Derinat spray for adults. Immunomodulating agent Derinat Spray - "☑ pluses and minuses of Derinat Spray

Latin name: Derinat
ATX code: L03A
Active substance:
Sodium deoxyribonucleate
Manufacturer: Technomedservice, Russia
Pharmacy leave condition: Over the counter
Price: from 179 to 2763 rubles.

"Derinat" - a drug that is part of the group of immunomodulators, accelerates the regeneration processes inside tissues, removes inflammation, activates the immune system against cancer cells, has antihistamine action, starts the process of detoxification with a decrease in the concentration of toxic substances.

Indications for use

For monotherapy, the solution is indicated for such diseases and conditions in order to treat and increase immunity (prevention):

  • Preventive measures, therapeutic therapy for ARVI (inhalation, rinsing, irrigation)
  • Treatment of inflammatory diseases, purulent-inflammatory, ophthalmic pathologies, dystrophic eye diseases ( eye drops)
  • Therapeutic therapy aimed at removing inflammation from the mucous membranes of the mouth (rinsing).

Combined use with other drugs in such cases:

  • Chronic course of inflammatory diseases, infections of bacterial and fungal nature in gynecology
  • Upper ailments respiratory tract chronic and in the acute stage (for example, rhinitis or sinusitis)
  • Trophic ulcerations, long healing and infected wound surfaces
  • OZNK (obliterating diseases of the lower extremities)
  • Frostbite, extensive burns
  • Necrotic changes in the mucous membranes and skin due to radiation therapy
  • Hemorrhoids (about this and other diseases anal passage, read the article)
  • Gangrene.

Intramuscular injections are indicated:

  • To start the stimulation of the hematopoietic process
  • At medical therapy radiation pathologies
  • In the event of myelodepression (slowdown of hematopoietic processes in the bone marrow) and the presence of resistance to cytostatic drugs during antitumor treatment
  • For stomatitis caused by anticancer therapy
  • With ischemic heart disease ( ischemic disease hearts)
  • At peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract
  • With OZNK that occur in the first or second stage
  • During the treatment of deep wound surfaces and trophic ulcerations
  • In the treatment of odontogenic sepsis, which is complicated by a purulent-resorptive febrile condition
  • For rheumatoid arthritis
  • During the treatment of urogenital diseases provoked by chlamydia, ureoplasma and mycoplasma
  • In gynecology in the treatment of endometritis
  • During the treatment of burns
  • With prostatitis
  • In the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Derinat injections can be used for monotherapy in surgical practice, it is prescribed both before and after the operation. As a result, it is possible to increase the rate of regeneration of the affected surface.


"Derinat" solution intended for intramuscular injection, 1 ml of which contains: 15 mg of the main active ingredient, as well as additional components, which are represented by purified water and sodium chloride.

1 ml of the solution, which is intended for external or local use, contains sodium deoxyribonucleate in a volume of 2.5 ml, sodium chloride and injection water.

Medicinal properties

"Derinat" is a highly effective immune stimulant natural origin, the basis of which is sodium deoxyribonucleate, which is a salt that is extracted from fish of the sturgeon family.

The drug has a fairly wide spectrum of action, increases the resistance of cells and tissues to pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, therapeutic therapy with this drug accelerates the process of regeneration of wound surfaces, ulcerations, burns, including those infected.

The drug is rapidly absorbed by the mucous membranes and skin, as a result of which it spreads throughout lymphatic vessels. Active ingredient for a short time penetrates the hematopoietic system, allows you to speed up metabolism. Regular use of the drug allows you to accumulate enough active substance in lymph nodes, tissues bone marrow, thymus, spleen. The maximum concentration of the main component in plasma is observed 5 hours after application. The process of excretion of metabolites is carried out urinary system and intestines.

The average price is from 300 to 350 rubles.

Solution for external use, "Derinat" spray and drops

This solution is presented as a colorless liquid without turbidity and sediment in ampoules of 10 or 20 ml, in bottles with a special nozzle - a dropper or a spray nozzle with a volume of 10 ml. The carton contains 1 vial.

The drug can be used as eye and nasal drops, medicinal solution for gargling, microclysters, specific irrigations, applications.

Mode of application

The average price is from 179 to 512 rubles.

Eye and nasal drops

As a prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, you can use "Derinat" for children under one year old, as well as adults, the use of 2 caps is indicated. four times a day in each nasal opening. The duration of treatment is often from 7 to 14 days.

At the first signs of acute respiratory viral infections and for colds, the dosage of drops used for adults and children is increased to 3 in each nasal opening, observing an interval of two hours during the first day before each subsequent procedure. Further on 2-3 cap. up to 4 times during the day. How much to use the drug (drops) is determined by the doctor, usually the treatment lasts up to 1 month.

With ophthalmic dystrophic processes accompanied by inflammation, as well as for the treatment of conjunctivitis, it is necessary to drip 2 drops. or 3 cap. on the mucous membrane of each eye three times a day. It is necessary to apply eye drops from 14 to 45 days.

The use of the drug for the implementation of gargling, carrying out applications, irrigation and enemas

"Derinat" for local and external use effectively treats diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat by rinsing. A bottle with a solution is designed for 1-2 procedures. It is usually recommended to carry out 4-6 procedures throughout the day. They need to be carried out in a course, the duration of therapy is from 5 to 10 days.

The average price is from 380 to 450 rubles.

Chronic diseases, which are characterized by the course of the inflammatory process, and ailments of infectious origin in gynecology, the drug treats intravaginally. The medicine is introduced into the vagina, which implies subsequent irrigation of the cervix or the use of tampons moistened with a solution. For the implementation of 1 procedure, 5 ml of solution should be used. The frequency of procedures is 12 for 24 hours. The duration of drug therapy for gynecological diseases is 10 -14 days.

In the case of the treatment of hemorrhoids, microclysters can be used, which are introduced into anus. One procedure will require 15-40 ml medicinal solution. How many procedures to carry out is determined by the doctor, but usually the treatment is completed within 4-10 days.

With necrotic changes in the skin and mucous membranes caused by irradiation, with long-healing wound surfaces, burns, trophic ulcerations of various origins, gangrene, frostbite, a solution can be used for applications. A piece of gauze is folded in half, after which a solution is applied to it, applied to the affected area and fixed with a bandage. Applications are recommended four times a day. In this case, you can use "Derinat" (spray), it is sprayed onto the wound surface 4-5 times for 24 hours. Single dosage - 10 - 40 ml. The course of treatment therapy lasts 1 - 3 months.

"Derinat" for inhalation

The solution is used for inhalation with a nebulizer in the treatment of respiratory ailments, hay fever, allergic manifestations, tonsillitis, complex therapy for adenoids, bronchial asthma. Before inhalation, the solution in the ampoules is mixed with saline (1: 4 ratio), after which inhalations are carried out with a nebulizer. Such procedures can be carried out little child with a special mask.

The course of treatment will require 10 inhalations, the duration of which is 5 minutes. Inhalations are carried out twice a day.

Whether it is possible to combine inhalations with other methods of treatment should be clarified with the attending physician.

The average price is from 1947 to 2763 rubles.

Solution for injection (intramuscular injection)

This solution for injection (intramuscularly) is presented as a clear liquid without visible inclusions, it is released in 5 ml vials. The carton contains 5 vials.

Mode of application

The average single dose of medication for an adult is 5 ml. In order to anesthetize, Derinat should be injected into the muscle, the duration of administration is 1-2 minutes. It is necessary to carry out injections in compliance with the interval, which is 1-3 days.

In ischemic pathologies, the injection is indicated by a course of 10 injections once every 2 or 3 days. For ulcerative ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, injections are carried out after 48 hours, the course of treatment is 5 injections.

In oncology, injections are administered from 3 to 10 times with an interval of 24-72 hours. Gynecology and andrology - 10 injections with an interval of 1-3 days. Patients with tuberculosis injections are carried out 10-15 times with an interval of 24-48 hours.

For inflammatory diseases in acute stage treatment is indicated, as a result of which 3-5 injections are made with an interval of 24-72 hours. In chronic inflammatory diseases, injections (No. 5) are carried out every other day, then the same dosage of the drug is shown, but after 72 hours.

"Derinat" for children: from birth to two years of age, the dosage for 1 injection is 0.5 ml. From the age of 2 years to 10 years, the calculation of a single dose for a child is carried out taking into account 0.5 ml - for each year of life.


During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant and lactating mothers should refrain from using this medicine. The possibility of using the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding determined only by the attending physician. Usually "Derinat" during pregnancy is prescribed in excess possible benefits for the mother over the risks for the baby in the womb.

Precautionary measures

Intravenous administration is not allowed.

To reduce the intensity of pain during intramuscular injection, it is better to inject the solution slowly over 1 or 2 minutes.

Before the injection, the vial with the drug must be warmed in the palm of your hand so that the temperature of the drug is close to body temperature.

During drug therapy, you should not drink alcohol, as this reduces the therapeutic effectiveness of Derinat.

Cross-drug interactions

Combined use with other drugs may increase the therapeutic efficacy of Derinat.

Do not combine the drug with anticoagulants, as the effect on the body of the latter may increase.

At open wounds and the presence of burns, analgesics can be used to reduce the intensity of pain.

Side effects

During the use of the drug for gangrene, there may be a rejection of dead tissues at the sites of injury, the skin in this area is gradually restored.

The rapid procedure for administering the solution intramuscularly may cause minor adverse reactions, resulting in pain medium intensity. In this case symptomatic therapy not shown.

A few hours after the injection, the patient may complain that his temperature has risen (up to 38 ° C). It usually reacts like this. children's body on the action of the components of the drug. In this case, it is recommended to take antipyretic drugs.

In patients suffering from diabetes, a hypoglycemic effect may occur during Derinat therapy. Therefore, patients should regularly monitor their blood glucose levels.


On the this moment there is no data on the occurrence of an overdose of Derinat.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug is best stored in a dry place, which is protected from light at t - 4-20 0C. It is recommended to store the contents of the vial after opening for 14 days. Keep away from small children.

The shelf life of the drug for intramuscular injection and vials of medicine for external and local use is 5 years.


Firn M, Russia
Price from 194 to 350 rubles.

"Grippferon" is an immunomodulating drug, relieves inflammation, has antiviral properties. The drug has the following dosage forms: drops and spray.


  • An affordable drug that can be used to prevent and treat influenza and SARS
  • Rarely there are adverse reactions to drops
  • Spray and drops can be used to treat children up to a year (including infants)


  • Short shelf life of an open bottle
  • It is not prescribed for diseases of an allergic nature.

Koltex, Russia
Price from 859 to 1000 rubles.

"Kolegel" is indicated for topical use, produced in the form of a gel. The preparation "Kolegel" promotes rapid healing burns and wound surfaces, increases local immunity. Main components: sodium deoxyribonucleate with lidocaine and sodium alginate.


  • An effective pain reliever
  • "Kolegel" can be used for the treatment of gynecological ailments accompanied by an active inflammatory process, prevention


  • Expensive
  • "Kolegel" is better not to use in the presence of allergic reactions.

Novartis, Switzerland
Price from 195 to 427 rubles.

Attitude towards immunomodulatory drugs today is ambiguous, even among specialists. But in many situations, such drugs can play important role in recovery by inflicting disease serious blow on the part of significantly strengthening the body's immune defenses. At a minimum, the means of this group help prevent the development of complications. There are many medicines on the shelves of pharmacies with such an effect, but some of them are considered more effective. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with all aspects of the use of Derinat spray, which can be used both for treating the throat and for irrigating the nasal cavity.

The composition and mechanism of action of the spray

Everyone knows that for a large number Viruses enter the human body through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. In injured or weakened places pathogen quickly takes root, actively multiplying and leading to the development of the disease and the addition of complications and secondary infections. For effective prevention and to combat the problem even in its infancy, Derinat is used, which has a multifactorial effect on the state of the treated area: it not only has an antiviral effect, but also activates local immunity and helps to accelerate the healing processes of mucosal damage.

The active substance in the composition of the drug is sodium deoxyribonucleate, which is extracted from sturgeon fish and acts as a powerful immunomodulator. Its concentration is 0.25%. The auxiliary component is salt and purified water. The solution itself has neither a pronounced aroma nor taste, and is a clear liquid. The volume of the bottles is 10 ml, the containers are made of dark glass and equipped with a convenient atomizer with a long nozzle. Available in several forms, including as drops, and as a solution for rinsing and skin treatment.

What is Derinat Spray used for?

Immunomodulatory spray can also be used to treat inflammatory processes, and for their prevention, which is especially relevant for children who attend institutions with a large number other people (kindergartens, schools, etc.). It should be noted that in addition to being used for the nasal cavities and throat, the product can also be used in gynecology and trophic ulcers, and in case of damage skin high or low temperatures.

Indications for use in the nose

Usually, the spray is used as an element of complex therapy, since it has only a local effect, which is simply not enough for many diseases. Spraying into the nasal cavity is relevant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract in acute and chronic form to eliminate rhinitis, as well as all forms of sinusitis. The product can be used for both treatment and prophylaxis.

With sinusitis and other inflammatory processes in the nasal cavities, this product helps to solve several important problems at once:

  • for a long time helps to restore local immunity;
  • fights pathogenic microorganisms;
  • helps to relieve swelling and inflammation of the mucous lining;
  • promotes the removal of purulent exudate.

Use for throat treatment

The spray can also be sprayed into the throat area, and here most often it acts as a means of monotherapy. Here its use is advisable for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as elimination of various inflammatory processes localized in oral cavity and throat (nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.).

In addition, the remedy can also be successfully used for adenoids in children. It is worth noting that the drug can be used as an independent only if early therapy is started before the development of severe symptoms - this way it will be possible to completely avoid reaching the peak feeling unwell. If there are developed manifestations or even complications, then it is necessary to connect additional funds based on the source of the problem, such as antibiotics.

Instructions for use and dosage

To receive positive result treatment must be followed certain rules concerning both the course of the procedure itself and the dosages of the drug according to the condition and age of the patient.

How to use the medicine for adults

Spraying must be done according to this algorithm. First you need to clean the nasal passages (if you need to bury your nose), then remove the protective cap from the vial and bring it to the treatment area. When spraying the throat, it is necessary to press when the breath is held, if the nose is being processed, then the injection must be inhaled. At the same time, the head must be kept level, the bottle vertically.

Since this drug is intended primarily to stimulate local immunity, it will need to be used very often at the very beginning. So, an adult patient with the first symptoms of the disease needs to produce 2-3 injections in each nasal passage or throat every 2 hours. After two days, the number of treatments is reduced to 3-4 per day, and so on until complete recovery.

At what age and how to apply to children

The drug itself is approved for use from the first days of life, but the spray form in young age should be avoided, as the baby will not be able to properly undergo the procedure, and there is a high risk of developing otitis media in the future due to fluid supply under pressure. So, spraying implies the need to hold your breath and take a breath at a certain moment, which the baby simply cannot do. At urgent need treat the oral cavity with a spray, you can try to apply the composition to inner surface cheeks. So, the dosage of the drug depends on age:

  • up to two years - maximum 1 spray;
  • up to 10 years - 2 doses (2 sprays);
  • for patients over 10 years of age adult dosage discussed above.

The frequency of procedures remains the same - 3-4 times a day at the onset of the disease, and 1-2 times a few days later.

How to drip Derinat for prevention

Prevention of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract involves less frequent treatment. So, in the nasal passages, you need to make 2 injections twice a day for 7-10 days. If necessary and high risks processing can not stop the entire season of epidemics.

It is worth knowing that the attitude of specialists towards immunomodulatory drugs is not unambiguous, some consider their use even dangerous. Therefore, the use of such products is recommended only in case of illness, and not as a prophylaxis for long-term use, so as not to disrupt the natural processes of local immunity by constant stimulation.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The manufacturer does not indicate any restrictions on the use of the drug either when carrying a baby or when breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that its composition is safe, and topical application does not allow to achieve a general effect on the body and its immune system as a whole. There have been no reports of side effects and negative effects during pregnancy (especially in the 1st trimester) or on the baby during feeding. Despite this, it is still worth using the product only after the permission and recommendation of a doctor.

It is believed that the use of a spray as a prophylactic product for women who are prone to inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract is preferable to having an infection and engaging in enhanced therapy with antibiotic drugs. The use of Derinat in the early stages of the development of the disease helps to significantly reduce the list of drugs needed for therapy in the future.

Side effects and overdose

Derinat-spray is one of the safe drugs, therefore, when using it, there were no cases of overdose or side effects with correct application. In a situation with a spray, it is very difficult to overdose the agent, since the bottle gives out a clearly dosed amount of the drug.

It should be noted that the combination this product with other drugs in the treatment of colds and flu only increases healing effect and significantly shorten the recovery time. In addition, the spray also makes it possible to reduce the dosage of antibiotics used and antiviral drugs. Given all this, it is obvious that the remedy is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.


The only limitation in the use of the agent in question is the individual intolerance of the components of the composition. In this case, the development of an allergic response is possible, which requires the termination of the use of the drug and the search for a replacement.

What are cheaper analogues

Instead of Derinat, it is possible to use its analogues with the same active ingredient, for example, Desoxinate, Panagen or pure Sodium deoxyrubonucleate, but they are presented in the form of powders. However, in the form of a spray full and more available analogues no, we can only talk about drugs with a similar mechanism of action and the same indications for use:

  • Lavomax (an agent that stimulates its own production of interferon) is a drug that has an immunostimulating and antiviral action based on tilorone;
  • Kagocel - synthetic drug with antiviral, antimycotic, immunostimulating and radioprotective properties;
  • Grippferon and Viferon already contain interferon in their composition. It is worth noting that only ;
  • Arbidol, Ingavirin or Ergoferon can be used to suppress viruses. So, for example, Arbidol has the property of suppressing the activity of viruses and stimulates the production of interferon in the patient's body, but can only be used for influenza A and B.

Thus, to select a substitute, you need to consult a doctor, since everything will depend on the specific disease and condition of the patient.

Video about Derinat for local and external use

You can get a positive effect from treatment with Derinat spray only if it is used and dosed correctly. This video provides basic information about the use of the drug according to the instructions.

Any child has colds and viral infections, therefore, with the approach of the cold season, mothers think about strengthening the immune system of their daughter or son, and are also interested in effective antiviral agents that can help to quickly overcome SARS. One of the popular drugs is called Derinat. This medication in a spray is often used by adults to prevent and treat influenza, but can it be used in children and how does it affect the children's body?

Release form

Spray Derinat is available in bottles with special nozzles for spraying. Inside one such vial contains a clear, colorless solution in an amount of 10 ml. This liquid has no taste or smell.


The basis of the drug is sodium deoxyribonucleinate, presented in solution at a concentration of 2.5% (2.5 mg per 1 ml). This active compound is supplemented only with water for injection and sodium chloride. There are no other components in the preparation.

Operating principle

Deoxyribonucleinate has an immunomodulatory effect. This substance affects cellular immunity, due to which the immune response to the entry of viruses, fungi or bacteria into the body is enhanced. Moreover, it activates humoral immunity, contributing to more quick release from pathogens.

The spray also has a regenerating effect, as it is able to stimulate recovery processes in mucous membranes and skin with local treatment. This effect makes Derinat popular in the practice of surgeons and ophthalmologists. The drug accelerates the healing of even such serious injuries as deep burns and trophic ulcers.


The use of Derinat spray is justified for acute viral infections that caused rhinitis, laryngitis, otitis media and others. inflammatory diseases respiratory tract. The medicine is also used prophylactically to prevent influenza infection. In this case, the doctor can prescribe a medication both independently and in combination with other medicines, for example, antibiotics. Topical spray is used for inflammatory pathologies eyes and mouth, as well as various injuries skin (frostbite, infected wounds, burns, etc.).

What age is allowed?

Derinat has no age restrictions, so this medicine can be used at any age, even in newborns. However, for small children, the form of drops is preferable. Spray is recommended for use at the age of 3 years and older.


The drug is not used in case of intolerance to any of its components. There are no other contraindications for the drug.

Side effects

Derinat is not addictive and does not constrict blood vessels, therefore it is considered safer vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. This drug does not have negative impact on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract child. In very rare cases, it can provoke an allergy. When treating wounds and burns, the medicine has a positive by-effect, which has an analgesic effect.

Instructions for use

Derinat in the form of a spray can be injected into the nose and sprayed onto the wound surface of the skin. Also, this tool can be used to treat the throat and the mucous membrane of the mouth.

  • For the purpose of prevention the medicine is prescribed in courses of 1-2 weeks, 1 spray in each nasal passage two to four times a day. If necessary, Derinat can be used prophylactically during the entire season of epidemics.
  • If ARVI child, the medication is sprayed into each nostril, one or two injections every 1.5-2 hours until the condition is relieved (in the first 2 days of the disease). Then they proceed to three or four times use during the day, one spray until complete recovery.
  • For sinusitis or rhinitis Derinat can be injected into each nostril 1-2 times up to six times a day. Such treatment is prescribed for a period of 1 week to 15 days.
  • If the baby is damaged or inflamed oral mucosa, spray can be applied directly to the affected area. The agent is sprayed on it with 2-3 clicks from 4 to 6 times a day for 5-10 days.
  • For treatment of skin with ulcers, burns, wounds and other problems use 4-5 sprays per day until complete healing. This treatment can last up to 3 months.


Negative influence no excess doses of Derinat were found.

Interaction with other drugs

The spray goes well with antiviral, antipyretic or antibacterial drugs, so it is often prescribed together with them for a complex effect on the cause of the disease and its symptoms. When used locally, the incompatibility of Derinat and fatty ointments, as well as hydrogen peroxide, should be taken into account.

Terms of sale

Spray Derinat is an over-the-counter remedy, therefore it is freely bought in pharmacies. On average, the price of one bottle of such a drug is 250-300 rubles.

Storage Features

Keep the medicine at home in a place hidden from small children, where the temperature will be in the range from +4 to +20 degrees. The best option storage consider refrigerator. If the expiration date of 5 years has not yet expired, and the bottle itself has not been opened, you can keep the medicine until the date indicated on the package. After the first application of the spray, its storage is reduced to 14 days. 2 weeks after opening, the vial should be discarded, even if the solution is still inside.


Many parents speak well of Derinat, confirming that the medicine helped their children not get sick with the flu during the cold season, or it is easier to endure the infection. The advantages of the drug are its convenient packaging, the absence of age restrictions and an unpleasant taste.

The drug is often used to treat the throat and various skin lesions. Its disadvantages include the need for storage in the refrigerator and very short term shelf life after opening the spray. Also, in some children, the medicine did not have the expected therapeutic effect.


If necessary, Derinat in the form of a spray can be replaced with other drugs used for the common cold, sore throat and other manifestations of SARS. For example, instead of such a medicine, a doctor may advise an IRS-19 spray, the immunostimulating effect of which is due to bacterial lysates in its composition. This medicine can be used to treat or prevent viral diseases from the age of three months.

Also replace Derinat with a cold can spray Grippferon. This medication contains interferon and therefore stimulates the child's immunity, protecting him from colds and flu. If the baby has severe runny nose, the doctor may recommend Aqua-Maris, Marimer, Nazol Baby, Vibrocil and other drugs, but they have a completely different composition and have their own contraindications, so you should not use them on your own in a child.

Immunomodulatory drugs increase defensive forces body, allowing it to cope with the disease on its own. Most often they are prescribed for respiratory diseases.

One of the most popular immunomodulators is Derinat. Forms medicinal product- drops and spray.

This article discusses the instructions for using drops in the nose and eyes, Derinat spray for children up to a year and older, the price of the drug, parents' reviews on the use of a children's medicine for the common cold, with adenoids, conjunctivitis, for inhalation to a child.

We will try to answer FAQ: from what age can Derinat be used for children, how often to drip medicine for a child, how much does this remedy cost for children.

Composition, form of release, active substance

AT medical practice a method of activating the immune system by taking medications is often used. They are called immunomodulators.

This group of drugs includes Derinat. He available in spray and drops format.

The spray format has a volume of 10 ml, it is equipped with a convenient nebulizer that allows you to freely distribute the drug locally.

Drops are dosed with a dropper built into the bottle. The solution is used for inhalation and instillation into the nasal cavity.

The main thing active substance- sodium deoxyribonucleate. The component is produced by the milk of certain breeds of sturgeon fish.

Table salt has an auxiliary function. For 10 ml of the drug, there are 10 mg of this component. Sodium deoxyribonucleate is contained in the preparation at a concentration of 0.25%.

Derinat functions:

  • accelerates the regeneration process;
  • reduces the amount of toxins in the body;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates the body's defenses.

This is effective method fight against respiratory diseases.

For inhalation, you need a nebulizer. The drug is diluted with saline at a concentration of 1 ml of the drug - 4 ml of saline.

With the development viral diseases 1.5% drug concentration is shown. When infectious diseases 0.25% solution is used.

Course of treatment - 10 procedures. Each one is 5 minutes long. The frequency of repetitions is 2 times a day.

Interaction with other drugs

Derinat is often combined with others medicines . When applied topically to the surface of the skin, its use is combined with hydrogen peroxide or products in the format of oil-based ointments.

Sometimes Derinat prescribed in combination with antibiotics. He brings them down harmful effect on the body and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

With the development of sepsis complex therapy provides:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • reducing the amount of toxins;
  • activation of immunity;
  • prevention of intoxication of the body.

Side effects

A side effect from the use of Derinat is rare.. Most often it is noted with the introduction of intramuscular injections.

Spray and drops - more safe forms medicinal product. In case of individual intolerance, an allergic reaction may occur.

During treatment skin lesions in some cases, rejection of necrotic tissues occurs.

Patients with diabetes note a decrease in blood sugar levels while taking Derinat. This is important to consider when determining the dosage.

Price, conditions of release and storage, expiration date, analogues

Derinat is on free sale. You can buy it at any nearby pharmacy.

Keep the drug in a dark place. Storage temperature should not be below 4 and above 20 degrees.

Avoid direct exposure sun rays on the vial with the remedy.

After opening, the medicine should be used up within 2 weeks. Otherwise, it will no longer be usable.

The cost of drops is from 230 to 260 rubles. The price of a spray in individual regions reaches 340 rubles.

The medicine is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Shelf life from the date of manufacture is 5 years.

Among the means of analog action - Kagocel, Lavomax and Cycloferon. Their main difference lies in the release format. Analogues are produced in the form of tablets or powders.

Patients with respiratory infections often neglect immunomodulatory drugs and start treatment with antiseptics. Meanwhile, it is immunomodulators that should be taken in the first place and as early as possible.

Timely intake of an immune-stimulating agent can significantly increase protective functions organism and, at a minimum, to prevent the development of complications.

Immunomodulatory drugs are widely represented on pharmacy shelves. There are systemic drugs in the form of tablets, injection forms, as well as solutions for local application and increasing local immunity. To last group refers to Derinat spray, the instructions for use of which we will consider below.

In contact with

Composition and form of Derinat spray

The active substance of the drug is sodium deoxyribonucleate (DNA-Na). DNA-Na included in Derinat is sodium salt deoxyribonucleic acid isolated from protein-rich sturgeon milk.

Auxiliary component - table salt (10 mg per 10 ml of solution).

Outwardly, Derinat is a clear, colorless liquid. Has no smell and taste.

The drug in the form of interest to us is available in dark glass bottles equipped with a plastic sprayer with an elongated nozzle. The volume of vials is 10 ml.

Instructions for use spray Derinat

Derinat spray is sprayed into the throat according to the following instructions:

  1. Remove the protective cap from the vial nozzle.
  2. Hold the bottle up to your mouth so that the spray nozzle is pointing at your throat.
  3. Hold your breath.
  4. Press the nozzle 2-3 times.
  5. Rotate the vial slightly between pressures so that the drug is sprayed evenly over the pharyngeal mucosa.
Like other immunomodulatory drugs, Derinat will be sprayed often, especially in the first days of illness - 10-15 times a day. Then the frequency is reduced to 4 times a day and continued until the condition improves significantly.

Instructions for use Derinat spray for children

Derinat can be used in children without age restrictions. The instructions for use indicate that the drug can be used from the first days of life.

However, the spray form is not very convenient for children's use. Spraying involves holding the breath, which young children do not know how to do. For use in children, Derinat drops are more suitable. You can drip the medicine on the cheek or on the nipple, without fear that the child will accidentally inhale the sprayed substance.

The dosage for children should be reduced according to age:

  • for children under 2 years old - 1 spray;
  • for children 2-10 years old - 2 sprays;
  • older than 10 years - in an adult dosage.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

In the instructions for the use of Derinat in the form of a spray, questions about the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation are bypassed. The drug is considered safe for topical application. Numerous reviews of its use by pregnant women indicate the absence of any side effects.

Many women, especially those who suffer from chronic and, rightly believe that it is safer to use Derinat than antibiotics later. Using the drug as a prophylactic, there is a high probability of preventing respiratory infection. By spraying the spray at the beginning of a cold, you can avoid the use antibacterial agents and antiseptics or reduce the duration of their intake without reducing the therapeutic effect.

Indications for use

Derinat has a wide range of indications. It can be used for any disease that requires stimulation of the immune system. Indications for use that are relevant to respiratory diseases.

Derinat throat spray

Derinat spray can be used as an additional immunostimulating agent for the following diseases:

  • with, accompanied by cough, sore throat;
  • at ;
  • with nasopharyngitis;
  • at .

Derinat throat spray, in accordance with the instructions for use, can be used in the format of ARVI monotherapy, provided early start treatment. On the first day, the drug is sprayed hourly. Starting from the second day, the frequency of application is reduced: take breaks for 3-4 hours. With an uncomplicated course, treatment lasts 7 days. If the condition worsens, complications develop -, - treatment is continued intramuscular injections Derinat solution in combination with antibacterial and other drugs until complete recovery.

With pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, the drug is sprayed 3-5 times every 2-3 hours for 7-10 days.

Derinat nasal spray

Derinat spray can be used to treat infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

  • with SARS (including influenza, parainfluenza, etc.);
  • with bacterial;
  • with sinusitis.

When ARVI spray Derinat spray into the nose should be started at the first symptoms of the disease. In most cases, timely immunostimulation can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the likelihood of developing bacterial complications. On the first day, the spray is often sprayed into the nose - 2 times in each nostril every 1-1.5 hours. In the future, the frequency of admission is reduced to 5 times a day.

For bacterial rhinitis and sinusitis, Derinat Spray is used in combination with antibacterial, vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory drugs (if necessary). The drug is sprayed 4 times in each nostril 6 times a day.

The course of treatment averages 10 days.

Prophylactic use of Derinat

Immunomodulatory drugs, including Derinat spray, are indicated for use as prophylactic during periods of seasonal rises in respiratory viral infections. This is relevant, including for children attending children's institutions with a massive gathering of peers. Prophylactic administration of Derinat is also indicated for people with a weakened immune system, prone to respiratory diseases, often catching a cold.

The action of Derinat is associated with stimulation of the body's interferon system.

Recall that strangers immune system viruses are not recognized by her in time. Getting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, they release substances that block the immune response (production of interferon). As a result, viruses acquire the possibility of uncontrolled spread. Prophylactic administration of Derinat gives an additional stimulus to the immune system, allowing it to remain active, even when viruses have entered the respiratory tract.

As a preventive measure, Derinat spray is sprayed 2 times in each nostril three times a day. The prophylactic course lasts 14 days. If the epidemic danger persists, the course may be extended.

Other types of drug

Derinat in drops is similar in composition to the spray form. The bottle is equipped with a rubber drip dispenser. For nasal use, drops are used in most cases. In addition, the drip form is more convenient for children.

Depending on the disease (ARVI, sinusitis, rhinitis), the drug is instilled in adults, 2-5 drops in each nasal passage. The frequency of instillation is similar to that described above for the spray.

Injectable Derinat is a sterile saline sodium chloride (0.9%) with a concentration of sodium deoxyribonucleate 15 mg in 1 ml. Injections of an immunostimulating agent are indicated for a wide range diseases, incl. and pneumonia.

The drug is administered intramuscularly, slowly, 5 ml once with an interval of 1-3 days. The course is from 5 to 15 injections, depending on the disease and the characteristics of its course.

Contraindications and side effects

Instructions for use of Derinat spray contain only one contraindication: individual hypersensitivity to the drug component.

Side effects for this form of the drug are not fixed.