Treatment of purulent wounds with folk remedies - simple recipes and processing rules. Fast treatment of purulent wounds at home

Medicine has given a definition of purulent wounds - this is a violation of the integrity skin adjacent tissues, while through damage to the body is introduced pathogenic infection. Subsequently, there is a purulent exudate with symptoms of necrosis, edema.

Having opened the abscess without the use of proper septic tanks, one can observe the process of suppuration. The smallest wound contains pathogenic bacteria, not every case leads to purulent manifestations.

Favorable conditions are considered to be the main reason for the development of the process:

  • extensive, deep skin lesions;
  • contamination of the wound with foreign bodies;
  • exhaustion;
  • diabetes;
  • hit on the damaged areas of the skin of staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli.

Sometimes wounds become infected with anaerobes, pneumococci, mycobacteria, salmonella.

Characteristic symptoms

The manifestation of suppuration is not always immediately noticeable if there are no obvious skin lesions.

  1. Sometimes a slight reddening may appear on any part of the skin. If you press it, it hurts. A skin tubercle is gradually formed, in which a purulent process occurs, it happens when it matures, it breaks out on its own or it is done operational way in the hospital.
  2. When open skin lesions are clearly observed, then bacteria are present in them one hundred percent, with favorable conditions starts inflammatory process.

Different degrees of suppuration occur after surgery surgical intervention. An abscess rupture also causes suppuration.

In such cases, a person has general and local malaise, symptoms are present:

  • severe pain- pressing, bursting;
  • obvious ulcers;
  • hidden suppurations;
  • swelling;
  • loss of appetite;
  • chills
  • fever;
  • inflammation of the body and damaged areas;
  • sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • temporary immobility.

In some severe cases, there is loss of consciousness, fainting, hospitalization. With disturbing symptoms, you should definitely visit a doctor who, after diagnosing, will identify the cause of suppuration.

Treatment at home

Not good deep wounds you can process and pull pus from them at home. More heavy damage require medical intervention.

There are times when it is not possible to go to the hospital, the only thing left is to carry out all the actions at home. Where to begin?

To begin with, the wound must be washed, this can be done with pharmacy solutions, if they are in home first aid kit or cook it yourself. Pharmacy solutions:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • dimixide;
  • eplan;
  • hydropyrite tablets.

After the wound has been well washed, having cleaned it of purulent exudates, an ointment is applied. It should be noted that the use of the ointment is not the same in all cases of skin lesions.

Effective ointment agents in pulling out pus are:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • ichthyol;
  • Eplan ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • Levosin.

The ointment is applied as follows: fold a square from a bandage or gauze in several layers, apply ointment to the center of the square and apply it to the affected area, fix it with a bandage. The dressing is changed the next day.

Folk recipes

In folk medicine, there are many recipes that help cleanse the wound of pus and restore damaged tissue. Solutions, ointments are made from various herbs, trees and berries, which contribute to a quick cure.

Juice, gruel from marsh cranberries make washings, lotions, which helps to relieve the inflammatory process.

A decoction is made from plantain, dry 1 tbsp or fresh leaves 10 pieces are brewed in a liter of boiling water. When the broth is infused for about 30 minutes, it cools down, they can be washed with purulent wounds. Fresh leaves are applied to wounds, fixed with a bandage, change the bandage after 4 hours.

Oak bark helps heal and cleanse wounds. Lotions, baths for hands and feet are made with a decoction. It is easy to prepare a tablespoon of raw bark, pour into a bowl, pour a liter of boiling water, put on a slow fire, boil for 10 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes, filter, the infusion is ready for use.

Wash the wounds with brewed fresh or dry nettles. Lotions are made with a decoction. Powder is made from dry grass, which can be sprinkled with purulent skin lesions.

Powder from the root of the calamus root is sprinkled on the wound for cleansing and fast healing.

saline solution

Used for washing and cleaning festering wounds. An ordinary clean kitchen or sea ​​salt. Water is taken distilled, melted, rain, boiled.

To prepare a solution, three tablespoons of salt without slides are added to a liter of warm prepared liquid, stirred until the salt crystals dissolve, filtered through gauze folded in several layers. If the composition remains, it is poured into an airtight container, but you need to use it on the same day.

The solution should be fresh each time, before use it is heated to a warm state.


This plant is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial property. The pharmacy sells preparations made on the basis of leaves, aloe juice, for the treatment and treatment of purulent wounds. If the damage to the skin is minor, then lotions can be made with the juice of the plant.

In case of severe suppuration, after washing the wound, a cut aloe leaf, cleaned of dust and thorns, is applied, fixing it with a bandage. The bandage is changed once a day if strong pain symptoms, not passing a few hours after applying aloe, then you can change the sheet to a new one until the condition improves.

soda solution

There is an ambiguous opinion about the use of such a composition of the solution for washing purulent wounds. Scratches, light cuts can be neutralized by them if there is no other handy. Make them gargle for a cold, excellent tool known from grandmothers. But it is not recommended to wash them with open purulent wounds.


There is no person who has not tried it on himself at least once in his life. medicinal properties chamomile. It is so versatile that almost anything can be treated with it. It is used for disinfection of postoperative surgical sutures, various skin lesions in particular purulent wounds.

Decoction for cleansing pus: 1 hour. l of chamomile is poured into 200g of water, insisted for 20 minutes, filtered. For baths of hands and feet, the amount of liquid and raw materials is doubled.

Other recipes

Used in the treatment of purulent wounds different plants herbs, trees, berries. In the age of modern medical discoveries It is difficult to imagine that one can be treated with what is at hand.

  1. Long non-healing wounds will help cure burdock root. A fresh rhizome is taken - 75g is poured with vegetable or olive oil. Infuse overnight, then boil, filter, cool. In the resulting composition moistened with gauze applied to the affected area three times a day.
  2. 2 cups of St. John's wort flowers are poured over the floor with liters of almond oil (vegetable, olive), insist 21 days. Apply to long non-healing wounds, abscesses.
  3. Great for abscesses, celandine helps, they wash the herbs with a decoction, make compresses for any skin damage, of varying complexity. Grass juice lubricates wounds several times a day. The healing effect appears very quickly.
  4. succession good helper in the removal of necrotic masses from the wound. The decoction is easy to prepare. A teaspoon of grass is poured with boiling water, insisted for half an hour, filtered. Ointment from the series quickly heals purulent wounds. A tube of petroleum jelly is squeezed into a saucer, the powder of a series of 1 tbsp is added, mix everything well. Lubricate the wounds three times a day.
  5. Carrots will help to quickly restore damaged tissue. Rinse the vegetable, peel, grate, add honey, mix. Apply to damaged skin, cover with a napkin or oilcloth. Change the bandage once a day.

What can not be done with an open purulent wound

To apply bandages, use only clean bandages, gauze. Cloth dressings prevent the access of air, they cannot be used for a long time. With purulent wounds, it is forbidden to visit pools, saunas, baths. Do not use adhesive tapes.

Do not leave the damaged area open for a long time to avoid reinfection wounds. Only use treatment solutions that you know or have been prescribed by your doctor. Dubious recipes should not be used.

Prevention measures

To avoid the development of complications in the resulting skin lesions, it is necessary to prevent suppuration:

  • to treat scratches, abrasions, cuts with solutions of potassium permanganate, peroxide, brilliant green, fucarcin, furatsilin;
  • treatment of damage with sterile instruments;
  • change bandages in time;
  • produce proper care behind the skin;
  • adhere to safety regulations at work;
  • follow the doctor's recommendations.

Purulent wounds are different measure difficulties, therefore, with what it is possible to cope at home, treat yourself. In severe cases, it is better to consult a doctor, get qualified assistance, avoid adverse complications.

You can get practical tips for treating purulent wounds at home from the following video:

In contact with

A purulent wound is a tissue defect (primarily soft), which combines all five signs of inflammation and infectious process. The tissue defect in purulent wounds is usually complicated by a significant deterioration general condition, the patient develops a febrile fever, immunity is quickly depleted.

Depending on the variant of the development of the disease, they are distinguished primary- and secondary purulent wounds. In the first case, some internal pyogenic process (abscess, phlegmon, etc.) breaks through to the skin. Such a wound from the very first moment of occurrence is considered purulent and the only treatment option is surgical treatment and treatment of the underlying process.

In everyday life, secondary-purulent wounds are usually found, in which at first there is a tissue defect, then an infection develops in the wound. By the color of pus, smell, the presence of abscessing can be assumed etiological reason purulent process and from the first days to determine the preliminary sensitivity of the microorganism to antibiotics, however, to accurately identify the most effective drug possible only after bacteriological research in the laboratory, which is carried out by all seriously ill patients. Wherein leading role in the cure has adequate treatment and dressing of a purulent wound.

Purulent wound treatment

Any purulent wound must be treated twice a day. Most in suitable ways treatment of a purulent wound is washing it with an antiseptic. From antiseptics suitable substances are hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine. It should be said that hydrogen peroxide is an ideal flushing agent, which is best supplemented good antiseptic- chlorhexidine. Also, to wash the wound, you can use a solution of light pink potassium permanganate, a soap solution, or simply boiled water. After treatment, a solution of brilliant green or iodine should be applied along the edges of the wound. It is permissible to lay in the wound itself antibacterial ointments, for example, levomikol.

Extensive wounds, as well as primary purulent wounds, require much closer attention. Initially, with such wounds, surgical treatment of a purulent wound is performed, necrotic tissue is removed, and purulent exudate is sucked off. After these events, the usual washing of the wound and its dressing are carried out.

Bandaging of a purulent wound

Bandaging of a purulent wound, as well as its treatment, is performed twice a day. Large wounds also require active or passive drainage. The dressing material must be sterile. Also, in order to avoid the development anaerobic infection and gangrene, oxygen should be provided to the wound. That is why it is preferable to use napkins, gauze and bandages for dressing wounds rather than adhesive bandages.

With a strong flow of exudate, serious condition sick, high risk development of anaerobic infection (risk factors, first of all, include the presence of obliterating vascular diseases, diabetes in patients) dressings should be carried out 3-4 times a day, leaving the wound open for several tens of minutes each time.

Treatment of a purulent wound

Treatment of purulent wounds should begin immediately after the discovery of a purulent process. The basis of treatment is reduced to adequate treatment and dressing of the wound. General treatment is reduced to the appointment of restorative, immunomodulatory, vitamin preparations. In all cases, the course is prescribed antibacterial treatment, at the same time antibacterial drug or their combination in difficult situations is selected based on the sensitivity of the microorganism, the presence or absence of contraindications. Start antibiotic therapy with injection forms administration, then you can continue the course with oral medication.

In severe situations, as mentioned above, surgical wound healing. In the case of the development of gangrenous complications, amputation or disarticulation of the limb is performed.

Treatment of purulent wounds folk remedies used in wound dressing. Various means traditional medicine, in particular the use of alcoholic infusions of Japanese Sophora, accelerate the healing of a purulent wound. To increase immunity, you can also use various medicinal plants.

Alternative methods of treating purulent wounds are currently being successfully used in practice due to the fact that many bacteria have resistance to the most common antibacterial and antiseptic drugs used in the treatment and treatment of wounds. Also a plus folk ways treatment is safety and ease of use.

Treatment of purulent wounds with folk remedies

  1. Outwardly: wash the wound or put on it napkins moistened with an alcohol infusion of 1 part Japanese Sophora fruit and 5 parts of 56% alcohol, which must be kept for 10 days.
  2. On purulent wounds, you can apply a cloth soaked in fermented baked milk for the night.

Purulent wounds occur when the integrity of the skin is violated, when there is purulent content in the lumen, and an inflammatory process along the edges. Pathology develops after infection of a clean wound (after a cut, puncture, etc.) or is formed due to an abscess rupture.

Possible reasons

Such wounds also occur in the period after surgical operations: even with careful observance of sterility during their implementation, up to 30% of suppuration is noted. The causative agents in them are pyogenic microbes (strepto-, staphylococci, Proteus coli or coli, pseudomonads. Less often - mycobacteria, salmonella, shigella, pneumococci).

It is believed that any wound resulting from an injury is already infected (it contains bacteria). In order for an infection to develop, several factors are required:

  • being in a wound foreign body, blood clots or pieces of dead tissue;
  • high levels of microorganisms that are pathogenic.

The main reason for the development of purulent stab wounds- insufficient outflow of fluid from the wound due to a narrow wound channel and a small hole on the surface of the skin.

Suppuration of lacerated wounds occurs as a result of contamination of crushed tissues and a large number dead. Suppuration cut wounds observed less often (their edges are slightly damaged, the wound channel is often shallow).

Other factors that increase the risk of developing suppuration:

Characteristic symptoms

All manifestations of purulent wounds can be divided into general and local.

Local symptoms:

  • the presence of damage to the skin with purulent contents;
  • regardless of the amount of pus, granulations and areas with dead tissues can form under it.

The color of purulent contents and its consistency depends on the type of pathogen:

  • yellow or white thick pus - with staphylococcus aureus;
  • brown-yellow liquidish - Escherichia coli;
  • greenish or yellowish watery - streptococcus;
  • brown co fetid odor- anaerobic microbes;
  • yellowish, changing color in the air - Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The appearance of pus in the wound is accompanied by bursting or pressing pain. With difficult outflow of purulent contents from the wound (during the formation of a crust), the production of pus increases, the affected area becomes inflamed. Throbbing pain appears due to increased pressure in the wound.

The skin around the wound turns red, hot to the touch. In advanced cases, the skin acquires a purple or purple-blue hue. The temperature rises, there is swelling of the tissues around the wound. Physiological functions violated (due to severe pain and swelling).

General symptoms are due to general intoxication as a result of toxins entering the body from a purulent wound:

  • body temperature rises;
  • general weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite;
  • at laboratory research in the blood there is leukocytosis, accelerated ESR, in the urine - protein.

Purulent wounds that have not been previously treated are treated by surgeons. If suppuration occurred after the primary surgical treatment, traumatologists are engaged in treatment. Festered surgical wounds treated by operating physicians.

Antibacterial drugs are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. Treatment of purulent wounds includes:

  • the appointment of antibacterial drugs;
  • carrying out detoxification measures (hemodialysis, hemosorption, forced diuresis are used to remove toxins from the body, in outpatient settings - plentiful drink);
  • (to increase the production of tissue protective factors and interferon by the body).

When purulent focus is just being formed, the goal is to thoroughly cleanse the wound, reduce inflammation, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. At the next stage, it is important to speed up the regeneration processes.

The greatest effect gives the use of:

  • Vishnevsky's ointments;
  • synthomycin liniment;
  • tetracycline ointment;
  • neomycin ointment.

How to cure folk remedies?

If the wound festered, and you do not want to apply medical preparations, you can use traditional medicine:

  • use aloe juice for irrigation of wounds and lotions;
  • gruel from grape leaves, applied to the wound, will cleanse it of pus during the day (it also has a hemostatic effect);
  • lotions from sauerkraut help remove dried blood and prevent the development of inflammation;
  • powder prepared from calamus root can be poured directly onto the wound (has a bactericidal effect);
  • washed plantain leaves are applied to the wound for 20 minutes (the release of pus from small festering scratches stops and healing begins);
  • apply fresh garlic paste to the area with a purulent wound for several hours (itching may occur immediately, the wound will gradually begin to clear of pus, the bactericidal properties of garlic accelerate healing);
  • chopped fresh leaves and flowers are applied to the wound, left for a few minutes. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile, use for lotions. Simultaneously with external use, it is recommended to take an infusion of chamomile inside.

You can not apply bandages with ointment to an open purulent wound - this makes it difficult for the outflow of pus and contributes to its penetration deep into the tissues. For dressings, gauze pads and bandages should be used (instead of band-aids) to allow air to enter the wound.

In the presence of purulent wounds, one should refrain from visiting the bath, sauna, swimming pool (in summer time- from swimming and sunbathing). Before the end of the course of treatment, it is not recommended to use essential oils(they are able to increase the flow of fluid to the affected area).

Prevention measures

To prevent suppuration of wounds, it is necessary:

  • treat any scratches, abrasions, cuts and other damage to the skin (with a solution of iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate);
  • when treating wounds, use sterile instruments;
  • make timely dressings of existing wounds;
  • follow all doctor's orders;
  • properly care for the skin;
  • apply individual means protection at enterprises (where provided).

In the treatment of purulent wounds at home, treatment with simple and safe means, possessing bactericidal properties, accelerates the healing process.

In the form of a cut or wound. Most often, people injure their hands and feet. Small children in the process of active play can fall or get scratched. Adults cut with knives and scissors. Most often, no one is afraid of a minor injury, but not everyone knows how to properly treat a wound and what complications can arise.

Why are cuts dangerous?

With cuts and wounds, you can damage a large vessel, artery, nerve. If dangerous microorganisms enter and the wound is not treated, you can even lose an arm or leg. If gangrene begins or a non-healing trophic wound they can become a life-threatening source of infection. AT medical practice There are times when a decision is made to amputate in order to save a person's life.

At the inflammatory stage, complications such as purulent streaks and phlegmon may occur. This happens when the pus that forms in the wound does not go out, but into the surrounding tissues or in the cavity between them. If, after receiving an injury, the condition of the whole organism began to deteriorate sharply, there was a temperature, weakness, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Primary wound care

Regardless of where the integrity of the skin is broken and how, it is required primary processing wounds. For small household cuts, first of all, it is necessary to remove visible contamination from the wound. To do this, you can twist a sterile bandage into a triangle to get a pointed tip, or use tweezers (tweezers), previously disinfected with alcohol or vodka. After cleansing the wound, it should be treated with an antiseptic ( microbial killer). Can be used as an antiseptic hydrogen peroxide 3%, iodine, iodinol, chlorhexidine diglucanate etc. Hydrogen peroxide not only chemically destroys microorganisms, but also brings them to the surface mechanically - due to the formation of bubbles.

In the absence medical preparations they can be replaced with an aqueous 2% soda solution, a concentrated solution table salt, infusion of chamomile, vodka. If a cut or wound is not made with a sterile scalpel, then there will always be germs in it. Even postoperative wounds become infected, not to mention household ones. After treatment, the wound must be closed from possible re-contamination by applying a bandage or bandage. If a we are talking about very small and shallow cuts, you can stop there.

Application of antiseptic ointment

After first aid measures for household cuts, an ointment is applied to the injury site with antiseptic action, for example, Sulfargin. His active substance- silver sulfadiazine 1% provides an antimicrobial effect, and the gradual release of silver ions prolongs this effect, so that it is enough to apply the ointment once a day. Maintaining optimal moisture on the wound surface helps make dressings more comfortable. The drug can be used at any stage of the healing of household cuts, both in adults and in children. older than a year. Antimicrobial action The drug serves as a prevention of purulent-inflammatory complications of the cut and accelerates its healing.

deep wound care

If the wound surface is regarded as large, even in the subjective opinion of the most injured person, it is better to seek medical help. Cuts longer than 1.5-2 cm, will heal on their own for a long time, bring discomfort and, most likely, will give complications. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. The same applies to wounds that bring unbearable pain(possibly damage to a branch of the nerve), or injuries that are accompanied by profuse, non-stop bleeding. Wounds and cuts of medium size are not always treatable surgically. But when suturing any wound, it will always heal faster. Medical care in this case is: wound treatment, excision (cutting) of the edges of the wound, stopping bleeding, suturing. Sometimes stitches can be applied a little later, when the inflammatory process in the wound decreases. The dressing on the wound should be changed daily. In the first week, a wet-drying bandage is applied, then they switch to ointment. In wet bandages use antiseptic preparations. Ointments for wound treatment consist of antimicrobials, and substances that promote healing. For example, ointments such as levomikol, levosin, methyluracil are used.
In parallel, a prophylactic course of antibiotics is prescribed a wide range actions.

Stages of wound healing

There are 2 types of wound regeneration - primary and secondary intention. In the first case, the edges of the wound should be even, located tightly to each other, and there should be no microbes in it at all. Then the cut will immediately close with epithelium (skin cells). Process secondary tension characteristic of injuries in which infection and cell death occurred during injury. The essence of secondary tension is that inflammation begins in the wound first, then intermediate tissue forms, and the last stage is scarring.

Wound inflammation is caused by microbes. It is accompanied by swelling of the edges of the wound, an increase in the temperature of the surrounding tissues, and pain. In the process of inflammation, cells are released from the blood that kill microorganisms inside the wound. This is a defensive response of the body. If the cut is covered with a crust of blood, it should never be torn off, even if pus or serous fluid. This crust protects the wound from new microbes and allows the stages of healing to proceed sequentially. After a week, the inflammation subsides, and the wound begins to be lined with granulation (intermediate) tissue. At normal flow healing after another 7-10 days, the granulations turn into a scar.

Sometimes wounds heal for a very long time or are reinfected. In such cases, surgical intervention, revision of the wound, antibiotic therapy. This can happen if the wound is not treated properly or not. There is also a risk of infection of the wound with dangerous microbes and the development of diseases such as gangrene or tetanus.

Any, even the smallest cut, must be processed. This is the first necessary condition for prevention possible complications. Shouldn't be ignored medical care, and if possible, it is better to consult a specialist.

Tell us in the comments about your most terrible wounds. How did you get it, how did it heal?

Various injuries of the skin are called wounds. Most often they are harmless and are treated at home. But sometimes even a small damage to the skin leads to inflammation. Often suppuration occurs on the arms or legs, especially in the warm season. get inflamed various damage skin may be due to poor hygiene, reduced immunity, or the presence of chronic diseases. In some cases self-treatment purulent wounds on the legs does not help, and you have to spend it in a hospital. It is very important to notice the appearance of pus in time and use the drugs necessary to remove it. If this is not done, inflammation can lead to the development of various complications.


This is damage to the skin, accompanied by the development of pathogenic microorganisms in it. Pus begins to form in the wound, swelling and redness are observed around it. The tissues are painful and often hot to the touch. There is a dull throbbing pain, often severe. In severe cases to local symptoms common ones join: fever, intoxication of the body, headache.

Causes of purulent wounds

The inflammatory process may develop due to infection of the wound. This happens due to getting into. Very often this happens in the summer, especially if the skin on the legs is damaged. The appearance of a purulent process can also happen after surgery. Therefore, it is recommended to perform operations in the cold season and observe sterility in patient care. Such purulent wounds are called secondary. But there are also primary wounds. They are characterized by rupture of the internal abscess without external damage skin. It can be an abscess, phlegmon or a common boil.

Such wounds are treated mainly by surgical opening and antibiotics. The appearance of a purulent process is influenced by the age and state of the patient's immunity, the presence of chronic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus, in which suppuration often develops. Most often, purulent wounds appear in the elderly, full and weakened by diseases. Treatment at home will be difficult in this case.

Phases of development of the wound process

Features of the treatment of a purulent wound depend on the stage of its healing. Most often, two phases of the wound process are distinguished:

At the first stage, it is necessary to eliminate edema, remove dead tissues, and also eliminate hemorrhage and inflammation;

At the second stage, tissue regeneration and scar formation occur. The healing of purulent wounds at this time can be accelerated by the use of special preparations. Modern medicines help to regenerate tissues faster without the formation of a highly visible scar.

Purulent wound - treatment

Ointments for quick healing are now available to everyone. Therefore, treatment can take place at home. But if the inflammation is not dealt with in time, serious complications can appear. Proper Treatment purulent wounds on the legs includes several areas:

Wound treatment - removal of pus, dirt and dead skin.

Removal of inflammation, swelling and soreness of the skin.

Fight bacteria.

Acceleration of wound healing and stimulation of tissue scarring.

General treatment aimed at increasing immunity and combating intoxication. It consists in taking immunomodulatory and vitamin preparations.

In severe cases, the treatment of purulent wounds on the legs may require surgical intervention: opening and cleansing the focus of inflammation, and sometimes amputation.

How to properly treat a wound?

For faster healing and prevention of complications, proper care of the affected skin area is very important. In mild cases, you can do it yourself. Treatment of purulent wounds is carried out 1-2 times a day and includes:

Thorough disinfection of hands and tools used for this, most often done with alcohol.

Removing the old bandage. Moreover, this must be done very carefully, and when the bandage dries, it must be soaked with "Chlorhexidine" or hydrogen peroxide.

Careful removal of pus from the inside of the wound, treatment of its edges with an antiseptic in the direction from it to the edges and drainage with a sterile swab. Sometimes it is recommended to lubricate the edges of the wound with brilliant green or iodine.

Application medicinal product or napkins moistened with it. If the wound is very deep, tampons or drainage are introduced into it for a better outflow of pus.

Closing the wound with sterile gauze in several layers and fixing it with adhesive plaster or bandage. It is necessary to ensure that there is air access to the wound, otherwise an anaerobic infection may develop.

In a serious condition of the patient, open purulent wounds are treated 3-4 times a day, each time leaving them in the air for 20-30 minutes.

Physical Therapies

Previously, an open method of healing purulent wounds was practiced. It was believed that under the influence of air and sunlight microorganisms die faster. AT last years refused this, and a bandage is necessarily applied to the wound. From physical methods treatments are now used quartzization, ultrasonic cavitation, UHF and laser irradiation.

Antibiotics for purulent wounds

In severe cases, antibacterial drugs are used to prevent the development of a general blood infection and to more quickly free the wound from infection. If their use is required at the first stage, when the pathogen is still unknown, they are prescribed. They can be used in the form of tablets, injections and local solutions or ointments. Only a doctor should prescribe an antibacterial drug, after taking an analysis for the causative agent of the infection. After all, the inflammatory process can be caused not only by common staphylococci or streptococci, but also by xybells, proteus, coli and even shigella and salmonella. Most commonly used sulfonamide antibiotics with purulent wounds, an emulsion of streptocide and sulfidine is applied externally. The best known antibacterial drug is penicillin.

External means to relieve inflammation

At the first stage of the development of the purulent process, it is recommended to use water-soluble products and ointments, it is better if they contain antibiotics. The most commonly used are Levomekol, Levosin and others.

Treatment of purulent wounds on the legs can be complicated by the fact that inflammation is caused by many microorganisms, often even a fungus joins. Therefore, it is advisable to use complex means, for example, "Iruxola". Antiseptic solutions are often used to treat the wound. The most famous of them are "Furacilin", hydrogen peroxide and sometimes turn out to be ineffective due to the appearance of microorganisms resistant to their action. Now new drugs are being produced: Dioxidin, Iodopyron, Sodium Hydrochloride and others.

Folk remedies

The healing of purulent wounds at the stage of regeneration can be accelerated various herbs and other home remedies. They are used both to treat the affected surface, and to strengthen the immune system. Most often there are frivolous purulent wounds. Treatment at home is possible if the focus of inflammation is small and there is no general intoxication. Often folk remedies are used in medical institutions, due to the fact that many bacteria have developed resistance to drugs, they are also safer. But their use is permissible only in mild cases, with a small area of ​​​​damage. What can be done to treat a wound?

Most commonly used alcohol tincture or calendula.

Treat the wound fresh juice aloe, plantain leaves or burdock.

For lotions, you can use gruel from grated carrots, radishes, beets or a cut onion.

You can prepare an ointment for the healing of purulent wounds: mix the powder from the herb of caustic stonecrop with petroleum jelly or honey with lard and xeroform. Well cleans the wound from pus mixture of goat fat, salt and grated onions.

To improve tissue regeneration in the process of wound healing, it is used fish fat and sea buckthorn oil.

Complications from purulent wounds

If you do not start treatment on time or treat the affected area incorrectly, complications may develop, or the purulent process becomes chronic. Why are festering wounds dangerous?

Lymphangitis or lymphadenitis, that is, inflammation of the lymph nodes, may develop.

Sometimes thrombophlebitis appears, especially with purulent wounds on the legs.

The pus may spread and cause periostatitis, osteomelitis, abscess, or phlegmon.

In the most severe cases, sepsis develops, which can be fatal.

Prevention of inflammation

To prevent the appearance of purulent wounds, you must carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, especially if the skin is damaged. If processed on time minor abrasions and scratches, you can protect them from infection. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system so that the body can independently fight bacteria that have got under the skin.