Bad habits. Formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle

Three whales of a healthy lifestyle are the rejection of bad habits, the transition to balanced diet and regular classes sports. Only a person who is used to sitting on the couch finds it difficult to replace fast food with fresh vegetables and fall in love with an evening jog. You need to gradually move to the bright side. Sudden changes are a test for the body and stress for the brain. The body needs time to adapt, otherwise the attempt to become slim and healthy will end in failure.

Drawing up a schedule

Where to start for a mere mortal who decides to switch to healthy lifestyle life or the so-called healthy lifestyle? Get used to the daily routine. sports fans and proper nutrition live on schedule. They go to the gym at the same time. They eat by the clock and try to clearly plan all their actions.

The first step is to change your sleep-wake schedule. The morning of a healthy lifestyle representative does not begin with coffee or scrambled eggs with bacon, but with a run. And in order to have time for sports, a full breakfast, a shower and other household trifles, you need to get up with the first rays of the sun, that is, at 6-7 o'clock. But if a person sat until dawn, and at 5 in the morning only got to bed, what kind of jogging or exercises can we talk about?

The second reason why you need to change the schedule of wakefulness and sleep is metabolism. Metabolic processes slow down if a person regularly goes to bed with the first rays of the sun. Due to poor metabolism, fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers. Work gets worse digestive organs and blood circulation. Decreased absorption of nutrients.

You need to go to bed at 22-23.00 at night. Turn off all gadgets and appliances an hour before bedtime:

  • smartphones;
  • television;
  • e-book;
  • a computer.

You can spend 60 minutes without a laptop on water procedures, massage, planning next day and keeping a diary. There shouldn't be any concessions on weekends either. You can not lie in bed until noon, neglecting sports and breakfast.

The second step on the way to a healthy lifestyle is drawing up a daily routine. The diary or special program indicates what time breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner take place. When to play sports and relax with friends. In the first weeks, you need to set a reminder, because until the body gets used to the new regimen, the brain will periodically forget about exercise, second breakfast and an evening walk.

Avoiding junk food starts with a glass of water. Fluid starts metabolic processes and enhances immunity. Drink water immediately after waking up, as well as 30-40 minutes before each snack. It dulls the appetite and helps reduce portion sizes.

Representatives of a healthy lifestyle do not drink carbonated and sweet drinks. If tea or coffee, then without sugar. No packaged juice or energy drinks. Water supplement herbal decoctions. For example, tea made from rose hips, chamomile, ginger root or mint. Fluid is needed by the body for vitality and well-being. Water is carried with them in small bottles or thermoses so that it is always at hand.

Harmful foods are removed from the diet gradually. First, they forget about the existence of the frying pan. Meat or fish is not fried, but cooked in the oven or double boiler. Sausages and bacon are replaced with homemade sausages from chicken breast. Eat sandwiches instead of pizza bran bread, avocado and red fish. And chocolate, ice cream and cakes are replaced with fruit smoothies, desserts from fat-free cottage cheese and sweets made from dried fruits and nuts.

A healthy lifestyle does not mean dieting. On the other hand, you can't go hungry. But so that a person does not stretch the stomach in large portions and does not look into the refrigerator after midnight, he should eat food 5-7 times a day. At a time, he eats 100–150 g of porridge, soup or another dish. And between meals takes a two-hour break.

The main thing is to choose natural products. If the composition contains:

  • monosodium glutamate;
  • aspartame;
  • sweetener;
  • flavors;
  • dyes;
  • ingredients with difficult to pronounce words.

A box with such yogurt or juice remains in the store. Only fresh fruits and vegetables get into the refrigerator, no marinades. With proper nutrition are allowed:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • dietary meats;
  • dairy products, but only fat-free;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • vegetable fats;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • bran and rye bread;
  • seafood.

The diet should include plenty of sources of protein and complex carbohydrates. They are responsible for the development muscle mass feeling of vivacity and energy. It is not worth completely eliminating animal fats, but they account for only 5% of the diet.

Vegetables are added to all dishes. The meal starts with a salad, stew or sandwich with cucumber, parsley and tomato slices. A vitamin cocktail is prepared from celery and apples, which cleanses the body of toxins.

Vegetables are a source of fiber. And coarse dietary fiber is necessary to reduce appetite, normal operation intestines and fast metabolism. You can live without sausage, cutlets and hot dogs, but you can’t live without broccoli, carrots and sweet peppers.

To avoid the temptation to return to the previous diet, all prohibited foods are removed from the lockers and the refrigerator. No stock of cookies or canned peas for a rainy day. The store is sent with a list. And they only buy what it says.

Sport is not a punishment, but a way to become stronger and healthier. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym and lift barbells and kettlebells. You can always choose the one physical activity which will bring pleasure. Morning jogging is easy to replace with half an hour of dancing to energetic music or a bike ride.

Instead of fitness, master roller skates or a skateboard. Get your body in shape with swimming or Nordic walking. Make friends with a volleyball or basketball. And if it’s completely lazy, then it will be limited to a half-hour exercise or stretching.

Sport is a source of vivacity and a hormone of joy. But you shouldn’t overstrain in the first months either, otherwise the body will quickly get tired of excessive loads, and the brain will decide that it lived much better without dumbbells and skipping ropes. Laziness will appear. And it is very difficult to fight the desire to lie on the couch.

In order for the body to get used to the sport, 2-3 classes per week are enough. And for people who want to quickly lose weight and tighten their body, it is recommended to supplement stretching with other types of physical activity. For example, hiking. Do not take a trolley bus, but walk to the nearest store with your own feet. Walk from office to apartment and vice versa. Play football or badminton with friends instead of watching pizza and beer TV shows.

Tip: If the brain does not agree to do at least exercises, you need to put a chair next to the bed in the evening and put a sports uniform on it. When you wake up, immediately take off your pajamas and change into a comfortable suit. Pants and a T-shirt make you think of a morning run, and a person gets motivated.

The main thing is to set yourself micro-tasks. Do not run 5 km without preparation, but do 15 squats today, and 20 tomorrow. If expectations are not met, the desire to do anything disappears. And vice versa. Small victories make you proud and move forward.

Some people find it hard to deal with laziness alone. In such cases, it is recommended to find a sister in misfortune in in social networks or on the forums. A girl who is ready to run in the morning or evening or go to the pool. It is also useful to organize friendly competitions. For example, who will jump more on a rope, do push-ups or pull up. But the atmosphere should be warm and friendly. Humiliation and mutual insults do not help to achieve a high result, but only kill the desire to practice and improve your own body.

Bad habits and positive thinking

In the first weeks, a person feels euphoria. He is passionate about the new rules of nutrition, enjoys playing sports. Tells everyone around him that he no longer eats chemistry and products with GMOs. But gradually the enthusiasm fades, giving way to laziness and the desire to buy at least 200 g of sausage. If a beginner stumbles, he will return to his starting positions and will not want to repeat the experiment with the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

It will take the body 2 to 3 months to get used to a different routine and develop good habits. Optimism will help you endure the test. You need to look at things positively. Praise yourself for small successes, as well as regularly set small goals for yourself. You can write a list with tasks for a month or several weeks. And for each completed item, reward yourself with a series of your favorite series, beautiful clothes or books.

It is important that a person is surrounded by like-minded people. When all the relatives twist their fingers to their temples and offer not to engage in nonsense, it's hard not to give up. If there are no healthy lifestyle fans among real friends, you can either change the company or find “colleagues” on proper nutrition on forums or social networks. Experienced athletes are happy to share their tricks with beginners and guide them on the right path.

If one of the reasons for switching to a healthy lifestyle was the desire to lose weight, in the first month it is not recommended to weigh yourself and take waist measurements, chest and hips. Due to constant exercise, fluid accumulates in the muscles, which causes swelling. The body is visually enlarged. The body weight is also growing. If a beginner sees that the weights show 2-3 kg more than before, he will be upset and decide that a healthy lifestyle does not suit him. But after all, the body acquires a beautiful outline only 3-4 months after the transition to the light side, so you need not despair and exercise regularly.

It is equally important to give up bad habits:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • computer addiction;
  • overeating.

You can’t first run 2-3 km, and then sit on a bench and drink a bottle of beer. Alcohol cancels all achievements, just like cigarettes. The body does not benefit from online games, cakes and buns, stressful situations. Of course, not every person is able to quit a prestigious job and settle in the mountains or in the forest, but you can learn yoga and meditation. Get massages regularly. Spend the weekend in nature. And also love the douche cold water or cold and hot shower. All these procedures relax the nervous system, increase immunity and help not to lose control in stressful situations.

Changing habits that have been developed over years or decades is difficult. No need to set ambitious and unattainable goals. It is better to complete micro-tasks and celebrate success. Gradually give up harmful foods and accustom the body to sports. Practice calmness and optimism. Temper the body and mind. And do not give up, even if it seems that you will never be able to switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Video: 5 reasons why it is difficult to switch to a healthy lifestyle

Proper healthy lifestyle and bad habits are simply incompatible. This axiom is known even to the youngest children. Alcohol use, drug use, tobacco smoking, sedentary lifestyle, overeating, drug addiction computer games and many many other things - very badly reflected in our well-being. And tobacco, alcohol and drugs - critical factors the risk of many diseases. They have an extremely negative impact on human health.

Proper healthy lifestyle and bad habits: the impact of smoking on health

Perhaps smoking is the most common among bad habits. Despite the long-term anti-tobacco campaign that is taking place all over the world, the number of smokers is by no means decreasing. Why? Perhaps because, showing all the negativity that falls on a person, the initiators of such companies forget to simultaneously show the benefits of quitting smoking and generally promote a healthy lifestyle as a foundation. human life.

Although, of course, it is necessary to show the harm of smoking - a large number of harmful substances entering the body - nicotine, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, carbon monoxide, tar and radioactive substances, actually cause irreparable damage to the body as a whole, causing incurable diseases, which, in turn, not only reduce a person's activity and the ability to enjoy life, but also significantly reduce the duration of this life.

Even worse, not only the smoker himself suffers from tobacco, but also his family and friends. The so-called second hand smoke no less dangerous than the direct, because the same substances penetrate with the same success from tobacco smoke into the body of people who are completely unprepared and unaccustomed to them. As a result, even non-smokers show all the signs of nicotine intoxication - and headache, and dizziness, and increased heart rate, and increased fatigue, and decreased performance.

Healthy lifestyle and bad habits: the harm of alcohol

Alcohol is a no less obvious evil that not only destroys the body, but often leads to complete degradation of the individual. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, while negatively affecting the heart system and its muscles. The muscles of the heart become flabby, and their contractions become sluggish. The cavities of the heart are stretched; on the surface of the heart and in the spaces between muscle fibers fat begins to be deposited, which leads to a limitation of its performance. Alcohol leads to impairment normal exchange substances. Increases permeability blood vessels and the elasticity of their walls is lost. Blood clotting increases, which ultimately can cause myocardial infarction and the development of atherosclerosis.

Alcohol inflicts the strongest blow on the digestive organs. Irritated organs gastrointestinal tract, secretion is impaired gastric juice and the release of enzymes - and this is a direct path to gastritis, ulcers and even malignant tumors. Fatty liver develops, after which cirrhosis occurs, which often ends with the appearance of cancer.

Alcohol use leads to dysfunction respiratory system, which is manifested in the loss of elasticity lung tissue and the occurrence of emphysema. Excretory function of the kidneys deteriorates. In general, the body's resistance to infections also decreases.

Healthy lifestyle and bad habits: drugs

There is no need to talk about the fact that drugs are destructive. Everyone knows about it - about their harmful effects and the results of their use are not tired of repeating both doctors and social services. Unfortunately, their arguments are not always effective, because many drug addicts are sure that this will not affect them. Will touch! The use of drugs, that is, chemical products of synthetic and plant origin, as well as some medicines, necessarily provide specific action on the nervous system and the entire human body.

Of course, in small doses, drugs cause euphoria, a joyful state, mental and physical lightness, and some people like it. Getting used to their use begins, which then necessarily leads to an increase in the dose, which begins to destroy the body, and faster and faster. narcotic substance so deeply intervenes in all the metabolic processes of the body that there is not a single organ left that would not be affected. The body begins to literally disintegrate, and if you do not start emergency treatment- the person is doomed.

According to statistics, drug addicts die on average 5-7 years after the start regular intake drugs, and among them it is rare to find those whose age exceeds 40 years. Talking about longevity among drug addicts is simply impossible!

Without a doubt, a healthy lifestyle and bad habits are two concepts that are incompatible with each other. What makes young people start smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs? This is both a company factor and social factors, and self-doubt, the presence of inferiority complexes. These problems can be solved by active promotion of a healthy lifestyle, especially sports. Getting rid of bad habits is not easy, but it is possible - you just need to make an effort.

The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle

Have you noticed that when relatives or Good friends congratulate each other on some significant holidays, then first of all they wish good health? This is by no means just a banal wish that we constantly hear from people close to us, because every person knows that health is the most important value of life. It cannot be acquired for any benefits, but it can be constantly improved and strengthened, protected and developed.

Health is influenced by many factors such as good food, personal hygiene, proper hardening, physical activity and, of course, complete absence bad habits. Alcohol, tobacco and drugs destroy not only the body, but also inner world a person, make him a hostage of a habit, deprive him of the most important and valuable thing that can be - happiness, because it is impossible without good health and positive perception life.

The impact of bad habits on the body

Everyone should understand that bad habits are the cause of many diseases. They reduce working capacity, shorten life expectancy, negatively affect the health of future children, and cause both physical and psychological dependence. With abstinence from nicotine or alcohol, there is a feeling that something is missing. There is a sharp need to rush to the store and buy the desired pack of cigarettes or alcohol. But often people who suffer from a bad habit do not even realize how much detrimental effect it has on their body. Although there are also cases when a person realizes what danger he exposes himself to, and, as a result, he breaks up with his habit.


Tobacco is a psychoactive drug that acts like a drug and addictive. Every time you inhale tobacco smoke, you inhale about 3,000 chemical substances, such as nicotine, tar and toxic gases (oxides of hydrogen cyanide, carbon, nitrogen oxides, etc.) that damage living tissues. When tobacco is burned, tar is formed, which contains substances that promote cancer, chronic bronchitis and diseases respiratory organs. Nicotine is an alkaloid that is considered poisonous substance, and it is he who is the reason for such a strong addiction. It quickly enters the bloodstream and after a couple of moments it spreads throughout the body, due to which there is a strong stimulation. nervous system, there is an increase blood pressure, skin temperature decreases, vasoconstriction occurs. What "wonderful" effects!

However, scientists have proven that smokers have a 10-fold increase in the risk of lung cancer, 3 times the risk of esophageal cancer, 17 times the larynx, and 10 times the oral cavity. Just think about these numbers!


The color of the skin changes, the structure of the hair and nails deteriorates,
Bad breath, decayed teeth,
rotting of the gastrointestinal tract,
Increased risk of stomach ulcers
Susceptibility to cancer.


Alcohol is made up of molecules that dissolve in water and fats, which is why it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body, including the brain. Absorption begins with the oral mucosa, then in the gastric mucosa, and most of the alcohol absorbs small intestine. Alcohol slows down the nervous system, adversely affects brain activity, disrupts the function of brain cells, and prevents nerve impulses from spreading normally. Over time, irreversible damage to brain structures and damage to the cells of the cortex of both hemispheres occur. Alcohol destroys the mucous membrane of the stomach, has a terrible effect on the liver, weakens and exhausts the muscles. In men, the level of sex hormones decreases, which threatens with impotence, and in women it is disturbed monthly cycle and infertility may occur.

It is also important to know that:

Drinking alcohol shortens life by about 15 years,
Blood sugar levels are disturbed
Leads to loss of attention and memory, mental problems, mental development and degradation of personality
Immunity is destroyed
In case of pregnancy, it leads to irreversible consequences for the baby and all future generations.


These are psychotropic substances that are synthesized chemically or extracted from natural sources. Whatever the method of their manufacture may be, the consequences are always the same - the complete destruction of the human body. When the effect of the drug ends, the person begins to experience completely opposite sensations, for example, euphoria is replaced by depression, if the drug increased the tone, the effect will be fatigue.

Drugs are highly addictive, and if the dose is reduced or completely abandoned, they will cause convulsions, insomnia, muscle pain, spasms of breathing and blood vessels, nervousness and psychosis.

Consequences of addiction:

pustular infections,
Heart failure,
Abscesses occur at the injection site
Phlebitis of veins, etc.

Rejection of bad habits

Analyzing all of the above, we realize that addictions not only leave an indelible mark on the health of the person himself, but also cause suffering to others. Smokers poison not only themselves with their smoke, but also all those who are nearby, and these are, as a rule, relatives and people close to them. Alcoholism destroys families and causes the patient to degenerate, and drug addiction entails such monstrous consequences that it is impossible to list them. But you can get rid of any habit, just two main things are enough - desire and willpower. There are many medical centers who can help in overcoming these passions, and why destroy yourself if the world offers us many alternatives in the form of sports, exercise, self-knowledge and self-improvement. It is better to lead a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits will only benefit you ...

Health is one of those things that a person does not pay attention to and does not appreciate until he loses it. With age, we begin to understand that the body no longer works the way it used to, and it is not always possible to do what you want and what was once possible for "one or two".

This list is not just to help you get through long life but also in order to improve the quality of life itself right from today! Of course, there are many people who do not care about their health at all and live perfectly in their 70s, but these are rather exceptions to the rule. Besides, it's more than likely that these people have reached this age only thanks to their weekly visits to the doctor and popping tons of pills.

Our goal is to live just as long, but without having to constantly run to the doctors. The truth is, if you start right now, you can live healthy life up to 80 and beyond, just devoting a little time to it.

Before you - 25 healthy habits that will improve the quality of your life!

25. Stretch

While you may not see results right away, as you age, you will be very pleased with your more mobile joints than those of your peers.

24. Plan

It's more for mental health, but write down everything you need to do, mark what you've done, and set new goals. It will definitely pay off!

23. Take vitamins

Please note, we are not talking about stimulant supplements, magical methods weight loss or other snake oils. Everything should be done in moderation, and a few vitamins to strengthen immunity and maintain health will only benefit you!

22. Read books

In addition to being just good for the brain, reading is a great way to relax and keep yourself productive.

21. Cook for yourself

A lot of research has been done showing that people who cook for themselves tend to be happier and also weigh less. If you cook for yourself, then it is unlikely that you will find semi-finished products with trans fats on your table, which, and everyone knows about it, will not affect your health in the most favorable way.

20. Ride a bike

If you live in an area where there is a poorly developed (or poorly functioning) public transport then consider using a bicycle instead of a car. It's much healthier.

19. Goodbye

This may seem a little inappropriate, but it is true: a person should not hold a grudge in himself - this will not bring him anything good.

18. Drink water

Drink only water. Sugary drinks are the worst thing you can afford (even fruit juices). Give up addiction to sweet and carbonated - you will feel much lighter.

17. Visit doctors regularly

Don't neglect medical examinations. The number of diseases that are easily preventable is simply incredible!

16. Floss your teeth

Because this is one of better ways prevent gum disease, and gum disease is no fun at all. They have even been linked to heart problems (due to an infection spread through the bloodstream).

15. Avoid Sugar

Sugar is bad for your teeth and also doesn't do much good for you. general condition health. If you have a sweet tooth, then choose fruits as an alternative, especially now there are practically no restrictions in their wide selection.

14. Exercise

And for this you do not need to go to gym. 15 minutes of daily exercise to maintain weight will be enough. Do push-ups, squats, pull-ups, etc.

13. Sit in a chair correctly

I mean, don't slouch. As you get older, your spine will thank you for it.

12. Wash your hands

We do not mean in the style of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but, according to at least, after visiting the toilet, before eating, coming home from the street. You will be surprised to know how many diseases appear due to poor hygiene.

11. Walk

Stop looking for the nearest parking space. On the contrary, try to find the farthest place to park your car. Forget the elevators and take the stairs. Get a dog and walk it every morning and every evening. Move more!

10. Stay on your feet

Do you have no time to walk, because you spend 9 hours sitting at your workplace? Try eating standing up. After all, spend the day on your feet. And you can also do squats (preferably not on the desktop). Hardcore and only hardcore!

9. Concentrate

Research has shown that no one person can multitask perfectly, especially those of us who think we can. Take care of each case separately, and you will always do it perfectly!

8. Get yourself a hobby

Preferably one that will require your stay on fresh air, and even in the company of people (cycling, climbing, etc.).

7. Get up early

And as a result, go to bed early. You will be surprised how much more productive you will be throughout the day (and be able to handle all the things you read about in this article). Plus, you will spend much less time falling asleep.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation is detrimental to health. It can cause any disease - from heart disease to obesity. Take care to

A healthy lifestyle is of such global importance that it helps a person to prolong life itself. At least once everyone thought about the amount of harm that his body takes on. It's a pity, right? Then put aside laziness and get to work!

A healthy lifestyle is a set of rules aimed at improving the psychological and physical condition organism and its productive work.

Ancient people did not know the features of hygiene, proper nutrition or the optimal amount of physical activity. This contributed to a decrease in the population and a colossal number of sick people.

Over time, the concept of a healthy lifestyle "stuck" in the hearts of citizens. The desire to live as long as possible, to see grandchildren, and to be healthy enough to have time to babysit is a great motivation to create the basis for a healthy lifestyle.

The opinion of the World Health Organization on a healthy lifestyle

Health is not just the absence of physical defects and diseases, but also the totality of social, physical and mental well-being. Supporting health and a healthy lifestyle, WHO declared April 7 as Health Day, because on this day in 1948, according to the WHO Charter, the first interpretation of the concept of healthy lifestyle appeared, which has not changed to this day.

The organization conducts a study of the behavior of individuals related to health. Based on the results obtained, 10 main recommendations were identified.

  1. When used breast milk for a child under the age of 6 months, the risk of developing most non-communicable diseases is automatically reduced.
  2. Required healthy sleep in conjunction with the regime of work and rest.
  3. An annual blood test, an ECG, a visit to a therapist, pressure control are required.
  4. Minimum consumption of alcoholic beverages. Live beer or red wine are allowed in moderation.
  5. Refusal of tobacco products.
  6. Regular exercise.
  7. Use iodized salt instead of sodium.
  8. Replace easily digestible carbohydrates (buns, pies) with nuts, fruits, vegetables, cereals.
  9. Margarine and animal fat should be excluded from the diet. Use linseed oil, rapeseed, walnut or grapeseed oil.
  10. To calculate the ideal body weight, use the formula:
    • for women: (Height in cm - 100) X 0.85 = ideal weight;
    • for men: (Height in cm - 100) X 0.9 = ideal weight.

Healthy lifestyle basics

The foundations of a healthy lifestyle include factors that help shape healthy body and mental stability. To date, many are known pathological diseases, which are called environment. This gives rise to the need to strengthen the body. Where do we start?

Proper nutrition implies the rejection of products that are harmful in composition (flour, sweet, fatty, etc.) and replace them with fruits, vegetables, berries, and cereals. The condition of the skin depends on the quality of nutrition, internal organs, muscles and tissues. Drinking water in the amount of 2-3 liters per day will speed up the metabolism, slow down skin aging, and prevent dehydration.

Currently, physical inertia is an acute problem of society. Lack of muscle activity is currently fraught with health problems. According to WHO studies, in 6% of cases, physical inactivity leads to death.

Regular exercise:

  • prevent the development of depression, psycho-emotional disorders;
  • help in the treatment of diabetes;
  • reduce the risk of cancer;
  • increase the strength of bone tissue;
  • allow you to monitor weight;
  • increase the state of immunity.

Compliance with the daily routine

From birth, it is worth accustoming the body to a specific routine. Initially, parents should guide the child, then the process has to be controlled independently. An individual daily routine is selected for a specific person. Following simple rules and accustoming the body to the constancy of the schedule, you can get rid of many problems.

  1. Dream. Allows you to bring the body back to normal. Average duration sleep for an adult is 8 hours.
  2. Meals on time. Regular meals eliminate the possibility of weight gain. The body gets used to eating at strictly allotted hours. If you deprive him of this privilege, malfunctions in the work of internal organs are guaranteed. The first 21 days you can make a nutrition plan - have breakfast with cereals, in small portions. A habit will develop, and the stomach will work like clockwork.
  3. Body care. Physical activity during the day is essential, especially if there is no opportunity to move during the rest of the day (sedentary work).

Following the rules for correct mode, you "risk" to acquire good mood, direct the body to solve more complex mental and physical problems and motivate close people with your example.

Rejection of bad habits

Alcohol abuse or smoking is addictive. In addition, alcohol-containing products are prohibited. nulliparous girls- alcohol "kills" eggs, the likelihood of remaining childless increases significantly. Tobacco causes cancer.

Giving up bad habits gives fortitude and helps to avoid unwanted problems with health.

Strengthening the body

This is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. How to determine that the body is not sufficiently strengthened?

The person is concerned about:

  • frequent colds;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • headache;
  • skin rashes.

In the presence of such signs, it is recommended to consult a doctor for qualified help. He will prescribe immuno-strengthening drugs and a course of treatment. If the desire to drink pills does not arise, it is worth asking the doctor's advice about home methods. To strengthen immunity in the diet often include:

  • Bay leaf;
  • horseradish;
  • shrimps;
  • fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins A, C and E;
  • dry red wine

Many people douse themselves with cold water, up to winter swimming, as an improvement in well-being and strengthening the body. Parents with early years accustom their child to such a procedure in order to protect him from infectious diseases.

Human mental health as one of the factors of healthy lifestyle

Mental health is the response of the individual to influence outside world. The environment aggressively affects the state of mind of a person. Experiences and stresses bring diseases into the body and mental disorders. To protect yourself from torment, apply disease prevention.

According to WHO, mental health is adequate behavior human interaction with the environment. It includes 3 main factors.

  1. Absence of mental disorders.
  2. Stress tolerance.
  3. adequate self-esteem.

Be happy with yourself - this is the basis mental health. With frequent depression, mood swings, consult a psychotherapist.

He will write necessary drugs and suggest rational treatment.

Following a healthy lifestyle has a number of benefits:

  • bad mood is rare;
  • infectious diseases are not able to attack the powerful immunity of the "ZOZhnik";
  • chronic diseases recede into the background, fading away or manifesting themselves less actively;
  • psychological state at a stable level;
  • the functioning of the body passes without failures;
  • pastime becomes more productive.


Having analyzed in detail what a healthy lifestyle is, one should also understand that the main task of a citizen is to take care of himself and others. A healthy lifestyle is also a strong character. All people plan to live long, do not want to get sick or see their children sick. But not everyone makes a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

The reason is the lack of proper motivation and banal laziness. It is better to sit on the couch with chips than to walk for half an hour. This opinion is visited by the majority of citizens of our country. A visit to the doctor is planned only when the pain is already unbearable to endure.

Think about your health, give your body the habits of a healthy lifestyle. And be sure - the body will repay you good health and the absence of disease.