Lymphocytes exceed the norm. Increased lymphocytes in the blood in women causes

If a person has elevated lymphocytes in the blood, what this means is often asked by the doctor. There are many reasons for this, but all of them are some kind of disease. An increase in lymphocytes may indicate the development inflammatory process in the body and where largest cluster these blood cells, there is a focus of infection. Lymphocytes are the body's white blood cells that provide immunity to humans and protect them from infections.

The number of lymphocytes is constant, an increase in their number occurs with age, in other cases we can talk about infectious inflammation in the body. In addition to white cells, there are also red cells in the blood - erythrocytes. Their function is to deliver oxygen to tissues and organs. Their amount in the blood shows the level of hemoglobin, the deficiency of which causes anemia, and sometimes more severe conditions.

The role of all blood cells in the body is invaluable. White blood cells can regulate the production of antibodies, speeding it up or slowing it down, are involved in the recognition of foreign particles and get rid of abnormal cells. Red blood cells are responsible for oxygen saturation of tissues.

Composition of lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are white blood cells responsible for the immune defense of the body. We can assume that these are leukocytes, only of a different variety. Lymphocytes make up about 30% of the total number of white cells, in addition to them there is a variety called neutrophils. These cells can make up to 47-70% of all leukocytes. Morphologically, these cells are divided into small and large. By functionality on T-lymphocytes, NK and B-cells.

NK cells control the quality of other body cells and rid it of atypical cell formations. B-group cells are responsible for the production of antibodies and the recognition of foreign particles. Of the total number of lymphocytes, only about 2% are present in the bloodstream, and the rest are concentrated in organs and tissues. The quantitative value of lymphocytes in a person changes when inflammatory processes occur or during pregnancy.

How is the number of lymphocytes determined?

The determination of the number of lymphocytes in the blood is carried out using a clinical blood test. A sample for research is taken from a finger, it is pre-treated with alcohol. If weak, then you can donate blood from a vein. Special training analysis is not needed, but, like most studies, it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach. Such a study allows you to identify the amount of lymphocytes, neutrophils, erythrocytes and platelets. To determine the absolute indicator, it is necessary to take into account the white cells contained in the blood.

Such values ​​can be determined in detail immunological study. The immunogram reflects not only their number, but also varieties. In medicine, a leukogram is often used. It determines the amount of leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes. If neutrophils are lowered, then this means that in the body there is not only an inflammatory process, but also the presence of a blood disease.

Normal indicators of their amount in the blood directly depend on the age of the person. Due to the peculiarities in the development of the immune system, there is a decrease in the number of these cells as they grow older. Until the age of six, there is a predominance of lymphocytes as immune cells, but in adults leading value already have neutrophils.

In children from birth to 6 years, the percentage of cells varies from 21% to 65%. Starting from the age of six, this value gradually decreases. So in adolescents it is already 24-39%, and in adults 19-27%. For adulthood this number remains virtually unchanged, except during pregnancy in women, when it decreases slightly. This is due to the introduction of a foreign embryo. Therefore, pregnant women greater risk infections and should take special care of their health.

Causes of changes in lymphocytes in the blood

When the increased production of these cells begins, this is a manifestation of the normal reaction of the body to the appearance of viruses and bacteria in it. An increase in the number of these cells provokes diseases such as chickenpox, tuberculosis and others. But besides infectious diseases, other pathologies also cause an increase in leukocytes.

  1. . With this disease and the appearance of metastases in the bone marrow, the number of lymphocytes increases by 6 times. People at risk should be examined regularly. Only in this case can early stages identify pathology and begin to treat it. An excess of more than 3 times is considered a critical indicator, and this deviation may indicate that a person is developing a tumor process.
  2. Diseases of an autoimmune nature. These diseases include the development rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus. Their occurrence is caused by an attack by white cells, the tissues of their own body. These cells are called T-killers.
  3. Lymphocytic leukemia. The disease occurs more often in older people. The increase in lymphocytes occurs by 80-99 units. When examining blood samples, a state of anemia and platelets in small quantities are observed. The disease has a benign course, there is an increase in lymph nodes, during their palpation pain is felt. There is a slight increase in the size of the liver and spleen. A decrease in lymphocytes in a blood test is considered a good sign during and after treatment. This means that the disease has gone into remission.
  4. Infectious mononucleosis is an infection in which a pathogen enters the lymph nodes. During the course of this disease, lymphocytes are increased due to their increased production, due to exposure to the pathogen.
  5. Hyperimmunity. For some people, due to physiological features very strong immunity. Therefore, the body responds with a violent reaction to any foreign body that got into it. In this case, lymphocytes may be increased. People with this diagnosis should definitely go through additional research to exclude the development of malignant tumors.
  6. Hyperthyroidism - hyperactive work thyroid gland. It produces and releases a large amount of hormones into the blood, and this process provokes. Symptoms of this disease are weight loss, rapid heartbeat, protrusion of the eyeballs, and anxiety.
  7. Under influence radiotherapy lymphocytes are increased and neutrophils are decreased.

If the lymphocyte count is below normal, that is, less than 1.010 / l, then this is also evidence that an infectious disease is developing in the body.

  • a decrease in the production of lymphocytes is associated with chlorosis, anemia, or may be due to the influence of chemicals;
  • infectious diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, purulent process, sepsis also lower their level;
  • immunodeficiency, hereditary pathologies are possible.

If the indicator of the number of lymphocytes does not decrease after a long course of therapy for any pathology, then this does not always mean that the therapy was ineffective. Often a high level of these bodies is observed after the decline of the disease. In addition to the listed pathologies, lymphocytes are increased during starvation, neurasthenia, endocrine diseases, ulcerative colitis hypersensitivity to individual drugs.

If there is an increased content of lymphocytes in the blood of women during pregnancy, then this should alert the doctor. During the gestation of the fetus in the body of a woman, immune reactions occur that interfere with these cells, which seek to destroy the father's antigens present in the embryo. A change in the number of these cells can trigger an abortion. Therefore, throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a blood test in women is mandatory for delivery. Special attention lymphocytes in a blood test in women is given in the first and second trimesters. Gynecologists monitor the facts of an increase in these bodies in a future mother, since if they enter the embryo through the placenta, a miscarriage can be provoked.

Treatment of lymphocytosis

Lymphocytosis is not independent disease if lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, it means that some kind of inflammatory process begins in the body

To bring the number of white bodies to normal, it is necessary to treat the cause of its occurrence. If the cause is an infection, then antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment, and they are treated with antibiotics. And when diagnosing serious pathologies, such as oncological diseases, treatment requires more complex and radical measures. For example, the use of radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and so on is required.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, one indicator of the number of lymphocytes is not enough. It is used only to control their number and cannot tell what kind of disease develops in the body. More extensive and in-depth examinations will be required, the appointment of which will also depend on the symptoms that a person manifests in connection with the disease. At the same time, with an increase in the number of white cells, an increase in lymph nodes, liver and other organs, these organs must be checked for sure. In addition to a blood test, other methods are also used in this case, for example, ultrasound diagnostics, MRI, radiography, computed tomography, analyzes for histology and cytology.

Human blood is made up of a large number cells, which in turn are divided into groups. Each group has an important function. One of them is leukocytes, or as they are also called, white blood cells. These cells are responsible for the body's immunity and are divided into several subgroups, which are based on lymphocytes.

These bodies are formed in the bone marrow and thymus and are usually found in tissues of the lymphoid type. Main function lymphocytes - the body's defense against viruses. They detect harmful cells and produce an antitoxin to fight them; carry out quality control of body cells and destroy defective ones.

To determine the number of lymphocytes, it is enough to do general study blood. This elementary procedure will help to find out the level of immune cells.

This study will reveal an increased level of white blood cells, which is one of the signals of the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the blood twice a year.

Despite the fact that the procedure is quite primitive, for the most exact result, some preparation is required:

  1. between the last meal and, directly, the analysis must pass at least 8 hours;
  2. dinner on the eve of blood donation should be low-calorie;
  3. also, a day or two before the procedure, it is not recommended to eat fried and fatty foods, as well as alcoholic beverages;
  4. You should also not smoke at least a few hours before the procedure.

Previously, experts counted the number of cells on their own, through a microscope. Now, they use automatic analyzers that in a matter of minutes determine the quantity, color, shape and quality of blood cells.

Permissible content of lymphocytes

There is an upper and lower acceptable threshold for the content of lymphocytes in the blood, the deviation from which is not the norm and requires medical intervention.

Two values ​​are usually presented in the test results: absolute - directly, the number of cells in the blood; and relative - the ratio of the number of lymphocytes to the number of leukocytes.

That is, the deviation can be both absolute and relative. The absolute indicator, as a rule, is presented in units per liter, and the relative indicator is expressed as a percentage.

The norm for adults is 19-37% of total leukocytes or 1-4.8 * 109 / liter. For pregnant women, the norm remains the same, however, there is also a small number of lymphocytes and amounts to 16-18% of the total number of leukocytes, which is acceptable for this period.

For children, everything is not so clear, for them the norm varies depending on age:

  1. Newborns - 15-35% or 0.8-9 * 109 / l
  2. 1 year - 45-70% or 2-11*109/l;
  3. 1-2 years - 37-60% or 3-9.5 * 109 / l;
  4. 2-4 years - 33-50% or 2-8*109/l;
  5. 4-10 years - 30-50% or 1.5-6.8 * 109 / l;
  6. 10-16 years old - 30-45% or 1.2-5.2 * 109 / l.

Increase in the level of lymphocytes

When the number of lymphocytes is higher than normal, it is lymphocytosis. Like the level of immune cells, lymphocytosis can be absolute and relative.

It should also be taken into account that if relative indicator neutrophils are lowered, and lymphocytes are increased at the same time, then this is not a cause for concern. Therefore, often, look at the absolute number of lymphocytes.

As a rule, an increase in the level of immune cells can not only indicate the presence of any diseases, but can also be a reflection of certain physiological features, for example, the period of menstruation in women or the common cold.

Causes of an increase in lymphocytes

The reasons for the deviation differ in an adult and a child.

In an adult:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • "reactive" type of immunity;
  • starvation or strict diet;
  • viral liver disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infections caused by bacteria (syphilis);
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • stressful period in smokers and people prone to alcoholism;
  • autoimmune processes such as arthritis, scleroderma;
  • benign blood tumors;
  • intoxication with chemicals (arsenic, chlorine, etc.);
  • plasma cell cancer;
  • diseases associated with the endocrine system;
  • side effects from medications;
  • turning points of some diseases.

The child has:

  • anemia, especially vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • infectious diseases: rubella, smallpox, measles, etc.;
  • oncology;
  • infectious lymphocytosis;
  • asthma;
  • problems with the endocrine system.

Symptoms of lymphocytosis

An excess of lymphocytes in adults may or may not have symptoms, depending on the cause of the deviation. Often, the symptoms of lymphocytosis help to understand what provoked an increase in the number of immune cells.

If we talk about relative lymphocytosis, which is usually caused by viral infections, then it manifests itself as follows:

  1. runny nose;
  2. cough;
  3. headache;
  4. increased body temperature;
  5. sore throat.

With absolute lymphocytosis, along with the above symptoms, rashes can also be observed.

How to lower the level of immune cells in the blood

This deviation is not a disease as such, and therefore there is no specific treatment for this phenomenon. If there are no symptoms of a particular disease, the specialist directs the patient to an x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, and may also prescribe additional tests. Based on the results obtained, the doctor prescribes treatment. Often this is taking antiviral, antipyretic, anti-allergic drugs and antibiotics. There are cases when chemotherapy is prescribed against the disease, transplantation bone marrow other radical measures necessary for a particular patient.

Just raise the level of lymphocytes can be reduced with the help of alternative medicine. Effective means with this disease, vodka infusion of a leaf of a catharanthus tree is considered. The tincture should be taken ten drops during the month, which will certainly lead to an improvement in performance.

As you know, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. In this case, you can also do without treatment, observing elementary preventive measures such as: maintaining immunity, preventing various viral diseases.

Decreased level of lymphocytes

Along with lymphocytosis, an increased level of lymphocytes, there is also an inverse disease, lymphopenia, reduced level lymphocytes.

More often you can find relative lymphopenia - with pneumonia, leukemic myelosis, etc. Relative lymphopenia is less common, usually such a deviation occurs in people with infectious diseases, as well as those suffering from tuberculosis or sarcoma.

Often, low level immune cells, indicates congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

Causes of congenital lymphopenia:

  1. absence or poor development of stem cells responsible for the formation of lymphocytes;
  2. decrease in the number of T - lymphocytes;
  3. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome;
  4. thymoma.

Causes of acquired lymphopenia:

  1. infectious diseases;
  2. heart attack;
  3. malnutrition;
  4. bad habits;
  5. consequences of some therapies;
  6. systemic diseases causing an allergic reaction to own fabrics.

Treatment of lymphopenia

The treatment process should combine prevention general manifestation diseases and directly the treatment of diseases that contributed to the decline of immune cells.

Lymphopenia can manifest itself through:

  1. skin diseases;
  2. hair loss;
  3. defeat oral cavity ulcers;
  4. enlarged spleen and lymph nodes;
  5. reduced tonsils;
  6. recurrent infections.

A low level of lymphocytes indicates immunodeficiency, which increases the risk of developing cancer.

Thus, both of these deviations are a good enough reason to undergo additional examinations, since this clear signs immune problems. However, it is worth remembering that this is only a symptom, not a diagnosis. Need to contact qualified specialist who will prescribe tests, on the basis of which the treatment algorithm for a particular patient will be built, depending on the reasons that led to certain deviations.

Seeing in the results of a blood test that lymphocytes are elevated, an adult immediately raises the question, what does this mean? The leukocyte system, which includes lymphocytes, performs a very important function in the body, protecting it from the introduction of foreign protein agents that cause the development of various diseases. If lymphocytes are elevated in the blood, it means that a serious pathological process is taking place in the body, which will have to be established by additional diagnostics.

So, how dangerous is it if the lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, and what does this mean?

What are lymphocytes and why are they needed in the body

Lymphocytes are blood cells belonging to the leukocyte group and are responsible for the body's immune response to the introduction of various pathogenic agents. In total, there are 3 types of lymphocytes, each of which performs a specific function:

  1. B-cells detect foreign elements in the body (antigens) and react to them by producing special protein structures (antibodies) that destroy the "stranger".
  2. T cells. There are 3 types of T cells: helper, killer and suppressor. T-killers utilize the cells of the body damaged by pathogenic processes. T-helpers enhance the production of antibodies, i.e. immune response. T-suppressors inhibit the body's immune response to pathogen invasion. AT healthy body killers and suppressors are in dynamic balance.
  3. NK cells carry out qualitative control over the cells of the body and, when damaged cell structures are recycling them.

In a pathological process of any etiology the immune system responds to various defensive reactions, while there is an increase in lymphocytes in the blood.

Thus, in order to identify pathological process in the body it is necessary to determine the number of lymphocytes in the circulatory system. Quantitative changes in these indicators make it possible to judge the presence of the disease and even, in conjunction with other blood parameters, to preliminarily suggest the cause of its occurrence.

When and how are lymphocytes determined

To calculate the lymphocytic index, it is enough to do. In more difficult cases are held serological studies to determine the amount and ratio of immune complexes circulating in the body.

  1. It is better to take a blood test for lymphocytes as a percentage in the morning.
  2. A general blood test does not require any specific preparation.
  3. The required amount of material can be taken both from a finger and from a vein. But if a complete immunological study is required, then blood must be donated on an empty stomach, while the material is collected from a vein.

To examine the T and B cells of the group, a serological blood test is performed. Most often, various modifications of the rosette formation method are used. Also, laboratories can conduct immunofluorescent and enzyme immunoassays.

How many lymphocytes should be in the blood

Determination of the content of lymphocytes in the blood can be expressed in 2 ways:

  1. Absolute values. Show the number of these blood cells per unit volume of blood. This indicator is indicated as N x 10 9 / liter.
  2. Relative indicator. Indicates the percentage of leukocytes in the total number of blood cells.

The norm of lymphocytes in the blood in women and men is the same. Small fluctuations in values ​​may occur in women during pregnancy and other physiological reasons, but these indicators do not go beyond the norm. Therefore, when checking lymphocytes, we must remember that the norm for men and women is the same. You also need to know that T-cells predominate over other types, and this rate is also the same in women and men.

Differences in indicators are only in children. Moreover, the reference values ​​​​depend on age.

The rate of lymphocytes in the blood in men and women is 19 - 37% or 1.0 - 4.8 x 10 9 / l.

Why do lymphocytes increase

Looking at the conclusion from the laboratory, patients often ask the question, why are the lymphocytes in the blood elevated? Such changes are caused by a number of pathogens. The reasons why lymphocytosis appears in the blood (i.e., increased content) can be divided into 3 large groups:

  1. exposure to an infectious agent. Increased content lymphocytes is determined by a number of viral infections:
    - a virus that causes infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr), cytomegalovirus, pathogens of measles, whooping cough, rubella, chicken pox, hepatitis, herpes virus type 6 and others;
    - various bacteria - especially for diseases such as brucellosis, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc .;
    - protozoan pathogens (toxoplasma);
    helminth infestations.
  2. Increased lymphocytes in the blood of an adult or a child may be due to cancer or precancerous conditions.
  3. Other reasons. An increase in lymphocytes is observed with various allergic reactions. Autoimmune and endocrine diseases also lead to changes in the composition of the blood. Another reason why lymphocytes are elevated in an adult is smoking.
  4. Elevated lymphocytes in the blood in women can be with pathologies during pregnancy. Also, sometimes there are fluctuations in indicators during menstrual cycle.

In addition to lymphocytes, there are other blood cells of the leukocyte group, which perform their functions in close relationship with them. These are neutrophils and monocytes.

If lymphocytes are elevated in the blood test, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination in order to determine the factors that caused such changes in the blood formula.

What is the danger of a decrease in the number of lymphocytes

Lymphocytopenia is a pathological condition characterized by low lymphocytic content. These changes are also determined using general analysis blood. Distinguish between relative and absolute decrease in these blood cells.

Relative indicator

A relative decrease in the lymphocytic index indicates an increase in white cells. Most often, an increase in the content of neutrophils and monocytes occurs:

As a rule, such changes are observed when inflammatory conditions complicated by purulent processes. A similar picture is also observed in pneumonia.

Absolute decline rate

If lymphocytes are lowered in absolute terms, we can talk about a number of diseases. In this case, the diagnosis can be clarified only after a thorough examination.

So, leukocytes can be lowered when:

  • acute diseases of infectious etiology;
  • purulent processes in the body;
  • hereditary immunodeficiency states;
  • with the development of renal failure;
  • oncological diseases of internal organs;
  • severe liver pathologies.

A decrease in lymphocytic count is noted as adverse reaction body for radiation and chemotherapy.

Often, a decrease in this indicator may indicate various lesions of the hematopoietic system. These are severe illness like lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis and others. The absolute content of these cells can also be reduced by long-term use of glucocorticosteroids for therapeutic purposes.

Also, the reasons for the decrease in lymphocytic cells can be completely harmless at first glance conditions. So, a long-term malnutrition that caused dystrophic phenomena in the body will lead to a change in the blood formula and, first of all, to a decrease in absolute indicator. Such violations can even cause a decrease in the psycho-emotional background. No wonder the great surgeon medieval Europe Ambroise Pare said: "Cheerful people recover faster and live longer."

How can you regulate the number of lymphocytes

An increase in lymphocyte counts is not an independent disease, and there is no specific treatment for this condition. If lymphocytes are enlarged in the blood, then we are talking about just one of the symptoms of a very long list of diseases various bodies and body systems. And an accurate diagnosis can only be made after a thorough comprehensive examination, including:

  • laboratory;
  • physical;
  • functional;
  • hardware and other methods.

When lymphocytes are higher than normal, treatment should not be aimed at leveling the blood count, but at eliminating the cause that caused the condition in which the cell content in the circulatory system has changed. Only targeted therapy can change blood counts.

  1. Depending on the etiology of diseases in which lymphocytes are enlarged, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory or antiviral therapy.
  2. Also, various antimicrobials, antibiotics, antipyretics.
  3. In case of detection of diagnoses that threaten the life of the patient, wave therapy, treatment with cytostatic drugs or specific chemicals can be carried out.
  4. In rare cases, a bone marrow transplant may be indicated surgically.

Is it possible to do something myself in cases where lymphocytes are elevated?

Self-medication when changing the blood formula is strictly not allowed. But it is quite possible to take a number of measures that improve the blood formula and speed up recovery.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to drastically reduce physical activity. If the pathology is accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, it is recommended to switch to bed rest.
  2. If lymphocytes are elevated in a smoking adult, then at least for the duration of the disease, smoking should be completely abandoned.
  3. It will also be beneficial for the body to follow a diet. You should refuse to eat spicy, salty, fatty, smoked foods, exclude seasonings and various sweets. Meat can only be eaten lean. Use porridge as a side dish, keeping the consumption of potatoes and pasta to a minimum. The daily diet should be diversified with various fresh vegetables and fruits.

The importance of the immune system in human life cannot be overestimated. She fights against the diseases that have arisen and tries to prevent them, using all her reserves in the form of multiple cells and special organs. The main role in this process is played by lymphocytes.

What are lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are a subgroup of white blood cells. They recognize and destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi. They contact other members of the immune militia in order to protect a person from various troubles. Normally, they make up 19-37% of the total number of leukocytes. Exceeding these values ​​indicates an inflammatory process. Formed in the red bone marrow or lymphoid tissue. They have a diameter of 7-10 microns, which is almost 7 times smaller sizes macrophages. In internal environment contain a large oval nucleus, the cytoplasm is devoid of granularity. There are three subpopulations of lymphocytes.

T cells

They mature in the thymus or thymus. Provide cellular immunity. Their number is 50-70% of the total mass. Among them are distinguished:

  • Killers destroying the inferior structural elements through direct contact. Designed for immune surveillance.

Provoke rejection of transplanted organs. Therefore, transplantation is carried out against the background of admission special medicines depressing immunity, reducing the number of lymphocytes and preventing their interaction.

With a “gentle touch”, the killer leaves a piece of his shell on the membrane of a suspicious cell and leaves the battlefield. At the point of contact, a wound is formed, through which the internal environment of the aggressor communicates with the external one, but already without the cellular barrier necessary for this. The foreign agent dies, and its remnants are devoured by phagocytes.

  • Helpers or helpers that “inform” other structures of the immune system about the presence of foreign proteins stimulate the work of monocytes.
  • Suppressors that regulate the strength of the immune response.


Responsible for humoral immunity. They recognize and neutralize the causative agent of the disease, but do this with the help of antibodies or protective proteins. They remember the “stranger” and in the future, when it re-penetrates, they quickly neutralize it. Their content in the blood ranges from 8 to 20%.

NK cells

Its elements recognize and destroy reborn cells, as well as microbes that are hiding from "killers". The total number is 5-20%.

And this is not all representatives of lymphocytes. There are other additional and auxiliary categories of subpopulations of cells that perform the most important functions.

Norm in the blood

The limits of variation in the number of lymphocytes in an adult, regardless of gender, are 1-4.5 ×. In children, they are much wider. For comparison, in newborns, the figure reaches 9 billion.

What does the elevated level mean?

With age, the concentration of immune elements in the blood decreases. Exceeding these values ​​is called lymphocytosis. It comes with a number of symptoms:

  • Tonsillitis.
  • Dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting).
  • Weight loss, exhaustion.
  • Enlargement of the spleen, liver, lymph nodes.
  • Nervousness.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Increase or decrease in body temperature.

The state can be relative or absolute. The first is observed if the number of other blood cells is depleted and against this background the level of lymphocytes seems to be elevated. In the second case, their number increases. This happens if a person:

  • SARS, then in response to the penetration of the aggressor, immunity increases the number of its defenders.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Syphilis.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Allergies of alimentary and medicinal etiology.
  • Helminthiases.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Poisoning heavy metals(lead).
  • Multiple myeloma with damage to the red bone marrow.
  • Mononucleosis is a viral infection, the causative agent of which attacks lymphatic system.
  • Diseases of an autoimmune nature, when the body's own tissues are perceived by the body as an alien substance. Observed with scleroderma, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis.

This also includes lymphocytic leukemia (as a variant of leukemia), when the formation of lymphocytes is disrupted, as a result of which they are reborn and become cancerous.

When to See a Doctor

Lymphocytosis is not an independent disease, but only a sign of disorders to be identified by the doctor. The number of cells is normalized only after the appointment adequate treatment. For this, medicines with antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects can be used. Sometimes this is facilitated by chemotherapeutic methods or surgical intervention for bone marrow transplantation.

Both relative and absolute lymphocytosis are subject to evaluation. The physiological variant is observed in women, before menstruation and during pregnancy. So future mom regularly takes tests in the I and II trimesters, when the fetus is laying organs. In case of failures in the immune system, its cells perceive the embryo as a foreign body, which often results in a miscarriage. By the time of the onset of labor, the blood count returns to normal.

Lymphocytosis can be immune reactions to a number of pathologies that equally often disturb both sexes. If the test results show elevated lymphocytes, and there are no symptoms of the disease, an additional study is carried out to install accurate diagnosis and prescribing appropriate therapy.

At certain categories people the slightest cold increases the level of lymphocytes. In this case, we speak of hyperimmunity. Additional examination helps to eliminate tumor processes. Sometimes the causes of lymphocytosis are associated with the intake of certain drugs (for example, contraceptives), neurasthenia, starvation, anemia, smoking, including passive smoking. High level the main defenders of the body can persist after recovery.

How to lower lymphocytes in the blood

A separate fight against lymphocytosis is inappropriate, since it is associated with disorders or pathologies. They begin with finding out the degree of increase in the main defenders of the body. At the beginning infectious process lymphocytes migrate into the tissues, so their level in the internal environment of the body falls. This condition is called lymphopenia. Lymphocytes in the blood are reduced if:

  • The red bone marrow is irradiated.
  • There are chemotherapy sessions.
  • Cytostatics are taken during organ transplantation to suppress the immune system.
  • Sulfonamides are used in the treatment.
  • The patient is emaciated due to frequent bacterial and viral infections.

The number of lymphocytes is normalized, but the speed of this process is individual. For some it takes a few days, for others it takes months.


The essence of the event is timely vaccination, root cause therapy pathological condition strengthening the protective functions of the body. This requires:

  • Lead active healthy lifestyle life.
  • harden.
  • Exercise.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Do not be nervous.

Simple hiking on the fresh air tone the body and strengthen the immune system. It is also recommended to review the diet, include foods with high content minerals and vitamins:

  • Sea fish.
  • Lean meat.
  • Vegetables fruits.
  • Dates.
  • Citrus.
  • Bananas.
  • Strawberry.

Doctor's conclusion

After the complete destruction of the infectious agent and the removal of toxins, the blood formula and the number of its main defenders return to normal. Most importantly, two conditions must be met.

Often, having received the results of a blood test, we can read the doctor's conclusion there that the lymphocytes in the blood are elevated. What does this mean, is this disease dangerous, and can it be cured?

What are lymphocytes?

All white blood cells that perform immune function are called leukocytes. They fall into several categories:

  • neutrophils,
  • eosinophils,
  • basophils,
  • monocytes,
  • Lymphocytes.

Each of these groups performs strictly defined tasks. If we compare the immune forces of the body with the army, then eosinophils, basophils and monocytes are special types of troops and heavy artillery, neutrophils are soldiers, and lymphocytes are officers and guards. In relation to the total number of leukocytes, the number of cells of this type in adults it averages 30%. Unlike most other leukocytes, which, when confronted with infectious agent, as a rule, perish, lymphocytes can act repeatedly. Thus, they provide long-term immunity, and the rest of the leukocytes provide short-term immunity.

Lymphocytes, together with monocytes, belong to the category of agranulocytes - cells that do not have granular inclusions in internal structure. They can last longer than other blood cells - sometimes up to several years. Their destruction is usually carried out in the spleen.

What are lymphocytes responsible for? They perform a variety of functions, depending on the specialization. They are responsible for both humoral immunity associated with the production of antibodies and cellular immunity associated with interaction with target cells. Lymphocytes are divided into three main categories - T, B and NK.

T cells

They make up about 75% of all cells of this type. Their embryos are formed in the bone marrow, and then migrate to the thymus gland (thymus), where they turn into lymphocytes. Actually, this is also indicated by their name (T stands for thymus). Them the largest number observed in children.

In the thymus, T-cells "are trained" and receive various "specialties", turning into the following types of lymphocytes:

  • T cell receptors
  • T-killers
  • T-helpers,
  • T-suppressors.

B cells

Among other lymphocytes, their proportion is approximately 15%. Formed in the spleen and bone marrow, then migrate to the lymph nodes and concentrate in them. Their main function is to provide humoral immunity. AT lymph nodes type B cells "get acquainted" with antigens "presented" to them by other cells of the immune system. After that, they begin the process of formation of antibodies that react aggressively to the invasion. foreign substances or microorganisms. Some B cells have a "memory" for foreign objects and can retain it for many years. Thus, they ensure the body's readiness to meet the "enemy" fully armed in case of its reappearance.

NK cells

The proportion of NK cells among other lymphocytes is approximately 10%. This variety performs functions that are in many ways similar to those of T-killers. However, their capabilities are much wider than those of the latter. The name of the group comes from the phrase Natural Killers (Natural killers). This is a real "anti-terrorist special forces" of immunity. The purpose of the cells is the destruction of degenerated cells of the body, primarily tumor cells, as well as those affected by viruses. At the same time, they are able to destroy cells that are inaccessible to T-killers. Each NK cell is “armed” with special toxins that are lethal to target cells.

What is wrong with changing lymphocytes in the blood?

From the foregoing, it may seem that the more of these cells in the blood, the higher the person's immunity should be, and the healthier he should be. And often a condition when lymphocytes are elevated is a really positive symptom. But in practice, things are not so simple.

First of all, a change in the number of lymphocytes always indicates that not everything is in order in the body. As a rule, they are produced by the body for a reason, but to deal with some kind of problem. And the task of the doctor is to find out what the elevated blood cells are talking about.

In addition, a change in the number of white blood cells may mean that the mechanism by which they appear in the blood has been disrupted. And from this it follows that the hematopoietic system is also subject to some kind of disease. An increased level of lymphocytes in the blood is called lymphocytosis. Lymphocytosis can be both relative and absolute. With relative lymphocytosis, the total number of leukocytes does not change, but the number of lymphocytes increases relative to other types of leukocytes. With absolute lymphocytosis, both leukocytes and lymphocytes increase, while the ratio of lymphocytes to other leukocytes may not change.

The condition in which there are low lymphocytes in the blood is called lymphopenia.

Norms of lymphocytes in the blood

This rate varies with age. In young children, as a rule, the relative number of these cells is higher than in adults. Over time, this parameter decreases. Also at different people it can deviate greatly from the mean.

Norms of lymphocytes for different ages.

As a rule, lymphocytosis in adults is spoken of if the absolute number of lymphocytes exceeds 5x109 / l, and the number of these cells of the total number of leukocytes is 41%. Minimum valid value it is considered 19% and 1x109 / l.

How to determine the level of lymphocytes

To determine this parameter, it is enough to pass the general clinical analysis blood. The analysis is taken on an empty stomach, before passing during the day you should not practice physical activity, do not eat fatty foods, within 2-3 hours - do not smoke. Blood for general analysis is usually taken from a finger, less often from a vein.

A complete blood count allows you to find out how the different types of white blood cells correlate with each other. This ratio is called leukocyte formula. Sometimes the number of lymphocytes is directly indicated in the transcript of the analysis, but often the transcript contains only English abbreviations. Therefore, sometimes it is not easy for an ignorant person to find the necessary data in a blood test. As a rule, the required parameter is indicated as LYMPH in a blood test (sometimes also LYM or LY). On the contrary, the content of blood cells per unit volume of blood, as well as normal indicators, is usually indicated. This parameter can also be referred to as "abs lymphocytes". The percentage of lymphocytes from the total number of leukocytes can also be indicated. It should also be borne in mind that different laboratories may use different methods analysis, so the results of the general blood test are somewhat different in different medical institutions.

Causes of lymphocytosis

Why does the white blood cell count increase? This symptom can have several causes. First of all, these are infectious diseases. Many infections, especially viral ones, cause the immune system to produce increased amount T-killers and NK-cells. This type of lymphocytosis is called reactive.

Viral infections that can cause an increase in lymphocytes in the blood include:

  • Flu,
  • Infectious mononucleosis,
  • Herpes,
  • Chickenpox,
  • Measles,
  • Rubella,
  • adenovirus infection,
  • Mumps.

Also, elevated lymphocytes in the blood can be observed with bacterial and protozoal infections:

  • Tuberculosis
  • brucellosis,
  • Toxoplasmosis.

However, not every bacterial infection is accompanied by lymphocytosis, since many bacteria are destroyed by other types of leukocytes.

An increase in the number of white blood cells can be observed not only during illness, but also after some time after recovery. This phenomenon is called postinfectious lymphocytosis.

Another cause of lymphocytosis is diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia) and lymphatic tissue (lymphoma). Many of them are malignant. With these diseases, lymphocytosis is observed in the blood, but immune cells are not complete and cannot perform their functions.

The main diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory systems that can cause lymphocytosis:

  • Lymphoblastic leukemia (acute and chronic),
  • Lymphogranulomatosis,
  • Lymphoma,
  • Lymphosarcoma,
  • Myeloma.

Other reasons that can cause an increase in the number of immune cells:

  • Alcoholism;
  • Frequent tobacco smoking;
  • Taking narcotic substances;
  • Taking certain medications (levodopa, phenytoin, some analgesics and antibiotics);
  • The period before menstruation;
  • Prolonged fasting and diets;
  • Prolonged consumption of food rich in carbohydrates;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • allergic reactions;
  • Poisoning with toxic substances (lead, arsenic, carbon disulfide);
  • Immunity disorders;
  • Endocrine disorders (myxedema, ovarian hypofunction, acromegaly);
  • Early stages of some cancers;
  • Neurasthenia;
  • stress;
  • Lack of vitamin B12;
  • Injuries and wounds;
  • Splenectomy;
  • Accommodation in the highlands;
  • radiation injury;
  • Taking certain vaccines;
  • Excessive physical activity.

Many autoimmune diseases, that is, diseases in which immunity attacks healthy cells of the body can also be accompanied by lymphocytosis:

  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.

Lymphocytosis can also be temporary or permanent. A temporary type of disease is usually caused by infectious diseases, injuries, poisoning, or taking medications.

Spleen and lymphocytosis

Since the spleen is an organ where immune cells break down, its surgical removal for some reason can cause temporary lymphocytosis. However, later the hematopoietic system returns to normal and the number of these cells in the blood stabilizes.

Oncological diseases

However, the most dangerous reasons lymphocytosis are oncological diseases that affect the hematopoietic system. This reason also cannot be discounted. And therefore, if it is impossible to associate a symptom with some external cause, it is recommended to undergo a thorough examination.

The most common hemato-oncological diseases in which lymphocytosis is observed are acute and chronic lymphoblastic leukemia.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a serious disease of the hematopoietic system, in which immature immune cells are formed in the bone marrow that cannot perform their functions. The disease most often affects children. Simultaneously with the increase in lymphocytes, there is also a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and platelets.

Diagnosis of this type of leukemia is made with the help of a bone marrow puncture, after which the number of immature cells (lymphoblasts) is determined.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

This type of disease is more common in older people. With it, there is a significant increase in non-functional B-type cells. The disease in most cases develops slowly, but almost does not respond to treatment.

When diagnosing a disease, first of all, the total number of type B cells is taken into account. tumor cells by characteristic features. To clarify the diagnosis, immunophenotyping of cells is also carried out.

Lymphocytes in HIV

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that directly affects the cells of the immune system and causes a serious illness - AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Therefore, the presence this virus cannot but affect the number of lymphocytes in the blood. Lymphocytosis is usually seen in the early stages. However, as the disease progresses, the immune system becomes weaker, and lymphocytosis is replaced by lymphopenia. Also, with AIDS, there is a decrease in the number of other blood cells - platelets and neutrophils.

Lymphocytes in urine

Sometimes the presence of lymphocytes can be observed in the urine, which should not be normal. This sign indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in genitourinary system– for example, about urolithiasis, bacterial infections in urinary tract. In kidney transplant patients, the presence of lymphocytes may indicate the process of organ rejection. Also, these cells can appear in the urine in acute viral diseases.

Decrease in lymphocytes - causes

Sometimes there may be a situation reverse to lymphocytosis - lymphopenia, when lymphocytes are lowered. For lymphocytes, a decrease is characteristic in the following cases:

  • Severe infections depleting lymphocyte reserves;
  • AIDS;
  • Tumors of lymphoid tissue;
  • Diseases of the bone marrow;
  • Severe types of heart and kidney failure;
  • Taking certain drugs, for example, cytostatics, corticosteroids, antipsychotics;
  • Radiation exposure;
  • immunodeficiency state;
  • Pregnancy.

A situation where the number of immune cells is below normal may be a temporary phenomenon. So, if during infectious disease the lack of lymphocytes is replaced by their excess, this may indicate that the body is close to recovery.

Changes in lymphocytes in the blood in women

For such a parameter as the content of lymphocytes, there are no gender differences. This means that in both men and women, the blood should contain approximately the same amount of these cells.

During pregnancy, mild lymphopenia is usually observed. This is due to the fact that increased lymphocytes in the blood of women during pregnancy can harm the fetus, which has a different genotype compared to the mother's body. However, in general, the number of these cells does not decrease below the normal range. However, if this occurs, then the immune system may be weakened, and the woman's body may be susceptible to various diseases. And if the number of lymphocytes is above the norm, then this situation threatens early interruption pregnancy. Thus, it is very important for pregnant women to control the level of lymphocytes in the blood. To do this, you must regularly take tests, both in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

In women, the increase in the content of the number of immune cells can also be caused by certain phases of the menstrual cycle. In particular, during premenstrual syndrome there may be a slight increase in lymphocytes.

Lymphocytosis in children

When a baby is born, the level of lymphocytes is relatively low. However, then the body begins to increase the production of white blood cells, and, starting from the first weeks of life, there are a lot of lymphocytes in the blood, much more than in adults. This is explained natural causes- after all, a child has a much weaker body than an adult. As the child grows older, the number of these cells in the blood decreases, and at a certain age they become less than neutrophils. In the future, the number of lymphocytes approaches the adult level.

However, if there are more lymphocytes than normal for a certain age, then this is a cause for concern. It is necessary to understand what causes lymphocytosis. Usually the child's body reacts very violently to each infection, such as SARS, measles, rubella, releasing great amount white blood cells. But when the infection recedes, their number returns to normal.

However, it should be remembered that lymphocytosis in children can also be caused by such a serious disease as acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Therefore, it is important to regularly check the number of white blood cells in a child with blood tests.

Symptoms of lymphocytosis

Does lymphocytosis manifest itself in any other way than a change in the composition of the blood? In the event that it is caused by an infectious disease, then the patient will experience symptoms characteristic of this disease, such as fever, chills, headaches, cough, rash, etc. But these symptoms are not symptoms of lymphocytosis itself. However, in some cases, with an increase in lymphocytes caused by non-infectious causes, there may be an increase in the lymph nodes and spleen - the organs where the most lymphocytes are located.

Diagnosis of the causes of lymphocytosis

With an increase in the number of lymphocytes, the causes of the increase are not always easy to detect. First of all, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner. Most likely, he will give a referral for several additional tests - blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis. In addition, additional studies may be prescribed - ultrasound, computed or magnetic tomography, radiography.

May need additional analysis blood, which would eliminate the error. To clarify the diagnosis, you may need an operation such as a puncture of the lymph node or bone marrow.

Typical and atypical immune cells

When determining the cause of an increase in lymphocytes important role plays the definition of the number of typical and atypical varieties of cells.

Atypical lymphocytes are called blood cells that have different properties and sizes compared to normal ones.

Most often, atypical cells are observed in the blood in the following diseases:

  • lymphocytic leukemia,
  • toxoplasmosis,
  • Pneumonia,
  • Chickenpox,
  • Hepatitis,
  • Herpes,
  • Infectious mononucleosis.

On the other hand, in many diseases a large number atypical cells are not observed:

  • mumps,
  • Rubella,
  • Flu,
  • AIDS,
  • adenovirus infection,
  • Malaria,
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Use of other blood parameters in diagnostics

You should also take into account such a factor as (ESR). In many diseases, this parameter increases. The dynamics of other blood components is also taken into account:

  • The total number of leukocytes (may remain unchanged, decrease or increase),
  • Dynamics of the number of platelets (increase or decrease),
  • Dynamics of the number of erythrocytes (increase or decrease).

An increase in the total number of leukocytes with a simultaneous increase in lymphocytes may indicate lymphoproliferative diseases:

  • lymphocytic leukemia,
  • Lyphogranulomatosis,
  • Lymphoma.

Also, this condition can be characteristic of:

  • acute viral infections
  • hepatitis,
  • endocrine diseases,
  • tuberculosis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • removal of the spleen
  • cytomegalovirus infection,
  • whooping cough
  • toxoplasmosis,
  • brucellosis.

Relative lymphocytosis (in which the total white blood cell count remains approximately constant) is usually characteristic of severe bacterial infections such as typhoid fever.

In addition, it occurs in the case of:

  • rheumatic diseases,
  • hyperthyroidism,
  • Addison's disease
  • Splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen).

A decrease in the total number of leukocytes against the background of an increase in the number of lymphocytes is possible after severe viral infections or against their background. This phenomenon is explained by the depletion of the reserve of cells of rapid immunity, primarily neutrophils, and the increase in cells of long-term immunity - lymphocytes. If this is the case, then, as a rule, this situation is temporary, and the number of leukocytes should soon return to normal. Also, a similar state of affairs is typical for taking certain medications and poisonings.

A decrease in the number of red blood cells against the background of lymphocytosis is usually characteristic of leukemia and diseases of the bone marrow. In addition, oncological diseases of the bone marrow are usually accompanied by a very large increase in lymphocytes - about 5-6 times higher than normal.

A simultaneous increase in the number of erythrocytes and lymphocytes can be observed in heavy smokers. Ratio various types lymphocytes may also have diagnostic value. For example, in myeloma, the number of type B cells increases primarily, with infectious mononucleosis– types T and B.

Treatment and prevention

Should lymphocytosis be treated? In the event that the lymphocytes are enlarged due to any diseases, for example, infectious, then the treatment of the symptom itself is not required. Attention should be paid to the treatment of the disease that caused it and lymphocytosis will go away by itself.

Infectious diseases are treated with either antiviral agents, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. In many cases, it is enough just to provide lymphocytes with comfortable conditions to fight infection - give the body a rest, eat right and drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins from the body. And then the lymphocytes, like the soldiers of the victorious army, "will go home", and their level in the blood will decrease. Although this may not happen the next day after the end of the disease. Sometimes a trace of an infection in the form of lymphocytosis can be observed for several more months.

A completely different matter is leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma. They will not pass "on their own", and in order for the disease to recede, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. The treatment strategy is determined by the doctor - it can be chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. In the most severe cases, a bone marrow transplant is used.

Severe infectious diseases, such as mononucleosis, AIDS, also require careful treatment with antibiotics and antiviral agents.

Everything that has been said about the treatment of lymphocytosis is also true in relation to prevention. given state. Specific prevention it does not require, it is important to strengthen the body as a whole and the immune system in particular, eat right, avoid bad habits, treat chronic infectious diseases in time.