Enterol for children with intestinal infection. Enterol application

Digestive disorders are a familiar thing, completely unpleasant and quite dangerous. People of all ages and genders experience this phenomenon. Diarrhea is especially common of various etiologies, bloating and abdominal pain appear in the youngest.

This phenomenon can be explained very simply - imperfection digestive system, a small number of beneficial bacteria, weak unformed immunity. As a result, exposure various diseases caused by exogenous factors.

Enterol for children is recognized by pediatricians as one of the best drugs in the treatment of various intestinal disorders and not only. In each package medicine There are instructions for use. But it is unlikely that you can find answers to all the questions that concern parents.

Enterol is a probiotic active component which is lyophilized yeast. They cope well with such representatives of opportunistic and pathogenic microflora:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • coli;
  • salmonella;
  • fungi of the genus Candida;
  • amoeba;
  • Giardia;
  • enterovirus;
  • rotavirus;
  • Vibrio cholerae and some other pathogens.

On a note! Enterol only creates favorable conditions for development normal microflora intestines, but does not contain live cultures of lacto and bifido bacteria.

Enterol for children and adults has the following positive effects:

  • Promotes the breakdown of toxins, which explains the purpose of Enterol for poisoning;
  • nourishes the intestinal mucosa by stimulating the production of certain substances;
  • promotes the production of immunoglobulins, which explains its immunostimulating effect on the whole organism (after all most of immunity “lives” in the intestines);
  • significantly reduces the synthesis of substances that cause dehydration.

The drug is available in three forms: capsules and two types of powder. Enterol 250 is capsules and powder for solutions that are recommended for adults and children after one year. Enterol 100 is a children's version that is used for children under one year old. But the most interesting thing awaits us further.

In the instructions for use for children, Enterol is recommended for young patients after one year. But many neonatologists and pediatricians are of the opinion that it is very effective and relatively safe even for newborns. But in this case, you can take Enterol powder only strictly as directed and only in the doses recommended by the doctor.

When to take

The drug is taken for diarrhea of ​​various etiologies; it successfully and quickly stops attacks of both acute and chronic pathology. Indications for use will be as follows:

Many pediatricians, in particular the famous TV doctor Komarovsky, recommend that parents combine antibiotics with Enterol from the first days of therapy. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the development of dysbiosis and subsequently possible colitis, “help” antibacterial drugs work better, improve the body’s immune response, increasing its overall resistance.

Contraindications, features of use and possible side effects

Fortunately, this drug has quite few contraindications compared to its analogues. These include:

  • Individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug. This is a standard contraindication for any medication, even the most natural and beneficial one;
  • a permanent catheter in the vein, as the possibility of developing a fungal infection increases;
  • impaired absorption of glucose-galactose.

As we mentioned earlier, a relative contraindication is age under one year. This is due to the fact that in infants the mucous membrane is only gastrointestinal tract very tender and vulnerable. Due to damage by pathogenic or opportunistic microflora, damaged or irritated areas may form. Through them, as through a kind of “gate”, the active substance enters the bloodstream. And this is fraught with the development of fungal sepsis, which is long and difficult to treat.

That is why Enterol is prescribed to infants with extreme caution.

Side effects noted in rare cases include:

  • Allergic reactions in the form of skin redness, itching and rash;
  • bloating, which is accompanied by rumbling and, in the youngest patients, colic;
  • discomfort and slight pain in the stomach area.

Such phenomena are not considered as a reason to completely stop taking the drug, but only require dosage adjustment.

Standard dosage regimen

Only the treating specialist can accurately draw up a treatment plan for Enterol, based on the objective picture of the disease: the causative agent of the infection, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the cause of diarrhea, general condition little patient.

A standard treatment regimen exists for average cases. It is on its basis that an individual one is created. How to take the drug in different ages? We will look at dosages for powdered dosage forms.

  1. From the moment of birth until the age of one year, it is recommended that the smallest children take Enterol 100 twice a day at regular intervals. Or in a dosage of 250, dividing the sachet into two.
  2. For patients from one year to six - Enterol 250 up to two per day or an equivalent dosage of 100 (two sachets) with the same frequency.
  3. Children over six years old - 1 or 2 sachets of 250 mg. Up to two times a day, or 2-4 sachets of 100 mg. with the same frequency.

The suspension can be prepared in water, juice, or for the little ones in milk (breast milk or formula) at room temperature or a little warmer, but not hot. When exposed high temperatures the active substances of the drug die. Concentration – for 1 package (regardless of dosage) 100 ml. liquids.

Enterol should be given about an hour before meals. Infants and children of the first year of life can be mixed with liquid food.

Enterol capsules are used for older children - after six years. But on the recommendation of a pediatrician, the age can be reduced, and this dosage form is prescribed after 3 years.

Therapy with the drug lasts up to 5 days for diarrhea, and up to 14 days for dysbacteriosis. If improvement does not occur after 2 days, it is necessary to adjust the treatment.

To avoid dehydration, the child must be provided drinking regime. You need to drink mostly clean water, light teas with a small amount of sugar (preferably glucose or honey, if there is no allergy to bee products and only after three years).

Diarrhea in a child is a fairly common and quite alarming phenomenon. In every specific case It is better to seek qualified help.

Price, where to buy

We have selected for you trusted online pharmacies where you can buy Enterol for children inexpensively:

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Enterol is an antidiarrheal agent. The main active ingredient is yeast fungi. According to the instructions, the drug has the following properties:

  1. Enterol yeast fungi are antagonists of many harmful bacteria, therefore, in case of dysbiosis, the intestines are healed.
  2. Enterol removes toxins from the body.
  3. Yeast fungi of the drug are not sensitive to the action of antibiotics, but are not compatible with antifungal agents.
  4. The drug helps to increase the secretion of digestive enzymes, which leads to better digestion and absorption.

Use during pregnancy is advisable when the benefit outweighs possible risks. As a rule, this formulation hides the absence clinical trials on this group of patients.

Overdose is unlikely and may be accompanied by nausea and aversion to food, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. Treatment with Enterol does not cause side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions occur in the form of a rash with itching.

Indications for use include diarrhea, diarrhea, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and dysbiosis. The manufacturer does not say that Enterol can be used for constipation.

During treatment, you should avoid alcohol and do not drink the drug too hot or ice water. Do not use together with antifungal agents. Combine with antibiotics with caution.

How do patients respond to the drug?

It will not be possible to form an idea of ​​Enterol based on patient assessments: they are contradictory and ambiguous. Here are examples of such reviews:

  • Enterol was prescribed for constipation for a 3-year-old child. How can it help if it is intended to treat diarrhea? I decided not to give it.
  • Staphylococcus and Proteus were cultured in the stool analysis for dysbacteriosis. The child has diarrhea with mucus, and at 4 years old they put diapers back on. We took Enterol for 5 days and followed a diet. For the first time in for a long time The child went to the potty normally.
  • For treatment intestinal infection prescribed antibiotics, sorbents and Enterol. It’s gotten better, but the stool is a mess: sometimes it hardens, then again it’s almost liquid.
  • I suffered for a long time until I started taking Enterol for constipation. After a week, the intestines began to function normally.

Why are opinions about the drug so different? Why is the same medicine used to treat diarrhea and constipation? To understand the contradictions that have arisen, we will analyze all available information and provide answers to questions.

Does Enterol cause constipation?

Most antidiarrheal drugs reduce the tone of the intestinal muscles, thicken the intestinal contents, and have an astringent effect. Enterol, although intended to treat diarrhea, acts differently.

It populates the intestinal microflora with beneficial fungi and displaces pathogenic microorganisms and thus heals.

Enterol contains no substances that could independently cause constipation. But if the treatment regimen is violated in combination with antibiotics and sorbents, such an outcome is possible.

Some patients take all the pills at once, hoping to get the benefit. In this case, the yeast fungi die, the sorbents bind to the substances of other drugs and have a fixing effect.

Should it be given to infants for constipation?

Enterol is not intended for the treatment of constipation, and this drug cannot be used independently for constipation. Stool retention in infants occurs for many reasons: from lack of milk and its complete absorption to dysbacteriosis.

Prescribe medications infants only a pediatrician can do this after conducting a survey, examination and the necessary additional examinations.

If Enterol was prescribed for constipation after testing for dysbacteriosis, give it infant Can. The powder form of this drug is recommended for children.

It can be mixed with milk or formula. Dosage for children of the first year of life – half a sachet of powder 2-3 times a day.

Can children take Enterol if they are constipated?

Most often in pediatric practice the drug is prescribed in following cases:

  • treatment of intestinal infections along with antibacterial agents and sorbents;
  • treatment of intestinal dysbiosis.

When patients have an intestinal infection, they suffer from diarrhea. Enterol restores the intestinal microflora and normalizes stool. But dysbiosis can be accompanied by both diarrhea and constipation.

In this case, a special stool analysis is mandatory. If dysbiosis is identified, then Enterol will help with constipation by improving the intestinal flora.

If the child does not swallow capsules, buy the drug in powder. One sachet in the morning and evening will be enough. The course of treatment is 5 days. Older children are recommended to drink 1-2 capsules 2 or 3 times.

Should it be used for constipation in adults?

Enterol is not used as an independent drug for constipation.

There are other drugs available to treat this disease in adults. folk remedies.

The use of the drug for constipation is advisable only for the treatment of dysbacteriosis. There is no need to fear an even greater fixing effect, since the medicine contains only yeast fungi. It does not affect the intestinal muscles and does not thicken its contents.

Enterol for constipation is effective when constipation is caused by dysbacteriosis. In other cases, its thoughtless self-prescription and application will not bring the desired effect.

When there are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines in children, a phenomenon such as diarrhea can often be observed. In addition to discomfort and painful sensations this condition may be a symptom viral disease. With frequent “trips” to the toilet, the body loses a large number of fluids, which can lead to dehydration. And this is not the entire list of reasons why you should take drugs that restore normal intestinal flora. Many parents prefer a drug such as Enterol for children, since it is effective in combating diarrhea and is considered safe means for young patients. It can be given to both a child and an adult, it is only important to follow the dosage.

The main reason for prescribing Enterol is diarrhea of ​​various origins. In addition, it helps restore the balance of microflora in the intestinal area and fights local harmful microorganisms.

It contains special living organisms that can have a detrimental effect on the components of pathogenic and opportunistic flora. In addition, this drug leads to increased local immunity and increased immunoglobulin synthesis. The product is also capable of neutralizing toxins that are formed in large quantities in the intestines as a result of the activity of microorganisms. Subsequently, they are absorbed into the blood and poison the body. Enterol binds them and brings them out, preventing intoxication.

Today Enterol can be found in several forms:

  • powder to create a solution;
  • powder to create a suspension;
  • capsules.

If we're talking about about capsules or powder in sachets to create a solution, they contain 250 mg active substances, while the suspension powder has only 100 mg. It is the latter form that is recommended for use for children. The powder is very similar in smell and color to yeast, and in order to preserve its properties, it is packaged in small foil bags. Gelatin capsules white contain powder inside.

Manufacturer this drug is a French company Biocodex, so it can be considered high quality and safe (in recommended doses). The main active ingredient is Saccharomyces boulardii, which can suppress the development of pathogenic flora.

Instructions for use prescribe giving powder to a child under 6 years of age (it is better to finished form it was a suspension). And after 6 years, you can prepare a solution from powder or give it in capsules.

In any case, the dosage and regimen for using the drug should be prescribed and prescribed to you by a specialist. It is possible to use this drug together with antibiotics, since the microorganisms it contains are resistant to them. If the cause of diarrhea is rotavirus or another infection, you most likely cannot do without antibiotics. In what cases is Enterol prescribed?

Indications for use

IN medical practice Enterol is used when there is diarrhea of ​​bacterial or viral origin. It is also able to support the growth of normal microflora in the intestines, the composition of which is disrupted due to intake antibacterial drugs. Because of this, Enterol is often prescribed along with them.

Thus, the main indications for the use of such a drug are assistance in eliminating dysbiosis of various origins and their prevention. He is also good remedy to eliminate such a phenomenon as colitis (recurrent, pseudomembranous). With its help you can cope with various types of diarrhea. of different origins(bacterial, viral) and various shapes(acute, chronic). Experts prescribe Enterol to prevent diarrhea in cases where nutrition is taken through a tube for a long time.

The instructions for use determine the use of this drug simultaneously with antibiotics, and you need to start from the very first day. If you have been prescribed Enterol without an antibiotic, then you should drink it an hour before meals along with a small amount of water or milk.

In no case should you use hot drinks or hot food together with Enterol, since exposure to high temperatures has a bad effect on the microorganisms in the medicine.

If it is difficult for you or your child to swallow a whole capsule, you can open it and pour the powder onto a spoon to take it orally with a small amount of liquid (water, milk).

The patient should experience improvement within 1-2 days. If this does not happen, but in stool mucus and bloody issues, you should contact your doctor. This should also be done if there is a high temperature.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is often accompanied by dry mouth. The reason for this lies in the excessive removal of fluid from the body during frequent loose stool. Therefore, experts advise that if you have diarrhea, drink a large amount of fluid (preferably water) to normalize it. water balance. During the entire period of use of the drug, there was not a single case of overdose. Despite this, you should give it to children very carefully, following the recommendations given in the instructions for use. Also, extreme caution should be given to children under one year of age.

Enterol - a drug for young children

You can give Enterol in powder form to children from the moment they are born. And although the instructions indicate that the drug is not recommended for children under one year of age, doctors still prescribe it. After all, with the help of this remedy you can easily cope with diarrhea and normalize the flora in the intestines. And for children this problem is especially relevant, since their body is still developing and is easily influenced by various factors.

Babies under one year of age are very rarely, but still sometimes prescribed, antibiotics. And in this case, they resort to using Enterol to smooth it out a little Negative influence antibacterial therapy. Also, indications for the use of this remedy include the presence Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella.

The powder should be given to the baby an hour before meals, having previously dissolved it. To do this, use milk, juices or water. Enterol for infants can be mixed with the mixture or mother's milk. You need to calculate it like this: 1 packet per ½ tbsp. liquids. Remember that the temperature of the water (milk, juice) should be at room temperature, since high temperatures are detrimental to medicinal microorganisms.

Indications for use: diarrhea or prevention of dysbacteriosis. In the first case, treatment will last 3-5 days, and in the second – 10 days.

The instructions for Enterol capsules provide for their use for children from 6 years of age. However, in some cases, when there are indications, the doctor may prescribe them from 3 years of age. They should also be taken before meals (an hour before) and washed down with a small volume of warm liquid. Should not be used for this purpose hot tea, compote, as this will reduce the effect of the medicine.

A child aged 3-6 years can drink 1 capsule in the morning and evening. However, such treatment can last no longer than 5 days. For kids older instructions allows you to take 1-2 capsules up to 3 times a day, and the course can last 10-14 days.

Reception features

The instructions for the drug indicate that the use of Enterol during pregnancy is not recommended. The reason for this lies in the fact that pharmacists have not conducted tests on pregnant women, and therefore are not entirely sure of its effect on female body at such a special time.

However, sometimes expectant mothers are prescribed this remedy in order to get rid of colic, bloating, diarrhea or prevent dysbiosis. With this drug, you can forget about discomfort in the abdominal area and not worry about dysbiosis during the changes taking place in your body. It can also be used to normalize stool.

Treatment with the drug for both pregnant women and children under one year of age should be prescribed by a doctor. At the same time, he will write out a dosage regimen that will not harm the fetus, and will relieve the mother from unpleasant sensations.

Enterol also helps to cope with giardiasis. This disease is caused by Giardia, the activity of which is suppressed by microorganisms that are inside the drug. If you or your child have frequent bloating, tests show anemia, allergic reactions occur, and developmental delays are observed (in children), then most likely you are faced with giardiasis. In addition to its own unpleasant symptoms, it can aggravate the manifestation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even hide behind them.

Contraindications of the drug

Despite the safety of this drug, there are still contraindications for its use. You should definitely read them before you start taking the medicine. The main reason for refusing to use the drug may be severe sensitivity to its components. It is also not recommended for people who have problems with the absorption of galactose-glucose or have a central venous catheter. To prescribe this drug to pregnant and nursing mothers, there must be indications and a doctor’s recommendation.

If within a few days after taking Enterol you do not observe an improvement in your condition and, more likely, we can talk about a worsening of some symptoms, you should immediately contact medical institution for help. After all, diarrhea (along with elevated temperature And painful sensations in the abdominal area) may be a symptom of a serious illness. Put accurate diagnosis and only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

If your doctor has prescribed Enterol for your child, be sure to read the label for this drug. In order to construct treatment correctly, you should know everything about the use of Enterol, its side effects and contraindications.

Features of using Enterol for children

This drug is prescribed to adults and children for the treatment of diarrhea of ​​various origins. Since Enterol contains lyophilized yeast, the active substance of this medicine freely passes through the digestive tract through the stomach, beginning its useful action only where necessary - in the intestines. Unlike lacto- and bifidobacteria, lyophilized yeast does not populate the intestines with “good” flora, but only eliminates the “bad” ones. They break down toxins and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria such as Candida albicans, Clostridium pneumonia, Vibrio cholera, Salmonella typhi and others. In addition, the drug Enterol has a positive effect on the state of local immunity in the human intestine.

Enterol is also often prescribed to children who take antibiotics to treat any disease, as a preventive measure for diarrhea.

Concerning age characteristics administration, then Enterol has no corresponding restrictions and can be prescribed to patients of any age group in the absence of contraindications (we will talk about them a little later). Enterol is prescribed even for newborns with prolonged diarrhea caused by the growth of pathogenic intestinal microflora (infection with staphylococcus, coli and other infections).

How to give Enterol to a child?

Enterol is available in the form of gelatin capsules and powder. Pharmacists recommend Enterol in the form of a powder diluted with water or milk for children under 6 years of age, and for children over 6 and adults, respectively, to take capsules. However, if your 5-year-old child can swallow a gelatin capsule of the drug, you can easily treat him with Enterol in this release form: this will not affect therapy for diarrhea in any way.

The dosage of Enterol for children under one year of age is usually prescribed by a doctor. For newborn babies, it is permissible to prescribe one packet of Enterol per day, while for a 6-year-old child the number of Enterol packets can reach 4. Also characteristic feature Taking Enterol for infants is mandatory control therapeutic effect after 2 days of treatment. If the drug does not have the expected effect, the doctor may reconsider the treatment depending on the baby's diagnosis.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Enterol

Enterol is enough soft drug, which has virtually no contraindications. The only exception is individual intolerance or increased sensitivity to lyophilized yeast and excipients(lactose monohydrate, sodium stearate, etc.), which is very rare. It is also undesirable to take this medicine with severe allergic reaction into its components. Enterol should not be given to young patients who have a central venous catheter installed. Parents should keep in mind that Enterol should not be given to children who are taking antifungal medications - they are mutually exclusive each other.

If you give the drug in powder form to your child, dilute it with caution. Since Enterol contains live bacteria, it should not be diluted with too hot (above 50°C) water. You should not combine the medication with food and drink (except water at room temperature).

Enterol is a high-quality drug that fights diarrhea in children and adults. Use it only as prescribed by your doctor and the right dosage– and you will quickly cure your child!

Enterol is an effective antidiarrheal drug that has proven itself in practice.

The drug restores the normal activity of intestinal microflora, which is necessary for physiological digestion. It has an immunobiological effect, enhancing local immunity of the intestinal mucosa and accelerating the production of immunoglobulin.

Advantages of the drug:

- limited number of contraindications;
minimal risk occurrence of side effects;
high speed actions;
— effectiveness;
- affordable price.

Effectively reduces the growth of pathogens and improves the functioning of lactase. As a result, infections and dysbacteriosis do not appear. You can also use the medication when traveling, because due to a sudden change in diet and eating spicy and excessively fatty foods, tourists often complain of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Enterol photo

Enterol has the following effects:

  • Antitoxic;
  • Antidiarrheal;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Antisecretory;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • General strengthening;
  • Enzymatic;
  • Nutritious.

The therapeutic effect of Enterol is due to the action of the microorganisms Saccharomyces boulardii. Active substance: lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii. Medicinal yeast has antimicrobial effect, due to the antagonistic effect against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.

After hitting digestive tract yeast passes through it without colonization and enters directly into the intestines. The maximum concentration of microorganisms is created within 24 hours.

live beneficial bacteria 3-5 days in the intestinal lumen, after which they are excreted with feces through defecation. When the intestines are cleansed, the blood supply to its walls improves and the immune system begins to work better.

Indications for use Enterol

  • infectious and nonspecific diarrhea, including traveler's diarrhea;
  • sensitive bowel syndrome;
  • treatment and prevention of complications of antibiotic therapy (diarrhea, colitis - inflammation of the colon, candidiasis - fungal diseases caused by the Candida bacterium);
  • diseases caused by Clostridium difficile;
  • prevention of diarrhea (diarrhea) during long-term enteral (through a gastric tube) nutrition in adults.

The drug Enterol for adults is available in the following dosage forms:

— capsules in a gelatin shell;
— powder for preparing the solution (in bags).
— powder for preparing a suspension.

Capsules and powder for preparing the solution each contain 250 mg of the active compound, which is lyophilized live microorganisms Saccharomyces boulardii (sugar-fermenting yeast fungi), and the powder for preparing the suspension contains 100 mg of microorganisms.

Instructions for use Enterol, dosage

In cases where swallowing the capsule is difficult, for example in children, its contents must be poured onto a spoon and swallowed in powder form or diluted cool water(10-20 ml) and drink the suspension.

When taking enterol in sachets, the contents of the sachet are diluted in water, cold or lukewarm (not hot!). It is not advisable to drink and dilute enterol hot water And alcoholic drinks, as this can lead to the death of saccharomecytes. The prepared solution can be stored for several days.

Enterol capsules are recommended to be taken during treatment with antibacterial agents (simultaneously with them). During antibiotic therapy, Enterol is prescribed together with antibiotics from the first day of therapy. In this case, the capsules are taken together with an antibiotic.

If used to treat other diseases, take the capsule an hour before meals with water or warm milk.

Enterol for children

Children under one year of age are given half of 1 packet or capsule 2-3 times a day. It can be mixed into food, such as puree or thin porridge, or into water. The number of days of admission depends on the cause of the disease and the course of pathological processes.

Children from 1 to 3 years old – 1 sachet or capsule 2 times a day. Children from 3 to 10 years old - 2 sachets or capsules 3 times a day. It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 5 days.

Children aged 1 to 3 years take 1 enterol capsule 2 times a day for 5 days Children over 3 years of age and adults take 1-2 enterol capsules 2 times a day for 7-10 days.

Treatment and prevention of diarrhea

For the treatment of acute diarrhea of ​​viral, bacterial or protozoal etiology, the course of treatment is 5-10 days.

Treatment of dysbiosis, chronic diarrhea syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome: 10-14 days.

To prevent travelers' diarrhea, the daily course of treatment corresponds to the duration of the trip.

Experts advise using Enterol in combination with other drugs, while taking 2 to 4 capsules per day (for adults).

Features of application

The effect of the medication on the ability to drive vehicles and operate precision machinery has not been established.

A feeling of dry mouth and thirst is a sign of insufficient water supply to the body.

When treating acute diarrhea, rehydration is necessary - replenishing the volume of fluid lost during defecation. Thirst and dry mouth indicate insufficient rehydration.

Side effects and contraindications Enterol

Numerous reviews about Enterol indicate that this drug is well tolerated in most cases, unpleasant side effects are observed very rarely.

Sometimes taking Enterol according to indications can cause nausea or abdominal pain. In this case, discontinuation of the drug is not required, but unpleasant symptoms go away on their own.

Other serious complications are likely - fungal sepsis (a fungal infection enters the bloodstream and further damage internal organs) and fungemia ( skin rashes, often in the form of a maculopapular rash). But such cases are rare.


No clinical data available. No overdose was detected.


This probiotic should not be used by people with high sensitivity to the components existing in the medicine, as well as by patients with a central venous catheter.

Enterol should be taken with caution during pregnancy.

The drug is contraindicated for infants under one year of age.

Analogues of Enterol, list

There are many remedies that help balance the composition of the intestinal microflora, but not every one of them has so much positive feedback, like the drug "Enterol".

Analogues of Enterol, list of medications with similar effects:

  1. Enterofuril;
  2. Proteophage;
  3. Probifor;
  4. Primadophilus;
  5. Linux;
  6. Baktisubtil;
  7. Bactisporin;
  8. Acipol;
  9. Acylact.

It is important to know that if after using the drug for two days the condition does not improve, or the body temperature rises, blood or mucus appears in the stool, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The vast majority of reviews on Enterol are positive. The drug quickly helps in the fight against diarrhea and intestinal disorders. An important advantage is the absence of constipation after taking the medicine (unlike other similar medicines).

It is important to understand that the instructions for use of Enterol, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as an indication for the use, purpose or dosage of drugs. The issue of replacing Enterol with an analogue should be decided by a competent specialist, taking into account indications and individual characteristics.

Practically complete absence contraindications and side effects of the drug do not mean the same qualities as analogues, even those similar in price to Enterol.