Enterocolitis: folk remedies, symptoms and treatment of enterocolitis. Treatment of gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice


By enterocolitis, experts mean inflammatory processes, passing through the large and small intestines and affecting the mucous layer. Enterocolitis has another name, which is more familiar to most of the population - it is an intestinal disorder, which is blamed on spoiled foods. Neither are important for this disease age group, nor gender, victims can include both women and men, as well as children. Quite often, the pathology develops simultaneously with other diseases of the intestines and other organs. digestive system.

Types of disease

Depending on the location, the cause that caused the pathology and its course, enterocolitis is divided into the following types:

  1. The acute form does not affect the deep layers of the intestine, but affects the mucous layer; very often enterocolitis occurs against the background acute gastritis. In turn, the acute form is divided into infectious and non-infectious. Acute enterocolitis in the intestines, in addition to infectious pathogens, is caused by allergens, toxic substances, pharmaceuticals.
  2. The disease usually develops into a chronic form after an incorrectly prescribed therapeutic regimen or discontinued treatment and incomplete healing acute inflammation in the intestinal area, which lasts for a long time with variable attenuation and exacerbation of symptoms. The chronic form can cause damage not only to the intestinal mucosa, but also to deep tissues. The chronic form often leads to persistent disturbances in the functionality of the digestive system.

According to the causes, the disease is divided into:

Manifestations of the disease depend on its form, chronic or acute. If enterocolitis is caused by spoiled food, symptoms occur suddenly and sharply. The state of health rapidly deteriorates, a fever begins, diarrhea and vomiting develop, painful sensations in a stomach. If symptoms of this form of enterocolitis occur, treatment in adults requires a short fasting diet and replenishment of lost fluid. Adsorbents that remove toxins and other things from the body are also prescribed. harmful substances. Treatment can be difficult only in case of food toxic infection, for which prescription is necessary antimicrobials exclusively by specialists.

In chronic enterocolitis, the symptoms and treatment are as follows: periodic pain in the abdominal area, a feeling of nausea, and stool disturbances manifested by constipation or diarrhea are observed. General state the victim's condition worsens, the color changes, the condition of the skin, hair and nail plates become brittle. Another sign is sleep disturbance. Such manifestations are associated with a violation of the intestinal absorption of nutrients. This is the main danger of the chronic form of the disease, which causes general exhaustion. Therapy in this case should be comprehensive and affect the source of the pathology, include a review of nutrition, and restoration of the intestinal microflora.

Prescription of diet during the development of the disease

If an acute form of pathology develops, treatment of enterocolitis in adults requires mandatory adherence strict diet. The first day they do not eat food, but drink should be plentiful and warm. It is allowed to drink weak tea without added sugar and non-carbonated mineral water. If necessary, administration may be prescribed saline solution. On the second day, dietary table No. 4 is prescribed, its features are as follows:

  • milk is removed from the menu;
  • exclude foods rich in dietary fiber;
  • refuse substances that stimulate increased bile formation.

Meals should be fractional - increase the number of meals, but at the same time reduce its volume. The dishes are prepared by steaming, the food is boiled and pureed to a liquid consistency. Preference is given to low-fat soups, slimy porridges, boiled low-fat meats and fish, and crackers. Of particular benefit are rosehip and blueberry infusions, medicinal herbal teas and jelly. There are a number of prohibited products:

  • Confectionery, fresh baked goods (including bread).
  • Rich broths.
  • Eggs, hard-boiled and fried.
  • Dried fruits are on par with fresh fruits.
  • Fruits of leguminous plants.
  • Jam and honey.
  • Pickles and preservation.
  • Smoked meats, sausages, any fatty foods(an exception may be butter, consumed in limited quantities).
  • Sour cream, milk and cheese.
  • Soda, coffee and cocoa, grape juice.

The temperature of the dishes is important - they should not irritate the mucous layer, be too rough, hot or cold. The diet must be followed for at least 3 months, then the intake of provocative foods should be limited. Preference is given to easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates must be limited.

Treatment of pathology with folk remedies

Treatment of enterocolitis with folk remedies is carried out in compliance with a number of rules, the main of which is a preliminary consultation with the attending physician. The procedures performed may include microenemas and rinses. In this case, medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect are brewed. The best way Preparation of decoctions consists of using a thermos and keeping the products in it overnight. The microenemas are administered to the patient in the “lying on his side” position. After the procedure for administering the solution, you need to lie down for half an hour.

If the pathology is accompanied by diarrhea, oak and bird cherry decoctions and products prepared from St. John's wort are prescribed, as well as pharmaceutical chamomile, calendula and sea buckthorn oil.

Mint and dill

For enterocolitis, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of mint and dill. Mint reduces pain, nausea, vomiting. Dill helps reduce flatulence and restore intestinal functionality:

  1. Peppermint in the amount of two large spoons is placed in a teapot and 250 ml of boiled water is poured. The product must be taken at intervals of 3 hours, the volume of each serving is big spoon. If the urge to vomit occurs, take 80 grams of the composition.
  2. Dill oil purchased at a pharmacy is consumed as follows - it is shaken and added to purified water in a ratio of 1:10. You should drink the composition up to 6 times a day, using a large spoon.
  3. An infusion of thyme will also help. To prepare it, place a large spoon of the plant in a thermos and fill it with 750 ml of boiled water. The product should be infused for at least an hour, after which it is filtered and drunk three times a day. A single dose is 50 grams.

The use of herbal preparations

Enterocolitis can be effectively treated with herbal infusions, traditional medicine provides many fairly simple and effective recipes:

Use of juices and other substances

You can alleviate the patient’s condition during the development of the disease with the help of fresh vegetable or fruit juices:

One of the most frequent illnesses digestive system is chronic enterocolitis. This disease leads to irreversible changes mucous membranes (they atrophy), as well as intestinal dysfunction. There are a number of special medications available to treat this disease. However, we would like to talk about the treatment of enterocolitis with folk remedies.

Folk remedies will help cure enterocolitis

Symptoms. Defeat small intestine characterized by frequent diarrhea, stool upset, dull pain in the navel, nausea, flatulence, and lack of appetite. Colon damage is characterized by diarrhea and constipation equal frequency, aching pains that are localized in the intestines, or rather its lateral sections.

Treatment of enterocolitis: folk remedies

  • Drink a third of a glass of fresh carrot juice twice a day (in the morning and, accordingly, in the evening), always on an empty stomach. Dosage for children: one tablespoon twice a day. Indications: for diarrhea.
  • Squeeze the juice from the bulb of seed garlic and drink it a teaspoon (with milk) three times a day, thirty minutes before the main meal. Helps increase gastric secretion, stimulate appetite, and improve digestion. Indications: intestinal sluggishness, flatulence, chronic constipation, diarrhea.
  • One tablespoon of carrot seeds is poured into one glass of boiling water. All this must be infused for about five hours in a thermos. You need to drink a glass of this infusion (hot!) if you have chronic enterocolitis, which is accompanied by diarrhea.

  • One tablespoon of silver cinquefoil is poured into one glass of boiling water, infused for three hours in a thermos and finally filtered. You should drink half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day.
  • Take 4 tbsp. spoons of the tops of shoots with flowers and leaves of lemon balm, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for four hours in a thermos and filter. This infusion is taken one tablespoon about five times a day before meals.
  • Take one part of oak bark, one part of bird cherry fruit and one part of blueberry fruit. This infusion is taken half a glass twice or three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals for chronic enterocolitis, if it is accompanied by constipation.
  • Take five parts of alder buckthorn bark, three parts of uncrushed flax seeds, two parts of flowers black elderberry, two parts fennel fruit. Drink one glass twice a day after meals, an hour later (chronic enterocolitis, which is accompanied by constipation).
  • One part of the roots medicinal marshmallow, one part alder buckthorn, one part licorice root and part fennel. Drink half a glass an hour after eating (chronic enterocolitis with constipation).
  • Five parts alder buckthorn (its bark), three parts stinging nettle (its leaves), two parts yarrow (herb). Drink half a glass at night (chronic enterocolitis with constipation).
  • Six parts alder buckthorn (bark), two parts medicinal clover, two parts of ordinary flax (uncrushed seeds). Drink a glass of tincture, or half a glass at night (chronic enterocolitis with constipation).
  • Ten parts of sena (leaves), ten parts of Rochelle salt, ten parts of bee honey, ten parts of 70% alcohol, and seventy-five parts of water. All this is mixed and infused for a day. Take two tablespoons at night (chronic enterocolitis with constipation).
  • How to prepare licorice root powder? You need to mix two parts senna leaf powder, two parts licorice root powder, one part fennel powder, one part purified sulfur powder and four parts powdered sugar. Take one teaspoon twice a day with plain water (chronic enterocolitis with constipation).
  • Mix two parts of joster powder and alder buckthorn bark powder, plus part of fennel powder (its fruits). Take one teaspoon twice a day half an hour before meals (chronic constipation).
  • Drink juices from flowering cinquefoil, one tablespoon three times a day, 25-30 minutes before meals. They have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. Very effective against diarrhea (with colic).
  • But when the intestines are bloated, drink 1 tablespoon of flowering yarrow juice 5-10 minutes before a meal, or an hour after a meal.

Finally, I would like to remind you that if you decide to be treated with folk remedies, it is still advisable to first consult a doctor. Be healthy!

Published: August 28, 2015 at 12:39 pm

Treatment of enterocolitis should be prescribed by a doctor. However, not everyone has the opportunity timely appeal see a doctor in mind various reasons. What to do if an attack suddenly begins chronic enterocolitis?

There are several recommendations that will help with enterocolitis at home. Experts allow use in case of enterocolitis caused by infection. intestinal cavity in case of poisoning, absorbents, for example, activated carbon. The drug is taken as follows: 1 tablet corresponds to 10 kg of body weight. In the event that there are painful sensations, then after 45 minutes of using adsorbent drugs, you can take No-shpa at home, and Furazolidone in the form of intestinal antiseptics. If drugs that combine adsorbent and antiseptic functionality are Smecta and Enterosgel.

In case of profuse diarrhea due to enterocolitis, which is accompanied by vomiting, this problem can be solved at home as follows: the liquid supply is replenished with water-salt solution. The right tool is Regidron or similar medications.

Also, folk remedies can help in treating enterocolitis at home: for diarrhea - a decoction of pomegranate peel or oak bark; for constipation - food with high content fiber and treatment of enterocolitis with herbs that have laxative properties. In case of exacerbation of chronic inflammation, it is recommended to consume several spoons of Cahors three times a day.

In case of profuse diarrhea, the use of folk remedies that have astringent, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties is allowed. Folk remedies are composed of components that have the above features.

To cure profuse diarrhea in the case of acute enterocolitis, you can use the herb St. John's wort or the rhizomes of the snakeweed. 500-800 ml of a decoction of any of the above plants should be drunk throughout the day. If diarrhea continues after a few days, then it is allowed to add plants that have pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties to the folk remedy, for example, alder fruits or burnet roots. If there is blood in the stool for enterocolitis, it is allowed to use folk remedies with the addition of hemostatic plants, for example, stinging nettle, yarrow.

For enterocolitis in acute form, you can use the following herbal collection. Eucalyptus leaves are taken oak bark, calendula flowers, calamus roots, 2 teaspoons each with the addition of a tablespoon of alder fruits and St. John's wort. Prepare the decoction for half an hour by adding 250 ml teaspoon of the mixture. The broth should be strained and can be taken slightly warmed at intervals of 2 hours, 50 ml each.

Chronic enterocolitis can be cured with apple juice and honey. Folk remedy recipe: 100 g of honey dissolves in 1000 ml of apple juice, which has just been prepared. Take 10 minutes before sitting down to eat a glass several times a day for 45 days. The course is held several times a year.

Official medicine has noticed that treating enterocolitis with herbs is very effective, especially when it comes to drinking carrot juice. It has a good effect on the intestines, helps with diarrhea, and if consumed on an empty stomach, 60 ml in the mornings and evenings, then carrot juice is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.

Herbal medicine acts as a complement to therapeutic procedures. The use of various preparations helps restore the intestinal mucosa and normalize its functionality.

For flatulence and diarrhea due to enterocolitis, a folk remedy made from St. John's wort, poured with boiling water based on the proportion of 500 ml/2 tablespoons, will help. Infusion lasts about 60 minutes. 60 ml of the product is consumed 30 minutes before meals.

The use of fennel fruits is also an excellent folk remedy for enterocolitis, which can relieve pain in the abdominal area. The fruits are ground and poured into a thermos. Pour in 500 ml of boiled water. After 60 minutes, everything is filtered. The fruits provide support for digestion and normalization of intestinal motility. And treatment with such herbs has antimicrobial, antispastic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Before taking this or that folk remedy for enterocolitis, you should consult with your doctor to determine the advisability of using prescriptions.

Treatment of chronic enterocolitis with folk remedies

Chronic enterocolitis- one of the most common diseases of the digestive system, which leads to atrophic changes in the mucous membrane and disruption of intestinal functions. Depending on the location, enterocolitis is distinguished with predominant damage to the small intestine and with predominant damage to the large intestine. The disease is long-term. Its causes are intestinal infections, malnutrition, abuse of spicy foods, alcohol, industrial and drug intoxication, long-term use of antibiotics, food allergies, radiation injuries, intestinal helminthiasis.
Symptoms of enterocolitis:
With predominant damage small intestine patients complain of stool upset, frequent diarrhea, dull pain in the umbilical region, distension in the abdomen after eating, nausea, flatulence, lack of appetite. With predominant damage to the large intestine aching pain localized in the lateral sections of the intestine, diarrhea and constipation are of equal frequency.
Treatment of enterocolitis:
Traditional methods of treating enterocolitis
The treatment is complex. Great importance has power supply increased content proteins and carbohydrate restriction. For exacerbations, antibiotics and enzymes are prescribed.

Non-traditional and traditional methods of treating enterocolitis
● Drink 0.3 cups of freshly squeezed carrot juice 2 times a day, morning and evening, on an empty stomach. Give children 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. Indicated for diarrhea.

● Drink juice squeezed from a garlic bulb, 1 teaspoon with milk, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Stimulates appetite, enhances gastric secretion, improves digestion. Indicated for diarrhea, intestinal sluggishness, flatulence, chronic constipation.

Herbal medicine for chronic enterocolitis
● Take 3 parts of chamomile flowers, 2 parts of calamus rhizome, 1 part of valerian officinalis and fennel fruits. Prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of the collection per 1 cup of boiling water. Take 0.5 cups warm 3 times a day after meals. For diarrhea with severe inflammation and colic.

● Pour 1 tablespoon of carrot seeds with 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 5-6 hours. Take 1 glass of hot infusion for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by diarrhea.

● Pour 1 tablespoon of silverweed herb with 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

● Take 4 tablespoons of leaves and tips of shoots with lemon balm flowers, brew with 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day before meals.

● Take 1 part each of common oak bark, common bird cherry fruit and common blueberry fruit. Take 0.5 cups as an infusion 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation.

● Take 5 parts of alder buckthorn bark, 3 parts of uncrushed flax seeds, 2 parts of black elderberry flowers and common fennel fruits. Take 1 glass as an infusion 2 times a day 1 hour after meals for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation.

● Take 1 part each of marshmallow root, alder buckthorn bark, licorice root, and fennel fruit. Take 0.5 cups as a decoction 1 hour after meals in the evening for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation.

● Take 5 parts of alder buckthorn bark, 3 parts of stinging nettle leaf, 2 parts of common yarrow herb. Take 0.5 cups as an infusion at night for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation.

● Take 6 parts of alder buckthorn bark, 2 parts each of sweet clover herb and uncrushed flax seeds. Take 0.5-1 glass as an infusion at night for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation.

● Take 10 parts each of senna leaf, Rochelle salt, bee honey, 70% alcohol, 75 parts water. Mix everything and leave for 1 day. Take 1-2 tablespoons at night for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation.

● Prepare powder with licorice root. Mix 2 parts of senna leaf powder and licorice root powder, 1 part of fennel fruit powder and purified sulfur powder, 4 parts of powdered sugar. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day with water for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation.

● Take 3 parts of senna leaves, 2 parts each of the fruits of laxative joster and alder buckthorn bark, 1 part each of the fruits of anise and licorice root. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1 glass hot at night for chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation.

● Mix 2 parts of laxative powder from the fruits of laxative laxative and powder from the bark of alder buckthorn, 1 part of powder from the fruits of fennel.

● Take 0.5-1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals when chronic constipation.

● Take juice from the flowering plant Potentilla anserina, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. It has an astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. An effective remedy with diarrhea with colic.

● Take 1 tablespoon juice from the flowering yarrow plant before meals or 1 hour after meals. Indicated for intestinal bloating.

Disease gastrointestinal tract, characterizing the inflammatory process in the large and small intestines, is called enterocolitis. The cause of of this disease can be poor nutrition with excessive alcohol consumption, fatty and spicy food, Availability intestinal infections, food allergies, long-term use of antibiotics and a number of other factors.

The disease can be chronic or acute. Chronic enterocolitis develops after poor improper treatment of the disease acute form, as well as due to untreated shigelosis or salmonellosis. Exacerbation of the disease is accompanied by flatulence, bloating, stool disturbances and pain in the abdominal area.

Reasons for the development of enterocolitis

The cause of simultaneous inflammation of the small and large intestines most often becomes:

  • allergic reaction to long-term treatment antibiotics or inappropriate medications;
  • regularly overeating or undereating;
  • presence of helminthiasis;
  • previous illness, dysentery, viral diarrhea or.

In addition to the above reasons, enterocolitis can develop in the presence of acquired or congenital diseases stomach, liver, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders, pancreatic disorders and weakened immunity. The tissue cells of the digestive tract are damaged by infection, resulting in their depletion, and against this background enterocolitis begins to develop.

Due to the destruction of the intestinal microflora and its weakening, a chronic form of the disease begins to develop, in which various pathogenic microbes have free access to the intestinal mucosa. When diagnosing chronic enterocolitis, a diagnosis of dysbacteriosis is always made.

Symptoms of Enterocolitis

During an exacerbation of enterocolitis, the patient experiences weakness, coating of the tongue, abnormal stool, nausea and abdominal pain. After treatment, remission occurs.

During severe damage to the small intestine, the painful sensations will be of a dull, pulling nature. If the colon is more affected, the pain will be sharp and severe. There are cases when the pain is spread throughout the entire abdominal area, but it mainly manifests itself in the navel area.

During the disease with enterocolitis, the patient feels pain 2 hours after eating food, before bowel movement, when heavy loads and sudden movements. During the period of exacerbation it is possible frequent urge to the toilet and alternating constipation with diarrhea.

The feces of a patient with enterocolitis come out with impurities of food and mucus, mostly liquid and in small quantities. When defecating too hard feces in anus cracks appear, which is the reason for the presence of scarlet blood.

Excessive gas formation, bloating and rumbling can also be symptoms of the development or exacerbation of enterocolitis. Children suffering from chronic enterocolitis may be developmentally delayed and have low body weight, impaired metabolism and anemia.

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination of the large and small intestine, take a blood and stool test.

Prevention and treatment of enterocolitis

When starting treatment for enterocolitis, the doctor sets the goal of restoring optimal intestinal functioning and preventing the development of possible exacerbations. First of all, you need to write to the patient diet menu, provide the necessary products, pick up good complex vitamins and use physiotherapy and herbal medicine for treatment.

The volume of fluid consumed during the day should exceed the volume of food eaten. There must be rice in the diet, dairy products, bran bread, boiled fish, mashed porridge and steamed dishes. You should not drink alcohol, milk, smoked products, spicy or salty foods.

To remove sharp pain in the abdomen, use painkillers and apply a warm heating pad to the abdomen. Drug treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. For pain relief, no-shpa is mainly taken. Can't study self-treatment so as not to aggravate the disease and not get unwanted side effects.

Microenemas from decoctions are often given to alleviate the condition. medicinal herbs. For bloating, it is good to use chamomile infusion; it helps with constipation. sea ​​buckthorn oil, and with diarrhea a great assistant There will be an infusion of bird cherry, St. John's wort and oak bark.

In order to prevent any intestinal diseases, including enterocolitis, any intestinal infections must be treated immediately, do not take a lot of medications, follow a gentle, balanced diet and do not abuse antibiotics.

High quality and timely treatment acute enterocolitis will not give any complications and will not leave any consequences. The development of chronic enterocolitis can begin only with advanced disease. Incorrect treatment the chronic form will lead to impaired motility, digestion and metabolism.


Folk remedies enterocolitis

Treatment of enterocolitis with mint and dill

Peppermint is an excellent remedy for abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. In a small kettle, brew a tablespoon of herb (250 ml) with boiled water. Use a tablespoon once every 3 hours. If you feel the urge to vomit, you should immediately drink 80 g of infusion.

Everyone's favorite seasoning - dill helps well in the treatment of enterocolitis. It will help reduce bloating and improve bowel function. Buy dill oil at the pharmacy and mix it in a ratio of 1:10 with water. Shake thoroughly before use. Drink up to 6 tablespoons.

Medications for the treatment of enterocolitis

We will tell you only about a small part medicinal fees used to treat enterocolitis.

Collection No. 1

Mix 10 g each of fennel and anise fruits, 30 g each of brittle buckthorn bark and flowers medicinal chamomile, 20 g peppermint. Grind the collection. Pour a glass of water (2 tsp) into the mixture and let stand for 8 hours. Drinking the remedy will help eliminate heaviness in the stomach and reduce colic.

Collection No. 2

At severe constipation Laxative tea prepared from this collection will help. Mix buckthorn bark (80 g) and 10 grams each of licorice root and coriander seeds. Pour the mixture with 250 g of water and cook for about 10 minutes. Take 100 g before bedtime.

Collection No. 3

Take one part each of fennel fruit and medicinal valerian, two parts calamus root and three parts pharmaceutical chamomile. Grind and mix well. For a glass of boiling water you need one spoon of the mixture. For diarrhea and colic, take 100 ml after meals at least 3 times a day.

Collection No. 4

During an exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis and the appearance of constipation, a collection consisting of blueberries, bird cherry fruits and oak bark helps well. Mix plants in equal proportions. Pour a spoonful of mixture hot water 250 ml. and let it brew. Take 100 ml twice before meals.

Alder buckthorn for the treatment of enterocolitis

Using traditional medicine Alder buckthorn is especially popular for the treatment of enterocolitis. Excellent remedy to eliminate stool disorders and different manifestations diseases.

If the patient has constipation, you need to prepare a mixture of two parts of fennel fruits and elderberry flowers, three parts flaxseeds and five parts of buckthorn bark. Brew a tablespoon of the crushed collection like tea with a glass of water. Drink a glass of this tea in the morning and evening.

In equal proportions mix fennel fruits, buckthorn bark, marshmallow and naked licorice. Drink half a glass of brewed tea after meals.

Mix two parts of alder buckthorn bark and joster fruits, three parts of senna leaves and one part each of naked licorice root and anise fruits and use for cooking medicinal tea. You need 200 ml per spoon of composition. boiled water. After 30 minutes, strain into a strainer and drink before bed.

Using juices to treat enterocolitis

To alleviate the patient’s condition during exacerbation of enterocolitis, use fresh juices vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs.

Fresh prepared carrot juice is consumed for diarrhea. You need to drink 3 tbsp per day. before eating. It is enough for children to give juice in the morning and evening, a tablespoon.

A teaspoon of garlic juice washed down with milk will help get rid of flatulence, constipation, and restore work digestive tract and appetite.

Potentilla juice acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory and astringent. Diarrhea and colic will go away if the patient is given a teaspoon of juice before meals up to 3 times a day.

For bloating an excellent remedy is the juice squeezed from the common yarrow during flowering.

Garlic and parsnip - medicinal products

Seed parsnips are crushed and two spoons of grass are poured into 500 g hot water. Bring the mixture to a boil and reduce the heat to low. After 15 minutes, remove the container from the heat and let it brew until it cools down. The strained product is taken three times a day before meals, 50 g. This norm is consumed for seven days, and the next week they drink 30 g of the decoction.

Medicinal garlic is an excellent remedy for combating diarrhea. The leaves are used in treatment. They are ground and brewed like tea. Strained tea is drunk up to 4 times a day, 60 g each.

Used to treat enterocolitis nutmeg. To prepare the product, the nut must be ground. One gram of powder is poured into 250 g of boiling water and left for 60 minutes. Take 50 g up to three times a day. The patient will feel relief, pain in the intestines and stomach will go away.

Myrtle oil will help normalize the functioning of the intestines. The oil is sold in pharmacies. You need to use the product every two hours, 2 drops.

Diagnosis of enterocolitis in children

It also leads to intestinal dysfunction and the development of enterocolitis. wrong mode nutrition, regular use dry food and overeating. These reasons mainly concern children school age buying chips, crackers and other products.

Symptoms of the development of enterocolitis disease

All symptoms of enterocolitis in children are similar to manifestations of the disease in older people: lack of weight, intoxication, alternating diarrhea and constipation, metabolic failure, flatulence and bloating. A sick baby complains of pain in the abdomen and head. He has observed a sharp decline weight, lack of appetite and anemia.

During inflammation of the small intestine, pain appears in the navel area, sometimes spreads to the entire abdomen and has a pulling, paroxysmal nature. The child has frequent loose stool with an unpleasant putrid smell and an admixture of mucus and food.

Painful attacks may be accompanied by fever and vomiting. The child refuses to eat food and complains of nausea and heaviness in the stomach. Frequent trips to the toilet lead to dehydration and intoxication, weight loss, and the mucous membranes become dry.

Rarely painful stools sharp pains in the lower abdomen accompany the inflammatory process of the colon. Constipation alternates with diarrhea.

Children suffering from enterocolitis become capricious and irritable, sleep poorly and get tired quickly, complain of headache and weakness. At chronic form The disease may cause disturbances in mineral and protein metabolism, stunting in height and weight.

It is difficult to restore the disturbed stool of a sick child and very often such disorders last up to 4 weeks.

Treatment of childhood enterocolitis

The very first treatment for a disease in a child will be the use of antibacterial medications, anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers, balanced diet, support metabolic processes and vitamin complexes.

The child needs to prepare steamed dishes, grated soups and porridges, and light meat broths. Only water and tea are allowed to drink. You will have to remove nuts, spices, brown bread, raw fruits and vegetables from your diet so as not to irritate the intestines and avoid food allergies.

Medication will help reduce pain mineral water, cabbage juice and antispasmodics. A good remedy is a warm heating pad. Mineral water “Borjomi”, “Essentuki No. 17” is suitable for a child.

Microenemas with rosehip oil and chamomile decoction will help eliminate bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

To prevent a child from getting enterocolitis, it is necessary to closely monitor his diet, prevent worms, and promptly treat intestinal infections.

Stay healthy yourself and take care of the health of your children!