We choose vitamins for cats against hair loss wisely. Review of vitamins for cats and kittens: which ones are necessary and how to give them, reviews What vitamins to give to a cat for hair loss

Thick and shiny fur is a sign of health and wellness a pet, a real joy for the owner. However, sometimes it begins to fall out and becomes brittle and thin. Vitamins for cat fur will help restore her to her former beauty. They can be added to the animal’s food either separately or in the form of balanced complexes.

Good vitamins for thick coats of cats

At serious problems with fur, a pet is advised to visit a veterinarian, who will prescribe a balanced vitamin complex. To eliminate minor imperfections, you can use individual elements that will help restore the former shine and thickness.

Vitamins for cat fur are the key to the health and excellent appearance of your pet

The following vitamins are beneficial for pets:

  • A – improves vision, promotes hair growth and normal development of the kitten’s body;
  • E – helps normalize metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on appearance;
  • riboflavin and thiamine – improve the condition of the coat and skin, have a positive effect on nervous system.
  • Experts also recommend adding sulfur, calcium and zinc to your pet’s diet.

Inexpensive and very useful remedy for the health of pets – fish fat. It is suitable for both adults and small kittens. If an animal's fur becomes dull and begins to fall out, it means that it lacks fatty acids. By adding capsules of the drug to food, you will improve your pet’s overall well-being, boost its immunity, and make its fur shiny and silky.

Vitamins for cats against hair loss: review of complexes

The owner has the opportunity to choose: if not every animal agrees to eat tablets, then pets absorb drops and liquid solutions without problems.

Popular complexes include:

  • Sherstevit is a hypoallergenic product consisting of natural ingredients. Increases immunity, serves as an excellent prevention of skin ailments. The cost of the drug is from 110 rubles. There are no contraindications.
  • Farmavit Neo is a drug with complete absence side effects. Improves the condition of fur and skin, strengthens the animal’s body as a whole. The average cost is 90 rubles.
  • Radostin is a product that normalizes metabolic processes, improves appetite and increases hair thickness. Has no contraindications and side effects. average price– 130 rubles.
  • Beafar is a wide range of products in the form of tablets, drops, and solutions. It has a general strengthening effect on the pet’s body and has no contraindications. The cost starts from 180 rubles.

Vitamins are the key to health for any living creature. That is why good hosts add them to the diet of their pets. Vitamins for cats against hair loss are in greatest demand in veterinary pharmacies. And there are good reasons for this.

Beautiful shiny wool is not a gift from nature. By its condition you can determine the health of the cat. But unfortunately, sometimes cats, like people, get sick, no matter how they are cared for. After all, most diseases are viral in nature, and it is difficult to protect yourself from all viruses. Therefore, if a cat’s hair begins to fall out, you need to think about the nature of this phenomenon.

Regular shedding

The most common cause of hair loss is normal shedding. In autumn and spring, cats change their coats, which is accompanied by a copious shedding of old fur. This is quite normal and occurs in all animals.

Lack of vitamins

The second reason is a lack of vitamins. Like people, in the autumn In the spring, vitamin deficiency begins in cats. And the animal’s coat begins to thin out, which shows the owners that something is going wrong in the pet’s body. This reason is difficult to determine, because usually the lack of vitamins coincides with molting. Therefore, many pet owners do not even suspect that their four-legged pets are deprived of vitamins. Pregnant and lactating cats often experience hair loss. During this period, the cat should receive a lot of vitamins, because she eats for two, and the body spends twice as much useful elements. Therefore, often, with a lack of vitamins, lactating and pregnant cats lose hair.


Another reason for untimely cat shedding is allergies. This problem of the 21st century has not spared animals either. Cats live with people under the same roof and often share meals with their owners. About ecological level Life now you can hear a lot of bad reviews. Therefore, the environment affects the cat’s condition as badly as it affects the human condition. Shedding hair is the first sign that a cat is feeling unwell, even if it looks fine. Cats are often allergic to chemicals. For example, for floor or carpet cleaner. Therefore, if after cleaning the house the cat suddenly begins to go bald, you should think about changing cleaning products. Food allergies are also common in cats. Moreover, it does not matter what diet the cat is on: freeze-dried food or regular food. Allergies can occur in any case. The cat that gets normal food, can respond to its quality. Often Manufacturers heavily supply their products with chemicals, and animals suffer because of this. The same reaction may occur to food. True, this happens less often; after all, food is developed by professionals, but everywhere there are people who do their work poorly.

Cats also suffer from overeating. Most people keep cats in apartments. And the space for a cat to walk is very limited. Therefore, she switches to a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which she begins to suffer from obesity. And, of course, the organisms of different animals fight this disease different ways. But very often cats begin to lose their fur from overeating.


The psychological factor is also of no small importance. Just like people, cats have mental illness– depression. In animals, this happens if their usual way of life is disrupted. For example, in a family where a cat lived and was the only object of adoration, a child appeared. And all the love and affection went to him. Therefore, the cat feels deprived of attention and develops apathy, loses appetite and begins to lose hair.


Ringworm is another cause of hair loss in animals. And since this feline disease is transmitted to humans, it is better to treat it immediately. It is not difficult to identify lichen. In cats, hair begins to fall out in spots; some areas of the skin quickly lose hair. And these bare spots usually have round shape. The lichen spots are wet to the touch and appearance. Infected
The animal must be immediately taken to a veterinary center, since lichen is dangerous for humans. There are many types of lichen, and only a specialist can determine which one the animal has contracted.

Incorrect medical treatment can play a cruel joke on your pet. After all, just like people, animals can be intolerant to drugs. And hair loss is the first sign that the body is rejecting the medicine. This can also lead to hormonal imbalance in the animal’s body, which causes rapid baldness of the animal.

What vitamins do cats need for hair loss?

Like people, cats need to take vitamin complexes for prevention. After all, it is in this form that vitamins are best absorbed. B vitamins: B2 and B5 are responsible for the quality and beauty of fur in the cat’s body. And they will also have a beneficial effect on coat iodine-containing vitamins, vitamins containing sulfur and seaweed extract. Cats need to take vitamins at least during each molting period.

Fish oil for cat fur

The benefits of fish oil have been scientifically proven for both humans and animals. Fish oil helps strengthen bones and muscles
tissues, stimulates metabolism in the animal’s body. Vitamins containing fish oil are prescribed to cats suffering from allergies. It is this that causes the animal’s hair loss, and fish oil helps normalize the work. internal organs and has a beneficial effect on the skin. Which, in turn, contributes to rapid growth animal hair. Fish oil is also prescribed to animals for prevention. This strengthens the nervous system and immunity. Besides everyone useful actions effects that fish oil has on the animal’s body, it also helps to improve the coat. After all, it contains fatty amino acids that wool needs to look shiny and not be brittle. It was also smooth and did not fall off.

List of vitamins for Brits

List and review of popular vitamins for cats of any breed

Nowadays, it is difficult for animals, like people, to get the entire vitamin complex from food. Of course, they try to add vitamins to freeze-dried food, but for daily norm This is not enough. In this regard, veterinarians advise not to neglect the health of pets. After all, any person in whose house a four-legged pet lives bears full responsibility for its health. Therefore, you need to contact your veterinarian so that he can select the appropriate vitamins in accordance with the cat’s breed, weight and age. It is not worthwhile to treat animals yourself, because you can only aggravate the situation and harm the health of the animal.

Prevention of hair loss

Of course, in order not to treat the consequences of hair loss, you need to engage in prevention. To do this, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Your cat should receive vitamins and minerals daily.
  2. The cat should sit on strict diet. After all, some cats, like people, cannot control themselves and often overeat. Therefore, it is worth feeding your cat strictly on a schedule and not increasing its portion, even if the animal wants more.
  3. Make sure that the cat does not eat a lot of fatty, salty and sweet foods.
  4. Vaccinate your animal quarterly. In this way, owners protect their pet from possible infections that he can get.

One of the most common problems The most common cause of cat owners turning to veterinarians is hair loss. This may be due not only to improper care for a pet or seasonal shedding. Most often, such problems arise from poor nutrition and lack of essential microelements. In this case, the veterinarian recommends special treatments for hair loss. You should not try to choose them yourself, since the need for one or another element depends on the pet’s health, the cause of hair loss and the animal’s nutritional characteristics.

What vitamins do cats need?

There are special vitamin complexes for hair loss, but you can give them to your pet individual drugs or products. You just need to know what elements your cat needs. There are no special “cat” vitamins. Animals need the same microelements as people. But there are also certain features. For example, cats do not need additional vitamin C, since their bodies produce it in sufficient quantities. What vitamins are important for your pet’s health:

Vitamin A is necessary for normal vision, for the growth of the kitten and maintaining healthy skin and coat;

Of the B vitamins, cats especially need thiamine (for the health of the nervous system), riboflavin (for maintaining normal condition skin and coat), (against hair loss);

Vitamin E is very important for normal development young animal, as well as to regulate sulfur metabolism in the skin.

Why does your pet suffer from vitamin deficiency?

Most often, this problem is encountered by owners who feed food.

It is very difficult to choose a diet so that the animal receives all the necessary microelements and vitamins. The cat regularly needs to be given not only meat and fish, but also dairy products, vegetables and herbs. Fatty, salty and fried food, sausages, smoked meats, baked goods and sweets. To prevent your cat from experiencing health problems, it is better to choose a quality cat with the help of a veterinarian. ready-made food, which contains all the necessary microelements. But even in this case, sometimes you will have to give additional vitamins for cats against hair loss. After all, during the molting period, the animal needs additional microelements. But cats eating ready-made food, such drugs should be given in a reduced dose.


Based on the results of the owners' appeal furry pets There are two main causes of baldness in animals:

1. If the cat eats normally, is cheerful and playful, her nose is moist and her eyes are shiny, then her hair is falling out due to seasonal molting. This happens twice a year and usually lasts 2-3 months. Speed ​​up this process It is possible if you regularly comb the animal and give special vitamins for cats against hair loss.

Reviews from owners indicate that such drugs must be selected strictly individually, depending on the pet’s health, its habits and the causes of baldness. The veterinary industry now makes many vitamin complexes designed to combat this problem. They are available in the form of tablets and drops. Many cat owners do not respond very well to the tablet form of vitamins. Not every animal is able to swallow a tablet, even if it is made in the form of a treat with a pleasant taste and attractive smell. Therefore, vitamins for cats against hair loss in drops are more popular. They are convenient to add to food, and the owner of the animal will be sure that his pet has received all the necessary elements.

What medications can be given to a cat?

The veterinarian himself prescribes vitamins to the cat depending on the cause of hair loss. These are mainly tablets containing iodine, zinc, sulfur, kelp extract, biotin and B vitamins.

Now on sale a large number of various vitamin complexes for cats, which will not only improve the condition of the pet’s coat, but also have a beneficial effect on general condition his health. They come in the shape of hearts, mice or sticks, have an attractive taste for cats and are very popular with most animals. The most popular among pet owners are “Beafar”, “Felway”, “Polydex” or “Olia”. There are also drugs Russian production, for example, “ZooMir super wool” or “Sherstevit”.

Vitamin replenishment

To ensure that your pet does not lack microelements, it is necessary to add brewer's yeast, seaweed, liver and egg yolk to the diet before and during molting.

During the year, it is advisable to grow special greens for cats; they contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for a healthy coat, which are especially useful. Owners of furry pets speak positively about this weed. After all, most cats love her very much.

Seasonal shedding regularly occurs to every cat. During such periods, cats lose a lot of fur, leaving it everywhere they can, causing inconvenience to their owners. Therefore, only they can help both themselves and their pets by combing their fur. However, such molting can occur in cats not only during the season, but at any time.

Then both the animal and its owners suffer - the kitten’s fur becomes dull and it loses its coat wherever it touches it. If this happens to your pet, it means he needs human help.

Causes of hair loss

As mentioned above, during the molting season - in spring and autumn, cats regularly lose hair and this is a normal natural process. But, if the owners notice that, in addition to the season, fur continues to fall off the animal, then they should pay close attention to this. The first two reasons why shedding increases are not proper nutrition and a sharp change in air temperature.

The first reason greatly affects the fur of animals. If he doesn't get enough nutrition necessary vitamins and microelements, naturally, the wool will suffer as a result. Because the hair follicles of the cat will simply break.

Fungus is another destroyer of the structure of the hair follicle. Trichophytosis - cutaneous infection, popularly called " ringworm" Even from this name it can be determined that by infecting the skin, it seems to cut off the animal’s hair around the infected wound.

Microsporia is also a type of fungus that affects the fur of cats. This disease is contagious to both other animals and humans. Such fungi can infect large areas of an animal’s skin, so if you notice something like this, you should not ignore it, as you may become infected yourself.

And also do not exclude the animal’s allergic reactions from the list. Regularly, but gradually, an accumulation of allergen occurs in the blood of each cat. If this happens faster, and the cat has a weak immune system, then hair loss is guaranteed. Even if the pet does not have any allergies, the weakened immunity itself can play a huge role in such a cat’s fur disease.

Don't forget about those cats who, especially every spring, create a real nightmare for their owners. As a result, non-sterilized animals are given hormonal drugs, which eliminate their natural desires. However, this is a side of two coins! On the one hand, the owners get rid of the cat’s eternal meowing, on the other hand, they can disturb it hormonal background, which will damage your beauty’s coat.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why cats shed out of season (see also). Therefore, if you notice that your cat is losing its fur simply as it walks, it develops bald patches, or is accompanied by itching, you urgently need the advice of an experienced specialist.

What vitamins does a cat need?

Upon examination, the veterinarian will be able to determine the cause of hair loss. However, there are cases when no disease is detected, then the doctor prescribes vitamins for cats against hair loss.

Typically these are the vitamins that contain:

  • biotin;
  • sulfur;
  • kelp extract.

As a rule, if a cat does not have a disease, then the cause of shedding is the lack of vitamin B. When there is a lack of vitamin B5 in the cat’s body, cats feel overly excited and more nervous. Against this background, they develop dermatitis, which is responsible for hair loss.
If you notice an area without hair around the eyes or in the chest area, as well as cracks around the mouth and darkened corneas, this indicates a lack of vitamin B2 in the pet’s body. In this case, the animal feels weakened.

Regardless of the symptoms, it is necessary to help the animal restore its condition with medications that contain vitamins.

Medicines containing vitamins

The most common drugs are:

Regardless of what vitamin complex you give to your pets, you must remember that regularity is very important. They are usually taken for a whole month.

Naturally, it is best to give one of these drugs in consultation with a doctor. This must be done to avoid deterioration in the animal’s body and not cause it allergic reaction. You can simply consult with a veterinarian, who will tell you what vitamins can be given periodically throughout the animal’s life. This will help to avoid vitamin deficiency and deterioration of the cat's fur in advance.

Why is biotin so important?

From the above drugs You will notice that almost everyone contains biotin. Why is it so important? It is the lack of biotin in the animal’s body that destroys the structure of the coat and causes skin diseases.

Biotin was first identified in yolk chicken egg. Therefore, you can give your pet a raw egg yolk once a week. It is worth noting that only the yolk is needed, since consuming white will reduce the percentage of biotin absorption. If your cat doesn't want to eat the yolk, you can try mixing it with the food he eats. In another case, biotin must be replaced in tablets.

As you can see, biotin plays a huge role in the life of cats. Its use will reduce the risk skin diseases, will strengthen the nervous system and, in general, will support general health animal.

Proper nutrition

Some people are of the opinion that it is best to feed their cat what they themselves eat. However, it is not. Your beloved pets need a certain balanced diet. Therefore, you need to choose good quality food that your cat is not allergic to. These are the foods that help proper development of the animal and in maintaining its normal coat.

In liquid or powder form, you can buy meat, vegetables and fruits in veterinary pharmacies, which are also necessary for the cat. They can be mixed with your pet's main food. To loving owners You should always supervise and care for your cats and kittens. After all, they are the ones responsible not only for their beautiful appearance, but also for their health!

The most popular pet is the cat. This soft and affectionate pet can not only lift your spirits and brighten up loneliness, but also relieve painful sensations. If you watch their games, you can recharge for the whole day positive energy. Owners also noticed that cat purring has a calming and relaxing effect.

Of course, a pet must be healthy. Any disturbances in his body are reflected in the condition of the coat. There are situations when a cat sheds a lot. What to do? This question worries most owners. If the animal is healthy, then its coat is thick and shiny. However, if bald spots begin to appear, then you need to sound the alarm. In what situations can this indicate a serious illness, and in what situations is it enough to simply wait out the molting process? Let's figure it out.

What is shedding?

Every owner of a beautiful fluffy cat has encountered the process of hair loss. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, since any animal that has hair sheds periodically. The process of changing coats should occur twice a year. Before preparing for winter, the light coat of hair is replaced by a denser and warmer one. This is necessary so that the animal can withstand frost. Also, the molting process begins in early spring. At this time, the pet sheds its warm undercoat, replacing it with a lighter one. As a rule, the molting period itself lasts from 1 to 2 months.

In order to speed up hair loss, you need to use a special comb for cats. With its help you can quickly comb out the remains hairline. There are situations when the molting process is delayed. This can be observed in animals that permanently live indoors. Also at risk are those pets who do not receive proper care. Their molting can last up to 4 months.

Causes of severe shedding

To understand why an animal's hair falls out profusely, it is necessary to understand the main reasons. These include:

Cat breeds

Before getting a cat, you need to learn in detail about the characteristics of a particular breed. For example, proper coat care is necessary for British, Siberian, and Persian pets. They are distinguished by a thick undercoat, which causes a lot of trouble for owners. With such breeds, you need to be prepared for the fact that wool will accumulate in every corner of the room. If the owner is not happy with such prospects, then it is recommended to pay attention to the American Curl, Sacred Burma, Somalia or Angara. They are soft and fluffy, but do not shed that much.

Those who like Siamese breeds cats don't have to worry about their fur remaining on upholstered furniture and other places. As a rule, these animals practically do not shed, since they do not have undercoat.

Owners of such breeds as Bombay, Egyptian Mau, Singaporean, Burmese and bengal cat. Their hair does not fall out intensively, but, most importantly, in small quantities. And finally, let us note that there are also breeds of cats that have no hair at all.

If your cat sheds a lot, what should you do? In this situation, owners are recommended to purchase a furminator. With its help, you can easily and quickly deal with thick undercoat during seasonal shedding. It is also important, especially for furry breeds, to brush them daily. Thanks to proper care tangles will not form on the animal’s body.

If shedding is profuse, you can use special conditioners and shampoos. If you choose them correctly, they will moisturize the skin, restore hair follicles. Thanks to this, the coat becomes shiny and thick.

However, one nuance must be taken into account in this matter. By using cosmetics and the furminator can only eliminate the consequences severe loss wool But it is always necessary to look for the root cause that led to such problems. They vary, so if shedding lasts more than 2 months, you should definitely contact a veterinarian.

Seasonal molt

Owners will experience the first shedding when their pet is 6 months old. It is during this period that the kitten's coat changes. You can even notice this by touch. Adult hair is coarser. Also, after the first moult, the color changes to a more saturated one, and the pattern becomes pronounced.

A healthy animal sheds twice a year: in winter and spring. In order to get through this period faster, it is best to purchase a special comb for cats. According to the owners, with its help the undercoat is combed out very quickly. This is especially true for very fluffy breeds. Their undercoat is so thick that they can get rid of it all summer long. Shedding in short-haired cats lasts from several weeks to 2 months.

Let's talk about nutrition

If a cat's fur is coming out in clumps, then the first thing you need to do is pay attention to its nutrition. Those owners who prefer to feed their pet everything they eat themselves cause irreparable harm to it. Typically, human food is seasoned with spices and salt. But they are the ones that cause food allergies, kidney and liver diseases. A sick animal begins to lose fur extensively and also becomes very nervous.

You can choose the right diet only after consulting a veterinarian. It is he who will help identify products, causing allergies. In addition to prescribing a diet, a special vitamin complex will be recommended, which will not only help bring six animals in order, but also improve its health.

Why does a cat shed a lot? This question is often asked by owners who have not yet had experience interacting with animals. From the very first days the kitten is taught to healthy food. Except special food, it is necessary to introduce vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese into the diet.

Domestic cat sheds a lot - what to do?

How to determine the cause of intense shedding in a pet that does not leave the apartment? Most often, these animals do not sense the change of seasons. They may be affected by ambient temperature. This is especially noticeable in the winter season when the heating is on. Due to dry indoor air, cats begin to lose a lot of hair. In order to correct this situation, it is necessary to use air humidifiers. It is also recommended to choose vitamins for your pet. Only a veterinarian can help in this matter.

Let's talk about vitamins

Does your cat shed a lot? What to do if you don't know? You need to contact veterinary clinic. Doctors will conduct an examination there. If they don't find any serious illnesses, then in this situation a special vitamin complex will be recommended.

Many animals that lack B vitamins begin to lose a lot of hair. As a rule, B2 and B5 are responsible for the thickness of the hair coat in cats. If the latter is lacking, then in addition to intense shedding, dermatitis may occur. The pet is often in nervous state. If there is a deficiency of B2, the animal may become completely bald in the area of ​​the back, chest and eyes. His cornea becomes very cloudy and small cracks appear in the corners of his mouth. His body becomes very weak.

Vitamins for cats against hair loss are sold in tablets. They may contain not only elements of group B, but also iodine, biotin, seaweed extract, and sulfur.

It is advisable not to limit yourself to vitamins alone; it is better to purchase complexes that also include minerals.


In order to never encounter fur diseases in their pets, the owner must follow all the rules for caring for them. First of all, it is necessary to comb the animal daily. Special combs are sold for this. It is equally important to provide your pet with balanced diet. It should include vegetables, meat and fish. Under no circumstances is it permitted to serve food from the common table. It is also recommended not to increase portions on your own, as overeating can lead to hair loss and other diseases. If you follow all the rules, and also introduce vitamins for cats against hair loss into the diet, then the molting process will take place quickly and almost unnoticed by the owners.