Zhdanov's method for restoring vision. Morning exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov

The method of vision restoration, proposed about a century ago by the American Bates, has taken root. It found its followers, was supplemented and refined by enthusiastic specialists. Among them is the Russian scientist Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov. Restoring vision using the Zhdanov method is a mix of Bates exercises and the psychogenic background of Shichko’s health problems.

Principles of treatment according to Zhdanov

Zhdanov's confidence that the basis of the violation visual perception(myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, strabismus) lie mental aspects were confirmed in his works and were perfectly explained in the course of lectures, which he gave several times.

Mental stress increases tone eye muscles, leading to improper accommodation of the lens. As a result, a disease develops that traditional medicine treats with surgery, and supports the patient by prescribing glasses and contact lenses.

Zhdanov studied the technique proposed by Bates for performing exercises to relax muscles. By adding psychological relaxation to it, he achieved results. Moreover, the work was carried out not only in relation to the restoration of vision, but also in the fight against bad habits.

Zhdanov in his works relies on the experience of Porfiry Ivanov and Paul Bragg.

Basics of Professor Zhdanov’s methodology

Palming - the basis of the technique

Emphasizes that the basis of pathological visual impairment is excessive prolonged tension of the eye muscles. This, in turn, is caused by stress, mental disorders, depression. In order to restore vision, it is necessary, first of all, to help the muscles relax.

Palming– an exercise to relax the muscles not only of the eyes, but also of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, face, and neck.

In order to perform the exercise, you need to sit comfortably, rest your elbows on the table surface and shake your hands several times. Rub your palms together until they become hot. Eyes closed, cup your palms and cover your eyes, intertwining your fingers on your forehead.

On initial stage on the retina, afterimages will appear as light spots, divorces. It is necessary to achieve absolute blackness. It is evidence that the exercise is being performed correctly.

Eyes, hands, face should be absolutely relaxed, thoughts should be only pleasant. The duration of the exercise is about 5 minutes. Palming is recommended to be performed several times a day, in particular, if you feel eye strain or deterioration of vision in the usual way.

Positive Memories

Together with palming or as a separate exercise It is recommended to reproduce in memory any positive, vivid memory - sound, visual, pleasant aroma. You need to immerse yourself completely in this memory, restore it in your memory, feel it again.

This exercise has a beneficial effect on the psyche and relaxes nervous system, which means it helps to relax the eye muscles.

Combining palming and “memory”, without removing your hands from your eyes, you need to open and close your eyes several times, then, removing your hands (eyes closed), turn your head from side to side, open your eyes and blink hard several times.

"Black on Black"

To achieve the appearance of absolute blackness, “sorting” black objects in front of your eyes, no matter what, will help. Gradually, “the colors should thicken” and become even blacker.

Play center

Man with normal vision sees the central part of an object better than the peripheral part: this is explained by the physiological structure of the eye. The macula, located on the back surface of the retina, perceives light and forms an image.

Visual impairment leads to incorrect fixation, and the object is seen uniformly poorly, despite an attempt to see everything equally well.

The fixation exercise is performed by moving from large elements to small ones: blinking, looking at the street, then at a tree outside the window, at a separate leaf on the tree.

It is very important to do the exercise without glasses!

From pessimums to optimums

In his theory, Bates explains that there are objects that are objectively (by all people) seen well and those that are seen poorly.

In the vision test table, some of the letters are clearly visible, regardless of size. Such objects are called optima; among the letters in the table are O, R, T. In contrast, the letters Zh, Shch, Yu, M are pessimums, they are visible less clearly, even large, and are similar to each other.

When performing palming, you need to imagine letters or objects—pessimums—as deep black and as clear as possible, and “write” them with the tip of your nose in the air.

To the sun

Solarization is an important stage in restoring vision; sunlight relaxes the eye muscles. It can be replaced artificial lighting, but if possible it is better to use natural.

  • raise your face by exposing it sunlight, eyes closed. Turn your head from side to side, accustoming your eyes to the light. After adaptation occurs, you can open your eyes slightly (alternately: one, then the other), lower your gaze to the ground and turn your head without fixating on objects;
  • in the case of artificial light, you need to sit down, placing a candle in front of you, and turn your head from side to side, without fixing your gaze on the flame.

Like other eye exercises, solarization should be completed with palming.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Palming is a great way to relax the eye muscles, however, like other muscle groups, they need dosed, competent exercise to help restore proper functioning.

The figure shows the pattern of eye movement. Repeat each exercise three times. After each exercise, you should blink your eyes: just blink your eyelids, no need to close your eyes.

Eye movement patterns:

  1. up-down, right-left, diagonally (upper right corner-lower left-upper left-lower right);
  2. drawing a square;
  3. in a circle: “12 o’clock” - “3 o’clock” - “6 o’clock” - “9 o’clock” and counterclockwise;
  4. wave-like movements;
  5. “drawing” an infinity sign;
  6. diverging circles: draw with your gaze a circle of small diameter, then another, larger one, and so on;
  7. follow with your eyes an imaginary rope, “winding” it around an imaginary vertical pipe (5 turns), then the pipe should be positioned horizontally;
  8. spin an imaginary globe without taking your eyes off the equator.

After each exercise, you need to blink well.

You can learn more about the method of vision restoration from Zhdanov’s lectures.

Eye massage

One of the ways to influence the eye muscles for astigmatism and myopia is massage.

Preparatory stage

Index, middle and ring fingers both hands are smoothed

  • forehead (circular movements),
  • eyebrows (from the bridge of the nose to the temples),
  • cheekbones (from the nose),
  • whiskey (medium and unnamed).

Using your index fingers – the area of ​​the nasal sinuses, with light pressure. Middle fingers -

  • bridge of the nose on both sides,
  • ears - dimple near the ear, tragus, Auricle, hollow behind the ear;
  • neck from the back.

Main stage

  • Eyes closed. Using the index and middle fingers of both hands, lightly press on eyeballs 3 times;
  • Using your middle fingers, press with the same force on outer corners eye;
  • Press 3 times with your middle fingers on the lower eyelids, then on the inner corners;
  • All fingers except the little fingers ( thumb located below) massage the eyeballs through the eyelids;
  • Lightly press on the astigmatic points of each eye with your index fingers. The astigmatic point is determined as follows: while looking at some object, you need to press on the eyeball through the eyelid, moving along it. The point, when pressed on, the object will gain increased clarity, is called astigmatic.
  • Close your eyes, open them slightly, stretch your eyelids to the sides (like a Chinese) and up and down.


Restoring vision using the Bates method or the Zhdanov method has 2 serious contraindications: retinal detachment (threat of detachment) and postoperative period(six months).

There is no need to perform the entire complex at once; it is recommended to start with three or four exercises, gradually adding new ones. People with severe myopia should pay attention to these figures.

Exercises are performed smoothly, without jerking or tension, monitoring breathing. Good for the eyes the benefits of 6 approaches of 5 minutes instead of one half-hour session.

If after classes appears headache, discomfort, spots before the eyes and other negative symptoms, the body signals an overdose, the number of repetitions needs to be reduced.

If after exercise there is a rise and visual acuity improves, then you can add 1 repetition daily.

The listed exercises can be done by closing the eyeballs as when palming.

The first exercise that we will learn is called "palming" ( from English word“palm” - palm) is the most important exercise for relaxing the oculomotor muscles. Performed WITHOUT GLASSES.

Everyone knows that our palms have some kind of radiation unknown to science, but very healing. We involuntarily put our palms on sore spots - the stomach, forehead, ear, tooth... They also help the eyes.

Rub your palms together until warm. Place the fingers of each hand tightly together. As if you want to water the birds from your palms, and so that the water does not spill between your fingers. The fingers of one palm overlap the fingers of the other at right angles. And we put this design on our eyes instead of glasses, so that the crossed fingers are in the center of the forehead, the nose sticks out between the bases of the little fingers, and the eyes fall exactly in the center of the dimples of your palms.

The nose breathes freely and is not pinched. Eyes closed. The palms are pressed tightly to the face - no gaps so that the light does not reach the eyes. Place your elbows on the table or press them to your chest. The main thing is that the elbows are not suspended, and the head is a direct continuation of the back.

Calm down, relax, take a comfortable position. We say out loud (or mentally, to ourselves): “My eyes are good, wonderful, thank you, eyes, for giving me joy and happiness to see all the colors of this world in all its glory... My eyes will see better and better every day.” And similar kind self-hypnosis under warm palms.

Then the nearsighted people imagine how their eyes become round again, like balls, in order to see perfectly into the distance without glasses (their transverse muscles relax).

And farsighted people imagine how their eyes easily stretch forward, like cucumbers, in order to perfectly SEE the smallest letters CLOSE without glasses (the longitudinal muscles of the eyes relax).

At first, for some time, under closed eyes covered with palms, residual light images will loom: a TV screen, a light bulb, a piece of window, some kind of fog, a cloud... This indicates overexcitation of the optic tract - the light does not reach the eyes, but it seems to us that we see something. To remove residual light images, imagine a black velvet curtain in a theater every time you palm the palm. He is so black, black, big, big... And then the lights in the hall go out, and he gets blacker and darker. Or imagine black mascara that you spilled in front of you and cover these luminous places with it.

Another important palming exercise is pleasant memory.

Every time, think about something good, something good that happened in your life.

Exit from palming. They sat up straight, closed their eyes slightly under their palms - loosened, closed their eyes - loosened, closed their eyes - loosened. The palms were removed. With eyes closed, we shook our heads slightly and restored blood supply to the brain. Like children, they gently “wet” their eyes with their fists and wiped them. We sighed. We exhaled. And we open our eyes, blinking quickly.

Whenever you feel tired, eye strain when reading, working on a computer, watching TV, etc., put everything aside, rub your palms until warm and do palming. Three to five minutes.

Ideally, every hour when working on a computer.

Palming can and is beneficial for EVERYONE!

And now there will be several exercises to train weakened extraocular muscles. There are a lot of them to do it is forbidden. If you do a lot of them, your eyes will hurt, you will curse everything in the world and will never do this again. Therefore, the exercises that I will show you now can only be done three times a day- before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner.


It is categorically prohibited for those who underwent ANY eye surgery less than six months ago. Wait six months for everything to heal and heal. It is also CONTRAINDICATED for those with retinal detachment. You can provoke further detachment. Go to the doctors, now there are techniques for “welding” the retina. After welding, wait six months for everything to take root. And proceed with charging carefully.

Do not hurry

1. Do all exercises very smoothly, slowly, without tension or sudden movements. The head is STILL. Only one eye works! After every exercise we blink! The extraocular muscles are one of the most delicate muscles in our body; they are very easy to strain, tear, or damage with stupid, sudden movements.

2. For those who have severe myopia (greater than minus 4), do the exercises very, very carefully! Your eye is stretched forward, so the retina is stretched, tense, and there is a danger of rupture or detachment of the retina during sudden movements and stress.

3. Special caution for those who have had retinal detachment. We recommend that you definitely go full-time course under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

Before starting classes, ALWAYS go to a doctor and have your vision checked. Find out the condition of the retina. Are you farsighted or nearsighted (its degree), astigmatism?

Eye exercises from Professor Zhdanov

1. They looked up, down, up, down, up, down. Blinked, blinked, blinked.

2 . They squinted their eyes right, left, right, left, right, left. They blinked.

3. "Diagonal". We look up right - down left, up right - down left, up right - down left. They blinked. Reverse "diagonal". Left up - right down. The same 3 times. They blinked.

4. "Rectangle". We raised our eyes upward, “drew” the top side of the rectangle, the right side, the bottom, the left side, the top again, and so on 3 times in a row. They blinked. IN reverse side“draw” a rectangle (counterclockwise). Top side, side left, bottom, right. 3 times. They blinked.

5. "Dial". Imagine there is a huge dial in front of you. You look around it clockwise. We raised our eyes to 12 o'clock - 3 o'clock, 6, 9, 12. And so 3 circles. They blinked. In the opposite direction “Dial”. We looked up at 12 o'clock, 9, 6, 3, 12... 3 circles. They blinked.

6. “Snake”. Let's start drawing from the tail. Eyes left down - up, down - up, down - up and head. They blinked. Back. From the head of the "snake". Down is top, down is up, down is up and tail. They blinked.

7. "Bow". Eyes down to the left. Draw the side of the bow, diagonal, right side, diagonal... 3 times. They blinked.

8. "Hourglass". Raised the eyes up: top, diagonal down, bottom side, diagonal up... 3 times. They blinked.

9. "Spiral". We unscrew it with our eyes clockwise starting from the nose. A small circle, a second larger one, a third even larger one. And the fourth - along the wall, the ceiling, another wall, along the floor. They blinked.

Now let's twist the spiral. Eyes down to the floor, along the wall, ceiling, another wall! The second circle is smaller, the third is even smaller. And the fourth circle is very small. They blinked.

10. Horizontal “spiral”. Imagine: in front of you lies (at eye level) a thick glass pipe. You wrap 5 turns of rope around it with your eyes. Eyes to the left. The first turn is on the pipe, the second, the third - in front of you, the fourth, the fifth. We wind up the rope. One twist, two, wound in front of you - three, four and five. They blinked.

11. Vertical “spiral”. There is a huge glass pipe in front of you. Looking at the floor. A turn of rope on the floor - one, at chest level - two, at nose level - three, at hair level - four and on the ceiling - five. Let's rewind. There is a coil on the ceiling, at hair level - two, at nose level - three, at chest level - four, on the floor - five. They blinked.

12. "Globe". Imagine there is a large glass globe in front of you. You are trying to spin it around the equator with your eyes. You can move your ears, head, hair. One circle around the equator, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth! They blinked. Now we spin the globe in the opposite direction with our eyes. Again 6 circles around the equator. Blinked...

If someone's eyes hurt from unusual stress, immediately take a break for a day or two

Connecting the sun - with eye polarization with a candle

And now I’ll show you a very important exercise called "Solarization of the eyes on a candle."

This is the treatment of the eyes with sunlight or other light - one of best exercises to restore vision and relax the extraocular muscles.

FULL OPTION. We stand facing the sun with CLOSED eyes. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely.

With our chest and face we turn to the right, twisting right leg. The heel of the left foot turns up. The sun remains to the left. Then we also turn to the left. The sun remains to the right. We continue turning, repeating out loud: “The sun on the left is the sun on the right, the sun on the left is the sun on the right, the sun on the left is the sun on the right...” The eyes are closed all the time, the hands are relaxed. After 20 - 25 turns, 10 - 12 powerful sunbeams will appear in your eyes. The sun shines through the eyelid, bright orange or yellow dots appear. And our eyes, they love the sun so much that there is a powerful activation of the retina and relaxation of the oculomotor muscles.

SOFT OPTION(especially when diagnosed with macular degeneration, when a person sees sideways better than straight on).

Select a sharp shadow (tree, corner of the house). One eye is in the shade, the other is in the sun. A shadow passes through the middle of you. Feet shoulder-width apart, eyes closed, face directed towards the sun. You begin to slowly sway from foot to foot, repeating out loud: “The sun comes - the sun goes, comes - goes, comes - goes...” Thus, the eyes find themselves either in the shadows or in the sun. After 20 - 25 swings, 3 - 5 powerful sunbeams will appear in your eyes.

Attention! Immediately after each solarization of the eyes in the sun, we do palming while standing. Twice as long as solarization, until vision completely calms down, until the bunnies in the eyes disappear.

Palming while standing. With your eyes closed, turn your back to the sun, rub your palms together until warm, and place them on your closed eyes. Press your elbows to your chest, head slightly tilted forward, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed. Quietly sway from foot to foot, relax, think about something good until the bunnies disappear from your eyes. The bunnies are gone - blink your eyes and open them.

In sunny weather, perform this solarization 3-4 times daily.

Solarization without sun

If the weather is cloudy, you can do solarization using other light sources.

For example, you light a candle and turn off the lights in the room. Sit at a distance of a meter or more, make a central fixation on a burning candle, blink. And you turn your head, face, eyes, now to the right wall, now to the left. You don't pay any attention to the candle at all. When you look at the left wall, you will simply feel in the dark that the candle is somewhere on the right. Then whack - a candle flew before my eyes. And you are already looking at the right wall and feel a candle on the left. So turn your head from side to side 15 - 20 times, repeating in a low voice: “Candle on the left - candle on the right, candle on the left - candle on the right...” Eyes, of course, open.

Solarization of the eyes can be done this way: covering the window with curtains, leave a gap, which will be the source of light. Or, in a dark room at eye level, turn on a table lamp - do solarization on it... And be sure to do palming after a candle, window, or light bulb.

Let's get the blood flowing

To improve cerebral circulation, Professor Zhdanov recommends doing gymnastics in the morning and evening:

1. Tilt your head to your right shoulder, then straight, then to left shoulder(no sudden movements). 4 - 5 times.

2. Head up and down. 4 - 5 times.

3. Head left and right.

4. Shoulders up and down. 4 - 5 times.

5. We bring our shoulders forward, then we bring them back, while doing so - the back - chest in a “wheel” - 4 times.

6. Rotate your shoulders back and forth - 6 times.

7. Legs are motionless, we turn “shoulder forward” - 4 times.

8. Legs are motionless, we make “shoulder back” turns, while looking back, we see the back wall - 4 times.

9. We lock our hands. The legs are motionless. We twist the body back to the right. We linger in this position. Then - back left - 4 times.

10. Bend to the sides - 4 - 5 times.

11. Circular rotations of the pelvis (feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt) - 6 times in one direction and the other.

Phrases that will help you disable the harmful points program

Before going to bed, rewrite the text once, learn it by heart in a few days, and then write it from memory.

Why write?

Scientist Gennady Shichko experimentally discovered that the word that a person writes BY HAND before bedtime, according to the strength of the impact on the conscious-subconscious mind a hundred times surpasses the word heard, seen or spoken.

Here are the 15 phrases:

1. I am a calm and balanced person.

2. I know how to relax while resting and when working with my eyes.

3. I strive to restore my health and vision.

4. I will forever destroy the glasses program, as well as the alcohol and tobacco programs in my mind.

5. Alcohol and tobacco, glasses are mine bad feeling and vision, illness, early old age, blindness and death.

6. Sobriety, separate meals, relaxation and eye exercises are my youth, beauty, health, excellent vision and life.

7. My eyes become radiant, clear, alert and pure.

8. Every day I feel an improvement in my health and vision.

9. I blink and close my eyes often.

10. I give my eyes a rest, palming for three to five minutes every hour.

11. I see the smallest details both far and near.

12. The sun and natural light are friends of my eyes.

13. I will forever stop poisoning myself with alcohol and tobacco poison and wearing glasses - damaging my eyes.

14. My health is improving, my vision is being restored.

15. I have a wonderful sober life ahead and excellent vision.

After writing 15 settings, you can’t do anything except palming while lying down.

Various exercises from Zhdanov V.G.

1. Spray your eyes with cold boiled water

“It’s better to melt it,” advises the professor. - Boil water, freeze in the refrigerator. Then wash your face with thawed water and splash it into your OPEN eyes in the morning and evening. Water retains its polymer structure as long as ice crystals remain in it.

Why pre-boil? To remove bleach. Bleach eats your eyes. Therefore, tap water must be left to stand and boiled so that the chlorine evaporates.

2. Make faces

Very useful exercise: take off your glasses, tense and relax all the muscles of your face - move your jaws, ears, eyes. Make funny (!) faces in front of the mirror. The better all the facial muscles are developed, the more efficiently the extraocular muscles work and the blood supply to the eyes improves. Note: infants They lie on their backs and constantly grimace involuntarily. They instinctively tense and relax their facial muscles so that they develop.

3. Mark on glass

This is a universal exercise from the “near - far” series: it is very useful for both nearsighted and farsighted people. It is performed, naturally, without glasses.

Go to any window and stick a piece of paper on the glass - a mark. If you blink, you look at the piece of paper, you see it; blinked - look into the distance, saw a tree or a house. Then again: on a piece of paper - into the distance, on a piece of paper - into the distance... Do the exercise twenty times.

At the same time, there is a powerful training of the transverse eye muscles. When you look at a piece of paper, you stress them out. Then they blinked, looked into the distance and relaxed. They squeezed the eye, weakened it, squeezed it, weakened it.

In medicine, it is customary to call the longitudinal muscles of the eyes straight, and the transverse muscles oblique. I specifically called the oblique muscles of the eyes transverse, since practice has shown that when using the phrase “oblique muscles,” people think that these are the muscles that cause the eye to squint. In fact, these are the most important muscles that carry out the process of eye accommodation, i.e., bringing them into focus.

As a result of performing the “Mark on Glass” exercise, myopic people learn to relax the transverse muscles, while far-sighted people and those with “flat eyes,” on the contrary, train them.

4. Butterfly flight

From the same series “near - far”.

a) Imagine, upstairs, under the ceiling, there is a beautiful butterfly sitting. You look at her. Next, the butterfly flies along the ceiling and lands directly on the eyebrows. Look at your eyebrows, blink, you can’t look at your eyebrows for too long! Now send the butterfly from your eyebrows back to the ceiling and beyond, carefully watching the flight. Repeat the exercise 3 - 5 times. What muscles do we train? Upper longitudinal (when we raise our eyes) and transverse (when we look at the eyebrows).

b) Now imagine that this beautiful butterfly is sitting on the wall at the level of your head. It flies up, flies, flies, flies and lands on the tip of your nose. You look at the tip of your nose, blink and quickly send the butterfly back to the wall. The exercise can also be repeated 3 - 5 times. At the same time, we train the internal longitudinal muscles, bringing the eyes to the nose, and again the transverse ones.

c) Imagine that this butterfly is sitting far away on the ground (floor). And so she flies along the ground, flies, flies... and lands on your upper lip. We looked, blinked and upper lip they sent her down and along the floor to her place. Do this also no more than 5 times. At the same time, we train the lower longitudinal muscles and again the transverse ones.

Exercises with a butterfly can be performed all at once (a, b, c) or separately.

5. Thumb

Make a fist with your hand, thumb up! The hand was extended forward. We blink, look at the thumb, bring it to the tip of the nose; relate to distance arm's length, then blinked and looked into the distance (up to 10 times).

Again, the transverse eye muscles are being trained. We look at the finger - it’s tense. The closer we bring it, the more we strain the transverse muscles; when we bring it closer, we relax. And then they blinked, looked into the distance - they relaxed completely.

“These exercises do not require special time,” the professor emphasizes. - They can be done anywhere and anytime. Let’s say your boss called you into his office and let’s scold you! And you stand there and blow butterflies from nose to nose. For him - for himself, for him - for himself...

“When I restored my vision,” the professor recalls, “at the bus stop I didn’t hang around with everyone else, but went to the side, towards a tree.” So that there is a leaf in front of your eyes. I stand, blink, look at the leaf, blink, look into the distance, the leaf is in the distance, the leaf is in the distance... People at the bus stop are fooling around waiting for the bus, and I am training the transverse muscles of the eyes.

Every time, going by train from Akademgorodok to Novosibirsk, I sat by the window. I sculpted a piece of the ticket onto the glass. He blinked at the piece of paper, blinked into the distance. A piece of paper is a distance, a piece of paper is a distance. At stops I made a central fixation on the sign with the name of the station. The train started moving - I’m working with a piece of paper again. The thirty-five minute ride trained the eye muscles.

Once again I draw your attention to the fact that the most dangerous thing is to OVERTRAIN YOUR EYES. Start performing any exercises with minimum quantity repetitions and gradually increase the load.

"One-Eyed Glasses"

one of the most powerful and effective exercises to restore vision,” says Professor Zhdanov. — Allows you to preserve and develop your vision even when watching TV or working on a computer. But also very difficult. That's why I never suggest it to beginners. First, you need to train the eye muscles with regular exercises, “mark on glass”, “butterfly flight”, learn to relax them with palming, solarization. And only then can you take up the “pirate glasses”. The trick is simple. You need two pairs of any frames without glass. Maybe from old glasses. You tie it at one frame right side with a thick black curtain or wrap it with opaque tape. The second one has the left one. It is possible to manipulate one frame by dragging the headband from right to left, but this is a hassle.

And wear these “one-eyed glasses” at home, in nature, on vacation, read, write, work on the computer, watch TV. No MORE than 30 minutes! A powerful load occurs when one eye is forced to work for two. But a great workout. After half an hour, close your eyes, take off your glasses, palming until the visual tract completely calms down. Then change the patch to the other eye. After another half hour, take off your “one-eyed glasses,” do palming and take a break for an hour: stay without glasses. If possible, repeat this exercise 2 - 3 times a day.

The eye under the bandage, of course, is open all the time, he is also training...

If someone who is nearsighted cannot yet see the TV screen without glasses, there is no need to suffer. Take glasses with weaker lenses and watch a TV show in them, still covering one eye with an eye patch for half an hour. Then another one. After palming.

7 simple rules for TV and computer

Advised by Professor V. G. ZHDANOV

✔ Work on your computer and watch TV in a LIT room! Be sure to turn on overhead lighting.

✔ Remove all glare from the screen.

✔ Choose the font COLOR! (Nearsighted people tend to see RED better, farsighted people see BLUE better.) To choose your color, take different colored fountain pens and sign on a white sheet of paper. Place the sheet on the windowsill, turn away for a minute, blink and glance lightly at the sheet. The painting that will catch everyone's eye first is YOUR color.

✔ BLINK as often as possible! Why do my eyes get tired and hurt when using the computer? People stare at the monitor and watch all day without blinking. The mucous membrane of the eyes dries out, which leads to fatigue, pain and pain. By blinking, we relieve tension and moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes.

✔ As your eyes get tired, do PALMING. Ideally every hour. When watching TV, palm during commercials. Don't forget the rules for leaving palming.

✔ Work and watch TV more often with “pirate glasses”

It is very important to perform exercises with “pirate glasses” in cases of difference of eyes, when one eye sees worse than the other. In this case, give more visual work to the weak eye, that is, first of all, cover it with a “curtain” strong eye. Difference of eyes is dangerous because the weak eye begins to interfere with the strong one. This can lead to squint.

Incorrect lighting damages the vision of adults and children.

— THE LIGHT SHOULD FALL FROM THE LEFT! - says Professor Zhdanov. - If a person is left-handed and writes with his left hand, then on the right. But here one in twenty is left-handed. A simple rule for preserving vision, but it is very often forgotten today. When I visit acquaintances and friends who have children—schoolchildren, students—I always ask: “Where does your child do his homework?” I haven’t seen a single apartment that has a proper table for studying. As a rule, the student sits in a remote corner, blocking the light with his back. It strains your eyesight and hurts your eyes. IN best case scenario sitting at the table facing the window, powerful light on his eyes and on the book. This is also very harmful. You need to sit with your left side towards the window so that the light falls only on the book, but not on your eyes. In this case, the light from the white sheet goes to the side, and the diffused light from the text enters the eyes comfortably and without strain.

The table lamp with the canopy on the left is our best friend. Especially for farsighted people. Preference is a halogen lamp. If it is not there, take a good table lamp with a visor, insert a transparent glass light bulb of 75 - 100 watts. Fashionable energy-saving light bulbs are worse for vision. Direct the light of the lamp to the side on the left so that the light reflected from the sheet (monitor) goes to the side, and only the light scattered from the text reaches your eyes. It is important to remember: in addition to local lighting (table lamp), overhead lighting is required. The eyes should be able to take a break from the book or monitor: look at the ceiling, wall, and other objects.

Keep in mind: fluorescent lamps are very straining on the eyes.

See also Professor Zhdanov.

If you see poorly or feel that your vision is deteriorating, if you wear glasses or your eyes get tired quite quickly, then it’s time for you to watch Professor Zhdanov’s video course “It’s time to take off your glasses.” A complete set of exercises to restore vision.

You can independently cure farsightedness, nearsightedness, strabismus and astigmatism with the help of simple exercises according to the William Bates method.

Natural vision restoration: all parts of the lectures

This video talks about special exercises for eyes. The video correctly outlines the topic of how to do the exercises correctly.
You will learn about different eye exercises, including an exercise called Palming.

Zhdanov V.G. Get your sight back.

Decreased vision may be the result of not proper nutrition and lack of essential nutrients. For those who want to improve their vision, products useful for maintaining vision are listed below.

  • Carrot. Rich in Vitamin A. Beta-carotene, which is a precursor of Vitamin A, plays an important role in many biochemical reactions in the body. Benefits of Vitamin A/Beta Carotene include supporting superficial linings in the eyes, intestinal, genitourinary and respiratory tracts.
  • Fish. These include sardines, mackerel, cod and tuna. These fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, which plays a critical role in the structure cell membranes. Recommended for people with dry eyes and for maintaining vision in general.
  • Greenery. These include spinach and kale. They are rich in carotenoids and lutein, which are of particular interest. It is a pigment that protects the macula (the part of the eye deep in the center of the retina) from sunlight.
  • Eggs. They contain sulfur, cysteine, lecithin and the same lutein. These substances may protect against cataracts.
  • Onion and garlic. They are also rich in sulfur, which is necessary for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an antioxidant for the entire body, including the lens of the eye. Sulfur protects the body from damage and deterioration of health, and this also applies to the eyes.
  • Fruits and vegetables. They contain a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and beta-carotene. Carrots are good for daytime vision.
  • Blueberries and grapes. They contain anthocyanins, which are good for night vision.
  • Nuts and seeds. They contain zinc, which has important for retinal function. Zinc is also required to release vitamin A from the liver, which then enters the eyes.

All of these products provide the eyes with the essential nutrients to maintain good vision. In addition, you can take other foods that contain vitamin C, vitamin B, selenium, zinc and magnesium.

Restoration of vision: part 1 Professor Zhdanov V.G.

Restoration of vision: part 2, Zhdanov V.G.

The video shows a lecture by Professor V.G. Zhdanov. second part, look.

Restoring vision: Part 3, Professor Zhdanov

Watch carefully, write down or memorize! Follow the instructions, don’t be lazy and your vision will improve in Allah

Restoring vision: part 4, lecture by Zhdanov

It's time to treat your eyes in a natural and proven way! Eye massage, etc. In the video, Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov talks about a method for improving eye health in order to regain vision.

If you have vision problems, this does not mean that you have to accept it and wear glasses. Yes, glasses will help you today, but in the end your vision will only get worse. The fact is that vision depends on the work of the oculomotor muscles (longitudinal, transverse). As soon as you put on glasses, your eye muscles stop working.

Restoring vision: part 5

The main cause of myopia, farsightedness, strabismus and astigmatism is a dysfunction of the eye muscles (there are only six of them). It follows from this that almost anyone can completely restore their vision with the help of eye exercises. The exercises are simple but quite effective

Restoring vision: part 6 of the lecture

Full vision, Zhdanov. A complete set of exercises to restore eye vision

It's time to treat your eyes in a natural and proven way! If you have vision problems, this does not mean that you have to accept it and wear glasses.

This film is prohibited from being shown on television, otherwise people will stop buying glasses, which means millions of rubles of money!

Using these video courses, you can independently improve your vision. If you complete the tasks as they say in the video lessons, then you can be cured of myopia, farsightedness and other eye diseases using the Bates-Shichko method

It is best to do the exercises 3 times a day before meals. This will be much more effective. The main thing is not to forget to remember the Almighty Creator and trust in Him! Truly, only He is the Healer, the Giver of health and all the other graces that we have and which we cannot even count! Allah's mercy is limitless!

Important: Each person has their own “eye” story, so everyone will have different results when using these exercises.

Zhdanov and his set of exercises for restoring vision is a system for helping those who have lost visual acuity.

If you have illnesses visual apparatus commonly used traditional methods treatments that involve wearing glasses, taking medications, etc.

Many patients, due to contraindications or uncertainty about a favorable outcome, need to look for other treatment options.

Zhdanov - a set of exercises

Treatment of ophthalmological diseases using corrective optical means and surgical procedures is not always effective. It has been proven that wearing glasses for a long time weakens the eye muscles.

Professor Zhdanov is against optical correction, presenting his own method of natural full recovery visual organs. Taking the research of scientists Shichko and Bates as a basis, the doctor created eye gymnastics that helps eliminate visual disturbances.

Features of performing the Palming exercise

If your eyes are tired, it is advisable to perform a light exercise:

  • palms are rubbed until warmth appears;
  • then they are placed on closed eyelids for 5 minutes.

The palms should fit tightly without forming the slightest gaps. A five-minute break is enough to relax the eyeballs. If you have to sit near the computer for 6-8 hours, palming is recommended to be done hourly.

While doing the exercise, think about pleasant things.

Effective gymnastics for the eyes

The scientist advises combining exercises with palming, each of which ends with blinking, which allows you to relax your muscles. Don't make sudden movements.

Move your gaze 5 times:

  • up down;
  • one way and the other;
  • right-up, left-down;
  • clockwise, drawing a rectangle, in the opposite direction;
  • round;
  • zigzag from right to left, and then vice versa.

You should start training three times a day.

Solarization - as a method of restoring vision

To improve the visual system, you will need to turn your face to the sun and close your eyes.

To completely restore vision using the Zhdanov method, body turns are performed:

  • to the left with raising the right heel;
  • to the right, lifting the left heel.

You should turn around until glare appears in your eyes, caused by the penetration of the sun's rays. Thus, the retina is activated. The flickering will disappear thanks to palming.

Therapeutic fixation of a person's gaze

While charging, you need to go to the window and, blinking, focus on an object in the distance. The next stage is when the gaze is transferred to the nearest object. Fix your gaze on a large object and then fixate on small objects.

Continuous blinking is an additional load and increases the tone of the eyeball.

An alternative exercise is to imagine that there is a butterfly sitting on the ceiling, which takes off, lands on your eyebrows and flies to the wall. Upon returning, it ends up on the tip of the nose and moves to the floor. Charging is useful for office workers who spend a long time in front of monitors.

What is the essence of the technique?

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov is a method recommended for people of all ages. You can be at home or at work.

The professor believes that glasses are harmful to health, and their use should be abandoned. Wearing glasses every day causes the eye muscles to weaken, and the patient will need to take them off for stronger muscles.

Optical correction and drug therapy The scientist advises replacing it with a specially designed set of exercises.

Zhdanov’s technique is based on the developments of psychoanalyst Shichko and ophthalmologist Bates, improved by Vladimir Georgievich.

He states that for success it is necessary:

  1. Dedicate time to gymnastics every day.
  2. Strictly adhere to technique.

Gymnastics will be appropriate not only for ophthalmological disorders. It will be useful for those whose activities involve excessive stress. visual analyzer. Systematic training will restore the eye muscles and improve blood circulation in the brain.

Before classes, it is worth considering the following points:

  • the gymnastic complex is performed without glasses or lenses;
  • sudden eye movements are not allowed;
  • the involvement of facial muscles in the process is prohibited;
  • if it was carried out on the visual organs surgical intervention, they start gymnastics after 3-6 months;
  • A review of your lifestyle and determination will help you achieve results.

For severe visual disturbances You should get permission from your doctor to perform gymnastics. Patients with retinal detachment are strictly prohibited from practicing using the Zhdanov method.

The difference between eye techniques for myopia and farsightedness

When myopia or hypermetropia develops, the oblique eye muscles weaken, the rectus muscles are in constant voltage. Thanks to the exercises, the oblique muscles are strengthened, and chronic tension is eliminated from the straight muscles. For each type of violation, its own gymnastics has been developed.

Proper exercise for myopic people

The essence of gymnastics is to alternately observe objects located at different distances. You will need to prepare two sheets of different formats (whatman paper and a regular sheet). They depict tables that are used by ophthalmologists to test visual acuity.

Whatman paper should be attached to the wall at such a distance that only the top line can be clearly distinguished. The smaller piece of paper must be held in your hands. During training, first one eye closes, then the other.

Procedure for myopia:

  • look at the top row of letters depicted on whatman paper;
  • the gaze moves to the letters of the top line of the table in the hand;
  • the exercise is repeated 3-5 times;
  • further carried out similar actions with other lines.

Vision training for farsightedness

You can cope with hypermetropia by alternating muscle tension with relaxation. Charging is somewhat different from that intended for the nearsighted; it is performed using a stick.

To improve vision with farsightedness you need:

  1. Holding the wand, put your hand forward.
  2. Blink and look out the window.
  3. Focus on the stick and, without taking your eyes off it, move your hand about 15 cm closer to your face.
  4. Move your hand back to the starting position. The action should be repeated 5-10 times.

Another gymnastics option:

  1. Looking into the distance, you need to bring the wand as close to your face as possible.
  2. You should quickly move the stick in one direction and the other.
  3. The arm is moved to the right 25 cm and returns back.
  4. Next, you need to move your hand to the left and return to the starting position.
  5. The actions are performed within 2-3 minutes.

During training, you can use a large or forefinger, your hand will need to be clenched into a fist.

The effectiveness of the method for cataracts

Cataracts are often diagnosed in old age. The pathology is dangerous - a person will lose his sight. Doctors offer treatment - surgery. However, the disease can be combated with the help of effective exercises that can alleviate the course of cataracts and even prevent their occurrence.

Zhdanov offers his own version of gymnastics, the implementation of which will improve the condition of the eyes, the main thing is to do exercises for cataracts 3 times daily.

Training sequence:

  1. Keeping your head still, you should look up and down, and then look left and right. The exercise is done 6 times.
  2. Drawing a plus sign with your eyes.
  3. Move the eyes in such a way as to create a rectangle.
  4. Movement of the gaze in a circle.
  5. Image of a spiral, from the tip of the nose.
  6. Drawing a “snake” from left to right and vice versa.

Regular training will help cope with fatigue of the visual organs, improve their functioning, and help slow down the progression of cataracts.

Useful video on the topic

How to restore vision with astigmatism

Astigmatism is characterized by blurred images. To normalize visual functions, a set of exercises will be useful, which will be especially effective on early stage pathology. Thanks to systematic training, the eye muscles relax and the cornea is restored.

Gymnastics must be combined with other therapeutic methods.

The training will be successful if you prepare for it correctly:

  • nothing should distract from classes;
  • It is necessary to practice in a well-lit room;
  • overvoltage should not be allowed;
  • believe in a favorable outcome.

The scientist’s technique for astigmatism:

  1. Palming is performed for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Before the main warm-up, you should blink intensely.
  3. It is necessary to move your gaze from one side to the other 5 times, from top to bottom and diagonally.
  4. Drawing a rectangle - first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  5. Image of various figures - snakes, eights.
  6. Circular movements in one direction and the other.
  7. The final stage is blinking and palming.

It is useful for patients with astigmatism to practice with a candle. Having placed the light source in front of you, you need to move your gaze left and right several times. Then the candle should be extinguished and the same steps should be repeated while in the dark.

How does the technique differ from other methods?

When a person goes to the doctor with complaints of visual impairment, he is usually prescribed optical correction. IN difficult cases the patient is sent for surgery. However, traditional methods help fight the symptoms of diseases; the causes are not eliminated.

Professor Vladimir Georgievich is absolutely sure that wearing glasses or lenses makes the muscles lazy. How longer person uses such devices, the more difficult it is to do without them. Moreover, many people’s vision decreases even more, which is why they have to replace the optics they are using with stronger ones.

Gymnastic complexes for the eyes are based on the developments of Bates, who argued that the cause of problems with the visual apparatus lies in mental stress when trying to look at objects.

And if you start training the muscles located around the eyeball, the functions of the visual analyzer will significantly improve.

The professor suggests using a method that will allow you to do without medical care. In particular, the method is relevant for those patients for whom surgery is contraindicated.

Positive aspects of the scientist’s methodology:

  • training helps relax the eye muscles and helps normalize the nutrition of the visual organs;
  • Anyone can do exercises, regardless of age;
  • exercises are universal and available all the time;
  • Gymnastics is used both as therapy and for prevention.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • need for regular training;
  • there is no guarantee of results;
  • appearance discomfort in the eyes at the initial stage.

Many simply do not have the willpower to devote time to exercise every day and endure painful discomfort. Thus, training stops almost immediately.

Nutrition and its combination with exercise

Zhdanov draws attention to the fact that exercise will not be so effective if the patient does not adjust the nutritional diet. The scientist declares the importance of separate nutrition. His system is based on the work of the famous Dr. Herbert Shelton.

The essence of separate nutrition according to Zhdanov is to consume protein and carbohydrate foods in different time. The professor highlights the products:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • neutral (live), which includes fats.

According to the Zhdanov system, it is prohibited:

  • mixing protein and starchy foods;
  • eat two foods at a time high content squirrel;
  • simultaneous consumption of fats with proteins, because due to fat gastric juice released more slowly;
  • combination of sour fruits with proteins;
  • combine dishes that contain carbohydrates and sugar.

Mixed nutrition leads to undesirable consequences. For example, food that is extremely undesirable to combine will not be able to be completely digested. The result is the accumulation of residues in the intestines in the form of fecal stones. Most people do not suspect that for about 15 years, the resulting waste can be present in the body, poisoning it.

According to the scientist, health can be restored on your own. Change will help with this nutritious diet. Healthy food helps restore organs and systems. If you devote time to training, your vision will improve much faster.

Regular vision prevention

Any disease, including ophthalmological, is a consequence of certain causes. If you only fight the manifestations of pathologies, you will not be able to completely cope with them. Having disappeared for a certain time, the disease will reappear.

Professor Zhdanov’s set of eye exercises is useful in that it will not only help slow down the progression of the disorder, but also prevent the development of the disease.

It is useful to do health-improving exercises in the morning:

  1. When you wake up, you need to stretch and then turn in one direction and the other.
  2. Several times you should simultaneously open your eyes and mouth as wide as possible.
  3. Alternately closing your eyes and opening your eyes.
  4. Increased blinking.
  5. While standing, you need to use the tip of your nose to depict words and numbers in the air.
  6. Carrying out palming.
  7. Shake your fingers while mentally counting to 10.

Thanks to a simple warm-up, your muscles will relax and your mood will improve.

The training mentioned above will serve as an excellent prevention of ophthalmological diseases. The professor insists on getting rid of harmful addictions. For example, vision is greatly affected by smoking and drinking junk food. Therefore, nutrition should be healthy and balanced.

Important component preventive measures- preservation peace of mind. Negative emotions and depressive state provokes disruptions in the functioning of the body.

Real reviews from people using this method

Gymnastics for the visual apparatus, compiled by Vladimir Georgievich, has followers and active opponents. Scientists have a negative attitude, but it is stupid to deny the effectiveness, because this is a working method. The effectiveness of the technique is confirmed by many positive reviews.

Patients, a long period Those struggling with myopia, astigmatism or hypermetropia report significant improvement visual functions. But the effect appears thanks to long and regular training.

A great way to get rid of eye strain while reading or standing in front of a monitor is to use palming. Without it, the elimination of ophthalmological disorders is ineffective.

Significant changes from the use of the technique were noted by patients who adhered to integrated approach. They followed the professor’s instructions, giving up harmful addictions, organizing separate meals and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. Patients claim that favorable changes occur throughout the body, and vision problems disappear much faster.

The scientist’s method will be effective if a person shows patience and studies systematically. In the presence of severe disorders, patients are required to consult a specialist, otherwise the condition may worsen.

A complete complex for restoring vision using the method of Professor Zhdanov

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Headaches, dryness and redness of the eyes, double vision, impaired color vision are symptoms of visual impairment. Using eye gymnastics according to Zhdanov will help restore vision without surgery and reduce the risk of complications.

Professor Zhdanov - developed unique techniques eye health

The principle of Professor Zhdanov’s technique

To correct vision, Professor Zhdanov suggests using a complex consisting of the methods of ophthalmologists Bates and Shichko, adding to it proper nutrition, regular sports training, and avoidance of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

Purpose of the program

The essence of the technique, developed by Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, is to simultaneously relax tense and strengthen weakened eye muscles. His treatment system is based on unbreakable connection physical and spiritual state of a person.

Absence negative emotions, unrest and nervous breakdowns has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. Psychological stress increases the tone of the eye muscles, which causes displacement of the lens.

Basic rules for vision training

Used in the treatment of eye diseases unique complexes workouts, they all have a number of similar rules:

  • 5 minutes before class, remove your glasses or contacts;
  • do gymnastics daily;
  • do not exceed the frequency of repetition of the complex more than 4 times per day;
  • carry out the entire treatment program only with the help of the eyeballs, do not use the facial muscles;
  • Avoid sudden movements during training.

The Zhdanov method is contraindicated for people with retinal detachments. After eye surgery, you also cannot use this method of improving vision for six months.

How often do you do eye exercises?

Repeat the selected complex at least 2 times a day. For maximum benefit and effectiveness, it is recommended that you train in the morning and evening time. If you have free time, use the selected exercises 4 times a day at regular intervals.

Indications for performing gymnastics for vision

The use of the Zhdanov system is indicated in case of detection of such violations as:

  • overstrain of the eye muscles;
  • myopia;
  • hypermetropia;
  • strabismus;
  • astigmatism.

With minimal visual impairment, use the described treatment system for preventive purposes and to eliminate negative symptoms.

A complete set of exercises according to the Zhdanov system

Let's consider the main full range of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle structure of the eyes:

Name Execution Rules Frequency and duration
Rotations Alternately move your eye up and down Average execution time: 5–10 seconds
Move the pupil left and right
Diagonal Visually draw diagonals to the left and up, then to the left and down. Repeat the movement to the right side Repetition frequency – from 3 to 5 times
Rectangle Draw geometric figure, starting from the right side. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side
Clock dial Perform circular movements in the direction of the arrow to the right, then repeat in the opposite direction. Hold your gaze for 2 seconds on the numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12
Snake Draw a snake from the head with your eyes. Repeat the exercise, starting to draw the shape from the tail Exercise duration – 5–10 seconds

Blink well after exercise

Finish each of the above exercises by lightly blinking without squeezing your eyes tightly - this will help relax your muscles as much as possible. Do not increase the number of repetitions - this does not enhance the effect, but, on the contrary, can worsen the condition.

To strengthen your eye muscles and improve your vision, do morning exercises for 15 minutes every day.

Charging sequence:

  1. Lying in bed, extend your arms straight above your head. Perform alternate turns in different sides.
  2. Open your mouth and eyes wide at the same time. Do 5 reps.
  3. Squeeze your eyes tightly for 2 seconds, open your eyes wide, repeat 7 times. Blink your eyes 12 times frequently.
  4. Draw any number 3 to 5 times using your nose - this will help improve blood supply to the eyes and relieve tension in the cervical vertebrae.
  5. Finish your exercise with palming. Duration – 3 minutes.

While doing morning exercises, relax and monitor your breathing evenly - this helps uniform distribution oxygen throughout the body.


For achievement best result In the treatment of myopia and astigmatism, as well as to prevent the development of glaucoma and cataracts, eye massage is used.

  1. Close your eyes and apply gentle pressure to your eyeballs 3 times with your index and middle fingers.
  2. Next, consistently press with your middle fingers on the outer corner of the eye, the lower eyelid and the inner corner of the eye.
  3. Massage your eyeballs through closed eyelids for 5 seconds with your middle, index and ring fingers.
  4. Close your eyes, then open your eyes, stretch your eyelids 5 times to the sides, up and down.

Light pressure on the eyeballs

During treatment various diseases, in addition to the described main medical complex, additional exercises are used:


Principle therapeutic exercises with myopia – alternate fixation of vision on close and distant objects. Make 2 tables - each subsequent line in them is written in a smaller font.

The main feature is that 1 text should be drawn up on whatman paper and hung on the wall, text 2 should be placed on a regular sheet of paper.

Rules for the training:

  1. The starting position is to stand in such a way that you can clearly see the very top line on whatman paper. Hold a regular sheet of text in your hand.
  2. Start training 1 eye, while covering the 2nd with your palm.
  3. Focus for 2-4 seconds on the top line of whatman paper, then move your gaze to the piece of paper. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
  4. Repeat this exercise with line 2 - strain your eyes for better clarity. Next, repeat the training for the 2nd eye.

Table for vision training for myopia

Every day, try to look at the text on lower lines.


For farsightedness, exercises help strengthen the oblique eye muscles by alternately relaxing and tensing them.

The complex for the treatment of hypermetropia consists of the following exercises:

Name The essence of the training Repetition frequency and duration
Training with a pencil or pen Extend the writing object in a straight hand in front of you, while looking into the distance for 2-3 seconds. Next, turn your gaze to the pencil and begin to bring it closer by 12–20 cm, without looking away. Slowly return your hand to its original position, blink for 5 seconds, look into the distance The number of repetitions is 5–10 times
Place the pen vertically and bring it to your eyes - at this time your gaze should be directed into the distance. Alternately tilt the handle in different directions. Next, move your hand 15 cm to the left, hold for 5 seconds, return to its original position. Repeat the exercise to the right side Training duration – 2–4 minutes

If you experience discomfort, spots before your eyes or dizziness, reduce the number of repetitions and duration of the workout.


To restore vision with astigmatism, Zhdanov developed a complex that includes a number of procedures:

Palming involves covering your eyes with your palms for a certain amount of time.

Name The essence of the training Number of repetitions
Core workout Make movements with your pupils to the sides, as well as from top to bottom. Then perform circular rotations, draw a square. At the end, describe the number 8 in vertical and horizontal position The number of repetitions of each exercise is from 5 to 10 times.
Rub your palms until heat arises, close your eyes with them so that no light breaks through. At the same time, relax your body, keep your head straight, and fix your elbows on a hard surface.

Stay in this position for 2-4 minutes. Imagine a pleasant image and try to visualize it.

When you finish the exercise, remove your hands while keeping your eyes closed. Turn your head to the sides, then up and down, rub your eyes with your fists, open and blink for 10 seconds

Duration – 5 minutes. Frequency of execution: every 2–3 hours
Solarization Stand facing the light with your eyes closed, relax as much as possible. Rotate your body to the right while lifting the heel of your left foot. Repeat the exercise to the left side Number of repetitions – 20–25 times

Use the described gymnastics in combination with medical treatment astigmatism – lack of treatment increases the risk of strabismus or severe vision impairment.


  1. Sit at a distance of 1 meter from a burning candle, fix your gaze on it.
  2. Turn your head in different directions.
  3. The number of repetitions in each direction is 20 times.

Perform palming while standing and after solarization - this will help get rid of glare in the eyes.

Execution rules:

  1. Close your eyes and turn your back to the light.
  2. Warm your palms, place them over your eyes and relax as much as possible. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows and tilt your head forward.
  3. Do the exercise until the glare disappears, then open your eyes and blink quickly for 5 seconds.

Using palming will help relax the muscles of the eyes, respiratory organs, face, neck, heart and blood vessels.

Daily exercise will help naturally restore vision, normalize cerebral circulation, stabilize the work of the eye muscles, improve the overall condition.