Breeding purebred dogs as a business. Breeding purebred dogs

Many people have heard that puppies of some breeds cost crazy amounts of money, and those who paid several hundred dollars for their dog know this firsthand. And there is a reasonable temptation to “recoup” the costs by participating in mating. But everyone also understands that keeping dogs is not easy, and they eat a lot. So is it worth starting a breeder business?

Reconomica presents an interview with the owner of a home kennel who breeds English bulldogs. We invited her to talk about the financial and moral aspects of her business in free form. The text turned out to be original, in a manner characteristic exclusively of “dog lovers,” but you can’t erase the words from the song. But everything is truthful and naturalistic.

My name is Lyudmila, age 41, I live in the suburbs of Kherson, in a picturesque place. Nearby are the Dnieper floodplains, and of course the Dnieper River. I have big house, where I live with my family - husband, son and nine English bulldogs.

I never planned to create a nursery; there was no talk of getting a dog at all. Everything happened spontaneously, consistently, but not from the nursery, but from what fate gave us wonderful dog, the best in the world, smart, tactful, kind - I don’t know how many epithets I could say about him. The boy's name was Holmes. He recently passed away, and I have not yet recovered from grief and sorrow. Thanks to him, I fell in love with this breed, Holmes became the first swallow in my nursery, the father of my first bulldog children, and also my teacher and inspirer.

In 2003, my family and I went to the Arabatskaya Strelka to relax. My little son was only six months old, and this trip to the sea was the first in his life. That same evening a dog wandered onto our veranda - it was Holmes. He didn’t look very good, thin, lethargic, covered in some kind of thorns. Of course, we gave him something to eat. I can’t remember what happened next without tears - the boy came up to me, licked me and looked at me like that... I realized that I couldn’t help but take him home, this is my dog ​​and leaving him in this boarding house would be beyond my strength.

I found out from the owner of the establishment that the dog was brought by vacationers at the beginning of summer, they themselves left, and left him behind. So he walks around the territory, begging. At first he ran around looking for his people, but then he resigned himself.

The opportunities that a purebred dog offers you

At that time we lived in a two-room apartment, but my husband was finishing the construction of the house, all that was left was just a little cosmetics and furniture to be delivered. I understood that it would be hard for me, dog, Small child, but we returned home together - Holmes snoring at my feet.

Pedigree is serious

A mark was discovered on the dog, and it became clear that he was not an ordinary guy. An accident forced me to study his pedigree; on a walk we met a wonderful girl - a bulldog. The owner said that she plans to breed her soon, and that if we don’t mind, then she would like to see Holmes as her groom. But there was one condition - the documents must be in order, since the dog is a show dog, and the puppies need a pedigree.

Using the brand, I found the breeder and called him. From the photograph, he determined which litter the dog was from and to whom it was sold. Through a local club he helped me restore my documents and pedigree. He also explained the situation, how Holmes ended up abandoned. It turns out that the owner died, and his son and daughter-in-law simply left him while they were on vacation. The breeder contacted them, but they refused to communicate.

How my puppy business started

We received our first puppy, also a boy, who was exchanged at another kennel for two girls. At that time, I had my first plans for creating a nursery. I didn’t work, my son was growing up, I had a lot of time. I decided that I would start with these two bitches, and if everything worked out, I would expand my business. The husband promised to help financially if the need arises.

But the girls still needed to grow up, and I suffered a lot with raising them. They turned out to be so fast that sometimes my nerves gave way. While they were little, they cried for their mother, fortunately Holmes helped a lot - he slept with them, licked them, and by three months the girls began to gnaw on everything that came in their way, including my legs. But nothing, I coped with it, severity, affection, everything was there, by the year I became well-mannered and cultured ladies. We missed the first heat, and mating took place on the second. Holmes was over the moon, as was I, when she found out we were expecting puppies.

Is it difficult to sell puppies?

She looked after them like crystal vases. Vitamins, feeding, maintenance, everything was the best. My dogs lived in the house, I immediately decided that there would be no cages or enclosures. We were observed at a local clinic, everything was going well, but closer to the birth I found a veterinarian who would do C-section at home. The fact is that English bulldogs cannot give birth on their own due to their special body structure; the bitch may die if she is not helped surgically.

The first gave birth to six babies, and the second eight.There were nine males and five females in the litter. I was pleased, because there is a greater demand for boys.

All puppies were beautiful, healthy, without visible flaws. I already had buyers for half of the puppies. I didn’t even look for them, but the information spread on its own - through friends, through the employees of the clinic where we were observed. Some came and chose their children when they were not even a week old.

How much does breeding purebred dogs at home bring?

Everyone was fed by their mothers; I didn’t have to spend money on complementary food, which is very expensive for puppies. All my dogs only ate natural food, I haven’t even tried giving dry food. By two months the puppies were dismantled. By that time they were feeding on their own and were already beginning to show character. I sold the boys for $500, and the girls for $400. By agreement with the buyers, it was decided that they would take care of the paperwork; I only provided the parents’ pedigrees.

My business was not legal, I did not buy a license to run a nursery, which simplified things a little. Of course, the canine services could have attached themselves to me, but three adult dogs are not a kennel yet.

The proceeds from the first litters amounted to more than six thousand dollars.The profit inspired me, but the moral factor depressed me a little.

It was too hard to part with the kids, crying after each one, and then calling the new parents a hundred times. I warned them that if they couldn’t handle it and decided to give it away, then let them take it to me - I’d return the money and take the puppy. No one returned them, everything went well, but I didn’t stop supervising them, and the new owners asked for advice.

Business expansion

I came to my senses a little and went to the Kharkov nursery to get puppies - I needed more girls for my business. There were options to take one-year-old females, but I didn’t dare. It is not known what cockroaches adult dogs can have, what hidden diseases. It’s better to educate yourself than to correct who knows what. English bulldog- the breed is not very simple, the character is still the same, not everyone can cope with it. They are almost impossible to train, or rather, they don’t want to. The Bulldog needs to be understood and negotiated with him, otherwise he can have a fun life.

I bought one and a half month old girls for $300. The color was a little different from mine - they were all red and white, but I took the brindle ones, these are also in demand. It took me a year to raise the young animals; I also did not breed adult bitches, since after a caesarean section a break is needed for the dog to recover normally. Some people don’t do this, they use it to the fullest, and by the age of five the dog can no longer give birth, and they get rid of it. I learned a lot of scary things about this business. What to do, cruel people There are many in our society, unfortunately.

The timing coincided that almost at the same time all my girls went for a walk, the interval was about a week. Holmes had to work hard. By that time he had become so portly and overweight that sometimes he had to help - there is such a practice when mating. I thought that Holmes should be put on a diet, since the loads are too heavy for him, weighing up to 40 kilograms does not contribute to conception.

Difficulties of working with dogs

Like last time, all the bitches ended up in a position, but one of the young girls got into trouble. She was bitten by a snake while walking. From our house to the river there is no more than five hundred meters, and sometimes snakes appeared on the site. But the poisonous viper crawled in for the first time. And it had to happen that just at that time we found ourselves next to her. The girl felt bad, she was out of breath, and spent almost a day on an IV. We lost the puppies, but the dog survived. I was upset, although I understood that until that time everything was too good.

The births followed one after another, I didn’t sleep for almost three days, I had to call my mother for help, because besides the dogs I also had a child and a husband, and there was absolutely no time left for cooking. What kind of food was there, there was no time to take a shower. After last birth breathed a sigh of relief, but was overjoyed.

One of the young bitches, after anesthesia, did not want to feed the puppies. She had milk, but she showed aggression towards the babies, and I did not dare leave her alone with the puppies.

For several more days I struggled with her postpartum depression(it turns out that this happens in dogs too), she fed the puppies with formula, and placed them with other mothers. But my cuckoo decided to change her mind and accepted the puppies at the next attempt, as if nothing had happened. Finally, I was able to get some sleep.

Many dogs - many problems

Two months later I calculated the profit - almost 10 thousand dollars.

Five of my puppies went to Spain, two to Germany, the rest to different cities of Ukraine. I didn’t really look for buyers, I advertised, and they got in touch. Word of mouth worked successfully. I gave my clients the opportunity to choose a puppy, watch adult dogs, and learn something. But most of all they liked the fact that they could see the parents of their future children and know in advance what they would grow up to be. My husband joked that it was time to open a hotel, since some people stayed with us. This didn’t bother me, the house was huge, and I had nothing to hide.

What do breeders do with older dogs when they can no longer be bred?

Again there was a year break, and again my family was replenished with three young ladies and one male. Holmes did his job well, but as the years passed, he grew fatter. After active walks, the guy was breathing heavily, which means his heart was failing. I didn’t want to risk his health, so I had to take care of my partner. There was no question of a replacement, but he could use some help.

I was afraid that the dogs would start fighting, but Holmes turned out to be so wise that he did not react in any way to the antics of the impudent young man. And he resigned himself and realized that he had chosen a stupid tactic in behavior. Sometimes the ladies allowed themselves all sorts of liberties and sorted things out not always tactfully. One even had to have her ear sewn shut. There were all sorts of cases, even I got it when I pacified them.

I decided that I was knitting the first two girls for the last time - the third stitch would be their last. But keeping them in such a huge family was difficult for me. So I started looking for them good hands. You can judge me for this, but if you look at it, I didn’t want anything bad for the dogs. And I found families for them such that the girls ended up with loving and caring parents. Naturally, no one was going to knit them, and for this there is a certain procedure when drawing up a contract.

Over time, my small business grew into a nursery

A separate house was built for the dogs at the far end of the yard - there were too many of them for our living space. Only Holmes and one other young lady remained with us. She was the most wayward and often got into fights with her friends. The dog's house consisted of three separate rooms and a kitchen where I prepared food for them. The room was heated, so the dogs were comfortable. They walked all over the yard, we often went out to the river, but only on leashes and in turns.

I sold the next brood for 15 thousand dollars. Half of them went abroad, now I contact new families via Skype. I try not to lose sight of any of my pets. Everyone's fate was quite successful, only the boy changed owners twice - things didn't work out in the first family, and the second couldn't cope with him either. But in the third everything turned out to be fine.

Over the entire period that my nursery has existed, the net profit amounted to up to 50 thousand dollars, I spent up to 20 thousand on food, doctors, medicine, and all other related little things.

Maybe for some this amount does not seem sufficient, but for me it is real opportunity earn money, and on top of everything - do what you love. I myself do not regard my activities as clean business. I get a lot of pleasure from my dogs, I adore them all, I worry about each one as if I were my own children.

The emotional side of business

This year there was a terrible loss - Holmes died. He left quietly, in his sleep. I knew this would happen someday, but I didn't want to think about it. He lived good life, giving us so much love and happiness.Now I can confidently say about the biggest disadvantage of my business - separation. I mean not only death, but the fact that you have to give away the puppies, but you also become attached to them. He’s still just a baby, but he’s already a character, he doesn’t like something, he has his own preferences in nutrition. He leaves for someone else’s family, and then you wonder if his habits will begin to break.

I am not going to stop my activities, everything is working out for me, and I have become a real dog handler. People come to me for consultations, and I help many people correct their pets’ behavior. I go to the veterinarian only during childbirth; in other cases, I successfully treat dogs on my own. Not to save money, I just know much more about my dogs and problems than doctors.

Costs of being a breeder

I would like to see more control over nurseries from the relevant authorities. Many of them are in a terrible state, they work like a real conveyor belt, and they do not care at all about the health of the dogs. But unfortunately, there is an absolute hole in this area - no one cares about animals. Only volunteers sometimes find such kennels and try to save the dogs. This is a rare case when something like this succeeds.

Therefore, I would like to say to those who decided to organize dog kennel- think a hundred times whether you can combine business and love for animals so that the latter do not suffer, whether you have the strength to stay awake at night, tinker with the little ones, treat, feed, walk, and much, much more that we give to our human family.

The owner of the nursery is a parent with many children whose children never grow up.

Constant attachment to home - how to abandon children with strangers? I am lucky in this regard: the veterinarian who has been guiding us from the first day is just like me, in love with dogs, and enjoys staying with animals. This gives me the opportunity to relax with my family at sea. I do this when the birth is over and the puppies have settled into their new home.

You also need to be strong in spirit, have a strong character and sufficient knowledge. I had to learn a lot of things on the fly, so I made mistakes. But this is how my circumstances developed, and it is better to be prepared for all difficulties. You also need to have a material base; keeping dogs is quite expensive and the profit from them does not appear in the near future. But if you love dogs with all your heart, then go for it, everything will work out.

The business will be successful then when the person doing it is completely devoted to his work, delving into all the details of production. Dog breeding as a business requires love for animals and a lot of free time.

In Russia, dog breeders were engaged in breeding dogs; now businessmen and aspiring entrepreneurs have paid attention to this area. For this business it is important to understand all the nuances in the organization own enterprise, in order to become a successful dog breeder. Let's look at where it's best for an entrepreneur to start, and what dog breeds are in demand.

Famous breeders formulated the formula good job, which includes such areas as:

    Knowledge about dog breeding.

    The entrepreneur's competence in the chosen direction.

    Optimism in enterprise organization.

    Some luck.

There are many variations of the reasons for starting dog breeding, dog breeding, as a business should be based on a competent approach and calculations. A new entrepreneur should know that breed of dog, These are not only individuals of the same type, but a biological species of animals in evolution.

When starting a dog breeding business, you need to have an idea of ​​animal selection. There are 2 areas of work in dog breeding, these are:

    raising breeding dogs;

    breeding of pets (custom direction).

In the basics of dog breeding, there are methods that breeders resort to to obtain “pure” breeds, these are:

    unrelated method (outbreeding), a common method now, imported dog breeders are used;

    related method (inbred), the population continues from one dog family, strict selection of offspring is applied;

    linear breeding is a group of animals from a single ancestor, there are blood lines and breeding lines;

    interline dog breeding.

When breeding dogs, an entrepreneur must remember that the quality of puppies will be higher from hereditary sires. Determination in the selection of partners only strengthens the genetic properties of the breed, thereby each generation improves its appearance.

How to start a dog breeding business

Breeding dogs, where to start for an entrepreneur who wants to open his own business and is very kind to animals? Experts recommend starting everything with calculations and conducting an analysis, namely:

    Collect information about the state of the dog breeding market in the region, find out which breeds are in greatest demand, which ones are in less demand, and what an “animal lover” wants to purchase.

    Choose a dog breed for breeding, collect more information about it, and plan breeding methods.

    Calculate the funds required to purchase animals and analyze the profitability of this activity.

When all the planned preparatory work for opening your own business is completed, the novice breeder will have a plan of real action ready for execution.

How to analyze the market

In every city there are many people who want to have a pet at home, a dog - this is their best friend, and purebred pets also give them status. Pay attention when analyzing the market for the need for such demand factors as:

    how many people in percentage terms want to have decorative dogs in their home;

    V rural areas and the suburbs, pay attention to hunting lovers, for them the hunting breed is preferable;

    what % ratio are the most popular dog breeds in your city.

It is also necessary to analyze the advertising campaigns that will be conducted for the sale of puppies. They can be sold in special stores or markets. It is recommended to actively use the Internet for the purpose of selling offspring.

Selling cute puppies is always fun, they cause a lot of positive emotions from buyers.

Which breed to choose to start your own business? breeding and keeping dogs depends on the initial capabilities of the entrepreneur. The following factors influence the choice:

    what area can be used to organize the enterprise;

    what living conditions can a beginning breeder provide;

    what is the availability of own and borrowed funds to open a business.

An entrepreneur always wants to achieve maximum results; in dog breeding, this means initially choosing the “ideal” dog for breeding, which must meet:

    In nutrition, be proportionate in food intake.

    Have an easy-going character and a friendly disposition.

    Possess good intelligence and the ability to train quickly.

    Appropriate dog sizes at home.

    Resistance to diseases, resistance to climatic changes.

    Stability in reproduction.

    The cost of puppies is quite high.

In reality, there is not a single breed of dog that fits all the parameters of an “ideal” dog. The entrepreneur will have to choose based on the buyer’s priorities.

Analysis of the dog breeding market and demand for offspring purebred dogs showed that the following dog breeds are in demand in Russia:

Breed of dog

Brief description of the species

Cocker Spaniel

The dog is friendly, easy-going, and plays well with small children. A purebred puppy costs from 20,000 rubles.


A small dog, very loved by women and children, has many shades of color, recommended for small apartments. The cost of a puppy is from 12,000 rubles.

German Shepherd

High level of intelligence, devotion to the owner, excellent training. The cost of a purebred puppy with a pedigree starts from 15,000 rubles.


A very loyal friend, can be used as a guide dog. The cost of a purebred puppy is from 15,000 rubles.

English bulldog

Gets along well with children, strong dog, little shedding, good guard. Puppy price from 10,000 rubles.


Devoted friend, good protector, well trained, smart breed, has the ability to observe, gets along well with children. The cost of a purebred puppy starts from 15,000 rubles.


Refers to hunting breed. Excellent watchman, flexible disposition, clever dog. The cost of a puppy is from 10,000 rubles.


Plays great with children, a family favorite, a small dog with an ancient pedigree. Puppies from 12,000 rub.


A good family pet, gets along well with children, good watchdog properties, small dog. Puppies from 20,000 rub.

Pomeranian Spitz

A cheeky, smart little dog, well trained, well-developed powers of observation, a friend in the family, plays with children. Puppies from 30,000 rub.

When you have made your choice, you need to read information material about the breed, which reflects its content, and contact the breeders of this breed for practical, real recommendations.

Dog breeding, or in other words, being a breeder, is a long-term business with large initial investments.

How to start a dog breeding business

An enterprise for breeding purebred dogs, as a business, needs the daily attention of the entrepreneur. Purebred dog breeding requires daily care and appropriate feeding of pets.

You cannot start your own business by breeding purebred dogs in cages. This is detrimental to the health of the pets and is also not humane, which can create a negative reputation for your business.

For successful production and starting your own business, the following factors must be observed in organizing the event:

    Creation of an aviary. There are no personal requirements for premises for breeding dogs, but it is desirable that the production be located outside the city limits, preferably in a village, not far from the city. As a home for dogs, a house (kennel) is built in an enclosure. You can order it or build it yourself. The enclosure should be light and clean, with normal air humidity.

    Daily nutrition. According to the developed plan and the age of the pets, they need to be fed several times every day according to the diet. Food for a purebred dog must contain the entire group essential vitamins, there are complex, ready-made feed, which cost from 1000 rubles or more.

    Pet drinking. There should always be water in the enclosures, which is changed regularly and periodically. It is necessary to think through the supply of water, including the organization of a drinking water system.

    Vitamins should be added to the food based on the requirements of the dog breed chosen for breeding.

    Disease prevention, vaccinations. Vaccinations necessary for successful growth and mandatory for the health of pets are carried out veterinary service, and routine examinations animals.

    Hygiene and care products. A beginning breeder must have a room in which equipment for cleaning enclosures, as well as hygiene products, will be stored. We also need to think about collars, bowls, toys for young offspring. It is recommended to purchase in bulk to save money.

A well-thought-out plan for organizing an enterprise This is half the success, a working navigator that you need to periodically look into until the entrepreneur gains his own experience.

Subtleties of dog breeding

Experienced specialists and factory owners do not recommend using borrowed funds to start your own business (there are risks that an entrepreneur cannot influence). A dog breeding business plan should be based on sufficient quantity own funds. Experts also say that the opinion that determines starting a business with one bitch and successful development production is erroneous.

To open your own enterprise, it is recommended to have at least 3 females of the chosen breed, then we can talk about the high profitability of this business, but I always start a dog breeding project with one female. This will test the skills of the novice breeder, how he will communicate with the pet, after which you can think about expanding the nursery. The optimal solution, according to well-known breeders of purebred dogs, is an enterprise with 16-20 breeding dogs.

    do a pilot project with one dog, when all the unselected “flaws” are found out, reduce costs as much as possible, decide on suppliers of food and other necessary things;

    starting to expand production gradual increase sires and females, direct dependence, more puppies, more profit;

    Always, if possible, exhibit females at exhibitions, engage in training with them, pay attention to their appearance; clients will respond positively to awards and insignia of the puppies’ parents.

This business has related services for development (dog grooming, veterinary examination, feeding), when everything is organized correctly and after the expansion of the kennel, this service business can be continued. You can open a store near the nursery that sells cows to the public, organize a dog hairdresser, and equip a small emergency veterinary service.

Many entrepreneurs breed purebred dogs additional business and for them big number Dogs are difficult to manage and care for. For this reason, it is recommended that a small nursery have only females of the selected breed. This is easily proven by the fact that for mating you can always take the bitch to a purebred dog. Eat international rules, which regulate the relationship between the owner of the bitch and the owner of the dog on random risks(death of an animal).

Females give birth to dogs once a year, and a purebred male can provide his “services” many times a week. Therefore, if you have even one purebred male to develop your business, you can breed him with many females that will be provided by other breeders. Payment usually occurs after the birth of offspring, in puppies or money. The owner of a male dog has the right to choose one puppy.

How to plan a mating

Having a purebred female of the chosen breed, the question always arises: how to decide on the choice of cable for her? For money and using Internet resources, you can find the required breeder.

International experience in breeding purebred dogs involves mating not only in one country, but also with representatives of the breed in other countries. This means that searching for a purebred dog with a pedigree is a responsible undertaking.

What need to do:

    Objectively evaluate the finished bitch from your kennel: indicate her advantages; if there are disadvantages, it is also recommended not to hide them.

    Remember that when looking for a male, you need the best male sire.

Features of the choice are the character of the dog; for breeding mating, it is not advisable to mate with a cowardly dog ​​or one that is too aggressive. When you have correctly assessed your female, you can choose a male throughout Russia, the main thing is that he has more advantages and does not have the same disadvantages as the female.

Profitability of dog breeding

To properly understand the issue of dog breeding as a business, whether it is profitable or not, let us present calculations of the profitability of an event per female. It should be noted that a purebred bitch must be fed and cared for until she is 1.5 years old, taken to exhibitions, only after that she will be ready for mating.

During this time, the beginning breeder, in addition to experience in obtaining the first offspring, will decide on other components of the business (where to get food, how to keep dogs). When an entrepreneur is ready to expand, he will already understand what and where to get, namely:

    purchase of a purebred female - 25 thousand rubles;

    feeding one individual, including a group of vitamins – 10 thousand rubles;

    maintenance and care – 35 thousand rubles;

    hygiene, flea control – 3 thousand rubles;

    veterinarian services – 5 thousand rubles;

    export to exhibitions – 7 thousand rubles;

    fee for the work of a male dog - 10 thousand rubles;

    after the birth of the offspring, you can pay with a puppy;

    accessories (collar, bowl, toys) – 5 thousand rubles;

After the puppies are born, you can calculate the profit. The total expenses are 95 thousand rubles, and the income from the birth of 6 puppies is obtained after their sale, 20 thousand for each 120 thousand. The exact cost and figures largely depend on the chosen breed and female, what kind of pedigree she has. It can be seen that one cycle brought 25 thousand rubles in profit, after which you can already expand your own production.← Back

The friendship between man and dog has continued since those ancient times, when people just began to live in large settlements and master hunting large animals. Dogs were the first guards and helpers. They didn't demand special care, ate the remains of human food and were always ready for service. More than tens of millennia have passed since then. People's lives have changed, but a dog still counts best friend person. Thanks to the work of breeders, today every family can choose a pet that will be most comfortable living in the existing conditions. The variety of breeds of these domestic animals and their mutual friendship with humans are good prerequisites for starting dog breeding as a business and making a good profit.

What is a dog breeding business?

You can engage in a business such as dog breeding either at home or by organizing a kennel. These are two completely different approaches to business. They require different financial investments and different efforts from the breeder. At the same time, it cannot be said that the nursery can give the breeder such a profit that cannot be compared with the income of those who raise puppies at home for sale.

Running a nursery is both troublesome and responsible. This is done by professionals veterinary education, dog handlers who most dedicated their lives to working with dogs. Their activities are not limited to selling puppies: they raise dogs, train them, hold competitions, participate in the work of various kennel clubs, that is, they work closely on the development of dog breeding as an industry.

Anyone who has been interested in dog breeding knows that the cost of dogs of some breeds can be several tens of thousands of dollars. But you shouldn’t think that having bought an expensive purebred bitch or dog, you can immediately start making big money from their offspring. In fact, than more expensive dog, the more expensive its maintenance is. Moreover, it is difficult to find a buyer for very expensive puppies. Therefore, an expensive dog is, first of all, a big expense, and only then a chance to make good money.

Breeding dogs of popular breeds in the middle price category is considered more profitable. If the price of a puppy exceeds $600, then it will not be easy to sell it, no matter what advantages a representative of this breed has.

The following dog breeds are currently most popular for breeding:

When choosing a breed for breeding, be guided by your own taste and preference, because before you make money on these dogs, you must put a lot of effort into them. And working with animals for whom the soul “does not lie” is not only futile, but also unprofitable.

What do you need to breed dogs?

To understand where to start breeding dogs and how to become a breeder, evaluate the resources that you have. Knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine and practical experience working with animals are considered useful for dog breeding. Read about it.

But even if you have practical skills and knowledge, do not expect that you can do without the help of professional veterinarians when breeding dogs. Qualified dog care is necessary in many cases (infections, injuries, congenital diseases etc.)

It is best to agree with a trusted veterinarian who will examine your dog population once a month and provide emergency assistance. Such service (excluding medications) will cost you about 10 thousand rubles per month.

The premises for dogs must meet the requirements for keeping a particular breed. If a breeder decides to breed dogs of the toy group, then appropriate conditions must be created for them. Warm and bright room with space for games, ceramic floors and dry bedding. No sharp corners, wires, tall structures, etc.

Labradors and shepherds can be kept in enclosures, which should also be warm, comfortable and clean.

Cleanliness and facilities for dogs are very important, because when planning to sell puppies, you must ensure that the animals have an attractive appearance, matching the exterior. Violation temperature regime in the room where a dog lives, untimely cleaning can ruin the appearance of your charges as much as bad food, lack of physical activity and proper veterinary care.

If you don’t know where to start breeding dogs, consult with experienced dog breeders who specialize in the breed you have chosen, and show them the premises where you plan to set up a place for dogs. Also consult with your veterinarian and only then make a final plan for your start. You may find information on how to obtain .

The initial refurbishment of existing premises will cost you up to ten thousand rubles. The biggest costs at the start will be associated with the purchase of puppies or adult dogs. If you immediately intend to start dog breeding as a business, then take two females; also, depending on finances, you can take one male. This purchase will cost you approximately 100 thousand rubles.

Do you like taking care of animals? Why not turn your favorite activity into profitable business? Read. All about how to organize a profitable business temporary overexposure pets.

Find out what kind of income it can generate.

Starting your own business does not always require large investments. For example, you can start practically from scratch and gradually develop to open a small pet store.

Selling puppies and making your first profit

The first mating for females can be done at the age of about a year. Pregnancy in dogs lasts about two and a half months. Accordingly, if you took three-month-old puppies for breeding, then at least 1.3 years must pass before you receive your first profit. This long term, given that during this time the dog must eat very well and be examined regularly by a veterinarian.

By the time the first puppy is sold, the total cost will be approximately 200 thousand rubles (purchase of the dogs themselves, purchase of food, payment for veterinary care). In one litter, dogs on average have three to four viable and healthy puppies. By selling them, you can earn about 200 thousand rubles.

In order not to spoil the health of bitches, they should be bred no more than three times in two years. A male dog will also bring you puppies, and for each mating with which the breeders will give you a puppy. After selling the first litter from two females, the initial investment should pay off.

Breeding dogs is difficult, but interesting activity, however, any breeder must understand the responsibilities and risks associated with breeding. Sure, everyone loves little puppies running around the house, but puppies also require large quantity time and attention. If you would like to breed dogs, you should consider whether you are ready for it.


How to make a decision

    Research the information. To make an informed decision about breeding dogs, you need to study all the available information. You need to understand what the process consists of and what you will need to do. Read books from reputable veterinarians and breeders. Talk to your veterinarian about the pros and cons. Ask other breeders about the challenges they face.

    • Look for books written by veterinarians. Reliable sources of information include the books Breeding Dogs by Phyllis Holst and Dogs and Breeding by Hillery Harmar.
  1. Analyze the reasons why you want to breed dogs. The only reason to breed dogs is to improve the breed. If you have spent the last two years or longer caring for and training your dog, you may make a good breeder. In order to get healthy puppies that match the breed, you will need to devote a lot of time to breeding and study a lot of information.

    • Don't breed dogs to sell them as pets. This is an unethical and unprofitable way to breed dogs. Such breeding creates a corresponding market, due to which low-quality nurseries appear throughout the country. Be responsible for breeding - do not contribute to the worsening of the situation by creating a huge number of pets.
    • Conscious breeding is a responsible endeavor that requires money and time.
  2. Analyze the current situation. Make sure your dog represents all the best qualities of the breed. This can be done with the help of experts. If you want to improve the breed, it is important to make sure that your dog is one of the 10% of dogs that have all best characteristics breeds Your dog should have a positive impact on the genetic pool of the breed.

    Find out what are the best dogs to breed. There are several types of dogs that are best suited for breeding. There are also characteristics that can be passed on to puppies. Can be bred service dogs who know how to bring prey and control the behavior of herd animals. Can also be bred show dogs, which are assessed as external characteristics, and by temperament.

How to choose a dog for breeding

    Choose a dog. You need to decide which of your dogs will participate in the breeding. You need to choose a female as well as a male. Both dogs must have the characteristics discussed above.

    • You can take a male dog from another breeder if you don’t have your own. This usually costs money. By agreement, the owner of the bitch can choose the puppies that he will keep for himself. All agreements must be written down and signed so that each party has rights to the puppies.
  1. Evaluate your dog's genetics. Study the genetic information of dogs. Check which good qualities Relatives had dogs. To do this, you will need a pedigree and related documents. The male and female should not be relatives - this will preserve the purity of the breed and prevent genetic defects in the offspring.

    Observe the dogs' behavior. Analyze the character of both dogs. They must behave well both with each other and with other dogs. If breeding involves friendly and calm dogs, this increases the likelihood of producing offspring with a similar character. Aggressive and cowardly dogs should not participate in breeding work as they are dangerous.

    Check the age of the dogs. Both dogs must be of suitable age for breeding. Most often, the dog must be about two years old. Many genetic problems appear after 24 months, the presence of which can be determined using special research. For example, some veterinary clinics Children are not tested for dysplasia until they are two years old. The dog must have a microchip or tattoo with the data necessary for the study. This will help avoid falsification of survey results.

    • In females, estrus begins between 6 and 9 months of age. After the first cycle, estrus occurs every 5–11 months. Females typically begin breeding after two years and 3–4 estrus cycles. By this time, the dog has reached full sexual maturity and is physically able to bear and give birth to puppies.

Dog examination

How to start

  1. Wait until the female is in heat. Mating is possible only during estrus. Heat cycles can occur at different intervals, so keep an eye on your dog. The genital area will begin to swell. Bloody discharge is possible. If there is a male nearby, he will show special interest in the female.

    Consider artificial insemination. This will allow you to get offspring if you do not have a male. Frozen sperm in liquid nitrogen can be shipped worldwide. She should be thawed in a special way, and then the female should be fertilized with her. Consider this option if you are unable to mate in the usual way.

  2. Monitor the female's health. If you are sure fertilization has occurred, separate the dogs. Give your dog balanced food. You can also give vitamins (for example, calcium). Vitamins must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

    • Feed your dog nutritious food and vitamins throughout pregnancy. Typically, dogs carry puppies for 58–68 days.
    • Prevent fleas from appearing in the doghouse and on your dog's bed. Clean the area, cover it with a clean cloth, and offer the dog clean water.
  3. Be aware that during pregnancy the appearance of your nipples and mammary glands changes. Towards the end of pregnancy, the mammary glands fill with milk. In the last three weeks, the dog needs to be given more food. Discuss nutrition with your veterinarian.

    • Typically, pregnant dogs are given puppy food during the last three weeks of pregnancy. It is more nutritious and provides the dog and puppies with everything necessary substances. This food also helps the dog prepare for lactation.

How to deliver a baby

  1. Prepare the birth box. The dog will give birth in this box. The box should be 15 centimeters longer than the dog in the prone position, and at least 30 centimeters wider. There should be a grab bar in the box to prevent the dog from laying on the puppies when they are born.

    • Line the bottom of the box with several layers of plastic bags and newspaper alternately. This will keep the box clean. You will be able to simply pull out the layer of newspaper and plastic without replacing the entire bedding. Place clean towels or cloth inside that can be easily washed.
  2. Stay alert. You will need to notice when labor is approaching. Find out how dog birth occurs. When your dog begins to give birth, make sure that strong contractions do not last longer than 30 to 45 minutes. If the puppy is not born after 45 minutes of strong contractions, this may indicate complications.

    • An X-ray at 45 days of pregnancy will allow the veterinarian to determine the number of puppies. The doctor will also see large puppies that can cause problems during delivery. This information will prepare you and your veterinarian to possible need do a caesarean section and you will know how many puppies are due.

When thinking about what breed of dog is profitable to breed for sale, you should take into account a lot of nuances, including the cost of breeding dogs and bitches, care and maintenance of the offspring, as well as the likely price of the puppy. When choosing such a business, you should keep in mind that main goal The right breeder was and is preserving the purity of the breed.

Northern working dog, active and hardy, with thick hair and a characteristic pattern on the face. Thanks to its peaceful character and external beauty, it is adopted everywhere - this dog is especially popular in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk. Future owners are not embarrassed that the temperamental dog is not suitable for keeping in a city apartment and can run away forever during a walk. The puppies are selling like hotcakes. A show-class baby costs from 20,000 rubles, and a toddler without documents can be purchased for 3,000 rubles.

The first standard for this breed was exclusively black Labradors with a deep charcoal color.

A kind, loyal and patient companion dog with excellent service qualities. It is distinguished by endurance, high intelligence, a patient attitude towards other pets, and also a love for children. The Labrador adapts well to apartment life, although it loves long walks. It is not particularly difficult to care for, so it is suitable for novice dog owners. The average cost of a puppy from a kennel with a full set of documents is at least 18,000 rubles.

Shepherd dogs serve in the police, help rescuers and make life easier for blind and deaf people by working as guide dogs.

This is a shepherd dog, which, in addition to working in the pastures, does an excellent job of protecting the house and its owners, and is also trainable and is distinguished by its intelligence and intelligence. The animal requires mandatory training and is more suitable for service use, living in conditions country house, but often turns out to be an apartment pet. Despite the fact that shepherd dogs have long ceased to be a rarity, they are still one of the most popular breeds of domestic dogs. A puppy from elite producers can cost from 25,000 rubles.

American Cocker Spaniel

If American cocker Since a spaniel grows up with a cat, they often have a very close relationship

A hunting dog that helps hunt birds and other game. This is a hardy, handsome animal with a cheerful character and beautiful silky fur. He adores children, is easy to train, is quick-witted, and is able to accept independent decisions. The Cocker Spaniel is unobtrusive and delicate. He senses his owner's mood and is always ready to cheer him up. A puppy will cost 25,000 rubles, and a specimen for exhibitions will cost three times as much.

Yours official name The breed was named after the historical region of Pomerania, which is located on the Baltic coast

Representatives of the breed are playful, charming and daring dogs that have lightning-fast reactions and can bark loudly. Spitz are classified as small decorative dogs, but they don’t realize this, so they consider themselves large and brave animals, always ready to rush into battle and stand up for themselves. Externally, Spitz dogs differ: some resemble fluffy foxes, while others resemble teddy bear cubs. The latter are especially valued in Europe and the USA, so their cost amounts to thousands of dollars. In Russia, a young Pomeranian with documents can be bought for 35,000–40,000 rubles.

Samoyed huskies natural hunters with a strong stalking instinct

This is a large and strong northern dog, dressed in fluffy snow-colored fur. The signature feature of the breed is their charming “Samoyed smile”. The dogs are hardy and resistant to cold, so they are suitable for living and working in northern latitudes, but thanks to their beauty they have become beloved pets everywhere. The average price of a puppy in Russia ranges from 17,000 to 20,000 rubles.

It usually takes about 6 months for a Yorkie puppy to grow long wool

Miniature decorative dogs with silk “hair” have been loved by Russians ever since they began to be brought as a souvenir from abroad. “Yoricks” turned out to be sociable and loving, as well as cheerful and brave. Despite the fact that caring for the fur of such pets requires labor and patience, they are happily bought for 20,000 rubles or more.

The above list of popular dogs is not exhaustive and is not limited to popular breeds. Sometimes representatives of rare species, not the most flexible and cute, like the four-legged owner of dreadlocks - the Komondor, for example, cost several times more than their beloved dogs.

About costs and benefits

Large dogs give birth starting from one and a half years of age, animals of medium and small breeds can be knitted from 15 months

Dog breeding is an interesting business, but experienced owners know that often the selling price barely covers the cost of raising the animal. To obtain marketable puppies, you should take care of the following nuances:

  • suitable territory and maintaining its cleanliness;
  • premium and super premium segment feed;
  • groomer services or purchase of equipment and tools for self-care for animals;
  • veterinary support in the form of examinations, vaccinations, nutritional and treatment consultations;
  • registration of litter and preparation of relevant documents.

So that there are offspring High Quality and was able to obtain documents, potential parent dogs are periodically taken to exhibitions, which means additional expenses and stress for the animals. However, there is a chance that high-status parents, for example, champions, will be included in the puppies’ metrics, which will automatically increase their liquidity and price.

Often you have to take a bitch for breeding to other cities and even countries, and this pleasure is not for the poor. Breeders claim that raising a dog can cost 10,000 rubles. per month or more.

Responsible owners sell puppies no younger than two months old, but sometimes the search for new owners takes longer. The older the puppy being sold, the greater the costs of its maintenance the breeder bears.

Breeding dogs is an interesting business, and if you approach it wisely, it can be profitable. However, it is not the business owner who wins who puts the business on stream and forces the bitches to give birth every year, but the patient and competent breeder - a fan of his business, who understands the issues of zoogenetics and knows how to produce high-quality pedigree animals.