Milk causes gas. Foods that cause gas

Bloating (synonym: flatulence) - pathological condition, which is caused by excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. Flatulence is a symptom, not independent disease. In the article we will analyze the products, not causing flatulence and bloating.


Attention! In the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision, the symptom is indicated by the code R14.

Causes of bloating

Components of gaseous waste products: nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds. Most of the outgoing intestinal gases are formed when Escherichia coli, Bacteroides vulgatus or Methanobrevibacter smithii are digested. They produce combustible compounds of hydrogen, methane and sulfur.


Carbon dioxide is formed when food in the stomach reacts with hydrochloric acid. It was previously believed that the smell was caused by hydrogen sulfide, skatole and indole. However, in gas chromatographic studies in 1984, it was shown that the main components that cause bad smell, these are sulfur compounds: methanethiol, hydrogen sulfide and dimethyl sulfide.

Due to the influence of hormones during pregnancy, many women suffer from constipation and flatulence. Insofar as elevated level progesterone relaxes the organs, including the intestines, it becomes sluggish. The use of ordinary food provokes the formation of gases in the intestines and the processes of decay. Subsequently, the abdomen swells, leading to abdominalgia and other symptoms of flatulence.

Babies experience flatulence in the first few months of life. Aerophagia (swallowing air) plays a significant role in the development of three-month colic. Excess formation of gases causes unbearable pain in the child, but after a few weeks the flatulence disappears spontaneously. One of the most convincing explanations for infantile colic is the underdevelopment of the enteric nervous system.

flatulence may be side effect various drugs. acarbose, miglitol, hypoglycemic drugs, penicillin antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac), as well as lactulose and other laxatives can cause severe flatulence.


Anxiety and stress can trigger gastrointestinal complaints (including flatulence). Some patients sometimes eat too quickly and swallow too much air (aerophagia). In some cases, flatulence is due to dietary habits.

Causes of gas absorption disorders:

  • Portal hypertension: portal vein carries blood away from organs abdominal cavity into the liver. At high pressure in this vascular area, blood accumulates. This condition is due to various reasons and affects digestion. Hypertension is accompanied by flatulence and anorexia. One of possible causes- liver disease;
  • Heart failure: when the right ventricle, or the heart as a whole, is greatly weakened, sometimes deoxygenated blood, which is supposed to flow to the heart, accumulates in the liver. The result is portal hypertension.

Causes of disruption of the stomach or intestines (chronic or acute disorder motility):

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): IBS is considered one of the most common causes of flatulence. In IBS, there is a chronic disturbance in the pattern of bowel movement, and the bowel responds to normal air content with painful signals. IBS often leads to intestinal motility disorders - diarrhea, constipation, or other conditions;
  • Gastric paralysis (gastroparesis, gastric atony): muscle activity in the stomach wall is weakened or paralyzed by various reasons. Acute gastric paralysis may result from sharp drop blood sugar at diabetes With diabetic coma or with high risk occurrence of coma. Chronic disturbance of gastric emptying, which may be due to diabetic nerve damage in particular, causes persistent fullness, pressure, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting leading to weight problems;
  • Intestinal paralysis: with a decrease in intestinal motility, gas transport slows down. Sometimes this causes bowel obstruction. However, paralysis may be a reaction to another acute event: surgery, renal colic, acute pancreatitis or circulatory disorders in the intestines. Symptoms include severe flatulence, but usually without loss of stool. Depending on the cause, nausea may occur, more or less severe vomiting and strong pain in a stomach.

Important! Physicians must differentiate flatulence from what is known as bowel pseudo-obstruction. Pseudo-obstruction requires urgent surgical intervention.

Many people ask what fruits most often cause gas? In general, fruits that contain many seeds are risk factors for flatulence in adult men, women, and children.

Fruits with flatulence are contraindicated

Important! In case of suspected acute gastrointestinal paralysis, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Drugs that eliminate gas formation

In medicine, there are no highly effective carminative drugs. Therefore, the goal of therapy is to prevent bloating. Medicines are not required in many cases. Many bowel complaints that cause flatulence are alleviated by a change in diet.

If flatulence was the result of an illness, it should be treated first. With chronic inflammatory disease bowel treatment usually begins with anti-inflammatory agents such as cortisone or other agents that suppress immune system body (immunosuppressants). With flatulence caused by dyspepsia due to a lack of digestive enzymes, enzyme preparations are used. Means that reduce the formation of gases are not always required.

IBS is accompanied by severe flatulence. In one study, a research team found that a unique bacterial strain of B. bifidum, MIMBb75, can significantly alleviate the symptoms of flatulence.

Issued various means that help with flatulence:

  • Defoamers prevent the accumulation of large amounts of gases in the intestines. Defoamers are available as chewable tablets in a pharmacy;
  • Antispasmodics relieve pain from compression of the intestinal walls;
  • Some medicines prescription drugs for depression (tricyclic antidepressants) in low doses help with abdominal pain and overfermentation.

Allowed products for flatulence

Flatulence causes significant mental discomfort, but therapy is usually not required. First, you need to change your dietary habits and take non-gas-producing foods. Several changes can completely eliminate the symptoms of flatulence. It is recommended to refuse foods that the patient cannot tolerate, to eat fractionally, and not in large portions. Regular outdoor exercise significantly improves intestinal motility and reduces the likelihood of bloating.

List of products that do not cause increased gas formation and fermentation:

  • White bread;
  • refined sugar;
  • Flour products.


Various medicinal plants: fennel, peppermint, anise, cumin, help get rid of cramps and gas. They are suitable for pregnant and lactating women. When severe flatulence with colic in children, you need to consult a doctor to find out exact reason ailment.

Greetings, friends! Flatulence of the intestines. Such unpleasant phenomenon. What can cause it and what are its features? This process is natural. At the time of digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract, a certain amount of gases accumulates. But when this phenomenon becomes pathological, it is worth thinking about how to make adjustments to the diet and balance the diet in order to alleviate the situation.

Without exception, all products cause gas formation, but when using some, this happens imperceptibly, while others can cause severe symptoms flatulence.

What foods cause flatulence?

Let's single out the "culprits" in a certain group:

In some cases, the stomach is grateful for its irritation to hot seasonings and spices. Try to cut down on onions, garlic, horseradish, and vinegar.
Salt contributes to fluid retention in the body, which causes a feeling of fatigue.

As for garlic, its young leaves help digestion and improve appetite. And in dried form, it is able to eliminate heaviness in the stomach and increase the body's resistance to various infectious diseases.

  • Do not drink carbonated water or drinks, they are filled with gas balls that cause bloating.
  • It is also not recommended to drink water while eating. This interferes with digestion, besides, with a sip of water, air can also enter.
  • Coffee, tea, juices and alcoholic drinks contain a large number of acids, which irritates the stomach. Excess caffeine in the body is another cause of flatulence. Think about it, maybe they should be abandoned altogether.
  • Eating foods that are made with sweet alcohol (candy, sweets, and soft drinks) can cause your body to have difficulty digesting and gas.
  • Beer. This drink is obtained with the participation of fermentation processes. And, as a rule, they continue in the stomach. Disturbed microflora in the intestines and weakened digestion processes can lead to the fact that when used, even small dose this drink will cause bloating.
  • Bran are useful product but only when used in moderation. In large quantities, they cause bloating. Therefore, the recommended daily dose bran is thirty grams.

Also, the cause of flatulence may lie in the weakening of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result of what stagnate stool, their decay and souring occur, and as a result, excessive gas formation is obtained.

Now that you know all the foods that can somehow affect the appearance of bloating, it is in your power to adjust your diet in such a way as to minimize this process.

In conclusion, I would like to add that not always foods are the cause of bloating. Sometimes the body is deficient in enzymes, and food, once in the intestines, turns sour and decomposes, which causes gas formation.

Increased gas formation and bloating is one of the most common problems modern society. This is due to the diet and the pace of life of people. Flatulence is painful bloating due to the accumulation of excess gas in the intestines. This state manifested by bloating, abdominal discomfort and belching. The main cause of flatulence is the consumption of gas-producing foods. The list of such products is quite large and is constantly updated.

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    Causes of gas and bloating

    There are two main variants of the manifestation of flatulence. In the first case, there is a significant increase in the abdomen due to a violation of the discharge of gases, discomfort, a feeling of fullness, pain. In the second - a rapid discharge of gases, slight pain, "rumbling" in the stomach.

    reasons increased gas formation quite a lot in the intestines:

    1. 1. Improper nutrition (eating foods from the list of gas-producing foods).
    2. 2. Rapid swallowing of food and drinks.
    3. 3. Talking while eating.
    4. 4. Deformation of the palate, teeth, nose.
    5. 5. Intolerance to certain foods.
    6. 6. Violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the bacterial flora of the intestine.
    7. 7. Frequent constipation, slowing down the passage of food through the intestines and increasing the likelihood of fermentation and gas retention.

    Increased gas formation is very often observed in children who are on HB. In this case, what the mother eats is of particular importance for the baby, since she can eat some foods that contribute to the appearance of flatulence in the child. For women who choose breast-feeding, abdominal distention is often noted. However, breastfeeding in and of itself does not cause intestinal problems. The main cause of pathology is malnutrition which enhances the fermentation process.

    Particular attention is paid to the appearance of flatulence in pregnant women. There are quite a few reasons in this case, and one of them is also the use of gas-forming products.

    List of gas generating products

    The list of foods that cause bloating is quite large. Depending on the extent to which certain products contribute to the development of flatulence, they can be divided into 3 groups:

    Products that cause increased gas formation All varieties of cabbage (white, red, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), all types of legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, beans), swede, raw onion, turnips, artichokes, milk, dairy products (cheese, ice cream), sour-milk products (in people with lactose intolerance, bloating will also cause kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk)
    Moderate gas formation All carbonated drinks (they make the "gas" mechanisms work in an enhanced mode, so the latter do not always cope), kvass, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, watermelons, carrots, raisins, celery, bread, mushrooms, whole grains, wheat, bran , starchy foods (pasta, fresh bread, potatoes, corn), since excess starch is difficult to digest. Once in the large intestine, undigested starch swells and forms excess gases with the help of bacteria.
    Slight gas Fish and meat dishes ( protein products are not easily digested, which contributes to the process of decay. As a result of this, not only gases are formed, but also toxins), eggs, rice, poultry, vegetable oils

    In people with digestive disorders, bloating can be caused by fatty and spicy food, dairy and sour-milk products, bread and pasta, cereals. In addition, it all depends on the individual intolerance of certain products.

    Few people know, but chewing gum can also cause flatulence. When a person chews gum, he swallows air that enters the gastrointestinal tract and causes pressure there, which ultimately leads to bloating and gas formation.

    Product combination

    For right process digestion important role the combination of products also plays, because sometimes individual products may not affect the discharge of gases and are well absorbed by the body.

    So, the symptoms of bloating occur after eating multi-component vegetable salads, mixing vegetables and fruits, potatoes with protein products, with a combination of vegetables and cereals. Sometimes flatulence occurs with the use of dairy or fermented milk products with any other food or when eating nuts or fruits immediately after a meal.

    In addition to the products used for food, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of the food itself. Uncontrolled consumption of food leads to overeating, and, as a result, the occurrence of flatulence.


    The main principle of treatment is to eliminate the cause that causes increased gas formation:

    1. 1. Diet correction;
    2. 2. Recovery motor functions intestines;
    3. 3. Restoration of the bacterial composition of the intestine;
    4. 4. Removal of accumulated gases.

    Organizations are of particular importance proper nutrition. Gas-forming products should be excluded.

    People who are prone to increased gas formation are advised to eat various broths (beef, chicken, fish), vegetable decoctions or fresh vegetables. Fruits are recommended to be consumed a few hours after eating (best of all - after two hours).

    Spicy foods, peppers, garlic and onions should be excluded from the diet. It is recommended to switch to cereals: buckwheat or rice. Food temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.

    In order to eliminate increased gas formation, you should follow a few rules:

    • Eat more often, but less: eat five to six times a day.
    • Adhere to a strict diet: eat at the same time. This will not only eliminate problems with flatulence, but also improve bowel function in general.
    • Don't overeat.
    • Drink about two liters of water per day. Especially drink water before meals.
    • Reduce the intake of salt and various spices.
    • Cut down on carbohydrates.
    • Do not eat raw fruits and vegetables.

    Tip: before eating, you can drink two tablespoons of dill seed tea - this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many patients go to the doctor with the problem of increased gas formation and bloating.

V present time this phenomenon is very common and worries not only adults, but also children and nursing mothers.

Why do discomfort And what foods cause gas and bloating?

Sources of an unpleasant process

What can cause bloating and gas? Doctors claim that main reason such an unfavorable process is the abuse junk food. But this factor is considered not the only one.

Some food is poorly processed by the intestinal canal. Its undigested particles get to the bacteria, which, with their active life, leads to fermentation and causes increased gas formation.

Poor-quality food processing is caused by a deficiency of enzymes. The older a person is, the more lactase is lost, which is responsible for the processing of dairy products. Therefore, many older people cannot drink milk.

There are other reasons that cause bloating and flatulence in the intestines.

There are various factors that increase gas formation in the intestines, one of which is malnutrition. Nutritionists believe that it is enough to eliminate products from the menu, causing flatulence and establish a drinking regimen.

It is worth remembering that the reason does not always lie in products that increase gas formation and cause fermentation. Perhaps there is a malfunction in the body or a disease of the digestive organs.

Many of us at least occasionally face the problem of bloating and increased gas formation. This problem is very unpleasant both morally and physically. It's just that excess gases can find an exit through the mouth or completely, on the other side. Usually the mixture of gases is odorless, but, passing through the large intestine, it picks up the result of the activity of the bacteria living there and acquires a disgusting smell. Most often, the formation of gases in the stomach is not due to diseases of the digestive tract, but is associated with food. What foods cause gas in the digestive system? Of course, every person various reactions for the same product. But nevertheless, a group of products has been identified, during the processing of which a large volume of gas is most often formed. pledge wellness and rest in the stomach.
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The work of the digestive system

It is designed so that the enzymes involved in the digestion of food are located in the stomach and small intestine, but in the large intestine there are much fewer enzymes. Here is the absorption of digested food, which is a simple component. If the food is poorly digested, then gas is formed in the intestines under the influence of bacteria.

In addition, when eating, air is often swallowed. Especially a lot of air gets in if there are conversations during lunch, as well as when fast reception food, chewing chewing gum when using drinking straws. Even dry mouth or excessive salivation will increase gas production in the intestines. Of course, gas formation in the body normal process. But its increased education, a violation of the mechanism of removal and cause bloating. Therefore, having found out the causes of bloating, they will help find ways to solve this problem.

What causes bloating?

Swallowed air is most often the main cause of bloating. Swallowing small amounts of air always occurs when eating or drinking. But an excessive amount of it is swallowed with hasty food, smoking, abuse of carbonated drinks, drawing in air through the gap of the teeth. A larger volume of air is removed by belching, but some of it enters the intestines.

Increased gas formation also occurs during the digestion of carbohydrates that the body is not able to process. These carbohydrates include cellulose, pectin, lignin, chitin. They almost always go to waste. But once in the large intestine, these carbohydrates become food for microorganisms living there, while hydrogen and carbon dioxide removed by the rectum.

What foods cause gas?

All these products have carbohydrates (sugars) that contribute to the development of intestinal microflora. By taking food in small portions, we thereby deprive these microorganisms of food. But when overeating, all food is not immediately processed and a lot of undigested carbohydrates enter the intestines for the activity of microorganisms. A similar process occurs with a lack of digestive enzymes.

Foods that increase flatulence include:

  • natural sugar causes fermentation and stomach discomfort. It contains peaches, apples, prunes, plums, grapes, pears;
  • fried fatty foods are poorly absorbed in the stomach, and mushrooms containing protein and chitin fibers are also hard to digest and cause increased gas formation;
  • legumes - beans, peas, beans contain an oligosaccharide that is difficult to break down, which is an excellent food for intestinal microorganisms, causing heaviness, discomfort in the stomach and bloating;
  • sweets, confectionery, carbonated drinks contain various additives artificial origin and sweeteners, which the body is simply not able to absorb, and gas from drinks provokes flatulence;
  • vegetables rich in fiber, vegetable fibers irritate digestive tract and cause swelling. These vegetables include: , broccoli, pumpkin, radish, turnip, radish, artichoke, asparagus;
  • dairy products (milk, cheese, kefir, yogurt, ice cream) contain lactose, which is poorly absorbed by the stomach with age due to the lack of a processing enzyme, and causes increased gas formation;
  • are part of cereals: this is bread, all cereals except rice. Yeast in baking alcoholic beverages(wine, beer, kvass) emit gas, increasing bloating;
  • and, of course, individual intolerance products should be added to this list.

Interestingly, rice, which contains a lot of carbohydrates, does not cause increased gas formation and is well absorbed by the body.

Sometimes a product that has not previously called backlash suddenly leads to bloating. This may be the result of an allergy to this product or may be caused by a change in the mucosa. digestive system reception various medicines. Therefore, it takes time to figure out the foods that cause stomach discomfort. Having identified foods that increase flatulence, you should reduce their consumption. V critical situations you can use drugs that increase the size of enzymes or absorb gases.

You should be aware that flatulence can cause non-dangerous products, but taking them in an inconvenient combination leads to backfire. You should not experiment and take milk and cherries, sour fruits and cereals at the same time.

So, knowing, you can correctly compose your diet in order to avoid bloating. And also to reconsider some of your habits: hasty eating and drinking, smoking, sucking on candy, chewing gum.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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