West Highland White Terrier dog. Description, character and care of the West Highland White Terrier

West Highland Terrier (West Highland White Terrier) - aka Lead to.

Characteristics of the West Highland Terrier breed

Mischievous and cheerful news

As a rule, the characteristics of a dog have a connection with the breed and its homeland.
1) Since we are dealing with a hunting dog, this means that she is quite active, which determines her need for walks and physical activity.
2) The dog has a hard coat that does not shed. Therefore, the coat needs care in the form of periodic combing and trimming.
3) The dog tolerates heat and cold well.
4) West terriers are very vigilant, so they will bark, but for a reason, but as for their protective qualities, then barking will not go further.
5) The West Highland Terrier is a burrowing dog, its tail was often used to pull it out of its burrow. Its structure allows this to be done painlessly for the dog. Burrowing dogs love to dig holes - so be prepared for these maneuvers.
6) Terriers are stubborn and persistent and patient. Some people think that they are not easy to train, but the Westies are very capable and if you yourself are able to learn how to train them, then even more so they will master everything.
7) They get along well with children and other animals, but this is all individual for each case.

Five reasons to get a West Highland Terrier for apartment living

1) The West Terrier is small in size.
This is very convenient, because it doesn’t take up much space and it’s easy to arrange life in an apartment. Despite its terrier disposition, the Westie has enough space for a comfortable stay in an ordinary apartment.
2) The West Terrier is very comfortable for coexistence with its owner.
You are having fun and want to play with your Westie - he will happily frolic with you. You are tired and want to lie down on the sofa, the Westie will lie curled up next to you. He will always adapt to you. Many people notice that when you get a West Terrier, you get both a dog and a cat in one person. You went to work, the news will get enough sleep and wait for your return.
3) You will not suffer from an abundance of wool in the apartment.
Westies do not shed. They also do not have a specific smell (well, if you wash them periodically). This dog is good for those with allergies.
4) West Terriers have a very good character.
They are particularly cheerful and radiate optimism. Their cheerfully and cheerfully raised tail, which sways from side to side, leaves no one indifferent. You will always be inspired when spending time with your pet.
5) Vestiki are very beautiful
If you are not indifferent to your dog, then your care for him will be reflected in his beauty. A well-groomed West Terrier is a source of special pride for its owner. There's a lot to see and work on. If you plan to participate in exhibitions, this dog is always the star of the shows.

West Terriers - myths, possible difficulties and problems

Vestik - a small white bear

Myth: The West Highland Terrier is a terrible allergy sufferer.
— In fact, this breed is not allergic. Often those who are faced with this problem or have purchased a dog with a genetic hereditary health problem, or this is the result poor nutrition dogs.
Difficulty - the West Terrier's coat needs periodic grooming
- You must understand that since the dog does not shed, the coat needs care. Trimming or cutting. If you want to beautiful dog with good wool - then trimming. The haircut does not allow the formation of the correct coarse coat. You must plan time and money for this care.
The problem is that Westies love to dig holes.
“Just be prepared for it—it’s normal for them.” If you have a garden or beds, he will help you there. Be carefull. It may not dig often.
Myth: Vestik is white, which means there will be a lot of problems with washing and care
- In fact, the West Terrier, as a dog with a hard coat, cleans itself perfectly. Here it is all dirty - but the dirt dries up and falls off and now it is as good as new, although over time it becomes less white :), but the question is how long ago you washed it.
Problem - West Highland Terrier, stubborn terrier
- All terriers are stubborn, at the beginning they are disobedient and do not want to follow your commands, but over time, as they grow up, they will follow you - although you need to win their authority.

Steps before buying a West Highland Terrier puppy

1) You need to figure out what type of dog is right for you.
Perhaps you like the beauty of the West Terrier, but you do not like active dogs - then you should think about it.
Watch the video - it tells a lot important points that will influence your decision when choosing a West Terrier:

The dog's pedigree is important if you plan to participate in exhibitions.

3) How to choose a West Terrier puppy - what to look for to avoid mistakes
Choosing a puppy is a very responsible matter. The West Terrier lives for more than 10 years and you live together, so you shouldn’t rely only on emotions.

Young mischief maker with mom

There are a few common mistakes when buying a West Terrier:
A) Emotional choice of a puppy— is dangerous because emotion is the determining factor in choice. You may not pay attention to whether the puppy meets the breed standard, to the pedigree, or to find out about the health problems of the parents. You just liked him and you want him. This often happens if you really want a puppy and this is your first look.
B) The desire to buy cheaper- as a rule, it does not meet the standards and in the future you pay more to veterinarians than you paid for the puppy.
C) The desire to buy the most expensive puppy- does not provide any guarantees. Often “moneybags” or maximalists hope for such a choice, which is very often used by “promoted nurseries”. You are overpaying and there is no guarantee that you will get a healthy pet that meets the stated standards
D) The desire to buy quickly- if you really want to choose good puppy, this takes time, sometimes you even have to order and wait for months. There's never any need to rush.
D) Buying from an ad without seeing the puppy— 100% lottery. It’s unlikely that anyone would choose a wife or husband like that...

Of course, all these are just tips that can help in some cases avoid disappointment. Choosing a puppy is like a lottery. You don't know 100% what will happen with your choice and whether this puppy is right for you. You can get a Westie puppy by ignoring all the advice and be absolutely happy.

4) What to pay attention to successful choice Westie puppy
First of all, we recommend reading the article: How to choose a West Highland Terrier puppy
Key points to pay attention to:
— If you want to understand what your dog will look like in the future, look at its parents;
- Pedigree, veterinary passport, availability of vaccinations according to age;
— Pay attention to character (temperament) and health, these are the main priorities. Choose an active, strong puppy with clear eyes, a mischievous look with a cunning look, friendly and inquisitive. Be careful if the puppy is overly active, sad or lethargic;
— The puppy’s weight should correspond to its age;
— Pay special attention to the wool. The West Highland Terrier must have a coat that meets the standard. The coat should be white, smooth, hard;
- Be sure to check the puppy's teeth. Important correct bite and their complete availability;
- The pigment around the eyes, lips and on the paw pads should be black, without red spots. The claws on the paws are preferably black;
— The dog should be compact with a square body and proportional. The tail should be short and set correctly.

Cost of buying a West Highland Terrier puppy

Westies are not a cheap breed and are quite rare in the CIS. Today these babies are becoming more and more popular and the demand for them is growing.
In fact, puppy prices do not depend on the breed at all. Firstly, the price is a direct dependence on the number of titles of the parents and the class of the puppy, and secondly, how much the breeders want to get rich, what were the costs of the offspring and how much they value their work in breeding dogs and handling (showing the dog in the ring).

Always ready for action

But, since we have already encountered exhibitions, we can safely admit that most titles are worthless, it’s a shame, but it’s a fact. No, not all!!! But most of the titles are collected at local “so-so – exhibitions”, in which 1-2 representatives from the breed take part, respectively, due to the lack of competition as such, dogs receive their CACs and JCACs (candidates for champions). This is how they slowly gather money for a “champion” at provincial exhibitions. Large exhibitions, for example, European ones, where the competition is healthy and the jury is incorruptible, are truly worthy of respect.

Also, the price will depend on the reputation of the nursery and the quality of previous generations of puppies and their achievements.
You may come across different prices. But basically the prices for puppies of the same class are in approximately the same price segment.
So, for example, a puppy in Russia in the United States:
show class will cost 1000 – 1500;
breed class – 500 – 1000;
pet class – 500.

Perhaps there are cheaper puppies, but then a lot of questions arise - why?
Price may vary depending on the location of the breeder or cattery. In the provinces, prices are always lower.
In Belarus and Ukraine prices are lower than in Russia, in USD:
show class will cost from 600 - 1000;
breed class – 400 – 500;
pet class – 350 – 400.

Puppies of different classes can be sold in the same litter, don’t let this scare you. Experienced breeder Already by 2 months, or even earlier, the quality of the litter will be determined.
Bitches are usually more expensive.
Also, do not forget that when purchasing a dog, you should not forget about the costs of pet. After all, the dog’s appetites, and therefore the costs for it, do not depend on the class of the puppy you purchased.
Nutrition. An adult West Highland Terrier eats 150-200 grams. dry food (premium or super-premium quality, this is important!) per day, which means feeding your dog per month will cost you about 35-45 USD. Even if you decide to feed the dog natural food, remember that Westies need meat, and high-quality meat, which is also not cheap.

Despite the fact that these Scottish dogs were originally bred for hunting purposes, today representatives of this breed are exclusively pets, and for their owners, most often female, they are household toys or faithful companions. You can play with them, walk, share thoughts, take photos, shoot videos, etc. However, they have not completely lost their hunting spirit and at the first opportunity, at the sight of a “prey”, their getter instinct is triggered, and they rush headlong to catch it.

Everyone should watch a video where they film how “vesti” (as dogs of this breed are affectionately called in a number of countries) hunts for rodents. It's very entertaining and funny at the same time. A small fluffy dog, looking like a toy, quickly runs after the ferrets and boldly dives headfirst into their holes, first digging the ground and widening the hole. This is how they are - smart and funny, dexterous and pugnacious dogs of this breed. At the same time, they are friendly, benevolent and loyal.

West Highland White Terrier - general introduction

The West Highland White Terrier breed was developed in Scotland in the Middle Ages. In the literature you can find their other name - “White Highland Terrier”. These dogs were originally considered hunting dogs and were used to catch small animals living in burrows: ferrets, badgers, foxes, etc. Of course, looking at them, so small, defenseless and snow-white fluffy, it is difficult to believe that they are distinguished by great endurance, efficiency, and even courage.

There is a version that this dog is a descendant of Cairn Terriers that were bred in neighboring England. Their price, of course, is not as fabulous as that of other types of terriers, but it is also decent and not everyone can afford to have such a home toy.


Once upon a time, the English king James the First (1566-1625), having once become acquainted with the West Highland White Terrier breed, was so delighted with them that he immediately bought several from their owner, and sent several more copies as a gift to the French monarch. In those distant times, the price for them was quite high. And after the king himself fell in love with them, representatives of this breed became fashionable, which was beneficial to the dog handlers involved in their breeding. After this, their price increased significantly, and they began to be considered one of the most expensive, both in France, England and Scotland. Naturally, only nobles could keep them and therefore they mainly lived in palaces, at royal courts, and, as a rule, they were taken hunting.

The name of the breed of these snow-white dogs - West Highland White Terrier - was given by Colonel Edward Malcolm. In addition, he was the first to send terriers to an exhibition in London, where he instantly won the sympathy of all dog lovers. Today they are briefly called “vesti” and are very loved in all corners of the planet. Video recordings of these at the same time beautiful and very smart dogs clearly show how they behave at home and during walks. There are also many paintings, illustrations and even photo wallpapers with their images on sale. Of course, before they are removed, they undergo special training: trimming, haircuts, etc.

External characteristics

I would like to begin the description of these dogs by citing their main characteristics. The West Highland White Terrier has the following parameters:

  • Height ranges between 25-28 centimeters.
  • As for weight, this characteristic is slightly inconsistent with height and ranges from 6-10 kilograms.
  • The color of these dogs is white, and can have the following shades: snow-white, milky, light wheaten. The fur coat has a medium length of pile.
  • The body of this type of terrier is disproportionate to the head, which is much larger. This impression is created due to the furry muzzle with small and pointed ears, which gives this snow-white baby a funny, slightly toy-like appearance. A wide jet black nose completes the look. Just look at him Funny Pics.
  • The bite is regular and scissor-shaped. Their eyes are mostly very black, of course, sometimes they can be lighter, which is extremely rare and not desirable.
  • The front and hind limbs of the Westie are quite consistent with the size of the body. Their waist is quite wide, and their chest is slightly sunken.
  • As for the main advantage of dogs - their tail, it is straight, of medium length (about 15 cm) and quite thick at the base and tapered towards the end.

We think that this description helped you mentally imagine what these dogs look like. In addition, if you have not yet fully imagined them, you can carefully look at their photos on the Internet. This dog is by no means a long-liver: average term life - 12-15 years, and then with good care. After all, despite their endurance, these are gentle and vulnerable dogs, perhaps this is due to weak immunity. Reviews from the owners indicate that these representatives of this breed need constant monitoring of their health and special care (timely receipt essential vitamins, proper nutrition, regular vaccinations, haircuts, bathing, trimming, etc.)


Since the size of the West Highland White Terrier is a small dog, it is convenient to keep it even in a city apartment. However, we must not forget that this is, first of all, a hunting dog and it needs a hunting load. Don't be lazy to pay little friend plenty of time, walk him at least twice a day. Let him run after cats and pigeons to his heart's content. He will be happy and you will read it on his satisfied face. If you noticed, in all the photos where he looks happy and cheerful, “Vesti” is outside the house.

To be honest, he is pleased that he is loved, cared for and given special care. But even more he likes to be in nature and play sports, play, etc. Of course, it is much more convenient to keep him in a country house or dacha, since, living in an apartment, he creates a lot of noise: these terriers have a loud bark, and he can bark at it for hours on end without a break, which, naturally, the neighbors do not like. Some people think that in order to avoid prolonged barking, he needs to be fed more often, however, in this way he simply wants to express himself, and does not call on his owners to fill his bowl. And these kids love to dig, and in a matter of minutes there may be nothing left from your flowerbed.


One of the famous English dog handlers once said that the West Highland White Terrier is “the embodiment of terrierness.” A dog of this breed, despite its small size and harmless appearance, has such qualities as boundless Scottish assertiveness, determination, courage, and, well, devotion to its owners.

I would like to supplement the description of the character with other, completely different characteristics: tenderness, gentleness, loyalty. At the same time, he absolutely does not like to fawn, because the “Westie” is a small and very proud dog with a high sense of self-esteem. This is evidenced by reviews from owners. It is thanks to all these qualities that they become not just pets, but friends for their owners and real family members.

Often their photos adorn the most important walls of the house in which he lives. As we have already noted, it is not long-lived, so the owners, aware of this fact, like to videotape them as souvenirs. Children especially adore terriers. After all, the “Westie” is very similar to a toy - just as funny and hooligan-smart. She can participate in common pranks with children. The reviews from the owners of these dogs about them are very touching, as if we're talking about not about the dog, but about the child.

They are also particularly jealous of other pets and intolerant of those children who actually take them for a toy and can roughly squeeze and bother them. In this case, bites cannot be avoided. After all, she values ​​her dignity very highly and believes that all members of the household should respect her.

West Highland White Terrier - education and training

The West Highland White Terrier is an intelligent dog by nature, it has good manners, friendly character However, she needs training just like other pets. This process is easy for them. However, reviews from owners say that almost always flexible “newsies” can suddenly become stubborn and show character, disagreeing with the orders of their owner. And in families where children are raised, it is necessary to instill in representatives of this breed tolerance and the ability to keep their feelings under lock and key.


Like many other pets, this small dog needs proper care. From time to time she gets sick with one or another specific canine disease. These include atopy, dermatitis, allergies to certain foods, pulmonary fibrosis, deafness, diabetes etc. Heart disease is also very rare. Care in such cases should first of all include a trip to the doctor. You should not self-medicate in any way. Only a highly qualified veterinarian will be able to correctly determine the severity of the disease and help obtain proper treatment. At the same time, you should not confuse two concepts such as care and maintenance.

The second includes the diet (what and how many times to feed), and the first is caring for both physical health(disease prevention, vaccinations, diet), haircuts, walks, trimming, etc. By the way, such a procedure as a haircut is allowed by veterinarians only in the anus, on the head, chest, and paws. But the rest of the body needs trimming.

What is trimming?

Let's find out in more detail what trimming is? This is plucking overgrown hair using special devices or simply with your hands. After it, the new layer of wool turns out to be tougher and of higher quality. For the first time, this procedure can be performed on 3-4 month old dogs. It is during this period that their coat becomes more mature and durable. If you look at the photo of the terrier before and after plucking, it immediately becomes clear why this is even necessary. After all, without this procedure your a pet will look like a slob and a bully.

This procedure is also necessary if the dog must take part in any competition. However, you don’t need to try to do it yourself, even if you carefully watched the video about it. Trimming should only be performed by an experienced professional. This procedure, by the way, costs much more than a haircut and amounts to approximately 2000 rubles. As you can see, caring for a Westie requires not only a lot of energy, but also money. Probably, after all this, the following question pops up in your mind: “How many times should you trim?” It turns out that the procedure can be done only 2-3 times a year. “Oh wow, a little expensive.” This is why the price of dogs of this breed is not cheap.









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Dear, dear fool to lead. Hands reach out to him to shake his shaggy head. The small white terrier calls only positive emotions. Where did this miracle come from?

History of the breed

The West Highland White Terrier is one of the Scottish terriers, and it is not recommended to call the breed English in the presence of Highlanders. White terrier with high mountains, Scotch Terrier and Cairn Terrier are the national pride of Scotland.

Westies, Cairns and Scotties are closely related and share the same history until the early 19th century. Terriers were kept for hunting small animals in holes and crevices. Fox, badger, and also otter on the banks of rivers and lakes were of hunting interest to poor people. For such work, dogs of a lively disposition, independent and even reckless were selected.

In Scotland, to burrowing terriers there was additional requirement: Coarse coat and short legs. The harsh climate, cold water of mountain rivers and rocky terrain had an effect.

The selection was based on working characteristics, but light-colored puppies were not favored, and if such appeared in the litter, they tried to destroy them. Fortunately, this prejudice was not shared by Sir Edward Donald Malcolm.

The colonel liked light-colored dogs, and he also thought white color safer when hunting. When a red terrier, soiled with earth, crawls out of a hole, he can be confused with a fox and shot.

On his estate in Poltalloch, Malcolm began targeted breeding and managed to produce sufficient stock of one type and color. In parallel, but in an atmosphere of rivalry, two more enthusiasts acted: the Duke of Argyll of Roseneath and Dr. Flaxman. All three demonstrated the resulting terriers at exhibitions in late XIX V.

Initially, half-tallochs, as show visitors called them, came in two colors - white and light cream, often with spots, and rosenites were white. Dr. Flaxman succeeded in producing pure white Scotch Terriers. All dogs differed in head shape and coat structure.

There were still more common features: small erect ears, raised tail, compact body on short strong legs. And the character is passionate, fearless. Ultimately, these breed groups merged into one, adopting Malcolm's desired type of dog, but with a white coat.

Development of the breed

The first breed club was formed in 1904 in Scotland, and three years later in England. Until the First World War, the breed experienced a real boom; at that time, dogs were valued very highly - hundreds of pounds.

For a long time, Westies were bred in parallel with Cairn Terriers; this practice was banned only in 1924.

The West Highland White Terrier Club developed in fits and starts; wars greatly slowed down the dynamics and set the breed back.

The number of livestock in England and Scotland was stabilized only in the 50s, after which the white small terrier quickly became an international favorite. True, along with its popularity, the Westie lost its hunting practice and became a completely decorative breed.

This was a logical consequence of improving the exterior. As a relatively young breed, the first thing that the breed needed was to establish a pure white color. This was achieved by compromising the quality of wool.

Further improvement of the breed went in the direction of grooming, and the Westie acquired an original hairstyle. In addition, the terrier has grown a little at the withers, lengthened his neck and straightened his top line. He became so interesting and stylish that in 1976 he won for the first time in the history of the breed main exhibition United Kingdom - Crufts.

The West Highland White Terrier is common, except in Europe, in North America and Japan, mainly in countries with a not very hot climate. Dogs from Great Britain are still the most prized.

Breed standard

The West Highland White Terrier is the most elegant and energetic of the group of short-legged terriers in Great Britain. She is small but extremely confident and brave dog. His build allows him to be durable, agile and omnipresent.


Height 26-28 cm.
Weight 7-10 kg.

The Westie stands firmly on the ground, because he has a fairly wide chest and developed pelvic bones. The fore and hind limbs are short, but bony and very well muscled. The paws are gathered into a ball. Westies can climb rocks and climb sloping trees.

The dog gives the impression of a dense bundle of energy; there should be no effeminacy or lethargy in the terrier. A good indicator of a lead's temperament is a “cheerful” tail, that is, a tail set high. Tails are not docked; a “correct” tail is no longer than 15 cm.

The Westie's back is short, straight and strong. In the modern type, the top line is a saddle - the long, wide neck smoothly turns into a pronounced withers and continues to a shortened loin. When viewed from above, the back and loins are wide.

Main signs of news:

  • Compact.
  • Strong.
  • Wider at the back than at the front.

The head of a modern Westie is hidden by his hairstyle, but an experienced expert will be able to evaluate its lines. It must be the head working dog, wide, with pronounced brow ridges and a well-filled, slightly shortened muzzle. A flattened skull and narrowed muzzle are not suitable.

The terrier has large teeth for correct location which require a fairly wide jaw arch.

Strictly evaluated:

  • The ears are small and erect.
  • The nose is quite large and black.
  • The eyes are as dark as possible, widely set, oval. The characteristic expression of the eyes is especially checked.

Coat requirements are not limited to white color. Westies are classified as wire-haired terriers, which means that coats that are too soft, wavy, and curled will be rejected. A properly trained terrier exhibits a two-layer coat - a soft, short undercoat covered with a hard guard.

Hairstyle "chrysanthemum", which has become business card lead, is not regulated by the standard. It is worth noting that with soft wool of irregular structure, the hairstyle may not look decent. An accentuated haircut with sharp transitions is undesirable.

In any case, the winner is a dog that is proportionally built, with a “trademark” look and light energetic movements.

How to care for the coat of a West Highland White Terrier:

Trimming (plucking)

The first trimming must be done at 3–4 months, when the puppy's fluff changes. In the future, the dog is trimmed on average every 2 months. If you act in this mode, you will be able to maintain a decent appearance of the terrier without completely exposing the skin. Get a comfortable two-layer hairstyle.

If you skip trimming for 4-6 months, the dead fur will have to be plucked completely.

The frequency and complexity of the procedure greatly depends on the quality of the wool. Westies have a very wide range - from a high-quality, hard guard with a moderate undercoat to an undesirable cottony, uniform coat.

Anyone can master the technique of hygienic trimming. A tool called a furminator is very helpful in removing excess hair, especially undercoat. It is recommended to pluck the guard coat by hand.

Westies cannot be cut with scissors or clippers. It leads to rapid change hair structure towards thinning. After two haircuts, the coat becomes thin and soft.

In most cases, this unusual procedure is entrusted to a groomer - a dog hairdresser. By at least, at first it will be better for a novice dog breeder.

If your dog is quite “tough” by nature, run away from a groomer who does not pluck the hair, but only uses a clipper. The best trimming is the one done with your fingers. Thinning scissors and a machine are allowed only at the last stage of trimming, to fine-tune and smooth out transitions.

Washing and combing

You can brush your terrier every day or every other day. Let's allow up to four days to pass, but then there may be problems with unraveling the fur and accumulation of dead hairs.

Contrary to the belief that white dogs have to be bathed frequently, Westies are bathed only as needed, once every 2-3 months. The coarser the dog's coat, the less often the procedure will be required. Shampoo is selected without a softening effect; dry cleansing powders and foams are convenient.

Unfortunately, the wool of excellent stiffness in Westies, as a rule, does not have ideal White color– fawn, light sand. This is not the most the best option for show, but in everyday life it is much easier to keep such dogs. After trimming, the house will be clean.

Bleaching wool by special means, and bathing dogs frequently is not the best way, knowing that Westies are prone to skin manifestations.

We have to disappoint those who dream of a message with the famous “chrysanthemum”. This hairstyle can be done only for 1-2 days and only with the help of hair retainers. This “flower garden” is intended exclusively for exhibition display.

Like all terriers with a hunting history, Westies have large teeth. Plaque and tartar are common occurrences that require regular treatment.

Small erect ears pose a risk during bathing, so they are usually covered with cotton swabs. The fur inside the ear should be removed regularly by plucking and trimming.

In addition to hygiene and hairdressing procedures, the owner’s main concern is organizing the Westie’s leisure time. Fun games, walks, and communication give the dog tone and interest in life.

Health and disease of the West Highland Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is genetically an extremely healthy dog. Mobility and a calm attitude towards food add several full years of life to him - up to 14-16. Of course, provided that the owners often walk their dogs and do not overfeed them.

Still, there are problem points:

Heredity plays a role, but it is rarely possible to reliably find out the “history” of the puppy’s parents. Therefore, all new terriers are given universal advice for preventing allergies:

Immediately give preference to hypoallergenic super-premium and holistic dry food.
Avoid protein overfeeding.
Strictly adhere to the diet and do not create a disorderly mixture of products.

Proper care can help prevent some skin diseases.

Character and training

The Westie is a typical terrier, which means that it will be easy and difficult at the same time. Easy - because he is smart, quick-witted and remembers everything well. It can be difficult at first due to the dog’s independence and excessive mobility.

Westies, deprived of hunting leisure, are forced to constantly somehow realize their potential motor activity, ingenuity and combativeness. The best way to channel energy into a “peaceful direction” is, of course, play.

The education of a puppy and a junior is built on the gaming platform. Given the restlessness of young terriers, lessons should be preceded by good walks. top scores will be achieved if the right balance is found game elements, rigor and encouragement.

Terriers can and should be punished, otherwise they will quickly imagine themselves to be the boss in the house. As for rewards, mutual (!) joy and pleasure works best. Show the Westie that you are happy when he successfully completed a task, and he will try to do it again and again.

Terriers do not suffer from gluttony, and food is not the main thing for them. Gustatory reward is recommended only at the very beginning of the training process to practice basic commands. It is also worth using treats to train him to be trimmed on the table.

Westies enjoy any activity provided they are in good company - people, other dogs and even cats. If the terrier is lucky and has a successful owner, you can practice agility, pitch and go, participate in competitions with a puller, and Frisbee. Sports training does not harm the exhibition career at all.

It is too cruel to limit the Westie within the framework of exhibition handling alone. However, it is recommended to accustom him to examinations on the table and movement in the ring already in puppyhood.

In general, terriers can be loaded with a variety of training without fear of a nervous breakdown. Westies think quickly and easily switch to any program of action. This is the case when decorativeness did not turn the dog into a weak-willed toy.

Pros and cons of the breed

The number of points is approximately equal. What seems like a disadvantage to someone does not frighten people with other life attitudes and circumstances at all.


  • Small size.
  • Charming and attractive.
  • Cheerful character.
  • Successfully trained.
  • Has no smell.
  • Does not shed hair (subject to trimming).


  • Very mobile and restless.
  • It may break apart.
  • Regular trimming is required.
  • The “skirt” gets dirty all the time.
  • You need to buy clothes.

In general, starting from the purchase of a puppy, Westies are not cheap and take quite a lot of time. However, the popularity of the breed is growing, which means that the game is worth the candle.

Photo of a West Highland White Terrier | Dreamstime.com

basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming Number of baths, brushing, and required amount professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly towards other dogs Dog's tendency to find mutual language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

West Highland White Terriers are small hunting dogs with assertiveness, excellent instincts and passion, whose homeland is Scotland. In the British Isles, these dogs have proven themselves to be excellent catchers of foxes, otters, badgers, rabbits, and small rodents, operating underground without hearing the owner. But in Russia they are purchased to serve a person at home due to their small size (weight about 8-10 kg, height at the withers - 25-30 cm) and flexibility, if the owner managed to establish the correct connection from the very moment he met the puppy (where The dog always obeys the owner). Also, Russian representatives of the breed successfully participate in competitive events, but in our country they are rarely used in capturing burrowing animals.

Distinctive external features these Scottish dogs– white fur without any inclusions and intelligent dark-colored eyes. The build of such terriers is strong, compact and quite muscular. Skull box convex, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly defined, the brow ridges are protruding and noticeable. The muzzle tapers towards the nose (black), the eyes are widely spaced relative to each other, the dog’s protruding forehead makes the eyes deep-set. The ears of the West Highland White Terrier are small, triangular shape. The neck, whose diameter at the base is quite large, is muscular and strong. The chest is deep, the ribs are smooth at the edges. The back is straight, widened in the lumbar region, and muscular. The tail is high-set, of medium (or even short) length, held perpendicular to the dog’s body, without bending over the back. The limbs are strong (especially the muscular hind limbs) and powerful, short, proportional to the body of the dog. The coat is hard, straight and dense, the undercoat is soft and short. They live approximately 12-15 years.

Photo of West Highland White Terrier:

Photos of West Highland White Terrier dogs | Dreamstime.com

Origin story

Their history is mysterious, since in Scotland there are such hunting dogs live a long time ago, and targeted breeding work began only in early XIX centuries. The earliest mentions of white terriers are considered to be dating back to the 12th century, but it is unknown whether these were the real ancestors of today's Westies (as their owners often call them briefly) or just dogs similar in appearance. Fans and experts of the breed agree that they originated from a variety of terriers living on the island of Great Britain. The closest relatives of the West Highland Terriers are the Cairn and Scotch Terriers, which is noticeable to the naked eye - these three breeds are so similar in appearance. Often these dogs crossed with each other, and Scottish owners did not divide them into breeds, calling them Scottish terriers. West Highland White Terriers of that time could be not only white, but also cream and light piebald. At the end of the 19th century, Westies were bred in several places in Scotland, and the breeders had animals that differed in appearance, but were similar in their hunting abilities. The purpose of the West Highland White Terriers at that time was to catch game, and most breeders noted that the white (or almost white) tint distinguished them from the animals that were hunted. After all, the same small Cairn Terriers could often be mistaken for a fox, therefore, the hunter could confuse and shoot not the game, but his own dog. The white color of the Westie made the dog visible at any time of the day and in any weather. Gradually, West Highland White Terriers from the Scottish provinces crossed with each other, which subsequently revealed to the world a compact, active and tireless dog in hunting - the White Highland Terrier, merciless to game, friendly to people.

Character of the West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terriers are most often purchased between 2 and 4 months of age. Almost immediately, the owner must start training the dog, since ill-mannered Westies can be stubborn. But those individuals who are lucky enough to be under the care of a competent and fairly tough owner become obedient and friendly. Most often they get along well with other pets. In some cases, the natural hunting instinct can force them to chase rodents (and even), but this does not happen often if the owner has trained the dog “not to touch his own.” Dogs of this breed are curious, active, and playful even in adulthood. Loyal to the owner, they can, if necessary, act as home guards, barking loudly. However, they are not known for their malice toward people, so as guard dog They are rarely started. West Highland White Terriers love to be in the company of people and are happy to accompany their owner. They are not annoying and can, if necessary, find something to do if the owner does not have the opportunity to devote time.

These small terriers can also live in houses with large living areas. The dog's place should be located away from drafts, and it should be equipped not only with a bed, but also with toys (so that the dog can spend its energy when the owner cannot entertain it). Also, there should always be a bowl of clean water with the sleeping area. drinking water. In some cases, for West Highland White Terriers, a tray with litter for the toilet is placed near the bed.

A prerequisite for keeping a West Highland White Terrier is sufficiently long and active walks. If the owner has his own land plot a dog of this breed will happily spend time in the yard, play, run, and just breathe fresh air. But even with such a pastime, you should not replace full-fledged outings (to the training ground) and trips out of town with walks around the perimeter of the yard, since communication with, contemplation of people, cars, perception of the sounds of the city is extremely important for the socialization of the animal.

As food for your Westie Terrier, you can choose natural food or ready-made dry food (before buying a puppy, you should ask the breeder what kind of food the baby is accustomed to). Advantages ready-made feed– balanced, low consumption, saving the owner’s time. Negative side– really high price good food. Feeding natural food (not to be confused with dishes designed for people) will require the owner not only time, but also certain knowledge in order to correctly calculate the calorie content, select the right ingredients for preparing a dog dish, and also calculate the content of vitamins and useful substances. In the composition of natural food, high-quality meat should predominate (which is modern times also not cheap).

Training and education

The distinctive Scottish West Highland White Terriers should be raised in an environment of love and reasonable severity. It is naive to believe that a puppy who is allowed any prank will grow up well-mannered dog. From the first hours of the dog’s stay in the house, the owner must establish proper contact with the animal, then the dog will trust the person, considering him a leader. Ill-mannered leaders can commit a number of unpleasant and dangerous actions - chasing other animals, picking up some food or objects on the street, digging up the owner's beds, and so on. A trained dog will not cause trouble either to the owner or to anyone else. You can reward your dog for good behavior with treats and kind words. As punishment, you can use a stern voice, or ignore the dog without responding to its calls to play. You should not beat an animal - it is not only offensive, but also separates the message from the owner and introduces distrust in the person.

Dogs of this breed are trained from about six months of age - independently or with the help of an instructor. During the training process, the dog will learn not only the main commands, but will also behave correctly outside the home. Probably the best option for training a West Highland Terrier is when the process is led by the owner under the guidance of a specialist. But for this, from an early age the puppy must trust the owner.

Health and illness

Westies are not problematic in the area of ​​health; with proper care and the absence of serious illnesses, they are capable of crossing the 15-year threshold. However, a number of diseases inherent in these terriers are as follows: eye diseases (cataracts, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, entropion, retinal atrophy, etc.); fungal and allergic diseases, as well as tumors on the skin (yeast and allergic dermatitis, atopy, food allergy, histiocytoma); diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joint dysplasia, craniomandibular osteopathy); heart disease (cardiomyopathy); brain diseases (meningoencephalitis); diseases of the endocrine system (chronic hyperglycemia).

Some interesting facts

  • Literally, the name of the breed can be translated as “white burrow dog from the west of the Highlands (the largest of the 32 regions of Scotland).”
  • Snow-white fur, coupled with black pigmentation of the nose, lips, eyelids and fingertips, makes dogs of this breed look like small polar bears. However, their character may not be soft at all. When an animal gets excited, qualities such as courage, boldness and fearlessness are revealed.
  • Dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed took part in the filming of the famous French film “Asterix and Obelix” about the adventures of the Gauls, playing roles together with the famous Gerard Depardieu.
  • The price for a show-class puppy of this breed can be about 60,000-100,000 rubles, a breeding class will cost from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles, and a pet puppy can be purchased for 20,000-30,000 rubles.

West Highland White Terriers were bred in Scotland to hunt small game: fox, otter and badger. Initially, white terriers were inferior in popularity to black and red ones, since it was believed that white color was a sign of weakness and sickness, and such puppies were discarded.

White Westies began to be bred only from the second half of the 19th century century. And soon this color became a priority quality: such a dog is difficult to confuse with game during a hunt, which reduced the risk of an accident, and the coat, with proper care, has an attractive appearance.

Modern representatives of this breed play the role of companions, but occasionally among the owners there are enthusiasts who attend animal training classes with their pets.

A brief description of:

Suitable for beginners Love for walks
Puppy cost Mind
Attachment Playfulness
Life with cats Dirt in the apartment
Noise from him Simplicity of character
Content complexity Security qualities
Health Trainability


The West Highland White Terrier is a compact, strongly built dog, quite muscular, with a deep chest. The average height at the withers is 26-28 cm.

This photo shows a West Highland in full dress uniform. Informal options are a little lower in the article.

The skull, as described in the standard, has a slightly convex shape with sharply defined brow ridges. The small erect ears are pointed at the ends and have no fringe along their upper edge. Round ears are considered a defect. The head is covered with thick hair and tapers slightly from the ears to the eyes. Dark eyes The dogs are set wide apart. The nose is black and large.

The back is flat, with a wide loin. The tail is straight, without dewlap, and covered with coarse hair. A tail curled or lying on the back is unacceptable. The limbs are short, strong, elbows pointing inward.

The straight white coat has a hard structure, underneath there is a layer of short, dense undercoat. Character descriptions in official standard no, in our article we collected reviews from owners about living with them.


West Highland White Terrier from the category hunting breeds moved into the category of decorative and companion dogs: fortunately, there are fewer and fewer hunting enthusiasts, and urban conditions are quite suitable for keeping them.

But the past of “burrowing” dogs still makes itself felt. Their irrepressible energy, their passion for digging holes and their hunting instinct can cause a lot of trouble for inexperienced owners.

We must not forget that, despite their toy appearance, they remain terriers with all the qualities inherent in this group. They need daily active long walks and regular physical activity, and this should be taken into account when purchasing a puppy.

The West Highland White Terrier is not the kind of dog that will idly while away time on the sofa. If the dog does not have the opportunity to throw out the accumulated energy during a walk, then, missing active games, he can cause serious damage to the owner’s property.

On the other hand, selection recent years bears fruit and Lately More often there are apathetic, sofa favorites who are not interested in anything at all. For those who get a dog on the principle of “oh, what a handsome guy,” this temperament is convenient. However, in the future, such a distortion leads to degeneration of the breed.

This has already been done with Airedale Terriers and Giant Schnauzers, and the process continues with German Shepherds and Dachshunds.


The natural intelligence of the West Highland White Terrier is combined with its hunting instincts and a bit of stubbornness, which makes training not the easiest task. To train a pet to listen and follow commands, the owner will have to be patient and learn to use behavioral characteristics for their own purposes.

For example, agility or Frisbee classes will help you establish contact with your dog and satisfy its need for active activities. physical activity. In such sports, Westies are capable of achieving good results.

Photos from the competition: chasing "prey".

It is useless to try to break the will of the West Highlands and force them to do anything: violence will only cause retaliatory aggression. Success in training this dog can only be achieved by becoming an undisputed authority in its eyes and achieving interest in the result.

Features of care

Like all wire-haired dogs, this breed requires regular plucking of old dead hair, that is, trimming. Replacing trimming with a regular haircut leads to worsening appearance and the quality of the wool, which becomes soft and lumpy.

At the same time, the wool loses its protective qualities that protect the dog from dampness and cold, ceases to be glossy and shiny, and quickly gets dirty.

Sometimes white wool requires a little more care than usual :)

The owner of a West Highland White Terrier can do trimming himself or leave it to a specialist. In any case, the first trimming should be carried out by an experienced groomer.

Wool in axillary areas and on the stomach, the news is prone to the formation of tangles. The owner must be careful to remove them in a timely manner. Hair from ear canal carefully plucked or cut with scissors with rounded ends.

The snow-white fur on the face tends to get dirty and stained while eating. Therefore, after feeding, it is necessary to wash your pet’s whiskers. warm water. If the dog eats natural food, you should refrain from adding coloring foods (carrots, beets) to the diet on the eve of the exhibition in order to avoid problems with the whiteness of the fur on the face.

Show pets require more attention and care than ordinary pets.

The coat can also turn yellow if the dog has an unbalanced diet, poor quality water or unsuitable dry food. The yellow coat of the West Highland White Terrier indicates increased content salts in the dog's saliva and secretions.

Newborn skin is prone to dryness and allergies. That's why great importance has the correct selection of diet and quality of shampoo used to wash the dog.

Family life

Westies are successfully kept in an apartment, but they feel better in private property, where they can run around the yard and rummage in the ground to their heart's content. The passion for digging makes all terriers an unsuitable choice as a pet for lovers of flower beds and vegetable gardens. People with busy work schedules that do not allow them to devote enough time to long walks and upbringing should also not have these babies.

This dog is perfect for people with in an active way life, sports lovers, travel, trips out of town. This is an excellent pet for a large family that will not be burdened by the tendency to play noisily and loudly bark.

According to owners' reviews, West Highland White Terriers are attached to all members of their family, but only one of them is chosen as the owner and leader. If there are children in the family, it is necessary to teach them how to handle a dog. Despite the love of life and playfulness, this breed is quite proud and independent, so communicating with children can be a burden for them, causing irritation and even aggression. The Westie will easily find a common language with older children and will willingly participate in their games and walks.

West can make friends with a cat, but does not get along well in the same house with small animals. Even the most tender friendship can end tragically due to the extremely developed hunting instinct dogs.

In the company of other dogs, the white West Highland White Terrier behaves peacefully. When meeting him on a walk, he shows moderate interest, but the owner always remains a priority.

When no one is home

In this video, the owner filmed the behavior of a West Highland White Terrier in his absence. Behavior that is not brilliant: the dog jumps on the sofa, tears the pillows.


West Highlands cannot be classified as sick dogs. They are quite hardy and tolerate temperature changes well, but several diseases inherent to this breed still exist:

  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • cataract;
  • diabetes
  • hip dysplasia;

Many of these diseases can be avoided if the dog is properly fed and diagnosed in a timely manner.