Physical inactivity affects the body. What happens to the body? Assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system

The fact that physical inactivity has literally become a problem in the modern world has long been clear. Cars, elevators, various household appliances, working at a computer and other familiar things have a negative impact on health - a person leads an inactive lifestyle, and problems with well-being arise. What signs will indicate the development of physical inactivity and what to do about it?

Symptoms of physical inactivity

Of course, everyone understands that they need to do something physical exercise, but few people think that the symptoms of physical inactivity are not only rapidly growing weight. What you need to pay attention to:

Every person notices the described signs periodically, but few people associate them with physical inactivity. But if such sensations already exist, then it’s time to think about activating your own lifestyle.

Do you think that moving around while cleaning your apartment with a vacuum cleaner and going to the store is enough? You are wrong! A person needs to move a lot, especially considering the harmfulness of the food we eat. The consequences of physical inactivity can be very serious:

  1. Gaining extra pounds. This, of course, looks terrible, but is not the most a terrible consequence the state under consideration.
  2. Atrophy muscle tissue . It becomes difficult for a person to walk even a kilometer. And you don’t even have to think about climbing the stairs - the pain in your legs will be so severe that you will have to take a lying position.
  3. Brain function is impaired. Even if work activity is associated with documents and calculations/calculations, physical inactivity will lead to decreased performance and drowsiness - this is due to the fact that too little oxygen reaches the brain tissues along with the blood.
  4. Violated metabolic processes . And this, in turn, is a direct path to the development of disease blood vessels, which is accompanied by unstable blood pressure, fragility of vessel walls and spontaneous bleeding.
  5. Posture is impaired. This occurs due to weakening of the back muscles - they are simply not able to constantly hold the spine in a normal position.

Do not forget that physical inactivity leads to disorders and reproductive function humans, this is especially common in women. Overweight, circulatory disorders in the pelvis provoke a decrease in production female hormones, menstrual irregularities.

Note:It is very important to pay attention to physical inactivity in childhood. According to medical observations, when sitting for a long time at a desk or desk, blood circulation processes deteriorate, which leads to a decrease in concentration and attention. And if a child spends more than 5 hours a day at a table (whether at a computer or a construction set), then the risk of developing incorrect posture increases 5-7 times.

Solving the problem of physical inactivity is quite easy - you just need to follow the recommendations of specialists:

Agree, there is nothing complicated - all you need to do is walk more and do exercises, everything is banal. But the difficulty of solving the problem of physical inactivity lies in the fact that all the described recommendations must be followed constantly, regularly, without holidays or weekends.

Even in ancient times, it was noted that physical activity contributes to the formation of a strong and resilient person, and immobility leads to decreased performance, disease and obesity. All this occurs due to metabolic disorders. Decreased energy metabolism associated with changes in the intensity of breakdown and oxidation organic matter, leads to disruption of biosynthesis, as well as changes in calcium metabolism in the body. As a result, profound changes occur in the bones. First of all, they begin to lose calcium. This leads to the bone becoming loose and less strong. Calcium enters the blood, settles on the walls of blood vessels, they become sclerotic, that is, they become saturated with calcium, lose their elasticity and become brittle. The blood's ability to clot increases sharply. Education is under threat blood clots(thrombi) in blood vessels. High levels of calcium in the blood contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

Absence muscle load reduces the intensity of energy metabolism, which negatively affects skeletal and cardiac muscles. In addition, a small number of nerve impulses coming from working muscles reduces tone nervous system, previously acquired skills are lost and new ones are not formed. All this has the most negative impact on health. The following should also be taken into account. Sedentary image life leads to the fact that cartilage gradually becomes less elastic and loses flexibility. This may result in a decrease in amplitude breathing movements and loss of body flexibility. But joints suffer especially badly from immobility or low mobility.

The nature of movement in a joint is determined by its structure. IN knee joint the leg can only be bent and unbent, and in hip joint movements can be made in all directions. However, the range of motion depends on the training. With insufficient mobility, ligaments lose elasticity. During movement, an insufficient amount of joint fluid is released into the joint cavity, which plays the role of a lubricant. All this makes it difficult for the joint to function. Insufficient load also affects blood circulation in the joint. As a result, nutrition bone tissue is disrupted, the formation of articular cartilage covering the head and articular cavity of the articulating bones, and the bone itself, does not proceed correctly, which leads to various diseases. But the matter is not limited to just this. Poor circulation can lead to uneven growth of bone tissue, resulting in loosening of some areas and compaction of others. As a result, the shape of the bones may become irregular and the joint may lose mobility.

Physical inactivity negatively affects both adults, children and adolescents. Systematic examination of children school age made it possible to detect cardiac pathology in a third of them vascular system. This indicates the need to adopt urgent measures aimed at enhancing the motor activity of a growing organism.

Having studied the functional capabilities of the cardiorespiratory system, evidence was obtained that in modern schoolchildren the relative values ​​of MIC are gradually decreasing, and, consequently, physical performance is deteriorating. It turned out that the functional capabilities of the cardiorespiratory system of modern schoolchildren are lower than their peers in the 1950-1970s. The changes are especially noticeable in girls, who showed a decrease in the studied indicator with age. At the age of 9-10 years physical performance schoolgirls were assessed as satisfactory (37.8 ml/kg), and in 15-16 years old - unsatisfactory (29.9 ml/kg). Deterioration functionality circulatory and respiratory systems was accompanied by a gradual increase in adipose tissue with age (in the body of girls aged 9-10 years, the fat content was over 24% of the total body weight, at 13-14 - over 25%, and at 15-16 years - about 29 %).

The decrease in the functional capabilities of the cardiorespiratory system of modern schoolchildren is mainly associated with physical inactivity. It was found that with age, motor activity (MA) tends to decrease, especially clearly expressed in girls. It is noted that among children of all ages there are active children with high level YES, taking 18 thousand steps a day, and sedentary, with low level motor activity, taking less than 11 thousand steps.

As a result of determining MIC/kg in children with different levels of DA, a clear change in this indicator was revealed depending on the physical activity of the children. Schoolchildren performing from 12 to 18 thousand steps per day had significantly higher VO2max/kg values ​​than their sedentary peers. This difference in activity indicates that taking less than 12 thousand steps per day leads to the development of physical inactivity. This is evidenced by the results of a survey of schoolchildren and schoolchildren full day, which differed not only in the organization of the educational process, but also motor mode day. In a full-day school, a so-called “dynamic break” was practiced between lessons and a sports hour in the afternoon. In all age groups both schools from 9 to 16 years old there were significant differences in relative indicators MIC/kg.

The energy cost of 11 thousand steps was estimated using the method of indirect calorimetry. It turned out that boys 7-9 years old spent 21 kcal per 1 thousand steps, and boys 14-16 years old - 42 kcal; girls 7 years old - 9 19 kcal, and 14-16 years old - 35 kcal. The increase in energy consumption with age is due not only to the fact that high school students’ strides become wider and wider, but also to the fact that higher energy costs are associated with unequal percentage skeletal muscles in the body of children and adolescents. In a child aged 10 years, skeletal muscles account for 20% of the total body weight, and in 14-year-olds - 26%.

Based on the data provided, it is not difficult to calculate how much energy schoolchildren spend of various ages and the floor for 11 thousand steps. If we take into account that boys aged 10-16 years spend 2200-2900 kcal per day, and girls 2000-2700 kcal and that 25-30% of these energy expenditures should be on physical activity, then the movement deficit that is created when performing 10 -11 thousand steps, leading to a significant decrease in the aerobic capacity of the body. Consequently, DA and maximum oxygen consumption are directly related: the higher the number of locomotions (walking), the better functional state cardiorespiratory system.

Physical inactivity (lack of mobility) is a pathological condition that develops with significant limitation of physical activity and leads to dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, etc.


Mobility – natural property of a person, which lies in his ability to carry out active activities. The main functions of physical activity are:

  • maintaining homeostasis;
  • maintaining muscle tone, blood vessels, and with them the normal functioning of the body;
  • development of individual abilities and properties;
  • achieving a high effect of motor activity (sports, work skills).

As a result of technological progress since the beginning of the last century, the share physical labor in a person’s life has decreased by 150–200 times. At the same time, the mortality rate from cardiovascular pathologies increased approximately 6 times. The prevalence of physical inactivity is increasing due to urbanization, mechanization and automation. labor activity And Everyday life, increasing role in modern society means of communication. According to some studies, an increase in physical activity leads to a decrease in morbidity rates by about 45%.

When in a timely manner measures taken prognosis is favorable, most pathological changes caused by physical inactivity due to an unhealthy lifestyle are reversible.

Causes and risk factors

Physical inactivity may be caused objective reasons, for example, disability, severe and long-term illness. But in most cases it is associated with improper lifestyle organization or sedentary work.

The main risk factors for the development of physical inactivity include:

  • insufficient physical activity;
  • excess body weight;
  • psychological disorders;
  • somatic diseases;
  • genetic factors;
  • birth injuries;
  • bad habits.

Forms of physical inactivity

The following main forms of physical inactivity are distinguished:

  • hypoergy – lack of total range of movements and their quantity;
  • hypokinesia – lack of variety of movements;
  • hypotension is a lack of quality of movements and their intensity.

Symptoms of physical inactivity

Symptoms of physical inactivity appear gradually. These include increasing fatigue, fast fatiguability, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, increased causeless nervousness, regular headaches of varying intensity, increased risk fractures, weight gain, shortness of breath with little physical exertion, back pain. Women may develop anorgasmia, and men may experience erectile dysfunction.

Due to insufficient physical activity, strength indicators decrease, muscle volume and mass decrease, neuro-reflex connections are disrupted, which can lead to the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, depressive states. At long term pathological process Bone mass gradually decreases, as a result of which the functions of the spine and joints are disrupted. Due to weakening ligamentous apparatus intervertebral hernias occur. In patients with physical inactivity, as a rule, there is an increase in heart rate both during exercise and at rest, as well as an increase in blood pressure.


Correction pathological condition, besides gradual increase physical activity, includes physiotherapeutic methods, massage, diet therapy.

Features of physical inactivity in children

Physical inactivity in children can manifest itself as drowsiness, lethargy, decreased mental abilities, lag in physical development, obesity, refusal to communicate and play with other children, poor performance at school, and the development of mental disorders.


Diagnosis of physical inactivity is based on data obtained during the collection of complaints and anamnesis. In order to determine the severity of complications that have developed, they resort to an objective examination of the patient, as well as instrumental ( X-ray examination, ultrasound diagnostics, CT scan etc.) and laboratory (general blood and urine analysis, biochemical blood test, etc.) studies, the scope of which is determined by the existing pathology.


With physical inactivity that has developed against the background somatic disease, first of all, treatment of the underlying pathological process is required. It is also necessary to eliminate the unfavorable factors that contributed to the development of physical inactivity.

Correction of the pathological condition, in addition to a gradual increase in physical activity, includes physiotherapeutic methods, massage, and diet therapy. To restore the functions of organs and body systems during physical inactivity, the following are recommended:

  • physical therapy – you should start with it, especially with physical inactivity that has developed against the background of somatic diseases;
  • aerobic exercise stress (fast walk, running, badminton, tennis, skiing);
  • strength exercises;
  • exercises to stretch muscles and ligaments.

With physical inactivity that has developed against the background psychological problems, it is recommended to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. Children, as well as adults, are recommended to play outdoor games. fresh air, sports or dancing, tourism.

According to some studies, an increase in physical activity leads to a decrease in morbidity rates by about 45%.

What is physical inactivity and what are its consequences? Let's look at this issue in more detail. Physical inactivity is a dysfunction human body in the form of decreased muscle tone, which is a consequence of limited motor activity.

The problem of modernity

Today this problem is recognized throughout the sea as a “disease of civilization”, and in the last few years doctors have been sounding the alarm, since not only adults, but also children suffer from physical inactivity. This condition is not a disease, but it leads to very dangerous consequences for humans, such as obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, etc.

Man has always strived to make his life easier. Thus, various devices and devices have been created that can save time and physical effort, but this has led to the fact that people’s physical activity began to rapidly decline from year to year. This causes great damage to the body, because, as you know, movement is life. The consequences of physical inactivity can be very serious.

Children suffer

The childhood form is even more dangerous, since insufficient movement during active growth slows down development, disrupts the functioning of the vascular and muscular systems, and the development of intelligence, mental activity, and learning ability largely depends on this.

Limitation of physical activity negatively affects the condition of all organs, causing mental disorders, depression, etc.

We will consider the consequences of physical inactivity below.


Physical inactivity is the result wrong image life and thinking, and its main reasons are considered to be:

  • urbanization;
  • “sedentary” professions, working at a computer;

  • labor automation;
  • application of technological advances in everyday life;
  • conscious refusal of activity.

All these factors are decisive in cases of limiting the necessary physical activity, however, in most cases, physical inactivity occurs regardless of a person’s desire. Such reasons include social prerequisites, for example, when a person is forced to work in sitting position, and physiological, for example, serious illnesses or injuries that do not allow a person to move much. However, even people who cannot drive due to illness are recommended to exercise maximum muscle activity, which prevents the development of many concomitant diseases.

Wrong lifestyle

The consequences of physical inactivity in children are the result of improper organization and daily routine. The blame here lies primarily with the parents, since they are the ones responsible for the health and well-being of their child. In this case, each child is recommended to play sports and take daily walks in the fresh air.

Unfortunately, in modern world Professions related to intellectual work have become more in demand, so the upbringing and development of children today is focused more on learning than on physical activity. Plus, almost all parents have a personal car, which makes life easier for children in terms of getting home from school has become much easier.

The causes of childhood physical inactivity, in addition to living conditions and upbringing, can also be factors such as birth trauma, perinatal hypoxia, as well as various infections, brain dysfunction, pathologies of the development of the central nervous system, etc. The consequences of physical inactivity are of interest to many.

What happens to the body?

It provokes the development of numerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems. People who don't move much notice extreme fatigue at the end of the day, even if they spent the whole day in bed.

Physical activity is needed to keep muscles toned, metabolism in the body to occur correctly, and qualities such as endurance and stress resistance to develop. In addition, with sufficient physical activity, immunity increases, which is directly related to the entry into the body tissues. sufficient quantity oxygen.


The list of diseases that arise as a consequence of physical inactivity is huge. The main ones include:

  • obesity;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • poor posture and scoliosis;
  • coronary heart and vascular disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • depression, neurosis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • stroke, heart attack.

A long-term decrease in physical activity inevitably leads to muscle atrophy, and then to osteoporosis. The diseases that can arise in this case are quite difficult to treat, and sometimes it happens that medicine is powerless in combating the consequences of physical inactivity.

Signs of pathology

There are no specific symptoms of physical inactivity because this state is not a disease. However, insufficient physical activity may manifest itself in the following ways:

  1. The person feels constant weakness and fatigue.
  2. Decreased intellectual abilities.
  3. Fast fatiguability.
  4. Sleep disturbances.
  5. Frequent mood changes, irritability, tendency to nervous breakdowns.
  6. Change in appetite.
  7. Depression, emotional disturbances.

These signs can characterize physical inactivity not only in adults, but also in children. To these can be added weight gain, as well as disruption digestive system when a sedentary person may suffer from such phenomena as constipation, bile retention, hemorrhoids, etc.

Over time, a person begins to experience pain in muscles and joints, which indicates that the musculoskeletal system is beginning to malfunction. As you can see, the consequences of physical inactivity for the body are extremely dangerous.


It is much easier to prevent any disease than to subsequently fight it. In this case, the state of inactivity is not treated with medication, but with the help of specific measures to change lifestyle and daily routine. Medicines are called upon to combat the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, which are associated with the emergence of certain physical disorders and diseases.

In order to increase physical activity, it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment, visit gyms and spend a lot of time on it. These measures do not require any material costs and are available to everyone at any age. The main thing in this case is the desire to be healthy and have a good figure and appearance.

The first thing you need to do is give up bad habits such as smoking, overeating, computer games, often spending time in front of the TV. The nature of your diet is extremely important, since foods that are too fatty and rich in carbohydrates cause weakness and a desire to rest. The diet must be balanced so that the food contains a large number of vitamins and fiber. Such food does not cause heaviness in the stomach, is quickly digested and promotes energy.

It is important to know the main consequence of physical inactivity - changes in muscles.

In cases where work activity involves limiting a person’s physical activity, it is necessary to organize the working day so that before and after work there is time to do physical exercise, for example, you can get up a little earlier and go for a run, and in the evening enroll in yoga or gymnastics courses. Even a simple evening walk will help keep the body normal. physical condition. To do this, you can, for example, refuse to use transport and get from work on foot.

If you have dumbbells at home, this is a great way to keep your muscles toned. You can even study in the evening while watching your favorite TV show.

How to minimize the consequences of hypokinesia and physical inactivity?

Playing sports as a method of solving a problem

A very positive way to get rid of the disease is swimming, which actively stimulates blood flow, uses all muscle groups, strengthens and tempers the body. It is especially useful to engage in swimming in childhood, since this is the only type of activity that does not have medical contraindications. The risk of injury while swimming is minimal.

Today, cycling is a very popular activity. You can use a bicycle to get to your place of work, replacing your personal car, as well as travel to recreation parks and participate in bike rides. This is very interesting, because it helps a person find friends and expand his social circle, and it is very useful, because while cycling, muscles are strengthened, blood vessels are trained, and the respiratory system is actively working.

There is a positive change in muscles during training. The consequences of physical inactivity will no longer manifest themselves.

For people suffering from obesity, you can also select a special program to combat inactivity and Firstly, it is necessary to follow a diet, secondly, the person must have the desire to cope with his problem, and thirdly, mandatory physical activity must be daily. You can alternate classes gym with walking or jogging.

In case of forced physical inactivity, for example after surgery or during illness, massage therapists and physical therapy specialists can come to the rescue.

We examined the causes and consequences of physical inactivity.