the baby is still underdeveloped enzymatic system. The newborn’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to digest food, and the intestines are not populated with beneficial microflora, which are necessary for processing food.

Bobotik is also prescribed if a diagnostic test is pending digestive organs . The indication for taking the drug may be flatulence caused by intestinal paresis after surgery on organs abdominal cavity.

Bobotik is recommended to be given in case of surfactant poisoning ( detergents, washing powder). This can happen when a child begins to move independently and poisoning occurs due to lack of proper attention to him.


Like anyone medicinal product, Bobotik has contraindications:

  • first month of life;
  • gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Instructions for use and dosage

Before using the drug you need to carefully study the instructions, since there is an age restriction on its use. The bottle of medicine should be shaken so that the contents have a uniform consistency. For accurate dosage, the bottle with the drug must be held vertically. The dropper is built directly into the bottle, so it is very easy to calculate the dose.

According to the instructions for use, Bobotik should be given to a newborn during meals, adding drops to the mixture or from a spoon after feeding. For some children, it is more convenient to inject the medicine with a syringe (without a needle) directly into the mouth. Drops can be diluted with still or boiled water.

How many drops can be given to a newborn according to the instructions? The dosage of the drug for flatulence is as follows:

  • from 28 days of life to two years of age – 8 drops;
  • from 2 to 6 years – 14 drops;
  • from 6 years and older – 16 drops.

The drug begins to act 15 minutes after administration.

At severe colic and increased gas formation, it is recommended to give Bobotik 3-4 times a day. You can repeat the dose before going to bed. The duration of use of the drug depends on the condition of each individual child. After eliminating colic and flatulence, you should stop taking the drops.

As already mentioned, in preparation for diagnostic studies also take the drug Bobotik. The dosage in this case will be as follows:

  • up to two years – 10 drops;
  • up to six years – 16 drops;
  • after six years - 20 drops.

The day before the study, the drug should be given twice a day, and immediately on the day of the procedure, three hours before the start, the dose should be repeated.

Side effects and overdose

Before using the drug, you need to consult your pediatrician, because abdominal pain can be caused not only by colic, but by completely different reasons. Bobotik is prohibited when inflammatory processes in the intestines.

The instructions for use indicate only one side effect - allergies. At the slightest manifestation, you must stop taking the drug and contact your pediatrician. If vomiting appears, the temperature rises, or the baby begins to behave unusually, you should immediately call a doctor.

If an overdose occurs accidentally, then it does not pose a particular danger to the child’s health, because it is not absorbed into the body. The active substance may interfere with the absorption of anticoagulants (drugs that thin the blood), but they are not prescribed to newborns.

Price and analogues

Average the price of the drug Bobotik is 250-300 rubles. If you give children 4 drops every day, then one bottle is enough for a month.

Bobotik has no domestically produced analogues; there are only synonyms, that is, medicines that contain another active ingredient. These are fennel-based preparations. Almost all of them are quite expensive and are not prescribed as early as Bobotik.

And here imported analogues at the drug exist. These include:

They all have the same price category, but the concentration of the active ingredient in most of them is significantly less than in Bobotik. The most high content simethicone is in Sub Simplex and only this drug can compete with Bobotik in terms of price-quality ratio.

Thus, Bobotik is safe and effective drug, designed to get rid of flatulence and intestinal colic. It contains no sugar but has a pleasant taste. It should be remembered that Bobotik can cause allergies and is contraindicated in various diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

Most common problem problem that new parents face is colic. This topic always evokes fears during pregnancy. And after the birth of the baby, he is constantly present during walks with the children.

The truly shrill cry of a newborn and constant carrying of it in their arms exhausts parents. Fortunately, today modern pediatrics can offer a number of means that should alleviate the baby’s suffering: a warm diaper on the stomach, massage, observance during breastfeeding, as well as a properly selected mixture. If you avoid this unpleasant phenomenon However, it was not possible, medications can come to the rescue.

Their selection is also quite wide. Each child is individual and therefore the same drug can help one, but have no effect on another. Many mothers have tried Bobotik on their children. Let's find out its main characteristics, as well as what pros or cons of its use have been noted by others.

Increasingly, pediatricians are prescribing the drug Bobotik to relieve colic in newborns. . According to reviews from young mothers, this drug is much more effective than its competing analogues. It has a pleasant aroma and taste. Even the smallest children enjoy it.

Let's take a closer look at how to use it correctly.

Causes of colic in a newborn

In the first time after childbirth, many mothers note that their babies suffer from colic. Most often, the period of onset of colic coincides with the moment when the maternal hormones that the child receives during intrauterine development and childbirth ceases to operate. They have a relaxing effect. Now the newborn more clearly feels what is happening in his tummy and, apparently, he does not like it.

Another reason why this happens is that the newborn takes in not only milk, but also air during feeding. Thus, getting into the intestines, it bursts its walls and causes the same discomfort. In addition, the cause of colic may be non-compliance with the regimen. Or using the wrong mixture.

The occurrence of such a reaction is possible in the event of an allergy or food intolerance one or another ingredient. Therefore, it is worth remembering that if you decide to try New Product, then you should start with a small portion. If there are no reactions from the newborn, you can gradually increase the dose.

Symptoms of colic

You should be especially careful with cow's milk, soy, chicken eggs and products of their processing. Many mothers worry that they won’t be able to distinguish colic from another problem that’s bothering the baby, so let’s figure it out. what symptoms should alert you:

  • The baby often worries and cries for no reason.
  • His legs are pulled up to his tummy and bent at the knees.
  • Possible problems with .
  • Increased gas formation.
  • May make a sharp and shrill cry during or after feeding.

You cannot always clearly understand what is bothering a child. Since, for example, the cause of crying can be not only colic, but also teething or simply Bad mood. Of course, if you observe several symptoms at once, then there should be no doubt.

But at the same time, if something confuses you or causes you extreme anxiety, consult your pediatrician.

Instructions for use of Bobotik drops for newborns

Country of origin this drug Poland is considered. The medicine is sold in a dark bottle in the form of an emulsion. The color of the medicinal liquid can vary from opaque, white to light cream.

Even tiny children drink it with pleasure, as it has a pleasant sweet and sour raspberry taste. The manufacturer indicates the following composition of Bobotik drops for newborns: active substance applies simethicone and auxiliary ingredients: sodium saccharinate, citric acid monohydrate, raspberry flavor, sodium carmellose, purified water, E 216, E 218.

The drug exerts its effect directly in the gastrointestinal tract. Without being absorbed by its walls, and as a result it is excreted unchanged. In addition, the drug does not affect the volume of gastric juice.

Before purchasing and, especially, using this drug, you should consult your doctor.

Before direct use, the drug must be shaken until a homogeneous emulsion is formed. It is considered correct to take the medicine during or after meals. In some cases, use before bedtime may be recommended.

Indications for use of Bobotik

The main indications for the use of this drug are:

  • Treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract associated with gas accumulation. Such disorders include flatulence or colic in newborns.
  • Preparing a child for diagnostic studies of the abdominal and pelvic organs. For example, to ultrasonic x-ray examination or gastrofibroscopy.
  • At acute poisoning surfactants, for example, washing powder or other household chemicals.

How to give Bobotik to a newborn

Many mothers are worried because they do not know how to properly take and give Bobotik to a newborn. In fact, there is nothing terrible here, let's learn a few subtleties of this process and everything will immediately fall into place. So:

  • During consultation with your doctor, you may be prescribed to take the medicine 3 to 5 times a day or with each feeding, depending on the condition of the newborn. It is correct to give it either during or after meals.
  • Children under one year old are recommended to take 16 drops at a time. If the newborn is on artificial feeding, then add the required dose to the feeding bottle. If the child is on breastfeeding, then place the required dose on a spoon and let him drink during the break between feedings or immediately after.
  • Another way: you can mix the drug in advance with strained breast milk, mixture or plain water.
  • The duration of treatment also depends on individual characteristics newborn and is prescribed by a doctor in each case individually.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications, as well as side effects, the drug has little. The first group includes:

Since the medicine is not absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, if the dosage regimen and rules are followed, manifestations of special adverse reactions not noted. But still, if an allergic reaction occurs to any component of the drug, a rash, redness or itching may occur.

In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician to adjust further treatment.

Intestinal colic is one of the first ailments in newborns that young parents encounter. To overcome their baby’s discomfort, many parents resort to help pharmaceuticals. One of the popular drugs for relieving colic in children is Bobotik.

Bobotik for newborns: instructions for use

The first weeks of a little man’s life, his body tries to rebuild and adapt to functioning in unusual conditions: a new environment, different air, different food. Not everything may go smoothly at first. Intestinal colic is one of the manifestations of the adaptation process. The digestive system cannot yet properly cope with new food; increased gas formation occurs in the intestines. Gas bubbles expand and press on the intestinal wall, causing pain. As a rule, colic begins in the second or third week after birth and can last up to three to four months. It happens that a child feels spasms, pain and discomfort in the tummy much earlier. Such attacks can last from 5 to 30-40 minutes.

Intestinal colic is quite painful for a baby: the child cries, presses his legs to his tummy, and arches. There are many recommendations on how to overcome colic without medications. It often happens that a massage, applying a warm diaper to the tummy or carrying the baby in a column after eating does not help much or gives a short-term effect. The baby starts crying again. Then they come to the rescue pharmaceutical drugs. One of these products is Bobotik drops.

They are available in the form of an opaque emulsion of a whitish or pale cream color, with a fruity aroma, in a 30 ml brown glass bottle with a dropper stopper.

The main active ingredient in this drug is simethicone. It destroys gas bubbles, which cause pain in the intestines. One part of the released gas is absorbed by the intestines, the other turns into smaller bubbles that painlessly exit the baby’s body.

Bobotik does not contain sugar and is not absorbed into digestive system, does not enter the bloodstream, does not affect microflora and enzymes, as well as the amount of gastric juice. The drug is not addictive even with prolonged use. It is excreted unchanged in the feces.

Contraindications to the use of drops are individual intolerance to simethicone or other components, as well as complete intestinal obstruction. Before using the drug for the first time, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

In addition, Bobotik is indicated for use by adults and children before diagnostics of the abdominal and pelvic organs (ultrasound, gastrofibroscopy, x-ray), as well as in case of poisoning with surfactants (detergents or washing powders).

According to the instructions from the manufacturer, the drug can be used by children from the 28th day of life. For kids smaller drug not recommended due to lack of reliable data on its safety in this age group.

At the same time, on many online forums you can read reviews of young mothers to whom doctors recommended the named drug for colic for babies under 28 days of age. At the same time, it was advised to halve the dose recommended by the manufacturer. It is difficult to say how justified and appropriate such advice is. If your child starts having colic earlier than usual, it is better to consult with your pediatrician about the advisability of using any medication.

How to give Bobotik to a newborn baby

According to the manufacturer's instructions, for flatulence and intestinal colic the drug can be given to children 3-5 times a day. Including before bed. Shake the bottle before use to ensure the product is homogeneous. It is better to hold it vertically in order to accurately measure the required dose. After opening, the product should be stored in its original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. It must be used within two months after the first dose.

Method of using Bobotik: for children of the first year of life, 16 drops of the drug are added to a bottle with milk formula or given in a spoon before or after breastfeeding. To make it easier to take, the drug can be dripped onto the nipple immediately before feeding or mixed with a small amount of cool boiled water.

For greater efficiency Before taking the drug, it is better to consult a pediatrician and clarify the recommended dosage, as well as the number of times the medication is taken per day.

Side effects

IN present time There are no known side effects of the drug. In rare cases, allergies to the components of the drug may occur in the form of skin rashes, itching, and hives.

There is no data on cases of drug overdose.

Bobotik or Espumisan - which is better for a newborn baby

By medical use drug

Registration number:

Trade name of the drug: Bobotik ®

International nonproprietary name:


Dosage form:

drops for oral administration


Active substance: simethicone - 66.66 mg/ml (in the form of 30% emulsion - 222.2 mg/ml)
Excipients: sodium saccharinate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium carmellose, citric acid monohydrate, raspberry flavor, purified water.

Description: a thick, opaque, white to off-white liquid with a fruity odor.
Separation into a liquid layer and sediment is allowed, which after shaking form a homogeneous emulsion.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: A03AX

Pharmacological properties

Simethicone (activated dimethicone) is a combination of methylated linear siloxane polymers stabilized by trimethylsiloxy groups with silica. By reducing the surface tension at the interface, it impedes the formation and promotes the destruction of gas bubbles in the intestinal contents and mucus of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The gases released during this process can be absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted through peristalsis. This prevents the formation of large gas-mucus conglomerates that cause painful bloating.
Prevents the occurrence of image defects during sonography and radiography; promotes better irrigation of the colon mucosa with contrast agents, preventing rupture of the contrast film.
Due to chemical inertness, it does not affect microorganisms and enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract. Does not reduce food absorption, does not change the reaction and volume of gastric juice.

Simethicone after oral administration is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted unchanged through the intestines.

Indications for use

  • Increased gas formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (colic, feeling of fullness in the abdominal cavity, flatulence, incl. postoperative period, Remgeld syndrome, aerophagia);
  • preparation for diagnostic studies of the abdominal and pelvic organs (radiography, sonography, gastroscopy and duodenoscopy - prevention of foam formation).


  • Hypersensitivity to simethicone and/or other components of the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • obstructive gastrointestinal diseases;
  • newborns up to 28 days of life.

Use during pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
There are no data on the safety of the drug in nursing women. During breastfeeding, the drug should be used only if absolutely necessary.

Directions for use and doses
Inside, after eating.
Before use, shake until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained.
For accurate dosage of the drug, during instillation, the bottle should be held vertically.
Increased gas formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • children from 28 days of life to 2 years, 8 drops (20 mg of simethicone) 4 times a day;
  • children from 2 to 6 years old, 14 drops (35 mg of simethicone) 4 times a day;
  • children over 6 years of age and adults: 16 drops (40 mg of simethicone) 4 times a day.

For more convenient administration of the drug, in particular to young children, it can be pre-mixed with a small amount of cold boiled water, baby food or non-carbonated liquid.
After the symptoms disappear, the drug should be discontinued.
Preparing for diagnostic procedures:
X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract
One day before the study, the drug is taken 2 times a day (morning and evening):

  • children from 28 days of life to 2 years - 10 drops (25 mg)
  • children from 2 to 6 years old - 16 drops (40 mg)
  • children over 6 years old and adults - 20 drops (50 mg)

Sonographic examination of the gastrointestinal tract
One day before the examination, the drug is taken 2 times a day (morning and evening) in the dosages recommended in preparation for the x-ray examination. Three hours before the start of the study, the dose should be repeated.

Side effects
Possible development allergic reactions.

There are no reports of overdose.
Simethicone is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and an overdose does not pose a threat to life and health.

Interaction with others medicines
Simethicone may cause malabsorption of oral anticoagulants.

special instructions
The drug does not contain sugar, can be used by patients diabetes mellitus and with digestive disorders.
During treatment, it is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks.
Taking the drug may distort the results of some diagnostic tests, such as a test using guaiac resin.

Driving Vehicle and maintenance of operating mechanical devices
The drug has no effect on driving vehicles or servicing mechanical devices.

Release form
Drops for oral administration, 66.66 mg/ml.
30 ml in dark glass bottles with a polyethylene dropper stopper and a screw-on polyethylene cap.
1 bottle along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions
In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
2 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Over the counter.

MEDANA PHARMA Joint-Stock Company
98 - 200 Sieradz, st. Loketka 10, POLAND

Organization receiving consumer complaints:
OJSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN
142450, Moscow region, Noginsky district, Staraya Kupavna, st. Kirova, 29

Reading time: 6 minutes

For bloating and digestive problems, doctors prescribe the carminative drug Bobotik - instructions for use for newborns include information on indications and method of use. The product is intended for small children, so it is different safe composition and a minimum of side effects. It is useful for parents to read its instructions for use for newborns.

Bobotik for newborns

According to pharmacological classification, Bobotik drops for newborns are carminative drugs - they reduce flatulence, saving babies from gas and colic. The active ingredient of the composition is simethicone emulsion. The medication is available in drop form only. It is prescribed to newborns from the 28th day of life and older babies.

Composition and release form

The main component of Bobotik drops is a 30% emulsion of simethicone, the concentration of which is 222.2 mg per 1 ml of medicine. Detailed composition:

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active component of the drug belongs to activated dimethicone, a combination of polymers stabilized by silicon dioxide. The mechanism of action is to reduce surface tension between phase sections, difficulty in the growth of gas bubbles inside the intestine and throughout the thickness of the mucus formations of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug destroys the bubbles, releasing gas from them, which is absorbed by the intestinal walls and eliminated by peristalsis. This helps eliminate gas and mucus formations that cause bloating.

During sonographic and radiographic diagnostics, it prevents the occurrence of interference in the image and increases the degree of irrigation of the colon mucosa with drugs. The medication is chemically inert, does not interact with enzymes, gastrointestinal microorganisms, and does not affect food absorption, acidity, or gastric juice volume. After oral administration, it is not absorbed in the stomach and is excreted by the intestines without the formation of metabolites.

Indications for use

Instructions for use of Bobotik for newborns states: following indications use of drops:

  • increased gas formation, accumulation of gases;
  • colic, flatulence;
  • feeling of fullness in the abdominal cavity;
  • aerophagia;
  • Remgeld syndrome;
  • preparation for detailed examinations of the pelvic organs and peritoneum (gastroscopy, duodenoscopy, radiography, sonography) - to prevent increased foaming of solutions and contrast agents;
  • condition after intestinal surgery.

How to give Bobotik to a newborn

Mothers give small children drops orally after meals. Before this, the bottle is shaken until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. To ensure accurate dosage, hold the bottle vertically during instillation. Dosage depends on age and indications:

  • with increased gas formation - up to 2 years, give 8 drops 4 times / day, 2-6 years - 14 drops 4 times / day, over 6 years - 16 4 times / day;
  • for convenient administration, you can mix the drops with boiled water or other non-carbonated liquid;
  • the course lasts until the symptoms disappear completely;
  • in preparation for radiography - 10 drops per day are prescribed 2 times a day for children under 2 years old, up to 6 - 16, over 6 - 20;
  • three hours before the start of the procedure, it is worth repeating the dose;
  • According to the instructions, the drops are dripped into a spoon, mixed with water; if the baby is currently only taking the breast, but is not accustomed to a spoon, use a syringe without a needle and inject the mixture into the mouth.

Drug interactions

According to the instructions for use, active ingredient The medication simethicone may slow down the absorption of oral anticoagulants. Due to the absence of sugar in the composition, it does not affect the intake of hypoglycemic agents, medications for disorders of the stomach and intestines. During treatment, it is recommended to avoid drinking carbonated drinks. During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only if the benefit to the mother is greater than the risk to the fetus. When breastfeeding, the medication is used in case of urgent need.

Side effects

According to reviews and instructions for use, the drug has minimal side effects in relation to newborns. Possible action is the development of allergic reactions - urticaria, skin rash, itching, dermatitis, erythema. There have been no reports of overdose with Bobotik. Due to the fact that simethicone is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, it is not dangerous to the life or health of the child.


According to the instructions for use, the drops have the following contraindications, in which their use is strictly prohibited:

  • allergy to Bobotik in newborns;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • obstructive diseases of the digestive tract;
  • age up to 28 days;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription, stored in a dry, dark place out of reach of children at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. The shelf life is two years.

Bobotik's analogs

Based on the active substance and effect on the body of a newborn, the following analogues of Bobotik drops are distinguished in the form of a suspension, emulsion, produced in Russia and other countries:

  • Babyespumisan;
  • Bebinos;
  • Simikol;
  • Kuplaton;
  • Disflatil;
  • Infacol;
  • Colikid;
  • Manti Gastop;
  • Metsil;
  • Sub Simplex;
  • Plantex;
  • Rotokan;
  • Meteospasmil;
  • Simethicone;
  • Disflatil;
  • Dicetel;
  • Espicol Baby.

Price for Bobotik

You can purchase Bobotik drops for newborns via the Internet or regular pharmacies. The cost depends on the level of the enterprise's trade margin. Approximate prices for a 30 mo bottle are shown in the table:

Pharmacy Price, rubles
Baltika-Med 267
Help window 260 266
36,6 241
Europharm 280
Vitamin 259 262
Gorzdrav 247
Social Pharmacy 248
Vital 295



Veronica, 24 years old

My baby developed colic at two months. He suffered from increased gas formation, cried at night and after every feeding. I didn't know what was causing them, so I turned to a doctor for help. He prescribed Bobotik drops and said to give them with water at room temperature. A week later there was no trace left of the gas, the baby was eating and sleeping well again.

Ekaterina, 27 years old

I didn’t know that certain foods are not allowed when breastfeeding - they cause flatulence and bloating in babies. I ate cabbage and peas, which affected the child’s condition - he cried, his tummy was constantly bloated. I switched to strict diet, and I bought Bobotik drops for my son. I gave 8 drops a day after meals, and soon my health returned to normal.

Evgeniya, 30 years old

I decided to breastfeed my child in order to strengthen his immunity as much as possible. Unfortunately, lactation soon stopped and I had to switch to formula. They caused severe colic in my daughter, she was constantly capricious. I tried giving Bobotik drops - a rash appeared, I had to switch to natural decoction dill.

Denis, 32 years old

My wife and I try to give our newborn son the best. His wife was breastfeeding but was hospitalized and had to bottle feed him. In addition, my son developed bloating and flatulence. I bought him Bobotik emulsion, but read the composition and reviews and decided to refuse. I’d rather take something natural than spoil my body with chemicals from childhood.