Why more and more people are suffering from cancer. Why do people get cancer? Promiscuous sex life

Cancer - mysterious illness. For some reason, it affects some organs more often than others. For example, how often have you heard about tumors? But kidney tumors are much more common...

Why do people get cancer?

An international group of oncologists drew attention to the fact that most often malignant tumors occur in the colon or mammary glands, but develop much less often in the heart. small intestine or the uterus - at least until the end of reproductive age... Of course, various factors also influence the development of tumors. So, smokers often get cancer respiratory tract, and those who do not eat properly - cancer of the digestive organs... People who have suffered various injuries, are at risk of developing bone cancer...

And do not forget that cancer diseases are often inherited, genetically.

Thus, Italian scientists discovered a gene that promotes the development of melanoma, and Briton Peter Collins and his colleagues from the University of Cambridge identified a genetic anomaly (the fusion of two genes into one), which was observed in 60 percent of children suffering from one of the types of brain tumors. A group of researchers from the University of Washington, led by Richard Wilson, concluded that cancer bone marrow occurs due to changes in DNA that gradually occur throughout a person's life. Gene mutations and turn healthy cells into malignant ones...

The direct connection between the state of the nervous system and the development of oncology has not yet been proven, but statistics claim that among people who have experienced serious stressful situation, there is a fairly large percentage of cancer patients. Some experts even believe that stress is the main cause cancer diseases

Consequences of natural selection

But in the absence of obvious risk factors, a very clear trend is visible. Experts, having studied data on the frequency of manifestations of a particular cancer disease, found that malignant neoplasms occur less often in vital areas.

organs small size. In addition, quite often they occur in paired organs - the lungs or the kidneys, or rather, in one of them...

The researchers suggested that this is a result natural selection. If in children's or reproductive age a small organ or one located in the singular, this can seriously reduce the viability of the organism, which is unfavorable for evolution - after all, it sharply reduces the chances of having offspring... Therefore, there are mechanisms that contribute to the resistance of such organs to genetic disorders leading to cancer.

As for large or paired organs, their damage is not so catastrophic: for example, you can remove a diseased organ and the second one will take over its functions, or cut out part of the tissue with a tumor, leaving healthy tissue... Therefore, such organs are less resistant to oncogenic factors and more susceptible to malignant changes.

With age, the incidence of cancer increases due to the accumulation of various mutations in the body, which ultimately trigger the process of uncontrolled cell division. Most people develop cancer after the age of 50-60. It can be assumed that since this age is no longer considered childbearing (at least for women, but men rarely have offspring in old age), the mechanisms that restrain oncogenic mutations are simply turned off.

At the same time, the researchers believe, there may be another explanation for the phenomenon of oncogenicity. Thus, it is possible that nature deliberately made some organs paired or large in order to compensate for the risk of developing cancer.

Is carelessness to blame?

The question arises: if these organs are not “vital” for us, then why do people die so often from cancer?

Well, evolution could not have foreseen that people would become so careless about their health and consult doctors only in advanced stages of the disease, when medical intervention is often completely useless... But on early stages it is quite possible to survive after surgery or even a course of therapy.

More on the topic:

Is stress the cause of cancer?

where we're talking about about the treatment of cancer, then, as a rule, it means the healing of already ill patients. But in order to find effective remedy from an illness, it is necessary, first of all, to establish its cause. Where does such a terrible disease as cancer come from?

1. Genetic reasons. About development oncological diseases Genes can have an influence, scientists have guessed for a long time. After all, several members of the same family often suffer from cancer at once.

Doctors do not yet have direct evidence that cancer is inherited. Only the results of individual studies are available. Thus, Italian scientists discovered a gene that promotes the development of melanoma, and the British Peter Collins and his colleagues from the University of Cambridge identified a genetic anomaly (the fusion of two genes into one), which was observed in 60% of children suffering from one of the types of brain tumors.

A group of researchers from the University of Washington, led by Richard Wilson, concluded that bone marrow cancer occurs due to DNA changes that gradually occur throughout a person's life. Gene mutations turn healthy cells into malignant ones.

2. Lifestyle. According to a study conducted by Dr. Manami Inue from the National Cancer Center in Tokyo, people who lead an active, active lifestyle are less likely to get cancer. The scientist sees the reason that physical exercise allow you to maintain normal weight, and this, in turn, reduces the risk of developing cancer of the stomach, colon, liver and pancreas.

3. Poor nutrition. The foods we eat can also cause cancer. So, if a person takes too much Sahara, the liver processes it into lipids, and a large number of lipids reduces the production of SHBG protein (globulin, which controls the amount of testosterone and estrogen hormones in the blood). If the content of sex hormones in the blood increases sharply, this can lead to polycystic ovary syndrome and uterine cancer in women.

Harmful and red meat- scientists at the University of California have proven that as a result of its consumption, toxic Neu5Gc acids are formed in organic tissues, which provokes the production of antibodies by the immune system. As a result, it develops chronic inflammation which can develop into cancer.

10 misconceptions about cancer

Every year, 11 million people worldwide suffer from cancer, approximately 8 million of whom die from this disease every year. Malignant tumor is the second most common cause of death after heart attack. Dies of cancer more people than from malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis combined.

There are many more misconceptions about malignant tumors or cancer than about other diseases. This is not surprising, because even for specialists cancer is a mystery. There are too many reasons and connections here to realize, understand and even try to cure them all.

Amazingly, every nation has its own legends about cancer. Many people, especially in industrialized countries, overestimate the influence environment. At the same time, they often ignore the simple fact that the disease directly depends on them.

In developing countries, most people tend to consider cancer as fate, fate, or a punishment from heaven. "This misconception is concerning because it discourages people from being more proactive," according to the Union International Against Cancer (UICC).

According to international organization UICC, every second respondent believes that alcohol is harmless - the main thing is to eat more fruits and vegetables, which supposedly can prevent the development of cancer. A particularly popular legend is that anyone who experiences a major illness gets a malignant tumor as a result.

And now the 10 most persistent misconceptions according to the UICC.

One day, psychology and medicine united, and psychosomatics was born - a science that studies the influence psychological factors on the occurrence and course of diseases. Clutch has collected some of the most characteristic causes occurrence of the disease.

Psychological causes of the disease

  • loss of contact with parents, lack of trust, or, on the contrary, too close a relationship;
  • experiencing loss (of an important emotional connection);
  • feeling of helplessness and refusal to overcome difficulties in life;
  • a state of despair when a person sees no way out of the current situation;
  • hidden resentment;
  • pessimism.

The location of the malignant tumor depends on the emotions experienced by the patient and ingrained thoughts. Here is a reflection of some destructive attitudes:

  • psychosomatics of breast cancer sees the cause of the disease in the fact that women with a tumor in the mammary gland put themselves in last place, do not accept the care of others, and are not attentive to themselves;
  • psychosomatics of lung cancer fixes frequent illnesses this type of oncology in people experiencing spiritual coldness and callousness of people significant to them;
  • skin cancer – a state of inferiority due to feelings of childhood resentment, vulnerability and uncertainty, inability to express one’s anger;
  • cancer thyroid gland more often occurs in good-natured and vulnerable people who are unable to realize themselves due to fear of imaginary condemnation and failure.
  • pancreas cancer arises due to non-recognition of the child by the parents, especially the father, due to conflict with close relatives, due to greed and excessive consumption of goods.

Alexander Danilin, psychotherapist PND No. 23, host of the “Silver Threads” program on Radio Russia, spoke about another serious psychosomatic cause of oncology.

The psychotherapist said that cancer is preceded by the feeling that no one needs you, that you are not in demand either at work or in the family. And people who, during illness, struggle with this feeling and put specific goals beyond the boundaries of their illness, often, having overcome the illness, they live richly and for quite a long time:

“Any existential problem can only be expressed in metaphor. For this situation, the words of Christ seem most appropriate to me: “You are the salt of the earth.” They sank into my soul from the first reading of the Gospel. I believe that cancer overtakes a person who begins to feel that he is no longer the salt of the earth.

Cancer overtakes a person who begins to feel that he is no longer the salt of the earth.

When a person feels that his creativity, the fruits of his labor are not needed by anyone or that he has no one else to preserve, very often he develops a tumor. To feel like the salt of the earth, you don’t need to be widely known or in demand, but at least at the level of the family, the closest people - parents, husband, wife, children, grandchildren or friends - everyone needs it. And I don't think it's appropriate to talk about pride. Cancer overtakes both the proud and the modest and humble people. I prefer the “salt of the earth” metaphor.

And it is very important for a person of a creative profession - a writer, an artist, a composer - to understand (even if he pretends that he doesn’t care) that he will be read, watched, listened to for a long time. Artists (in the broad sense of the word) who believe in this often live long, but those who hope that a written book, painting, or music will immediately bring fame often get sick and die relatively early.

I think if there was a real Dorian Gray who put his life into a portrait, he would die of cancer. Because such creativity is fruitless. Creativity to the detriment of people, for example, the creation of a bomb or other weapons of mass destruction, also often has a detrimental effect on health. By at least, both among ours and among the American bomb creators, many died of cancer, and I think that they got sick not only because of radiation.

The more awareness, the less pain

The more in human life awareness (in any language that is closer to you - psychoanalytic, existential, Christian), the less pain and the easier death. Illness is always a kind of metaphor for what we tried to hide from ourselves.”

Message quote Why do people get cancer/very powerful article/

Why do people get cancer

Very often, cancer is preceded by the feeling that no one needs you, that you are not in demand either at work or in the family. And people who, during illness, struggle with this feeling and set specific goals outside of their illness, often, having overcome the illness, live richly and for quite a long time.

IN last years There is enough evidence from scientists and psychologists that cancer is based on psychosomatic causes. And now we will learn about them.

Alexander DANILIN, psychotherapist PND No. 23, host of the “Silver Threads” program on Radio Russia. He talked about psychosomatic reasons oncology and the ability to overcome the disease.

— It all starts with the feeling that you have ceased to be the salt of the earth?

— As a psychotherapist, I can talk specifically about psychosomatic problems, that is, about how mental experiences can cause one or another somatic reaction. Of course, any illness, even a simple cold, changes our life plans, sometimes significantly, sometimes not, and a person experiences some kind of anxiety. But these are already consequences, and psychosomatics considers all forms of cancer as the primary manifestation of a person’s reluctance to live. Reluctance internal, hidden, unconscious.

It is clear that cancer is not suicide, but there are many forms of human behavior that, in essence, are slow suicide. For example, binge drinking or smoking. Teenagers who start smoking secretly may not know, but any adult smoker knows that it is highly likely to lead to tumors, yet many continue to smoke.

“Maybe something has changed now, but 10 years ago, when I regularly visited the oncology center, oncologists smoked a lot. When I came to the center, smoke was coming out of all the doors of the pulmonary department in clouds.

I am also a smoker, although I understand that I am taking a risk. How to explain the smoking of doctors who deal with the consequences of this habit every day? I think this is where the doctor’s ambitions lie. Like, I’m a doctor, I can overcome this disease in myself, everyone can’t, but I can. And there is undoubtedly an element of such ambition in my smoking. On the other hand, smoking is pseudo-meditation, an opportunity to withdraw into oneself. This is a separate topic, now I would like to talk about emotional experiences.

I came into close contact with oncology in the nineties of the last century, when almost all of my wife and I’s parents died from different types tumors. As you remember, then life in the country changed dramatically. I noticed that many people then experienced fear (not despair, but fear), and I began to understand that my father, father-in-law, mother-in-law, somewhere deep down in their souls, did not want to live in the new world that was offered to them.

For most people, their status in life and self-identification are very important. This is especially important at our age, on average. We understand that life does not end yet, but begins to move toward sunset, and at this time it is especially important for a person to understand who he is, what he has achieved, whether he can indicate his status with the words: “I am a famous doctor” or “I am a famous journalist,” etc. .d. The word "famous" here has great importance for many - even if they hide it, people want such an adjective, meaning the measure of their influence, to exist.

Any existential problem can only be expressed in metaphor. For this situation, the words of Christ seem most appropriate to me: “You are the salt of the earth.” They sank into my soul from the first reading of the Gospel. I believe that cancer overtakes a person who begins to feel that he is no longer the salt of the earth.

We all know that salt adds flavor to food. But before the era of refrigerators, it also helped food preserve - there was simply no other way to preserve food. Therefore, in all cultures, salt has been a symbol of care. By exchanging salt, people emphasized their closeness and ability to protect each other. So, when a person feels that his creativity, the fruits of his labor are not needed by anyone or that he has no one else to preserve, very often he develops a tumor.

For example, my grandmother was the keeper of a large family - I kept in touch with both my second and fourth cousins. She always felt like a keeper, and indeed after her death the family fell apart, and contact with many distant relatives was lost. That is, to feel like the salt of the earth, it is not necessary to be widely known or in demand, but at least at the level of the family, the closest people - parents, husband, wife, children, grandchildren or friends - everyone needs it. And I don't think it's appropriate to talk about pride. Cancer overtakes both the proud and the modest and humble people. I prefer the “salt of the earth” metaphor.

And it is very important for a person of a creative profession - a writer, an artist, a composer - to understand (even if he pretends that he doesn’t care) that he will be read, watched, listened to for a long time. Artists (in the broad sense of the word) who believe in this often live long, but those who hope that a written book, painting, or music will immediately bring fame often get sick and die relatively early.

Of course, some kind of kind feedback is needed at least from someone: from a wife, husband, children, from those with whom you have connections. But often in reality, especially today, everyone is so absorbed in their own affairs that they don’t even have time to tell others kind word that even though he retired, we remember and appreciate his “role in history” - his contribution to science or art or caring for his family.

Not everyone can change with life

The feeling that you have ceased to be salt appears in different situations: for some it is associated with retirement, for others with a work decline, a creative crisis. In the 1990s, when Yeltsin actually closed the KGB - large cuts were made there, some departments were liquidated - he found himself outside the system, outside the office. great amount“black colonels” (they could be lieutenant colonels or even majors, but that’s not the point). They took care of them, offered to open companies or hired them as deputies in already opened ones, in general, as far as I know, they settled in quite well.

But there is a huge difference between the life of a colonel or lieutenant colonel in the KGB engineering department and the life of a director or deputy director of a company. The life of a director or deputy director of a company is constant bustle, running around, organizing, sales and resales, in general, all the delights of our so-called business. But not everyone can do this. In principle, not all. I don't know if I can. And then these people suddenly began to split into drug addiction and cancer patients - either they became drunkards, or they developed tumors.

Of course, not everyone got sick, but a lot of them – there was an outbreak, the oncologists themselves told me about it. The situation is clear. These people, almost the only ones in the country, lived, if not under communism, then certainly under socialism. From the very beginning of their service, they had a completely predictable career, a relatively short queue for an apartment, a car, trips to good sanatoriums– in general, clear and quite profitable rules of the game. They received not much more than ordinary Soviet employees, but thanks to the preferential supply system they were spared from the bustle of life on which we all spend a significant part of our time.

And suddenly they returned to this bustle against their own will. For many this turned out to be intolerable. It's not a matter of pride, it's not a matter of painful pride. I talked to many of them; some, of course, had pride, but not all of them. The problem is not rabid pride, but the fact that they did not fit into this world, could not understand the relationships in it. I had to change something in myself in order to become a new person - a member of the consumer society. Few people were able to cope with this task.

This is one example. My dad was a real believer Soviet man. An engineer, non-party, he did not have any benefits, lived only on his salary, but sincerely believed that the Soviet government was the best in the world. Unmercenary, completely devoid of pride, always acted according to his conscience and taught me this.

And in the mid-1980s, when I was already living separately, he read Rybakov’s “Children of the Arbat”, which had just been published in Friendship of Peoples, called me at night and asked me, my 25-year-old son: “Sasha, it really happened ? Is what he writes true?”

He died of cancer. A world where the truth had turned 180 degrees, required a completely different person, a person of some other faith. Dad, unlike me, didn’t know what Christianity was, and treated it with humor. Such a healthy Soviet engineer. By the way, he was non-partisan, but believed in communism and Soviet power. I think he, too, faced the need to become completely different, because his plan of life - on 120 rubles - already in the late 1980s did not allow him to live and, as you understand, it did not allow him to live honestly, in harmony with his conscience.

Despite all the different destinies, both the “black colonels” and the pope required some rebirth. For example, I did a lot of things - oncopsychology, narcology, psychotherapy - but my education and experience are applicable in all these areas. There was never a need to change everything radically, to become different.

Most of those who came to my oncopsychology groups (we are now planning to continue this practice in Moscow PND No. 23) various reasons faced the existential need to literally become different in order to get comfortable in this world (not in the material sense, but in the spiritual or psychological), but did not find the strength to do this. And for me, as a psychotherapist (I’m not an oncologist), the main thing in cancer treatment is the goals that a person sets for the future beyond the boundaries of his illness.

It is clear that we are all mortal, moreover, this is necessary for our development and creativity. If we found out that we are immortal (I'm talking about earthly life), we would immediately stop. Why rush if we have an unlimited supply of time? I’ll write a book or a symphony later, someday, but for now I’d rather lie on the sofa.

Death is necessary for us to act. We have an indefinite, but definitely short period of time so that we have time to become the salt of the earth. Therefore, the main thing in the treatment of oncology is to set some kind of goal.

Initially, there can be two goals: caring for other people or creativity, which inevitably includes this caring. Any creativity has meaning when a person creates for others, to give them beauty, to reveal to them something new about the world around them.

I think if there was a real Dorian Gray who put his life into a portrait, he would die of cancer. Because such creativity is fruitless. Creativity to the detriment of people, for example, the creation of a bomb or other weapons of mass destruction, also often has a detrimental effect on health. At least, among our and American bomb creators, many died of cancer, and I think that they got sick not only because of radiation.

The more awareness, the less pain

Surely to many what I say will seem heresy. Although everyone believes that the brain, soul, body are a single structure that controls the whole body nervous system. Life confirms the psychosomatic “heresy” - I have seen more than once how people who found purpose and strength to fight the feeling of total uselessness rose up.

For example, a 58-year-old woman, philologist, grandmother of three grandchildren. She had a traditional female tumor, she sat down at home and stopped doing anything. I managed to convince her that, firstly, it is not necessary to wait for the children to call - they work from morning to night, and she can dial the number herself, talk, find out how they are doing. Secondly, not only they, but also she is responsible for ensuring that her grandchildren grow up to be worthy people.

If children working from morning to night do not have the strength and time to take her grandchildren to museums, she should all the more use the time she has left to visit as many museums as possible with them, tell them about as many more favorite paintings, explain why he loves these particular paintings. She listened to my advice, 10 years have passed, and now she is raising her great-grandchildren.

I also had a girl who, at the age of 14, was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. Her parents put her at home, surrounded her with care, everyone was jumping around her, and I began to say things that were disgusting for my parents: “You are killing yourself. Have you dreamed of being an artist? So don’t sit at home, but go to a circle.”

Naturally, due to her illness, her figure changed, but I was relentless: “Do you dream of love? Try, no matter what, to look so that the boys will like you.” Thank God, her parents supported me, and she lived long enough, dying at 28 years old. Lived full life, I just don’t want to go into details so that it won’t be so recognizable.

I very often forced young men to write memoirs. He said: “You have your own attitude to life, to today’s events. Now your children are not interested in this, but by the age of 30 they will want to know who they are and where they come from.” The man wrote a memoir and published it at his own expense.

Of course, sooner or later we will all die. The question is whether to live out your life in complete helplessness, disappointment in everything, or to live interestingly until the last minute, to feel needed by someone.

There is no age or illness when a person cannot pick up a smart book or New Testament and think about the meaning of life, about specific employment, about specific creativity in this life stage. If I reflect and find meaning, I tend to live longer. If I don’t want to think with my head, soul or spirit, my body begins to think for me.

Everything that a person did not think through, was afraid of and did not overcome, wanted to express, but did not express, will be expressed in muscle tension, pain and illness. Also in dreams. We are not in the habit of analyzing own dreams, think about what they are telling us, about what troubles that we do not want to realize.

The more awareness there is in human life (in whatever language is closer to you - psychoanalytic, existential, Christian), the less painful it is and the easier death is. Illness is always a kind of metaphor for what we tried to hide from ourselves. source-http://www.oneoflady.com/2015/01/blog-post_68.html

Every year, more than 200 thousand children in the world are diagnosed with cancer, and half of them die. A tenth of cancer cases are detected only at the third stage, and in 8% of children, cancer is diagnosed at the fourth stage, which complicates treatment and reduces the chance of survival.

We talked about the difficulties of diagnosing oncology in children, the reasons for the increase in morbidity and the role of parents in the treatment process with the chief pediatric oncologist of the Ministry of Health, deputy director of the Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology of the Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center Vladimir Polyakov.

Maya Milich, AiF.ru: Is there a tendency for you and your colleagues to increase the number of young patients?

Vladimir Polyakov: Yes, such a trend can be observed. More noticeable processes occur in adults, the number of cancer patients is increasing, cancer is getting younger, and people aged 20-25 are starting to get sick. An increase in morbidity in children is also observed in all countries of the world, including here. But in Russia this is partly due to improved statistics - that is, the numbers are also growing due to better recording of cases.

- How can we explain the increase in incidence?

Exclusively factors external environment. Where the environment is poor, the number of malignant tumors in children is higher than in more favorable regions. But I note that in general the incidence of children with any diseases has increased, these include infections and allergic reactions, and much more. All negative factors accommodation, food, unfavorable psychological environment - affect people. The lifestyle of parents has a strong impact - the health of their children directly depends on how they behave, how they live, whether they drink, smoke, or eat properly. Now the health of the population as a whole is worse, which is why children are born weaker. If we take statistics according to the Apgar scale (a system for quickly assessing the condition of a newborn - editor's note), then previously children were born with 9-10 points, and now - 8-7. That is, the general background is worse.

- Is it possible to talk today about the possibility of preventing cancer in children?

- It’s possible, but here it’s more important to talk about how adults live. The health of young children depends on their parents. All illnesses suffered by a woman during pregnancy, work in hazardous industries, and the place of residence of the expectant mother have an effect. There is some data indicating a connection between the incidence of malignant tumors in children and the woman’s previous abortions. The age of the woman when she gives birth to the child also matters - the later, the more more likely the appearance of a neoplasm. Therefore, it is good when a woman gives birth at 19-20 years old, but taking into account today’s trend towards socialization and personal fulfillment in life, people think about children late. All the same factors apply to men, except that they are more likely to abuse alcohol, tobacco, and eat poorly. Anything that is generally not good can become a factor in the development of malignant tumors.

In children adolescence the disease is provoked by injuries, surges of hormones, all past illnesses, stress, even unhappy love may not be in vain. They, just like adults, are dependent on the environment and are influenced by it.

- Why do children get cancer? What theories are there on this matter?

Any of the factors triggers a mechanism that disrupts normal cell division. Today there are different theories about why exactly the mechanism of cancer cell formation is triggered. The main ones are the chemical and viral theories. The chemical one speaks about the influence of environmental factors, and the viral one says that the virus, entering the body, affects the cell in such a way that it unlocks the possibilities of its tumor transformation. That is, the virus thus affects immune system that she cannot stop this division. But these are just theories. If we knew exactly the nature of cancer, we could move to another level of treatment. But so far we have only means that can save a child from cancer - chemotherapy, radiation and surgical types influences, immunotherapy, and cancer biotherapy is now being developed.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Pesnya

- What tumors are most common in children?

If we take all tumors as 100%, then approximately half of them are malignant tumors of the blood tissue; the most common form is acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which, fortunately for us, we have learned to treat effectively. A little most tumors of a solid nature are tumors of soft tissues, bones, liver, kidneys, retina, thyroid gland and other organs. Among all solid tumors, brain tumors predominate. Treatment possibilities for different malignant neoplasms not the same. Some things are treated more successfully, some worse, but in general, if you take all the patients, 80% of the patients recover.

- Do many children come to you in a neglected state?

This problem is huge and intractable. Even in those countries where medicine is very poor good level, children often end up in the department in critical condition. In small countries this problem is less pressing. Firstly, there is less population there, and secondly, everything is closer, it’s easier to get to specialized center and check the reasons feeling unwell child.

In our country, this problem is relevant due to the large territory. Until a child from a distant village gets to the district center, and then to the regional center, time passes. There is no pediatric oncologist service in regional centers, so at this level it is very difficult to understand that a child is developing a malignant tumor in the initial stages.

Pediatricians rarely encounter malignant tumors, so specific symptoms may simply not be identified. The lack of oncological alertness plays a negative role. Children have a lot of workload now, so, for example, headache or fatigue may not be a warning.

At the same time, oncological diseases are often disguised as other diseases, for example, respiratory infections. You need to sound the alarm when the disease does not respond standard methods treatment. But often the child is treated until the last minute, until they understand that the disease is atypical. IN incomprehensible situations It is always better to immediately assume the worst of all diagnoses. After all, the smaller the stage, the simpler and more effective the treatment.

Often, late detection of cancer is associated with parents’ dislike of visiting a doctor at the clinic; parents do not like to take their children there because of queues and the spread of infections.

How can parents understand in time the severity of their child’s illness?

There are no exact initial signs; most often they are masks of other diseases. For example, if respiratory diseases recur or have an atypical course - this is already a reason to be wary. As a rule, the development of the disease is accompanied by increasing lethargy, weakness, irritability, refusal to eat, weight loss, decreased activity, increased fatigue - all this is a reason to consult a doctor. The cause of this condition can be anything, especially since many tumors in children have hidden localization. In any case, it is better to call a doctor at home or seek advice. A competent doctor will always suspect something and suggest additional research.

- What role do parents play in the treatment process?

- Many parents have a hard time accepting the news about their child’s illness; they don’t understand what to do next, how to live. But when they get to the department, it becomes easier - they see that they are not alone with such trouble, not alone in their misfortune, and it becomes easier. They see that someone is being treated, someone is better - this gives hope and strength to fight.

We also have psychologists working with parents and older children. Little children often do not understand what exactly they are sick with, but teenagers - they are aware of themselves, their future, and the struggle for a good psychological attitude It’s just as hard for them as it is for adults.

Parents should always be at one with the doctor. When there is good contact with the doctor, there is trust and mutual respect, then you are already fighting together, there is a well-coordinated alliance. If this is not the case, then the treatment turns out to be mechanistic. The attention of parents, their obedience and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations are important. The role of the mother in treatment is very important, especially considering that there is often a shortage of medical care staff.

And who will take care of the child better than the mother? All our mothers are close to their children. Although according to the law, children over 4-5 years old must be in the hospital without their parents. And we even have teenagers with their mothers, this is important not only from a technical point of view, for example, for hygienic assistance to the child, but also from a moral point of view. Parents monitor the condition of their children very carefully; they are the first to notice something, pay attention to complaints or behavioral characteristics of the child and promptly contact medical personnel for advice or help.

Cancer is a malignant tumor that affects inner fabrics body.

The disease received this name because in 90% of cases, malignant growths actually resemble a claw of cancer. World statistics speaks of 15-25% mortality from cancer. Cancer cells reproduce in the same way as cells in any other organ of our body. Depending on the development of tumors, cancer is divided into 4 stages, where 4 is the most severe.

Cause of cancer

The main causes of cancer are usually divided into 4 categories:

1. Physical factors.
Such factors have their influence when the body’s immunity is reduced. This includes radiation, ultra-violet rays and much more.

2. Chemical factors.
Carcinogenic substances can enter the body in the form of food (overcooked and smoked food, chips, low-quality chocolate, fast food, carbonated sweet water, etc.). Chemical factors causing cancer include exposure to foods chemical industry and some production processes.

3. Psychological reasons.
Home psychological reason cancer may be chronic, prolonged stress. Persistent state Stress greatly increases the risk of cancer.

4. Hereditary predisposition.
If your parents or close relatives have had cases of cancer, the risk of occurrence increases significantly, so you need to carefully monitor your health and take appropriate precautions

Symptoms of cancer in the early stages

In the early stages, symptoms of cancer are usually not noticeable. But due to compression of any nerves or penetration into blood vessels, pain, bleeding and malfunctions in the functioning of individual organs may occur. You need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

Prolonged non-healing of skin ulcers

The appearance of swelling or thickening

Unusual discharge and bleeding

Digestive disorders

Difficulty swallowing

Prolonged cough or the appearance of hoarseness

Changes in the shape, size and color of moles and warts

Frequent headaches

Chronic bone pain

Inexplicable and sudden loss appetite and weight

Body temperature is slightly elevated

Fast fatiguability

Unexplained deterioration in general condition

Self-breast examination can help detect cancer at an early stage

Frequent infectious diseases

Unreasonable dizziness, weakness and sweating

Ulcers and cracks on the tongue, gums, palate

Swelling of the lymph nodes

Feeling of heaviness in the stomach

Presence of bloody sputum when coughing

Chest pain or discomfort

A sharp decrease in visual acuity

Cancer Prevention

To minimize the risk of cancer, you should adhere to the following rules:

Watch your weight and avoid obesity

Avoid eating fats, smoked foods and foods containing nitrites

Add vitamins and fiber to your diet

Do not smoke or be near people who smoke

Do not expose your body to active ultraviolet radiation

Don't drink alcohol

Avoid places with poor ecology

Increase physical activity

Monitor your emotional and psychological state

Vaccinate against common infectious diseases(in particular, hepatitis B and C, human papilloma, Epstein-Barr)

There are many methods to combat cancerous tumors, the main ones include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and gamma knife. At radiation therapy irradiation occurs x-rays who only kill cancer cells, without the participation of healthy people. During chemotherapy, they are introduced into the body medications, suppressing tumor activity. Gamma knife removes tumor surgically. It is a radiosurgical unit that is used to treat a wide variety of malignant tumors in the cranial cavity.

Human body has its own antitumor systems that resist pathological neoplasms. But there is a cell loss factor, in which out of 10 cells in the tumor, 9 die. Main part of the loss tumor cells is determined by these body systems and also depends on their effectiveness. However, those cells that remain viable can support the growth of cancer. In the future it will begin to manifest itself certain symptoms and can be diagnosed.

Thus, humanity has not yet been able to completely overcome cancer, but it has become quite possible to reduce the risk of its occurrence, as well as take measures to treat it. No one is immune from cancer, but take action preventive measures everyone is obliged.

The editors of the site hope that in our article you found necessary information about cancer and methods of fighting it. Be healthy.
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