We give birth without pain and labor - simple and effective methods for easy childbirth. How to give birth without gaps: expert advice

To get ready for childbirth. The right psychological attitude - 90% guarantee successful birth. Try to agree with yourself that the birth of a child is inevitable, because no one has ever managed to avoid this and remain pregnant. And one more argument that helps most expectant mothers: your the right attitude, absence of fear and panic, joyful anticipation and confidence that everything will be fine will help the baby go through the difficult path of birth faster and more painlessly. Good mom (you are good mom?) thinks first of all about his child, and then about himself.

The birth process begins with the first contractions


At this stage you must do three main things:

  • note the beginning and duration of the contraction, as well as the rest period;
  • rest between contractions, don’t fuss, do everything calmly, slowly - save your strength;
  • breathe deeply and calmly, it is necessary that oxygen enters your body in the right quantities - this will save the baby from oxygen starvation.

At this time, you can take a shower, do a warm enema, drink tea, and have a light snack (cottage cheese, fruit, porridge). Sitting and lying down are not recommended. The vertical position will speed up the process. When contractions repeat after 5-7 minutes and last about one minute, it’s time to go to the hospital!

Active phase of contractions

The duration of contractions increases, and the intervals between them decrease. This is the longest and most painful period of childbirth. You just have to survive it! A very good distraction at this moment is the mother’s attempt to remember sequentially everything that happens to her. Why do this?

Firstly, the story of how he was born is the most entertaining for any child. You will have to repeat this wonderful story for your baby more than a dozen times.

Secondly, who gave birth and how is one of the most popular topics of conversation between women. What will you talk about if you remember everything as if in a fog?

Between contractions, continue to breathe deeply, but at the peak of the contraction, deep breathing will most likely not be available to you. Then breathe “like a dog” - small inhales and frequent exhalations-sobs. Find a position that relieves pain. For some, walking helps, for others - circular movements of the hips, singing, music, a light foot massage (your husband can do this), etc.

Pushing contractions

Pre-potency efforts

When contractions become so frequent that you barely notice a break between them, you will feel the urge to push. You absolutely cannot push during this phase. The fact is that the cervix is ​​not dilated enough, and the bones on the baby’s head have not yet moved one after another (this happens when the head itself comes out). When these bones overlap each other, the baby’s head becomes smaller and it passes through the birth canal more easily. Therefore, by pushing at this stage, you can injure the baby, as well as injure the cervix with ruptures.

To relieve pain, you can try the following poses:

  • get on all fours and raise your pelvis - this will reduce the pressure on its bones and the pain may subside;
  • squat down - this can also help, in any case, it will speed up the process of transition from pre-pushing contractions to pushing.

Attempts and childbirth itself

At each stage, it is very important to listen carefully to a specialist - a midwife or a doctor. This recommendation particularly applies to this stage. This is the most crucial moment, so you can’t harm the baby. Push your feet, grab the handrails with your hands, and press your chin to your chest. Breathe in more air and push its column down the abdomen, as if pushing out a child. Do this three times during a contraction. When the head comes out, your breathing should become shallow. Although it will seem that you can no longer withstand this pain, you should not scream, and especially not squeeze your legs. A few more seconds - and the baby will literally “slip out” into the doctor’s arms. Relax, get to know the baby, give birth to the baby's place (afterbirth).

Birth of placenta

This is the very last and painless stage - the birth of the placenta, which occurs approximately 20-30 minutes after the birth of the baby. You may not even feel it, because at this time all your attention will be occupied by the baby lying on your chest. It's all over, and you finally saw each other for the first time in 9 months. What kind of afterbirth is there, even suturing in the perineum sometimes goes unnoticed by the successful mother.

Feed, educate, raise - the next stages of this wonderful lifelong title - motherhood!

When a woman finds out about her first pregnancy, she is visited not only by joy, but also by fear. Questions about how to easily give birth to your first child, as well as to avoid ruptures, worry every woman in labor.

The information provided will allow you to find answers to all questions about birth of first child, and will also relieve the fear of childbirth.

At what age is it best to have your first baby?

Today, women are increasingly refusing to become mothers, establishing financial well-being and building a career. But gynecologists are sounding the alarm, saying that having a first child preferably under 25 years old.

Most favorable period– this is the age from 20 to 25, but with timely development reproductive system healthy pregnancy can occur at 18 years of age.

Until adulthood, despite the fact that the girl has regular menstruation, reproductive organs can not ready yet to a healthy conception. This can cause significant complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

After 30 years, primigravidas have an increased chance development of intrauterine pathologies, as well as problems during childbirth. Increased risk of cesarean or more long labor. After 40 years, the chance of giving birth to a sick child increases several times, and childbirth and the entire pregnancy are considered complicated.

As described in the paragraph above, it is better to give birth to your first baby in the period from 20 to 25 years. But this absolutely does not mean that during this age period you will not experience complications.

There are also other factors, affecting the process of childbirth. When wondering when is the best time to give birth to your first child, you should carefully check your health and get tested for hidden infections.

Additionally, for 3 months before conception, both partners must take folic acid , it will help avoid complications during the formation of the central nervous system baby.

No less important is psychological factor . If a woman is calm about the possibility of pregnancy and understands what awaits her after childbirth, she can begin to plan for a child.

Therefore, it is worth giving birth to a baby taking into account not only age, but also the corresponding physical and psychological condition.

Give birth to a child completely impossible without pain. It is worth understanding that contractions were invented by nature in order to push the baby through the birth canal and prevent him from dying in the womb.

Can make labor much easier correct breathing and water birth. Breathing saturates the brain and cells with oxygen, which avoids clouding of consciousness and helps the baby more easily endure the birth process. Water allows you to relax your muscles, which relieves spasm and relieves pain.

It can also significantly reduce the pain from contractions. epidural anesthesia. The anesthetic is injected through a long needle next to the spinal cord and completely immobilizes the lower body. This anesthesia is popular among American women, where giving birth without painkillers is considered almost a sign of masochism.

But it is worth understanding that not all women can undergo epidural anesthesia. She can significantly slow down the opening process uterus, which will ultimately lead to an emergency caesarean section.

An injection is given when the uterus is dilated from 4 to 6 cm, after which the administration of an anesthetic is already useless and even dangerous, since the woman may don't feel any pressure and will not push the baby out.

To easily endure your first birth and leave only good memories about it, you should adhere to following rules:

  • breathe correctly, the inhalation should be deep, and the exhalation should be long and calm;
  • try walk more, this will help push the fetus through the birth canal;
  • do not lie on your back during childbirth, as in this position baby's progress slows down, which lasts for so long during the first birth;
  • in this case, the position on the back deprives the child large quantity oxygen;
  • if the doctor insists on episiotomy, a small incision in the perineum, agree, as this will not allow it to tear in the wrong direction and will make it easier to give birth;
  • 2-4 weeks before the planned date of birth, you can ask your doctor to prescribe you special perineal massage which will allow the muscles to become more elastic to avoid tears;
  • crotch can also be prepare yourself, to do this, lubricate it 4 weeks before the expected date of birth with olive oil;
  • push only during contractions, when the midwife speaks, this will avoid injury and rupture.

Giving birth to a large baby during your first birth is not much more difficult if you listen carefully to doctors and follow a number of tips. Try walk more, since it is much more difficult for a child over 4 kg to move through the birth canal, and protracted labor threaten with hypoxia and the development of problems after birth in the physical and mental formation.

When pushing, be sure to do as much as possible spread your legs wider to give the child room to advance. It is especially important to do this to avoid shoulder dystocia. This is the process by which the baby's shoulders become stuck in pelvic bone mother. Dystocia is dangerous because the baby can suffocate right in the birth canal.

The content of the article:

An easy birth is the dream of all expectant mothers, without exception. For a very long time, it has been ingrained in the minds of women that the birth of a baby should be painful. In fact, childbirth, as a natural process, does not have to be painful at all.

In general, if the pregnancy proceeded normally, without complications, the baby in the mother’s belly has a body weight that does not exceed the norm, and its position is correct, then we can already say that the mother has every chance of delivering a pregnancy without pain. Of course, this also requires preparation, the right attitude, use various methods that contribute easy birth. But first, let’s find out why, for the most part, the process of delivery is very painful.

Why does giving birth hurt so much?

Soreness occurs for several reasons. Basic:
1. Fear of childbirth, that is, a psychological factor.
2. Physical factor, that is, the unpreparedness of the expectant mother.
3. Incorrect behavior of the woman in labor during labor activity.

Fear of childbirth. A person experiences fear for a reason: it is not only a sensation, but also the whole process, passing inside the body, manifested in the production of hormones. These chemical metabolic products, the main one of which is adrenaline (and then other hormones with similar functions join it), lead to vascular spasm, leading to tension, resulting in pain. All this suggests that it is necessary to prepare for childbirth long before its expected start. Study relevant literature, materials from the World Wide Web, videos, listen to lectures and consultations, etc. Knowledge is one of the steps to ensuring that childbirth is easy and quick. And also: special auto-training helps to cope with fear very well.
Physical factor. During pregnancy, physical activity is very limited. But they are not excluded, but, on the contrary, even necessary. Simply in a form that will not harm either mother or child. Of course, you shouldn’t jump, run, lift your legs high, lift heavy objects, etc. But, for example, attending pregnancy fitness, water aerobics, or just doing feasible work at home will be useful for the expectant mother. Yoga is also very good for easy childbirth.

Household work such as mopping floors, hand washing and other types of light loads with the body tilted forward not only strengthens, but also helps ensure that the baby is positioned correctly in the womb.

If you do not physically train, then during childbirth the brain will not be able to adequately respond to the work of the reproductive organ (active contraction), which is one of the causes of pain during labor.

Wrong behavior is a consequence of the same fear and lack of knowledge about the amazing, incomprehensible (and not at all terrible) process happening inside. Moreover, it is not enough to simply know what contracts, opens, and why this happens. It is also necessary to first study the technique of easy childbirth and proper breathing and other techniques that help the baby be born painlessly for everyone.

11 rules for easy childbirth

By the way, such births occur quite often in practice. Women simply feel a little aching in their lower abdomen until the very beginning of the pushing period. And this often happens during menstruation, so they do not attach any importance to what is happening.
It happens that pain appears in the back or pubic area. But they help to cope with this problem:

Change of position;
correct breathing;
massage for easy childbirth.

By the way, a massage can be performed not only by a specialist, but also by a husband (of course, if he is prepared in advance). It is performed by gently rubbing and pressing on the painful area.

So, rules and tips for an easy birth:

1. One of the most important rules- this is a competent mindset for an easy birth. You just need to make a firm decision for yourself that everything will go great, without complications, quickly, easily and without pain. If the pregnancy is progressing well, and there are no other factors indicating that labor cannot proceed normally, then an easy delivery is possible.

3. Exercise stress throughout pregnancy. The one that is useful in this beautiful interesting position! Of course, in the absence of contraindications. For this purpose, there are gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, water aerobics, etc. Yes, just swimming in the pool will be many times better than lying on the sofa.

4. If there are no acute medical indications, then it is better to do without stimulation of labor. Yes, it will significantly speed up the process, but then pain cannot be avoided.

5. In order for the first birth to be easy, you need to learn how to relax and control your muscles during the birth process. Do not neglect learning these important actions for childbirth. Relaxation (mental, physical) is a very important component correct birth And effective method give birth without problems.

6. The last weeks before the birth of the baby should be spent enjoying life. Do what you like, eliminate anger and resentment, bring more smiles, good meetings, positive emotions. Watch your favorite movies, go for a walk, do creative work, talk with your baby. If you have older children, then spend time with them: read, play, chat about everything in the world. All these wonderful moments and activities will help produce the hormones necessary for proper childbirth.

7. What determines an easy birth? Of course, from proper breathing! You should definitely master it to the expectant mother. And not just master it - bring it to automation!

8. You should first select a position for childbirth, and long before the birth process begins, feel each position yourself. Most often, expectant mothers choose the squatting position: it makes labor as easy as possible and also speeds it up. By the way, childbirth lying down is the most unnatural way of the birth process. Nowadays, more and more people are giving birth in vertical position- it is clear that here gravity itself helps to facilitate the appearance of the baby.

9. Diet for easy childbirth. The main thing is that the food is healthy and wholesome. So, the basis is vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals. All food should be homemade; it’s better to forget about fast food at this time. Vegetable salads (naturally, without mayonnaise, in extreme cases - low-fat sour cream), dried fruits. Of course we need dairy products. Reduce the amount of fatty meat to zero, consume lean meat (that is, poultry, beef, etc.) in small quantities.

A month before giving birth, reduce the consumption of sugar and flour products, remove milk and sour milk from the diet. A week or two before the birth, keep only vegetarian foods on your menu. On the day of birth better food do not use.
This diet will not overload the intestines. Statistics say that expectant mothers who adhered to these nutritional rules gave birth easily or with minimal trauma.

10. The surrounding atmosphere can also affect the course of labor. Therefore, creating the most comfortable environment around a woman in labor (for example, like at home) is one of the means for an easy birth. Music is very calming; special sound recordings are even created for this purpose - sounds of nature (birds singing, murmur of water, rain, etc.), relaxing recordings.

11. Meditation also promotes easy childbirth. For example, by periodically visualizing various most pleasant images (sea, sun, waterfall), you can automatically switch to them during childbirth without any problems.
For an easy birth, a woman in labor only needs to follow the listed rules. You can also use some folk remedies. But only after consulting with your doctor.

Folk remedies for easy childbirth

According to numerous reviews, one of the best folk remedies, helping to give birth easily is a decoction of raspberry leaves. This plant tones the uterus and pelvic muscles, makes the ligaments around the birth canal soft. Of course, the decoction can only be used for later so as not to provoke premature birth. The berry itself is also very useful - at least with its ability to normalize increased arterial pressure, because it is sometimes a companion to the last trimester.

From about 35 weeks, you should take relaxing, short, warm baths every seven days. At the same time, be sure to listen to music that puts you in a positive, harmonious mood. Thoughts should only be positive. During all this, it is advisable to have a gentle conversation with your baby.

Another useful decoction: flax seeds (1 dessert spoon) per glass of boiling water. The decoction should infuse for at least 1.5 hours. It should be consumed 3 times a day. Preferably before meals.

A remedy such as chamomile or dill oil for easy childbirth is simply a godsend. It should be rubbed into the skin in the perineum, pubis and sacrum.

And another decoction: 1 small spoon of marshmallow, a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. It greatly facilitates labor.

Eat various signs, talking about how the birth process will go. But even if they all say that the appearance of the baby will be painful and difficult, do not despair. We all know what the result of this difficult process is - a small, but already priceless happiness.

The birth of a baby is greatest event in the life of every woman. But at the same time, many women, leaving the maternity hospital, have absolutely no plans to return to it, even if they dream of a large and friendly family with a bunch of children. And the reason for this is a complex, difficult and lengthy birth. Therefore, many girls, long before the birth of the baby, think about how easy it is to give birth to a child, what to do to make the birth as easy as possible? Let's talk about this on this page "Popular about health."

By easy birth, doctors and patients mean slightly different things. The main thing for doctors is that the birth takes place without complications and without their intervention, and that both the baby and the mother are healthy. And for a woman in labor it is extremely important role The absence of pain and the short labor process also play a role. In order to really make the birth of a baby easier, you will have to try. Moreover, it is better to start preparing long before planning a pregnancy. After all, the physical fitness of the body and a well-developed muscular skeleton will not go away in nine months (especially if you try to maintain your physical fitness and during pregnancy).

How to give birth to a baby easier, according to doctors?

In order to give birth to a baby easily, gynecologists advise enrolling in group classes to prepare for future births. Such courses are held at almost every antenatal clinic, and it is better that a professional psychologist takes part in them. In such classes you can hear answers to your most various questions, get mass useful information and a number of necessary skills, including behavior during labor.

Water aerobics classes

Regular visits to the pool provide excellent results. They help maintain skin tone and improve muscle condition. Exercising in the pool benefits both mother and baby. Of course, before visiting the pool, you should definitely consult a doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.

Add positivity

Be sure to add positive emotions to yourself during pregnancy. Spend as much time as possible... This will not only benefit your health, but will also put you in a peaceful mood.

Engage in conversations with your baby, and soon you will be able to feel that he reacts with movements to your voice and touches on his stomach. Many women are sure that it is quite possible to come to an agreement with the baby - so that he is born easily and without problems, and even on a certain day.

Organize the birth

In order for the birth to go smoothly, be sure to organize it in advance. Choose the clinic where you plan to give birth to the baby, be sure to meet the doctors. It is best to find your own doctor who will deliver the baby; there should be trust between you.

It would also be a good idea to get support loved one. After all, partner births are now legally permitted in all maternity hospitals, and a mother or husband will add confidence and peace of mind in such a difficult period of life.

Exercises to ease childbirth

In order to do easy birth, you need to strengthen the muscles located in the pelvic floor. Execution gives an excellent effect. During such activities, a woman needs to contract the muscles of the perineum, and in order to feel them, it is worth holding urination during the next trip to the toilet. Having felt which muscles are involved in this process, you need to contract and relax them up to three hundred times throughout the day. This exercise can be performed anywhere – it is completely unnoticeable to others.

You can also stretch your muscles to make labor easier. pelvic floor. This will help add elasticity and firmness to them. To achieve this effect, you should squat and cross-legged more often. In this position you can read, watch movies or listen to music. You can also do this to stretch your muscles: simple exercises, for example, kneel down and then try to lower yourself to the floor, exactly between your spread feet. Another remarkable effect is achieved by performing the “butterfly” exercise. To do this, you need to sit on the floor, bend your knees and bring your feet together. Then you should place the brushes on ankle joints and pull your feet towards your perineum. Next, you need to arch your back a little and place your elbows on your knees. Pressing your hands on your knees, you should spread your knees to the sides (flapping your wings like a butterfly).

The pelvic bones are also actively involved in childbirth. Of course, during pregnancy they are exposed to enormous stress. But you can do a simple exercise that will help you prepare for the birth of your baby. For example, you can kneel on the floor and lean on your hands. Your palms should be about thirty centimeters apart, and your knees should be twenty centimeters apart. Arch your back slowly, lift your buttocks higher. This deflection must be performed on deep breath. Then return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

Behavior during childbirth

In order for the birth to go smoothly, preparation will not be enough. What to do to easily give birth to a child? During the onset of labor, you need to concentrate and remember all the information received previously. And here close people (mother or husband) can really come to the rescue. To make childbirth easier and faster, you need to move freely during contractions, perform different movements, ask a partner for a massage or perform self-massage, as well as resort to relaxation techniques.

In this article:

Any woman during pregnancy thinks about how her birth will occur. Of course, everyone wants them to pass without problems and complications. Therefore, the question of how to give birth without gaps is very relevant today for many women preparing to become mothers.

Causes of cracks and tears during childbirth

Tears and cracks can appear internally (on the walls of the vagina and cervix) or externally. Many expectant mothers mistakenly believe that damage can occur if they push incorrectly. However, there are many other reasons that influence this.

First of all, this is the physical preparation of a woman. Fabrics must have very high elasticity in order to natural childbirth passed successfully, without damage birth canal. Designed for this purpose special exercises and massage. It is worth noting that with premature birth, the risk of cracks and tears increases. This is explained by the fact that tissue elasticity increases sharply only at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.

The second factor is the size of the fetal head. However, as noted above, if premature labor occurs, even a small head can tear the perineum. But if the baby is born at term, the risk of damage to the birth canal is much less. It is very difficult to influence the size of the fetus, since it depends on genetic predisposition child, as well as from the nutrition and lifestyle of the expectant mother.

The third factor is the speed at which the baby's head and shoulders move through the birth canal. If a woman gives birth quickly, there is a risk of tissue damage. However, even with a slow labor, the last 2-3 pushes are usually very strong, which can cause a sharp passage of the head and shoulders. The midwife should monitor this moment very carefully. It controls the actions of the woman in labor and can slow down the rate of fetal release.

Also big influence provides nutrition to the expectant mother. IN last weeks During pregnancy, you need to be especially careful about what you eat. There are products that increase the elasticity of tissues (oils). An important factor is the nutritional value and calorie content of food. In the last month, the fetus gains weight especially rapidly, so it is recommended to reduce the consumption of flour, sweet and fatty foods.

Another way to give birth without tearing is correct and, most importantly, timely pushing. In this case, it is very important to listen to the midwife, since she is the one who monitors the process. In the last months of pregnancy, you can take special courses for pregnant women, where expectant mothers are taught the correct behavior during childbirth. This includes counting the intervals between contractions, proper breathing, sacral massage, pushing and much more.

And, of course, the attitude of the pregnant woman is very important. Experts advise often imagining a picture of a successful birth, which will result in a strong healthy baby and the young mother is in good shape.

Is it possible to avoid damage to the birth canal?

  • Do everything possible to bring the child to term;
  • Prepare the perineum;
  • Learn to control the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina in order to become an active participant in the birth process when pushing.

Preparing the perineum using oiling

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the issue of preparing the perineum. Today you can find a wide variety of literature for expectant mothers, which describe in detail recommendations for preparing for the birth process. The main one is oiling the perineal tissue. Doctors recommend oiling not only the perineum, but also the body, since the skin dries out during pregnancy and its elasticity decreases significantly.

For this procedure you can use any vegetable oils: almond, olive, sunflower, sesame. The oiling procedure can be done in the bathroom, generously lubricating the entire body and intimate area oil After this, you should wait about 10-15 minutes and, if necessary, re-oil those areas where the oil has already been absorbed.

After about 10 minutes, you can begin washing. The use of scrubs and gels is not recommended; to effectively wash off the oil, you can smear yourself with “porridge”. It is prepared from pea, corn or oatmeal with the addition of water. Skin You get nutrition from such a mask; in addition, it can easily remove oil.

In India, expectant mothers apply oil in this way every day, however good results possible even if the procedure is performed once a week. It is also recommended to treat the inside of the perineum with oil a few weeks before the baby is born. Some doctors recommend using ghee butter, prepared at home.

Contraindications in such cases are inflammation, which is accompanied by heavy discharge itching. In such situations, it is recommended to carry out sanitation before oiling.

Intimate gymnastics

Another way to prevent ruptures that may occur during childbirth is intimate gymnastics. It has a positive effect on tissue elasticity, but it is advisable to practice every day. There are many options for performing exercises, below are the three most popular ways.

Classes can be carried out in different positions: on all fours, lying down, standing or sitting. They won't take much of your time, but they can give positive results. Thanks to such gymnastics, blood circulation significantly improves and tissue elasticity increases.

Exercise No. 1. Kegel exercise

It is necessary to alternately tense and relax the vaginal muscles. During tension, you should squeeze the anus and perineum very tightly, then gradually and smoothly relax them.

Exercise No. 2. “Bag”

You should imagine that there is a bag in front of you. With the entrance to the vagina, you need to grab her imaginary hands and try to lift the entire bag above the floor level. While holding the bag in tension, you need to hold on for a few seconds, and then put the bag back on the floor. The exercise must be repeated several times, trying to “lift” the bag higher and higher.

Exercise No. 3. “Elevator”

To perform this element of gymnastics, you need to imagine that the perineum is an elevator shaft. It is worth starting the ascent from the entrance deep into uterine cervix, alternately pinching different parts of the vagina. After complete compression of the birth canal, it is worth starting slow, alternate relaxation. It is the ability to relax the vaginal muscles in time that will help the baby pass through the birth canal as painlessly and freely as possible.


This article provides just some recommendations on how to give birth without tearing. In fact, a lot depends on genetics, the size of the fetus, the body type of the mother herself, and even psychological mood women in labor.

To summarize, it is worth noting that there is no need to panic and be afraid of cracks and tears during childbirth. Modern doctors Usually, stitches are expertly applied, which heal in 2-3 weeks. In addition, midwives very carefully monitor situations where there is a risk of ruptures (this is indicated by changes in the color of the tissue). If such a danger arises, the doctor performs an episiotomy, that is, cuts the perineum. It is much easier to sew up a straight cut than a tear.

Do everything that depends on you, the rest will be taken care of by the professionals who will participate in the birth process. When meeting with your OB/GYN, you can explain that you have gone through extensive preparation for childbirth and want to do everything possible to avoid tears and cracks. It is likely that the doctor will adequately perceive such a request and try to help you. In any case, you should not be afraid of this natural process, the result of which is the birth of the dearest and dearest person to you. Have an easy birth without ruptures and a healthy baby!