Salt-free sauerkraut according to Bragg's field. Diet for weight loss from the Bragg field

Famous American figure in alternative medicine Paul Bragg he loved to eat well. He was one of the few who knew how to truly enjoy food. One of the pillars of Paul Bragg's world-famous health system is healthy natural nutrition. Everyone knows the phrase: a person is what he eats. Is our physical body consists of cells that are powered by the very food we eat. If we eat non-toxic, natural food, then we will get a healthy and strong body.

didn't recommend:

- fried food;

- canned products;

Paul Bragg identified a number of foods that he would eat.

- all types of nuts and seeds;

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Paul Bragg drank exclusively distilled water. He believed that only she could flush out all toxins from the human body (he also suggested drinking clean rainwater as a substitute.) He completely excluded it from his usual diet, because. he argued that it was not a food product at all. But it is a direct destroyer of health. Salt retains water in the human body, leading to swelling, swelling blood pressure, and as a consequence, to hypertension. To get rid of the notorious “flatness” and add a piquant and memorable taste to dishes, Paul Bragg recommended using a variety of spices and seasonings: cumin, coriander, dill, various peppers and much more. He recommended dressing salads with lemon juice.

didn't recommend:
- refined sugar and products containing it: preserves (jam), sherbet, jelly, cakes, lollipops, cookies, sweet buns, sweet drinks;
- mustard, ketchup, marinades, green olives, spicy tomato sauce;
- products containing salt: salted nuts, cookies, crackers, potato chips;
- ordinary (not wild) rice;
- ready-made meals such as corn flakes;
- fried food;
- artificial oils, margarines, hydrogenated fats, cottonseed and peanut oils;
- pork and other fatty meats, smoked fish, sausages;
- meat of chickens and other birds that were fed with growth stimulants;
- coffee, coffee drinks, black and green teas;
- alcoholic drinks and tobacco;
- canned products;
- stale and heated food;
- flour products (white and rye bread, cakes, waffles, cookies).

And, of course, there is another list. It includes those foods that you can and should eat every day. Special attention Paul Bragg recommended focusing on vegetables and fruits. In his deepest conviction, they should make up at least 60% of the total diet. It's better if you get more.

Paul Bragg identified a number of foods that he would eat.
- apples, pears, bananas, berries (cherries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.), watermelon (especially loved by propagandists healthy image life), melon, figs (fresh and dry), lemons, limes, avocados, mangoes, oranges, tangerines, and other citrus fruits, peaches, papayas, apricots, plums, prunes, pineapples;
- cabbage (common white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), beans, peas, artichokes, garlic, leeks, lettuce, beets, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, onion, corn, pumpkin, turnips, spinach, radishes, all types of peppers, parsnips;
- all types of nuts and seeds;
- honey (pure raw), unrefined sugar, cane sugar, date sugar;
- sunflower, corn, olive oil, walnut oil;
- maple syrup, raw molasses;
- coarse flour, dark (wild) rice, whole wheat, whole rye, buckwheat, millet, barley.

Paul Bragg considered it a product that people could easily do without. For those who can't, he recommended limiting himself to two slices a day. The bread should be dry.

Paul Bragg was not a vegetarian - he sometimes ate eggs, cheese, fish, meat, but extremely, extremely rarely (once every few months). He did this according to signals own body, which he treated seriously and with respect. So he does not recommend eating salted and smoked fish due to the cholesterol and salt they contain. But he doesn't mind boiled or steamed fish. Just like he has nothing against shrimp, crayfish, oysters and other seafood. On meat, Paul Bragg's position is tougher. He advises, if possible, to do without of this product, and as a last resort, limit yourself to chicken and turkey meat, as it is the least fatty and contains less cholesterol than other types of meat.

Paul Bragg never drank while eating, i.e. I didn’t wash down my food. He drank exclusively distilled (or pure rain) water, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, as well as hot infusions and herbal teas.

Also one of the aspects proper nutrition, Paul Bragg believed alkaline diet. The diet he offers, consisting of at least 60% fresh, natural vegetables and fruits, gives the body an alkaline reaction and helps reduce acidity. This means avoiding such threats as hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Paul Bragg assigned a very important role in the nutrition system to health-improving fasting. He said that in order to cleanse the body of decay products and all kinds of poisons accumulating in it, it is necessary to carry out weekly daily fasting and once every three months - withstand seven to ten days of fasting. During fasting, drink only water.

During Paul Bragg's lifetime, the issue of food products with the addition of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) was not as pressing as it is today. And speaking of natural and natural nutrition, Paul Bragg most often meant that vegetables and fruits should not be grown in greenhouses, but in open sun that they should not contain nitrates, pesticides and other chemical substances, which are sometimes, unfortunately, determined in the composition of products.

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Along with this read:

Dr. Bragg has dedicated his entire life to alternative medicine. His theories were detailed in more than 100 publications, including three books, one of which promoted the benefits of temporary food abstinence (Paul Bragg, The Miracle of Fasting). The circulation of his publications sold millions of copies. Paul often traveled around the world giving lectures. Over the years, Bragg assembled an impressive group kindred spirits, including Clint Eastwood, Muhammad Ali, Bernard Macphaden, Mahatma Gandhi and many others. His life credo was physical and spiritual development every day.

Dr. Bragg: Sunlight and proper nutrition work wonders

Paul Bragg was born in 1881 in Fairfax County, Virginia and lived to be 96 years old, maintaining strength of mind and body. His diet consisted exclusively of healthy foods, always including goat milk and clean distilled water. Dr. Bragg always followed a certain regimen, avoided overuse salt. The famous nutritionist jogged daily in the fresh air or swam several kilometers in the pool, played tennis, climbed mountains and loved to dance.

Paul Bragg was an ardent bodybuilder and advocate of a healthy lifestyle. At the age of 16, the future centenarian was hospitalized with a serious illness - tuberculosis. He left the clinic, where he was not given any chance of survival, and went to distant Switzerland, where Dr. Auguste Rollier cured him in two years with the help of sunlight and special diet, including natural products.

Until old age, the optimist felt quite cheerful, loved life and enjoyed it wholeheartedly. One of his good habits was to stand on his hands upside down for 5 minutes twice a day. In the old photo, in this pose, you can see the doctor with his daughter, who was also his ardent follower, a fan of a healthy lifestyle and such a cleansing method as therapeutic fasting for the sake of health.

Healthy fasting according to Paul Bragg

The famous American nutritionist and doctor of alternative medicine, Bragg, is one of the first people in the world who seriously began to popularize a healthy lifestyle.

His book (Paul Bragg, The Miracle of Fasting) gained worldwide fame. This publication is in great demand today, and the method healing fasting It is considered one of the effective ways to lose weight and cleanse the body as a whole.

Bragg argued that proper fasting should become an integral part of life, and should be carried out at least once a week. The ideal option according to Bragg is to fast for 7-10 days every 3 months, this helps develop defensive reactions body.

Besides, this method significantly improves blood circulation in an empty stomach and intestines. In this way, the blood is purified naturally.

The main thing in fasting

A one-day Bragg fast consists of exactly 24 hours. A nutritionist recommends taking a laxative in the evening or using a cleansing enema in the morning. After this, prepare herbal tea. Mint, marjoram, chamomile, parsley and others are perfect.

The main thing about fasting is that you cannot eat absolutely anything except herbal tea and water. Therapeutic fasting at home is best done on a day off. You can get a good night's sleep, relax, unwind and recharge your batteries for the upcoming workdays.

The key to cleansing the body

During fasting, natural cleansing processes in the body are launched. By adhering to a kind of fasting, the body receives a well-deserved physiological rest, and as a result, the body becomes more active. vitality, which help get rid of waste and toxins.

When food stops entering the body, the force that was used to convert food into energy is now used to get rid of waste products. Positive results fasting will not keep you waiting, provided that it was carried out in the right way.

The biggest discovery of our time

Bragg fasting is an excellent way to physically rejuvenate and slow down premature aging. Probably the greatest fear of mankind at all times has been the fear premature old age and death. Many are wildly afraid of the day when they will become sick, old and helpless.

To feel vigorous and full of energy at both 80 and 90 years old, it is important not only to cleanse your body of waste and toxins, you need to get rid of fear, stress, anger and unnecessary worry, which can destroy precious vital energy.

Fasting for weight loss and maintaining vital energy

The body must have inexhaustible vital energy to be able to perform its functions perfectly. As you know, the food consumed passes through the entire body, it must be thoroughly chewed, digested, absorbed, and then safely removed. A person has four large organ responsible for cleansing: intestines, kidneys, lungs and skin.

The benefit of fasting is that the body obtains the energy it needs, which is received by every cell in the body. Dr. Bragg believed that 99% of all human suffering is caused by unhealthy and unnatural diets. The efficiency of any machine depends on the quality and quantity of fuel received to reproduce energy. The same can be said about the human body.

Fighting bad habits

A person is not always his own master; often people are hostage to numerous bad habits. And the worst thing is that it is most often known harmful influence high consumption of salt, refined sugar, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and so on. But this does not mean that bad addictions are over. Every pack of cigarettes contains a warning that this habit can lead to serious illnesses and significantly reduce years of life. What does a smoker do - read and smoke further.

The same can be said about food, everyone is aware of what food is unhealthy and harmful, and how negatively it affects the entire body, but this knowledge has not yet left a single triple cheeseburger unclaimed. Who controls your appetite and forces you to eat incorrectly? There is no answer to this pressing question, otherwise so many people would not suffer from obesity and diseases associated with excess weight.

Only positive thinking it is possible to overcome the bad habits that human flesh craves. You need to desire such things as excellent health, incredible strength and endurance, enormous vitality and toned body, which you can be proud of. You need to live in harmony with Mother Nature, and not against her! And therapeutic fasting (Paul Bragg) can provide an invaluable service to the body.

Illness is a sign of problems in the body

Many people have noticed that a special relationship with food develops as their well-being changes. If a person is upset about something, he begins to “eat up” his problems, or, conversely, his appetite completely disappears. Bragg fasting (for weight loss and more) is aimed at cleansing and healing. In case of illness or severe malaise(or the next day after a stormy feast) you don’t feel like eating anything at all. Thus, the body signals that it is necessary to cleanse itself and temporarily not eat food in order to restore its strength.

People have been familiar with fasting since ancient times. The survival instinct is embedded by nature in every cell of the body. main reason The reason why sick or injured animals refuse to eat is that the instinct of self-preservation suppresses their feeling of hunger. Thus, vital forces are directed primarily not to digest food, but are concentrated on the sore spot, cleansing and healing problem areas.

Raw fruits and vegetables - nature's cleansers

No one will deny the fact that vegetables and fruits are good for health. This is true; you can include fresh salads in your diet in almost unlimited quantities. All raw nuts and seeds (almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts, sunflower seeds and so on) with moderate consumption will only bring benefits.

It is advisable to eat meat no more than 2-3 times a week. Not in vain in an effective way against feeling unwell is a transition (even if temporary) to a vegetarian menu. You should avoid eating refined sugar and starch, but give preference to plant sources of protein (legumes, nuts, seeds).

Benefits of fasting

According to Paul Bragg's method, during complete fasting a person drinks exclusively water and tea without sugar. This method was successfully adopted and put into practice by the followers of the great nutritionist. Scientific research confirm positive influence temporary abstinence from this human joy. At the same time, weight loss is also noted, which does not negatively affect the general condition.

Fasting (according to Bragg) is a certain irritant to which the body reacts with a whole complex of protective adaptive reactions. How to fast correctly? The specifics of the process are as follows:

  1. Every 7th day is a day of hunger strike.
  2. Every 3 months - fast for a week.
  3. Once a year - 3-4 weeks of fasting.

Fasting according to Bragg does not imply a restriction in water, which should be consumed only in pure, or preferably distilled, form (you can add a little honey and a couple of drops of lemon juice).

Food Pyramid by Paul Bragg

All healthy foods The nutritionist conditionally divided the diet into 3 groups. In percentage terms it looks like this:

Proper nutrition and Bragg fasting (reviews from visitors to numerous women's forums about the results of this technique indicate that its use is quite appropriate and reasonable) are the key to excellent health and, together with moderate physical activity, can significantly prolong life.

How to fast correctly?

After deciding to try therapeutic fasting for yourself, you should not aim at the results of advanced Buddhist monks who can fast for months on end. It's best to start small. The right thing to do would be to start with one day. Almost everyone can do this test.

However, this does not mean at all that the next day you can eat a huge cake with whipped cream and eat it with a fried chicken leg; in this case, yesterday's hunger strike will not bring any benefit, but even vice versa. The best way to end a fasting day is a carrot and cabbage salad dressed with lemon juice. After this, preference should be given to greens and fresh vegetables.

If you have already decided to take care of your health and cleansing, then you need to be frank with yourself and adhere to all the rules, and not just those you like. In between fasting periods, the menu should contain mainly natural products. After a couple of months of proper nutrition, you can give the body the necessary nutritional fasting for a period of 3-4 days. And after six months, the body is ready for a whole week of abstaining from food.

Fasting and weight loss

The problem excess weight a significant part of the world's population is concerned. This is facilitated by an inactive lifestyle, unhealthy diet, environmental problems, and many other factors. Despite the fact that most doctors do not consider it useful and safe methods Bragg regarding therapeutic fasting to lose weight and cleanse the body, at the end of the 20th century it was very popular to fast according to Bragg, and his book was reprinted many times and even rewritten by hand.

However, it is impossible not to recognize the useful truths that he preached. Among them the most important factors that have a healing effect on human health are sunlight, fresh air, clean water, natural food, fasting, moderate physical exercise, rest, correct posture and the strength of the human spirit.

  1. Limit the consumption of salt and sugar, white rice, flour, coffee, and fatty meats.
  2. Take breaks (4-5 hours) between meals so that it can be properly digested. While eating, chew each piece thoroughly.
  3. Breakfast should not be too rich; in the morning it is better to eat fresh fruit and drink protein energy shakes.
  4. In addition to herbal teas and juices, you should drink eight glasses of pure distilled water.
  5. Do not consume cow's milk and dairy products made from it. It is better to use goat's milk.
  6. More than half of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. It is better to start any meal with raw foods, and then eat steamed or boiled food. Be sure to include grains and nuts in your menu.
  7. There is an expression: breakfast must be earned. After a night's rest, you shouldn't immediately run to the kitchen; it wouldn't hurt to go for a run or walk.
  8. You shouldn't eat if you don't feel hungry.
  9. Enjoy sunrise and sunset, as sunlight at this time has antimicrobial properties and healing energy.
  10. Instead of meat, it is better to eat protein of plant origin, since vegetarian food is more beneficial for the body. From time to time, carry out therapeutic fasting at home (at least once a week).
  11. Regularly and with pleasure play sports, walk, swim, bike rides.
  12. Think positively, develop cheerfulness, kindness, love yourself and your family.
  13. Sleep at least 8 hours at night. This magical time for restoring energy and vitality should not be neglected.

Rational fasting

Proper fasting can have a positive effect and has already helped a huge number of people. Many seriously ill patients, having come to terms with premature death, received a second chance and hope for recovery. Real miracles happened to the lucky 60-70 year olds who mastered the method of therapeutic fasting. Whenever possible, they played sports, discovered hitherto unknown talents and hobbies, looked more optimistically into the future and literally became younger before their eyes, both physically and spiritually.

Bragg's strong recommendation regarding long-term abstinence food was strictly controlled by the doctor, this is if the fast was more than one week. Important role in the process of cleansing and healing, self-hypnosis plays a role, and maybe this is the most difficult thing, to believe in your strength and in the fact that fasting days will help get rid of waste, toxins and extra pounds accumulated over many years.

You need to accustom your body to fasting gradually, first 1 day, then 3 days, then a week. You shouldn’t go to the point of absurdity and torture yourself, you should listen to your body and give it what it really needs. At the same time, it is important to correctly recognize the signals coming from within, since often the inner voice whispers about what it wants, and not about what it really needs.

Mostly raw and natural foods, intermittent fasting, minimum salt, exclusion of refined foods and table salt from the diet, distilled or melt water - all these are the bases on which Paul Bragg’s nutrition system is built. Let us now try to take a closer look at the basic principles of the system of the founder of the American movement healthy eating. So,

Basic principles of the Paul Bragg nutrition system

60% of a person's diet should consist of fruits and vegetables

Either raw or properly cooked. They are not only the main source of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, but also suppliers of fiber, thereby helping the functioning of the digestive system. Vegetables and fruits - natural and healthy food. Be sure to include salads of raw vegetables and fruits in your diet, eat them for breakfast and dessert.

Do not eat canned or frozen fruits and vegetables unless you canned or frozen them yourself. Industrially processed products lose most their useful properties, and besides, they often contain large doses of various preservatives and other chemicals.

20% of the diet should be protein foods

Is the most important food element building material for our body. The body uses proteins, which are broken down into their constituent amino acids as a result of food processes. Then, from digestive tract amino acids enter the blood and are distributed throughout the body.

Paul Bragg believed that meat and eggs should be consumed no more than 3-4 times a week. You can eat any lean meat. And the best source of protein is fish.

Excellent sources of protein include soy and other legumes, brown rice, nuts, seeds, sesame seeds and brewer's yeast.

The remaining 20% ​​of the diet comes in 3 equal parts

First part - vegetable oils, from which the body receives the necessary fatty acid. serve as one of the sources of energy, in addition they protect the body from hypothermia and internal organs from bruises. Fats ensure absorption fat-soluble vitamins and are responsible for the good condition of skin and hair.

The second part is natural sources of sweets, such as honey, dried fruits and other sweets of plant origin.

The third part is natural starches found in potatoes and cereals.

Starches and sweets serve as sources of energy, and in addition regulate the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Intermittent fasting should be practiced

Breg himself noted that fasting is not a method of treatment, but rather a way to awaken dormant thoughts in the body. healing powers and his desire for health.

Fasting lasting one day once a week, 7-10 days once a quarter and two to three weeks once a year are very beneficial for the body. During fasting, toxins are removed and the body's hidden reserves are used, which leads to the cleansing and renewal of all human tissues and organs.

Of course, we should not forget that fasting has certain indications and contraindications for use. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before doing it, and long-term fasting should be carried out only in special institutions under the constant supervision of specialists.

You should avoid eating salt

Salt does not contain any vitamins or minerals, with the exception of inorganic sodium and chlorine. But according to Paul Bragg’s nutritional system, the amount of organic sodium and chlorine that we get from food is enough for us. And regular use of table salt only poisons the body and can provoke many serious diseases, for example: diseases of the genitourinary, cardiovascular and other systems.

Replacement ordinary water distilled or thawed

Tap water is too contaminated with industrial compounds and salts, and is therefore very harmful. According to the Bragg system, melted or distilled water is an ideal replacement for tap water.

Thanks to the method of production, melt water contains a minimum of harmful impurities and salts; it is already structured, which makes it easier to digest.

Distilled water, according to many scientists, disrupts the functioning of the body, as it washes salts out of it, which leads to serious consequences for good health. But Paul Bragg believed that if you eat a large amount of vegetables and fruits and drink distilled water, then only excess salts will be removed from the body.

The most important rules of Paul Bragg's nutrition system

Paul Bragg, having devoted his life to the study of health-improving techniques and systems that prolong life and its active period, deduced following rules power supply:


Despite some controversial issues (the use of distilled water, complete refusal, etc.), the Breg system is generally well balanced and its use will have a beneficial effect on human health and life expectancy.

The good thing about Paul Brega's nutritional system is that its author himself adhered to the principles he expressed and was able to overcome childhood illnesses. And despite the fact that the story of his death at the age of 95 as a result of an accident while riding a surfboard, is nothing more than a beautiful legend. True, it is still not far from the truth: his death occurred as a result heart attack after a surfing accident. According to official documents, Breg's age was 81 at the time of his death. Agree, not everyone lives to such a respectable age, not to mention the opportunity to ride a board on the waves.

Paul Bragg claimed that a person could live 120 years or even more. And, without exaggeration, by his example he inspired and continues to inspire millions of people around the world.

Live long and don't get sick!

It's not often in life that you meet a doctor who by example has proven the effectiveness of his treatment program. Exactly like this a rare person There was Paul Bragg, who with his life showed the importance of healthy eating and cleansing the body. After his death (he died at 96 while surfing!) during an autopsy, doctors were amazed that the inside of his body was like that of an 18-year-old boy.

Philosophy of life Paul Bragg (or Grandfather Bragg, as he liked to call himself) devoted his life to the physical and spiritual healing of people. He believed that everyone who dares to fight for themselves, guided by reason, can achieve health. Anyone can live long and stay young. Let's get acquainted with his ideas.

Paul Bragg identifies the following nine factors that determine human health, which he calls “doctors”:

Doctor Sunshine

In short, the eulogy to the sun looks something like this: All life on earth depends on the sun. Many diseases arise only because people spend too little time in the sun. People also don't eat enough herbal products, directly grown using solar energy.

Doctor Fresh Air

Human health greatly depends on air. It is important that the air a person breathes is clean and fresh. Therefore, it is advisable to sleep with open windows and don't wrap yourself up at night. It is also important to spend a lot of time outdoors: walking, running, swimming, dancing. As for breathing, he considers slow, deep breathing to be best.

Doctor Clean Water

Bragg examines various aspects of the influence of water on human health: water in the diet, sources of food water, water treatments, mineral water, hot springs. He examines the role of water in removing waste from the body, circulating blood, maintaining the body's temperature balance, and lubricating joints.

Doctor Healthy Natural Nutrition

According to Bragg, a person does not die, but commits slow suicide through his unnatural habits. Unnatural habits concern not only lifestyle, but also nutrition. All cells human body, even bone ones, are constantly renewed. In principle, this is the potential for eternal life. But this potential is not realized, because, on the one hand, people suffer greatly from overeating and the entry into the body of completely alien and unnecessary chemicals, and on the other hand, from a lack of vitamins and microelements in their food as a result of the fact that All large quantity He receives products not in natural form, but in processed form, such as hot dogs, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, ice cream. Paul Bragg believed that 60% of the human diet should consist of fresh, raw vegetables and fruits. Bragg also categorically advised against using any salt in food, be it table, rock or sea. Despite the fact that Paul Bragg was not a vegetarian, he argued that people simply would not want to eat foods such as meat, fish or eggs themselves - unless, of course, they adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. As for milk and dairy products, he advised excluding them from the diet of an adult completely, since milk by nature is intended for feeding infants. He also spoke out against the consumption of tea, coffee, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages, since they contain stimulants. In short, here's what you should avoid in your diet: unnaturalness, refinement, processing, the presence of dangerous chemicals, preservatives, stimulants, dyes, flavor enhancers, growth hormones, pesticides and other unnatural synthetic additives.

Doctor Fasting (Fasting)

Paul Bragg points out that the word “fasting” has been known since very ancient times. It is mentioned 74 times in the Bible. The prophets fasted. Jesus Christ fasted. It is described in the works of ancient physicians. He points out that fasting does not heal any individual organ or part of the human body, but heals it as a whole, both physically and spiritually. The healing effect of fasting is explained by the fact that during fasting, when digestive system gets a break, a very ancient mechanism of self-purification and self-healing, inherent in every person, is activated. At the same time, toxins are removed from the body, that is, substances that the body does not need, and autolysis becomes possible - decomposition into component parts and self-digestion of disadvantaged areas of the human body by the forces of the body itself. In his opinion, “fasting under reasonable supervision or provided with deep knowledge is the safest path to achieving health.”

Paul Bragg himself usually preferred short periodic posts - 24-36 hours a week, one week per quarter. He paid special attention to the correct way out of fasting. This is exceptional important aspect a procedure that requires thorough theoretical knowledge and strict adherence to a certain diet for a certain time, depending on the duration of abstinence from food.

Doctor Physical Activity

Paul Bragg draws attention to the fact that physical activity, activity, movement, regular muscle load, exercise is the law of life, the law of conservation wellness. The muscles and organs of the human body atrophy if they do not receive sufficient and regular exercise. Physical exercise improves blood circulation, which leads to faster supply to all cells of the human body necessary substances and accelerates the removal of excess substances. In this case, sweating is often observed, which is also powerful mechanism excretion from the body unnecessary substances. They help normalize blood pressure and prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. According to Bragg, a person engaged in physical exercise, may be less restrained in his diet, because in this case part of his food replenishes the energy spent on exercise. Regarding the species physical activity, then Bragg praises gardening, outdoor work in general, dancing, different kinds sports, including directly naming: running, cycling, and skiing, and also speaks highly of swimming, winter swimming, but he has the best opinion about long walks on foot.

Doctor Rest

Paul Bragg states that modern man lives in a crazy world, imbued with the spirit of fierce competition, in which he has to withstand enormous tension and stress, which is why he is inclined to use all sorts of stimulants. However, in his opinion, rest is not compatible with the use of stimulants such as alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, or any pills, since they do not provide real relaxation or proper rest. He focuses on the fact that rest must be earned through physical and mental work. Bragg draws attention to the fact that the contamination of the human body with waste products serves as a constant factor of irritation nervous system, depriving her of normal rest. Therefore, to enjoy a good rest, you need to cleanse your body of everything that is a burden for it. The means for this are the previously mentioned factors: sun, air, water, nutrition, fasting and activity.

Doctor Posture

According to Paul Bragg, if a person eats right and takes good care of his body, then good posture is not a problem. Otherwise, incorrect posture often results. Then you have to resort to corrective measures, such as special exercises and constant attention to your posture. His advice on posture boils down to keeping your spine straight, your stomach tucked in, your shoulders back, your head up. When walking, the step should be measured and springy. IN sitting position It is recommended not to place one leg on top of the other as this interferes with blood circulation. When a person stands, walks and sits straight, correct posture develops by itself, and all vital organs return to their normal position and function normally.

Doctor Human Spirit (Mind)

According to the doctor, the soul is the first principle in a person, which determines his “I”, individuality and personality, and makes each of us unique and inimitable. Spirit (mind) is the second principle through which the soul, in fact, is expressed. The body (flesh) is the third principle of man; this is its physical, visible part, the means through which the human spirit (mind) is expressed. These three principles make up a single whole called man. One of Paul Bragg’s favorite theses, repeated many times in his famous book “The Miracle of Fasting,” is that the flesh is stupid and must be controlled by the mind - only by the effort of the mind can a person overcome his bad habits, which the stupid body clings to. At the same time, in his opinion, improper nutrition can largely determine a person’s enslavement to the flesh. Fasting and a constructive life program can contribute to the liberation of a person from this humiliating slavery.

He based his diet on the principle of short-term fasting. Paul Bragg believed that sharply restricting calories for a short period of time stimulates cells to renew.

Bragg nutrition: main conditions

Positive aspects of the Paul Bragg diet

Studies and observations of experimental groups of volunteers have shown that short-term fasting causes short-term stress in the body. It reacts by activating metabolic processes and producing substances that stimulate cell renewal. Simply put, short-term dietary restriction mobilizes health, rejuvenates and prolongs life.

Meanwhile, the mechanisms of rejuvenation of the body during fasting have been studied in detail quite recently. This process is called the term “autophagy,” which literally stands for self-criticism. Its meaning is that during fasting, the body's cells get rid of obsolete internal structures- organelles, proteins and cell membranes. These components simply decompose and are removed from the cells, and they are replaced with new ones. The autophagy process is stimulated by the hormone glucagon, which is the opposite of insulin and is produced during fasting. Intake of at least one amino acid from food inhibits autophagy.

It is believed that autophagy is activated even with intermittent fasting for 8-16 hours; fasting for 24 hours is even more effective.
It is convenient to practice 24 hours from 5 pm one day to 5 pm the next, while drinking water is allowed. WITH medical point vision (in the absence of contraindications), it is safe and useful to carry out such fasting once a week. 8-16 hours without food (intermittent fasting): 1-2 times a week skipping one or two meals. This also triggers autophagy.

I wonder what kind of discovery of mechanisms this process On October 3, 2016 it was awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine to the Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi.

Fasting according to Bragg - there are also disadvantages

“The Miracle of Fasting” is Bragg’s author’s manual, which instantly became a bestseller at the end of the last century. A physiotherapist by training, Bragg recommended going on a “hunger strike” once every week or 10 days in a row every six months. If the first option is well tolerated and has virtually no contraindications, then in the case of a 10-day fast, health complications are possible.

This diet is strictly contraindicated for elderly people, pregnant and lactating women, and unformed teenagers. It can cause a number of serious diseases, including anorexia, anemia, arterial hypotension, nervous exhaustion.

A complete abstinence from salt is also a controversial point in the Bragg diet. Salt is an important component in a diet that contains sodium ions involved in many metabolic processes, so completely eliminating salt can be dangerous. However, salt also retains water in the body, and excess sodium chloride leads to hypertension. The best option- reducing the amount of salt and replacing it with spices, eliminating overly salty finished products.

Summer egg salad by Paul Bragg


Preparing the salad