Lost vision during pregnancy? Urgently to the doctor! Vision drops during pregnancy: what to do.

During pregnancy, vision problems manifest themselves in the same way as on any other life stage. The first signs of disorders may be pain, discomfort, not accompanied by real deterioration visual function. However, the more time passes from the moment when the defects are just beginning, the more obvious their manifestations become.

Among common features, signaling the need to visit a specialist, you can determine the most important and common:

  • Deterioration in the quality of vision. It becomes noticeably more difficult to see and distinguish objects that are nearby or at a distance. If earlier the “picture” was absolutely distinct, now, attempts to focus the gaze do not allow to cope with blurriness.
  • Partial visual dysfunction. In some cases, it is not the quality of vision that deteriorates, but its “panorama” is limited. For example, when looking in one direction, objects can be clear and well distinguishable, while in other cases there is no distinct image. Similarly, visual disturbances may occur in certain lighting conditions.
  • Pain syndrome. Soreness of the eyes indicates the risk of impaired visual function. Cutting, tearing, rapid fatigue, headache with prolonged work with small objects or reading - all these signs can be recognized, both in case of mild diseases of the visual organs, and on early stages serious problems.

Diagnosis of visual impairment in pregnant women

In order to diagnose a disease that causes the symptoms described above and the deterioration of visual function, the doctor conducts a thorough examination. It uses modern methods ratings:

  • visual acuity,
  • response of the visual organs to stimuli,
  • ability to focus,
  • ability to coordinate vision.

In addition, the expectant mother may be prescribed blood tests that will help identify problems with work. internal organs and systems. Only on the basis of the results obtained, it is possible to confirm or refute the fact of visual impairment.

The senior resident answers the questions of our mothers ophthalmology department chief clinical hospital Baltic Fleet Marina KOROBOVA. (Kaliningrad)

Should every woman be examined by an ophthalmologist during pregnancy? Why? Is a single visit to the doctor enough, or should the eye examination (if no pathologies were found during the first visit) be repeated in the last trimester, before childbirth?

Consultations of an ophthalmologist are necessary for all expectant mothers. Even women with normal vision it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist twice: at the very beginning of pregnancy and immediately before childbirth. This is very important, because in the presence of vision problems, the final decision will depend on the general condition and the course of the pregnancy as a whole. The results of the conducted studies indicate that both during physiological pregnancy and during its complicated course, along with the restructuring of the central and cerebral circulation there are significant changes in the hemodynamics of the eye. So, for example, during pregnancy with myopia, there is a decrease in blood supply to the eye, intraocular pressure decreases, which is associated with a decrease in blood circulation in the ciliary body, with the help of the latter, hydrodynamic parameters are regulated. In addition, at the end of pregnancy, the child occupies the final position, which largely determines the complexity of childbirth.

- What is the eye examination by an oculist during pregnancy?

Refraction is determined, the condition of the fundus is assessed; if necessary, women undergo perimetry, intraocular pressure is measured, the extreme periphery of the fundus with a goniolens is examined.

Why does an ophthalmologist evaluate the condition of the fundus?

The most important thing during such a check is to assess the condition of the fundus, since it is the picture of the fundus that can signal the approach of danger - the occurrence of toxicosis of pregnancy, because changes in the bottom of the eye often appear with toxicosis before other symptoms. The allocation of the patient to the group will also depend on the condition of the fundus. high risk development of ophthalmic complications.

- Is it possible to visually deteriorate during childbearing? What is it connected with?

It happens that during pregnancy something happens to the eyes. Toxicosis and other complications of pregnancy can affect the state of vision. After all, there is a hormonal restructuring of the body, which affects everyone in different ways. And the eyes are one of the organs that are affected by it. Sometimes it may seem that since the beginning of pregnancy, vision has deteriorated. Pregnant women are sometimes too suspicious (which is understandable), so their confidence in a possible deterioration in vision is often unfounded. However, such fears may still have real grounds. During the diagnosis, ophthalmologists examine not only the degree of refraction, but also the condition of the retina. Doesn't it have degenerative changes, tears? The task is to maintain the retina in good condition, to ensure that there are no hemorrhages or ruptures. Vascular changes very often cause the effect of "flies before the eyes". These things are not always dangerous, but it is definitely worth paying the attention of a doctor to them. Sometimes this may indicate a pathology of the retina. So it is best to once again undergo an examination and make sure that nothing terrible is happening to you.

- Are there any preventive measures?

If new degenerative foci are detected on the periphery of the fundus, with an uncomplicated pregnancy, laser coagulation of the retina is possible. Preventive laser coagulation is carried out with dystrophic changes retina to prevent its detachment. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, within a few minutes. Laser ray strengthens the retina, protecting it from stretching and detachment. A simple retinal strengthening procedure done in time may well save you from the need for a caesarean section.

- What would you advise expectant mothers to wear glasses or lenses?

Women who wear contact lenses sometimes complain that they experience discomfort during pregnancy. This, again, is related to hormonal changes body, including the eyes. Try wearing glasses, and after giving birth, go back to lenses. - Is the combination of lenses and sunglasses harmful to the eyes? Any eyes, whether they are wearing lenses or glasses, need good protection from UV rays, therefore, on the contrary, people with pathology of the organ of vision can only be advised to choose high-quality sunglasses

Can a woman give birth to a child herself if she underwent eye surgery a year before the expected date of birth?

Currently, the issue of spontaneous delivery in patients undergoing ophthalmic surgery is debatable. First of all, everything will depend on the condition of the fundus. Much attention is paid to women who have undergone refractive surgery - keratotomy, LA3IK, photorefractive keratectomy. The decision on the tactics of conducting childbirth depends on the statute of limitations surgical intervention, the degree of myopia before surgery, changes in the fundus, the woman's age. Also great importance has - primary birth or repeated. In some cases, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to determine the estimated weight of the fetus and its compliance with the anatomical dimensions of the woman's pelvis.

- Is natural childbirth possible with myopia? What is their danger?

With uncomplicated myopia of all degrees, it is possible natural flow childbirth; in some cases with shortening of attempts. To avoid such dangerous complication like retinal detachment, there are contraindications to natural childbirth:
- Complicated rapidly progressive myopia high degree more than 1.0 -1.5 diopters per year,
- high myopia in one eye,
- combination of high myopia with other extragenital pathology or obstetric pathology,
- detection during pregnancy in the fundus pathological changes(optic nerve edema, retinal hemorrhage, retinal detachment, retinal dystrophy).

- What degree of myopia is an unambiguous indication for a caesarean section?

The state of the retina is not always associated with the degree of myopia. Often, with a high degree of myopia, the retina remains stably satisfactory, there are no preruptures on it, and there are no progressive dystrophic changes. It also happens vice versa, when with weak myopia, not exceeding 1-3 units, dystrophic foci are observed in the fundus. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, you must definitely undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist with an examination of the fundus. Remember that a simple retinal strengthening procedure done in time may well save you from the need for a caesarean section.

- What is the peculiarity of the straining period in women going for natural childbirth with myopia?

During attempts, a woman experiences a very large load, and some try to push not with the abdominal muscles, but with everything they have to - as a result, small blood vessels burst in the eyes, and sometimes retinal detachment occurs, which is why it is recommended to exclude the straining period in case of dystrophic changes in the retina, so as not to provoke such a complication.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's health comes to the fore. Registration in antenatal clinic, all kinds of tests and compulsory examination all the "main" specialists - dentist, endocrinologist, immunologist, therapist, ophthalmologist. Today we will talk about the importance of vision during pregnancy, and also find out which childbirth is preferable for myopia - natural or caesarean.

Poor vision during pregnancy

It is known that after conception female body"Control" hormones that radically change the work of many organs and systems - for example, there is a change in the structure of the eye. Often this leads to a deterioration in vision during pregnancy, which, alas, is an irreversible process.

So do not ignore the visit to the optometrist, even if you have 100% visibility. During the examination, the fundus of the eye, the condition of the retina are checked, eye pressure is measured, and the presence and degree of pathological changes are determined. During the nine-month period, you will have to pay a visit to the ophthalmologist at least 3 times. Based on the results of the examination, a decision will be made on the choice of the method of delivery.

The fact is that the eyes are fragile and important organ. And during attempts, pressure on the eyeball increases, which leads to the "burst" of the vessels, and sometimes to retinal detachment. So in any case, you should learn the technique of "how to push properly." You poor eyesight during pregnancy? You need to be prepared for the fact that, perhaps, the doctor will insist on carrying out childbirth by surgery.

Visual impairment during pregnancy

In the event of a change in the retina, laser coagulation can be prescribed, the purpose of which is to fasten the retina and the vessels of the membrane. In this case, you will have to undergo a monthly examination with an ophthalmologist to examine the condition. eyeball. The final decision on the possibility of natural delivery will be made by the doctor at the last examination - about a month before the expected date of birth.

Even with good eyesight, women, already in an “interesting” position, sometimes notice an inexplicable deterioration in vision, flickering flies or strange second flashes. The appearance of such symptoms must be reported to physicians.

Vision correction before pregnancy

To avoid possible complications during the bearing of a child and during childbirth, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist even at the stage of preparation for conception. If violations are found, then in the absence of contraindications, excimer laser correction can be done. To date, this is the most effective method restoration of vision.

  • Menses
  • Pregnancy
  • breastfeeding

Doctors advise to carry out laser vision correction before pregnancy - about six months - a year before the intended conception. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. future mother, contributing to a change in the structure of the eye and an increase in the elasticity of the connective tissue.

Myopia during pregnancy

There are three degrees of nearsightedness (myopia):

  • Weak - up to 3 diopters
  • Medium - 3-6 diopters
  • High - over 6 diopters

If the bearing of the child occurs normally and there are no complications, then myopia does not develop. The disease progresses only in the case of a systematic weakening of vision (annually - by 2 diopters). True, this phenomenon has nothing to do with pregnancy, since it occurs at school age.

However, myopia of the 1st degree during pregnancy can be observed as a consequence early toxicosis or high blood pressure accompanied by edema. In this case, there is a decrease in vision by 1-2 diopters. As a rule, such cases require constant medical supervision.

Presence of myopia medium degree during pregnancy - usually an indicator for a caesarean section. Although in the absence of complications, retinal rupture, as well as in the presence of laser correction(done before conception) doctors may allow you to give birth yourself.

It happens that a secondary retinal detachment occurs, caused by complications (especially in the presence of late severe toxicosis). This disease is called high myopia. During pregnancy, this can lead to partial or complete loss of vision, therefore, constant medical supervision of the patient is important here, and in especially severe cases, the decision to terminate the pregnancy is possible.

Myopia: natural childbirth or caesarean?

Doctors advise pregnant women with grade 3 myopia (over -0.6 diopters) to give preference to operative delivery. So on independent childbirth can be counted on:

  • Myopia of the first two degrees, occurring without complications
  • Positive dynamics of previous vision correction
  • Fully healed retinal tear - if there was one in the past

In general, each case is individual. In addition, in case of visual impairment, the obstetrician can recommend to the woman in labor the most optimal birth poses at which the load on the eyes will be minimal. Yes and future mother in special courses of preparation for childbirth will teach correct breathing during attempts and in the period between contractions.

Thus, impaired vision during pregnancy requires careful attention not only from specialists, but also from the expectant mother herself. Let's take care of our health!

The body of a pregnant woman is subject to significant changes, which can affect the state of vision. Gynecologists recommend observation by an ophthalmologist from 10 to 14 weeks, and later from 34 to 36 weeks. The specialist will monitor the condition of the fundus and retina, regularly check eye pressure, and determine the degree of pathological changes in the condition of the eye.

The vision of a pregnant woman can deteriorate by several diopters. In addition, there may be swelling of the eyelids, photophobia, a feeling of dryness and presence foreign body, redness of the eyes and even inflammation. In critical cases, for example, with retinal dystrophy, a planned C-section. With this diagnosis, the pregnant woman sees "flies" or "lightning bolts" before her eyes, objects double and vision is very blurry. During the period of contractions, and then attempts during childbirth, passing naturally, possible sharp drops pressure inside the eyes. It is fraught with retinal detachment, critical violations in the day visual organ and even complete loss of vision.

If you have found a sharp decline visual acuity, or, for example, if you see everything on the left, but do not see on the right, contact a specialist immediately.

In any case, only the doctor decides how the birth will take place. It will be based on your age, general condition body, the degree of visual impairment, the state of the retina, etc.

Causes of vision problems

Visual impairment during pregnancy has several possible causes:

  • Increased elasticity of connective tissues in the eyes.
  • Myopia.
  • Jumps intraocular pressure.
  • Pregnancy complicated iron deficiency anemia, preeclampsia, or hypertension. Such complications usually provoke an excessive load on the cardiovascular system. The vessels in the retina become narrow, blood supply worsens. At high blood pressure there is a risk of outpouring of blood in the retina and, as a result, its exfoliation.
  • Violation hormonal background in the body of a pregnant woman. Enhanced Level hormones (progesterone, estrogen) protein coat visual organ. Possible deterioration of vision by 0.5-1.5 diopters, a decrease in tear production.

Will the discomfort go away after childbirth?

Poor vision during pregnancy, as well as discomfort (fatigue, inflammation and dry eyes), as a rule, disappear after childbirth. If the pregnancy proceeded without pathologies, then such discomfort is temporary. After childbirth hormonal balance recover and vision returns to normal.


In order to avoid a situation where vision falls during pregnancy, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • To maintain vision while waiting for the baby, do not give in stressful situations and keep a positive attitude.
  • Take frequent walks outdoors.
  • Eat right and include foods that are good for your eyesight. Do not use products with high content salt, observe drinking regimen. Don't drink alcohol.
  • and try not to be around people who smoke.
  • Observe visual mode. Limit your computer and TV time to 2 hours a day. Take a break every 30-40 minutes. If necessary, use special glasses with a special coating on the lens surface or with a special lens structure that reduces the load on the muscles of the eyes.
  • Do not read while lying down.
  • Do special exercises for the eyes, for example, consider objects in the distance, and then close. Helps to rotate the eyes different sides, and then along the circular line. Do this visual gymnastics alternately with open and with eyes closed. Effective self-massage with the fingers of the eyeball. Do not press too hard on closed eyes. It is enough to give exercises from 5 to 10 minutes a couple of times a day to strengthen eye muscles and improve blood circulation. It will also help limit the progress of myopia.
  • To relieve fatigue and tension from the eyes, use various compresses.
  • To prevent an increase in intraocular pressure, do not lift heavy objects, do not make too sudden movements.
  • All necessary medicines to improve vision, take after prior consultation with an ophthalmologist.
  • If you used before pregnancy contact lenses, should, if possible, replace them with glasses before the onset of childbirth.
  • With the diagnosis of "retinal dystrophy", in the presence of critical changes or ruptures before the 35-36th week of pregnancy, an ophthalmologist may recommend laser coagulation for preventive purposes. This will strengthen the retina, preventing it from peeling or stretching. After such a procedure, childbirth in a natural way will become possible.
  • Myopia does not require special treatment. As a rule, it is not a contraindication to natural childbirth, if there are no changes in the fundus.

Your vision in such a crucial period requires special attention and taking action if necessary. If your vision has fallen during pregnancy, just visit an ophthalmologist in a timely manner, be attentive to yourself, and everything will pass without complications.

While waiting for a child, the body of the expectant mother experiences a tremendous load. Often a woman may feel that her vision has deteriorated during pregnancy. This problem occurs in about 40% of expectant mothers and very often causes panic. To make sure that the phenomenon is temporary and not associated with serious malfunctions visual system you should consult an ophthalmologist. Even in the absence of complaints, a visit to a specialist is mandatory in the first trimester of pregnancy and shortly before childbirth. To prevent possible problems with vision, it is necessary to be sensitive to possible symptoms. You should not postpone a visit to the ophthalmologist in the presence of such signs as:

  • sensation of "flashes" before the eyes;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain;
  • deterioration in color vision;
  • periodic muscle twitches;
  • feeling of "sand" in the eyes;
  • dry eyes and eyelids.
  • burning, redness;

Such unpleasant phenomena may signal inflammatory processes, violations in work optic nerve. In addition, the symptoms may indicate destructive changes in the work of the visual system itself. If, along with visual impairment, you find two or more symptoms, you should definitely seek medical help.

Visual impairment during pregnancy: features

Even with normal flow During pregnancy, the woman's body experiences a high load, and the blood supply to the organs is completely rebuilt. This factor leads to narrowing of the vessels of the eyes. The phenomenon can result in retinal hemorrhage and other serious complications. If vision deteriorated during pregnancy, and accompanying symptoms not observed, this may be due to hormonal changes. In the body, the level of estrogen and progesterone rises, which affects the functioning of the eyes. Vision may deteriorate up to 1.5 diopters. After childbirth, the problem goes away on its own, which is why it is not recommended to resort to the use of lenses and glasses. However, before drawing conclusions that the phenomenon is temporary, you need to make sure that there are no serious diseases.

Causes of visual impairment during pregnancy

Under the special supervision of an ophthalmologist are expectant mothers with chronic diseases and pathologies of internal organs. If vision deteriorates during pregnancy, serious systemic disorders may be the cause. That is why patients with suspected diseases of the internal organs are prescribed regular examinations by an ophthalmologist (usually at least once a month). This allows you to control the condition of the fundus and regulate possible violations in the work of the body. Visual impairment during pregnancy may be associated with various diseases.