How does uterine prolapse manifest itself? Prolapse of the uterine body

Uterine prolapse is a fairly common disease that is more often diagnosed in women over 40 years old, although it can also occur at the age of 20-30 years. The disease develops gradually, constantly progressing. Fortunately, the treatment of uterine prolapse almost always gives positive result.

Omission of the uterus is a downward displacement of the organ with its gradual or partial prolapse.

There are several degrees of development of the disease. The first degree is also characterized by a slight prolapse of the vaginal walls. In the second degree, the walls of the vagina are lowered, Bladder, rectum. In the third degree - the cervix is ​​located directly at the entrance to the vagina. The fourth degree is an incomplete prolapse of the organ, while the cervix extends beyond the vagina. At the fifth degree, there is a complete prolapse of the organ with everted walls of the vagina.

When the uterus prolapses, pain occurs in the abdomen, sacrum, and sometimes in the lower back. The woman feels the presence foreign body into the vagina and experience pain when sexual contact. There are leucorrhoea or bleeding. Observed frequent urination. Urine does not hold when sneezing, laughing, coughing, physical exertion. Sometimes there are violations of the intestines: constipation, hemorrhoids, feces. As a rule, other diseases develop genitourinary system: nephritis, kidney prolapse, cystitis and others.

Most often, uterine prolapse occurs in women who have given birth many times, as a result of which the ligaments and muscles that hold internal organs. The cause of the disease can be birth trauma and ruptures of the perineum, congenital diseases pelvic areas transferred surgical operations on the reproductive organs, diseases connective tissue, impaired supply of nerves to the urogenital diaphragm, estrogen deficiency in menopause, wrong position uterus, especially its posterior deviations.

Modern gynecology does not consider uterine prolapse terrible diagnosis, since the disease is very successfully treated at all stages. Although in some cases serious complications of the disease are possible.

So, the woman was found to have a uterine prolapse. How to treat?

There are conservative, surgical and folk methods of treating the disease, the choice of which is individual and depends on the stage of the disease.

With small degrees of omission, conservative treatment is practiced.

Descent of the uterus. How to treat not surgically?

Such treatment includes special gymnastics and which strengthen the muscles pelvic floor.

When the uterus is lowered, a uterine ring is used, which is inserted into the vagina in order to hold the cervix in the desired position. The disadvantage of this method is that the ring is often lowered, it must be constantly washed, removed during sexual intercourse.

In non-surgical treatment, hormonal preparations, strengthening the ligaments of the genital organs and improving the blood supply to this area.

With this pathology, you should follow a diet that relieves constipation, wear a bandage, avoid lifting weights and heavy physical work.

A very effective and proven remedy is considered to be indispensable for the last degrees of prolapse of the uterus and its prolapse.

Descent of the uterus. How to treat surgically?

If a woman is no longer going to give birth, then it is advisable to arrange the uterus. If the reproductive organs need to be preserved, then an operation is performed using artificial materials - a prolene mesh. Now doctors have access to advanced technologies that allow them to perform surgery through the vagina and through punctures. At the same time, an operation is performed that normalizes the position of the bladder, which eliminates problems with urination.

Descent of the uterus. How to treat folk remedies?

ethnoscience is always popular with people. With a prolapsed uterus, use healing herbs and fees. Alternative methods are aimed at eliminating pain and improving the tone of the uterine muscles.

There are many simple recipes which have been used for a long time folk healers.

Melissa (2 tablespoons) pour half a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos overnight. Drink two-thirds of a glass an hour before meals.

Mix 75 grams of oregano and lemon balm, and 100 grams of coltsfoot. Two st. pour spoons of dry collection with boiling water (half a liter) and leave for about 8 hours. An hour before meals, drink two-thirds of a glass.

70 grams oak bark pour water (two liters), boil over low heat for 2 hours. Douching daily for a month.

Heaping tablespoon dried roots elecampane pour half a liter of vodka and insist in the dark for 10 days. Take a tablespoon every morning on an empty stomach.

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Pelvic hernia, uterine prolapse or prolapse are the names of the same pathology. This disease is more common in older women who have entered menopause and have more than two children born naturally.

Uterine prolapse in women has characteristic symptoms and treatment, which you can learn more about from this article.

What it is

Uterine prolapse is a rather serious pathology that not only causes suffering to a woman, but also seriously impairs her quality of life. The organ itself is pear-shaped and hollow inside, normally it is located between bladder and rectum, while it in no way goes beyond the plane of the small pelvis. Its fixation is provided by the muscles and ligaments that form the "pelvic floor". This is a powerful layer of three layers of muscles that holds all the organs. abdominal cavity including the uterus. It is with these muscles that the baby is pushed out during natural delivery.

When the uterus is pregnant, it is greatly enlarged, and the organ's own ligamentous apparatus comes to the aid of the "pelvic floor", which is responsible for additional fixation of the organ in the abdominal cavity. In order for the uterus to always be in its place and not fall out, it is necessary that its ligamentous apparatus and the muscles of the pelvic floor are always elastic and elastic. Any violation of these characteristics leads to the launch of the mechanism of displacement of the genitals, followed by the prolapse of the uterus. The final stage of the prolapse process is the prolapse of the uterus to the outside. It may be complete (prolapse) or partial and is the result of a chronic, slow-moving process of genital displacement. When the bladder descends along with the uterus, a cystocele is diagnosed, and the joint prolapse of the organ with the anterior part of the rectum is called a rectocele.

Why does the uterus fall out

Causes of uterine prolapse young age usually associated with injury during labor activity, much more reasons for the development of the disease in women of advanced age. Here are the main reasons:

  • change in the shape of the pelvic floor due to childbirth or other mechanical damage;
  • poor fixation of organs that are located outside the small pelvis. In this case, hernias and displacements take place;
  • if steroidogenesis is impaired (hormonal disorders);
  • chronic diseases of a non-gynecological nature, the consequence of which is a violation of metabolism;
  • complicated childbirth with prolonged attempts and deep gaps that did not have the correct treatment;
  • a large number of births and / or fetuses;
  • carrying out complex obstetric activities such as manual extraction of the fetus, if there is a breech presentation;
  • gynecological operations;
  • congenital pathologies of the pelvic organs;
  • severe overload from physical labor or sports training, heavy lifting and excessive abdominal tension;
  • in old age there are natural changes in the structure of the body and hormonal background, which can also cause prolapse of the cervix or the entire organ;
  • persistent cough due to bronchial asthma, emphysema or bronchitis, which exerts severe intra-abdominal pressure;
  • problems with defecation chronic form in which it is required to strain the abdominal muscles, which significantly increases intra-abdominal pressure;
  • body structure, especially this pathology characteristic of infantile women with asthenic physique;
  • heredity.

The presence of only one factor in a woman cannot lead to the development of the pathology in question.

The disease is not physiological change location of the organ during pregnancy. With the growth of the fetus, the uterus also grows and decreases, and after childbirth, with a good state of health of the woman, she again returns to her original position. If the uterus was lowered before pregnancy, that is Great chance that she will fall out after childbirth, and pregnancy will become this process catalyst.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

In very rare cases, which are rather exceptions, the uterus will fall out abruptly and unexpectedly. More often it protracted process whose symptoms worsen over time. On the initial stage disease, even during a gynecological examination, the doctor may lose sight of it, but with the aggravation of the patient's condition and an increase characteristic symptoms it is difficult to ignore the pathology.

Usually a woman herself notices the first signs of uterine prolapse, and then its prolapse. First, she feels a foreign object inside the vagina, and in the absence of treatment and beyond. The prolapsed uterus may be visible to the naked eye. Better to preempt similar state, and for this you need to pay attention to the primary manifestations of the disease and, if any, urgently seek help from a specialist:

  • mild soreness in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the perineum;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • bloody and whitish discharge on underwear;
  • constant fatigue and lethargy;
  • problems with urination (incontinence);
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • menstrual dysfunction;
  • pain during intercourse.


The disease develops gradually, and its classification is made depending on the severity of the patient's condition and the depth of the prolapse of the organ. There are 4 degrees of manifestation of the disease:

  1. The uterus is displaced, but the cervix has not yet gone beyond the vagina, but reaches a maximum of half of it. The patient has pain in the lower back and during intercourse, the menstrual cycle.
  2. Partial prolapse of the uterus is the second stage of the disease, when in the normal state the organ is in the vagina, but physical activity, coughing or straining pushes it out. There are pains, discomfort and a feeling of a foreign object inside. Characteristic frequent urges to urination, the quality of life decreases.
  3. Incomplete uterine prolapse is characterized by the location of the organ inside the vaginal canal, while its walls and cervix go outside. At the same time, the previous symptoms are connected copious discharge with bloody impurities, pain occurs when walking and in sitting position. It is difficult to retain urine, and infection and inflammation can also be added.
  4. The most severe stage 4 of the disease, which makes it difficult to walk and sit. Complete prolapse of the uterus in older women develops faster and may be accompanied by inflammation and infection.


Initially, the diagnosis is established by visual and two-handed gynecological examination. During it, an assessment is made of the degree of displacement or prolapse of the uterus and surrounding tissues in calm state and during straining. Before examination in the chair, the doctor examines the patient in a similar way in vertical position. Additionally held the following tests and research:

  • smears for flora, bakposev from the perineum;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • colposcopy;
  • hysterosalpingoscopy.

Since the pathology affects the functioning of the urea and rectum, additional consultation with a urologist and proctologist may be necessary and may be prescribed additional tests such as urography.

Treatment without surgery

The initial stage of the disease is treated with estrogen-based drugs and special physical exercises. Wherein hormonal ointments applied to tampons and inserted into the vagina. A woman during treatment should lead correct image life and exercise. But most often the treatment of uterine prolapse conservative methods supplemented by orthopedic correction of genital prolapse.


Treatment of uterine prolapse with a bandage is an innovative technique. A bandage is a tight shorts with a high waist, fastened on the hips and in the crotch area. The side mounts are made of plastic, and the bottom one is in the form of an elastic band.

Provides complete fixation organs in the correct position, while it is absolutely invisible under clothing. This product is worn for no more than 12 hours a day, at night, when the woman is in a supine position, the bandage is removed. A cotton swab is fixed on the tape. While swimming, the brace can be worn under the bathing suit.

Application of a pessary

(or uterine ring) is a supporting implant, which is created from bioinert synthetics and biological material. They are inserted into the vagina and provide support for the cervix, thereby preventing the entire organ from descending.

This method of treatment is indicated for acute uterine prolapse, during pregnancy in critical situation, elderly women and in those cases when, for one reason or another, surgery for uterine prolapse is contraindicated.

This is very effective remedy in the early stages of the disease. For women of advanced age, this is a lifelong event, since their muscles will no longer be able to recover on their own. Wearing a pessary implies daily douching with a disinfectant solution and observing all the rules of personal hygiene. At night, the device is removed in without fail and disinfected. Failure to comply with these measures may lead to the development inflammatory processes. After consulting a doctor, the patient can carry out the procedure for removing and installing the pessary without involving a specialist.

The female body is a fragile thing. It must be protected like the apple of an eye. It is not uncommon for a woman to experience uterine prolapse while doing hard physical labor or undergoing a difficult birth. What to do and how to treat, and most importantly, how to cure uterine prolapse, we will tell in our article.

Why does uterine prolapse occur?

Childbirth, perineal tears, pressure from above, constipation, heavy lifting - all this can lead to prolapse. But whatever the reasons this phenomenon, they are all united by one main point - the loss of elasticity of the pelvic muscles.

Symptoms of this disease

1. Actually initial stage, a woman can only feel drawing pains in the lower abdomen, which is very often attributed to approaching menstruation, or nerves.

2. The second stage of this disease brings with it:

  • urinary incontinence (sometimes when laughing or coughing), or vice versa, difficulty urinating;
  • the presence of something superfluous and foreign in the vagina is felt;
  • strong pain during sex;
  • often observed cystitis or pyelonephritis.

3. The most difficult stage of the disease is prolapse of the uterus into the vagina. It is difficult and painful to move, it is not worth remembering about sex at all.

Treatment for uterine prolapse

  1. At the initial stage of cervical prolapse, it helps well physiotherapy along with massage. As physical exercises, Kegel or Yunusov exercises are used. The point of these exercises is to alternately compress and relax the muscles of the vagina. All this is not difficult, and most importantly, you can do it at any time - no one will notice. You can also do wumbling, using special simulators(jade testicles). Such exercises will help strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus. And this, by the way, will add new vivid sensations during sex. You just can’t skip “workouts”, irregularity will not help to avoid omission.
  2. At the second stage, physical education will no longer save, because. she will not be able to return the uterus to its place. In these cases, when the cervix is ​​lowered, an operation is performed, special treatment, which may include ointments and the use of various drugs.
  3. As you already understood, the third stage is the most dangerous. There are cases when, at the onset of this stage, the uterus can no longer be returned to its place. Then you have to delete it. Of course, doctors try to do their best, and removals are most often done only for women over 45 and those who have already gone through menopause.

Bandage for uterine prolapse

Special belts have been developed that are used when the uterus is lowered. This bandage encircles the thighs and passes through the perineum, thereby supporting the uterus from below. It is not visible under clothes, but it is removed and put on quite simply.

But it is worth saying that such belts are not always effective, because. are only passive. The belt cannot be replaced. physical exercise and massage. It is also worth knowing that it cannot be worn for more than 12 hours a day.

Treatment of uterine prolapse with folk remedies

Traditional medicine also has its own recipes that help with the prolapse of the uterus, on the very early stage development of this diseases. Here is the recipe for the most famous alcohol tincture from the roots of astragalus.

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According to statistics, forty percent of women under the age of 40 are diagnosed, and in more adulthood similar problem occurs in 50% of women.

In this article, we will tell you in more detail what uterine prolapse is, and we will also describe all the symptoms and treatment at home.

What is it all about

After the diagnosis, a woman is concerned about two questions: What is it and how to cure uterine prolapse?

Doctors call the process of uterine prolapse in women uterine prolapse. In fact, this is the inability of the muscles and ligaments of the small pelvis to support the uterus in its usual, “suspended state”.

Fallout can be treated different methods. It all depends on the stage of the disease. At the initial stage, you can use folk remedies, special gymnastics, On the fourth, there is no way to do without an operation.

Causes and consequences of omission

The main causes of pathology:

  • Frequent weight lifting;
  • Tumor, inflammation in the pelvis;
  • Heredity;
  • Operations in which the integrity of the pelvic muscles may be impaired;
  • Obesity;
  • Excess weight;
  • Hernia;
  • Constipation is chronic;
  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Lack of estrogen.

In addition, uterine prolapse may occur after childbirth, as well as in old age.

The consequences of uterine prolapse directly depend on the stage of development of the disease.

  • On the first - the cervix is ​​​​still in the vagina, but the uterus is shifting down;
  • On the second - the external pharynx of the neck is already below the vagina;
  • The third stage - the genital organ and the vaginal wall fall out of the genital slit;
  • Fourth - the organs of the urinary system, intestines are affected. Need .

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

At the first stages of development, the pathology does not show signs, they are felt in the last two. The most common:

  • Periodic failures of the menstrual cycle;
  • Too frequent trips to the toilet;
  • Profuse discharge during menstruation;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. They can give to the lower back;
  • constipation;
  • Heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • Pain and discomfort during sex. Discomfort is felt by both partners.

Is treatment possible without surgery?

The question that every woman asks when she hears such a diagnosis from a doctor. Today, medicine has modern methods treatment of uterine prolapse, which are effective at all stages.

If the pathology is at the initial stage of development, then the treatment of uterine prolapse without surgery is possible. They often resort to:

  • Gynecological massage is done by a specialist. During the procedure, the patient should lie on the gynecological chair. Sessions are held intermittently;
  • Bandage - used as a preventive measure. The design of the bandage allows you to stop the development of pathology, in some cases you can be cured. Most often, a bandage is recommended for women who have had a difficult birth, so that omission does not occur over time;
  • Special gymnastics;
  • Treatment at home with folk remedies.

If a woman went to the doctor late, and the uterus squeezed the internal organs, then it is impossible to do without surgery.

Folk remedies

Treatment of uterine prolapse is also acceptable at home. The simplest, but at the same time effective recipes:

  1. Pour 50 g of dry plantain leaves with boiling water (1 l), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of celery seeds, cover the resulting liquid with a lid, let it brew for 40 minutes, then strain thoroughly. Add an additional 100 gr. to the tincture. honey and mix. You need to take this tincture on an empty stomach for 1⁄4 cups. Duration of application - a month.
  2. With the omission and prolapse of the uterus helps and dill decoction. You will need one teaspoon of dill seeds, chicory, St. John's wort and chamomile. All this is poured with boiling water (300 ml.). The decoction is infused for twelve hours. At the expiration of this period, it must be filtered and taken in small sips throughout the day. Duration of application - 3 months. In this case, it is necessary to take a 14-day break every month.
  3. Another effective folk recipe is a tincture of eggshell. To prepare it, you need a shell of 5 eggs. It needs to be dried and crushed. Then you need to grind nine lemons, the resulting mass must be added to the shell. After four days, you need to add 0.5 liters. vodka. After 3 days, the tincture must be carefully filtered. Take it in 25 ml. in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment must be completed 3 times with a break of 30 days.
  4. Another folk remedy that helps women is an infusion of lemon balm. For cooking, you need to pour boiling water (400 ml.) 2 tbsp. spoons of melissa leaves. After a couple of hours, the tincture needs to be filtered. Drink 1⁄4 cup an hour before meals.
  5. To get rid of the itching of the genital organs, which is also characteristic of prolapse of the uterus, you can use tampons based on echinacea petals, sunflower and celandine grass. All this collection must be filled with boiling water completely. After 2 hours, the infusion must be boiled, then cooled and passed through a sieve. Dip a gauze swab into the resulting liquid and lubricate itchy places with it.

Kegel exercises

These manipulations represent the tension of the muscles of the perineum. Within 30 seconds, you need to strain and relax the muscles. Start with five seconds, then increase the delay to a minute. You need to repeat them three to four times a day.

The main plus of Kegel gymnastics is that it can be done anywhere and anytime: in transport, sitting at a computer, in the office, while walking with a pet, etc.

DO NOT stop once a positive result has been obtained.


Treatment of prolapse with folk remedies, as a rule, is supplemented with therapeutic exercises.

Yunusov's gymnastics is a contraction of the muscles involved in the process of urination. It is necessary to periodically imitate urinary retention. The method is very effective, but it is inferior to Kegel exercises, because they involve more muscle small pelvis and perineum.

Some more effective exercises:

  • Stand on all fours and at the same time lift right leg and left hand. Do five approaches;
  • For the lazy - every morning just stand on all fours for ten minutes;
  • Get on your knees with your hands on the floor. When bending over, try to touch the floor with your chest. Repeat this 20 times. Gradually, the number of slopes can be increased to 40. The result will become noticeable after 3 months of such daily exercises;
  • Standing straight, you need to raise your leg at a ninety-degree angle. Do this with each leg 10 times;
  • Exercises "bike", "scissors", "birch";
  • Yoga (at home).

Lowering massage

Massage should be performed by a gynecologist. During the massage, the patient should be relaxed and not strain the pelvic muscles. During the first session, the doctor examines the woman and teaches her to properly relax the abdominal muscles and breathe properly. In fact, the procedure lasts a maximum of 15 minutes.

Massage with uterine prolapse can not be performed:

  • If the patient is pregnant;
  • At high temperature;
  • During menstruation;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • venereal infections;
  • During breastfeeding;
  • With oncology;
  • Erosion of the cervix.

Prolapse of the uterus (prolapse, ICD code N81) is the loss of its normal position and protrusion into the vaginal cavity.

Pathology develops with weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor, uterine ligaments. There are a number of measures that can slow the progression of the disease, but the only way cure it - surgery.

Prolapse may be accompanied by the formation of cystocele and rectocele. A cystocele occurs when the wall of the bladder protrudes into the lumen of the vagina. In this case, the woman is concerned about complaints of difficulty urinating. Sometimes it is possible to urinate only when changing the position of the body.

With a rectocele, the anterior wall of the rectum protrudes into the lumen of the vagina and forms a pocket in which feces accumulate. A woman has constipation, feeling incomplete emptying bowel during bowel movements, a feeling of heaviness in the perineum.

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    2. Causes

    Uterine prolapse is more likely to develop in the presence of risk factors:

    1. 1 Age. Most often, pathology is diagnosed in women older than 40 years. With age, degenerative processes in ligamentous apparatus accelerate, the uterus descends.
    2. 2 Heredity. Risk is higher with prolapse pelvic organs at mother.
    3. 3 Multiple births, complicated course of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period(large fetus, prolonged attempts, dissection of the perineum).
    4. 4 General depletion of the body(on the background chronic diseases, starvation, cachexia).

    The main causes of the disease are:

    1. 1 . Changes in the hormonal background, a decrease in the production of estrogen leads to weakening and thinning of the ligaments.
    2. 2 Obesity.
    3. 3 Persistent increase in intra-abdominal pressure(heavy physical work, abdominal tumors, pregnancy, chronic cough, constipation).
    4. 4 Perineal injury(most often perineal tears occur during childbirth).

    3. Symptoms of the disease

    Some patients may have no symptoms.

    From the side of the vaginaFeeling of pressure, fullness, especially when standing for a long time.

    At full loss the uterus is visible from the genital slit.

    Jet weakening

    Repeated urinary infections

    From the side of the intestineIncontinence of gas, stool.

    fecal retention.

    Chronic constipation

    Pain and discomfort
    Table 1 - Symptoms of uterine prolapse

    4. Stages of descent

    There are 4 stages (POP-Q) and 4 degrees of prolapse, depending on the length of the displacement of the uterus. Incomplete (partial) omission includes 1-3 degrees (see table 2). corresponds to the fourth stage (see figure below).

    Table 2 - Degrees of uterine prolapse

    What does a prolapse look like?

    5. Complications

    The disease is most dangerous for its consequences:

    1. 1 The displacement of the uterus sometimes leads to, blockage of its lumen and impaired outflow of urine from the kidneys. stasis of urine and high blood pressure in the lumen of the renal pelvis increase the likelihood, lead to gradual atrophy of the renal parenchyma.
    2. 2 cause kidney damage and threaten the development of sepsis.
    3. 3 Prolapse causes deformity and weakening of the septa between the vagina and the bladder, rectum. In this case, prolapse can be complicated by cystocele (there are problems with emptying the bladder) or rectocele (the woman complains of constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the rectum).
    4. 4 In rare cases, on the mucous shells are eroded.

    6. Examination

    The diagnosis is established after examination by a gynecologist. The doctor examines the patient with the help of vaginal mirrors and assesses the presence of signs of prolapse and its degree.

    The position of the organ is assessed at rest and when straining the patient. In the presence of signs, a consultation with a urologist is required.

    7. Treatment and observation

    The degree of omission does not always correlate with the severity of symptoms. At the initial stage, the most rational tactic is careful observation of the patient.

    Some women prefer surveillance even for more late stages(in this case, it is necessary to monitor the development of new symptoms - impaired urination and stool retention, development of vaginal erosions).

    Conservative therapy includes two main methods of correction:

    1. 1 Active lifestyle: pelvic floor muscle training and Kegel exercises. The complexes are effective in treatment, but their role in eliminating prolapse is disputed.
    2. 2 Use of a vaginal pessary. It is the only non-surgical treatment for uterine prolapse.

    7.1. Setting up a pessary

    A vaginal pessary (uterine ring) is a silicone ring that is inserted into the vagina to hold the genitals in a normal position. His selection is carried out by a gynecologist.

    Insertion of retaining rings can cause mucosal irritation and discharge. The pessary does not cure the disease, but only relieves the symptoms. Every 3 months, an examination by a gynecologist and a replacement of the ring are required.


    1. 1 The need to reduce the severity of complaints.
    2. 2 Stop/slow the progression of the disease.
    3. 3 Early pregnancy.
    4. 4 The first 6 months of the postpartum period.
    5. 5 Presence of contraindications to surgical treatment or refusal of it.


    1. 1 Ulceration of the walls of the vagina, the appearance of.
    2. 2, discomfort.
    3. 3 (abundant).

    7.2. Is it possible to have sex while placing a pessary?

    Most often, sex is possible. In some cases, the pessary is temporarily removed before sex, and then put back in place by the woman. Some types of rings make it impossible to have sex, so it's important to discuss this with your gynecologist.

    8. Surgical interventions

    The type of surgery suggested depends on the age of the patient, her desire to preserve fertility, general condition, degree of prolapse and pathology variant.

    Depending on the access, operations are open, laparoscopic and transvaginal. Currently, open interventions are losing their relevance due to a higher likelihood of complications and long period recovery.

    Goals of surgical treatment:

    1. 1 Relieve symptoms.
    2. 2 Restore the normal anatomy of the pelvic organs.
    3. 3 Restore normal sex life.
    4. 4 Prevent relapse.

    Usually, surgery not performed the first 6 months after childbirth, as there is a high probability of recurrence of the disease. This group of patients has good effect from conservative treatment(perineal muscle training, physiotherapy).

    Operations should not be done during pregnancy and serious condition female patients.

    Patient groupOptions
    Up to 40 years old
    After 40 years

    Manchester operation.

    8.1. Anterior colporrhaphy

    It is used for cystocele (protrusion of the bladder wall into the vaginal lumen) and is performed from the vaginal lumen. By strengthening the septum between the vagina and the bladder, the normal position of the latter is achieved and symptoms from the bladder are eliminated. urinary tract.

    8.2. Posterior colporrhaphy

    Performed to eliminate rectocele and restore normal anatomy perineum. For plastics, local fabrics are used. Reducing the likelihood of recurrence is achieved by suturing in back wall mesh prostheses.

    8.3. Manchester operation

    This is the name of the anterior colporrhaphy with the removal of the cervix. It allows you to save the menstrual cycle and the ability to become pregnant.

    The operation is suitable for women under 40 years of age who wish to maintain menstruation and fertility. At the same time, amputation of the cervix increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. After the intervention, a scar is formed, which can lead to narrowing cervical canal and make it difficult natural childbirth.

    8.4. Hysterectomy

    Removal of the uterus is performed in the later stages of prolapse. Intervention is indicated for patients over forty years of age who have children and who do not seek to have children again.

    8.5. Loop plastic (sling)

    These operations are indicated for young women and girls suffering from prolapse of 2-3 degrees and who want to preserve their childbearing function. The uterus is "suspended" by a synthetic tape to the sacrum. The method is most effective in the absence of childbirth in history.

    8.6. Suturing the walls of the vagina

    Performed in older women. The walls of the vagina are brought together with several sutures so that a small tunnel remains for the discharge of secretions from the uterine cavity.

    The main indications for the procedure:, high risk complications of another surgical intervention. The operation is not performed in women who are sexually active.

    9. Prevention

    To prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to perform the following preventive measures:

    1. 1 Antenatal physiotherapy, relaxation exercises and perineal muscle strengthening.
    2. 2 Normalization of body weight.
    3. 3 Proper management of childbirth.
    4. 4 Sewing up perineal tears immediately after childbirth.
    5. 5 Carrying out exercise therapy and physiotherapy among pregnant women, puerperas.
    6. 6 Restriction of loads for the first 6 months after the birth of a child.
    7. 7 Maintaining the interval between births (3 years) to restore muscle tone.
    8. 8 Family planning and limiting the number of pregnancies.
    9. 9 In menopausal women, hormone replacement therapy.
    10. 10 Lifestyle changes: changing jobs, limiting heavy lifting, some physical activity(running, squats, static loads).

    10. Treatment with folk remedies

    None healing herbs and decoctions are not able to eliminate prolapse. Independent attempts to treat the disease at home can lead to serious consequences. Incorrectly selected physiotherapy exercises will only accelerate the progression of the disease.
    Pain during sex.

    Decreased sensitivity of the genitals

    Organs of the urinary systemFrequent, painful urination.

    Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

    Jet weakening

    To start urination, a change of position is required, screwing back the protruding wall of the bladder with fingers inserted into the vagina.

    Repeated urinary infections

    From the side of the intestineIncontinence of gas, stool.

    fecal retention.

    The need for straining during defecation.

    Chronic constipation

    Lower abdomen and sacrumPain and discomfort
    Patient groupOptions
    Pregnancy/postpartum; no history of childbirthSetting a pessary for up to 16 weeks.

    Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum.

    After/before childbirth surgical treatment in the absence of the effect of conservative measures (loop plastic).

    Up to 40 years oldFertility-preserving surgeries: removal of cystocele, rectocele (anterior/posterior colporrhaphy), Manchester operation, suspension of the uterus (loop plastic)
    After 40 yearsColporrhaphy (anterior / posterior).

    Manchester operation.

    Transvaginal hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair