Cancer woman: gentle, graceful, feminine. Cancer woman horoscope: characteristics, career, appearance and love

They themselves know very well what they want and why they act this way and not otherwise. These are very emotional women, with a rich inner world, but often they hide their feelings even from loved ones. A man who has chosen a Cancer Woman should know that she is very jealous, quite vulnerable and does not forget an insult for a long time. But, precisely, an insult inflicted on purpose, she does not focus her attention on minor troubles and quarrels. Mood swings sometimes prevent the Cancer woman from looking objectively at some events or relationships. When she good mood, she is friendly, responsive and generous. In a bad mood, Cancer women are withdrawn, uncommunicative and can even offend with words.

Libra women behave quite the opposite.

And yet they are rarely alone. Men are attracted to a Cancer woman by her unusualness, emotionality, and difference from others. But she chooses a man for life carefully and carefully, since a strong-willed, authoritarian man is not suitable for her, he can simply suppress her morally, not understanding her originality, and not taking into account her vulnerability. The Cancer woman is a faithful wife, she will keep love for her husband (if she married for love) for life, she good mother, loves his children very much.

But while raising them, he doesn’t coddle with them or spoil them. Cancer Woman good hostess, and, in addition, her originality is perfectly manifested in family life: she can surprise her family, either with a new original dish, or with unusual family entertainment.

The Cancer woman does not like quarrels, arguments, long-term showdowns and will never “wash dirty linen in public.” But if a quarrel nevertheless occurs, she is overcome by unpleasant thoughts or is simply in a bad mood, she has the right way deal with it all. Simple and familiar household chores will serve as an excellent counterbalance to stress and create order and harmony in the soul.

In any non-standard situations that arise in the personal world of a Cancer woman, when the arguments of reason turn out to be useless, she relies on her intuition, which helps her navigate the sea of ​​\u200b\u200beveryday and saves her from many mistakes.

Cancer woman in love

The Cancer woman is a water sign, so outwardly she appears cold and dispassionate. But love for her is the most important thing in life. She never fusses, does not look for her, she simply waits and chooses, knowing that fate will definitely bring her together with her beloved. The Cancer woman unmistakably guesses her man, the one with whom they will become an inseparable couple. Her love is deep and long, it can last a lifetime.

She expects reciprocal love and complete trust from her loved one. She strives for close relationships and hates separation. She rarely initiates a breakup; it is difficult for her to leave, even if love has already lost its novelty. He can forgive light flirting, but he will never forgive betrayal. Even the most ardent love will not force her to stay next to the man who seriously cheated on her.

What kind of interior suits a Cancer woman?
The Cancer woman is very home person, values ​​comfort and privacy most of all. She will carefully choose wallpaper, furniture, curtains. Preference is given to calm, dark shades (brick, gray, lilac). Or cheerful light tones (blue, green, peach), but never bright, flashy tones. Cancer women love antique things, fluffy carpets, figurines, frames with family photographs. The style in the Cancer woman's environment is retro style.

What scent does a Cancer woman prefer?

For sensitive and gentle Cancer woman A state of calm and harmony is very important. The Cancer woman is a water sign, so she feels best when relaxing near water: the sea, river, lake. The humid atmosphere of the water and the delicate scent of flowers calm her and at the same time inspire her. Her favorite scents are floral and fruity. The more conservative Cancer woman likes classic perfume compositions. She prefers everything that is time-tested and does not chase changing fashion. She likes to choose her own perfume, but if you want to give a Cancer woman a gift, give a delicate floral perfume in a round bottle with dark yellow or white packaging.
Perfume recommended for a Cancer woman: Aqua Digio, Escape, L" Eua, D’Issey, Magnetic. The optimistic aroma of Flower by Kenzo from Kenzo will help dispel despondency and sadness.

Cancer woman talismans

The talismans of the Cancer woman, in addition to crayfish and crabs, are also small furry animals, including in the form of soft toys. The hare will attract success in love, the ermine will protect the Cancer woman from harassment dangerous men, the rabbit protects from all dangers, and the cat will save you from bad mood and will attract peace and luck into life. Jewelry-talismans of the Cancer woman are silver items in the shape of a heart, circle or crescent. In the talisman painting there is nature and always water: a river, a sea, a stream, a pond overgrown with water lilies.

Cancer Woman and Alcohol

As they say, a Cancer woman only needs to smell a cork to feel intoxicated. These are women with sensitive and emotional natures. Their stomach reacts very negatively to alcohol. Having drunk even a little, they fall into a lyrical mood and can open up with a completely unsuitable person.

And in the morning they feel bad both mentally and physically. The alcohol horoscope warns the Cancer woman - this sign is more susceptible to alcohol addiction. It is best to limit yourself to one glass of martini or champagne at any party or celebration.

Cancer woman daughter-in-law

With her mother-in-law, the Cancer daughter-in-law is secretive, cautious, does not express obvious hostility, but does not speak out either, in a word, “a thing in itself.” She will never conflict with her mother-in-law, even if she doesn’t like something in her mother-in-law’s behavior or words, she will simply remain silent. Cancer woman as daughter-in-law new family will maintain smooth but neutral relationships. She will never become a daughter to her husband's parents. But she will not try to turn her husband against his parents. But if the mother-in-law tries to open “military action” against the Cancer woman, she will receive a worthy rebuff from the latter.

Cancer woman mother-in-law

Cancer woman is very caring mother, tries to take care of even his adult son. She will apply the same policy to her daughter-in-law: patronize and teach. A daughter-in-law can only win her favor by endlessly praising her son and admiring him. But this needs to be done subtly and unobtrusively; it is important to observe the measure. Cancer-mother-in-law is a smart woman and will immediately sense falsehood if it sounds. The mother-in-law's cancer is a kind of barometer for the son's young family. When young people quarrel, sulk, and each other, the mother-in-law immediately has a lot of important and urgent matters that do not allow her to visit her son’s family. After all the “thunderstorms have died down and the storms have subsided,” the mother-in-law is right there. But we must give her credit, the Cancer woman is a wonderful grandmother, she loves her grandchildren equally, both her daughter’s children and her daughter-in-law’s children. He enjoys babysitting and taking care of them.

During the period from June 22 to July 22, the Sun is in the first summer zodiac sign – Cancer. Main life cycles the sign is ruled by the Moon. It is she who arranges the ebb and flow of the mood of Cancer women, and from her they received their famous sentimentality, mystery and love of love.

The Moon is always reflected in Water - the element to which Cancers also belong. From this combination of two patrons, Cancer women draw wisdom, love and secret knowledge. Cancers feel at home in Water, so it is the source of their vitality, energy, inspiration and health.

Cancer women are protected by talisman stones according to their date of birth. Women born between June 22 and July 1 the best amulet will become hematite, carnelian will emphasize its virtues, and will inspire creativity Moonstone. If the date of birth falls in the period from July 2 to July 11, a Cancer woman can increase her self-confidence with the help of chrysoprase, her level of prosperity with topaz, and protective properties body - opal. Cancers born in the decade between July 12 and 22 can use aquamarine to find happiness, and cat's eye to gain independence.

The following are also considered favorable for Cancer women:

  • numbers: 2 (all numbers divisible by 2), 4, 5, 8;
  • days: Monday, Thursday;
  • colors: all “lunar” shades (white, blue-gray, silver).

Character of a Cancer woman

When communicating with female Cancers, it is worth considering that their mood changes very often. Astrologers associate this with their patron, the Moon: when it enters a new phase, something seems to go wrong in their wards. Although such women are peace-loving and try to avoid conflicts, only a narrow-minded person would call them soft-hearted - the Cancer girl has a solid inner core.


The main advantage of all Cancer women is the ability to love, maintain a home and be faithful to their family. There is nothing more valuable to them than family traditions and an atmosphere of love.

For a Cancer woman, family is a reliable support, support, protection and hope. She draws her strength from her, and she gives them to her.

Also, representatives of this sign are very sensual, vulnerable, impressionable and have ultra-precise intuition, which can often be classified as mystic. However, being close to the Cancer witch, those around you may not even be aware of her power.

You can safely trust a Cancer girl with secrets - they will remain between you. Cancers are understanding interlocutors. Being non-conflict people, they easily avoid “sick” topics and cut off sharp corners.


Cancer women in a foreign environment and with unfamiliar people can be withdrawn and even make a bad first impression. They are not open to everyone and subject to certain conditions. This feature often deprives them of unique opportunities, which, admittedly, quite often fall to their lot.

Representatives of the sign are fatalists. They do not believe that they can “forge” their own happiness; they like to shift responsibility and look for those to blame for their troubles.

Qualities to be developed

Cancer women should seriously work on optimism and a positive attitude towards their own lives. They have well-developed intuition and a rich spiritual world, and this most powerful weapon against the aggression of the world, which Cancers, unfortunately, find in everything. When they stop being afraid of self-created phantoms and learn to use the colossal energy spent on fears, they will become the true arbiters of their reality, in which happiness is their eternal companion.

What does a Cancer woman love?

Women of this sign love most to create harmony in relationships, mutual understanding in the family and comfort in the home. They are wonderful and hospitable housewives. Their home always smells like pies, is clean and cozy, and guests are happy to come to them for a generous portion of love and care.

Cancer women love to take care of their bodies. Silks, lace, soft colors, loose hair and fragrances that drive you crazy are their element. They know a lot about beauty and fashion and always follow it with discreet elegance.

What a Cancer woman doesn't like

Most of all, Cancer women cannot tolerate the condition when they have to experience doubts and feelings of guilt. They doubt their own imperfections, and feel guilty about absolutely everything. Often the reason for this mood is problems of personal relationships, loneliness, fears for family and friends.

Increased sensitivity can develop into panic attacks, and a tendency to analyze can develop into self-criticism and self-digging. It is very difficult for women to cope alone with internal conflicts and complexes. They visit psychologists more often than other signs.

How to win a Cancer woman

To know in what ways you need to win the affection of a Cancer woman, it is better to immediately figure out how you can scare her off or make her hate you. Criticism! Here main enemy a man who wants to build a relationship with a Cancer woman. Internal contradictions, doubts, low self-esteem still haunt her. But it’s one thing to suspect your inferiority, and another thing to hear comments from a man. The Cancer woman will plague herself with self-criticism, and in this state she dislikes herself most of all, so a man who evokes negative associations in her will immediately get a turnaround.

The easiest way to the heart of a Cancer woman may be her penchant for romanticism and the desire for ideal love. She is quiet, deep water, on whose waves it is always peaceful.

But this in no way detracts from her passion. Cancer women are great lovers. However, the revelation of sexual talent is possible only on the condition that each intimate relationship will have emotional content and loving affection, in which the Cancer woman must necessarily believe.

Love and marriage

Love is a reward from a Cancer woman, and few are worthy of it, although Cancers often don’t even suspect it. They love men who adore them and those who hate them with equal intensity. It’s just that women of this sign don’t know how to do anything differently; moreover, they often become victims of their own delusion that everyone loves them so much. This makes Cancer the most emotionally vulnerable of all twelve zodiac signs.

However, with the right chosen one weakness Rakov becomes theirs strong point. A man who is able to provide a Cancer woman with an equal exchange of love, sensuality, attention and care will receive a hundred times more. The main thing is that he has the same need for feelings, otherwise the Cancer woman will bury him under tons of her love. Not everyone is able to withstand this, but it doesn’t happen any other way with these women. Even when they hate, they still love!

Work and career

Work rarely takes a central place in the life of a Cancer woman. Her main mission is home, family, caring for loved ones. Of course, you can find women among them who consider work to be the meaning of life, while managing to equally distribute their energy and time between work and home. True, at work they create a homely atmosphere in order to balance the needs dictated by the zodiac sign and the desire to realize themselves in the profession. All other types of Cancer women are not very assertive and successful in their careers. They are slow, and their work processes are also sluggish.

However, Cancers can be persistent and find optimal solutions. complex tasks, but provided that a favorable atmosphere is created around them in which they can feel their importance and sincere recognition of their merits by their colleagues.

Employees often take advantage of the softness of Cancer women, their compliance and inability to refuse. Such Cancers work not only for themselves, but also for “that guy.”

Suitable profession

Cancer women are in no hurry to grow up. They feel comfortable and well fed in their parents’ home. They easily obey the will of their parents in choosing a profession, because they themselves rarely understand what activity is best for them to engage in. Many people adopt the profession of their father or mother because it is most understandable to them. Happy to take charge family business, since this is where they can be at home and at work at the same time. It is difficult for Cancers to find work that involves constant traveling and business trips.

Cancer women are potentially good in positions related to architecture, construction, cooking, teaching, animal husbandry, and water. All these areas make the work beloved, since it resonates with the character and attitude of the Cancers themselves. Therefore, Cancer women will have chances for career advancement in such professions as: designers, architects, veterinarians, farmers, restaurateurs, chefs, obstetricians, pediatricians, educators, psychologists, nannies. But best profession for a Cancer woman - mother and wife.


Most diseases of Cancer women are psychosomatic. Reason – prolonged depression. You can get rid of them by changing life attitudes and habits, not doctors and medicines. Women of this sign often have painful menstruation accompanied by migraines. Compensation for this illness can be considered to be the fact that in Cancer women, pregnancy and childbirth are easier than in other signs. Abortion is unacceptable for the health of Cancers. They may entail not only physiological problems, but also psychological.

The most vulnerable areas of Cancer women are the food processing and excretory systems of the body. In addition, they tend to be overweight, prone to hypotension and frequent constipation. During full moon periods, women are not advised to sleep too long and drink a lot of liquids, including alcohol. As a preventive measure, Cancer women should arrange for themselves more often fasting days, warm baths, good rest and dream. In case of depression, careful use of hypnosis is allowed.

How to raise a Cancer girl child

Cancer girls are born with high spiritual needs. They are curious and need their parents' attention to their rich inner world. The souls of Cancer children are very sensitive and vulnerable, so a child of this sign cannot be raised through punishment and restrictions. Significant silence is enough for the girl to feel guilty. However, given the Cancers' penchant for self-criticism, one should not go too far here. In a family, a girl must feel loved and important, otherwise she may lose support and faith in herself.

For psychological and spiritual comfort, a child needs a pet friend. It can be any animal chosen by the girl, but it is better if the parents buy an aquarium and fish. This is required by the water element of Cancer. By caring for animals, Cancers strengthen their importance, gain emotional peace and a much-needed daily dose of unconditional love.

You cannot discuss infidelity that happened in the family in the presence of a Cancer girl. This can leave an indelible mark on her vulnerable psyche.

Every woman is unique and individual. But if representatives of the fair sex are born under the same zodiac sign, then you can observe similar character traits, as well as similarities in attitude towards your loved one. To understand and recognize a young lady who is under the influence of Cancer, you need to take a close look at her, and also show all your sensitivity.

Characteristics and features

The Cancer woman is born to become a mother and wife - she does not agree to other “half-roles”. Therefore, such young ladies rarely become mistresses or have fleeting romances.

This sign is characterized by the following features:

  • very vulnerable: they are easy to offend or harm emotional trauma a careless word or a rash act;
  • hypersensitive: they vividly sense lies or injustice towards themselves or those around them;
  • very feminine: they prefer to create a wardrobe that will emphasize the natural femininity of their nature;
  • treat various little things with special trepidation and attention;
  • They are very sensitive and quickly get offended, but fortunately, they also quickly cool down and act as if nothing serious had happened. (even while watching a romantic movie with a touching or sad plot, a girl can be moved so much that tears appear in her eyes);
  • This is a romantic nature, for whom it is very important to show signs of attention, thereby demonstrating attitude and feelings.

The representative of this sign likes to spend time with her family; she always tries to maintain a cozy and home environment, they love to work with small children and host guests. Please note: a Cancer woman will never invite you into her house stranger, because he associates his home with a fortress, access to which is allowed only to close and trusted people.

If the Cancer girl’s family was not friendly or strong, then she behaves in such a way as to change everything, that is, she will try to do everything to trust her future chosen one, creating warm relationships and a strong family with him.

Different high degree emotionality, such a girl has an internal intuitive sense that helps her recognize lies and deception. This girl will immediately understand if a guy only has a crush on her sexual attraction. She will end any relationship with him, even though it will hurt her decision taken. She does not accept men who talk a lot without confirming their words in action. A man must be both sensitive and instill a sense of stability.

The Cancer woman puts feelings at the forefront, so she expects her man to be affectionate and understanding. She tries not to have any relationships with representatives of the stronger sex, who are rude and uncouth.

Feeling acute shortage in love and care, girls of this sign can spend a lot of time watching romantic comedies or melodramas, trying to compensate for the lack of experienced emotions.

What kind of man is suitable?

A Cancer woman needs a man who:

  • will protect, care and love her, treat her with special attention;
  • has an innate sense of tact, is distinguished by good manners: his manners should be characterized by nobility and be emphatically refined;
  • is in a romantic mood and demonstrates tender feelings towards his chosen one;
  • provides the family with material benefits;
  • able to listen, understand, support and help find a solution in a difficult situation;
  • does not make vain promises that he cannot fulfill.

The best partner that a Cancer woman chooses will instill in her a sense of security and reliability. The Cancer woman evaluates such a chosen one as a strong shoulder on which she can lean in any situation. life situation, especially if there is a difficult period in life.

In addition, such a man should need a thrifty, faithful wife and strive to have children in the near future.

A representative of this sign can have an ideal marriage with a man who strives to have a strong family. Such a woman will not be interested in short-term romantic relationships or dates on the go, since the Cancer woman endures any breakups very hard.

A representative of this sign can create an ideal couple with an independent and discreet man who is distinguished by his determination. If a guy is constantly moping, despondent and upset over trifles, thus demonstrating his weaknesses mental strength, then, with a high degree of probability, it will be rejected. If a representative of the stronger sex is optimistic and knows how to make decisions with an eye to the future, then the Cancer woman will like him.

How to please?

If a man falls in love and has tender feelings for a Cancer woman, then he needs to be patient and also constantly demonstrate his sensitivity and care. Such a man will be expected to be able to guess not only the desires of his chosen one, but also the answers to some of his questions. At first glance, this may seem impossible, but if you like the guy, the Cancer girl will make explicit hints to him.

To win a girl's heart, a guy must have a number of qualities.

  1. Have a romantic attitude. Having organized an interesting or unusual meeting, a representative of the stronger sex can hope for a repeat date. Beautifully arranged candles, a bouquet of flowers or a small gift that the Cancer woman will gladly accept will help create the appropriate atmosphere.
  2. Pay attention to detail. For example, you need to notice in time if a girl’s mood worsens. Don't be afraid to ask what happened and how you can fix the situation.
  3. Show you care. If you want to conquer a representative of this sign, then you need to constantly ask if she is tired, if she wants to drink or eat, if she is cold. These basic signs of attention significantly increase the chances of success. If you heard a positive answer to one of the above questions, then be sure to solve the current problem, because words of participation alone are not enough - they must be supported by action.
  4. To make a Cancer lady fall in love with you, you need to be observant. Try to notice changes in her mood, a new outfit or a different hairstyle.
  5. To win over a representative of this zodiac sign, you need to be a good listener, as these girls love to have heart-to-heart conversations.

Critical men will not be able to attract such a woman, especially if a representative of the stronger sex expresses some kind of criticism or remark towards her.

A Cancer woman can be seduced by a gallant gentleman who is sincerely trying to please her. But you should be extremely careful and in no case “overact”, since she senses a lie “a mile away.”

How to understand?

The Cancer woman is subject to the influence of the changeable Moon, so some men in relationships may find it difficult to understand the behavior or excessive emotionality of their chosen one. But if you show patience and loyalty, seeking trust, the representative of this sign will open her soul to you, telling you about her needs, wants and issues that concern her.

A Cancer young lady in love will be able to listen, console, sympathize and help in a difficult life situation the man who will become her chosen one.

In love, such a woman is distinguished by ardor and passion; she will cherish your relationship. The representative of this constellation is able to transfer all her hidden ardor into the bedroom, embodying even the most daring sexual needs of her partner.

A little about fidelity

Women of this sign are distinguished by loyalty and devotion; they become reliable life companions. They very rarely cheat and start relationships on the side, since the Cancer woman values ​​​​her family, caring for her loved ones and relatives with special trepidation, whom she is very afraid of losing.

Young ladies of this constellation can dare to cheat only if they are extremely unhappy in their relationship. Only in this case will they seek solace from another man. Should only happen emergency, which will provoke the young lady to leave. A Cancer woman needs to feel attention from her husband. If this does not happen, she will begin to feel unloved and unhappy. If at this time she meets another man who is sensitive and attentive, then a romantic relationship may arise between them.

Women will try to carefully hide their betrayal and will be torn between their husband and lover, since they do not want to lose their family, and thanks to their new lover they feel loved and desired again. This situation will destroy her mental strength.

If your chosen one has become nervous and restless, then it’s worth wondering if someone has appeared in her life. new man. And if you want to save your family, then you need to prove to the Cancer woman that you continue to love her and that you are much better than a new hobby.

Are you jealous?

Cancer women are quite jealous, but they hide this character trait with special care. Representatives of this constellation are not just jealous, they experience serious mental pain from the betrayal of their chosen one.

You should not deliberately provoke this young lady to jealousy, trying to “warm up” her feelings. If a Cancer woman becomes jealous, you will lose her trust and thereby provoke her to distance herself and try to protect herself from you. When the jealousy dries up, you will witness how an insurmountable wall of alienation and misunderstanding forms between you. Therefore, it is better not to give these girls a reason to be jealous.

How do you feel about breaking up?

Cancer woman believes in true love to the grave, so he will do everything to save the relationship. She will try not to notice the signs and evidence of the upcoming separation, trying to close her eyes to betrayal or lack of passionate feelings. Such girls rarely make the first decisions to break up with their chosen one.

If representatives of this constellation break up with their soulmate, they will have a hard time enduring this stage in life, but will never cause a huge scandal for a man. Pain in the eyes and mental wound will indicate the feelings that the abandoned woman is experiencing, although she will not demonstratively cry and ask to stay.

The Cancer woman will not be able to recover from a breakup soon, but if she meets a new lover, then she will be able to give him all her tenderness, warmth and care, forgetting about past failed relationships.

The Cancer woman is very mysterious, sensitive and passionate, but the last characteristic of the Cancer woman is hidden very well. The Moon is of great importance to Cancers, so they have a very changeable mood. The main thing in the life of Cancers is home and family, however, if they wish, they can achieve success in their career. Cancer always stands up as a wall to protect their loved ones and friends.

Appearance of a Cancer woman

These are very feminine people with an attractive, downright magnetic gaze. This look is mysterious, naive and piercing at the same time. The Cancer woman has good intuition, so she easily adapts to any interlocutor.

Cancer woman - fashion and style

Cancers spend a lot of time on their appearance, try to maintain their femininity, and most often choose a classic style of clothing. Makeup is often done in dark colors, which adds even more mystery to their look.

Cancer woman has unique property– she seems to be getting younger over the years. Therefore, such women often start relationships with fairly young fans, because with good appearance, age recedes into the background. Cancers have a unique appearance: they are very beautiful and have a wonderful figure, which is often noticed by representatives of the opposite sex. The inner mystery of such women only further inflames the passion of their fans. It takes incredible effort to open a Cancer. Usually only the most faithful, reliable and Cancer lovers People.

These women pay extremely close attention to their appearance, paying attention to every detail. They look younger than their age, so with age it becomes completely impossible to recognize their exact age.

Behavior and inner world of a Cancer woman

These are very sensitive natures; negativity can cause Cancers great discomfort. Often, Cancers turn the words spoken by others in their own way, and then suffer from their own invented illusions.

Cancers experience constant mood swings. They change it fifty times a day. In an argument, a Cancer woman may hate her opponent, but after 15 minutes she will rush to his defense with the same passion. When talking to these individuals, you should choose your words as carefully as possible. Any joke, laughter - everything is perceived as a direct attack towards Cancer.

Cancer Woman: Pros and Cons of Personality

Cancer women are often tormented by feelings of guilt. They constantly look for flaws in themselves. If appearance Cancer does not meet some ideal standards in her head, she will do everything to correct this situation. She remembers grievances and her mistakes for a long time, often remembers them and gets upset again from the failures she has already experienced. Actually such internal conflicts and are the reason frequent changes mood and tearfulness of Cancers.

Work and career for the Cancer woman

These women may well build an excellent career, but their negativity and tearfulness can at one moment undo all their work. Such ladies love to create home comfort in their office. Colleagues trust these people, they share secrets and gossip with them. If a Cancer woman marries successfully and the question arises about the advisability of her work, in 100% of cases Cancer will choose home and family.

Cancer woman's attitude to love, sex, family

How do feelings manifest themselves?

  1. The Cancer woman strives to show her partner her strength, inaccessibility and independence.
  2. These women will always listen and support. This attitude towards the problem always causes awe and delight in men.
  3. The Cancer woman is very romantic. They value only real feelings towards themselves, they hate flirting and relationships that lead to nothing.
  4. Cancers seem to live in their own world, but this is only until they meet their man. When this happens, they change before our eyes and are capable of the most desperate acts for the sake of their family.
  5. For Cancers, daily demonstration of feelings towards them is important.
  6. Cancer women are the most faithful and devoted companions, but in return they, of course, expect the same attitude.
  7. Aggressive men or indifferent men are completely unsuitable for Cancers.
  8. The Cancer woman often doubts the strength of her partner's feelings.
  9. If Cancer falls in love, then without hesitation he begins to talk about home, family and marriage. Many men are frightened by this behavior, especially those who can see through external weakness a strong character and will.

It is important for Cancers to build honest and trusting relationships. Married men they won't be interested. They will not take a man away from the family, knowing the saying that you will never be happy based on someone else’s misfortune.

Cancer woman and sex life

At the beginning of a relationship, Cancers are very uptight and shy, so in bed they are also quite cold and unyielding. But over time, the partner will be able to reveal all the sensuality and passion of these women. In bed, they are selfish and strive to get pleasure themselves rather than satisfy their partner.

Marriage and family of Cancer woman

Cancer women are very attached to their parents' home and usually get married late. They are very afraid of losing the object of their adoration; they consider it their property. At the same time, she will never “nag” her husband, will support him even if he is wrong, and will not cheat. Cancers remain with their chosen one until the end. They are loyal and honest with their feelings.

Home is the main place for Cancer women. They never stop decorating and transforming it. Also, wealth in the family is important for Cancer; at the same time, they do not spend much, but tend to accumulate savings.

These women tend to collect various items antiques, so there is always a lot of interesting things in their house. You will also be well fed here, because Cancers love and know how to cook deliciously.

The Cancer woman always supports her children in everything. She herself is a child at heart, she is able to come to an agreement with her own and other people’s children, and understand them.

Cancer Woman and Gifts

Cancer values ​​home comfort very much, so a good gift for her there will be some kind of interior item, a figurine, a painting or a vase, which will become a source of pride and decorate her home.

A photo album or frame will also appeal to Cancer women, as they love to remember moments from the past.

The Cancer woman loves antiques, which means that you can give her some antique item, a tapestry, for example, a box or a book as a gift.

A beautiful blanket, slippers, a mug - all this will also please the Cancer woman.

Romantic Cancers will be surprised and delighted by a gift in the form of a boat trip on the river, a picnic in nature, a trip to a resort, and so on.

Cancers will definitely like a gift related to the water element: a trip to a water park, a swimming pool, a vacation on the lake.

Date of birth is an indisputable factor that influences the similarity of character traits, fates and motives of behavior among thousands of people. At the moment a person is born, the Sun is in one constellation or another. The date of birth determines what character and temperament the baby will have. No science can either confirm or refute the influence of zodiac signs. To understand the characteristics of a Cancer girl, you need to look at her as a separate person.

Character traits

Characteristics of the Zodiac sign for a Cancer woman begin with an understanding of the characteristics of her character and temperament. Cancer - moon sign. The Cancer girl herself is the same. U wonderful representatives This sign has a complex mental organization. Such a statement as “another’s soul is darkness” fits perfectly with them. They believe in the transmigration of souls and respect the past. And they consider themselves to be a kind of link in a chain that connects the past and the future.

As a rule, these girls are gentle, weak and timid, who need the support of their loved ones. He is very sensitive to criticism and ridicule. Cancer is thrifty, she will always have money put aside for a rainy day. But you can’t call her a stingy girl. She can happily spend a tidy sum on shopping. She is also accustomed to shopping therapy to treat mental illness. Cancers love to chat, but they will never reveal someone else's secrets. With friends and with her significant other, she is devoted.

There are so many incomprehensible things hidden in the soul of the fair sex of this sign. But not everyone will be allowed to these secrets. In public she is a confident and independent girl, but alone with her family she allows herself to be fragile, tender and a little fearful. To open the soul of Cancer, you need to show her love and care. And this applies to both relatives and significant other.

To be happy, everyone, without exception, needs to overcome their shortcomings. The Cancer woman has more than enough of them. To change your own destiny for the better, She needs to get rid of such negative character traits as:

Communication and friends

The Cancer girl’s characteristics in communication with other signs are positive. This is a pleasant person to talk to. She can support any topic of conversation. She is a wonderful storyteller. Even her most extraordinary stories are filled with life and very interesting. But this girl’s interlocutors need to remember that she is very impressionable and any wrongly spoken word or joke can completely turn her away from the person.

The mood of representatives of this sign is very changeable; it can change up to several times a day. Often has his head in the clouds. She always has some thoughts and ideas about the future or longing for the past in her head.

These girls have quite attractive appearance. They have many friends and acquaintances. Always ready to listen and help both in word and deed. There are always loyal relationships with friends. Cancers will never allow themselves to speak unflatteringly towards their loved ones, no matter what their relationship is. Before speaking, this woman will analyze every word in order to avoid tactlessness in her expressions and actions. Because he understands firsthand how the words and actions of family and friends can hurt. Like everyone else, representatives of this sign have positive and negative qualities in communicating with people:

  • "pros"- care, attention, tolerance, gentleness, tenderness, condescension, sensuality, loyalty, reliability, understanding and sympathy;
  • "minuses"- isolation, vulnerability, touchiness and temper.

Love relationships and sex

To win the heart of a Cancer girl, you need to know about the principle of “three nos”:

  • no criticism;
  • no ridicule;
  • no to rejection.

Another important principle is respect for her parents. Representatives of this sign, just like others, need affection, care and love, then she will be able to completely devote herself to her loved one.

With all her external and internal qualities, this woman will never take the first step. She expects this from a man, since for her this is a certain indicator of masculinity and leadership. Cancer combines modesty and charm, which make her desirable to many young people. In love, this woman gives herself completely, and demands the same from her other half. In relation to herself, she wants to feel love and respect from her partner. He must constantly say and prove that she is the most beautiful, smartest and has no equal. Cancer will be faithful to such a person and will even forgive minor shortcomings.

The best way to feel the nature of your Cancer lover is while walking under the Moon, somewhere on the seashore or river bank. This is her element. In the moonlight she will appear spiritually naked, showing all her qualities. Perhaps you will be able to capture her alien, magical charm, which is unique to this zodiac sign.

Cancer girls come in two types: some are modest and feminine, others are very clingy. If the couple has been in a relationship for a long time, then the second type of Cancer will not cause any particular inconvenience. But if the relationship is only at the stage of conception and development, then such behavior and persistence can push away the person. Cancers of the second type do not bother much about the fact that their persistence does not suit someone. They cling as if it will forever and it will be difficult to escape from these claws. Fortunately, this type of Cancer girl is quite rare.

In love, a representative of this sign is subject to fears and doubts. Constantly looking for flaws in himself. Her loved one must get used to this and constantly convince her otherwise. Cancer will never agree to an easy and free relationship. She needs seriousness, not simple flirting and sexual pleasures.

This woman will let a man into bed if she has feelings for him. In sex, she loves tenderness, affection and showering with compliments. If the partner takes into account all the wishes of Cancer, he will be able to get great pleasure.

Girls of this sign love comfort and romance. They will have sex slowly, enjoying their partner and the situation as a whole. Since Cancer is a lunar zodiac sign, everything related to the night and the moon will be more important than ever for them. For example, sex at night on the beach is what you need.

Also, candles, an aromatic lamp with oils, and relaxing music will set the Cancer woman in an erotic mood. Her favorite position is “man from behind,” because then she doesn’t have to worry about what her facial expression will be like during orgasm. If this girl’s loved one always takes into account her wishes, then the time spent together will be unforgettable.

Compatibility and marriage

IN family relationships Representatives of this sign are maximalists. A long period meetings are not for them. After six months or at most a year of relationship, these girls give an ultimatum: marriage or separation. Cancer women are an example of those wives who never leave, even if her life partner is a womanizer. This is due to the fact that representatives of this sign are endowed with all-forgiving love. She simply cannot live any other way. She has a fear that she might be left completely alone.

In the compatibility of zodiac signs according to the horoscope, the characteristics of the Cancer woman have a number of positive and negative aspects. Good compatibility will be with the following zodiac signs:

But the Cancer girl will not develop strong and long-term relationships with all signs of the Zodiac. Poor compatibility with men of the following signs:

  1. Excessive sensitivity and tenderness in a relationship will irritate the representative Gemini. Cancer simply cannot get along with a person who treats everything with frivolity.
  2. Man Aquarius cannot satisfy the Cancer woman's need for stability. But these zodiac signs can coexist perfectly as friends.
  3. Scales They can charm a woman, but they cannot provide stability and security.
  4. Compatible with Capricorn below average, since with such a sign there is no confidence in the need for this person.
  5. Charmed the girl at first sight Sagittarius Over time, it will become annoying and bring discomfort to your life together.

For this woman, family is a world where its own rules and traditions reign. For her, her parents will always come first, and then her own family. She is ready to sit late and wait for her husband to get home from work. During the day she will call him and find out how he is doing and whether he had lunch today. She will never dare to raise her voice against her husband first or start a scandal. She characterizes all this as a manifestation of weakness, which is completely unacceptable for her.

As for children, Cancer is a kind and caring mother who cherishes and supports her child in every possible way. Having become a mother, she does not forget about her husband. Her love, warmth and care are enough for both. The disadvantage of such mothers is that their excessive love develops selfishness in the child. Growing up, such children bring difficulties to the family. They cannot decide anything on their own; it is difficult for them to escape from under their mother’s wing.

For such a housewife, a house is a refuge where you can hide from the outside world and be alone with yourself. These women are very economical. This housewife always has a full refrigerator. Their house is a full bowl. Love, comfort and coziness always reign here.

Health and Cancer talismans

The health of this sign can be called satisfactory. The weak link is the stomach and intestines. This sign needs to watch what he has for breakfast. It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the lungs, since this lady often catches colds. A representative of this sign can be let down by such a character trait as suspiciousness. Because of her nervous system girls often fail. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but immediately contact a specialist. This is no joke!

The Cancer girl has magical helpers - talisman stones. According to ancient beliefs, the strongest and most effective for her are:

  1. Moonstone (selenite). This stone is a symbol of the magical power of the Moon. Selenite is recommended to be inserted into wedding rings, to save to long years love and care. Also, this stone in a silver frame will help those who suffer from nervous diseases.
  2. Emerald- stone of the patroness of the hearth. According to legend, this bright green stone provides strong family life. It is also useful for those who have vision problems.
  3. Cat's eye (chrysoberyl). This stone brings good luck to those who love gambling. Good helper for colds and asthma. Chrysoberyl brings mental peace, tranquility and excellent sleep.

Briefly about the main thing

Astrologers study movement every day celestial bodies, compile horoscopes for each zodiac sign. These signs help to understand the essence of a person, his inherent character traits, and what talents he possesses. Even a person himself can know himself better, choose the right profession, learn about his strengths and weaknesses. Such knowledge will help you take a step in the right direction in life. Understanding the signs of the Zodiac will help a person decide on friendship and love. With their help, you can find out the compatibility of a character with another sign you like.