Quick birth in primiparous and multiparous women: a step-by-step description with recommendations and the whole truth about the consequences. How to speed up labor: ways to stimulate labor

Good day, dear expectant mothers!

If you looked here, it means happy event expected soon. And that's great!

But waiting, especially in last days, can be very painful.

One day I met a young woman on last weeks pregnancy, in which doctors were mistaken with the due date by a month.

Her women's days were irregular, and she herself could not say exactly when she became pregnant. And the ultrasound showed a mistake at first... She hoped to give birth in February, but in fact in last days Marta was still walking with her huge belly. This girl was driving everyone crazy with her talk about how to speed up labor at 40 weeks.

The other day I remembered her and decided to write this post for you.

For the sensible and balanced, I will say right away: there are NO proven ways to speed up childbirth at home.

Doctors unanimously claim that all the remedies listed below can only push forward a process that has already begun.

According to doctors, there is only one reliable way induce labor – medicinal. By the way, , I already wrote. So if you are really post-term – 41 weeks or more – then home remedies will not help. Go to the doctor.

But if it’s still 40 weeks on the calendar, and you really want to speed things up – well. Give it a try.

I described all the methods that I came across, except for the most extreme or stupid ones. You will still find them on other sites if that is your goal. But I do not recommend using some of the methods described, and I will explain why.

So here are 7 ways to speed up labor at home.

Physical activity

Safely: walking, walking up stairs at a moderate pace.

Closer to birth, the baby should drop slightly so that the head is inserted into the lower segment of the uterus. Walking and climbing stairs help the child move down.

Unsafe: significant loads, walking on all fours, on the buttocks, washing floors and weeding the garden upside down.

These methods can cause an increase in uterine tone. The result may be:

  • placental abruption (bleeding),
  • rupture of membranes
  • protracted labor - in the event that the cervix has not yet matured, but the birth process has nevertheless begun.

In addition, in the position of the mother upside down, the child can turn around, take an oblique or transverse position. And this sharply reduces her chances of giving birth on her own.

The second method is no less popular among women all over the world.

Husband therapy

However, there are many cases when intimacy in the last stages of pregnancy provokes rupture of the membranes. After that, if contractions don't start, doctors will have to induce labor.

Let your doctor tell you how safe this method is for you.

One thing is certain: if the amniotic fluid has already broken, then this method of stimulation is not suitable! You can introduce an infection.



  • Evening primrose oil
  • Raspberry leaf tea

Dangerous: blue (blue) cohosh

Evening primrose oil

Him in last years midwives and doctors all over the world love to prescribe.

This drug promotes cervical ripening and improves tissue elasticity. That is, it helps to give birth on time and without gaps.

The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of dietary supplements from different manufacturers. For example, from the famous American company Solgar.

Evening primrose oil is taken orally from the 34th week of pregnancy according to the following regimen:

  • From 34 to 36 weeks - 1 capsule (500 mg) per day.
  • From 36 to 39 weeks - 2 capsules per day (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening).
  • From 39 weeks 3 capsules per day (morning, afternoon and evening)

Raspberry leaf tea

This tea does not stimulate the labor process. It helps the cervix to open quickly.

The regimen is as follows:

  • 36 weeks – a cup once a day, drink cool.
  • 37 weeks – a cup 2 times a day, drink lukewarm.
  • 38 weeks – a cup 3 times a day, drink warm.
  • 39 weeks – a cup 4 times a day, drink hot.
  • 40 weeks – a cup 4 times a day, drink hot.

Blue (blue) cohosh

This plant is known in America. And since distances are getting shorter now, I’ll tell you about her too.

Blue cohosh is used by midwives to induce labor at home. But this herb is quite toxic, causing spasm of the blood vessels supplying the heart!

After cases of heart failure in newborns were described after such stimulation, this weed was banned.

Castor oil

An incredibly popular folk method. And not only in our country.

Safely: stroke your stomach, lubricating your palms with slightly warmed castor oil.

Dangerous: take orally.

Castor oil is a strong laxative. Diarrhea will cause fluid loss and blood imbalance. You probably don't need this before giving birth.

In addition, from frequent visits to the toilet with feeling unwell you'll simply get tired. And you need to enter childbirth with fresh strength.

And irritation of the anal area, which will cause diarrhea, will not please you during childbirth.

Breast stimulation

Irritation of the nipples stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for increasing the tone of the uterus. This method is fraught with two dangers:

  • You can cause an increase in uterine tone, but not cause labor. I have already written about why this is dangerous.
  • The nipples may be damaged.

So you can resort to such stimulation only after consulting a doctor.


Some essential oils increase the tone of the uterus. The most famous folk methods are clove oil and sage oil.

Sage oil can be dropped into the aroma pendant (1-2 drops) and inhaled for no more than 4 minutes. Or use in an aroma lamp - 3 drops for every 15 meters of the room.

Clove oil can be inhaled from an aroma pendant (1-2 drops). Or use in an aroma lamp - no more than 4 drops.

You need to start strictly with one drop, and only the next day gradually add the dosage.

Some products


  • a pineapple,
  • bananas,
  • basil,
  • eggplants,
  • balsamic vinegar (add to food)
  • olive oil (for dressing salads),
  • oregano (add to food)
  • dates (eat 6 per day 4 weeks before the PDR)

Unsafe: spicy dishes.

Some people believe that spicy foods stimulate labor. However, doctors do not find such a connection. Moreover, it is spicy - The best way provoke a characteristic of pregnant women.

But what is worth preparing is eggplant parmigiano. This dish has a reputation as a miraculous labor stimulant! Look, isn't it delicious? And it’s ready in no time.

Well, everyone, off to the kitchen?

I wish you a quick and easy birth and a happy meeting with your baby!

And I say goodbye to you for a while and hasten to write new useful articles to inspire you to be happy every day!


Anastasia Smolinets

Every pregnant woman has her own problems. Someone suffers from the threat of miscarriage as a result, and someone, as the due date approaches, can no longer wait for a certain relief that guarantees a successful delivery. The question of how to speed up labor comes, of course, to mothers of the second category: those whose pregnancy was not complicated by any risks, but for some reason the baby is still in no hurry to announce its arrival to the world. The last weeks, and especially the days of pregnancy, are not easy for each woman. And if the process of childbirth itself is delayed, then these circumstances force the woman to think about how to speed up the birth.

Is it possible to speed up labor?

First of all, you should always take into account how strong the need is for this very acceleration of the onset of labor. After all, according to doctors, many ladies who still do not feel the approach of the cherished hour have a hereditary tendency to. So, if mothers-grandmothers carried the baby under their hearts longer than prescribed traditional medicine, then, most likely, their daughters and granddaughters will also have one characteristic feature. Also, last but not least, the onset of labor on time depends on the woman’s menstrual cycle: if it is more than 30 days, then we can expect a delay in the onset of labor in the future. But, if, in spite of everything, the expectant mother can no longer bear to endure all the delights of pregnancy, and she no longer wants to postpone meeting the baby, then you can try to speed up the birth. First, of course, with the proven experience and knowledge of previous generations folk ways, which, according to those who have tried them on themselves, are completely safe.

Only if it is not possible to solve the “problem” on your own, should you resort to induction of labor by medication. But only on condition that the pregnancy turns out to be truly post-term, that is, if an ultrasound examination confirms that the placenta has begun to age - and the fetus suffers from a lack of substances necessary for it. You should not be afraid of inducing labor: it is carried out solely in the interests of the baby, believe me! But if you have the time and opportunity, then you should try to speed up the onset of labor on your own - what if it works? Moreover, all these methods are safe and completely accessible to every woman whose pregnancy is prolonged.

How to speed up childbirth at home?

The most pleasant way to speed up labor is sexual intercourse. Moreover, you need to make sure that during orgasm the sperm enters the vagina: it contains prostaglandins, which then act on the uterus, causing it to contract. And, in addition, sex promotes greater blood flow to the pelvic organs, including the reproductive organs and the uterus, thus stimulating its contraction.

You can try to speed up labor by increasing your physical motor activity. More movement - home cleaning with window washing or landing, squats, side bends or rotational movements of the pelvis - all this can become a “push” for the start of uterine contractions. True, it is advisable that someone close to you knows about the intention expectant mother to quickly meet the baby and was close to the pregnant woman during the implementation of this method of speeding up labor: by the time contractions began, she would definitely need help.

Many women have heard that overstimulation of the nipples early stages and even in the middle of pregnancy is unacceptable, as it can lead to miscarriage. But as a method of accelerating labor, nipple stimulation is very suitable: during nipple massage, a special hormone is released, which also promotes uterine contractions.

Diet can also play a role in speeding up labor: the intestines should work “like a clock,” nothing should interfere with its peristalsis. And for this, the intestines need vegetables and fruits in large quantities, fresh vegetable salads, seasoned vegetable oil. ethnoscience claims that beets, parsley and spicy foods are especially good at stimulating the onset of labor.

If the matter cannot be solved with vegetables and fruits alone, then you can resort to an enema: such means cause the intestines to contract, the intestines, in turn, affect the uterus, “transferring” to it the ability to contract along the chain, which ultimately leads to the onset of contractions . It has long been used as the most effective laxative in this case. Castor oil: Previously, even in maternity hospitals, in order to stimulate the onset of labor, a woman was given a piece of black salted bread with castor oil dripped onto it. The same “delicacy” can be eaten at home with no less success if there is a need or desire to speed up labor.

It happens that traditional methods accelerating labor does not affect the pregnant woman in any way. Furthermore, she is recommended to induce labor in a hospital setting, after hospitalization in the maternity hospital. The ideal way to speed up labor in this case would be a gradual and smooth induction of labor, preparing the uterus for dilation, softening the cervix with special drugs, and only then using means to induce labor. However, more often doctors resort to another method: opening the amniotic sac. Its essence is that after the discharge of amniotic fluid, the uterus begins to rapidly contract, which means labor begins.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Many of us have heard more than once about childbirth taking place in just a few hours. Among expectant mothers, such a story about childbirth is received enthusiastically. However, do not rush to envy: such a rapid birth most often has a negative impact on the condition of the young mother and the health of the newborn.

Rapid and precipitate labor is a complication that develops as a result of disruption of normal regulation labor activity. The result of such a “rush” can be severe ruptures of the birth canal, uterine bleeding and even complications for the baby.

To understand the reason for the development of “speedy” labor, one should remember what stages labor consists of and what systems of the mother’s body are responsible for regulating this important process.

Labor consists of contractions - rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, repeated at certain intervals and lasting several seconds. Normally, contractions are regular, that is, they occur after the same period of time, have the same duration and intensity of contraction. As labor progresses, contractions gradually intensify: their duration and strength increases, and the pause between contractions decreases. During all childbirth, the interval between contractions remains a period of rest: the uterus relaxes, and the maternal body accumulates strength for the next contraction.

Periods of labor

Labor activity is divided into three main stages - periods.

The first stage of labor begins immediately with the onset of regular labor, that is, from the moment contractions appear. This stage of labor is called the "cervical dilatation period." Indeed, the result of contractions in this period is gradual increase holes in lower segment uterus - cervix, or obstetric pharynx. The end of the first stage of labor is the complete dilatation of the cervix, that is, the formation of such an opening that can allow the largest part of the fetus to pass through - the head.

The first period is about 2/3 of the entire duration of labor. Gradual, smooth stretching of the obstetric pharynx under the influence of increasing contractions allows you to preserve the integrity of the birth canal and the wall of the uterus, as well as relieve the baby’s head from excessive pressure.

The second stage of labor begins from the moment the cervix is ​​fully dilated and ends with the birth of the baby. This stage of labor is called the “period of expulsion of the fetus.” After the cervix has fully dilated, each contraction of the uterine wall moves the fetus along the birth canal towards the “exit”. Due to the stretching of the soft tissues of the pelvis and the displacement of the rectum located next to the vagina during contractions, the woman in labor feels the desire to push. Hence the second name of this period - pushing.

The second period is much shorter than the first. During the pushing period, the baby carefully, millimeter by millimeter, pushes apart the tissues of the mother's birth canal. Gradual, smooth advancement of the fetus ensures the integrity of the tissues of the vagina and perineum, allows the child to adapt to significant pressure from the walls of the birth canal, and reduces the risk of developing fetal intracranial hemorrhages.

The third stage of labor is called “successional”. Indeed, at this stage, the birth of everything that remains in the uterus after the fetus occurs - the placenta. The concept of placenta includes the baby's place (placenta), remnants of the membranes (walls of the membranes) and the umbilical cord. The third stage of labor begins after the baby is born and ends with the release of the placenta. The third period is the shortest and least perceptible for the woman in labor; it usually lasts several minutes and is accompanied by one contraction. The first birth, which occurs without complications and medical stimulation, lasts on average about 11-12 hours. Of this time, about 9 hours are spent on dilation of the cervix, no more than 2 hours for the period of expulsion of the fetus, and no more than 30 minutes for the birth of the placenta.

The regulation of labor is carried out through the interaction of two important systems of the maternal body - nervous and hormonal. Female sex hormones - estrogens, prostaglandins - are prepared birth canal and the nervous system of the mother and fetus at the onset of labor, contractions cause. The cerebral cortex, in which by the time of the timely onset of labor a generic dominant is formed (cluster nerve cells regulating the development of labor), controls the dynamics of the birth process.

If there is a violation of the interaction between hormonal and nervous system Women in labor develop various complications of labor, including rapid and rapid labor.

Pathology options

A quick labor is one that lasts from 5 to 7 hours for a woman giving birth for the first time or from 3 to 5 hours for a woman giving birth again. Rapid labor in a primigravida lasts less than 5 hours, while labor lasts less than 3 hours. Such high speed The birth process is ensured by excessively strong and frequent contractions of the uterus, significantly exceeding the natural resistance of the tissues of the birth canal. As a result of this “birth pressure,” the fetus is literally pushed out of the mother’s body, not having time to adapt to sharply changing conditions environment(pressure in the uterine cavity, in the vagina and at the exit of the birth canal varies significantly), leaving injuries in the mother’s birth canal.

Risk factors for rapid rapid labor

  • frequent repeated births(multiparous women);
  • rapid and rapid course of previous labor;
  • hereditary factor(data about immediate and immediate relatives of the woman in labor - mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters);
  • threat of miscarriage in the second half of pregnancy;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (incomplete closure of the uterine pharynx during pregnancy, insufficient to retain ovum);
  • severe course late toxicosis (gestosis) of pregnant women (complications, often characterized by increased blood pressure, the appearance of edema, protein in the urine): high blood pressure numbers that cannot be treated, significant deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, other organs and systems of the pregnant woman, significant suffering of the fetus;
  • maternal diseases accompanied by a persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • maternal diseases accompanied by hormonal imbalance (increased function thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland); — -spicy infectious diseases mothers accompanied by damage to the central nervous system;
  • mental illness and border neuropsychic conditions mothers (acute psychosis, hysteria, neuroses);
  • other diseases and conditions that disrupt the neurohormonal regulation of labor or the normal ratio ancestral forces and resistance of the birth canal.

There are several options for accelerated labor.

The development of most complications of rapid labor, which are quite dangerous for both mother and baby, can be avoided.

Spontaneous quick birth are characterized uniform acceleration the entire birth process, starting with the dilation of the cervix. The accelerated course of the first and second stages of labor in this case is associated with increased extensibility of the tissues of the birth canal - the cervix, vaginal walls and perineal tissues. Main reason fast current childbirth is the low resistance of the tissues of the birth canal relative to the increasing strength of contractions. This type of fast and rapid birth occurs in multiparous women, in expectant mothers with hyperestrogenism (excess female hormones, responsible for the elasticity of tissues), as well as with isthmic-cervical insufficiency - incomplete closure of the cervical canal during pregnancy. The development of spontaneous rapid labor is characterized by an inappropriately rapid increase in the strength and duration of contractions: during the first hour from the onset of labor, contractions become more frequent to 2-3 in 5 minutes. Childbirth in this scenario lasts 4-5 hours, as a rule, without significant damage to the birth canal. This course of labor is more dangerous for the baby, especially if it is premature, large in size or has any pathology ( oxygen deficiency fetus during pregnancy, fetal growth retardation syndrome, low adaptive capabilities, birth defects development). Such fetal pathologies are detected when ultrasound examination, performed at least three times during pregnancy, based on the results of a Doppler examination - the study of blood circulation in the fetal vessels, based on the results of monitoring the fetal heartbeat - a cardiotocographic study.

Spastic labor during a rapid and rapid course of labor is characterized by the simultaneous development of inadequately frequent, prolonged and painful contractions, virtually devoid of rest periods. Childbirth begins immediately with violent and prolonged contractions, occurring up to 5 or more times in 10 minutes. A woman in labor with such a development of labor forces from the very beginning of labor experiences significant discomfort, behaves restlessly, complains of severe pain in contractions and the absence of rest periods. Typically, such births are accompanied by premature rupture of water (water pours out before contractions begin), nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, tachycardia (increased heart rate). In this case, the speed of labor is associated with spastic (sharp, inadequately strong and very frequent) contractions of the uterine muscle, accompanied by significant ruptures of the cervix, vaginal walls, perineum, and sometimes the uterus itself. Such problems often occur during childbirth dangerous complications as premature, disturbance of placental blood flow and uterine bleeding. As a result of spastic labor pains, the fetus develops injuries, subcutaneous hemorrhages (hemorrhages under the periosteum - the covering of the skull bones) and hemorrhages in the brain. Most of these complications are extremely dangerous, many threaten the life of the mother and fetus. Childbirth in this case lasts no more than 3 hours, the birth of the baby occurs in 1-2 attempts, immediately following the formation of full dilatation of the cervix.

Rapid labor, characterized primarily by the rapid birth of the fetus, differs from the two previous types of acceleration of the process. The main difference is the disturbed ratio of the duration of the first and second stages of labor. With this variant of the course of labor, the period of dilatation in time may not differ significantly from normal birth or it can be slightly accelerated, and the process of expulsion of the fetus occurs in just a few minutes. Such a rapid birth of a baby after the previous normal period disclosure is more common when premature birth, malnutrition (low weight with normal length) of the fetus, large size bony pelvis women in labor, as well as with unjustified medicinal labor stimulation. During this period of pushing, the mother develops severe defects in the soft tissues of the vagina and perineum (significant ruptures, hematomas). For the fetus, rapid birth is dangerous due to the development of spinal cord and brain injuries.

Consequences of rapid labor

Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the accelerated course of labor provokes the development of severe, sometimes life-threatening complications in the mother and fetus.

For the mother, the rapid labor process is dangerous due to the development of the following complications:

  • Injuries to the soft tissues of the birth canal (ruptures of the cervix, walls and vaults of the vagina, perineum), rupture of the uterine body are a complication in which the life of the woman in labor is in danger due to massive bleeding: in this case, childbirth always ends with surgery.
  • Disjunction of the pelvic bones in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis: a complication is accompanied by severe pain. Treatment consists of maintaining a fixed position lying on your back on a hard surface until symptoms disappear (usually 1-1.5 months).
  • Premature placental abruption is a complication that is extremely dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus; in this case, in order to save the lives of the mother and fetus, an emergency caesarean section is performed.
  • Impairment of placental blood flow due to uterine hyperactivity is a condition that provokes oxygen starvation fetus (acute hypoxia).
  • Violation of the separation of the placenta in the third stage of labor, retention of the placenta lobule, membranes in the uterine cavity. In this case, under intravenous anesthesia, manual release placenta or its remains.
  • Hypotonic (caused by low contractility of the uterus “overworked” during childbirth) bleeding in the first 2 hours after the birth of the child. If such a complication develops, measures are taken emergency measures to stop bleeding: administration of drugs that increase uterine contractility (pituitrin, methylergometrine), replacement blood transfusion and blood substitutes. If necessary, a manual examination of the uterus is performed, which helps to contract its muscles. The most common complications for a baby during fast and rapid labor: Soft tissue injuries (hemorrhages into the subcutaneous tissue).
  • Clavicle injuries, humerus: the baby does not have time to complete the turn after the birth of the head, and the shoulders are born obliquely.
  • Cephalohematomas (hemorrhages under the periosteum of the skull bones).
  • Intraorgan hemorrhages (liver, kidneys, adrenal glands).
  • Violation cerebral circulation and death of brain cells due to cerebral vascular spasm or hemorrhage (strokes, micro-strokes), increased intracranial pressure, subsequently causing disturbances in the central nervous system, in the worst case scenario, life-threatening or causing disability.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Acute hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus during labor is a life-threatening condition for the baby. Often, with rapid attempts, the baby is born in a state of asphyxia, i.e. with violation respiratory function. In this case, the newborn is given resuscitation measures.

A little slower...

The development of most complications of rapid labor, which are quite dangerous for both mother and baby, can be avoided. To do this, it is necessary in time (in advance, during the observation period in antenatal clinic) identify predisposing factors in the history of the expectant mother, indicating a high probability of developing “excessive speed” during childbirth. If a high degree of risk is detected (increased risk, fetal growth restriction syndrome, placental blood flow disturbances and other problems that could not be dealt with in the antenatal clinic), the expectant mother is prescribed a planned prenatal hospitalization in the pregnancy pathology department maternity hospital. In this case, at the very beginning of labor, doctors will be able to take all measures to “slow down” the speed of labor, bringing the course of labor closer to normal time and preventing the development of complications.

Staying together between mother and baby in the postpartum ward helps eliminate birth stress.

Suspect a threat too much rapid development labor is possible when in the first 20-30 minutes the frequency of contractions obviously increases. For example, with the normal dynamics of labor, the first contractions last about 10 seconds, usually interspersed with an interval of at least 20 minutes, and the pause will be reduced to 15 minutes in 1-1.5 hours. With the “accelerated version”, within half an hour from the moment of the first contraction, the interval will be reduced to 4-5 minutes, while the intensity of the contractions themselves will noticeably increase. In this case, you need to go to the nearest maternity hospital: the sooner the expectant mother and baby are under the supervision of doctors, the greater the chance of adjusting labor and avoiding complications.

Rapid labor is characterized by a “turbulent onset.” In this case, the first contractions are painful, prolonged and too frequent. In the case when contractions are caused immediately high degree discomfort and are separated from each other by a pause of 10 minutes or less, you should go to the nearest maternity hospital immediately.

In case of rapid and rapid labor development curative measures are aimed at reducing the intensity of labor, i.e., reducing and slowing down contractions. IN reception department the expectant mother is placed on a gurney; It is forbidden to get up and walk. When diagnosing rapid labor, a cleansing enema is not performed, since this procedure has a labor-stimulating effect. A woman in labor is taken on a gurney to maternity ward and transfer it to the bed, placing it on the side opposite to the position of the baby’s back. This position of the woman in labor maximizes the time of labor.

Drug correction of the rapid development of labor consists of administering to the expectant mother medicines, reducing the contractile activity of the uterus. For this purpose, the drugs ginipral and partusisgen are used. bricanil, nifedipine, verapamil, etc. To reduce pain syndrome To stabilize blood pressure and reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, magnesia and atenolol are prescribed. If necessary, both the first and second stages of labor are carried out under epidural anesthesia (anesthesia, during which an anesthetic drug is injected into the area above the membrane spinal cord at the level of the lumbar vertebrae, the lower part of the body is anesthetized). To prevent the development of placental blood flow disturbances and acute fetal hypoxia during childbirth, drugs are prescribed that improve the baby’s blood supply - pentoxifylline, etc.

Childbirth is also carried out in the position of the woman in labor lying on her side, opposite to the position of the back of the fetus. Immediately after separation of the placenta, a thorough examination of the tissues of the birth canal is performed; if there is a suspicion of retained placenta, membranes, or rupture of the uterine wall, a manual examination of the uterine cavity is performed.

In the early postpartum period a young mother is prescribed drugs that improve uterine involution (its return to normal sizes), - methylergometrine, oxytocin.

The period of adaptation (recovery) of the fetus after a fast and rapid birth can increase to 5-7 days, which affects the possibility of breastfeeding, the timing of vaccination and discharge.

In the absence of complications in the mother and baby, it is recommended that they stay together in the postpartum ward. This regimen helps eliminate labor stress, rapid involution of the uterus and the timely onset of lactation due to the possibility of frequently putting the baby to the breast.

Elizaveta Novoselova, obstetrician-gynecologist, Moscow


Today is exactly one month since I entered Maternity Hospital No. 4 in Moscow. And tomorrow is exactly one month since our son Sashenka died due to the negligence of the doctors of this maternity hospital. I cry every day, my husband contacted the Investigative Committee, an investigation is underway. A full-term son was born, weight 3300 grams, without any pathologies, the expert at the morgue said. His words - all the organs are like in a textbook. This article gave me answers about the causes of death. I knew nothing about the consequences of such a rapid or rapid birth and paid dearly for it.
They brought me to the Maternity Hospital from the residential complex, because... I complained about a decrease in the frequency of the baby’s movements. Upon arrival at the Maternity Hospital, my son began to move and I calmed down. I thought I would lie under observation. My due date was 7 days away. I had no signs of the onset of labor. Unfortunately for me it was Friday evening. Everyone was in a hurry. I had an ultrasound and CTG. Everything is fine. Gynecologist Kiriya told me. You have already given birth before, now you will give birth quickly, we will puncture your amniotic sac - an amniotomy for stimulation. I refused at first and called my husband. He said to listen to the doctors and, under persuasion, I agreed. This cannot be done if the uterus has not dilated at all. Later I started having contractions. A male doctor, Georgian Georgiy Davidovich, came up, inserted my arm, stimulated something, the contractions became even stronger. They didn’t do anything to me, they didn’t give me inhibitory drugs. The midwife and doctors didn't pay attention. At first I was wearing a CTG machine, but it was removed in the delivery room. Now I understand that the child experienced acute hepoxia - he was suffocating. No measures were taken. I gave birth after 3 hours with 2 attempts. This doctor was walking somewhere and appeared when the head had already appeared. The child was not breathing, they ran around, started screaming, we pumped it out of the lungs, then I heard them shouting: Cardiac arrest, adrenaline. They took me to intensive care. She stood next to him for a day and allowed him to hold his hand. There were tubes in his mouth to ventilate his lungs. My husband arrived, they let him in, they said the child was leaving. He and I stood holding our son by the hand and both cried. My son opened his eyes once and looked. They said that he even tried to breathe on his own. They immediately gave him an injection of sleeping pills, so he couldn’t strain himself. He died 2 hours later. The husband took the prepared crib outside because... I couldn't see her. My eldest daughter (6 years old) saw it and had to tell her. She was waiting for her brother so much. I cried so much. Everyone is busy with diapers, cribs, and my husband and I are buying ritual supplies. We were driving to the cemetery, I placed the coffin with the little one in the car next to it in the back seat, and we drove like that. He is so handsome - a thick-set man, a copy of his dad. My husband worries more than me. How could this happen, why to us? Not a single deviation during the entire pregnancy. The autopsy diagnosis was asphyxia, although the heart beat to the last. If the CTG had not been removed, perhaps they would have noticed a decrease in the heart rate and urgently treated it, but they didn’t care. The article gave me the opportunity to understand the reasons. Such horror. How can you treat people like this, the happiness of the whole family, which was taken away so carelessly, plunging them into grief. Avoid this Maternity Hospital 4 while this is going on there.
Sorry for the negativity. Let this not affect anyone who reads this. I wrote it precisely for this purpose, so that they know that this also happens.

I gave birth to my first child in 8 hours. They also gave me oxytocin in addition. After my girl was born, she was very restless. I cried a lot. I could cry for 6-7 hours without breaks. We went to a neurologist and he said that the fontanel was small. I only give noofen, I also gave samazin. A very capricious child. I don’t even know what to do ((

10/17/2018 21:06:50, Jahan

What a blessing that I DIDN'T know this before!!! I gave birth to my baby in less than 7 hours (Apgar score 8) without wild discomfort or all sorts of misfortunes for me and the baby. True, there were some problems with pelvic bones, but everything went away in 2 weeks, for the sake of such a birth you can survive it. I didn't have any of the prerequisite symptoms. During the pushing period, oxytocin was administered. I’m glad that I had such a birth and I didn’t worry about anything during the process, the Creator provided for everything!!! And it is true. Thank God for everything!

02/13/2009 14:08:18, OLENA

The article is completely positive))) we can aggravate and thicken the colors.... of course, everything is individual, but this article is so similar to many (note not all) gynecologists. I gave birth to two twins in less than 5 hours, due date I was 36 weeks and everything went well, we weren’t even transferred to the intensive care unit or nursery later, we stayed as expected and went home. There was one rupture during childbirth, but I think it was entirely the obstetrician’s fault... she told me when I already felt it myself that it tore...now the children are already five years old, they are all doing well))) and they developed in their time better than some full-term and born with normal course childbirth, went at 10-11 months and started talking at 2 years. But pregnant women probably shouldn’t read this. Once again, not depress the situation.

12/17/2008 20:04:59, deikiri


07.12.2008 11:48:02, SVETIK

My second labor also lasted less than 4 hours, my daughter was born on 4500, 9-10 according to APGAR, without any problems, I also did not have any problems associated with “rapid” labor. I read the article with a shudder and some disgust - it can really ruin a pregnant woman’s mood.

05.12.2008 19:57:43, Tatyana

She gave birth to her first child (a 6-year-old boy) in 3 hours and 20 minutes. I'm expecting the second one by the end of December. In fact, the article may scare you, but the physiology of women is individual, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body and heredity. In my opinion, the description of the rapid birth is correct, but the scary thing is that you actually depend on the midwife you see, on her professionalism. And if you compare with long labor 10-15 hours, then it’s better to get it done in 3 hours, the main thing is to have time to get to the maternity hospital.

05.12.2008 09:47:06, Anna

I gave birth to my second child (a girl) in 2 hours. The eldest son was 1 year and 7 months old. Just now I read about all these horrors - but we didn’t have any problems. My daughter is now 2.5 months old. Born 9-10 Apgar, sleeps all night, calm, gaining weight well. And I walked from the delivery room to the ward myself.... Still, nature is sometimes wiser than us. I live in Lithuania, and they didn’t slow me down, I went straight to the maternity ward, they helped me, they didn’t give me any medications, I gave birth on my back, not on my side, as they say here. In general, I envy myself :))

04.12.2008 14:39:43, julija

And here’s what worries me: I had a suspicion that the doctor “manually” dilated my cervix. This suspicion crept in because when I arrived at the maternity hospital on the day of birth with weak contractions, during the examination he hurt me very, very much, and almost immediately after that strong contractions began. So I’m wondering, am I just unlucky with the doctor or do they really have the right to do this without informing the patient?

Russian fairy tale about the frog princess,
The prince wanted to speed up the process, and then he had to wear out “ten iron boots” in order to “correct” the situation. If I had waited 3 days, as the frog asked, I would have sat at home all this time and had fun with my beloved wife. It feels like this fairy tale also hints at childbirth - it’s better to be closer to nature, and not to science - I mean all sorts of stimulants...

03.12.2008 20:56:03, PahTU

The first birth lasted 11 hours, the second 5.5, the third - 3 hours. If you believe the information in the article, then the second and third child should be weak and sickly, but the reality is that just the first child in early childhood I was sick a lot, although the birth was “according to the book.”

She gave birth to the first in 7 hours, the second and third - about 5 each. That is, if you believe the author: “In the overwhelming majority of cases, the accelerated course of labor provokes the development of severe, sometimes life-threatening complications” - we now have a family of completely disabled people. It's good that I didn't know this before! Otherwise, I would never have sent my children to physics and mathematics school, and would not have enrolled them in sports sections (where, by the way, they also receive medals).
It seems that the article was written in order to justify in advance the inept actions of doctors, as a result of which complications occur. In theory, the next article should scare you with stories about the horrors of prolonged labor - and then incompetent obstetricians and gynecologists are covered from all sides!
What do you want - they gave birth incorrectly, too quickly (or too slowly)!

12/03/2008 15:03:52, Maria

The birth of a child is the most wonderful and amazing thing that can happen in a woman’s life. And in anticipation of this miracle, she spends nine long months, counting the days until the very beginning. important date. The last 12 weeks of pregnancy are especially tense and fussy, because during this a short time You need to have time to prepare everything you need for yourself and for your baby. It is during this period that a woman experiences fear and anxiety - will everything go smoothly and will my contractions begin on time?

And now the long-awaited 38-40 weeks comes, but nothing happens - the harbingers of labor do not even think of appearing. How can you not panic! What if such a delay will harm your health? Is there any way to speed up labor? Gynecologists answer this question in the affirmative; moreover, a woman can perform basic manipulations to speed up the process of childbirth on her own at home.

How to correctly determine the due date?

First you need to figure out when this very birth should really occur. Medicine sets the following deadlines: if the pregnancy proceeds without any abnormalities, then the birth of the baby should be expected from 38 to 42 weeks. This period is the most favorable for childbirth, since the baby in the womb is already fully formed and is able to quickly adapt to the conditions of its environment.

When setting such dates, medicine still makes a reservation - it is impossible to accurately determine the date of birth, since this process is influenced by too many factors, including the behavior of the baby in the womb, possible deviations in the mother’s health, sudden stress, etc. And finally, only God knows on what day the conception occurred. So in this matter, all dates are conditional, but expectant mothers should still focus on them and, if deviations appear, immediately contact their doctor.

How to speed up childbirth at home: grandma's methods

So, if the onset of labor naturally did not happen after the 40th obstetric week (280 days), then you can, of course, wait a little longer, but even doctors do not advise leaving everything to chance. Postmaturity is a serious situation that can lead to a deterioration in the health of not only the mother, but also the baby. Moreover, "extra" time is not best helper in terms of childbirth, since the placenta ages and loses its ability to normally perform the functions assigned to it. Therefore, it is best to speed up the process of the appearance of a new person without waiting for complications.

You can do this in the following ways:

  • Having sex. In this situation, sex really becomes " the best medicine”, and simultaneously for both future parents. The seminal fluid contains hormone-like substances such as prostaglandins, which, when they enter the vagina and are instantly absorbed into the blood, have a strong stimulating effect on the uterus. In addition, during sex, there is an active flow of blood to the pelvis, which in turn can also trigger childbirth.

Important! If your mucus plug has already come off, then having sex is not recommended. You may speed up the birth, but at the same time you will jeopardize the baby’s health, since there is a very high risk of infecting him with infections through semen and secretions.

  • Cleaning. Women were probably horrified reading this - “How! Cleaning up again? But I need to speed up the birth!” As scary as it may sound, cleaning your house or apartment is a great moderate exercise that can help speed up the onset of labor. In addition, all our grandmothers used this method, because at that time few people resorted to medical stimulation of labor. But here you need to be extremely careful - excessive load can also play a bad role in the course of childbirth.
  • Hiking. Don’t forget about such a banal method at first glance as walking with your beloved husband arm in arm in the fresh air. Firstly, it’s romantic, and secondly, it’s very useful. You can add climbing stairs to your walks.
  • Breast and nipple massage. Lightly stroking the nipples and areola stimulates blood flow and the release of a special substance - the hormone oxytocin, which also tones the uterus and can help induce labor.
  • Enema and laxatives. Doctors claim that when the intestinal muscles contract, the muscles of the uterus contract in parallel, which can naturally provoke childbirth. The only thing is, there is one “but” - before taking any laxatives, you should definitely consult with your gynecologist, since they can also affect the general well-being of the expectant mother and her state of health. Castor oil is considered the most “mild” in terms of effectiveness - it was used by our grandmothers and mothers, since in general it has no contraindications during pregnancy.
  • Swimming. Perhaps this the only way not only speed up labor, but also at the same time strengthen your entire body, preparing it for future stress (and childbirth is a big stress on the body).
  • Alternative medicine. Aromatherapy and acupuncture - all these alternative medicine techniques also have a tonic effect on the condition of the uterine muscles. With the help of aromas, you can not only activate muscle function, but also relax quite well, which in turn will have a positive effect on labor. Acupuncture also speeds up labor because it affects the organs of the body through certain points. However, all these techniques require knowledge and experience, therefore, you should never do them yourself.

Medical techniques for approaching labor

As a rule, to medical procedures, which helps speed up childbirth, is used in extreme cases, when the gestational age is much longer than 42 obstetric weeks. The first thing they do in such cases is to admit the pregnant patient to the maternity ward in order to begin emergency labor. The indications for this are as follows:

  • fetal hypoxia was diagnosed;
  • the presence of a pronounced Rh conflict;
  • The waters broke, but contractions did not begin;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • the desire of the pregnant woman herself.

How can obstetricians speed up labor in the maternity ward?

To do this, they use special medications, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the muscles of the uterus. As noted by the mothers themselves, who had to experience this procedure, childbirth in such a situation occurs almost naturally.

Another way to speed up labor is to puncture the bladder. But this procedure requires important condition- the cervix must be completely ready, that is, it must be soft, shortened and smoothed, and the opening of the cervix must be at least 2 centimeters. Otherwise, the puncture will not stimulate labor.

If all of the above methods do not produce results, then obstetricians prescribe an injection of the complex hormone oxytocin (the dose is calculated strictly individually). This drug activates muscle tone in the uterus, resulting in intense contractions.

As you can see, it is possible to speed up labor, and in most cases it is even necessary. So don't be afraid to discuss this issue with your gynecologist - it's better to be armed than taken by surprise. Have an easy birth and good health for you and your baby!

Women pregnant after 38 weeks begin to think about what to do to avoid harm. They are almost constantly waiting for contractions and relief from the burden. Some are tired of walking around with a huge belly, others are consumed by fear and the desire to see the baby as soon as possible, and others are tormented by swelling, toxicosis and heartburn. The real panic begins after the 40th week: the child, at all times, should strive to see the world, but does not want to even show his mother that he is ready for birth. Women begin to look for ways to stimulate contractions.

Why speed up the onset of labor?

Being under the close attention of specialists towards the end of pregnancy, a woman can be calm about own health, and for the baby.

If the 40-week period is over, but contractions have not started, doctors prefer to hospitalize the mother. By monitoring the well-being of the pregnant woman and fetus, conducting blood and urine tests, they will determine what caused the delay in labor. There are many of them, among them there are dangerous conditions, so you should not refuse medical care.

If 42 weeks have passed, and an error in calculating the PDR is excluded, obstetricians insist on inducing contractions, trying to avoid:

  • hardening of the bones of the baby’s skull, which will not allow the head to pass through the birth canal and will cause large ruptures and injuries to the newborn;
  • lack of oxygen, that is, hypoxia inside the womb, because the placenta at this stage has aged and does not supply the baby with everything necessary in the quantity he needs;
  • umbilical cord compression caused by a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • cloudiness of the amniotic fluid due to meconium entering it, which negatively affects the condition of the child.

The threat of missed deadlines forces many mothers to look for ways to speed up labor in advance. Given the negative perception of hospitalization and the need to spend more than 10 days in the hospital, they are turning to methods that can be used at home. You shouldn’t risk two lives at once just because a woman is tired of being pregnant or she wants (this happens) to mislead her loved ones about the date of conception.

Each organism is unique. It is believed that the shorter menstrual cycle, the shorter the gestational age. A cycle of 30 days or more suggests delivery at 42 weeks, or even later. Often contractions begin 3-4 weeks later due to the unpreparedness of the birth canal, endocrine problems or the baby's weak immune system. There is no need to rush things if the overall condition is satisfactory, the waist size and weight do not decrease, the baby moves, making it clear that he feels good in the womb.

When induction of labor is contraindicated

Women giving birth for the first time are haunted for 9 months by the thought of the pain that a large fetus will cause. This forces unreasonable expectant mothers to take advice on how to give birth faster, thinking that the smaller the baby, the easier it will be born. This assumption is not only erroneous, but also extremely harmful. A premature baby, not ready for birth, will be weaker than his peers, more at risk of infection, the development of chronic diseases, and the likelihood of various pathologies increases.

You should not resort to inducing contractions if:

  • doctors planned C-section, because mom’s hips are too narrow;
  • the woman suffers from hypertension, diseases of the nervous system, endocrine diseases;
  • the pregnancy was difficult, there is a risk of developing cardiovascular disease, renal failure, bleeding due to low blood clotting;
  • there are scars on the uterus;
  • the pregnant woman has inflammation and infections of the genitourinary system;
  • there is danger incorrect position the fetus, its entanglement with the umbilical cord.

You should never make a decision without consulting the gynecologists observing the pregnancy. When real danger they will always be able to order an ultrasound, conduct a study to evaluate it and begin stimulation or carry out emergency surgery helping to give birth.

Home remedies to induce contractions and speed up labor

Thousands of years of human existence have allowed us to accumulate experience in the sequence of actions to induce contractions and give birth to a child. What to eat, drink and do to make the baby born faster? Previously, midwives, and then gynecologists and obstetricians, gave advice to pregnant women, warning them about the danger of complications. You shouldn't even resort to safe methods, if there is even a small amount of risk, especially when performing procedures at home, without the supervision of people with medical education, especially all alone.

Methods of physical influence

Bringing contractions closer using physical pressure does not mean squeezing the baby out or tightening your stomach, forcing the body to start pushing the baby out of itself. These barbaric methods can kill a child or make him disabled. If doctors believe that the time has already come and it is safe to induce contractions, you can try traditional methods.

MethodWhat do we have to doTime of onset of contractions
ActivityWalking, moving, and doing exercises are recommended throughout pregnancy. In recent days, even small house cleaning, mopping the floor, washing or gymnastic exercises may trigger the onset of labor.Contractions begin within 3–5 hours if we're talking about about normal contraction, and not placental abruption or other complications. Pain, discomfort, dizziness indicate that urgent medical attention is needed.
SexIn recent weeks, doctors recommend avoiding sexual intercourse, but before childbirth, when the anticipation of contractions is clearly prolonged, sex can stimulate labor, especially if the woman has had an orgasm. It is worth using special lubricants to make sex enjoyable.After 2–4 hours, your water may break. This method is recommended even by gynecologists, as it softens the birth canal and causes the vagina to contract. The choice of position for sex is very important: pressure on the stomach and squeezing of the chest are excluded.
Breast massageWhen massaging the nipples, a woman’s body produces oxytocin, which doctors administer to trigger contractions. Having lubricated the nipples with softening oils or cream, the woman can knead them herself with soft circular movements or ask her husband. Such gentle and stimulating pleasant caresses for 20–30 minutes up to 4 times daily also prepare the breasts for feeding.Massage is useful during the last days before childbirth; the effect can occur within 1–7 days.
BathPregnant women are advised to take a very warm bath, you can use aroma oils that will help you relax. But this remedy is one of the last; you should resort to it when there is someone close to you who controls the situation. You can lie in a warm bath for no longer than 15 minutes; stop the procedure immediately if you feel dizzy or have high blood pressure.Often contractions begin in the bath or after 20–30 minutes. after her.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is better for a woman not to be alone at all. When deciding to stimulate contractions, you should definitely ask your loved ones to be nearby, as the situation can very easily get out of control.

Medicinal herbs

What other ways are there to help labor begin as quickly as possible? Help in making sure they go through easily and quickly will be provided by medicinal herbs. Decoctions of raspberry leaves, as well as parsley, primrose and a number of others contain substances that promote the production of female sex hormones.

Phytoestrogens have the most beneficial influence on the pelvic muscles, causing contraction and accelerating the approach of labor. Decoctions are good for mom; they can be brewed instead of tea.

Will the products help?

The method of taking laxative drugs or products that many women have tried can be dangerous. Castor, olive oil, beet juice, spicy foods can cause uterine contractions. They will help empty the intestines. However, the connection between childbirth and the intake of these products has not been proven by scientists.

It is believed that drinking a glass of red wine brings contractions closer. Doctors do not approve of this method, but it helps many people relax and calm down.

Wait or speed up?

Expecting a baby is an exciting time, filled with worries and thoughts about how to give birth quickly and easily, what to eat and drink, and how to eat healthy. This becomes especially important in the last days before the end of pregnancy, when it is time to give birth, but there are still no contractions.