There are a lot of moles on the body for a reason. Why do moles appear on different parts of the body? Why do hanging moles appear?

The skin of each person is characterized by the presence of moles, in other words, pigment cells that are located directly between the lower and upper layers of the epidermis. Medical name this phenomenon– nevus.

Most likely, there is not a single person in the world who does not have at least one mole on their body. Perhaps someone is ready to argue with this, because at first glance the newborn does not have a single mole. In fact, children are already born with moles, but the neoplasms in the first years of life are too pale in color and are therefore not visible. With age, the spots become more distinct in color.

In addition, nevi various types may appear on the skin throughout life. Total There can be up to one hundred moles on an adult’s body. There is no need to worry about the appearance of moles, since this is benign neoplasms. Moreover, information on the number of moles is transmitted to a person at the genetic level.

Moles are individual formations by nature, so they can have different colors, shapes, and diameters.

Classification of moles by shape

Type of moleCharacteristic
FlatFormed in the upper layer of the epidermis. Their appearance is due to a large accumulation of melanocytes. This type moles do not change depending on exposure ultraviolet rays
ConvexMoles that arise deep in the lower layer of the skin and are characterized by both a lumpy and smooth body. Sometimes the neoplasm is covered with hairs. It is distinctive that these nevi are more than one centimeter in diameter. It is worth noting that raised moles can cause discomfort and constantly touch clothes, in which case it is better to get rid of them using specialized removal methods


BlueBlue nevi are very rare and can range in color from bright blue to deep blue. Such formations are quite dense in structure and large in diameter.
PigmentThese are formations on the body in the form of age spots that may appear at birth. The spot may increase with age
HemangiomasRed moles, which can appear in large numbers on the body, are characterized as vascular formations. They arise through the accumulation of a large number of vascular cells in one area. In their shape they are not only smooth, but also hinged, reaching sizes of more than two centimeters.

Note! Red moles do not degenerate into malignant formations, so they cannot pose a threat to life. However, due to its large size, the hemangioma can be damaged, which will lead to suppuration and subsequent infection.

You can learn about red moles from the video.

Video - Red moles on the body

Features of moles

As it has already turned out, there are convex and flat moles. Nevi raised above the skin cause significant discomfort, especially if they are located in a place where there is always contact with clothing. Troubling moles require urgent removal to avoid accidental damage.

Procedures for removing nevi are necessary in mandatory spends in the dermatologist's office. After all, independent cauterization and other effects on a mole can only harm the body. In addition, to find out the nature of the formation, the doctor examines it in detail and sends the patient to laboratory test. This formality must be observed, since each of the neoplasms on the body can be malignant.

For example, red moles that have a convex shape can be unpredictable. Their formation occurs due to damage to one of the vessels. By its nature it is considered benign education, which can disappear on its own. When red nevi appear en masse on the body, this is an unfavorable sign warning of hormonal imbalance or radiation exposure.

A specialist’s commentary on the formation of moles on the body can be seen in the video.

Video - Mole (nevus): causes of appearance, growth and changes

When moles can be dangerous

Basically, moles are harmless formations that do not pose a threat to the body, but when a person abuses the sun’s rays or accidentally damages a nevus, the possibility of degeneration into malignancy. Blue nevi are considered to be the most dangerous among moles, which are most often characterized by oncological degeneration.

Attention! Doctors note that a large number of malignant tumors occur on brown moles, which are considered safe.

You should be careful if:

  1. The mole has changed its shape and appearance.
  2. The mole has blurred boundaries.
  3. An inflammatory ring appeared around the mole.
  4. There was a change in the shade of the nevus.
  5. The structure of the nevus became prominent, and strange small black nodules formed around it.
  6. It has been noticed that the mole increases in size or becomes denser.
  7. Unpleasant sensations (burning, pain, itching) are felt in the area of ​​the mole.
  8. The mole began to show cracks.
  9. If the nevus begins to bleed for no reason.

Carefully! It is necessary to be vigilant, since malignant formation develops quite rapidly, and the processes may be irreversible. Therefore, if one of the above signs appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why do moles appear on the body of an adult?

CauseShort description
HeredityMost often, moles appear on the body due to hereditary predisposition, so a threat to health is completely excluded. For example, according to English scientists, a large number of moles on the body indicates longevity
Hormonal changesWhen does it happen in the body? hormonal changes, then nevi begin to actively form on the skin. However, the reaction may be the opposite and the moles will begin to disappear. During the period when teenagers mature, the formation of moles on the body becomes more active. Often, nevi begin to appear in pregnant women, as well as in people who have diseases of the endocrine system
Exposure to ultraviolet raysPeople who love long time spend on the beach under open sun may discover new nevi on their body. Therefore, during the period of active sun it is not recommended to be exposed to ultraviolet rays, since this is fraught with the degeneration of existing brown moles into malignant ones.
Skin infection or mechanical injuryWhen there is a mechanical effect on the skin, for example, constant friction of clothing, then moles in this area
Internal ailmentsA number of diseases can provoke the appearance of moles:

Lack of vitamin K in the body;
diseases of the pancreas;
liver diseases;
ascorbic acid deficiency;
hormonal disorders;
effects of radiation on the body

Attention! The effects of a solarium are no less destructive than ultraviolet rays, so it is not advisable for people with a large number of nevi on their bodies to visit.

What to do when there are more moles?

The active appearance of moles is typical before the age of thirty; if they appear in older people, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, perhaps this is an alarming warning.

Moles can be localized on different areas bodies, but special attention require those that are located on the back, since it is difficult for a person to observe their changes. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a self-examination with a mirror every month. A visit to a specialist is necessary if any pathological changes appearance moles.

It is recommended to undergo preventive examinations only by a dermatologist. If melanoma is suspected, the patient is referred to another specialist - an oncodermatologist. If a nevus appears in the breast area, it is necessary to consult a mammologist who will determine the nature of the neoplasm. If it is not possible to get to a dermatologist, then you can get by with consulting a therapist.

Is it dangerous! If a hanging mole bothers you and causes discomfort, then under no circumstances should you remove it yourself, otherwise you can provoke oncological degeneration of the neoplasm. Manipulations to remove a nevus should be carried out by a dermatologist.

How to prevent the appearance of nevi?

A person who has many moles has an alarming question: how can they be prevented from appearing? In medicine, as it turns out, this is controversial issue, since some dermatologists are inclined to the point of view that information about neoplasms is laid down at the DNA level, based on which it is impossible to prevent their occurrence according to the laws of nature.

There is another opinion that the occurrence of moles is due to the influence of various factors. For example, the effect of ultraviolet radiation has harmful influence not only on a specific mole, but also on the entire skin. Therefore, there is no point in covering a mole and at the same time sunbathing, as many people do.

Do not forget that many moles are formed as a consequence hormonal disorder Therefore, it is recommended to monitor hormonal levels. Thus, even if you cannot avoid the appearance of new nevi, you can delay their appearance.

Risks with a large number of moles

Oncologists are wary of multiple moles on the body, arguing that they hide the risk of developing a serious disease. Therefore, it is advised to protect your body from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which is a concomitant factor in the degeneration of a mole into a malignant formation. If a person notices any changes or additions to moles, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

There is no person in the world who does not have at least one mole (nevus) on his body. They can be different - from a very small dot to huge spots, which in the old days were considered the marks of the devil. There are many superstitions associated with the phenomenon. There are supposedly a lot of moles on the body happy person. Other peoples considered such people to be witches and sorcerers. The location of the dots and spots also raises speculation. Modern doctors advise paying attention to the appearance of moles, as they are often a signal of abnormalities in the body, sometimes serious. What is the reason for their occurrence? In what cases should you be wary?

All people are born with clean skin, but during puberty and others biological processes moles appear on the body. They are located in different places, differ in color and size, and change with age. English scientists believe that the older a person is, the more nevi there are on his body. The color depends on the amount of melanin in the skin cell in which the spot formed. In babies, they are usually small and pale. ?

1. Intense pigmentation is primarily associated with hormonal levels in the body of an adult. This is relevant not only during puberty, but also during pregnancy, menopause, when a person is depressed, stressful situation or is taking hormone-based medications.

2. Moles in children and adults can occur under the influence sun rays. The action of ultraviolet radiation affects the production of melanin. If there is a lot of it in the body, moles appear in a short period of time on the human body. People prone to pigmentation are not advised to stay in the sun for a long time, since benign nevi under the influence of direct rays of the sun tend to transform into malignant ones (melanomas). The same recommendation applies to visiting solariums.

3. Another reason for the appearance of nevi is the consequence of infectious diseases and complex injuries.

4. The appearance of moles is usually associated with the strong influence of radiation on the body, including x-rays. These factors stimulate the production of melanin.

5. Sometimes insect bites and minor skin injuries transform into nevi, which is also associated with the grouping of cells containing a lot of melanin at the edge of the skin.

6. Eastern medicine considers the cause of moles to be stagnation of negative energy and the influence long-term illnesses. In the interpretation of Chinese folk healers, the appearance of age spots is a concentration of negativity.

Birthmarks in a child - hereditary factor, and not a pathology, as parents think. At genetic predisposition It is worth monitoring your son or daughter’s exposure to the sun and periodically visiting a dermatologist if the nevus is too large. The appearance of red moles is associated with incorrect operation or pathologies of various vessels.

If you have a lot of moles on your body, this does not necessarily mean that they will eventually turn into melanoma. But some formations require immediate medical attention.

In what cases do they resort to the services of a doctor?

The number of moles does not indicate that you need to sound the alarm, but the condition of some of them means that it is time to visit a specialist. What criteria signal danger?

  • The mole turned red.
  • The appearance of a compaction in the center of the nevus.
  • The neoplasm is painful.
  • The edges and color of the spots are uneven.
  • The mole itches.
  • The nevus is bleeding.
  • The spot rapidly increases in size.

Degeneration into a malignant formation is extremely rare. However, you need to monitor the condition of large moles: do not injure them, do not pull out hairs (only trim them). On the other hand, if there are too many moles on the body, it means that the person is at risk, if not developing cancer diseases, then the availability hidden infections or inflammatory processes.

The issue of eliminating nevi is discussed with an oncodermatologist. Surgical intervention It is advisable only in cases where the mole is at the stage of degeneration into melanoma or is located on an area of ​​the body with increased risk injury. The reason why formations are removed may be discomfort felt when dressing, shaving, and other actions. Methods laser correction, liquid nitrogen or radio wave coagulation They also perform aesthetic removal of moles.

Types of moles

There are two types of nevi: vascular and non-vascular. The first ones are formed from capillaries, these are the so-called red moles. The latter are brown in color and are formed from cells that accumulate a lot of melanin. Both of them can turn into malignant ones.

Red moles (angiomas) are essentially intertwined vessels that can appear on any part of the body. In children, so-called hemangiomas are common - large red spots that gradually resolve. In adults, the cause is often prolonged exposure to the sun. The appearance of red moles is not dangerous, they are not painful. They disappear on their own, without any intervention.

There are several types of angiomas:

  • Arachnida (stellate) looks like a plexus of small vessels around a mole.
  • Pinpoint – capillaries do not radiate from the angioma.
  • Cavernous (cavernous) angioma - several moles are located close to each other.

According to the composition of the tissue, red moles are:

  • pineal;
  • branched;
  • knotty;
  • flat.

The reason for a visit to the doctor is an increase in the size of the spots. In some cases, the appearance of red moles means a malfunction of the pancreas, cardiovascular diseases. It is not recommended to remove nevi, because they do not deliver discomfort, except that they look unaesthetic. Then laser surgery, common in cosmetology, comes to the rescue. Methods of vascular sclerosis, coagulation (light or infrared), and x-ray therapy are also effective.

Many nevi on the body are not a cause for concern. But there are times when moles cause discomfort or manifest themselves as itching, pain, or bleeding. In such cases, you need to consult a dermatologist, who, if necessary, will refer you to a surgeon.

A large number of nevi on the body is not a reason to sound the alarm and feel bad about yourself. It is much worse if several old moles begin to undergo metamorphoses: changes in color, shape, volume. In our article we will discuss the reason for the formation of such reincarnations, as well as their consequences.

Why are there many moles on the human body? on the body? Reasons for their formation can be quite varied. As a rule, such neoplasms appear in children, but they do not occur in newborns. After the first year of life, the number of small, light and inconspicuous spots increases, and, after a while, they acquire a more saturated shade, already clearly reminding us of familiar moles.

The vast majority of people have about 40 such marks. If their number is less than forty, then this is already a rarity. According to statistics, only 10% of people on the globe have less than 25 nevi on their body. No more than 5% of people are carriers of an abnormally large number of marks on the skin.

The reason for the formation of the spot is ultraviolet. Over time, as a result of growth, young cells produce melanin in excess of normal, which leads to discoloration.

In a large number of countries, nevi are considered a sign of good luck and happiness. During the research, scientists found that if there are a lot of moles on the body, then people age much more slowly and have more strong immunity, and:

Nevi on the back

A lot of moles on the back does not foretell any dangers. Undesirable changes in the structure of the nevus are indicated by changes in its shape and color. In this case, the number of nevi on the body does not play any role at all. People who are carriers of a large number of age spots are only advised to carefully monitor them and, in case of any changes, immediately consult a specialist.

Are new moles appearing - a cause for concern?

If each of your marks has been with you for a long time, then there is absolutely no reason to worry. If a lot of new nevi began to appear in as soon as possible, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is best to start your examination by going to a therapist, and he, based on his observations, will give you a referral to an oncologist or endocrinologist. First of all, referral to a doctor will depend on the concurrent symptoms detected by your doctor. Usually , the formation of new marks is provoked the following factors:

It is also worth noting that a person develops new nevi, possibly in large numbers, during adolescence, during pregnancy or menopause.

If there are many small and flat moles on your body, this means that you do not need to fight them, they do not pose any harm or threat. As for red moles, they are just as harmless. Red moles represent modified cells blood vessels and disappear as imperceptibly as they appear. Why are there so many moles of this type on the body? And all because your body is prone to rosacea.

As for large, voluminous and pigment spots, they can pose a great danger. High risk of injury significantly increases the risk of a mole degenerating into a malignant formation. Cancer affecting the skin is extremely dangerous disease and you can calculate it by carefully observing such moles. The most pronounced and dangerous are the following symptoms:

  1. Modification of form;
  2. Change of shade;
  3. The pain is usually throbbing;
  4. Discharge of ichor or blood.

The vast majority of doctors strongly recommend removing such moles to reduce the risk of developing melanoma in the future. This procedure is safe, but it is worth noting that not every mole can be removed, all cases are individual.

Child and nevi

If, then in the vast majority of cases this indicates a hereditary predisposition to the excessive formation of pigmented epidermal cells.

In particular, this process becomes very fast when the child is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

As a rule, nevi in ​​a child are localized in the areas of the back, arms, legs and chest.


If you or your baby has a lot of spots on his body, then deleting them all is pointless and useless. In such cases, it is more advisable to observe the following preventive measures:

  • Minimize or eliminate trips to the solarium;
  • Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight;
  • Regularly use high-quality sunscreens;
  • Avoid injuring the formations and do not pull out hair growing through them.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to add that moles are not a reason to be sad or panic. If you are attentive to your health, monitor the condition of your skin, visit your doctor in a timely manner, worry and take everything necessary measures when physiological changes your body, then no diseases will overtake you! Love yourself, respect and value your health, and it will repay you in a long and happy life no diseases!

Moles ordinary people can name any tumor on the body. Strictly speaking, such a medical term does not exist. In order to know why moles appear, it is necessary to determine their true name and exclude a malignant nature. These various formations form throughout life and can be located at the level of the skin or rise slightly above them. In the vast majority of cases, they are safe and do not affect human life in any way. However, in some situations, which will be discussed below, appearing moles represent mortal danger, which is why they require an immediate radical approach to treatment. Why, if there are any suspicious changes on the skin, you cannot postpone a visit to a specialist who will clarify the nature of the disease and prescribe effective help.

Why do moles appear? Main reasons.

Regardless of the true nature of a particular formation on the body, there are a number of main reasons that answer the question of why moles appear. Classic reasons There are several occurrences of pigmented or vascular formations (red moles) on the body and face. These include:

  • heredity - the process of the appearance of moles is often genetically determined;
  • sun tanning - since ultraviolet radiation causes increased formation of melanin in the skin, there are many pigment cells;
  • hormonal imbalance - a violation of the amount or ratio of certain hormones becomes the reason why moles appear on the body;
  • radiation – leads to changes in the DNA structure of skin epidermal cells and the appearance of various birthmarks;
  • impact infectious agents, usually viruses.

The essence of the problem is turning off the genes that control the excessive proliferation of melanocytes and other skin cells. Or vice versa, the inclusion of genes that enhance reproduction.
Classic causes affect most people and usually result in benign changes to the skin. However there is separate category painful conditions that become the reason why moles of one or more types appear are not always benign. In fact, rare syndromes and there are quite a lot of states. Below are the main ones. These include:

Why do moles appear? Varieties and diseases.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome.

This pathology is a syndrome with multiple moles (nevi) throughout the body, which have irregular shape, often large in size and practically do not rise above the surface of the skin. The syndrome is associated with the appearance of melanoma in at least one blood relative. It is exclusively hereditary in nature, and transmission is carried out according to the dominant type. This means that the reason why moles appear is the transmission of altered genes from parents. A newborn most often does not have moles on his body; nevi are formed under the additional influence of factors external influence with age. This is why many moles appear on the body and face, not inclined to merge with certain characteristics. The latter include:

  • large sizes in diameter, more than 5 mm;
  • the process is multiple, distributed over all parts of the body;
  • the predominant color of the formations is dark brown;
  • there may be redness around emerging moles;
  • most often localized in places protected from direct sunlight.

The disease is dangerous due to its potential degeneration into melanoma. The risk of melanoma developing in one of the nevi is 20 percent. If the age of a patient with dysplastic nevi is over 55 years old, then the risk increases to 70 percent, and upon reaching 75 years old, the prognostic chances of avoiding melanoma are reduced to zero. This is why it is necessary to regularly see an oncologist, photograph and measure the most suspicious of moles with a ruler.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome. This is one answer to the question of why moles appear.

Seborrheic keratosis is the most common reason the appearance of new moles. Its manifestations are extremely varied.

Multiple seborrheic keratosis.

This is a benign process on the skin in people over 30 years of age. It is a hereditary disease that is greatly aggravated by sunburn, which is characterized by the appearance of nevus-like rough brown moles that clearly rise above the surface of the skin. Why moles appear of this type- pigment cells multiply with the simultaneous growth of horny masses on the surface of the skin. The elements are more likely to occur in areas that are exposed to sunlight. External signs emerging moles like seborrheic keratosis:

  • round or ellipsoidal plaques on the body or face with the presence of scales, do not merge with each other;
  • clear demarcation from surrounding tissues; it seems that moles are somehow attached to the surface of the skin;
  • the dimensions can be very large - up to 15 cm, the edges are uneven;
  • the surface of moles is extremely varied, often there are black or white inclusions (horny cysts);
  • there is itching and bleeding from injuries;
  • The disease is benign and rarely causes squamous cell skin cancer.

Multiple senile angiomas.

These are benign vascular formations (red moles) that occur in people of all ages. age group. They just grow to large sizes in old age and begin to get injured and bleed. And, in youth, they do not cause much concern. Even when there are a lot of them. Because they are small. The reasons why red moles appear on the body are unknown. Hereditary predisposition and connection with herpes viruses type 8 are assumed. They are located everywhere on the skin of the body, limbs, less often the face, slightly rising above it. Why red moles appear is due to the growth of small vessels in the upper layers of the skin. They have an exclusively benign course. The main manifestations can be represented as follows:

  • semicircular small formations on the skin, size no more than 5 mm;
  • never merge;
  • color – ruby ​​red;
  • not associated with tanning, located in large numbers throughout the body;
  • more common in people with fair skin;
  • clinical prognosis is favorable. Usually do not require any intervention.

The most common answer to the question of why red moles appear is the development of senile angiomas. Most likely related to viruses.

Many flat brown moles on the body - actinic lentigo. The reason is sunlight.


They are brown, pigment-rich spots on a light background of the skin. Flat moles of various sizes and shapes, but always with clear contours. There are three types of lentigo:

  • simple;
  • solar (actinic);
  • malignant lentigo.

Simple lentigo appears in adolescence, sometimes in childhood. Has nothing to do with tanning. The answer to the question why moles of this type appear is hereditary defects. It looks like a round-shaped spot with clear contours, absolutely flat, clearly standing out against the light background of unchanged skin. Common sizes range from 3 to 5 mm. Can form on mucous membranes. The appearance of these moles is not dangerous; it is only an aesthetic defect.

Solar (actinic) or senile lentigo has a clear connection with tanning and age. It is characterized by its appearance on open areas of the body, most often the arms and face. It has the appearance of a spot that does not rise above the skin, with clear contours and a multifaceted shape. The process appears after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Typically for older people living for a long time in regions with hot sun and young people who use solariums. Why moles of this type appear is due to acquired damage to the DNA of skin cells and a violation of the proliferation of melanocytes.

Lentigo maligna(Dubrey's melanosis) is a malignant process prone to degeneration into melanoma. Forms in people over 50 years of age. It presents as one large hyperpigmented spot with very intense accumulation of melanin. Dimensions reach up to ten centimeters. Localized anywhere on the body, face or limbs. The contours are uneven, erosion and bleeding often appear. A typical precancer, the risk of melanoma from Dubreuil's melanosis is more than 50 percent.

Generalized epidermal nevus.

The disease consists of multiple warty growths over the entire surface of the skin. Why these moles appear is due to an intrauterine defect during the formation of the epidermis. With age they grow in height and become more noticeable. Key Features:

  • total distribution on the skin;
  • externally similar to dark small warts, merging and rising above the skin;
  • typically concentrated in the form of parallel lines;
  • Apart from an aesthetic defect, they do not pose any danger.

Xeroderma pigmentosum.

The disease is a hereditary process in which there is a sharp pathological increase in the sensitivity of the skin to insolation, which is why moles of the most different types from benign to malignant. Most doctors are not aware that there are now 8 types of xeroderma pigmentosum. They all develop at different speeds and have differences in intensity and nature of manifestations. 7 types transmitted by recessive type, one type - dominant. The course of the disease is exclusively progressive, development pathological process has a clear stage pattern, which has different clinical symptoms.
Typical changes for stage 1:

  • after exposure to the sun, exposed skin becomes inflamed;
  • at the site of inflammatory changes, flat dark spots, not rising above the surface of the skin;
  • peeling of the skin is observed in the area of ​​changes;
  • outwardly they look like black freckles, very widespread on the surface of the skin;
  • each subsequent impact sunlight enhances manifestations.

Stage 2, which develops after 4-5 years, is characterized by:

  • thinned areas on the skin with malnutrition, where cracks and ulcers form;
  • variegation of the skin pattern - non-pigmented atrophied areas alternate with hyperpigmented black moles;
  • black warts (seborrheic keratosis) appear, which are clearly visible on the skin;
  • cartilages are affected - the shape of the nose changes, ears, vision is impaired.

The third stage is terminal, characterized by the progressive appearance of lesions malignant tumors and death from metastases of melanoma or squamous cell skin cancer.

Gorlin's syndrome.

The disease occurs due to a genetic defect, and skin manifestations are only part of the syndrome. Moles with moderate pigmentation appear on the skin, rising above the surface of the skin, which are actually basal cell carcinomas. Key Features:

  • typical location: head and neck;
  • the size of basal cell carcinoma moles ranges from small to large, often ulcerated;
  • the edges of the formations are raised like a roll;
  • accompanying defects in the form of dental cysts, altered skull shape, multiple bone defects.

When more and more new moles such as basal cell carcinomas appear on the body, with age it becomes increasingly difficult to treat them in a timely manner. Some of the basal cell carcinomas become huge, which is why patients die.

The answer to the question why moles like basal cell carcinomas appear on the body is due to Gorlin syndrome. Some of them are hanging.

Tuberous sclerosis.

A rare genetic abnormality that is characterized by nervous system and skin with typical changes. Tumor-like tumors form in various organs benign processes, which partially disrupt their functions. Why moles appear on the skin - for the same reason as in internal organs with this pathology. Changes on the skin are different:

  • hypopigment spots - light lesions on the skin, asymmetrical, sometimes large;
  • tumor-like benign tumors faces - dense formations rising above the skin with a pink-red color, outside surface shines;
  • shagreen skin - areas of darkening of the skin of the body of a dense structure, rising slightly above the general background, usually yellowish or Pink colour big size.

Skin problems serious disorders do not bring, the prognosis depends on the condition of the tumors in the internal organs.

Generalized Kaposi's sarcoma.

This is a tumor disease circulatory system with the involvement of lymphoid tissue, skin and multiple damage to organs and systems. Occurs exclusively against the background of immunodeficiency. Carriers of the HIV-AIDS virus, as well as organ recipients, are more likely to get sick. Why moles appear - the disease thus gives new metastases to the skin with Kaposi's sarcoma. Skin manifestations of the disease can be characterized as follows:

  • reddish spots that quickly become bluish;
  • as the spots progress, they merge, nodes form, which die off with the formation of ulcers;
  • typical localization – lower limbs;
  • in advanced stages – a continuous change in skin color with various external manifestations– from bluish spots to nodes and ulcers.

The prognosis is always unfavorable, the disease progresses and leads to death.

Multiple metastases of melanoma.

Melanoma is an extremely malignant neoplasm of pigment cells. Rapidly metastasizes to various organs. Why moles appear on the body with melanoma - new metastases grow around the original tumor or scar after its removal, or in a completely different place. The spread of metastases on the skin indicates a very rapid progress of the tumor. Typical skin manifestations are:

  • many black growing moles on the skin;
  • rise above the surface;
  • fused to surrounding tissues;
  • there is a compaction under the skin of varying severity;
  • May bleed on contact;
  • ulcerations are possible;
  • large affected area, possible fusion;
  • the general condition suffers.

The prognosis for this type of “moles” is extremely unfavorable.

In contact with


In their practical recommendations from 2017 NCCN indicates the presence of a large number of nevi on the skin as risk factors for melanoma. However, he does not name the exact number. The results of research on this issue are quite contradictory, and consensus not among scientists. In this article I will try to summarize the available data and answer the question: “How many moles will be a reason to be regularly observed by a dermato-oncologist?”

Relationship between the number of moles and the risk of melanoma

There is a lot of research on this issue. If you start reviewing everything, you will end up with a long and boring article that you will not be interested in reading, and I will not be interested in writing.

I have selected a few of the most major studies, which will help us form our own opinion on this issue.

However, before considering research data, let’s move from the folk concept of “mole” to the medical concept of “nevus”.

What is a mole and what moles are important?

Already at this stage, interesting things become clear. Not every brown formation on the skin fits the definition of a “mole” and will be counted.

In 1990, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) clearly defined the concept of a “mole” (pigmented nevus) for epidemiological studies of such a type.

Brown or black dark spots or nodules (papules) that stand out quite well more dark color against the background of the surrounding skin. Lesions to be counted should not show signs of freckles, solar lentigines, seborrheic keratosis, café-au-lait spots, or other non-melanocytic lesions.

The conclusions from this definition are both pleasant and not so pleasant:

1) What you previously thought was a mole may not be, and your risk of melanoma will be lower than you thought.

2) You you can't independently count the number of nevi on the skin. This can only be done by a doctor - a dermatologist or dermato-oncologist. I will say more, in some cases, without a dermatoscope, even an experienced specialist will not always be able to distinguish solar lentigo from a pigmented nevus.

Atypical (dysplastic) nevi

According to the same IARC definition from 1990, atypical nevi are subject to separate counting:

Translation. At least part of the nevus must be present in the form of a spot, in addition to this, at least 3 of the following criteria must be present:

(a) unclear boundary;

(b) size 5 mm or more;

(ts) different colors in color;

(e) uneven contour;

(e) redness of the skin.

How many moles is that? And which ones?

I will give 2 of the largest and most recent studies that I was able to find. Both works represent a meta-analysis, i.e. a synthesis of data from several clinical trials. In my opinion, this type of research is often more credible than a single study.

The results of 46 individual studies are summarized.

Everything is the same, but in words: the risk of melanoma increases in direct proportion to the number of nevi, both ordinary and atypical. Minimal risk get melanoma - in a person with 15 or fewer nevi on the skin, no nevi on the hands and no atypical nevi.

The maximum risk is for a person with more than 100 regular nevi, 15 nevi on the hands and 5 atypical nevi.

2. American study from 2010

Catherine M. Olsen, Heidi J. Carroll and David C. Whiteman

Estimating the Attributable Fraction for Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Nevi and Melanoma

The results of 49 studies were summarized.

The results are consistent with previous research.

The risk of melanoma increases with the number of common and/or atypical nevi on the skin.

In contrast to the previous study, it was noted that 42% of patients with melanoma had 25 or more common nevi and/or 1 or more atypical nevus.

Unfortunately, neither in the first nor in the second study the authors make specific recommendations on the frequency and format of observation of patients at risk. We will try to formulate answers to these questions a little later.

If a lot of moles are bad, does that mean they need to be removed?

Fortunately, No.

In a large percentage of cases, melanoma can develop against the background of unchanged skin. From this point of view, removal of ordinary pigmented nevi for the purpose of preventing melanoma is pointless. On the other hand, it is important to note here that if a particular nevus is suspicious to the oncologist, then its removal (with diagnostic purpose) is quite shown.

Does a large number of moles increase the risk of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma?

No. Basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, and melanoma originate from a variety of skin cells. A large number of moles (pigmented nevi) does not increase the risk of developing basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.

What to do if there are a lot of moles on the body?

From the first study we found that the likelihood of developing melanoma increases in direct proportion to the number of ordinary and/or dysplastic (atypical) nevi.

In the second meta-analysis states that people with 25 or more common nevi and/or 1 or more atypical nevi are at risk for developing melanoma.

I think that after reading the previous paragraph, all readers were most likely divided into 3 groups:

  1. “I have a lot of moles and definitely more than 25, I’ll get melanoma! Oh God!"
  2. “I have less than 25 moles and I can now relax 100% about melanoma.”
  3. We ran to count the moles and realized that they couldn’t cope without a doctor.

It seems to me that there is no need to divide everything into black and white. Unfortunately, anyone can get melanoma. And those who have more than 25 moles, and those who have fewer, and even those who have only one or two moles. No one is 100% insured, it’s just that the probability is different for everyone. It's important to understand that the number of moles is only