Vaccination ADS-M: description, instructions for use, analogues, vaccination rules and reviews. What is ADS-M? Directions for use and doses

The ADS-M vaccine is given to a child to protect against diphtheria and tetanus. If your baby is immunized on schedule national calendar, then this drug is used for age-related revaccination after a series of DPT injections. But unlike DTP, ADS-M is a bivalent vaccine. It does not include whooping cough antigen, which often causes side effects. In addition, the drug itself contains small doses of diphtheria and tetanus antigens, which is considered one of its advantages. The letter “M” in the name reflects precisely this characteristic of the vaccine.

A child is vaccinated with ADS-M against diseases that are dangerous not only by their course, but also by their complications.

  • . This infectious disease Caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Incubation period can be from two to ten days. The disease occurs with intoxication, high fever, cough and runny nose. Fibrinous films form on the mucous membranes, swelling of the mucous membranes is observed respiratory tract. The disease can result in serious complications: myocarditis, polyneuritis, pneumonia, nephrosis, or even death.
  • Tetanus (Tetanus). Tetanus is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. The incubation period lasts about a week, but in some cases can extend to several months. Symptoms of the disease are elevated temperature, intoxication, spasms and muscle cramps. The disease is difficult to treat. Deaths reach up to 26-30%.

Features of the drug

Due to the similarity of abbreviations, young parents often confuse DTP, ADS and ADS-M vaccines. Meanwhile, the drugs have fundamental differences.

  • . This is a vaccine against three diseases at once - whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Babies up to one year old are vaccinated with it three times, starting at three months.
  • ADS. Bivalent drug for protection against diphtheria and tetanus. It is used to immunize children (who have had whooping cough) from three months to seven years. As well as children from three to seven years of age who have not been vaccinated against these diseases previously.
  • ADS-M. Differs from ADS in a reduced amount of antigens. It is more “lighter”. In most cases, it is recommended for immunization, which is repeated according to age. That is, this vaccination is not aimed at developing immunity. The main effect of the ADS-M vaccine is activating. The drug “awakens” the already existing immunological defense.

Introduction dates

When is the ADS-M vaccine given to children? If all previous vaccinations were carried out according to a planned schedule, then ADS-M is recommended as a revaccination after DTP (against diphtheria and tetanus) for children aged four years and older, as well as adults.

In some cases, the vaccine can be used instead of DTP or ADS for those babies who have been diagnosed with intolerance to the pertussis component or who have shown a violent reaction not to the first administration of the corresponding drug. ADS-M is also prescribed when emergency immunization is necessary. Or if immunization was not carried out at all until the age of four. However, studies show that without prior administration of DTP, ADS-M may have a weak effect.

The vaccine is valid for ten years. That is, during this period of time, the body’s active immunological defense is maintained. Since tetanus and diphtheria are dangerous at any age, the Ministry of Health recommends vaccination at intervals of once every ten years, starting from the 16th birthday.


Explanation of the abbreviated name of the vaccine ADS-M - purified diphtheria-tetanus toxoid, adsorbed with a reduced content of antigens, liquid. As indicated in the instructions for the drug, one dose (0.5 ml) contains two main components:

  • diphtheria bacillus toxoid - 5 units;
  • Tetanus bacillus toxoid - 5 units.

An additional sorbent substance included in the drug is aluminum hydroxide, to which bacterial toxoids are attached. Thanks to the sorbent, toxoids are released in small parts, stimulating the immune system. Aluminum hydroxide is included in both domestic and foreign vaccines. Most often local undesirables side effects it is he who renders it.

In addition to the Russian ADS-M, the French Imovax D. T. Vax and D. T. Vax are also used against diphtheria and tetanus. Administration of the latter is permissible for children from two months to six years.


Contraindications for administering the drug include following states The child has:

  • acute infections;
  • allergic reactions;
  • activation of chronic diseases;
  • complications after the initial administration of the vaccine.

Children are vaccinated with ADS-M intramuscularly in the thigh or shoulder. You can bathe your child after immunization and wet the injection site. However, do not steam or scrub with a washcloth. If the temperature rises, antipyretics are recommended.

ADS-M vaccination for a child: how is it tolerated?

In most cases, ADS-M vaccination is well tolerated. However, according to reviews, the following reactions to vaccination are sometimes possible:

  • redness and swelling of the injection site;
  • Not heat(37.2-37.7°C);
  • compaction of the injection site;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • poor appetite.

These Negative consequences are classified as disadvantages of AKDS-M. However, they usually go away within two to three days and do not require special treatment. At the same time, there are also cases of serious complications developing in a child after ADS-M vaccination. The statistics are as follows - 1: 50,000. After unsuccessful vaccination, the following may develop:

  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • anaphylactic reaction.

Doctors believe that similar conditions are a consequence of parents’ incorrect attitude towards vaccination. In particular, the rules for preparing for the procedure may have been violated. Or they vaccinated a child without first consulting a doctor and taking tests - in this situation it cannot be ruled out that the child was suffering from some kind of infection in a latent form at the time of immunization.

How to prevent unwanted reactions

To avoid side effects, it is important to properly prepare for vaccination. It is forbidden:

  • feed the child an hour before the injection;
  • during the week before and after, introduce new foods (especially citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs);
  • visit crowded places two days before and after.
  • start taking an antiallergic drug one or two days before;
  • empty the intestines on the eve of vaccination;
  • drink more (water, juices, tea);
  • observe the rules of hygiene.

Doctors insist that children need the ADS-M vaccine, just like adults. And the symptoms and conditions that accompany diphtheria and tetanus cannot even be compared with possible consequences administration of the drug ADS-M. In clinics, if available medical policy This vaccine is injected free of charge. Immunization with French analogues is carried out on a paid basis.



Administration of the drug in accordance with the approved regimen causes the formation of specific antitoxic immunity against diphtheria and tetanus

Release form

Suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration(with preservative) 0.5 ml (1 vaccination dose) or 1 ml (2 vaccination doses) in ampoules. Suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration (without preservative) 0.5 ml (1 vaccination dose) in ampoules. 10 ampoules per box with instructions for use and a scarifier, or 5 ampoules in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene film, 2 ampoules per pack with instructions for use and a scarifier. When packaging ampoules that have a notch, ring or break point, a scarifier is not included.


ADS-M toxoid consists of a mixture of purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.

1 dose (0.5 ml) contains:

Anatoxin with preservative:

  • thiomersal - from 42.5 to 57.5 mcg;
Anatoxin without preservative:
  • diphtheria toxoid - 5 flocculating units (Lf);
  • tetanus toxoid - 5 binding units (EU);
  • aluminum hydroxide (in terms of aluminum) - no more than 0.55 mg;
  • formaldehyde - no more than 50 mcg.
The specific activity of diphtheria toxoid is not less than 1500 Lf/mg protein nitrogen, tetanus toxoid is not less than 1000 EU/mg protein nitrogen.

Indications for use

Prevention of diphtheria and tetanus in children, adolescents and adults


  • severe reaction or post-vaccination complication to a previous vaccine administration;
  • acute infectious and non-communicable diseases– vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 2-4 weeks after recovery. For mild forms of disease (rhinitis, mild hyperemia of the pharynx, etc.), vaccination is allowed after disappearance clinical symptoms;
  • chronic diseases– vaccinations are carried out upon achieving complete or partial remission;
  • neurological changes - vaccinated after the progression of the process has been ruled out;
  • allergic diseases– vaccinations are carried out 2 - 4 weeks after the end of the exacerbation, while stable manifestations of the disease (localized skin phenomena, hidden bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.
Immunodeficiencies, HIV infection, as well as maintenance course therapy, including steroid hormones and psychopharmaceuticals, are not contraindications to vaccination.

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic at the FAP) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of the vaccinated with mandatory thermometry. When vaccinating adults, it is allowed preliminary selection persons subject to vaccination, with their survey medical worker vaccinating on the day of vaccination. Persons temporarily exempt from vaccination must be monitored and registered and vaccinated in a timely manner.

Vaccinations according to epidemiological indications: non-immune persons with the diseases specified in the section “Contraindications for use”, who are in direct contact with patients with diphtheria (family, class, dorm room, etc.), can be vaccinated according to the conclusion of a specialist until recovery (remission) ) against the background of appropriate therapy.

Dosage regimen and method of administration

ADS-M toxoid is administered intramuscularly into the anterior outer part of the thigh, or deep subcutaneously (for adolescents and adults) into the subscapular region in a dose of 0.5 ml.

Before vaccination, the ampoule must be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

ADS-M-anatoxin is used:

  1. For planned age-related revaccinations at 6-7 and 14 years of age, then every subsequent 10 years without age limitation. Note. Adults, vaccinated tetanus toxoid less than 10 years ago, vaccinated with AD-M toxoid.
  2. For vaccination of children 6-7 years of age and older, previously unvaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus. The vaccination course consists of two vaccinations with an interval of 30-45 days. Reducing the interval is not allowed. If it is necessary to increase the interval, the next vaccination should be carried out as soon as possible. The first revaccination is carried out 6-9 months after the completed vaccination once, the second revaccination is carried out at an interval of 5 years. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out in accordance with paragraph 1.
  3. As a replacement for DTP vaccine (DTa toxoid) in children with severe general reactions (temperature up to 40 °C and above) or post-vaccination complications for these drugs. If a reaction has developed to the first vaccination with DTP vaccine (ADS toxoid), then the second vaccination is carried out with ADS-M toxoid no earlier than 3 months later; if a reaction has developed to the second vaccination with DTP vaccine (DTa toxoid), then the course of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is considered completed. In both cases, the first revaccination with ADS-M toxoid is carried out after 9-12 months. If a reaction has developed to the third vaccination with DTP vaccine (ADS toxoid), the first revaccination with ADS-M toxoid is carried out after 12-18 months.
  4. To conduct a course of vaccination for adults who have not previously been reliably vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, full course(two vaccinations with ADS-M toxoid with an interval of 30 days and revaccination after 6-9 months).

In diphtheria outbreaks, preventive vaccinations are carried out in accordance with the instructions and methodological documents of the Russian Ministry of Health.

ADS-M toxoid can be administered a month later or simultaneously with polio vaccine and other drugs of the national calendar preventive vaccinations.

The administration of the drug is registered in the established accounting forms indicating the batch number, expiration date, manufacturer, date of administration.

Precautions for use

Components are introduced into the human body from birth dangerous viruses, which upon contact in in the usual form may cause serious consequences and even death. But a small dose is a life-saving element and forms the resistance of the immune system to terrible viruses and microbes. The ADS vaccine is a vaccine that contains the diphtheria/tetanus toxoid component. It is a revaccination that is carried out after the age of six. It has several stages of introduction into the human body throughout life. We will talk about all the features of vaccinations of this type in the article.

DTP and ADS - what is the difference?

The difference between the two abbreviations lies in the presence of one whey component, which becomes less dangerous after the child enters the school period. The DTP vaccine is made at the beginning of the entire vaccination journey and contains an toxoid of three viruses:

  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria;
  • tetanus.

This type of vaccine is done four times, the most serious is revaccination, which is the fourth among the entire complex.

The DTP vaccine is administered as a revaccination 5 years after the fourth DTP. There is no pertussis toxoid in the serum because the child has already developed immunity to the virus.

This is where the name ADS comes from - diphtheria and tetanus toxoid. The drug is used to prolong the resistance of immunity to the appearance of tetanus or diphtheria viruses. Although no one predicts the occurrence of epidemics, every person who does not have a special reason for refusing vaccination should protect their life.

The schedule for administering the drug ADS toxoid has a certain sequence:

  • age seven years - the first medicine is administered as a revaccination;
  • 14/16 years - second dose of ADS toxoid;
  • every 10 years - subsequent revaccinations for an adult up to 36 years of age.

This administration of the drug is due to a decrease in the activity of a toxoid of one type or another. The vaccine is considered cumulative.

In medicine, there is another vaccine that allows you to build immunity against tetanus or diphtheria. This is ADS-M serum (low dose diphtheria and tetanus toxoid). It contains a small dose of components and makes it easier for the vaccinated person to go through the adaptation period.

A vaccine with one component is possible, which is done at a certain interval. Tetanus and diphtheria viruses are introduced into different time. It is indicated for patients who have a special organism that may exhibit an unusual reaction to the elements of the drug:

  • local or general reaction for the first DPT vaccination;
  • allergy to pertussis component;
  • weakened immunity of the child;
  • negative reaction to a previous vaccination - high temperature (up to 400), weakness, malaise, local reaction in the form of a strong compaction;
  • some physiological age-related features.

In order not to give the body a large load, a two-component ADS toxoid vaccine is used.

Also light form the drug can be used in children and adults with minimal indicators colds and temperatures up to 380. The vaccine for this condition is prescribed only during an epidemic of tetanus or diphtheria. Low dose makes it easier for the body to cope with the disease and eliminate the risks associated with direct virus infection.

ADS and possible restrictions on vaccination

Many young mothers are at a crossroads between agreeing and refusing any vaccination against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria.

A vaccine with three or two components is considered difficult for any organism. But what younger age baby, the easier the vaccine is tolerated. There are exceptions, but they are isolated. Basically, in the first stages, the drug does not cause any particular problems for mothers if they follow the instructions of the pediatrician and the procedural nurse.

Another vaccine can be administered simultaneously with ADS toxoid. There are no contraindications for this, with the exception of BCG.

Restrictions may be individual:

  • intolerance to any component of the ADS toxoid vaccine (can be detected during the first vaccination if a reaction occurs on the skin or the temperature rises to 40 degrees);
  • various types of illnesses of a child or adult, temporary or chronic;
  • deviations from nervous system and developmental delays in the baby;
  • convulsions or fainting as a reaction to the first vaccination;
  • any medical findings that indicate that the ADS vaccine may cause harm to the body;
  • personal refusal with an explanation of what is being refused and the reason.

In all other circumstances there is no need to think about any contraindications. Even with some chronic diseases the drug ADS toxoid can be administered to the patient, but have a small dose of the substance.

Getting ready for ADS vaccination in a timely manner

The instructions for a patient who has reached vaccination age have standard recommendations:

  • A few days before the date of vaccination, ADS toxoid must be abandoned. active image life (attending public events, strong physical exercise, for an adult - drinking alcohol, tasting new dishes or products, etc.);
  • Three days before vaccination, take antihistamines to avoid allergies;
  • Get tested to be sure there are no diseases or inflammatory processes(especially for small children who cannot talk about their well-being).
  • Visit your doctor's office for a pre-vaccination checkup. In the office, instructions will be given on further behavior after vaccination.

Typically, the doctor's instructions are to avoid walking and washing for three days. Why are such recommendations given if the vaccination is not severe? The fact is that the body spends its immunity fighting at least a small number of viruses. A distracted immune system will miss another virus, which can lead to unpredictable situations.

What happens after vaccination with ADS toxoid?

If the diphtheria and tetanus vaccine is not given to the patient for the first time, then the reaction should not differ much from previous vaccinations. There are special precautions for the fourth DTP, which is the first booster dose. This particular drug is tolerated by children with some complications, but does not cause much concern.

ADS toxoid is a drug administered to a person during the remaining vaccination periods. It does not contain the whooping cough component, which causes individual complications. But the doctor in any case gives advice on prevention:

  • if the temperature rises above 38.5, then you need to take any medicine that will help bring down the fever. For children, the medicine may contain paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is not allowed. This medicine may cause negative reaction. The instructions for any drug contain information about dosage by age.
  • Sometimes a lump appears at the injection site, which can hurt. You need to take a painkiller and apply an iodine mesh. But you cannot rub this place, apply compresses or ointments that will clog the injection site. What can cause inflammation or suppuration.

If complications arise that cause you concern, you must call a doctor or an ambulance to prevent serious consequences.

Although the reaction to the ADS toxoid vaccine is considered less severe than that of its counterpart with the whooping cough component, it is necessary to take any vaccination procedure seriously so that the drug does not cause harm to health.

Rules for storing vaccines, such as Infanrix, DTP, Pentaxim and others Rabies vaccine - instructions for use and alcohol DTP and polio at the same time - is it possible to do it? Contraindications to DTP - what every parent should know Is it possible to go for a walk after? DTP vaccinations— expert opinions

ADSM-anatoxin contains the main thing active substance, which is called “diphtheria-tetanus toxoid.” The medicine is produced by JSC Biomed. The pharmacy is dispensed only for medical institutions. Medicine is administered to both children and adults so that their bodies develop immunity to diphtheria and tetanus.

Indications for use

The drug was developed to inoculate patients who have not previously been vaccinated with toxoid or its analogues. Adults and children over 7 years old are vaccinated. Vaccination is routine and is given to children from 7 to 14 years old. If it is necessary to vaccinate infants and children under 7 years of age, the drug Anatoxin is used.

Children who have an increased reaction to toxoid are also vaccinated with the medicine. Some patients require vaccination with a medicine that contains diphtheria-tetanus toxoid. Situations requiring vaccination with Anatoxin are as follows:

What is the composition of the drug?

One vaccine per 0.5 ml of ADS toxoid and ADS-M toxoid, which is used for vaccination, includes the following elements: diphtheria-tetanus toxoid and aluminum hydroxide, which binds tetanus toxoid.

Main properties of toxoid ADS-M

The name ADSM stands for, that the medicine is adsorbed, diphtheria-tetanus. When vaccinating people, it is used in small quantities. In the instructions for use of the drug it is designated “ADS-M”. Vaccination is done to protect the body of adults and children from tetanus and diphtheria. In medicine, there is another drug called DTP, which includes pertussis-free elements.

The last medication is suitable for the second vaccination. When a child is given ADS-M, this makes it possible to extend the duration of the immunity already present in the baby’s body. The medicine is found in children's body 2 times. The interval between vaccines is 4 weeks. If a patient has a complicated reaction to a vaccination, the pediatrician decides to increase the period between vaccinations. Revaccination is prescribed for the baby after 12 months. This is stated in the instructions.

Preparing for the vaccination procedure

2 days before vaccination you should treat the child's health with special care. You should not visit places where there is a possibility of contracting various infections. You should also avoid the place large cluster people. If a child is given exotic foods, they will put a strain on the child’s immunity.

If an adult is vaccinated, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. If you adhere to the rules described above, the reaction to the vaccine will be favorable, and there will be practically no side effects.

Rules for using the medication

Before using the medicine children's pediatrician in mandatory examines the child. It is necessary to additionally make sure that the main active elements of the drug are not contraindicated for the baby.

Vaccination is carried out in 2 types. The first type of vaccine is in a syringe. It contains an individual dose for the patient. Ampoule vaccination is carried out several times. Instructions for use are independent of it. In one medical instrument Several vaccines cannot be mixed; this is prohibited according to the instructions. Before vaccination, the doctor must check whether the expiration dates have been met. The drug ADS-M should only be stored in the refrigerator. If it turns out that the medication is frozen, then it cannot be used.

How is vaccination done with ADSM?

The instructions for use of the drug say that the medication is injected into a large muscle. As a rule, the baby is vaccinated in the front of the thigh, under the shoulder blade or in the shoulder. The vaccine cannot be given in the buttock, because its fatty layer will make the vaccination ineffective.

What is needed after vaccination

You should not leave the clinic immediately after the procedure.- this is what it says in the instructions for use. After vaccination, it is necessary to stay within the hospital walls for about half an hour. This is necessary so that if the body reacts sharply to the vaccine, the patient will need health care. If side effects occur after the vaccine or allergic reaction, then doctors will be able to quickly eliminate the negative manifestations of the medicine.

Along with the vaccine, doctors may prescribe an antihistamine. It is recommended to be used in conjunction with ADSM. An antihistamine is recommended as preparation for vaccination. It is also recommended by doctors to reduce the likelihood of consequences. The instructions for use say that compresses, lotions or ointments should not be applied to the area where the vaccine was given. After the procedure, you should not use warm compresses. Because this can lead to surgical intervention and abscesses.

What reactions are possible after using the vaccine?

If vaccination is given to a child under 7 years of age, then as a side effect an increase in temperature of up to 40 degrees Celsius may be observed. If a child has a fever, he needs to be given antipyretic tablets or a suspension. If vomiting occurs as a side effect after vaccination or headache, then as auxiliary tablets you need to take appropriate medications.

Reaction to medication administration

The medication is considered one of the least reactogenic drugs.

  1. Some patients may develop the following side effects within 2 days after vaccination: malaise and fever.
  2. Local side effects may also occur, which include swelling, hyperemia and pain.
  3. Some patients experience allergic reactions after receiving the vaccine.
  4. These include angioedema, polymorphic rash or urticaria.
  5. Some children experience a mild allergic reaction after vaccination.

Due to the fact that an allergic reaction may occur after taking the drug, after medical procedure the patient must remain in the hospital for 30 minutes.

What are the contraindications for ADSM?

There are almost no contraindications to the use of the drug for both children and adults. The exception is pregnant women. During acute illness They will also not be vaccinated. If the patient is sick, then after recovery he is vaccinated, 5 days later.

If a child has a mild form of the disease, he is allowed to be vaccinated when the clinical effects disappear.

If the patient is chronically ill, he is vaccinated after partial remission. If an allergic reaction is detected in a baby, he is vaccinated 5 weeks after the allergy ends. If a child has a stable manifestation of the disease, for example, skin rashes or latent bronchospasm, this is not considered a contraindication to vaccination.

Vaccination will be prescribed together with medications to eliminate the disease. On the day of vaccination the patient must be examined by a doctor. If a child's vaccination is delayed for any reason, he should be under the supervision of his attending physician. When the reasons why the patient was not vaccinated are excluded, he must be vaccinated.

Release form of the medicinal product

The medication is available in the form of a white or light yellow suspension. If the ampoule for a long time was in the same position, then the presence of a transparent precipitate is allowed. If ADSM is shaken, it will return to its original state. In pharmacies, the medicine is sold in ampoules of 1 or 0.5 mm. Cardboard packages are stacked in boxes of 10 pieces.

Is it possible to administer the drug when breastfeeding and pregnancy?

If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, then she is not recommended to be vaccinated with ADSM or ADSM toxoid. If a woman has been vaccinated with the drug, then she can plan a pregnancy a month later. If the vaccine was given during pregnancy, the pregnant woman should be under the strict supervision of the attending physician for all 9 months.

ADSM is one of the least reactogenic vaccines. But despite this, patients should be under the supervision of a doctor after vaccination within half an hour. If the medication is in a damaged ampoule or its labeling is incorrect, the medication should not be used. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the expiration date; if the drug has expired, it can no longer be used.

Cases of drug overdose by doctors have not been described. The medication must be stored at a temperature from + 4 to + 10 in a dark place. The medication should be located in a place inaccessible to children. ADSM should not be frozen. Shelf life of the vaccine proper storage is 3 years. The drug has analogues: Zimovka and Avensis. The cost of one dose of the analogue is 300 rubles. for 0.5 ml. Analogs are available in the form of an injection suspension in ampoules or syringes. The drugs have the following advantages:

  1. The vaccine contains a reduced dose of diphtheria toxoid.
  2. This allows you to achieve minimal risk if allergic reactions occur.
  3. Medicines have a convenient release form.

The disadvantages include their high cost and the inability to vaccinate children under 4 years of age.

The medication Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid, which was introduced into the child’s body, helps in developing immunity against diphtheria or tetanus. When a child is first vaccinated, the ADSM toxoid vaccine is used, and for subsequent vaccinations, ADS toxoid is used. These two medications are different. ADS toxoid contains a large number of toxoid, and ADSM toxoid contains twice as much.

Bottom line

The medication is injected into large muscles. If an adult is subject to vaccination, then the injection is given under the shoulder blade. But this option medical product is unacceptable when vaccinating a child. As stated in the instructions for use, the drug should be administered in an amount of 0.5 ml. The ampoule with the medication is opened immediately before administration to the child.

Before administering the drug, the ampoule must be shaken thoroughly. The medication should not be prescribed to a woman who is breastfeeding or pregnant. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from getting vaccinated, but if it turns out that the vaccine was given and the woman did not know that she was pregnant, then she should be under strict medical supervision throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

The drug has contraindications which are as follows: fever, infectious diseases, convulsions, hypersensitivity to the main elements of the medication, allergic reaction, diseases in chronic form. After vaccination, the child must remain in a medical institution. This is necessary so that if the baby is found to have an allergic reaction to ADSM, then medical staff will be able to provide him with the necessary assistance in a timely manner.

Some of the most dangerous infectious diseases for humans are tetanus and diphtheria. All children over 4 years of age are vaccinated against these diseases with ADS-M. It is not mandatory, so parents can write a waiver. But before making a decision, adults should get full information about the proposed vaccine and the risks that the child is exposed to if he refuses the procedure.

Vaccination appointment

ADS-M is one of the DPT variants that does not have pertussis active substance. Full transcript ADS-M is an adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus vaccine in small doses. It is recommended to strengthen the previously developed immunity.

DTP vaccinations given to children in early age, must be repeated at certain intervals. This is the purpose of the ADS-M injection, which adults and children should receive regularly throughout their lives.

Composition of the vaccine and its analogues

The injection contains processed tetanus and diphtheria substances called toxoids. They do not cause damage to tissues human body, but help to develop strong immunity on pathogens of infectious diseases. The ADS-M vaccine is available in dosages of 0.5 and 1 ml. Small dose contains:

  • 5 flocculating units of diphtheria antitoxin;
  • 5 tetanus toxoid binding units;
  • auxiliary components.

The letter M in the injection abbreviation means a reduced amount of toxoid compared to analogues. For example, the ADS includes 60 units of diphtheria antigens and 20 units of tetanus antigens.

There are other analogues of the vaccine:

  • "Imovax" French made– is considered the most gentle option for injections against tetanus and diphtheria;
  • Single-component drugs - for diphtheria (AD) and tetanus (AT).

Imovax can be obtained only in specialized clinics on a paid basis. But this option is much safer than the domestic one, because it contains purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoid.

Indications for vaccination

According to the description of the drug, it is used for the following purposes:

  • for the prevention of tetanus and diphtheria infections in children over 6 years of age;
  • for adults and adolescents once every 10 years;
  • persons who have not received vaccination for 20 years;
  • in case of replacing other vaccines - DTP, ADS with ADS-M, when the child experiences severe complications from the first group of drugs;
  • children who have not received DTP under 4 years of age.

Immunization schedule

ADS-M is considered scheduled vaccination for adults and children. As a rule, it is notified in advance.

Vaccination schedule for adults

If a person has received all the necessary vaccines, then from the age of 16 he must undergo revaccination every 10 years. The Ministry of Health has established the timing for adults to receive the vaccine:

  • 24-26 years old;
  • 34-36 years old;
  • 44-46 years old, etc.

The last injection was previously administered at 66 years of age. Age restrictions have now been lifted. A person can carry out the procedure throughout his life.

It happens that vaccination data is lost. In this case, the person is classified as unvaccinated and a schedule for him is drawn up from the very beginning. He is given two injections of ADS-M with a time interval of at least 1 month. The vaccination is repeated after 6 months.

Vaccination schedule for children

The child's schedule is compiled from when the child first received DPT. If the child’s vaccination schedule coincides with the national one, then the injection schedule is as follows:

  • in 6 children receive r2 - the second revaccination of ADS-M.
  • At the age of 16, the child is given r3 - the third revaccination.

If the child’s second revaccination occurred at 4 years of age, thenr3 is placed when he reaches 14 years of age.

Often, young children have a hard time tolerating DTP medications. In this case, this drug is replaced with ADS-M according to the schedule:

  • 3 months;
  • 4-5 months;
  • 6 months;
  • 18 months.

Then comes into force general schedule revaccination of children - at 6 and 16 years of age. Knowing exactly the vaccination schedule, parents can protect their child from dangerous diseases.

Rules for the procedure

To activate human immunity, the vaccine must enter directly into the blood. This is the only way to develop immunity to diseases. For this reason, injections are given only intramuscularly.

The choice of injection site depends on the patient’s age and body type:

  • For babies whose muscles are not developed, the injection is performed in top part hips. In this zone, the muscles are located closest to the surface of the skin.
  • Injections into the shoulder are performed in older children and adults, since their muscular frame is quite well developed.
  • Injections under the shoulder blade are given in rare cases. For example, if a person has a significant layer of fat that blocks access to the muscles.

Injection into the buttock is unacceptable. The drug may get into subcutaneous fat. From adipose tissue, ADS-M slowly enters the blood, and its effectiveness is reduced significantly.

If the ampoule has cracks or chips, the drug stored in it must not be used. Expired antigens are not suitable for vaccination.

When performing the procedure, you should strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Injections are performed with disposable syringes.
  2. You cannot mix different vaccines in one syringe. Each drug must be administered in a separate syringe to different parts of the body.
  3. The ampoule with ADS-M is stored in the refrigerator.
  4. It is preferable to administer drugs with a lower dosage, since they do not contain preservatives, for example, thiomersal.

Before the procedure, several simple steps are performed: visit the toilet and refuse to eat. The body accepts input more easily foreign bodies on an empty stomach.

The timing of the injections and the step-by-step technique for their administration are described in detail in the video.


ADS-M has a number of contraindications. It is prohibited to administer antitoxins against tetanus and diphtheria to a child or an adult in the following cases:

  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • cancer diseases;
  • taking drugs that suppress the immune system.

Many contraindications are temporary nature and may be revised depending on the situation. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate only if there was a strong negative reaction to the previous injection.

Precautions after vaccination

To avoid complications after the procedure, you need to follow the advice of pediatricians and therapists:

  • Before and after vaccination, avoid crowded places for several days.
  • No new foods are introduced into the child’s diet for 3 days before and after vaccination.
  • Before the injection, you should take antihistamines.

After the procedure, you need to stay in the medical facility for another 20-30 minutes. So that doctors can provide timely assistance to the patient in case of an allergic reaction.

After vaccination, you can wash and wet the injection site.

Consequences of vaccination and side effects

As a rule, in children after vaccination, symptoms appear in the first three days. negative reactions. According to doctors, symptoms after ADS-M are temporary and do not affect human health. Common reactions to vaccination include:

  • Temperature rises from 37-39 degrees. It means that the immune system earned.
  • Induration or redness of the injection site. Usually the bumps resolve on their own without additional manipulation.
  • Violations by digestive tract manifested by diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Anxiety and moodiness in children.

Complications after the procedure are observed in very rare cases: according to statistics, 2 complications per 100,000 vaccinated people. In this case, the following symptoms are noted:

  • hives;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • encephalitis.

The listed complications arise due to the fact that people neglect contraindications to vaccination. The child must be examined by a pediatrician before each procedure.

No obvious contraindications, established by a doctor, it makes no sense to refuse the procedure. Since complications from tetanus and diphtheria are much greater risk for the health of children and adults than the side effects of the ADS-M vaccine.