Lymphocytes are always elevated. Why are lymphocytes lower in the tests and higher in adults? When lymphocytes are low

Lymphocytes are a type of non-granular leukocytes that perform immune functions. An increase in the level of lymphocytes in the blood is not considered a disease, however, this symptom may indicate problems in the body. The dangers of an elevated level of lymphocytes and how this can threaten the body will be discussed in the article.

The role of lymphocytes

There are 2 types of lymphocytes (white blood cells): T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. The former are responsible for the body’s immune response to viral infections and for fighting them. B-lymphocytes, entering the body’s tissues, are converted into special elements that provide the body’s humoral (local) immune response and prevent the penetration and development of infection.

Causes of lymphocytosis

The reasons for the increase in the level of lymphocytes in the blood in adults and children vary.

In adults

Most common cause Lymphocytosis is considered a viral infection that develops in the body. However, there are a number of other pathologies that may be indicated by lymphocytosis:

  • Blood cancer. The immune system detects the tumor and its metastases (if any) by foreign bodies, producing large quantity lymphocytes to fight them.
  • Autoimmune diseases, e.g. rheumatoid arthritis. In this case, lymphocytes attack healthy cells of the body, perceiving them as foreign formations.
  • Lymphocytic leukemia is a disease that is more susceptible to older people. Patients experience decreased levels of red blood cells and platelets. The number of lymphocytes, on the contrary, increases (usually by 90-99 units).
  • Mononucleosis is a disease that affects the lymph nodes. As a result of the action of the pathogen, the level of lymphocytes in the body increases.
  • Immune system disorders, in particular we're talking about about people with very strong immunity. In this case, there is an intense increase in lymphocytes when any foreign body enters the body.
  • Hormonal imbalances. When the thyroid gland is overactive (hyperthyroidism), a large amount of hormones enters the blood, which can also cause an increase in the level of lymphocytes.

In children

Most common reason this phenomenon– viral diseases. The immune system small child is not yet fully formed, so children are most susceptible to viral infections. And the body, to fight this infection, produces a larger number of white blood cells than usual. It should be remembered that after long illness, even if recovery has already occurred, the child may have an elevated level of lymphocytes for some time.

The causes of lymphocytosis in children also include:

  • Viral diseases, inflammatory processes in the body. In this case, relative lymphocytosis occurs.
  • Absolute lymphocytosis in children is observed due to diseases such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, diseases of the endocrine system, typhoid, whooping cough, lymphosarcoma, viral hepatitis.
  • In young children, infectious lymphocytosis can be observed.

During pregnancy

An increase in the level of lymphocytes in the blood of a pregnant woman is very dangerous phenomenon which can lead to termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). The immune system expectant mother works in such a way as to protect embryonic cells that contain the paternal antigen. However, if there are abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system, white blood cells can mistake the fetal cells for a foreign body to the mother’s body and begin to fight them.

This is fraught with the most negative consequences for the unborn child. Therefore, a woman needs to regularly undergo blood tests to determine the level of lymphocytes (especially in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy, when the main organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed).


Initially, an increase in lymphocytes can be determined only by the results of a blood test. However, the presence of lymphocytosis can also be signaled by an increase in the size of some internal organs (lymph nodes, liver, spleen). This symptom may also indicate the presence malignant tumors Thus, if this symptom is detected, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of oncology.

Why is it dangerous?

Lymphocytosis is not a disease. This is a symptom that indicates the presence of certain pathologies in the body. These pathologies can pose a very serious danger to human body (oncological diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys).


Lymphocytosis is considered only the body’s reaction to some pathology. Thus, in order to reduce the level of lymphocytes in the blood, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provoked this phenomenon.

Drug treatment

Drugs that reduce inflammation or antibiotics are prescribed:


Contains substances obtained from human blood leukocytes. It has an antiviral, immunomodulatory effect, helps in the treatment of tumors.


The active substance (clavulanic acid) has a pronounced antibacterial effect.


An immunostimulating drug that contains active substance– Echinacea juice. Echinacea juice contains a large amount of caffeic acid derivatives, alkamides, and polysaccharides. These active ingredients restore the functionality of the immune system, strengthening protective forces body.

Folk remedies

The basic treatment prescribed by the doctor can be supplemented with the use of traditional medicine (again, after consultation with your doctor).
The most popular means are:


Freshly squeezed juice from beets, apples, carrots (not recommended for people suffering from stomach diseases). The juice must be drunk daily. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Beetroot infusion

Cut medium-sized beets into slices and place in glass jar, fill with 2 liters warm water. Add honey, 1 teaspoon salt. Cover with gauze and leave in a dark place for 3 days. Strain the resulting infusion, take ¼ cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Berry decoction

Mix strawberries and rose hips (15 grams each) with nettle and strawberry leaves. Pour boiling water over the mixture and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. Take ¼ cup 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.


Pour 450 grams of bee bread with 200 grams of honey and leave for several days. Take 2 tablespoons for a month.

Caranthus tincture

Pour one part of caranthus flower petals with 20 parts of vodka. Leave for 10 days. The product should be added to a glass of water, 10 drops, and drunk once a day for 2-3 weeks.

Caranthus may cause nausea or dizziness during initial stages reception, this is normal.

Nutritional Features

A properly formulated diet will help in the treatment of lymphocytosis, improve the general condition of the body, and saturate it with energy and vitamins. At elevated level lymphocytes, it is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber.

You should pay attention to such products as:

  • oatmeal;
  • red and green fruits and vegetables;
  • oranges;
  • bananas;
  • dates;
  • strawberry;
  • lean meat;
  • sea ​​fish.


Main preventive measures, helping to prevent an increase in the level of lymphocytes, consider:

  • Healthy lifestyle (eating healthy, avoiding bad habits, regular classes sports).
  • Timely treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Regular preventive examinations with a doctor (at least once a year).

Based on a blood test, preliminary conclusions can be drawn about the presence of many diseases in a person. Sometimes, by comparing test data and collecting anamnesis, the doctor is able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment for the patient. An increase or decrease in blood test values ​​in children and adults in most cases reflects information about the development of a disease. So, if lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, this characterizes lymphocytosis - a component of many pathologies and problems in the body.

Features of the disease

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell called leukocyte. They are part of the immune system that provides cellular immunity and rapid production of antibodies by the body. In addition, a normal level of lymphocytes in the blood (19-38% of all white blood cells in adults, 25-50% in children) helps regulate the number and activity of other blood cells. There are two types of lymphocytes:

  • large granular (NK cells);
  • small (T cells, B cells).

The first type of lymphocytes is responsible for the destruction of cells that differ from normal in structure (for example, cancerous ones), the second type is responsible for counteracting an infectious disease that has arisen in a person. Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow, participate in the bloodstream and “fight” viruses, fungi and bacteria. A lack of lymphocytes leads to a decrease in immunity, which threatens various pathologies. But no less serious is the condition in which lymphocytes are enlarged, and it is called “lymphocytosis” in medicine.

The definition of this pathology is as follows: lymphocytosis is a condition characterized by the growth of lymphocytes in the peripheral bloodstream. As for the exact indicators of lymphocytes in the blood, their norm will depend on the person’s age:

  1. Adults over 18 years old - 1.0-4.8*10*9 l.
  2. Newborns - 2.0-11.0*10*9 l.
  3. Child up to one year - 2.0-11.5*10*9 liters.
  4. Children under 6 years old - 1.5-7.0*109* l.
  5. Children under 10 years old - 1.5-6.5*10*9 l.

Higher lymphocyte counts than indicated reflect that the person has developed lymphocytosis. But for a correct assessment of laboratory data, it is necessary to find out not only the absolute number of lymphocytes, but also their relative level, that is, how these blood cells relate to other numbers in the composition of leukocytes. Based on this, two types of lymphocytosis are distinguished:

  1. Absolute lymphocytosis. Represents an increase total figure lymphocytes in the blood. Observed with increased lymphopoiesis in the bone marrow, it can become a sign serious illnesses.
  2. Relative lymphocytosis. This is growth percentage blood cells in the general leukocyte formula, which is present despite the normal absolute value of lymphocytes. The causes of the condition are often due to prolonged infection and general exhaustion of the body. Relative lymphocytosis is not an isolated disorder; it is always accompanied by a decrease in some other type of leukocytes (usually neutrophils).

Causes of lymphocytosis

Most causes of lymphocytosis are in one way or another associated with the development of infectious diseases in humans. Relative lymphocytosis occurs in children and adults much more often than absolute lymphocytosis. The latter is a rather serious condition that requires careful diagnosis and search for the causes of development. They can be like this:

  • some oncological diseases blood (for example, chronic lymphocytic leukemia);
  • malignant monoclonal gammopathy (Waldenström macroglobulinemia);
  • cancer tumors of other localizations;
  • various autoimmune diseases;
  • hemolytic anemia.

Severe persistent (long-term) lymphocytosis requires special vigilance. Often it means the development of leukemia. In this cancer of the blood, some forms of white blood cells do not mature and cannot be functional to a sufficient extent. Against the background of systemic leukocytosis with a predominance of immature lymphocytes and other leukocytes, symptoms of anemia, tissue bleeding, and frequent infections occur. Leukemia (leukemia) must be diagnosed and treated at the earliest stage to avoid death.

Relative lymphocytosis is much more common than absolute lymphocytosis. It is typical for many somatically healthy children under 2 years of age, which is due to the immaturity of the child’s immune system. Changes in the leukocyte formula towards an increase in the percentage of lymphocytes with normal or decreased total number leukocytes is characteristic of all viral infections, including intestinal ones - for rotavirus, as well as for typhoid fever. There are more serious reasons for relative lymphocytosis:

  • rheumatism and its complications;
  • Addison's disease;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • enlargement of the spleen (by various reasons);
  • purulent-inflammatory processes in the body.

In adults, reactive lymphocytosis (a condition that is not associated with infectious diseases) can occur during pregnancy and can be caused by stress, nervous diseases, vitamin deficiencies and starvation diets, lack of vitamin B12, alcohol abuse, long-term smoking, and drug use. Bleeding and treatment with certain drugs that can change the composition of the blood can also cause relative lymphocytosis. Most often, this condition goes away, the number of blood cells returns to normal on its own after the provoking factor is eliminated.

Symptoms of manifestation

The clinical picture is entirely determined by the disease that caused the development of the pathological blood condition. But minor lymphocytosis, which is often observed in frequently ill children, may not give any manifestations at all, or they are insignificant. If the cause of the pathology is an infectious disease, then the set of symptoms may be as follows:

  • high temperature or low-grade fever;
  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • aches in joints and muscles;
  • headache;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • pain in the throat, ears, neck, lymph nodes, etc.;
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain and many other symptoms.

If lymphocytosis is provoked by HIV infection, hepatitis, then many groups in a person may increase in size lymph nodes, the spleen is growing in volume, he is unwell, there is a prolonged low-grade fever, chills, night sweats etc.

With autoimmune and cancer diseases, the patient loses weight, appetite decreases, and the spleen and liver often increase in size. Severe absolute lymphocytosis is also possible with inflammation of the brain, when a person’s body temperature rises sharply, exhaustion and chills, stiff neck muscles, severe headaches, insomnia, and disorders are observed. nervous activity and other signs.

Diagnostic methods

Clinical diagnosis is based on a general blood test, from which a conclusion can be made about the type and degree of increase in the number of lymphocytes. An increase in the numerical value of lymphocytes in combination with pronounced general leukocytosis may suggest the development of cancer lymphatic system or blood - lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia. In this case, the person is necessarily recommended to undergo a thorough examination under the supervision of an oncologist.

When a patient experiences an increase in lymphocytes or the total number of leukocytes in combination with thrombocytosis, this may signal the development of thrombocytopenic purpura or hypersplenism. An increase in lymphocytes and red blood cells is a sign of viral or bacterial diseases. Lymphocytosis is especially common in young children, in whom colds sometimes overlap each other and are accompanied by abnormalities in the general blood test. With lymphocytosis, differential diagnosis is very important, which will detect exact reason illness and start its treatment on time.

Treatment methods

Since this condition is always a component of the symptom complex of the underlying pathology, treatment will be individual in each individual case. If the disease is viral in nature, a child or adult is prescribed antivirals(Interferon, Grippferon, Isoprinosine, Ingavirin), vitamin-mineral complexes, immunostimulants (Immunal, Immunorix, Amiksin). For bacterial infections, antibiotics (Flemoklav, Sumamed, Suprax) are introduced into the course of therapy; intestinal infections are treated with drugs such as Bifidumbacterin, Enterol, Enterofuril, etc.

When lymphocytosis has become the cause of endocrine diseases, special means to eliminate thyrotoxicosis. Sometimes the only thing that helps a patient is treatment with radioactive iodine or even surgery. At oncological pathologies leukopheresis, chemotherapy, surgery, including bone marrow transplantation are used, ( radiation therapy can lead to sharp fall leukocytes, therefore rarely used), for autoimmune diseases - glucocorticosteroids. Hemolytic anemia is treated with hormones, blood transfusions and other methods. Additionally, for lymphocytosis should be used symptomatic remedies- painkillers, antihistamines, detoxification and other drugs.

Folk remedies and nutrition

Diet for lymphocytosis is helper method therapy, but it can speed up recovery by providing the body with energy, vitamins, and proteins without overloading it with extra calories. Lymphocyte count can be reduced by consuming more vegetable fiber, which cleanses the intestines and removes excess substances from the blood.

Oatmeal and red and green vegetables are especially beneficial. Nuts, legumes, seeds, and fermented milk foods can support the body and help it heal. Also very useful for lymphocytosis are dates, apricots, bananas, oranges and lemons, strawberries, pineapples, raisins, which are rich in vitamins and help strengthen protective properties immune systems. We should also not forget about meat and fish, but it is advisable not to abuse fatty foods, giving preference lean products animal origin.

Treatment of lymphocytosis folk remedies could be like this:

  1. Squeeze juice from apples, carrots, beets, drink a glass of it twice a day for at least 2 weeks.
  2. Cut the beets into pieces, put them in a jar (2 liters), add warm water. Next add 2 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of salt. Leave for three days under gauze. Then strain, drink 50 ml of the drink 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
  3. Combine 30 g of nettle and strawberry leaves, add 15 g of strawberries, 40 g of rose hips. Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for another hour. Drink 50 ml twice a day for a month.
  4. Combine 200 g of honey and 50 g of bee bread, add 1 liter of warm water. Leave for a day, then drink 2 tablespoons of the product twice a day.

What not to do

During illness, do not overload the body physical activity, it is better to wait until recovery. You should also not take various medications without a doctor’s prescription, because they can further disrupt the composition of the blood and aggravate the problem. It is forbidden to eat heavy junk food, which will increase symptoms and stress on the entire body, as a result of which it will recover more slowly.

Preventive measures

The main preventative measure is to prevent and early treatment infectious diseases. Many of them can be avoided by maintaining hygiene and wearing personal protective equipment during the epidemic season. Everyone should also strengthen their immunity possible ways, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, eat well, and don’t forget about vitamins and minerals. Preventive blood tests will help to identify serious pathologies in time and begin their treatment at an early stage.

The level of lymphocytes in the blood of an adult and a child is one of the most important indicators by which the condition of the patient’s body, the presence or absence of various infections, inflammatory processes, etc. is assessed. To find out whether a person’s lymphocytes are normal or increased (decreased), it is enough to carry out general analysis blood, which shows the content of different blood cells and their varieties, including lymphocytes.

General description of the study

Lymphocytes are one of the types of white blood cells, leukocytes, which are part of the immune system and are directly responsible for human health.

All lymphocytes are divided into three groups, and a blood test reveals the numerical ratio of all three types:

  • T cells (find and recognize microbes, and then build immune defense);
  • B-lymphocytes (destroy enemy agents);
  • HK cells (protect the body directly from malignant tumors).

For a general blood test, two methods of collecting blood are used: from ring finger(most often) or from a vein, in newborn children, occasionally from the heel. If a standard microscopic examination is performed, finger blood is needed. To do this, the fingertip is disinfected with alcohol, a small puncture is made, and a few drops are collected into a vessel with a special pipette. IN modern laboratories The latest cytometer counters are often used. Such equipment for analyzing the number of lymphocytes requires a liquid volume of 5 ml, so you have to take blood from a vein.

Indications for the study

A complete blood count is one of the most important medical research for most types of diseases. The deviation or norm of lymphocytes in the blood and other indicators reflect all changes occurring in the body and allow timely tracking of viral or bacterial infections and more dangerous diseases.

Indications for the study for adults

An analysis of lymphocytes and other blood parameters for men and women is one of the indispensable conditions for a comprehensive examination; it is prescribed at the slightest suspicion of inflammation; with the help of this study, the progress of treatment and recovery after serious illness etc.

The main indications for studying the level of lymphocytes are:

  • Hiring and medical observation;
  • Examination before hospitalization;
  • Diagnosis of anemia;
  • Suspicion of blood diseases;
  • Diagnosis of inflammation and infections;
  • Control over rehabilitation therapy;
  • Pregnancy in women.

It is especially important to monitor the level of lymphocytes in women during pregnancy: during these months, serious immune reactions occur in the body, and any change in the level of lymphocyte cells can provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, it is strictly necessary for women to undergo regular lymphocyte testing, especially in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

Indications for the study for children

A general blood test for children has long been recognized as one of the simplest and available methods research. Measuring the level of lymphocytes and other blood cells in the child’s body is necessary in the following cases:

  • For mandatory preventive examination healthy children – once a year;
  • For mandatory examination of chronically ill children - 2 or more times a year, depending on the diagnosis;
  • With prolonged treatment, the child has quite simple diseases;
  • If you have health complaints that are not confirmed by specific symptoms;
  • When complications of childhood diseases occur;
  • If necessary, assess the severity of the child’s condition;
  • To monitor the effectiveness of medications in the treatment of children.

Preparing for analysis

A general blood test is traditionally carried out in the morning before 12 noon. The exception is cases that threaten the patient's life, when it is necessary to monitor the status of lymphocytes several times a day.

To ensure the accuracy of the results, blood sampling should be done on an empty stomach, the last meal should be taken 8–12 hours before, and you should drink only plain water without gas. U infants It is impossible to take a test on an empty stomach, so it is allowed to do this an hour to an hour and a half after eating. Two days before the procedure, it is important to avoid fatty and fried foods and alcohol. Smoking is prohibited within an hour before taking blood for lymphocytes.

If you are taking strong drugs medical supplies(antibiotics, painkillers, etc.), be sure to notify your doctor about this. Ideally, a general blood test should be done before starting medication or 10–14 days after finishing the course.

If according to medical indications it is necessary to measure the level of leukocytes regularly over a more or less long period of time; it is recommended to take the test at the same hour in the same laboratory. This will ensure the most accurate result.

Factors influencing results

Both the mistakes of laboratory technicians and the accidental actions of the patients themselves can distort the result of an analysis for lymphocytes. But if for diagnostic errors Since the laboratory is responsible, it is within the power of each person to ensure optimal conditions for medical research.

When preparing to analyze the level of lymphocytes, you need to follow simple rules:

Don't worry or stress.

The research results can be influenced by any stress, light jogging up the stairs, fast walk. Therefore, before donating blood, it is better to sit quietly for 10–15 minutes in the waiting room and relax.

Refuse medical procedures.

X-rays, physiotherapy, rectal examinations, punctures, massage, etc. Therefore similar procedures It is recommended to postpone it until after a general blood test.

Do not lie down before donating blood.

The sudden body change increases the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and therefore affects the level of lymphocytes.

For women, doctors do not recommend doing a blood test during menstruation - optimal time 4–5 days after its completion. In the early stages of pregnancy, data on the number of lymphocytes may also change, so it is important to warn the doctor about your situation.

Interpretation of analysis results

If the purpose of a complete blood count is to check whether the level of lymphocytes is normal, interpreting the results is quite simple. There is a strictly defined norm of lymphocytes for adult men and women, as well as for children.

For healthy men and women, the indicator of lymphocytes in the blood does not differ and is 1.2–3.0 thousand/ml, or 20–40%. For a child, the norm of lymphocytes is calculated based on age characteristics:

  • Newborns – 12–36%;
  • 1 month – 40–76%;
  • 6 months – 42–74%;
  • 12 months – 38–72%;
  • 1–6 years – 26–60%;
  • 7–12 years old – 24–54;
  • 12–15 years – 22–50%.

If the lymphocyte level deviates from the norm in any direction, this may indicate dangerous changes in organism. If lymphocytes are higher than normal, they talk about a phenomenon such as, when lower, they talk about lymphopenia. Lymphocytosis can be caused by: endocrine disorders, various kinds tumors, allergic reactions, viral infections and the recovery period after them. Lymphopenia develops at the very beginning of infectious diseases, during a heart attack, during periods of stress, after chemotherapy, etc.

Information about the norm of lymphocytes in the blood gives an accurate picture of the patient’s health and immunity at the time of the test, but for more full diagnostics a whole range of research is needed.

Why are lymphocytes in the blood elevated, and how does this condition threaten a person? It is these questions that we will answer in this article. In addition, you will be presented with information on how to eliminate such a pathological phenomenon.

What are lymphocytes?

Before answering the question of why lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, you should find out what these elements are and what role they play in the human body. Lymphocytes are a type of non-granular leukocytes that perform immune functions. As you know, there are two types of white cells in human blood: T and B. The former are formed due to the work of the thymus gland and undergo differentiation in the lymph nodes. As for the second blood cells, they are a product of the bone marrow.

Functions of blood cells

Lymphocytes in the blood are elevated - what does this mean? You will find the answer to this question below. Now we will talk about what functions white blood cells perform. T-lymphocytes are representatives of the immune system and fight viral infections. In other words, such cells enter into battle with foreign microorganisms. B lymphocytes move from the bloodstream into the surrounding tissues and are transformed into pear-shaped elements, which subsequently carry out a local protective reaction (humoral). It is these cells that synthesize antibodies that resist the introduction and further development infections.

Types of lymphocytosis

To understand why lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, you should know that there are two types of lymphocytosis - absolute and relative. The first pathological condition is characterized by an increase not only in the number of leukocytes in the blood, but also in the total number of lymphocytes. With a relative deviation, the number of leukocytes remains at the same level. This occurs due to the reduction of granular species, namely neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils.

Increased lymphocytes in the blood: causes

Lymphocyte production in large quantities- quite normal defensive reaction the human body to the introduction of various infections and viruses into it. That is why, in diseases such as measles, chickenpox, tuberculosis, etc., doctors detect a sharp increase in the level of white blood cells (about 1.6-2 times). Increased lymphocytes can be observed in a person during an increase in body temperature, with any chronic diseases, etc. Moreover, this picture persists for some time after the patient has fully recovered. However, it should be noted that infectious diseases are far from the only reasons why a patient has an increased level of lymphocytes in the blood. You will learn below about what other pathological conditions contribute to the increase in white cells.

Lymphocytic leukemia

With blood cancer and tumor metastasis to the bone marrow, the level of lymphocytes can increase 5-6 times. That is why people at risk should regularly undergo complete medical examination. After all, this is the only way to promptly identify the presence of a serious disease and begin its treatment. By the way, if a patient has an increased level of lymphocytes in the blood by more than three times, then doctors immediately begin to sound the alarm, since such a deviation allows one to judge the development of oncology.

Crohn's disease

With this disease, the patient also has elevated lymphocytes in the blood. The reasons for this abnormality lie in the fact that white blood cells first accumulate and then leak into the intestinal tissue, causing various inflammations and the formation of ulcers.

Autoimmune diseases

Lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. - all these deviations arise due to the attack of lymphocytes on the tissues of the body's own. In immunology, such cells are called killer T-cells.

Multiple myeloma

The presented disease is one of the types of malignant tumors that affects the bone marrow and, as a result, causes increased production of B cells. But with such a deviation, the patient experiences not only high lymphocytes in the blood, but also disturbances in the ratio of protein fractions. This is because B cells are responsible for the production of immunoglobulins.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

This pathological condition occurs more often in older people than in children. In this case, the percentage of lymphocytes in the blood is increased by 80-99 units. In addition to this deviation, anemia is noted in the general blood test, as well as reduced level platelets. The presented disease is characterized by a relatively benign course and the manifestation of enlarged lymph nodes different groups, which are not painful during palpation. Sometimes such patients experience increased body temperature, especially at night. In this case, the sizes of the spleen and liver are, as a rule, slightly enlarged. A decrease in lymphocytes in the blood during and after treatment is a good sign and indicates that the disease is going into remission.

Infectious mononucleosis

This viral disease. As is known, its causative agent is localized in the lymphatic system and thereby causes increased production of undifferentiated T- and B-lymphocytes.


This disease occurs due to excessive activity of the thyroid gland. At the same time, it is released into the blood great amount gland hormones, which further promote the formation of lymphocytes. During such a deviation, patients may experience increased anxiety, weight loss, palpitations, increased body temperature, hypertension, pronounced shine in the eyes, as well as their protrusion. To confirm the diagnosis, doctors recommend additionally doing a blood test to detect the level of TSH, T4, T3 and antibodies to thyroid peroxidase.


Some people have such a strong immune system that they lymphatic system begins to react inadequately to the introduction of any foreign body. That is why, even with a common cold, such patients may have elevated lymphocytes in the blood. To clarify the diagnosis and exclude the presence of malignant tumors, patients are required to be prescribed additional tests.

Other reasons

If you have increased lymphocytes in your blood after long-term treatment for a disease, this does not indicate that the therapy was ineffective. After all, high levels of white cells can be observed for some time even after the disease has subsided. In addition to all the above reasons, such a deviation is quite often observed in the following pathological conditions:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypersensitivity caused by drugs;
  • thymic hyperplasia;
  • starvation;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • deficiency anemia;
  • serum sickness;
  • neurasthenia;
  • vasculitis;
  • neutropenia against the background of relative lymphocytosis (with alimentary-toxic aleukia or agranulocytosis);
  • vagotonia;
  • endocrine diseases (myxedema, thyrotoxicosis, ovarian hypofunction, panhypopituitarism, acromegaly, Addison's disease, etc.).

What to do if lymphocytes are increased in the child’s blood?

If lymphocytes are increased in the blood of a small child, then most often this indicates that your baby’s body is fighting a viral infection. After long-term treatment It is very important to remember that high enough levels of white blood cells can persist for some time after recovery. In this regard, parents should not rush to conclusions, but rather wait a few days and make reanalysis blood.

Increased lymphocytes in the blood of a child: reasons

So, let's look together at the reasons why the number of lymphocytes in the blood may increase in children.

  • Relative lymphocytosis. This deviation usually manifests itself during viral infections (during influenza, brucellosis, typhoid fever, etc.) and purulent-inflammatory processes.
  • Absolute lymphocytosis. This deviation can also be detected in children after they take a general blood test. Lymphocytes are elevated in a child against the background of absolute lymphocytosis in diseases such as rubella, mumps, chicken pox, secondary syphilis, measles, hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland, mumps, relapsing fever, whooping cough, infectious mononucleosis, tuberculosis, malaria, lymphosarcoma, scarlet fever, leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis, viral hepatitis, etc.
  • Infectious lymphocytosis. This syndrome most often occurs in young children aged 2 to 7 years. If we talk about the causes of the disease in question, then currently they have not been identified. However, there is an opinion that this pathological condition is associated with viral infections. After all, this disease is most often observed in schools, kindergartens, sanatoriums and summer camps. Incubation period of this disease lasts about 2-4 weeks, and its peak occurs in autumn and spring.

Lymphocytes during pregnancy

If lymphocytes in the blood of women in an “interesting” position are elevated, this can lead to serious complications. This is why it is extremely important for pregnant women to monitor their white blood cell count. As is known, during the period of gestation in female body Immune reactions occur that prevent lymphocytes from destroying the father's antigens, which must be present in the embryo. If for some reason their number changes, this can lead to miscarriage. In this regard, the expectant mother should undergo regular tests and closely monitor the increase in lymphocytes in the blood or their deficiency. Such procedures are especially required to be carried out in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. After all, if a woman’s placenta does not produce the required amount of suppressants, then white blood cells can reach the fetus and then lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, gynecologists very carefully monitor whether there are atypical lymphocytes in the blood of the expectant mother and in what quantity they are present. It should be especially noted that it is for this reason that many married couples are childless.


Lymphocytosis and its varieties do not represent independent disease. After all, this is only a non-specific indicator that allows us to judge the presence of any pathological process in the human body. It is very important to remember that increased lymphocytes in the blood indicate that they are produced solely to protect against various diseases. The number of white blood cells can be brought back to normal only after an accurate diagnosis has been made and further treatment identified disease. If the cause of lymphocytosis is infectious processes, then in most cases patients are prescribed antiviral, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory medications, as well as antibiotic drugs. As for such serious diseases as myeloma and leukemia, their treatment is very unique and quite often requires the use of bone marrow transplantation and, of course, chemotherapy.

What's important to remember?

  • To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient may need additional examination methods. These include bone marrow examination, determination of the pathogen (infectious), as well as the state of the immune system.
  • If lymphocytosis is repeatedly noted in a general blood test in an adult or child, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Except laboratory research, to make an accurate diagnosis of lymphocytosis, an ultrasound scan of all internal organs may be required, computed tomography, radiography chest, as well as histological and cytological examination bone marrow.
  • If changes in the number of white blood cells are accompanied by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen and liver, then these organs should only be evaluated an experienced doctor(oncologist or hematologist).

Lymphocyte (lymph) is like a “censorship” of our body. Lymphocytes are responsible for the immune surveillance of our body. The body of the lymphocyte has special receptors that are activated upon contact with a foreign cellular protein.

A lymphocyte lives not a couple of days, like “typical” leukocytes, but from several months to more than 20 years.

Individual cells lymphocytes can be born and live until a person’s death!

Compared to red blood cells, they are very small 7-10 microns in diameter. The main difference between a lymphocyte and all leukocytes in the blood is that it gives them the ability to easily pass through body tissue and return back to the blood.

Normally, the percentage of lymphocytes in the blood is from 20 to 40%. There are lymphocytes in tissues increased amount than in the blood or vice versa. This is considered normal; some lymphocytes may differ from their “brothers” who live in different places in the body and belong to different species.

  • The specificity of the function of the lymphocyte included in the group of leukocytes is immune surveillance, an amazing ability to recognize in the body on the principle of “friend” and “foreign”.
  • It does not destroy bacteria, unlike other leukocytes, but its own diseased cells, cells modified by viruses, those that have undergone mutations, and cancer cells at an early stage.

Lymphocytes are normal

Everyone is well aware that a general blood test must be done strictly on an empty stomach. However, you should take into account that the blood test result may be distorted due to the consumption of certain medicines, food additives and diets.

Age -- Indicator %:

  • Newborns 15 - 35
  • up to 2 weeks 22 - 55
  • From 2 weeks to 1 year 45 - 70
  • From 1 year to 2 years 37 - 60
  • From 2 to 5 years 33 - 55
  • From 6 to 7 years 30 - 50
  • From 8 to 9 years 30 - 50
  • From 9 to 11 years old 30 - 46
  • From 12 to 15 years 30 - 45
  • From 16 years old and adults 20 - 40

The condition when lymphocytes are higher than normal in the blood of the peripheral bloodstream is called lymphocytosis. Lymphocytosis should be assessed not as an increase in lymphocytes alone, but as a complex phenomenon affecting leukocytes of all types and their leukocyte formula, the absolute content of leukocytes, granulocytes, eosinophils, segmented neutrophils and their percentage.

leukocyte formula

If you have high level lymphocytes, ask your doctor what type of lymphocytosis you have:

  1. reactive;
  2. malignant.

Reactive lymphocytosis– manifests itself in case of an infectious disease or a malfunction of the immune system.

Malignant lymphocytosis– may be a signal of blood leukemia, manifested in chronic form and acute, lymphoproliferative disease.

Why are lymphocytes elevated?

When lymphocytes are elevated in an adult, this may indicate the reaction of the immune system to any disease or hidden condition occurring in the body. This reaction should resolve within 1-2 months after the cessation of the action of the factor causing it, in chronic diseases and acute diseases. May be accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged spleen and liver in the patient.

This should not cause the patient to panic about the development of oncology, since only a doctor can determine this. In order to determine what type of lymphocytosis is present, the doctor prescribes additional tests for:

  • pathologies of the lymphocytes themselves;
  • bone marrow analysis;
  • molecular genetic tests.

Each type of leukocyte performs its own function in protecting against viruses and bacteria, foreign cells. Absolute lymphocytosis is characterized by a large excess of lymphocytes in diseases such as:

  • hepatitis,
  • Infectious mononucleosis,
  • endocrine system diseases
  • lymphosarcoma
  • Viral infection, lymphotropic virus

When to sound the alarm

You need to pay attention when, when taking a general blood test, an increased number of lymphocytes in your blood is constantly detected. When an increase in lymphocytes is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, liver, spleen, in such cases you need to consult a specialist, oncologist, hematologist.

Additional tests may need to be performed:

Symptoms of lymphocytosis

Symptoms of lymphocytosis:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Vomit
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Diarrhea
  • Liver enlargement
  • Constipation
  • Chills
  • Reduced temperature
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Exhaustion
  • Deterioration general condition
  • Inflammation of the cerebral cortex
  • Nasal infections
  • Infections of the oral mucosa
  • Allergies to foods or substances to which the body did not previously react in any way
  • Subtle body temperature is about 37º C and slightly higher for a long period.

Any of these symptoms should alert the patient to undergo medical tests and examination by a doctor to rule out lymphocytosis.

You should definitely take a general blood test along with a leukogram or leukocyte formula to accurately detect an increase in leukocytes in the blood.

Video: Lymphoma. Traitor lymphocytes: how to neutralize them

Lymphocyte levels are tested for various reasons. One of the reasons is for preventive purposes or when there is a suspicion of the existence of any diseases or poisonings. This lymphocyte test is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of certain medicines and information regarding the correct course of treatment and its effectiveness for a particular patient.

Analysis for lymphocytes is often prescribed when diagnosing diseases such as:

  • presence of bacteria;
  • chronic leukemia;
  • lymphocytopenia;
  • lymphocytosis;
  • mononucleosis;
  • SARS - acute respiratory syndrome;
  • with a weakened immune system.

It often happens that the lymphocyte test is sometimes performed again. This is done in order to confirm or refute the results obtained earlier.

Cause of elevated lymphocytes

When a bacteria or foreign protein enters the body, a fungal infection in the body turns on the mechanisms of producing an immune response through the bone marrow, which produces an increased number of lymphocytes.

A condition in which an increased level of lymphocytes in the blood is detected in a cat is called lymphocytosis. Usually, this is always indicated by an excess of lymphocytes in a general blood test (CBC). Sometimes the disease does not manifest itself and is detected only when the patient consults a doctor.

Causes increased lymphocytes in the blood, through which lymphocytosis can occur a lot. Using a variety of symptoms of lymphocytosis, you can try to determine the cause.

Stress and hormones

During stressful situations Fluctuations in the ratio of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the blood may occur. If you are overly worried, calm down or postpone taking blood tests.
Do not take tests during periods of fatigue or after exhausting physical work. An increased level of lymphocytes in the blood of women occurs during the monthly cycle. The level remains no higher than 5 * 109 cells per liter and is restored to normal after some time.


A non-smoker's general blood test will be very different from a smoker's. Smokers not only have an increased number of lymphocytes, but the blood in general thickens, which is dangerous due to the formation of blood clots and the risk of stroke.


The introduction of infection into the body activates all the defenses of our body.

Neutrophils are always elevated due to the direct penetration of bacteria, and lymphocytes destroy mainly invading viruses,
infectious lymphocytosis.

By joining an infected cell, they place a marker on it and begin to produce special antibodies that eliminate the virus-producing cell. Relative lymphocytosis is diagnosed with each infection, and in some cases absolute lymphocytosis, which serves as evidence of the body’s struggle and the formation of an immune response.

High lymphocytes can be present throughout the illness, as well as during the recovery period and even for some time after the illness.
Infectious mononucleosis affects the general blood test very clearly.
You can also add some diseases that can develop into a long-term chronic form, for example: syphilis, tuberculosis.


The disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. According to statistics, this virus can infect the majority of the world's population, but only in some people it can lead to general symptoms called "infectious mononucleosis".
You can get infected both through a kiss and ordinary by everyday means, sharing utensils, unsanitary premises.
The incubation period for mononucleosis can last more than 28 days. Lymphocytes are primarily affected.

In children, the disease may be less acute, often in mild form, in adults it occurs more acutely and with possible complications.
There are symptoms of fever, weakness, patients often sweat at night, feel a sore throat, and, as a rule, the lymph nodes are enlarged.

Mononucleosis is diagnosed based on the patient's complaints, tests, and examination of the patient. In children with mononucleosis, lymphocytes are always elevated, and abnormal mononuclear cells are also noted.

Your doctor may order blood immunoglobulin tests. Treatment for this viral infection involves eliminating symptoms and strengthening the immune system. The patient is prescribed rest and rest, antipyretic medications are prescribed, and it is recommended to drink more green tea and fluids.

During this time, you should not engage in intense physical activity, especially sports. This is due to the fact that during illness, patients have an enlarged spleen, in which the affected blood cells are destroyed and any injury to it can lead to its rupture, bleeding and death of the patient.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough is a contagious disease respiratory tract heavy for a person. Vaccination across the country has significantly reduced the incidence of whooping cough. Children are more susceptible to the disease.
Whooping cough symptoms are similar to common cold, but after one or two weeks a severe cough develops, which can turn into vomiting.

The cough subsides after about a month, but does not go away, the child still coughs. Whooping cough, if left untreated, in past centuries caused disability in children and sometimes resulted in death.

Risk remains during illness convulsive syndrome, rupture of blood vessels during an acute cough due to changes in the biochemical composition of the blood.

Application of modern methods PCR diagnostics and ELISA ( enzyme immunoassay), make it possible to detect the disease by early stages. A general blood test shows a high level of leukocytes, leukocytosis (15-50*109), immune reactions. The main indicator of increase in the analysis is blood lymphocytes.

Treatment is carried out using antibiotics. Although the disease continues for a long time, it is easier and, most importantly, the risk of complications after the disease is significantly reduced. The only way to avoid the consequences of complications and the disease itself is timely vaccination of the population with Pentaxim or Infanrix, as well as DPT.

Blood cancer

Sometimes reactive lymphocytosis does not always manifest itself, as a consequence of an established infection. The cause of lymphocytosis can be blood cancer, disruption of the hematopoietic system, uncontrolled cell division turning into a malignant tumor.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

Blood cancer in which immature lymphocytes (lymphoblasts) cease to form into full-bodied lymphocytes leads to acute lymphoblastic blood leukemia.

They cease to perform their main function, to protect the body from infectious agents. The uncontrolled division of these cells leads to the suppression of other blood cells. Largest number patients with lymphoblastic leukemia are children, more than 80% of all patients (childhood hemoblastosis).

Adult population countries are much less common to them.
The disease is of a genetic nature, abnormalities at the cellular level, and children with Down syndrome who have been exposed to radiation and radiation therapy are also ill.
Parents need to closely monitor the child’s diet, especially for the first 3 years of the baby’s life.

Pesticides are the main culprits in causing blood cancer in children during their first years of life. Signs of the disease Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are shortness of breath, weakness, poverty skin child. Bleeding and bruising on the skin appear spontaneously; such a child is often susceptible to infectious diseases, maybe sepsis.

When examining the child, an enlargement of the lymph nodes and spleen is observed. There are pains in the bones, tumors in the testicles and ovaries, as well as in the thymus and mediastinal area.

If ALL is suspected, a general blood test is prescribed, which shows a decrease in the number of platelets and red blood cells. The white blood cell count may be low, high, or not change much. Leukocytes are low, lymphocytes are high, in particular low neutrophils, lymphoblasts are noted.

For a final diagnosis, a bone marrow puncture is performed to avoid misdiagnosis. The number of blasts in the bone marrow will be higher than 20% of normal indicator. Cytochemical and immunological studies can be carried out as additional studies.

Treatment is carried out under the influence of cytostatic drugs, which lead to relief of the patient’s condition during a long period, and then maintaining this state. The use of chemotherapy is not easy to tolerate; it can provide a chance for healing for the sick person.
If the disease continues to progress or comes back again (relapses), they may resort to a more radical method, a bone marrow transplant, use more strong drugs chemotherapy. For transplantation, bone marrow transplantation, a suitable donor is sought, which most often is close relative sick.

The prognosis of cured patients is quite high when using latest achievements in oncohematology. A positive prognosis is indicated by the fact that the number of leukocytes is not higher than 30,000, the absence of genetic changes at the cellular level and the recovery of the sick child’s condition after four weeks of intensive treatment.

The survival rate of children with such indicators exceeds 70%.
However, each relapse of the disease reduces the chances of a favorable outcome. A patient is considered completely healthy if for five years he has not had a return of symptoms of the disease and has not undergone a course of chemotherapy.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

The opposite disease of ALL is called CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), where the level of mature white blood cells in the blood increases.

The cells here are formed as fully mature lymphocytes, but they do not perform their immunological function. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, in which lymphocytes are elevated in adults, is more susceptible to people after sixty years of age; it is less common in young people and children.

The cause of the disease remains unclear, and the risk group has also not been identified. Symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: pallor, weakness, increased bleeding.

The lymph nodes are enlarged, dense, mobile and painful when pressed. As the disease progresses, night sweats, fever, weight loss, and enlarged spleen and liver are observed when palpated. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is insidious and can be asymptomatic; it is detected when the patient undergoes annual medical checkup at the doctor and takes blood tests.

Treatment consists of chemotherapy, but the disease is very resistant to chemotherapy. This treatment is prescribed until the appearance obvious signs illness, without treatment the patient can live for several years. At poor prognosis(doubling of leukocytes in six months) and the patient is not in remission, cytostatic drugs are prescribed, which can prolong the patient’s life.

Graves-Basedow disease

An increase in lymphocytes can occur as a consequence of autoimmune processes, the presence of allergic reactions, of the inhibited type. Graves-Bazedow disease or diffuse toxic goiter often leads to just this type, excessive activity of the thyroid gland, the cells of which are attacked immune system. The reason for this has not been clarified and remains a mystery. Symptoms of Graves' disease manifest themselves through excessive anxiety, heart failure, hand tremors, elevated temperature body, shortness of breath.

The eyes are wide open, as if they are coming out of their sockets.
In the blood, as the analysis shows, absolute or relative lymphocytosis. The value of thyroid hormones T3 and T4 is increased, TSH is decreased.
Treatment of the disease radioactive iodine And possible operation, use of thyreostatics. To others autoimmune diseases leading to high lymphocytes in the blood may also include: Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis.

Poisoning and medications

It is important to get tested and monitor the number of neutrophils, to prevent a significant decrease in immunity (agranulocytosis).


In some cases, due to medical reasons or as a result of injury, surgery removal of the spleen, called splenectomy.

As a result important role, which plays the role of the spleen in the breakdown of lymphocytes, temporary lymphocytosis is possible. The body needs time to compensate for the absence of an important organ and the level of lymphocytes will return to normal.

Question answer

Why are lymphocytes lower in the tests and higher in adults?

Human blood consists of many different formed elements, blood cells. Some of them, leukocytes, protect our body from infection, various bacteria and viruses. The ratio of leukocytes and neutrophils and other blood cells is an indicator of the condition of the body. A case where neutrophils are low and lymphocytes are high may indicate an underlying infection, a latent inflammatory process, allergic reaction, helminthic infestation. Only a doctor can identify the disease and prescribe treatment,

What are the reasons for the increase in lymphocytes and monocytes in the blood?

The reasons for the increase in lymphocytes and monocytes shows the body's immune response.
Monocytes are young cells moving along the bloodstream into body tissues where they turn into mature histiocytes and macrophages. Penetrating into the mucous membranes and skin, macrophages devour (phagocytose) bacteria and foreign protein. An increase in monocytes indicates an established infection.
This condition can occur when:

  • acute respiratory infections, fungal diseases, viruses
  • In those recovering and some time after illness
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Hidden chronic diseases, inflammation
  • Blood cancer
  • Tumors
  • Poisoning with phosphorus, tetrachloroethane

What to do if leukocytes and lymphocytes are elevated?

The reasons may lie in various factors. Get other tests and histological tests besides the blood test. Any infections such as sinusitis or sinusitis and even caries can cause an increase in white blood cells and lymphocytes. The diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician, based on complaints and test results.

With such test results, it is important not to delay your visit to the doctor. This may lead to serious consequences for the body.

What to do when lymphocytes and ESR are elevated?

ESR is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. An increase in ESR levels may indicate a hidden inflammatory process, or that you have recently been ill and the body has not yet returned to normal.