Diseases of the digestive system in cats. Gastrointestinal Diseases in Cats

Inflammatory bowel disease in cats is a class of chronic idiopathic changes in functionality. gastro- intestinal tract animal, which are characterized by a significant infiltration of inflammatory particles. In general, inflammation can affect the stomach, small and large intestines.

Increased sensitivity may appear due to primary, probably genetic changes. Manifest a second time as a result of damage to the mucous membrane, excessive bacterial growth, bacterial or viral infection, invasion of microorganisms or fungi, increased sensitivity to food ingredients, neoplasia, metabolic disorders, cholangitis, pancreatitis. Increased sensitivity to antigens increases mucosal permeability by passing antigens through the mucosa from the middle of the intestine. As a result, inflammation and subsequent violation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract appear. It is worth noting that inflammatory diseases intestines can develop in a cat of any age and gender.

The main symptoms of inflammation of the intestine in a cat.

The main disease manifests itself in a rapid decrease in the weight of the animal, vomiting and diarrhea in any ratio. Weight loss can occur as a result of a change in the function of absorption or in the absence of appetite (occurs in the last stages of the development of the disease). Vomiting often has an intermittent character and may occur several days or weeks after the onset of the disease. Vomiting does not always correlate with food intake. The vomit may consist of foam, fluid with bile, food, and sometimes blood. During diarrhea, the stool can vary in condition from almost formed to completely thin and clear. There may be a significant presence of mucus and blood and an increase in the frequency of defecation. All of these symptoms can increase or decrease, depending on the type and severity. inflammatory process. In the process of inspection, large deviations are often not detected, and in general only thinness can be noticed. During palpation, there is thickening of the intestine, expansion lymph nodes and significant gastrointestinal discomfort.

Correct diagnosis of intestinal inflammation in a cat.

The main tasks of treatment are the removal of the cause of antigenic stimulation and the exclusion inflammatory response gastrointestinal tract. Typically, treatment consists of diet therapy, corticosteroids in amounts to help suppress the immune system, and antibiotics to slow bacterial growth. Optimal treatment issued individually for each animal. In case of relapses, it is necessary to include more effective immunosuppressants in the treatment system. Regarding the diet, it can contain only one source of simply digestible protein, better than never included in the cat's diet before. The following components should be observed in the diet: a small content of food additives, with no gluten and lactose, a low content of indigestible substances, a low level of fat. A balanced ratio of vitamins and salts, namely B vitamins and necessarily Potassium. The diet must contain carbohydrates. In the case of a disease of the large intestine, a diet with a high concentration of fiber is necessary. During treatment, animals should not eat other food. Also used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease aids: substances that affect peristalsis (during severe diarrhea), antiemetics, in case of malabsorption, the use of cobalamin and folate may be necessary. Prebiotics are used to reverse the state intestinal flora and probiotics to replenish beneficial gut micro-organisms. As a source of energy for the cells of the mucous membrane of the tract, Glutamine should be given. Used different kind nutritional supplements that have a weak anti-inflammatory effect (vitamins A, E and C).

Sourced from www.merckmanuals.com

Inflammation of the colon in cats.

If possible, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of inflammation. When treating, strictly follow the recommendations of the veterinarian on diet. For example, it may be suggested not to feed the cat for 24 hours to give the digestive system a rest. When feeding is resumed, it is often recommended to add soluble fiber to the diet. Gradually, the amount of fiber can be reduced or fiber completely removed from the diet. For the first time after refeeding, it may be recommended to replace the protein source with one that the cat has not previously eaten, such as mutton, lamb, venison or rabbit. This is done to identify foods that cause food allergies in a cat. For some types of inflammation, a change in diet (for example, switching to a lamb and rice diet, or other prepared medicated foods) may be enough to treat. To quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, in addition to changing the diet, anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. Some cats require additional short-term medication to thicken the stool until the inflammation is under control.

Constipation in cats.

constipation are a common problem in cats. As a rule, constipation is fairly easy to manage. However, in more severe cases, symptoms can be severe. The longer the fecal matter remains in the colon, the drier and tougher it becomes and the more difficult it is to pass. obstipation- These are systematic constipations that are difficult to treat.

Prolonged constipation can cause obstruction inside the intestines, narrowing of the intestines from external influences or neuromuscular problems in the colon itself. Obstruction is the most common cause, usually due to the inability to pass poorly digestible, often hard materials (eg, hair, bones) that are mixed with the fecal matter. Some cats with long-term constipation or constipation may experience megacolon, an expansion of the intestines due to weakened bowel muscle strength. The cause of megacolon often remains unexplained. Some medicines, among side effects may cause constipation.

Symptoms of constipation are difficult bowel movements, hard and dry stools. Some cats show lethargy, depression, loss of appetite, nausea, and discomfort in the abdominal area.

Constipated cats need to drink more water. Mild constipation can often be relieved by feeding the cat a high-fiber diet and constant access to water, and by using (usually short-term) appropriate laxatives. It is clear that laxatives should only be used when prescribed by a veterinarian, as human medicines for a cat can be extremely dangerous. In severe cases, veterinarians may remove faeces with an enema or other method while the cat is under general anesthesia. At chronic constipation or megacolon, not amenable to conventional treatment perform an operation to remove the affected section of the colon.

Read more about constipation in cats in a separate article.

Coronavirus enteritis in cats.

Coronavirus enteritis cats - very contagious disease transmitted through close contact. The disease is very closely related to the virus, which causes more serious illness- feline infectious peritonitis. Infection with the feline enteritis coronavirus causes inflammation in the small intestine, which is fortunately not usually fatal.

The virus is spread through the feces of infected cats. Close contact between cats is necessary for transmission, although the possibility of infection through contaminated objects also remains. In nurseries, the virus can cause intestinal inflammation ( varying degrees severity) in kittens from 6 to 12 weeks. Recently weaned kittens may experience fever, vomiting, and diarrhea lasting 2 to 5 days. In more severe cases, kittens may refuse food for 1 to 3 days. In adult cats, the disease often occurs without visible signs.

Feline enteritis virus is extremely widespread, many recovered cats remain carriers. Coronavirus enteritis infection can only be prevented by minimizing cat fecal contact. Most cats develop an effective immune response after infection that persists after recovery. At intestinal form disease, there are no symptoms of feline infectious peritonitis. However, if signs of the disease develop in cats with feline infectious peritonitis, the disease becomes fatal. Currently does not exist specific methods control the disease, cats should receive supportive care and, if necessary, fluid infusions.

Inflammation of the stomach in cats.

Gastritis(or inflammation of the stomach) in cats often begins due to the ingestion of objects that violate the integrity of the lining of the stomach. A common symptom of gastritis is nausea. In long-term gastritis, vomit may contain leftover food (such as grass), bile, foam, fresh blood, or digested blood (looks like coffee grounds). Often the inflammation is accompanied by diarrhea. Short-term or single vomiting usually does not cause the development of any additional disorders. On the contrary, nausea, continuing long time, can lead to weakness, lethargy, weight loss, dehydration, and salt balance in the body. The prognosis for recovery depends on the cause of nausea and the success of the treatment of the primary disease.

Cat bowel cancer.

bowel cancer it is very rare in cats, accounting for less than 1% of all cancers. As a rule, cancerous tumors develop in the small intestine, more often in older cats. For most intestinal tumors, specific causes have not yet been identified. It is believed that the alimentary form of lymphoma (even with negative result tests for the virus), causes the feline leukemia virus. Intestinal tumors in cats are usually malignant and grow and spread quickly.

The symptoms of tumors depend on the size and location of the tumor. These can be nausea (sometimes with blood), diarrhea (also with blood), weight loss, constipation and difficult bowel movements, abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal infections associated with intestinal damage. Cats with intestinal tumors may show signs of anemia, such as pale gums.

Diagnosis is based on the results of physical examinations and a study of the medical history. For confirmation, a biopsy of tissue samples is performed. The preferred method of treatment is surgical removal tumors. The prognosis of treatment depends on the prevalence of tumors of their type and the possibility of removal, therefore, it can be either very good or bad.

Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract in cats.

The inability to pass food from the stomach develops due to tumors, foreign objects, polyps and excessive growth of stomach tissue.

Intestinal obstruction may be complete or partial. Causes include foreign objects, intussusception (a condition in which one part of the intestine is embedded in another), strangulation (or incarceration, such as compression in a hernia), or tumors. Long thin objects(thread, yarn, fibers) can get stuck at the base of the cat's tongue. If the object is long enough to reach the intestines, then it normal movements cause a tearing and cutting effect on the walls, leading to perforation of the intestine and increasing the risk of abdominal infections.

Obstruction symptoms small intestine include lethargy, poor appetite, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen or when swallowing, fever or low temperature, dehydration. For diagnosis, the veterinarian needs all possible information about the cat's eating habits. It is important to know whether the cat had access to threads, needles, etc., whether any items (for example, toys) were missing. Palpation of the abdominal region (neat palpation internal organs hands) sometimes allows experienced veterinarians to determine the increase in some parts of the body, thickening of intestinal loops or the presence of gases. An x-ray, ultrasound, or endoscopy is also used to identify the problem.

Cats with generalized signs of illness such as depression or fever may benefit from intravenous administration liquids. If the obstruction cannot be removed using an endoscope, surgery is necessary. Cats with sudden appearance symptoms in abdominal cavity, the causes of which are unknown, and the condition worsens, may also be required surgical intervention. Many cats recover well after surgery.

Intestinal ulcer in cats.

intestinal ulcer are wounds in the stomach or intestinal surface caused by the action of gastric juice or digestive enzymes. Causes that can cause ulcers to form include certain medications, tumors, infections, and generalized illnesses.

Cats with intestinal ulcers may not show visible signs of illness. In other cases, there may be cases of nausea, sometimes with blood, and abdominal discomfort, which can be relieved after eating. Dark, tarry stools mean the presence of blood in it, pale gums (a sign of anemia). There may also be symptoms of the disease that led to the formation of the ulcer (for example, signs related to kidney failure).

If a cat has nausea, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, or sudden weight loss, veterinarians use special tests to determine the cause. An abdominal ultrasound or x-ray is used to confirm the diagnosis. In cases where the cause remains unclear or with obvious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endoscopy and biopsy of the stomach and intestines are often used for diagnosis.

For the treatment of intestinal ulcers, it is very important to determine the cause of the disease in order to eliminate it or bring it under control. It is critical to provide your cat with supportive care. Medications in the treatment of ulcers serve to reduce the acidity of the stomach, which prevents further destruction of its surface tissues and promotes healing of ulcers. As a rule, treatment lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. During treatment, a light diet (eg cottage cheese and rice or chicken and rice) should be followed.

Ideally, ulcer healing should be monitored by endoscopy. If ulcers do not respond to medication, next step there will be a biopsy of samples from the stomach and small intestine. The prognosis for cats with peptic ulcers and benign tumors is good. For ulcers associated with kidney or liver failure, as well as with carcinoma of the stomach or gastrinomas - bad.

Inflammatory bowel disease in cats.

Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease- this is a group of diseases of the digestive system, for which stable signs are certain, and inflammation begins without a clear reason. Forms of intestinal inflammation are classified according to the location and type of cells involved.

Inflammatory bowel disease can occur in cats of all ages, genders, and breeds, although it is slightly more common in purebreds (and possibly treated more frequently). On average, the disease begins in cats older than seven years. Symptoms are often seen long time, sometimes disappearing periodically - nausea, diarrhea, changes in appetite and weight. Inflammations can be difficult to diagnose, as their symptoms are characteristic of many other diseases.

Your veterinarian may recommend switching your cat to hypoallergenic or eliminated foods. This means that the cat will eat food with a source of protein that has not been eaten before. These formulations are commonly available from veterinary clinics, pharmacies, grocery stores, or can be made at home. The cat should be fed only such food for at least 4 - 6 weeks and not take any medications not prescribed by a doctor. This type of diet is effective in controlling symptoms in some cats with inflammatory bowel disease, but is not effective in food sensitivities or food allergies. Only adding fiber to a cat's diet is rarely effective in severe cases.

Although inflammatory bowel disease in cats can often be controlled with a combination of diet and medication, the disease is rarely completely cured, so relapse is always a possibility.

Malabsorption in cats.

Malabsorption is poor absorption nutrients due to disorders in digestion, assimilation, or both at the same time. Digestive disorders in cats are usually associated with a lack of certain pancreatic enzymes (pancreatic insufficiency), and most cases of insufficient absorption are caused by diseases of the small intestine.

The symptoms of malabsorption are mainly due to insufficient absorption and loss of nutrients through the faeces. Typical Symptoms include prolonged diarrhea, weight loss, and changes in appetite (decrease or excessive increase). However, diarrhea may be absent even in severe cases. Weight loss can be significant despite a good appetite. Cats with malabsorption usually remain otherwise healthy unless they have severe inflammation or cancer. Nonspecific signs include dehydration, anemia, and accumulation of fluid in the abdomen or other tissues. Thickening of the intestinal loops and an increase in the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity are possible.

Diagnosing malabsorption in cats can be difficult because prolonged diarrhea and weight loss are usual symptoms with many diseases. Special laboratory tests can help determine if symptoms are caused by underlying multisystem or metabolic diseases (eg, hyperthyroidism).

Treatment of malabsorption in cats is carried out by prescribing a special diet, treating complications and primary diseases(if they can be found). Diet - important element treatment. Meals should generally contain moderate levels of protein from a limited number of sources, highly digestible carbohydrates, and a moderate amount of fat (to reduce fatty diarrhea). Your veterinarian may put your cat on an elimination diet that contains only one type of protein (such as lamb or venison) as a test for food sensitivities. If the response to the elimination diet is disappointing, the cat may be prescribed oral anti-inflammatory drugs.

Symptoms of inflammation of the colon in a cat

  • Diarrhea.
  • Problems with defecation.
  • Mucus in stool (sometimes bright red blood).
  • Nausea (about 30% of cases).
  • Sometimes weight loss.

Treatment of inflammation of the colon in a cat

First of all, contact your veterinarian. It will help to identify and eliminate the cause of the inflammatory process.

Constipation in a cat

In most cases, constipation is easy to manage. However, there are serious cases that are difficult to treat.

Long-term constipation can be caused by bowel obstruction, narrowing of the bowel from external problems, or neuromuscular problems in the colon.

Symptoms of constipation in a cat

  • Difficulty in defecation.
  • Dry, hard feces.
  • Sometimes: depression, lethargy, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain.

Treatment for constipation in a cat

  1. Consume more liquid.
  2. Sometimes, if the constipation is mild, switching the cat to a diet rich in fiber and providing constant access to water helps.
  3. Laxatives are sometimes used, but only a veterinarian can prescribe them.
  4. In severe cases, the veterinary clinic may remove the feces using an enema or other methods under general anesthesia.
  5. If constipation is chronic and does not respond to treatment, surgery may be performed to remove the affected part of the colon.

Self-medication is not worth it, since medicines that once helped you or your friends can be very dangerous for your cat!

Coronavirus enteritis in a cat

Symptoms of coronavirus enteritis in a cat

In kittens: fever, diarrhea, vomiting. Duration: 2 - 5 weeks.

In adult cats, the disease may not manifest outwardly.

Remember that even if the cat recovers, she may still be a carrier of the virus. Infection can only be prevented by minimizing the contact of cats with feces.

Treatment of coronavirus enteritis in a cat

There are no specific treatments. Supportive medications and, if necessary, fluid infusions are usually given.

Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis) in a cat

The cause of gastritis may be the ingestion of an object that violates the integrity of the mucous membrane.

Symptoms of inflammation of the stomach (gastritis) in a cat

  • Nausea, which can cause weakness, lethargy, weight loss, dehydration, salt imbalance.
  • If the gastritis is prolonged, food residues (for example, grass), blood or foam can be seen in the vomit.
  • Diarrhea is often observed.

The prognosis depends on the causes of gastritis and the success of the treatment.

bowel cancer in cats

The disease is quite rare (about 1% of cancer cases in general). Often cancer tumor affects the large intestine in an elderly cat. The causes of the disease have not yet been precisely determined, but there is a version that the alimentary form of lymphoma can be caused by the feline leukemia virus. Intestinal tumors in cats are usually malignant and grow and spread rapidly.

Symptoms of bowel cancer in cats

Symptoms depend on the location and size of the lesion, but often include:

  • Nausea (sometimes mixed with blood);
  • Diarrhea (also with blood) or difficult bowel movements, constipation;
  • weight loss;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal infections associated with bowel disease;
  • Sometimes - manifestations of anemia (pale gums, etc.)

Diagnosis includes taking a medical history, physical examinations, and biopsy of tissue samples.

The preferred treatment is surgical removal of the tumor.

The prognosis can be good or bad, depending on the type of tumor and the ability to remove it.

Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract in a cat

Causes can be tumors, polyps, foreign objects, or overgrowth of stomach tissue.

There is partial or complete intestinal obstruction.

Symptoms of obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract in a cat

  • Loss of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain when swallowing and in the abdominal region;
  • Increase or decrease in temperature;
  • Dehydration.

To diagnose the disease, the veterinarian must know everything about the cat's diet, as well as whether there was access to needles, threads, small toys, etc. Palpation, ultrasound, X-ray or endoscopy is used.

Treatment of obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract in a cat

Sometimes IV fluids help.

If an obstruction cannot be cleared with an endoscope, surgery. It may also be required if the condition worsens suddenly and the cause is not known.

Many cats recover well after surgery.

cat intestinal ulcer

Ulcers are sores on the surface of the intestines or stomach caused by the influence of digestive enzymes or gastric juices. Reasons: the use of some medicines, infections, tumors and a number of other diseases.

Symptoms of an intestinal ulcer in a cat

  • Nausea (sometimes with blood);
  • Discomfort in the abdominal region, which after eating passes;
  • Whitening of the gums (this sign indicates anemia);
  • Tarry, dark chair- evidence of the presence of blood.

Diagnosis is carried out with the help of special tests, and to confirm the diagnosis, an x-ray or ultrasound is used. Biopsy of the intestines and stomach of the cat and endoscopy can also be used.

It is extremely important to determine the cause of the disease in order to prescribe proper treatment. Great importance has supportive care and light diet. Drugs are prescribed that reduce the acidity of the stomach and heal ulcers. Usually the duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

It is good if it is possible to track the progress of treatment using endoscopy. If medications do not help, biopsy samples from the small intestine and stomach are taken.

If we are dealing with a peptic ulcer of the stomach of a cat, either benign tumor, the prognosis is good. If the ulcer is associated with a liver or kidney failure or gastrinomas or carcinoma of the stomach - bad.

Inflammatory bowel disease in cats

Idiopathic inflammation is a group of diseases digestive system with persistent symptoms, but no clear cause.

Cats of any gender, age and breed can get sick, but, as a rule, inflammation begins at the age of 7 years and older. Symptoms may come and go.

Symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease in cats

  • changes in appetite;
  • Weight fluctuations;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea.

Inflammation is difficult to diagnose, as similar symptoms can indicate many other diseases.

Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease in cats

Inflammatory bowel disease can often be controlled with a combination of medication and diet, but a complete cure is rarely achieved and relapses are possible.

Malabsorption in cats

Malabsorption in a cat is poor absorption of nutrients due to a problem with digestion or absorption, or both.

Symptoms of malabsorption in cats

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • Weight loss;
  • Change in appetite (increase or decrease).

Diagnosis can be difficult as these symptoms may indicate various diseases. Laboratory tests may help.

Treatment of malabsorption in a cat

Treatment includes special diet, treatment of primary diseases (if known) or complications. Anti-inflammatory drugs may be recommended.

One of the most commonly diagnosed diseases of the digestive system in domestic cats is a stomach ulcer. The disease is a pathology of the mucous membrane of the organ, characterized by the formation of ulcers and the development of necrosis.

The main cause of the disease is the error in feeding the animal, but there are others. negative factors. A dangerous complication of an ulcer is bleeding and perforation of the gastric mucosa. Treatment requires patience and strict adherence to the recommendations of a veterinarian from the owner.

Read in this article

Causes of stomach ulcers

The etiology of diseases of the digestive system is well studied in veterinary medicine. Experienced breeders and general practitioners not unreasonably believe that stomach ulcers in furry pets the following unfavorable factors are given:

Illiterate feeding

This broad group of reasons includes, first of all, the inclusion by the owner of the wrong products in the diet of the animal: food from the table, sausage products, salty, spicy and canned foods, smoked meats and fatty foods. Feeding cheap ready-made mass-market feeds (Whiskas, Kiteket, Friskas, etc.) can lead to stomach ulcers.

The monotonous feeding of a cat only with meat or only with fish is a common cause of an insidious disease. Feeding a pet with bones from fish and poultry also leads to the development of stomach ulcers. Microtraumas received by the mucous membrane of the cat's digestive system lead to deep tissue damage and the appearance of ulcers in the thickness of the organ.

Hot, cold, excessively rough food also provokes stomach diseases. The reason for the development of the disease, experts also consider non-compliance with the diet of the pet.

Mass market cat food


The use of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often provokes the development of gastritis, and then stomach ulcers in pets.

Foreign objects entering the alimentary canal

Injury to the gastric mucosa from acute foreign bodies leads to deep tissue damage and the development of ulcerative necrotic process. common cause diseases veterinary experts believe the accumulation of balls of wool in the stomach of a cat. They constantly irritate the mucosa of the organ, provoke the development of microtrauma and damage, including ulcerative-erosive nature.

Running gastritis

A seemingly harmless disease associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane leads to the fact that an ulcer develops at the site of a superficial lesion, affecting the deep layers of the organ.

Endocrine diseases

Hypoadrenocorticism or Addison's disease in cats is the reason that gastric ulcers develop against the background of gastroenterological lesions.

Problems with internal organs

The cause of the development of the disease is often a variety of pathological processes in the pancreas (, liver ( fatty degeneration, cirrhosis), kidneys.


Prolonged exposure of the animal to a negative psycho-emotional factor provokes the development of gastric ulcer.


Body intoxication domestic cat salts heavy metals(lead), household acids and alkalis, petroleum products and organic solvents leads to the development erosive and ulcerative lesions stomach.


Lymphosarcoma, adenocarcinoma and others oncological tumors lead to the formation of erosions and ulcers in the digestive canal, including in the stomach.

Many veterinarians consider the detection of microorganisms in diseased animals a factor provoking the disease in domestic animals. Helicobacter pylori. A colony of bacteria weakens protective properties mucous membrane and contributes to the development of ulcerative processes in the organ.

Symptoms of a problem in a cat

In veterinary medicine, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic form diseases. The chronic course of the disease is often asymptomatic, it is difficult for the owner to suspect the presence of a stomach ulcer in a pet. In the first phase of the development of the disease, the symptoms resemble such a stomach disease as gastritis. In the future, the picture of pathology becomes more pronounced.

Clinical signs acute form diseases have a more pronounced manifestation and are characterized by the following symptoms:

Veterinarians distinguish between simple and progressive ulcers. In the first case, the owner may face chronic course diseases and periods of exacerbation, when the clinical picture becomes pronounced. For progressive ulcer Clinical signs are growing.

With perforation of the walls of the stomach, intragastric bleeding, the condition of the animal deteriorates sharply, pain shock is observed. The progressive form of the disease often leads to peritonitis, sepsis and death of the animal.

Cat diagnostics

Suspected by clinical picture a beloved pet has stomach problems, the owner should not hesitate to visit a veterinarian. A complex of diagnostic measures will be carried out in a specialized institution.

First of all, it is important for diagnosis clinical analysis blood. The study will show the presence and degree of anemia in case of gastric bleeding, the state of the blood coagulation system (by the number of platelets). For this purpose, a coagulogram may be prescribed.

Biochemical analysis blood will give an idea of ​​the work of the internal organs (liver, pancreas) and is an important method in the differential diagnosis.

Analysis of feces for occult blood allows you to install stomach bleeding in an animal.

Most informative method diagnostics, including differential, is an X-ray examination of the digestive organs for the presence of a foreign object.

In order to detect ulcerative lesions, the presence of perforation of the stomach wall in veterinary practice, an X-ray contrast study with barium is used.

According to indications in diagnostic purposes the animal is carried out ultrasound procedure stomach, as well as abdominal organs (liver, pancreas, lymph nodes).

The most informative method of research is gastroscopy. Manipulation is carried out in a specialized institution under general anesthesia. In the process of gastroscopy, the localization of ulcers is established, the form and nature of the course of the disease is determined, a biopsy of a piece of the organ is performed for subsequent histological examination.


In rare cases, as diagnostic method laparoscopy is used with the taking of material for research.

The differential diagnosis is carried out primarily with gastritis, pathological processes in the pancreas and liver, poisoning.

For information on what a stomach ulcer looks like in a cat during gastroscopy, see this video:

Treatment of stomach ulcer

In the treatment of the disease, the form and nature of the ulcerative lesion of the organ is taken into account. First of all, painkillers and antispasmodic drugs (Spazgan, Papaverine, No-Shpa) are prescribed to the animal. In order to reduce production of hydrochloric acid a sick cat is prescribed a course of gastric drugs: Omeprazole, Ranitidine, Cimetidine, etc. The drugs protect the gastric mucosa from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice.

With symptoms of dehydration, the cat is given a course infusion therapy. In the event of anemia due to bleeding, a blood transfusion is performed on a sick animal.

At severe vomiting antiemetics are used with extreme caution. These drugs can cause stomach bleeding. If necessary, Metoclopramide, Chlorpromazine, which have antiemetic effects, are prescribed.

As anticides and sorbents, Sucralfate and Bismuth Subsalicylate, Atropine Sulfate, Papaverine Hydrochloride, Methyluracil, Almagel, Magnesium Trisilicate, Scopolamine are used. The preparations envelop the gastric mucosa, protecting it from the action of gastric juice, and promote tissue regeneration.

When Helicobacter pylori is detected veterinarian prescribes a course of antibiotic therapy. With symptoms of gastric bleeding, measures are taken to stop it. For this purpose, coagulant preparations are prescribed to the animal. In emergency cases, a gastrotomy may be performed to stop bleeding.

Vitamin therapy is aimed at restoring the body's immunity, enhancing the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues. For this purpose, vitamin A, E, ascorbic acid, vitamin B6.

Treatment of gastric ulcer should be based on the elimination of the provoking factor. That's why important place diet therapy and stress management play in the treatment of the disease. The animal is given a special medical nutrition. For decreasing negative impact stressful situations used sedatives and sedatives.

The owner of a sick pet should be regularly examined by a veterinarian in order to prevent relapses.

Peculiarities of animal nutrition during treatment

Diet therapy for stomach ulcers is one of the important conditions cat recovery along with drug treatment. The animal should be given mucous porridge, rice water, weak meat broths.

Porridge is useful to season butter. Dairy products must be included in the pet's diet: kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and cream. diet food with an ulcer are chicken and quail eggs. It is useful to give boiled vegetables: carrots, turnips, broccoli.

If the animal is accustomed to prepared feed, then the veterinarian will prescribe therapeutic nutrition from manufacturers such as Hills, Eukanuba, Royal Canin. In this case, preference is given to canned food. Dry medicinal food it is necessary to soak with water before feeding to a mushy state. A sick pet is fed often, but in small portions.

We recommend reading why. You will learn about the causes of blood in the stool, the actions of the owners, diagnosis possible disease in veterinary clinic, treatment depending on the cause.
And more about what to do if the cat has diarrhea.

Ulcer Prevention

In veterinary medicine, the prevention of diseases of the digestive system is of no small importance. General practitioners advise owners to adhere to following recommendations and tips for keeping pets:

  • Well balanced nutrition. It is strictly forbidden to feed food from the table, canned, smoked, fatty foods. It is also not recommended to constantly feed the animal with industrial dry food. Mixes should be only premium and super-premium.

Super premium food
  • feeding mode. frequent, fractional nutrition. Food should be warm, not coarse.
  • Treatment concomitant diseases especially gastritis.
  • Prevention of stressful situations, keeping the pet in comfortable conditions.
  • The use of sedatives and sedatives under the influence of negative psycho-emotional factors on the animal.

A stomach ulcer in domestic cats is most often caused by a gross violation of the rules for feeding the animal, as well as ignoring the symptoms of gastritis and the lack of treatment for inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Ulcerative processes can lead not only to indigestion, but also to such dangerous complications like gastric bleeding, gastric perforation, peritonitis and death of the animal.

Timely diagnosis, thorough adherence to the recommendations of the doctor will ensure pet comfortable existence.