Rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment, consequences and prevention

Article publication date: 12/01/2015

Article updated date: 12/02/2018

Despite the fact that scientists are continuously studying the mechanisms of development of rheumatoid arthritis, radical therapy that will permanently eliminate the disease has not been found. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis today is aimed at reducing symptoms, increasing motor function and prolongation of periods of remission.

The most effective treatment is complex, which includes four elements:

    Drug therapy. This is basic therapy, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, vitamin D preparations and sulfonamides.

    An effective treatment regimen that includes products containing vitamin D. Compensating for the deficiency of this vitamin allows you to slow down the pathological destruction of joint tissue and increase the effectiveness of medications.

    Therapeutic exercise. Individually selected exercises help restore joints to their former flexibility and muscles to return to tone.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures: phonophoresis, UHF, ozokerite and others.

    The simultaneous use of several types of physiotherapy, for example, phonophoresis and balneotherapy, stimulate the immune system, reducing the production of an aggressive agent, and contribute to the rapid relief of acute inflammation.

    Folk remedies. Most rheumatologists recognize the positive effects natural recipes in the treatment regimen for rheumatoid arthritis. They enhance the effectiveness of drug treatment, and in 50% of cases they successfully replace it.

Comforting news for millions suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is the emergence of a large number of improved drugs that make it easy to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and reliably control the course of the disease.

Absolutely new class antirheumatic drugs - biological agents (Humira, Orencia, Embrel, etc.), which, in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, provide long-term remission and prevent the destruction of joint tissue. Their action is aimed at correcting the functioning of the immune system, which gives hope for the ability to effectively treat pathological processes.

The greatest danger of rheumatoid arthritis is the lack of expression of symptoms at the beginning of the disease. The slight discomfort felt in the morning, which is associated with stiffness of movement and weakness, is usually not a cause for concern. As a result, people often come to rheumatologists for help when the disease has progressed quite far and is already difficult to treat.

General treatment regimen for rheumatoid arthritis. Click on photo to enlarge

Four goals for treating rheumatoid arthritis

Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis can take many years. It is important to never take breaks or skip taking medications or performing prescribed procedures.

Objectives of complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis:

    relief from weakness, pain, swelling and limited joint mobility;

    prevention of deformation and destruction of joints;

    increasing the duration and quality of life of the patient;

    prolongation of remission periods and achieving its stability.

1. Drug treatment

Basic therapy drugs

Method basic therapy– the basis for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with other drugs. The action of medications included in this group is aimed at suppressing the source of pathology, inadequate reaction immune system. In the vast majority of cases, the following drugs are prescribed for basic treatment.

Immunosuppressants (cytostatics)

Examples of drugs: methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, Remicade, leflunomide.

Main action: suppress the activity of cells of the immune system.

Antimalarial drugs

Examples of medications: delagil (rezoquine, hingamine), plaquentil (hydroxychloroquine).

Main effect: reduce the severity of symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease.

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Examples of drugs: salazopyridazine, sulfasalazine.

Main action:

  • They have a modifying effect on the course of the disease.
  • Stops the worsening of symptoms.
  • Suppress the production of aggressive agents.

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Products containing gold salts

Examples of drugs: aurothiomalate, auronofin.

Main action:

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Examples of medications: Embrel, Orence, Rituxan, Remicade, Kineret, Humira.

Main action: these are genetically modified drugs that modify the reaction of enzymes of the immune system (biological reaction).

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It is most effective to treat rheumatoid arthritis by prescribing several basic therapy drugs at the same time, since they enhance the effect of each other, accelerating the results. For example, the following treatment regimens showed excellent results:

    Methotrexate and cyclosporine;

    Methotrexate, sulfasalazine and hydroxychloroquine.

Methotrexate is the “gold standard” in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – emergency help to relieve pain and relieve joint inflammation. It is necessary to treat the disease with NSAIDs under the strict supervision of a rheumatologist. It is necessary to adjust the daily dosage of the drug after the onset of the effect of the basic therapy drugs.

The disease itself cannot be treated with non-steroidal drugs. But they effectively reduce unpleasant symptoms, thus significantly improving a person’s quality of life.

Examples of medications: piroxicam, butadione, indomethacin, ketanov (ketoprofen), ibuprofen (nurofen).

Effect of the drugs: relieve pain and reduce inflammatory processes in the tissues of the joints and periarticular bursae.

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Corticosteroids help in difficult situations when the manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis are so pronounced that they do not allow a person to make a single movement without pain. They can treat pain and inflammation with high efficiency. They are prescribed with extreme caution, since corticosteroids are stress hormones. When administered orally, they can cause swipe throughout all systems and organs, therefore, for the safe treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, local dosage forms are used.

Corticosteroids, injected directly into the tissue of the affected joint, instantly relieve pain, stop the inflammatory process and contribute to a general improvement in the patient's condition. But the therapeutic effect lasts no more than a month, and when the drug is discontinued, all negative manifestations return, in most cases with a vengeance.

Examples of drugs: prednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, betamethasone.

Active action:

  • Instantly relieves pain.
  • Stops inflammatory processes in tissues.
  • Improves the general condition of the patient.

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Advantages and Benefits Side effects
Rapid improvement in general condition, suppression of pain, stiffness and chills Addictive
At long-term use the following pathologies may develop:
Persistent swelling
Endocrine disorders
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
Thrombosis of large veins

An injection of corticosteroids into the joint tissue can quickly relieve pain

2. Exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Forced movements that force painful joints to strain have a detrimental effect on the healing process. But necessary special exercises, which help the surviving working tissues adapt to new operating conditions and partially restore the function of the affected tissues. Such exercises make rheumatoid arthritis therapy effective and progressive.

Exercises physical therapy should not overload the joints and cause additional damage to tissues. Their goal is to improve tissue nutrition and restore motor function of the joint.

Under no circumstances should physical therapy classes be conducted in acute period any infectious disease, with respiratory failure and heart failure grades 2 and 3.

Physical therapy exercises in the treatment regimen for rheumatoid arthritis are an effective means of reducing morning recovery movements, maintaining the remaining functional abilities of the joints and partial recovery lost.

The technique of performing exercises for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is chosen strictly individually. It is necessary to take into account the patient's condition, the capabilities of the affected joints and the risk of unintentional injury.

For brushes

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For hands

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For legs

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An example of a set of exercises for rheumatoid arthritis. Click on the picture to enlarge

3. Physiotherapy

Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is carried out using physiotherapy procedures. They reduce the activity of inflammatory processes, relieve pain, and promote the restoration of damaged tissues. Physiotherapy is prescribed only after pain has been relieved and inflammation has subsided.

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Name of procedure Efficiency of action


Stimulates blood circulation, increases access of nutrients to the joint, increases their susceptibility.


Helps reduce swelling, stimulates the restoration mechanisms of cartilage tissue.

Relieves pain, relieves swelling, and prevents the appearance of free radicals.


Activates metabolic processes in joint tissues, stops the spread of the inflammatory process, removes swelling, and accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues.


Enhances the effect of painkillers, stimulates blood supply and mobility, and inhibits joint deformation.

4. Home treatment with folk remedies

Natural recipes in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are effective and safe. Most rheumatologists recommend that decoctions, infusions and ointments made from medicinal plants be included in the treatment regimen.

The first place in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis at home is taken by ordinary potatoes. The composition of this popular vegetable helps to increase the effectiveness of the main treatment and helps the immune system return to normal functioning.

Potatoes on kefir

Preparation: Grate medium-sized potatoes. Pour the resulting mass with a glass of regular kefir.

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Ranunculus flowers

Preparation: Grind a handful of buttercup flowers (25–30 pieces) in a mortar until the juice appears.

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Radish juice, honey and vodka

Preparation: 2 cups of juice squeezed from black radish, 2/3 cup of honey and half a glass of vodka, mix thoroughly until smooth.

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Before using traditional recipes, be sure to consult your doctor. Knowing all the nuances of the course of your illness, a specialist will help you choose the most effective remedy and advise the most effective way to use it.

Rheumatoid arthritis refers to a severe autoimmune pathology, prone to steady progression of symptoms.

Therefore, despite the aggressiveness of therapy, the question: “To treat or not to treat” should not arise.

To understand how to treat rheumatoid arthritis, you need to understand what happens in the body during this disease, what its essence is.

A little about the disease itself

The essence of rheumatoid arthritis lies in the production of protective proteins (antibodies) against one’s own tissues that have changed their structure during exposure to some (still clearly unidentified) damaging factor. Moreover, this mechanism only works in individuals predisposed to this disease.

The disease can occur with isolated damage to the joints (mainly small joints of the hands and feet are affected), or may be accompanied by the development of severe damage to internal organs.

Damage to the joints always ends in their deformation, leading the patient to disability, and the inclusion of internal organs in the process is considered a prognostically unfavorable sign, which forces us to look for more and more new combinations of drugs for rheumatoid arthritis.

In laboratory differential diagnosis, great importance is given to the detection of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) and ACCP in the patient’s blood.

According to the presence or absence of RF, rheumatoid arthritis is divided into seropositive and seronegative variants, although the treatment of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis does not differ from the treatment of its seronegative variant.

The only exception is sulfasalazine. It is prescribed when there is no RF in the patient’s blood. But, judging by the reviews, Sulfasalazine for rheumatoid arthritis does not lead to stable therapeutic results due to its rather weak systemic effect. The drug is primarily used in gastroenterology for Crohn's disease or UC.

Directions of therapy

Modern methods of treating rheumatoid arthritis consist of developed drug regimens for varying degrees of severity of the process and include two directions: auxiliary and basic.

An auxiliary element in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, consisting of NSAIDs and glucocorticoids, once used to be the basis of the therapeutic effect on the disease, but due to a large number of diverse complications, steroids began to lose ground (especially in pediatric practice), and NSAIDs (due to insufficiency effect) are increasingly used in rheumatoid arthritis as painkillers.

The place of NSAIDs and glucocorticoids in the treatment of the disease

Since rheumatoid arthritis is chronic illness and is accompanied by a severe pain syndrome caused by constantly ongoing immune inflammation in the joints, then you have to take NSAIDs not for a short course, as recommended, but for months.

Given the high likelihood of developing gastrointestinal bleeding, which doubles when it is necessary to take hormonal drugs, more and more preference is given to the prescription of selective NSAIDs, for example, Airtal.

But in the treatment of exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis, Ketoprofen turned out to be the most effective, since it blocks both inflammatory COX and COX, which is responsible for protecting the gastrointestinal tract.
In this regard, Dexalgin should be noted. Dexalgin is active form Ketoprofen, in which the analgesic effect of the drug is enhanced without potentiation negative consequences taking medication.
Protection of the gastrointestinal tract in cases of using these drugs is carried out by taking medications from the group of inhibitors proton pump.

Main group drugs

Basic therapy for rheumatoid arthritis includes drugs of different structures from different groups, but with one targeted immunomodulatory effect. They are designed to suppress immune inflammation by reducing the number and biological activity of leukocytes.

All medications of the basic group, except Sulfasalazine, Immard and Plaquenil, have a high immunosuppressive effect, and, consequently, a therapeutic effect.

But everything has its price.
A high therapeutic effect (often achieved by combining several drugs) can be offset by the number and intensity of side effects, such as:

  • Myelosuppression;
  • Hepatotoxicity;
  • Dyspeptic syndrome against the background of drug-induced gastritis.

In addition, each drug, with increased individual sensitivity, has its own range of complications. Therefore, in children, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis begins with NSAIDs, as the safest remedy. And only when the disease persists or systemic lesions occur, they resort to prescribing baseline drugs.

Basically it is Methotrexate. You will learn more about the drug from the video:

Biomaterials are also prescribed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The concept of biomaterials includes artificially synthesized antibodies.

They can block either biologically active agents (Tumor Necrosis Factor and Leukotrienes), which are released by activated leukocytes and aggravate the pathological course of the immune process (Remicade, Etanercept, Anakinra), or the leukocytes themselves, causing their lysis.

Mabthera (Rituximab) belongs to the class of drugs of the second type and gives encouraging results. After a course of treatment consisting of two injections per year, according to reviews of the action of MabThera in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, a stable remission occurs, lasting at least three years. The interval between drug administrations is 2 weeks.

Despite the optimistic results of modern treatment, the question of whether rheumatoid arthritis can be cured completely cannot be answered in the affirmative. The goal of drug therapy is to achieve pharmacological control of the disease, which leads to a reduction in the frequency of exacerbations, improving the quality of life of patients, preventing early disability and deaths. But a person will be sick all his life, that is, there will always be a risk of another relapse if unfavorable circumstances occur.

Unfortunately, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with new generation drugs is expensive. In some cases, patients manage to achieve a quota for treatment with MabThera, but this requires going through a number of administrative procedures, including repeated courses of treatment with other basic drugs.

If in old schemes, the combination of Methotrexate with Prednisolone (Metypred) was previously successfully used, today progressive rheumatologists prescribe Leflunomide for rheumatoid arthritis.

Leflunomide belongs to the group of immunosuppressants of the latest generation, which is so far used only in two cases: for rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis.

According to patient reviews, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with leflunomide is quite comfortable. It is taken once, in a maintenance dosage of 10-20 mg after a three-day boost of 100 mg.
Its use often does not require the prescription of a second drug, and is therefore easier to tolerate than combination regimens.
For more information about the drug, watch the video:

But it should be remembered that the effect of the drug leads to a strong decrease protective forces body, therefore all chronic foci of infection (including teeth) must be properly treated before basic treatment is prescribed.

But if you don’t run after the locomotive of pharmaceutical success, then before assigning a quota for MabThera, you can completely get by with a competent combination of Methotrexate and Metipred.

Moreover, this regimen is still considered the “gold standard” for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and is well tolerated by patients.

Negative reviews about taking Metipred for rheumatoid arthritis are often associated with incorrectly selected dosage, which happens when Metipred is prescribed without the support of a basic drug. In this case, to achieve an effect it is often necessary to use high doses of the drug, the side effects of which are masked positive result treatment of the underlying disease.

In addition to the above drugs, basic drugs still include:

  • D-penicillamine;
  • Gold preparations (Tauredon);
  • Quinoline drugs used in the treatment of malaria (Plaquenil, Delagil). Reviews of the use of Plaquenil for rheumatoid arthritis have shown the low therapeutic effectiveness of the drug;
  • Other cytostatics (Cyclophosphamide, Azathioprine).

IN Lately these medications are rarely resorted to, only in cases of identified intolerance to Methotrexate or Metipred. This is due to the higher frequency of complications occurring against the background of average therapeutic activity.

For example, according to reviews from patients with rheumatoid arthritis, a drug such as Immard does not affect the course of the disease at all, but forces you to regularly visit an ophthalmologist, since it significantly increases the risk of damage to the retina and optic nerve.

When treating a disease with Methotrexate, you should know that its mechanism of action is associated with the destruction of folic acid. Folic acid is necessary not only for autoaggressive lymphocytes to perform their destructive role, but also for all other cells of the body to maintain its normal functioning. Folates are primarily necessary for the maturation of red blood cells.
Therefore, the administration of folic acid for rheumatoid arthritis is considered a mandatory measure.
The days of prescription of folic acid do not coincide with the days of taking Methotrexate, for example, Methotrexate is taken on Monday, folic acid is prescribed on Tuesday.

Controversial issues in therapy

Since the pathology in question is a systemic disease, no ointments will help with rheumatoid arthritis. They bear more of a psychological burden than fighting the mechanism of disease development.

And, of course, taking drugs against rheumatoid polyarthritis orally (regardless of the dosage form, be it IV, IM or SC injection or tablet) simultaneous treatment of all joints occurs, which cannot be said about the use of intra-articular injections of durable hormonal drugs.

As an addition, I would like to clarify the issues of taking antibiotics for rheumatoid arthritis. Despite the fact that the disease is conditionally classified as infectious-allergic, there is no point in taking antibiotics.
If some infectious agent started the pathological process, then by the time of development clinical picture the disease will no longer be in the patient’s blood. And besides, viruses are considered the initiating factor of rheumatoid arthritis. Summarizing the above, it becomes obvious that taking antibiotics as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is an absurd idea.

The same misunderstandings arise with the need to take chondroprotectors. Yes, the disease is associated with the destruction of intra-articular cartilage. Yes, with this pathology, blood supply is disrupted due to the development of thrombosis, which negatively affects metabolism cartilage tissue. But the use of chondroprotectors for rheumatoid arthritis is, to say the least, useless.

The essence of the disease in question lies in damage to articular cartilage by immune complexes and metabolic disorders in cartilage tissue - deeply secondary.

In addition, taking another drug (in this case with a questionable necessity) increases the pharmacological load on the body, and in the case of taking extracts from animal cartilage tissue, it can even cause an exacerbation of the disease.


The symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis compete with each other in severity. But if the disease is not treated, the process quickly gains strength and ends with either deep disability or death of the patient within 2-5 years from the onset of the disease.

Treatment involves high risk development of side effects, but today the arsenal of drugs used has expanded significantly and there is room for therapeutic maneuver. If one combination of drugs does not help or it is complicated by the development of undesirable effects of drugs, then there is always plenty to choose from, including the use of plasmapheresis or hemosorption.

In case of primary resistance of the disease to treatment, there are programs to intensify the therapeutic process, which allow you to gain time for the disease and reduce the severity of inflammatory changes, followed by individual selection of an effective combination of drugs.

Can rheumatoid arthritis be cured? No. To achieve stable clinical remission without progression of structural changes, without pain - yes.

It should be remembered that the prescribed treatment is aimed at suppressing the perverted immunological reaction of the body, but is not accompanied by the removal of a delayed-action bomb from it. Nevertheless, a complex of therapeutic measures, including non-traditional ones, makes it possible to achieve good results for a long period of time. And sometimes remission can be life-long.


Causes of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid disease is an autoimmune pathology. Why immune cells begin to show aggression towards joint tissues is not fully understood. However, the provoking factors, called the rheumatological triad, are precisely defined:

  • hereditary (inherited tendency to autoimmune aggression, the presence of certain antigens);
  • infectious (articular pathology often develops against the background viral infection organism - herpes, hepatoviruses, retroviruses, etc.);
  • external influence (stress, hypothermia, chronic/acute intoxication, UV irradiation, medications leading to cell mutation, etc.).

Important! Hormonal contraceptives reduce the likelihood of developing rheumatoid pathology. Breastfeeding for 24 months reduces your risk by half.

The autoimmune reaction mechanism, triggered as a result of the action of one factor or another, selects the joints as a target. The synovial membranes undergo inflammation, then the products of inflammation (specific enzymes) affect cartilage, ligaments and bones.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid pathology manifests itself limitedly (joint damage) and systemically (organ damage). Symptoms develop gradually; months, sometimes years, pass before systemic manifestations occur. However, it is not uncommon sharp forms, when the condition worsens at lightning speed.

General symptoms

  • low-grade fever (slight hyperthermia);
  • weakness;
  • enlarged without apparent reason lymph nodes;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss.

Joint symptoms

  • symmetrical joint damage;
  • favorite localization of pathology in II and III (index and ring fingers) metacarpophalangeal (protruding when the hand is clenched into a fist), proximal interphalangeal (located further from the middle of the body), less often the wrist and knee, elbow and ankle joints (with the exception of the metacarpophalangeal thumb and distal interphalangeal);
  • articular syndrome - morning stiffness of the affected joints, lasting up to 1 hour;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • pain intensifies late at night, closer to morning (monotonous, similar to toothache);
  • initially the pain decreases with light loads(difference from arthrosis).

Damage to periarticular tissues is manifested by bursitis, tenosynovitis, pathological mobility, leading to subluxation. With the development of pathology, the joints become enlarged and deformed, and contractures occur:

  • rheumatoid deformation of the hand - “swan neck”, “walrus fin”, spindly fingers, “hand with a lorgnette”;
  • rheumatoid foot - deformed big toe;
  • rheumatoid knee - Baker's cyst;
  • subluxation of the atlas (1st vertebra);
  • coxarthrosis - lameness due to damage to the hip joint;
  • deformation of the cricoarytenoid joint - rough voice, problems with swallowing.

Extra-articular signs

  • rheumatoid nodules - painful, dense formations located on the skin with a diameter of up to 2 cm, they may appear in the internal organs (the nodes are not fused with the surrounding tissues, they are mobile);
  • atrophy of the muscles attached to the affected joints;
  • respiratory pathologies - pleurisy, interstitial pneumonia;
  • heart pathology - inflammation of the membranes (from the pericardium to the myocardium), damage to the valves;
  • vascular pathology - atherosclerosis, vasculitis;
  • blood diseases - thrombocytosis, anemia;
  • renal pathology - glomerulonephritis;
  • GI pathology - flatulence, epigastric pain, less often liver enlargement;
  • damage to the nervous system - neuropathy, cervical myelitis, mononeuritis;
  • visual pathology - scleritis, ulcerative keratopathy, dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • damage to the salivary glands.

Specific forms of rheumatoid arthritis

  1. Oligo-, monoarthritis - damage to one large joint, most often the knee.
  2. Psvedoseptic arthritis is a predominance of systemic symptoms with severe general malaise and fever.
  3. Juvenile arthritis - begins before age 16, usually affecting large joints.
  4. Felty's syndrome - the spleen enlarges against the background of polyarthritis.
  5. Still's syndrome - high fever, characteristic rash.

Periods of improvement can last up to 2 years, but the disease reappears more pronounced.


  1. Biochemistry: anemia, increased ESR, C-reactive protein, increased creatinine.
  2. Urinalysis: increased urea, protein.
  3. Examination of joint fluid: detection of leukocytes in large numbers with a predominance of neutrophils.
  4. Determination of rheumatoid factor (seropositive rheumatoid arthritis - antibodies to M-immunoglobulins are detected - detected in the majority (70-90% of patients), the norm is up to 45 IU/ml or titer 1:80.
  5. Analysis for ACCP - increased antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide reveals pathology in the early stages (ACCP norm is up to 3 U/ml) and in case of seronegative rheumatoid factor.
  6. Determination of antinuclear factor (within normal limits without exacerbation);
  7. X-ray - diagnoses joint damage and characteristic deformation.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis?

The insufficiently clear etiology reduces the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis to symptomatic treatment.


  • NSAIDs (Meloxicam, Nimesulide, etc.);
  • basic agents - cytostatics and immunosuppressants (Sulfazalin, Cyclophosphamide, aminoquinolones, etc.);
  • glucocorticosteroids (pulse therapy - high doses - for severe inflammation) are often combined with cytostatics (Cyclophosphamide) and can be used locally and intra-articularly;
  • chondroprotectors (protect and restore cartilage tissue);
  • vitamin D and calcium supplements.

Additional treatment:

  • plasmapheresis - in case of ineffectiveness/inadequacy of drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis/phonophoresis with steroids, Dimexide applications, etc.);
  • surgery - correction of joint deformities.

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis

Bone destruction (osteoporosis) is a serious complication of rheumatoid pathology. A calcium-fortified diet includes:

  • dairy products (cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream);
  • nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc.);
  • leafy greens.

Limited to:

  • sweets (ice cream, pastries, etc.);
  • White bread;
  • fatty dishes.

Medical nutrition excludes:

  • allergenic products;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • pork;
  • potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants;
  • spices;
  • smoked meats, canned food;
  • alcohol.


Who treats rheumatoid arthritis?

Optimal medical complex prescribed by a rheumatologist.

Is rheumatoid arthritis for the elderly?

Incorrect statement. Rheumatoid lesions are often observed in children. However, in children the disease is often more complicated.

How to take NSAIDs?

The dosage and regimen are determined by the attending physician. This group causes a number of serious side effects, their combination is undesirable.

How to treat the disease at home?

For home treatment It is possible to prepare ointments (turpentine, egg-camphor, etc.), decoctions (birch, elderberry, etc.), chestnut tincture. Infusion effective for rheumatoid pathology bay leaf should be taken with caution. The inclusion of sprouted wheat in the diet has a beneficial effect. Methods of treatment at home are discussed with the doctor.

How does rheumatoid arthritis occur during pregnancy?

Pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the course of rheumatoid pathology: symptoms are leveled. However high rate rheumatoid factor requires the use of aggressive drugs, often affecting the fetus. In case of pronounced rheumatoid arthritis, it is better to postpone pregnancy until the condition improves and laboratory parameters decrease.

Can rheumatoid arthritis be cured?

Modern therapy can prolong the period of improvement, minimize the frequency of exacerbations and prevent the development of deformities.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a severe pathology leading to loss (partial or complete) of ability to work and inability to self-care. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is long-term with regular repetition of medication courses and physiotherapy. Early diagnosis, correction of nutrition, according to pathology, cessation of smoking and alcohol, limitation of physical activity will help increase the effectiveness of treatment and prolong temporary improvement.


Rheumatoid arthritis

This is an inflammatory disease that has a chronic form. Initially, one joint is affected. But in some cases, the disease can affect several at once. Most often, the disease begins its journey from the small joints of the hands or feet. However, initial damage to the elbow, knee, temporomandibular, and hip joints also occurs.

Unfortunately, a progressive disease leads to irreversible processes in the joints. The disease remains forever, gradually worsening the condition of the bones. Therefore, the question arises quite acutely: how to treat rheumatoid arthritis? After all, from time to time the disease makes itself felt with various exacerbations.

The patient reacts quite sharply to injuries, hypothermia, climatic conditions, stress, physical activity, infections. During the course of the disease, internal organs are also affected. These are, as a rule, the kidneys, blood vessels, heart, nervous system, and lungs. Complications occur at any stage of the disease. These consequences are mostly reversible if the patient does not self-medicate and initially discusses the question of how to treat arthritis with a doctor.

The main causes of the disease

The source of the development of the disease can be one (or more) of the following factors:

  • Genetic predisposition. It is not the disease itself that is inherited, but a disorder in the functioning of the immune system. An incorrect response to infections can cause arthritis.
  • Psycho-emotional stress and physical exercise. Childbirth and abortion often lead to illness. Problems in the social or family sphere can lead to illness. Radiation, chemical, and toxic effects on the body also provoke the appearance of arthritis.
  • Infections. To date, several agents have been identified that can trigger the development of the disease. Some of them: herpes viruses, rubella, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, retroviruses, mycoplasma. But none can become the sole cause of the disease. This is a kind of trigger mechanism that connects other factors.

Visit doctor

When faced with a formidable disease for the first time, patients feel confused. How to treat arthritis of the fingers? (As previously noted, these are often the first joints to be affected by the disease.) The main thing is not to panic.

Treatment for arthritis will only be successful if it is started on time. Therefore, those who do not want to become disabled must definitely visit a rheumatologist. In the meantime, let's look at how to treat finger arthritis.

Medication methods

Modern doctors are able to offer many effective ways fight the disease. These measures can relieve joint problems for a long period. A medical professional will not only select the necessary therapy, but will also explain in detail how to treat arthritis and arthrosis. Methods to combat the disease consist of the following stages:

  • Diagnostics. The type of arthritis and the main causes of its occurrence are determined.
  • Prescribing antibacterial drugs.
  • The use of non-steroidal and hormonal ointments, tablets. Intra-articular injections may be included. Their action is to relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Often the doctor’s choice stops at using such medical supplies:

    - "Diclofenac" - gel;
    — Celebrex capsules;
    — tablets and ointment “Nise”;
    - Movalis injections or tablets.

  • Restoration of cartilage tissue. This is very Long procces. Therefore, it is worth being patient. Chondroprotectors “Teraflex” and “Artron Hondrex” are used as restorative agents.
  • Physiotherapy. It will speed up recovery with subsequent consolidation of results following procedures:

    — mud therapy;
    — ultrasound;
    — warming up;
    — magnetic therapy.

  • Physiotherapy. Exercises in the pool or a special set of exercises are recommended. This method permissible in remission phase.
  • Diet. To stop further progression of the disease, you should enrich your diet with antioxidants and vitamin E.
  • Surgical intervention. An extreme measure, used only when drug treatment is unsuccessful. During surgery, the affected joint is replaced with a prosthesis.

It should be noted that all methods of combating the disease are purely individual. Treatment that suits one patient will not always benefit another. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. All methods and questions about how to treat arthritis of the joints must be discussed with a doctor.

Folk remedies

These measures cannot act as independent treatment. However, their use can have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease. But do not forget, before treating arthritis folk remedies, be sure to listen to your doctor's advice.

This kind of medicine can really help the patient. Especially if, along with the use of folk remedies, you lead a correct lifestyle and do special gymnastics.

Marsh cinquefoil

For people seeking to find an answer to the question of how to treat rheumatoid arthritis, traditional medicine advises the above-mentioned herb. It is used both as a tincture for oral administration and as an ointment. The results from use are quite effective.

  • Sabelnik tincture . The root of the plant should be cut lengthwise. Grind thoroughly. The resulting pieces should be about 1 cm in size. Approximately 200 g of the prepared root must be poured with vodka (1 l). Use glass containers. The composition must be infused for three weeks. Then the solution should be filtered. Squeeze out the roots thoroughly. It is recommended to take the product before meals, approximately half an hour. Single dose - 1 tbsp. l. After drinking the tincture for 4-6 weeks, you definitely need to take a break for a month. It is recommended to keep the solution tightly closed in a dark place. Temperature: room temperature.
  • Ointment from cinquefoil tincture. Manufacturing takes place in a water bath. Take goose (pork) fat and combine with cinquefoil tincture (10:1). The resulting ointment should be rubbed into damaged joints overnight. Be sure to remember to wrap the sore areas with warm towels.

Coniferous infusions

How to treat arthritis? Only using integrated methods. Traditional medicine advises the use of antitumor and immunomodulatory agents to combat rheumatoid arthritis. An excellent medicine is an infusion of pine needles. It is aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Grind the pine needles. Pour boiling water over the resulting ingredient, in the amount of 0.5 cups. The latter will require 1 liter. The mixture should infuse for 15-20 minutes. Add 1 liter of cooled boiled water. Strain the infusion. Next, put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. Carefully, without stirring the settled sediment, drain the infusion. The dose of this drug is 0.5 cups. Drink the specified amount of infusion 5-6 times throughout the day. If desired, you can add honey, sugar, lemon juice to the product.

Folk ointment

There are many different methods to solve the problem. A fairly effective way to answer the question of how to treat hand arthritis is medicinal ointment. To make it you will need 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp turpentine. - and the same amount of vinegar (apple vinegar). By thoroughly mixing the ingredients, you will get the necessary ointment. This remedy should be rubbed into damaged joints.

Onion compress

Quite an effective way to treat arthritis.

Grind one medium onion on a fine grater. The resulting mush is an amazing panacea. Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged joints for about half an hour. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times a day.

Warming bath

In search of an answer to the question of how to treat arthritis, most people carefully study folk remedies. Doctors do not exclude the use of such drugs as auxiliary therapy. The main thing to remember is that the use of each method should be decided with a doctor.

A fairly effective way is a warming bath. For this you should stock up on essential oils of sandalwood, calendula or St. John's wort. They can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. IN warm water add a few drops essential oil. Immerse arthritic hands in the liquid for 15-20 minutes.

Potato infusion

Taking one raw potato, chop it thoroughly. You can use a fine grater. Pour the resulting pulp with a glass of kefir. This drug should be used according to a certain scheme.

So, for the first ten days (10 days), drink the infusion daily. In the second, the medicine is applied every other day. During the third decade, drink the drink every 2 days.

Thus, the course is extended over 2 months. Potato infusion allows you to get rid of pain for quite a long time. But, unfortunately, symptoms may return. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the course after a while for prevention purposes.

Buttercup compresses

Another great way to show how to treat knee arthritis is the use of warming bandages. You need to be very careful with this method. Applying a compress to the injured knee is only necessary for 2 hours. Otherwise, you are guaranteed a severe burn.

To make a compress you will need a handful of ranunculus flowers. Grind them to form juice. Apply this paste to the damaged joint. Wrap the compress in polyethylene. Secure carefully with a bandage. After 1-2 hours (time varies depending on the severity of the disease), the compress should be removed.

This product will leave a small burn on the skin. The next day the area will be covered in blisters. You shouldn't pierce them. Wrap with clean gauze as they will get wet. Healers promise that blisters are completely painless, so there is no need to be afraid of them. But with their disappearance from the skin, arthritis will completely disappear.

If blisters do not appear the next day, then, unfortunately, the procedure must be repeated again.


Be sure to discuss all questions about how to treat arthritis with your doctor. This will avoid unpleasant complications and consequences. After all, only a doctor is able to correctly diagnose the disease, exclude individual intolerance, and take into account the interaction of various drugs. Therefore, remember, using any prescriptions without consulting a doctor is a huge risk of acquiring a “bouquet” of complications.


Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis? It is very difficult to choose the optimal treatment regimen for rheumatoid arthritis; treatment should include both drug and non-drug measures. The rheumatologist selects a comprehensive treatment regimen, including the following principles treatment of rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. Adequate basic therapy.
  2. Symptomatic drugs.
  3. Therapeutic gymnastics.
  4. Lifestyle changes and diet.
  5. Orthopedic products.
  6. Massage and physiotherapy.
  7. Spa treatment.

Irreversible joint deformities can only be treated surgically.

What to treat rheumatoid arthritis should be selected by a specialist. Today, the problem of treatment is dealt with by rheumatologists, and the patient should get an appointment with them as soon as possible.


Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis seriously changes a person's life. It is necessary to adapt to new habits, do gymnastics regularly, and change your diet.

However, the most serious difficulties are associated with the selection of drug therapy. In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, various groups of drugs are used, which can be divided into several categories:

  1. Symptomatic remedies – relieve inflammation and pain. Should be used in short courses only during periods of high disease activity. These drugs include NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids.
  2. Basic therapy for rheumatoid arthritis includes the use of cytostatics. Previously, gold preparations were also used for these purposes. It is taken constantly and helps to avoid exacerbations and slow down the destructive process.
  3. Biological treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is the most recent drugs, which are monoclonal antibodies. Expensive but effective treatment. Used when basic funds are ineffective.

Drug treatment for rheumatoid arthritis can be achieved through a variety of means. We will try to understand the nuances of using each group of drugs.

Symptomatic remedies

The disease we are describing is systemic in nature and includes not only arthritis; the rheumatoid process can also affect other organs. In this case, medications that relieve inflammation are needed.

Symptomatic medications for rheumatoid arthritis serve several purposes. These drugs allow you to:

  • Reduce the activity of the inflammatory process.
  • Effectively reduce joint pain and stiffness.
  • Relieve other symptoms of inflammation - swelling, redness, limited mobility.
  • Relieve some extra-articular manifestations of the disease - fever, pleurisy, pericarditis.

Apply symptomatic remedies can be in the form of tablets, ointments or injections. The choice of dosage form depends on the severity, type of joints affected, and the presence or absence of extra-articular manifestations.

Symptomatic medications for rheumatoid arthritis are almost always (NSAIDs). Also, to relieve symptoms at the height of inflammation, glucocorticosteroids, which were previously classified as basic drugs, can be used.

It is important to remember that symptomatic medications do not affect the prognosis, do not reduce the rate of disease progression, and do not reduce the frequency of exacerbations. That is why such medications are prescribed only in short courses.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs are very large group drugs that relate to various chemical compounds. Funds are pooled common mechanism actions:

  • Medicines enter the inflammation site and bind to the enzyme cyclooxygenase.
  • They block this substance and prevent it from working.
  • Because of this, new inflammatory mediators are not synthesized.
  • The activity of the inflammatory process decreases, the symptoms disappear.

All drugs from this group can cause side effects, so they are used with great caution. Adverse drug reactions include:

  1. Damage to the gastric mucosa with the formation of ulcers.
  2. Dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  3. Inhibition of various hematopoietic germs.
  4. Toxic effect on the kidneys and liver.
  5. Damage to the cardiovascular system.

To minimize these side effects, special non-steroidal drugs, which are called selective:

  • Nimesulide.
  • Meloxicam.
  • Celecoxib.
  • Etoricoxib.

These medications cause fewer side effects. To reduce them further Negative influence on the stomach, proton pump inhibitors are used simultaneously - omeprazole, pantoprazole, esomeprazole.

NSAIDs should not be used if there are contraindications:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the product.
  2. Aspirin asthma and other forms of allergies to non-steroidal drugs.
  3. Bleeding from gastrointestinal ulcers.
  4. Inflammatory bowel diseases.
  5. Blood clotting disorder.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. Pregnancy and lactation.

Nonsteroidal drugs are available in a wide variety of dosage forms. If external agents are effective, systemic use of tablets and injections is not required.


Another group of anti-inflammatory drugs used to relieve the symptoms of arthritis are glucocorticosteroids. These drugs are analogues of our own hormones synthesized by the adrenal glands.

They effectively relieve inflammation both when used systemically (injections and tablets) and locally - gels and ointments, intra-articular injections.

Previously, corticosteroids were used for the basic treatment of arthritis, but today this strategy is gradually being abandoned. This is associated with a large number of side effects. The most popular drug from this group, prednisolone, can cause the following undesirable reactions:

  • Retention of sodium and water in the body, edema, weight gain.
  • Adrenal insufficiency.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Steroid ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Various symptoms of dyspepsia.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Immunodeficiency and development of infectious diseases.
  • General weakness.
  • Skin infections.

That is why prednisolone is used systemically for rheumatoid arthritis to relieve inflammation. It is worth mentioning that sometimes steroids are used in the form of basic drugs in the following situations:

  1. Cytostatics do not achieve the required effect.
  2. There is no possibility to use biological drugs.

Prednisolone and its analogues are not used for:

  • Active infections.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the period of exacerbation.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Chronic heart failure.
  • Adrenal insufficiency.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypertension.
  • Kidney and liver failure.

The drug prednisolone is used systemically. The listed side effects can be avoided by using its analogues in the form of intra-articular injections - Diprospan, dexamethasone.

They are used for severe inflammation in a large joint; they effectively relieve symptoms, but have a destructive effect.

Basic drugs

Basic drugs that eliminate arthritis play a key role in the treatment of the disease today; rheumatologists know how to treat the disease with these drugs.

Regardless of the chemical structure, all basic drugs have the following characteristics:

  1. The course of treatment takes an indefinitely long time.
  2. Medicines are used constantly in a fairly small dose.
  3. Long-term use of drugs effectively affects the prognosis and activity of the disease.
  4. Symptoms disappear gradually, several months after the start of use.
  5. If some medications for arthritis are ineffective, the doctor tries to prescribe analogues.
  6. With long-term use of basic drugs, the articular syndrome decreases, and systemic phenomena should completely disappear.

Today, the basis of basic therapy is cytostatics (methotrexate, leflunomide, sulfasalazine). Previously, gold preparations and the glucocorticosteroids described above were widely used for this purpose.


Methotrexate is now recognized as a first-line drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor and increases it gradually until the most acceptable one is reached. Tablets and injections of methotrexate are used once a week, and after 24 hours of administration they are used folic acid to avoid side effects of the drug.

Methotrexate and other cytostatics suppress the activity of the immune system, preventing leukocytes from actively dividing and producing antibodies. This mechanism allows you to stop inflammation, but leads to unpleasant side effects:

  1. Damage to the central nervous system, dizziness and weakness.
  2. Anemia, suppression of the formation of leukocytes and platelets. Hemorrhagic phenomena.
  3. Drug-induced pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis.
  4. Damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Nephropathy, liver dysfunction.
  6. Immunodeficiency and infections.
  7. Allergic reactions.
  8. Increased body temperature.

When these effects appear, doctors try to replace methotrexate with analogues - leflunomide and sulfasalazine. However, these drugs are less effective in reducing the activity of the rheumatoid process.

Methotrexate should not be used if the following conditions are present:

  • Allergy to the drug.
  • Existing immunodeficiency.
  • Reduction of hemoglobin below normal.
  • Leuko- and thrombocytopenia.
  • Leukemia is an oncological blood disease.
  • Severe liver and kidney diseases.

Gold preparations

An analogue of cytostatic therapy is the use of gold-based drugs - aurothiomalate and aurothioglucose. These drugs were synthesized at the beginning of the 20th century and were previously widely used for the treatment of arthritis, but were almost completely replaced with the beginning of treatment with methotrexate.

Today, medications can be used in rare situations and in the absence of side effects, which occur in a third of patients:

  • Rash on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa.
  • Hair loss.
  • Suppression of all hematopoietic germs.
  • Neuropathies.
  • Inflammation of the pleura.
  • Damage to the kidneys and liver.

Medicines are used almost exclusively parenterally - in the form intramuscular injections. You should not expect a quick effect after starting treatment. Like other basic products, gold preparations begin to act after 2-6 months.

There is a drug for oral administration - Auranofin. This medicine is less effective than parenteral forms, but is less likely to cause severe complications. In addition to the listed reactions, nausea, diarrhea and loss of appetite may occur after taking the drug.

Gold preparations can only be prescribed by a rheumatologist. The practitioner should consider the use of other, more effective means, and only after that use these medications.

Biological genetically engineered drugs

Many scientists today are trying to find more effective ways to treat a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis; new generation drugs are called biological genetic engineering drugs.

Biological drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis belong to various chemical groups, but are most often monoclonal antibodies. They have quite complex mechanism action, which is still being studied by doctors and scientists.

Biological agents in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis have the following properties:

  1. Used parenterally. Most often in the form of subcutaneous or intravenous injections.
  2. They work for a long time. Injections are carried out in short courses, after which a long break is taken.
  3. Effectively relieve symptoms of any rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. Very well tolerated, extremely rarely cause adverse reactions.
  5. They are extremely expensive. Patients rarely can afford these drugs, so local health authorities often pay for such treatment for certain categories of patients.

Examples of drugs from this group: adalimumab, certolizumab, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab. These medications may be used along with methotrexate if necessary.

Treatment effectiveness

In order to decide whether to change the therapy, doctors always evaluate the activity of the disease before and after treatment. For this purpose, there is a special indicator DAS-28, improvement of which is one of the criteria for successful therapy.

The doctor determines remission in the following situations:

  • Low DAS-28 score.
  • The number of painful and swollen joints is no more than one.
  • Low levels of C-reactive protein.
  • The patient assesses his condition as satisfactory.

These indicators can indicate the success of the treatment. If they are not achieved, it is necessary to continue the selection effective therapy diseases.


Features of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis

Directions therapeutic tactics this disease is determined by its pathogenesis. By blocking pathogenetic links, the therapeutic effect of drug treatment is achieved.

The chronic inflammatory process in rheumatoid arthritis has the following key points:

  1. Activation of immune cells, which include B and T lymphocytes, macrophages, and their subsequent proliferation. This provokes the release of mediator molecules - growth and adhesion factors, cytokines. In addition, autoantibodies are synthesized and immune complexes are formed.
  2. The listed processes stimulate angiogenesis, as a result of which new capillaries are formed. Proliferation in the synovial membrane is also activated. COX-2 (type 2 cyclooxygenase) is activated, which causes an increase in the biosynthesis of prostaglandin molecules.
  3. Subsequently, an inflammatory reaction develops, proteolysis enzymes are released, osteoclasts are activated - the process of destruction of cartilage and bone tissue of the joints begins, and deformities occur.

Based on the links of pathogenesis, the course of drug therapy is determined. There are two possible directions of drug treatment:

  • immunosuppression to suppress functional activity immune cells;
  • blocking the biosynthesis of mediator molecules through an inhibitory effect on COX-2.

Tactics of therapeutic correction of rheumatoid arthritis

The answer to the question of how to treat rheumatoid arthritis involves the following areas of therapy:

  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • massage;
  • orthopedic measures;
  • rehabilitation methods.

Therapy of rheumatoid arthritis pursues the following goals:

  1. Elimination of clinical manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis and achieving a decrease in disease activity up to complete remission.
  2. Reducing the rate of progress of changes in the structure and function of cartilage and bone tissue of joints.
  3. Correction of the patient’s quality of life, restoration and preservation of performance.

Goals may change - this is influenced by the duration of the disease itself. Remission is achievable in the early stages of the disease - up to a year. If the disease continues for a long time, then the likelihood of achieving a full recovery is significantly lower. In this case, more attention should be paid to orthopedic and rehabilitation methods.

Drug treatment

As stated above, drug therapy rheumatoid arthritis is aimed, on the one hand, at suppressing the activity of the immune system, and on the other, at blocking the synthesis of mediator molecules. The first level of influence is undoubtedly more effective, since it affects the deepest link of pathogenesis.

Immunosuppressive therapy is the basis in the process of getting rid of rheumatoid arthritis. The following groups of drugs act as immunosuppressants:

  1. Biological agents.
  2. Glucocorticosteroid drugs.

The use of immunosuppressants in the treatment of the disease is characterized by a slow rate of clinically noticeable effect. It can range from several days to months. Despite the low speed of onset of the effect, it is distinguished by its severity and durability. In this case, inhibition of destruction processes in the joints is observed.

Glucocorticosteroids and also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) also act at the level of blocking the biosynthesis of inflammatory mediators. The clinically significant effect of anti-inflammatory treatment is achieved faster - a couple of hours is enough to achieve it. But such treatment temporarily relieves symptoms and is not able to stop destructive processes in joint tissues.

Basic drugs are the main answer to the question of how to treat rheumatoid arthritis. If the patient has no contraindications to their use, then basic medications are prescribed in any case. The use of drugs at an early stage helps to achieve better long-term results. This phenomenon is called the “therapeutic window”, it refers to the time period when taking medications is most effective in achieving remission.

Basic anti-inflammatory drugs have the following characteristics:

  1. Suppression of proliferation and activity of immune cells.
  2. Suppression of the division of fibroblasts and synoviocytes.
  3. Maintaining lasting treatment results even after discontinuation of the medication.
  4. Delay in the spread of the erosive process in the joint tissue.
  5. Induction of clinical remission.
  6. Low speed of achieving clinical effect (from one to three months).

Basic anti-inflammatory drugs are divided into first-line medications and second-line medications. Medicines from the first group have the best ratio of the effectiveness of use and tolerability of drugs by patients during treatment, so they are prescribed more often.

First-line drugs include:

  • Methotrexate;
  • Leflunomide;
  • Sulfasalazine.

These drugs cause lasting improvement in the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. They are appointed for a period of at least six months. The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition. Average term The course of therapeutic correction with one drug lasts from 2 to 3 years. Experts recommend indefinitely long-term administration of maintenance doses of basic drugs in order to maintain a positive clinical effect.

In case of low effectiveness of monotherapy with one basic drug, the doctor selects an effective combination of several drugs. Among the most effective combinations are the following:

  1. Methotrexate, Hydroxychloroquine, Sulfasalazine.
  2. Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine.
  3. Methotrexate, Cyclosporine.
  4. Methotrexate, Leflunomide.

When combined use Average dosages of basic drugs are used. In this case, the treatment regimen is selected so that the likelihood of side effects is minimal.

Biological agents

How is rheumatoid arthritis treated, besides basic medications? Biological drugs have been used quite successfully. These include products that are produced using biotechnological advances. Biological drugs precisely block key points of the pathological process. These medications include the following:

  • Rituximab;
  • Infliximab;
  • Abatasept;
  • Anakinra.

Biological agents differ in pronounced clinical significant effect and effectively inhibit destructive processes in articular tissues. They are also characterized by rapid onset of action—several days. In addition, biological drugs potentiate the effect of basic anti-inflammatory therapy.

However, side effects are also typical for biological drugs. These include:

  • inhibitory effect on antitumor and anti-infective immunity;
  • high risk of hypersensitivity reactions and induction of autoimmune processes.

Biological drugs are more often used in cases of low effectiveness or poor tolerance means of basic therapy.

Glucocorticosteroid drugs

This group of drugs is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which is explained by blocking the biosynthesis of inflammatory mediator molecules - prostaglandins and cytokines, and a decrease in the rate of proliferation due to the effect on the cellular genetic apparatus.

The effect of glucocorticosteroids is different high speed and dose dependence. Taking them can cause serious adverse reactions, the likelihood of which increases with increasing dosage. In number side effects includes:

  • erosion of the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome of medicinal nature;
  • steroid osteoporosis.

Glucocorticoids do not provide sufficient control over the course of the disease, so they are prescribed together with basic therapy. Steroid drugs can be prescribed both systemically (intravenous injections) and locally (periarticular and intra-articular administration).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

IN modern medicine The importance of NSAIDs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is gradually decreasing, as new effective pathogenetic treatment regimens appear. The effect of using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is possible as a result of blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is key in the process of biosynthesis of prostaglandin molecules. As a result, the clinical symptoms of inflammation go away, but the course of the disease does not stop. Therefore, NSAIDs are prescribed together with basic therapy.

Non-steroidal drugs also have a number of unwanted effects, which include:

  • erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nephrotoxic effect;
  • hepatotoxic effect.

For rheumatoid arthritis, the following non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed:

  1. Diclofenac.
  2. Celecoxib.
  3. Nimesulide.
  4. Meloxicam.
  5. Lornoxicam.
  6. Ibuprofen.

NSAIDs can be used in injection, tablet, or local forms.

Non-drug treatments

These include physiotherapy, massage, diet therapy and the use of traditional medicine. With their help, it is possible to improve the patient's condition, but they are ineffective when taken away from drug therapy. Only drug treatment can affect the pathogenesis of the disease and lead to stable remission.

Orthopedic treatment methods, which include the use of orthoses, surgical methods for correcting deformities, and rehabilitation measures, are most important in the later stages of the disease. They are necessary to improve the functional state of joints and correct the patient’s quality of life.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Traditional methods can be used only after the recommendation of a doctor. In number effective means traditional medicine includes the following:

  1. Potato compress. To prepare such a compress, you need to grate raw potatoes, place them in a sieve, and then lower them into freshly boiled water for a few seconds. Transfer the pulp into a fabric bag and place it on the affected joints overnight under a film and bandage. It is recommended to carry out the manipulation every day for a whole week.
  2. Pine balsam. To prepare such a remedy, you should take 40 grams of pine twigs, a tablespoon onion peel, a clove of garlic and two tablespoons of rose hips. Pour two liters of boiling water over the ingredients and heat over low heat for 30 minutes. Leave for a day. The resulting infusion must be filtered and then drunk up to one liter per day.
  3. Plant leaves. To get rid of joint pain, you can use freshly picked leaves of cabbage, coltsfoot or burdock. First, you need to knead them in your hands and then apply them to the affected joints. After this, wrap it with a cloth and leave it overnight.

The role of proper nutrition in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

To successfully correct and consolidate the results of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, you need to adjust your usual diet. It is important to eat foods such as:

  • asparagus;
  • apples;
  • cherry;
  • Rowan;
  • cowberry;
  • currant;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • dogwood;
  • watermelon;
  • fermented milk products and milk;
  • eggs;
  • steamed or boiled fish and meat dishes;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • cereals: buckwheat, millet, oatmeal;
  • bran bread

At the same time, you need to give up fatty, smoked, salty and spicy foods, reduce the consumption of spices, flour, alcohol, chocolate and coffee.

A complex approach to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis will allow to achieve a decrease in the rate of development of destructive processes in the joints or complete remission. It is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and adjust the course of treatment for the disease only after his prescription.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune inflammation of connective tissue with predominant damage to the joints of the type of erosive-destructive progressive polyarthritis. In this article we will consider in detail the issues of treatment and manifestations of the disease on different stages. Special attention should be paid to the question of how to treat rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Main syndromes of the disease:

  • immunopathological,
  • inflammatory phenomena,
  • painful.

Symptoms of incipient rheumatoid arthritis

The earliest manifestations of the disease are:

morning stiffness in joints,

swelling of the joints lasting more than 1.5 months,

symmetry of damage to the joints of the hands as a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis;

fast development atrophy of regional muscles as a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis,

the presence of subcutaneous regional nodules,

increase in the content of a- and y-globulins in the blood serum,

the presence of immunoglobulins in the blood serum,

presence of RF or phagocytes in blood serum or synovial serum,

increased concentration cytological enzymes: acid phosphatase in lymphocytes and alkaline phosphatase in neutrophils, pronounced cytosis in synovial fluid(more than 12,000 cells in 1 mm3),

histologically detectable changes: increased proliferation of covering synovial cells, villous hypertrophy, foci of necrosis.

Manifestations of late rheumatoid arthritis

Late symptoms include:

prolonged low-grade fever,

general weight loss,

increased ESR,

radiologically detectable subchondral osteoporosis,

marginal usuration of the epiphyses,

persistent inflammatory changes in joints with the development of their deformation and contractures.

Degrees of rheumatoid arthritis, forms and their symptoms

The intensity of pain largely depends on the degree of activity of the process. Currently, the disease is divided into 3 degrees.

Symptoms of the first degree disease

The first (low) degree of activity is diagnosed with intermittent joint pain that occurs only during movement, accompanied by morning stiffness lasting no more than 1 hour. Exudative changes in the joints are absent or insignificant. Laboratory indicators of inflammation are weakly expressed. ESR increased to 20 mm/h. Moderate gammaglobulinemia, rheumatoid factor can be detected only at small dilutions (1:3; 1:8).

Signs of rheumatoid arthritis of the second degree

The average degree of activity is characterized by persistent constant pain in the joints, accompanied by morning stiffness. The latter may decrease in the evening. There are distinct exudative changes in the joints against the background of proliferative processes. There are significant changes in the blood. ESR increased to 40 mm/h, pronounced gammaglobulinemia (22-23%). Rheumatoid factor is detected in the blood at a high dilution (1:81; 1:64).

Manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis of the third degree

Symptoms of this degree of activity include intense, constant pain in the joints, accompanied by stiffness throughout the day. Clinical manifestations of visceritis (pleuritis, myocarditis, neuritis) are detected. Pronounced exudative changes in the joints and a sharp inflammatory reaction of the blood with high RF titers.

Signs of arthritis in remission

Remission in rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed in the absence of joint pain and stiffness. Movements in the joints are limited only due to proliferative processes in the joints and periarticular tissues after previous exacerbations. Laboratory tests for inflammation do not give pathological abnormalities.

The complexity and lack of understanding of the mechanisms of disease development, the participation of many systems in the formation of the pathological process cause difficulties in treatment.

Degrees functional failure musculoskeletal system in rheumatoid arthritis

There are 3 degrees of functional insufficiency of the musculoskeletal system:

professional ability in grade I is limited,

at II degree - lost,

at III degree - the ability to self-care is lost.

If you suspect you have rheumatoid arthritis, a thorough physical examination and blood tests will help identify it. It is very important that this disease be treated by a rheumatologist who is well versed in diagnostic and treatment methods.

Forms of rheumatoid arthritis

The following clinical and anatomical forms of rheumatoid arthritis are distinguished.

The articular form (the most common) is manifested mainly by characteristic progressive damage to the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis with systemic manifestations - in this form, in addition to the typical articular syndrome, damage to internal organs is noted.

The combined form includes rheumatoid arthritis, which develops in patients with other rheumatic diseases, most often deforming osteoarthritis or rheumatism.

According to the nature of the course, arthritis is divided into rapidly and slowly progressing and without noticeable progression.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Therapy of the disease is aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes that contribute to the exacerbation and progression of the disease. This should take into account:

process activity,

clinical form diseases,

degree of impairment of adaptive systems,

accompanying illnesses and the age of the patient.

Treatment with folk remedies plays an important role.

Treatment with folk remedies for rheumatoid arthritis

Very often people suffer from a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. Its manifestation is characterized severe pain in the legs, which can be so terrible that it becomes difficult for a person to climb stairs or walk on uneven surfaces. And you can completely forget about high-heeled shoes. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, traditional methods give almost immediately tangible results and will allow you to forget about this unpleasant disease forever /

So, here are some of the most effective ways to help you get rid of pain.

Method one.

The most effective, but slightly unpleasant folk remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. Yellow buttercup flowers will help you cure rheumatoid arthritis. True, after the compress, a burn will appear on the skin, which is accompanied by the appearance of blisters, but this will be the beginning of your recovery. To avoid large burns that will not go away soon, you should not leave the compress on overnight - a few hours will be enough.

It is done like this: you need to take a handful of buttercup flowers and grind them well so that they release the juice. Flowers need to be applied to the place that hurts, and the top should be carefully wrapped with polyethylene. Depending on the severity of rheumatoid arthritis, the compress should be kept for 1-2 hours. When blisters appear on the burned skin, under no circumstances should they be punctured; you must wait until they go away on their own. When using this method of treating rheumatoid arthritis, the pain will go away in less than a week.

Second treatment method.

Rheumatoid arthritis, the treatment of which is very successful with folk remedies, is also afraid of raw potatoes. To treat rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to make a miraculous infusion from it. True, the treatment time lasts a little longer than in the previous method, but the result is the same. To prepare a folk medicine, you need to take one raw potato and grate it. Mix the resulting pulp with a glass of kefir and take it daily for the first ten days. For the second ten days, the folk remedy is taken every other day, and for the third - every two days. In total, the course of treatment lasts two months. And it is best to take preventive measures after some time, as the pain may return.

The third method of treating rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies.

The disease can also be treated with apple cider vinegar. To return to the normal way life without illness, it is necessary 3-5 times a day, preferably before meals, take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. The illness will go away within a month. True, this is provided that you have healthy stomach. If you are diagnosed with gastritis or an ulcer, then it is better to take half a teaspoon of vinegar, despite the fact that the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies will slow down. If Apple vinegar take in large quantities, recovery from rheumatoid arthritis will come very quickly, and you will feel much better.

For arthritis, take 50g camphor, 50g mustard powder, 100g alcohol, 100g raw egg white. First dissolve camphor in alcohol, then mustard, beat the egg white separately. Mix both ingredients together. Rub into the sore joint in the evening before bed.

For arthritis, take a 20-minute bath with a decoction of the herb (50-100g per bucket of water). The raw materials are boiled in a sealed container for half an hour. Bath temperature 38°C. At the same time, it is very useful to consume succession tea internally. Also, fresh herbs or infusion (4 tablespoons per 5 glasses of water) are rubbed on inflamed joints.

Elderberry flowers, stinging nettle leaf, parsley root, willow bark (equal parts). Brew 1 tablespoon of the crushed collection with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. Drink 2 glasses of decoction per day.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis with drugs?

Patients are prescribed a diet with a balanced composition of amino acids, extended-release sulfonamides, nitrofuran and aminoquinoline drugs, gold preparations, Sulfasalazine, Salazopyridazine, Metronidazole, Intestopan, Quinidine, Nicodin, ascorbic acid and Ascorutin.

For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, antimalarial drugs that suppress the release of lysosomal enzymes, the formation of superoxide radicals, and leukocyte chemotaxis are also prescribed.

During periods of exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis, treatment is carried out with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - Voltaren (Diclofenac sodium), Acetylsalicylic acid, Capoxen, Piroxicam.

Joint swelling and stiffness are reduced in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis antihistamines(Diphenhydramine, Diprazil, Tavegil).

To stimulate the immune system, antioxidants are used: Tocopherol, Retinol, Rutin, vitamin C, as well as aminocaproic acid, phyto-adaptogens (schisandra, eleutherococcus, golden root), Dibazol, Insulin.

To remove small immune complexes, it is advisable to use Immunoglobulin, Gamma globulin, and dry plasma.

Physical treatments for rheumatoid arthritis

Physical methods are used for:

reducing the activity of the pathological process,

weakening and disappearance of inflammatory phenomena in joint tissues (anti-inflammatory and reparative-regenerative methods),

pain relief (analgesic methods),

correction of immune dysfunction (immunosuppressive methods),

improving the metabolism of connective tissue and epiphyseal cartilage

and improving locomotor function (fibromodulating methods).

Can rheumatoid arthritis be cured?

Unfortunately, rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that has not yet been overcome. Although it is rarely life-threatening, the constant pain literally drives people crazy.

Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is not caused by “wear and tear” of tissues, it affects everything age groups. Rheumatoid arthritis is believed to be autoimmune disease, in which the immune system mistakes joint tissue for a foreign substance and tries to destroy it. This is a prime example of nature's error at its worst.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis? Usually the only thing that can be done for a person with rheumatoid arthritis is to relieve pain in the joints of the feet and ankles. Doctors recommend sewn individual order shoes and soft pads that reduce the load on the affected metatarsophalangeal joints.

Injections of gold or Cortisone drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis reduce the level of discomfort, but do not cure the disease. The same can be said about non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets and metatrexate, which is now preferred by many patients. Advances in modern surgery have made it possible complete replacement some joints, but it is resorted to only in cases where joint deformation and pain do not allow the patient to lead any normal lifestyle. New drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, such as Remicade, have proven very successful in a series of tests. Unfortunately, this new family of drugs is extremely expensive and therefore unaffordable for many who need it.

Causes of rheumatoid arthritis

The etiology and pathogenesis of the disease are still unknown, although the following etiological factors are suggested: genetic (in patients with symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, a hereditary predisposition to impaired immunological reactivity has been established) and infectious agents (Epstein-Barr virus). In recent years, the role of mycobacteria in the development of the disease has been discussed. They express stress proteins that can cause arthritis.

Risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis are:

age over 45 years,


hereditary predisposition,

concomitant diseases (congenital defects of the osteoarticular system, nasopharyngeal infection).

Pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis

The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis is based on autoimmune processes, the occurrence of which is facilitated by a deficiency of the T-suppressor function of lymphocytes. One of the etiological factors causes the development of an immune reaction. Damage to the joint begins with inflammation of the synovial membrane - synovitis, which then acquires a proliferative character with damage to cartilage and bones - pannus. The intensity and clinical type of the inflammatory process are determined by immune response genes.

Damage to joint tissue by immune complexes leads to further autoantibody formation and chronicity of the inflammatory process. Cytokines play a huge role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. They are produced primarily by cells of the immune system, bone marrow, fibroblasts, monocytes, platelets, and macrophages.

Endothelial cells, which regulate the processes of blood coagulation and platelet aggregation, are also of great importance in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. vascular tone, immunoinflammatory reactions, synthesize cytokines, participate in all phases of acute and chronic inflammation.

Under the influence of an autoimmune inflammatory process, granulation tissue is formed, originating from the inflamed synovial membrane. It consists of fibroblasts, lymphocytes, macrophages and is rich in blood vessels. The pannus penetrates the cartilage from the synovial tissue and destroys it through the action of enzymes induced by the production of cytokines within the pannus itself. Cartilage is gradually replaced granulation tissue, it disappears and ankylosis develops. Chronic inflammation periarticular tissues, joint capsules, ligaments, tendons leads to joint deformation, subluxations, contractures.

It is currently believed that autoimmune processes play a leading role in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis, and in the later stages non-immune mechanisms are important, i.e. the ability of pannus to grow, invade and destroy articular cartilage.

I never thought that I would go to doctors so much in search of the cause of my ill health. By my specialty, I am a nurse, and I hoped that by rotating in a medical environment, I would be able to cope with any abnormalities in the body. But making my correct diagnosis proved difficult even for experienced doctors.

It all happened 2 years ago. For a year I was painfully ill. Periodically, the joints on my legs became inflamed to the point of being unable to stand on my feet, my ankles became swollen, and then pain appeared in my spine, and this pain spread throughout my body. My hands became swollen and began to go numb. The pain was concentrated in the left hand, 3 fingers on it went numb. I turned to a massage therapist, who often saved me from exacerbation of osteochondrosis, I thought that was the reason. But there was no effect from the massage.

I went to see a therapist, who prescribed tests for me and referred me to a cardiologist. The cardiologist, in turn, did not find any cardiological abnormalities and sent me to a surgeon. The surgeon goes back to the therapist. In the district consultation, I walked in circles, trying to find the cause of my condition. As a result, I was admitted to the cardiology department because my blood pressure had risen. There were no effects from treatment in the hospital.

Desperate, I even turned to an oncologist. My torment would have continued for a long time if one of the doctors had not advised me to go to a rheumatologist, which I did.

Finally, the rheumatologist made the correct diagnosis - rheumatoid arthritis. At this moment I was very worried about aching muscle pain. The joints of the feet and wrists were inflamed. Present constant pain in my joints, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor prescribed treatment for 4 months, after which I felt better. Further life circumstances It turned out that there was no time to continue treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, and I felt so much better that I thought about healing. However, it turned out that this was my mistake, since rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease. If it appears once, you must always be on guard. The result of forgetting about my illness was a complication in the elbow and shoulder joints, the spine, with pain in which I now live constantly.

What is rheumatoid arthritis

Modern diagnostics can now easily detect rheumatoid arthritis as early as initial stages. However, in district consultations it is often suggested at the very last moment, when there is already deformation of the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic connective tissue disease. The disease is chronic, infectious-inflammatory in origin, which affects both peripheral small joints and large joints such as our spine. Besides, destructive processes so strong that the joints can cease to perform their function to the point of complete immobility. Among other things, rheumatoid arthritis can be considered an autoimmune disease. That is, the body’s defense system perceives its cells as foreign. She reacts to her own cells, like viruses and bacteria, directing her aggression towards her own body.

For many years, both in our country and abroad, they have been looking for ways to combat rheumatoid arthritis. It can have an acute onset or proceed in a sluggish form. Has no seasonality, i.e. appearance can be expected at any time of the year. Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be infected.

What can cause rheumatoid arthritis?

  • Injuries.
  • Various infectious diseases (sore throat, acute respiratory infections, any viral diseases - for example, herpes, rubella, hepatitis).
  • Decreased immunity, which is facilitated by acute and cumulative stress and depression.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

  • The disease begins differently in each case. Rheumatoid arthritis can begin acutely or subacutely (when one or 2 joints suddenly swell).
  • Appears joint pain, especially when walking. It may occur in the morning and especially in the evening.
  • Often the joints become inflamed symmetrically. It happens that pain appears in one or another joint, while in the first it has stopped.
  • Muscle pain in rheumatoid arthritis they are of a long-term aching nature. The patient often tries to rub the muscles with warming ointments, but the effect is insignificant.
  • In the latent period of rheumatoid arthritis, it manifests itself severe fatigue, weakness, malaise. Stiffness in movements in the morning. A person can hardly clench his hand into a fist.
  • May appear fever(presence of unmotivated jumps in body temperature).
  • Sweating.

In later stages of rheumatoid arthritis appear:

Extra-articular lesions in rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is not only a joint disease. It affects connective tissue, that is, problems arise in all organs and systems where it is present. These include muscles in any organ and blood vessels. That is, the respiratory, cardiovascular system, and kidneys suffer.

It happens that doctors rarely pay attention to extra-articular lesions. It must be said that it is in vain, since very often these disorders are more serious for the patient than joint lesions.

Thus, with rheumatoid arthritis, one disorder is layered on top of another. It seems that the body is falling apart, which is not far from the truth. The problem is that people believe that these are different diseases. In fact, these are manifestations of the same disease - rheumatoid arthritis.

Why is rheumatoid arthritis so scary? secondary amyloidosis . Amyloid is a pathologically altered protein. When amyloid is deposited in various organs, it destroys them. The most serious complication is renal amyloidosis. Most often this leads to kidney failure.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Early treatment helps prevent the irreversible consequences of rheumatoid arthritis. Currently there are many good drugs, which are successfully used for arthritis. There is one thing important rule in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: if such a diagnosis is made, treatment and prevention of exacerbations should be constantly carried out, contacting a rheumatologist once every six months.

Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor and only by him.

Herbal medicine will help support the body with rheumatoid arthritis. Meeting with a competent herbalist greatly alleviated my condition. I am now sharing this information with you, dear readers.

Herbs for rheumatoid arthritis

Tinctures that are taken in a course of 21 days are very effective:

  • Elecampane tincture 25%, 30 drops 3 times a day.
  • Burdock tincture 20%, 30 drops 3 times a day.
  • Baikal skullcap tincture 25%, 10 drops 3 times a day.
  • Calamus tincture 20%, 20 drops 3 times a day
  • Thyme tincture 10% 10 drops 3 times a day

Water extracts (infusions and decoctions) of lingonberry, lemon balm, St. John's wort, bearberry, string, orthosiphon, agrimony, sweet clover, astragalus, and elderberry support the body well. Separately, tansy can be distinguished, with infusions of which they take baths and take a 5% infusion orally. Tansy has immunomodulatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. But we must not forget that tansy is poisonous, so it is important not to overdo it in doses.

Helpful cranberry juice, lemon juice with tea with honey.

Medicinal herbs are used to make infusions that are even more effective than the herbs individually. These preparations should have an anti-inflammatory effect and can be taken during hospital treatment.

For rheumatoid arthritis, many herbs are used that can be combined with each other in preparations:

  • Meadowsweet (meadowsweet)- immunomodulator, reduces blood viscosity, cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, antiviral and antibacterial agent.
  • St. John's wort- a good antiseptic and at the same time a sedative, relieves pain.
  • Knotweed (knotweed) grass- cleanses the kidneys.
  • Birch leaves(especially May) - puts the kidneys in order, cleanses the body.
  • Stinging nettle(mayleaf) is a source of vitamins, affects blood circulation, relieves inflammation, but all infusions with nettle should be used on the day of production, because become toxic when stored.
  • Ledum shootspotent remedy, so it is added to the fees minimal amount. Ledum is a strong analgesic component.
  • White willow bark contains aspirin. Shavings of this bark can even replace cardiomagnyl or aspirin-cardio.
  • Wormwood, herb- cleanses the body, in particular the liver, restores normal metabolism. This is a very important component, since many drugs used for arthritis have a very aggressive effect on the liver. In this case, wormwood acts as a detoxifying component, i.e. removes poisons.
  • Also effective for rheumatoid arthritis juniper fruits in the form of a decoction sage, strawberry herb, silverweed (gurley).
  • Has a good anti-inflammatory effect creeping wheatgrass (cat grass roots).
  • Licorice naked acts as a hormone-like agent. Burdock is useful for rheumatoid arthritis both in the form of infusion and tincture. Forest geranium (joint, cinquefoil - not to be confused with cinquefoil!) is used in tinctures. But cinquefoil is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and is widely used to make dietary supplements and ointments for arthritis.
  • Among other things, plants containing vitamins are very useful (rose hips, mountain ash, buckwheat, wild strawberries, creeping clover). These plants are good to add to preparations for rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Can be used pine needles and heather. A little about heather: it calms the nervous system, relieves inflammation, heals the kidneys, and relieves pain.
  • Usage horse chestnut in the form of a tincture for rubbing has long been used for rheumatoid arthritis.

It must be said that Chinese medicine, unlike European medicine, considers rheumatoid arthritis to be a treatable disease. For this, an extract of mountain ants is used, which is designed to regulate the immune system in case of autoimmune disorders, and a mushroom called cordyceps.

In conclusion from the author

If you have a suspicion of rheumatoid arthritis, if you feel that you are not suffering from the flu, but you have a fever, pain in the joints, your heart is acting up, your blood pressure is rising, you should definitely consult a specialist. From my own experience, I was convinced that the rheumatologist should be one of the first doctors to visit, and not the last, as in my case. Procrastination means we are wasting the time we need to stop rheumatoid arthritis in its tracks. initial stage, do not lead to more complex manifestations and complications.

Nature has given us a large number of remedies that can support the body with rheumatoid arthritis and protect against the negative effects of drug therapy, which cannot be avoided. We must not forget about the disease “rheumatoid arthritis,” as happened to me; we must try to use all means for rehabilitation in order to prevent further destruction of joints and other organs. And, of course, you shouldn’t give up and be lazy about brewing all this and accepting it in a disciplined manner.

I wish everyone who is faced with the same illness as me to relentlessly act in preventing complications and exacerbations of rheumatoid arthritis.

Good health!

Honey. sister Lyudmila Karpova, Vladimir