Tobrex eye drops for what. Tobrex eye drops and ointment - what you need to know about the drug

Inflammatory eye diseases in children are quite common. If we're talking about about infants, the list of drugs that can be used to treat this or that condition is reduced. Eye diseases caused by bacteria respond well to treatment with special drops, such as Tobrex. We will look at how to use this drug, what its features are and whether there are any contraindications in this article.

Tobrex is used to treat viral diseases eye

Active ingredient and principle of operation

Tobrex drops are an antibiotic, that is, they inhibit vital activity certain types bacteria. Active substance The drug - Tobramycin - belongs to the group of aminoglycosides. Although this antibiotic broad spectrum of action, it works most effectively against the following types of bacteria that cause ophthalmic diseases:

  • staphylococcus;
  • coli;
  • streptococcus;
  • enterobacter;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Klebsiella

Tobramycin may not cope with other types of microorganisms. The instructions indicate that treatment with the drug will not bring results if the disease is caused by anaerobic bacteria or chlamydia. Enterococcus responds to treatment with Tobrex very mediocre.

This antibiotic local action– it is well and completely excreted in the urine without changes. The manufacturer notes that the effect of Tobramycin on the body is negligible. In addition, the dosage of the active substance in the drug is gentle - only 3%. Thanks to the listed properties, Tobrex is indicated for use in children from birth. The doctor must only determine the required duration of treatment.

Tobrex is used to treat conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis in children

Release form

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Tobrex is available in the form of drops, as well as an ointment - it should be white or cream in color. The ointment is applied to inner surface century in the form of a strip. Due to its thick texture, the drug retains its bactericidal effect longer, however, this form is used mainly for adults. A combination of ointment and drops is possible.

Tobrex drops are produced in plastic dropper bottles with a volume of 5 ml. This amount of solution is quite enough for a course of treatment. The solution is transparent and may have a slightly yellowish tint. In addition to tobramycin, the solution contains excipients: boric acid, sodium sulfate, sodium hydroxide, etc.

Tobrex 2X drops are also on sale. This drug is almost the same in composition as its analogue, but has a thicker consistency. This is due to the presence of xanth gum among the ingredients of the drug. Thanks to this component, the medication stays in the conjunctival sac longer and has time to work more effectively. In this case, the dose of Tobrex 2X drops should be reduced by 2 times compared to regular Tobrex.

Indications for use

To treat your eyes, you need to see an ophthalmologist. Do not prescribe medications yourself under any circumstances.

Treatment of ophthalmological diseases in children under one year of age should be supervised by a doctor. Tobrex for children is prescribed if the child is diagnosed with:

  • dacryocystitis is a common disorder in newborns caused by blockage of the lacrimal canal;
  • endophthalmitis – when the membranes inside the eyeball become inflamed;
  • inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye, called keratitis, as well as keratoconjunctivitis;
  • disease of the area of ​​the eyelid where eyelashes grow - blepharitis;
  • stye is a well-known disease of the follicle or sebaceous gland, which manifests itself in the form of a purulent, inflamed “grain”;
  • conjunctivitis - inflammation top shell eyes - conjunctiva, which is manifested by redness of the white, as well as purulent discharge.

These drops are also indicated for use after ophthalmological operations. In this case, their task is to prevent inflammation from occurring in the operated area.

Tobrex is not prescribed for viral ophthalmic infections. However, bacterial, viral or allergic conjunctivitis From the point of view of the average person there is little difference. In this regard, a doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment as well. Moreover, many pediatricians insist on laboratory tests, showing how sensitive the pathogen is to a certain group of antibiotics. This procedure is relevant for newborns, since such babies are treated with a very limited range of drugs. Similar analysis:

  • will allow the doctor to prescribe effective therapy;
  • will make it possible to avoid taking medications that will not bring benefit;
  • will eliminate the possibility of microorganisms becoming resistant to antibiotics.

Instructions for use

The instructions for the drug indicate that Tobrex should not be used for more than 7 days. Otherwise, there is a risk of superinfection, which is much more difficult to cure. Superinfection occurs quite often during antibiotic treatment. IN different cases The doctor prescribes a different treatment regimen. How many drops can a baby give?

To treat conjunctivitis, the drug should be instilled 1-2 drops into each eye, slightly moving the lower eyelid (we recommend reading:). If inflammatory process uncomplicated, you need to instill 2 drops in each eye, once every four hours. IN acute phase diseases, it is recommended to apply eye drops more often – once an hour.

When treating infants, you must strictly adhere to the instructions given by the doctor.

During the treatment of barley, usually the treatment regimen is designed so that the intensity of the effect of the antibiotic gradually decreases. For example, the first two days the eye should be instilled 5 times a day, then 4 times, 3 – and so on until the barley is ripe. However, in every specific case The doctor may suggest a different treatment plan, depending on the child’s age and the intensity of the inflammatory process.

For dacryocystitis, instillation should be combined with massage. To do this, massage the area from the inner corner of the eye to the wing of the nose with your finger. Make 10 movements up and down, pressing lightly. Massage can be done conveniently during feeding. In some cases, with dacryocystitis, probing of the lacrimal canal is performed (we recommend reading:).

How to put eye drops correctly?

Despite the fact that the eye drop procedure is simple, it should be performed according to the rules. The sequence of actions should be like this:

  • First you need to wash your hands;
  • Shake the bottle with the drug;
  • put the baby on his back;
  • pull down the lower eyelid;
  • turn the bottle upside down;
  • apply eye drops without touching the tip to the mucous membrane;
  • close your eyes, then lightly massage your eyelid and blot off any excess medication with a napkin.

After use, the bottle should be closed and stored out of reach of the baby. The drug is suitable for use within 30 days after opening.

The procedure for instilling medicine into the eyes is done only with clean hands.

Side effects

The drug may have side effects, but they are rare. There are cases where patients complained of swelling of the eyelids and excessive lacrimation after using drops. Very rarely, situations arise when a patient develops multiple ulcers on the surface of the eyeball. All such manifestations are caused by individual intolerance to one or more components of the solution or allergies.

Drops are not prescribed together with other antibiotics of the same group - aminoglycosides. In this case, their concentration in the body increases, which increases the risk of developing side effects- hearing loss, kidney dysfunction, disruptions in the process of hematopoiesis.

Tobrex for runny nose

Sometimes pediatricians recommend putting eye drops into the nose. This is due to the fact that these drugs dry out the mucous membrane that lines the nasal passages. Most often, Tobrex (or analogues) is prescribed if a child has green snot and a runny nose that does not go away for more than 7 days. As a rule, sinusitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis are treated in this way. This rhinitis is bacterial in nature, and topical antibiotics are ideal to combat it.

However, to achieve maximum effect Before instilling Tobrex into your nose, you should rinse your nasal passages saline solution. Then clear the nose of mucus using an aspirator if the baby cannot blow his nose on his own.

Analogues of the drug

Tobrex – quite effective drug, but other means are also used to treat newborns and older children (we recommend reading:). Let's look at analogues of the drug, which ones are cheaper, as well as their features.

Tobrex has several analogues, among which you can choose the appropriate treatment option
NameDescriptionSpecial marks
Albucid (sodium sulfacyl) (we recommend reading:)Effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteriaIN Lately There is an increase in the resistance of microorganisms to this substance. The drug causes a burning sensation in the eyes that goes away a short time. Cheaper than Tobrex
PhloxalA drug from the floxinalone group, used along with aminoglycosidesCan be used from birth. Good efficiency
VitabactEffective in the fight against staphylococcus, coli, streptococcus, fungal infectionMainly used for dacryocystitis
TobradexA combination drug containing Tobramycin and Dexamethasone.Quickly relieves swelling at the site of inflammation due to dexamethasone, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Tobramycin inhibits bacteria that cause inflammation.
LevomycetinThe active ingredient is chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol). Actively inhibits strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteriaNot prescribed to children under 4 months. The drops are inexpensive and quite effective.

There are almost complete analogues Tobrex, the active substance of which is identical. These include Brulamycin, Nebcin, Tobi, Dilaterol.

The baby needs daily eye rinsing

Good effect gives eye wash with home remedies. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad in the prepared broth and rinse the eye, starting from outer corner to the inner. You can use:

  • Black tea;
  • green tea (without additives or flavorings);
  • camomile tea;
  • furatsilin (dissolve 1 tablet in ½ cup of boiled water).

Similar products can be used before the instillation procedure if the baby has significant discharge, causing the eyelashes to stick together. This procedure will give more of a hygienic effect than a therapeutic one.

If a child's eye turns sour, you should definitely show it to the pediatrician. Perhaps the problem will be solved quickly if treatment is started immediately. However, you should not prescribe any drops to your child yourself, especially if it is an infant.

1 ml solution:
Active substances:
Tobramycin - 3 mg.
Benzalkonium chloride, boric acid, sodium sulfate anhydrous, sodium chloride, tilaxopol, sulfuric acid and/or sodium hydroxide q.s. until the pH is adjusted, purified water.


Transparent solution from colorless to light yellow or brown.

pharmachologic effect"type="checkbox">

pharmachologic effect

Broad-spectrum antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group. IN low concentrations acts bacteriostatically (blocks the 30S subunit of ribosomes and disrupts protein synthesis), and at higher levels - bactericidal (disrupts the function of cytoplasmic membranes, causing the death of microbial cells).
Highly active against the following susceptible strains:
- Staphylococcus spp., including Staphylococcus aureus And Staphylococcus epidermidis(coagulase-negative and coagulase-positive), including strains resistant to penicillin.
- Streptococcus spp., including some groups - a-p-hemolytic species, some non-hemolytic species and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis (indole-negative) and indole-positive Proteus species, Haemophilus influenzae and H.aegyptius, Moraxella lacunata, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (Herellea vaginacola) and some Neisseria species (including including Neisseria gonorrhoeae).


When applied topically, systemic absorption is low.

Indications for use

Infections of the eye and its appendages:
- blepharitis;
- conjunctivitis;
- keratoconjunctivitis;
- blepharoconjunctivitis;
- keratitis;
- iridocyclitis.
Prevention of postoperative infectious complications in ophthalmology.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of this drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

There is not enough experience with the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is possible to use TOBREX by pregnant and nursing mothers as prescribed by the attending physician and under his supervision, if the expected healing effect exceeds the risk of developing possible side effects.
Clinical studies have shown that tobramycin is safe and effective for use in children.

Directions for use and doses

For mild infections, 1-2 drops of the drug are instilled every 4 hours. In case of development of acute severe infectious process the drug is instilled every hour; as inflammation decreases, the frequency of drug instillations decreases.
How to instill the drug correctly.
. Wash your hands thoroughly before instillation.
Tilt your head back. Pull your lower eyelid down and look up. Place 1¬2 drops into the space between the eyelid and eyeball. Do not touch the tip of the bottle to your eyelids, eyelashes, or touch it with your hands.
Close your eye and pat it dry with a cotton swab.
Without opening your eyes, lightly press the inner corner for 2 minutes. This will improve the effectiveness of the drops.
The bottle must be tightly closed after each use.

Side effect"type="checkbox">

Side effect

When using the drug TOBREX, you may experience
an allergic reaction accompanied by itching and swelling of the eyelids, as well as conjunctival hyperemia.


Clinically confirmed signs and symptoms of overdose with TOBREX (punctate keratitis, erythema, increased lacrimation, itching and swelling of the eyelid) are similar to side effects observed in some patients. Such cases should be reported to your doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

In case of simultaneous administration eye drops TOBREX with systemic aminoglycoside antibiotics may increase systemic side effects (nephrotoxic, ototoxic effect, violation mineral metabolism and hematopoiesis).

If a newborn rubs his eyes, they are red, there are tears in his eyes, the eyelids are swollen, stick together, a yellowish crust is visible, then you should sound the alarm! Many mothers are faced with this picture, so you should know that a newborn or infant can suffer from inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Newborns cannot explain in words what is bothering them, but their hands are constantly reaching for their eyes, and tears flow from the eyes, maybe pus, the newborn avoids light. If in this case you carefully pull back the lower eyelid, you can see swelling and redness of the conjunctiva, that is, the mucous membrane of the eye.

If you notice a similar picture in a newborn, then the cause must be established without delay. It is difficult to make a correct diagnosis of conjunctivitis on your own; it is risky. The symptoms of conjunctivitis are very similar to the symptoms of another disease - daccyocystitis, obstruction of the lacrimal ducts, the treatment of which involves the use of additional procedures.

Conjunctivitis may have different nature: viral, bacterial, allergic. Viral conjunctivitis affects both eyes. Most often, viral conjunctivitis is caused by an adenovirus, that is, the cause is a common acute respiratory infection. It is accompanied by fever, sore throat, runny nose, and grayish or white films form in the corners and on the inside of the eyelids.

Bacterial conjunctivitis, which is caused by bacteria, accompanies heavy purulent discharge. It is very important not to let the disease progress to healthy eye. It is very difficult to limit the baby’s actions, to prevent him from touching first the sore eye, then the healthy one.

Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by pollen, animal dander, and other allergens. In this case, the newborn is worried about lacrimation, itching, in which case the ophthalmologist will prescribe antihistamines, and in case of obstruction of the lacrimal canaliculi, Tobrex for newborns will be prescribed. - antibacterial agent broad spectrum, available in the form of eye drops and ointments.

Tobrex for newborns - how to use

If you have eye diseases, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, observe simple rules- when treating eyes, it is imperative to wash your hands before and after the procedure; Do not touch the tip of the pipette to the medicine bottle of the eyelashes or inflamed mucous membrane.

Instill up to five times during the day, one drop behind the lower eyelid. It is best to instill the drops during the day at certain intervals, and the ointment, if the doctor has prescribed its use, is also placed behind the lower eyelid at night. It is necessary to understand that the disease itself is not so much dangerous as the possibility of re-infection, that is, self-infection with it again.

If conjunctivitis is severe, rotting occurs and does not stop, then the doctor may increase the dose, but this is subject to monitoring the child’s health. Tobrex for newborns gives positive dynamics within a few hours, provided that treatment of conjunctivitis was started as soon as possible. Children become less restless and eat well. Most newborns tolerate the drug well without complications or side effects.

When you use such a remedy, it is important to consider General requirements to drugs of this type. Make sure the Tobrex bottle is closed. If the bottle has been opened, the shelf life when opened is two weeks. When you drop Tobrex for newborns into the eyes, make sure that the tip of the pipette does not come into contact with the affected eye, or the infection may be introduced into the healthy eye that is being dropped for prevention. After instillation, it is necessary to ensure that the newborn does not rub his eyes with his fists, otherwise an infection can occur.

There are parents who are distrustful of Tobrex for newborns; mothers change the drug, which cannot be done. This will lead to delays, worsening of the process, and secondly, medicinal product Tobrex is not taken in conjunction with other medications.

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Tobrex is an antibacterial drug that is intended for the treatment of various infectious diseases eye.

It is an eye drop based on a broad-spectrum antibiotic called tobramycin. Tobramycin is active against a number of pathogenic microflora; the active substance has a detrimental effect on Proteus, Escherichia coli, staphylococci and streptococci, Klebsiella, gonococci, enterobacteria and other microorganisms.

Eye drops Tobrex are intended for local application, therefore the active substance is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream. This explains the safety of the drug, minimal amount there are no contraindications to its use and no side effects.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Tobrex cost in pharmacies? average price is at the level of 200 rubles.

Composition and release form

Tobrex is available in the following dosage forms:

  • eye drops 0.3%: clear solution, colorless or light yellow (5 ml in Droptainer dropper bottles, one bottle in a cardboard box);
  • eye ointment 0.3%: homogeneous, white or almost white (3.5 g in aluminum tubes, one tube in a cardboard box).

Composition of 1 ml eye drops:

  • auxiliary components: benzalkonium chloride solution, anhydrous sodium sulfate, tyloxapol, boric acid, sodium hydroxide and/or sulfuric acid (to adjust the pH), sodium chloride, purified water.

Composition of 1 g eye ointment:

  • active ingredient: tobramycin – 3 mg;
  • auxiliary components: white petroleum jelly, mineral oil (liquid paraffin), anhydrous chlorobutanol.

pharmachologic effect

The basis of the drug Tobrex is made up of substances that disrupt the membrane cells of pathogenic microorganisms and suppress protein synthesis in them. This effect extends to the pathogens of diphtheria, staphylococci, streptococci and E. coli. The main active component of the drops is the antibiotic tobramycin.

The disadvantage of this antibacterial component is that it only works with systematic instillation. If the digging is stopped, the survivors pathogenic microorganisms will begin to reproduce again. This can be avoided by increasing the number and dosage of instillations, but in this case there is a risk of side effects.

The advantages of the medicine include its speed: the first symptoms of the disease are eliminated within the first hours after instillation, but if the disease progresses to severe formpositive results you should wait at least three days after starting treatment.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, Tobrex eye drops are prescribed for eye damage from bacteria that cause a number of diseases:

  • blepharitis ( chronic inflammation eyelid caused Staphylococcus aureus);
  • (inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the eyes);
  • keratitis (inflammation, clouding of the sclera and ulcerations on the cornea of ​​the eyeball);
  • blepharoconjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis;
  • idocyclitis (inflammation of the iris and its choroid).


Individual hypersensitivity to the drug and its components.

Tobramycin should be prescribed with caution to patients childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

There is no clear opinion on the use of the drug for the treatment of women during pregnancy and lactation, since there is insufficient experience in the use of this drug by the above-mentioned groups of patients. Therefore, the use of Tobrex for the treatment of pregnant women is justified only in cases where the expected therapeutic effect outweighs the risk of side effects.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, Tobrex drops are intended for topical use by instillation into the conjunctival sac.

  • mild infections: 1–2 drops every 4 hours;
  • acute period of severe infections: 2 drops every hour, then as the inflammatory process decreases, the frequency of instillations should be reduced.

Tobrex for children

For children over a year old Tobrex is prescribed 1 drop 5 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 7 days.

Tobrex for newborns

Despite the fact that the instructions for the drug indicate that there has been insufficient research on the use of Tobrex in children under 1 year of age, the practical experience of pediatricians indicates the high effectiveness of Tobrex in newborns. Another positive thing is that the effect occurs quickly, without requiring long-term treatment.

Tobrex is prescribed to newborns, 1 drop 5 times a day, for no more than 7 days.

If the dosage is followed correctly, complications do not occur. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, or if the drug is overdosed, the baby may experience hearing impairment, kidney problems, or paralysis. respiratory muscles. If any abnormalities occur, you should stop treatment with Tobrex and contact your pediatrician or pediatric ophthalmologist.

A child should not use Tobrex on his own without a doctor’s prescription!

Side effects

In general, Tobrex eye drops are well tolerated. Sometimes, against the background of their use, the development of local allergic reactions in the form of redness of the conjunctiva, swelling of the eyelids. In this case, you should stop using the drug and consult a medical specialist.


In case of excessive instillation of Tobrex solution, a burning sensation, swelling of the eyelids, and redness of the conjunctiva may occur. In this case, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

special instructions

An unreasonable increase in the frequency of dosing and duration of use of the drug can lead to the appearance of microorganisms that are insensitive to the components of the drug, including fungal infections of the eye. If symptoms of superinfection appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Must be excluded joint use Tobrex with the following drugs:

  • with capreomycin, carboplatin, teicoplanin, cefepime, cefotaxime, because oto- and nephrotoxic effects are observed;
  • with vancomycin, because an oto-, nephro- and neurotoxic effect is observed;
  • with ethacrynic acid or furosemide, because an ototoxic effect is observed;
  • with cifamandol, cefaperazone, cefuroxime, amphotericin B, because a nephrotoxic effect is observed.

It should also not be allowed simultaneous use Tobrex with drugs containing tetracycline (due to the content of tyloxapol in the former).

Infants under one year old often experience inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the eyes, caused by bacteria, viral strains, and allergies. The peak incidence occurs in the summer, when the likelihood of dust getting on a child’s skin increases, pollen. Depending on the cause of inflammation, it is prescribed drug therapy. If eye diseases are of bacterial origin, it is possible to use Tobrex drops for newborns.


The product is an antibiotic with wide range action, effective in the fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, enterococci, Klebsiella, streptococci, enterobacteria and staphylococci. Chlamydia and anaerobic bacteria are resistant to Tobrex drops.

The active component of the drug, tobramycin, has an inhibitory effect on protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic microbes, leading to their death. Excipients:

  • sodium sulfate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • boric acid;
  • tilaxopol.

The drug is available in two forms: Tobrex and Tobrex 2x. The second differs in consistency: it is more viscous and allows the medicine to remain in the conjunctival sac longer. The effect of the drug increases, and the frequency of use is reduced to 2 times a day, maintaining the effectiveness of the treatment. It is not used in children under one year of age due to excipients in compositions that are poorly tolerated by the body of newborns.

The concentration of the active substance is low: 3 mg per 1 ml of the drug. Drops have a local effect, active substance excreted through the kidneys unchanged, having minimal impact on the body's systems. This allows the product to be used to treat infants from birth. The advantages of Tobrex include high efficiency and absence of mucosal discomfort during instillation.


The use of Tobrex eye drops is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician (pediatrician, pediatric ophthalmologist). The drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes after surgical interventions, injury and to combat bacterial infection in eye diseases:

  • Keratitis – inflamed cornea;
  • Barley is an acute inflammatory process in the eyelash follicle or sebaceous gland;
  • Conjunctivitis – inflammatory lesion mucous membrane;
  • Keratoconjunctivitis - the mucous membrane and cornea are simultaneously inflamed;
  • Endophthalmitis – the inner lining of the eyeball becomes inflamed;
  • Dacryocystitis – characterized by obstruction of the lacrimal canal, often complicated by an inflammatory process;
  • Blepharitis – inflammatory disease eyelids from the side of the ciliary edge.

Put correct diagnosis It’s quite difficult to do it on your own; you can’t rely on the advice of friends, risking the baby’s health. At the first signs of inflammation - watery eyes, formation of pus, redness, swelling of the eyes - you need to consult a specialist to avoid complications of the disease.

A doctor may prescribe Tobrex eye drops for use in the nose for a bacterial runny nose, which is characterized by a yellow-green color of the mucus secreted, elevated temperature. Efficiency explained antibacterial effect in the mucous membranes (including the nose) and low concentration, safe for the baby.

Rules of application

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and is no more than 7 days; if no improvement occurs during this time, it is necessary to choose another medicine. You should not stop using the drops before the appointed time after the first improvements in the baby’s condition. This will lead to bacteria developing resistance to the drug, making it ineffective in further treatment and exacerbation of the disease. Basic rules of application:

  • Mandatory hand hygiene before and after the procedure;
  • Before use, you need to warm the bottle to room temperature;
  • Preliminary cleansing of the eyes from accumulated pus. It is carried out from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one using a flagellum soaked in or. For each eye socket you need to use new cotton wool or a bandage;
  • The bottle is equipped with a dropper; if desired, you can use a clean pipette;
  • You need to drip into the conjunctival sac: on inner side lower eyelid, for convenience it can be slightly pulled down;
  • During the procedure, do not touch the eyes, mucous membranes, or cilia with the dropper;
  • Both eyes need to be treated, even if there are no signs of inflammation in one of them.

The number of instillations and dosage are prescribed by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease. The instructions indicate 4 times daily use for complications, to treat the disease in initial stage The product can be used 2 times a day, a drop in each eye.

When treating dacryocystitis, it is necessary to additionally massage tear ducts to speed up their cleansing. With the technique correct execution must be consulted by a doctor.

An opened tube can be used for 28 days at a temperature not exceeding 25°, after which it becomes unsuitable.

Side effects, contraindications

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The use of the drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components, expressed in the appearance of swelling, increased lacrimation, and redness. Itching and burning may occur, during which the child pulls his hands towards his eyes and rubs them. Possible side effects:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Decreased vision (temporarily);
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • Convulsive states;
  • Impaired functions of the urinary system;
  • Nausea;
  • Hearing impairment.

If such signs appear, you must stop using the drug and consult your pediatrician to prescribe another drug and treatment regimen.

Cases of overdose are rare and may cause the occurrence or manifestation of side effects. The drug cannot be prescribed simultaneously with tetracycline antibiotics due to incompatibility of the drugs.

If the duration of treatment is exceeded, an exacerbation of the infection may occur, caused by pathogenic microbes developing resistance to the drug, reduced immunity of the baby, or the occurrence of fungal inflammation that requires treatment with other drugs.

Cost, analogues

If necessary, Tobrex ophthalmic solution can be replaced with another agent with an antibacterial effect.

As active component. The product is a popular one, has a wide spectrum of action, and is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative strains. Its price is lower, but recently resistance to the drug has often been observed; among the disadvantages is tingling of the mucous membrane when instilled.

Floxal is used in children from birth, the active ingredient is ofloxacin. It is effective in combating big amount types of pathogens eye diseases.

– eye drops for treatment bacterial infections, are more often used in the treatment of dacryocystitis in newborns.

Drugs containing ciprofloxacin are not intended for children under one year of age; in rare cases, they are used to treat newborns. The active substance causes bacteria to become more addictive than other agents and is highly effective.

The price of Tobrex varies between 180-230 rubles, the drug is available with a prescription.

If you have eye inflammation, you cannot choose your own medicine or replace the prescribed drug with analogues. The pediatrician takes into account the effectiveness of the drug against a number of pathogenic bacteria, the degree of development of the disease and its origin. If he prescribes Tobrex eye drops for the treatment of newborns, it is necessary to comply with the dosage, regimen and duration. During use, you need to monitor the baby’s reaction; if side effects occur, consult your doctor.