Thrombosis: diagnosis and symptoms of blood clots. How to recognize the formation of blood clots in time How to find out that there is a problem with blood clots

Blockage of blood vessels by blood clots, the so-called deep and superficial vein thrombosis, is more common in overweight people, heavy smokers, pregnant women and the elderly.

Impaired blood flow due to a blood clot can occur in the body after trauma, orthopedic surgery, when taking oral contraceptives and malignant tumors.

First symptoms

A thrombus as a cause of disturbance of arterial or venous blood flow may manifest itself:

  • painful sensations of a dull, pulling and bursting nature;
  • local bluish-red swelling and skin tension;
  • feeling of burning and numbness.

With thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, the formation of blood clots is a consequence of the inflammatory process. It is accompanied by malaise, general intoxication, fever, severe weakness and sweating.

With phlebothrombosis, blood clots form on the inner walls of the deep veins. Symptoms of intoxication and inflammation are not typical for them. The main causes of this vein damage are recognized:

  • infectious or purulent disease;
  • injury;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • coagulopathy.

Phlebothrombosis often develops in bedridden patients.

A blood clot not detected in the body in a timely manner can become a serious danger to life in the further course of the disease. Breaking away from inner surface deep veins, the thrombus rushes upward with the blood flow and clogs the pulmonary artery.

Thromboembolism pulmonary artery is the main reason sudden death person. How to recognize a blood clot?

What to pay attention to

The condition of your feet cannot be ignored. The onset of the disease is usually asymptomatic, so frequently examine your legs for uneven skin.

Of course, it is possible to detect a blood clot visually, but in very rare cases. Sometimes you can feel it with your fingers. If the resulting blood clot is large enough, its location will reveal Blue colour skin.

More often the problem occurs in lower limbs and less often in the upper ones. If the reason for its formation is inflammation of the walls of the veins in the lower leg, then the muscles are usually swollen, the network of superficial veins is visible, and very severe pain appears when lowering the legs.

If a blood clot has developed in the thigh, it can be recognized by swelling of the skin and swelling of the veins located close to the surface. This is usually accompanied severe pain, blue limbs and swollen veins in groin area.

Secondary signs of a blood clot in the body are malaise, weakness and fever.

If one of the listed signs appears, you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment. You can’t hesitate, as the blood clot can grow quickly.

Along with its acute course, the disease can take chronic form and it is often confused with varicose veins, so a phlebologist will help you figure it out.

Medical specialists will be able to find out the presence vascular problem using hardware examination and special tests (for example, some Homans sign). Ultrasound, venography and angiography will determine whether there is a blood clot, as well as all the slightest violations blood flow

Blood clot in heart disease

A blood clot can form when atrial fibrillation. If the rhythm is disrupted, the movement of blood through the cavities of the heart changes, it stagnates, its cells are deposited on the endocardium, forming a blood clot. But it can also form in other heart diseases:

  • with congenital or acquired heart disease;
  • at acute heart attack myocardium;
  • chronic cardiac aneurysm;
  • with infective endocarditis.

A blood clot in the heart is especially dangerous due to subsequent complications. Having come off, it moves along with arterial blood and at any moment it can disrupt blood flow in the most unexpected place. This is how it arises:

  • stroke – with obstruction of cerebral vessels;
  • myocardial infarction - if the lumen of the coronary arteries closes in the heart;
  • mesenteric thrombosis and peritonitis - with blockage of intestinal vessels;
  • embolism of the arteries of the lower extremities is the cause of their gangrene.

To avoid complications in patients with heart disease and risk factors for embolism and thrombosis, taking antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants will help.


This is quite accessible to everyone if you understand the cause of blood clots and exclude the possibility of their formation. The main thing is to lead an active lifestyle, avoiding blood stagnation. If you need to be in one position for most of the day, take breaks and do exercises.

Risk factors include injury, infection, surgical operations– try to avoid them. Healthy eating, control blood pressure And good mood will help avoid thrombosis.

A hardware examination will allow you to accurately diagnose the condition of veins and blood vessels:

  • method Doppler ultrasound(USD) assess the condition of the walls of blood vessels, the intensity of blood flow, and detect the presence of a blood clot;
  • echocardiography (Echo-CG) will reveal a problem in the heart.

Carrying out a coagulogram will show an assessment of blood viscosity and will identify a predisposition to the formation of blood clots. The disease is characterized increased viscosity And high value d-dimer, a marker of thrombus formation.

Timely identification of a problem in the circulatory system will allow you to deal with it faster and avoid serious complications.


A blood clot can occur in any part of the body - this phenomenon is quite common. But how do you know if there is a blood clot in the body and what is such a pathology?

A thrombus is a bloody clot that occurs in the cavity of the heart or the lumen of a vessel.

Why do blood clots occur?

If there is a blood clot in your body, the cause may be a violation of the anticoagulant and coagulation systems, when there is an increase in coagulation and thickening of the blood. Clots appear in places where the walls of blood vessels are damaged or in areas with atherosclerotic plaques. Next, the process of microinflammation begins, as a result of the deposition of fibrin threads.

This leads to the formation of a primary thrombus. The clot is enlarged by layering thrombotic masses both against the blood flow and along it. If there is a blood clot, it breaks off and blocks the blood flow. The phenomenon becomes deadly.

Causes of blood clots

  • decreased blood flow speed;
  • damage to the walls of blood vessels;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • prolonged immobility (paralysis, work specifics);
  • changes in hormonal levels (abortion, pregnancy, illness endocrine system, taking hormonal medications);
  • wound, trauma, surgical intervention;
  • illnesses of cardio-vascular system(violation heart rate, heart failure, atherosclerosis);
  • genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of blood clot formation

Symptoms may vary depending on which section of the riverbed it is located on. A blood clot in a deep vein may be accompanied by chills, fever, blueness, and severe pain. Sometimes the course is not accompanied by symptoms. If the location of the pathology is superficial vein, then it can be felt, the vessel becomes denser to the touch, and in case of palpation the sensations become painful.

The area affected by the blood clot becomes swollen, reddish, and hot. If the blood clot is in the lower limb, then the person feels pain in the calves and cramps calf muscles. If a vein becomes inflamed and a blood clot forms in its lumen, then in medicine this phenomenon is called thrombophlebitis. In this case, the main symptoms are tissue swelling, redness, bruising, fever, pain in the affected area. At a new stage of the disease, peeling occurs skin, the color changes, a bluish tint is added.

Often such symptoms become a complication of varicose veins. If a blood clot breaks loose on your leg, it can be very sad consequences. The clot can get stuck anywhere circulatory system. This is very dangerous phenomenon, which can often lead to death, for example, when the pulmonary artery is blocked. When the localization of the pathology turns out to be the head, obstruction of the cerebral vessels occurs, leading to a stroke.

The first symptoms of a stroke are loss of balance, speech impairment and paralysis of the limbs. Blockage of blood vessels in the extremities leads to peritonitis and mesenteric thrombosis. Damage to the vessel that feeds the heart causes myocardial infarction.

How to prevent blood clots

For preventive purposes, follow some rules to reduce the likelihood of blood clots:

  • do not stay in one position for a long time. If this is not possible, then make at least small but intermittent movements;
  • try to move more;
  • eat right, drive healthy image life, control your blood pressure.

How to determine the presence of a blood clot?

First of all, you should carefully examine your legs, because most often it is in the extremities that clots appear. We can talk about thrombophlebitis if redness and thickening in the area of ​​the veins are detected, as well as painful sensations when you press. In addition, the temperature in the affected area often rises.

The secondary signs of the disease include: malaise, general weakness, elevated temperature. It should be noted that in patients who are unable to walk, phlebothrombosis of the deep veins in the legs often occurs. After such a phenomenon, you must definitely visit a doctor. The doctor will evaluate the thrombosis that has occurred in the legs, prescribe an ultrasound scan, and tests to check blood clotting.

If blood clots formed in the legs cause complications, then in some situations surgical intervention cannot be avoided. When conducting surgical intervention the pathological blood clot is removed. This action is called thrombectomy in medicine.

In the case of a floating thrombus, the decision to use antiplatelet agents should be made by a doctor; the consequences of taking them can cause detachment. If it is localized in the veins of the legs, then a special filter can be installed and thrombolytic therapy performed. The detached clot will not be able to move further.

Another way to remove a blood clot is minimally invasive; it involves passing the medicine through a catheter directly to the clot. Using such a catheter, absorbable special drugs are administered: Urokinase, Streptokinase and Alteptase. A blood clot in the pulmonary artery may dissolve.

How to resolve a blood clot?

  • antibiotics can be prescribed to relieve inflammation, during purulent processes, at elevated temperatures;
  • Anticoagulants are used to reduce the likelihood of clots. First, you can take low molecular weight heparins, tablets. At this time, you need to monitor blood clotting so that bleeding does not occur;
  • non-standard anti-inflammatory drugs relieve inflammation and pain, prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • fibrinolytics are used to dissolve pathological clots;
  • the walls of blood vessels can be strengthened with the help of Rutoside and Detralex, their analogues;
  • you can use heparin-based gels, creams and ointments;
  • chronic superficial thrombophlebitis can be cured using physiotherapy (UV irradiation, infrared rays).

To correct the blood flow in the veins, elastic bandages and bandages are used - elastic compression. Often there is a need to apply such a bandage to the entire limb. For a period of up to two weeks, compression is required around the clock using elastic bandages medium degree extensibility.

After passing inflammatory symptoms, compression is carried out only during the day, when intense physical exercise. In this case, special stretching knitwear is used. Bandaging with elastic bandages should only be prescribed by a doctor, as it may be contraindicated in some cases.

An effective method of treatment with leeches is hirudotherapy. It is recommended to take the course only in conditions medical institution under the supervision of doctors. Hirudotherapy cannot be used in the presence of purulent thrombophlebitis.

We must adhere and balanced nutrition. Eat foods that can strengthen the walls of blood vessels: garlic, onions, melon, watermelon, pineapple, ginger, more vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of liquid per day. If the disease worsens, eliminate from the diet: fish, meat, peas, beans, soy, black currants, rose hips and bananas.

You can determine the presence of a blood clot at home, but trying to cure it at home is strictly prohibited. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital, as the lack of proper treatment can lead to death.

One of dangerous illnesses For humans, thrombosis is considered. The disease develops against the background of poor circulation and blockage of veins. Symptoms of a blood clot in the leg in the early stages of the disease are not pronounced, but when the blood clot in the limb begins to grow, the situation requires immediate treatment. Blockage of a vein is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, since if untimely help is not given, irreversible necrotic changes occur in the leg.

What is a blood clot in the leg

If blood clots form in the superficial veins of the lower extremities, it means thrombosis has occurred in the leg. As a rule, a blood clot completely or partially blocks blood vessels, which can lead to extreme negative consequences. With venous thrombosis, blood does not move freely through the veins. Due to impaired outflow, stagnation occurs, accompanied by swelling and blue discoloration of the skin. The thrombus is a consequence bad work anticoagulant system when it thickens.

More often, clots appear in the area of ​​damage to the vascular walls or in the area of ​​localization of atherosclerotic plaques. Over time, fibrin threads are deposited there and microinflammation develops, which is the cause of the appearance of the first blood clot. The clot grows due to the layering of thrombotic masses. When there is an excess of them, blood flow stops in the lower limb.

What causes a blood clot to break off in a person?

At first the clot is soft, but over time the structure becomes denser. Under the pressure of blood, the clot breaks away from vascular wall, collapsing into fragments. Some of them undergo destruction, others move to the organs, posing a serious danger to the further functioning of the body. Blood clots that form in large veins are especially dangerous. After tearing off, they migrate through the bloodstream, causing stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, fatal outcome.

The risk group includes the following group of people:

  • men over 40 years old;
  • women during menopause;
  • with obesity;
  • with malnutrition;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol;
  • with reduced activity (physical);
  • pregnant women;
  • after surgery on large joints or abdominal cavity;
  • coffee abusers;
  • smokers;
  • cancer patients;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

How to recognize blood clots

It is very difficult to determine leg thrombosis based on the first signs. An insidious formation often forms in the leg due to prolonged standing, so the symptoms of the disease are easily confused with ordinary physical fatigue lower extremities. The key signs of a blood clot in the leg are changes in skin color. The skin on the affected area becomes reddish-bluish, the process is accompanied by swelling and pain.

What does a blood clot look like?

To see a blood clot in a vein in the leg, you need to carefully examine and feel the lower limbs. If redness or thickening is found in the area of ​​the arteries, pain on palpation, then we can talk about. Sometimes the temperature in a compacted area increases significantly. Often, symptoms of a blood clot in the leg are not present at all, but the neoplasm is visually visible through small swelling and bluish areas, as in the photo.


After the formation of a blood clot in a vein, completely different symptoms. Often the patient experiences pain in the calf muscles when flexing the feet, distension in the area of ​​the affected vessels, inflammation knee joints, severe heaviness of the legs, especially at the end of the day. Secondary symptoms are general malaise, weakness, heat, swelling

Bedridden patients often suffer from phlebothrombosis of the deep veins of the legs. Seeing a doctor after the first symptoms of a blood clot in the leg is a must. The doctor will evaluate the signs of pathology in the body and prescribe diagnostic procedures: Ultrasound scanning and blood clotting tests. The treatment method is selected individually, depending on the type and location of the blood clot, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Symptoms of a detached blood clot

How can you tell if a blood clot has broken off? Immediately after the separation of a dense clot, a person experiences an increase in heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure. The blood supply to the organs deteriorates, collapse occurs, accompanied by chest pain. Such symptoms are typical for. The patient experiences urinary retention, difficulty pronouncing words, swallowing food, and sometimes the person loses consciousness. Due to a malfunction of the stomach and fullness internal organs abdominal pain is felt.

Lack of air and shortness of breath cause respiratory failure, which provokes cyanosis. Often, infarction pneumonia develops or detection occurs, in which the body temperature increases. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by hemoptysis. If the blood clot is not treated, then after a while reactions of the immune system appear: a rash appears on the skin, reactive pleurisy develops, and the concentration of eosinophils in the blood increases.

What to do if you have a blood clot in your leg

As soon as the first signs of a blood clot in the leg are noticed, the patient should immediately be provided with bed rest, complete rest and call ambulance. It is impossible to predict the future fate of the patient, because sometimes death occurs within a few minutes. To save the patient, the doctor makes a decision based on the current situation. Important has localization of the thrombus. If they manage to deliver the person to the hospital, they will be admitted the following measures to save his life:

  • surgery to remove the stuck clot;
  • installation of a venous vena cava filter, which is capable of intercepting a detached thrombus;
  • introduction large quantity anticoagulant into the vessel (Heparin is often used).

Although deep vein thrombosis is a disaster, blood clot rupture in the lower extremities is rare. For this to happen, three reasons must come together:

  1. Vein inflammation. Even the initial degree of varicose veins signals pathology. Availability on feet spider veins- already light inflammatory process. He needs timely therapy so as not to wait for the formation of a blood clot.
  2. Slowing blood flow. Occurs with a sedentary lifestyle. Out of employment muscular system will not normal tone venous walls. You don't have to do strength training or running. You need to walk regularly and learn to breathe from your stomach to help your blood circulation.
  3. Increased clotting blood. As a result poor nutrition Blood viscosity increases and clots form. To liquefy, it is necessary to include in the diet foods such as beets, garlic, oatmeal, eggs, sunflower seeds, and sour milk products. Besides special diet, can be taken additionally medicines(Aspirin).


Sometimes blood clots resolve on their own. This happens when healthy eating, active image life, giving up drinking alcohol and smoking. However, this does not happen immediately. Sometimes it takes several years to get rid of a blood clot. If the disease is not treated, circulatory problems can lead to poor condition skin, dry mucous membranes, autoimmune changes. As a result of insufficient nutrition of tissues, their death will gradually occur - gangrene will occur, which will lead to the loss of a limb.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Thrombophlebitis is typical for the extremities, especially the lower ones. To find out if there are blood clots, you need to carefully examine your legs. Firstly, pay attention to the evenness of the surface. Secondly, the sensations when pressed are significant. Thirdly, skin temperature plays a role.

Signs of thrombophlebitis

If a swollen seal on a vein is found on the surface of the legs, pressure on which causes pain, most likely it is thrombophlebitis. When you touch this area, a rise in temperature is felt. Homans syndrome may occur. Dorsiflexion of the feet leads to pain in the calf muscle.

Even if thrombosis occurs without pain, blue areas of the skin signal precisely this. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the skin of the legs for areas where swollen, blue spots are observed. During the development of thrombophlebitis, weakness may develop, general bad feeling. Possible increase in temperature. Bedridden patients are characterized by thrombosis affecting the deep veins of the leg.


If such signs are present, you need to consult a specialist. At the first stage of the examination, the doctor will ask you to do a coagulogram showing the functionality of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems. This one is very important analysis, giving the opportunity precise setting diagnosis, correct purpose treatment, monitoring its effectiveness. With its help, you can identify emerging complications.

This analysis must be done in the morning on an empty stomach. It involves counting platelets, prothrombin, and fibrinogen in the blood. Except laboratory diagnostics, conduct other studies: ultrasound, venography, plethysmography. They are needed to find a formed blood clot, identify blood flow disturbances, and check whether all vessels are filled as they should.

Risk group

Those people who are at risk need to be especially careful about their health. The following categories of people are at risk.

1. Having a pathology of blood clotting;

2. Having heart and vascular diseases;

3. C varicose veins veins;

4. Suffering from liver diseases;

5. Having autoimmune diseases;

6. In the postoperative period;

7. Smokers.

People taking medications that may contribute to the development of this pathology are also susceptible to thrombophlebitis.

The danger of thrombosis is that the movement of a blood clot can lead to the death of the patient. This happens with sepsis or pulmonary embolism. In order not to push your body to extremes, you need to monitor the condition and follow medical instructions.

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Venous thrombosis is the process of formation of a blood clot localized in the lumen of a vessel. The disease leads to impaired blood circulation in the affected area. The person suffers from pain, redness and swelling. With absence timely treatment general state the person is deteriorating.

The World Health Organization maintains its statistics, according to which every 4 people have similar problems with health. The disease turns out to be even more dangerous, since even with an asymptomatic course it can cause the death of the patient - as a result of pulmonary embolism.

Russian statistics are horrifying: thrombosis is diagnosed in 240 thousand people per year. Women suffer 5-6 times more often than men, which is explained by the use of contraceptives, pregnancy and simply high level hormones.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

People with overweight and over 40 years old. In the case of a “combination” of two factors, the likelihood of developing thrombosis increases 5 times.

The described blood clots form in arteries, capillaries and veins. Their localization in most cases is noted in the lower extremities, where the lower leg is most affected.

The location of thrombi is mostly diagnosed near the wall, as a result of which they are called parietal. In some cases, complete occlusion of the lumen is noted - the formation of an obturable thrombus.

The formation of a blood clot is a natural process in the life of the human body. Thanks to blood clotting and the formation of platelet and collagen clots, bleeding is prevented and a person’s wound heals. Problems are caused by an imbalance of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems.

Mechanism of occurrence

During normal human life, blood flows through the arterial and venous channels, due to which tissue breakdown products are washed out and organs are saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

The formation of thrombosis begins in the case of:

  • a decrease in blood flow speed in certain areas, which is a consequence of heart disease;
  • an increase in blood density due to an imbalance in the quantitative balance of the content of biological components - the concentration of low-density lipoproteins increases, the protein composition due to the inflammatory process;
  • narrowing of the vessel due to the formation of inflammation inside its wall, which is characterized by atherosclerotic changes - development occurs due to arteritis and aneurysm of blood vessels and the heart;
  • absence required quantity coagulation factors leading to increased blood clotting;
  • platelet clumping caused by shock - sepsis, burn or injury.

Pathology develops in the veins and arterial vessels, and due to infectious inflammation walls venous thrombosis occurs much more often. The disease is dangerous if the parietal thrombus is localized in the atrium in the presence of a heart defect. In cases of experience state of shock or heavy bleeding blood clots form in capillaries.

Thrombosis occurs suddenly due to acute diseases. Physiological properties the body and its the immune system directly influence the formation of the presented pathology. Important role The reaction of the nervous and endocrine systems to the development of any disease plays a role in protecting against thrombosis.

Thrombosis poses a certain danger with the development of brain diseases or changes hormonal levels. Here are the consequences of education blood clots may be the most unexpected. The resulting lesions lead to their rapid development, which provokes dangerous conditions for a person.

Arterial thrombosis is characterized by the formation of a fibrin film at the site of injury, after which platelets with an opposite electrical charge flock to it, which leads to adhesion.

Later they are joined by leukocytes, erythrocytes, and new fibrin plates. The blood clot enlarges and becomes denser over a long period of time.

Such clusters are subdivided:

If a layered thrombus forms over a long period of time, it can disintegrate on its own - revascularization occurs (restoration of vessel patency).

Symptoms of vascular thrombosis appear when 10% to 50% of the normal blood supply is affected - it all depends on the degree of importance of the vessel in a person’s life.

Main symptoms of thrombosis

How does thrombosis manifest? Pain, heaviness and swelling, distension inside the affected area. External definition thrombosis is possible depending on the degree of damage to the vein.

For example, finding a blood clot in the ileum or femoral vein leads to swelling throughout the leg, the skin becomes blue.

Gradually impaired blood flow provokes redistribution of clots into saphenous veins, why it appears vascular network or “protruding” veins are noted on the abdomen. During the course of the disease, the patient complains of weakness and chills, increased body temperature.

Thrombosis of small veins for a long time does not appear. The presence of problems can only be determined by own feelings while walking.

The portal vein is a vessel that facilitates blood flow from the unpaired abdominal organs - the stomach, pancreas, intestines and spleen. Blood from these organs enters the liver, where it is purified. When blood clots form in the portal vein, the likelihood of developing liver disease increases.

Symptoms of thrombosis include:

  • abdominal pain;
  • bloating;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • vomiting red-brown discharge;
  • black shade of the chair;
  • enlarged spleen.
Blockage of the pulmonary artery is formed due to the flow of blood from the veins of the legs and pelvis.

The consequences of blockage directly depend on the size and number of clots received, the reaction of the lungs, and the activity of the entire thrombolytic system of the body. If a small blood clot enters the pulmonary artery, symptoms may not appear at all.

Signs of pathology make themselves felt in the presence of large blood clots, which provoke impaired gas exchange in the lungs and hypoxia.

Signs of pulmonary artery blockage include:

  • chest pain similar to a heart attack;
  • pale and blue skin;
  • enlarged veins in the neck;
  • cough with bloody discharge;
  • wheezing;
  • loss of consciousness.
Thrombosis in 70% of cases affects the vessels of the lower extremities. TO dangerous situations include blockage of deep veins in the thighs or popliteal parts. The pathology that develops in the lower extremities may not manifest itself at all in the initial stages, which is why the unexpected “prominence” of veins in the legs becomes surprising.

You should treat your condition carefully and sound the alarm if you find:

  • swelling;
  • pain while walking or bending the ankle joint;
  • pain on the inner surface of the thigh and foot;
  • skin redness;
  • seizures

Manifested by shortness of breath, increased body temperature, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Thrombosis in upper limbs rarely diagnosed, but can lead to serious consequences due to the danger of the presented pathology. The symptoms in the initial stages are no different from a bruised arm.

It is noted here:

  • swelling;
  • pain;
  • turning blue.

As the pathology develops, the patient may feel a burning sensation, numbness or loss of skin sensitivity.

The brain is connected to veins and arteries, which can also form blood clots, which can lead to a stroke. Symptoms of cerebral vascular thrombosis are more pronounced, increase quickly and directly depend on their location.

Symptoms include:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • decreased vision or hearing;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea and vomiting.
Formation of blood clots in veins hemorrhoidal node is a complication of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of this pathology include:

  • severe pain and itching;
  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling and swelling of nodes.
This defeat is dangerous due to the absence of “preliminary” signs. Already during its development, retinal vein thrombosis manifests itself as vision loss.
The mesenteric vein belongs to the intestines. It carries out the outflow of blood from the represented organ.

Thrombosis manifests itself as:

  • dull aching pain in the abdomen, which may bother the patient for several days;
  • bloating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general deterioration of the condition, which indicates intestinal necrosis or inflammation of the peritoneum.

The pathology presented is insidious because early stages do not signal signs that would make it possible to detect the development of thrombosis. The symptoms that appear already indicate serious damage.

Ileofemoral thrombosis is damage to the femoral and iliac veins.

Here are the following signs:

  • swelling of the legs with a change in skin color from red to blue;
  • the formation of brown dots when the shade of the skin changes, which disappear when pressed;
  • pain in the leg or legs, groin area, gradually increasing as the pathology develops;
  • increase in body temperature.

Treatment of thrombosis is long-term; the patient will constantly have to comply with the conditions and actions to prevent it.