Treatment of erosion by radio wave method. Examination before cauterization

Cervical erosion is considered the most common gynecological disease, characterized by ulcerative violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the cervix, located in the vagina. There are congenital, true and pseudo-erosion (ectopia). It is the ectopia that has arisen at the site of true erosion in the event of its improper healing that doctors most often diagnose.

The causes of erosion can be different:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • trauma to the cervix during childbirth, surgical intervention and etc.

Despite the fact that cervical erosion is a benign process, there is always a chance of occurrence in advanced cases. Do not forget that this disease can be asymptomatic and women may not know about its existence until visiting a gynecologist. That is why doctors recommend regularly visiting them and, in cases of erosion, carry out complex treatment.

Currently, the treatment of cervical erosion can be carried out using liquid nitrogen (cryolysis), laser (laser coagulation), electrical discharges (diathermocoagulation), chemical substances and radio waves.

The most effective and least traumatic method of treatment this disease, which is becoming increasingly popular, is radio wave destruction.

Description of the technique of radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

The main tool for the procedure is the modern Surgitron apparatus, made in the USA, which generates radio waves. high frequency from 3.8 to 4 MHz, under the influence of which tissue is cut and coagulated. The device itself resembles a pen with a metal tip (the so-called radio wave knife) and is a very thin electrode that is connected to a source of radio waves.

The procedure is usually carried out from 5 to 10 days menstrual cycle, since it is during this period that the body produces a large amount of estrogen, which contributes to rapid healing fabrics. In the case of a small area of ​​the affected tissue, complete wound healing occurs by the beginning of the next menstrual cycle. The procedure itself takes an average of no more than 15 minutes (depending on the size of the damaged tissue) and does not require further hospitalization.

The woman is located in the gynecological chair. Before proceeding with cauterization, the doctor inserts vaginal mirrors, treats the cervix with a special disinfectant solution and injects an anesthetic. Only after that the doctor directs the radio wave knife to the damaged tissues without touching them.

Under the influence of radio waves, damaged cells are heated up to their complete evaporation. Thus, not only the excision of damaged cells occurs, which are subsequently sent for histological analysis, but also thermal coagulation of tissues: a thin film is formed that prevents bleeding and ensures rapid healing. Scars and scars do not form at the site of cauterization, which makes it possible to treat erosion even in nulliparous women. The radio wave knife does not heat up during the entire procedure. With it, the doctor can make incisions of different depths without suturing. At the same time, it is possible to remove many other formations.

Advantages and disadvantages of radio wave treatment

Radio wave treatment is a modern and promising method of treating many gynecological diseases, including cervical erosion, which has huge amount advantages:

  • non-contact method, all manipulations are carried out using high-frequency waves;
  • complete absence blood and minimal pain;
  • minimal or complete absence of destruction of underlying intact tissues;
  • smoothing existing scars on the cervix and restoring local immunity;
  • the absence of postoperative scars and scars, which makes it possible to carry out this procedure nulliparous women;
  • antiseptic action of radio waves, which completely excludes further infection and allows you to refuse to take special antimicrobial drugs;
  • only one procedure is needed to obtain the desired positive effect;
  • easy and doctor-controlled tissue dissection under the influence of radio waves;
  • the possibility of simultaneous excision of pathological tissues in different places;
  • the duration of the procedure takes several minutes;
  • rapid tissue healing full preservation structures of the muscles of the cervix;
  • minimal, close to zero, risks of re-development of the disease;
  • the possibility of obtaining samples for histological analysis;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure in the clinic using local anesthesia or without it.

The disadvantages of the rvh treatment method are much less and they include:

  • high cost of treatment (the price in different medical institutions varies depending on the size of the lesion from 3 to 10 thousand rubles, excluding the price preliminary analyzes and medicines needed for postoperative period);
  • not used in all medical institutions (this is due to the high cost of special equipment).

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is the latest, high-tech, safe, low probability possible complications and minimal tissue trauma technology for the treatment of the disease.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the treatment of erosion with the help of RVH, it is necessary to carry out several additional surveys:

  • seat inspection;
  • a smear for the presence of viral or infectious diseases;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, C, tumor marker scc;
  • a blood test for hCG, to exclude a possible pregnancy;
  • biopsy (according to the doctor's indications);
  • colposcopy.

In case of detection of gynecological diseases, in order to prevent further postoperative complications need to complete the full course of treatment. Also, if you have problems with immune system it is necessary to undergo a complex treatment that enhances immunity.

  • sexual abstinence 10 days before the procedure;
  • taking one tablet of Askorutin three times a day three days before the procedure.

Despite the fact that the procedure is considered quite simple and quick, you need to take your health seriously and carefully perform necessary requirements to get the best possible result.


In order for the operation to be successful, without complications, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications to radio wave destruction of the cervix, which include:

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • low blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • Availability intrauterine device and pacemaker;
  • body temperature over 37°C;
  • mental illness;
  • any uterine bleeding;
  • period of menstruation;
  • a large area of ​​damaged tissues located on the border of the vaginal fornix and cervix;
  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It is important to know that during lactation this procedure can be performed due to the fact that radio waves do not affect the quality characteristics in any way. breast milk. Also, contraindications do not include the presence in the body of a woman of the papilloma virus.

Only in the absence of all contraindications can cauterization of erosion by radio waves be performed.

After the procedure, the attending physician draws up an individual plan for further therapy, including examinations (the first examination 2 weeks after the procedure) and examinations necessary to obtain the final results of the treatment. If a woman has a papillomavirus, additional treatment is necessary, including the removal of papillomas and taking antiviral drugs. If a woman is healthy (there are no genital infections), then the need for antibiotics or hormonal drugs. Doctors recommend during the first 4 weeks after the radio wave treatment of erosion:

  • refuse any sexual contact;
  • limit any physical exercise(lifting heavy objects, any sports);
  • Responsibly treat the daily hygiene of the genital organs, to prevent infection;
  • exclude visiting saunas, swimming pools, baths, swimming in the sea or other bodies of water, taking baths;
  • do not use tampons (replace them with daily pads);
  • refuse douching (washing gynecological syringe) vagina;

The first few days (up to two weeks) after cauterization of erosion by radio waves, small watery ones or which pass on their own are possible. Minor pains in the lower abdomen are also possible, which do not require additional treatment. The period of complete tissue healing is approximately 4-6 weeks. Throughout this time, a woman must be observed by her doctor. In case of appearance sharp pains, heavy discharge or fever, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. You may need to take additional painkillers and antipyretics (ibuprofen or acetaminophen).

Video: Radio wave treatment of the cervix

The speed and success of healing very much depends on the woman herself, on how much she will adhere to the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment of cervical erosion is mandatory, in no case should you resort to self-medication. Application folk remedies not only does not relieve the disease, but also due to the long absence of medical intervention, erosion can reach a larger size.

It is known that the mucus produced by the cervix contains immunoglobulins that protect the body from different kind infections. From this mucus, a mucous plug is formed that prevents bacteria and viruses from entering the uterine cavity. In turn, the erosion that has arisen on the cervix is ​​a source of infectious and inflammatory processes, thereby negatively affecting the antimicrobial properties of mucus: it reduces its effectiveness. In addition, any attempts to treat other gynecological inflammatory diseases may not give any results.

The presence of erosion of the cervix also adversely affects the process of childbirth: the cervix expands poorly and breaks easily. It is quite difficult to sew up a defective torn cervix. An unsuccessfully sutured cervix performs poorly protective function, passing bacteria into the uterine cavity, and also in the event of pregnancy is unable to hold the fetus.

That is why doctors recommend taking care of your health, not starting the disease and seeking help in time. Timely detected and treated erosion of the cervix will not bring any problems in the future. Especially now doctors have appeared in service effective technique treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves, which allows you to treat quickly and without possible complications. Radio wave destruction of the cervix is ​​suitable even for nulliparous women, since thanks to radio waves, damaged cells are carefully removed, scars after cauterization do not occur, and possible problems associated with cervical disease are excluded. future pregnancy and childbirth.

Erosion on the surface of the cervix is ​​the most widespread major organ disease reproductive system women. This pathology is dangerous because it occurs in the body without manifestation any symptoms. And it can only be found when scheduled inspection at the gynecologist. Removal similar to the wound surface of the epithelium of the cervix Maybe different ways, but the most effective is cauterization.

Cauterization of erosion has certain consequences

Pathology removal technique. How to remove erosion by radio waves. The consequences of the treatment of erosion on the cervix by the radio wave method

Erosion of the cervix, the consequences, after cauterization of which they reveal themselves, can scare any woman. During this period, there are copious discharge, but you should not be afraid of them, this is a sign of tissue healing.

How is erosion treated?

Erosion is a violation of the integrity of the outer epithelium of the cervix, which must be removed as soon as possible. After all, doctors believe that such a pathology is a precancerous condition of the cervix and threatens infertility. For each case of erosion, the doctor selects his own treatment method to meet all the needs of the patient and avoid complications. Erosion is not a provoking factor for the appearance of neoplasms of the organs of the reproductive system, but accelerates their growth. That is why it is necessary to get rid of erosion as soon as possible.

Specialists use several types of impact on erosion:

  1. Chemical coagulation. The impact on the wound surface is chemicals, which kill pathogenic microorganisms and contribute to the rapid healing of erosion. This method is good for small foci of erosion.
  2. Radio wave method of eliminating pathology. This method is the most popular among women who seek to keep reproductive function. The impact occurs with the help of special radio waves, and no scar tissue is formed on the surface of the neck.
  3. Electrocoagulation. This method is obsolete and only applies to women who do not plan to have more children. Cauterization of the pathological area is performed electric shock, and a burn is formed on the surface. This method contributes to the appearance a large number scar tissue, which will further complicate childbirth and conception.
  4. Cryodestruction. The pathological epithelium is affected liquid nitrogen, the water in the cells freezes and breaks them. This method is as safe for nulliparous women as the radio wave method, and the tissues after cauterization heal quickly and the patient can become pregnant as early as two months after the procedure.

Sometimes, when a woman has a slight erosion, then you can get by with the use of a specialized drug therapy. As such therapy, it is customary to use: antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and hormonal contraceptives.

Erosion electrocoagulation is an outdated and rather dangerous method.

Cauterization of erosion on the cervix by radio waves

The most modern method that allows women to fully preserve their reproductive function is cauterization with radio waves. Cauterization by radio waves is performed using an ultra-precise device - surgitron.

Performing this operation with the help of a surgitron allows you to get rid of erosion in the most gentle way. Due to the fact that cauterization is carried out extremely accurately, and the whole process is completely controlled by a specialist, burns do not form on the surface of the epithelium of the cervix, and subsequently scar tissue.

Cauterization by radio waves has a number of advantages compared to other methods:

  • Tissue destruction is completely excluded, since cauterization is performed in a non-contact way.
  • The healing rate is very high if the patient does not have any pathological processes that prevent tissue healing. This happens because cauterization is performed without tissue trauma.
  • Crushing of erosion cells provokes their onset, which causes a small incision. Due to this, cauterization in this way does not cause the formation of scar tissue.
  • The patient does not need to sew up the exposure surface.
  • The risks of the appearance of purulent infiltrate and the growth of pathological tissues are excluded.

Among the contraindications to such treatment is only the presence of a pacemaker in a woman.

Radio waves treat erosion in a non-contact way

The consequences of cauterization by radio waves

The method of cauterization with a radio wave device surgitron is the most gentle, among all methods for eliminating pathology. Therefore, when carrying out such a procedure, complications in patients are extremely rare. Within a week, the patient should have abundant white discharge, which some women consider a pathological process. But you should not be afraid of them, this process is natural and is a sign of healing of the wound surface.

Sometimes the patient may experience mild pain in the pelvic area, but these symptoms quickly disappear without causing the woman long-term inconvenience. Full period recovery after the wave destruction procedure lasts no more than six weeks.

But if the patient has prolonged and excessively abundant discharge, then the woman needs to pay attention to the smell and their color:

  • Yellow or greenish discharge. Their appearance indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. The patient needs to seek help from specialists to eliminate it.
  • Bloody or brown discharge. These discharges are indicative of damage. micro vessels, which will take place during the recovery period.
  • Blood and black clots. Bleeding or the appearance of black discharge indicates the presence of degeneration of erosion tissues into malignant ones. The cervix did not respond to treatment and the operation did not give results.

In any of these cases, the patient needs to seek help from specialists in order to eliminate the inflammatory process and avoid complications.

All inflammatory processes, which appear during the recovery period, are a consequence of infection pathogenic microorganisms through the vagina. To avoid such complications, a woman needs to be tested for the vaginal flora and eliminate possible ways infections.


Most often, for the treatment of erosion on the cervix, it is necessary to use cauterization. It is being fulfilled different ways, substances and devices. Currently very popular radio wave treatment cervical erosion. It allows you to almost painlessly and effectively eliminate pathological areas.


Radio wave therapy (RVT) is a method of cauterization of cervical erosion. In this case, there is no direct contact with tissues, which means that there is no risk of infection. In addition, the method does not leave scars, and therefore is indicated for nulliparous women. It is quite fast and almost painless. It is carried out using the Surgitron apparatus.

The method has a number of advantages:

  1. Quickness and painlessness;
  2. No risk of infection;
  3. Safety;
  4. The risk of bleeding is excluded, since coagulation of the vessels occurs simultaneously with cauterization.

Radioknife with erosion of the cervix is ​​​​used very often. Currently, it is considered one of the most advanced methods. Also, this method is widely used in other areas of gynecology. He has performed well.

Apparatus Surgitron

Surgitron is a special device used in radio wave surgery. It is equipped with an electrode that generates radio waves. This radiation heats the tissue and cauterization occurs. In this case, the electrode does not come into contact with the patient's body. That is, the risk of infection and additional damage to the mucosa is minimal.


The indication for this procedure is the presence of large erosion or pseudo-erosion. If the neoplasm is actively increasing in size, and also causes discomfort, then it must be cauterized. And it is radio wave treatment that is preferable in the absence of contraindications to its use. After it, erosion heals quickly and rarely recurs.


In some cases, cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves cannot be performed. Contraindications to this procedure are as follows:

  1. The presence of pregnancy, regardless of the term;
  2. The presence of a pacemaker;
  3. The presence of problems in the hematopoietic system, poor blood clotting;
  4. Diseases of the pelvic organs various etiologies- viral, infectious, fungal, inflammatory, etc. (they must be treated before the procedure);
  5. Availability oncological processes in the pelvic organs, and also, sometimes, in other body systems.

There may be other specific contraindications. They are set by the doctor individually. Therefore, before performing radio wave cauterization of cervical erosion, patients undergo a complete examination.


Complications after cauterization of cervical erosion can develop only if the patient did not follow the doctor's instructions. So, with insufficient hygiene, there is a risk of joining and developing various infections and the onset of the inflammatory process. Sexual activity during the recovery process can lead to injury to the manipulation area. As a result, bleeding may begin.

But usually treatment with the Surgitron apparatus does not cause any complications and consequences. Deviations from the norm in the recovery period are an increase in body temperature, severe pain two or three days after the intervention, as well as severe or non-stop bleeding.


Treatment of the cervix by this method takes place in several stages. At the preparatory stage, the patient goes through everything necessary research, takes tests. This is followed by the actual procedure, after which comes the recovery period. Correct behavior during this period and compliance with all doctor's recommendations is very important. Since the success of the operation also depends on it.


In order for the radio wave treatment of cervical erosion to be successful, it is necessary to undergo a number of additional examinations. The patient undergoes the following procedures:

  1. Colposcopy;
  2. A smear from the vagina on the flora;
  3. Complete blood count, as well as biochemical, tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  4. Cytological and bacteriological studies;
  5. Analysis for tumor markers;

In the presence of inflammatory processes, they must be treated before the procedure. Also, the day before the procedure, it is sometimes recommended to take daily dose antibiotic. This will avoid inflammatory processes after radio wave treatment of cervical erosion. But such a measure is not required for all patients.


Cauterization of cervical erosion by Surgitron is an almost completely painless process. During it, there is no direct contact between tissues and equipment. However, patients are given local anesthesia, which helps to remove even mild discomfort. Lidocaine spray is often used as a local anesthetic.


Removal of cervical erosion by radio waves takes little time. The procedure itself takes only 5 minutes. At the same time, it is carried out once, in contrast, for example, to treatment with chemicals. Together with preparatory activities The entire intervention takes about 20 minutes.

Studies before manipulation are not so numerous. Most often they can be completed within a week. And the main part of the recovery period ends within a week after cauterization.

Operation technique

It is recommended to carry out the intervention on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle. Thus, before the onset of the next menstruation, the damage will have time to heal completely. In addition, the regenerative abilities of epithelial cells at this moment are as high as possible. Therefore, the healing period will be short.

The patient is located in the gynecological chair. A colposcope is installed through which the doctor monitors the accuracy of the manipulations. Anesthesia is applied to the operated area cervical canal. An electrode is inserted, which emits waves.


The tissues are heated, and the erosion area is “soldered”. She gets burned. The process takes about five minutes. After that, the electrode is removed. The procedure is considered completed. More details about the process are described in the video in the material.

Erosion Excision

Excision is a procedure different from cauterization. With it, part of the uterine tissue is removed using a radio wave scalpel. More like conization. Indicated in cases of very severe lesions, deep or extensive erosions. Also, it often turns out to be the only effective method for multiple recurrences of erosion.

Removing part of the tissue can be done in different ways. But here, too, the radio wave method is preferable. After such an intervention, healing is faster, rehabilitation period shorter. Bleeding is almost excluded, and the operation itself takes place with minimal trauma.

Postoperative period

Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves is considered a low-traumatic procedure. Such damage heals quickly enough and the postoperative period is relatively short. Basically it is 10 days. During it, you can not visit the beach, sauna, solarium, bathe in the bathroom. It is advisable to avoid physical activity.

During this period, it is also important not to swim in open water. Maximum hygiene must be maintained.

As regards the ban on sexual life after the intervention, it is about 30 days. But the doctor will be able to say more precisely after assessing the degree of healing of the damage.


During the day on which the cauterization was carried out, the patient may experience minor drawing pains in the lower abdomen. They are easily stopped by analgesics and are not too intense.

Bloody discharge after radio wave treatment is possible during the first five, rarely seven, days. They are not intense, have a smearing character. If blood has gone after this period, or the discharge is very intense, you should consult a doctor.


Cauterization and treatment of the cervix radio wave method- the most sparing method for the patient. Unlike older methods (such as electrocoagulation), this one does not lead to a large scar. That is, such a procedure does not affect not only the very possibility of pregnancy, but also the course of the birth process. distensibility of the cervical canal and birth canal does not decrease, childbirth is not complicated.

In most cases, pregnancy can be planned as early as 2-3 months after surgery. But sometimes the doctor may recommend waiting up to six months. In any case, if the treatment radiosurgical method, then the beginning of gestation must be agreed with the doctor.


The radio wave method of treating erosion is a rather complicated procedure. When performed in commercial medical centers, it can be expensive (compared to other methods). There can also be significant differences by region.

The cost of radio wave cauterization by city

Treatment can also be carried out on the basis of municipal medical institutions. However, on a free basis, intervention is usually not carried out in this way. More economical and simple ways such as diathermocoagulation or cryodestruction.

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Cervical erosion is an ulcerative-degenerative lesion of the outer shell of the pharynx of the specified anatomical structure. During pathological process there is a destruction of the outer shell of the vaginal part of the neck with the formation of persistent defects. By its nature, this benign process, which, however, increases the likelihood of cervical cancer by 80% and is its precursor. According to the data medical statistics, the condition occurs in about half of women childbearing age and in 60% of patients older than 40 years. This is one of the most common gynecological pathologies. In the treatment, surgical, medical and, of course, minimally invasive methods are used. One of the most effective is radio wave treatment. What should you know about it?

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix, as already noted, is a degenerative-dystrophic process of the anatomical structure. It develops over a range of pathological causes, many of which a woman is able to prevent on her own, as part of prevention. Typical factors include:

  • Early start sexual relations. The earlier the representative of the weaker sex begins sexual activity, the more likely development ectopia and erosion of the cervix. As a rule, the final anatomical structure is formed by the age of 22-23, this period is considered the most preferable for the start of sexual relations.
  • Frequent and prolonged, rough intercourse. If a woman practices deep penetration with a partner, or if the anatomy of a man is such that the penis rests on the neck, the likelihood of erosive degeneration of the epithelium of the organ increases significantly.
  • Severe, traumatic childbirth.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Candida, gonococci, syphilitic spirochetes, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections can settle in the cervix and begin to multiply. Waste products destroy sexual structures and cause erosive lesions.
  • , hormonal disorders with a decrease in the concentration of estrogens in the bloodstream.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners, promiscuity.
  • Injuries to the cervical region, including abortions and other surgical interventions.

The symptoms of the process are also very characteristic:

  • There are spotting discharges outside the menstrual cycle.
  • There is a weak pain syndrome of a pulling nature in the suprapubic region, lower back, lower abdomen.
  • Discharges from bad smell.

However, manifestations are not observed in all cases. Erosion is often discovered by chance, during gynecological examination about other pathologies.

Diagnosis involves a visual examination of the cervix, taking a smear for microflora, in without fail Endoscopy is performed using a colposcope. In order to delimit erosion or ectopia from cancer, a biopsy is required, followed by a histological examination.

With the help of diagnosing cervical erosion

Therapy of the described condition involves various methods:

  1. Maybe drug treatment(rarely used and only in initial stages the course of the disease);
  2. surgical intervention (a traumatic operation that provokes the appearance of cicatricial changes on the epithelium of the cervix);
  3. minimally invasive techniques (destruction with liquid nitrogen, radio wave intervention).

In every specific case required individual approach to treatment.

The method of treatment of erosion by radio waves

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is carried out by using a special high-frequency emitter. The device, unlike a laser, does not cause cauterization of erosion, but acts more delicately. After the introduction of the surgical electrode, it actively affects the tissues with high-frequency sound. As a result of the influence this kind there is an increase in the internal energy of pathological cells and their heating. As a result, the tissues begin to evaporate on their own. Since in most cases erosion is of an external nature, only the outer tissues are destroyed, however, if necessary, a deeper effect is possible. Healthy epithelial layers remain intact. Doesn't stay postoperative scar, not required postoperative rehabilitation, which certainly speaks in favor of the method.

The process itself is as follows:

  • A thorough diagnosis of erosion is carried out in order to stage it and delimit it from similar conditions. The following activities are shown: taking a smear, biopsy, colposcopy, microflora cultures, histological and cytological studies, blood tests for HIV, Wasserman's reaction. If necessary, if there is a suspicion of oncopathology, it is indicated conization of the cervix.
  • Therapy is carried out strictly in the middle period of the menstrual cycle (5-10 days). So the healing of the postoperative site will be the fastest. If the area has a small area, epithelialization occurs before the next cycle.
  • The woman is placed in a gynecological chair.
  • The coagulator (surgical electrode) is thoroughly treated with an antiseptic and inserted into the anatomical opening.
  • Under the control of the colposcope, erosion is removed. During the intervention, an unpleasant odor and a slight pulling sensation may occur. pain syndrome in the lower abdomen.
  • The whole operation lasts from 10 minutes to an hour or a little more, depending on the area of ​​the lesion.
  • At the end of the procedure, the woman can go home and do her daily activities with minimal restrictions.

Excision requires sufficient qualification of the attending physician.

Radiosurgical apparatus Surgitron

Surgiton (also known as a radio wave knife) is a special device for treating tissues by exposure to radio waves. Unlike classical surgical intervention, the use of Surgiton is not associated with a mechanical effect on tissues. The device is equipped with several electrodes that generate a high frequency sound. This high-frequency effect causes internal heating of tissues and evaporation of cells within the radius of action. Surtiton is used not only in gynecology, but also in dentistry, dermatology and other branches of medicine where minimally invasive surgery may be required.

Featured Video: Ellman Surgitron in Erosion Treatment

Radio waves (device "Surgitron") - the most reliable and sparing way to treat the cervix in nulliparous.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Simonova Olga Anatolyevna

Advantages of the method

The use of radio wave equipment in therapy erosive lesion has a number of advantages:

  • Unlike drug therapy, which requires a long prescription, as well as classical surgical interventions that require several procedures, radio wave intervention is one-time and does not require several sessions.
  • Absence long period rehabilitation. Radio wave intervention is carried out in outpatient settings. At the end of the procedure, the woman can go home and go about her business. The duration of rehabilitation in general is no more than 3-5 weeks. During this period, restrictions are minimal.
  • The technique involves minimal coagulation of tissues, that is, their evaporation. Unlike surgical intervention, which is carried out through an incision in the tissues and their mechanical damage, the use of Surgiton is gentle.
  • The protective mechanisms of the cervix remain intact, on the contrary, after radiosurgery they become more active.
  • The therapy is characterized by a selective effect. That is, only pathological tissues are processed, healthy parts of the mucosa are not damaged.
  • Surgiton produces an additional antibacterial effect.
  • There are no burn injuries, unlike the results of laser application.
  • At the end of the procedure, there is no scab formation, no tissue scarring occurs. This makes it possible to use the device in women who have not been pregnant before.
  • There are no relapses.

The apparatus of radio wave therapy "Surgitron" (radio knife)


Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to use the Surgiton radio wave apparatus. In some cases, this method of treatment is contraindicated. What are the cases?

  • Availability uterine bleeding. This is a dangerous and potentially lethal condition. The use of the radio wave method can enhance the pathological manifestation.
  • Malignant neoplasms of the uterus, cervical canal and vagina. During the process pathological cells will be damaged, but this will only increase the proliferative activity of pathological tissues.
  • The acute phase of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the uterus, vagina, cervical canal. This is a relative contraindication. As soon as the underlying disease enters the remission phase, the use of Surgiton is permissible.
  • Gestation, regardless of the gestational age.
  • The presence of metal implants in the body.
  • The presence of a pacemaker.

It is important! All contraindications except one are absolute. If at least one of the presented items is present, radiotherapy is impossible. The consequences are unpredictable.

Postoperative period after radio wave treatment

How long does erosion heal after treatment

The duration of healing is approximately 10 days or a little more. The rehabilitation period is about 2-4 weeks. During the recovery period, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Do not lift heavy things. This is fraught with the development of secondary bleeding. The maximum allowable weight is 3 kilograms.
  • It is forbidden to swim in pools, ponds.
  • You can't take a bath.

Allocations after cauterization of erosion by radio waves

At the end of the procedure, for about 10 days, a small amount of clear liquid may be released. This is a sac. Such a condition does not pose a particular danger. However, if there is a release of blood, discharge with an unpleasant odor, an intense outflow of the ichor, it is recommended to contact a specialist doctor for re-diagnosis. May need additional methods treatment.

Candles after burning

Candles can reduce the duration of recovery, and also prevent the development of secondary infection. Among the titles:

  • Livarol
  • Hexicon
  • clotrimazole
  • Suporon

Vaginal tablets and suppositories after cauterization of erosion

The specific name of the drug is selected by the attending specialist based on the patient's condition.

When can I get pregnant after radio wave treatment

You can think about pregnancy after 30 days from the date of the procedure. During this time, all the consequences of the operation will come to naught, and you can return to a full life.

Treatment of erosion by radio waves is a promising and modern method therapy. It allows you to shorten the postoperative period and cure the disease with a high degree of efficiency.

The article will talk about innovative way cauterization of erosion - coagulation by radio waves of the cervix, about the features and characteristics of the method of treating erosion, dysplasia and precancerous changes in the cervix. In the article, we will talk about how to properly prepare for radiocoagulation and about the doctor's recommendations in the postoperative period.

What are the treatments for cervical erosion

There are several methods for removing cervical erosion:

  • cauterization of the cervix with a laser;
  • cryodestruction of erosion (removal of the pathological focus with liquid nitrogen);
  • radiocoagulation (erosion treatment using radio waves).

The main one is laser coagulation neck, but this method is quite painful, the recovery period is also long.

Cauterization with liquid nitrogen is considered a gentle method, in addition, it is practically painless.

Erosion can be affected in various ways, but the most common and painless of them is the method radio wave coagulation uterine cervix. We will talk about it below.

Any chemical cauterization of mucous membranes is fraught with serious complications and extensive scars. Therefore, for the treatment of erosion, leukoplakia and ectopia of the cervix, doctors use sparing, safe and most effective methods.

Cauterization of erosion by radio waves: the main characteristics of the method

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​an innovative and safe view radio wave surgery, affects the mucous surface of the body completely painlessly, without causing any harm to nearby tissues, and also without causing bleeding either before or after the procedure. That is why with the help of it it is possible to achieve best result and avoid side effects and various complications.

The knife not only cuts the surface of the epithelium of the cervix, but also immediately coagulates it, disinfecting the treated blood vessels preventing bleeding. After the procedure, in short period, a partial occurs, and then - full recovery uterine cervix, scarring is not formed, it is also possible to avoid deformation of the walls of the uterus. And also the application of the method is highly effective in the treatment of erosion resulting from diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, staphylococcus aureus and chronic candida.

Indications for the use of coagulation with radio waves

  • Acquired, as well as congenital erosion.
  • Erosion against the background of chronic inflammation caused by various sexual diseases or fungi.
  • Dysplasia of the cervix.
  • Contraindications to the use of the method of radio wave coagulation.
  • With any bleeding, as well as directly during menstruation. This can significantly complicate the healing process and is fraught with infection.
  • In the presence of any inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the organ, diseases of the appendages, uterus
  • Cervical coagulation is indicated for cervical ectopia.
  • Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​prohibited when acute infection and reduced immunity in diseases such as: atypical pneumonia, influenza, sinusitis, any inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract, fever.
  • During the current pregnancy.
  • Patients suffering from diabetes.
  • At mental disorders, schizophrenia, seizures.
  • When the patient is using a coiled pacemaker.
  • During surgery on the thyroid gland.
  • During lactation.

Advantages of coagulation of the cervix with radio waves

  • Radio wave destruction of cervical erosion has the following advantages:
  • High speed of the procedure. The whole process takes 15 minutes.
  • The accuracy of the impact on the affected surface, as well as complete safety for nearby areas of the mucosa.
  • Radio wave erosion treatment guarantees a high degree the effectiveness of treatment, the absence of relapses.
  • The absence of scars on the cervix, this method is suitable for women who have not given birth and adolescent girls.
  • Combining the procedure with histological analysis which allows timely identification hidden diseases uterine cavity and carry out their treatment.
  • Does not require additional processing of the cut surface of the epithelium.
  • Does not change the shape of the uterus.

Cons of the method

The main and probably the only drawback of the radio wave method of treating erosion is its cost. It significantly exceeds other existing methods.

Radio wave therapy: how to properly prepare for surgery

The procedure for eliminating erosion is performed with a diagnosis made by a gynecologist, as well as with a biopsy report, if such an analysis was present. To begin to treat erosion, the patient should undergo medical examination consisting of the following analyses:

  • smear on flora;
  • PCR tests for infections;
  • Bacteriological crops of vaginal microflora; cytology; analysis for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  • Blood tests for tumor markers; biopsy; colposcopy;
  • With reduced immunity, it is important to consult your doctor in order to restore it as soon as possible.

How is the procedure

Radio wave treatment of erosion, as a rule, is carried out during the first days after the end of the menstrual cycle. Due to this, the recovery process will be much faster, and the risk of infection with various infections is also reduced. radio wave excision takes place in a conventional gynecological chair and takes approximately 10 minutes in total.

Before starting radio wave coagulation of the cervix, the operation area is carefully treated with a special solution to avoid infection. It is a partially anesthetic solution and can create a partial numbing effect on the upper surface of the tissue.

At the end of the procedure, the woman may have pain in the lower abdomen, the sensations are very similar in nature to the pain during menstruation. When especially elevated level sensitivity of the patient, treatment with radio waves can be performed using local anesthesia. The process of final healing occurs a month after the procedure, but even after 10 days, the discharge of ichorus from the uterine cervix disappears, which, as a rule, appears immediately after the completion of the operation.

Doctor's recommendations after radio wave coagulation

After exposure to the radio wave method, doctors, as a rule, prohibit:

  • Sexual contacts - they should be stopped for a month.
  • Sports such as jogging, fast walk, swimming.
  • You should refrain from visiting the sauna, steam room.
  • It is not recommended to take a bath during a full recovery.
  • Refrain from using vaginal tampons and douching at home.

Complications after radio wave coagulation

Are there complications?

Complications after the treatment of erosion by radio waves occur in only 1% of women. Some of them may experience light bleeding. As a rule, it is caused by an infection.

There is also a decrease in libido if the procedure was repeated repeatedly. Another consequence of this operation can be considered a violation of the physiological characteristics of the vaginal mucus.

For young, nulliparous women, surgery for erosion is highly discouraged due to subsequent scarring. The method of radio wave coagulation is the only most suitable treatment for them. It is important to take this disease seriously and address good specialist to solve this problem.