Symptoms of enterocolitis in adults. Chronic enterocolitis

Diseases associated with the digestive system have become widespread in modern society. Normalization of functioning gastrointestinal tract Aggressive food, constant stress, and unhealthy lifestyle interfere.

External factors of a negative nature are complemented by pathogenic microflora of the intestines and stomach, causing serious inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. Such pathologies include enterocolitis, which affects at least a third of people living in the world.

Symptoms in women and men appear the same and do not depend on the age of the patient.

What is enterocolitis, causes of the disease

Intestinal dysfunction is associated with many factors, and it manifests itself in several conditions that are similar to each other:

  • Pathology lower section Gastrointestinal tract – enterocolitis.
  • Colitis is a lesion of the large intestine.
  • Enteritis is an inflammatory process in the small intestine.

Intestinal enterocolitis is an inflammatory process, which is also called “indigestion,” and its condition can be compared to intoxication as a result of eating stale foods.

Symptoms of the disease

The clinical picture of enterocolitis depends on the form in which the pathological process occurs. Doctors divide it into acute and chronic. Each subtype of inflammation has its own set of symptoms, which appear with great speed and intensity.

Acute enterocolitis

This form of the disease, which has an infectious etiology, is characterized by following signs:

  • Sudden rise in temperature, fever, chills.
  • Severe pain in the peritoneum, characterized by a stabbing sensation.
  • Weakness and dizziness.
  • Nausea and frequent profuse vomiting.
  • Aches in the joints.
  • Loss of balance and sometimes consciousness.
  • Headache.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Blood impurities in stool.

Non-infectious enterocolitis in acute form is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Increased formation of gases.
  • Rumbling in the stomach.
  • Decreased appetite to the point of aversion to certain foods.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Formation of plaque on the patient's tongue white.
  • Headache.

When palpating the abdomen in a person suffering from pathology, discomfort.

The acute stage of intestinal disease is accompanied by gastroenterocolitis, which affects the patient’s stomach, which aggravates the situation. If the inflammatory process is not treated, enterocolitis will enter a sluggish stage.


For long period Over time, this form of the disease may not manifest itself in any way, being asymptomatic. Gradually, the deep layers of intestinal cells will also become involved in the inflammatory process, and not just the mucous layer. Danger chronic stage is as follows: having appeared, clinical picture will be real threat state of human health, and sometimes his life.


  • Abdominal pain of an antispasmodic nature.
  • Alternating diarrhea with constipation.
  • General weakness, loss of strength.
  • A disruption of the digestive process, in which food is poorly digested and begins to rot and decompose.
  • Sudden weight loss without compliance therapeutic diets.
  • Bloating.
  • Pale skin with a gray tint.
  • Unpleasant smell from oral cavity.
  • Formation of plaque and lumps of mucus on the tongue.

Chronic enterocolitis leads to decreased performance due to the inability to concentrate. Due to a malfunction of the digestive function, nutrients enter the body in insufficient quantities, so bones become fragile, and nails and hair become dull and lack a healthy shine.

Accurate diagnosis

Since the symptoms various diseases gastrointestinal tract is quite similar, it is important to make a correct diagnosis. To do this, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient, collects anamnesis and prescribes a various examinations and taking tests.

Most often, specialists are interested in the following indicators:

  • Level of pancreatic enzymes.
  • Determination of the composition of bile and gastric juice.
  • Biochemical and general analysis blood.
  • Conclusion of fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS).
  • Results of ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pancreas and liver.
  • Acidity level.
  • Signs of impaired bile outflow function.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will make a conclusion about the patient’s diagnosis.

Treatment of intestinal enterocolitis

Therapy will have some nuances depending on what form of the disease the patient has. Treatment of intestinal enterocolitis in adults with acute stage involves the use of medications, the effect of which involves eliminating symptoms and normalizing the functions of the digestive tract.

Chronic enterocolitis must be treated complex method, when the doctor first determines the source of the disease, and then eradicates the pronounced signs.

Methods for treating inflammation:

  • Detoxification of the body - removal of toxins and waste.
  • Taking medications of various spectrums of action.
  • Diet No. 3.
  • Folk remedies.
  • Physiotherapy.

Thanks to an integrated approach the patient recovers quickly and can return to his usual lifestyle.


Groups of drugs prescribed for the treatment of chronic enterocolitis:

Prescriptions are adjusted depending on the dynamics of the patient’s condition and symptoms.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Procedures prescribed in the stage of remission or in the chronic form of enterocolitis are aimed at improving the health of the organ. These include:

  • a set of physical exercises;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • balneology;
  • reflexology.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine are involved in the treatment of enterocolitis to accelerate the positive effect. At home you can use the following recipes:

  • Mint decoction. Add one and a half cups of boiling water to three tablespoons peppermint and leave for 3 hours. Then strain through cheesecloth. The resulting decoction should be drunk a day, divided into 3 doses.
  • Dill water. To prepare it you will need warm water and dill oil purchased at a pharmacy kiosk. They should be mixed in a ratio of 1 to 10 and take 2 teaspoons three times a day.
  • A decoction of medicinal valerian and chamomile. Take in equal quantities, mix and measure out 20 grams. The resulting mixture is poured with 1 liter of boiling water. You should drink the product 30 minutes before each meal, 100 ml.

First noticeable results Treatments appear within a week after starting treatment medicines.


At intestinal inflammation it is necessary to reduce the aggressive effect of food on the organ so that its recovery occurs as quickly as possible.


It is important to detoxify the body, and microenemas are famous for this. This procedure can improve the patient’s condition if the problem was caused by viruses.


During the first two days, the doctor recommends that the patient completely refuse food. Allowed to drink only clean water or unsweetened tea. On the third day, you can start eating porridge cooked in water, pureed soups and vegetables cooked without spices by stewing.

Diet variety

After completing the fasting stage and a week-long vegetable diet with cereals, it is recommended to introduce meat and fish low-fat varieties.

For enterocolitis, the following set of products is allowed:

  • Dried bread.
  • Vegetable or olive oil.
  • Sugar.
  • Puree soups.
  • Well-mashed cottage cheese.
  • Beef and chicken fillet.
  • Low-calorie fish.
  • Juices, jellies, berry jelly.
  • Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and semolina.

Meals should be fractional and portions should be small. This restriction is prescribed until the patient’s condition returns to normal.

Symptoms and treatment in children

In infants, enterocolitis occurs in the most severe form, since at this age the child’s digestive organs are not yet adapted to the new type of nutrition. They often experience disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The symptoms of the pathology are similar to intestinal colic, so parents do not immediately react to them, expecting that the baby’s condition will soon improve on its own. If the problem bothers the child long time, and in parallel some other additional signs, you need to contact a doctor immediately.

Symptoms of enterocolitis:

  • Cramping painful sensations in the abdominal area.
  • Diarrhea – bowel movements can occur up to 10 times in 12 hours, which is an unfavorable sign.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Vomiting or frequent regurgitation.
  • Detection of uncharacteristic impurities in stool (blood, mucus, greens).

Therapy of enterocolitis in young children and adolescence carried out in compliance with special diet. In this case, the treatment is complex nature and includes the same groups of medications that are used for adults.

U modern people pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are cornerstone all health problems. And this is no coincidence, since it is in the intestines that the real factory for the production of molds is located nutrients, building material for cells and the formation of immunity. Chronic enterocolitis is a common form of dyspepsia, which causes damage to the mucous membrane and a decrease in the absorption of nutrients and water. Ultimately this leads to muscular dystrophy, degeneration cartilage tissue, decrease protective function body, deficiency of certain microelements and vitamins.

The disease enterocolitis often goes unnoticed, revealing itself only as periodic exacerbations with minor symptoms that quickly pass without specific treatment. However, after each exacerbation, irreversible marks remain on the mucous membrane dystrophic changes, there is a further deterioration in the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the material, which describes the causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic enteritis. When the first negative signs appear, you must consult a gastroenterologist and undergo full examination.

With enterocolitis, symptoms and treatment can vary significantly depending on the presence of concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Particularly dangerous is the form in which it is based pathological changes there is a violation of the process of bile outflow from the cavity of the gallbladder.

Diagnosis of enterocolitis: causes of the disease

Currently, the diagnosis of enterocolitis is established quite often not only in adults, but also in children, including newborns and infants in the first year of life. Usually their first signs appear during the period of introducing complementary foods. The most common cause of disease in infants is intolerance to lactose, gluten and some other food proteins.

In adults, the disease enterocolitis is often diagnosed in chronic neglected form and is characterized by numerous morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines.

Common causes of enterocolitis include many factors:

  • systematic violation of the diet and diet (most often people suffer who eat fast food, eat dry food, or take a large amount of food at a time);
  • deficit of net drinking water, which is necessary to cleanse the intestinal walls and restore its mucous membrane;
  • dietary habits, including addiction to spicy and salty foods, which cause inflammation, irritation and dryness of the mucous membranes;
  • regular intake alcoholic drinks(including beer, cocktails, energy drinks);
  • abuse of tea, coffee and carbonated drinks in large quantities;
  • chronic dysbiosis with a predominance of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora;
  • uncontrolled use of some (antibiotics are especially dangerous, hormonal agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets with analgesic properties);
  • biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, duodenitis, pancreatitis with enzymatic deficiency;
  • unbaked in in full intestinal infection and carriage of pathogenic microflora;
  • surgical interventions on the abdominal cavity.

Among probable causes enterocolitis has a psychosomatic component. People who often find themselves in stressful situations, who work a lot and hard, with increased nervous excitability, and who are suspicious are susceptible. A hereditary predisposition to the development of inflammatory processes in the cavity of the thin and.

Symptoms of chronic enterocolitis and its exacerbation

During the period of remission, enterocolitis symptoms can be extremely scanty, expressed mainly in the form of dyspepsia. This can provoke increased gas formation, bloating, flatulence, periodic constipation and diarrhea. The main symptoms of chronic enterocolitis appear as long-term consequences against the background of a long-term course of the disease.

It can be:

  • violations mineral metabolism with osteoporosis and salt deposition in the cavity organs;
  • reduction in the protective function of the immune system due to a reduction in the number beneficial microorganisms intestinal flora;
  • frequent colds with a long and severe course;
  • hypovitaminosis, against the background of which disturbances in the blood clotting system may occur (vitamin K, which is responsible for the prothrombin time factor, is produced in the cavity of the small intestine);
  • anemia and a decrease in the level of protein in the blood plasma leads to fragility, hair loss, and frequent neurological disorders.

At long term this disease can provoke the growth of polyps in the intestinal cavity, which is a predisposing factor to cancer.

With exacerbation of enterocolitis, the clinical picture does not differ in the severity of the manifestation of all signs.

Patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • constipation followed by repeated loose stools;
  • severe bloating with increased peristalsis and pronounced rumbling;
  • pain around the navel and in the lower left segment of the abdominal cavity (dull, drawing, passes after defecation);
  • dysfunction, headaches, severe weakness, irritability.

With exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis, many patients experience cancerophobia (fear of getting cancer). It's connected with toxic damage central nervous system.

How to cure enterocolitis and prevent its complications

Before treating enterocolitis, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the digestive system. The fact is that the success of therapy is based on the elimination of all pathogenic factors. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the lack of pancreatic enzymes, low acidity gastric juice and impaired bile outflow. For this purpose, a series of laboratory research: biochemical analysis blood, study of the composition of gastric juice and the contents of the gallbladder, ultrasound of the liver, pancreas and FGDS.

Experienced doctors recommend that patients strictly follow the prescribed diet for irritable bowel disease, since therapeutic nutrition- this is the only one real way prevent concomitant pathologies. Complications of enterocolitis may consist not only in disruption of cellular nutrition of the entire body. In places where there is long-term inflammatory process may form cancer cells, which quickly and uncontrollably divide, forming a tumor. This can lead to intestinal obstruction and perforation.

As mentioned above, the basis of treatment is special food. It should be fractional and frequent. The first meal should be taken no later than 1 hour from the moment of awakening. Before each meal, you should drink 1 glass of clean and warm drinking water.

Avoid foods rich in coarse dietary fiber- cabbage, citrus fruits, kohlrabi, coarse cereals. Prescribed mucous porridges, jelly compotes, dry bread, vegetable, fish and chicken soups. Meat and fish are served steamed or boiled. The diet should contain fruits, vegetables and berries.

Treatment methods for chronic enteritis in adults

Treatment of enterocolitis begins with the formation healthy diet and diet. If there is a deficiency of digestive enzymes, it is recommended to take enzymatic preparations for compensatory purposes. This could be “Creon 10,000”, “Mezim Forte”, “Panzinorm” and a number of others. It is worth paying attention to the composition intestinal microflora. After conducting an appropriate bacterial study of stool, corrective therapy using special biotics can be prescribed. The following drugs can help in the treatment of chronic enterocolitis: “Enterofuril” (prescribed during an exacerbation to suppress pathogenic microflora), “Hilak Forte” (taken for 45-60 days daily), “Linesk”, “Wobenzym” (contains enzymes and enzymes, improves the condition of the intestinal mucosa).

In the treatment of enterocolitis in adults, the leading role is given to symptomatic and regenerative effects. For decreasing increased gas formation and flatulence, enterosorbents are prescribed: “Smecta”, “ Activated carbon", "Neosmectite". For cupping pain syndrome It is recommended to use “No-shpu”, “Drotaverine hydrochloride”. But these drugs should be taken with restrictions.

methods of therapy include balneological spa treatment, the use of mineral water, mud baths. Great importance gastroenterologists focus on exclusion stressful situations and strengthening the nervous system.

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Chronic enterocolitis is a pathology of the intestine of a chronic nature, which is manifested by inflammatory-dystrophic changes in this body. The disease has Negative influence on the intestinal mucosa, as well as on its main functions - secretory and motor. It is worth noting that most often the defeat small intestine occurs simultaneously with damage to the colon. Chronic enterocolitis in children and adults most often progresses with an incompletely treated acute form of the pathology. But the possibility cannot be ruled out that the inflammatory process immediately becomes chronic upon initial expression. Many factors can provoke the transition of acute to chronic form - a decrease in the level protective forces body, inadequate treatment of the acute form, severe stress and others.

Chronic enterocolitis occurs with phases of exacerbation of symptoms and their subsidence. At the time of exacerbation, patients experience pain in the abdomen, disruption of the bowel movement process, increased formation of gases, weakness, weight loss (expressed due to the fact that the absorption process is disrupted useful substances in the intestines). It is important to immediately consult a doctor when such signs first appear. At the time of exacerbation, medical examination is indicated. This is necessary so that the doctor can prescribe the most effective tactics treatment and constantly monitor the patient's condition.

Chronic enterocolitis can be identified through laboratory and instrumental studies. The most informative methods include radiography, colonoscopy, and bacteriological culture of stool. Chronic enterocolitis treatment requires only comprehensive treatment. Surgical intervention is not resorted to (with the exception of cases of complications, for example, if the ulcerative type of the disease progresses). During and after therapy, the patient must follow the diet prescribed by the doctor and also take medications. Physiotherapy and folk remedies will help speed up the healing process.

Reasons for development

Both exogenous and endogenous factors. The exogenous ones include the following:

  • body penetration infectious agents– tubercle bacilli, salmonella, staphylococci, streptococci, etc.;
  • intoxication of the body with medications, industrial poisons, etc. Most often, the development of pathology is facilitated by the use of antibacterial drugs, as well as the penetration of heavy metal salts, alkali vapors and acids into the body;
  • eating disorder. Provoke expression characteristic features Enterocolitis in a chronic form can be due to the intake of low-quality or inedible food, dry eating, irregular consumption food products, vitamin deficiency.

Endogenous causative factors include:

  • peptinase deficiency, pepsin deficiency, disaccharidosis;
  • hormonal disruption in the human body, as a result of which the secretion of enterogastrin and enterokinin is disrupted.


Chronic enterocolitis is classified depending on causative factor. Based on this, we distinguish the following types pathologies:


In chronic enterocolitis, symptoms appear mildly early stages its development. If the disease is severe and begins to develop dangerous complications, then the clinic is complemented by other signs, and they are expressed very intensely. A person may suffer greatly until he receives qualified treatment. health care. It is for this reason that all patients with this diagnosis are registered at the dispensary.

During the acute stage, a sick person experiences the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the process of excretion of feces. Either constipation or diarrhea may occur. Often they can alternate;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen, which are localized mainly in the navel area. The severity of the syndrome depends on many factors, in particular the severity pathological process, from food intake. It is worth noting that the pain intensifies during physical activity, before defecation, when jumping;
  • flatulence. Excessive formation of gases in the intestines occurs due to disruption of the natural process of food digestion;
  • weight loss. This symptom is more often expressed in patients who are more affected small intestine. The reason for this is simple - absorption of nutrients from food occurs in this organ. In the case of inflammation, the digestion process is disrupted, and all the necessary components for normal life are simply not absorbed;
  • . The process of digestion of food in the intestines is disrupted according to the mixed or type;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • lack of mood;
  • lethargy.

If such signs are expressed, you should immediately contact a qualified gastroenterologist to find out the reasons this state and their elimination.

Diagnostic measures

The first stage of diagnosis is the collection of anamnestic data by the doctor and interviewing the patient. It is important to clarify when the disturbing signs first appeared and how intense they were. A physical examination of the patient is performed, including palpation abdominal wall, assessment skin And so on. The most diagnostically valuable technique that will reveal the presence of enterocolitis in a chronic form is colonoscopy. During diagnostic intervention, it is possible to identify foci of inflammation, erosion or ulcers on the surface of the intestine. In addition, during a colonoscopy, it is possible to take material (biopsy) for further study in the laboratory. An X-ray examination can reveal changes in the lumen of the organ, as well as various defects.

Laboratory diagnosis is also very important. It makes it possible to identify various abnormalities characteristic of chronic enterocolitis, in particular the following:

  • dyslipidemia;
  • anemia;
  • imbalance of ions;
  • dysproteinemia;
  • amilorrhea;
  • creatorrhea;
  • leukocytosis;
  • excrement mixed with mucus.

As soon as the diagnosis has been confirmed, treatment should begin immediately so that the clinic does not worsen and various complications do not begin to develop.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of chronic enterocolitis involves, first of all, eliminating the causative factor of its progression. For this purpose it is prescribed:

  • normalization of diet. Be sure to write down a diet for chronic enterocolitis, which will help reduce the load on the affected intestines;
  • withdrawal of medications that have a negative effect on the functioning of the intestine and the condition of its mucosa;
  • treatment of existing gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • therapy for helminth infections or bacterial infection, which provoked an exacerbation of the disease.

Medicines prescribed for chronic enterocolitis:

  • drugs to normalize intestinal motility;
  • antibacterial agents to inhibit bacterial agents;
  • products containing enzymes;
  • probiotics.

Locally, in order to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, microenemas with medicinal herbs. ethnoscience is also widely used to treat this disease. Various means used to normalize the process of feces excretion. For diarrhea in anus infusions of oak bark, bird cherry or St. John's wort are introduced. If a person has constipation, then sea buckthorn oil is indicated.

Physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • reflexology;
  • bowel cleansing procedures.

The course of the chronic form of enterocolitis directly depends on how soon the disease is detected and how competently it is treated. At the right approach it is possible to achieve stable remission.

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Surface chronic gastritispathological condition, which is characterized by the occurrence of an inflammatory process only on the upper layer of the gastric mucosa. Often the disease affects the antrum of this organ. In this case, inflammation does not affect deeper layers and does not disrupt secretory function stomach. It is quite difficult to accurately determine the extent of the disease, since in most people it occurs without expressing any symptoms. But according to medical data, such a disorder occurs in every second inhabitant of the planet, regardless of age group. It is several times more common in males.

Damage to several nearby sections of the gastrointestinal tract is not uncommon. Digestive system is affected by the same bacteria, which can simultaneously or alternately. One such disease will be discussed in this article..

What is enterocolitis?

What is enterocolitis? This term applies to the inflammatory process of the small and large intestines. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic: the symptoms subside, but the disease begins to destroy the deeper layers of the intestinal walls.

According to the form of its course, enterocolitis can be:

  1. sharp;
  2. chronic.

According to the pathogens that provoke the disease, enterocolitis is of the following types:

  • Overeating junk food. Wrong food intake. Dieting.
  • Ingestion with food heavy metals, chemicals, poisons.
  • An allergic reaction of the body to food.
  • Abnormal stool and dehydration, which also provokes irritation.
  • Abuse of alcohol and medications.
  • Complication of other gastrointestinal diseases: gastroenteritis, colitis, enteritis, etc.
  • Abdominal injuries.

Symptoms and signs of enterocolitis of the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines

We will consider the symptoms and signs of enterocolitis of the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines according to the forms of the disease:

  1. Spicy:
    • Attacks of abdominal pain, especially after eating.
    • Rumbling and bloating.
    • Nausea.
    • Plaque on the tongue.
    • Possible vomiting.
    • Frequent urge to defecate.
    • Diarrhea (diarrhea).
    • The stool may be mucous and bloody with a foul odor.
    • Pain in the head and muscles.
    • Weakness.
    • Heat.
  2. Chronic:
    • The pain is localized in the navel area or spreads throughout the abdomen.
    • The pain intensifies before defecation, after eating, and during physical activity.
    • Flatulence, bloating.
    • Decreased appetite.
    • Constipation alternates with diarrhea, as with diverticulitis or ileitis.
    • Fatigue.
    • Lethargy.
    • Disruption of the digestion process.
    • Apathy.
    • Weight loss.
    • Weakness.
    • Attention disturbance.

Enterocolitis in children

Enterocolitis is common in children. It usually occurs in children bacterial form due to the lack of sanitary and hygienic standards for eating, licking fingers, various items etc. Children also often transmit the infection to each other. The transmission of bacteria is the main factor in all gastrointestinal diseases of a child.

Enterocolitis in adults

In adults, of course, enterocolitis also manifests itself. Here common cause is a junk food that people love to eat in large quantities. Women often have diet days when they eat little and then gorge themselves. In men, enterocolitis occurs when working in hazardous industries, as well as when consuming large quantity fast food.


If you identify symptoms of the disease, you should urgently contact a gastroenterologist for help. He will diagnose enterocolitis based on existing complaints, upon examination external signs illness, as well as using the following procedures:

  • Coprogram (stool analysis).
  • Rectoscopy.
  • Colonoscopy.
  • Tissue biopsy of the affected areas.
  • Blood analysis.
  • X-ray examination.


Treatment of enterocolitis is carried out depending on the form of the disease.

At home, treatment is carried out only during the recovery stage. The patient continues to follow a diet and take prescribed medications. It is recommended to increase after bed rest physical exercise during the recovery period. Are being added physical exercise. It is recommended to undergo sanatorium treatment.

Life forecast

The prognosis for life is favorable if the patient treats his illness. Recovery occurs within 1-1.5 months. How long do patients live without treatment? It all depends on the complications that the disease gives: thinning of the mucous membrane, chronicity of the disease, disconnection from the digestive process, protein deficiency, disturbances in blood composition. How long can a person live in this case?

Enterocolitis is a disease in which simultaneous inflammation of the small and large intestines occurs. This disease causes atrophic changes in the mucous membrane and dysfunction of the digestive tract.

Concept and disease code according to ICD-10

The disease may be associated with a non-infectious or infectious inflammatory process. It can manifest itself for the first time at any age, and men and women are equally susceptible to it.

Since the disease is a syndrome complex, it develops when various pathologies. Often combined with gastritis, gastroenterocolitis.


The root cause may be inflammation of the stomach, acute intestinal infections:

  • dysentery,
  • salmonellosis.

In 80% of cases, intestinal infections associated with the development of pathogenic microflora lead to the formation of the disease. Sometimes these are non-inflammatory diseases of an autoimmune nature. These include ulcerative colitis.

Often the prerequisites are also problems associated with poor nutrition and allergic reactions. Symptoms of the disease appear with prolonged use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

If a person has congenital and liver problems, then the chances of encountering this disease increase.

Symptoms in adults and children

The acute form appears unexpectedly. It is characterized by:

  • cutting pains,
  • grumbling,
  • flatulence,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • the appearance of plaque on the tongue,
  • diarrhea.

In children, the symptoms are similar, but due to high speed As dehydration progresses, convulsions or short-term loss of consciousness may occur. At infectious nature mucus and pus appear in the stool, increased body temperature, and muscle aches.

Chronic forms may not have such pronounced symptoms. Most often, abdominal pain periodically appears, the process of defecation is disrupted, and indigestion occurs.

Like many others intestinal disorders, the disease can lead to weight loss, changes in skin color, and brittle nail plates.

Enterocolitis can also develop in newborns. Infection occurs during feeding if the mother has mastitis. An endogenous route of infection is also possible. During illness, the baby develops mucus in the stool, the stool becomes green, and the body temperature rises.

The disease is especially common in premature babies, as well as in children with problems with the respiratory system.


Enterocolitis can be acute or chronic. The first type has a more vivid picture and is characterized by a sharp onset of the disease.


The trigger mechanism is damage to the mucous membrane with the development of the inflammatory process. This causes dehydration and rapid loss of electrolytes.

Severe dehydration and development lead to even greater disturbances in intestinal function. Therefore, the disease develops in a vicious circle.

During the course of the disease, facial features become sharpened, and the skin and mucous membranes become dry. IN acute phase The main task of the doctor is to differentiate the disease from other surgical diseases.

The acute form may be complicated by organ perforation or blood infection.


This is a polyetiological disease, which is characterized by inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane. It was found that among patients referred to the gastroenterology department for treatment, 85% were found to have this type diseases.

The peculiarity is that when examining the mucous membrane, macroscopic changes are not detected, but a biopsy reveals lymphocytic infiltration.


There are several types of enterocolitis depending on the cause of the disease. These include:

  • pseudomembranous,
  • ulcerative-necrotic,
  • staphylococcal,
  • allergic,
  • hemorrhagic.

There are also secondary species, which develop as a complication in the presence of other gastrointestinal diseases.


Usually appears against the background of long-term use of antibiotics. As a result, severe dysbiosis and inflammation of the distal parts of the intestine develop. This triggers the formation of fibrinous plaque.

At severe course The disease reveals intoxication syndrome, dehydration, and severe damage to the intestinal wall.

According to some reports, the disease can be caused not only by taking antibiotics, but also by certain laxatives. The cause is the development of dysbacteriosis with a predominance of the microorganism Clostridium difficile.

In mild cases, diarrhea appears due to medications. In especially severe cases, blood may appear in the stool. Signs of intoxication develop. Predisposing factors are age and the presence of concomitant pathologies.


This form usually affects premature babies and sick children. In the process, necrosis of the mucous membrane occurs; if left untreated, it penetrates into deeper layers. Lethargy, unstable body temperature, bloody stools, apnea, and signs of sepsis appear. Sometimes surgery is indicated.

In premature newborns, up to 75% of cases of enterocolitis are diagnosed.

There is a particular danger when during childbirth there is a prolonged rupture of the membranes or fetal asphyxia occurs. The prerequisites for the development of the disease are colonization of bacteria and enteral nutrition.


Intestinal inflammation is caused by staphylococcus. The disease is very common, especially among children. The cause of development is a violation of hygiene rules, mechanical damage intestines, drug poisoning.

As the disease progresses, diarrhea, severe pain, and loss of consciousness appear. Clinical manifestations depend on age and the number of staphylococcal colonies.

In children primary infection usually associated with by food infection. The disease can take a protracted course and be accompanied by the development of secondary purulent foci. The latter often form at 1-2 weeks of illness.


Occurs against the backdrop of development food allergies. The disease still has no clear etiology.

In such patients, changes in intestinal activity are observed, including when the mucous membrane interacts with irritating factors, for example, alcohol.

The symptoms of this form are characterized by spasms, flatulence, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment in this case begins with avoiding irritating foods, as well as identifying the allergen.


The reason for the development is coli Escherichia coli. Eschirichia enterohemorrhagicus appears in the tissues of the large and small intestine.

The disease can occur at any age. Infection often occurs through the fecal-oral route, so the main defense mechanism is hygiene.


In 93% of cases, with timely treatment, the risk of developing the disease decreases. If the disease is neglected, it may appear with the development of peritonitis, which is life-threatening. With non-infectious forms, the risk of intestinal resection and formation remains.

Complications include:

  • formation,
  • disruption of the body's cellular nutrition,


The acute form is diagnosed simply on the basis of an epidemiological history. Chronic enterocolitis requires physical, laboratory and instrumental examinations.

One of the most informative methods diagnosis is colonoscopy. When it is carried out, inflammatory areas and various erosions are identified.

If necessary, you can immediately carry out. It is needed to collect material from the intestinal wall to identify structural changes.

No less popular is X-ray examination, which reveals changes in the intestinal lumen. Can be taken:

  • bacteriological analysis of stool,
  • coprogram
  • general and detailed blood test.

How to treat acute and chronic intestinal enterocolitis?

The disease is treated by a gastroenterologist. For treatment, medications, diet therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed.

The goal is to normalize compensatory and regulatory mechanisms. Possible ultraviolet irradiation using variable electric current. At chronic forms Electrophoresis of antispasmodics is often prescribed.


Acceptable are dairy products with a reduced percentage of fat content. You can eat eggs, semi-viscous boiled cereals, soups with a second broth, boiled lean meat.

If the disease is in the acute stage, then it is better to refuse to eat on the first day. It should be replaced with plenty warm drink, unsweetened tea, mineral water. If there are signs of dehydration, the patient is given saline.

From the second day, diet No. 4 is added. You should not eat foods rich in dietary fiber or drink whole milk. Meals should be fractional 5-6 times a day. Crackers from white bread, soups with water or low-fat meat broth.

Compliance with dietary nutrition should continue for at least 3 months. At the same time, treatment methods are prescribed to improve the functioning of the organ.


If the disease is caused by an infection, the gastroenterologist prescribes antibacterial drugs. Usually these are cephalosporins and penicillins.

Since enterocolitis is accompanied severe pain, antispasmodics are prescribed to restore the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Drug therapy includes:

  • enzyme-containing products (lipase, protease),
  • pro-prebiotics (nutrient media for the development of the necessary microflora),
  • medications that help normalize intestinal motility.

As local treatment enemas are used. For any type of acute form, gastric lavage with boiled or distilled water is required. It is possible to cleanse the colon using a saline laxative.

Folk remedies

They are best used in conjunction with methods traditional medicine. Chronic enterocolitis, accompanied by diarrhea, is perfectly treated with carrot seeds. They need to be steamed in 0.3 l. boiling water and leave for 5 hours. You need to drink a glass of this composition several times a day.

Various combinations of herbs can be used:

  • Oak bark, blueberries and bird cherry are mixed and steamed in a 0.2 liter thermos. The mixture is infused for several hours.
  • Take an equal amount of blueberries, bird cherry, caraway seeds, and chamomile. Everything is crushed. A small spoon of dry mixture is required per glass.

If you have nausea or vomiting, peppermint can help. A teaspoon is filled with water and left for 60 minutes. You should drink 1 large spoon every 3 hours. In case of vomiting, it is possible to use 0.5 cups once.

If you start treatment immediately when the first signs appear, you can cure acute form immediately without consequences.

The intestines are completely restored in 3-6 weeks. The course of chronic enterocolitis depends on measures aimed at normalizing nutrition and lifestyle.

Video about congenital intestinal enterocolitis in a child: