Samoyed dog. Samoyed Laika: description of the breed, features of education and care Samoyed Laika care and maintenance

Laika was bred by breeders relatively recently. This sled breed is closest to the wolf type than anyone else. This may be news to some, but there are different types of huskies, each of which has its own characteristics and appearance. The Samoyed variety is the most popular. Therefore, this article will talk about it.

Dogs can be service dogs, guard dogs, or sled dogs. Likes belong to the latter. Previously, in the snowy north they were the only transport. But today people have come up with snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. Dogs began to be used much less frequently. However, likes have not lost their popularity. They are often kept as common pets.

Here are the types of huskies found:

  • Samoyed.
  • West Siberian.
  • Russian-European.
  • East Siberian.
  • Karelo-Finnish.

West Siberian

Representatives of this breed of huskies, unlike their counterparts, belong to the hunting category. Many hunters choose the West Siberian variety. Outwardly very similar to a wolf. If other breeds have undergone changes as a result of the work of breeders, then the West Siberian is the result of natural selection.


This is a fairly young breed. It was developed in the 60s of the last century. USSR scientists worked on it. It has a special color. There are white-black and black-white individuals. In the first case, the dog is completely white and has at least one black spot. In the second - completely black with white inclusions. Are good hunters. They treat people very friendly.

East Siberian

The Laika East Siberian dog breed appeared recently, at the end of the 20th century. Differs in large sizes. The color is white, gray, cream, white and black. These animals have proven themselves well when hunting large animals.


Unlike its brothers, the Karelo-Finnish dog Laika is not involved in hunting. Her character has some peculiarities. Puppies consider their owner to be the ruler and try to follow all commands. But adult individuals tend to occupy a dominant position in the family.

What is special about Samoyeds?

The Samoyed dog has been known for more than 3,000 years. She served an indispensable assistant residents of Siberia and the northern part of Russia. This is perhaps the oldest breed of huskies. They are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and strength. They were taken with them on all polar expeditions. Samoyeds accompanied them on long trips. Today this variety is considered the rarest. But the demand for it is very high.

Considering the description of the Laika Samoyed dog breed, it should be noted that its representatives are white, white with biscuit spots, and cream.

A pale brown tint is considered a deviation. These animals are quite large in size. Males grow up to 54-60 centimeters. And the height at the withers of bitches is 50-56 centimeters. Adult males gain weight up to 25-30 kilograms. Females are somewhat smaller. Their weight ranges from 17 to 25 kilograms.

A purebred Samoyed dog must meet the following standards:

The Samoyed dog breed has a wonderful character. These are good guards, watchmen and companions. Of course, a lot depends on upbringing. Huskies get along well with other animals. They get along great with children. Representatives of this species always treat family members with love and devotion. But they don’t like strangers and treat them with suspicion.

The dog is active and loves to walk outside. However, sometimes she shows stubbornness when she hasn’t had enough fun. Therefore, you need to start training her from the very beginning. early childhood. Then the pet will grow up obedient.

Which nickname should I choose?

Samoyeds are a northern variety, and it is desirable that the nickname be associated with frost, north, and snow. However, you can search for a name not only in this direction. It is important to take into account character traits. Often the habits of an animal serve as a source of inspiration when choosing a name.
Below are the names of male Laika dogs:

And here are the nicknames for girls of the Samoyed breed:

What are the nuances in the content?

The dog does not require much care. The only thing is that the animal will have to be constantly combed. After all, the undercoat of representatives of this breed is thick and so is the fur. Uncombed wool quickly becomes tangled. This greatly deteriorates the appearance. Samoyeds shed heavily.

It is better not to keep a husky in an ordinary apartment. After all, this species is quite large and belongs to the hunting species.

They need regular physical activity and enough free space.

Life in a city apartment will be real torture for such an animal. Most often they are chosen by owners of private houses.

Choosing dog food will also be easy. There are two feeding options: using dry factory kits and homemade natural food. It is better to consult a veterinarian about what is best for your pet. After all, it depends on the health status of the pet.

If the choice falls on factory feed, it is better to give preference to dry varieties that belong to the premium category. Mixing granules with homemade food is strictly prohibited. If the owner chose to cook the food himself, he should know which foods are allowed to be given to Samoyeds and which are not. Read about premium dog food.

Thus, it is not recommended to feed four-legged animals with sweets, chicken bones, baked goods, fatty meats, raw eggs, smoked meats, potatoes, river fish, beets, fresh veal, and pasta. But the list of the following products will only be beneficial: sea ​​fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products, rabbit, turkey and chicken meat, beef, greens.

All food must be freshly prepared and warm. It is important to ensure constant access to clean water. Porridge should be cooked in low-fat meat broth. Feeding before a walk is not recommended. Better - 15 minutes after returning home.

Where to buy a Samoyed puppy?

In fact, there are no problems with purchasing the Laika breed today. There are a lot of wonderful nurseries. Easy to find, for example, a nursery West Siberian Laikas, which will be located closest to the house. There are also many nurseries that breed Samoyed dogs. But you need to remember that this variety is not cheap. For example, the price of a puppy exceeds $1,000. You need to be prepared for such a purchase.

Of course, you can purchase an animal through advertisements on the Internet, or buy it second-hand. Here the cost will be slightly lower. But in this case there is no guarantee that the purchased puppy will be purebred. If you need a truly purebred dog, then the Laika nursery is the only option.

Thus, huskies are quite in demand among dog breeders today. There are different breeds of huskies. But the Samoyed stands out especially among all. Representatives of this species look like a wolf, have a good character, are excellent guards and reliable, faithful companions. It is not surprising that many people strive to have such an animal. But you can only buy a purebred puppy in a nursery. It is important to remember that such an acquisition will be very expensive.

Snow-white and thick fur with an expressive fox face hides the good-natured and one of the most caring dogs in the world - the Samoyed dog. The Samoyed, or as it is also called the Samoyed Spitz, attracts the attention of people at any age, and it is simply impossible not to fall in love with the breed.

  • Description of the breed
  • Character
  • Care and maintenance
  • Feeding
  • Prices and where to buy

History of the Samoyed dog breed

Readers are interested in what is interesting about the Samoyed dog, why they called such a harmless and such attractive dog? The Samoyed dog gets its name from the group small peoples Far North of Russia.
The Samoyed dog was first used by the peoples of the Samoyed group as a companion. The Enets, Nenets and other peoples from the Samoyed group by religion could not use dogs as sled dogs. But some tribes living on Novaya Zemlya used the breed in sleds. The second version of the origin of the name is associated with the snow-white color of the dog. A dog harnessed to a sleigh merges with the snow-white snow and it seems as if the sleigh is moving on its own. Hence the name - Samoyed.

The breed is similar in appearance to the white polar wolf and it is believed that the dog originated from domestication wild beast. Among nomadic tribes, the dog served as a shepherd for deer, helped to babysit small children, and warmed the owner on polar nights. Samoyeds have a well-developed freezing instinct. If you hug a dog, it will try not to move so as not to disturb the person’s sleep.

The dog's appearance was first registered in 1959. The breed was classified as sledding.

Features of the Samoyed Laika

The Samoyed is an elegant and confident dog. The dog loves to bark and is considered one of the most “talkative” breeds. Under the soft and thick snow-white fur hides a well-developed dog, medium in size with good muscles and excellent endurance. At the same time, the dog has a gentle character and adores its owner.

The unusual face is remembered for its smile. The corners of the dog's mouth are slightly raised, and the eyes have a sly squint.

Samoyed Spitz can have a different head structure. Based on this characteristic, the breed is divided into three types:

  • Bear type. Head over round shape, small round ears, short muzzle.
  • Fox type. The head is light with a sharp and long muzzle, like a Spitz. The ears are pointed and set high.
  • Wolf type. The skull is powerful, but the muzzle is more elongated than that of the bear type.

A dog of any type has an easy-going character and developed intelligence. The Samoyed will become a true friend for a person at any age.

Breed standard (appearance)

There is a single standard that a breed description must meet:

  • Bodybuilding. Stocky body with developed bones, medium size.
  • Back. Straight, not long, not wide, slightly more height at the withers. The scapular joints are well defined.
  • Paws. Straight, long, widely spaced. During the stance, parallel to each other. The hind legs have a developed hock joint and are muscular.
  • Neck. Slightly curved in front, medium size, not thin.
  • Head. Wedge-shaped, with a powerful skull.
  • Forehead. Wide, slightly rounded.
  • Muzzle. Deeply planted, has a strong structure. The length of the muzzle corresponds to the width of the skull. Tapers slightly toward the nose. Dogs with a square and blunt muzzle are rejected.

  • Nose. The bridge of the nose is straight, the lobe has well-developed nostrils. Has a black color. In adult dogs, it may fade into a “snow nose”, but the edging should still fade to black.
  • Lips. Fleshy, slightly full. The corners of the lips slightly lift up. The lips are always black.
  • Bite. The correct one is scissor-shaped. The teeth are well developed and the grip is strong.
  • Ears. Thick and small in size, erect. They have a triangular shape, the tips are slightly rounded. Because of the wide head, the ears are set far apart, but high on the top of the skull. A feature of Samoyeds is their movable ears.
  • Eyes. Almond-shaped, with a smart expression. Set wide apart, set deep. They have a dark brown color, the edging of the eyes is always black.
  • Tail. Fluffy, high-ranking. When moving or in an excited state, the tail is thrown up or to the side, and in a calm state it is lowered.
  • Wool cover. Double coat with short and soft undercoat, thick and long hair. More long wool forms a chic collar around the dog's neck and completely covers the tail. Shorter hair on the paws and head of the Samoyed. On the back of the hock there are thick and long trousers. The spine is not rough, but soft and pliable. When it's cold, the fur becomes fluffier.
  • Color. White only or with small areas of biscuit or cream. Puppies whose color turns to light sand or brown are rejected.
  • Height at withers for males from 53 to 60 cm, for females from 53 to 56 cm. A deviation from the norm of 3 cm downward is allowed.
  • Weight from 17 to 30 kg. Bitches are always smaller than males in all respects.

Average life expectancy is 10 to 15 years. How long a dog will live depends on the way it is kept and fed.

The characteristics of the breed are similar to the description of any sled breed: Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute. The capricious Samoyed has the following character traits:

  1. One of the most fun sled dogs. Just like a Spitz loves to play with a ball and any active games.
  2. A friendly dog ​​will not rush at strangers and will gladly allow itself to be petted.
  3. The dog is attached to its owner, but from time to time it demonstrates its independence to him by running away from home or while walking, wandering is in its blood.

  4. The fluffy Northern Husky is easy to train and suitable for the beginning breeder. But from time to time the dog becomes stubborn, so the owner must be patient during training.
  5. Playfulness remains until old age.
  6. He accepts other animals in the house well; he quickly becomes close friends with cats and small dogs, considering them his pack.
  7. The dog loves children; it was not for nothing that nomadic peoples left the dog as a nanny near the cradle. The pet is careful with a small child and will remain motionless while the baby is sleeping.
  8. An attentive breed and suitable for older people as a companion. The pet monitors the owner’s behavior and reacts to changes in the person’s mood.
  9. The dog reacts adequately to noise, clapping and other unexpected stimuli, and is suitable as a guide for a blind person.

One of the downsides is the dog's good-natured behavior. A Samoyed will never become a security guard or bodyguard. The breed, like any sled dog, does not know how to show aggression towards humans.

How to care for a pet with such fluffy fur? It is recommended to comb the dog once a day with a special stiff brush. During shedding, the undercoat is removed with a metal comb.

Once a year and before the show, the dog is washed with a special detangling shampoo. But soft and thick wool takes a long time to dry. Therefore, after the procedure, it is dried with a hairdryer.

After each walk, you need to inspect your pet's paws. The Samoyed loves to run and is curious, so it often cuts its pads. The damaged area is treated with hydrogen peroxide and lubricated with fucorcin.

The dog is not afraid of drafts and low temperatures. The coat is better in animals that are kept outside. But the enclosure must be quite reliable; the dog makes digs and easily jumps over high fences.


Samoyed huskies are not artificially bred and have high immunity. But before a year, the puppy must be vaccinated against viral diseases: plague, enteritis, parainfluenza, hepatitis. By the age of one year, an active dog is vaccinated against rabies.

The Samoyed dog is predisposed to the following pathologies:

  1. Eye diseases: cataracts, retinal atrophy. The diseases develop against the background of untreated conjunctivitis and appear in older dogs. As a preventative measure, once a week the eyes are treated with an antiseptic or chamomile infusion to remove dirt and mucus.
  2. Endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism. They develop more often in dogs fed natural food.
  3. Renal tissue dysplasia. Congenital pathology.
  4. Joint dysplasia is more common than in other breeds of the Far North. In a mild form of the disease, the disease practically does not manifest itself; the dog has a slight lameness.

Before buying a puppy, you should ask what pathologies the pet’s parents and grandparents suffered from. If the parents were in excellent health, but the grandmother has joint dysplasia, then your dog may well get the disease.

Easy to train, a puppy up to a year old can be taught the most complex tricks and commands. The owner can independently teach him to follow commands: sit, ugh, come to me, walk.

After three months, the Samoyed is enrolled in OKD courses. Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, the dog will learn to walk side by side, lie down and stand, and will follow commands given by signs. It is important to combine training with sports activities. The sledding breed needs a daily run, and the course with obstacles will only bring joy to your pet. The light dog jumps over the highest barriers and maintains good balance on a log.

If the puppy begins to be stubborn, do not insist on following the command. There will be no punishment either. desired result. It’s better not to insist and replace the workout with a walk-rest or a game of ball. After some time, you need to return to training.

Samoyeds, like other sled dogs, are not allowed to participate in protective guard training. A dog of this breed will not learn guarding qualities.


Good coat condition and the dog's physical activity depend on a properly selected diet. It is easier to feed with specialized foods: ABBA Premium Adult, ProNature Classic, Perfect Fit, Monge Dog Medium.

Natural feeding is more problematic, since not all products are suitable. What to feed the pet is the owner's choice.

The natural food diet consists of the following products:

  • meat and offal low-fat varieties;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, corn, rolled oats;
  • vegetables, any except potatoes and onions;
  • fruits and berries.

It is forbidden to give to a dog confectionery, baked goods made from wheat flour, smoked and pickled, semi-finished products.

  1. Puppies are separated from their mother's milk at 1-1.5 months.
  2. Up to 2 months, the puppy’s diet consists of liquid porridge with milk formula and a small amount fermented milk products. The puppy should be fed every 3-4 hours.
  3. From 3 to 4 months, porridge with meat broth and a small amount of lean meat are added to the diet. The number of feedings is reduced to four.
  4. From 4 to 6 months, the dog is switched to three meals a day. Vegetables and fruits, cartilage and offal are gradually added to the diet.
  5. From 6 to 8 months, the puppy is transferred to two feedings a day. Adult dog fed morning and evening.

Vitamins are added to the diet of a dog on natural food.

Suitable brands:

  • In 1 Excel Deter;
  • Beaphar Laveta Super;
  • Doctor Zoo;
  • Polidex Super wool plus;
  • Beaphar Vitamine B Complex.



In the photo, the Samoyed has a standard white color, with fluffy and thick hair.

In the photo we managed to capture the traditional “Samoyed smile”, which makes the dog’s facial expression even more intelligent and cute.

Puppies are more like plush toys.

Owner reviews

Olga:“The Samoyed is so good-natured and loves children that it’s not scary to leave a baby with him who has just started walking. The dog will play with the child and will not harm him even by accident.”

Alexei:“Dogs are cunning and smart. Pets are able to get out of any enclosure and love to walk on their own, which is something to be wary of. Long off-leash walks can help prevent escapes.”

Oksana:“There is simply no smarter breed than the Samoyed Laika. The dog is easy to train and suitable for show programs. And her charming appearance with a “Samoyed smile” will not leave any viewer indifferent.”

Puppy price

Samoyeds are not cheap breeds. How much a puppy costs depends on its pedigree. Puppies from titled parents are 50–60% more expensive. You can buy a puppy with a pedigree in one of the nurseries. Price in Ukraine from 7,800 UAH, in Russia from 17,000 RUR. It will take at least 1,500 rubles per month to maintain a puppy and care for its coat. or 750 UAH.

This snow-white dog breed, whose roots originated in the Siberian tundra, has won the hearts of people. Even in ancient times, these four-legged friends helped people survive in cruel climatic conditions far northern region.

Main characteristics of the Samoyed Laika breed:

  • height 50 – 56 cm at the withers. Males are taller than females;
  • weight 20-30 kg, depending on body type and gender;
  • color. Most often these dogs are snow-white, but they can be beige or yellowish;
  • wool. Dense undercoat, soft, dense, long fur.

There are two types of Samoyed husky: bear and wolf. They differ from each other in body structure. The bear type is more powerful, shorter in stature and has a wider head shape. Wolf-type Samoyeds have an elongated body and a narrow skull shape.

This dog is considered medium size. What makes a dog attractive is its alluring smile. The nose may be brown, pink or black. The dog's eyes are deep-set, most often dark brown.

A purebred Samoyed has a rich coat, with a thick undercoat, and must have silvery tips to the undercoat hairs. Not only snow-white coat color is allowed, but also beige.

Photos of a Samoyed husky, standard type, can be seen on our website.

The average lifespan of this breed with proper care is approximately 13-15 years.

These animals have a friendly, gentle, good character. Such a dog will make an excellent friend and a wonderful companion. Samoyed will find mutual language with all family members, as well as with your immediate environment. This breed does not have a hunting instinct, so they get along easily with other pets.

This breed needs love and attention. Pets should not be left alone for a long time and made to get bored, therefore, the Samoyed is not suitable for too busy people who have practically no free time.

Samoyeds, although stubborn by nature, are excellent at education and training; they are considered an easily trainable dog breed.

You need to start training your Samoyed husky as a puppy. It is imperative to ensure that commands are followed at the time of training, because if you turn a blind eye to something, the dog will feel permissive, and failure to follow commands can turn into systematic disobedience. We must not forget that raising animals cannot be without punishment. Punishments should be given at the moment of the mistake, not later, otherwise the dog will not understand what the mistake was made. Beating an animal with a walking leash is strictly prohibited; in extreme cases, whips can be used. It is advisable to use more loyal methods of raising a pet. You also need to remember to reward your dog for correctly completing a task or exercise. Reward can be anything, the main thing is at the right time so that the animal can understand why it is being praised.

It is permissible to use physical punishment extremely rarely, because the dog has a sense of pride and self-esteem; this should not be forgotten or abused.

No dog should get in the way; it must have its own place in the house. The “Place” command needs to be taught to your pet first.

Ideally with childhood The dog needs to be taught that it can eat after the owner and his family have eaten. The same needs to be done with arrivals to the house after a walk. It is necessary that the dog enters the house only after the owner. These are optional conditions of education, but it would be much more convenient and practical.

The white husky requires special care and attention. Country real estate is the best place for this breed to live, but an apartment is also suitable if there are long walks. A dog needs movement and fresh air.

By their nature, these dogs are clean, they do not have the smell typical of dogs, but their coat needs enormous care, especially during the molting period. It is recommended to brush your pet at least once a week, or more often. During the molting period, it is advisable to comb the animal daily, if possible. It is necessary to wash the animal no more than 4 times a year; washing more often is not recommended due to the deterioration of the rich coat. Photos of a Samoyed husky in a well-groomed state can be viewed on our website.

You can feed such a dog as follows: natural products, and specialized premium food. When choosing natural food, you should independently monitor the vitamins and nutrients in the food. The special Samoyed husky food contains all the microelements necessary for health. It is best to contact veterinarian for preparing a diet and choosing specialized food. You cannot feed your dog sweets, bones, raw meat, raw eggs. This breed is not prone to the problem of obesity, which makes it possible to feed it after a walk.

Diseases that are typical for this breed of dog:

  • diabetes;
  • cataract;
  • deafness;
  • blindness.

When choosing a puppy, you must consider the following rules:

  1. The selection of a puppy cannot occur earlier than the 45th day of life. Before viewing, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, because the puppy is not yet vaccinated and may pick up some dirt.
  2. At the age of 45 days, the puppy should be clean, well-groomed and smell good. Eyes and ears definitely need to be clean.
  3. Pay attention to the tail. Ideally, it should fit against your back and not hang to the side.
  4. Check with the breeder when the worm prevention was carried out. It should be on the 20th day of the dog’s life, then every 10 days until 2 months of life.
  5. Movement. At this age, the body should be well developed, and the paws should be parallel to each other.
  6. Puppies with a pedigree must fully comply with breed standards.

Laika puppies in the photo can be seen on our website.

You should not adopt such a dog in adulthood, because Samoyed huskies are insanely loyal to only one owner for the rest of their lives.

Each animal has its own advantages and disadvantages, and this Siberian beauty was not spared the rule. Advantages of the breed:

  • great love for the owner and his environment;
  • devotion to the owner until the end of his days;
  • very beautiful external data;
  • practicality. The dog can get along with other pets.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • heavy molt 2 times a year;
  • high price.

History of the breed

The Laika Samoyed dog breed belongs to the Spitz category. This is an ancient aboriginal dog, known to mankind for three thousand years. The first Samoyeds were found in the northern lands of the Russian Empire, between the banks of the Danube River and the White Sea. Nomadic tribes used faithful pets as reliable guards, dexterous hunters, and hardy cab drivers. Laika Samoyeds are universal human companions in all fields.

After the large migration of nomads to the Arctic, Samoyeds became popular among a wide range of owners. Many northern tribes were captivated by the endurance of the breed. Dogs began to be used in everyday life.

How independent breed The Laika Samoyed originated at the beginning of the 19th century. The English dog handler and zoologist Ernst Kilburn-Scott, having lived among the Nenets for 3 months, was captivated by the dedication of the pups (as the owners called their four-legged companions). Returning to his homeland in 1889, Ernst and his wife founded the first Samoyed dog kennel in Europe, Farmingham. The ancestor of the European version of the breed was the snow-white handsome Masti, brought by Kilburn to England.

The first conquests of Europe

The first club of breed lovers was organized by the same Ernst Kilburn-Scott, in 1909, in his homeland. The club gathered the most desperate Samoyed lovers who wanted to breed offspring and learn the most interesting facts about their four-legged pets. Most frequently asked question concerned the very name of the breed - Samoyed. Why dogs are called that was one of the secrets that was gradually revealed.

By the way, it was in the first English club that a system of Samoyed breed standards was developed, which is still used today.

France took over the baton for creating clubs for Samoyed lovers. Here, in 1932, a community of pet admirers appeared, who also wondered why the Laika Samoyed was called that. The French club brought together true fans of the breed, promoting Samoyeds throughout Europe.

The first expedition to the North Pole, with the help of a team of Samoyed huskies, was made by the Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen. In the process of conquering the North, the remarkable intelligence and endurance of the breed were revealed. Samoyeds turned out to be even smarter than huskies, malamutes and huskies, which were previously used as cab drivers. The dogs seemed to understand their owner perfectly, unquestioningly carrying out all his commands.

Samoyed dog breed: why is it called that?

There has been controversy for a long time around the name of the Samoyed breed and various versions have been put forward. As a result, several options have emerged to explain the origin of the term “Samoyed breed”. Why is it called that? this type dogs, sets out a historical fact. The fact is that for several millennia dogs were faithful companions of the nomadic tribes of the Samoyeds (modern Nenets), who were so called as a result of their isolation and closedness from other nationalities. As a matter of fact, the breed actually originated in these tribes. This is where the name of the species of huskies comes from - Samoyeds.

According to another version, the term “Samoyed” comes from “saam jedna” - “earth itself”. Sami - ancient tribe, inhabiting the vast expanses of modern Finland.

Another option to explain why Samoyeds are called that is related to their direct activities. Snow-white dogs harnessed to a sleigh literally blended into the snowy expanses. From a distance it seemed as if the sleigh was moving on its own. Maybe that’s why the animals were called “self-eaters.”

Exterior of the Samoyed breed

Today there are 7 official standard criteria for the Samoyed Laika breed. The International Canine Federation and the Canine Union of America use the English system, developed by Ernst Kilbourn-Scott, to evaluate show animals.

There are two types of Samoyed breed:

  • Bear type. The main characteristics of such dogs are a short back, a strong build and a wide head.
  • Wolf type. Such dogs are distinguished by a lean physique, a narrow chest and a wedge-shaped elongated head.

The general norm criteria for both types is harmonious physique. According to the standard, the height of Samoyed girls should not exceed 51 cm, boys - 56-58 cm. The weight is also determined by the limits: females should weigh no more than 25, and males - 30 kg.

Appearance Standards

The first Samoyeds came in three colors: white, black and brown. But today only snow-white or cream-colored representatives of Samoyed Laikas are known.

The Samoyed puppy is distinguished by slightly slanted eyes and a sly look. The coat is characterized by a thick undercoat and a hard outer coat. The luxurious fluffy tail lies like a curled donut on the back of the Samoyed. This lush fan seems to never be in a static state, but is an indicator of the pet’s mood. The wedge-shaped head is crowned with erect triangular ears. Samoyeds have strong bones and powerful paws. Distinctive feature breed - an unsurpassed “smile”: Samoyeds are almost the only dogs that can “smile”.

Despite its independence and independence, the Samoyed is an easy-to-communicate dog. An affectionate, devoted, extremely hardworking dog will not only true friend, but also a full-fledged companion. When getting a dog of this breed, you should remember that security and watchdog qualities are alien to it: Samoyeds are very non-conflicting. Why are dogs called non-aggressive? Yes, because they have long been accustomed to working in a pack. A well-coordinated team completely eliminates conflict and aggression.

The Samoyed dog can adapt to any climate. Thick fur saves the dog not only from the cold, but also from the scorching rays of the sun.

In addition to driving qualities, the Samoyed also has hunting habits. Living in a family, he strives to be at the center of all family affairs.

The breed is characterized by limitless patience. Therefore, it is readily adopted by families with small children.

Features of Samoyed Laika training

When getting a Samoyed Laika, you should remember that you need to start training the animal no later than 3 days. one month old puppy.

The Samoyed is a pack dog. And in a pack, all its members obey the leader. As a result, the owner needs to show his advantage. A few key points will help make things easier:

  • The animal needs to be fed only after the owners themselves have eaten - after all, in a flock, the leader eats first.
  • The dog should always walk behind the owner, especially when entering the premises.
  • The Samoyed should have its place in the house and not get in the way of its owners.

When working with a Samoyed, physical violence should not be allowed. The Samoyed is a proud and independent breed with a sense of self-esteem. However, if the puppy is guilty, he should be punished. In most cases, it is enough to shake the pet by the withers and press it to the floor. A smart animal will understand its mistake and will try to avoid sharp corners in the future.

After a successfully mastered command, the dog must be rewarded with treats and kind words. In case of failures, the owner should be patient - over time difficult team will be fixed in the pet’s mind and will be performed automatically. By the way, Samoyeds are smart dogs; they learn well and with pleasure.

If you wish, you can send your dog to a special school where experienced dog handler will show the basics of training. Especially if the owner’s plans include registering the animal for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, or sledding.

How to care for Samoyeds

Like any other breed, the Samoyed Laika needs careful care. Experienced owners understand how much work needs to be put in to ensure that the pet ends up looking luxurious and healthy.

The Samoyed is one of the few that does not have the characteristic “dog” smell. As a result, the need to bathe your pet too often is eliminated. The Samoyed should be washed no more than 4-5 times a year or as needed when the dog gets dirty. Every day it is enough to wipe your paws after a walk so that there are no dirty marks left in the house.

The Samoyed will have a thick and shiny coat as a result of daily brushing. Particular care must be taken in areas behind the ears and under the paws. This is where the wool gets matted and tangled. The fur between the fingertips needs to be trimmed.

The animal's ears and eyes require special attention. On the inside auricle Excess hair will form and should be removed. In case of contamination, the corners of the eyes are treated with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

In the photo - Samoyed dogs. It is difficult to say exactly why these animals are called this way, since there are many versions that were discussed at the beginning of the article.

Snow-white animals literally blend into the snowy expanses, and only black eyes and noses give away the pets hiding in the field. The Samoyed Laika loves to walk in any weather. Two to three hour and a half walks a day will not only bring joy to your pet, but will also significantly improve his well-being and mood. During the promenade, it is worth training your dog. By treating training as a game, the Samoyed will better understand commands and will be happy to carry them out. During a walk, the contact between a person and a dog is strengthened, and the friendship becomes strong and lasting.

What to feed your pet

Samoyed dogs - why is the breed called that? Well, of course, not because pets eat themselves! Animals prefer more substantial and varied food. Dry balanced feed Whether or not natural food will be included in the pet’s diet depends on the owner. Still, it’s worth remembering some rules for feeding your dog that will help you avoid possible problems with digestion.

  • All ready-made food is balanced and rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  • Feeding your pet dry food is not particularly difficult: just pour a portion into a bowl and the dish is ready.
  • Using dry food significantly saves time - you don’t need to cook porridge, meat, or cook vegetables for a long time.
  • A dog eating ready-made food practically does not need additives - vitamins and other useful substances. All elements are organically included in the food composition.

However, when choosing dry food, you should focus on the quality of the product.

When giving preference to natural food, you should remember that food should always be fresh, and additional vitamins should be purchased separately. The diet of the Samoyed, like any other breed of dog, should include lean meat - beef, lamb, poultry. It is necessary to serve meat after first boiling it or scalding it with boiling water. To fill the dish with carbohydrates and fiber, add porridge and vegetables to the meat. Sources of calcium include cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk, and kefir. It should be remembered that the snow-white coat of a Samoyed, after eating carrots or beets, may turn into the corresponding color. It will take on a red or pinkish tint. Therefore, these vegetables should be given in small quantities or completely excluded from the diet.

And whatever the dog eats, it should have free access to a bowl of water. This is especially true for animals that eat ready-made food.

Characteristics of the Samoyed Laika breed

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) classifies the Samoyed as a member of the Spitz group. Sometimes they are called the Arctic Spitz, although they only have in common their ancient origin, medium size and beautiful coat.

According to the breed standard, the optimal proportion of a pet’s body is considered to be a slightly longer body length relative to its height. The head is large, with small triangular erect ears. The lips are always black, with slightly raised corners, which makes the dog seem to be smiling. The nose is black, but the pigmentation can periodically change, leaving only the rim dark. When writing a description of the Samoyed dog breed, experts emphasize that the chest should be wide and deep, and the paws should be strong and widely spaced. The tail is straight, often carried over the back or side.

  • Weight. Males - 25-30 kg, females a little lighter - 17-25 kg.
  • Height at the withers. 51-56 cm - for “boys”, and 46-51 cm - for “girls”.
  • Color. White or interspersed with red, which gives a creamy or biscuit shade. The inclusions should be barely noticeable so as not to create the effect of shades of brown - they are considered non-compliance with the standard.
  • Lifespan. On average, 12-15 years, but with proper care, a Samoyed dog can live up to 17-20 years.
  • Character. Sociable, friendly, not cowardly, but not aggressive either. Samoyeds are very sociable both with their brothers and with people, because for centuries they lived in northern tribes, where they did not know the rights of individual property. The dog becomes very attached to its owner, and this breed is not recommended for those who spend a lot of time on business trips. At the same time, the Samoyed always remains on his own mind, and the owner needs to be able to find the right approach to him.
  • Intelligence. These furry friends are naturally intelligent, as they are accustomed to interacting with people at work and play.
  • Security and guard potential. The FCI document explicitly states: “Should not be used as guard dog" Is not decorative breed and in the event of an attack, she will fight back, but her security and guard qualities are below average. They were probably lost by the Samoyeds after moving from the North.

Advantages and disadvantages

For all its visual attractiveness and natural sociability, the Samoyed Laika is not the easiest breed to keep and train. A comparison table of their pros and cons will help you decide whether a snow-white companion is right for you.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Samoyeds

pros Minuses
- Has a good-natured, accommodating and sociable disposition;
- is a good companion for children;
- can be kept both in an enclosure and in an apartment;
- distinguished by beauty;
- does not require complex care, with the exception of wool;
- does not require a special diet and diet menu;
- naturally has health and stamina
- Has weak protective instincts;
- loves to howl and bark;
- can destroy the apartment from longing for the owner or from resentment;
- may try to dominate;
- learns only with properly selected motivation;
- requires careful grooming;
- sheds profusely;
- it costs expensive

Origin history and interesting facts

There is no exact information about the origins of the breed. A number of scientists suggest that Samoyeds descend from ancient dogs and came to the North with nomadic tribes almost during the time of the Great Migration of Peoples. Other researchers insist that the ancestors of these shaggy comrades are white wolves, which the aborigines of the Russian North managed to domesticate. The only thing that is certain is the ancient northern origin of the breed, thanks to which it is known why the Samoyed dog is called that way. It's all about the nomadic tribe of the same name (Samoyeds, Samoyeds), where these animals were most common.

These four-legged friends have been herding reindeer in the tundra for centuries, serving as draft animals, guarding camps and truly keeping their owners and their children warm. They say that a kind of “hot water bottle reflex” has been preserved in the modern breed - if you hug a Samoyed, he will lie motionless, warming you with his body.

The documented history of the Samoyed Laika breed began in late XIX century thanks to the British zoologist Ernst Kilbrun Scott. The scientist studied the life of the northern peoples of Russia and fell in love with their dogs. From the expedition he brought the first male dog with the “original” nickname Dog. Oddly enough, the Dog was brown, which is now a breed defect. Scott later acquired a cream-colored female from the Western Urals and a snow-white male from Siberia. From these three dogs the breeding of pets from the North began.


The “civilized world” learned about the “fluffy miracle” by historical standards recently, so they tried to change and improve the breed in almost every country of residence. Now, in addition to the FCI standard, there are seven standards from different cynological organizations. But with some differences in assessments, they all distinguish only two types of Samoyeds:

  • bear type - the animal seems somewhat more massive due to its larger head, shortened back and stocky build;
  • the wolf type is a leaner dog, with a medium-sized chest and head, and a moderately elongated muzzle.

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

Before buying a puppy, prepare its future home, provide a bed, bowls for food and water, a leash and a collar (harness) for walks. It is also worth acquiring grooming tools in advance (combs with different tooth frequencies, a slicker brush, a nail clipper).

Even a medium-sized four-legged friend needs a separate area not only for sleeping and eating. Make sure there is enough space in your apartment.

Apartment or enclosure

Despite the fact that the size of an adult Samoyed husky allows it to be kept both in a private house and in an apartment, it is worth considering whether your living conditions are suitable for this pet. The table will help you weigh the pros and cons of keeping a dog in an enclosure and indoors.

Table - Where is the best place to keep a Samoyed Laika?

Conditions pros Minuses
Aviary - Enough space and time for physical activity;
- during the molting period there is no need to collect wool throughout the home
It will get dirty quickly, and you shouldn’t bathe your dog often.
Apartment - It’s easier to maintain the beautiful appearance of your pet;
- the dog will receive more attention
- Can create a serious mess during your absence;
- likes to express emotions by barking or howling, which will not please the neighbors;
- will bring dirt to the paws, which will have to be washed constantly;
- sheds heavily, which necessitates additional cleaning of the house

Features of care

In general, caring for a Samoyed is not too difficult, but requires regular attention. Periodically inspect your pet's eyes and ears and wipe with a damp cloth if necessary. If your dog's eyes are running and you suspect the onset of an inflammatory process, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The Samoyed's claws often wear down naturally, but if he doesn't walk much or only runs on soft ground, they can be trimmed as needed.

Three to four times a year, the dog must be treated for worms. In the warm season, preventive treatment against fleas is also carried out (the frequency depends on the duration of the product used). From spring to autumn, after a walk in green areas, the dog must be examined for ticks.

Caring for wool

Samoyeds shed twice a year, but those that live in an apartment can “update their wardrobe” more often. Therefore, the most difficult thing, especially for an inexperienced dog breeder, is to care for the coat of an Arctic Spitz. Its snowy whiteness and fluffiness require time and effort from the owner. The table contains recommendations on how to keep Samoyed fur in perfect condition.

Table - Samoyed coat care

Action Frequency Peculiarities
Combing Daily - Remove foreign objects that get into the wool during a walk;
- avoid tangling and stalling;
- during the molting period, use a special slicker brush
Bathing No more than 2 times a year - Use special shampoos for white wool and conditioner;
- choose high-quality cosmetics, otherwise the coat may acquire a yellowish tint;
- be sure to dry the dog to avoid the appearance of fungus
A haircut Once a year before the heat comes Carry out the procedure only by a professional, so as not to spoil the quality of the coat.


The Samoyed dog breed is unpretentious in food, and the lack of a tendency to allergies and diseases of the digestive system allows you to feed the Samoyed without any special tricks or frills. From the northern past fluffy pet Moderation in food remains, which should be of high quality and high in calories.

When choosing commercial food, pay attention to the composition - the main share should be meat, and there should be no grains at all or in minimal quantities. It's better to use the products famous brands premium and higher.
The natural food menu includes:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • porridge.

Training issues

These smiling companions perceive the human family as their pack, therefore, for successful training, the owner of the Samoyed Husky must be a recognized leader and leader. However, violence against a Samoyed is unacceptable - it will hurt the pet’s pride and make it even less obedient.

From the first days the dog is taught to follow the rules accepted in the house. For example, if the dog lives in an enclosure, you can leave it only at the owner’s invitation, and not try to slip out through the gap. When kept in an apartment, even at the touching age of a puppy, the pet should be prohibited from sleeping on the bed or begging for food from the table. Samoyeds are smart, and if they find a weakness in their owner’s character, they will actively exploit it.

It is important to teach your furry friend to respond appropriately to strangers and animals on the street. After three months, the puppy begins to be taught simple commands: “Come to me,” “No,” “Ugh.” They are worked out sequentially until execution is automatic. Every successful attempt should be rewarded with a treat. If possible, it is better to take at least a few lessons from a professional dog trainer, since the success of training always depends not so much on the dog, but on the owner.

Diseases and treatment

As true natives of the North, Samoyed huskies are strong, hardy, have good immunity and relatively healthy heredity, but there are some risks.

  • Hip dysplasia or elbow joints. This is often an age-related disease, but can also be hereditary. Manifested by stiffness of movement and lameness. If detected early, it can be successfully treated with medication.
  • Arthritis. An age-related inflammatory disease. It is completely incurable, but it is possible and necessary to relieve symptoms for a pain-free life.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Samoyeds may suffer from portosystemic shunt (the appearance of shunts that allow blood to enter the systemic circulation, bypassing the liver) and aortic stenosis(narrowing of the duct to the left ventricle of the heart).
  • Volvulus of the intestines or stomach. May be the result of excessive physical activity, injuries or pathologies of relevant organs. Help must be provided within the first hours, otherwise death inevitable.
  • Eye diseases. Common ones include cataracts, glaucoma and retinal atrophy. Without medical help, the dog loses its vision.
  • Diabetes. Develops with age due to hormonal imbalances.

TOP nicknames

When choosing a name, keep in mind that you will have to use it often, including shouting in crowded places. The nickname should be harmonious and unlike the team. Many owners, when choosing a name for a Samoyed, remember its northern origin or are guided by the appearance of the animal.

Nicknames for Samoyed husky “boy”:

  • North;
  • North;
  • Nansen;
  • Ermak;
  • Snowball;
  • Viking;
  • Sable.

Nicknames for Samoyed Laika “girls”:

  • Snow White/Snowball/Snezhana;
  • Pushinka;
  • Alaska;
  • Aurora;
  • Siberia;
  • Gerda;
  • Naina.

Photo review

Even summer photos of puppies and dogs of the Samoyed husky breed exude a snowy mood. And against the backdrop of winter landscapes, their magnificent shiny coat looks like precious fur.

Cost and where to buy

Samoyeds cannot be called a cheap breed. The price of a puppy in Moscow starts from 25 thousand rubles (data as of January 2018). On average, a Samoyed husky puppy costs 30-50 thousand rubles. The final cost depends on the class of the pet and the titles of the parents - a future champion can cost significantly more.

Choosing a puppy

You should only buy a Samoyed husky puppy from breeding nurseries or from breeders with a good reputation in cynological circles. Collect all available information about representatives of the breed in your area, if possible, go to a dog show and talk to experienced owners of these dogs.

Decide for yourself what gender of puppy you want and what goals you set for it. The future champion or sire must belong to the show or breed class.

Please note that Samoyed males are slightly larger and more impressive than females, but are more difficult to train, can be headstrong and try to dominate an inexperienced dog breeder. “Girls” are easier to raise and cleaner. If we are talking about future breeding, it is better to take a healthy bitch from a good family. Finding a suitable partner for her is easier than convincing females that your male is the standard of the breed, worthy of mating. Often the queue of ladies is only for champion males with excellent pedigree and mating experience. You can breed a Samoyed after the second heat. It is better to entrust monitoring the progress of pregnancy and delivery to an experienced doctor.


Professional breeding of this breed is carried out in many major cities. You can find a breeding nursery for the Samoyed Laika breed in almost every region of Russia and the CIS countries:

  • “Joy of Life” in Moscow -;
  • “Smile of the North” in St. Petersburg -;
  • “Moon Wind” in Samara -;
  • DOTY’K VITRU in Uzhgorod (Ukraine) -;
  • White Evenk in Mozyr (Belarus) -

It may seem that the snow-white beauty will suit anyone and will become an ideal companion from the first day. Samoyeds certainly have the natural inclinations for this. But reviews from owners about the Samoyed remind us how important it is to take into account that the pet itself places high demands on its potential owner: respectful attitude, active walks, a lot of attention on the street and at home, careful grooming.

Owner reviews: “She’s no good at guarding”

My husband and I got this fluffy miracle about a year ago. But our joy continued until the first moult, when we began to sleep, eat, walk and breathe in its snow-white undercoat. True, it turned out that we ourselves are to blame. All that had to be done was to brush the dog once a day during shedding. Feeding this dog breed is easy. Do not give fatty, floury and sweet foods. The best option is cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, etc.), lean meat and dairy products.

Dogs of this breed are also very friendly to people, especially children. They can bite if, for example, they attack the owner’s child. Samoyed Laikas perceive cats not as an enemy, but as a play partner. They never attack them and get along well together. Up to a year, it is advisable to pamper the dog, like a child, with a new toy every week - rubber squeakers, balls, ropes. With the acquisition of a pet, we have no time to be bored at all; we walk, or feed, or play with our “little” dog.

P.S. Don’t forget to install an alarm system in your apartment, otherwise the most valuable things (including your dog) will be stolen, since there is no security guard)))

[email protected],

If you don’t comb it properly, you’ll end up with a shabby homeless person, not a dog. In general, all huskies are very independent, they love to bark and howl, and many bite. If you want a companion and guard primarily, consider other options.

Dog lover,

Samoyeds really have a lot of behavioral problems and here are some of them:

  1. The energy is like that of a vampire.))) Samoyeds are very jealous and demand maximum attention. All your 24 hours. If ignored, the dog falls into either frantic hysteria or aggressive depression.
  2. The dog often runs away, loves everyone and everyone, recognizes the owner in anyone who feeds him deliciously.
  3. They love to yap. Ours loves to scream during ultrasound, so much so that her ears get blocked.
  4. Trusting and loving. We leave ours to our friends, it’s as if we didn’t exist...
  5. They are difficult to train. This is rather a misconception. Samoyeds understand human speech very well. Personally, my dog ​​understands everything! But she will never just do what she is told. You definitely need a motivator.
  6. Dirt and fluff. They shed shamelessly. He eats all over the house, very sloppy.

And now I get to the important thing. I sometimes perceive everything that I described above with a smile. But Samoyeds have one huge drawback; maybe, of course, this also exists in other breeds, but I haven’t heard of it... They are vindictive and will definitely take revenge for punishment, even if it was fair.



The Samoyed is an ancient breed of Siberians. The nomadic lifestyle of the Samoyeds meant the presence of strong, hardy dogs that could drive in snowy areas.

Their job was to herd livestock, guard deer, participate in hunting animals, walruses, and even nurse and warm children. Severe frosts are not scary for her.

Snow-white dogs came to England thanks to zoologist Ernst Kilbrun-Scott. He and his wife Klara founded the first Samoyed husky kennel and club. In 1909 the breed standard was established.

After many years, she has not changed anything. Her beautiful appearance and internal characteristics meet the standards that have been adopted.


The breed has beautiful white coats, and is divided into 2 varieties.

The bear type Samoyed is a muscular and powerful dog.

Wolf - elongated and dry.

An always smiling face, beautiful eyes and a white fur coat are the general impression when looking at them. They have good endurance, strength and power, which is why they are often used as working dogs.

Breed standard:

  • Personality: Peaceful, energetic, spontaneous, strong and open to communication.
  • Balanced and non-aggressive, social dog. Popular among intelligence agencies;
  • The head is powerful, the skull is elongated, slightly convex;
  • The nose is black, the nostrils are well opened, and in winter the earlobe changes pigmentation.
  • The muzzle has smooth transition lines from the forehead to the nose.
  • The lips are tightly compressed, covering the teeth, the pigmentation is black, forming a smile.
  • The jaw is strong, powerful, with a good scissor bite.
  • The eyes are dark, slightly squinting, widely spaced, oval.
  • The ears are erect, triangular in shape, with round tips.
  • The neck is medium, muscular.
  • Body: elongated relative to the height at the withers by 5%;
  • The tail is in motion, thrown over the back or to the side. When at rest it hangs down.
  • Limbs: straight, evenly proportioned, parallel with good muscles and muscle mass.
  • Movements: jerky, light.
  • The coat is thick with a double undercoat and a healthy shine.
  • The color is predominantly white. It may also be milky in color.


The Samoyed Laika breed has an affectionate, playful, loving nature. Ideal for both a large happy family and a single person.

You can safely entrust your kids to them; they will be under their watchful supervision. In case of danger, they will let you know by barking, which speaks of the exceptional qualities of the guard.

They cannot stand loneliness and long separations. If you do not have enough time to devote to your pet, you should not get this breed. Without proper attention and training, dogs can become unsociable and wayward.

Teaching new commands and training will not be a big hassle. Dogs are quite intellectually developed and have good ingenuity and hard work.

They find a common language with other animals in the house, if this does not concern birds. Active, energetic, always busy with business and not only, they can also cause mischief. Therefore, education should begin from the first days of your acquaintance.

A freedom-loving breed that does not require much grooming except for their snow-white coat. You should not keep them on a chain and close them indoors for a long time; you can build a spacious enclosure or booth to keep them.

They tolerate frost well, but they do not like heat, although they can adapt. Therefore, in the summer there should be plenty of water and shade. Carry a bowl with you on walks so she can drink at any time.

Avoid heatstroke and walk early in the morning and late in the evening in summer. To keep the white coat always in perfect condition, care is necessary. The dog needs to be brushed daily, especially the undercoat, as tangles may form.

After a walk, inspect and wash your paws. You need to bathe when soiled, recommended once every six months. The unique thing about wool is that it can clean itself.

Special care during molting period. Buy special shampoos and conditioners; they will last you a long time, so don’t buy cheap ones.

Caring for the oral cavity, teeth and ears should be done at least once a week. Additional activity, walks and fresh air are a guarantee of a long and happy life for these dogs.


The Samoyed does not require a special diet, except perhaps only in the first months of life. It is recommended to stick to the diet you had from birth.

Buy two bowls – one for solid food and one for water. Don't give food by hand. As your dog grows, change bowls to prevent abnormal spine structure and poor posture.

A daily routine is required, puppies eat up to 5 times, adults – 2 times. Food should be fresh and warm. Do not overfill or feed between meals.

  • Meat: lean varieties - chicken, beef and lamb. It is preferable to pour boiling water over it.
  • By-products: liver, heart only boiled - 2 times a week.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese should be in the baby’s diet every day, as well as fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir.
  • Egg powder. Add it to food - good for bone growth.
  • Egg – boiled once a week.
  • Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice cooked in vegetable and meat broth.
  • You can give greens both raw and boiled.

In the first months, the puppy is given natural food, then premium grade dry food can be introduced. A combination diet is the best and healthiest choice for your pet.


When buying a pedigree puppy, ask about vaccinations. At 8 weeks the first vaccination should have been given - against enteritis and distemper.

The vaccine is produced by France and Holland. The second is done by a veterinarian; at 3 months, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the dosage. At 7 - revaccination and at 1 year complex vaccination.

  • Cataracts, conjunctivitis, blindness, retinal atrophy
  • Hypothyroidism thyroid gland, diabetes.
  • Pathological processes of the liver and genitourinary system, jade.
  • Aortic stenosis.
  • Gastrointestinal problems: flatulence.
  • Congenital anomalies of the structure of the middle ear, deafness.

The Samoyed is naturally in good health, so if this happens, it could be either poor care, nutrition and maintenance, or a hereditary factor.


Educate from the first day of communication. Determine a place to spend the night, and train him to toilet immediately outside. To prevent your puppy from chewing your things, buy him a lot of latex toys.

Don't let him sleep in the same bed with you, chew his hands and jump with his paws when he meets you. Training can begin at 3 months. You shouldn't scream, hit or be cruel to these pets, nothing good will come of it.

Rewarding them with treats for their work and hard work is very important to them. Practice one command up to 4 times, do not allow laziness, motivating with interesting games after lessons.

Become a leader for this dog, because the wolf instinct is inherent in Samoyeds. Show your power and don't let your pet lead you. Agility sports competitions are ideal for confirming positions.

It is there that the owner is in charge, and close communication will allow all priorities to be set. You can start from 6 months of age. There are courses for self-study, as well as lessons from an experienced trainer.

Choosing a puppy

The breed is not cheap, its price can reach 1500 USD. depending on the nursery and pedigree. Before choosing, you can look at the catalog, which fully describes the country of origin, availability of titles and contact information of breeders.

If you need it as a guard or a companion dog, the selection criteria will not be particularly strict, and the price will not be exorbitant. But if you want to raise a champion, the choice options are completely different.

Be sure to look at the baby's parents. This will give you an idea of ​​your adult dog. Hereditary diseases are recorded in passports, so be sure to ask to see them.

An honest breeder will provide information about the litter, the nursery and its high breed. Look at all the puppies. Choose the most mischievous, active and energetic one.

A healthy baby has a clean and tidy appearance, shiny coat, and proportional characteristics. The breeder provides a card and passport for the puppy.

Description of Samoyed Laikas

Samoyed males weigh about 30 kg, and their height is within 66 cm. Samoyed husky females have a body weight of no more than 25 kg, and their height at the withers does not exceed 0.5 m. There are two types of Samoyeds:

The Samoyed has a striking appearance and kind eyes. Regardless of the type, the Samoyed must comply with the standard dimensions:

  • large head;
  • wedge-shaped muzzle;
  • a pronounced transition from the forehead to the nose;
  • powerful jaw box, correct bite;
  • large nose, black or brown;
  • wide-set almond-shaped brown eyes;
  • small erect ears;
  • almost square build;
  • neck with a well-defined scruff;
  • powerful croup;
  • widely set strong paws;
  • tail dipped in calm state, and during movement - raised high.

Samoyeds have a fluffy and two-layer coat. Their undercoat is soft and dense, protecting them from moisture and wind. The guard hair is elongated and is almost in a vertical position. On the muzzle and front side of the paws the coat is short and dense. There is thick hair on the neck and tail, and the ears are also covered with it. The following colors are allowed by the standard:

  • snow white;
  • soft cream;
  • biscuit (small inclusions of cream color on a white background).

The Samoyed's coat should not have light brown or yellowish markings.

Certificate of origin of the breed

The Samoyed Laika is a dog that accompanied the Samoyed tribes that lived in Siberia and northern Russia. Nomads used huskies as guard, hunting, and sled dogs. Laikas even served as nannies, warming babies with their bodies in harsh climatic conditions.

According to existing legend, the Samoyed dog is a white wolf tamed by nomads. The tamed predator got its name thanks to its snow-white color. When the dog was pulling the sleigh, from the outside it seemed that they were moving on the white snow on their own. According to another version, the dog was named after the Nenets Samoyed people.

Dogs of this breed lived next to their owners, slept with them, keeping them warm own body. In 1889, a zoologist from Great Britain E.K. Scott lived for three months in the Samoyed tribe and met huskies there.

From the expedition he brought with him a couple of representatives of the breed and began breeding work. In the country, he created the Farmingham kennel and a club for fans of Samoyed Laikas, which opened in 1909. At the same time, the first breed standard was adopted. The description of the Samoyed husky has not changed since those times.

Description of appearance and breed standard, photographs

The Samoyed Laika has a spectacular appearance. The dog has a harmonious silhouette, luxurious fur, a sweet face adorned with a sincere smile and deep, wise eyes. Dimensions of an adult dog - height for males is from 51 to 56 centimeters, for females 46-51 centimeters; weight from 20 to 30 kilograms.

There are 2 types of Samoyed Laikas:

  1. Bearish - short back, slender build, wide, large head.
  2. Wolf - lean build, medium-wide chest, wedge-shaped, slightly elongated head.

The Samoyed Laika breed has the following standards:

  • Head powerful with a wide, flat skull. The muzzle is elongated, gradually tapering towards the end. Even lips. With raised corners, which creates the impression of a smile.
  • Nose black, brown or maroon.
  • Eyes obliquely set, almond-shaped, brown tones of varying intensity.
  • Ears dense, medium length, moderately rounded tips. Set wide apart, fully erect, covered with hair.
  • Bite scissor-shaped. The jaws are powerful.
  • Body medium length, muscular. The back is straight and wide. The ribs are convex and deep.
  • Neck medium length, curved, strong.
  • Limbs straight set, muscular, medium length. Shoulders are positioned correctly. The shoulder blades are inclined and strong. The hips are wide and muscular. Paws are oval. Fingers are arched, slightly bent.
  • Croup slightly inclined, wide.
  • Tail set high, medium length.

Disadvantages of the breed:

Disqualifying defects include blue eyes, floppy ears, and aggression.
  • Light frame.
  • Lack of sexual dimorphism.
  • The eyes are yellow.
  • Convex, barrel-shaped chest.
  • Squatness.
  • Incorrect placement of limbs.
  • Pincer bite.
  • Unpigmented lips.

Disqualifying faults:

  • Blue eye color or different eyes.
  • Overshot or undershot.
  • Drop ears.
  • Cowardice, aggressiveness.

Coat and color of the breed

The Samoyed has a double coat consisting of a short, soft, dense undercoat and a long, harsh, straight outer coat. The dog's neck is complemented by a collar around the shoulders and neck. Males have a particularly rich collar.

The hair is short on the head, forelimbs, and body. The ears are covered with vertical hairs, the inner surface is well pubescent. On hind limbs the wool forms the "pants". The tail is furred profusely.

Samoyed Husky colors:

  • White.
  • Cream.
  • White with biscuit tones.

The presence of brown shades in the color is not allowed by the standard.

Characteristics of the Samoyed dog

The character of the Samoyed Laika breed is distinguished by its unsurpassed friendliness and ability to find a common language with literally all family members. High intelligence and easy-going nature make the breed an ideal family pet.

The Samoyed is a very sociable, active and friendly dog.

The Samoyed Laika gets along well with children, participates in noisy games and even tolerates their importunity. Samoyeds do not have a hunting instinct, so they get along well with any animals in the house.

Education and training

The dog has a fairly high intelligence, and therefore is able to accept independent decisions in many situations. Incredible intelligence makes the process of training a husky quite simple, since it can master many commands literally the first time. If you carry out the training process in a playful way, the learning process goes quickly.

If you try to suppress your pet’s will and prevent him from taking initiative, the Samoyed will show his independence and stubbornness. This dog will quickly get tired of the monotonous, monotonous repetition of the same command. The dog needs to be captivated, then the training process will be successful.

IMPORTANT. You cannot beat a dog with a leash for disobedience, as in the future it will perceive this object with negative side and refuses to go for a walk. For severe disobedience, you can, in rare cases, spank the dog with a whip.

The behavior skills of the Samoyed Laika must be reinforced with special training. The technique of forcing the dog to follow commands and rewarding it for obedience makes it possible to quickly make the dog completely controllable.

You need to behave with a dog as if you were a partner, then its behavior will be the most appropriate.

You should not allow your puppy to be disobedient, as he will feel condescension and will systematically show willfulness. Therefore, when raising a husky, you cannot do without punishment.

An effective way to punish or stop wrong actions is to spank the withers. If the pet behaves incorrectly, it needs to be lifted by the withers, shaken and pressed to the floor. This action will not cause pain to the pet, but it will understand that its owner does not like its actions.

But any punishment for a Samoyed must be extremely fair. If a dog is punished simply to show his superiority, he will be offended and begin to show his own character.

Raising a Samoyed Laika is carried out according to the principle of behavior of animals in a wolf pack.

The owner is the leader, which means that the dog must learn the rules:

  • There is only after it.
  • Enter the house after the owner and with his permission.
  • Know her designated place and not get in her way.

Raising a Samoyed Laika is carried out according to the principle of behavior of animals in a wolf pack.

The puppy must learn all these rules starting from the age of 2.5 months. If the dog is used as a guard, it needs to be taught a voice command. But guarding qualities are not characteristic of the Samoyed husky, so this type of training is not necessary for it.

The Samoyed is a pack breed, so experts advise having several pets in the house at once. This will make the husky active and provide an opportunity to better demonstrate its working qualities. If proper physical activity is provided during long active walks, you can keep this breed in a city apartment.

The dog needs frequent walks and communication with its owner. If a husky is kept alone in an apartment, it will become depressed and begin to behave destructively (as a protest, the dog may begin to crap in the apartment and chew things). Despite its independent character, this dog cannot do without daily interaction with people.

During walks with the dog, they play active games and give it other physical activity. In the city, the dog is walked on a long leash or a tape measure. A dog needs a short leash for going to the veterinarian; it is not suitable for walking, as it restricts the pet’s movements.

The Samoyed is a sledding breed, so it can be harnessed to a sled or team.

The Samoyed is a sledding breed, so it can be harnessed to a sled or tied to a skier with a special device, and it will happily act as a draft force. You can train your dog to carry special doggy shopping bags from the store. For the dog, this will be great entertainment and an opportunity to keep the body in proper physical shape.

IMPORTANT. In summer, it is better to choose early morning or late evening for walks so that the dog does not overheat in the sun.

The Samoyed husky in the apartment must have a place to sleep, which must not be warm, in order to prevent the animal from overheating. Dog toys should be placed near the sleeping area. For feeding, it is recommended to purchase a special stand with a bowl.

The optimal conditions for keeping a Samoyed Laika is a country house with a large plot. But the dog should not be chained as a guard. For her, the yard is a place for independent walks, and not an object for protecting the territory.

The height of the fence to prevent jumping must be at least 120 cm. The dog can sleep in the kennel, even in severe frost, since the coat of this Arctic breed reliably protects the body from any cold. At the same time, this breed should not live constantly on the street, far from its owners. The dog should be able to enter the house and communicate with the owner and family members.

The Samoyed has a very thick coat, so this dog can live outside all year round, even in severe frosts.

While walking around the yard, the dog will dig the ground and chase any objects it finds. Samoyeds develop a great passion for digging holes in hot weather, when they turn over the top layer of soil to cool it. In hot weather, you can install a bathtub or pool in the yard so that the dog splashes in it and cools his body.

Basic rules for caring for a dog

  • Combing wool once a week, and during shedding every other day. The procedure is carried out using a special powder brush. There is no need to bathe the husky often, since its coat is capable of self-cleaning and is protected from contamination by a fatty coating. It is enough to refresh your pet's coat 3-4 times a year using a special shampoo. The pet's paws are washed after walks.
  • Ears and eyes dogs wipe with a damp cotton pad once or twice a week. Excess hair from the ear can be trimmed.
  • Teeth cleaning The dog needs it once a week. To prevent the formation of tartar, the Samoyed Laika can be treated to raw vegetables, special bones from the pet store and meat cartilage.

Organizing dog nutrition

Each owner can decide what to feed the Samoyed Laika independently, after consulting with the puppy’s breeder and a veterinarian. If you choose the option of feeding dry food, it is worth purchasing super-premium or holistic brands, which have a high protein content.

You can use super premium or holistic food as the main diet of the Samoyed.

Brands Eukanuba, EaglePak, Innova, Solid Gold contain exclusively natural ingredients and will provide the dog with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Natural nutrition of Samoyed

The natural diet of the Samoyed Laika should include the following products:

  • Meat – 30% (beef, turkey, chicken).
  • Porridge based on cereals (rice + buckwheat in a ratio of 2 to 1).
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk).
  • Sea fish - once or twice a week instead of meat.

It is acceptable to include vegetables and fruits in the diet. They can be included in the menu in addition to the main diet, introduced one type at a time, tracking the body’s reaction.

Prohibited for use:

  • Pork, lamb, steamed veal.
  • Bones.
  • Beets, potatoes.
  • Salt, sugar, chocolate.
  • Flour, white bread.

It is not advisable to include in the menu:

  • Carrot.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Pasta.

The natural diet of a Samoyed includes meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and dairy products.

The meat is given to the dog scalded or lightly boiled. Porridge is cooked in water or meat broth. Before consumption, fish is frozen at low temperatures for at least 2-3 days.

IMPORTANT. It is very useful to give a puppy up to 6 months old goat milk and cottage cheese.

Characteristic diseases

The Samoyed Laika is a hardy and healthy dog.

Typical ailments include:

  • Diabetes.
  • Bloating.
  • Arthritis.
  • Infection of the genitourinary system.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Some individuals exhibit sensitivity to analgesics, congenital deafness and eye diseases.

Samoyeds live 10-15 years.

Samoyeds may suffer diabetes mellitus, diseases of the genitourinary system, and deafness occurs in some dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The undoubted advantages of the breed are:

  • High intelligence.
  • No dog smell.
  • Self-cleaning wool.
  • Friendly character, gets along well with other pets.

The disadvantages of the breed are the need for long walks and abundant shedding of hair during molting.

Rules for choosing a puppy

Before choosing a Samoyed puppy, you need to decide on your goals:

  1. A dog for sled sport should not be too massive in build in order to have maneuverability and ease of movement.
  2. To participate in exhibitions, you need a puppy whose conformation is completely consistent with the breed. It is better to postpone the purchase of such a pet until 6-8 months, when all the external characteristics of the breed appear.
  3. If a dog is purchased exclusively as a pet, you need to choose a puppy that you like. A cheerful, lively puppy, responsive to affection, is ideal for a family.

General selection rules:

  • Thick, shiny coat.
  • Fatness, activity.
  • Clear eyes.
  • Clean ears.
  • Fur and skin around anus must be clean, without signs of indigestion or infection with worms.
  • Males must have two full testes.
  • The puppy's movements must be correct and free.

You can buy a purebred Samoyed husky puppy in nurseries in the following cities:

  • Moscow - at prices starting from $800 (,,
  • St. Petersburg – $500 (,,
  • Ekaterinburg - at a price of $600 (,,

Ancient Samoyed dogs roamed for three thousand years along with the northern tribes belonging to the peoples of the Samoyed group (Samoyeds), who inhabited Siberia and northern part Russia. The largest Samoyed people are the Nenets. Initially, only they were called Samoyeds, but later the name became collective for all representatives of the group. The snow-white dogs that lived with the Nenets and other nomadic tribes inherited the name of their owners.

Northern tribes used the hardworking animals that accompanied them to transport cargo in dog sleds, guard herds of deer, hunt bears, walruses, and even as a “nanny” for children and a “warmer” for adults. Samoyeds were often left in the tent overnight and fell asleep with them in their arms, because sleeping with a living duvet is much warmer than without it. To this day, they have retained their amazing ability - if you hug a Samoyed dog, it freezes and becomes extremely careful and attentive in order to preserve the owner’s precious peace.

Since all northern peoples used the same type of dog, it can be assumed that they managed to domesticate white wolves, which were forced south during the Ice Age. Aboriginal Samoyeds are similar to the polar representatives of the wolf, although the wild prototype has changed quite a lot during the process of domestication.

According to the most popular version, the ancestors of modern Samoyed dogs were aboriginal Samoyeds, who have now practically disappeared from the face of the earth. In 1889, British explorer Ernest Kilbrun Scott lived for several months surrounded by Samoyed tribes. During his expedition, the zoologist was so fascinated by the beauty and strength local dogs, that he could not leave for his homeland without taking at least one of them with him. Then he first brought a brown puppy named Dog to England. After some time, a cream-colored female named Vaiti Pechora (White Pechora) arrived in the open spaces of Foggy Albion from the Western part of the Urals, and a snow-white male named Masti arrived from Siberia. It is believed that these dogs laid the foundation for the development of Western Samoyeds. There is another, undocumented opinion, according to which the first representatives of the breed, during the search for trade routes with Siberia, were taken to Europe by the English captain Joseph Wiggens.

On the territory of the USSR, Samoyeds were not particularly favored - in the 1930s. In the 20th century they were subjected to mass destruction. The ruling authorities believed that the herding and sled dogs of the northern tribes greatly hampered progress, which is why they were shot in whole teams in the tundra. By the end of the decade, the number of animals bordered on zero. So, thanks to several individuals imported to England, modern Samoyeds delight dog lovers with their presence. They were re-imported to the USSR from Israel, Finland, England and other countries. The first Samoyed breed standard was officially described in England in 1909.

Today in Russia, according to various sources, the Samoyed population is approximately 2,500 individuals.

The appearance of representatives of the Samoyed dog breed is their main key to the heart of every person. Grace, elegance, charm, fluffy fur outfit and the signature Samoyed smile (raised corners of black lips) are the main qualities of modern Samoyeds. The height of males at the withers is 54-60 cm, females – 50-56 cm. Weight ranges from 17 to 30 kg depending on the sex of the animal.

The body of dogs of this breed is compact and strong, quite flexible, the head is wedge-shaped and powerful, the muzzle is gently tapered towards the nose, the neck is of medium length, proudly curved, the limbs are straight, muscular and strong. The profusely furred tail is carried over the back or side during activity, and may be slightly drooped when at rest. The high-set ears of the Samoyed are small and thick, slightly rounded at the ends, the dark brown almond-shaped eyes are deep-set and widely spaced, slightly slanted, which gives a cunning look to their eyes, the nose can be black, brown and flesh-colored, but at certain times of the year the pigment has the property of becoming discolored, giving the so-called “snowy” or “winter” nose. However, even during such seasonal changes There should be a dark edging on the nose.

The discoverer of Samoyeds, Kilburn Scott, distinguished three different types of heads among the bred dogs: fox-shaped, bear-shaped and wolf-shaped. This unofficial classification has survived to this day.

The coat of Samoyed dogs is truly polar - dense, abundant, with a double coat: a thick fluffy undercoat and a longer, straight and coarse coat. A thick collar is formed around the neck and shoulders, framing the head; in males it is more intense; on the back of the thighs there are “woolen” trousers. Healthy coat has a special shine. In the cold hairline fluffs up, and what’s interesting is that the stronger the frost, the more fluffy it becomes. Another feature of Samoyed wool is its ability to self-clean; if the pet is not washed very often, it will last a lifetime. An important advantage of Samoyed dogs is the absence of their own smell. As for color, it can be white, cream or fawn (white with a few biscuit spots). The guard hair must have silver ends.

Samoyed wool is sometimes used for knitting - as a material with hypoallergenic properties and a texture similar to angora. Products knitted from Samoyed fur are very warm and have medicinal properties– used to treat joint pain, radiculitis and reduce inflammation.

The life expectancy of Samoyed dogs is 12-15 years.

Samoyeds can be described as incredibly attractive, friendly, sociable, active, cheerful animals that adore all their household members. They make wonderful pets and companions. They are unpretentious, hardy, open and independent, have high intelligence, but sometimes they can show some stubbornness. They retain their enthusiasm and playfulness throughout their lives. Loyal, smart, gets along very well with children, weak hunting instincts make it possible to live together with other pets. Samoyed dogs are absolutely not aggressive or timid, but they can always stand up for themselves. These affectionate animals can find an approach to any person and always empathize with their owners in times of trouble and joy. They do not tolerate loneliness well; they are always drawn to communicate with people. In the United States, Samoyeds even have the title of “feel good dog,” and doctors recommend communicating with them as a means of treating depression and a way to get rid of feelings of loneliness. Samoyed dogs vocalize very often and can become excellent house guards.

Due to belonging to pack dogs, Samoyeds perceive the family in which they live as their own pack with a corresponding hierarchy, rights and responsibilities of each member. That is why, in the process of education, special attention should be paid to the correct placement of roles in this system. It is advisable to start training at an early age, because... later you may encounter stubbornness and unwillingness to submit.

It is impossible not to note the Samoyeds’ love of snow and sled riding; today they, along with other breeds of sled dogs, take part in races.

The main point of keeping Samoyed dogs is to carefully care for their luxurious coat. These owners of thick hair need regular daily combing, and during the shedding period, which lasts several weeks once or twice a year, it should be done especially intensively. It is necessary to comb snow-white puffballs by holding the separated part of the fur with one hand against the direction of growth, and with the other hand working with the brush in the direction of growth. Confused areas need more time. You should bathe your pet no more than once every six months, because... their wool, like that of most representatives of the northern breeds, has the ability to self-clean and is impervious to snow and rain. Washing Samoyeds is necessary solely to get rid of the saturated odors of other animals. To give the coat an even more attractive look, take a comb and run it against your pet’s fur so that the undercoat lifts slightly.

An important part of the safe keeping of Samoyed dogs is providing sufficient quantity physical activity and daily walks. Their innate adaptability to life in nature and love of work requires sufficient space for movement, open air and constant employment. Sitting in a kennel, house or apartment is not the best activity option for a Samoyed, so the pet needs active and long walks. They must be trained with special persistence, combined with love and patience. Despite their activity, Samoyed dogs do not eat very much; their diet can consist of natural food or dry food.

The cost of puppies of the Samoyed dog breed, depending on the eminence of their ancestors, ranges from 250-1000 dollars.

Samoyed dog(Samoyed) - northern white breed, medium height. Companion, shepherd, watchman and sled dog. This snow-white beauty captivates a person’s heart with his beauty and elegance at first sight. This is a dog that smiles, because the corners of their lips are raised, which is very similar to a smile. They sing, love people, and are always ready to help. Dogs have a proud posture, dignity and endurance, a gentle character and self-confidence.

The Samoyed dog is considered one of the oldest breeds and is closely related to the Spitz.

In Siberia, their homeland, they are used in sleigh rides, they herd reindeer, and do an excellent job as a living heating pad for humans on a harsh winter night. It’s so nice to hug them, and they seem to feel their purpose, they seem to freeze and lie calmly, giving off warmth next to you.

Samoyed Laika (Samoyed dog) - history of the breed

The photo shows a Samoyed dog wearing red tulips.

The Samoyed Laika is an Arctic dog that accompanied the ancient Samoyed tribes who lived in northern Russia and Siberia in their nomadic life, helping them survive in the harsh climate. Tribes used it as a sled and guard dog, for hunting walruses and bears. As nannies for children, they always warmed the little ones with their warmth on cold nights.

The dog could get its name from the fact that, being harnessed to a sled, it rode through the snow, and it was not visible (the white fur dissolved in the snow), it seemed that the sleigh was moving on its own, hence the name.

  • There is a version that in 1889, the British zoologist Ernst Kilbrun Scott from his expedition brought a brown puppy named Dog to England. From his next trips he brings back a cream-colored bitch named Whiteley Pechora (White Pechora) and a white dog named Masti. In 1909, the first breed standard was recorded in England.
  • There is also an erroneous version of the appearance of the Samoyed Laika at the end of the 19th century in Great Britain. The famous explorer Robert Scott, who achieved South Pole used the husky to transport heavy loads over long distances, thereby drawing attention to this amazing breed.

But with any version, the modern Samoyed comes from various individuals imported to England. Dog breeders have appreciated the qualities of the Samoyed Laika, and today it is very popular in many countries.

Description of the Samoyed dog breed and FCI standard

  • The Samoyed dog has a double coat: long, heavy, flexible, non-curly guard hair with a short, soft and dense undercoat.
  • Around the neck and shoulders, it forms a “collar”, this is more noticeable in males. The cover on the head is short and even.
  • On the outer side of the ear it is short and grows vertically to the ear. The inner surface of the ear is well furred. On the thigh, the fur resembles “pants.”
  • The coat of females is shorter and softer than that of males.

Samoyed husky color

Samoyed dog photo of a baby on a turquoise blanket

  • White
  • Cream
  • White with fawn markings

must prevail White color with an inconspicuous amount of biscuit marks. There should be no presence of pale brown.

Samoyed dog (Laika) character

By nature, the Samoyed is a smart, friendly, intelligent, affectionate and devoted dog. He can sense the owner’s mood very well and can just sit quietly next to you if you are tired. But if the owner is in a playful mood, the dog is always ready for play and pranks. He has a balanced psyche and is suitable for families with children.

They love children and their company and play and frolic with them all day. Serves as a good nanny and toy for them at the same time. Children who are too young should not be left alone with a dog for a long time, due to their size and playful temperament. He may simply not calculate his strength when playing and knock the child to the floor. But he will never intentionally bite anyone.

The dog gets along well with cats and pets with whom it grows up. But I often hunt other people's cats. Not at all suitable as a security guard. Possesses complete absence aggression and distrust of strangers.

In the photo, a white Samoyed dog poses for the camera.

She doesn't bark, doesn't bite, doesn't rush at people. But he is a good watchman and has a great sense of his territory. They don’t like to be left at home alone, they don’t live separately from people, it doesn’t matter whether it’s an apartment or a country house. The Samoyed dog is a bright representative of a pack breed that is accustomed to living in a family - a pack and being part of it. They get along well in any conditions, do not take up much space in the house, but need regular walking and active walks.

In hot climates, Samoyeds overheat, which is very dangerous for their health. They need access to fresh, cool air and plenty of water to drink.

They are easy to train, they are smart and understanding, but they should start from an early age. They take well to persistent and patient training. Excellent for agility and skijoring (a sledding sport in which a cross-country skier moves freely along a ski course with one or more dogs).

Samoyed Laika - care and maintenance

Photo of Samoyed husky mother with puppy

Coat: dense, snow-white with dense undercoat, practically odorless, sheds. Shedding is seasonal and heavy. Many breeders do not throw it away, but collect it, weave threads from it and knit warm products.

It is enough to comb 1 - 2 times a week with a slicker brush or a metal comb with long and round teeth.

The shedding period lasts 2-3 weeks, once a year for males and twice a year for females; brushing will have to be done daily. But if you live in an apartment with warm, dry air, shedding will be constant and you will have to comb and vacuum the house more often.

Bathing: The Samoyed has a self-cleaning coat and requires bathing rarely or only when necessary. For example, a dog is always bathed before a show, or once every 1 - 2 months. She is characterized by cleanliness and neatness. Too frequent washing makes the skin dull, washing away natural fats, the skin flakes and turns red. For bathing the Samoyed, use whitening and super cleansing shampoos for dogs with white hair. Always use a conditioner or hair mask, this way you will protect your hair from the harmful effects of shampoo.

In the photo, a Samoyed husky plays with a ball of red thread.

Eyes: in a healthy Samoyed they are shiny, without souring and without tear tracks. To prevent souring, you can wipe it with a damp cloth once a week. soft cloth, soaked in weak tea leaves.

Ears: Check regularly for large wax buildup or foul odor. Once a week, wipe the inside of the ear with a damp cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Claws and paws: after a walk, wipe with a damp cloth and look for any cuts or injuries. With an active lifestyle, the claws should wear off, but they will still have to be trimmed. Be sure to accustom your dog to this procedure from an early age, otherwise trimming the nails of an adult Samoyed will not be easy. Once every 2 months, trim the nails with a nail clipper for medium breeds, always remember about the fifth dewclaw. Sharp ends must be smoothed with a nail file. The fur between the pads must be trimmed.

Samoyed dog photo in the snow

You will have to take the Samoyed for walks a lot and often, at least 2 times a day. Laika is active and temperamental, loves to be the center of attention. Choose places for walks where your dog can be trained, run, and taught how to perform simple commands.

Nutrition of the Samoyed Laika (Samoyed)

Photo of Samoyed dogs outdoors in the forest

There are two types of feeding:

  1. dry prepared food
  2. natural food

You can find out which food is best for your dog by consulting your veterinarian about his health condition. Many experts recommend feeding the Samoyed husky with ready-made premium food, and under no circumstances mixing it with natural food. They contain all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for development and health.

When choosing to feed natural products, adhere to simple rules, and your dog will be healthy and active.

  • Always feed freshly prepared food at room temperature
  • Provide constant access to water
  • One serving should be eaten as a snack
  • Hide any leftover food in the refrigerator until the next feeding.
  • In this case, make the next portion smaller
  • Provide like essential vitamins and minerals
  • Never give prohibited foods
  • Always scald raw meat with boiling water, or cook in a small amount of water for 5-10 minutes of boiling.
  • Cook porridge in low-fat meat broth
  • Feed the Samoyed only after a walk, after 15-20 minutes
  • Frozen fish or fillets, 1 - 3 times a month (remove from freezer, hold for 10 - 20 minutes at room temperature, divide into 300-400 gram portions)
  • Bones from pressed veins (only possible from 5-6 months)
  • If you notice that your Samoyed eats excrement, don’t be alarmed, buy unpeeled tripe, divide it into portions, and let’s chew it 1-2 times a week (for 1-2 months)
  • Veterinarians recommend using natural food when raising a Samoyed for up to 6-9 months.

Laikas lined up for a photo shoot

Prohibited foods for Samoyed:

  • Sweets
  • Chocolate
  • Chicken bones
  • Raw eggs
  • Bakery products
  • Pasta
  • Smoked meats
  • Pork and fatty meat
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Mutton
  • Fresh veal
  • Beet
  • Potato
  • Spices
  • River fish
  • Beef (rump, stock parts, edge, lungs, heart)
  • Ground beef for small puppies
  • Chicken, turkey, rabbit
  • Sea fish (can be raw, lean, not bony)
  • Porridge (rice, buckwheat, you can mix 1:2, boiled in broth)
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk)
  • Goat milk and cottage cheese (very healthy for puppies)
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Greenery

Attention: introduce vegetables and fruits one new product per day, carefully monitor the body’s reaction to avoid allergies!

Samoyed husky (dog) training

The Samoyed needs training and education from an early age. You must show patience, understanding and most importantly, never use physical strength. Set rules for huskies from the first minute, as soon as the puppy gets to your home, he should know what he can and cannot do. If you don’t want an adult dog to climb onto the bed, don’t let the puppy sleep with you, no matter how much he asks, he must know his place.

The Samoyed Laika is very sensitive to the intonation of the owner’s voice, therefore, do not scold him too much, if he has done something wrong, say sharply “Fu” and lightly slap him on the face, never hit him, the dog should not feel pain.

Be sure to teach your puppy the “Come to me” commands; he must come to you at home or on the street.
Command “Fu” - the owner prohibits, the Samoyed must move away or throw the object that interests him.

When following a command, always praise it and treat it with a treat. Teach your dog not to even approach the road; many die under the wheels of cars. But in any case, you shouldn’t let the Samoyed off the leash while walking in the city. To maintain good physical and mental health, the Laika is recommended to play a lot, run in the fresh air, live surrounded by a loving family, and feel the need.

The Samoyed is a sled dog; in winter, it can be harnessed to a sled and let the kids take it for rides.
In the first year of his life, he misbehaves and plays pranks; he becomes an adult only at the age of 3. But with proper upbringing, he grows up to be an intelligent and reliable friend.

Samoyed huskies cannot be kept on a chain, they cannot stand it, they begin to get sick and waste away.

Choose a place in the house in a secluded corner so that it does not disturb you when you sleep; it should not be in a draft or near a radiator.

By 5 months, when riding training begins, he must know the commands “Sit”, “Lie down” and “Come to me”.

When teaching your baby, praise and reward with treats:

  • Boiled beef liver or lungs (cut into 1x1 cm pieces, lightly dry in the oven until it becomes a crouton)
  • Boiled chicken hearts (finely chopped)
  • Lamb gizzards (finely chopped)

Choosing a Samoyed Husky puppy

If you want to buy a Samoyed, pay attention to several factors:

  1. Pay attention to the conditions of detention
  2. The room should be clean, warm, well ventilated, without any unpleasant odor.
  3. Ask to see your parents.
  4. Be sure to ask the breeder for a pedigree
  5. Find out about hereditary diseases
  6. Choose a mobile and active puppy
  7. A purebred Samoyed has a small head, small almond-shaped eyes, and a short and wide muzzle. The ears are small, triangular, and widely spaced. The coat is clean, shiny and without dandruff.
  8. Don't forget to take documents and veterinary passport.
  9. Find out about all vaccinations at the time of purchase.

Diseases of the Samoyed Laika

  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Kidney disease
  • Bloating
  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Portosystemic shunt
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Depigmentation of the nose
  • Congenital deafness

A snow-white bundle of energy always attracts attention on a city street. These shaggy friends are full of charm, because it is impossible to resist the grace of their movements and signature smile. A detailed description of the Samoyed Laika breed will help you choose the right pet with a rich history and unlost working skills.

Due to their sledding past and northern origin, Samoyeds are called Samoyed Laikas. Although now their main purpose is as a companion dog. These are hardy, intelligent and loyal animals.

Characteristics of the Samoyed Laika breed

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) classifies the Samoyed as a member of the Spitz group. Sometimes they are called the Arctic Spitz, although they only have in common their ancient origin, medium size and beautiful coat.

According to the breed standard, the optimal proportion of a pet’s body is considered to be a slightly longer body length relative to its height. The head is large, with small triangular erect ears. The lips are always black, with slightly raised corners, which makes the dog seem to be smiling. The nose is black, but the pigmentation can periodically change, leaving only the rim dark. When writing a description of the Samoyed dog breed, experts emphasize that the chest should be wide and deep, and the paws should be strong and widely spaced. The tail is straight, often carried over the back or side.

  • Weight. Males - 25-30 kg, females a little lighter - 17-25 kg.
  • Height at the withers. 51-56 cm - for “boys”, and 46-51 cm - for “girls”.
  • Color. White or interspersed with red, which gives a creamy or biscuit shade. The inclusions should be barely noticeable so as not to create the effect of shades of brown - they are considered non-compliance with the standard.
  • Lifespan. On average, 12-15 years, but with proper care, a Samoyed dog can live up to 17-20 years.
  • Character. Sociable, friendly, not cowardly, but not aggressive either. Samoyeds are very sociable both with their brothers and with people, because for centuries they lived in northern tribes, where they did not know the rights of individual property. The dog becomes very attached to its owner, and this breed is not recommended for those who spend a lot of time on business trips. At the same time, the Samoyed always remains on his own mind, and the owner needs to be able to find the right approach to him.
  • Intelligence. These furry friends are naturally intelligent, as they are accustomed to interacting with people at work and play.
  • Security and guard potential. The FCI document explicitly states: “Must not be used as a guard dog.” This is not a decorative breed and in case of an attack it will fight back, but its security and guard qualities are below average. They were probably lost by the Samoyeds after moving from the North.

The coat of the snow-white “Ulybak” is two-layered, with elongated, hard, straight guard hair. Healthy and well-groomed - she sparkles like fresh snow in the sun. The undercoat is thick and soft. On the dog's neck and shoulders, the fur forms a collar, and on the hind legs - pants.

Advantages and disadvantages

For all its visual attractiveness and natural sociability, the Samoyed Laika is not the easiest breed to keep and train. A comparison table of their pros and cons will help you decide whether a snow-white companion is right for you.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Samoyeds

- Has a good-natured, accommodating and sociable disposition;
- is a good companion for children;
- can be kept both in an enclosure and in an apartment;
- distinguished by beauty;
- does not require complex care, with the exception of wool;
- does not require a special diet or dietary menu;
- naturally has health and stamina
- Has weak protective instincts;
- loves to howl and bark;
- can destroy the apartment from longing for the owner or from resentment;
- may try to dominate;
- learns only with properly selected motivation;
- requires careful grooming;
- sheds profusely;
- it costs expensive

Difficulties that may arise in raising a Samoyed mainly concern male dogs, since they have a very self-confident and proud disposition.

Origin history and interesting facts

There is no exact information about the origins of the breed. A number of scientists suggest that Samoyeds descend from ancient dogs and came to the North with nomadic tribes almost during the time of the Great Migration of Peoples. Other researchers insist that the ancestors of these shaggy comrades are white wolves, which the aborigines of the Russian North managed to domesticate. The only thing that is certain is the ancient northern origin of the breed, thanks to which it is known why the Samoyed dog is called that way. It's all about the nomadic tribe of the same name (Samoyeds, Samoyeds), where these animals were most common.

These four-legged friends have been herding reindeer in the tundra for centuries, serving as draft animals, guarding camps and truly keeping their owners and their children warm. They say that a kind of “hot water bottle reflex” has been preserved in the modern breed - if you hug a Samoyed, he will lie motionless, warming you with his body.

The documented history of the Samoyed husky breed began at the end of the 19th century thanks to the British zoologist Ernst Kilbrun Scott. The scientist studied the life of the northern peoples of Russia and fell in love with their dogs. From the expedition he brought the first male dog with the “original” nickname Dog. Oddly enough, the Dog was brown, which is now a breed defect. Scott later acquired a cream-colored female from the Western Urals and a snow-white male from Siberia. From these three dogs the breeding of pets from the North began.

The official name of the breed is Samoyed dog or Samoyed. The remaining epithets: “Samoyed Laika”, “Arctic Spitz” and others are nothing more than artistic comparisons.


The “civilized world” learned about the “fluffy miracle” by historical standards recently, so they tried to change and improve the breed in almost every country of residence. Now, in addition to the FCI standard, there are seven standards from different cynological organizations. But with some differences in assessments, they all distinguish only two types of Samoyeds:

  • bear type - the animal seems somewhat more massive due to its larger head, shortened back and stocky build;
  • the wolf type is a leaner dog, with a medium-sized chest and head, and a moderately elongated muzzle.

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

Before buying a puppy, prepare its future home, provide a bed, bowls for food and water, a leash and a collar (harness) for walks. It is also worth acquiring grooming tools in advance (combs with different tooth frequencies, a slicker brush, a nail clipper).

Even a medium-sized four-legged friend needs a separate area not only for sleeping and eating. Make sure there is enough space in your apartment.

The Samoyed is a working dog in the recent past, and is not overactive, but long-term and regular exercise is necessary for him to maintain health and peace of mind. In the autumn-winter period, you can dress your dog to protect its fur from dirt.

Apartment or enclosure

Despite the fact that the size of an adult Samoyed husky allows it to be kept both in a private house and in an apartment, it is worth considering whether your living conditions are suitable for this pet. The table will help you weigh the pros and cons of keeping a dog in an enclosure and indoors.

Table - Where is the best place to keep a Samoyed Laika?

Aviary- Enough space and time for physical activity;
- during the molting period there is no need to collect wool throughout the home
It will get dirty quickly, and you shouldn’t bathe your dog often.
Apartment- It’s easier to maintain the beautiful appearance of your pet;
- the dog will receive more attention
- Can create a serious mess during your absence;
- likes to express emotions by barking or howling, which will not please the neighbors;
- will bring dirt to the paws, which will have to be washed constantly;
- sheds heavily, which necessitates additional cleaning of the house

Despite the relative freedom of the dog in the enclosure, you will still have to play with him, since the Samoyed needs frequent communication and interaction with humans.

Features of care

In general, caring for a Samoyed is not too difficult, but requires regular attention. Periodically inspect your pet's eyes and ears and wipe with a damp cloth if necessary. If your dog's eyes are running and you suspect the onset of an inflammatory process, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The Samoyed's claws often wear down naturally, but if he doesn't walk much or only runs on soft ground, they can be trimmed as needed.

Three to four times a year, the dog must be treated for worms. In the warm season, preventive treatment against fleas is also carried out (the frequency depends on the duration of the product used). From spring to autumn, after a walk in green areas, the dog must be examined for ticks.

A small puppy is vaccinated at one month, then at two, at six months and at one year. An adult dog is vaccinated annually.

Caring for wool

Samoyeds shed twice a year, but those that live in an apartment can “update their wardrobe” more often. Therefore, the most difficult thing, especially for an inexperienced dog breeder, is to care for the coat of an Arctic Spitz. Its snowy whiteness and fluffiness require time and effort from the owner. The table contains recommendations on how to keep Samoyed fur in perfect condition.

Table - Samoyed coat care

CombingDaily- Remove foreign objects that get into the wool during a walk;
- avoid tangling and stalling;
- during the molting period, use a special slicker brush
BathingNo more than 2 times a year- Use special shampoos for white wool and conditioner;
- choose high-quality cosmetics, otherwise the coat may acquire a yellowish tint;
- be sure to dry the dog to avoid the appearance of fungus
A haircutOnce a year before the heat comesCarry out the procedure only by a professional, so as not to spoil the quality of the coat.

According to breed standards, huskies are not cut for exhibitions. It is enough to tidy up the coat and remove excess hair on the ears, between the toes and in the groin area.


The Samoyed dog breed is unpretentious in food, and the lack of a tendency to allergies and diseases of the digestive system allows you to feed the Samoyed without any special tricks or frills. From the northern past, the furry pet still has moderation in food, which should be of high quality and high in calories.

When choosing commercial food, pay attention to the composition - the main share should be meat, and there should be no grains at all or in minimal quantities. It is better to use products from well-known brands of premium class and higher.
The natural food menu includes:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • porridge.

The basis of the natural diet is lean meat, and sea fish is served strictly without bones. It is necessary to add vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes. You should consult your veterinarian about specific medication schedules.

Training issues

These smiling companions perceive the human family as their pack, therefore, for successful training, the owner of the Samoyed Husky must be a recognized leader and leader. However, violence against a Samoyed is unacceptable - it will hurt the pet’s pride and make it even less obedient.

From the first days the dog is taught to follow the rules accepted in the house. For example, if the dog lives in an enclosure, you can leave it only at the owner’s invitation, and not try to slip out through the gap. When kept in an apartment, even at the touching age of a puppy, the pet should be prohibited from sleeping on the bed or begging for food from the table. Samoyeds are smart, and if they find a weakness in their owner’s character, they will actively exploit it.

It is important to teach your shaggy friend to react appropriately to strangers and animals on the street. After three months, the puppy begins to be taught simple commands: “Come to me,” “No,” “Ugh.” They are worked out sequentially until execution is automatic. Every successful attempt should be rewarded with a treat. If possible, it is better to take at least a few lessons from a professional dog trainer, since the success of training always depends not so much on the dog, but on the owner.

Samoyeds are stubborn, but passionate. If the lessons are perceived as fun game, they will quickly acquire the necessary skills.

Diseases and treatment

As true natives of the North, Samoyed huskies are strong, hardy, have good immunity and relatively healthy heredity, but there are some risks.

  • Dysplasia of the hip or elbow joints. This is often an age-related disease, but can also be hereditary. Manifested by stiffness of movement and lameness. If detected early, it can be successfully treated with medication.
  • Arthritis. An age-related inflammatory disease. It is completely incurable, but it is possible and necessary to relieve symptoms for a pain-free life.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Samoyeds can suffer from portosystemic shunt (the appearance of shunts that allow blood to enter the systemic circulation, bypassing the liver) and aortic stenosis (narrowing of the duct to the left ventricle of the heart).
  • Volvulus of the intestines or stomach. May be the result of excessive physical activity, injury or pathology of the relevant organs. Help must be provided within the first hours, otherwise death is inevitable.
  • Eye diseases. Common ones include cataracts, glaucoma and retinal atrophy. Without medical help, the dog loses its vision.
  • Diabetes. Develops with age due to hormonal imbalances.

Samoyeds are a healthy breed, the quality and life expectancy of which largely depends on the attention of the owner. Always monitor your pet for changes in behavior or movement, as well as the condition of its coat, appetite, and stool. Timely identification of the problem will facilitate its solution.

TOP nicknames

When choosing a name, keep in mind that you will have to use it often, including shouting in crowded places. The nickname should be harmonious and unlike the team. Many owners, when choosing a name for a Samoyed, remember its northern origin or are guided by the appearance of the animal.

Nicknames for Samoyed husky “boy”:

  • North;
  • North;
  • Nansen;
  • Ermak;
  • Snowball;
  • Viking;
  • Sable.

Nicknames for Samoyed Laika “girls”:

  • Snow White/Snowball/Snezhana;
  • Pushinka;
  • Alaska;
  • Aurora;
  • Siberia;
  • Gerda;
  • Naina.

Photo review

Even summer photos of puppies and dogs of the Samoyed husky breed exude a snowy mood. And against the backdrop of winter landscapes, their magnificent shiny coat looks like precious fur.

Cost and where to buy

Samoyeds cannot be called a cheap breed. The price of a puppy in Moscow starts from 25 thousand rubles (data as of January 2018). On average, a Samoyed husky puppy costs 30-50 thousand rubles. The final cost depends on the class of the pet and the titles of the parents - a future champion can cost significantly more.

You should not trust private individuals who offer to buy Samoyed puppies at a low price. Often we are talking about dogs without documents, whose origin, heredity and future compliance with breed standards are in question.

Choosing a puppy

You should only buy a Samoyed husky puppy from breeding nurseries or from breeders with a good reputation in cynological circles. Collect all available information about representatives of the breed in your area, if possible, go to a dog show and talk to experienced owners of these dogs.

Decide for yourself what gender of puppy you want and what goals you set for it. The future champion or sire must belong to the show or breed class.

Please note that Samoyed males are slightly larger and more impressive than females, but are more difficult to train, can be headstrong and try to dominate an inexperienced dog breeder. “Girls” are easier to raise and cleaner. If we are talking about future breeding, it is better to take a healthy bitch from a good family. Finding a suitable partner for her is easier than convincing females that your male is the standard of the breed, worthy of mating. Often the queue of ladies is only for champion males with excellent pedigree and mating experience. You can breed a Samoyed after the second heat. It is better to entrust monitoring the progress of pregnancy and delivery to an experienced doctor.

In this breed, a puppy's show prospects are determined at about four months of age, and such a puppy will cost significantly more.


Professional breeding of this breed is carried out in many large cities. You can find a breeding nursery for the Samoyed Laika breed in almost every region of Russia and the CIS countries:

  • "Joy of Life" in Moscow-;
  • “Smile of the North” in St. Petersburg-;
  • "Moon Wind" in Samara-;
  • DOTY’K VITRU in Uzhgorod (Ukraine) -;
  • White Evenk in Mozyr (Belarus)-

It may seem that the snow-white beauty will suit anyone and will become an ideal companion from the first day. Samoyeds certainly have the natural inclinations for this. But reviews from owners about the Samoyed remind us how important it is to take into account that the pet itself places high demands on its potential owner: respectful attitude, active walks, a lot of attention on the street and at home, careful grooming.