"Winter swimming" when hardening children. Snow procedures

Rubbed with snow after a bath - a national Russian tradition! This tradition of hardening the body was, is and will be an integral part of the bathing ceremony. Those bath attendants for whom rubbing with snow obligatory ritual, will not let you lie - powerful sensations are guaranteed!

This article will be useful and interesting for both beginners in the bath business and for experienced bath attendants. I will talk about the features of the snow procedure, about how beginners start rubbing with snow. You will also find out what effect this method of hardening has on the body.

Everything ingenious is surprisingly simple. So in the case of snow baths there is nothing intricate. A prerequisite - you need to warm up very well, steam and, as a result, steam out in the bath. So the steam room should be just a hit! Dry, hot steam will definitely set you up for a feat - diving into a snowdrift! 🙂

Most sauna lovers do just that - they just throw themselves into the snow. They arrange a snow bath for themselves, gain full hands snow and begin to rub.

Seasoned bath attendants rub the entire body in short circular or dashed movements (it is very useful to rub along the massage lines). Beginners should not do this, it is desirable to limit themselves to rubbing hands, forearms, face and neck. Full rubbing of the body is suitable only for already hardened people.

How does rubbing snow on the body

The reaction of our skin to snow procedures is quite simple - it turns red! Vessels expanded from the bathing heat begin to shrink when touched by snow (cold does exactly this with steamed skin).

It may seem surprising, but the touch of snow will not make you feel cold. Hot waves spread through the body, the skin begins to redden and becomes warm to the touch. These are the paradoxes ... 🙂

This happens for a simple reason - from the snow rubbing, the vessels expanded again, the tiny capillaries were filled with a new portion of blood.

This can be compared to the action exercise- the muscles are increased tone, the metabolism begins to work with a vengeance.

Let's not forget about such an influence - chemical thermoregulation - burning unnecessary fats and carbohydrates. And what an amazing, useful excitation the nervous system experiences! It is not for nothing that lovers of snow bathing after the bath scream, smile and laugh like children! In a word, they are in a state of euphoria, but more on that later...

A sharp change in temperature is very useful for our body. The vessels then expand, then contract again. They drive blood from the heart to the smallest vessels. Hardening is the training of blood vessels, from such races they become more elastic. Heartbeat is improving.

Now let's talk about the state of euphoria. This state of bliss is caused by hormones of happiness - endorphins. Our body itself produces them, these interesting substances can compete even with morphine. It is at the moments of rubbing with snow that endorphins enter the blood in large quantities. So I revealed to you the secret of bliss!

Features of rubbing with snow

It would seem, what could be special in such a procedure?! There are nuances here too. The fact is that not everyone can do this method of hardening.

People who often catch colds have no experience of hardening, who have recently had a serious illness or suffered major operation should begin any hardening procedures with caution.

Everything should be done gradually - increasing the time spent in the steam room, increasing rest in the cool. Wipe small areas of the body, is on the street for a very short period of time, and so on ...

Choose fluffy snow, the snow crust is not suitable for rubbing. I want to warn against excessive efforts - do not rub the steamed body strongly. The fact is that snow is small ice crystals and the steamed body does not feel their prickly touch. If you overdo it - blood smudges on the skin are guaranteed!

After you have received a powerful energy charge, return to the bath. Do not wipe the melted snow, because it is water - it will moisturize the skin. This melted water has a unique ability - it restores the energy of the body.

And in conclusion, one more piece of advice - do not try too hard! Although the possibilities of a person are endless, everything should have a measure. Hardening and rubbing with snow is certainly beneficial for the body, only by overdoing it, you can harm yourself. Therefore, please do not be brave, do not get carried away with cold procedures excessively! 🙂

Hi all! Article "Hardening cold water for Beginners” about the most important thing for the health of each of us - the development of immunity.

1. Hardening of the body is a strengthening of the immune system

Today we will talk about how to start hardening with cold water. As soon as autumn comes and we start sneezing and coughing, many immediately rush to the pharmacy for antiviral drugs and vitamins. After all, everyone knows that the immune system of our body is responsible for resistance to colds and it must be strengthened.

It's no secret to anyone that immune system a person can be trained in the same way as muscles. It is only necessary to choose a working technique, which includes hardening with cold water. Many have heard about dousing and wiping, that the "walruses", swimming in the winter in the hole, almost do not get sick.

And a couple of years ago, a story about a Belarusian kindergarten was broadcast on television, where barefoot preschoolers were engaged in exercises in the snow. It seems that such stories should have reassured those who are afraid of catching a cold from similar procedures, however, there are no more people who want to be tempered.

In this article I want to talk about my own experience, which helped to improve health, as well as some basic techniques.

Hardening is the effect on our body alternately of cold and heat. The correct start of hardening is the same alternations, but with a slight difference in temperatures.

2. The benefits and harms of hardening

I remember how a friend recommended to her relative for the prevention of colds, to run every day in the snow or dew around the house. She was already afraid of catching a cold, but the authority of the person was so strong that she tried it and almost forgot about the sore throat.

Another friend told how, on the advice of a doctor, she began to harden her throat, eating a portion of ice cream every day - and cured chronic tonsillitis. Such examples suggested that it is worth gathering together information about how hardening is useful and how it can harm a person. But first I want to remind you what are the indications and contraindications for this.

Rule number 1 Most important:

To determine if you can be tempered with water, consult a doctor.

But even a completely healthy person should not start water procedures if he has a coronary vascular spasm, there are violations of thermoregulation with vegetative manifestations, cramps in the muscles of the lower leg, cold allergies.

There are no direct indications for hardening of the body, it is carried out only at the request of a person. But in the event that you want to start pouring water on a child, you need to monitor the following indicators:

  • - mood (from cheerful to depressed);
  • - well-being (from vigorous to general weakness);
  • fatigue (normal to constant fatigue);
  • appetite (from good to total absence);

- sleep (from calm to constant arousal and sleep disturbances). If the baby does not respond well to procedures for these indicators, you need to reduce their duration or stop completely. Hardening of children can be started almost from birth and the first baths, but this must be done systematically, very slowly increase the duration of exposure to cold and it is better to turn the procedure into a game.

3. A bit of history

Since ancient times, people have been thinking about how to make their body stronger and more resistant to difficult conditions the surrounding world. Even in ancient Rome and Greece there was a cult beautiful body- all Lifestyle in these cultures was aimed at educating strong and healthy members of society.

In Sparta, newborns with defects were thrown off a cliff, and boys were forced to always walk barefoot and almost without clothes to make them more resilient.

AT ancient india the hardening of the Brahmins was part of their religious upbringing, along with the ability to completely control their bodies, and water was considered a cure for almost all diseases.

Hardening was no less popular among the Jews, Chinese and Egyptians - in any culture you can find descriptions of water procedures to improve health.

And in Russia for a long time they practiced rubbing with snow or swimming in the river in summer or winter. But one more no less has come down to our days known way— bath, where hot steam is combined with bathing in cool water. The bath helps to cleanse the body, helping to remove toxins from it through sweat, stimulates the work of internal organs.

At the end of the 20th century, the Ivanov system became popular, which offered to swim twice a day in the nearest river or walk barefoot in the snow. He also told how useful it is for men and women not only to swim in the cold, but also to refuse bad habits and fasting one day a week. His technique found many followers at that time, but over time it was gradually forgotten.

Although it is believed that dousing according to the Ivanov system is suitable for everyone from any age, but bathing twice a day in cold water, including in the ice-hole in winter, no one will be able to without preparation.

4. Hardening the body with cold water for beginners

4.1 Basic rules for beginners

Beginners need to understand , how to start the procedures correctly, because you can’t just decide that tomorrow you start swimming in the hole every day - and the body will easily accept it. Best time year for beginners, when you can try to get used to the cold - summer, and start dousing better with simple washing in the morning with cold water. Before you start a cold douche, you need to remember a few simple rules:

- in order for the procedures to be useful, they can only be done healthy people, after a flu or a cold, it is better to wait 2-3 months;

  • - you need to repeat them every day, because the whole positive effect can disappear from breaks;
  • - the body must be accustomed to cold gradually;
  • - a person must have good health if weakness or malaise appears, everything must be stopped;
  • - consult your doctor in advance about your health and check if the cold will harm him;
  • - It is better to engage in some kind of sport to enhance the strengthening effect.

It is better to start with a contrast shower or pouring over certain parts of the body, such as legs. And some experts believe that the right start water hardening- rubdown wet towel followed by rubbing the skin dry. I will dwell in more detail on the main methods.

4.2 Dousing with cool water

4.2.1 Basic rules for pouring

The most popular method is dousing with cool water.

But dousing with cold water is not suitable for beginners, it is better to start with wiping.

It is both general and local. For the first, not only the temperature of the water, but also the air in the room is important: it should not be lower than 23-25 ​​° C. water on the first day is heated to 36 ° C, and reduced slowly - by 1 ° C per week, bringing it to cool (18 ° C). Douches can be replaced with the same cool shower, which can be taken 2-3 minutes a day.

Before starting the douche, it is worth remembering the row important rules:

  • - do not pour water on your head because of the risk of a sharp vasoconstriction;
  • - do not start with a sharp dousing with cold water, you need to get used to the coolness gradually;
  • - kids and old people should not lift weights with water above themselves, so they must resort to the help of outsiders;
  • - any drafts in the douche room should be avoided;
  • - at any temperature of the water, a person should not experience discomfort.

If there are contraindications for general douche, you can do local hardening of the legs.

It has a reflex effect on the whole body. Contrasting douches with a change of warm water (36 C) to cool water (20-25 ° C) are especially useful. You need to finish this effect by rubbing your feet with a dry towel or good massage.

4.2.2 Pouring children

In this way, it is good to harden children, once a month increasing the temperature gap by one degree, until it is 15-20 ° C. The main thing is to do the procedure regularly and do not forget - if the pause in hardening is very long, you will have to start over.

In children, it is better to turn such hardening into interesting game, to call positive attitude and overall good response. For the first time, this can be done in the bathroom with warm water from a ladle for half a minute.

Its temperature for the first time should not be lower than 36-37 ° C, and it must be reduced very slowly - by 1 degree in 1-2 weeks, gradually bringing it to 28 ° C.

You can’t start with a liquid even at room temperature, it’s easier to do cold and hot shower, at which the difference between warm and cool water will be no more than 4 degrees. For example, if you have a shower comfort zone of 36-38 degrees, and make a contrast zone of 34-32 ° C.

Cold and hot shower

4.3 Wiping with a damp towel

4.3.1 How to wipe yourself

Another method is wiping with a damp towel. First you need to wet a large terry towel in water at a temperature of 35-36 ° C, and then wipe your whole body with it. After that, the skin is rubbed with a dry towel until the capillaries dilate and slightly redden. The temperature is reduced by one degree per day and brought to 10 ° C.

For wiping, in addition to a towel, a damp sponge or a soft flannelette glove, which is soaked in quite warm water(on the first day - 32 ° C). It is better to start by rubbing your hands, then go to your back and stomach and finish with your feet. The body is rubbed for 2 minutes, and then wiped dry to a slight reddening of the skin and a feeling of warmth to it. Subsequently, the temperature is reduced every day by 1°C, bringing to 18°C.

4.3.2 Snow wiping

If you decide to wipe yourself with snow, then you need to bring it into the room in a bucket or basin, and then wipe your body with it for 15 seconds. At the same time, the face is wiped with the first handful, the second - chest and the stomach, the third - the shoulders, the fourth - the arms. Gradually, the time can be brought up to 30 seconds. And in a couple of weeks it will be possible to rub even on the street, if the body's reaction to the procedure is good.

4.3.3 Wiping children

It is recommended to rub small children first with a dry towel so that the baby does not have further fear of the procedure. It is better to start with the legs and arms, and then rub the torso. After a couple of days, you can take a wet towel, the water temperature for which for the first time should be 36 ° C.

Then it is gradually reduced (by 1°C in 5 days), bringing to 28°C. The duration of the procedure cannot exceed 2 minutes, it is recommended to do it for babies, starting from 2-4 months. If a child has rashes, chills, diarrhea, exacerbation of colds, it is better to stop wiping.

4.3.4 Local rubdowns Foot rubdowns

Local rubdowns are usually hardening of the legs, it is recommended for frequent illnesses throat for reflex action. To do this, the legs to the knees are rubbed with a cool, damp towel for 3 minutes, and then wiped dry.

Start with a temperature of 37 ° C, then lower by a degree per week, bring to 28 ° C. This technique is used to prepare for foot baths, in which the first temperature is also 37 ° C, it is done for 6-8 minutes, and then, lowering it by a degree per week, it is brought to 14 ° C.

Rubdown Rubbing feet

You can also start by hardening your feet, which is useful for those who often have a sore throat. I would like to explain what this method gives: cooling the legs causes a reflex narrowing of the vessels of the tonsils of the pharynx, causing a violation of local immunity, and can contribute to its inflammation.

And warming the feet gives blood flow not only to them, but also to the throat, improving its work. lymphatic system. By making our feet more resistant to stress such as cold with contrast douches, we will automatically protect ourselves from colds.

You can start pouring feet with warm water (25-28°C), lowering the temperature by 1°C per month, bringing it to 13-15°C. After each douche, rub the skin on the legs with a towel until it turns red and feels warm.

Stop hardening - pleasant with useful

4.4 What does a cool bath do?

This is a longer, and much more powerful technique, which means that it can only be started by those who have no contraindications. If you are hesitant to start with shared bath, you can do local, for example for legs , which is useful and no less effective.

To do this, take a bucket or a basin so that you can immerse not only your feet in water, but also your shins to the knees. They start with water at 28-30 ° C, lowering it by a degree per week, for babies under 3 years old it should not be lowered below 20 ° C, for children under 5 years old - 18 ° C. The procedure in children is carried out for 15-30 seconds, adults can be in cool water for 2-4 minutes.

General baths at 38 ° C are recommended even for newborns, if warm water is added, it can be taken up to 12 minutes. With this procedure, not only the temperature is reduced by a degree in 5 days, bringing it to 30 ° C, but also the duration of stay in it is reduced to 6 minutes.

Bathing in a river or lake in the warm season can be equated to a bath. Babies under 3 should not do this, but after reaching this age they are often taken to the beach.

It is worth remembering that letting the child into the water is allowed only when the air temperature is above 25 ° C, and the water is 23 ° C. But even then, children should not be allowed to sit in the water for more than 15-20 minutes, since then they risk catching a cold.

4.5 Gargling

Not quite a traditional local douche is a gargle, which helps to make the body more resistant to many infections. First rinse with warm water - 40 ° C, gradually lowering it by 1 degree every 3 days. For children, it is brought to 15 ° C, and for adults it can be lowered to 10 ° C.

This rinsing helps to significantly reduce the number of exacerbations. chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis. To enhance its effect, medicinal herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile, nettle, calendula or St. John's wort) are added to the water, as well as sea ​​salt or a few drops of iodine.

Over time, rinsing can be replaced by sucking ice cubes in the mouth of such a size that one cube is enough for about half a minute. For taste and greater benefits, frozen juice is used instead of ice. I already wrote about the recommendations of some doctors about ice cream, but not every mother risks paying for it regularly.

But you can try with one teaspoon per day, gradually increasing its amount by half a teaspoon per day, until you get one serving. Ice cream and frozen fruit juice even adults are ready to eat all year round, however, compotes and yogurts from the refrigerator are also an option. However, it is necessary to get used to such a cold gradually and not to consume cold foods and drinks after severe overheating.

The body is strengthened not by constant cold, but by contrasts, and therefore the throat must be accustomed to change. temperature conditions so as not to get a sore throat by drinking ice water in the heat. For this, contrast rinses are well suited, in which warm and cold water are used at the same time. First, the throat is rinsed with warm, then cold, and always ends with warm, and the contrast difference is also increased gradually.

Contraindications to gargling are, first of all, the age of up to 3 years, when the child does not know how to properly exhale air through water and can choke.

If he does not want to gargle, it is better not to force him, because hardening should not cause him discomfort. You can not start procedures when a person is sick colds or has

5. Extreme techniques

5.1 Hardening according to Grebenkin

In addition to Ivanov, many authors have proposed their own methods of hardening, which can not be recommended to everyone. For example, Grebenkin advised everyone over 3 years old to be immersed in cold water for 10-15 seconds, and then left without clothes in the open air for another 5 minutes without rubbing and warming, so that the body itself copes with the cold. After all, adrenaline is released at the same time and after a couple of minutes a person feels a surge of heat and cheerfulness.

And in recent times in the speeches of the famous doctor Komarovsky, words were heard that hardening of the effect would not bring if the whole lifestyle, from nutrition to walking on fresh air does not comply with generally accepted guidelines.

5.2 Hardening after sauna and bath

To not quite traditional, but quite effective is the use of a sauna or a Russian bath with a strengthening purpose. The sauna uses the contrast effect of hot steam (70-90°C) and cold water in the pool (3-20°C), or even rubbing with snow in winter.

A child can start going to the sauna with their parents from the age of 3. For the first time, you can enter the sauna with a temperature not exceeding 80 ° C for only 5 minutes, and then you should cool down, in the future there can be up to 3 such visits, and you can visit the sauna once a week.

In the bath, too, everything is based on contrasts: first, the body warms up, then cools down at approximately the same time intervals, and then rest follows, which should last as long as the first two stages.

For the first time, you should not bask in the bath for more than 3-5 minutes, and it is advisable to cool down in the form of a cold douche, and only eventually move on to a cold shower or bathing in an ice hole. After regular visits, the number of visits to the steam room is increased to 5, and the time spent in it is up to 5-10 minutes.

To get hot steam, in a Russian bath, water is poured onto hot stones, but decoctions are often used instead for a healing effect. medicinal herbs(linden, chamomile, oak, mint, birch, sage or eucalyptus).

Small children under 3-5 years old are rarely taken to public baths because of the risk of contracting infectious or fungal diseases, but if it is a private steam room, then they can be taken there after the first year of life.

5.3 Snow hardening

Perhaps the most unconventional method snow remains. This includes not only wiping with snow, but also walking barefoot on it.

The main thing is that it should be clean and cover not asphalt, but the ground. If an ice crust has appeared on the snow, or it has become colder than 10 degrees below zero, you should not start walking.

But on own experience I know that you can try without any preparation. True, for the first time I recommend running in the snow for no more than a minute, and rather quickly, and after that you need to return to a warm room, put on woolen socks and actively walk around the room in them until a feeling of heat appears in your legs.

5.4 Winter swimming

This type of winter bathing has always stood out and remained a method for the elite. A lot has been written on it - both about the benefits and the harm, the debate has not subsided so far. But for those who have weighed everything and decided to try winter swimming, it is worth learning something about him.

When swimming in cold water, the body loses a lot of energy, but releases adrenaline, which increases blood circulation, and also improves thermoregulation and immunity. However, you should not think that walruses never get sick - they just catch cold less often.

It is not at all necessary to dive with your head, although experienced "walruses" do it with ease. This technique improves general state body, but does not strengthen the muscles, unlike regular swimming, so for those who want to build muscle, it is advisable to do some other sport.

There is a myth that “walruses” necessarily drink alcohol to keep warm, but they can cause hypothermia of the respiratory tract and a cold.

Before diving into ice water, it is recommended to do intensive gymnastics for warming, but other preparations, especially a cold shower, are not needed. At severe frosts it is necessary that there is a warm room next to the bathing area where you can warm yourself.

You can swim in cold water from late autumn to early spring, because even in winter it is not lower than + 4 ° C in the hole, but you should not plunge into the sea - it is -2 ° C below zero. There are many contraindications to winter swimming, which should not be neglected at all - this can only worsen your well-being.

Winter swimming contraindications: severe diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and genitourinary system with signs of decompensation.

You can climb into cold water only after a cold douche, which will accustom the body to it. It is allowed to dive into the hole no more than 3 times a week, and if symptoms of any diseases appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

I hope my advice will be useful to those who often get colds and want to improve their health, and in the following blog articles I will talk about other hardening methods.

And now "Informative film about winter swimming and hardening":

Today we talked on the topic: "Hardening the body with cold water for beginners." How did you like the article? If so, be sure to share it in social networks, subscribe to the blog update and wait for the continuation.

snow rubdown

This is an amateur procedure.

And they are used, as a rule, by those who have mastered cold dousing or bathing, or sometimes in the bath - steamed up, rolled in the snow, squealed from an excess of feelings - and again in the steam room.

When wiping a child with snow, make sure that the snow is freshly fallen - the old one can injure the skin with ice floes.

If you have not tempered a child before and decided to start with snow, then the scheme (approximately) will be as follows.

After physical activity and warming up the body (large ones will do physical education, small ones you will do massage and gymnastics), bring a basin of snow into the room, keep the balcony or window open. Rubbing your hand with snow - and rub it with a towel. Then another. Then the chest, then the back, then the legs. You can start with the limbs and end with the torso.

After 5-10 days, they rubbed one hand with snow, then the other - and only after that rub it with a towel.

After another 5-7 days - arms and chest, then arms, chest, back, etc.

Please note that after physical activity, it is necessary to wipe the child dry so that he stands dry near the balcony, under the snow.

Walking barefoot in the snow

Walking barefoot in the snow is an excellent procedure, used both for hardening and for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections during an epidemic or at the first signs of illness, the treatment of mild or moderate forms of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

The method is good because it can be used even in very weakened children, with a small physical and cold load on the body as a whole, it gives a good overall effect.

At home, we rub our feet hot with the palm of our hand, knead them with our knuckles, put on felt boots or boots, it is possible with socks, and go out into the street. We take off the boots, put them on the snow, put our bare feet on the boots! Then the second leg in the same way.

And - they either ran or trampled on the snow for 3-5 seconds. You can't stand! Feet should be completely off the snow.

Then they stood with both feet on a felt boot, wiped one foot, shod it, then the other. Again, start with yourself.

After the demon and rubbing, the blood rushes to the foot and the feeling is as if it were not running on snow, but on hot bricks.

We usually start our classes with the penguin game. We collect snow in the basin, lightly ram it and stomp in it, waving our arms up and down. Both game and health benefits. The first week for 3-3 seconds 1-2 times a day. The second - 10, the third - 15 seconds.

From the end of the second - the beginning of the third put on, the child himself will accurately determine his "dose": running for 40 seconds means 40. Ten means ten. Usually 1-2 treatments per day. Initial doses in 3-5 sec. in the first week and 10 - in the second are given with a large margin of safety, even for very weak children.

When I first brought the group of hardening sickly children to the snow (for all of them it was 1-2 training sessions), I first explained to them that we would now rub our legs, then we would go outside, run through the snow to the line (2 meters) and immediately return to the hall. They ran out.

But instead of crying from the cold, children with bronchial asthma, recurrent bronchitis and frequent SARS squealed and scattered around the yard, and we barely collected them and drove them back into the hall. Since then, newcomers were taken to the snow only holding hands, and already from 3-4 training sessions, even a two-three-year-old child himself determined his individual dose for today.

The procedure treats a runny nose and partially relieves inflammatory processes in the throat. In addition, like any cold load, it helps to reduce the allergization of the body. During the illness - do not stop, but bring up to 3-5 times, especially if you did not use a therapeutic contrast shower.

By the way, the wrong opinion is very widespread, that you first need to pour cold water on your feet or stand in a basin of cold water - and only after tempering in this way begin to walk barefoot in the snow. Heat loss when walking on snow is 2-3 times less than when walking on cold water, due to the lower thermal conductivity of snow.

In one of the kindergartens, we introduced barefoot walking in the snow (in the pelvis, for 3-5 seconds) 1-2 times a day. And we got a 14% reduction in incidence. During the flu epidemic, out of 29 children in this group, only two fell ill.

And one more procedure used at the very beginning of hardening in the smallest.

We collect snow in a glass, rub a stack of snow for the baby and for 3-5 seconds. press the glass upside down or sideways. Then rub again until hot.

From time to time we change the place of procedures - feet, shins, hips, forearm, shoulders, back, chest, tummy. But always start with the arms or legs and work with the feet regularly.

What gives such a procedure to the baby?

The system of thermoregulation in a child is imperfect, and the body still does not know how to navigate in such a situation, for example.

The baby is warmly wrapped in diapers. Messed up a bit. He turned his head, his bare sweaty neck was exposed (or his leg stuck out), And then the room was aired. Since the child is generally warm, the protection system does not work, it cannot yet correctly assess the situation and turn on, even if the “cold” signal comes only from a very small area.

And such local cooling leads not only to simple hardening, but also to more early development and differentiation of the thermoregulation system.

The essence of this therapeutic and prophylactic procedure is rubbing certain parts body material soaked in water.

Healing effects

This hydrotherapy method improves blood circulation and microcirculation, redirecting blood from the center, from the heart, to the periphery. At the same time, two tasks are performed at once: the heart is unloaded and the blood supply to the limbs improves. This property of the procedure is successfully used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Among other things, sponging stimulates the production of certain hormones, accelerates metabolic processes in the body and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and also cleanses and rejuvenates the skin. That is, wiping has a complex positive effect on the tissues and systems of human organs.

Methods of carrying out procedures

Rubbing improves blood circulation and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

For wiping, use pieces of cloth made from natural materials (linen, cotton) or sponges (natural or rubber).

It is worth noting that wiping is of two types: cold and warm.

To stimulate the immune system beneficial influence for cardiovascular and nervous system prefer the cold method, and in case of illness bronchopulmonary system(for example, during an attack) a hot rubdown will be more effective.

In addition, it should be mentioned that in certain cases, which will be discussed below, you can add vinegar, vodka, honey, herbs and other components to the water. But only a specialist doctor can make a decision on the appointment of any type of rubdown, because with inept performance and ignorance certain rules and contraindications to human health can be harmful.

Distinguish between general and local wiping procedures.

Before starting the procedure, you must make sure that the room is warm and there are no drafts.

General methodology

It consists in the following: a patient standing in a bath or basin with warm water is wrapped in a sheet, previously moistened with water and well wrung out.

The water temperature during the first procedures should be 30-32 °C, then after a session it is reduced by 1 °C to 18-20 °C. Rubbing is carried out over the sheet with intensive movements for 2 minutes. The patient should feel warm.

Another type of this technique involves wiping the entire body with a piece of coarse cloth moistened with water. You should start with one of the hands, then through armpit treat the back and move down the back surface of the leg, then along its front surface, the rubdown passes to the stomach, chest, second arm, the other half of the back and the leg that has not yet participated in the procedure. The last paragraph feet are rubbed. After the end of the session, the patient is wrapped in a sheet and a blanket.

It is possible to carry out the grinding procedure without resorting to outside help- independently handle your body with a mitten, sponge or cloth.

This procedure is very effective for depression, insomnia, anxiety states, headaches, and also as a prevention of colds.

Local rubdowns

This method of hydrotherapy includes wiping the limbs. It should be noted that the limbs are wiped from the periphery - to the center, that is, manipulation with the hands starts from the hands and ends with the shoulder, and with the legs - from the foot - to the thigh.

The chest and abdomen are rubbed in a circular motion from the periphery - to the center, the back - along the spine, from bottom to top.


It must be remembered that this method physiotherapy is medical treatment which, if mishandled, can lead to disease. There are conditions in which rubbing should not be carried out, and these include:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute processes;
  • bad feeling;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​the procedure.

Salt water rub

In this case apply sea ​​water or a solution of 500 g of salt in 1 liter of water. The procedure is carried out according to the methods described above, but at the end of rubbing, it is necessary to pour 1-2 buckets of water over the patient with a temperature slightly lower than that used during rubbing.

This technique improves peripheral blood supply and tissue nutrition, speeds up metabolism.


Increased nervous excitability, recent acute diseases or exacerbation chronic pathologies, heart defects.

Wiping with alcohol and vinegar

Quite often when high temperature in adults, wiping with a solution of water with vinegar (not essence!) Or alcohol (vodka) is used. This procedure is acceptable and helps to avoid the use of additional medications.

The solution is prepared in a stainless or enamel bowl: dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar or water with vodka in a 1:1 ratio in 500 ml of water. The procedure is carried out with gentle movements and a cloth dipped in a warm solution, avoiding the heart and groin area.

It is worth remembering that with frozen limbs this procedure ineffective.

snow rubdown

A powerful weapon with many diseases and old age is cryotherapy, which includes such a procedure as rubbing with snow. Beginners to practice this species Treatment experts recommend conducting sessions at home.

From the street you need to bring a container with snow. The procedure begins with wiping the face and neck with the first handful of snow, the second handful - the chest and stomach, the third portion of snow wipes the shoulders, and the last - hands. The session lasts about 10-15 seconds. Like any type of rubdown, this type shows its effectiveness only with systematic use. After five procedures, you can increase the rubbing time to 30 seconds, and after a week and a half from the start of treatment with positive reaction the body is allowed to carry out procedures on the balcony, of course, with full health.


This type of rubdown is categorically contraindicated in case of neuritis and neuralgia, arthritis, and other acute pathologies.

Wiping children

Rubdowns are very beneficial for health and should be started with early age.

Now let's talk about the methods of rubbing children.

In order to prepare the child's body for wet rubbing, he should first be accustomed to dry rubbing with a soft mitten. This procedure relieves excessive tension and creates a positive mental attitude. Wiping begins with the distal parts of the arms and legs - from the hands and feet, and then proceed to the proximal parts and to the trunk. The procedure is carried out until the skin is slightly reddened, but it should be remembered that children's skin is softer and thinner than adult skin, so all manipulations must be carried out very carefully.

Pediatricians allow you to start hardening a child in the form of rubdowns from 2-4 months of age. But it is possible to acquaint the body with any manipulations only against the background of full health baby. The procedure is carried out soft cloth dipped in warm water and squeezed. First, they wipe the handles from the fingers to the shoulder, then the legs from the foot to the thigh, then they move on to wiping the chest, abdomen, and lastly they work on the back. After wiping each part of the body, it must be gently rubbed with a dry cloth until it turns slightly red, thus skin covering two children are affected at once healing factors: water treatment and massage. The duration of the hardening session should not exceed two minutes.

Salt water rub

The concentration of the solution should be the same as for procedures for adults: 500 g of salt per 1 liter of water. But the session is carried out in a slightly different way: the body is rubbed in parts with a towel soaked in the solution and wrung out - first the arms (from the hands to the shoulder), then the legs (from the feet to the thigh), then the body.

After the end of the procedure, the child is dressed, put to bed and wrapped in a blanket for 10-15 minutes.

Therapeutic and prophylactic rubdown is carried out against the background of the complete health of children. In the presence of the following symptoms procedure is cancelled.

  • bad feeling;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea;
  • acute diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • rash on the skin.

Rubbing with vodka or vinegar

Many parents wonder about the possibility of wiping a feverish child with water with vinegar or vodka dissolved in it to reduce the temperature. Doctors strongly recommend to refuse such manipulations! This can aggravate the condition of a small patient, because children's skin is very sensitive, vinegar and vodka can cause irritation, as well as vasospasm, which will reduce heat transfer, protracting and intensifying fever. But, among other things, the skin of the child is very permeable, and even a small amount of vinegar and alcohol, if it enters children's body can cause intoxication and aggravate the condition of the child. At a high temperature, the baby can be wiped with a soft cloth dipped in warm (not cold!) Water.

Remember fever body is a symptom of the disease and a sign that the body is fighting an infection that has got into it. You can only bring down the temperature above 38.5 ° C, and if the body is prone to convulsions, it should not be allowed to rise above 37.8 ° C.

Any manipulation with young children is possible only after examination by a pediatrician.

It is enough to be outside for a long time in wet, dank, windy weather without gloves or in tight shoes and the patient is ready. This is where the most dramatic thing begins: compassionate household members vying with each other advise to rub the frostbitten place harder - "so that it passes faster." Take your time to follow your grandmother's advice.


Frostbite, or cold injury, as doctors call it, makes itself felt almost immediately. Initially - pallor of the skin and mild pain. Then the pain becomes stronger, gradually turning into complete numbness, and the affected area acquires a waxy, deathly pallor. Due to the deterioration of the blood supply to the affected cell, the areas seem to fall into anabiosis (hibernation) and eventually die - if the process has gone too far.

The deeper the tissue damage, the more the frostbitten area begins to look like ... burnt. Especially if first aid

the injured poor man began to render incorrectly. And this, alas, is what happens most of the time.

The most common mistake in first aid is the desire to rub the frostbite. As a result, already frost-damaged skin is often subjected to serious mechanical injury. The most dangerous thing is to rub the frostbitten area with wool or snow. Wool rips off the skin, causes irritation, forms abrasions, into which the infection easily penetrates. Snow abounding in ice crystals not only injures and infects the frozen area, but also cools it even more.
And it is absolutely fatal to try to warm the legs and arms that have suffered in the cold, lowering them into hot water or holding over an open fire - for example, a campfire. The fact is that frostbitten skin retains a minus temperature, and its difference even with warm water can be 20 °. The cells that were revived quickly die: not receiving sufficient blood supply, necrosis (tissue necrosis) develops.

That is why tissues subjected to cold injury must be warmed slowly, from the inside, with a gradual restoration of the blood circulation disturbed in them. Only in this case it will be possible to bring them back to life and save frostbitten limbs from amputation.


The first thing to do to save the "freshly frozen" part of the body is to impose on it heat-insulating bandage: a woolen scarf, a shawl, a warm scarf ... At home, you can put thick cotton wool under the scarf, then oilcloth or 2-3 layers of plastic bags. Such a bandage has the effect of a thermostat, gradually returning saving warmth to the numb part of the body. warm hands it is better not to touch the sore spot, especially if you are dealing with third or fourth degrees of frostbite, when not only the skin suffers, but also muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves.

The insidiousness of a cold injury is also in the fact that it is quite often accompanied by a general cooling of the body, which is fraught with serious complications - on the kidneys and lungs. Therefore, it is very important to transfer the victim to a warm room as soon as possible and give him a hot drink - coffee or tea with honey, raspberries, balm. A glass of cognac that dilates blood vessels will not hurt “for warming up”. Of the drugs, it is good to have papaverine on hand, as well as blood thinning and preventing the formation of blood clots, plus heart and pain medications.


When pain, itching, aches, a burning sensation or slight tingling appear in the frostbitten area, consider that the worst is over: this is the beginning of blood circulation. After a few hours, the warming bandage can be removed and gently wipe the skin with a cotton swab moistened with diluted alcohol or vodka, then reapply the bandage and climb under a warm blanket.

But just in case, still consult a doctor. Remember: cold injuries very insidious! Necrotic changes in tissues may not develop immediately, but only a few days after hypothermia. And then the doctors, no matter how talented they may be, will have only one thing left: to ensure that the process does not go further.