Foods to eat for breakfast. Breakfast for your loved one: delicious ideas

Most people are in a hurry getting ready for work or school in the morning, so they either snack on a sandwich and a cup of tea on the go, or do without breakfast at all. Sometimes the breakfast menu consists of leftovers from last night's dinner, reheated in microwave oven, and for some, the day begins with scrambled eggs and sausage. Both the first and second options are of no use. Of course, most people understand that a full breakfast is the key to wellness and normal performance during the day, but still do not want to spend 10–15 minutes in the morning preparing and eating food.

The list of products and dishes recommended for breakfast is quite large, and if you don’t want to stand at the stove in the morning, then you can choose from it those that do not require long preparation. Of course, we all know from childhood that the right breakfast is porridge, but we often don’t have time to cook it in the morning. But there are many other foods that can make up a complete nutritious breakfast. Nutritionists agree that it is good to eat grains, dairy products and fruits in the morning.

Quick breakfast

Apple, orange or any other freshly squeezed juice will complement a quick breakfast. However, it should not be taken on an empty stomach.

Freshly squeezed orange juice, which contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. IN European countries The juice from this fruit is an integral part of breakfast. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have oranges on hand, you can drink a glass of any other fruit or vegetable juice. All fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of useful substances. But it should be noted that drinking freshly squeezed juices on an empty stomach is not recommended due to the large amount of acids they contain, which can irritate the gastric mucosa.

Whole grain or rye bread will supply our body with carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Muesli and cereal flakes can replace bread, and if you eat them for breakfast with milk, yogurt or kefir, then the feeling of hunger will not bother you until lunch. And here White bread It is better to exclude buns from the breakfast menu, since they have little benefit, and the body needs to spend a lot of energy to digest them.

It is very useful to add fresh fruits (bananas, apples, pears, etc.) to breakfast, but, unfortunately, in winter time and in early spring they are of little use, so you can replace them with dried fruits. Dried apricots, prunes, dried pears, figs, and raisins perfectly retain vitamins all winter.

Milk and dairy products, eaten for breakfast, will also perfectly satisfy your hunger and give you strength until lunch. It is better to choose yogurts enriched with live cultures of lactobacilli and prebiotics, which do not contain preservatives or artificial colors. Cheese, which contains a large amount of and, can also diversify a healthy breakfast.

Honey is a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. A couple of spoons of this most valuable product will help saturate the body useful microelements, as well as increase resistance to stress and pathogenic factors.

Many people are accustomed to drinking a cup of tea or coffee at breakfast. It is better to replace black tea with green or herbal tea, and it is better to brew coffee in a Turk. But you should not abuse strong coffee in order to cheer yourself up (it is better to take a contrast shower or do exercises).

So it turns out there's nothing wrong with eating a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. However, it should be remembered that this sandwich will be beneficial to the body if it is made from rye bread with cheese, and not from a piece of loaf and sausage.

Children's breakfast

Growing children's body requires a lot of energy throughout the day, so it is important that the child receives a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins in the morning. Every parent should pay close attention to their children's breakfast. Children's menu must include food rich in protein(milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream), complex carbohydrates (porridge) and fiber (fruits and vegetables).

The ideal breakfast for a child is milk porridge; oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat and rice are very healthy. You can add fresh or dried fruits and berries to the porridge. You can offer children cottage cheese, cheesecakes with sour cream, or an omelet with vegetables for breakfast. Fresh fruit or fruits are ideal as a drink. vegetable juices, jelly or cocoa.

Sometimes parents don’t have time to cook porridge or make cheesecakes. In this case, you can offer your child a boiled egg, porridge instant cooking or cereal flakes with milk. And as a second breakfast, you can give your child fruit (apple, banana) and drinking yogurt to school.

Breakfast for a man

A casserole with vegetables and meat is an excellent breakfast for a man.

It is known that men consume more calories than the fairer sex, especially if the man is engaged in physical labor, so they need a hearty, nutritious breakfast. The menu must include protein foods (meat, dairy products), products containing complex carbohydrates, bread, vegetables and fruits.

A quick option for a man's breakfast is scrambled eggs, which it is advisable to cook without sausage. The ideal option is an omelette with vegetables and cheese. A very healthy breakfast for the stronger sex is oatmeal, which contains protein, vitamins and microelements necessary for men's health.

Men engaged in physical labor can be offered a pasta or potato casserole with minced meat, vegetables and cheese, cheesecakes or pancakes with sour cream.

Breakfast for a woman

Representatives of the fair sex usually take very careful care of their appearance, figure and weight. To always look good, have beautiful colour faces and good mood, you need to start the day with a healthy breakfast.

The ideal breakfast for a woman is also oatmeal. You can cook it with either milk or water, and berries, fresh or dried fruits will make the usual oatmeal even tastier and healthier. Hercules contains all the nutrients necessary for women's health, not in vain for a long time oatmeal called "beauty porridge".

Women over 30 need to take special care of their health. Nutritionists advise remembering pearl barley porridge, which is the source huge amount vitamins, macro- and microelements. This cereal contains calcium, iodine, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, E and group B, amino acids and many other substances that help slow down the aging process and strengthen the immune system. For example, the amino acid lysine, contained in large quantities in pearl barley, is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the elasticity and youth of the skin.

In addition to cereals, a woman's breakfast should include dairy products, fruits, vegetables and juices. It is better to replace coffee and black tea with green tea. Its benefits cannot be overestimated, because green tea helps maintain beauty and youthfulness of the skin, good digestion, helps, and is also good remedy for the prevention of cancer.

Scientists have recognized foods such as avocado, kiwi and cheese as beneficial for women's health and beauty. Therefore, a light salad with avocado, a sandwich of rye bread with cheese and a cup of green tea can also make a healthy breakfast for the fair sex.

Breakfast and lunch are the most high-calorie meals. Therefore, try to make them varied, nutritious, healthy and, if possible,

There are many breakfast options for those watching their figure. Breakfast: coffee with a croissant, looks appetizing, but it is unlikely to make you slim and healthy.

Breakfast doesn't have to be porridge. It can be tasty and varied, you can choose your favorite options and cook something original from time to time.

Rules for a healthy breakfast

According to nutritionists, during breakfast women should receive 2/3 of carbohydrates per day, 1/5 of fat and 1/3 of protein.

1. It is better to choose slow carbohydrates, found in cereals, any vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

2. You can't do without fiber, which creates sensation. full stomach. It is very useful for the digestive system. A sufficient amount of fiber is found in fruits and vegetables, oatmeal and bran bread.

3. Can dull the feeling of hunger for a long time protein food. The best sources are eggs, fish, mushrooms, meat, legumes and nuts. Any of the listed products can be included in a healthy breakfast.

4. If we talk about fats, they should be unsaturated. Such fats are found in avocados, various vegetable oils and almonds.

Try to eat a variety of foods for breakfast, no matter how great the temptation is to steam porridge from a bag, alternate it with sandwiches, muesli, eggs, fish and other foods. Needless to say, although a cup of coffee will charge you with energy, such a breakfast is still not acceptable without a supplement.

Cereal-Based Breakfast Recipes


Take 1 glass of millet, 500 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. butter, sugar, salt to taste. Cook for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring. At the end of cooking, add butter, salt, sugar. Serve with jam, preserves, honey.


Take bran bread (whole grain), cut into pieces (shape of your choice). In a deep bowl, mix eggs, milk, salt. Soak the bread in this mixture and fry in a frying pan.


Toast 2 grain loaves in the toaster. Spread 1/2 tbsp on each of them. l. peanut butter. You can stretch out the pleasure for a long time by eating peanut butter bread for breakfast, as it has an incredible taste and aroma.


In Victorian times in England, it was customary to serve kedgeree for breakfast - rice with smoked fish and egg. If you prepare in the evening, it can be not only delicious, but also a quick Sunday breakfast. Rice can be used yesterday or freshly cooked.

You can take cod or smoked mackerel. Boil the eggs hard (about 10 minutes at a low boil), cool.

Over medium heat, fry the mustard and cumin seeds in heated sunflower oil. Then put the chopped onion in the frying pan, add the turmeric and quickly fry over medium heat for just a couple of minutes, stirring. Add boiled rice to the onion. Next, sprinkle with lemon juice. We clean the fish from bones and skin, cut it into pieces, and add it to the rice. If desired, add chopped parsley, salt, and place quartered boiled eggs on top.

Oatmeal with Peanut Butter

Prepare oatmeal, add 1 medium banana cut into pieces. Pour 1 tbsp on top. l. melted peanut butter. Very tasty, and most importantly - fast.


Take muesli, pour cream (regular or soy milk).


Brew buckwheat with boiling water in a thermos and leave overnight. In the morning, a warm and healthy breakfast is ready!


A healthy and quick breakfast can be prepared the night before. IN glass jar Add oatmeal, yogurt, any berries, fruits and put in the refrigerator.

Egg-Based Breakfast Recipes


Beat 2 eggs, add 1 tsp. red ground pepper. Fry in a frying pan. Cut the bun into 2 parts, brown the cuts. Place the scrambled eggs between the halves. This quick-to-make sandwich is a good source of protein.


Shake 4 egg whites, add 50 g of grated cheese and 1 piece of bacon. Fry in a frying pan. After such a meal you will feel full for a long time.


Prepare scrambled eggs from 2 egg whites. Ready chicken breast cut into strips. Place everything on a sheet of lavash, add chopped tomato and roll into a tube. This dish is low in calories and at the same time nutritious.


Soft-boiled eggs can be eaten with toast, cut into 1 cm strips. Toast can be dipped in the yolk.


Place the cheese cut into pieces on the bottom of a baking sheet or deep frying pan so as to cover the bottom. Place tomatoes cut into slices on it. Beat eggs with milk and pour this mixture over the previous ingredients.

Then put it in the oven. It turns out an airy omelette with a cheese “crust” at the bottom and juicy tomatoes inside. Delicious!


Very tasty and nutritious breakfast. Prepare a thin omelette from 1-2 eggs and milk. And then wrap it in pita bread. You can also add any lightly stewed vegetables as a filling. A man will like this recipe.

Microwave breakfast recipes


Heat the hamburger bun in the microwave and cut it into 2 pieces. Place a piece on one half soft cheese, sprinkle with chopped herbs, pour sauce or vegetable oil and cover with the other half. You can take this sandwich with you to work - it's a great alternative to a Mac sandwich.


Add granola and a little cinnamon to a finely chopped or grated apple. Place in the microwave for 2 minutes - and breakfast is ready! This dish is very healthy, and the cinnamon gives it a special spicy aroma.


Take 3 egg whites, add 1/2 cup defrosted spinach, salt and pepper to taste. Microwave for 2 minutes. If you serve boiled potatoes as a side dish, your breakfast will be more satisfying.


Place 2 slices of tomato and 50 g of low-fat cheese between the halves of a grain bun. Microwave until cheese is melted. This dish is prepared in seconds and combines grains, dairy products and vegetables.

Breakfast recipes using a magic blender


In a blender, blend 1 cup freshly squeezed orange or pineapple juice, 100 g tofu and 1/2 cup fresh fruit until smooth. After morning exercises This breakfast is simply amazing!


Mix in a blender 100 g low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup fresh fruit, 1/2 cup orange juice, 2 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat and 1/2 cup crushed ice. To make the cocktail sweeter, you can add a little honey or syrup.


In a blender, blend 1 cup of fresh fruits and/or berries cut into small pieces, 2 cups of low-fat milk, 100 g of vanilla pudding and 1 cup of crushed ice. Pour the cocktail into 4 bowls and serve immediately. Carbohydrates, proteins and fiber will perfectly satisfy your hunger and provide you with energy for half a day.

Fruit Breakfast Recipes


Cut the bananas into slices and add ground or chopped hazelnuts, season with sweet syrup or “juice” from the jam.


Personally, this breakfast is not suitable for me. I'll stay hungry. But if you prefer to divide your breakfast into 2 meals, just like the French, then feel free to make a fruit salad. The ingredients are at your discretion.

Recipes for a simple and quick breakfast


Prepare cereals in the microwave, add berries to them and pour yourself a glass of soy milk. An excellent option for those who are always in a hurry.


Mix 1/2 cup in a bowl apple juice, 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, 1 tsp. sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, add 2 tbsp. l. ready-to-eat oatmeal
cereal. If you prepare food in the evening, you can save a lot of time in the morning.


Spread the bread with yogurt or whipped cottage cheese and place strawberries on top.

Cottage cheese with melon

Place 1 cup of cottage cheese into half a small melon. Sprinkle some peeled sunflower seeds on top and drizzle with honey. This breakfast is the best choice for those who cannot eat heavy food in the morning.


Place a finely chopped half of an apple, a little cottage cheese, and 1/2 tsp on a sheet of lavash. sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. Wrap it in a roll. Microwave for 30 seconds.


You can make vegetable pancakes by adding grated carrots, potatoes, pumpkin or zucchini.

Recipes based on cottage cheese


Mix soft cottage cheese from a pack with chopped herbs and then spread on toast.


Take 2 packs of cottage cheese, 4 tbsp. l. without top sugar, 2 eggs, tbsp. l. decoys. Mix all ingredients, place in a greased microwave-safe dish, and bake normal mode 10 min. Do not remove from the oven for another 10 minutes until fully cooked.

I want to take note of this recipe!

Cottage cheese with sour cream and dried fruit

This breakfast recipe is super quick and versatile. Let you always have cottage cheese, dried fruits, nuts, jam and frozen berries on hand at home, then you can easily prepare it. The flavor of this dish will vary depending on the ingredients.


Cheese pancakes are made very quickly. I simply adore them and sometimes allow myself this recipe. Take 250 grams of cottage cheese, 1-2 eggs, sugar, salt and 0.5 cups of flour. Mix cottage cheese with eggs, salt and sugar (you can add baking powder) in a deep bowl, then add flour and continue stirring.

Using a tablespoon dipped in water, scoop out curd mass, roll in flour on all sides and form into a round or oval ball. Fry in a frying pan on both sides. Serve with berries and sour cream.

You can also put pieces of cheese into the cheesecakes: it will melt inside.

Sunday Breakfast Recipes

On Sunday you can cook something new. These dishes take longer, but the results are worth it.


Mix bacon pieces with chopped green onions, microwave for 1 minute. Add 1 chopped boiled potato and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, pour in the egg and bake for 1.5 minutes. Sprinkle 1 tbsp. l. grated cheddar cheese. Serve with orange slices. Add 1 more egg and more bacon and you have a wonderful dinner.


Mix 2 eggs with 1/4 cup chili sauce. Pour the mixture into a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, sprinkle with 2 tbsp. l. grated cheese. Fry for 5 minutes. Serve with tomato salad. The cheese makes the omelette very filling, and the chili gives it a spicy kick.


This breakfast recipe is very healthy. Knead the pancake dough, but instead wheat flour use oatmeal. Add 1 cup blueberries or other fresh or frozen berries. Cook in a frying pan with a little oil. Serve with melon slices. Place the remaining batter in the refrigerator and prepare pancakes the next morning.

Breakfast for weight loss - what not to eat

Sausages, sausages, banal sandwiches without vegetables and herbs, glazed cheese curds, “miracle yoghurts”, crispy cereals (all sorts of pillows), etc. ...

Photo ideas - breakfast recipes

Lately I often make croutons and vegetable salad for breakfast. What is your recipe for a delicious and healthy breakfast?

Breakfast is the most important component of the daily diet. What you “fuel” with in the morning directly determines the functioning of your body, and therefore your well-being, mood and performance throughout the day.

You cannot neglect breakfast, even if you are on a strict diet. It “awakens” the body after a night’s sleep, resulting in activation metabolic processes, cells are saturated with energy.

A proper breakfast is especially important for those who are used to starting the morning with exercise or jogging. It's easy to prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast. The main thing is the ability to properly balance the main nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

We'll give you 10 best products and breakfast options.

1. Whole grain porridge - wheat, millet, oatmeal, rice, etc. The benefits of hot porridge in the morning are undeniable. Porridges have high nutritional value, they saturate the body vegetable proteins, slow carbohydrates. Porridges contain a large amount of B vitamins, potassium, iron, and zinc.
To save cooking time, soak the cereal in the evening cold water. Cooking time will be reduced from 1 hour to 15 minutes.

This product appeared with us recently, but has already gained enormous popularity among those who monitor their health and prefer light, quick breakfasts. Like cereal cereals, muesli digests slowly, gradually releasing energy and maintaining stable glucose levels for a long time. Muesli is rich in fiber, starch and vegetable protein.

It’s not difficult to prepare homemade muesli: you just need to mix several types of cereal flakes, add seeds, nuts and dried fruits to taste and pour the finished muesli into a glass container with an airtight lid. You can pre-fry the flakes and seeds with honey. To prepare a healthy breakfast, just pour the muesli into a cup, pour it cold or warm milk(kefir, low-fat yogurt, fruit juice), add fresh fruit to taste, a couple of spoons of honey or jam.

3. Cottage cheese is one of the best breakfast foods. It contains calcium and phosphorus in ideal proportions for absorption. Cottage cheese contains a large amount of protein and an essential amino acid - methionine, as well as substances that improve the absorption of vitamin B12. For a complete breakfast, a serving of 100-150 grams is enough. If you have no problems with excess weight, choose cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% or higher to improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins: A and E.

If desired, you can add pieces of fresh fruits and berries, raisins, dried apricots, dried dates, nuts and honey. For those who love greens, we recommend trying cottage cheese mixed with finely chopped cilantro, parsley or dill and sprinkled with cheese.

4. Dairy and fermented milk products.

Whole milk in pure form- not a very good breakfast option. Better try milkshakes, soups and dairy products. Dairy products are valuable, first of all, high content protein and calcium, and one more important component- vitamin B2 (riboflavin), actively participates in energy metabolism, converting fats and carbohydrates into useful energy.

Fermented milk products, in addition to huge reserves of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3, contain useful prebiotics - substances that improve digestion and support healthy microflora intestines. To prevent a fermented milk breakfast from leading to a carbohydrate deficiency, it is recommended to consume fermented milk products with the addition of nuts, dried or fresh fruits.

5. Baking.

In many countries, it is traditional to start the day with hot homemade cakes. Breakfast - best time, when it is safe for your figure to please yourself with delicious pastries, having eaten a couple of delicious pancakes with honey for breakfast, you don’t have to worry about weight gain - the calories you receive will certainly be burned during the day.

Baking is an excellent source of “slow” carbohydrates. The feeling of fullness will last for a long time, and the blood glucose level will be stable. The main thing is not to overdo it with the portion! Pancakes, pancakes, cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes, oatmeal pancakes and cookies, muffins - choose the recipe to your liking and don’t forget to season the dough with aromatic vanilla, cinnamon or cloves.

6. Eggs are considered a high-calorie food, and therefore the best time to eat them is in the morning. For those who play sports, eggs are an essential source of protein and B vitamins. It is known that an egg contains on average up to 7 grams of protein, so eating eggs for breakfast helps maintain and build muscle mass, which is especially important during strength training.

Despite the absence of a large amount of fat in eggs, this product contains almost everything fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K.

For breakfast, eggs can be consumed in any form: baked, soft-boiled and hard-boiled, in the form of omelettes and scrambled eggs. The neutral taste of eggs allows you to combine them with any food: herbs, cheese, meat, mushrooms, beans, fresh vegetables and even cereals (in casseroles).

7. Boiled meat is good for everyone in small quantities. Meat contains a large amount of iron, and it is the main raw material in the formation of hemoglobin - essential protein, transporting oxygen to organs and tissues. Eating meat for breakfast improves blood circulation. But you shouldn’t abuse it, because meat is a heavy product. Give preference to boiled chicken breast and lean beef, thereby you will ensure required amount zinc, iron and B vitamins.

Don't start your morning with fried meat, as well as fatty varieties, for example, lamb.

8. Fruits and vegetables are healthy to eat not only for breakfast, but throughout the day. They contain a large amount of fiber, which we need for the smooth functioning of the digestive system.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are classified as easily digestible carbohydrates. Indeed, they contain fructose, which breaks down quite quickly. At the same time, surprisingly, many fresh vegetables and fruits can satisfy hunger well, energizing the body sufficient quantity energy.

The best fruits for breakfast: apples, figs and bananas. But breakfast should not consist only of fruits. It is advisable to supplement your meal with other products or use fruits as the main ingredient in cocktails or smoothies.

Vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes can be eaten raw in salads. Potatoes, eggplants, zucchini, celery, broccoli, cauliflower and other vegetables are healthier when baked or stewed.

9. Fish is a storehouse of protein, phosphorus and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, group B. Include a small amount of red fish in your breakfast: salmon, pink salmon, trout or salmon, boiled or baked. Contained in it fatty acid Omega-3s improve performance nervous system, including the brain, which is very important if you have a working day full of stress.
Another good breakfast option is a fish salad, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.

10. Drinks

A full breakfast is unthinkable without liquid. To cheer up, we most often prefer strong tea or coffee. However, doctors have long warned: such a breakfast can have a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system, and coffee is a stimulant. short acting, and after a couple of hours of vigor, a decline in activity invariably occurs. And if you exercise in the morning, coffee for breakfast is taboo, otherwise you cannot avoid heart problems and high blood pressure.

Nutritionists advise starting your morning with a glass clean water. A good option breakfast drink - green or herbal tea (except for soothing mint and lemon balm teas), milkshake, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice.
Here we have listed the main healthy breakfasts for you, eat right and be healthy!

Gulhayo Rakhimova

Not every morning you and I have the opportunity to stand at the stove and cook delicious, healthy and rich food. Admit it honestly, it’s not uncommon for you to jump out of bed and realize that you overslept. Breakfast is the last thing on your mind under the current circumstances, but your subconscious mind persistently tells you that this meal is one of the most important meals of the day. Often we make a deal with our conscience and start the day with a quick, but not at all healthy, and sometimes even harmful snack. But a healthy and proper breakfast not only provides our body with all the necessary nutrients, not only helps to stabilize hormonal background and blood sugar levels, relieving morning drowsiness and enhancing mental and physical activity, but even helps to maintain healthy weight body, protecting us from overeating throughout the day. Today we invite you to solve this dilemma together and figure out what to cook for breakfast quickly, tasty and healthy.

So where to start your day? The main goal of breakfast is to saturate our body with enough protein, add some slow-burning carbohydrates and at least five grams of fiber. Don't forget that carbohydrates are best source energy for our body, so even if you try to stick to a carbohydrate-free diet during the day, you shouldn’t give up carbohydrates for breakfast. In addition, a small amount of healthy fats will definitely increase your stamina and save you from the unpleasant and harmful desire to snack an hour after breakfast.

Choosing ingredients for a quick breakfast is not at all difficult. Eggs are an excellent source of protein. low-fat varieties cheese and cottage cheese, nuts, white meat, fish. Your source of slow-burning carbohydrates will be whole grain porridge or muesli, good grain bread or crispbread, and even a couple of tablespoons of bran added to yogurt. In addition, grains are an excellent source of fiber, which your stomach needs. Don't forget about fruits, berries and vegetables, because these delicious foods will not only nourish you useful vitamins and microelements, but will also help make your morning brighter and more colorful.

Today “Culinary Eden” has prepared a selection for you interesting ideas and recipes for delicious dishes that will definitely help you decide what to cook for breakfast quickly.

1. The winning combination of yogurt and fruit will not only delight you with its taste and undoubted health benefits, but will also eliminate the need to cook anything. Just take a cup of good natural yogurt without additives or flavors and mix it with pieces of your favorite fruit. A slice of whole grain bread and a cup of fragrant herbal tea will perfectly complement your breakfast. In winter, when it is difficult to buy good fresh fruits, dried fruits that retain all the beneficial substances - figs, dried apricots, raisins, prunes - are an excellent replacement.

2. Another win-win and well-known option for a very quick breakfast is muesli. You can take store-bought muesli, fill it with water or milk, and while you wash your face, your breakfast is ready. But who can guarantee that the manufacturer has not added a hefty dose of flavorings and colorings to your breakfast along with nuts and dried fruits? So prepare your own muesli, especially since it is not at all difficult and will take no more than five minutes of your precious morning time. Pour a cup of whole grain cereal (rolled oats, wheat, buckwheat) with a glass of water overnight. In the morning, drain the unabsorbed water, add a spoonful of yogurt, a handful of fresh chopped fruits or berries, some nuts and honey. Mix thoroughly and your complete delicious breakfast is ready!

3. Do you prefer to start your day with porridge, but don’t have time to prepare it? This is not a problem, because you can always find 5 minutes! Place six tablespoons of rolled oats or any other quick-cooking cereal in a microwave-safe bowl, add 2/3 cup of water and microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons of raisins, a pinch ground cinnamon, stir and cook for another 3 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle your porridge with 1 tbsp. spoon crushed walnuts and top with any fruit sauce or homemade jam.

4. Without any doubt, cottage cheese can be called an ideal breakfast product. Containing a large amount of easily digestible protein, calcium, and vitamins, cottage cheese is also valuable for its taste and lightness. And preparing a morning dish from this magnificent product is a matter of two minutes. Place 100 grams on the bottom of a dessert cup. low-fat cottage cheese, add half a banana, cut into rings, pour everything with two tablespoons of natural yogurt and one tablespoon of any fruit sauce or homemade jam. Sprinkle the dish with any chopped nuts and your breakfast is ready. Add a slice of whole grain bread and a cup of coffee or herbal tea. Great start to the day, isn't it?

5. Hot sandwiches can be not only tasty, but also healthy. In the evening, hard boil two eggs and pour them over cold water, peel, cut into slices and leave in the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning, cut two round buns of whole grain bread into halves and toast them in the toaster. Place your bun halves on a microwave-safe plate, top each half with a thin slice of tomato, followed by slices boiled eggs. Drizzle each sandwich with olive oil, sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs and a small amount of Mozzarella or any other cheese. Microwave for one minute on high power.

6. A tasty and satisfying frittata with onions and herbs will require a little more time and attention from you. However, is 10 minutes too much? Pour ¼ cup of water into a small frying pan, add one chopped onion, stir, bring to a boil and cook over high heat, covered, for 2 minutes until the onion is soft. Remove the lid and let the remaining water evaporate for another 2 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and mix thoroughly. Pour two fork-beaten eggs over the onion, reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring constantly, for 30 seconds. Then reduce the heat to low, sprinkle your frittata with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped parsley and 1 tbsp. spoon of grated hard cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the frittata for 2 minutes until the eggs are completely cooked.

7. You can make a deliciously delicious American egg and tomato scramble in just 10 minutes. In a wide frying pan, heat 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, add four eggs, lightly beaten with a fork, and cook, stirring constantly and mashing with a wooden spatula, for 3 minutes, until the eggs are almost completely cooked. When the eggs are almost done, add two diced tomatoes, stir thoroughly and cook for 1 more minute until the tomatoes are slightly soft. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately along with a couple of rye breads.

8. It will take you less than five minutes to prepare a delicious berry parfait. Before going to bed, transfer ½ cup of any frozen berries from the freezer to the refrigerator. In the morning, remove the defrosted berries from the refrigerator and layer them in a tall glass, interspersed with equal layers of vanilla yogurt and sweet cornflakes. Two minutes, and a delicious, bright and very aromatic breakfast is ready! All that remains is to brew a small cup of good coffee or brew tea.

9. You can prepare a delicious, satisfying, thick breakfast smoothie in a couple of minutes. A After all, such a cocktail contains all the nutrients you need in the morning! Pour ½ cup milk or light yogurt into a blender bowl, add ½ cup orange juice, half a banana, a few fresh or thawed strawberries and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sweet breakfast cereal. Whisk everything together for 2 minutes until smooth. Pour into a tall glass, garnish with a mint leaf and a cocktail straw. Such a simple, satisfying and healthy breakfast will appeal not only to you, but also to your children!

10. But you don’t have to prepare breakfast in the morning; you can prepare it in advance! When you can't find even five minutes to prepare even the simplest dishes, homemade breakfast bars will help you. Prepare them in your free time, and one morning they will save you and your mood. In a dry frying pan, toast two cups oats and one cup finely chopped nuts for 10 minutes ( walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.). Stir frequently and make sure the cereal and nut mixture does not burn. Pour the finished mixture into a saucepan, add ½ cup wheat bran, ½ cup grated coconut, 1/3 cup honey, 1/3 cup corn syrup (can be replaced with any thick berry or fruit syrup), 1 ½ cups any dried fruit, cut into small pieces , a pinch of salt and a drop of vanilla essence. Mix everything thoroughly. Grease a wide baking dish with oil, lay out your mixture and carefully, using a wooden spatula dipped in water, smooth it out into a layer about one and a half centimeters thick. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 200⁰ until golden brown. Cool the finished dish for 2 - 3 hours, and then cut into small rectangles. Store your breakfast bars in the refrigerator and serve with tea or juice.

And on the pages of Culinary Eden you can always find even more interesting ideas and tips that will tell you what to cook quickly for breakfast.

Breakfast provided a margin of safety before going out into this cruel world. After proper breakfast it was easier to withstand any tests sent by the villainous fate.

Daria Desombre "The Mystery of the Dutch Tiles"

Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important technique food throughout the day. Many of us often don't have enough time to prepare a healthy breakfast before heading to work. For this reason, we often manage to eat only a small cookie on the way to the office, and sometimes nothing at all. We present breakfast options - both for weekdays and weekends, when there is more time for preparation. A good breakfast can be a wonderful start to the day, and it's worth getting up a little earlier.

Quick breakfast options for every day

Those who do not have breakfast in the morning are making a big mistake. Breakfast gives the body energy, especially needed in the first half of the day. After a healthy breakfast, your concentration improves, you feel better and have more energy. That's why food in morning hours so important. If you don't have a breakfast habit, you need to get one to stay healthy.

In the morning we often don’t have enough time to prepare a solid breakfast. Therefore the way to regular intake Eating in the morning begins with getting up early. We have collected excellent recipes that are prepared quickly enough and will help you spend your time and energy more economically.

Eggs for breakfast

If you want to enjoy a hot breakfast every morning, eggs are the quickest option. Eggs are one of the typical breakfast ingredients because they fill us up enough. for a long time and can be cooked different ways. There are many delicious recipes using eggs that taste great and only take a few minutes to cook.

Scrambled eggs don't require much time or effort and can be combined with a variety of ingredients of your choice - there are many recipes. You can customize your eggs with bacon, cheese, or fresh vegetables.

Breakfast of muesli

If you prefer sweet breakfasts, you can't go wrong with making your own muesli mix. There are endless options for delicious muesli breakfasts to suit every taste. You decide whether it's crunchy muesli, oats, quinoa or any other ingredient, and you can upgrade your portion with fruit, chocolate or yogurt if you wish. This breakfast will turn out even faster if you prepare all the ingredients the night before.

Smoothie for breakfast

If you don't like chewing in the morning, you can enjoy one of the liquid breakfasts. Fresh citrus juice may not satisfy your hunger, but a delicious, thick juice for breakfast will do just fine.

Many recipes for delicious liquid breakfasts are prepared using milk, kefir, yogurt, bananas, kiwi, spinach, and oatmeal, which provide the body with sufficient energy until noon. Of course, almost everything quick recipes breakfasts, with the exception of hot dishes, can be prepared and eaten with pleasure right in the office.

Delicious weekend breakfasts. Sweet recipes

Unlike weekdays, on weekends we usually have much more time to treat ourselves and our family to delicious breakfast dishes. When choosing a menu for Saturday or Sunday morning, you can choose sweet or savory dishes, or combine both options.

Pancakes for breakfast

If you want to start the day with sweets, then you can make pancakes - one of the most common dishes for a delicious breakfast, popular among both young and old people. Several made from dough with cocoa, or regular pancakes with chocolate spread, honey or jam, fruit - a good start to the day.

Toast for breakfast

Regular croutons, also known as French toast, are known throughout the world and belong to the best recipes breakfast for the weekend. To prepare them, you only need bread, milk, eggs and a frying pan (can be fried with or without oil), and breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Toasts go well with jam, honey and chocolate, which is why children love them very much.

Waffles for breakfast

If you have a waffle iron at home, then cook in, which are also a great weekend breakfast. Waffles can be made with sweet or savory dough and topped with your choice of cream, chocolate, fresh fruit or plain yogurt. Waffles are a nice accompaniment to coffee that will add some fun to your weekend.

Homemade bread for breakfast

On your day off, you can also surprise your family with a delicious homemade one. Baking time for banana bread usually takes about an hour, so this recipe is not a quick process. If you get up early anyway, then this breakfast option is perfect for you.

Cupcakes and muffins for breakfast

There are many ideas delicious breakfasts in the form that will allow you to start your weekend in style. For example, you can bake blueberry or chocolate muffins, or try recipes with ingredients like pumpkin and carrots. Also add dried fruits and nuts if you want to further enhance your baked goods.

Delicious breakfasts with a spicy taste

If you're looking for some Sunday brunch ideas, don't miss out on some of the savory treats featured here. If you are preparing breakfast for guests, you can bake it in the oven delicious dishes in muffin tins. These could be, for example, savory, bacon, or small. This hearty breakfast goes well with tomatoes, leeks and spinach.

Toasts with toppings

Other quick breakfast recipes include: different variants toasted bread with any toppings. Among them, for example, is toasted fat-free bread with tomatoes and cheese. Or crostini - a sandwich similar to bruschetta, but fried with fat.

At all, different types sandwiches and sandwiches are best choice for breakfast, quick and easy to prepare. With the right ingredients, you can make your sandwich as tasty as possible and as healthy as possible. One delicious and healthy breakfast idea is a salmon and avocado sandwich, which can be served with fresh salad and cheese. Instead of bread, you can use toasted toast or, if time permits, bake delicious buns yourself. Even buns with low content carbohydrates are not that difficult to prepare and are ideal for the first meal.

Many wonderful dishes breakfast dishes are made with simple ingredients but taste great. If you want to upgrade a simple sandwich, you can top it with a fried or poached egg. If the sandwich is made from a bun, then a few mugs of boiled egg will go perfectly with it. Don't forget about vegetables, as they add freshness and flavor to your sandwiches.

Instead of weekday scrambled eggs, you can make them with a different filling on the weekend. Omelettes are made with bacon, ham, or you can make a vegetarian version with just vegetables, such as tomatoes and olives. For a good omelette, it is important that the eggs are thoroughly beaten. At the same time, it becomes airy and acquires a wonderful taste.

Healthy breakfasts for a healthy start to the day

Oatmeal for breakfast. If you strive for maximum healthy eating and if you don’t want to eat bread in the morning, give preference to oatmeal. For the dish to be truly healthy, you need to make the appropriate mixture yourself, rather than buy it in the store. To do this, take oatmeal, various nuts and dried fruits, as well as fresh fruits. Pour the mixture with kefir, yogurt or milk and enjoy this healthy, tasty and quite filling breakfast.

Green smoothie for breakfast

Green cocktails (smoothies) are rich in vitamins and, with the right ingredients, leave you feeling full for quite a long time. long time. In addition, you can easily take this cocktail to the office. Make this nutritious drink to your liking, all you need is a blender.

Easy vitamin drink can be prepared from cucumber and parsley, which contains a lot of iron (one teaspoon of greens will satisfy daily requirement body in iron), a lot of carotene and vitamin C. Cucumber consists of 90% water, so the drink is especially good in the heat.

A tonic green smoothie can be made from celery and apple. An invigorating smoothie is prepared from products such as spinach + kiwi + banana. A very nutritious drink consisting of avocado + cucumber + apple + ginger.

Fruit salad for breakfast

Everyone knows that fruits contain many vitamins and are therefore very healthy. So for another delicious breakfast idea, we recommend trying one or the other. Any variety of this breakfast with berries, bananas, citrus fruits or other ingredients will be very healthy and tasty. If you like to eat fruit plain or with a little yogurt, make yourself a low-calorie breakfast that can even help you lose weight.

Breakfasts with bread

If you like bread, use simple and delicious recipes breakfasts with healthy fillings. Whole grain bread works best for this, but not buttered toast. Avocado is ideal as a filling and can also be combined with other toppings such as fried eggs, salmon or turkey ham.

Breakfast with exotic fruits

In fact, even in a supermarket you can find a lot of very nutritious foods, which are ideal for a healthy breakfast. Among them, pay attention to exotic products. For example, quinoa is gluten-free and goes well with milk, chocolate and any fruit, making you more cheerful after the first spoon.

In addition to quinoa, consider chia grains, which are also used in many diets. You can find many delicious breakfast ideas with chia, such as making a smoothie, adding it to granola, or baking a delicious pudding. Make it a habit to have breakfast regularly every morning and do this important step on the way to healthy image life.