Italian greyhound is a small Italian greyhound. Gentle and submissive Italian Greyhounds Spanish Italian Greyhounds

The loving Italian greyhound is a very affectionate and sweet dog. She always demands the attention of her owner. A beautiful dog can quickly adapt to absolutely any lifestyle of the owner. Low-maintenance, the Smooth-Coated Greyhound is the No. 1 choice for a pet.

Loving Italian Greyhound dog is very affectionate and sweet

Today it is known that the Italian greyhound is a very ancient breed of dog, images of which scientists once found on Greek vases created in the 5th century BC. e. Experts suggest that Italian Greyhound puppies came from Greece to Italy. Here they very quickly became the most beloved dog breed.

The Italian dog became more popular after painters began to depict it in their famous canvases. These dogs very often appeared in the luxurious palaces of kings of various states.

An interesting fact is that it was very difficult to breed such elegant dogs. That is why by the 20th century the Italian greyhound dog breed was on the verge of extinction. And then scientists decided to recreate the Italian greyhound. They crossed miniature pinscher and whippet.

Experts managed to almost completely restore the original features of the animal after the end of World War II. It was only in 1968 that the standard for such an interesting breed was officially adopted. Lavretka belongs to the group hunting dogs. However, this breed is used very rarely for hunting.

Behavioral characteristics of the Italian Greyhound (video)

Psychological portrait of an Italian greyhound

Very often the dog is called the small Italian greyhound. An animal whose owners post pictures in large numbers on their pages. in social networks, has a character reminiscent of an affectionate cat.

The dog has a flexible character. Therefore, she very easily adapts to the lifestyle of her beloved owner. In an active family, even a puppy will behave accordingly. But in a family of homebodies, the pet will not require any physical activity.

A distinctive feature of the animal is increased curiosity. He needs to stick his curious nose everywhere. The dog will follow its owner all day long in order to know exactly what he is interested in.

However, you need to remember that a pet of this breed is easy to spoil. You only need to give in to your favorite four-legged animal once. The Greyhound dog is very playful. If your home has Small child, best friend he can't find it. It will be incredibly fun and interesting for them to tinker with toys together. However, you need to remember that the pet may become jealous of the baby’s toys. Therefore, your dog must understand that the baby is also his master.

The dogs that are so popular in Italy are very active. On the street they look like a hurricane. In the house, the Italian greyhound will try to climb onto a chair, sofa, and even a closet.

It is easy to make a dog tremble and frighten him. Therefore, it is necessary to protect his impressionable nature from too loud and sharp sounds. The pet will quickly get along with its breedmates, but it will be wary of other dogs and cats.

Gallery: Italian Greyhound (25 photos)

Choosing an Italian greyhound puppy

Before choosing a puppy, you need to decide what you are taking it for: to perform at exhibitions or as a home companion. This plays a very important role, since beautiful show puppies have a higher price.

You can buy Italian greyhounds in special nurseries. When choosing an animal, you must pay attention to its teeth. By 2 months, the dog should have 6 teeth on each jaw. The color of the animal can be red, gray, sand, black and fawn. White spots on the chest and paws are allowed.

The dog's tail should be straight and without bends. You should definitely check if your puppy has an umbilical hernia.

A small Italian Greyhound should be playful and active. If the dog itself comes into your arms, this is a very good sign.

Italian Greyhound - a fashionable dog of the Egyptian pharaohs (video)

Care and nutrition

This breed of dog is designed to live in a cozy apartment or in a country house. The owner can very quickly train the Italian greyhound to go to the toilet in a special tray. You must remember that the animal relieves itself every 3 hours. You need to watch the dog. If she becomes restless, you need to offer her a tray. Grooming your pet includes trimming nails and brushing teeth.

Caring for a dog's fur is easy. To keep it clean, you should wipe it down every day. hairline with a towel slightly moistened with water. The furminator cannot be used. You should bathe your pet as needed.

The owner must remember that the Italian Greyhound is a very active dog. It is simply vital for her to spend her violent energy every day for peaceful purposes. If the owner of the animal is a runner, there is no better friend and companion than the Italian Greyhound.

In order to have a good walk with your dog, you need to offer him active games. The greyhound loves to dig in the grass and dig holes, which helps it stretch its paws.

Animals of this breed are very sensitive to cold. Therefore, for walks in winter you need to buy warm clothes.

This animal is difficult to train due to its nature. The dog should be commanded very carefully, as it will not respond to screaming. Rudeness on the part of the owner towards the dog is unacceptable. You should start teaching your pet to behave correctly from 5 months. It is necessary to wean the Italian greyhound from gnawing everything that comes into contact with its teeth.

The key to animal health is correct and balanced diet. Your pet's daily diet should consist of: healthy products. It must be remembered that the Italian greyhound loves to eat meat. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the dog’s menu, since he can eat whatever the owner eats. The only thing that should not be offered to an animal is smoked meat and chicken.

Attention, TODAY only!

The Italian Greyhound is a decorative breed, but in the past ladies took it to social events and hunting. The animal hunted rabbits, hence the name. A small and graceful dog will become a devoted friend to its owner. Translated from French, the word means “hare”.

A sweet and gentle creature will charm anyone. A devoted dog, she is kind to small children. The animal demands love and adoration from everyone.

It was known back in Ancient Egypt. During excavations of the burials of the pharaohs, the remains of greyhound dogs were found. Cleopatra took them with her on her travels. Then the animals came to Greece, and from there they were brought to Italy. During the Renaissance, this baby was especially popular among aristocrats. Legends were made about her. The Italian greyhound breed became an adornment of royal courts.

Frederick the Great was a fan of Italian greyhounds; he loved these animals for their intelligence and devotion. The British also preferred Italian greyhounds. I was fond of this breed Henry VIII Tudor. Charles I kept many Italian greyhounds. Italian greyhounds are present on the canvases of artists depicting noble people.

The number of dogs declined in the 19th century due to constant inbreeding. Therefore, breeders used interbreed matings: with the English greyhound, .

  • Lovers prefer to purchase this breed decorative dogs, in Italy it is still used for hunting.

Description of the breed

Despite its speed and dynamism, the Italian Greyhound dog breed is associated with a companion dog. The weight of the animal does not exceed 5 kg, and its height ranges from 32–38 cm. The dog has an elongated head, streamlined in shape. Her forehead is almost flat, her nose is small, rounded. Semi-erect ears, thin and mobile. Strong and large teeth are not typical for small dogs.

The length of the body is equal to the height at the withers. The Italian Greyhound is distinguished by its light bone weight and well-developed muscles. The skin color matches the coat tone. The Greyhound's loin is slightly curved, its chest is narrow, and its ribs are long.

The coat is short and shiny. The skin is soft, there are no folds or wrinkles on it. The animal has a long, pointed muzzle and thin, hanging ears that are set high. Big eyes, an attentive look speaks of the animal’s devotion.

A thin, long tail that hangs down and is slightly curved at the end. If the Italian greyhound moves, it remains below the level of the back. According to the description of the breed, the animal has elongated paws and small claws. It is distinguished by graceful movements.

Miniature and harmonious, has a thin and graceful body. Puppies are not similar to adults, so it is better to choose a pet after meeting its parents. In this matter, you need to take the help of an experienced expert.

Character and training

Representatives of this breed are active and mobile. Instantly develops great speed in pursuit of prey. She catches the victim by the neck and strangles him. If a dog is let off a leash, it can run around the park for hours.

This breed is believed to heal humans. The animal tries to warm and lick the sore spot. She gets along well with other pets.

How a puppy grows up depends on its owner. The Italian Greyhound can become a sedate and important dog or a playful and capricious one.

She loves to go outside with her owner. With its grace and elegance it resembles a cat. They are gentle and patient creatures, often timid by nature.

Perfect for single people and families with children. Perfectly adapts to the person in whose house it ends up. At sight strangers, as well as dogs, the Italian greyhound behaves warily.

  • At proper care Italian Greyhound is easy to train. It is better to start working with a puppy from 3 months of age. The baby should not be afraid of transport, loud music. Italian Greyhound puppies require early socialization.

When walking, it is better to keep it on a leash so that it does not rush off after a cat or bird. They are smart, but stubborn. When raising and training the owner will need patience. It's easy to teach her tricks. Its character is the same as that of large greyhounds. Italian Greyhounds love outdoor games and often take part in various competitions.

Short-haired, without down, should be kept in an apartment or private house. She can easily catch a cold if she is hypothermic.

For walks in the cold season, you need to take care of clothes for your pet. Many owners buy special shoes for their pet. They visit special sports grounds with the Italian greyhound and teach them to swim from childhood.

Groom the coat of a miniature Italian greyhound with a soft brush. Combing your pet with a rubberized mitten will help get rid of discomfort when changing coat.

Bath your pet in the warm season or in case of emergency. During water procedures, use only shampoos intended for short-haired dogs with sensitive skin.

The condition of the eyes is monitored daily, preventive examination The pet is taken to the veterinarian once every six months. The Small Italian Greyhound is prone to ophthalmic diseases.

  • Ears are cleaned once every 2-3 weeks. The claws are checked for chips and cracking. With full-fledged walks, they wear out naturally. The animal does not need special care; it needs the love and care of its owner.

Italian Greyhound's food

The condition of the dog and its activity depend on food. Breeders never stop arguing about whether to give natural products or dry food. If you choose the second option, then it is important to purchase high quality products.

When using dry food, you do not need to prepare your own food. The portion required for the pet is always indicated on the packaging. They are taken on trips and do not spoil for a long time. However, such food is expensive and puts a strain on the liver.

If the owner feeds an Italian Greyhound dog with natural food, it should include useful material, vitamins for pets. The diet includes:

  1. Porridge;
  2. Lean meat;
  3. Boiled offal;
  4. Vegetables and fruits;
  5. Vegetable oil;
  6. Fish;
  7. Greenery.
  8. Dairy products with minimal fat content.

It is forbidden to give: smoked products, add seasonings to dishes, cook legumes. You should not feed him sweets, bread, or poultry bones.

Pet health

The average lifespan of an Italian Greyhound dog is 12–15 years. The diseases that representatives of this breed suffer from are associated with the structure of the animal and the genus of greyhounds. Representatives of the breed have cataracts and glaucoma. These ailments lead to partial or complete loss of vision. The disease affects one or both eyes. Dystrophy and atrophy of the retina is possible with congenital anomalies or acquired with age.

Cryptorchidism occurs in male dogs, when incomplete descent of the testes into the scrotum occurs. The disease is cured through surgery. Epilepsy is rare and cannot be treated. They are fighting an illness resulting from an injury. But no veterinarian can guarantee a complete recovery. Dogs are prone to injury due to their fragile structure.

Four-legged pets suffer from baldness. It is typical for individuals with weakened color; the black Italian Greyhound does not suffer from this disease. You should carefully monitor your pet's games with children and large dogs.

How much does a puppy cost?

You can meet this breed at exhibitions and in special nurseries. If you buy an animal with a pedigree, you will have to pay $1000. The cost of rejected puppies that are not suitable for breeding ranges from $350. Italian Greyhound dogs are a rare breed; there are 2–4 puppies in a litter, so they are not cheap.

They are purchased by wealthy people who love to travel. If you train your dog to sleep in a crate, it will become his home.

It's easy to hide in such a corner. If you have guests, you can close the house. When going on a trip, you can take the animal with you. Your pet will be cozy and comfortable in the cage; he will easily endure traveling in transport.

When purchasing a pet, think about whether you have the strength and patience to raise and train. If your pet gets sick, she will have to devote a lot of time and pay for veterinarians to cure it. This breed becomes strongly attached to its owner and requires attention and care. A graceful and kind little girl, she will definitely become a family favorite.

Roots of miniature Italian greyhound, despite its name, go back to the times of ancient Egypt with its greatness and the kingdom of the pharaohs. Archaeologists discovered skeletons similar to those of the breed during excavations in the Valley of the Kings.

Moreover, the age of the bones reaches five thousand years. Based on these data, cynologists believe that the animal can be considered the most ancient of the entire group of canids.

Cleopatra was considered a big fan of these greyhounds. They accompanied her on her trips. After gaining popularity in Egypt, she visited Greece, and only then found herself in Italy. This happened around the fifth century BC.

First peak of popularity dog breeds Italian Greyhound experienced during the Renaissance, being a favorite of the nobility. Italian artists loved to paint it, so the image of this animal can be easily found on great canvases. In addition to the above, this dog is surrounded by a lot of legends and fiction. Therefore, it is very difficult to distinguish myth from reality.

Dog handlers characterize this breed as mobile, which instantly becomes active from a state of rest. Therefore, when walking a dog in the city along the road, it is better for the owner to keep it on a leash. And in the park, a four-legged friend can spend hours in circles, even getting food.

The dog is very loyal to its owner and is loyal to children, so it is recommended for families with small children. Moreover, thanks to her perseverance and sitting for many hours at the baby's cradle, she was nicknamed a real nanny.

There are known cases when greyhound breed dog even healed its owners. Therefore, in addition to the nickname of the nanny, she is secretly called a therapist. Shows talent in training, but obeys not the stick, but the carrot and kind words.

Breed standard

Italian Greyhound in the photo has a graceful appearance, and its body visually resembles a square. This "Italian Greyhound", as the dog is otherwise called, fully corresponds to the description of greyhounds, despite its small size. graceful and aristocratic. The length of the body, almost equal to the height of the dog at the withers, is considered one of the most important proportions.

The Small Italian Greyhound has a long and narrow head with a flat skull. The length of the skull is half of the head. The dog has a clearly defined under-eye area, as well as bright brow ridges. The transition from forehead to muzzle is barely noticeable. The occipital protuberance is also only slightly marked.

The nose should have dark, preferably black, pigmentation, just like the lips. Thin and tightly fitted to healthy teeth with a scissor bite, the lips hug the elongated jaw.

To the world dwarf Italian greyhound looks with round, expressive, straight-set eyes of a dark color. has small thin ears, set high and as if pulled back.

The tail is low set and thin even at the base. And towards the end it narrows even more. The dog carries it low and straight. It is slightly bent towards the end. The limbs stand straight and upright and have lean muscles. The shoulder blades are slightly inclined, equipped with well-developed prominent muscles.

Thin leather fits tightly to the body, covering it well. The only exception is the elbows. As for the structure of the fur, it feels silky and fine.

The Italian Greyhound is a short-haired dog that comes in black, gray and beige colors. But the white color can only be on the paws or chest. The weight of Italian greyhounds is about 5 kg, and the height at the withers varies from 32 to 38 cm, depending on whether it is a female or a male.

Disqualifying vices are aggression and cowardice, as well as deviations in physical development or behavior, a depigmented nose, as well as a concave or arched back.

Malocclusions are also considered a defect along with whitish eyes and depigmented eyelids. A tail held proudly over the dog's back will also disqualify it from the breed. Multicolor coloring and height up to 32 cm and above 38 cm are unacceptable, regardless of the gender of the dog.

Care and maintenance

Italian Greyhound refers to those dogs that have a strong need for activity and movement. Despite the fact that she can easily get along in a city apartment, owners should keep in mind that she needs to be walked often and for a long time.

These dogs love to accompany their owners on errands. You can even take them on a visit. It is important that the breed can only be kept indoors - an apartment or a private house. On a chain, especially in Russian conditions with all that follows in the form of frost, snow and cold weather, the dog will simply die.

And walk her in winter time years, breeders recommend wearing a special blanket. But it’s better not to dress the dog at home, even for the sake of giving aesthetic appearance. The body must be hardened.

At the same time, this dog is not picky about grooming. Due to its short fur, there is no need to comb it out to remove tangles. It is enough to regularly wipe the fur coat with special gloves.

Don't ignore the eyes and ears. It is important to treat them with a swab dipped in warm water, and during periods when the dog sheds, it is recommended to wipe it with a towel strong degree rigidity. This dog needs little bathing, but during dirty and slushy times of the year you can wipe its paws and belly.

By the way, this dog is one of the rare breeds, which can be easily litter trained. There they will meet their great and small needs. But you shouldn’t be happy and exclude walks from the animal’s life – the Italian Greyhound really needs them.


The peculiarity of the breed is that with properly selected products and balanced diet greyhound puppies By six months they reach the peak of development and correspond in most respects to adults.

Despite the fact that, as with other breeds, any of the three types of feeding is acceptable with the Italian greyhound - natural, factory, mixed - factory feeding is still considered optimal. We are talking about premium dry food.

According to dog handlers, the food is good because it is balanced, because purchased products already take into account the proportions of microelements and vitamins necessary for this breed.

However, the dog will be happy with natural meat. Moreover, the Italian greyhound is very different good appetite. By the way, greyhounds are generally considered omnivores and the most typical representatives of the order of predators.

This means that the basis of the diet must be appropriate - meat and offal. It is important that natural proteins require gradual introduction. Food is introduced over 7-10 days, after which the portion is increased.

After just a month, you can completely switch Italian greyhounds to this type of diet, monitoring the quality of the meat and occasionally subjecting it to heat treatment. In addition, the remainder of the diet may be complex carbohydrates in the form of cereal porridges and fiber - vegetables and fruits.

Possible diseases

The same rule applies to Italian greyhounds as to other decorative dogs - than smaller dog, those longer duration her life. Representatives Italian greyhound breed live up to 15-16 years.

And if you take good care of it and take it for “technical inspections” to the veterinarian at least once every six months, then there is a chance that the dog will not catch any disease in its entire life.

However, owners should still keep their eyes open and know the typical ailments characteristic of this breed. The sooner the owner is alerted to signs of some disease, the sooner he will take the dog for diagnosis, and the more effective the treatment will be.

The most common diseases are ophthalmological. We are talking about glaucoma, retinal atrophy, corneal dystrophy and cataracts. If you do not keep track of it in time, the disease will lead to complete loss of vision.

In addition, Italian Greyhounds tend to go bald due to dermatitis. Scientifically the disease is called alopecia. You should be more careful about your pet's skin care products and use special shampoos. It is better if they are dry - these products are more gentle.

From neurological disorders Italian greyhounds may be chased epileptic seizures, and problems with the jaw and teeth are expressed in the form of tartar, plaque and even loss of incisors.


This miniature dog is not very popular in Russia. Therefore, to buy an Italian greyhound, you'll have to try hard. But low popularity is not the only consideration when purchasing.

The fact is that this breed produces only two to four puppies per litter. Therefore, with such a low birth rate, it is not too easy to provide Italian Greyhounds to everyone. This makes the dog elite.

IN best case scenario, purchase advertisements can be found on the Internet. From time to time they appear on sites like Avito. In a different, not so rosy, situation, you will have to travel far to get the dog, and maybe even fly.

Another option is to attend competitions or exhibition events. There is a chance that your dream breed will be there. But when it comes to nurseries, things are not so simple. High-quality puppies in Russia are raised in only a couple of places.

Both of them are located in Moscow. By the way, one of the nurseries, considered the best, was opened more than 20 years ago and is still operating successfully. As for the material side of the issue, the minimum greyhound price fluctuates between 400-500 dollars.

For a dog that is very hard to find, this is not too expensive. But in comparison with other breeds of decorative dogs, the Italian greyhound is far from the cheapest. It is worth keeping in mind that this is the price tag of private breeders.

It is quite possible that the kennel will offer $1,000 or more for the dog. But the owners will be absolutely sure that the animal is a representative of its breed, has a pedigree and is vaccinated according to the norms and schedules.

It is worth noting that the price paid at the nursery for an Italian greyhound will pay off in the future if the owners offer their pet for mating. After all, breeding new puppies is not a cheap task. Moreover, if we're talking about about Italian greyhounds.

Italian Greyhound (Piccolo levriero italiano) is the shortest breed belonging to the group of greyhounds. Less common breed names such as Italian Greyhound and Italian Greyhound are also well known.

History of the origin of the breed

The origin of the breed dates back to the period of the Ancient Roman Empire and the prosperity of Egypt. Currently no single version about the territorial origin of the Italian greyhound, however, according to the most famous or widespread variants, the first breed representatives appeared in Turkey, Persia, Egypt or Greece.

The Italian greyhound owes its incredible popularity and the name “Italian greyhound” to its very original appearance and demand in Italian aristocratic circles. Animals of this breed were brought from Italy to England, and already in the seventeenth century, the Italian greyhound became extremely popular in almost all developed European countries.

Despite the fact that dogs of this breed were very actively used in hunting, the unusual appearance of the Italian greyhound made this animal popular as a companion dog.

This is interesting! Breeders made attempts to reduce the dog's growth as much as possible, which caused the birth of large quantity disproportionately built animals with noticeable defects and various pathologies.

After the appearance of the Italian greyhound suffered quite badly as a result of numerous experiments aimed at reducing the size of the breed, only in the last century a club was formed, which began to return to its previous characteristics.

During the war there was a significant reduction in the overall population of the breed. However, thanks to the well-preserved livestock in America, the Italian greyhound, incredibly popular in many countries, was quickly revived.

Description of the Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhounds are characterized by grace and have an aristocratic appearance, and also have a square format and small sizes. Externally, the Italian Greyhound is a typical miniature greyhound, and is also considered a true example of elegance and grace.

The most important proportions include the length of the body, which should be equal to or slightly less than the height of the animal at the withers. total length cranium adult dog equal to ½ the length of her head. The height of the dog at the withers is 32-38 cm and weighs no more than 5.0 kg.

Breed standards

In accordance with the FCI classification, the Italian Greyhound or Italian Greyhound belongs to the Greyhound group and the Shorthaired Greyhound section, and also has the following breed characteristics:

  • the nose is characterized by a dark, preferably black, lobe with well-open nostrils;
  • the muzzle is wedge-shaped, with thin and tightly fitting lips, the edges of which have very dark pigmentation;
  • the jaws are elongated, with incisors arranged in a semicircle, not protruding beyond the boundaries of the general line;
  • the teeth are large, healthy, in full set, set perpendicular to the jaws, with a scissor bite;
  • cheekbones with muscles of a fairly dry type;
  • eyes are large, round in shape, expressive, almost straight-set, not deep and without protrusion, with a dark iris and pigmented eyelids;
  • ears with a distinctly high set, small in size, retracted to the occipital region, not thick;
  • the upper line of the neck is characterized by curvature and interruption at the very base of a fairly developed withers;
  • the topline when viewed in profile is straight, with a slight convexity in the dorso-lumbar region;
  • the back area is straight, characterized by well-developed and pronounced muscles;
  • croup with a noticeable slope, wide, muscular type;
  • narrow and deep rib cage quite strong, with an elegant structure and slightly curved ribs, lowered to the height of the elbow;
  • the abdomen is clearly defined, relatively short, with a curved sternum, which has a smooth transition;
  • a low-slung tail, thinned at the base, with a gradual narrowing towards the end and a bend in the second part, covered with short hair;
  • generally straight forelegs with a vertical stance and lean muscles, with slightly inclined shoulder blades, straight forearms and graceful bones;
  • the front paws are almost oval in shape and not large in size, with arched toes, dark or black claws;
  • The hind limbs have well-defined angles, straight and parallel when viewed from the rear of the animal, with long and lean thighs, with relief and quite pronounced muscles.

The breed is characterized by springy, harmonious trot movements with insufficiently high elevation of all limbs and a pronounced seizure of space. The gallop is fast, accompanied by sharp jumps. The skin is thin, with a tight fit and tight tension over almost the entire body, with the exception of the elbow areas.

The coat is short, silky and fine, without feathering. The coat color can be black, gray and isabella, and the presence white hair allowed only on the paws and chest area.

Dog character

The Italian greyhound is distinguished by its special, simply extraordinary affection, devotion to its owner, therefore a pet This breed prefers to be near its owner almost all the time. This is a very affectionate and family-loyal breed that absolutely does not tolerate rudeness or shouting.

A characteristic feature of the domestic miniature greyhound is considered to be an innate sense of obedience, but the dog needs proper education. It is advisable to begin training and raising a dog of this breed at the maximum permissible level. early age. The Italian Greyhound is very smart and loves praise, but is an excellent manipulator, able to take advantage of even the slightest weaknesses of its owner.


The average, officially confirmed life expectancy of an Italian greyhound is no more than eleven years. But if such a pet is provided with proper care and a well-designed diet, then a dog of this breed can easily live even fifteen years.

Short-haired and completely devoid of warm, protective fur, a pet should mandatory be kept exclusively in the home.

This is interesting! Remember that representatives of this breed at low temperatures literally become completely defenseless and may well catch a cold or die as a result of even not too severe, but prolonged hypothermia.

Italian greyhound, thanks to her small sizes, it is quite possible to keep both in a large country cottage and in a small apartment, but placing a pet in an enclosure is strictly prohibited.

Care and hygiene

Caring for the coat of an Italian Greyhound involves regular brushing with a soft or rubberized brush. The shedding process, despite the rather short coat, can be clearly visible, especially in females, so daily brushing is very advisable.

The bathing procedure is carried out, as a rule, in conditions of extreme necessity, since the features skin may provoke various pathologies. When bathing, you should use only special shampoos designed for any short-haired dog with sensitive skin.

This is interesting! Greyhounds, which also include Italian Greyhounds, are naturally very strong and healthy teeth, not only dairy, but also indigenous, so, as a rule, no special problems arise in this area.

Eye and ear care includes daily examinations as well as preventive visits. veterinary clinic, which is due to the breed’s predisposition to ophthalmological diseases. The owner should be alerted to the appearance of severe redness, tearfulness or clouding of the mucous membrane of the eyes in a pet.

Italian Greyhound's food

Properly selected food should not cause allergies, dandruff or any other negative effects. side effects. The diet should be beneficial to the pet in terms of the quality characteristics of all its ingredients. Besides everything else, good food are eaten by the Italian greyhound completely and with great appetite.

Foods that are strictly contraindicated for dogs include onions or garlic, chocolate and persimmons, raisins and grapes, tubular bones, potatoes and broccoli, yeast dough, alcohol, as well as raw chicken eggs, mushrooms and nutmeg. You should also avoid giving your pet very fatty foods.

This is interesting! Italian Greyhounds have a very good metabolism, so an adult pet can be fed once a day, but puppies should be fed at least three times a day.

When using natural products in the diet, the Italian greyhound's nutrition may well be represented chicken breast without the skin with warm carrot-zucchini puree, as well as slightly stewed pieces of lean beef with vegetables and a small handful of brown rice.

Very valuable products are veal kidneys and liver, which are complemented by stewed vegetables and buckwheat. Soft-boiled chicken or quail eggs can be an excellent source of protein.

Diseases and breed defects

To the most common hereditary diseases Italian greyhounds should be classified as:

  • achalasia cardia;
  • sarcoma of the mammary glands;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • congenital deafness;
  • esophageal diverticulum;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • alopecia of weakened color;
  • follicular dysplasia;
  • partial baldness;
  • baldness on the ears;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • epilepsy;
  • vitreoretinal retinal dysplasia;
  • corneal dystrophy;
  • glaucoma;
  • optic nerve hypoplasia;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • ectromelia;
  • partial teeth, undershot and overshot, as well as untimely loss of baby teeth.

Aggressive or cowardly dogs, as well as all individuals that clearly demonstrate physical or behavioral abnormalities. Representatives of the Italian Greyhound with a completely or partially depigmented nose, whitish eyes, complete depigmentation of the eyelids, and multi-colored colors are not allowed for exhibitions and purebred breeding.

Education and training

The Italian Greyhound is a greyhound dog that has a slightly different internal organization, which is why they are considered to be “thinking” dogs. It is very important for such a pet to provide early socialization, but be sure to take into account the timing of the vaccination quarantine.

This is interesting! The Italian greyhound perfectly understands the intonation of its owner's voice, so it is categorically not recommended to use harsh punishment for such a pet in the process of raising and training.

You can start training at home almost immediately after purchasing a puppy, as soon as the pet goes through the adaptation period. You can exercise your Italian Greyhound puppy outdoors from the age of three or four months.

The Italian greyhound is a small, elegant and graceful animal that has a gentle character and gets along well with children, even infancy. Animals are shy, so unexpected actions will result in an immediate response.

Italian Greyhound is a dog that does not get along with cats and other small breeds. Almost all small animals are afraid of their sharp bark. This breed was bred in Italy. Average height the little dog is from 30 to 38 cm, and the weight is from 3 to 5 kg. These cute creatures live for 12 and even 15 years. Italian Greyhounds are perfect for apartment living, but it is recommended for experienced dog owners to own them.

Dog with a surprise

When you see a slender animal with thin legs, long neck and thin build, it may seem that the Italian Greyhound dog is very fragile, like a porcelain cup. When you look at a pet who is staring into the distance with tension and twitching, you get the impression that he is afraid and freezing. When you see black eyes that do not leave your piece of bread, the thought arises that the dog has been starving for several days.

It all just seems! This small dog (Italian Greyhound) is distinguished by its submissiveness and inexhaustible tenderness by nature. She is devoted to her owner to the last hair and carefully follows his speech. Destructive behavior is unusual for her. It can only appear in stressful situations, when abused or during a long absence of the owner.


The Italian Greyhound is a rather playful and intelligent dog. She will become a beloved family member. Pets are very attentive and careful. Animals of this breed should be handled more gently, because they always take the commands and intonation of the owner quite seriously.

They are independent by nature, but at the same time they need an owner to create a sense of peace. What else is this dog breed known for? The Italian Greyhound gets irritated very easily when feeling afraid, nervous or embarrassed. Such animals are not so easy to keep, because they become agitated regularly.


Does the Italian greyhound run well? A photo of a dog clearly demonstrates this ability. Nature has made Italian greyhounds excellent runners. They jump well, are able to overcome fences and reach high speeds.

These Italian dogs are afraid of their larger relatives, as they do not have proper protection from them and can get injured. But they get along well with other Italian Greyhounds and live amicably in pairs.

Natural instincts and gentleness of character help them communicate well with children of any age. But during games, you need to make sure that no one scares the dog. But Italian greyhounds do not make contact with representatives of felines and other indoor dogs.

Is this dog breed easy to care for? The Italian Greyhound is not an animal that requires virtually no attention and care. However most of Difficulties can be overcome over time through training and patience.

Puppy cost

Having analyzed advertisements for the sale of Italian Greyhound puppies (there is a photo of the dog in the article), we can state that their average cost is Russian Federation is 25-30 thousand rubles. Elite dogs, who have a wonderful exhibition career and the opportunity to leave good offspring, are sold a little more expensive (from 30 to 45 thousand rubles). Moscow prices do not differ significantly from prices in the regions. In some countries it is possible to buy a puppy cheaper than in Russia.


The Italian Greyhound dog requires virtually no special care. The most important thing for her is the manifestation of love, care and attention. The first step is to clean the ears with a cotton swab. The veterinary pharmacy has special preparations for these purposes.

You need to monitor the condition of your dog's claws. As they grow, they are shortened with a special nail clipper and smoothed with a nail file. You cannot remove the claw to the base, because it contains the sensitive ends of the nerve fibers.

Italian Greyhounds are unusually clean. They do not emit a strong dog smell, and their fur does not smell like the street. Therefore there is no need for frequent water procedures. However, cleaning your paws upon returning from a walk will not be superfluous.

Dogs of this breed need daily brushing of their teeth. It is advisable to make the choice of brush and paste together with veterinarian. The range of these products in pet stores is quite wide. The puppy should be accustomed to this procedure from the age of 2 months. At this age, he will quickly become accustomed. The dog will begin to perceive this as something obligatory.

During the period of teeth change, you should be especially attentive and careful. An awkward movement can injure your delicate gums. Infection of the damaged area is possible. This may lead to a condition that will require examination by a veterinarian to treat.

What should you protect your puppy from?

Italian Greyhounds are afraid of the cold. To protect them, you need to prepare a warm place and waterproof overalls. Dogs are so fragile that they can damage their limbs trying to free themselves from their hands. They are not afraid of heights because they do not know what it can threaten them with. Italian Greyhounds are capable of jumping out of a high-rise building window.

History of the breed

The Italian greyhound dog breed, photos of which demonstrate its graceful appearance, is one of the most ancient in the dwarf class. Her ancestors existed back in Ancient Egypt. Even the pharaohs revered these dogs and introduced them into their inner circle. Evidence was discovered that the rulers took greyhounds (the ancestors of the Italian greyhound) on their last journey.

A dwarf dog of this breed was found mummified next to the first wife of Pharaoh Psammetichus. The main features of the animal resembled modern representatives of the breed.


One of the legends tells about the miraculous rescue of the pharaoh's son by an Italian greyhound. After the Persian conquest of Egypt under the leadership of King Cambyses, they decided to kill the pharaoh and his family. The older heirs were executed, and the younger heir was thrown into the middle of the desert, where he faced martyrdom.

The small Italian greyhound dog was next to him from the moment the child was born. When the cart took the boy into the desert, four-legged friend followed her and remained next to the son of Pharaoh. He warmed the child with his warmth throughout the night. The little dog was cold, her trembling made the small bells that were on her body ring.

The servants of the ruler of Egypt heard the sound and saved the little heir. Since then, the trembling of Italian greyhounds has been considered magical, saving lives.

Breed Features

The breed is widely known, but its prevalence is low. The reason lies in the small number of puppies in the litter. An Italian Greyhound gives birth to 2 to 4 puppies at a time. Compared to others dwarf breeds, then this is very little.

The dog has interesting feature, which means there is no need for long walks. Italian Greyhounds love to be outside, but will not be indignant if the exit does not take place.


What does this dog eat? The dwarf Italian Greyhound descended from wolves, which obtain food by hunting and gathering. Consequently, the diet of domestic pets should include all the components inherent in their wild predecessors.

The dog needs a balanced mixture of animal and plant products. It is allowed to use dry and canned food subject to their selection taking into account the basic parameters of the animal.

The basis natural nutrition Italian greyhounds - meat. It would be preferable if it was beef. Animals happily gobble it up with cartilage, veins and films. A piece of meat that has begun to rot slightly will be absorbed by the Italian greyhound's body better than a fresh one. In addition, dogs eat it with great pleasure.

There is no need to cook the meat, however, if there is a danger of infection with worms, it is worth exposing it to a small heat treatment. Broth should not be given to your dog, as it is harmful to its health. The stomach of Italian greyhounds is designed to digest whole pieces of meat, so you should not cut them into smaller pieces.

Fish is a healthy component of a dog's diet. It does not have many calories compared to meat, which is a significant advantage for a dog living in a city. It is allowed to feed exclusively sea fish with low content fat, that is, capelin, herring, sprat, mackerel, etc. must be excluded from the diet.

Small dogs are allowed on the menu dairy products. It is advisable to make a choice in favor of those that contain minimal amount fat

Feeding vegetables, fruits and cereals cannot be completely excluded. But they should not form the basis of nutrition. It is not recommended to give meat products and cereals at the same time, since their digestion requires the production of different enzymes.

Does the Italian Greyhound eat legumes? The dog described above should under no circumstances eat peas, beans and lentils. Rolled oats, millet, rice and buckwheat porridges will be beneficial for her. It is advisable to give vegetable and fruit dishes in the intervals between main feedings.

It is allowed to feed the dog salads seasoned with vegetable oil. Greens can be added to almost anything. Feeding natural products should be accompanied by a parallel intake of vitamin and mineral complexes selected by a veterinarian.