Flaxseed porridge made from flaxseed flour. Flaxseed porridge

The new, as we know, is the well-forgotten old. Flax porridge, not deservedly forgotten in our homeland, is again winning success among admirers healthy image life. IN Western Europe This wonderful dish It has become a cult favorite for about 10 years, and in England it has even supplanted traditional oatmeal.

Manufacture flaxseed porridge from flax seeds, which have a huge amount useful properties. And largely thanks to such unique components as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. It is known that it is very rich in these elements sea ​​fish, but flaxseed contains many times more of these substances! The human body does not produce these substances, but they are necessary for its full functioning.

Who doesn't know about the benefits of fish oil? But why consume this tasteless product if there is flaxseed porridge, even richer in omega acids? Moreover, this is just one of the many beneficial properties of this amazing product.

The benefits of flaxseed porridge

Flax seeds contain vitamins A, group B, C, and contain elements such as copper, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, chromium, manganese, boron, silicon.

Flaxseed porridge contains a large amount of plant hormones that have an antiallergic and antioxidant effect. Thanks to them, it is also normalized hormonal balance, which helps improve the condition during menopause, and also prevents the occurrence of cancer problems of the breast, ovaries and uterus. For men, flaxseed porridge is excellent prophylactic against prostate cancer, it increases testosterone levels, and therefore improves sexual function.

As mentioned earlier, omega fatty acids are needed by the body for proper operation, namely - for the normal functioning of the immune, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. These substances have an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, preventing the appearance of cholesterol plaques.

Flaxseed porridge, the benefits and harms of which are due to its chemical properties, improves intestinal motility, has an enveloping and slightly laxative property, and therefore it is recommended to use it for illnesses digestive tract- gastritis with increased acidity, ulcers, hepatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, constipation, hemorrhoids. During the cooking process, mucus is formed, which envelops the stomach, reduces inflammation and eliminates pain.

Constant consumption of flaxseed porridge helps reduce blood sugar levels.

Among other things, this product effectively combats overweight, promotes weight loss without causing harm to health.

The absorption of flaxseed porridge by the body is accompanied by the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for healthy-looking skin, hair and nails.

Flax seeds contain great amount vegetable proteins, which makes this dish indispensable for people who prefer active image life.

Flaxseed porridge is also a necessary component of the diet for pregnant women. Due to the content of large amounts of vitamins, proteins and other useful substances she contributes normal development baby, and stimulates lactation in nursing mothers.

Harm of flaxseed porridge

This product has no contraindications. Flaxseed porridge cannot harm the human body. The only caveat is individual intolerance. In other cases, there is no reason to refuse to eat this dish.

It is worth noting that allergies to flaxseed porridge are extremely rare. For porridge without any additives allergic reaction never develops. As a rule, it occurs only in cases where flavorings, dyes and pieces of dried fruit are added to factory-produced dry porridge. In such situations, an allergy develops not to the main component of the porridge, but to the additives.

Recipe for flaxseed porridge

Flaxseed porridge is best prepared from whole, unroasted, live flax seeds.

The recipe is very simple. To prepare porridge you only need flax-seed and water, as well as a blender or coffee grinder.

Per serving for one, place three tablespoons of seeds in a coffee grinder or blender bowl and grind them to a fine grain or powder.

Pour the cereal into a deep plate and fill it with water at room temperature, stir. Flax powder absorbs water fairly quickly, so the amount of water can be easily adjusted depending on the consistency of the finished dish you want.

You can eat flaxseed porridge right away, but it’s still better to leave it to stand for 15-30 minutes - then the flax has time to swell well, as a result of which the porridge gets a delicate, uniform consistency.

If desired, the taste of the dish can be diversified by adding berries, dried fruits or honey, although porridge is good on its own, without additives.

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There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

What porridges do you know? Semolina, buckwheat, millet, rice, corn... All of them are widely known, have been tried many times by each of us and are very useful. In addition to the options listed, you may have heard about others. In particular, flax porridge has recently gained great popularity. What kind of dish is this?

What is flaxseed porridge made from?

Porridge is, in any case, cereal boiled in milk or water. Has anyone heard of flaxseed? No, because it does not exist in nature. And porridge is made from flax seeds - however, only after they have been extracted from them. In other words, porridge is cooked from “cake”. It doesn't sound very appetizing, but it is low in fat and high in protein, which means flaxseed porridge is good for weight loss. But let's not get ahead of ourselves; First, let's talk about the health value this dish brings.

Composition and benefits of flaxseed porridge

Flaxseed porridge has almost the same calories as millet or buckwheat, but at the expense of more high content protein, the presence of vitamins A, group B and E, as well as a large number of mineral compounds, it is considered more useful. It is believed that porridge has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair, helps the body recover faster from illnesses, and strengthens the immune system.

We have included a list of the beneficial properties of flaxseed porridge in one paragraph, but in other sources you can find more detailed descriptions how valuable it is for health. For example, it is claimed that flaxseed porridge eliminates the symptoms of menopause in women and helps cure chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract and even protects against cancer.

Unfortunately, we cannot confirm all this, because such “facts” have not been proven. By and large, conclusions about the presence of super-properties in flaxseed porridge were made either based on the results of studies, the data of which still need to be clarified, or based on someone’s own assumptions.

No, we are not saying that flaxseed porridge is harmful or useless, it’s just that its valuable properties, which actually exist, are not very pronounced. For example, if a person suffering from diabetes eats it every day, he will not be able to refuse to follow a diet or insulin injections, although flaxseed porridge slightly reduces blood sugar. It’s the same with everything else... But, despite the fact that flaxseed porridge is not a panacea for all diseases, it is very useful. So it will be great if you start adding it to your diet regularly.

Harm of flaxseed porridge

Do you expect any permanent damage from cooked rice? Or maybe a plate of buckwheat can harm you? After eating flaxseed porridge, you shouldn’t be afraid either negative consequences- this, one might say, is the most harmless of all possible porridges.

Occasionally there are people who are allergic to the product, but this happens so infrequently that one might not even mention it. In addition, an allergic reaction usually does not develop to porridge without additives; it usually occurs when dyes, flavors and pieces of fruit are added to factory-made dry porridge. Allergies in these cases usually develop specifically to the additives, and not to the main component of the porridge.

Flaxseed porridge for weight loss

This is an excellent dietary product, and this is facilitated by a number of factors, some of which have already been mentioned above. Porridge helps you lose weight because it:

  • Low calorie. 100 g of dry product contains 312 kcal, but these are not the calories that you should be afraid of. There is almost 2 times more protein in porridge than carbohydrates, and protein is a nutrient substrate that cannot turn into fat and be deposited in the most “inconvenient” place.
  • Nutritious . Rich chemical composition allows you to fill the deficit of many useful elements in the body even with a fairly meager, low-calorie diet. Although this, of course, does not mean that it is possible for a long time I only eat flaxseed porridge.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract. Other cereals, especially rice, can cause constipation, but flaxseed porridge, on the contrary, promotes regular bowel movements due to its fiber content. Good job digestive organs promotes weight loss.


Flaxseed porridge is comparatively New Product, which has only recently begun to become popular again after a long period of oblivion, but many of those who have not tried it before have already managed to appreciate it. Generally people treat him very favorably. What they mainly like about flaxseed porridge is:

  • the dish tastes good, somewhat reminiscent of semolina porridge;
  • it’s easy to prepare: just pour dry porridge over it for a couple of minutes warm water or milk, and then just stir;
  • porridges are available in an assortment with nuts, fruit additives or seeds;
  • the dish creates a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • By following a healthy lifestyle and a diet that includes flaxseed porridge, many manage to lose 4-5 kg ​​in a month.

What's not to like about flaxseed porridge? Some people are not happy with it taste qualities(the same ones that appeal to the majority). Apparently, it’s like with semolina porridge, which flaxseed porridge is very similar to: everyone is divided into its lovers and haters. It’s interesting that even people who don’t like it often continue to eat this porridge because they rely on its beneficial properties, which they have heard so well about. And those who find it completely unbearable to eat an analogue of boiled semolina find a way out: they begin to add it to dietary baked goods.

So, to summarize, flaxseed porridge is a truly wonderful dish that has many beneficial properties, helps you lose weight and cannot cause the slightest harm to anyone. So, if you like it, if you want to improve your health and figure with flaxseed porridge, eat it at least every day!


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Porridge made from flax seeds or flour was very popular in Rus' for a long time. It was included in the list of mandatory dishes for all classes. But over time, flaxseed porridge lost popular love, and the reason for this was new agricultural crops - cereals and especially potatoes. Meanwhile, in European countries Dishes using seeds are very common, especially in dietary nutrition. IN Lately and semi-finished products, mixtures or flour from flax seeds have appeared in domestic stores, which are actively promoted as a healthy diet. Today we will figure out how healthy flaxseed porridge and its derivatives are for health, whether there are contraindications and how to prepare it correctly for maximum benefit.

What are the benefits of flaxseed porridge?

The unique properties of this product make linen one of the sought-after elements of modern dietary nutrition. And such popularity is justified - flaxseed porridge is indicated for overweight And high degrees obesity, reduces “heavy” cholesterol and normalizes vascular function, treats many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And all this thanks to the unique natural composition:

IN folk medicine Since ancient times, decoctions and infusions of flax seeds have been used as a powerful expectorant. Porridge made from flour and seeds does not have such properties. Also, in the past, flaxseed porridge was strongly recommended for pregnant women - nowadays it is better to play it safe and consult with your doctor. The effect of flax on blood sugar levels has been proven by science, but some forms of diabetes also require expert advice.

Flaxseed porridge - contraindications

Flax seed porridge, compared to many others dietary products, is one of the most easily portable. Even its regular use (in a reasonable dosage) does not cause any noticeable harm, with the exception of an individual reaction of intolerance, which can happen to anyone. food product. This is especially evident when manufacturers add “improving” components to flax in the form of dried fruits or berries.

All this concerns conditionally healthy person who wants to lose weight or get healthier - flaxseed porridge, like many other types of relatively “rough” food, is contraindicated for many gastrointestinal diseases. If there are obvious problems in this area, then it is necessary to consult with your doctor before using flax products, but in any case, such porridge will be harmful if there is an excess of estrogen and a tendency to diarrhea or volvulus.

How to properly cook flax porridge

To prepare this healthy dish Usually either seeds or flaxseed meal are used. The second option is especially convenient, because in this case it is enough to “steam” the flour. You can add additional elements to the porridge to taste to improve the taste and nutritional properties, starting with honey and fruits, ending with herbs and vegetables. Important: before preparing porridge from whole seeds, they should be soaked in water at room temperature for several hours (at least two).

Classic porridge with water - to prepare it you need flaxseed flour (half a glass), which should be poured with a glass of hot water, 70-80 degrees, and let it brew for five to seven minutes. Then the finished dish can be salted and seasoned with a piece of butter - this will make it much more “edible”. This one is simple and effective recipe good for breakfast with most “soft” diets aimed at losing weight and improving health, as it gives a lasting feeling of fullness for at least four hours.

Flax porridge with milk is prepared in the same proportions, but water should be replaced with milk, and salt with sugar. Usually this dish is flavored with nuts (walnuts or almonds), grated apple or sliced ​​banana. Sugar can be replaced with honey or non-sour jam.

“Raw food” porridge with sesame seeds, as the name logically implies. Popular among vegetarians and raw foodists. It is prepared as follows: flaxseeds (half a glass) thoroughly washed in a sieve under running water should be soaked overnight in water. In the morning, to this swollen mass you need to add another half a glass of sesame seeds and a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil (can be replaced with olive oil). To further “enrich” this flax-sesame porridge, it is customary to use finely chopped parsley and celery; radishes or black radishes also add a bright flavor note. When using whole seeds, there may be some initial absorption problems, so better effect they can be ground in a coffee grinder.

Another recipe is buckwheat-flax porridge. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly fry the dry buckwheat and grind it in a blender, then add flaxseed flour in a two to one ratio. Pour boiling water over this mixture, wrap tightly and leave to steep for forty minutes. Serve with butter, apple or pear jam.

Flaxseed porridge - interesting facts

IN last decade Active research is underway on the connection between Omega-3 and mental disorders. The lack of this acid, in large quantities present in flaxseed porridge, can provoke addictions, for example, drugs or alcohol. Chronic deficiency of Omega-3 leads to organic disorders in brain function, which manifest themselves over a long period of time. depressive states, depression, decreased performance. A lack of this acid in the diet can lead to breakdowns in people who quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

Flax products are gradually becoming an important part sports nutrition, because they have a positive effect on the psyche, strengthening the volitional component. In addition, special supplements help monitor the athlete’s weight.

Composed of many modern means For the treatment of prostatitis, substances obtained from flax are included. Therefore, regular consumption of flaxseed porridge will good remedy to prevent this common male ailment.

Our ancestors knew for a long time that flaxseed porridge has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails. Now scientists have confirmed this relationship - flax provokes active collagen synthesis in hair and especially in nails, due to which they not only grow faster, but also look better aesthetically.

Prolonged heat treatment significantly reduces the healing and nutritional properties flax porridge, so it is better not to purchase semi-finished products that require cooking and use only the brewing or soaking method in home cooking.

Flaxseed porridge cannot be classified as a cereal present in our daily diet. But in terms of its composition, it can easily compete with any type of rice, oatmeal, and even fashionable quinoa. But its main advantage is its very affordable price when rich nutritional value. Why flaxseed porridge is useful, and how to really cook it tasty dish, which even children will not refuse?

Specific features of flax

To obtain cereals, ordinary flax is used, widely available in supermarkets and stores specializing in healthy eating. It is packaged in 50-100 grams and sealed in small bags. Sometimes you can find flax on the shelves in tin cans or cardboard packages.

As for quality, it is better to buy whole, unroasted seeds, since they retain more vitamins and microelements.

How to choose and store flax seeds correctly

To extract maximum benefit from a product, you need to select and store it correctly. To do this, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Package. The main criterion responsible for the condition of the seed is the quality of the container. A good container does not have any flaws. If we're talking about about the package, it must be sealed at the factory. Do not buy flax by weight - it may contain small debris, dust and germs. There will be no benefit from such porridge.
  2. Compound. Good flax excludes the presence of any additional components in its composition. There are ready-made mixtures to which pieces of fruit have already been added, but the quality of such additives always leaves much to be desired. It is much wiser to buy pure seed and diversify it natural ingredients, for example, nuts or sprouted wheat grains.
  3. Best before date. Give preference only to fresh seeds that have been on sale for a maximum of a month. Provided not proper storage in the store they begin to quickly deteriorate, although you cannot see this with the naked eye.

How can you tell if the flax you buy is fresh? It’s very simple - its natural taste has a pronounced nutty note and is not bitter. He has practically no characteristic aroma, therefore, you can only focus on integrity and Brown color seed.

After purchase, it must be poured into a ceramic or glass containers with a tight-fitting lid. Straight lines should not fall into it Sun rays or moisture. Otherwise, the product will quickly deteriorate. At home, flax can be stored for 30 days, after which it is advisable to dispose of the remaining product.

Advantages of flax

Now let's talk about why it is worth eating.

The most important advantage of flax is the high concentration of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for normal functioning. of cardio-vascular system and brain. Omega-3 also reduces inflammatory processes, which are the root cause autoimmune diseases, arthritis and allergies. They have been clinically proven effective in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of which is inflammation of the brain. By content fatty acids flax is not inferior fish oil, which is considered a storehouse of Omega-3. But its main disadvantages are its high price and water contamination with heavy metals, which also accumulate in fish.

The high concentration of plant hormones is another argument in favor of regular consumption of flaxseed porridge. They are antioxidants and suppress allergic processes, slowing down cell aging. At regular use Food rich in phytoestrogens can normalize hormonal balance and improve the body's condition during menopause. And also provide yourself with additional protection against breast and ovarian cancer.

Men who care about their health should definitely supplement their daily menu with flax porridge. It is considered a good preventative against prostate cancer and increases testosterone levels, increasing libido.

Pregnant women also need to pay attention to this product, since flax is rich in protein and elements such as potassium, calcium, iron, chromium and magnesium. Their combination contributes to the correct intrauterine development fetus and increased lactation.

When taken systematically, flax can lower blood sugar levels. Moreover, it will help in the fight against extra pounds, because it saturates well with minimal calories. To absorb it, the body also synthesizes collagen, which is essential for healthy hair, nails and skin.

The effect of flax on the gastrointestinal tract

In progress heat treatment flax secretes specific mucus and linomarin glycoside. They protect the walls of the stomach and intestines from irritants external factors(actions of antibiotics, pathogenic microflora), reduce inflammation and pain. The product can become the main one in the diet of a person suffering from ulcers, gastritis, colitis and cholecystitis.

Flaxseed porridge improves intestinal motility, has a minimal laxative effect and promotes healthy digestion.

The seeds are also rich in vitamin C, A, and B vitamins. They also help the gastrointestinal tract:

  • prevent irritation of the mucous membrane due to excessive secretion of gastric juice;
  • raise immune function Gastrointestinal tract;
  • promote the engraftment of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria.

The product is also unique in that it has no restrictions on its intake. It will not provoke any negative reactions. The exception is individual intolerance, which is very rare. Negative reaction on flax porridge most often manifests itself when synthetic flavor enhancers and flavorings are added to it, which can act as allergens.

But with regular consumption, nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend increasing the amount of water consumed. Linen absorbs a lot of liquid, so in order to prevent problems with stool, you must adhere to the standard drinking regime– up to 2 liters per day.

Flaxseed porridge recipes

To prepare porridge, you will also need a coffee grinder or blender. Approximately, one serving is three handfuls of seed. They must be poured into a container and crushed to the state of flour or fine crumbs. The resulting powder will serve as the basis for numerous dishes: from steamed porridge to baked goods.

Pour the cereal into a deep plate and fill it with water at room temperature so that it completely covers it. Give it a little time to absorb moisture. Since flax has good adsorbing properties, adjust the amount of water to your taste. It all depends on the consistency you want to end up with.

This is a version of porridge for raw foodists. Flax powder can also be boiled like any other cereal. To do this, you need to pour it into boiling water, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. To enhance the taste, feel free to use sea ​​salt or your favorite seasonings.

The resulting porridge can be eaten immediately, or you can let it brew for 15 minutes until the flax swells. As a dressing, use honey, maple syrup, molasses - any natural sweetener, available at hand. For a richer taste, diversify the dish by adding dried fruits, fresh or frozen berries.

Flaxseed porridge with milk, banana and almonds
This version of the dish is higher in calories and nutritious, so it is perfect as a breakfast. For it you will need:

  • ground flaxseed: ½ cup;
  • milk: 0.5 l;
  • sugar: 1 tablespoon;
  • banana: 1 piece;
  • almonds: 1 handful.

First of all, pour the milk into the pan, boil it and reduce the heat. Add the ground seed to it and cook it, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid, remove from the stove and wrap in a towel. We recommend adding sugar, chopped nuts and banana to the finished porridge. If you wish, you can use any fruits and berries.

If stored and prepared correctly, porridge based on flaxseed will become a tasty and healthy addition to an already established diet. It will easily become the main source of protein in dietary or medicinal purposes. Its low cost also allows you to diversify Lenten menu without compromising the nutritional value of the diet.

Video: preparing morning flaxseed porridge and flaxseed jelly

What is the healthiest breakfast? Do you think it's oatmeal? But no. According to nutrition experts, this is flax seed porridge. If you do not know its benefits and harms, we suggest eliminating this gap, because this is the kind of porridge that can give you health without extra material costs.

Food as medicine: about the properties of “live” porridge

This dish is very simple, but freshly cooked porridge contains a huge arsenal of useful substances, such as Omega 3 and 6 acids, vitamins A, E, B-complex, soluble and insoluble fiber. It can serve as a source of minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and many others. This product contains plant hormones and antioxidants.

The health benefits of flaxseed porridge:

  • serves as a supplier vegetable protein: protein reserves make up ¾ of the total mass, so it is necessary for children, pregnant women, and athletes;
  • makes bones stronger and cartilage tissue, reduces the risk of fractures;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis (gives elastic skin);
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • increases immune defense, helps resist viral attack;
  • effectively cleanses the intestines (40% of the porridge composition is fiber);
  • treats constipation;
  • has an impressive supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids belonging to the Omega group, therefore guarantees protection against atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and diabetes;
  • removes toxic compounds from the body (selenium contributes to this);
  • restores the mucous membrane, heals ulcers, so flax seed porridge is indicated for diseases of the digestive tract;
  • rids the body of helminths;
  • has a detrimental effect on some mushrooms;
  • prevents the growth of cancerous tumors.

Representatives of the “bearded” half of humanity will find flaxseed porridge very useful. Its benefits for men are that it protects against prostate cancer, increases testosterone levels, increases potency, and helps to acquire an athletic figure.

This dish brings a lot of good things to women too. It contains lignan hormones. They help the harmonious development of the fetus in the mother’s tummy, and during lactation they stimulate the production breast milk. The vitamins contained in the porridge will give shiny hair, strong nails, healthy skin.

What's the harm?

In most cases, flaxseed porridge is only beneficial; harm is possible only in case of individual intolerance to grains, exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and genitourinary organs, gallstone pathology.

But overeating is not excluded side effects. This is explained by the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in the seeds. In small doses they are safe, in large doses they can cause poisoning.

Important! It is better for an adult to limit himself to 50 g (2 tbsp) of seeds per day. When using them, you need to drink a lot.

Lose weight with flaxseed porridge!

The benefits of flaxseed porridge for weight loss are worthy of a separate discussion. It's full of coarse fiber, so it “vacuums” the intestines, removing all unnecessary accumulations from it ( feces). This leads to the fact that a person becomes several kilograms lighter, and the absorption of food components occurs faster and better. The body stops hiding them in fat folds.

Once in the intestines, even a small portion of porridge swells and increases significantly in volume. This ensures satiety for a long time. This dish activates metabolism, that is, the body begins to intensively “burn” calories and utilize “old” fat reserves.

Porridge regulates sugar, that is, it will suppress cravings for sweets. This will promote weight loss and reduce the risk of diabetes.

The dry mixture contains 300 Kcal per 100 g, and when cooked, this dish will give the consumer 100-150 Kcal.

Where can I get it and how to prepare it?

In the supermarket and any health store you can find ready-made mixtures in jars or paper packaging. They may contain various additives or only low-fat ground flax seeds. Their cost is 60-300 rubles.

Turning seeds into porridge is very easy. Just pour boiling water over them. But during the processing process, the raw materials are deprived of most of their healing components.

Homemade porridge from flax seeds is less convenient to prepare, but its benefits are much higher, and harm is practically eliminated. For getting natural product You should buy seeds at the pharmacy.

Process for preparing flaxseed porridge:

  1. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. grind the resulting raw materials in a coffee grinder.
  2. Pour into a container, pour 1.5 liters of hot milk (not boiling!) or water over the seeds, stir well so that there are no lumps.
  3. Leave for 4-5 minutes. under the lid or brew on the lowest heat for the same time.
  4. Let the porridge sit for about 10 minutes.

For taste, you can add dried fruits, nuts, honey, candied fruits to the porridge and season it fermented milk products, sprinkle with sesame seeds. It gets along well with carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and herbs.

Treats or pretends? Popular opinion

If you study the reviews about the benefits and harms of flaxseed porridge, the conclusion will be as follows: the store-bought kind is not very tasty and, according to people, it is no different therapeutic effect like homemade. But even porridge made from whole seeds has a very specific taste. You'll have to get used to it. Plus it's slimy.

Porridge is prepared so that gastritis “visits” less often. It is also eaten for ulcers (only in remission). This dish has a good effect on the liver, and at the same time stops hair loss, drives away acne from the face, and normalizes hormonal background(during menopause). Flaxseed porridge helps eliminate this delicate issue like constipation, and lose up to 5 kg per month.