Removal of tartar by ultrasound in cats. How to properly remove tartar from cats

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Most cats develop dental problems with age, and today will talk about the causes of dental diseases, removal of tartar in cats and prevention at home.

Adult cats have 30 teeth (not much less than a human), and care for them falls entirely on the owner. AT wild nature mechanical removal of plaque occurs during chewing of bones or grass, but home food significantly different, and finding a replacement is not always easy. Healthy teeth have a white or slightly yellowish color, the gums are pink and calm, without any redness. At improper hygiene oral cavity cats older than 6 years of age often develop periodontal disease and, subsequently, resorption (destruction) of the tooth. How can you remove tartar from adult cat and prevent dental problems?

Prevention at home

Since most dental diseases begin with the accumulation of plaque and calculus, main method Prevention, no matter how trite it sounds, is regular brushing of teeth.

Most cats do not particularly favor this procedure, so it is advisable to accustom it to it from childhood.

Gels and pastes

To brush your teeth, you need to choose a special cat gel or paste - they have a variety of flavor additives helping the cat come to terms with the procedure. The gels and pastes contain enzymes that kill bacteria, which prevents the appearance of plaque first, and then stone. The indisputable advantage of the gel is that, as a rule, there is no need for a toothbrush - the gel can simply be applied to the teeth. This should be done regularly, preferably daily.

Instead of gel and paste, you can also use special sprays for teeth.

Special treats

The pads or sticks also help prevent tartar build-up by mechanically brushing while chewing. Treats can be given once or twice a week.

Special wipes for cleaning teeth

In addition to softening tartar, these wipes also have an antimicrobial effect, as well as freshen breath. However, the site finds this method the most inconvenient, because, by wrapping a napkin around your finger, you have to brush your teeth. However, if your cat takes such a procedure calmly, you may well take care of his oral cavity with napkins.

Special chew toys

The surface of these toys is abrasive, so during chewing they remove plaque on the teeth and also massage the gums. Inside, as a rule, catnip is contained, and cats chew these toys with pleasure.

Drinking Water Additives

They work in the same way as tooth gel, with the difference that you add them to a bowl of water instead of applying them to your teeth. However, they are less effective in preventing plaque.

Medical food

There is a fairly large line of specialty dental foods. They do prevent plaque, but they are not able to cope with the removal of already existing tartar in cats. In addition, adult cats are often reluctant to change their usual diet.

When to See a Doctor

If your cat has bad breath, drooling or severe redness gums - you can not avoid a visit to veterinarian. The problem is also indicated by a lack of appetite, meowing during meals, chewing on only one side. It is not worth dragging out time, since periodontal disease in some cases can be a symptom systemic diseases(For example, kidney failure), besides, all diseases of the gums and teeth cause pain to the animal!

Tartar removal procedure

In most cases, the removal of tartar in cats is carried out under general anesthesia. If the cat is already old, blood tests may be needed to evaluate general state body before anesthesia. In some cases, an x-ray is needed to assess the condition of the roots of the tooth or to exclude a tumor.

During the procedure, the doctor will remove the stone above and below the gum line with a special ultrasonic scaler and polish the tooth surface, and then give recommendations for treatment in each specific case.

How often should tartar be removed?

It so happens that cats suffer from about the same diseases as humans. Often they face the problem of tartar deposits. What is tartar? These are calcareous deposits with a fairly stable structure that grow rapidly and give the tooth a yellow or dark brown color.

These are lime deposits formed due to the presence of microorganisms, dark brown or yellow in color and hard to the touch. Tartar in cats begins to form as early as childhood. On the initial stage disease, plaque is formed due to plaque accumulated on the surface of the teeth and harmful microorganisms. As a rule, it is found on fangs and molars, over time it grows and gives a rather unattractive appearance.

Reasons for education

In veterinary medicine, several reasons are known that affect the formation of tartar:

  • Not right balanced diet cat. Absence natural food leads to the formation of microorganisms, which, when interacting with saliva, leads to the formation of deposits.
  • Ill-formed bite.
  • Metabolic disorders in the cat's body lead to improper salt metabolism, resulting in the growth of tartar.
  • Poor oral care.
  • Availability inflammatory process gums

Types of tartar

Tartar, as a rule, is formed in places of washing with saliva, incisors and molars are subject to it. Sometimes these formations cover not one, but several teeth in a row. Dental stones are divided according to their location. They are:

  • Supragingival. This type of deposits is located above the gum. It can be seen during the examination of the oral cavity of the animal.
  • Subgingival. These deposits are located on the root of the tooth, under the gum. During the inspection, it is impossible to notice. It contributes to the formation of such places in the gums of a cat where bacteria accumulate. As a result, loosening and loss of the tooth occurs.


Even the most inexperienced owner will understand that the cat has developed tartar. The most common symptoms:

  • Extremely unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • Growths formed on the surface of the teeth.
  • Inflammatory processes of the gums.
  • The cat is extremely irritated during the meal, shakes its head, growls.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Loosening and loss of teeth.
  • The cat regularly rubs its cheek against something.
  • Yellow or dark brown plaque at the base of the tooth.
  • Edema of the oral mucosa.
  • Swollen eyes.


If any of these symptoms are found, it is urgent to contact a veterinarian in order to accurately diagnose and begin qualified treatment. Diagnosis of the disease includes only a visual examination by a veterinarian dentist. Usually, after examining in question about emergency treatment pathological process.

How is the removal

Removal of tartar is enough painful procedure, which lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. As a rule, cleaning is carried out in three stages, only observance of all stages will help to qualitatively clean the formed growths on the teeth. If the procedure was performed poorly or without any point, then the stone will form again, and the animal will have to go through this again. unpleasant procedure, which includes:

  • Mechanical removal of large stones with dental instruments.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning is performed to eliminate small stones.
  • Grinding and polishing of teeth are performed using special pastes.

If the animal is old or sick and cannot withstand general anesthesia, then the veterinarian develops step-by-step treatment growth, which is produced without the use of anesthesia, under the influence of painkillers. The stone in this case is removed gradually, over several visits to the clinic.

Is it possible to remove tartar at home

Tartar treatment can only be done in the clinic. Removal at home is impossible, as this is a rather complicated procedure, which is done mainly under anesthesia in a veterinary clinic.

Do not, under any circumstances, remove tartar at home, as this can cause severe pain to the cat and damage to health.

How to prepare your cat for surgery

If, after examination, the veterinarian prescribed surgery using general anesthesia, then the owner at home must prepare the pet for this unpleasant event:

  • The young animal should prepare by fasting for 12 to 24 hours.
  • Elderly cats, or those pets that have any health problems, should be prepared with laboratory tests and a close examination by a veterinarian before surgery.

Cat care after removal

After the treatment has been made, the cat will need careful care, which includes:

  • Painkillers that can be given at home.
  • Food should be semi-liquid, gentle and slightly warm.


So that the cat does not have similar problem, it is necessary to prevent tartar at home, which includes simple rules:

  1. Regular brushing of the cat's teeth will help to avoid these troubles. Moreover, you need to start accustoming a kitten to hygiene in the oral cavity, because they get used to it more easily than adult cats.
  2. A balanced diet also prevents problems with stone formation. Dry foods have proven themselves very well, they contain dietary fibers that have a beneficial effect on the surface of the teeth and produce additional cleaning.
  3. There are now commercially available foods that have added polyphosphate, which creates a protective film on the teeth that protects against plaque.
  4. Taking vitamins that help full preservation pet health, and the oral cavity is no exception.
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders lead to alkaline balance in the oral cavity of a cat, so regular check-ups are necessary to monitor the health of the pet.
  6. Regular check-ups by a veterinarian dentist are recommended as a preventive measure. various diseases oral cavity.

Dry food is not a panacea for the formation of tartar, they are good at preventing plaque formation only if oral hygiene is observed.

At-risk groups

  1. Tartar in cats usually forms when it reaches the age of more than five years, especially if the animal's oral cavity has not been properly cared for. AT recent times this problem began to occur in young individuals, there is a relationship with an unbalanced feed of the animal.
  2. In veterinary medicine, there is evidence that the most common breeds, such as Persian, Siamese, Scottish, are most predisposed to this disease. This is due to the fact that sometimes unskilled breeders weaken the gene pool of these sought-after cats.
  3. Yard cats living in countryside and eating natural food are less susceptible to this disease. They have more strong immunity than their elite relatives.

With careful care of the cat, problems such as the formation of tartar in the pet can be avoided. If such a nuisance touched your pet, you need the help of a qualified specialist.

Tartar in cats is a grey-green hard formation that forms on the incisors, molars and lateral surfaces of the canines.

In the natural habitat, tartar in the cat family practically does not form, due to the peculiarities of their diet - solid natural food prevents the formation of tartar in them, since they naturally clean their teeth.

Etiology. One of the main reasons for the formation of tartar in a cat is feeding the animal "refined" foods, consisting of soft foods, a violation mineral metabolism substances in the body of the animal, lack of oral hygiene in the animal, violation of the location of the dentition, roughness of the teeth.

Cats of the following breeds are predisposed to the deposition of tartar on the teeth - Siamese, Persian, Scottish and British Fold.

Pathogenesis. As a result of malnutrition of a cat, the oral cavity is constantly clogged with food debris, which in the oral cavity is an excellent breeding ground for numerous microbes inhabiting the oral cavity. All this leads to the formation of tartar in a cat, which accumulates over a certain time at the base of the tooth, closer to the gum, forming tartar. Lime deposits and microorganisms located on them begin to actively produce lactic acid, as a result, the normal acid-base balance in the oral cavity is disturbed. Tartar begins to be deposited at the edge of the gum, then covers the crown of the tooth and passes to the entire surface of the tooth. Tartar mechanically irritates and infects the mucous membrane of the gums and the edges of the alveoli. The stone itself does not destroy the tissue of the tooth.

Initially, tartar has the appearance of a yellow-brown plaque that accumulates on the front side of the molars. With inside less stone build-up it is scraped off in the process of nibbling on solid food.

Clinical picture. During a clinical examination of the oral cavity in a cat, we note the presence of tartar in the gums. At the same time, under the gum, when examining the oral cavity, the tartar is not outwardly noticeable, which is the insidiousness of this disease, because. this stone contributes to the formation of a gingival pocket, where it accumulates a large number of microorganisms, as a result, the cat has problems with the gums, and the teeth begin to loosen and fall out. The gums of the cat are inflamed (gingivitis), bleeding. An unpleasant odor emanates from the cat's mouth, we note atypical eating behavior in the cat (arising from pain), the cat begins to refuse food, exhaustion is observed.

Treatment. The owner needs to prepare for the operation to remove tartar from a cat. If the cat is young and does not have chronic diseases, it is enough not to feed her for 12-24 hours before the operation. At the same time, the elderly and those with health problems need serious preparation. These cats need careful clinical examination holding laboratory research blood and urine.

Treatment of tartar in a cat consists in the elementary removal of stones from the surface of the dentition. This procedure in cats is carried out under general anesthesia. Depending on the degree of the condition of the tartar, the procedure lasts about 1 hour, and sometimes more.

The process of removing tartar from a cat includes 3 stages.

1st stage. Mechanical treatment of the surface of the dentition using a dental instrument.

2nd stage. Ultrasonic cleaning of tartar.

3rd stage. Final grinding of the dentition with cleansing pastes.

In veterinary clinics, the removal of plaques and serious growths of tartar in a cat under anesthesia with the help of special dental instruments is practiced. Removal of tartar in a cat with ultrasound with a slight lesion and when the gum sinuses are not affected. Grinding is usually applied in the initial stages of the disease. Teeth are cleaned with a special paste that neutralizes most of the microorganisms and partially evens out the enamel. During the grinding procedure, the veterinarian “removes” part of the enamel and sometimes injures the gums. After this procedure, the oral cavity of the animal is decontaminated, in some cases, if necessary, a course of immunostimulants or antibiotics is prescribed. After the procedure for removing tartar, the cat is fed a sparing warm diet, if necessary, it is necessary to give painkillers. In older cats, as well as in the presence of chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, central nervous system, development opportunities allergic reaction, as well as the occurrence of anesthesia anaphylactic shock, brushing of teeth should be carried out without anesthesia.

Prevention. Given that tartar can form not only in adult cats, but also in young kittens, the prevention of this disease must begin at a young age. You need to accustom your pet to regular examination of the oral cavity and teeth, brushing teeth with a special paste. In order to prevent the formation of tartar in your pet, you should:

  • visit every 6 months veterinary clinic for preventive examination;
  • brush your teeth, especially if your cat breed is prone to tartar formation;
  • the diet of feeding should be varied, the diet should contain hard food, and in summer and green grass. You can give your pets dried tendons;
  • practice seasonal intake of vitamins;
  • conduct timely treatment diseases gastrointestinal tract because they cause disruption acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

A pet living nearby is always worried about the owner's health. It is worth getting sick and a purring lump comes to the bed, puts his head on his chest, empathizes, regrets, there is an opinion that cats even heal their owners. But among the owners, it is common practice to treat the animal only when the condition no longer leaves a choice. And cats suffer from the same diseases as humans, they get colds, flu, headaches and toothache. Tartar in cats is one of the most common ailments, but how often do owners think about its treatment, because the pet does not complain, does not even seem to suffer.

Does your pet have a strange smell from its mouth? Does your cat squint or squint when it chews? Does the animal shake its head when you stroke its cheek? - It is possible that these are signs early development or progression of dental disease.

Important! Dental calculus is by no means a cosmetic problem! This is a disease of the oral cavity, leading to damage to the gums, tooth decay, hypersensitivity and severe aching pain.

Saliva is a fermented liquid that pre-softens and prepares food for digestion. After eating, food particles remain in the mouth, which continue to be processed by saliva. Saliva enzymes cannot ensure the process of complete decay, and half-life products are most often harmful, sometimes poisonous, substances.

After 6–8 hours, the bacteria and microorganisms remaining in the oral cavity begin to divide and “settle in a new place”, this leads to the formation of a primary plaque. Everyone knows the feeling when teeth become rough. But the requirements of personal hygiene say about mandatory cleaning teeth twice a day, thus a person gets rid of harmful bacteria. Cats, for years, live without hygiene procedures, new thin layers of plaque are formed daily, and the old ones harden and turn into tartar. building material is potassium and phosphorus, which is found in saliva. In addition to discomfort, harmful bacteria constantly multiply in the oral cavity, infect the gums, “eat” the enamel and the soft body of the teeth. As a result, aggravated tooth sensitivity during chewing, pulpitis, stomatitis and constant pain.

Need to understand! The opinion that in nature cats do not suffer from dental diseases is an unfounded myth! diet wild cats consists of rough food, which allows you to partially clean off plaque. Their lifespan is much shorter than that of pets, so dental problems, most often, simply do not have time to develop.

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How to determine the tendency of a cat to form tartar - symptoms and consequences

Absolutely all people, cats and other pets are prone to the formation of tartar. The main reasons are violation of hygiene rules, ignoring preventive measures, unhealthy lifestyle and lifestyle.

Among the many reasons, one can single out factors that increase the risk:

  • Popular breeds- Siamese, Persian, Scottish and British lop-eared cats. Many breeders are engaged in breeding these breeds, unfortunately, not always decent ones. Mixing related bloodlines and “transferring” the breed for financial gain have weakened the gene pool of animals for years, as a result, cats have become prone to diseases. "Yard" cats, whose generations replenish and thin out every year, are less susceptible to genetic mutations so they have a stronger immune system. However, the conditions of their residence contribute to diseases.
  • Metabolic disease- a congenital abnormality that cannot be completely cured. Plaque is formed due to the excessive content of salts and trace elements in saliva. Cats with a similar ailment need regular hygiene procedures.
  • Malocclusion- congenital or acquired deviation. It leads to a violation of the natural removal of plaque by friction.
  • Enamel roughness This feature is as common in cats as it is in humans. The rough surface of the teeth is not a deviation, but requires constant monitoring.
  • Unnatural feeding- Compassionate owners often follow the lead of little cunning and feed them exclusively with boiled fish, canned food or dry food. In nature, cats gnaw bones, chew tendons for hours, eat grass and branch bark - this is a natural process of cleaning their teeth.

Breeder advice! Dear owners, stop indulging your pets in the form of their food. Almost all pets are manipulators - accept it. Realize that by regretting you are harming them. If your pet refuses to eat, don't panic! There are no cases in the practice of keeping animals starvation with a full bowl of unloved, but healthy food.

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The modern pace of life and the quality of food make it much more difficult to maintain the health of both owners and their pets. Teeth cleaning and tartar removal in cats necessary measure for the comfort of your pet. You can also diagnose the presence of tartar at home. If your pet has symptoms listed below, do not delay and contact your veterinarian for a professional examination and treatment.

  • The cat often shakes its head- an ambiguous sign. It should be understood that a disease of the oral cavity can lead to complications that can affect the ears, nasolacrimal ducts and mucous membranes. The degree of damage is diagnosed by a veterinarian.
  • Trembling when chewing or refusal to eat clear sign painful sensations.
  • The cat is uncomfortable smells from the mouth- Strong, putrid smell. The reason may be a disease of the teeth or malfunctions in the digestive system.
  • Redness or bleeding gums visually resembling human periodontal disease.
  • Visually recognizable plaque or crusts at the base of the teeth - the color can vary from yellowish to dark brown. Progressing, the stone strikes chewing teeth, fangs, and after the front incisors. Examples in the photo below.

If the symptoms are ignored, the animal not only suffers, but also runs the risk of acquiring more difficult to treat ailments:

  • - a favorable environment for bacteria contributes to the destruction of enamel.
  • – the initial stage of periodontal disease.
  • periodontal disease- an infectious disease of the gums, which leads to bleeding and friability of tissues, as a result of tooth loss.
  • Pulpitis- inflammation of the dental nerve leading to constant acute pain.
  • Stomatitis- bacterial infection of the oral cavity. It is fraught with the formation of acid plaque, enamel erosion, burning sensation.
  • fragility of teeth- thinned enamel and the affected tooth body become softer.

Important! Tartar is not only on the visible part of the tooth, but also under the gum. Even if visually it seems that the lesion is insignificant, there can be a serious risk of complications.

Tartar removal

Medication cleaning of tartar in cats, most often, the procedure is unpleasant and painful. To facilitate the procedure, the animal is immersed in anesthesia, the field receives painkillers and appropriate care.

Depending on the degree of damage, several treatment options are possible:

  • Plaques and serious growths are removed only under anesthesia, with the help of special dental instruments.
  • Removal of tartar in cats with ultrasound is used if the lesion is minor and the gum sinuses are not affected.
  • Grinding. It is used in the early stages of the disease. Teeth are cleaned with a special paste that neutralizes most of the bacteria and partially evens out the enamel. During grinding, the veterinarian “removes” part of the enamel and often injures the gums - these are inevitable troubles. After the procedure, the cat must be fed with gentle warm food, if necessary, give painkillers.


Man intervenes in evolution by breeding cat breeds with desired characteristics. modified animals along with useful qualities acquire malformations, one of which is a predisposition to the formation of tartar. They are hardened plaque, consisting of food particles, dead cells, microbes, mineral salts. It represents education yellow color, located along the gum, at the place of its contact with the teeth.

Infection of the covering texture is accompanied by severe inflammation. Living conditions in the apartment, mistakes in feeding the pet also contribute to the occurrence of pathology.

Fellinologists who suggest that cats retain their strong teeth, are delusional. Pets also have problems with the condition of the oral cavity, accompanied by the appearance bad smell or loss of appetite. Cats that have developed tartar eat with caution and may develop gum disease, pain. Animals over 3 years of age are predominantly affected.


There are the following reasons for the formation of dentoliths:

  • Inflammation of the gums.
  • Loss of one of the opposing fangs.
  • Increased mineral metabolism.
  • Feeding exclusively wet food.
  • Congenital roughness of teeth.
  • A plaque forms, which gradually hardens

Deficiency is considered to be a predisposing factor in the formation of dental stones. ascorbic acid or an increased need for it due to infectious disease. creates an unfavorable background prolonged use steroid antiphlogistics that destroy collagen fibers.

Varieties of stones

Dentoliths are formed, mainly where a lot of saliva is secreted - on the lower incisors and molars. There are superficial stones, clearly visible and hidden, formed on the root of the tooth.

The danger of dentoliths

At malnutrition dental plaque is formed, gradually mineralizing and hardening. Only a veterinary dentist can save a cat from an unpleasant formation. Not removed dentolitis grow, lead to the emergence and loss of teeth.


Among the signs of the presence of dentoliths in a cat, the following are noted:

  • Detection of hard yellowish-brown plaque on the teeth.
  • Ulcerative stomatitis. The cat cannot eat, is very thin.
  • Starvation provokes the occurrence of indigestion.
  • The pet often shakes its head.
  • Bleeding of mucous membranes. Touching the gums is painful.
  • The stench from the mouth.
  • Injuries of the tongue and cheeks.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Anxiety when eating food. It hurts for a cat to chew.
  • The appearance of swelling under the jaw and eyes.

At inflammatory diseases mouth cavity, there are pathologies of the teeth - periodontal disease, pulpitis. The process extends to neighboring parts of the body - ears, eyes, nasal passages.


Therapy consists in removing the dental growth and eliminating complications. The procedure for cleaning teeth from stone is painful, so it is carried out under systemic anesthesia. Layers are destroyed by ultrasound, and if such equipment is not available in the clinic, dental instruments are used.

When removing dentolith, it is necessary to carefully clean the teeth and gums from the smallest residues, as they will serve as the center of new crystallization.

Before the destruction of the stone, it is separated from the effects of saliva with cotton rolls soaked in iodine solution. Tiny deposits are moistened with lactate, which dissolves lime salts. Some time later, the acid is neutralized with baking soda. Surgery ends with teeth polishing. After carrying out procedures for the destruction of dentoliths, the oral cavity is sanitized with an antiseptic and astringents.

Before the operation, fasting is done for 12 ... 24 hours. Old and also suffering chronic ailments cats are pre-examined.

If the pathology is detected in the initial stage, polishing is carried out. The teeth are cleaned with a specialized paste, in which the surface is leveled and destroyed. most of microorganisms. The tissue is partially injured, so for some time the cat has to be fed soft warm food. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use analgesics.

In cats with problems for health reasons or predisposition to allergies, cleaning without anesthesia is used. In some situations, a step-by-step stone removal plan is developed, in several stages using painkillers.


Prevention of the formation of dentoliths is the observance of the following recommendations:

  • Weekly brushing of teeth and rinsing of the mouth with preparations that destroy deposited lime salts. Fellinologist is able to make the simplest remedy on his own by mixing Iodine tincture 5% alcohol with a double volume baking soda.
  • If plaque is found, it is dissolved with hydrogen peroxide applied with a cotton swab. It is advisable to rub the product on tooth enamel without damaging the mucosa. Removing the bacterial film prevents deposits of lime salts on it. The fight against dentoliths ends with rinsing the mouth with water from a syringe.
  • Usage prepared feed factory preparation. They contain minerals in optimal proportions, as well as coarse particles, with the help of which the teeth self-clean from plaque.

All manipulations are carried out with carefully fixed cats. They definitely won’t like the first treatments, but in the future, pets get used to their inevitability, so they react relatively calmly. Great importance has dental health for cats making breeding careers. One of the criteria for exterior evaluation at the exhibition is the condition of the teeth.

There are rules, following which it is possible to avoid the formation of tartar in a cat:

  • At least twice a year, undergo a veterinary examination.
  • In the intervals between visits to the clinic, independently monitor the state of the oral cavity.
  • Brush your teeth regularly if it is determined that the cat is predisposed to the formation of dentoliths. An event that does not delight either the cat or the owner, but necessary.
  • Nutritionally balanced diet, as well as the structure of feed particles. Herbs are a must on the menu. By volume, the diet should consist of 80% dry food. It is advisable to observe intervals of 4-5 hours between feeding solid and soft foods.
  • For brushing your teeth, it is useful to purchase dried tendons.
  • Monitoring the state of the alimentary tract and timely treatment of its disorders.

If a fellinologist has found tartar in a pet, you should not try to remove it yourself in order to avoid causing severe pain to the cat and wounds to himself.