Alternative treatment of gastritis and ulcers. Herbs for stomach ulcers

An ulcer is a common disease, the development of which can be triggered by various factors. And the most important thing here is to start the treatment of this disease in a timely manner. After all, the more it progresses, the more intense the main symptoms become. Herbs for ulcers are used only as additional means for the treatment of the disease or as a prevention of exacerbation. In any case, if you decide to use funds not traditional medicine to alleviate the course of the disease, you should not refuse to take medicines prescribed by your doctor.

It should be understood that peptic ulcer belongs to the category chronic diseases, which must be constantly monitored. Even if the ulcers heal, scars form in their place, which can also cause occasional stomach discomfort. Therefore, treatment should be carried out continuously, even if the main symptoms of the disease have disappeared completely.

Treatment of ulcers with herbs requires a long time. Do not interrupt the course, as this can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

Herbal collection №1

When a person has decreased secretory activity, the following herbs can help him to treat an ulcer:

  • licorice root;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • rowan red (berries);
  • yarrow;
  • cottonweed.

For cooking medicinal product, these herbs must be taken in equal proportions, mixed in one container, and then take 2 tbsp. prepared mixture and pour two cups of boiling water. The remedy must be insisted for about half an hour and filtered. The scheme of reception is as follows: ½ cup 3 times a day before meals. In this case, before using the broth, it should be slightly warmed up. The course of treatment is 5-7 weeks.

Herbal collection №2

What herbs to treat an ulcer in which there is increased secretory activity? To do this, you can use the following herbal collection:

  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • oregano;
  • licorice root;
  • dill fruits;
  • celandine.

As in the previous case, all these herbs should be mixed in one container in equal proportions. To prepare a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. raw materials and a glass of boiling water. The ingredients must be combined in a small saucepan, cover it with a lid and put in a warm place for half an hour, and then strain. You need to use this remedy 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. Before taking the broth also needs to be warmed up.

Herbal collection №3

You can use the following herbs to treat gastritis and stomach ulcers (all ingredients are taken in equal parts):

  • calendula (flowers);
  • chamomile;
  • red and White Rose(petals);
  • field horsetail (shoots);
  • swamp cudweed.

cook medicinal decoction for treatment peptic ulcer from this herbal collection simply. You need to take 1 tbsp. raw materials, pour two glasses of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The course of treatment is 1 month. The prepared decoction should be consumed three times a day in the amount of ½ cup. For improvement palatability, you can add a little honey to the drink.

To prepare a medicinal decoction for the treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenum You can use the following ingredients:

  • Dill seeds;
  • wild rose (fruits).

Chop the ingredients and mix 1:1, and then take 1 tbsp. and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil the prepared composition over low heat for 5-10 minutes, and then strain. Also drink ½ cup 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

Herbal collection №5

Herbal infusions for stomach ulcers give very good results. Cook at home herbal infusion can be from components such as:

  • mint cross;
  • linseed oil;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Oak bark.

These ingredients must be taken in an amount of 10 g each, mixed and poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Next, the prepared mixture should be insisted for about 2-3 hours and filtered. It should be consumed with small doses - 1 tsp each. 3 times a day, daily increasing the dose by 1 tbsp. If the infusion seems too strong to you, it can be diluted with a little water. The dosage should be increased until a single serving of the drug is ½ cup. Then you need to move according to the same scheme, but reducing the dosage by 1 tbsp every day.

Contraindications to the use of herbs

We have already talked about what herbs to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers. Now it's time to talk about the cases in which you should refrain from using them.

So, a contraindication to the use herbal decoctions and infusions are the following diseases and states:

  • an allergic reaction to herbs or to one herb that is part of the infusion or decoction;
  • pronounced dyspeptic syndrome;
  • bleeding, including menstrual;
  • numerous ulcers;
  • incomplete examination, when the patient is not aware of the presence of other diseases of the digestive tract;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition, if a person experiences a deterioration in well-being during treatment, then you should immediately abandon self-medication and seek help from a doctor. Do not think that herbs are safe. They include toxic substances. Each organism has its own "own" dosage, which it can withstand. And if it is increased, then intoxication will occur, which is characterized by symptoms such as weakness, drowsiness, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, changes in blood pressure, etc.

If you notice at least one of these symptoms during treatment, this is already a signal that your body feels uncomfortable and treatment should be abandoned. And in order to prevent the occurrence of serious health complications, you must immediately see a doctor.

Video about the treatment of stomach ulcers with herbs

Stress, irregular meals, smoking, coffee abuse and much, much more ... All this has a huge impact on the digestive system.

Most of all goes to the stomach, as the first most enzymatically active site gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, a person may be disturbed by gastritis, in most cases leading to a stomach and duodenal ulcer in the future.

Any disease this body accompanied by pain, various digestive disorders.

Therefore, it is necessary to treat the stomach with herbs in time, medications and follow a diet. Let's learn more about herbs for stomach ulcers.

The work of the stomach is normal

The stomach is one of the organs digestive system. This is where acid treatment takes place. various enzymes and breakdown into components that can be absorbed in our intestines.

It is also an organ with a very complex innervation, it carries many functions.

In addition, mechanical mixing of food occurs in the stomach in order to distribute gastric juice more evenly.

In addition to splitting, hydrochloric acid located in the stomach performs a number of other functions:

  • Protective: hydrochloric acid creates an extremely acidic environment. Only a few micro-organisms can pass this natural barrier.
  • Triggering pancreatic function: It is only by maintaining a certain level of acidity that a cascade of hormonal and enzymatic reactions is triggered that help the final digestion of food, as well as its absorption in the lumen of the small and large intestine.
  • Stomach Enzyme Activation: Without a certain pH, stomach enzymes don't "turn on", which means they can't help break down nutrients into simpler components.

It should be noted that all these functions are possible due to the maintenance of a very aggressive level of acidity - 1.5-2.

Naturally, the stomach must have mechanisms that protect it from such a strong impact.

There are an incredible number of such mechanisms, many of them have not been fully studied so far.

It is only clear that all protective factors are affected by the state of health in general, and lifestyle, and diet, and bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking.

Normally, protective factors balance the aggressiveness of gastric juice. For clarity, the interaction of the aggressive environment inside the stomach and protective factors can be represented as weights.

If a person is healthy, then the scales are in balance.

If something weakens the defense or increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid- the aggressiveness of the juice grows, the scales tilt towards aggressive factors, and the acid begins to destroy its own cells of the mucous membrane.

It has also been scientifically proven that the most common cause gastric ulcer is a microbe - Helicobacter pylori.

In an effort to protect itself from it, the gastric mucosa increases the secretion of acid, but this bacterium is perfectly protected from low level pH.

Accordingly, the number of bacteria grows, the pH decreases even more, the acidity increases, which closes this vicious circle.

What is a stomach ulcer

To answer this question, you first need to understand in more detail what a stomach ulcer (GU) is. GU is chronic inflammatory disease mucous membrane of the stomach.

At given state there is a deep defect in the wall of this organ, which not only disrupts its function, but if left untreated, it can be complicated by its hollow perforation and the release of contents into abdominal cavity, bleeding.

The main task in this disease is to prevent the development of these complications.

The main signs on the basis of which it is possible to suspect a stomach ulcer are:

  1. The so-called "hunger pains". These are strong pain in the upper abdomen on an empty stomach, which pass if you eat.
  2. Nausea, heartburn, belching sour.
  3. The onset or increase in pain after eating various foods that irritate the stomach - coffee, cigarettes, spices, salt, hot sauces and seasonings.
  4. Also, the pain is clearly dependent on food intake. The fact is that there is a clear relationship between the time of occurrence of pain and the location of the mucosal defect. The closer the ulcer is to the entrance to the esophagus, the sooner pain will appear after eating.

Often a stomach ulcer can be combined with a duodenal ulcer. In this situation, pain is added in the navel and above, which can also be associated with food intake.

Moreover, mucosal defects usually occur first. small intestine, and then the defeat of the stomach joins.

Since usually ulcers in the duodenum go away almost without manifestations, the symptoms described for gastric ulcer will mainly disturb, so this disease can be misdiagnosed.

While it was previously thought that these symptoms could only appear in the elderly and in someone who is prone to ulcers, it is now especially age dependence no.

Due to the change in the pace and lifestyle, stomach ulcers are “younger”, so now such a diagnosis can also be made in young people.

Therefore, it is very important to properly treat this disease. Remember - the longer the stomach ulcer flows without control, the more likely development of various deadly complications.

Treatment of stomach ulcer

The most important thing for successful treatment is correct and fast diagnostics. If you experience the symptoms described above, contact your doctor. He will select the right medication for you.

Medications will be prescribed that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, as well as drugs that help protect the gastric and duodenal mucosa from aggressive pH.

If Helicobacter bacteria are found, then antibiotics will be prescribed.

In addition, it is necessary to refrain from alcoholic beverages.

In addition, you need to follow a certain diet and exclude semi-finished products from your diet, fried, spicy, very salty, as well as various sauces, seasonings, and more.

You can only eat boiled or steamed food.

Traditional medicine - help in the treatment of stomach ulcers

However, do not forget about the various folk methods. Yes, they cannot be the main treatment method, but they can perfectly complement the therapy prescribed for you.

They will help you heal even faster. What herbs for stomach and duodenal ulcers help better?

Most often, for these purposes, potato and cabbage juice, teas and infusions with herbs have long been used: mint, dog rose, plantain, St. John's wort, succession, celandine, aloe, burdock.

Potato and cabbage juices contain a lot of useful substances. So, it contains vitamin U, which helps in the healing of existing defects. It is better to drink them before breakfast.

Various combinations with herbs are also popular in the treatment of gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers - they complement each other and help to achieve maximum results.

For example, most often they mix St. John's wort, celandine and a string in equal parts, pour boiling water over them and then drink this solution on an empty stomach. These herbs help to quickly heal all damage to the mucosa.

Especially useful are herbs such as mint, rosehip and plantain.

Yes, yes, the plantain that we applied to broken knees in childhood helps to heal not only scratches. For treatment, decoctions of dry and fresh leaves, seeds, and even plantain juice.

Thanks to their unique properties it envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, which protects it from acid damage.

But most of all, plantain helps regenerate the epithelium in already damaged areas.

Peppermint is known not only for its unique smell and soothing, relaxing effect. Since ancient times, it and other herbs have been used to treat abdominal colic, spasms, and pain.

Thanks to the substances found in its leaves and flowers, mint relaxes smooth muscles. This contributes to the reduction pain syndrome.

In addition, it reduces the production of hydrochloric acid. That is why mint tea is advised to drink at night - it helps to calm the nervous and digestive systems that are tired during the day. It can also be combined with other herbs.

Also, for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is advised to use rosehip decoctions.

This sour red berry, which is known to each of us since childhood, is simply a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

First, rose hips contain a high dose of vitamin C. This substance helps to strengthen immune system, which in turn helps to increase defensive forces our body.

Secondly, the substances contained in the berries also protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, enveloping them.

But in order for these simple and familiar herbs from childhood to have a positive effect, and not harm, you need to approach the treatment wisely.

The main thing is not to refuse the treatment prescribed by the attending physician. It is not always possible to defeat the disease with folk remedies alone. In addition, monitor the quality of herbs and fees.

If possible, buy herbs in a pharmacy. If you want to collect them yourself, then do not use herbs collected from roads, factories, industrial fields and farms.

There, they can be contaminated with pesticides and heavy metals, which obviously will not improve your health.

It is also very important for further recovery to follow a special diet so as not to burden an already damaged stomach.

Well, it is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking. Otherwise, any ideally selected treatment will be ineffective.

Useful video

stomach ulcer doctors call a disease of the digestive system, in which local damage occurs on the mucous membrane of this organ. After their healing, a scar remains on the surface of the stomach. A dangerous recurrence of this disease (10-15% of cases) is the so-called perforation (perforation) of the ulcer, leading to the entry of stomach contents into the abdominal cavity. According to medical statistics, stomach ulcers most often affect middle-aged and elderly people.

Main symptom peptic ulcer are"hungry pains" that occur in the upper part of the stomach (epigastric region). They are often accompanied by symptoms general: heartburn, sour belching, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite.

Nearly half of people with stomach ulcers experience mild pain. In a third of patients, on the contrary, they are pronounced. Pain may occur or be aggravated by physical activity, when eating spicy or salty foods, long breaks between meals, smoking and drinking alcohol.

Symptoms of gastric ulcer are clearly related to meals, and its course is seasonal (exacerbations occur in spring and autumn).

characteristic feature this disease is the reduction or disappearance of pain after eating, taking soda, antisecretory drugs (omez, famotidine), as well as antacid drugs (almagel, phosphalugel, gastal).

Night pains are another signal indicating ulcerative lesion stomach. Most often they occur in the morning (at 4-5 o'clock) and force the patient to take drugs that envelop the mucosa and protect it from gastric juice.

Causes of stomach ulcers

One of the most common causes of peptic ulcer disease - disorder correct mode nutrition. Long breaks, dry food, irregular meals, addiction to spicy foods increase the load on the digestive center of the brain. As a result, it starts to falter.

As a result, the excitation of the autonomic nervous system, which gives a signal about the production of gastric juice, does not occur before the start of the meal, but randomly. An excess volume of gastric juice is thrown into an empty stomach. With a high digestive capacity, it destroys the mucous membrane, causing ulcers.

stress and long negative emotions provoke an excessive release of adrenaline and glucocorticoids by the body, which can also lead to the appearance of ulcers.

Risk factors that provoke the development of stomach ulcers are smoking and alcohol abuse. Tobacco combustion products and substances formed after alcohol processing by the body damage the mucous membrane and negatively affect its barrier functions.

In addition to functional disorders, stomach ulcers are provoked by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. She lives in acidic environment and damage the lining of the stomach. Powerful antibiotics have been developed to combat it. However, their use often leads to such serious complications as allergies, hepatosis and mycosis.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with phytotherapy

Practice shows that gastritis and stomach ulcers should be treated only with herbs and herbal preparations(e.g. oils). Medicinal herbs not only restore normal work gastrointestinal tract, but also eliminate disorders of the nervous system leading to ulcerative lesions. Herbs do not side effects to the stomach and other organs. Why the disease comes back again. Here are the plants I recommend to use as part of fees for complex treatment of this disease:

Pharmaceutical camomile;

medicinal calendula,

Valerian roots;


Sushenitsa marsh;

St. John's wort.

Some medicinal herbs well relieve inflammation and spasms, providing an astringent effect. These are yarrow, chamomile, horsetail and marshmallow root.

Phytocollections should include plants with enveloping action . They relieve the severity of pain in hyperacid gastritis(increased acidity of gastric juice) and exacerbation of peptic ulcer. This is the seed of flax and plantain, coltsfoot leaf, calamus root, goose cinquefoil.

Since a stomach ulcer is extremely rare in a “pure” form and is accompanied by cholecystitis, gastritis, duodenitis with colitis or pancreatitis, herbs with a choleretic, laxative, carminative and astringent action should be present in the collections: immortelle, St. John's wort, dill, wild rose.

With dangerous acid-loving bacteria helicobacter, damaging the walls of the stomach, such herbs help to fight:

Sushenitsa marsh;
- common wormwood;
- biting biting (chickweed);
- St. John's wort;
- birch leaf;
- calendula officinalis;
- pharmaceutical camomile;

Given the listed properties of herbs, herbalists recommend preparing the following for the treatment of stomach ulcers. medical fee:

Birch leaves - 7 parts;

Red clover and chamomile - 3 parts each,

Marsh cudweed - 9 parts;

Marigolds (calendula) - 5 parts,

Yarrow and wormwood - 1 part each.

After carefully grinding and mixing the indicated herbs, 1 tablespoon of the resulting collection should be brewed with ½ liter of boiling water. After insisting for 1 hour, strain. Drink ½ cup 4 times a day (1 hour after meals and at bedtime).

Medicinal herbs have a complex effect on the body, affecting to one degree or another all its systems and organs. This should also be considered in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

In particular, it is necessary to take into account the effect of a number of plants on the system of sex hormones. So, for example, hops, sage, clover and licorice contain a fairly large amount of estrogens (female sex hormones).

Other herbs increase the body's production of estrogenic hormones. These are St. John's wort, chamomile, tansy, goose cinquefoil, wormwood. The decrease in the amount of estrogen observed during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer makes it reasonable and useful application specified herbs.

Very valuable for treatment is ulcer-healing (regenerating) action some plants. Such an effect is shown:

Sushenitsa marsh;

calamus marsh;

St. John's wort;

Calendula officinalis;

Pharmaceutical camomile;


Stinging nettle;

Tea rose (petals);

Very useful for stomach ulcers hemostatic properties medicinal plants. Here we again meet our "old acquaintances": St. John's wort, horsetail, nettle, highlander and goose cinquefoil. By including them in herbal teas, you can prevent stomach bleeding.

At the stage of exacerbation of gastric ulcer, in addition to diet therapy and fractional nutrition, compliance with the regime of mental and physical rest, you can use a collection containing chickweed (little biting), St. John's wort, chamomile and valerian. Prepare it as follows:

Take 1 teaspoon of each of the listed plants, mix them and brew with 1 cup of boiling water. They insist half an hour. Take 1 tablespoon every hour during the first day. After that, for 10 days, the infusion is drunk 2 tablespoons 4 times a day 1 hour before meals and before going to bed.

For the next ten days of treatment, an infusion of the following herbs is prepared: Jerusalem artichoke herb and tubers, calendula, chamomile, flax seed. Dosage, preparation and regimen are similar to the first recipe.

At severe pain you should use fees consisting of valerian roots, chamomile and cudweed.

With bleeding(unless advised by physician) surgical intervention) used nettle, chamomile and St. John's wort.

If a stomach ulcer is complicated by cholecystitis, then a collection of tansy, St. John's wort and chamomile is used.

Mix 3 parts cottonweed, 3 parts midge, 2 parts flowers chamomile, 2 parts marigold flowers, 4 parts rose hips, 2 parts flax seeds, 2 parts Jerusalem artichoke herb, 2 parts agrimony herb, 1 part St. John's wort herb, 1 part valerian roots, 1 part tea rose petals, 1 part dill fruit, 1 part leaf nettles.

Place 1 tablespoon of the resulting collection in a thermos and pour ½ liter of boiling water. Infuse for 15-20 minutes and strain. Take 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals for ½ cup.

The course of treatment is from 2 to 3 months without interruption. Even if the pain receded earlier, the infusion of herbs should be continued in conjunction with special diet until complete scarring of ulcers and healing of the mucosa. Those. Drink 10 days collection with bitterness (wormwood or tansy), then 20 days standard collection, then again 10 days collection with bitterness.

In connection with the natural addiction of the body to the same composition of herbs, after 3 months of their use, the treatment tactics should be changed for a while. This applies to especially neglected cases, when 3 monthly treatment collecting herbs for ulcers was not enough.

The next step for the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, I recommend using a decoction Icelandic moss(cetraria) together with Turpentine oil balm ( oil solution cedar resin) course 1 month.

Then, for 1 month, you should drink an aqueous infusion of crushed tuber, known for its excellent properties that envelop and heal ulcers. I recommend combining Salep mucus with a reception, the main focus of which is to restore the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

After the course of treatment with herbs and oils, it will be possible to undergo an examination and evaluate the result. If necessary, after a break, the course can be repeated. Even in the case of successfully healed ulcers and the disappearance of symptoms of the disease, I recommend that you continue to eat food that is gentle on the stomach, do not abuse fried, smoked, salty foods. Oil balms should be eaten regularly, drink herbal teas. Ready for sale in our store.

Folk remedies from stomach ulcers and gastritis since ancient times have been used by man. They were made from herbs, oils plant origin, honey and propolis, freshly squeezed juices and even blue clay. AT modern world, folk remedies, therapeutic effect scientifically proven complement medical treatment.

Medicinal plants that are used for treatment have enough big list. Among them:

  • Tincture of galangal root. It is used to treat and stomach ulcers. It is used in dried form. In vodka (half a liter) you need to put 5 roots 3-4 cm in size. The tincture will be ready in a week. It should be drunk strained, 30 drops, 3-4 times a day.
  • Aloe is one of the best folk remedies for stomach ulcers. Aloe juice is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of stomach ulcers, which are characterized low acidity. So that a stomach ulcer does not develop, i.e. for prevention, juice is taken (1 dessert spoon), once a day, half an hour before meals, 14 days. For treatment, the same dose is taken up to 2-3 times a day.
  • We mix dry in equal proportions: fennel (fruits), licorice (roots), chamomile in flowers, wheat grass roots and marshmallows. This collection (2 teaspoons) is poured with boiling water, infused in a “wrapped” state for 30 minutes. A glass of infusion is filtered and taken before bedtime, 45 days. An excellent adjunct in the treatment of stomach ulcers.
  • Gastritis with low acidity is treated with an infusion made from the leaves of the watch. 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water. Be sure to insist an hour, then strain. 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before meals, up to 3-4 times a day. 1 month to drink, a week-break, another month to drink.
  • A strong decoction of thorns, taken as a tea for 3 months, will help cure gastritis.
  • Mixed 50/50 centaury and St. John's wort in the amount of 2 tablespoons pour 2.5 cups of boiling water. It is necessary to insist for 30 minutes and completely drink the strained infusion for 4-5 times, for 1 day. The course of treatment is from 8 to 10 days, then take a break and repeat the course. This mixture is a good remedy in the treatment of gastritis.

The use of vegetable oils in the treatment

  • Sea buckthorn oil is excellent for healing wounds, helping in the treatment of stomach ulcers. It also allows gastritis to remove the inflammatory process that has begun.
  • Olive oil has an excellent effect on the stomach and its walls, and also helps in its treatment.Mixture of 500 ml olive oil, freshly squeezed juice from 2 lemons and honey in the amount of 1 tablespoon, you can eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture before meals. Be sure to store in the refrigerator.
  • Before going to bed, mix a tablespoon vegetable oil(any) and a glass of kefir - this mixture will well tighten the ulcer. An effective folk remedy for gastric diseases, including for the treatment of stomach ulcers.

Application of bee products

In the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, honey therapy is used to improve the condition of the stomach.

  1. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then a honey drink made from water warm temperature(cup) and a tablespoon of honey will help you get rid of it if you drink 2-3 weeks once a day.
  2. Mix honey (1 tablespoon) with a glass of milk and mummy with a pea. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach and just before bed. The required course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 2.5. Helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach and get rid of erosion.
    3. Combine honey, ghee and aloe juice, 300 ml each. There is 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals. Store exclusively in the refrigerator. Heat in a water bath before use.
  3. Fresh propolis tincture helps rapid healing ulcers and relieve pain. Pour the crushed propolis with 96% alcohol (proportion 1:10). A tightly stoppered vessel must be left for 11-12 days in a place protected from light. Dilute the prepared tincture with water (1:10) and drink.

Honey and propolis - folk remedies for the treatment of stomach ulcers

Freshly squeezed juices in the fight for a healthy stomach

They have a healing and regenerating effect:

  • To activate the production of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice, to normalize stool and nausea, cabbage juice is used.
  • To enhance the protective function, as well as to restore the gastric mucosa and help in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity of the stomach, freshly squeezed juices are used: tomato and pomegranate.
  • Juice freshly made from onion, you can drink as one of aids for the treatment of gastritis high level acidity).
  • Potato juice is an excellent remedy for gastritis. To get it, you need one large potato (necessarily fresh!). It must be cleaned, rinsed thoroughly and squeezed out of it all the juice. Potato juice obtained in this way is thoroughly mixed with 1 teaspoon of starch. Drink twice a day. The recommended course of treatment is no more than 10 days.

Blue clay and gastric ulcer treatment

Clay is also used to treat stomach ulcers with folk remedies, as additional remedy to traditional method, This method has been known to people for a long time. Currently, it needs to be harvested only in ecological places, but it is more reliable to purchase it at a pharmacy. Blue clay best for treatment.

Cooking process

  • Well-dried clay must be crushed and carefully sieved;
  • Raw materials prepared in this way are poured with a small volume of water (necessarily filtered). Only utensils made of enamel (no damage inside) or glass are used;
  • Clay flooded with water, infused for 10-12 hours. It should soften and swell;
  • Drain excess liquid;
  • Clay must be thoroughly mixed butter in a softened state;
  • In a water bath, heat it to the limits, not less than 30 and not more than 35 degrees.

Apply the resulting mixture gently and carefully on gauze in one layer.

The mixture should be applied 25 cm long, 10 cm wide, 1.5 cm thick. Wrap the gauze along each edge. Next, put a cotton fabric of a dense texture, then a woolen item (shawl, shawl, sweater, etc.), which needs to be folded to form several layers. Attach to the place above the navel. There should be gauze at the bottom. It is necessary to lie under a warm blanket for 2-3 hours. Then you need to clean the place of contact with gauze, for example, wipe it with a damp cloth or a damp clean cloth, towel. You can’t get up right away, you need to lie down a bit.

This procedure is carried out 2 hours after eating. It is done 2 times a day. The course of treatment is carried out from 10 to 15 days.

For each procedure, a new mixture is necessarily prepared, and the used one is thrown away.

It is very useful to carry out a course of clay therapy during an exacerbation of almost all chronic diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the autumn and spring. It promotes healing of stomach ulcers.

Folk remedies for healing the stomach help people cope with diseases or alleviate their course, in addition to medical methods, which are basic and mandatory.

The stomach is important department digestive system, since the "future fate" depends on its work internal organs. Let's look inside for a moment to have an idea of ​​what we have to treat.

Food, once in the stomach, is processed by gastric juice. It is a mixture of mucus, enzymes and hydrochloric acid which is known to dissolve living tissue. Mucus, enveloping the walls of the stomach, protects it from self-devouring. With inflammation of the mucosa, protective function weakens, and the person experiences discomfort.

Often rescued during an exacerbation. One of these remedies, which not only soothes pain and burning, but also heals, is milk.


It is important to use it correctly. The temperature should be at room temperature, as too cold milk is not absorbed by the body. How does milk affect the stomach? It gently envelops the walls of the stomach, creating a protective film, and does not allow irritation. With all this, the product has a high energy value, which means that milk also nourishes the body.

You should drink milk a little. It is necessary to drink in small sips from time to time, like a medicine.


Treatment potato juice, is an universal remedy for the digestive system. Thanks to his rich chemical composition, it heals wounds, regenerates tissues, relieves inflammation and pain, and kills microbes. And also, neutralizes, eliminates, improves intestinal motility, increases appetite. Potato juice is a strong antioxidant that prevents cancer.

Contraindications include diabetes, as potatoes increase blood sugar levels.


For the preparation of potato juice, it is very important that there are no green parts on the tubers, as they contain a very powerful poison - solanine, which can poison the body. AT medicinal purposes You will need half a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice. Just wait two or three minutes until the starch settles and drink. They drink juice in the morning on an empty stomach, after which they take a horizontal position for 30 minutes.

The course of treatment is 10 days. It is advisable to conduct three such courses, between which you need to withstand a ten-day break.

Potato starch (powder).

Potato starch has at least useful properties than fresh potato juice. Its advantage lies in the soft enveloping property. It is taken with irritation of the gastric mucosa, for medicinal purposes. Starch protects the walls of the stomach from the effects of drugs.

Mode of application.

Any means intended for the treatment of the stomach and digestive system are taken on an empty stomach. One teaspoon of potato starch, diluted with 100 ml of water at room temperature and drink. This method can be treated for no more than ten days.


When using folk remedies, it is very important to be aware of the harm that they can cause to the body. To digest potato starch, the body uses enzymes found in the blood that the body needs to withstand stress. It also increases inulin, which can lead to changes in hormonal balance.

Flax seeds.

How to cure gastritis with folk remedies was known in antiquity. by the most known means for the treatment of the stomach at all times, was flax, or rather the seeds of this plant. About the usefulness of this plant, you can devote separate article. Flax seeds are a real storehouse of vitamins of plant origin. They contain almost all known vitamins and useful chemical compounds, including fatty acid(Omega 3; 6; 9).

When brewing seeds, mucus is released, which is healing. Once in the stomach, it lubricates the inflamed walls with this mucus and has a healing effect.

Contraindications for use.

The only contraindication to taking flaxseed jelly is sand and. Since after taking flaxseed, their active excretion begins.


The main condition for treatment is the regularity of admission.

One teaspoon of flax seeds pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. After an hour, jelly is formed, which should be filtered. Divide it into three servings and take on an empty stomach three times a day. Seeds should be brewed every day.

The course of treatment is 10 days, with restriction of food that irritates the stomach.

The work of the gastrointestinal tract is being improved, the level of cholesterol and blood sugar is lowered, eliminated, and therefore excess weight is lost.

Linseed oil.

A product that is obtained industrially from flax seeds. It is better to buy it in a pharmacy.

Take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal. Flaxseed oil not only relieves the symptoms of the disease, but also has therapeutic effect. It treats the walls of the stomach, relieves inflammation, helps food move more easily through the intestines, which is important in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


If after taking linseed oil, there will be back pain, which means that you have in or sand. And if suddenly there is pain in the right hypochondrium, then there is a problem in gallbladder. In this case, it is impossible to continue treatment in this way, you need to consult a doctor to check these organs.

Gastritis can be called a disease of the century, as people of any age suffer from it. And despite modern methods treatment, the question remains how to treat gastritis with folk remedies.


A plant that requires no introduction, because of its healing properties known to everyone, Even representatives of traditional medicine have long paid attention to the healing properties of aloe, and successfully use it in the form pharmaceutical preparations. For the treatment of the stomach, aloe juice has been used for hundreds of years. With increased acidity of gastric juice, treatment with aloe can be combined with potato juice, which was described at the beginning of the article.

But along with medicinal properties, the plant has a number of contraindications.

Treatment of gastritis with aloe juice.

Method 1.

Half an hour before each meal, take one teaspoon of aloe juice.

The course of treatment is one month. Erosions are healed, and inflammations are removed from the walls of the stomach.

Method 2.

Pick thick leaves from a plant that has a lot of pulp, rinse thoroughly and scroll through a meat grinder (you can use a blender). In the resulting mass, add natural honey from the calculation: one part of aloe to two parts of honey. Place the finished gruel in a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator. Take one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

It is very important not to eat foods that provoke gastritis.


Aloe should not be used in diseases of the kidneys, liver, oncological diseases. Special attention I would like to draw the attention of women, since aloe causes contraction of the uterine muscles, which can lead to abortion or premature menstrual bleeding.

In order to "calm down" gastritis, ethnoscience offers a way that many will like.

Sunflower seeds.

With exacerbations of gastritis, when there is a violation acid-base balance accompanied by nausea and heartburn, sunflower seeds always come to the rescue. The weakened and inflamed gastric mucosa cannot cope with the digestion of food on its own, resulting in stagnation of food. The use of seeds activates this process and eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Vitamin E found in seeds in large numbers, reduces acidity.


There is one condition, the seeds must be gnawed, and not used peeled. You can use only one handful of seeds per day, preferably after meals.

If the mucosa is damaged, erosion is formed - a wound directly to the wall of the stomach itself. This is an ulcer, which, in a neglected state, can present many “surprises” to its owner. For, traditional medicine suggests using sea buckthorn oil.

Sea ​​buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn is unique product gifted to us by nature. Oil obtained from sea buckthorn, according to its ability to heal wounds, and relieve any inflammatory processes outperforms all other oils. This is an indispensable product that can be used to heal stomach ulcers.


For achievement therapeutic effect, sea buckthorn oil should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. It is very important that there is no food in the stomach. Take one dessert spoon of oil and do not eat after that for 30-40 minutes, so that the oil acts on the wounds in the stomach longer.

A course of treatment lasting one month. During treatment, bitterness in the mouth may be felt, but this is not dangerous at the indicated dose.


Propolis is natural product which is produced by bees. Also in ancient egypt the priests knew about it medicinal properties. It kills microbes and bacteria, anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, improves immunity, heals ulcers and copes well with diseases of internal organs.

For treatment, you need propolis the size of a floor walnut. This amount of propolis should be dissolved in a glass of milk. To do this, you need to grind propolis, add it to milk and warm it up a little. Such milk should be drunk in the morning instead of breakfast.

Propolis tincture.

In order to relieve pain in ulcerative gastritis, you can use propolis tincture. Dissolve 20 drops of the product in one glass of water. Take before meals. The pain should subside after the first dose. The course of treatment in this way is three weeks.

Sprouted wheat.

For treatment, six tablespoons of germinated wheat are needed. To do this, you need to take about a few handfuls of wheat and pour them onto a pre-prepared flat plate covered with cotton wool (cotton wool must first be moistened with water). Cover the plate with a damp cloth and leave for three days. Make sure that the wheat remains in a humid environment, if necessary, add water. When sprouts appear, wheat should be crushed with a blender. Pour six tablespoons of crushed wheat with two tablespoons of olive oil. Put everything in a glass jar and use until finished. Take one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, after which there is no food for one hour.

There is another type of gastritis, which is very insidious in that it makes itself felt when the disease enters a severe stage. This is . The essence of the disease lies in the fact that healthy cells of the stomach die off, which can eventually lead to cancer. Providing assistance to the stomach are means that provide next exposure:

- food should not stay in the stomach for a long time, but move into the intestines as quickly as possible;

- Need tools like this gastric juice;

- for the digestion of food, additional enzymes are needed;

The stomach needs vitamin B12 and folic acid.

What are folk remedies for atrophic gastritis? We list a number of tools that will help in the complex treatment of this type of gastritis.

Half glass fresh juice cabbage (white) slightly warm and take half an hour before meals.

For breakfast, instead of traditional porridge, cook the following:

Grate 200 gr green apple, 600 gr raw pumpkin, pour fresh lemon juice and season with 1 teaspoon of honey.

1). After such a breakfast, do not eat or drink for 4 hours.

2). Instead of regular black tea, drink brewed dry chamomile.

Medicinal collection of herbs:

  • calamus root;
  • dandelion;
  • sage;
  • mint;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • plantain;…

Take each herb 50 grams and mix. Four tablespoons of the composition, pour one liter of boiling water, wrap and insist until cool. Take three times a day for half a glass, regardless of food.