What kind of cat care is needed? Cat care: hygiene, proper nutrition and health care

Caring for a cat is not difficult and will not take up too much of your time, but you need to know what the animal needs to normal life. Grooming is not just about meeting the cat's vital needs; proper care will help identify health problems early stages– fur, eyes, nose, ears will show an attentive owner whether everything is in order. Grooming is also about communication, helping to establish better contact with your pet.

cat litter

There are cats that are fast toilet trained, with others - you will have to try. The kitten is taught everything by the mother cat, including this necessary skill, so the baby just needs to be told what and where to do in the new home. If the baby makes a mistake, don’t be angry, because you’ve only recently had him, dip some paper in the puddle and put it in the tray – next time the kitten will be able to navigate by the smell.

Try to arrange the cat litter box so that it is comfortable for your pet. You need to choose a secluded place that is always accessible to the cat, where no one will disturb it, and suitable tray(for kittens it should have smaller walls). Cats have a habit of burying “results”; some are so diligent in this that they can scatter the filler around the tray - in this case it will do closed box.

It is very important to choose a good cat litter. Long-haired cats will benefit from large granules that won't stick to their fur. The height of the filler layer is at least five centimeters. Special cat litters are very convenient - they quickly absorb and retain moisture and bad smell. The cat will carry “folk” remedies such as sand or sawdust on its paws and tail throughout the apartment. Newspapers absorb very little moisture, which means your cat will be dissatisfied with wet paws and you will be unhappy with footprints on the floor.

Clean up after your cat in a timely manner and add litter (it’s convenient to use a special scoop for this); if necessary, change it completely. When washing the tray, do not use strong-smelling disinfectants. If you have more than one cat, each one should have its own litter box.

If you decide train your cat to use the toilet– use the well-known “21st day” technique. The tray is gradually moved towards the toilet, then raised to the same level as it and, in the end, replaced with one another.

Cats are very clean, but in some cases problems with the cat's litter box can still arise. One of the reasons is the cat’s dissatisfaction with the owner’s actions, a kind of little cat revenge. Think about what may be causing it, and the problem may resolve itself. Another situation is the marks that an animal leaves on its territory. This problem is more difficult to deal with; one of the solutions is to castrate the pet. Another option is to use special sprays that help attract the cat to the tray and make inappropriate places unpleasant.

Walking cats

In nature, a cat always walks freely, hunts and defends its territory. But in the city, such walks are fraught with troubles: broken glass, cars, dogs, poisoned rats and pigeons - you can’t count all the dangers. But the cat needs physical activity, which is why the topic of walking causes so much controversy among owners.

Free walking, when a cat “goes where it pleases and walks on its own” without the supervision of the owner, is practiced in villages, as well as in dachas, where city animals are taken for the summer. Such walks in the city are, unfortunately, the irresponsibility of the owner, which often leads to disastrous consequences. Breeding cats are most often prohibited from walking freely by club rules.

Before you let your animal go for a walk, make sure that all vaccinations are up to date. If there is a danger of picking up a tick, treat the fur with an appropriate product. Ticks carry piroplasmosis, which kills many cats and dogs every year - protect your animal by regularly inspecting your pet’s fur.

Domestic cat a walk will not replace hunting trips, but it can become good remedy out of boredom, because cats are so curious. Cats are walked on a leash and a special harness; a collar is not suitable for this, since a cat’s neck muscles are much weaker than those of a dog. A cat will not be able to jump out of a properly selected harness (two fingers fit freely between the harness and the body). You can also use tape measures as a leash for small dogs. A young cat will quickly get used to this equipment, but an adult cat will have to work hard. The skill of walking on a leash is useful not only for walks, but also for trips, in particular to the veterinarian, so any cat should be trained to use a harness.

Http://www.site advises accustom your cat to a leash in several stages: first the animal gets used to the new object - leave the harness near the cat’s favorite places. Then they try to put on the harness, distracting the cat’s attention with petting, games, treats, and remove it - only when the cat has calmed down. Put on the equipment from time to time, tying these moments to something pleasant (for example, before feeding), gradually increasing the duration. Once your cat gets used to the harness, you can add a leash and walk around the room. You cannot pull the cat - it will simply lie down and not go anywhere, so be prepared for the fact that you will be walked.

Finally, you can go for a real walk: choose a quiet and uncrowded place so that the cat is not afraid of the new environment, bring the animal in a carrier with a harness attached. Place the container and allow the animal to come out on its own.

Some owners prefer to walk their cat on the balcony. This is very dangerous, because the cat, carried away by what it sees on the street, often jumps down. And although she can fall and land on her paws, a height of several stories is often fatal. Sometimes a ban on walking on an unglazed balcony is even written into the contract for the sale and purchase of a cat.

Cats sharpen their claws

A cat needs its claws to protect itself from enemies, as well as to mark its territory. In nature, claws wear down naturally, but in an apartment, the animal may need the help of its owner.

A cat needs to sharpen its claws, and if it doesn’t have a suitable scratching post, it will choose one itself (walls, carpets, furniture will do...). You can buy a special scratching post at a pet store or make it yourself. About how to make a scratching post yourself on http://www.site.

If the nails become too long, they can be trimmed slightly. If you are afraid to do this manipulation yourself, then you can use the help of a veterinarian to show you how to do it correctly. Although it does not hurt a cat when its claws are trimmed, it is still not a pleasant procedure (and is therefore banned in some countries by animal rights activists). If you are still going to trim its claws, then you should accustom your cat to this as early as possible. Take your time, caress the cat after each trimmed claw, try to make her calm down and relax each time. To trim claws, purchase special scissors; cut only the white part of the claw with several small cuts - this way you won’t hurt blood vessels. If the claw is dark, you will have to cut it a little at a time, focusing on the usual size of the claw. Don't count on keeping your nails trimmed to prevent scratches on your furniture.

Sometimes, to prevent a cat from scratching, its claws are completely removed. This is serious surgery, banned in many countries.

Attention to the eyes, ears, teeth of the cat

A healthy, properly fed cat should not have problems or the need to frequently clean its eyes or ears. An exception is watery eyes in cats with a flat face: tears often do not drain on their own; they can be removed with a piece of cotton wool. If your cat often scratches its ears, contact your veterinarian; do not try to treat it yourself with folk remedies.

Cats very rarely have tooth decay; the main problem with their teeth is tartar, which can cause bad breath. Check the animal's teeth; if a stone has formed, it can only be removed with the help of a veterinarian. This problem rarely occurs if the cat is eating properly. If the food is mostly soft, then there is almost no need to work with the teeth, which leads to the formation and accumulation of stone.

For prevention, you can brush your cat's teeth weekly - with a children's toothbrush with powder or soda. This procedure is unpleasant for both the cat and the owner. And although any cat can be accustomed to it, it is still worth reviewing your pet’s diet and not interfering with the natural cleaning of teeth.

cat fur

Your cat's fur can tell a lot not only about its health and nutrition, but also about your attitude towards the animal, well-groomed cat pleasing to the eye. If your cat licks itself too thoroughly or scratches itself, check to see if it has any insects or skin diseases.

Combing necessary for almost any cat (excluding hairless ones), it allows you to remove dead hairs that would otherwise be swallowed by the cat when licking. Hairballs that form in the stomach can cause indigestion. In nature, in order to get rid of them, a cat vomits - a natural process, but unpleasant in an apartment.

Gradually accustom the kitten to brushing; this procedure should become a pleasant ritual for the baby that brings you closer together.

For short-haired cats, weekly brushing with a soft brush with natural bristles is sufficient (artificial hair makes the coat brittle and also creates static). If the fur is long, then you should devote a few minutes to it every day, a comb with sparse teeth will do, remove any tangles carefully and carefully: if you cause pain to the cat, next time it may begin to resist. Special attention Place fur in hard-to-reach areas for licking, such as behind the ears.

During seasonal molting You will have to brush more often and more intensely - it will be easier for the cat and there will be less vacuuming. A rubber embossed mitten removes loose hair well; for short-haired dogs, you can use suede or terry cloth. Sometimes long-haired cats are cut for the summer - the animal can tolerate the heat more easily, and the owner can enjoy less worries care

The cat keeps its coat perfectly clean and does not need regular washing. Wash the cat It will be necessary if the animal is very dirty, or when preparing for an exhibition, where the coat must be impeccable; in other cases, there is no particular need to wash the cat. When washing, use special shampoos that match the type and color of the coat, which wash even the longest and thickest coat well. The conditioner will prevent tangling and make further combing easier. There are special care series for show animals.

Shampoo and conditioner must be diluted with water and foamed - a concentrated product is more difficult to distribute, and such a wash will cost much more. Prepare everything in advance: towels, shampoo, hair dryer, combs, etc. Turn on the water, set the desired temperature and carry the cat. Rinse the coat with water, then apply shampoo, massage for a couple of minutes and rinse thoroughly. The second time, you can use a special shampoo that improves texture and color. Apply and rinse off the conditioner, squeeze out the water with your hands and into a towel.

Alternatively, for minor stains you can use dry wash: After brushing, dry shampoo is applied to the coat and then combed out with a brush.


A cat living in nature actively moves, hunts, thus maintaining physical fitness and getting new experiences. Such stress is not available to a domestic cat, and the environment around it changes little; as a result, the cat gets bored, which negatively affects its health and behavior (from all sorts of destruction in the house to aggression), and, moreover, it risks gaining excess weight.

Despite the limited space of a city apartment, loving owner can organize an interesting and have a fun life, at the same time strengthening the relationship with the pet. Accustom your kitten to active games, some cats will happily jump for a treat, and some can be walked with on a leash.

Cats love to climb, put up a special climbing structure (you can buy it at a pet store or make it yourself), and there can be a pet house on top - your cat is guaranteed an exciting activity. To attract attention, you can place treats on some branches.

All kinds of balls, mice, spools of thread, bags of catnip - buy them or make them yourself, just take care of the safety of the toys. Look around and use your imagination: ordinary things could be a great toy! Many cats love to play with the most ordinary boxes: climb in and out of them, hunt for shadows.

A physically active cat that is interested in everything that is happening will be healthy and sociable.

All representatives of the cat family have individuality and capricious disposition.

Perhaps this is why we are interested in domestic cats – the care and feeding of which is the topic of this article.

Some pets may be more varied in their food, others less so. But they all have one thing in common that the owner should learn: if the cat doesn’t like the food you offer, she won’t touch it even if she’s very hungry.

For this reason, caring for and feeding cats takes a certain amount of time. It is necessary to prepare food for them separately, since they will not be content with leftovers from the master’s table, which contain salt and spices. It goes without saying that cat food must be properly balanced and selected. This directly affects the health of your pet.

Despite the fact that financial capabilities may vary from one owner to another, there are a few basic principles of feeding cats that you need to understand. An adult animal needs to be fed not once a day, but 2 or even 3 times.

Of course, the amount of food depends on age and body weight, but in any case daily norm food should be in the range from 150 to 300 grams. But what the veterinarian’s advice tells us is that cats prefer not too hot, but not too cold food.

Is meat and fish healthy?

If your cat's diet includes meat, it is advisable to combine it with side dishes. This will be more useful and budget-friendly. Cut it into small pieces to prevent your cat from choking while swallowing.

Many members of the cat family go crazy for fish in any form. However raw fish very harmful to the animal’s kidneys and, in addition, destroys vitamin B1. Therefore, it is better to boil the fish and mix it with cereals. Fish is not recommended for pregnant animals.

A very useful product for cats is any liver, since it contains substances that affect the health of the coat and its color. If you have cats at home, care and feeding will largely depend on what they eat. By the way, these pets happily consume any type of offal, including offal, heart, lungs, etc.

Once a week it won’t hurt to feed them in any form egg. Almost all animals also love dairy products, such as sour cream, milk, and cottage cheese. However, if your cats are not accustomed to them, care and maintenance will be complicated by digestive disorders and loose stools.

Fruits and vegetables will certainly be useful, but here it is better to focus on the preferences of the pet itself. The advice for male cats is almost identical, except that they tend to eat more than their female cats. It is known that after castration, animals tend to become overweight, and therefore it is recommended to slightly reduce their portions.

Feeding kittens

Be sure to take into account the age of your pet when determining its diet. Thus, the care and feeding of adult cats differs significantly from kittens with their small stomachs. The nutrition of young cats lays the foundation for their future health, which is entirely on the conscience of their owners.

As soon as the kitten is weaned mother's milk, you can feed him the following foods:

  • porridge from small cereals;
  • baby milk food;
  • steamed flakes;
  • grated meat or fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat broths;
  • vegetable purees.

After a month and a half, you can add chicken or lean beef in small pieces, as well as liver, to the menu. This will promote the development of teeth and chewing reflexes. To avoid the development of obesity in an animal, the following advice from a veterinarian will be useful - cats should receive a volume of food that is proportional to their mobility and lifestyle.

Aging animals experience more problems with digestion, and their teeth become unusable. During this period, they do not need calories as much as proteins and microelements. This is especially true for those animals that have been sterilized or castrated.

Walking and toilet

It is imperative to maintain sufficient fluid intake for the animal, regardless of whether it is present in the food or the drinking bowl is separate. If you live domestic cat– caring for him should include walking the pet, according to at least, during the warm months of the year. Give him his own pasture if you can't let him go outside.

Any box overgrown with turf is suitable for this purpose. It is best to plant such a container with oats, wheat, and barley. Cats will happily nibble on this kind of grass when they are deficient in vitamins.

Caring for domestic cats is inseparable from the issue of their toilet. To get started, purchase a tray that can be either closed or open. In essence, here the right to choose is given to the owner. If you have a domestic cat, caring for him will require a tray of greater capacity and depth.

Please note that in open trays animals like to rummage thoroughly, which leads to additional hassle during cleaning. To prevent your cat from scattering litter all over the room, place it in a closed container. Observe your pet's habits and take into account his interests too.

Caring for the coat

Advice for cats and their owners would be incomplete without touching on the topic of brushing and grooming. For long-haired breeds this is generally obligatory ritual, otherwise the hair will quickly begin to fall off, leading to the appearance of tangles that will only have to be cut off, and also threatens skin complications.

And even despite this, you cannot do without periodic visits to special hairdressers. Therefore, if you are not ready for such procedures, get yourself an animal with short or medium-length hair.

However, they will also need to be combed out. In order not to mentally traumatize the animal, teach it to this from a young age. A special comb equipped with fine and frequent teeth, as well as a soft rubber brush, will help you with this. Even regular regular stroking of your pet will make further care for it easier. coat. In addition, your cat should be bathed regularly using shampoos that treat the dandruff that they are prone to.

As the veterinarian's advice tells us, cats need their ears cleaned. After bathing, take a cotton swab, soak it in mineral oil or alcohol and carefully remove dirt, but only from accessible areas.

Under no circumstances should you try to get into hard-to-reach areas of the cat's ear. Eyes require even more frequent care as they tend to become sour. If you do not do this every day, the corners of the eyes may even begin to fester, this is especially true in the case of old animals.

Cats are usually very clean and try to take care of their own food. appearance. However, in some cases, animals are unable to provide proper care for themselves, such as when they have fleas or excessive hair growth. Therefore, for your part, you can help your pet look the best way by using additional care for his fur and hygiene procedures (for example, trimming claws).


Part 1

Caring for a cat's coat

    Brush your cat's fur. Cats come in both long-haired and short-haired varieties. Although cats groom their fur on their own, brushing helps maintain a luxurious coat by removing dust, dirt, and loose hair. Additionally, grooming can be a chance to further strengthen your relationship with your cat.

    If necessary, trim the fur. Most cats do not need haircuts or shortening at all. However, there are cases when such a procedure becomes necessary, for example, when tangles form on long hair which can lead to other health problems. Only trim your hair yourself when it's really necessary, or consider hiring a professional. professional specialist on grooming.

    Give the cat a bath. Even though your cat has built-in grooming tools in the form of her tongue and teeth, she will sometimes need to be washed, for example, if she gets dirty with something sticky or smelly. Using the recommendations below, you can minimize your animal’s stress from bathing and effectively rid its fur of dirt.

    Visit a professional groomer. If you don't have the time or patience to properly care for your cat's fur or perform other hygiene procedures, consider contacting a professional groomer. Please note that his services can be quite expensive, but this way you will save own time and make all procedures less traumatic for the cat.

    • Often a good groomer can be recommended in local veterinary clinics and cat lovers clubs. You can also ask friends and relatives if they have contact information for a good specialist.
    • Try to visit the groomer's office without your pet first. This will allow you to evaluate its equipment and quality of treatment of animals.

    Part 2

    Identifying and eliminating health problems
    1. Check the condition of your cat's skin. When brushing, trimming or bathing your cat, try to check its skin for bumps, bald spots and cuts. All this may indicate health problems, such as allergies or suffered stress. Contact your veterinarian if you notice any strange or unexplained changes in your pet's skin or coat. Possible skin problems for cats include:

      Remove fleas. If you find fleas on your cat while brushing or routinely caring for it, they must be removed as soon as possible. Fleas cause itching, skin problems and can even cause tapeworm infections.

      Remove ticks. Also, quite often cats that have the opportunity to walk outside are bitten by ticks. These arachnids may be carriers serious illnesses, so be sure to inspect your pet during the grooming process or every time he returns home from the street. If you find a tick, remove it and take your cat to the veterinarian so that he can check for other ticks on the animal and monitor its development. possible diseases because of the bite.

      Rid your cat of ear mites. Smallest ear mites also often affects cats, but are more common in kittens and young individuals. They are highly contagious and can lead to the development skin problems and hearing problems.

      Take care of your pet if it gets dirty with something dangerous or foul-smelling. If the cat gets dirty with something dangerous, such as paint or glue, it will need to be washed. Speedy elimination similar problems will allow you to take care of the health and hygiene of your pet.

This article is addressed to all those who want to have a furry friend, but do not know what is necessary for this. How to properly care for a cat, how to feed and bathe it. Today we will try to understand these issues.

New tenant in your home

When this long-awaited event happens and you bring home a little fluffy ball, defenseless and frightened, torn away from its mother for the first time in its life, it can hide and hide in a corner. In this case, if the kitten is still very small, you are his mother, protector, and nurse all rolled into one. Your task is to help the animal calm down and get used to its new environment.

How to do it? Talk to your cat in a calm, soft voice. If your pet already knows how to eat himself, treat him with a fragrant treat. Try to distract him by playing with a string.

What does a cat need?

Domestic cats, photos of which you can see in our article, are affectionate, friendly creatures and, contrary to the claims of many “dog lovers,” thinking animals. This statement is supported by the fact that they very quickly accept the living conditions in the new house and the requirements of the owners.

For a comfortable life, a cat needs:

  • a specific place to sleep;
  • quality food;
  • communication and proper care;
  • timely veterinary care.

Where should I place my cat?

Your four-legged pet will feel quite comfortable both in a private house and in an apartment, provided that the owner creates accommodation for him the necessary conditions. It is necessary to take care of a large tray with filler. Think about where your pet can run (or crawl). Buy or make a house with your own hands and place it in a secluded place. Here the cat can hide while playing or if it suddenly gets scared. Install a scratching post (if you don’t want your upholstered furniture to act as it).

It would seem that the apartment is fully prepared for a new tenant and seems quite safe. But this is only at first glance. Turns out, ordinary apartment is fraught with many dangers for the animal - household chemicals, which can be “tasted” by a furry fidget, plastic bags and foil left in sight. A cat can get seriously injured from quickly closing and slamming doors and household appliances.


When we talk about this, we mean caring for his health, raising a kitten, issues of proper nutrition, and many other problems that can be united under a single concept - caring for an animal.

May the manufacturers who make colored dry food for cats like Whiskas or Kitekat forgive us, but you can give it to animals only if you want to get rid of them. There are no such feeds necessary for the cat nutrients, but there are preservatives, flavor enhancers, and dyes in abundance. Animals receiving such food for several years are doomed to painful death or, in best case scenario for expensive treatment.

If you still want to use dry cat food, then use it the best views. For example, dry cat food EVO Turkey and Chicren Formula, which does not contain preservatives or other additives. Its main ingredients are chicken, chicken products and turkey. It contains a lot of protein (about 50%), very few carbohydrates (about 7%). This is a product of the Natura pet foods company, which was bought by the famous Procter & Gamble company in 2010.

Food from Wellness has earned the trust of customers and experts - CORE Grain-Free, Kitten Food and others. They contain up to 50% protein, which is a very high level.

Should I bathe my cat?

There are no experts on this issue consensus. Many of them believe that this should never be done. The animals are clean, and can handle their own toilet quite well on their own. Don't expose cats to additional stress.

Others consider this procedure necessary, but not frequent - no more than once a month. True, there are situations when your pet gets very dirty (especially with synthetic substances). Then “taking a bath” becomes necessary.

But do all owners know how to bathe a cat? Someone will object: “What’s so complicated about this? Lathered, washed away warm water- and it's done. The cat is clean and happy!” This point of view is not only incorrect, but can also be dangerous. First of all for psychological state your pet. It's no secret that the vast majority of cats do not like water; many are terrified of it. Therefore, for them, bathing is a powerful stress that greatly affects his future behavior and health.

How to bathe a cat to negative impact Is this procedure to be minimized? How to protect yourself and your furry pet from injuries while swimming? Prepare two terry towels - on one you will place the cat in the bath, and with the second you will wrap it after washing. Do not bathe your cat immediately after feeding. At least four hours should pass after eating.

You will need a special cat shampoo. We emphasize, only cat's. Shampoo intended for human use is not suitable for this purpose! In addition, prepare a conditioner. Fill the bath with warm water (38-39 degrees) so that it reaches the animal’s shoulder blades. Larger amounts can be dangerous. If the cat starts to struggle violently, water may get into his ears.

Before putting your cat in the water, hold him in your arms, caress him, and then start washing him. You need to soap the cat at least twice, after which you need to thoroughly rinse the shampoo with warm water. Do not forget to press the cat's ears to the head with your palm to prevent water from getting into them. Then apply conditioner to the fur, distribute it over the entire body of the animal and after the time indicated on the package, rinse off the composition.

The procedure is over. All that remains is to dry the fur and calm down. Wrap your pet in a terry towel to absorb moisture. If necessary, change it to dry. Dry the fur with a hair dryer (warm air). Comb the animal thoroughly, and do not forget to talk to it.

Trimming the cat's claws

This procedure is necessary for the health of the animal. It is important to accustom the kitten to it from the very beginning. early age. This is always being watched experienced breeders. When selling the baby, they must tell the new owners. If for some reason they did not do this, we will try to correct this deficiency.

You will need:

  • tonic and cotton pads to remove dirt from claws;
  • nail clippers (trimmers) or tweezers;
  • napkin;
  • hemostatic agent.

Most cats really don't like this procedure. Different animals react to it differently, depending on their temperament. It is better to do this task together - one person fixes the cat, and the other trims the claws. How to cut a cat's nails without injuring him? The fact is that if you touch the pulp, the nail will begin to bleed, and the cat will be in pain. If this happens, use a hemostatic agent, although naturally it must stop within a maximum of 10 minutes. This procedure should be repeated once a month.

Why does a cat need a house?

The modern pet supply market is overflowing with various accessories for pets. Among this abundance, you can easily choose a suitable house. Adult cats spend 2/3 of their lives sleeping. They, like their owners, need a secluded corner where no one will disturb their sleep. How to choose a house for a cat so that your pet feels comfortable in it?

For an adult animal it should be spacious, closed type. In addition, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fabric from which it is made. I would like it to be light and breathable. Buy a house with a removable bottom so that it can be cleaned or washed at any time.

It is better for a teenage cat to choose a house open type- in it he can not only relax, but also play.

How to care for a British cat?

If you become the happy owner of a cat of this breed, then you should be prepared for the fact that these animals are capricious and stubborn, but at the same time very smart. Therefore, when raising a British dog, give up the whip method - this will only complicate your relationship with your pet. How to care for British cat so that he grows up healthy and cheerful?

For this breed of cat, diet is very important. Don't try to give milk to a Brit - digestive system the animal will reject him. Completely exclude dry food from the British menu. Give preference to boiled sea ​​fish, boiled chicken with porridge. In addition, you need to give your cat vegetables and cheese. These animals are prone to conjunctivitis, so wipe their eyes daily with a cotton swab soaked in boiled water. Don't forget the importance preventive vaccinations. If he is unwell, immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

When talking about how to care for a cat, do not forget that the British cat is in dire need of human communication. Talk to him, stroke his “plush” coat more often, and he will respond to you with devotion and affection.

How to care for a fold-eared cat?

British and Scottish Fold cats require special care. From the first days of your animal's presence in your home, you should accustom it to daily hygiene inspections.

Taking care of your ears

Once a week fold-eared cat It is necessary to clean the ears from wax. They should not have any rash or plaque. These cats often have “tassels” growing on the tips of their ears. It is advisable to trim them.

Features of eye care

How to care for a cat if he has spots in the corners of his eyes dark coating? This is the most common question asked by owners of fold-eared cats. Don't be alarmed, there's nothing wrong with this. Moisten a cotton swab with boiled water or a special liquid that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy and wipe your pet's eyes. But if they appeared purulent discharge- urgently to the clinic!


British and Scottish Folds are the only shorthaired cats that thrive when brushed against the grain. Do this two, or better yet, three times a week with a special brush. First comb along the coat, and then against it.


Fold cats, like all predators, prefer fresh meat. But it should be supplemented with vegetables. Young lean lamb or fresh beef is preferable. In addition, your pet will not refuse liver and heart, eggs and cottage cheese. It is better to boil the poultry meat a little beforehand. To replenish the supply of vitamins in the animal’s body, give it more vegetables and wheat shoots or oats, which you can grow yourself on the windowsill.

So, you have learned how to care for a cat. On features different breeds We were unable to stop, but you have become familiar with the basic rules for keeping a cat in an apartment. Remember, if you lovingly care for your four-legged friend, he will certainly reciprocate your feelings!

Cat in the house. How to raise and care

Cats are very clean animals, constantly grooming themselves and also strive to keep their place clean. A person must ensure that the cat develops the habit of toileting in one place. Raising a kitten begins from birth, and by the age of 4-6 weeks it has developed certain reflexes.

Training can begin by placing the kittens in the designated area for the toilet several times a day at regular intervals and using a damp swab to irritate the area anus to stimulate the excretion of urine and feces. The location for the toilet must be chosen in advance so that you do not have to change it. For an adult cat that has already had an owner before you, it is advisable to choose the most suitable one for the toilet. quiet place in the apartment (out of sight, away from prying eyes). It is best to take the old bedding from the former owner and place it in a new place, which will then acquire an individual smell familiar to it.

For cats' toilets, special trays with bars and other plastic containers are used. They should be large enough for the cat to move around in without throwing away the bedding material. Newspaper, sand or special cat litter are suitable as bedding. You should pour a little of this material and gradually reduce its amount. After a week or two, the kitten will get used to its toilet.

After each use, the bath is cleaned (washed). If this is difficult and you stay at work for a long time, you should place two or three baths nearby. To clean the toilet, use a brush with a long handle, detergents, hot water with the addition of vinegar. Strong disinfectant, for example Lysol, can only be used if the cat uses an undesignated area for toileting.

Particular attention in education should be given to young animals. In this case, praise and calm stroking have a good effect. If the kitten does not get used to the place, you can punish it with your voice by saying loudly and energetically: “Ugh!”, or clapping your hands. You should take the cat by the withers and, showing it the “crime scene,” scold it, and then take it to its toilet, where you should try to create a positive impression with encouragement and affection.

The kitten must be handled patiently and calmly. Careful conversation with an animal and calm uniform movements contribute to creating an environment of desired trust. Constantly loud intonations sudden movements can turn a cat into an excitable, nervous animal that does not allow people near it.

From the very beginning, the kitten is taught to have a clear order and routine.. Regular feeding, play, daily walks and sleep help develop the animal's natural rhythm of life.

Cats need Regularly clean your ears of wax using cotton swabs. Eyes and ears should be wiped with a clean cloth, and inner surface auricle lubricate with Vaseline or any hygiene cream.

Feeding an adult cat should be standardized and balanced in terms of calories and nutrients. The cat should be fed once a day, preferably in the evening. Feed is given at the rate of 30-60 g per 1 kg of animal body weight. Food is always prepared and fed in crushed form, at the same time of day, in the same place, in a clean bowl. The remaining food is removed after 30 minutes.

Your cat should always have fresh food in her cup. drinking water. Natural cow's milk because of high content It contains no lactose for an adult cat. Considering that cats are capricious in food and quickly get used to meat and fish, refusing other food, it is necessary to include a variety of foods in the kittens’ diet: vegetables, fruits, etc. This is the only way to avoid the cat getting used to monotonous food, thereby eliminating underfeeding or overfeeding.

How to choose the right food for your cat? First, consider your cat's age, activity, weight, and breed, while keeping in mind her personal tastes and preferences. Even the time of year makes adjustments to the diet. Yes, in the summer adult cat They feed once a day, and in winter - twice.

A playful kitten needs a completely different food than an adult cat. And of course, pregnant cats need special nutrition. They need to select high-calorie dry food.

If your cat has long grown out of a playful kitten and is not as quick as before, most often she lies on the sofa or basks in a warm place, you need to take care of her.

Firstly, the diet at this age should be different low content protein, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. You may need to go to veterinarian and write out special food. By the way, there is a whole range of ready-made dietary foods that are not only tasty, but also provide therapeutic effect for many cat diseases.

Secondly, when choosing food, carefully read the labels on the packaging. On each bag, box or can you can find the composition of the feed, instructions for use, according to which you can determine the amount of feed, necessary for a cat a certain weight. Pay special attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging. Opened canned cat food should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than a day. Failure to comply with this rule most often leads to food poisoning animals. And never give your pets food directly from the refrigerator. Don’t be lazy, warm it up to room temperature, as you would do for yourself.

Thirdly, three conditions are important for cats:

Cleanliness of feeding utensils;

Constant access to the feeder;